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2023 International Conference on Converging Technology in Electrical and Information Engineering (ICCTEIE)

Development of ORM Modules for Public

Administration Service Request Business Processes
Using Open ERP
Abdurrahman Al-amin Buluatie Teguh Bharata Adji Igi Ardiyanto
Department of Electrical and Department of Electrical and Department of Electrical and
Information Engineering Information Engineering Information Engineering
Gadjah Mada University Gadjah Mada University Gadjah Mada University
Yogyakarta, Indonesia Yogyakarta, Indonesia Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Abstract— The role of information technology is increasingly services [1]. However, this increasing effort also brings
vital in transforming governance and public services in the era increasingly complex challenges. Some countries face
of globalization. It compels public organizations in developing difficulties in planning and implementing information
countries to pursue optimal service through Internet technology, mainly because of the various autonomy policies
applications. However, regional autonomy policies pose a implemented in each region [2, 3].
significant challenge in integrating information technology. This
study draws insights from Jayawijaya Regency, illustrating how The case study of Jayawijaya Regency serves as a
local governments address autonomy challenges. The compelling representation of how local governments shoulder
Population and Civil Registry Office is pivotal in citizen extensive responsibilities in governing according to the
administration within this context. Encountered problems principles of autonomy. In this context, the Population and
include inadequate data integration, and complex Civil Registry Office (DISDUKCAPIL) plays an important
administrative processes, resulting in difficulties accessing and role as a Local Government Agency (OPD) tasked with
consolidating data. Administrative processes can be intricate auxiliary functions in the domain of population
and time-consuming, encompassing employee performance administration, management of population administration
management and services. Consequently, public services and information, and civil registration. This role is governed by
business processes are impeded. the Regional Regulation of Jayawijaya Regency number 24 of
2019, which amends the Jayawijaya Regency Regent
In response to challenges, adopting an enterprise resource
planning (ERP) system emerges as a solution. While proprietary
Regulation number 53 of 2016, outlining the structure and
ERP systems solve issues, they have drawbacks, like high functions of the Population and Civil Registry Office of
licensing costs and vendor dependency. Open ERP uses ORM Jayawijaya Regency [4]. However, despite the comprehensive
for a flexible, efficient, and secure data approach. This research regulatory framework guiding this role, its implementation is
deploys ORM methods to develop public service and not exempt from challenges.
administration modules in the Population and Civil Registry One of the problems that arises is the lack of integrity
Office of Jayawijaya, including Administration Mail
between data flows and business processes that occur. This is
Management, Service Submission, and Employee e-
due to the use of conventional applications in the development
Performance, streamlining tasks like digital documentation,
service submission, and incoming/outgoing mail.
of each application, which includes a stand-alone database,
backend, and frontend. As a result, data becomes fragmented
We test our application modules to assess the system and spread across different platforms. As a result, data
functionality. The testing results demonstrate that 90.04% of the integration becomes difficult, and data related to population
modules exhibit validity. Specifically, out of 231 test cases, 208 administration is spread across various systems that operate
successfully passed without encountering any failures. However, separately. This results in the inability of various business
a defect rate of 9.96% is observed, where 23 out of 231 test cases functions and data flow to develop in parallel, which
are identified as defective. ultimately makes it difficult to achieve effective integration of
data and business processes.
Keywords— Open ERP, ORM, Odoo, Black-box testing,
Boundary Value Analysis, Equivalence Class Partitioning The significance of public service transformation directs
attention to Enterprise Resource Planning, which plays a
crucial role in integrating business units and operational
processes. They offer seamless integration of information
flows, making every organizational element visible [5]. ERP
In the era of globalization and advances in information technology addresses data separation and data separation,
technology, access to internet facilities is becoming more supporting business processes, enhancing efficiency, and
accessible and more equitable in developing countries. This integrating public services [6]. Employing ERP systems in
phenomenon has significantly impacted social interactions governmental contexts can yield substantial benefits in
and the transformation of public services provided by the efficiency, cost reduction, and improved public service
government. In responding to this phenomenon, governments delivery. The development of ERP fosters the creation of
at various levels and regions compete to deliver good public

979-8-3503-7064-5/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE 110

2023 International Conference on Converging Technology in Electrical and Information Engineering (ICCTEIE)

integrated application modules for public services aligned [16] [17]. The testing process encompasses conducting
with business processes [7]. functional tests on the development module, utilizing a
combination of BVA and ECP techniques. The results are then
Many ERP software options are available, each featuring assessed using standard evaluation metrics. The objective is to
unique attributes, versions, scopes, and functionalities tailored assess the feasibility of implementing the developed
to cater to diverse sectors. SAP is a well-recognized ERP application modules, minimize the risk of failure, and ensure
software used globally to effectively manage various the functionality of the tested modules.
corporate operations, including but not limited to finance,
shipping, manufacturing, and sales. In contrast, Oracle Cloud II. LITERATURE STUDY
offers a cloud-based ERP solution that exhibits characteristics
of scalability and security. This comprehensive system A. Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
includes finance, supply chain, and manufacturing modules. ORM refers to techniques or approaches to connect object
Another software solution that focuses on the manufacturing, models with relational models in databases [18]. This
distribution, and retail sectors is Epicor. Epicor provides many technique aims to mediate and automate data transformation
modules, such as production, inventory management, and between the two models. In other words, ORM creates a
finance. Nevertheless, it is important to note that these bridge between object representations in applications and
different ERP variations involve a fee-based licensing table structures in relational databases. It allows interaction
framework [8, 9]. and manipulation of data in a more object-oriented format. It
Proprietary ERP systems have drawbacks, such as high can be considered a software solution to address the
licensing, implementation, support, and maintenance costs. incompatibility problem between object and relational
According to a 2022 study, the base ERP system installation concepts.
cost could average around $7,200, or around Rs 10,000. An ORM maps an object layer, such as an object instance,
Depending on the organization’s business needs, $17,000,000 to a relational layer, like a set of rows in a table. Objects have
per user for a perpetual license [10]. Vendor dependencies can properties not directly compatible with databases, such as
limit flexibility and affect the sustainability of ERP system temporary and instantiated at runtime, while data in a
usage. Additionally, failure rates for ERP implementation relational model is persistent. Objects do not have a fixed
projects can reach up to 90% [11]. The fact shows that many schema, and a particular non-object-oriented programming
companies fail to implement an ERP system, resulting in language (SQL) is used to interact with relational databases,
costly implementation expenses [12]. In this context, choosing unlike object-oriented programming languages (OOPLs),
an open-source ERP is a promising solution. Next is the which have built-in syntax for standard method calls [14] [15].
example of several proprietary ERPs, as shown in Table 1.

TABLE I. COMPARISON OF PROPIETARY ERP B. Open-source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

SAP Oracle Cloud Epicor ERP is an information system that allows a company to
A global ERP software A cloud-based An ERP tailored automate and unify different processes of its core business
used by companies to ERP solution for manufacturing,
manage business that provides distribution, and [17]. Open-source ERP means enterprise resource planning
processes across scalability, retail industries, software with an open-source license, and its source code is
various functions such security, and aiding companies publicly available. Open-source ERP systems are developed
as finance, logistics, flexibility with in enhancing publicly or collaboratively by an exclusive group of
manufacturing, and finance, supply efficiency with developers [18].
sales. chain, and modules like
manufacturing manufacturing, ERP systems integrate data from multiple lines of
modules. inventory, and business, making it easier for management to assess overall
company performance and make informed decisions. ERP
systems encompass software products that fulfil daily
To address the challenges within the study's scope, we business requirements and facilitate decision-making. They
propose developing open ERP modules that utilize the ORM are functionally integrated into various models, such as supply
method. This involves connecting object-oriented chain management, production and manufacturing schedules,
programming objects with entities in relational databases [13], sales support, finance and cost accounting, and human
this approach streamlines communication between resources management. Overall, ERP systems provide a
applications and databases, offering protection against comprehensive solution for managing all aspects of a business
security vulnerabilities like SQL injection attacks[14]. process [19].
Consequently, ORM ensures continuous usage and C. Odoo Module Development
accelerates development by reducing the need for complex A module is a set of data and logic in an MVC model,
SQL queries. This allows developers to concentrate on containing models, user interfaces, access-control lists, and
programming core application features. Moreover, the use of static files for a graphical screen. It may depend on other
ORM significantly improve adaptability, accelerates modules, requiring additional logical processes or capabilities.
development, and heightens overall data security and These components may not be contained within the module
management effectiveness [15]. but may be included in one or more [19].
This research aims to outline the development of ERP Developing a module for Odoo involves using command
modules that facilitate the business process of public service lines to create files with code snippets and writing code using
administration. Additionally, the research includes conducting the steps below. Developers must then write their code to
software testing on the evolving modules to ensure the complete the process, following a sequence of steps as 1) Set
functionality, quality, and reliability of the developed system

2023 International Conference on Converging Technology in Electrical and Information Engineering (ICCTEIE)

up the module directory. 2) Create Python models, inheriting E. Validation and Iterative Refinement
from Odoo's API and model classes, to define data objects. 3) The developed modules are validated against the initial
Design XML views for user interface components. 4) Ensure requirements and user expectations. Any discrepancies are
security by specifying access rights in a CSV file. 5) Define addressed through iterative refinement and adjustment.
module details in a file in the module's root
directory. 6) Integrate the module's directory in Odoo server IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
settings and restart the server for the module to be functional.
In this section, we present the outcomes of our module
development for dukcapil and its testing results.

This section explains the full method used in this study to A. Module Development for Disdukcapil
deal with the problems caused by fragmented administrative The development of the LayananAdminduk module was a
data systems and improve the quality and efficiency of public process aimed at addressing the specific needs of the
services in Jayawijaya Regency. The research stages are Disdukcapil while ensuring seamless integration with the
shown in “Fig. 1”. Open ERP framework. This section delves into the
architecture and design principles behind the module,
including an integrated class diagram, an ORM diagram, and
a snippet of code exemplifying the Python ORM class model.
We have designed and implemented a custom module
named layanan.adminduk (we call it LayananAdminduk
module), which encompasses various functionalities to
facilitate streamlined public service administration. The
Fig. 1. Research Stage design of LayananAdminduk (ORM Class diagram) is
illustrated in “Fig. 2”. The diagram shows the object as well
as the data relation scheme.
A. ERP Selection and ORM Implementation
We started our research by choosing an open source ERP
solution that fits Disdukcapil's specific needs. The proposed
solution uses Open-source ERP (odoo framework) which
presents a cost-effective alternative to proprietary systems,
eliminating high licensing and maintenance costs. The
selected ERP system using the ORM methodology. It bridges
the gap between object-oriented programming and relational
databases, facilitating smooth communication and interaction
between applications and databases.
B. Module Development
At this stage, we develop the modules to meet the specific
needs of the Disdukcapil in population administration, data
management, and public service delivery. These modules are
designed to integrate seamlessly with the selected open-source
ERP system, enhancing its functionality and adaptability. We
employ a prototyping approach to module development,
enabling the creation of preliminary versions of the custom
modules before their final implementation.
Fig. 2. The relation scheme of the "layanan.adminduk" class
C. Black Box Testing with ECP dan BVA:
After prototyping, the focus shifts to black box testing. In “Fig. 2”, the orange diagram illustrates the database
This method verifies module functionality without delving tables while the blue diagram represent the ORM class
into the internal code details. We conduct ECP and BVA models. Each ORM class model to link the programming
techniques for systematic testing. ECP categorizes input data codes with the corresponding database tables. ORM employs
into classes with equivalent values and creates diverse test metadata to generate layers between the programming
cases. BVA targets inputs at class boundaries to uncover edge language and the relational database.
case issues. Combining these techniques can enhance For instance, the ORM class model "layanan.adminduk"
thoroughness and reliability. Standard testing metrics, will link several methods such as called method
including test coverage, and error detection rate, evaluate _check_nomor() and _generate_nomor_surat() to
module functionality, quality, and reliability. "service_adminduk" table. In the ORM class model, the
D. Report and Analysis: method _check_nomor() will validate a document number
which is directly connected to “nomor” field in
Data related to module functionality and testing results are “layanan_adminduk” table.
collected and analyzed throughout the development and
testing phases. This data-driven approach ensures evidence- The diagram also illustrates how model class components
based decision-making and continuous improvement. such as “LayananAdminduk” class, “PengajuanLayanan”
class, “ProdukLayanan” class, and others interact and

2023 International Conference on Converging Technology in Electrical and Information Engineering (ICCTEIE)

collaborate. Each table in the database is associated with an methods serve the purpose of validating data and performing
ORM class model, as described in “Fig. 4”. calculations. The example of this code can be seen in “Fig. 5”.


No Table ORM Class model
1. layanan_adminduk layanan.adminduk class
2. pengajuan_layanan pengajuan.layanan class
3. jenis_layanan jenis.layanan class
4. jenis_penerbitan jenis.penerbitan class
5 produk_layanan produk.layanan class
6 dokumen_berkas dokumen.berkas class
7 dokumen_adminduk dokumen.adminduk class

The ORM diagram in Table 2 display the mapping

between object-oriented concepts and relational database
entities within the LayananAdminduk module. This visual
representation highlights how objects, classes, and attributes
are translated into database tables, fields, and relationships.
Next comes the module coding process. First and
foremost, we need to set up the development environment. In
this case, our module project was set up correctly, allowing
for efficient building and testing in a controlled environment.
We selected Pycharm code editor for Python programming, as
modules are typically developed using this language. This
ensures efficient module development and prepares us for the
next stage in our project. Fig. 4. The layanan.adminduk ORM class model

The next step is to configure the module by creating a

specific directory within the "addons" directory to keep all the
files related to this module. Then we define the module's
metadata by creating a file. This file plays a
crucial role in identifying the module, including its name,
version, developer's name, and dependencies on related
modules. The directory structure can be seen in Fig 3.

Fig. 5. The ORM class function on calculation based on business logic

In "Fig. 4," we have a glimpse of some ORM class models

within the "Layanan.Adminduk" module. These models are
like architectural blueprints but for data based on ORM
methodology. They define how data should be structured in
tables and how these tables connect within the database
infrastructure. Essentially, these classes provide instructions
for how data should be stored in the database. Each class
definition, like "LayananAdminduk," "PengajuanLayanan,"
Fig. 3. The layanan.adminduk ORM class model
"ProdukLayanan," and "FileBerkas," directly influences the
The next step is to establish the structure of the module's creation of corresponding tables in the database.
database. To begin with, we create a Python class that mirrors For instance, within these classes, we found the "fields"
the structure of the "layanan.adminduk" table. Within this object, which includes elements like Many2one or One2many.
class, we define various attributes such as "nik," applicant's This "fields" object is responsible for automatically managing
name, email address, phone number, date, and other related relationships between tables. It handles tasks like handling
data points. These attributes correspond to the fields in the foreign keys and creating associations between different
input form. The example of this code can be seen in “Fig. 4”. pieces of data.
Furthermore, we implement business logic or business Let's take the "nik" object in the script as another example.
rules within this ORM class. This is achieved by developing It represents a data field with a character/string data type. It
Python methods in the model class, allowing us to execute comes with attributes like "string," which define how the field
necessary business logic. This encompasses tasks such as data should be labeled. Additionally, this field enforces certain
validation, automated calculations, and custom behaviors constraints, such as requiring data to be present (non-null
tailored to the specific requirements of our module. These validation) and specifying a maximum data size of 16

2023 International Conference on Converging Technology in Electrical and Information Engineering (ICCTEIE)

characters. When we execute this script, the ORM takes “Fig. 6” can provide real-time tracking and status updates
charge of interacting with the database table, effectively for various service requests. its display the user interface for
creating a "nik" column with a "varchar" data type. It also tracking the progress of submitted requests.
ensures that this column adheres to the non-null requirement
and the specified 16-character data size.
"Fig. 5" reveals a piece of code embedded within the
module. This code is responsible for computing and storing
data related to another entity, primarily based on its
connection with an object named "jumlah_produk" within the
The `_compute_number_of_products()` function does the
math, calculating the count of objects in the Fig. 9. Document upload
"pengajuanlayanan_ids" relationship and then saving this
count in the "jumlah_produk" field. On the other hand, the
“Fig. 7” is the module that supports document upload
`_compute_product_service()` function takes on the task of
gathering details, such as the names of service products and
their publication types, from the associated
"pengajuan_layanan" object. Next, it records this information
in the "produk_layanan" field.
B. Application screenshoot
In addition to the comprehensive textual analysis in the
previous sections, we present visual evidence of the custom
module's development and functionality through a series of
application screenshots.

Fig. 10. Reporting and Analytics

“Fig. 8” displays a reporting dashboard that offers insights

into trends related to service requests, processing times, and
Fig. 6. Application panel dashboard other pertinent metrics.. These visualizations empower
administrators to make informed decisions and optimize
service delivery [20].
“Fig. 5” is an overview of the LayananAdminduk
module’s applications within the Open ERP interface.
C. Testing Results
Black box testing phase analysis and quantification
provided valuable insights into module performance and
alignment with predefined standards. Our testing uses the ECP
and BVA techniques that applied to “entry form” menu
elements. Testing focuses on pre-designed test cases,
including data input values and test rules. So that the results
of the fun test are in accordance with the test cases.
The test results of the "entry form" menu elements can be
Fig. 7. Data entry of the “LayananAdminduk” service submission form categorized as pass if the functionality of the menu elements
successfully runs according to the specifications. On the other
“Fig. 5” shows the data entry form. It is allows to input hand, the results are categorized as defect if the functionality
essential details related to population administration requests. of the menu elements does not work according to the
The form has fields for NIK, name, email, and more. The specifications.
integration of validation checks ensures accurate data entry For example, the NIK column was tested on the “Layanan
and streamlines the information collection process. Adminduk” application entry form (see Fig. 6) with the BVA
and ECP methods to see how the column responded to various
inputs. The testing is based on the rule that the NIK column
must be in a number format with a maximum length of 16
The ECP and BVA testing process uses 231 test cases. The
BVA implements the data input with the minimum value (15
digits), maximum value (16 digits), and minimum+1 value (17
digits). Testing results show that inputs of 15 and 17 digits are
rejected (not meet the specification), and 16 digits are
accepted properly. Meanwhile, ECP divides input into two
Fig. 8. Tracking and status classes, valid input (16 digit numbers) and invalid (less than

2023 International Conference on Converging Technology in Electrical and Information Engineering (ICCTEIE)

16 digits, more than 16 digits, or non-numeric characters). An reliability and robustness. Even so, there are still defective test
example of valid input is "1234567890123456", which is cases (9.96%) that need further improvement to improve the
accepted fine. Examples of invalid input include "12345" and overall quality of the software.
"123A56790123456". Testing using the BVA and ECP
methods shows that the NIK column responds well to valid
and invalid input. through this test, we evaluate all REFERENCES
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