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Before you fill out this paperwork, there may be a faster way to resolve the issue you
are currently having with an attorney.

If you are considering filing a grievance against a Texas attorney for any of the following

You are concerned about the progress of your case.

Communication with your attorney is difficult.
Your case is over or you have fired your attorney and you need documents from
your file or your fonner attorney.

You may want to consider contacting the Client-Attorney Assistance Program

(CAAP) at 1-800-932-1900.

CAAP was established by the State Bar of Texas to help people resolve these kinds of
issues with attorneys quickly, without the filing of a formal grievance.

CAAP can resolve many problems without a grievance being filed by providing
information, by suggesting various self-help options for dealing with the situation, or by
contacting the attorney either by telephone or letter.

I have ___ I have not -+contacted the Client-Attorney Assistance Program.

If you prefer, you have the option to file your grievance online at

In order for us to comply with our deadlines, additional information/documentation

that you would like to include as part of your grievance submission must be received
in this office by mail or fax within (10) days after submission of your grievance. This
information will be added to your pending grievance. Information received after
that timeframe will be returned and not considered. Thank you for your
cooperation in this matter.

NOTE: Please be sure to fill out each section completely. Do not leave any section
blank. If you do not know the answer to any question, write "I don't know.''

0719 1
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rf L- ~
r "' Name:
I ' '- ._r
~ lo<'l'\0 /.!...211\411~5 ~~ T~rt
ImmigratiOn# N l!D Ge"l e;--u_ 1 Po ;;t tJ-ffice -ZIP CoJ> t t5ZC/Ilfr
Addressf(] CCI.Pf c£':>41LA.Ice LJar±b'-/61)v/±~~tJ.rd~4;5:1
koN--:kbttt~Jlc j\1_£}-l\ ~~;JcWoVt7f[E vNc:TED ~
Cityfi;-tLJa;tk State:Tf?r.-45> ZipCode: CXE.Mp-r-
2. Fmployer:A[_/fi~ \do ilf:i''rwac/s B~5 VliPhi.Mcvd-/
Employer's Address:_ _-+-A~J__,l~-:~11::"-+----------------

3. Telephone n'~'>'IJ?r'' Residence: f\[ [t\ Work: _ _ .,__,f\.,_{~bt~

· _,___ _
Cell: NO~

4. Email:l.U lll-&ii.Vh6=> sMat I~ Civrl '

5. Dri7: License~ _ Nj(t c Date of Birth ?,__ etl/'5f~~ b ilf I d_o .
H;,M ~1'ie, ~~sfi.1k~/fln~~JJnt~ ~~ fl-P.§, fiJi !o ~-tVf)- ¥0 ~~
N~i'~t'q AddresstO_.&~Z700~
~ed£rL~ ~- Telephone $'r7~kfft -£;zoo
7. Do you understand and write in the English l1guage.?
If no, what is your primary language? .AJ fZl l
Who helped you prepare this form? 2}1 __ f' ( ...LL
Will they be available to translate future correspondence during this process? ~ 1 ·--

8. Are you a Judge? --+{L)-""'-bO~--- /

If yes, please provide Court, County, City, State: _ ____,1\~"'bi'/'--'{;-+A=-+--------

Note: Grievances are not accepted against law firms. You must specifically name the
attorney against whom you are complaining. A separate grievance form must be
completed for each attorney against whom you are complaining. _ (?J
1. Attorneyname: u(J~e ~ ol~ofkddress:&eoO W~lil t Lea£
0719 ~r--:t:t=:l5'UbYro 7 v~~
T=v r t · IA.b~t.: ~Zip Code: 1b [{9 7
2. Telephone number: Work Home A( lA Other A[ \-A-
3. Ha~~u or a member of your family filed a grievan~libWtthls attorney previohsly? ·
Yes No_ If"yes", please state its approximate date and outcome. _ _ _ __

't>C'?LLC$E£> ?ftUC--- UTL£)

Have you or a member of your family ever filed an appeal with the Board of Disciplinary
Appeals about this attorney?

Yes ~No _ If "yes," please state its approximate date and outcome.

Y X '7 .L{!;9Y f:V> '!( S ff? CDLo

4. Please check one of the following:
This attorney was hired to represent me.
This attorney was appointed to represent me.
; - ; ; ;_
This attorney was hired to represent someone else.

Please give the date the attorney was hired or appointed. lJ/l /::AoWV\. .
Please state what the attorney was hired or appointed to do . __,---~=~----r


How much did you pay the attorney?

If you signed a contract and have a ~' please attach.

If you have~ of checks and/or receipts, please attach.

0719 3
Do not send originals.

7. Are you currently represented by an attorney? ---'-=--=-~~--­

If yes, please provide information about your~ttomey:

8. Do you claim the attorney has an impairment, such as depression or a substance use
disorder? If yes, please provide specifics (your personal observations of the attorney
such as slurred speech, odor of alcohol, ingestion of alcohol or drugs in your presence
etc., including the date you observed this, the time of day, and location).


9. Did the attorney ever make any statements or admissions to you or in your presence that
would indicate that the attorney may be experiencing an impairment, such as depression
or a substance use disorder? If so, please provide details.


1. Where did the activity you are complaining about occur?

Coun;: (Q../f'£= City: vtt-e [~

2. If your grievance is about a lawsuit, answer the following, if known:

a. Name of court 1M e (0 uj?:

f/fl:-{2_ (, 0(;,5>
we [ c-5
b. Title ofthe suit

c. Case number and date suit was filed C)

d. If you are not a party to this suit, what is your connection with it? Explain briefly.

re crpotl,t!'e-'1 b
0719 4
If you have~ of court documents, please attach.

3. Explain in detail why you think this attorney has done something improper or has failed
to do something which should have been done. Attach additional sheets of paper if

Supporting documents, such as copies of a retainer agreement, proof of payment,

correspondence between you and your attorney, the case name and number if a
specific case is involved, and copies of papers filed in connection with the case, may
be useful to our investigation. Do not send originals, as they will not be returned.
Additionally, please do not use staples, post-it notes, or binding.

Include the names, addresses, and telephone number of all persons who know
something about your grievance.

Also, please be advised that a copy of your grievance will be forwarded to the
attorney named in your grievance.

As a direct descendant of the founders of the Constitution for the United States of America and

as one of "the Posterity" found in the preamble, by right of blood, I hereby declare;

1) Wayne Olson is an officer of the court and deemed to know the law.

2) Wayne Olson is the City Attorney for the City of Euless.

3} Wayne Olson is the General Counsel for the Tarrant County 9-1-1 District.

4) Wayne Olson is a Partner in the law firm Taylor Olson Adkins Sralla Elam, LLP and

responsible for the actions of everybody in the firm.

5) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends to interfere with a 9-

1-1 call in violation of Texas Penal Code 42.062 especially since he is General Counsel for

Page 5
0719 5
the Tarrant County 9-1-1 District and he is also city Attorney for the City of Euless and

the City of Euless military police assaulted me because I was travelling with a home

made Republic of Texas plate on my private conveyance and I dialed 9-1-1 and the

Euless military police intercepted the call and I demanded that the Tarrant County

Sheriff come to the scene of the assault and Euless Military Police refused to get the

Tarrant County Sheriff and this is EXACTLY what Wayne Olson intends.

6) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends to suborn perjury by

Bill Waybourn the Tarrant County Sheriff in violation of 18 USC§ 1622 because when

the Euless military police had me in their jail, a friend called up the Tarrant County

Sheriff and told them that I had dialed 9-1-1 and demanded the Tarrant County Sheriff

to come to the scene, and the Tarrant County Sheriff said they do not come to such calls

and Wayne Olson knows this and intends to provide plausible deniability for Bill

Waybourn so Bill Waybourn can perjure his oath of office requirement in violation of

Texas Penal Code 37.02 to protect people in their exercise of their common law right to


7) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends that his Lake Worth

military police and his Azle military police and his Euless military police and his Bedford

military police engage in Official Oppression under Texas Penal Code 39.03 because he is

required to know that no police in Tarrant County are authorized to enforce the Texas

Transportation Code as required by Section 701 of the Texas Transportation Code.

Page 6
8} I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends the Euless military

police and the Bedford military police and the Azle military police and the Lake Worth

Military Police and all ofthe military police can get away with their assaults and their

kidnappings and their false imprisonments, and their murders because it makes such

good business for Olson's BAR member buddies and their so-called courts.

9) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends that his Lake Worth

military police and his Azle military police and his Euless military police and his Bedford

military police and their (bought and paid for) Police Courts be a Criminal Street gang

under Texas Penal Code Section 71.01.

10} I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends to perjure his oath of

office by bringing District of Columbia military dictatorship territorial codes on the land

of Texas with his Lake Worth military police and his Azle military police and his Euless

military police and his Bedford military police in violation of his Oath of Office

requirement to "support and defend" the Constitution of the United States of America

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 which is the supreme law of the land under Article VI,

Clause 2 and in violation of Texas Penal Code 37.02

11) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends that his Lake Worth

military police and his Azle military police and his Euless military police and his Bedford

Page 7
military police subject me to the deprivation of my right to travel and my right to be left

alone under color of their District of Columbia military dictatorship codes in violation of

18 usc§ 242.

12) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends that his Lake Worth

military police and his Azle military police and his Euless military police and his Bedford

military police threaten, coerce, injure, and intimidate me in the free exercise of my

right to ignore their color of law District of Columbia codes and their color of law fake

warrants, that are actually capias', in violation of 18 USC§ 241.

13) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends to subject me to his

Lake Worth military police court and his Azle military police court and his Euless military

police court and his Bedford military police court with their satanic religious ceremony,

with their Roman Law, and their fake money (Federal Reserve Notes) that are actually

military scrip, and their fraud and their lies and their deception and their perjury of oath

that they love to do and their treason and sedition in violation of 18 USC§ 247.

14) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends that his Lake Worth

military police and his Azle military police and his Euless military police and his Bedford

military police send threats of arrest because of their fake warrants through the mail to

a Protected Person under International Law in violation of 18 USC§ 878 because I am

Page 8
the Senator for District 13 of the Republic of Texas, and was previously Speaker of the

House of Representatives, and a charges de affaires.

15) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends that his Lake Worth

military police and his Azle military police and his Euless military police and his Bedford

military police arrest, assault, kidnap and imprison a Protected person under

International Law in violation of 18 USC§ 112 and they know all about this because I

presented a Republic of Texas Official Diplomatic Identification card when they stopped


16) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends that his Lake Worth

military police and his Azle military police and his Euless military police and his Bedford

military police and their police courts extort fake money (Federal Reserve Notes) also

known as military scrip thereby demonstrating his intent to perjure his oath of office

requirement to support and defend the constitution for the United States of America

Article 1, Section 10 in violation of Texas Penal Code 37.02.

17) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson and his military police courts

and their BAR member officers of their so-called court send mail to a fraudulent

fictitious address with a ZIP CODE of "76135" which is a region in the District of

Columbia in violation of his oath of office requirement to support and defend that

Page 9
constitution for the United States of America Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 and 18 USC

§ 1342.

18} I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends that his military police

courts and their BAR member officers of their so-called court send mail to a fraudulent

fictitious name of "GLENN WINNINGHAM FEARN" which is a Roman Cult cestui que trust

under the District of Columbia Code 31 Stat. 1432 with the objective of assaulting me (a

man} with a quasi-contract to get revenue by stealing some of the fake money out of

the cestui que trust account with the Treasury under the Convention Concerning the

International Administration of Estates of Deceased Persons which was concluded on 2

October 1972 during the Hague Conference on Private International Law in violation of

18 usc § 1342.

19) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends to conspire with his

Lake Worth military police and his Azle military police and his Euless military police and

his Bedford military police and their Police Courts and their BAR member officers of

their so-called court to use military force to bring District of Columbia military

dictatorship on the land of Texas in violation of his Oath of Office requirement to

support and defend the Constitution for the United States of America Article 1, Section

8, Clause 17 and 18 USC § 2384.

Page 10
20} I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson and his lake Worth military

police and his Azle military police and his Euless military police and his Bedford military

police engage in piracy on the land of Texas in violation of 18 USC§ 1652.

21} I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends to be an accomplice

before and after the fact with his Lake Worth military police and his Azle military police

and his Euless military police and his Bedford military police and their police Courts in

violation of 18 USC § 3.

22} I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends to fail to report the

multiple felonies that are being engaged in by his lake Worth military police and his Azle

military police and his Euless military police and his Bedford military police and their

police courts in violation of 18 USC § 4.

23) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends that his Lake Worth

military police and his Azle military police and his Euless military police and his Bedford

military police and their police courts send threats through the mail in violation of 18

usc§ 876.

24) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson and his lake Worth military

police and his Azle military police and his Euless military police and his Bedford military

police and their police courts deny due process and engage in War Crimes by coercing

Page 11
information from me and other people with their torture chambers (jail) that they

subjected me to with their forced fingerprinting, and their kangaroo court and their

Private International Law which is Roman Law and their BAR member (bought and paid

for) Clerks masquerading as Judges with their fraud and lies and deception and their US

citizen slave juries and their (bought and paid for) BAR member clerks masquerading as

Judges in violation ofthe Texas Constitution Article 2, Section 1 and the Supreme Law of

the land Constitution for the United States of America Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17,

thereby suborning perjury by all of the military police and the BAR members in the

Police Courts in violation of 18 USC § 1622.

25) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends that his Lake Worth

military police conspire with the Azle military police buddies to engage in the theft of

my property by pillaging (unlawfully seizing) my Arm (a Colt Commander that was in my

truck), and demanding evidence that I am a US citizen slave to get it back, and towing

my private conveyance (a truck) that was parked in a Walmart parking lot, and forcing

me to pay over $250 in military scrip fake money (Federal Reserve Notes) to get it back,

in violation of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in a Time of

War of 1949, Article 33, and 18 USC§ 2441.

26) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends that his Euless

military police engage in the theft of my property (pillaging) by towing my private

conveyance (a car that had a home made Republic of Texas plate on it), and forcing me

Page 12
to pay over $250 in military scrip fake money (Federal Reserve Notes) to get it back, in

violation of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in a Time of

War of 1949, Article 33, and 18 USC§ 2441.

27) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends that his Lake Worth

military police and his Azle military police and his Euless military police and his Bedford

military police and their police courts engage in an extortion racket by engaging in all of

the crimes described herein my ONLY remedy is to file a lawsuit before his BAR member

buddies with their forced payment of military scrip (Federal Reserve Notes) under

Roman law in violation of 18 USC § 1951 through § 1968 thereby demonstrating his

intent to perjure his oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of

America Article 1, Section 10.

28) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends that his lake Worth

military police conspire with the Azle military police under color of law because the Lake

Worth police report shows that they stopped me because of a fake warrant (capias) that

was outstanding from the Azle military police and their police court, to threaten me,

coerce me, injure me and intimidate me under color of law in violation of 18 USC § 241

and their extortion racket under 18 USC§ 1951 through § 1968 to get military scrip

(Federal Reserve Note) revenue under Roman Law to pay Wayne Olson law firm Taylor

Olson Adkins Sralla Elam, LLP with.

Page 13
29) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends that his lake Worth

military police conspire with the Azle military police under color of law to take reprisals

against me for my political beliefs in violation of the Geneva Convention Relative to the

Protection of Civilians in a Time of War of 1949, Article 31 and 18 USC§ 2441.

30) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends to suborn identity

fraud in violation of Texas Penal Code 32.51 by his Lake Worth military police and his

Azle military police and his Euless military police and his Bedford military police and his

(bought and paid for) Clerks masquerading as Judges in his BAR member buddies in their

Police Court because they are assaulting me with their Roman Cult cestui que trust

under the District of Columbia Code 31 Stat. 1432 with the objective of assaulting me (a

man) with a quasi-contract to get revenue by stealing some of the fake money out of

the cestui que trust account with the Treasury under the Convention Concerning the

International Administration of Estates of Deceased Persons which was concluded on 2

October 1972 during the Hague Conference on Private International law.

31) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson and his lake Worth military

police and his Azle military police and his Euless military police and his Bedford military

police and their Police Courts intend to engage in deceptive business practices in

violation of Texas Penal Code 32.42 by assaulting me with their fake warrants that are

actually capias' and their District of Columbia territorial codes and their police court and

their military dictatorship, with their fraud and their lies and their deception, and their

Page 14
Roman Law and their military scrip fake money, and their extortion racket with their

(bought and paid for) BAR member clerks masquerading as Judges with their show-trials

and their kangaroo courts and their US citizen slave juries.

32) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends to sell me into slavery

under the current so-called Thirteenth Amendment by assaulting me with one of his

quasi-contracts and holding a show-trial in his District of Columbia Police Court so he

can sell me into his debtors prison.

33) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson and his BAR member buddies

have already sold me into bondage when they issued a capias (fake warrant) which is a

debt instrument under 17 § CFR 240.15c2-12 which is evidence oftheir perjury of oath.

34) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson and his Lake Worth military

police and his Azle military police and his Euless military police and his Bedford military

police and his police courts intend to engage in a simulated legal process in violation of

Texas Penal Code 32.48 with their Roman Law and their fake warrants that are actually

capias' and their fraud and lies and deception, and their threats and intimidation, and

coercion and their torturing and denials of due process and their failure to provide

Examining Trials as required by Texas Code of Criminal Procedure 16.17 and Texas Code

of Criminal Procedure 17.30 and by assaulting me with their Roman Cult cestui que trust

under the District of Columbia Code 31 Stat. 1432 with the objective of assaulting me (a

man) with a quasi-contract to get revenue by stealing some of the fake money out of

Page 15
the cestui que trust account with the Treasury under the Convention Concerning the

International Administration of Estates of Deceased Persons which was concluded on 2

October 1972 during the Hague Conference on Private International Law.

35) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends that his Lake Worth

military police and his Azle military police and his Euless military police and his Bedford

military police continue to assault me and kidnap me and falsely imprison me to

generate business for his BAR member buddies on the bench masquerading as Judges

and if I get in a gun fight with his screened for low intelligence thugs (military police)

and I turn up dead, they will get to steal all of the fake money in the Roman Cult's cestui

que trust account with the Treasury, so it is a win-win-win scenario any way they look at

it, therefore Wayne Olson intends to either enslave me, or murder me to generate

revenue for his Roman Cult handlers and their criminal corporations City of Lake Worth,

City of Azle, City of Bedford, City of Euless, Deer Park Cash Cow, LLC (State of Texas),

United States, and Taylor Olson Adkins Sralla Elam LLP, which is piracy under 18 USC§


36) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends that his Lake Worth

military police and his Azle military police and his Euless military police and his Bedford

military police and his police courts operate as privateers under 18 USC§ 1654 because

United States is a maximum of ten miles square and federal enclaves under Article 1,

Section 8 Clause 17 and there are no federal enclaves in Texas, which is further evidence

of his intent to perjure his oath of office in violation of Texas Penal Code 37.02, and his

Page 16
intent to suborn perjury by his Lake Worth military police and his Azle military police

and his Euless military police and his Bedford military police and by his Police Court BAR


37) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends that his Lake Worth

military police conspire with their Azle military police buddies to engage in the theft of

my property by pillaging (unlawfully seizing) my Arm (a Colt Commander that was in my

truck), and towing my private conveyance (a truck) that was parked in a Walmart

parking lot, and forcing me to pay over $250 in military scrip fake money (Federal

Reserve Notes) to get it back, and Wayne Olson intends that his Lake Worth military

police engage in piracy in conspiracy with his Lake Worth military police buddies and he

intends that they be in receipt of property that was pirated from me (my Colt

Commander and the over $250 extortion) in violation of 18 USC § 1660.

38) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends that his Lake Worth

military police and their police court impersonate public servants, especially since they

fail to be authorized to enforce the Texas Transportation Code, and in violation of Texas

Penal Code 37.11.

39) I have reason to believe and do believe that Wayne Olson intends to make legal

determinations for me and thereby represent me without authority, thereby

demonstrating his intent to perjure his oath of office in violation of Texas Penal Code

37.02, because his authority comes from me, since I am one ofthe "posterity" found in

Page 17
the preamble to the Constitution for the United States of America, and a Texas national

by right of blood.

40) All of which is evidenced in the previous BAR grievance that was dismissed on or about 5

August 2020, together with the Declaration of Criminal Complaint Lake Worth police,

Azle Police, DHS, FBI, and others and the attachments thereto, that was notarized on 20

August 2018, and the email response to the Public Information Request from the

Tarrant County Sheriff's Office, true copies of each of which are attached hereto, all of

each of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.


Page 18
IIL./£U[I Gmail - Re: Public Information Request

~~ · -~- Gmail Winningham Fearn <>

· - - - --- -- ------- -------------- - - - ---

Re: Public Information Request
1 message

Jennifer D. Gabbert <> Tue, May 25, 2021 at 8:39PM

To: Winningham Fearn <>

Hello Mr. Fearn,

Tarrant County Sheriff's Office does not have county traffic officers as described in TC 701.

Take care-

Get Out!ooi\ for iOS

From: Winningham Fearn <winfearn@gmail.corn>

Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2021 6:09:41 PM
To: Jennifer D. Gabbert <>
Subject: Public Information Request

EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT! Think Before You Click!

Please provide the names and titles of everybody who was appointed a County Traffic Officer under Texas Transportation
Code Section 701 for the last year.

Thanks in advance for your help with this!!!

Best Regards, 7Cmsg-f"/o3A 170078311704 .. _ 1/1

Texas republic )
) Subscribed, Sworn, Sealed
Tarrant County )

i, me, my, or myself, also known as glenn winningham; house of fearn, having been duly put under
oath, i do affirm, depose, say, and declare;

One. all the facts stated herein are true, correct, complete, are not hearsay, are not misleading, but
are admissible as evidence, if not rebutted and proven inaccurate, and if testifying, i shall so state,
and further,

Two. i have standing capacity to act as to the lawful matters herein, and further,

Three. i have personal, executive and documented knowledge of the facts stated herein, and further,

Four. i am a man on the soil of Texas, on turtle island, and further,

Five. in absence of evidence to the contrary, i am a man on the soil of Texas and devoid of any
knowledge of surrendering myself to the District of Columbia and their US citizen scam, as found in
the Affidavit of Corporate Denial 062013 which is recorded with the Pinal County Recorder at Fee
Number 2013-032373, and hold any respondents to the strictest proof to the contrary, and further,

Six. in absence of contrary evidence i am a free man on the soil of Texas and other American states
from time to time, and devoid of any knowledge of surrendering or volunteering myself to the armed
forces of any country and hold any respondents to the strictest proof to the contrary, and further,

Seven. i have personal, executive, and documented knowledge of the facts and evidence contained
herein and if called to testify shall so state, and further,

Eight. i witness that the citation of state and federal statutes, codes, rules, regulations, and court
citations, within any document created by me, is only to notice my servants that which is applicable
to them and is not intended, nor shall it be construed, to mean that i confer, submit to, or have
entered into any jurisdiction alluded to thereby, and further,

Nine. i have no firsthand knowledge of a date of birth, and my mother, and the doctor who assisted
with it are now dead, and i failed to cross examine them to determine the veracity of their
information, therefore any evidence of a date of birth is hearsay evidence, and inadmissible as
evidence in any court of law, but i do remember finishing high school in the year 1975, (over 40
years ago) therefore, i am well past the age of majority, and further,

Ten. in absence of evidence to the contrary, i am a man on the soil of Texas and devoid of any
knowledge of surrendering myself to the District of Columbia and their government employee scam,
as found in the Affidavit of Corporate Denial 062013 which is recorded with the Pinal County
Recorder at Fee Number 2013-032373, and hold any respondents to the strictest proof to the
contrary, and further,

Eleven. in absence of evidence to the contrary, i am a man on the soil of Texas and devoid of
any knowledge of surrendering myself to the District of Columbia and their cestui que trust scam, as
found in the Affidavit of Corporate Denial 062013 which is recorded with the Pinal County Recorder

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 1
at Fee Number 2013-032373, and hold any respondents to the strictest proof to the contrary, and

Twelve. in absence of evidence to the contrary, i am a man on the soil of Texas and devoid of
any knowledge of surrendering or volunteering myself to the District of Columbia and their Social
Security scam, and hold any respondents to the strictest proof to the contrary, and further,

Thirteen. i witnessed that there is no law that says that anyone has to get a Social Security
Number, but there are regulations located at 26 CFR §§ 301.6109, for the slaves
“The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations
respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; …” Constitution for
the United States of America, Article IV, Section 2, and further,

Fourteen. i have many good and honorable servants that work for governments on turtle Island, at
various levels, and i have no idea what they get paid, but in my opinion, it is not enough, because
we need people to hunt down thieves and murderers, and i am cognizant of my duty to come to
their aid when needed,
“Posse comitatus. Latin. The power or force of the county. The entire population of a county
above the age of fifteen, which a sheriff may summon to his assistance in certain cases, as
to aid him in keeping the peace, in pursuing and arresting felons, etc. Williams v. State, 253
Ark. 973, 490 S.W.2d 117, 121.” Black's Law Dictionary 6th Ed. 1990

but when they perjure their oaths and engage in unlawful activity, it is my duty to bring their crimes
to light, and to do everything i can to make sure they are brought to justice, and further,

Fifteen. the use of any statutes, codes, rules, regulations, or court citations, within any document
created by me, at any time, is only to notice that which is applicable to government officials, and is
not intended, not shall it be construed, to mean that i have conferred, submitted to, or entered into
any jurisdiction alluded to thereby, and further,

Sixteen. even though your rule 201 of your rules of evidence, is foreign to me, as a man, i intend
to compel any judge who reads this declaration, to give judicial notice, since so many of them like to
be a bought and paid for clerks masquerading as a judge, and thereby pretend that some things are
not said,
“Indeed, no more than (affidavits) are necessary to make the Prima facie case.” United
States V. Kis, 658 F. 2nd, 526, 536 (7th Cir. 1981); Cert Denied, 50 U.S.L.W. 2169; S. Ct March 22,
1982, and further,

Seventeen. i witnessed that terrorism is a system of government that seeks to rule by intimidation
“Terrorism - noun – 2 A system of government that seeks to rule by intimidation.” Funk and
Wagnal’s New Practical Standard Dictionary (1946), and further,

Eighteen. i witnessed that wrongdoers trespass upon my property; and further,

Nineteen. i witnessed that the causal agent of the trespass is false arrest, assault, kidnapping,
false imprisonment, breach of trust, perjury, resisting arrest, seditious conspiracy, War Crimes,
Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide, Deprivation of Immunities under Color of Law, Conspiracy to
do all of the above, and more, and further,

Twenty. the trespass did and does cause harm and injury to my property; and further,

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 2
Twenty-one. the commencement of the wrong and harm was on or about January 31, 2016 at
approximately 9:30 pm in the evening; and continues to this day, and further,

Twenty-two. i witnessed that i immediately started to prepare youtube videos for my youtube channel
PIGs in Azle Texas February 4, 2016
PIGs in Azle Texas 2 March 29 2016
PIGs in Azle, Texas 3 April 12, 2016
which is why i have such a good recollection of these events, and further,

Twenty-three. i witnessed that the word PIG is an acronym and stands for “Persons In Government
who intend to perjure their oaths”, and further

Twenty-four. i witnessed Azle Police Department Officer Havins #259 threaten me, oppress me, and
intimidate me in the free exercise of my rights when he followed me, with his black and white police
vehicle that has a paint scheme that is designed to be threatening, oppressing, and intimidating;
and further,

Twenty-five. i witnessed Havins #259 threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free
exercise of my rights when turned on his emergency lights on Highway 199, north of Azle, Texas,
where Satanist order followers like Havins #259, and Stutsman execute debt instruments called
capias’, that are not warrants, but in “good faith” as described herein; and further,

Twenty-six. i witnessed Havins #259 in conspiracy with Stutsman and others known and unknown
improperly use their emergency lights when there was no emergency and the truth of the matter
was that they were using their emergency lights in their private capacity, as part of their extortion
racket, and further,

Twenty-seven. i witnessed Havins #259 threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free
exercise of my rights by wearing his military uniform that is designed to be oppressing, threatening
and intimidating, and by false arrest and assaulting me with his martial law jurisdiction, in a
seditious conspiracy as described herein, and further,

Twenty-eight. i witnessed Havins #259 threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free
exercise of my rights by coming to the window on the right side of the private conveyance i was
travelling in, and asked for my drivers license, registration, and insurance; and further,

Twenty-nine. i said; “i have a couple of questions”, and further,

Thirty. i witnessed Havins say “sure”; and further,

Thirty-one. i said; “was there a breach of the peace?”;

“…the reason for the initial detention, speeding & running a red light are not a breach of the
peace.” Perkins v Texas, 812 S.W. 2d 326, and further,

Thirty-two. i witnessed Havins #259 say; “no”, and further,

Thirty-three. i said; “do you have a lawful warrant or a court order for me to produce this information”,
and further,

Thirty-four. i witnessed Havins #259 say; “no”, and further,

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 3
Thirty-five. i said; “do you have evidence that i am carrying passengers or property for hire?”
"The term "Motor Vehicle" means every description of carriage or other contrivance
propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used for commercial purposes on the
highways in the transportation of passengers, passengers and property, or property or
cargo. The term "used for commercial purposes" means the carriage of persons or property
for any fare, fee, rate, charge or other consideration, or directly or indirectly in connection
with any business, or other undertaking intended for profit.“ 18 USC § 31

"It will be noted that the statute provides that every licensee shall have his operator's,
commercial operator's or chauffeur's license in his immediate possession at all times when
operating a motor vehicle. It therefore occurs to us that it is absolutely necessary for the
State to allege and prove that the accused was, on the date of the alleged offense, a
licensee, ….unless the person accused was a licensee, we fail to understand how he could
be guilty of violating the provisions of this portion of the statute in failing to display same
upon demand." BARBER v. STATE, 149 Tex. Crim. 18 (1945) 191 S.W. 2D 879 [emphasis added]

"Where a person is not at the time a licensee, neither the agency, nor any official has any
jurisdiction of said person to consider or make any order. One ground as to want of
jurisdiction was, accused was not a licensee and it was not claimed that he was." O'Neil v
Dept Prof. & Vocations 7 CA 2d 398; Eiseman v Daugherty 6 CA 783 [emphasis added];

“The department shall erect & maintain on the highways & roads of this state appropriate
signs that show the maximum lawful speed for commercial motor vehicles, truck tractors,
truck trailers, truck semi-trailers & motor vehicles engaged in the business of transporting
passengers for compensation or hire (buses).” Texas Trans. Code § 201.904. Speed Signs,
and further,

Thirty-six. i witnessed Havins #259 say; “no”, and further,

Thirty-seven. i said; “then you are not operating in your official capacity as a peace officer but instead
you are operating in your private capacity as a revenue officer under the federal tax lien act of 1966,
is that not correct?”,
"(h) DEFINITION’s. …. "(3) MOTOR VEHICLE.-The term 'motor vehicle' means a self-propelled
vehicle which is registered for highway use under the laws of any State or foreign country.
"(4) SECURITY.-The term 'security' means any bond, debenture, note, or certificate or other
evidence of indebtedness, issued by a corporation or a government or political subdivision
thereof, with interest coupons or in registered form, share of stock, voting trust certificate,
or any certificate of interest or participation in, certificate of deposit or receipt for, temporary
or interim certificate for, or warrant or right to subscribe to or purchase any of the foregoing:
negotiable instrument: or money.” Tax Lien Act of 1966 at Public Law 89-719 at 80 Stat. 1130-

which gives all revenue officers the ability to presume that any registered vehicle is in commerce
“The power to create presumptions is not a means of escape from constitutional
restrictions.” Bailey v Alabama, 219 U.S. 219, 238, et seq., 31 S.Ct. 145; Manley v Georgia, 279
U.S. 1, 5-6, 49 S.Ct. 215

and the federal Tax Lien Act of 1966 only applies in the District of Columbia and the territories and
to US citizens, otherwise it is unconstitutional
“No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it."
16th American Jurisprudence 2d, Section 177 late 2nd, Section 256

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 4
“An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no
protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had
never been passed.” Norton vs Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425, p. 442

"An unconstitutional law is void, and is as no law. An offence created by it is not a crime."
Ex parte Siebold, 100 U.S. 371, 376 (1880), quoted with approval in Fay v. Noia, 372 U.S. 391, 408

"it never became a law and was as much a nullity as if it had been the act or declaration of
an unauthorized assemblage of individuals." (Ryan v. Lynch, 68 Ill. 160); and further,

Thirty-eight. i witnessed Havins #259 oppress me, threaten me and intimidate me in the free exercise
of my rights, by telling me that in the STATE OF TEXAS i had to provide a drivers license or it
would be an offense and he would take me to jail, when he knew he was not operating in his official
capacity as a peace officer and he had not lawfully arrested me, and had no right to even
communicate with me, much less ask me a question and demand a response, and further,

Thirty-nine. i witnessed Havins #259 was armed and was making war on me
"A mixed war is one which is made on one side by public authority, and the other by mere
private persons." Black's Law Dictionary 5th Ed., page 1420

therefore, the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in a Time of War of 1949
“… the present Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed
conflict which may arise …. even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them.
The Convention shall also apply to all cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a
High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance…..”
Article 2, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949
[emphasis added], and further,

Forty. i witnessed that Texas is under a military occupation since the civil war
“A place, district, or country occupied by an enemy stands, in consequence of the
occupation, under the Martial Law of the invading or occupying army, whether any
proclamation declaring Martial Law, or any public warning to the inhabitants, has been
issued or not. Martial Law is the immediate and direct effect and consequence of occupation
or conquest. The presence of a hostile army proclaims its Martial Law.” Article 1, Lieber Code
[emphasis added]

and there was no Treaty of Peace, and there have been no proclamations ending Martial Law
“Martial Law does not cease during the hostile occupation, except by special proclamation,
ordered by the commander in chief; or by special mention in the treaty of peace concluding
the war, when the occupation of a place or territory continues beyond the conclusion of
peace as one of the conditions of the same.” Article 2, Lieber Code [emphasis added]

therefore Texas is under a military occupation as defined by Article 2 of the Geneva Convention
Relative to the Protection of Civilians in a Time of War of 1949, and continues under a military
occupation to this day, and further,

Forty-one. i witnessed that the War of Independence was caused by a military occupation being
imposed on the colonists of that day

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 5
“…statutes have been passed for extending the jurisdiction of courts of admiralty and vice-
admiralty beyond their ancient limits; for depriving us of the accustomed and inestimable
privilege of trial by jury, in cases affecting both life and property;…and for altering
fundamentally the form of government established by charter. We saw the misery to which
such despotism would reduce us.…….to supersede the course of common law and instead
thereof to publish and order the use and exercise of the law martial…” Causes and Necessity
of Taking Up Arms 1775 [emphasis added]; and further,

Forty-two. i witnessed Havins #259 threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free
exercise of my rights when he ordered me to “get out of the vehicle”; and further,

Forty-three. i got out of the private conveyance that i was travelling in; and further,

Forty-four. i witnessed Havins #259 threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free
exercise of my rights when he ordered me to go to the front of his Azle Police Department vehicle;
and further,

Forty-five. i went and stood in front of Havins’ vehicle and told him that a drivers license is hearsay,
and is not owned by me and does not have my name on it; and further,

Forty-six. i witnessed Havins #259 threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free
exercise of my rights by telling me that he had stopped me because he claimed i was speeding
“Speed Signs. The Department shall erect and maintain on the highways and roads of this
state appropriate signs that show the maximum lawful speed for commercial vehicles, truck
tractors, truck trailors, truck semitrailers, and motor vehicles engaged in the business of
transporting passengers for compensation for hire.” Texas Transportation Code § 201.904,
and further,

Forty-seven. i told Havins #259 that speeding was only an offense for vehicles carrying passengers or
property for hire, and i never carry passengers or property for hire; and further,

Forty-eight. i told Havins #259 that there is no such thing as a drivers license in Texas
This court has held that there is no such license known to Texas Law as a “driver’s license.”
Frank John Callas v. State, 167 Tex. Crim. 375; 320 S.W. 2d 360

We have held that there is no such license as a driver’s license known to our law. Claude D.
Campbell v. State, 160 Tex. Crim. 627; 274 S.W.2d 401

An information charging the driving of a motor vehicle upon a public highway without a
driver’s license charges no offense, as there is no such license as a driver’s license known
to the law. Keith Brooks v. State 158 Tex. Crim. 546; 258 S.W.2d 317

There being no such license as a “driver’s” license known to the law, it follows that the
information, in charging the driving of a motor vehicle upon a highway without such a
license, charges no offense. W. Lee Hassell v. The State, 149 Tex. Crim. 333; 194 S.W.2d 400,

and the reason there is no such thing as a drivers license in Texas, is because the Texas
Department of Transportation is a subsidiary of the US Department of Transportation, under the
International Law Rule as described herein, therefore Havins and Stutsman were assaulting me
with their District of Columbia codes,

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 6
"We therefore decline to overrule the opinion of Chief Justice Marshall: We hold that the
District of Columbia is not a state within Article 3 of the Constitution. In other words cases
between citizens of the District and those of the states were not included of the catalogue of
controversies over which the Congress could give jurisdiction to the federal courts by virtue
of Article 3. In other words Congress has exclusive legislative jurisdiction over citizens of
Washington District of Columbia and through their plenary power nationally covers those
citizens even when in one of the several states as though the district expands for the
purpose of regulating its citizens wherever they go throughout the states in union" National
Mutual Insurance Company of the District of Columbia v. Tidewater Transfer Company, 337 U.S.
582, 93 L.Ed. 1556 (1948)

“INTERNATIONAL LAW RULE: Adopted for areas under Federal legislative

jurisdiction….Federalizes State civil law, including common law.--The rule serves to
federalize not only the statutory but the common law of a State. Kniffen v. Hercules Powder
Co., 164 Kan. 196, 188 P.2d 980 (1948); Kaufman v. Hopper, 220 N.Y. 184. 115 N.E. 470 (1917),
see also 151 App. Div. 28, 135 N.Y.Supp. 363 (1912), aff'd., 163 App. Div. 863, 146 N. Y. Supp.
1096 (1914); Norfolk & P.B.L.R. v. Parker,… STATE AND FEDERAL VENUE DISCUSSED: The
civil laws effective in an area of exclusive Federal jurisdiction are Federal law,
notwithstanding their derivation from State laws, and a cause arising under such laws may
be brought in or removed to a Federal district court under sections 24 or 28 of the former
Judicial Code (now sections 1331 and 1441 of title 28, United States Code), giving
jurisdiction to such courts of civil actions arising under the "* * *laws * * * of the United
States" where the matter in controversy exceeds the sum or value of $3,000, exclusive of
interest and costs.” Jurisdiction over Federal Areas Within the States – Report of the
Interdepartmental Committee for the Study of Jurisdiction over Federal Areas Within the States,
Part II, A Text of the Law of Legislative Jurisdiction Submitted to the Attorney General and
Transmitted to the President June 1957, page 158-165 [emphasis added], and further,

Forty-nine. i witnessed Barak Obama oppress me, threaten me, and intimidate me in the free
exercise of my rights by stating in the bought and paid for news media that he intended to murder
any terrorist anywhere, US citizen or not, and without a trial, and without due process, and then
Obama’s Satanist order followers proceeded to do exactly that, and further,

Fifty. i witnessed the Federal Bureau of Investigation circulate numerous news releases stating that
all “sovereign citizens” are terrorists thereby threatening me, oppressing me, and intimidating me in
the free exercise of my rights, by stating that they intend to murder me, without a trial and without
due process, as Obama’s order followers, and further,

Fifty-one. i witnessed the Patrick J. Elko, Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation
and Conrad Rodriguez of the Texas Department of Public Safety Joint Terrorism Task Force
threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free exercise of my rights, by visiting me over 5
years ago on or about the fifth day of March in the year two thousand and eleven, and at that time
Rodriguez told me 3 times that i am “listed as sovereign in their system”, and it is obvious to me
that Havins #259 had pulled up that hearsay information in his hearsay computer system; and

Fifty-two. i witnessed that i make a point of NEVER carrying anything that has a date of birth,
except an Affidavit that says a Date of Birth is hearsay and i have no firsthand knowledge of that
except to say that i do remember finishing high school in 1975, a true copy of which is attached
hereto, all of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, and further,

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 7
Fifty-three. theoretically, the ONLY reason anybody should want to know a date of birth is to be able
to put show evidence that you are old enough to make a contract, because otherwise it is none of
their business, but the Satanist order followers use it to fabricate evidence in their hearsay
computer system of their Roman Cult cestui que trust, as evidenced herein, and further,

Fifty-four. i witnessed that the US Department of Homeland Security ARE the terrorists, as
evidenced herein, and also because it is amazing how many times there are funding bills before
Congress and all of these terror alerts start coming out of the woodwork, and further,

Fifty-five. i witnessed that theoretically, hearsay evidence is inadmissible unless i admit the
hearsay evidence, but Satanist order followers like Stutsman and Havins, under the directions of
their commander Pippins liker to engage in war crimes, by making all sorts of threats, put you in
their handcuffs, assault you with their cestui que trust slave codes and rules to unlawfully extort
their hearsay evidence, including illegal searches and seizures and their (bought and paid for)
clerks masquerading as Judges encourage them to do all of this and more, as evidenced herein,
and further,

Fifty-six. i witnessed Havins, Stutsman, Vogel, Hudman, and others known and unknown acting
as terrorists
“Terrorism - noun – 2 A system of government that seeks to rule by intimidation.” Funk and
Wagnal’s New Practical Standard Dictionary (1946), and further,

Fifty-seven. i witnessed Havins # 259 have no intention of leaving me alone;

“They conferred as against the government the right to be let alone – the most
comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men.” Olmstead v United
States 277 U.S. 438, 478 (1928), Washington v Harper, 494 U. S. 210 (1990); and further,

Fifty-eight. i witnessed Havins # 259 go into his vehicle to talk on his radio to his supervisor, and
came back a couple of minutes later and oppress me, threaten me, and intimidate me in the free
exercise of my rights by telling me that in the STATE OF TEXAS i have to produce government
issued identification or it would be an offense and he would arrest me and take me to jail, and when
he knew he was not operating in his official capacity as a peace officer and had not lawfully
arrested me, and had no right to even communicate with me, much less ask me a question and
demand a response,
“Sec. 38.02. FAILURE TO IDENTIFY. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally
refuses to give his name, residence address, or date of birth to a peace officer who has
lawfully arrested the person and requested the information.” Texas Penal Code [emphasis
added]; and further,

Fifty-nine. i witnessed that at no time did they tell me that i was arrested but i was NOT free to go,
“Any restraint, however slight, upon another’s liberty to come and go as one pleases,
constitutes an “arrest.” Swetnam v. W.F. Woolworth Co., 318 P.2d 364, 366, 83 Ariz. 189.

and at no time did they read me my rights, and further,

Sixty. i demanded to see his supervisor, and further,

Sixty-one. a few minutes later, i witnessed Sergeant Stutsman show up while Havins #259 was
talking on his radio to his supervisor; and further,

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 8
Sixty-two. i told both of them that since there was no breach of the peace, and since they had no
court order, that they were not operating in their official capacity as peace officers, but were
operating in their private capacity as revenue officers under the federal tax lien act of 1966, and

Sixty-three. i witnessed Havins #259, and Sergeant Stutsman and other unknown supervisors over
the radio, threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free exercise of my rights by operating
in their private capacity and ceasing to represent the government
“An officer who acts in violation of the Constitution ceases to represent the government”.
Brookfield Const. Co. v. Kozinski, 284 F. Supp. 94,

“All oaths must be lawful, allowed by the common law, or some statute; if they are
administered by persons in a private capacity, or not duly authorized, they are coram non
judice, and void; …. 3 Inst. 165; 4 Inst. 278; 2 Roll. Abr. 277.” Tomlin’s Law Dictionary 1835
Edition, Volume 2; and further,

Sixty-four. i witnessed that there are two national governments, one that operates within the
constitution, and one that is unconstitutional
“Two national governments exist, one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its
restrictions, the other to be maintained by Congress outside and independently of that
instrument” Dissenting opinion of Justice Marshall Harlan. Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 1901

which is owned and operated by the Roman Cult for profit

“Within 20 years this country is going to rule the world. Kings and Emperors will soon pass
away and the democracy of the United States will take their place….. When the United States
rules the world the catholic church will rule the world…. Nothing can stand against the
church….” Roman Catholic Archbishop James E Quigley, Chicago Daily Tribune May 5, 1903

and as evidenced by the Roman aquila military staff carried in battle by all Roman commands, and
planted on all conquered nations that sits on the right side of the Speakers Podium in the United
States House of Representatives, and the Roman fascia (Roman bundle of rods bound to a weapon
- symbolizing subservient under the rule of a single man) that are located on each side of the
Speakers Podium in the United States House of Representatives, and further,

Sixty-five. i witnessed that the Roman Cult is responsible for all slavery
“Pope Nicholas V issued the papal bull Dum Diversas on 18 June 1452. It authorized
Alphonso V of Portugal to reduce any “Saracens (Muslims) and pagans and any other
unbelievers” [non-Catholics], to perpetual slavery. This facilitated the Portuguese slave
trade from West Africa.

The same pope wrote the bull Romanus Pontifex on January 5, 1455 to the same Alfonso. As
a follow-up to the Dum Diversas, it extended to the Catholic nations of Europe dominion
over discovered lands during the Age of Discovery. Along with sanctifying the seizure of
non-Christian [non-Catholic] lands, it encouraged the enslavement of native, non-Christian
[non-Catholic] peoples in Africa and the New World.

“”We weighing all and with singular the premises with due meditation, and noting that since
we had formerly by other letters of ours granted among other things free and ample faculty
to the aforesaid King Alfonso – to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all
Saracens and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ [the Roman Cult]
wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions,

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 9
and all moveable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to
reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and his
successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions, and
goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit – by having secured the said
faculty the said King Alfonso or by his authority, the aforesaid infant, justly and lawfully has
acquired and possessed and doth possess, these islands, lands, harbors, and seas, and
they do of right belong and pertain to the said King Alfonso and his successors.”

In 1493 Alexander VI issued the bull Inter Caetera stating one Christian nation did not have
the right to establish dominion over lands previously dominated by another Christian nation,
thus establishing the Law of Nations.

Together the Dum Diversas, the Romanus Pontifex and the Inter Caetera came to serve as
the basis and justification for the Doctrine of Discovery, the global slave-trade of the 15th
and 16th centuries, and the Age of Imperialism” Wikipedia under Dum Diversas

Sixty-six. i witnessed Sergeant Stutsman and Havins, and their handler Pippins and their handlers
Vogle and Hudman cease to represent the government
“An officer who acts in violation of the Constitution ceases to represent the government”.
Brookfield Const. Co. v. Kozinski, 284 F. Supp. 94,

“All oaths must be lawful, allowed by the common law, or some statute; if they are
administered by persons in a private capacity, or not duly authorized, they are coram non
judice, and void; …. 3 Inst. 165; 4 Inst. 278; 2 Roll. Abr. 277.” Tomlin’s Law Dictionary 1835
Edition, Volume 2

in order to operate on behalf of the unconstitutional Roman Cult corporation for their Roman Cult
handlers to enslave me,
“He [the prisoner] has as a consequence of his crime, not only forfeited his liberty but all his
personal rights except those which the law in its humanity affords him. He is for the time
being a slave of the state.” 62 Va. (21 Gratt.) 790, 796 (1871)

because all slaves are property, and are owned, and get to work for nothing
“Section 2 Definitions (1) In this Act,
owned means, subject to the regulations,…..;” Canadian Ownership and Control Determination

“The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations
respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; …” Constitution for
the United States of America, Article IV, Section 2, and further,

Sixty-seven. i witnessed Sergeant Stutsman oppress me, threaten me and intimidate me in the free
exercise of my rights, by telling me that in the STATE OF TEXAS i had to provide my name and
date of birth or it would be an offense and he would take me to jail, when he knew he was not
operating in his official capacity as a peace officer and he had not lawfully arrested me, and had no
right to even communicate with me, much less ask me a question and demand a response, and

Sixty-eight. i witnessed Sergeant Stutzman ask me if i was involved with the Republic of Texas, and

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 10
Sixty-nine. i witnessed Sergeant Stutsman, Havins, #259, and other unknown individuals on the
radio engage in war crimes by coercing me into giving evidence against myself in violation of their
“No physical or moral coercion shall be exercised against protected persons, in particular to
obtain information from them or from third parties.” Article 31, Geneva Convention Relative to
the Treatment of Civilians in a Time of War of 1949, and further,

Seventy. i told both Sergeant Stutsman and Havins #259 that a date of birth is hearsay, and a
name is hearsay, and a drivers license is hearsay, and an insurance card is hearsay, and a
registration is hearsay, and their computer system is hearsay, and hearsay evidence is inadmissible
in any court of law; and further,

Seventy-one. i witnessed that when it became obvious that Stutsman was acting as Havins’
accomplice, I demanded to see Stutsman’s supervisor and they refused to get him, and further,

Seventy-two. i witnessed that both Havins and Stutsman were armed, therefore it was an armed
conflict, and further,

Seventy-three. i witnessed that they were both cowards because the first thing they did was get me out
of my truck and away from any arms i may have had available, to make sure i could NOT defend
myself against their false arrests, and assaults, and further,

Seventy-four. i witnessed that the presumption is that their arrest is unlawful and the burden is on them
to prove their arrest was lawful
The only thing the plaintiff needs to do is to allege a false arrest, is either (1) that the
defendant(cop) made an arrest or imprisonment, or (2) that the defendant(cop) affirmatively
instigated, encouraged, incited,(started a fight) or caused the arrest or imprisonment.
Burlington v. Josephson, 153 Fed.2d 372,276 (1946)

”When the plaintiff( person) has shown that he was arrested, imprisoned or restrained of his
liberty by the defendant(cop), "the law presumes it to be unlawful." People v. McGrew, 20 Pac.
92 (1888); Knight v. Baker, 133 P. 544(1926).

"The burden is upon the defendant( cop ) to show that the arrest was by authority of law."
McAleer v. Good, 65 Atl. 934, 935 (1907); Mackie v. Ambassador, 11 P.2d 6 (1932).

"ANY ARREST, made without a PROPER warrant, Signed by a judge and backed up by an
affidavit from two persons that states, under penalty of perjury, you have broken a contract
or hurt somebody, if challenged by the defendant, is presumptively invalid...the burden is
upon the state" to justify it as authorized by statute, and does not violate the constitutional
provisions(privileges)and Or( human rights.) State v. Mastrian, 171 N.W.2d 695 (1969); Butler v.
State, 212 So.2d 577 (Miss 1968)

"As in the case of illegal arrests, the officer(cop) ... must keep within the law at his peril."
Thiede v. Scandia, 217 Minn. 231, 14 N.W.2d 400 (1944), and further,

Seventy-five. i witnessed Sergeant Stutsman oppress me, threaten me and intimidate me in the free
exercise of my rights, by telling me that if i did not provide the information he would seize my private
conveyance, and impound it, and take me to jail, when he knew he was not operating in his official
capacity as a peace officer and had falsely arrested me, and had no right to even communicate with
me, much less ask me a question and demand a response,

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 11
“Sec. 38.02. FAILURE TO IDENTIFY. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally
refuses to give his name, residence address, or date of birth to a peace officer who has
lawfully arrested the person and requested the information.” Texas Penal Code [emphasis
added]; and further,

Seventy-six. i witnessed Sergeant Stutzman, Havins #259 and other unknown individuals over the
radio falsely arrest me in violation of
“No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.” Article 9, Universal
Declaration of Human Rights [emphasis added], and further,

Seventy-seven. i witnessed that if i am NOT free to leave, then i am arrested

“Any restraint, however slight, upon another’s liberty to come and go as one pleases,
constitutes an “arrest.” Swetnam v. W.F. Woolworth Co., 318 P.2d 364, 366, 83 Ariz. 189.

“An illegal arrest is an assault and battery. The person so attempted to be restrained of his
liberty has the same right to use force in defending himself as he would in repelling any
other assault and battery.” State v. Robinson, 145 ME. 77, 72 ATL. 260

“Each person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest. In such a case, the person
attempting the arrest stands in the position of a wrongdoer and may be resisted by the use
of force, as in self-defense.” State v. Mobley, 240 N.C. 476, 83 S.E. 2d 100

“Similarly, a person cannot be convicted of resisting a peace officer in the execution of his
duty unless the officer was acting strictly within the limits of his powers and duty. If the
officer makes an unlawful arrest, then there is a common law right to resist that arrest.”
Police Manual of Arrest, Seizure and Interrogation, 8th Edition, by The Honorable Roger E. Salhany,
page 96, and further,

Seventy-eight. i told both of them that since they were operating in their private capacity, and wearing
those police military uniforms that they were impersonating peace officers which is a felony in
(a) A person commits an offense if he:
(1) impersonates a public servant with intent to induce another to submit to his pretended
official authority or to rely on his pretended official acts; or
(2) knowingly purports to exercise any function of a public servant or of a public office,
including that of a judge and court, and the position or office through which he purports to
exercise a function of a public servant or public office has no lawful existence under the
constitution or laws of this state or of the United States.
(b) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree, and further,

Seventy-nine. i witnessed Stutsman oppress me, threaten me and intimidate me in the free exercise of
my rights, by telling me that; in the STATE OF TEXAS i am required to provide government issued
identification or i would be taken to jail, when he knew he was not operating in his official capacity
as a peace officer and had not lawfully arrested me, and had no right to even communicate with
me, much less ask me a question and demand a response,
“Sec. 38.02. FAILURE TO IDENTIFY. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally
refuses to give his name, residence address, or date of birth to a peace officer who has
lawfully arrested the person and requested the information.” Texas Penal Code [emphasis
added]; and further,

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 12
Eighty. i witnessed Stutsman, Havins, and others unknown over the radio engage in War Crimes by
compelling me to work for the government in violation of Article 52
“No contract, agreement or regulation shall impair the right of any worker, whether voluntary
or not and wherever he may be, to apply to the representatives of the Protecting Power in
order to request the said Power’s intervention.
All measures aiming at creating unemployment or at restricting the opportunities offered to
workers in an occupied territory, in order to induce them to work for the Occupying Power,
are prohibited.” Article 52, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of
War of 1949 [emphasis added]

by compelling me to have or produce a government issued identification card or any other hearsay
information, and further,

Eighty-one. i told Stutsman that i do not own government issued identification, and the name is a
cestui que trust, and it is hearsay and everything on it is hearsay, and inadmissible as evidence in
any court of law, and the state owns it;
“Chap. 854. – An Act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia.”

which was Approved on March 3, 1901, by the Fifty-Sixth Congress, Session II, at 31 Stat. 1189,
and in Sec. 117, at 31 Stat. 1208, where it says;
“That in addition to the jurisdiction conferred in the preceding section, plenary jurisdiction is
hereby given to the said court holding the said special term to hear and determine all
questions relative to the execution of any and all wills…”

and at Chapter Fifty-Six in Sec. 1617, at 31 Stat. 1432, where it says;

“The Legal Estate to be in Cestui Que Use”

“A “citizen of the United States” is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-
beneficiary of the PCT (Public Charitable Trust), the constructive, cestui que trust of US Inc.
under the 14th Amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc.” Congressional
Record, June 13 1967, pp. 15641-15646

". . . (E)very taxpayer is a cestui qui trust having sufficient interest in the preventing abuse of
the trust to be recognized in the field of this court's prerogative jurisdiction . .” In Re Bolens
(1912), 135 N.W. 164

" might be correctly said that there is no such thing as a citizen of the United States. ..... A
citizen of any one of the States of the Union, is held to be, and called a citizen of the United
States, although technically and abstractly there is no such thing." Ex Parte Frank Knowles, 5
Cal. Rep. 300; and further,

Eighty-two. i told Sergeant Stutsman that when a Judge is dealing with a statute that he ceases to
be a Judge but is a bought and paid for clerk masquerading as a judge, and cannot do anything
judicial like issue warrants or orders of any kind and if he does it is a fraud and a nullity; and further,

Eighty-three. i told Sergeant Stutsman that their codes they are assaulting me with are actually federal
codes for US citizens
“INTERNATIONAL LAW RULE: Adopted for areas under Federal legislative
jurisdiction….Federalizes State civil law, including common law.--The rule serves to
federalize not only the statutory but the common law of a State. Kniffen v. Hercules Powder
Co., 164 Kan. 196, 188 P.2d 980 (1948); Kaufman v. Hopper, 220 N.Y. 184. 115 N.E. 470 (1917),

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 13
see also 151 App. Div. 28, 135 N.Y.Supp. 363 (1912), aff'd., 163 App. Div. 863, 146 N. Y. Supp.
1096 (1914); Norfolk & P.B.L.R. v. Parker,… STATE AND FEDERAL VENUE DISCUSSED: The
civil laws effective in an area of exclusive Federal jurisdiction are Federal law,
notwithstanding their derivation from State laws, and a cause arising under such laws may
be brought in or removed to a Federal district court under sections 24 or 28 of the former
Judicial Code (now sections 1331 and 1441 of title 28, United States Code), giving
jurisdiction to such courts of civil actions arising under the "* * *laws * * * of the United
States" where the matter in controversy exceeds the sum or value of $3,000, exclusive of
interest and costs.” Jurisdiction over Federal Areas Within the States – Report of the
Interdepartmental Committee for the Study of Jurisdiction over Federal Areas Within the States,
Part II, A Text of the Law of Legislative Jurisdiction Submitted to the Attorney General and
Transmitted to the President June 1957, page 158-165 [emphasis added]

“STATUS. L. Standing: state, condition, situation. Compare Estate. A corporation has no

status as a citizen outside of the jurisdiction where it was created.” Anderson’s Law
Dictionary, 1889 Edition, page 968; and further,

Eighty-four. i witnessed Havins #259, and his boss Sergeant Stutsman and other unknown
individuals over the radio, conspire together to threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the
free exercise of my rights and violate my rights (trespassed upon my property) under color of their
codes by assaulting me with their US citizen cestui que trust slave name, because a US citizen is
not entitled to an article 3 court, but instead gets an article 1 court with a plenary (military
dictatorship) jurisdiction and article 1, section 8, clause 17 constitution for the united States of
America as defined and reinstated in National Mutual Insurance Company of the District of
Columbia v. Tidewater Transfer Company, 337 U.S. 582, 93 L.Ed. 1556 (1948): which further states
that citizens of the district of columbia are not embraced by the judicial power under Article
III of the constitution for the united States of America, the same statement is held in Hepburn v.
Dundas v. Elizey, 2 Cranch (U.S.) 445, 2 L.Ed. 332.; In 1804, the Supreme Court, through Chief
Justice Marshall, held that a citizen of the District of Columbia was not a citizen of a state;
"We therefore decline to overrule the opinion of Chief Justice Marshall: We hold that the
District of Columbia is not a state within Article 3 of the Constitution. In other words cases
between citizens of the District and those of the states were not included of the catalogue of
controversies over which the Congress could give jurisdiction to the federal courts by virtue
of Article 3. In other words Congress has exclusive legislative jurisdiction over citizens of
Washington District of Columbia and through their plenary power nationally covers those
citizens even when in one of the several states as though the district expands for the
purpose of regulating its citizens wherever they go throughout the states in union" National
Mutual Insurance Company of the District of Columbia v. Tidewater Transfer Company, 337 U.S.
582, 93 L.Ed. 1556 (1948); and further,

Eighty-five. i witnessed Havins #259 oppress me, threaten me, and intimidate me in the free
exercise of my rights, when he asked me if my name was glenn fearn, when he knew he was not
operating in his official capacity as a peace officer and had not lawfully arrested me, and had no
right to even communicate with me, much less ask me a question and demand a response, and

Eighty-six. i told Havins #259 that is hearsay; and further,

Eighty-seven. i witnessed Sergeant Stutsman oppress me, threaten me, and intimidate me in the free
exercise of my rights when he asked me if i am a US citizen, when he knew he was not operating in

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 14
his official capacity as a peace officer and had not lawfully arrested me, and had no right to even
communicate with me, much less ask me a question and demand a response, and further,

Eighty-eight. i told Sergeant Stutsman; “no i am not a US citizen, but i am a Texas citizen.”; and

Eighty-nine. i told both of them that they had unlawfully arrested me, they had kidnapped me, and
they had falsely imprisoned me, they were resisting arrest, they had perjured their oaths, they had
breached the trust, and they were conspiring together to violate my rights under the color of their
so-called laws, and i have been to the US Supreme Court 4 times and they obviously intend to be
“Any restraint, however slight, upon another’s liberty to come and go as one pleases,
constitutes an “arrest.” Swetnam v. W.F. Woolworth Co., 318 P.2d 364, 366, 83 Ariz. 189

“An illegal arrest is an assault and battery. The person so attempted to be restrained of his
liberty has the same right to use force in defending himself as he would in repelling any
other assault and battery.” State v. Robinson, 145 ME. 77, 72 ATL. 260; and further,

Ninety. i witnessed Sergeant Stutsman oppress me, threaten me, and intimidate me, in the free
exercise of my rights, when he coerced me into providing a common law identification card when he
knew I didn’t have to, and when he said that he didn’t really want to seize my truck, but if i would
give him sort of identification i could be on my way, when he knew he was not operating in his
official capacity as a peace officer and had not lawfully arrested me, and had no right to even
communicate with me, much less ask me a question and demand a response, and further,

Ninety-one. under threat, duress, intimidation, and coercion, i gave Stutsman my common law
credentials card; and further,

Ninety-two. i witnessed Stutsman oppress me, threaten me, and intimidate me in the free exercise of
my rights when he found my common law identification card and asked me again for my date of
birth, (because the common law identification card has no date of birth), and i told him that is
hearsay, when he knew he was not operating in his official capacity as a peace officer and had not
lawfully arrested me, and had no right to even communicate with me, much less ask me a question
and demand a response,
“Sec. 38.02. FAILURE TO IDENTIFY. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally
refuses to give his name, residence address, or date of birth to a peace officer who has
lawfully arrested the person and requested the information.” Texas Penal Code [emphasis
added]; and further,

Ninety-three. i witnessed Stutsman oppress me, threaten me, and intimidate me in the free exercise of
my rights when he lied to me when he said that if i would give them identification, i could be on my
way, when the truth is that he did not release me, and continued to forcibly interrogate me and he
continued to unlawfully arrest me, and he continued to assault me with his District of Columbia
codes, and he continued to participate in his seditious conspiracy to overthrow my lawful
government, and he continued to breach the trust, and he continued to engage in all of the other
crimes described herein, when Stutsman knew he was not operating in his official capacity as a
peace officer and had not lawfully arrested me, and further,

Ninety-four. i witnessed Sergeant Stutsman oppress me, threaten me, and intimidate me in the free
exercise of my rights when he demanded a date of birth or he would arrest me and take me to jail,
and further,

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 15
Ninety-five. after being threatened, intimidated, and oppressed, i provided a hearsay date of birth
and i witnessed Stutsman and Havins #259 give me one of their roman cult citations #A023735 and
release me from their assault, kidnapping, and false imprisonment, after approximately an hour
standing on the side of the highway, when he knew he was not operating in his official capacity as a
peace officer and had not lawfully arrested me, and had no right to even communicate with me,
much less ask me a question and demand a response, and further,

Ninety-six. Havins #259 and Stutsman, in conspiracy with other unknown individuals in the radio,
knew under their own codes, they had no right to ask me for any information or even speak to me,
because they knew i am not one of their US citizen slaves (a “person”), and they were not operating
in their official capacity as peace officers and they had not lawfully arrested me, and further,

Ninety-seven. i witnessed that Havins #259 wanted me to sign their Roman Cult citation and I said:
‘fuck you”, and Stutsman told Havins just to give it to me, and further,

Ninety-eight. i witnessed that since they are assaulting me with their Roman Cult cestui que trust, they
failed to take me before a magistrate and i failed to sign a written promise to appear
“(a) A person arrested for a violation of this subtitle punishable as a misdemeanor shall be
immediately taken before a magistrate if:
(1) the person is arrested on a charge of failure to stop in the event of an accident causing
damage to property; or
(2) the person demands an immediate appearance before a magistrate or refuses to make a
written promise to appear in court as provided by this subchapter.
(b) The person must be taken before a magistrate who:
(1) has jurisdiction of the offense;
(2) is in the county in which the offense charged is alleged to have been committed; and
(3) is nearest or most accessible to the place of arrest.” Sec. 543.002. Person Arrested To Be
Taken Before Magistrate, Texas Transportation Code, and further,

Ninety-nine. i witnessed Havins #259 falsely arrest me, assault me, kidnap me, falsely imprison me,
in conspiracy with Sergeant Stutsman and also with unknown supervisors over his radio numerous
times during their false arrest and assault; and further,

One hundred. the next day I went to their police station and found their Chief of Police Pippins and told
him how they had falsely arrested me and assaulted me and i witnessed Pippins threaten me,
oppress me, and intimidate me in the free exercise of my rights when he said; “I saw the video of
that and they should have arrested you and put you in jail.” and i threw his citation at him and
walked out, and further,

One hundred one. there are Youtube videos about peace officers being fired because they object to
quotas, and i believe that the evidence from discovery will show that Pippins, and others unknown,
are imposing quotas on Stutsman and Havins #259 and others; and further,

One hundred two. i believe, and any reasonable person would see, and i believe that the evidence
from discovery will show that the Chief of Police Pippins and others unknown are deliberately
screening out potential employees based on intelligence levels, through their testing process,
thereby eliminating higher intelligence individuals from the hiring pool because they intend to hire
low intelligence thugs who will blindly follow orders without considering whether it is a lawful order
or not, as found in Jordan v City of New London, where Robert Jordan had a masters degree and
the City of New London refused to hire him (case 99-9188 US Court of Appeals for the Second

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 16
Circuit) because he scored too high on their test. Mark Passio (a former satanist priest) in his
Youtube channel “whatonearthishappening” describes “order followers” as pillars of Satanism and
explains that order followers are responsible for all of the atrocities in history, are willing slaves, are
the cult of ultimate evil, are personally responsible for every form of slavery on the planet, are
cowards, and operate in gangs. Passio says that order followers and their supporters are practicing
satanists, and the true destroyers of this world; and further,

One hundred three. during the World War II war crimes tribunals, all of the NAZIs claimed they were
“just following orders” (satanists) and they all suffered death by hanging, or spent the rest of their
life in jail, and some of them are hunted to this day; and further,

One hundred four. i witnessed Havins and Stutsman blindly follow orders in conspiracy with their
unknown handlers over the radio; and further,

One hundred five. the Texas statutes that Havins, Stutsman and other unknown individuals over the
radio, were assaulting me with, are actually federal statutes for US citizens under the commerce
clause of the constitution, and further,

One hundred six. i witnessed Havins, Stutsman and other unknown individuals over the radio,
conspire together to threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free exercise of my rights
by assaulting me with their fraudulently created cestui que trust, their US citizen slave, their Roman
law, and their District of Columbia codes in support of their Roman Cult handlers, under their
International Law Rule, and their commerce clause, because otherwise they have no authority in
Texas, under any circumstances
"The laws of congress in respect to those matters do not extend into the territorial limits of
the states, but have force only in the District of Columbia, & other places that are within the
exclusive jurisdiction of the national government.'' CAHA v. U.S., 152 U.S. 211 (1894);

“STATUS. L. Standing: state, condition, situation. Compare Estate. A corporation has no

status as a citizen outside of the jurisdiction where it was created.” Anderson’s Law
Dictionary, 1889 Edition, page 968; and further,

One hundred seven. i witnessed the cowards Havins, Stutsman and other unknown individuals over
the radio, threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free exercise of my rights by engaging
in a secret war against me under their satanic roman law
"A mixed war is one which is made on one side by public authority, and the other by mere
private persons." Black's Law Dictionary 5th Ed., page 1420

when they assaulted me with their cestui que trust, GLENN WINNINGHAM FEARN, which is a
fictitious war name
“Under International Law of Warfare, all parties to a cause must appear by nom de guerre,
because an "alien enemy cannot maintain an action during the war in his own name".
Merriam-Webster Dictionary, pg. 1534

because they intended to drag me into their kangaroo court

“Kangaroo court. Term descriptive of a sham legal proceeding in which a person's rights are
totally disregarded and in which the result is a foregone conclusion because of the bias of
the court or other tribunal.” Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Edition, page 868

where the so-called Judge is actually a bought and paid for, BAAL priest Clerk masquerading as a

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 17
“"When acting to enforce a statute and its subsequent amendments to the present date, the
judge of the municipal court is acting as an administrative officer and not in a judicial
capacity; courts administrating or enforcing statutes do not act judicially, but merely
ministerially….but merely act as an extension as an agent for the involved agency -- but only
in a “ministerial” and not a “discretionary capacity...” Thompson v. Smith, 154 S.E. 579, 583;
Keller v. P.E., 261 US 428; F.R.C. v. G.E., 281, U.S. 464 [emphasis added]

"It is the accepted rule, not only in state courts, but, of the federal courts as well, that when a
judge is enforcing administrative law they are described as mere 'extensions of the
administrative agency for superior reviewing purposes' as a ministerial clerk for an
agency..." 30 Cal 596; 167 Cal 762

"...judges who become involved in enforcement of mere statutes (civil or criminal in nature
and otherwise), act as mere "clerks" of the involved agency..." K.C. Davis, ADMIN. LAW, Ch. 1
(CTP. West's 1965 Ed.)

and the BAAL priest Clerk masquerading as a Judge holds an show-trial and kangaroo court
because a Clerk masquerading as a Judge cannot do anything judicial, and if they attempt to do
anything judicial it is a nullity
"Ministerial officers are incompetent to receive grants of judicial power from the legislature,
their acts in attempting to exercise such powers are necessarily nullities" Burns v. Sup., Ct.,
SF, 140 Cal. 1

so they can assault me with one of their satanic void judgment quasi contracts when they sell me
into slavery in their commercial jail under their satanic roman cult law
“Capitis Diminutio (meaning the diminishing of status through the use of capitalization) In
Roman law. A diminishing or abridgment of personality; a loss or curtailment of a man's
status or aggregate of legal attributes and qualifications.”

“Capitis Diminutio Maxima (meaning a maximum loss of status through the use of
capitalization, e.g. HANNAH, WITH THE UNKNOWN LAST NAME or DOE JOHN) - The highest
or most comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man's condition was changed
from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with it all
rights of citizenship and all family rights.” Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Edition [emphasis added]

Ҥ 1. Classification of Persons. The Roman law distinguished three kinds of personal status,
or degree? of legal capacity, and classified human beings with respect thereto as follows:…
§ 3. Loss of Freedom (Capitis Deminutio Maxima). A Roman citizen could not legally be sold
into slavery, but he might become a slave by condemnation for crime or by being captured
by an enemy.” Law of Persons by Joseph R. Long, published 1912 [emphasis added]

when they assault me with their District of Columbia statutes and their US citizen cestui que trust
“To take an instance, when a person sui juris has given himself in adoption, or a woman has
passed under manus', all their property, incorporeal and corporeal, and all that is due to
them, is acquired by the adopting father or coeinptionator, except those things which perish
by a capitis diminutio, of which kind are an usufruct, an obligation to services on the part of
freedmen contracted by oath and matters enforceable by a statutable action.” The
Commentaries of Gaius and Rules of Ulpian, Translated with Notes by J. T. Abdy, L.L.D., and
Bryan Walker, M.A. L.L.D., 1874, Section 83, page 198-199, [emphasis added]

which originated with their Roman Cult handlers

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 18
“Yet still it was found difficult to set bounds to ecclesiastical ingenuity; for when they were
driven out of all their former holds, they devised a new method of conveyance, by which the
lands were granted, not to themselves directly, but to nominal feoffees to the use of the
religious houses; thus distinguishing between the possession and the use, and receiving
the actual profits, while the seisin of the lands remained in the nominal feoffee, who was
held by the courts of equity (then under the direction of the clergy) to be bound in
conscience to account to his cestui que use for the rents and emoluments of the estate: and
it is to these inventions that our practitioners are indebted for the introduction of uses and
trusts, the foundation of modern conveyancing.” Tomlins Law Dictionary 1835 edition, Volume
2 under the definition of Mortmain [emphasis added]

all of which is in support of their fraudulent fictitious war on terror under the Trading with the Enemy
Act of 1917
“(a) The President, if he shall find it compatible with the safety of the United States and with
the successful Prosecution of the war, may…
“(b)(1) During the time of the war, the President may, through any agency that he may
designate, and under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, by means of
instructions, licenses, or otherwise,
“(B) …regulate, direct and compel, nullify, void, prevent or prohibit,…or exercising any right,
power or privilege with respect to…any property…by any person…subject to the jurisdiction
of the United States:…and upon the terms, directed by the President, in such agency or
person…and such designated agency or person may perform any and all acts incident to the
accomplishment or furtherance of these purposes…” Title 50 U.S.C. Appendix 5 Trading with
the Enemy Act; and further,

One hundred eight. i witnessed that the typical modus operandi for their extortion racket is to
threaten, intimidate, and coerce information from somebody that they can enter into their computer
system (that is full if hearsay information) to fabricate evidence of their US citizen / cestui que trust /
slave and once the US citizen/cestui que trust/slave is established it is easy to assault them with a
quasi contract
“Assumpsit - ….In its origin an action of tort, [assumpsit] was soon transformed into an
action of contract, becoming afterwards a remedy where there was neither tort nor contract.
Based at first only upon an express promise, it was afterwards supported upon an implied
promise, and even upon a fictitious promise. Introduced as a special manifestation of the
action on the case, it soon acquired the dignity of a distinct form of action, which
superseded Debt, became concurrent with Account, with Case upon a bailment, a warranty,
and bills of exchange, and competed with Equity in the case of the essentially equitable
quasi-contracts growing out of the principle of unjust enrichment….” James Barr Ames,
“The History of Assumpsit,” in 3 Select Essays in Anglo-American Legal History 298 (1909).”
Black’s Law Dictionary, 8th Edition, page 379 [emphasis added]

"Both in Roman and English law there are certain obligations which were not in truth
contractual, but which the law treats as IF they were. They are contractual in law, but not in
fact, being the subject-matter of a fictitious extension of the sphere of contract to cover
obligations which do not in reality fall within it." Salmond, Salmond on Jurisprudence, p. 642
(9th Edition, 1937, Sweet & Maxwell, Ltd. England). [emphasis added]

"Constructive/quasi contracts are based solely upon a legal fiction or fiction of law." Hill v.
Waxberg, 237 F.2d 936

where they assault you with some of their so-called “benefits”

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 19
"It is a well settled rule of law that he who seeks benefits of contract must also assume
burdens." Higgins v. Monckton (1938), 28 C.A.2d 723, 83 P.2d 516

"Voluntary acceptance of benefit of transaction is equivalent to consent to all obligations

arising from it, so far as facts are known, or ought to be known, to person accepting."
Northern Assurance Co. v. Stout (1911), 16 C.A. 548, 117 P. 617

"A quasi contractual action presupposes acceptance and retention of a benefit by one party
with full appreciation of the facts, under circumstances making it inequitable for him to
retain the benefit without payment of its reasonable value." Major-Blakeney Co. v. Jenkins
(1953), 121 C.A.2d 325, 263 P.2d 655, hear den.; Townsend Pierson, Inc. v. Holly-Coleman Co.
(1960), 178 C.A.2d 373, 2 Cal. Rptr. 812. [emphasis added],

and then they demand Federal Reserve Notes as part of their extortion racket, and Federal
Reserve Notes are meant for internal use of the government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred nine. i witnessed that after they establish the Roman Cult’s cestui que trust, they issue
a citation under Roman Cult’s ecclesiastical law
“Citation, (Citatio) A Summons to appear, applied particularly to Process in the Spiritual
Court. The Ecclesiastical Courts proceed according to the Course of the Civil and Canon
Laws, by Citation, Libel, &c….”, Jacob A New Law Dictionary, 1750, [emphasis added],

“CITATION (Lat. citare, to call, to summon). …The act by which a person is so summoned or
cited. In the ecclesiastical law the citation is the beginning and foundation of the whole
cause, …. 1 Brown. Civ. Law 453, 454; Ayliffe, Parerg. xliii. 175; Hall. Adm. Pr. 5; Merlin; Rep.
The process issued in courts of probate and admiralty courts. It is usually the original
process in any proceeding where used, and is in that respect analogous to the writ of capias
or summons at law, and the subpoena in chancery.” Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1897 Edition,
Volume 1, page 326 [Emphasis added]

One hundred ten. i witnessed that the (bought and paid for) clerk masquerading as a Judge
assaults you with their roman Cult cestui que trust
"But individuals, when acting as representatives of a collective group, cannot be said to be
exercising their personal rights and duties, nor be entitled to their purely personal
privileges. Rather they assume the rights, duties and privileges of the artificial entity or
association of which they are agents or officers and they are bound by its obligations."
Brasswell v. United States 487 U.S. 99 (1988) quoting, United States v. White 322 U.S. 694 (1944),

“Whenever [the Uniform Commercial Code] creates a "presumption" with respect to a fact,
or provides that a fact is "presumed," the trier of fact must find the existence of the fact
unless and until evidence is introduced that supports a finding of its nonexistence.” UCC §
1-206 Presumptions [emphasis added]

by forging a signature onto one of their quasi contracts,

“(a) In an action with respect to an instrument, the authenticity of, and authority to make,
each signature on the instrument are admitted unless specifically denied in the pleadings. If
the validity of a signature is denied in the pleadings, the burden of establishing validity is on

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 20
the person claiming validity, but the signature is presumed to be authentic and authorized
unless the action is to enforce the liability of the purported signer and the signer is dead or
incompetent at the time of trial of the issue of validity of the signature.” Uniform Commercial
Code § 3.308 Proof of Signatures and Status as Holder in Due Course [emphasis added]

and securitizing it and selling it on Wall Street

“The following rules apply in an action on a certificated security against the issuer:
(1) Unless specifically denied in the pleadings, each signature on a security certificate or in
a necessary indorsement is admitted.
(2) If the effectiveness of a signature is put in issue, the burden of establishing
effectiveness is on the party claiming under the signature, but the signature is presumed to
be genuine or authorized.” Uniform Commercial Code § 8.114 Evidentiary Rules Concerning
Certificated Securities [emphasis added],

and creating a capias, which is a debt instrument, to further their extortion racket
“CAPIAS AD SATISFACIENDUM (shortly termed a CA. SA.) A judicial writ of execution which
issues out on the record of a Judgment, where there is a recovery in the courts…, of debt,
damages, &c. And by this writ the sheriff is commanded to take the body of the defendant in
execution, and him safely to keep, so that he have his body in court at the return of the writ,
to satisfy the plaintiff his debt and damages. Vide 1 Litt Abr. 249.” Tomlin’s Law Dictionary
1835 Edition

“In this chapter: (1) "Capias" means a writ that is: (A) issued by a court having jurisdiction of
a case after judgment and sentence; and (B) directed "To any peace officer of the State of
Texas" and commanding the officer to arrest a person convicted of an offense and bring the
arrested person before that court immediately or on a day or at a term stated in the writ.
(2) "Capias pro fine" means a writ that is:
(A) issued by a court having jurisdiction of a case after judgment and sentence for unpaid
fines and costs; and
(B) directed "To any peace officer of the State of Texas" and commanding the officer to
arrest a person convicted of an offense and bring the arrested person before that court
immediately.” Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 43.015 Definitions, and further,

One hundred eleven. i witnessed that all government issued identification cards have all of the
information needed to establish the Roman Cult’s cestui que trust / US citizen / slave, but absent
government issued identification, a date of birth, or a Social Security Number, combined with a
name can be used to establish the cestui que trust in their hearsay databases, and further,

One hundred twelve. i witnessed that a cestui que trust falls within the definition of a corporation in the
District of Columbia code
““Corporation” shall be deemed to include any company, trust, so-called Massachusetts
trust, or association, incorporated or unincorporated, which is organized to carry on
business for its own profit or that of its members, and has shares of capital or capital stock
or certificates of interest, and any company, trust, so-called Massachusetts trust, or
association, incorporated or unincorporated, without shares of capital or capital stock or
certificates of interest, except partnerships, which is organized to carry on business for its
own profit or that of its members.” 15 USC 44 Definitions, and further,

One hundred thirteen. i witnessed that it is absolutely critical to establish the cestui que trust, because
no fictitious entity has any rights

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 21
"Constructive/quasi contracts are based solely upon a legal fiction or fiction of law." Hill v.
Waxberg, 237 F.2d 936,

and a quasi contract may NOT be imposed upon a man or a (wo)man, which is why their District of
Columbia statutes in Texas and every other state always talk about a “person” which is a fictitious
entity, and which is why it is racketeering, because they do it to everybody, and further,

One hundred fourteen. i witnessed Havins and Stutsman and other unknown individuals over the
radio, threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free exercise of my rights by denying me
due process and by convicting me of being a terrorist, based on hearsay evidence in their hearsay
computer system, and without a charge or a trial or anything, when i have never in my life breached
the peace; and further,

One hundred fifteen. i witnessed Havins and Stutsman and other unknown individuals over the radio
threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free exercise of my rights by breaching the
peace; and further,

One hundred sixteen. i believe, and any reasonable person would see, that satanist order followers like
Havins, and Stutsman breach the peace every day in america, literally millions of times, in their
private capacity as revenue officers, under instructions from BAAL priest BAR members and in
support of their BAAL priest Clerks masquerading as Judges and their kangaroo courts that issue
void judgments
"Where there is no jurisdiction there is no judge; the proceeding is as nothing. Such has
been the law from the days of the Marshalsea, 10 Coke 68; also Bradley v. Fisher, 13 Wall
335,351." Manning v. Ketcham, 58 F.2d 948

“A void judgment is one which, from its inception, was a complete nullity and without legal
effect” Lubben v. Selective Service System Local Bd. No. 27, 453 F.2d 645, 14 A.L.R. Fed. 298
(C.A. 1 Mass. 1972). Hobbs v. U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 485 F.Supp. 456 (M.D. Fla.
1980) [emphasis added]

“Void judgment is one which has no legal force or effect whatever, it is an absolute nullity,
its invalidity may be asserted by any person whose rights are affected at any time and at any
place and it need not be attacked directly but may be attacked collaterally whenever and
wherever it is interposed.” City of Lufkin v. McVicker, 510 S.W. 2d 141 (Tex. Civ. App. –
Beaumont 1973) [emphasis added]

“A void judgment, insofar as it purports to be pronouncement of court, is an absolute

nullity” Thompson v. Thompson, 238 S.W.2d 218 (Tex.Civ.App. – Waco 1951) [emphasis added]

“Void order may be attacked, either directly or collaterally, at any time” In re Estate of
Steinfield, 630 N.E.2d 801, certiorari denied, See also Steinfeld v. Hoddick, 513 U.S. 809, (Ill. 1994)
[emphasis added]

“A void judgment is one which, from its inception, is and forever continues to be absolutely
null, without legal efficacy, ineffectual to bind the parties or to support a right, of no legal
force and effect whatever, and incapable of enforcement in any manner or to any degree.”
Loyd v. Director, Dept. of Public Safety, 480 So. 2d 577 (Ala. Civ. App. 1985) [emphasis added]

and then sell people into slavery into commercial prisons in support of their roman cult handlers;
and further,

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 22
One hundred seventeen. the constitution for the united States of America is a trust indenture
“There is no such thing as a power of inherent Sovereignty in the government(s) of the
United States. In this country Sovereignty resides in the people, and congress can exercise
no power which they have not, by their Constitution entrusted to it: All else is withheld”.
Julliard VS. Greenman, 110 U.S. 421

"The governments are but trustees acting under derived authority and have no power to
delegate what is not delegated to them. But the people, as the original fountain might take
away what they have delegated and entrust to whom they please. ... The sovereignty in every
state resides in the people of the state and they may alter and change their form of
government at their own pleasure." --Luther v. Borden, 48 US 1, 12 Led 581

with certain delegated authority, and Havins and Stutsman and their unknown co-conspirator have
no authority to assault me with their municipal corporation called UNITED STATES, or its
subsidiary called STATE OF TEXAS,
“A delegate cannot delegate; an agent cannot delegate his functions to a subagent without
the knowledge or consent of the principal; the person to whom an office or duty is delegated
cannot lawfully devolve the duty on another, unless he be expressly authorized so to do.” 9
Coke, 77; Broom, Max. 840; 2 Kent, Comm. 633; 2 Steph. Comm. 119 [emphasis added]

“A delegated power cannot be again delegated.” 2 Inst. 597; Black's, 2d. 347; 2 Bouv. Inst. n.

“A deputy cannot have (or appoint) a deputy.” Story, Ag. s.13; 9 Coke, 77; 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 1936;
and further,

One hundred eighteen. george the third, king of England, signed the Definitive Treaty of Peace of
1783 as “King of Great Britain and France” and as “Arch Treasurer and Prince Elector of the
Holy Roman Empire and the United States of America”, therefore george the third, financed
both sides of the war of independence with roman cult money, in his private capacity, which also
means that the war of independence was orchestrated by george the third, and the roman cult and
their Jesuits, and george, the third, perjured his oath, and breached the trust to do it; and further,

One hundred nineteen. the definitive treaty of peace is a fraud and a nullity because both george
the third, king of England and france perjured his oath by creating the circumstances surrounding
the War of Independence, under instructions from the roman cult and with roman cult money, and
john jay, benjamin franklin, john adams, and d hartley perjured their oaths by signing for the united
states of america because it legitimized the actions of george, the third, and his roman cult
handlers, therefore there are no signatures with authority on the document, and further,

One hundred twenty. elizabeth alexandra mary; house of windsor, queen of England, is the successor
to george the third, therefore she is now the Arch Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman
Empire and the United States of America, which means that elizabeth alexandra mary; house of
windsor is operating in her private capacity, and the roman cult owns and operates the municipal
corporation called UNITED STATES and its subsidiary called STATE OF TEXAS, and they are
satanists operating in support of their roman cult handlers, and elizabeth alexandra mary has
perjured her oath and breached the trust to participate in it; and further,

One hundred twenty-one. the war of independence never did end, because the war of 1812 was
orchestrated by george the third, in his private capacity, with the roman cult and their jesuits in an

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 23
effort to "disappear" the true article 13 in amendment that would otherwise deny the roman cult's
BAR member BAAL priests the right to hold a position of trust (requires an oath of office), because
one of the major engagements was when the British went to the capitol and burned the national
archives, (which is where the ratification records would have been kept), and because the roman
cult intended that their BAR member BAAL priest satanists infiltrate all governments in america,
create unconstitutional municipal corporations, and put them deeply into debt, so their roman cult
handlers could seize the corporations in bankruptcy and operate them as their owned and operated
criminal racketeering enterprises, and send out their low intelligence hired thugs to assault people,
kidnap people, falsely imprison people, and even murder people and then their BAR member BAAL
priest satanists can call it a contract, and sell their “justus”, and that is exactly what they have done,
and the war of independence continues to this day, all of which was stated in my first petition to the
US Supreme Court case number 07-5674 and the US Solicitor General for the US Department of
(so-called) Justice waived their right to respond, thereby admitting that it was all true and correct
and the unrebutted truth; and further,

One hundred twenty-two. the so-called fourteenth amendment was never properly ratified
“The dissenting opinion asserts that "The Fourteenth Amendment is a part of the
Constitution of the United States." While this same assertion has been made by The United
States Supreme Court, that court has never held that the amendment was legally adopted. I
cannot believe that any court, in full possession of its faculties could honestly hold that the
amendment was properly approved and adopted." State v Phillips 540 Pac. Rep.2d 936

and was actually a revision

". . . the wide and diverse range of subject matters proposed to be voted upon, and the
revisional effect which it would necessarily have on our basic plan of government. The
proposal is offered as a single amendment but it obviously is multifarious. It does not give
the people an opportunity to express approval or disapproval severally as to each major
change suggested. . . ." McFadden v Jordan, 196 P.2d 787

because it changes many things in the Constitution, including property rights, citizenship, taxes,
apportionment, the debt, and more, and therefore is unconstitutional because the constitution only
authorizes amendments
“No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it."
16th American Jurisprudence 2d, Section 177 late 2nd, Section 256

“An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no
protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had
never been passed.” Norton vs Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425, p. 442

"An unconstitutional law is void, and is as no law. An offence created by it is not a crime."
Ex parte Siebold, 100 U.S. 371, 376 (1880), quoted with approval in Fay v. Noia, 372 U.S. 391, 408

"it never became a law and was as much a nullity as if it had been the act or declaration of
an unauthorized assemblage of individuals." (Ryan v. Lynch, 68 Ill. 160)

and it converts citizenship into the opposite of what the founders intended
"And while the Fourteenth Amendment does not create a national citizenship, it has the
effect of making that citizenship "paramount and dominant" instead of "derivative and
dependent" upon state citizenship." Colgate v Harvey 296 US 404 at p 427

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 24
"The amendment (fourteeth) reversed and annulled the original policy of the constitution,"
United States v. Rhodes, 27 Federal Cases, 785, 794.

and was created by Congress

"The term resident and citizen of the United States is distinguished from a Citizen of one of
the several states, in that the former is a special class of citizen created by Congress." U.S.
v. Anthony 24 Fed. 829 (1873) [emphasis added]

and is a fraud and a nullity as described herein but Havins, Stutsman and other unknown
individuals over their radio insist on assaulting me with their so-called Fourteenth Amendment, and
their cestui que trust slave citizenship; and further,

One hundred twenty-three. satanist BAR members in the Texas Legislature have created one of their
fictitious color of law statutes to give their satanist order followers plausible deniability under certain
“(a) No evidence obtained by an officer or other person in violation of any provisions of the
Constitution or laws of the State of Texas, or of the Constitution or laws of the United States
of America, shall be admitted in evidence against the accused on the trial of any criminal
(b) It is an exception to the provisions of Subsection (a) of this Article that the evidence was
obtained by a law enforcement officer acting in objective good faith reliance upon a warrant
issued by a neutral magistrate based on probable cause.” Texas Code of Criminal Procedure,
Article 38.23 Evidence Not to Be Used [emphasis added]

and these satanists know that there is no such thing as a “neutral magistrate” because they are
always operating under a statute, which means they are always bought and paid for clerks
masquerading as judges as described herein, and there is no such thing as a warrant, because
they always issue a capias
“In this chapter:
(1) "Capias" means a writ that is:
(A) issued by a court having jurisdiction of a case after judgment and sentence; and
(B) directed "To any peace officer of the State of Texas" and commanding the officer to
arrest a person convicted of an offense and bring the arrested person before that court
immediately or on a day or at a term stated in the writ.
(2) "Capias pro fine" means a writ that is:
(A) issued by a court having jurisdiction of a case after judgment and sentence for unpaid
fines and costs; and
(B) directed "To any peace officer of the State of Texas" and commanding the officer to
arrest a person convicted of an offense and bring the arrested person before that court
immediately.” Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 43.015 Definitions

and a capias is not a warrant

“A capias is NOT a “Warrant of Arrest,”….” Knox v State, 586 S.W. 2d 504, 506 (Tex.Crim.App.

but a capias is a debt instrument where the clerk masquerading as a judge has forged the signature
of their US citizen / cestui que trust / slave onto one of their satanic contracts to sell them into
“CAPIAS AD SATISFACIENDUM (shortly termed a CA. SA.) A judicial writ of execution which
issues out on the record of a Judgment, where there is a recovery in the courts…, of debt,
damages, &c. And by this writ the sheriff is commanded to take the body of the defendant in

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 25
execution, and him safely to keep, so that he have his body in court at the return of the writ,
to satisfy the plaintiff his debt and damages. Vide 1 Litt Abr. 249.” Tomlin’s Law Dictionary
1835 Edition

but the satanist BAAL priest BAR members in the Texas Legislature intend that their satanist order
followers have plausible deniability to be able to assault, kidnap, falsely imprison, and even murder
anybody they want, especially to populate their debtors prisons, for their roman cult handlers, as
evidenced by the nightly news; and further,

One hundred twenty-four. on the twenty-eighth day of april in the year two thousand and eight, i had
previously served on Andrew Vogel a Notice and Demand by Registered Mail RA 351 950 285 US,
in which i told him that;
“…I am not a second class UNITED STATES citizen, 14th Amendment Citizen, corporation or
other fictitious entity as found in CORPORATE DENIAL AFFIDAVIT, recorded with the Pinal
County Recorder at FEE NUMBER 2005-107494, and ZIP CODE CORPORATE DENIAL
AFFIDAVIT recorded with the Pinal County Recorder at FEE NUMBER 2005-120448, both of
which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.”

but he intended to assault me with this US citizen cestui que trust slave anyway, and I further told
him that
“…according to the courts, there is no such thing as a drivers license under Texas law…”
but he intended to assault me with his District of Columbia codes anyway, and I further told him that
“…you are not authorized to serve commercial process on Me…”

but he intended to assault me with his roman cult so-called contract anyway, a true copy of which is
attached to the Jurisdictional Challenge, a true copy of which is attached hereto, all of which is
incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, and further,

One hundred twenty-five. on the twenty-eighth day of april in the year two thousand and eight, i had
previously served on Pippins predecessor Steve Myers a Notice and Demand by Registered Mail
RA 351 950 285 US, in which i told him that;
“…I am not a second class UNITED STATES citizen, 14th Amendment Citizen, corporation or
other fictitious entity as found in CORPORATE DENIAL AFFIDAVIT, recorded with the Pinal
County Recorder at FEE NUMBER 2005-107494, and ZIP CODE CORPORATE DENIAL
AFFIDAVIT recorded with the Pinal County Recorder at FEE NUMBER 2005-120448, both of
which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.”

but he intended to assault me with this US citizen slave anyway, and I further told him that
“…according to the courts, there is no such thing as a drivers license under Texas law…”
but he intended to assault me with his District of Columbia codes anyway, and I further told him that
“…you are not authorized to serve commercial process on Me…”

but he intended to assault me with his roman cult so-called contract anyway, a true copy of which is
attached to the Jurisdictional Challenge, a true copy of which is attached hereto, all of which is
incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, and further,

One hundred twenty-six. i filed a Jurisdictional Challenge by Special Appearance, by Registered

Mail RR 569 488 935 US, on their (so-called) court and RE 463 802 260 US on Vogel, a true copy
of which is attached hereto, all of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. It included
a Certified copy of an Affidavit of Corporate Denial which was recorded with the Pinal County
Recorder at Fee Number 2013-032373, and a true copy of an Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 26
Notice and Demand which was served on him by Registered Mail RA 351 950 285 US, and a Steve
Myers, Azle Chief of Police Notice and Demand which was served on him by Registered Mail RA
351 950 277 US on 28 April 2008, together with proof of service, and further,

One hundred twenty-seven. i witnessed the BAR member BAAL priest Hudman assault me with one
of his so-called contracts by entering a plea without my permission under the color of his District of
Columbia codes, by entering a plea for his enemy of the state cestui que trust GLENN
WINNINGHAM FEARN a true copy of which is attached hereto, all of which is incorporated herein
by reference in its entirety, and thereby entered into a seditious conspiracy to overthrow my lawful
de jure common law jurisdiction in favor of his military dictatorship, and in violation of his own
District of Columbia codes and participating in warfare against me
“If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of
the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government
of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof,
or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by
force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority
thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or
both.” 18 USC § 2384, and further,

One hundred twenty-eight. i rejected their offers of contract (in red ink) twice under their satanic law
merchant and their roman cult UNIDROIT treaty, true black and white copies of which are attached
hereto, all of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety, but their Satanist BAAL
priest Hudman, in conspiracy with Vogel, insisted on assaulting me with his show-trial and
kangaroo court, because they sent their enemy of the state cestui que trust a post card saying that
there was one of their fraudulent fictitious warrants that is actually a capias, and further,

One hundred twenty-nine. i witnessed Hudman and Vogel threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate
me in the free exercise of my rights by operating in their private capacity and ceasing to represent
the government
“An officer who acts in violation of the Constitution ceases to represent the government”.
Brookfield Const. Co. v. Kozinski, 284 F. Supp. 94,

“All oaths must be lawful, allowed by the common law, or some statute; if they are
administered by persons in a private capacity, or not duly authorized, they are coram non
judice, and void; …. 3 Inst. 165; 4 Inst. 278; 2 Roll. Abr. 277.” Tomlin’s Law Dictionary 1835
Edition, Volume 2, and further,

One hundred thirty. i witnessed Hudman and Vogel threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in
the free exercise of my rights by operating as revenue officers under the federal tax lien act of 1966,
and assaulting me with their cestui que trust, and their District of Columbia codes
"(h) DEFINITION’s. …. "(3) MOTOR VEHICLE.-The term 'motor vehicle' means a self-propelled
vehicle which is registered for highway use under the laws of any State or foreign country.
"(4) SECURITY.-The term 'security' means any bond, debenture, note, or certificate or other
evidence of indebtedness, issued by a corporation or a government or political subdivision
thereof, with interest coupons or in registered form, share of stock, voting trust certificate,
or any certificate of interest or participation in, certificate of deposit or receipt for, temporary
or interim certificate for, or warrant or right to subscribe to or purchase any of the foregoing:
negotiable instrument: or money.” Tax Lien Act of 1966 at Public Law 89-719 at 80 Stat. 1130-

so they could collect a royalty like all revenue officers

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 27
“CHAP. CXIX . -An Act to provide Internal Revenue to support the Government and to pay
Interest on the Public Debt. - Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of
the United States of America in Congress assembled…”

which was Approved on July 1, 1862 by the Thirty-seventh Congress in Session II at 12 Stat. 432,
and at SEC 84 at 12 Stat. 445 where it says;
“SEC. 84. And be it further enacted, That there shall be allowed to the collectors appointed
under this act, in full compensation for their services and that of their deputies in carrying
this act into effect, a commission four per centum upon the first hundred thousand dollars,
and two per centum upon all sums above one hundred thousand dollars; such commissions
to be computed upon the amounts by them respectively paid over and accounted for under
the instructions of the Treasury Department…”, and further,

One hundred thirty-one. i witnessed Hudman threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the
free exercise of my rights by converting this case over to an admiralty case under his District of
Columbia statutes where he can sit there and play stupid, where he is a (bought and paid for) Clerk
masquerading as a Judge, and thereby perjure his oath to protect my rights, where he had no
intention of being a neutral and unbiased judge
“It is a fundamental right of a party to have a neutral and detached judge preside over the
judicial proceedings.” Ward v Village of Monroeville, 409 U.S. 57, 61-62, 93 S.Ct 80, 83, 34 L.Ed.
2d 267 (1972); Tumey v Ohio, 273 U.S. 510, 5209, 47 S. Ct. 437, 440, 71 L.Ed. 749 (1927),

therefore it was NOT a judicial proceeding, and Hudman intended to hold a kangaroo court
“Kangaroo court. Term descriptive of a sham legal proceeding in which a person's rights are
totally disregarded and in which the result is a foregone conclusion because of the bias of
the court or other tribunal.” Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Edition, page 868

in their private capacity, and none of them have any immunity

“...where any state proceeds against a private individual in a judicial forum it is well settled
that the state, county, municipality, etc. waives any immunity to counters, cross claims and
complaints, by direct or collateral means regarding the matters involved.” Luckenback v. The
Thekla, 295 F 1020, 226 Us 328; Lyders v. Lund, 32 F2d 308;

“When enforcing mere statutes, judges of all courts do not act judicially” (and thus are not
protected by “qualified” or “limited immunity,” - SEE: Owen v. City, 445 U.S. 662; Bothke v.
Terry, 713 F2d 1404) - -

Immunity for judges does not extend to acts which are clearly outside of their jurisdiction.
Bauers v. Heisel, C.A. N.J. 1966, 361 F.2d 581, Cert. Den. 87 S.Ct. 1367, 386 U.S. 1021, 18 L.Ed.
2d 457 (see also Muller v. Wachtel, D.C.N.Y. 1972, 345 F.Supp. 160; Rhodes v. Houston, D.C.
Nebr. 1962, 202 F.Supp. 624 affirmed 309 F.2d 959, Cert. den 83 St. 724, 372 U.S. 909, 9 L.Ed.
719, Cert. Den 83 S.Ct. 1282, 383 U.S. 971, 16 L.Ed. 2nd 311, Motion denied 285 F.Supp. 546).

“In arriving at our decision in this matter we do not depart in any way from our holding in
Huendling v. Jensen [*300] that the doctrine of judicial immunity extends to courts of
limited jurisdiction. But, when a minor magistrate acts wholly without jurisdiction, civil
liability attaches for his malicious and corrupt abuse of process and his willful and malicious
oppression of any person under the pretense of acting in his official capacity. See Huendling
v. Jensen, 168 N.W.2d at 749 and authorities cited.”188 N.W.2d 294; 1971 Iowa Sup. LEXIS
863; 64 A.L.R.3d 1242, and further,

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 28
One hundred thirty-two. i witnessed Hudman threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the
free exercise of my rights by forging my signature onto his satanic contract by issuing a capias that
the Satanists call a warrant, and they sent their fraudulently created cestui que trust a post card
stating so, all of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety,
“In this chapter:
(1) "Capias" means a writ that is:
(A) issued by a court having jurisdiction of a case after judgment and sentence; and
(B) directed "To any peace officer of the State of Texas" and commanding the officer to
arrest a person convicted of an offense and bring the arrested person before that court
immediately or on a day or at a term stated in the writ.
(2) "Capias pro fine" means a writ that is:
(A) issued by a court having jurisdiction of a case after judgment and sentence for unpaid
fines and costs; and
(B) directed "To any peace officer of the State of Texas" and commanding the officer to
arrest a person convicted of an offense and bring the arrested person before that court
immediately.” Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 43.015 Definitions

and a capias is not a warrant

“A capias is NOT a “Warrant of Arrest,”….” Knox v State, 586 S.W. 2d 504, 506 (Tex.Crim.App.

but a capias is a debt instrument where Hudman the clerk masquerading as a judge, forged my
signature onto one of their satanic quasi-contracts, and then they circulate it among all of their
Satanist order followers to send them out and use it as justification to assault me, the man, kidnap
me, the man, and falsely imprison me, the man, “in good faith” as defined by their BAR member
BAAL priest brethren in the Texas Legislature
“(a) No evidence obtained by an officer or other person in violation of any provisions of the
Constitution or laws of the State of Texas, or of the Constitution or laws of the United States
of America, shall be admitted in evidence against the accused on the trial of any criminal
(b) It is an exception to the provisions of Subsection (a) of this Article that the evidence was
obtained by a law enforcement officer acting in objective good faith reliance upon a warrant
issued by a neutral magistrate based on probable cause.” Texas Code of Criminal Procedure,
Article 38.23 Evidence Not to Be Used [emphasis added]

and then sell me, the man, into slavery in their debtors prison commercial jails;
“CAPIAS AD SATISFACIENDUM (shortly termed a CA. SA.) A judicial writ of execution which
issues out on the record of a Judgment, where there is a recovery in the courts…, of debt,
damages, &c. And by this writ the sheriff is commanded to take the body of the defendant in
execution, and him safely to keep, so that he have his body in court at the return of the writ,
to satisfy the plaintiff his debt and damages. Vide 1 Litt Abr. 249.” Tomlin’s Law Dictionary
1835 Edition

"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456, and further,

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 29
One hundred thirty-three. after they held their show-trial in their kangaroo court, since they insisted
on forging my signature onto one of their satanic contracts, i filed a revocation of signatures, a true
copy of which is attached hereto, all of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, and

One hundred thirty-four. i filed a Notice of Void Judgment into their show-trial and kangaroo court
by Registered mail RR 569 489 410 US, and Hudman “disappeared” it, a true copy of which is
attached hereto, together with proof of service is attached hereto, all of which is incorporated herein
by reference in its entirety, and further,

One hundred thirty-five. i witnessed that they engaged in Fraud Upon the Court
"Fraud upon the court is fraud which is directed to the judicial machinery itself and is not
fraud between the parties or fraudulent documents, false statements or perjury. ... It is where
the court or a member is corrupted, or influenced, or influence is attempted, or where the
judge has not performed his judicial function --- i.e., where the impartial functions of the
court have been directly corrupted.“ Bulloch v. United States, 763 F.2d 1115, 1121 (10th Cir.

by choosing to be a (bought and paid for) Clerk masquerading as a Judge, as described herein, and
thereby engage in honest services fraud in violation of their District of Columbia codes
“For the purposes of this chapter, the term “scheme or artifice to defraud” includes a
scheme or artifice to deprive another of the intangible right of honest services.” 18 USC §
1346 Definition of “Scheme or Artifice to defraud”

“It is a fundamental right of a party to have a neutral and detached judge preside over the
judicial proceedings.” Ward v Village of Monroeville, 409 U.S. 57, 61-62, 93 S.Ct 80, 83, 34 L.Ed.
2d 267 (1972); Tumey v Ohio, 273 U.S. 510, 5209, 47 S. Ct. 437, 440, 71 L.Ed. 749 (1927), and

One hundred thirty-six. i witnessed Havins, Stutsman, and the unknown individuals on the radio,
and Vogel and Hudman threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free exercise of my
rights by operating in bad faith because they had pulled up their hearsay computer system and they
knew exactly who they were dealing with, i told them how they were operating in their private
capacity, and were impersonating peace officers, but they intended to be order followers in bad faith
to their oaths (perjury) and they intended to engage in all of the crimes described herein; and

One hundred thirty-seven. i believe the evidence from discovery will show, and any reasonable
person would see, that it is the BAR member Azle City Attorney Vogle, and the BAR member Azle
City Clerk masquerading as a Judge Hudman that are behind the revenue generating activities of
Pippins and his code enforcers Havins and Stutsman, to bring in business for their so-called court,
in support of their roman cult handlers; and further,

One hundred thirty-eight. the cestui que trust that Havins, Stutsman and other unknown individuals
over the radio, assaulted me with, is a fraud, and everything they do is a fraud and under the color
of law,
“Once a fraud, always a fraud.” 13 Vin. Abr. 539

“Things invalid from the beginning cannot be made valid by subsequent act.” Trayner, Max.
482. Maxims of Law, Black’s Law Dictionary 9th Edition, page 1862

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 30
“A thing void in the beginning does not become valid by lapse of time.” 1 S. & R. 58. Maxims
of Law, Black’s Law Dictionary 9th Edition, page 1866

Time cannot render valid an act void in its origin. Dig. 50, 17, 29; Broom, Max. 178, Maxims of
Law, Black’s Law Dictionary 9th Edition, page 1862,

“Ex dolo malo non oritur action. Out of fraud no action arises. Cowper, 343; Broom’s Max.
349.” Bouvier’s Maxims of Law, 1856,

and any act by any government official to conceal the fraud becomes an act of fraud;
“fraus est celare fraudem. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. 1 Vern. 270.” Bouvier’s Maxims of
Law 1856

and fraud is inexcusable and unpardonable;

“Fraus et dolus nemini patrocianari debent. Fraud and deceit should excuse no man. 3 Co.
78.” Bouvier’s Maxims of Law 1856

and any fraud amounts to injustice;

“Fraus et jus nunquam cohabitant. Fraud and justice never dwell together.” Maxims of Law,
Black’s Law Dictionary, 9th Edition, page 1832

“Quod alias bonum et justum est, si per vim vei fraudem petatur, malum et injustum efficitur.
What is otherwise good and just, if sought by force or fraud, becomes bad and unjust. 3 Co.
78.” Bouvier’s Maxims of Law, 1856

because no corporation has standing to do anything in any court of law

“My opinion is and long has been that the mayor and aldermen of a city corporation, or the
president and directors of a bank, or the president and directors of a railroad company and
of other similar corporations, are the true parties that sue and are sued as trustees and
representatives of the constantly changing stockholders…. A corporation, therefore, being
not a natural person, but a mere creature of the mind, invisible and intangible, cannot be a
citizen of a state, or of the United States, and cannot fall within the terms or the power of the
above mentioned article, and can therefore neither plead nor be impleaded in the courts of
the United States.” Rundle v Delaware & Raritan Canal Company 55 U.S. 80 (1852) [emphasis

but that is the first thing they do is assault me with their unconstitutional municipal corporation
called THE STATE OF TEXAS, which is a subsidiary of their unconstitutional corporation called
UNITED STATES, and they are all US citizens, and further,

One hundred thirty-nine. i witnessed that Havins, Stutsman, Pippins, Vogel, and Hudman are
“Terrorism - noun – 2 A system of government that seeks to rule by intimidation.” Funk and
Wagnal’s New Practical Standard Dictionary (1946), and further,

One hundred forty. i witnessed Havins and Stutsman threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in
the free exercise of my rights by wearing military uniforms with military rank insignias, therefore i
witnessed Havins and Stutsman and their unknown co-conspirators assault me with their martial
law which is the same thing that precipitated the war of independence
“…statutes have been passed for extending the jurisdiction of courts of admiralty and vice-
admiralty beyond their ancient limits; for depriving us of the accustomed and inestimable

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 31
privilege of trial by jury, in cases affecting both life and property;…and for altering
fundamentally the form of government established by charter. We saw the misery to which
such despotism would reduce us.…….to supersede the course of common law and instead
thereof to publish and order the use and exercise of the law martial…” Causes and Necessity
of Taking Up Arms 1775 [emphasis added];

which is what happened when Samuel Adams witnessed somebody flogged to death for refusing to
take a license and coined the phrase “Give me liberty or give me death!”, and because anyone who
is wearing a military uniform is an agent of the roman cult
“The wearing of clerical dress or of a religious habit on the part of lay folk, ….., is liable to
the same penalty on the part of the State as the misuse of military uniform.” Article 10,
Concordat of 1933

which was an agreement between Hitler and the roman cult, and the United States has ratified it,
and because at common law a deputy sheriff would have a star only, and at common law a judge
would have a business suit, but under the roman cult a deputy sheriff and police use a military
uniform, and a so-called judge wears a black robe military uniform, which means they have no
lawful authority to exist under the constitution or laws of the United States, or Texas and are
impersonating public servants
(a) A person commits an offense if he:
(1) impersonates a public servant with intent to induce another to submit to his pretended
official authority or to rely on his pretended official acts; or
(2) knowingly purports to exercise any function of a public servant or of a public office,
including that of a judge and court, and the position or office through which he purports to
exercise a function of a public servant or public office has no lawful existence under the
constitution or laws of this state or of the United States.
(b) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree

and the reason their so-called court has no lawful existence in Texas or the United States is
because they are operating under the District of Columbia codes,
“Chap. 854. – An Act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia.”

which was Approved on March 3, 1901, by the Fifty-Sixth Congress, Session II, at 31 Stat. 1189,
and at 2, where it says;
“And be it further enacted, That in the interpretation and construction of said code the
following rules shall be observed namely:…
“Third. The word “person” shall be held to apply to partnerships and corporations, …., and
the reference to any officer shall include any person authorized by law to perform the duties
of his office,….” [emphasis added]

and at Chapter One – Laws Remaining in Force, Subchapter 2 – The Police Court at Sec. 44,
where it says;
“That prosecutions in the police court shall be on information by the proper prosecuting
officer.…”, [emphasis added]

and at Chapter One – Laws Remaining in Force, Subchapter Three – Supreme Court of the District
of Columbia, in Sec. 117, at 31 Stat. 1208, where it says;
“SEC. 117. That in addition to the jurisdiction conferred in the preceding section, plenary
jurisdiction is hereby given to the said court holding the said special term to hear and
determine all questions…” [emphasis added]

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 32
and at Chapter three – Absence for Seven Years, in Sec. 252, 253, at 31 Stat. 1230, where it says;
“SEC. 252. PRESUMPTION OF DEATH. - If any person shall leave his domicile without any
known intention of changing the same, and shall not return or be heard from for seven years
from the time of his so leaving, he shall be presumed to be dead, in any case wherein his
death shall come in question, unless proof be made that he was alive within that time.
SEC: 253. PERSON FOUND LIVING .- If the person so presumed to be dead be found to have
been living, any person injured by such presumption shall be restored to the rights of which
he shall have been deprived by reason of such presumption.”

and at Chapter Five – Administration - Subchapter Five – Suits, in Sec. 327, at 31 Stat. 1241,
where it says;
administrators shall have full power and authority to commence and prosecute any personal
action at law or in equity which the testator or intestate might have commenced and

and under Chapter Fifteen – Condemnation of Land for Public Use, and in Sec. 485, at 31 Stat.
1265, where it says;
“Citation to Owners.-The said court, holding a district court of the United States,…”
[emphasis added],

and at Chapter Twenty-Eight – Fees of Officers and Others, and in Sec 1112, at 31 Stat. 1365
where it says;
“Marshall’s Fees-…that for the service or any citation, summons, capias,…”

and at Chapter Fifty-Six in Sec. 1617, at 31 Stat. 1432, where it says;

“The Legal Estate to be in Cestui Que Use”

and because the government only has authority over what the government creates
“All subjects over which the sovereign power of the state extends are objects of taxation,
but those over which it does not extend are exempt from taxation. This proposition may also
be pronounced as self-evident. The sovereignty of the state extends to everything which
exists by its authority or its permission.” McCullough v Maryland, 17 U.S. [4 Wheat] 316 (1819).
[emphasis added]

and likewise, the roman cult only has authority over things that it creates
“Yet still it was found difficult to set bounds to ecclesiastical ingenuity; for when they were
driven out of all their former holds, they devised a new method of conveyance, by which the
lands were granted, not to themselves directly, but to nominal feoffees to the use of the
religious houses; thus distinguishing between the possession and the use, and receiving
the actual profits, while the seisin of the lands remained in the nominal feoffee, who was
held by the courts of equity (then under the direction of the clergy) to be bound in
conscience to account to his cestui que use for the rents and emoluments of the estate: and
it is to these inventions that our practitioners are indebted for the introduction of uses and
trusts, the foundation of modern conveyancing.” Tomlins Law Dictionary 1835 edition, Volume
2 under the definition of Mortmain

therefore, the cestui que trust is a creation of the roman cult, and the courts are under still the
direction of the roman cult, which is why these Satanist order followers, Havins, Stutsman, and

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 33
others unknown, are so interested in assaulting me with their cestui que trust, as part of their
extortion racket;
“Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the
mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary,
having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with
the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law,
agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial
persons and the contracts between them.” Supreme Court Reporter S.C.R. 1795, (3 U.S. 54; 1
L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54)

“"Disparata Non Debent Jungi"; Latin: Dissimilar things ought not to be joined.” Black’s Law
Dictionary, 8th Edition, Legal Maxims, page 5284, and further,

One hundred forty-one. i witnessed Havins and Stutsman and other unknown individuals over the
radio, and Vogel and Hudman threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free exercise of
my rights by participating in a seditious conspiracy in violation of their codes
“If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of
the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government
of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof,
or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by
force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority
thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or
both.” 18 USC § 2384

by overthrowing my common law (law of the land), and natural law, and by assaulting me with their
US citizen slave and martial law jurisdiction, because they intended to further deny me my right
(property) to due process;
"The right of trial by jury in civil cases, guaranteed by the 7th Amendment (Walker v.
Sauvinet, 92 U. S. 90), and the right to bear arms, guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment
(Presser v. Illinois, 116 U. S. 252), have been distinctly held not to be privileges and
immunities of citizens of the United States guaranteed by the 14th Amendment against
abridgement by the states, and in effect the same decision was made in respect of the
guarantee against prosecution, except by indictment of a grand jury, contained in the 5th
Amendment (Hurtado v. California, 110 U. S. 516), and in respect of the right to be
confronted with witnesses, contained in the 6th Amendment." West v. Louisiana, 194 U. S.

"The technical niceties of the common law are not regarded. . . .", 1 R.C.L. 31, p. 422. "A jury
does not figure, ordinarily, in the trial of an admiralty suit. . . the verdict of the jury merely
advisory, and may be disregarded by the court." 1 R.C.L. 40, p. 432. "[The] rules of practice
may be altered whenever found to be inconvenient or likely to embarrass the business of the
court." 1 R.C.L. 32, p. 423. "A court of admiralty. . . acts upon equitable principles." 1 R.C.L.
17, p. 416. "A libel of information [accusation] does not require all the technical precision of
an indictment at common law. If the allegations describe the offense, it is all that is
necessary; and if it is founded upon a statute, it is sufficient if it pursues the words of the
law." The Emily v. The Caroline, 9 Wheat. 381 [emphasis added]

“"Civil Law," "Roman Law," and "Roman Civil Law" are convertible phrases, meaning the
same system of jurisprudence. That rule of action which every particular nation,
commonwealth, or city has established peculiarly for itself; more properly called "municipal"
law, to distinguish it from the "law of nature," and from international law. See Bowyer, Mod.

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 34
Civil Law, 19; Sevier v. Riley, 189 Cal. 170, 244 P. 323, 325” Black's Law Dictionary, Rev. 4th
Ed. [emphasis added]; and further,

One hundred forty-two. i witnessed Havins and Stutsman and other unknown individuals over the
radio, and Vogel and Hudman threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free exercise of
my rights, by assaulting me with one of their satanic contracts
"Brown, Vol. 2, 100, lays down the rule in these terms: 'The general rule, however, at
present, is, that the admiralty acts only in rem, and that no person can be subject to that
jurisdiction but by his consent, expressed by his entering into a stipulation.'" Ramsey v.
Allegrie, 12 Wall 611, p. 409

"In Kreble's Reports, p. 500, quoted by Brown, it is expressly said, that without a stipulation,
the admiralty has no jurisdiction at all over the person." Ramsey v. Allegrie, 12 Wall 611, p.
410. [emphasis added]

"It is impossible to prove jurisdiction exists absent a substantial nexus with the state, such
as voluntary subscription to license. All jurisdictional facts supporting claim that supposed
jurisdiction exists must appear on the record of the court." Pipe Line v Marathon. 102 S. Ct.
3858 quoting Crowell v Benson 883 US 22; and further,

One hundred forty-three. Havins, Stutsman, and other unknown individuals over the radio, and
Vogel and Hudman, are all US citizens as required by their STATE OF TEXAS codes; and further,

One hundred forty-four. i served a Notice of Void Judgment on the Azle and their so-called court
by Registered Mail RR 569 489 410 US and the green card has conveniently disappeared but the
USPS website shows that it was received on June 6, 2016, a true copy of the Notice of Void
Judgment together with proof of service is attached hereto, all of which are incorporated herein by
reference in their entirety, and further,

One hundred forty-five. i witnessed Havins, Stutsman, and other unknown individuals over the
radio, and Vogel and Hudman threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free exercise of
my rights by breaching the trust; and further,

One hundred forty-six. i witnessed Havins, Stutsman, and other unknown individuals over the
radio, and Vogel and Hudman engage in the War Crime of Terrorism in violation of
“No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally
committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are
Pillage is prohibited.
Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited.” Article 33, Geneva
Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 [emphasis added]

“Terrorism - noun – 2 A system of government that seeks to rule by intimidation.” Funk and
Wagnal’s New Practical Standard Dictionary (1946)

especially since their uniforms, the paint schemes on their vehicles, their guns, and their military
rank structures are designed to be intimidating and terrorizing, and further,

One hundred forty-seven. i witnessed Havins, Stutsman, and Pippins and other unknown individuals
over the radio, threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free exercise of my rights by
impersonate peace officers in violation of their own codes

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 35
(a) A person commits an offense if he:
(1) impersonates a public servant with intent to induce another to submit to his pretended
official authority or to rely on his pretended official acts; or
(2) knowingly purports to exercise any function of a public servant or of a public office,
including that of a judge and court, and the position or office through which he purports to
exercise a function of a public servant or public office has no lawful existence under the
constitution or laws of this state or of the United States.
(b) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree.

“Whoever falsely represents himself to be an officer, agent, or employee of the United

States, and in such assumed character arrests or detains any person or in any manner
searches the person, buildings, or other property of any person, shall be fined under this
title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.” 18 USC § 913 Impersonator Making
Arrest or Search, and further,

One hundred forty-eight. i witnessed Vogel and Hudman, threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate
me in the free exercise of my rights by impersonating public servants in violation of their own codes,
and further,

One hundred forty-nine. i witnessed Havins, Stutsman, and Pippins and other unknown individuals
over the radio, and Vogel and Hudman subject me to the deprivation of my immunities under the
color of their codes in violation of their
“Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully
subjects any inhabitant of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the
deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution
or laws of the United States, …….. shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than
one year, or both; ………” 18 USC § 242 Violating Rights under Color of Law; and further,

One hundred fifty. i witnessed Havins, Stutsman, Pippins and other unknown individuals over the
radio, and Hudman and Vogel persecute me for my political beliefs in violation of
“Protected persons are entitled, in all circumstances, to respect for their persons, their
honour, their family rights, their religious convictions and practices, and their manners and
They shall at all times be humanely treated, and shall be protected especially against all acts
of violence or threats thereof and against insults and public curiosity.
Without prejudice to the provisions relating to their state of health, age and sex, all protected
persons shall be treated with the same consideration by the Party to the conflict in whose
power they are, without any adverse distinction based, in particular, on race, religion or
political opinion….” Article 27, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time
of War of 1949 [emphasis added], and further,

One hundred fifty-one. i witnessed Havins, Stutsman, Pippins and other unknown individuals
over the radio, and Hudman and Vogel assault me with their cestui que trust to justify their
intimidations, terrorism, and reprisals in violation of Article 33
“No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally
committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are
Pillage is prohibited.
Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited.” Article 33, Geneva
Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 [emphasis added]

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 36
and thereby deny my right to be a Texian national in violation of Article 15 of the Universal
Declaration of Human rights
“1. Everyone has the right to a nationality.
2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his
nationality.” Article 15, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and further,

One hundred fifty-two. i witnessed Havins, Stutsman, Pippins and other unknown individuals
over the radio, and Hudman and Vogel engage in genocide against State citizens
“(a)Basic Offense.—Whoever, whether in time of peace or in time of war and with the
specific intent to destroy, in whole or in substantial part, a national, ethnic, racial, or
religious group as such—
(4) subjects the group to conditions of life that are intended to cause the physical
destruction of the group in whole or in part;
(6) transfers by force children of the group to another group;
shall be punished as provided in subsection (b)….” 18 USC § 1091 Genocide, and further,

One hundred fifty-three. i witnessed Havins, Stutsman, Pippins and other unknown individuals
over the radio, and Hudman and Vogel conspire together to, injure, oppress, threaten, and
intimidate, me in the free exercise of my rights (trespassed upon my property) in violation of their
own codes
“If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in
any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or
enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United
States, or because of his having so exercised the same; …They shall be fined under this title
or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; …” 18 USC § 241 Conspiracy to Violate Rights
under Color of Law;

and they demonstrated that they had full knowledge and intend to pursue their malicious
prosecution when they got their liars (lawyers) sending me all sorts of solicitations saying that there
was a Warrant, a true copy is attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference in its entirety,
all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred fifty-four. i witnessed Havins, Stutsman, Pippins and other unknown individuals
over the radio, and Hudman and Vogel engage in Crimes Against Humanity by persecuting me for
my political beliefs because i am involved with the Republic of Texas
Crimes against humanity

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 37
1. For the purpose of this Statute, ‘crime against humanity’ means any of the following acts
when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian
population, with knowledge of the attack:
(c) Enslavement;
(e) Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental
rules of international law;
(f) Torture;
(h) Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, [state citizens]
racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other
grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in
connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of
the Court;” Article 7 Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court [emphasis added], and

One hundred fifty-five. i witnessed Hudman and Vogel conspire together to take jurisdiction
when there was no evidence introduced that i was carrying passengers property for hire
"ANY ARREST, made without a PROPER warrant, Signed by a judge and backed up by an
affidavit from two persons that states, under penalty of perjury, you have broken a contract
or hurt somebody, if challenged by the defendant, is presumptively invalid...the burden is
upon the state" to justify it as authorized by statute, and does not violate the constitutional
provisions(privileges)and Or( human rights.) State v. Mastrian, 171 N.W.2d 695 (1969); Butler v.
State, 212 So.2d 577 (Miss 1968)

and jurisdiction was challenged and NOT proven,

"Once challenged, jurisdiction cannot be assumed, it must be proved to exist." Stuck v.
Medical Examiners 94 Ca 2d 751. 211 P2d 289

"There is no discretion to ignore that lack of jurisdiction." Joyce v. US, 474 F2d 215

"Where jurisdiction is contested, the burden of establishing it rests upon the plaintiff." Loos v
American Energy Savers, Inc., 168 I11.App.3d 558, 522 N.E.2d 841(1988)

"the burden of proving jurisdiction rests upon the party asserting it." Bindell v City of Harvey,
212 Ill.App.3d 1042, 571 N.E.2d 1017(1st Dist. 1991)

"Court must prove on the record, all jurisdiction facts related to the jurisdiction asserted."
Lantana v. Hopper,102 F. 2d 188; Chicago v. New York 37 FSupp. 150

"...[H]owever late this objection [to jurisdiction] has been made, or may be made in any
cause, in an inferior or appellate court of the United States, it must be considered and
decided, BEFORE any court can move ONE FURTHER STEP IN THE CAUSE; as any
movement is necessarily the exercise of jurisdiction." RHODE ISLAND MASSACHUSETTS, 37
U.S. 657, 718, 9 L.Ed. 1233 (1838). [emphasis added]

"Where a court failed to observe safeguards, it amounts to denial of due process of law,
court is deprived of juris." Merritt v. Hunter, C.A. Kansas 170 F2d 739

"a universal principle as old as the law is that a proceedings of a court without jurisdiction
are a nullity and its judgment therein without effect either on person or property,” Norwood v.
Renfield, 34 C 329; Ex parte Giambonini, 49 P. 732 [emphasis added]

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 38
"A court has no jurisdiction to determine its own jurisdiction, for a basic issue in any case
before a tribunal is its power to act, and a court must have the authority to decide that
question the first instance.“ Rescue Army v. Municipal Court of Los Angeles, 171 P2d 8: 331 US
549, 91 K, ed, 1666m 67 S, Ct, 1409

and Hudman had a duty to dismiss the case but instead continued with his show-trial and kangaroo
court and forged my signature onto his fraudulent quasi contract and based onv that created a debt
instrument called a capias, as described herein, thereby showing that he was a (bought and paid
for) Clerk masquerading as a Judge as described herein and was engaged in fraud upon the court
"Fraud upon the court is fraud which is directed to the judicial machinery itself and is not
fraud between the parties or fraudulent documents, false statements or perjury. ... It is where
the court or a member is corrupted, or influenced, or influence is attempted, or where the
judge has not performed his judicial function --- i.e., where the impartial functions of the
court have been directly corrupted.“ Bulloch v. United States, 763 F.2d 1115, 1121 (10th Cir.

which is a violation of
“All persons shall be equal before the courts and tribunals. In the determination of any
criminal charge against him, or of his rights and obligations in a suit at law, everyone shall
be entitled to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal
established by law.” International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 14, Clause 1
[emphasis added]

“No sentence shall be pronounced by the competent courts of the Occupying Power except
after a regular trial….” Article 71, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian
Persons in a Time of War of 1949

“It is a fundamental right of a party to have a neutral and detached judge preside over the
judicial proceedings.” Ward v Village of Monroeville, 409 U.S. 57, 61-62, 93 S.Ct 80, 83, 34 L.Ed.
2d 267 (1972); Tumey v Ohio, 273 U.S. 510, 5209, 47 S. Ct. 437, 440, 71 L.Ed. 749 (1927),

as well as
“For the purposes of this chapter, the term “scheme or artifice to defraud” includes a
scheme or artifice to deprive another of the intangible right of honest services.” 18 USC §
1346 Definition of “Scheme or Artifice to defraud”,

all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract

"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 39
One hundred fifty-six. i witnessed Havins, Stutsman, Pippins and other unknown individuals over the
radio, and Hudman and Vogel threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free exercise of
my rights by engaging in official oppression in violation of their own Texas Penal Code
(a) A public servant acting under color of his office or employment commits an offense if he:
(1) intentionally subjects another to mistreatment or to arrest, detention, search, seizure,
dispossession, assessment, or lien that he knows is unlawful;
(2) intentionally denies or impedes another in the exercise or enjoyment of any right,
privilege, power, or immunity, knowing his conduct is unlawful; or
(b) For purposes of this section, a public servant acts under color of his office or
employment if he acts or purports to act in an official capacity or takes advantage of such
actual or purported capacity.
(d) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor,…” [emphasis added];

all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract

"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred fifty-seven. i witnessed Havins, Stutsman, Pippins and other unknown individuals
over the radio, and Vogel and Hudman threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free
exercise of my rights by unlawfully restraining me in violation of their Texas Penal Code
(a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly restrains another person.
(c) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor, except that the offense is:
(d) It is no offense to detain or move another under this section when it is for the purpose of
effecting a lawful arrest or detaining an individual lawfully arrested.” [emphasis added];

all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract

"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 40
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred fifty-eight. i witnessed Havins, Stutsman, Pippins, and other unknown individuals
over the radio, and Vogel and Hudman threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free
exercise of my rights by operating as a criminal street gang conspiring to commit aggravated
assault and aggravated kidnapping, (since they both had guns), in violation of their own Texas
Penal Code
“Sec. 71.01. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter,
(a) "Combination" means three or more persons who collaborate in carrying on criminal
activities, although:
(1) participants may not know each other's identity;
(2) membership in the combination may change from time to time; and
(b) "Conspires to commit" means that a person agrees with one or more persons that they or
one or more of them engage in conduct that would constitute the offense and that person
and one or more of them perform an overt act in pursuance of the agreement. An agreement
constituting conspiring to commit may be inferred from the acts of the parties.
(c) "Profits" means property constituting or derived from any proceeds obtained, directly or
indirectly, from an offense listed in Section 71.02.
(d) "Criminal street gang" means three or more persons having a common identifying sign
or symbol or an identifiable leadership who continuously or regularly associate in the
commission of criminal activities.” [emphasis added]


(a) A person commits an offense if, with the intent to establish, maintain, or participate in a
combination or in the profits of a combination or as a member of a criminal street gang, the
person commits or conspires to commit one or more of the following:
(1) murder, …aggravated robbery, robbery, theft, aggravated kidnapping, kidnapping,
aggravated assault,… deadly conduct, assault punishable as a Class A misdemeanor, or
unauthorized use of a motor vehicle;” [emphasis added];

all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract

"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 41
One hundred fifty-nine. i witnessed that the Azle thugs names herein, and Andrew Vogel, the
Azle Prosecutor, and Hudman the Azle BAAL priest (bought and paid for) Clerk masquerading as a
Judge are representing me without authority, all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred sixty. i witnessed the Azle thugs named herein, and Andrew Vogel, the Azle
Prosecutor, and Hudman the Azle BAAL priest (bought and paid for) Clerk masquerading as a
Judge are making legal determinations for me by assaulting me with their US citizen cestui que
trust slave, and they cannot make a legal determination without representing me, all of which is in
furtherance of their quasi contract
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred sixty-one. i witnessed Havins’ unknown supervisor over the radio, threaten me,
oppress me, and intimidate me in the free exercise of my rights by directing the activities of a
criminal street gang in violation of their own Texas Penal Code
(a) A person commits an offense if the person, as part of the identifiable leadership of a
criminal street gang, knowingly finances, directs, or supervises the commission of, or a
conspiracy to commit, one or more of the following offenses by members of a criminal street
gang: [emphasis added];

all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract

"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 42
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred sixty-two. i witnessed Havins, Stutsman and other unknown individuals over the
radio, and Vogel and Hudman threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free exercise of
my rights by perjuring their oaths in violation of their own Texas Penal Code; all of which is in
furtherance of their quasi contract
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred sixty-three. i witnessed Havins, Stutsman, Pippins and other unknown individuals
over the radio, and Vogel and Hudman threaten me, oppress me, and intimidate me in the free
exercise of my rights by engaging in the criminal activity described herein, with malice
"Although probable cause may not be inferred from malice, malice may be inferred from lack
of probable cause." Pauley v. Hall, 335 N. W. 2d 197, 124 Mich App 255;

all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract

"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 43
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred sixty-four. i witnessed Vogel, and Hudman bring an action on behalf of the STATE
OF TEXAS, and Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 21.22, says that ONLY the County
Attorney, or the District Attorney may do that under the Texas Constitution Article 5, Section 21,
“Sec. 21. COUNTY ATTORNEYS; DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. A County Attorney, for counties in
which there is not a resident Criminal District Attorney, shall be elected by the qualified
voters of each county, who shall be commissioned by the Governor, and hold his office for
the term of four years. In case of vacancy the Commissioners Court of the county shall have
the power to appoint a County Attorney until the next general election. The County Attorneys
shall represent the State in all cases in the District and inferior courts in their respective
counties; …..”, and further,

One hundred sixty-five. i witnessed Vogel, and Hudman impersonate public servants
(a) A person commits an offense if he:
(1) impersonates a public servant with intent to induce another to submit to his pretended
official authority or to rely on his pretended official acts; or
(2) knowingly purports to exercise any function of a public servant or of a public office,
including that of a judge and court, and the position or office through which he purports to
exercise a function of a public servant or public office has no lawful existence under the
constitution or laws of this state or of the United States.
(b) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree,

all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract

"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred sixty-six. i witnessed Vogel and Hudman simulate a legal process
“(a) A person commits an offense if the person recklessly causes to be delivered to
another any document that simulates a summons, complaint, judgment, or other court
process with the intent to:
(1) induce payment of a claim from another person; or
(2) cause another to:
(A) submit to the putative authority of the document; or
(B) take any action or refrain from taking any action in response to the document, in
compliance with the document, or on the basis of the document.
(b) Proof that the document was mailed to any person with the intent that it be forwarded to

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 44
the intended recipient is a sufficient showing that the document was delivered.” Texas Penal
Code 32.48,

all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract

"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred sixty-seven. i witnessed that ONLY the County Attorney may bring an action on behalf
of THE STATE OF TEXAS, and further,

One hundred sixty-eight. i witnessed that on 27 July, 2018, the Lake Worth code enforcers were
following me and turned on their emergency lights, all of which is in furtherance of their extortion
racket, and further,

One hundred sixty-nine. i witnessed that the Lake Worth code enforcers were improperly using
their emergency lights because there was no breach of the peace and they were operating as
collection agents for the Azle code enforcers who had issued a capias, as described herein, all of
which is in furtherance of their extortion racket, for their Azle buddies, and further,

One hundred seventy. i witnessed that the Lake Worth code enforcers told me that there was a
warrant for the driver of the conveyance i was travelling in, and i told them it was NOT a warrant
but was a capias which is not a warrant
“A capias is NOT a “Warrant of Arrest,”….” Knox v State, 586 S.W. 2d 504, 506 (Tex.Crim.App.

and I further told them they were not operating in “good faith” as required by their codes
“(a) No evidence obtained by an officer or other person in violation of any provisions of the
Constitution or laws of the State of Texas, or of the Constitution or laws of the United States
of America, shall be admitted in evidence against the accused on the trial of any criminal
(b) It is an exception to the provisions of Subsection (a) of this Article that the evidence was
obtained by a law enforcement officer acting in objective good faith reliance upon a warrant
issued by a neutral magistrate based on probable cause.” Texas Code of Criminal Procedure,
Article 38.23 Evidence Not to Be Used [emphasis added], and further,

One hundred seventy-one. i witnessed the Lake Worth code enforcers breached the trust and
perjured their oaths by improperly using their emergency lights, all of which is in furtherance of their
extortion racket, as collection agents for their Azle buddies, and further,

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 45
One hundred seventy-two. i witnessed the Lake Worth code enforcers told me i was arrested to
coerce me, and threaten me, and intimidate me and oppress me into giving them some sort of
identification, but they failed to read me my rights, or so anything else, except put me in handcuffs,
and further,

One hundred seventy-three. i witnessed the Lake Worth code enforcers West #259, Martin #323, D
Martinez #314, C Gregory, R Reneau, and Steve Carpenter, and a DHS officer and 2 FBI Agents
conspire together to threaten, intimidate, coerce and oppress me in the free exercise of my rights in
violation of
“If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in
any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or
enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United
States, or because of his having so exercised the same; …They shall be fined under this title
or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; …” 18 USC § 241 Conspiracy to Violate Rights
under Color of Law;

all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract

"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred seventy-four. i witnessed the Lake Worth code enforcers West #259, Martin #323, D
Martinez #314, C Gregory, R Reneau, and Steve Carpenter, and a DHS officer and 2 FBI Agents
engage in a seditious conspiracy in violation of their
“If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of
the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government
of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof,
or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by
force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority
thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or
both.” 18 USC § 2384,

all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract

"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 46
for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred seventy-five. i witnessed the Lake Worth code enforcers West #259, Martin #323, D
Martinez #314, C Gregory, R Reneau, and Steve Carpenter, and a DHS officer and 2 FBI Agents,
each in their individual capacity willfully subject me to the deprivation of my immunities, as a man,
under color of their codes in violation of
“Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully
subjects any inhabitant of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the
deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution
or laws of the United States, …….. shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than
one year, or both; ………” 18 USC § 242 Violating Rights under Color of Law;

all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract

"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred seventy-six. i witnessed the Lake Worth code enforcers falsely arrested me, assaulted
me, kidnapped me and falsely imprisoned me based on the capias that Azle had issued
“A capias is NOT a “Warrant of Arrest,”….” Knox v State, 586 S.W. 2d 504, 506 (Tex.Crim.App.

and they were not operating in “good faith” as required by their codes
“(a) No evidence obtained by an officer or other person in violation of any provisions of the
Constitution or laws of the State of Texas, or of the Constitution or laws of the United States
of America, shall be admitted in evidence against the accused on the trial of any criminal
(b) It is an exception to the provisions of Subsection (a) of this Article that the evidence was
obtained by a law enforcement officer acting in objective good faith reliance upon a warrant
issued by a neutral magistrate based on probable cause.” Texas Code of Criminal Procedure,
Article 38.23 Evidence Not to Be Used [emphasis added], and further,

and under instructions from Kirsten Neilsen’s US Department of Homeland Security, and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, as evidenced by the Police Report, a true copy of which is

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 47
attached hereto, all of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, in furtherance of their
quasi contract
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred seventy-seven. i witnessed the Texas DPS / US DHS coward and the two Federal Bureau
of Investigation cowards conspire with the Lake Worth code enforcers to falsely arrest me, assault
me, kidnap me, and falsely imprison me as evidenced by the Lake Worth police report, a true copy
of which is attached hereto, all of which is incorporated herein by reference in their entirety, and

One hundred seventy-eight. i witnessed that the Lake Worth code enforcers were operating in their
private capacity as collection agents for their Azle buddies as evidenced by the Police Report, a
true copy of which is attached hereto, all of which is incorporated herein by reference, in
furtherance of their quasi contract
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred seventy-nine. i witnessed that within a half hour of their getting me into their jail, they
took me to be interviewed by an Agent / terrorist of Kirsten Neilsen’s US Department of Homeland
Security, and 2 agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, but they were all cowards because
they made sure that their Lake Worth buddies had me in hand cuffs so tightly i could barely move
as part of their torture agenda, to persecute me for my political beliefs, and they presented me with
their badges and told me their names but i was unable to write them down and they deliberately
failed to leave business cards, all of which is in support of their quasi contract
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 48
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred eighty. i told Kirsten Neilsen’s US Department of Homeland Security terrorist and the 2
FBI terrorists that the Lake Worth code enforcers were operating in their private capacity as
collection agents for Azle and had subjected me to the deprivation of my immunities under color of
law, and were conspiring together to threaten me, intimidate me, coerce me, and oppress me under
color of law in violation of 18 USC § 241, and § 242 and i demanded that they arrest the Lake
Worth code enforcers and the DHS terrorist and the 2 FBI terrorists refused to arrest the Lake
Worth code enforcers, which demonstrated that they intended to be accomplices, all of which is in
support of their quasi contract
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred eighty-one. i witnessed that the Lake Worth code enforcers said there was a warrant,
and i told the Lake Worth code enforcers that it was NOT a warrant but that it was a capias several
“A capias is NOT a “Warrant of Arrest,”….” Knox v State, 586 S.W. 2d 504, 506 (Tex.Crim.App.

and they were NOT operating in good faith, as required by their Texas codes,
“(a) No evidence obtained by an officer or other person in violation of any provisions of the
Constitution or laws of the State of Texas, or of the Constitution or laws of the United States
of America, shall be admitted in evidence against the accused on the trial of any criminal
(b) It is an exception to the provisions of Subsection (a) of this Article that the evidence was
obtained by a law enforcement officer acting in objective good faith reliance upon a warrant
issued by a neutral magistrate based on probable cause.” Texas Code of Criminal Procedure,
Article 38.23 Evidence Not to Be Used [emphasis added], and further,

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 49
One hundred eighty-two. i witnessed that John Furge sent me a message that these two Federal
Bureau of Investigation wanted him to wear a wire and talk to me and he refused, and they asked
him to set up a meeting with me and he refused, and they tried all sorts of things to get him to
cooperate with them to entrap me, and he refused, but instead they got their DPS buddy to get one
of his buddies, John E Mayer of Tucson, Arizona, to send a FEDEX overnight package to me so
they could be there waiting for me to pick up the package, and get their Lake Worth buddies to be
their accomplice in my false arrest, assault, kidnapping, and false imprisonment, and further,

One hundred eighty-three. i witnessed that when the Lake Worth code enforcers were busy trying to
fabricate evidence of their US citizen / slave / cestui que trust by asking me for a date of birth, i told
them that it was hearsay and i had no firsthand knowledge or any date of birth, and further,

One hundred eighty-four. i witnessed that the Lake Worth code enforcers maliciously seized my
private conveyance and impounded it when it was parked in the Walmart parking lot and NOT on a
public street in an effort to cause me further injury and damage by compelling me to pay
approximately $200 extortion to get it back, and i had to get a friend to present his drivers license
since the low intelligence thugs at Lone Star towing refused to accept my common law credentials
under color of law, all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred eighty-five. i witnessed that the Lake Worth code enforcers stole my gun that i had in
my center console and are demanding identification to get it back, but I do NOT accept stolen
property, therefore i demand $10,000 if i can find a judge that fails to be a bought and paid for
whore, all of which is in furtherance of the Lake Worth code enforcers slavery agenda with their
quasi contract
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 50
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred eighty-six. i witnessed that when the Lake Worth code enforcers were busy trying to
fabricate evidence of their US citizen / slave / cestui que trust by asking me for a drivers license, i
told them that there is no law that says anybody has to have a drivers license unless they are
carrying passengers or property for hire, and further,

One hundred eighty-seven. i witnessed that when the Lake Worth code enforcers demanded
identification threatening that i had been arrested and was required to provide it, i provided a home
made common law credentials card, and one of them said, “that is him”, which means they knew
they were looking for me for their Federal Bureau of Investigation coward buddies and their
Homeland Security coward buddies, all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred eighty-eight. i witnessed that all of the evidence of their cestui que trust / US citizen /
slave is hearsay evidence and unless i admit the evidence, it is inadmissible in any court of law, all
of which is in furtherance of their extortion racket, and further,

One hundred eighty-nine. i witnessed that it is absolutely critical for them to develop evidence of
their Roman Cult cestui que trust, because they cannot assault a man or (wo)man with one of their
quasi contracts
"Constructive/quasi contracts are based solely upon a legal fiction or fiction of law." Hill v.
Waxberg, 237 F.2d 936,

all of which is in furtherance of their extortion racket

"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456, and further,

One hundred ninety. i witnessed that because i failed to provide evidence of their Roman Cult cestui
que trust / slave / US citizen that it took 4 of them, after i was in their jail, including Steve Carpenter,
Assistant Chief of Police who over saw the operation to forcibly drag me to their finger print
machine to steal my finger prints by scanning them, when they know it is inadmissible (Davis v.

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 51
Mississippi, 394 U.S. 721 (1969)), but they intend to fabricate evidence of their US citizen slave /
cestui que trust for their Roman Cult handlers,
“(a) A person commits an offense if, knowing that an investigation or official proceeding is
pending or in progress, he:
(2) makes, presents, or uses any record, document, or thing with knowledge of its falsity
and with intent to affect the course or outcome of the investigation or official proceeding.
(b) This section shall not apply if the record, document, or thing concealed is privileged or
is the work product of the parties to the investigation or official proceeding.
(c) An offense under Subsection (a) or Subsection (d)(1) is a felony of the third degree,
unless the thing altered, destroyed, or concealed is a human corpse, in which case the
offense is a felony of the second degree. An offense under Subsection (d)(2) is a Class A
misdemeanor.” Texas Penal Code Sec. 37.09 Tampering With or Fabricating Evidence

all of which is part of their agenda to subject me to the deprivation of my immunities under color of
their codes and in furtherance of their quasi contract
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred ninety-one. i witnessed Lake Worth code enforcers West #259, Martin #323, D
Martinez #314, C Gregory, R Reneau, and Steve Carpenter, and a DHS officer and 2 FBI Agents
cease to represent the government
“An officer who acts in violation of the Constitution ceases to represent the government”.
Brookfield Const. Co. v. Kozinski, 284 F. Supp. 94,

“All oaths must be lawful, allowed by the common law, or some statute; if they are
administered by persons in a private capacity, or not duly authorized, they are coram non
judice, and void; …. 3 Inst. 165; 4 Inst. 278; 2 Roll. Abr. 277.” Tomlin’s Law Dictionary 1835
Edition, Volume 2

in order to operate on behalf of the unconstitutional Roman Cult corporation

“Two national governments exist, one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its
restrictions, the other to be maintained by Congress outside and independently of that
instrument” Dissenting opinion of Justice Marshall Harlan. Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 1901

for their Roman Cult handlers to enslave me,

“He [the prisoner] has as a consequence of his crime, not only forfeited his liberty but all his
personal rights except those which the law in its humanity affords him. He is for the time
being a slave of the state.” 62 Va. (21 Gratt.) 790, 796 (1871)

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 52
when they became accomplices to their Azle buddies, and their Federal Bureau of Investigation
buddies and their Homeland Security buddies to sell me into slavery under their satanic Uniform
Commercial Code for their Roman Cult handlers when they assault me with their roman Cult cestui
que trust
"But individuals, when acting as representatives of a collective group, cannot be said to be
exercising their personal rights and duties, nor be entitled to their purely personal
privileges. Rather they assume the rights, duties and privileges of the artificial entity or
association of which they are agents or officers and they are bound by its obligations."
Brasswell v. United States 487 U.S. 99 (1988) quoting, United States v. White 322 U.S. 694 (1944),

“Whenever [the Uniform Commercial Code] creates a "presumption" with respect to a fact,
or provides that a fact is "presumed," the trier of fact must find the existence of the fact
unless and until evidence is introduced that supports a finding of its nonexistence.” UCC §
1-206 Presumptions [emphasis added]

by forging a signature onto one of their quasi contracts,

“(a) In an action with respect to an instrument, the authenticity of, and authority to make,
each signature on the instrument are admitted unless specifically denied in the pleadings. If
the validity of a signature is denied in the pleadings, the burden of establishing validity is on
the person claiming validity, but the signature is presumed to be authentic and authorized
unless the action is to enforce the liability of the purported signer and the signer is dead or
incompetent at the time of trial of the issue of validity of the signature.” Uniform Commercial
Code § 3.308 Proof of Signatures and Status as Holder in Due Course [emphasis added]

and securitizing it and selling it on Wall Street

“The following rules apply in an action on a certificated security against the issuer:
(1) Unless specifically denied in the pleadings, each signature on a security certificate or in
a necessary indorsement is admitted.
(2) If the effectiveness of a signature is put in issue, the burden of establishing
effectiveness is on the party claiming under the signature, but the signature is presumed to
be genuine or authorized.” Uniform Commercial Code § 8.114 Evidentiary Rules Concerning
Certificated Securities [emphasis added],

and creating a capias to further their extortion racket

“CAPIAS AD SATISFACIENDUM (shortly termed a CA. SA.) A judicial writ of execution which
issues out on the record of a Judgment, where there is a recovery in the courts…, of debt,
damages, &c. And by this writ the sheriff is commanded to take the body of the defendant in
execution, and him safely to keep, so that he have his body in court at the return of the writ,
to satisfy the plaintiff his debt and damages. Vide 1 Litt Abr. 249.” Tomlin’s Law Dicitonary
1835 Edition

“In this chapter: (1) "Capias" means a writ that is: (A) issued by a court having jurisdiction of
a case after judgment and sentence; and (B) directed "To any peace officer of the State of
Texas" and commanding the officer to arrest a person convicted of an offense and bring the
arrested person before that court immediately or on a day or at a term stated in the writ.
(2) "Capias pro fine" means a writ that is:
(A) issued by a court having jurisdiction of a case after judgment and sentence for unpaid
fines and costs; and
(B) directed "To any peace officer of the State of Texas" and commanding the officer to
arrest a person convicted of an offense and bring the arrested person before that court
immediately.” Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 43.015 Definitions, and further,

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 53
because all slaves are property, and are owned, and get to work for nothing
“Section 2 Definitions (1) In this Act,
owned means, subject to the regulations,…..;” Canadian Ownership and Control Determination

“The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations
respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; …” Constitution for
the United States of America, Article IV, Section 2,

all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract

"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred ninety-two. i witnessed that i know it was Assistant Chief of Police, Steve Carpenter
who over saw their false arrest, assault, kidnapping, and false imprisonment, because he has a real
nice picture on their website, a true copy of which is attached hereto, all of which is incorporated
herein by reference in its entirety, and further,

One hundred ninety-three. i witnessed that the burden is on these code enforcers to prove that their
arrests are lawful
The only thing the plaintiff needs to do is to allege a false arrest, is either (1) that the
defendant(cop) made an arrest or imprisonment, or (2) that the defendant(cop) affirmatively
instigated, encouraged, incited,(started a fight) or caused the arrest or imprisonment.
Burlington v. Josephson, 153 Fed.2d 372,276 (1946)

”When the plaintiff( person) has shown that he was arrested, imprisoned or restrained of his
liberty by the defendant(cop), "the law presumes it to be unlawful." People v. McGrew, 20 Pac.
92 (1888); Knight v. Baker, 133 P. 544(1926).

"The burden is upon the defendant( cop ) to show that the arrest was by authority of law."
McAleer v. Good, 65 Atl. 934, 935 (1907); Mackie v. Ambassador, 11 P.2d 6 (1932)

"ANY ARREST, made without a PROPER warrant, Signed by a judge and backed up by an
affidavit from two persons that states, under penalty of perjury, you have broken a contract
or hurt somebody, if challenged by the defendant, is presumptively invalid...the burden is
upon the state" to justify it as authorized by statute, and does not violate the constitutional
provisions(privileges)and Or( human rights.) State v. Mastrian, 171 N.W.2d 695 (1969); Butler v.
State, 212 So.2d 577 (Miss 1968)

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 54
"As in the case of illegal arrests, the officer(cop) ... must keep within the law at his peril."
Thiede v. Scandia, 217 Minn. 231, 14 N.W.2d 400 (1944), and further,

One hundred ninety-four. i witnessed that the entire Texas Penal Code is based on the cestui que
trust / US citizen / slave
A “penal action” is an action on a penal statute; an action for recovery of penalty given by
statute. NcNeely v. City of Natchez, 114 So. 484, 487; 148 Miss. 268.

Where an action is founded entirely upon a statue, and the only object of it is to recover a
penalty or forfeiture, such action is a “penal action.” Gawthrop v. Fairmont Coal Co., 81 S.E.
560, 561; 74 S.Va. 39

The words “penal” and “penalty” in their strict and primary sense denote a punishment,
whether corporal or pecuniary, imposed and enforced by the state for a crime or offense
against its laws. The noun penalty is defined forfeiture or to be forfeited for noncompliance
with an agreement. The words forfeit and penalty are substantially synonymous. Missouri,
K. & T. Ry. Co. v. Dewey Portland Cement Co., 242 P. 257, 259, 113 Okla. 142

and the entire Texas Penal Code is part of the Roman Cult’s slavery agenda
“PECUNIARY CAUSE. Such as arise either from the withholding ecclesiastical dues, or the
doing or neglecting some act relating to the church whereby some damage accrues to the
plaintiff; towards obtaining satisfaction for which, he is permitted to institute a suit in the
spiritual court. Such, for instance, are the subtraction and withholding of tithes from the
parson or vicar; the non-payment of ecclesiastical dues to the clergy, as pensions,
mortuaries, compositions, and the like.-3 BI. 88, 89.” Holthouse a New Law Dictionary, 1850
Edition, page 299,

and i have a right to fail to participate in their (extortion racket) Satanic religious ceremony, and

One hundred ninety-five. i witnessed that Kirsten Neilsen’s US Department of Homeland Security
terrorists, indemnify these Lake Worth code enforcers under the so-called Patriot Act, therefore they
don’t care how many injuries they cause, all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

One hundred ninety-six. i witnessed that i filed an Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Conrad
Rodriguez and handlers and hired thugs and it is recorded with the Pinal County Recorder at Fee

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 55
Number 2013-040002 because of previous times these Homeland Security thugs seemed to think
they had some authority over me, and now the cowards are hiding their identity so i can’t provide
their name, but in any event he failed to act in good faith and he is not only an accomplice, but the
police report shows that he is the ringleader, and further,

One hundred ninety-seven. i witnessed that 21 November 2008, i served on Robert E Casey, Jr.,
Special Agent in Charge, a Dallas FBI Special Agent in Charge Notice and Demand 111008, a true
copy of which, together with proof of service, is attached hereto, all of which is incorporated herein
by reference in its entirety, and these FBI thugs do NOT have good faith as required by their District
of Columbia codes
“(e)DEFENSE.—A good faith reliance on—
(1) a court warrant or order, a grand jury subpoena, a legislative authorization, or a statutory
authorization (including a request of a governmental entity under section 2703(f) of this
(2) a request of an investigative or law enforcement officer under section 2518(7) of this title;
(3) a good faith determination that section 2511(3) of this title permitted the conduct
complained of;
is a complete defense to any civil or criminal action brought under this chapter or any other
law.” 18 US Code 2707 Civil Action, and further,

One hundred ninety-eight. i served on Kristin Neilsen, Secretary, US Department of Homeland

Security a Notice and Demand 071018 by Certified Mail 7016 0910 0001 5126 9033, with a copy to
Donald J Trump by Certified Mail 7016 0910 0001 5126 9040, and all of the other respondents
listed, a true copy of which is attached hereto, all of which is incorporated herein by reference in its
entirety, and further,

One hundred ninety-nine. i served on Kristin Neilsen, Secretary, US Department of Homeland

Security a Notice and Demand 061018 by Certified Mail 7016 0910 0001 5126 6759 a true copy of
which is attached hereto, all of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, and her
hired thug had the first few pages and was asking me about it, which is proof that he was sent by
her to falsely arrest me, assault me, kidnap me, and falsely imprison me, and further,

Two hundred. i witnessed the Lake Worth code enforcers issued two of their Roman Cult citations as
part of their extortion racket, true copies are attached hereto, all of which is incorporated herein by
reference in its entirety, and further,

Two hundred one. i witnessed that the Lake Worth code enforcers West #259, Martin #323, D
Martinez #314, C Gregory, R Reneau, and Steve Carpenter, and a the coward DHS officer and 2
coward FBI Agents, and Kirsten Neilsen are terrorists and gustapo thugs
“Terrorism - noun – 2 A system of government that seeks to rule by intimidation.” Funk and
Wagnal’s New Practical Standard Dictionary (1946), and further,

Two hundred two. i witnessed that the Lake Worth (bought and paid for) clerk masquerading as a
Judge has issued a SUMMONS under THE STATE OF TEXAS to bring an action on behalf of the
STATE OF TEXAS, and Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 21.22, says that ONLY the
County Attorney, or the District Attorney may do that under the Texas Constitution Article 5, Section
“Sec. 21. COUNTY ATTORNEYS; DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. A County Attorney, for counties in
which there is not a resident Criminal District Attorney, shall be elected by the qualified
voters of each county, who shall be commissioned by the Governor, and hold his office for

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 56
the term of four years. In case of vacancy the Commissioners Court of the county shall have
the power to appoint a County Attorney until the next general election. The County Attorneys
shall represent the State in all cases in the District and inferior courts in their respective
counties; …..”, and further,

Two hundred three. i witnessed Lake Worth code enforcers, West #259, Martin #323, D Martinez
#314, C Gregory, R Reneau, and Steve Carpenter, and a the coward DHS officer and 2 coward FBI
Agents, and Kirsten Neilsen (and others known and unknown) and the Lake Worth prosecutor and
his (bought and paid for) clerk masquerading as a Judge impersonate public servants
(a) A person commits an offense if he:
(1) impersonates a public servant with intent to induce another to submit to his pretended
official authority or to rely on his pretended official acts; or
(2) knowingly purports to exercise any function of a public servant or of a public office,
including that of a judge and court, and the position or office through which he purports to
exercise a function of a public servant or public office has no lawful existence under the
constitution or laws of this state or of the United States.
(b) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree,

“Whoever falsely represents himself to be an officer, agent, or employee of the United

States, and in such assumed character arrests or detains any person or in any manner
searches the person, buildings, or other property of any person, shall be fined under this
title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.” 18 USC § 913 Impersonator Making
Arrest or Search, and further,

all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract

"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

Two hundred four. i witnessed the Lake Worth prosecutor and his (bought and paid for) clerk
masquerading as a Judge simulate a legal process
“(a) A person commits an offense if the person recklessly causes to be delivered to
another any document that simulates a summons, complaint, judgment, or other court
process with the intent to:
(1) induce payment of a claim from another person; or
(2) cause another to:
(A) submit to the putative authority of the document; or
(B) take any action or refrain from taking any action in response to the document, in
compliance with the document, or on the basis of the document.

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 57
(b) Proof that the document was mailed to any person with the intent that it be forwarded to
the intended recipient is a sufficient showing that the document was delivered.” Texas Penal
Code 32.48,

all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract

"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

Two hundred five. i witnessed that ONLY the County Attorney may bring an action on behalf of THE
STATE OF TEXAS, and further,

Two hundred six. i witnessed that Lake Worth code enforcers West #259, Martin #323, D Martinez
#314, C Gregory, R Reneau, and Steve Carpenter, and a the coward DHS officer and 2 coward FBI
Agents, and Kirsten Neilsen, and the Lake Worth prosecutor and his (bought and paid for) Clerk
masquerading as a Judge operate in their private capacity and perjure their oaths, all of which is in
furtherance of their quasi contract
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

Two hundred seven. I witnessed that on 30 July 2018, the Lake Worth BAAL priest (bought and paid
for) Clerk masquerading as a Judge sent one of their fake SUMMONS for me to appear in their
kangaroo so-called court on or before 15 August 2018, and then on 1 August 2018 they changed it
to 19 September 2018, true copies of which are attached hereto, all of each of which are
incorporated herein by reference in their entirety, all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 58
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

Two hundred eight. i witnessed that on 30 July 2018, Hudman, the Azle BAAL priest (bought and
paid for) Clerk masquerading as a Judge sent one of their fake SUMMONS for me to appear in their
kangaroo so-called court on or before 27 August 2018, a true copy of which is attached hereto, all
of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, all of which is in furtherance of their
quasi contract
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

Two hundred nine. i witnessed that the Lake Worth BAAL priest (bought and paid for) Clerk
masquerading as a Judge changed his show-trial and kangaroo court to make sure that his Azle
buddies were able to complete assaulting me with their quasi-contract so it would be easier for him
to do the same, and they could all get in on the action, all of which is in furtherance of their quasi
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 59
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

Two hundred ten. i witnessed that the Lake Worth BAAL priest (bought and paid for) Clerk
masquerading as a Judge put me on a mailing list for his Satanist BAR member liar buddies so they
could send me their solicitations, true copies of which are attached hereto, all of each of which are
incorporated herein by reference in their entirety, because they know that if i agree to their
“representation” it converts me into a ward of their so-called court
“He is however in a sense an officer of the state with an obligation to the Court…” 7 Corpus
Juris Secundum § 4 Attorneys

“His first duty is to the courts and to the public, not to the client, and whenever his duties to
his client conflict with those as an officer of the court, in the administration of justice, the
former must yield to the latter.” 7 Corpus Juris Secundum § 4 Attorneys

“Clients are also called “wards of the court”…” 7 Corpus Juris Secundum § 4 Attorneys

“Wards of court. Infants and persons of unsound mind. Davis' Committee v. Loney, 290 Ky.
644, 162 S.W.2d 189, 190. Their rights must be guarded jealously. Montgomery v. Erie R. Co.,
C.C.A.N.J., 97 F.2d 289, 292.” Blacks Law Dictionary, 4th Edition, page 1755

which also admits the jurisdiction of their so-called court,

“IN PROPRIA PERSONA. In one's own proper person. It is a rule in pleading that pleas to the
jurisdiction of the court must be plead in propria persona, because if pleaded by attorney
they admit the jurisdiction, as an attorney is an officer of the court, and he is presumed to
plead after having obtained leave, which admits the jurisdiction. Lawes, PI. 91.” Black’s Law
Dictionary, 4th Edition, page 899-900

and then they can really sell me down the river into slavery
“(a) The controlling rule is that "absent a knowing and intelligent waiver, no person may be
imprisoned for any offense . . . unless he was represented by counsel at his trial."
Argersinger, 407 U. S., at 37. Pp. 5–6.” Alabama v Shelton 535 U.S. 654

“…when the trial of a misdemeanor starts that no imprisonment may be imposed, even
though local law permits it, unless the accused is represented by counsel.” Argersinger v.
Hamlin, 407 U S 25, 40 (1971),

so it really doesn’t matter what i say or do because it is all prejudged from the beginning, the
Prosecutor is assaulting me with his “representation”, and so is the (bought and [paid for) Clerk
masquerading as a Judge, all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 60
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

Two hundred eleven. i witnessed that the police report says that Homeland Security initiated the
assault, false arrest, kidnapping, and false imprisonment by the Lake Worth thugs therefore the
Homeland Security thug and his two Federal Bureau of Investigation accomplices were waiting at
my private mailing location for me to pick up a FEDEX package that was sent by John E Mayer of
Tucson, Arizona, who was also their accomplice, and further,

Two hundred twelve. i witnessed that i got a friend of mine, Richard Bagwell to get me the police report
from Lake Worth, and the same friend went to Azle to get the police report and they didn’t have it
available after checking several times over 2 weeks, and on 9 August, 2018, Michelle Abramski,
Dispatch Records Manager, told him that the City Secretary hasn’t released it yet, and when he was
talking to Michelle she wanted to know who it was about and he mentioned my name and a girl in
the back said; “I know, …..he is one of our Republic of Texas guys” which is further evidence of
their War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity, by persecuting me for my political opinions, and
compelling me to participate in their satanic religious ceremony, in violation of Article 27, of the
Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in a Time of War of 1949
“Protected persons are entitled, in all circumstances, to respect for their persons, their
honour, their family rights, their religious convictions and practices, and their manners and
They shall at all times be humanely treated, and shall be protected especially against all acts
of violence or threats thereof and against insults and public curiosity.
Without prejudice to the provisions relating to their state of health, age and sex, all protected
persons shall be treated with the same consideration by the Party to the conflict in whose
power they are, without any adverse distinction based, in particular, on race, religion or
political opinion….” Article 27, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time
of War of 1949 [emphasis added],

all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract

"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

Two hundred thirteen. i witnessed that over two and a half years after the Azle thugs assaulted me with
their quasi-contract, and the City Secretary still has failed to release the police report, all of which is
in furtherance of their quasi contract

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 61
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

Two hundred fourteen. the fact that i returned their Roman Cult citation within 72 hours under
their Regulation Z, Truth in Lending, and the fact that i challenged their jurisdiction, and they have
failed to prove jurisdiction, and the fact that i rejected their offer of contract and the fact that i
revoked all signatures including the signatures they forged, and the fact that i served a Notice of
Void Judgment on the Azle thugs and their so-called court by Registered Mail RR 569 489 410 US
and the green card has conveniently disappeared but the USPS website shows that it was received
on June 6, 2016, a true copy of the Notice of Void Judgment together with proof of service is
attached hereto, all of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety, and it is proof
that it doesn’t matter what i say or do, they intend to assault me with their cestui que trust US citizen
slave, they intend to assault me with their quasi contracts, they intend to assault me with their
Roman Cult satanic religious ceremony, the matter was pre-judged from the beginning, they intend
to assault me with their little extortion racket, and they intend to persecute me for my political
opinions, and now the Lake Worth thugs and the DHS thug and the Federal Bureau of Investigation
thugs have demonstrated that they intend to be their accomplices, and further,

Two hundred fifteen. i witnessed that the fake SUMMONS issued by the Lake Worth BAAL priest
(bought and paid for) Clerk masquerading as a Judge says that there is a “written complaint under
oath by D Martinez” and when Richard Bagwell requested “any and all” records related to my case
and there is no sworn complaint in the records, all of which is in furtherance of their quasi contract
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant
willfully refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

for their extortion racket to get their Federal Reserve Notes which are meant for internal use of the
government ONLY, and for US citizens ONLY
“Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term “United States” means the Government of the United
States…the term “currency of the United States” means currency which is legal tender in the
United States, and includes United States notes,…Federal Reserve Notes…” Gold Reserve
Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

Two hundred sixteen. i witnessed that a US citizen is a cestui que trust

“Chap. 854. – An Act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia.”

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 62
which was Approved on March 3, 1901, by the Fifty-Sixth Congress, Session II, at 31 Stat. 1189,
and in Sec. 117, at 31 Stat. 1208, where it says;
“That in addition to the jurisdiction conferred in the preceding section, plenary jurisdiction is
hereby given to the said court holding the said special term to hear and determine all
questions relative to the execution of any and all wills…”

and at Chapter Fifty-Six in Sec. 1617, at 31 Stat. 1432, where it says;

“The Legal Estate to be in Cestui Que Use”

“A “citizen of the United States” is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-
beneficiary of the PCT (Public Charitable Trust), the constructive, cestui que trust of US Inc.
under the 14th Amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc.” Congressional
Record, June 13 1967, pp. 15641-15646

and a US citizen is a tax payer

". . . (E)very taxpayer is a cestui qui trust having sufficient interest in the preventing abuse of
the trust to be recognized in the field of this court's prerogative jurisdiction . .” In Re Bolens
(1912), 135 N.W. 164

" might be correctly said that there is no such thing as a citizen of the United States. ..... A
citizen of any one of the States of the Union, is held to be, and called a citizen of the United
States, although technically and abstractly there is no such thing." Ex Parte Frank Knowles, 5
Cal. Rep. 300;

and federal regulations require US citizens to get a Social Security Number as found in 26 CFR §§
301.6109, therefore, a Social Security Number is a number for a cestui que trust, and a cestui que
trust falls within the definition of a corporation
““Corporation” shall be deemed to include any company, trust, so-called Massachusetts
trust, or association, incorporated or unincorporated, which is organized to carry on
business for its own profit or that of its members, and has shares of capital or capital stock
or certificates of interest, and any company, trust, so-called Massachusetts trust, or
association, incorporated or unincorporated, without shares of capital or capital stock or
certificates of interest, except partnerships, which is organized to carry on business for its
own profit or that of its members.” 15 USC 44 Definitions

which is why a US citizen has no rights, because corporations have no rights, but are property,
which is why a US citizen is a slave, because a slave is property
"The only absolute and unqualified right of a United States citizen is to residence within the
territorial boundaries of the United States," US vs. Valentine 288 F. Supp. 957

and after these Lake Worth code enforcers got finished forcibly stealing my finger prints, their
paperwork has a Social Security Number and a date of birth, none of which i provided, which is
proof that they are forcibly assaulting me with their Roman Cult cestui que trust, and further,

Two hundred seventeen. i witnessed that my son and his friends in Arizona found an “Intelligence
Bulletin” issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety in a Post Office in Arizona, which has an
image of me, and the name of their cestui que trust “GLENN WINNINGHAM FEARN”, as well as a
Date of Birth, and a Social Security Number, which is further proof that the Texas Department of
Public Safety intends to assault me with their Roman Cult cestui que trust, and they intend to
subject me to the deprivation of my immunities in violation of their District of Columbia codes

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 63
“Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully
subjects any inhabitant of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the
deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution
or laws of the United States, …….. shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than
one year, or both; ………” 18 USC § 242 Violating Rights under Color of Law

and they are conspiring together to threaten me, intimidate me, injure me, and oppress me in the
free exercise of my rights, as a man who is a direct descendant of the founding fathers and a
judicial power citizen by right of blood
“Jura sanguinis nullo jure civili dirimi possunt. The right of blood and kindred cannot be
destroyed by any civil law. Dig. 50, 17, 9; Bacon's Max. Reg. 11.” Bouvier’s Law Dictionary
1856 Edition, page 768

as found in the Statement of Original Status as found in the Affidavit of Corporate Denial that is
recorded with the Pinal County Recorder at Fee Number 2013-032373 which is talked about (or a
previous version) in each of the documents that has been served on thousands of bureaucrats
around the USA, and that may be viewed at the Pinal County Recorder website or the link below

all of which is in violation of their District of Columbia codes

“If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in
any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or
enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United
States, or because of his having so exercised the same; …They shall be fined under this title
or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; …” 18 USC § 241 Conspiracy to Violate Rights
under Color of Law;

and as further evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Conrad Rodriguez and Texas DPS
which is recorded with the Pinal County Recorder at Fee Number 2013-040002, which may be
viewed at the Pinal County Recorder website or the link below

Two hundred eighteen. i witnessed that the Lake Worth code enforcers, as well as the Texas
Department of Public Safety publish in public places that are viewed, potentially by everybody and
was probably viewed by hundreds, if not thousands, and, that discloses their Roman Cult Cestui
que trusts hearsay Social Security Number and date of birth, which is a violation of their regulations
to keep that information confidential, which is all that criminals need to steal the identity, and in
violation of their District of Columbia codes 18 USC § 798 Disclosure of Classified Information,
and further,

Two hundred nineteen. i witnessed the Lake Worth code enforcers West #259, Martin #323, D
Martinez #314, C Gregory, R Reneau, and Steve Carpenter, and the Azle code enforcers Havins,
Stutsman, Pippins, Vogel, and Hudman, and the coward DHS thug and the two Federal Bureau of
Investigation thugs falsely and willfully represent me to be a citizen of their foreign bankrupt
corporation United States in violation of their District of Columbia codes
“Whoever falsely and willfully represents himself to be a citizen of the United States shall be
fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.” 18 USC § 911, and

Two hundred twenty. I witnessed Lake Worth code enforcers West #259, Martin #323, D Martinez
#314, C Gregory, R Reneau, and Steve Carpenter, and the Azle code enforcers Havins, Stutsman,

Declaration of Criminal Complaint Azle police, Lake Worth police, DHS & FBI, & others, Page 64
City ofI

February 29, 2016

A71 e
~.../"'.../"' 00
Community & Opp~Dj '8-'t/

FEARN GLENN-WINNINGHAM !::t>.' bo,<t 11..

6340 LAKE WORTH BLVD blfj ob b" b b0
LAKE WORTH, TX 76135 ~
'lt<::' 11..(j
0 ·0
# !::' ~
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0.::> ~ 0~ ·~ vo.,fll ·~.
~ ~ ~ ~ 'Q' <f 0
Dear FEARN GLENN-WINNINGHAM: 0~ ~V~~., ~~f1 o~ CJ~ ~~
~~ 01/j ~ 0 . ~ ·~0~ .;$'. ~.. ·~CJ
On January 31,2016, you were issue1,..<)tatio:lbumb~~373~Jlt~ FAIL T~~YPROOF OF0
FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. ~1imo~ of y~~atio"!4~~6.00. rg/lc§;~ce with ~~ormation
on your citation, you have twen 0) d~ to.r;~f:/~l:ra~ts f<p· Y.#§'t~n. As of thi~ate, no action.
has been taken on your citatio youtCitatic»'i~ot t~n<ire o~.?J!i~ March 23, l €6 a Warrant and
Failure to Appear may be is a forJour ~j}.:_t ~ ~Jf9/fon~~1./t:~
0 ~
0~ 0~ ~ '1/j CJO ~~ 0b ~q 5.,~-<.,.0 ~
If you wish to mail in y~<{ plea¢pay~hec~~pn~af!i~,$elow, select ~ appror:I 'Ate o · ~d
then mail back to: A~~uni~al o.:f'd.rJI'Cf;13 slf.1?~, &b~.~:N6~. Co .~ ·~~
0 ~ c,O ,0 $ , .1/j ~ ~ Af . ~0 ·'-• ~ ('}~
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TO APPEAR BEING ~UES.l.t1li Y~cARR~.~-...:~b ~0., ~ ~.._0 !::' '«,01/j ~
~ ~~ ~~ ~~1/j~ ~ ~ ~ b ~
CHECK THE A~OP~~ PLE~:t,f.:i ~0q
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~~AD ·-.~:~lE ~4~k,~OU ~UR ~RT D~E. ~~~R:~JRE YOUR
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(IF YOU t/i';t;UI!#...
MAILI~ AD~~ IS ~i'$ECT~ J.~ ~~ /:-~ 0
.§' ~q ~v f ~<::' ·$0,~CJ ,~<::>
<# ~ ~~ ·.. '$::' ~¥$ ~~ b :<::-1/j :<::-'li ~~ ~ 0~ 1~.~ ~ 0 0:5::-0
C~K ~~~~~t~TE c;f1,~~CJ<fCJ 0~ 0~'li ~ ;:.~·$11.,~~~
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--J!~CfB~iltr~n: ~~if~~~~ ·~ ~ 0 ~ ~o~0~b0i>~
~'li ~0 ~<:' ~ ·~ 0~ 0,.,q~:l'> ~~-s' ()-'li b0~
~ '$:>'1i
~~~~~si$n: Y~~ ~~~w¥ for ttl)~rty (30)§§ys; if you go beyon~e 30 days there will be a
$2'5l1~"fime (ft'ym~l't£ ~f(i to y~· f~bfou wil~~t receive any further notice, please make sure you
pay y~~~~ld;'t#pi.§Y/to a~tltd w~ant of a#st. ,
-<.,.0 c} 0.:::, # ~ 0
_ _ 3. If y~~t~n~ f~!_~~ire~~'b:rs li~e, expired inspection sticker or expired registration sticker,
you got it renew~~i~ (tt'-l.ayf} lft_~e of~lation AND PAID COUNTY PENALTIES FOR EXPIRED
BEFORE IT CAN BE ~P~TQJ. If.~ renewed within 20 days of date of violation, you must pay the full
amount of your citation. ~ #
~ 0b

5. Defensive Driving: (You can only take this once a year in Texas for one violation). You must have a valid
Texas driver's license and proof of insurance. YOU MUST APPEAR AT THE COURT OFFICE FOR THIS

February 29,2016


5. Defensive Driving: (You can only take this once a year in Texas for one violation) . You must have a valid
Texas driver's license and proof of insurance. YOU MUST APPEAR AT THE COURT OFFICE FOR THIS

February 29, 2016


5. Defensive Driving: (You can only take this once a year in Texas for one violation). You must have a valid
Texas driver's license and proof of insurance. YOU MUST APPEAR AT THE COURT OFFICE FOR THIS

Azle Texas District of Columbia Municipal Corporation Police Court


vs Citation NO. A023735

Glenn Winningham; Fearn ALLEGED DEFENDANT

Special appearance

Jurisdictional Challenge
to the prosecution/plaintiff and to the court
by special appearance.

An appearance de bene esse is designed to permit a party to a proceeding to refuse to submit

his person to the jurisdiction of the court unless it is finally determined that he has forever
waived that right. Such an appearance is therefore a special appearance designed to allow the
accused to meet and any supposed requirement of making an appearance, and at the same
time, to refuse to submit to the jurisdiction of any alleged plaintiff (and therefore of the applicable
court), unless and until some judicial department prosecutor makes all disclosures, specifically
by producing a complaint of damage or injury, signed and verified by the injured party.


I, the alleged Defendant Glenn Winningham; Fearn. Sui Juris. Reserving all rights at all times
and places, one of the people, a natural, private common man, within the Texas a republic, by
special appearance, do challenge, and demand proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record,
of the prosecution/plaintiff to file charges/suit and prosecute. And further the jurisdiction of the
court, appearing on the record, in all actions against the alleged defendant.


"Jurisdiction can be challenged at any time," and "Jurisdiction, once challenged, cannot be

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assumed and must be decided." Basso v. Utah Power & Light Co. 395 F 2d 906, 910

"Defense of lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter may be raised at any time, even on
appeal." Hi11 Top Deve1opers v. Ho1iday Pines Service Com. 478 So. 2D, 368 F1a a DCA

"Once challenged, jurisdiction cannot be assumed, it must be proved to exist." Stuck v.

Medica1 Examiners 94 Ca 2d 751. 211 P2d 289

"There is no discretion to ignore thatlack of jurisdiction." Joyce v. US. 474 F2d 215

"Where jurisdiction is contested, the burden of establishing it rests upon the plaintiff." Laos v
American Energy Savers, Inc., 168111.App.3d 558. 522 N.E.2d 841(1988)

"the burden of proving jurisdiction rests upon the party asserting it." Binde 11 v City Of Harvey,
212111.App.3d 1042, 571 N.E.2d 1017(1st Dist. 1991)

"Court must prove on the record, all jurisdiction facts related to the jurisdiction
asserted." Lantana v. Hopper, 102 F. 2d 188; Chicago v. New York 37 FSupp. 150

"... [H]owever late this objection [to jurisdiction] has been made, or may be made in any cause, in
an inferior or appellate court of the United States, it must be considered and decided, BEFORE
any court can move ONE FURTHER STEP IN THE CAUSE; as any movement is necessarily
the exercise of jurisdiction." RHODE ISLAND MASSACHUSETTS, 37 U.S. 657. 718. 9 L.Ed.
1233 (1838).

"Where a court failed to observe safeguards, it amounts to denial of due process of law, court is
deprived of juris." Merritt v. Hunter. C.A. Kansas 170 F2d 739

"a universal principle as old as the law is that a proceedings of a court without jurisdiction are a
nullity and its judgment therein without effect either on person or property," Norwood v.
Renfield, 34 C 329; Ex parte Giambonini, 49 P. 732
':4 court has no jurisdiction to determine its own jurisdiction, for a basic issue in any case before
a tribunal is its power to act, and a court must have the authority to decide that question the first
instance." Rescue Army v. Municipal Court of Los Angeles, 171 P2d 8: 331 US 549. 91 K, ed,
1666m 67 S. Ct. 1409

"A departure by a court from those recognized and established requirements of law however
close apparent adherence to mere form in methods of procedure which has the effect of

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depriving one of a constitutional right, is an excess ofjurisdiction." Wuest v. Wuest. 127 P2d
934, 937.

·~ court cannot confer jurisdiction where none existed and cannot make a void proceeding

valid. It is clear and well established law that a void order can be challenged in any court", OLD
WAYNE MUT. L. ASSOC. v. McDONOUGH, 204 U. S. 8, 27 S. Ct. 236 (1907)

"The burden shifts to the court to prove jurisdiction." Rosemond v. Lambert. 469 F 2d 416

"Thus, where a judicial tribunal has no jurisdiction of the subject matter on which it assumes to
act, its proceedings are absolutely void in the fullest sense of the term." Dillon v. Dillon. 187

"the fact that the petitioner was released on a promise to appear before a magistrate for an
arraignment, that fact is circumstance to be considered in determining whether in first instance
there was a probable cause for the arrest." Monroe v.Papa. DC. Ill. 1963. 221 F Supp 685.

"When a judge acts where he or she does not have jurisdiction to act, the judge is engaged in
an act or acts of treason." US v Will. 449 US 200,216. 101 S Ct. 471. 66 LEd2nd 392. 406
(1980) Cohens V Virginia. 19 US (6 Wheat) 264. 404, SLEd 257 (1821)

1. Andrew Vogel was previously FIRED from representing me (see attachments) and he is still
FIRED! (See Andrew Vogle, Azle Prosecutor, Notice and Demand attached)

2. If the Clerk masquerading as a Judge thinks he is representing me, he is FIRED!

3. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record, to state jurisdiction on the record the "facts
necessary to give jurisdiction". See ...
"if the record does not show upon its face the facts necessary to give jurisdiction, they will be
presumed not to have existed. "Norman v. Zieber. 3 Or at 202-03.
Also see ... "The law requires proof of jurisdiction to appear on the record of the administrative
agency and all administrative proceedings." Hagans v. Lavine. 415 U.S. 538 (1974)

4. Proof of jurisdiction appearing on the record, that plaintiff/prosecutor has standing.

(Corpus Delicti) See ...
"For a crime to exist, there must be an injured party (Corpus Delicti) There can be no sanction

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or penalty imposed on one because of this Constitutional right." Sherer v. Cullen 481 F. 945:
Also see ...
"With no injured party, a complaint is invalid on its face". Gibson v. Bovle. ·139 Ariz. 512
Also see ...
Supreme courts ruled "Without Corpus delicti there can be no crime" "In every prosecution
for crime it is necessary to establish the "corpus delecti", i.e. , the body or elements ·of the crime."
People v. Lopez. 62 Ca.Rptr. 47. 254 C.A.2d 185. Also see ... "In every criminal trial, the
prosecution must prove the corpus delecti, or the body of the crime itself-i.e., the fact of
injury, loss or harm, and the existence of a criminal agency as its cause." People v. Sapp. 73
P.3d 433. 467 (Cal. 2003) [quoting People v. Alvarez. (2002) 27 Cal.4th 1161. 1168-1169. 119
Cai.Rptr.2d 903. 46 P.3d 372.1. Also see ...
"As a general principal, standing to invoke the judicial process requires an actual justiciable
controversy as to which the complainant has a real interest in the ultimate adjudication
because he or she has either suffered or is about to suffer an injury." People v. Superior Court.
126 Cai.Rptr.2d 793.
Also see ... "Without standing, there is no actual or justiciable controversy, and courts will not
entertain such cases. (3 Witten, Cal. Procedure (3rd ed. 1985) Actions§ 44, pp 70-72.)
"Typically, ... the standing inquiry requires careful judicial examination of a complaint's
allegations to ascertain whether the particular plaintiff is entitled to an adjudication of the
particular claims asserted." (Allen v. Wright, (1984) 468 U.S. 737, 752 ... Whether one has
standing in a particular case generally revolved around the question whether that person has
rights that may suffer some injury, actual or threatened." Clifford S. v. Superior Court. 45
Cal. Rptr. 2d 333. 335.

5. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record that the alleged defendant is subject to
commercial law and or the Uniform Commercial Code in light of the following:
Let it be known to all that I, Glenn Winningham; Fearn explicitly reserve all of my rights.
See your satanic ...
UCC 1-308 which was formally UCC 1-207. "§ 1-308. Performance or Acceptance Under
Reservation of Rights. (a) A party that with explicit reservation of rights performs or promises
performance or assents to performance in a manner demanded or offered by the other party
does not thereby prejudice the rights reserved. Such words as "without prejudice," "under
protest," or the like are sufficient."
I retain all of my rights and liberties at all times and in all places, nunc pro tunc (now for then)

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from the time of my birth and forevermore. Further, I retain my rights not to be compelled to
perform under any contract that I did not enter knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally. And
furthermore, I do not accept the liability of the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract. I
am not ever subject to silent contracts and have never knowingly or willingly contracted away
my sovereignty.

6. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record, that the defendant is subject to rules,
codes and regulations. See ...
"All codes, rules and regulations are applicable to the government authorities only, not
Human/Creators in accordance with God's laws. All codes, rules and regulations are
unconstitutional and lacking in due process... " RODRIQUES v RAY DONAVAN (U.S.
Department of Labor). 769 F. 2d 1344. 1348 (1985).

7. Proof of jurisdiction appearing on the record, to force the alleged defendant into
involuntary servitude. See ...
UNITED STATES V. KOZMINSKI. 487 U.S. 931 (1988) "For purposes of criminal prosecution
under§ 241 or§ 1584, the term "involuntary servitude" necessarily means a condition of
servitude in which the victim is forced to work for the defendant by the use or threat of physical
restraint or physical injury or by the use or threat of coercion through law or the legal process.
This definition encompasses cases in which the defendant holds the victim in servitude by
placing him or her in fear of such physical restraint or injury or legal coercion."
Also see... The constitution for the united States 1789. 13th amendment, Section 1. Neither
slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have
been duly convicted, shall exist within the united States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Also see ...
The constitution for the united States. 1789, Preamble We the people of the united States, in
order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the
common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to
ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the united States of

8. Proof of jurisdiction appearing on the record, that the alleged defendant is a person or
other legal or commercial entity. See your satanic ...
UCC 1-201 General Definitions (27) "Person" means an individual, corporation, business trust,
estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, joint venture, government,

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governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, public corporation, or any other legal or
commercial entity. Also see ...
American Law and Procedure, Vol. 13, page 137, 1910: "This word 'person' and its scope and
bearing in the law, involving, as it does, legal fictions and also apparently natural beings, it is
difficult to understand; but it is absolutely necessary to grasp, at whatever cost, a true and
proper understanding to the word in all the phases of its proper use ... A person is here not a
physical or individual person, but the status or condition with which he is invested ... not an
individual or physical person, but the status, condition or character borne by physical
persons ... The law of persons is the law of status or condition." Also see. .. Uniform Commercial
code creates a corporate State of the United States, the federal corporation. As opposed to one
of the dejure several States.
Also See ...
UCC 1-201. General Definitions. (38)"State" means a State of the [corporate] United States, ...
As opposed to ...
USC TITLE 28 >PART VI> CHAPTER 176 >SUBCHAPTER A>§ 3002Definitions (14)"State"
means any of the [dejure union states] several States, ...

9. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record, that the alleged defendant is not
sovereign. See ...
"In the United States the People are sovereign and the government cannot sever its
relationship to the People by taking away their citizenship." Afroyim v. Rusk, 387 U.S. 253(
Also see... "The People of a State are entitled to all rights which formerly belonged to the
King by his prerogative." Lansing v. Smith. 4 Wendel19. 20(1829) Also see ...
In Europe, the executive is synonymous with the sovereign power of a state ... where it is too
commonly acquired by force or fraud or both ... ln America, however the case is widely different.
Our government is founded upon Compact. Sovereignty was, and is, in the People. Glass v.
The Sloop Betsy. 3 Dall 6. (1794)

10. Proof of jurisdiction appearing on the record, to force the alleged defendant or other
sovereigns to be subject to statutes.
See... US Supreme Court in Wilson v. Omaha Indian Tribe. 442 US 653. 667 (1979): "In
common usage, the term 'person' does not include the sovereign, and statutes employing
the word are ordinarily construed to exclude it." Also see ...
US Supreme Court in U.S. v. Cooper. 312 US 600.604. 61 S.Ct 742 (1941): "Since in common

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1 '
usage the term 'person' does not include the sovereign, statutes employing that term are
ordinarily construed to exclude it. "
Also see... US Supreme Court in U.S. v. United Mine Workers of America. 330 U.S. 258 67
SCt677 (1947):"1n common usage, the term 'person' does not include the sovereign and
statutes employing it will ordinarily not be construed to do so."
Also see ... US Supreme Court in US v. Fox. 94 US 315: "Since in common usage, the term
'person' does not include the sovereign, statutes employing the phrase are ordinarily
construed to exclude it." Also see ...
U.S. v. General Motors Corporation. D.C. Ill. 2 F.R.D. 528. 530: "In common usage the word
'person' does not include the sovereign, and statutes employing the word are generally
construed to exclude the sovereign." Also see ...
Church of Scientology v. US Department of Justice. 612 F.2d 417. 425 (1979): "the word
'person' in legal terminology is perceived as a general word which normally includes in its scope
a variety of entities other than human beings. See e.g., 1 U.S. C. Sec. 1."

11. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record, that the alleged defendant is a citizen of
the United States and not a State Citizen in light of the following:
I, Glenn Winningham; Fearn, am not a United States corporation citizen or a 14th amendment
citizen . I am a State Citizen of one of the several states of the republic, and not as a state of
the United States®.
And I reject any attempted expatriation.
See .. . attached Affidavit of Corporate Denial
Also see... Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA) of 1976
FOREIGN STATES § 1604. Immunity of a foreign state from jurisdiction Subject to existing
international agreements to which the United States is a party at the time of enactment of this
Act a foreign state shall be immune from the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States
and of the States except as provided in sections 1605 to 1607 of this chapter. Also see ...
In Volume 20: Corpus Juris Sec. § 1785 we find "The United States government is a foreign
corporation with respect to a State"(see: NY re: Merriam 36 N.E. 505 1441 S. 0.1973, 14 L.
Ed. 287).
Also see .. . DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (the United States®) created by the Congressional act
of 1871, which states " ... the District of Columbia, by which name it is hereby constituted a
body corporate for municipal purposes, and may contract and be contracted with, sue and
be sued, plead and be impleaded ... "

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Also see... "The idea prevails with some, indeed it has expression in arguments at the bar, that
we have in this country substantially two national governments; one to be maintained under
the Constitution, with all its restrictions; the other to be maintained by Congress outside
and independently of that instrument, by exercising such powers as other nations of the
earth are accustomed to ... / take leave to say that, if the principles thus announced should ever
receive the sanction of a majority of this court, a radical and mischievous change in our system
will result. We will, in that event, pass from the era of constitutional liberty guarded and
protected by a written constitution into an era of legislative absolutism ... It will be an evil day for
American Liberty if the theory of a government outside the Supreme Law of the Land finds
lodgment in our Constitutional Jurisprudence. No higher duty rests upon this court than to
exert its full authority to prevent all violation of the principles of the Constitution." -
Honorab1e Supreme Court Justice John Harian in the 1901 case of Downes v. Bidwe11.
Also see ... UCC 1-201. General Definitions(38) "State" means a State of the United States, the
District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular
possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. Also see ...
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 43 > § 911: Citizen of the United States "Whoever falsely and
willfully represents himself to be a citizen of the United States shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned not more than three years, or both." Also see ...
Declaration of Independence. (Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776): The Unanimous
Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America "We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these
rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the

12. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record, that the alleged defendant cannot have
status of State Citizen. See ...
15 united States statute at large, July 27th, 1868 also known as the expatriation statute.
Also see ... U.S. v. Anthony 24 Fed. 829 (1873) "The term resident and citizen of the United
States is distinguished from a Citizen of one of the several states, in that the former is a
special class of citizen created by Congress."
Also see ...
"We have in our political system a government of the United States and a government of each
of the several States. Each one of these governments is distinct from the others, and each

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has citizens of it's own ... " United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875)
Also see. .. "... he was not a citizen of the United States, he was a citizen and voter of the
State,... ""One may be a citizen of a State an yet not a citizen of the United States".
McDonel v. The State, 90 Ind. 320 (1883)
Also see... "That there is a citizenship of the United States and citizenship of a state, ... "
Tashiro v. Jordan, 201 Cal. 236(1927)
Also see ... "A citizen of the United States is a citizen of the federal government ... " Kitchens v.
Steele, 112 F. Supp 383
Also see ... State v. Manuel, 20 NC 122: "the term 'citizen' in the United States, is analogous to
the term 'subject' in common law; the change of phrase has resulted from the change in
government. "
Also see ... Jones v. Temmer. 89 F. Supp 1226: "The privileges and immunities clause of the
14th Amendment protects very few rights because it neither incorporates the Bill of Rights, nor
protects all rights of individual citizens. Instead this provision protects only those rights peculiar
to being a citizen of the federal government; it does not protect those rights which relate to state
Also see ... Supreme Court: US vs. Valentine 288 F. Supp. 957: "The only absolute and
unqualified right of a United States citizen is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the
United States. "

13. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record, that the alleged defendants' rights are
alienable. See ...
"Men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,-'life, liberty, and the pursuit
of happiness;' and to 'secure,' not grant or create, these rights, governments are instituted.
That property [or income} which a man has honestly acquired he retains full control of."
[Budd v. People of State of New York, 143 U.S. 517 (1892)1

14. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record. To deny the alleged defendant the right to
travel. See ...
SHAPIRO vs. THOMSON. 394 U.S. 618 April21. 1969: "Further, the Right to TRAVEL by
private conveyance for private purposes upon the Common way can NOT BE
INFRINGED. No license or permission is required for TRAVEL when such TRAVEL IS
NOT for the purpose of [COMMERCIAL] PROFIT OR GAIN on the open highways
operating under license IN COMMERCE."
Also see ...

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"The claim and exercise of a constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime." Miller
v. US, 230 F 486. at 489.
Also see ...
"There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of this exercise of
constitutional rights." Sherer v. Cullen. 481 F 946.
15. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record , to convert a liberty into a privilege. See ...
Murdock v. Penn .. 319 US 105, (1943) "No state shall convert a liberty into a privilege,
license it, and attach a fee to it." Also see... Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham. 373 US 262.
(1969) "If the state converts a liberty into a privilege, the citizen can engage in the right with
Also see ... Miranda v. Arizona. 384 U.S. 436. (1966) "Where rights secured by the Constitution
are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation, which would abrogate them."

16. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record, to conspire against or deprive the rights of
the defendant under color of law. See .. .
Black's Law Dictionarv. Fifth Edition. p. 241, color of law: The appearance or semblance,
without the substance, of legal right. Misuse of power, possessed by virtue of state law and
made possible only because wrongdoer is clothed with authority of state, is action taken
under "color of state law." Atkins v. Lanning. D.C.Okl. . 415 F.Supp. 186. 188.
Also see ...
USC TITLE 18 >PART I> CHAPTER 13 > § 241 Conspiracy against rights: "If two or more
persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory,
Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or
privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his
having so exercised the same; or If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on
the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of
any right or privilege so secured- They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more
than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or
if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an
attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to ki/1, they shall be fined under this
title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death."
Also see ...
The court held in UNITED STATES v. KOZMINSKI. 487 U.S. 931 (1988) by looking to the
meaning of the Thirteenth Amendment in interpreting two enforcement statutes, one prohibiting

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conspiracy to interfere with exercise or enjoyment of constitutional rights, the other prohibiting
the holding of a person in a condition of involuntary servitude. For purposes of prosecution
under these authorities, the Court held, "the term 'involuntary servitude' necessarily means a
condition of servitude in which the victim is forced to work for the defendant by the use or threat
of physical restraint or physical injury, or by the use or threat of coercion through law or the legal
process." Also see ...
"Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or
legislation which would abrogate them." MIRANDA V. ARIZONA. 384 U.S. 436, 491.
Also see... "The State cannot diminish rights of the people." HERTADO V. CALIFORNIA, 110
U.S. 516

17. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record, of having taken an oath of office.

18. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record, that the court or the prosecution has the
right to violate their oath of office. See ...
"faithfully perform the duties of his office" which is to secure defendants unalienable Right to
the liberty of ownership of property as per the Declaration of Independence secured in the
contract known as the Constitution for the united States of 1789.
I, Glenn Winningham; Fearn, accept your oath of office and bind you to it.

19. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record, to impair or force nonexistent obligations
to a contract.

20. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record, of any maritime or admiralty contract that
the alleged defendant is a part of. See ...
Alexander v.Bothsworth. 1915. "Party cannot be bound by contract that he has not made or
authorized. Free consent is an indispensable element in making valid contracts."

21. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record, to deprive the defendant of common law
rights/due process as protected by both the Constitution for the united States and the dejure
state constitution.

22. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record, the alleged defendant has given consent
to anything or anyone to govern him or his private property.

23. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record, that police officers are above the law.

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See ...
Butz v. Economou, 98 S. Ct. 2894 1978); United States v. Lee, 106 U.S. at 220, 1 S. Ct. at 261
(1882) "No man [or woman] in this country is so high that he is above the law. No officer of the
law may set that law at defiance with impunity. All the officers of the government from the
highest to the lowest, are creatures of the law, and are bound to obey it."
Also see ...
a Citizen challenges the acts of a federal or state official as being illegal, that official cannot just
simply avoid liability based upon the fact that he is a public official. In United States v. Lee 106
U.S. 196, 220. 221. 1 S.Ct. 240. 261, the United States claimed title to Arlington, Lee's estate,
via a tax sale some years earlier, held to be void by the Court. In so voiding the title of the
United States the Court declared: "No man in this country is so high that he is above the law.
No officer of the law may set that law at defiance with impunity. All the officers of the
government, from the highest to the lowest, are creatures of the law and are bound to obey it. It
is the only supreme power in our system of government, and every man who by accepting office
participates in its functions is only the more strongly bound to submit to that supremacy, and to
observe the limitations which it imposes upon the exercise of the authority which it gives."
Also see ... Pierce v. United States ("The Floyd Acceptances"), 7 Wall. (74 U.S.) 666. 677 ("We
have no officers in this government from the President down to the most subordinate agent, who
does not hold office under the law, with prescribed duties and limited authority"); Cunningham v.
Macon, 109 U.S. 446, 452. 456. 3 S.Ct. 292, 297 ("In these cases he is not sued as, or because
he is, the officer of the government, but as an individual, and the court is not ousted of
jurisdiction because he asserts authority as such officer. To make out his defense he must show
that his authority was sufficient in law to protect him .. .lt is no answer for the defendant to say
I am an officer of the government and acted under its authority unless he shows the
sufficiency of that authority'~; and Poindexter v. Greenhaw. 114 U.S. 270. 287. 5 S.Ct. 903.
Also see... WHEREAS, officials and even judges have no immunity See, Owen vs. City of
Independence. 100 S Ct.1398; Maine vs. Thiboutot. 100 S. Ct. 2502; and Hafer vs. Melo. 502
U.S. 21; officials and judges are deemed to know the law and sworn to uphold the law; officials
and judges cannot claim to act in good faith in willful deprivation of law, they certainly cannot
plead ignorance of the law, even the Citizen cannot plead ignorance of the law, the courts have
ruled there is no such thing as ignorance of the law, it is ludicrous for learned officials and
judges to plead ignorance of the law therefore there is no immunity, judicial or otherwise, in
matters of rights secured by the Constitution for the United States of America. See: Title

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42 U.S.C. Sec. 1983.
Also see... "Personal involvement in deprivation of constitutional rights is prerequisite to
award of damages, but defendant may be personally involved in constitutional deprivation by
direct participation, failure to remedy wrongs after learning about it, creation of a policy or
custom under which unconstitutional practices occur or gross negligence in managing
subordinates who cause violation." (Gallegos v. Haggerty, N.D. of New York. 689 F. Supp.
93 (1988).

24. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record that a commercial entity can detain,
imprison, enslave and force into indentured servitude a human being. See .. .
13th amendment. united States constitution
Also see... USC TITLE 18 > PART I> CHAPTER 55 > § 1201 Kidnapping

25. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record that a commercial entity can sell penal
bonds on human beings and/or sovereign Citizens. See ...
13th amendment. united States constitution
Also see... USC TITLE 15 > CHAPTER 1 > § 17 "The labor of a human being is not a
commodity or article of commerce . "
Also see... Palermo protocols United Nations 2000
Also see... TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 77 > § 1590. Trafficking with respect to peonage ,
slavery, involuntary servitude, or forced labor

26. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record that corporate entities can interface with
other than corporate entities. See ...
"Inasmuch as every government is an artificial Person, an abstraction, and a creature of the
mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary,
having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the
tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency,
aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons
and the contracts between them." S.C.R. 1795. Penhallow v. Doane's Administrators 3 U.S. 54;
1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54; and ,
"the contracts between them" involve U.S. citizens, which are deemed as Corporate Entities:
"Therefore, the U.S. citizens residing in one of the states of the union, are classified as property
and franchises of the federal government as an individual entity"", Wheeling Steel Corp. v. Fox.

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298 U.S. 193. 80 L.Ed . 1143. 56 S.Ct. 773

27. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record that I am the property of the federal
government. See ...
"Therefore, the U.S. citizens residing in one of the states of the union, are classified as property
and franchises of the federal government as an "individual entity"", Wheeling Steel Corp. v.Fox,
298 U.S. 193. 80 L.Ed. 1143. 56 S.Ct. 773

28. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record, that the alleged defendant cannot stand
upon his/her constitutional rights. See ...
Hale v. Henkel was decided by the united States Supreme Court in 1906. The opinion of the
court states: "The "individual" may stand upon "his Constitutional Rights" as a CITIZEN. He is
entitled to carry on his "private" business in his own way. "His power to contract is unlimited."
He owes no duty to the State or to his neighbors to divulge his business, or to open his doors to
an investigation, so far as it may tend to incriminate him. He owes no duty to the State, since he
receives nothing there from, beyond the protection of his life and property. "His rights" are such
as "existed" by the Law of the Land (Common Law) "long antecedent" to the organization of the
State", and can only be taken from him by "due process of law", and "in accordance with the
Constitution." "He owes nothing" to the public so long as he does not trespass upon their rights.

29. There are no Article 3 Courts in a territorial jurisdiction
"Eliminating, then, from the opinions of this court all expressions unnecessary to the
disposition of the particular case, and gleaning therefrom the exact point decided in
each, the following propositions may be considered as established:
1. That the District of Columbia and the territories are not states within the judicial clause
of the Constitution giving jurisdiction in cases between citizens of different states;
2. That territories are not states within the meaning of Rev. Stat. 709, permitting writs of
!!!:Q! from this court in cases where the validity of a state statute is drawn in question;
3. That the District of Columbia and the territories are states as that word is used in
treaties with foreign powers, with respect to the ownership, disposition, and inheritance
of property;
4. That the territories are not within the clause of the Constitution providing for the
creation of a supreme court and such inferior courts as Congress may see fit to
6. That where the Constitution has been once formally extended by Congress to
territories, neither Congress nor the territorial legislature can enact laws inconsistent
therewith." Downes v Bidwell182 US 244

and your District of Columbia territorial so-called court is unconstitutional in Texas,

6. That where the Constitution has been once formally extended by Congress to

Jurisdictional Challenge by special appearance, with Exhibits, Counter Claim, & Notice of Void Judgment, CITATION NO.
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territories, neither Congress nor the territorial legislature can enact laws inconsistent
therewith." Downes v Bidwell 182 US 244

30. The Texas Transportation Code, the Texas Government Code, the Texas Business and
Commerce Code (Uniform Commercial Code), and the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure are
federal statutes for US citizens in Texas
"INTERNATIONAL LAW RULE: Adopted for areas under Federal legislative jurisdiction"
"Federalizes State civil law, including common /aw.--The rule serves to federalize not
only the statutory but the common law of a State. Kniffen v. Hercules Powder Co., 164
Kan. 196, 188 P.2d980 (1948); Kaufman v. Hopper, 220 N.Y. 184. 115 N.E. 470 (1917), see
also 151 App. Div. 28, 135 N.Y.Supp. 363 (1912), afrd., 163 App. Div. 863, 146 N.Y. Supp.
1096 (1914); Norfolk & P.B.L.R. v. Parker, ... "
STATE AND FEDERAL VENUE DISCUSSED: The civil laws effective in an area of
exclusive Federal jurisdiction are Federal law, notwithstanding their derivation from State
laws, and a cause arising under such laws may be brought in or removed to a Federal
district court under sections 24 or 28 of the former Judicial Code (now sections 1331 and
1441 of title 28, United States Code), giving jurisdiction to such courts of civil actions
arising under the "* * *laws * * * of the United States" where the matter in controversy
exceeds the sum or value of $3,000, exclusive of interest and costs." Jurisdiction over
Federal Areas Within the States- Report of the Interdepartmental Committee for the Study of
Jurisdiction over Federal Areas Within the States, Part II, A Text of the Law of Legislative
Jurisdiction Submitted to the Attorney General and Transmitted to the President June 1957,
page 158-165 [emphasis added]

"In the sense of public international law, the several states of the Union are neither
foreign to the United States nor are they foreign to each other, but such is not the case in
the field of private international law." Robinson v. Norato, 71 Rl 256, 43 A2d 467, 162 ALR
362. [Emphasis added]

and a US citizen is NOT entitled to an Article 3 Court, but instead gets an Article 1 Court with a
plenary (military dictatorship) jurisdiction and Art. 1, Section 8, Clause 17 Constitution for the
United States of America as defined and reinstated in National Mutua/Insurance Company of
the District of Columbia v. Tidewater Transfer Companv, 337 U.S. 582, 93 L.Ed. 1556 (1948):
which further states that citizens of the District of Columbia are not embraced by the
judicial power under Article Ill of the Constitution for the United States of America, the same
statement is held in Hepburn v. Dundas v. Elizey, 2 Cranch (U.S.) 445, 2 L.Ed. 332.; In 1804,
the Supreme Court, through Chief Justice Marshall, held that a citizen of the District of Columbia
was not a citizen of a state;
"We therefore decline to overrule the opinion of Chief Justice Marshall: We hold that the
District of Columbia is not a state within Article 3 of the Constitution. In other words
cases between citizens of the District and those of the states were not included of the
catalogue of controversies over which the Congress could give jurisdiction to the federal
courts by virtue of Article 3. In other words Congress has exclusive legislative
jurisdiction over citizens of Washington District of Columbia and through their plenary

Jurisdictional Challenge by special appearance, with Exhibits, Counter Claim, & Notice of Void Judgment, CITATION No.
Rogi,tered MWI Return Rocoipt RR 569 488 935 ~., RE 463 802 260 US to Vogol page 15 of32
power nationally covers those citizens even when in one of the several states as though
the district expands for the purpose of regulating its citizens wherever they go
throughout the states in union" National Mutual Insurance Company of the District of
Columbia v. Tidewater Transfer Company, 337 U.S. 582, 93 L.Ed. 1556 (1948)

which is codified in your codes at;

"If any citizen or resident of the United States does not reside in (and is not found in) any
United States Judicial District, such citizen or resident shall be treated as residing in The
District of Columbia for purposes of any provisions of this Title to " (A) jurisdiction of
courts, or (B) enforcement of summons." 26 USC § 7701 (39) see also 26 USC § 7408(C)

31. Your District of Columbia territorial so-called Court is NOT an Article 3 Court, but is an
Article 1 Court under Admiralty Maritime Law and the Uniform Commercial Code and is for US
citizens, ONLY, and even then, there has to be a contract
"It is impossible to prove jurisdiction exists absent a substantial nexus with the state,
such as voluntary subscription to license. All jurisdictional facts supporting claim that
supposed jurisdiction exists must appear on the record of the court." Pipe Line v
Marathon. 102 S. Ct. 3858 quoting Crowell v Benson 883 US 22

32. Your District of Columbia territorial so-called Court is an inferior court of limited
jurisdiction, in contradistinction to a superior court of general jurisdiction
"Chap. 854.- An Act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia." which was
Approved on March 3, 1901, at 31 Stat. 1189, and at Chapter 1 -Laws Remaining in Force-
Judiciary Sec. 2, where it says; "The judicial power in the District shall continue as at
present to be vested in-
First. Inferior courts, namely, justices of the peace and the police court ; and
Second. Superior courts, namely, the supreme court of the District of Columbia, the court
of appeals of the District of Columbia, and the Supreme Court of the United States .... ",
[emphasis added)

"Also nothing shall be intended to be within the jurisdiction of an inferior court, but what
is expressly so alleged : and if part of the cause arises within the inferior jurisdiction,
and part thereof without it, the inferior court ought not to hold plea. 1 Lev. 104: 2 Rep. 16.
See tit Abatement. 1... " 1835 Tomlins Law Dictionary, [emphasis added)

"A court of general jurisdiction is presumed to be acting within its jurisdiction till the
contrary is shown." Brown, Jur Section 202; Wright v. Douglas, 10 Barb. (N.Y.) 97; Town of
Huntington v. Town of Charlotte, 15 Vt. 46.

"Chap. 854.- An Act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia."
which was Approved on March 3, 1901, at 31 Stat. 1189, and at Chapter 1- Laws Remaining
in Force, Subchapter 2 - Police Court at Sec. 42, where it says;
"Constitution.-There shall continue to be a police court in the District, as at present. ... ",
[emphasis added]

and at Police Court at Sec. 44, where it says; "That prosecutions in the police court shall be
on information by the proper prosecuting officer.... ", [emphasis added]

Jurisdictional Challenge by special appearance, with Exhibits, Counter Claim, & Notice ofVoid Judgment, CITATION No.
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which is a violation of my right to due process, and your Police Court is an ecclesiastical court
under the Vatican and Roman Law
"CITATION, citatio. A summons to appear, applied particularly to process in the Spiritual
Court. The Ecclesiastical Courts proceed according to the course of the civil and canon
laws, by citation, libel, &c. A person is not normally to be cited to appear out of the
diocese, or peculiar jurisdiction where he lives; unless it be by the archbishop, in default
of the ordinary; where the ordinary is party to the suit, in cases of appeal, &c., and by law
a defendant may be sued where he lives, though it is for subtracting tithes in another
diocese, &c. 1 Nels. 449. By the stat. 28 H. 8. c. 9." Tomlin's Law Dictionary 1835, Volume 1,
[emphasis added],

"Citation, (Citatio) A Summons to appear, applied particularly to Process in the Spiritual

Court. The Ecclesiastical Courts proceed according to the Course of the Civil and Canon
Laws, by Citation, Libel, &c. A Person is not generally to be cited to appear out of the
Diocese, or peculiar Jurisdiction where he lives; .... ", Jacob A New Law Dictionary, 1750,
[emphasis added],

"Citation. This is also the name of the process used in the English ecclesiastical,
probate. and divorce courts to call the defendant or respondent before them. 3 Bl. Comm.
100. 3 Steph. Comm. 720." Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Edition, at page 202

and I have a right not to participate in your satanic religious ceremony.

33. I served your for former Chief of Police, Steve Myers a Notice and Demand by
Registered Mail RA 351 950 277 US and the proof of Service shows that he received it on April
28, 2008, and in Paragraph 14 it says;
"You, Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, et al, are NOTICED that I am not a second class
UNITED STATES citizen, 14th Amendment Citizen, corporation or other fictitious entity as
found in CORPORATE DENIAL AFFIDAVIT, recorded with the Pinal County Recorder at
with the Pinal County Recorder at FEE NUMBER 2005-120448, both of which are
incorporated herein by reference in their entirety."
a true copy of which together with proof of service are attached hereto, all of which is
incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
See ... attached Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief Notice and Demand

34. I served your Prosecutor, Andrew Vogel a Notice and Demand by Registered Mail RA
351 950 285 US and the proof of Service shows that he received it on April 28, 2008, and in
Paragraph 14 it says;
"You, Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, et al, are NOTICED that I am not a second class
UNITED STATES citizen, 14th Amendment Citizen, corporation or other fictitious entity as
found in CORPORATE DENIAL AFFIDAVIT, recorded with the Pinal County Recorder at

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with the Pinal County Recorder at FEE NUMBER 2005-120448, both of which are
incorporated herein by reference in their entirety."
a true copy of which together with proof of service are attached hereto, all of which is
incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
See... attached Andrew Vogle, Azle Prosecutor Notice and Demand

35. Your code enforcers LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers) are operating in their private
"An officer who acts in violation of the Constitution ceases to represent the
government". Brookfield Const. Co. v. Stewart, 284 F. Supp. 94

as revenue officers under the Federal Tax Lien Act of 1966

"(h) DEFINITION's ..... (1) SECURITY INTEREST.-The term 'security interest' means any
interest in property acquired by contract for the purpose of securing payment or
performance of an obligation or indemnifying against loss or liability. A security interest
exists at any time (A) if, at such time, the property is in existence and the interest has
become protected under local law against a subsequent judgment lien arising out of an
unsecured obligation, and (B) to the extent that, at such time, the holder has parted "with
money or money's worth. "(3) MOTOR VEHICLE.-The term 'motor vehicle' means a self-
propelled vehicle which is registered for highway use under the laws of any State or
foreign country. "(4) SECURITY.-The term 'security' means any bond, debenture, .!lQ!!!, or
certificate or other evidence of indebtedness, issued by a corporation or a government or
political subdivision thereof, with interest coupons or in registered form, share of stock,
voting trust certificate, or any certificate of interest or participation in, certificate of
deposit or receipt for, temporary or interim certificate for, or warrant or right to subscribe
to or purchase any of the foregoing: negotiable instrument: or money." Federal Tax Lien
Act of 1966 at Public Law 89-719 at 80 Stat. 1130-1131

36. Your code enforcers LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers) assaulted Me because of your
District of Columbia Texas Transportation Code requirements for a Drivers License and
Insurance, and speeding, all of which are statutes, which means that the so-called Judge is
actually a Clerk working for the prosecutor
""When acting to enforce a statute and its subsequent amendments to the present date,
the judge of the municipal court is acting as an administrative officer and not in a judicial
capacity; courts administrating or enforcing statutes do not act judicially, but merely
ministerially .... but merely act as an extension as an agent for the involved agency-- but
only in a "ministerial" and not a "discretionary capacity ... " Thompson v. Smith, 154 S.E.
579, 583; Keller v. P.E., 261 US 428; F.R.C. v. G.E., 281, U.S. 464.

" ...judges who become involved in enforcement of mere statutes (civil or criminal in
nature and otherwise), act as mere "clerks" of the involved agency ... " K.C. Davis,
ADMIN. LAW, Ch. 1 (CTP. West's 1965 Ed.)

"It is the accepted rule, not only in state courts, but, of the federal courts as well, that

Jurisdictional Challenge by special appearance, with Exhibits, Counter Claim, & Notice of Void Judgment, CITATION NO.
Rey;""""d Mail R~oipt RR 569 488 935 US to Co~b2 US to Vogel page 18 of32
when a judge is enforcing administrative law they are described as mere 'extensions of
the administrative agency for superior reviewing purposes' as a ministerial clerk for an
agency... " 30 Cal 596; 167 Cal762,

and when a Judge becomes a Clerk working for the prosecutor, he is NOT acting in his official
capacity, but is acting in his private capacity,

"An officer who acts in violation of the Constitution ceases to represent the
government". Brookfield Const. Co. v. Stewart, 284 F. Supp. 94

and he cannot do anything judicial

"Ministerial officers are incompetent to receive grants of judicial power from the
legislature, their acts in attempting to exercise such powers are necessarily nullities"
Burns v. Sup., Ct., SF, 140 Cal. 1, and further,

therefore any so-called order the Clerk (masquerading as a Judge) issues, is a fraud and a
nullity, like a warrant for arrest, is a fraud and a nullity, and a fine is a fraud and a nullity, and he
is fully liable in his personal capacity, and has no judicial immunity
" ... where any state proceeds against a private individual in a judicial forum it is well
settled that the state, county, municipality, etc. waives any immunity to counters, cross
claims and complaints, by direct or collateral means regarding the matters involved."
Lucken back v. The Thekla, 295 F 1020, 226 Us 328; Lyders v. Lund, 32 F2d 308;

"When enforcing mere statutes, judges of all courts do not act judicially" (and thus are
not protected by "qualified" or "limited immunity,"- SEE: Owen v. City, 445 U.S. 662;
Bothke v. Terry, 713 F2d 1404)--

"but merely act as an extension as an agent for the involved agency -- but only in a
"ministerial" and not a "discretionary capacity ... " Thompson v. Smith, 154 S.E. 579, 583;
Keller v. P.E., 261 US 428; F.R.C. v. G.E., 281, U.S. 464.

Immunity for judges does not extend to acts which are clearly outside of their
jurisdiction. Bauers v. Heisel, C.A. N.J. 1966, 361 F.2d 581, Cert. Den. 87 S.Ct. 1367, 386
U.S. 1021, 18 L.Ed. 2d 457 (see also Muller v. Wachtel, D.C.N.Y. 1972, 345 F.Supp. 160;
Rhodes v. Houston, D.C. Nebr. 1962, 202 F.Supp. 624 affirmed 309 F.2d 959, Cert. den 83 St.
724,372 U.S. 909,9 L.Ed. 719, Cert. Den 83 S.Ct. 1282,383 U.S. 971, 16 L.Ed. 2nd 311,
Motion denied 285 F.Supp. 546).

"In arriving at our decision in this matter we do not depart in any way from our holding in
Huendling v. Jensen [*300] that the doctrine of judicial immunity extends to courts of
limited jurisdiction. But, when a minor magistrate acts wholly without jurisdiction, civil
liability attaches for his malicious and corrupt abuse of process and his willful and
malicious oppression of any person under the pretense of acting in his official capacity.
See Huendling v. Jensen, 168 N.W.2d at 749 and authorities cited."188 N.W.2d 294; 1971
Iowa Sup. LEXIS 863; 64 A.L.R.3d 1242

and your so-called court is actually a kangaroo court

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"Kangaroo court. Term descriptive of a sham legal proceeding in which a person's rights
are totally disregarded and in which the result is a foregone conclusion because of the
bias of the court or other tribunal." Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition, page 868,

37. Everything your so-called court does is a fraud and a nullity under color of law
"Colour of Law- Mere semblance of a legal right. An action done under colour of law is
one done with the apparent authority of law but actually in contravention of law." Barron's
Canadian Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page 51 [emphasis added]

"Color" means "An appearance, semblance, or simulacrum, as distinguished from that

which is real. A prima facia or apparent right. Hence, a deceptive appearance, a plausible,
assumed exterior, concealing a lack of reality; a disguise or pretext. See also colorable."
Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Edition, on page 240. [emphasis added]

"Colour, color. Signifies a probable plea, but which is in fact false ... " Tomlin's Law
Dictionary 1835, Volume 1

by assaulting you based on their fictitious US citizen which is a fraud

"By metaphysical refinement in examining the form of our government it might be
correctly said that there is no such thing as a citizen of the United States.
A citizen of any one of the States of the Union is held to be and called a citizen of the
United States, although technically and abstractly there is no such thing." Ex Parte Frank
Knowles, 5 Cal. Rep. 300, [emphasis added]

by criminally converting your proper appellation into a fictitious fraud "GLENN-WINNINGHAM,

FEARN" in my case,

by criminally converting my postal address from the land of Texas into their District of Columbia
territory with the use of a ZIP CODE
"As we have said, the Federal Personal Income Tax is Collected under a Military Venue
within a Martial-Law jurisdiction. Federal Reserve Notes are Military Scrip circulated
within a Military Venue. The problem is the people don't understand how the entire
United States is covered by a Military Venue .... Under the Social Security Act, there was
brought into existence Ten Federal Regional Areas. These ten federal regional areas are
the same as a military base. It is not unconstitutional to circulate "military scrip" on a
military base as the base is considered to be a military venue. "Military scrip" cannot
circulate in the civil jurisdiction of the several States. To get around this Constitutional
bar, the Congress (via the Social Security Act), created Ten Military Venues, called
Federal Regional Areas. The problem the Congress realized was, while Congress could
restructure the Government agencies into these Federal Regional Areas, the people
could not be identified to be within this Military Venue but by their own consent. The
solution was to create another Military Venue which would trick the people to voluntarily
accept recognition that they are within a Military Venue. Congress solved this problem by
creating the .ZIP CODE. The "zip code" divides the United States into Ten Military Venues
called "National Areas." When a Citizen receives mail from an agency of the federal
government (such as the I.R.S.), in the return address of the federal agency is the district

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within the regional area the letter is sent from, and on the address of the "Citizen" it was
sent to is the national area [ZIP] in which he received the correspondence from the I.R.S ..
In other words, the correspondence was sent from one of the federal regional areas
[military venue) to one of the National Areas (another military venue]. "Taxing Districts"
are established within one of the Federal Regional Areas, which places the collection of
taxes under a martial law jurisdiction." Dyett v Turner 439 P2d 266 @ 269, 20 U2d 403
[1968] The Non-Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment by Assistant Director A. H. Ellett,
Utah Supreme Court [Emphasis added],

by assaulting Me with their fraudulent fictitious unconstitutional District of Columbia municipal

corporation called City of Azle
"Fifth. The Constitution has undoubtedly conferred on Congress the right to create such
municipal organizations as it may deem best for all the territories of the United States,
whether they have been incorporated or not, to give to the inhabitants as respects the
local governments such degree of representation as may be conducive to the public
wellbeing, to deprive such territory of representative government if it is considered just
to do so, and to change such local governments at discretion." Downes v Bidwell 182 US

by assaulting Me with their fraudulent fictitious unconstitutional District of Columbia municipal

corporation called State of Texas when they know that no corporation has standing to do
anything in any court
"My opinion is and long has been that the mayor and aldermen of a city corporation, or
the president and directors of a bank, or the president and directors of a railroad
company and of other similar corporations, are the true parties that sue and are sued as
trustees and representatives of the constantly changing stockholders .... A corporation,
therefore, being not a natural person. but a mere creature of the mind. invisible and
intangible, cannot be a citizen of a state, or of the United States, and cannot fall within
the terms or the power of the above mentioned article, and can therefore neither plead
nor be impleaded in the courts of the United States." Rundle v Delaware & Raritan Canal
Company 55 U.S. 80 (1852) [emphasis added]

everything they do is a fraud

"Once a fraud, always a fraud." 13 Vin. Abr. 539.

"Things invalid from the beginning cannot be made valid by subsequent act."
Trayner, Max. 482. Maxims of Law, Black's Law Dictionary 91h Edition, page 1862

"A thing void in the beginning does not become valid by lapse of time."
1 S. & R. 58. Maxims of Law, Black's Law Dictionary 91h Edition, page 1866

Time cannot render valid an act void in its origin. Dig. 50, 17, 29; Broom, Max. 178, Maxims
of Law, Black's Law Dictionary 91h Edition, page 1862, and further,

"Ex dolo malo non oritur action. Out of fraud no action arises. Cowper, 343; Broom's
Max. 349." Bouvier's Maxims of Law, 1856,

and any act by any government official to conceal the fraud becomes an act of fraud;

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"fraus est celare fraudem. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. 1 Vern. 270."
Bouvier's Maxims of Law 1856

and fraud is inexcusable and unpardonable;

"Fraus et dolus nemini patrocianari debent. Fraud and deceit should excuse no man. 3
Co. 78." Bouvier's Maxims of Law 1856

and any fraud amounts to injustice;

"Fraus et jus nunquam cohabitant. Fraud and justice never dwell together."
Maxims of Law, Black's Law Dictionary, gth Edition, page 1832

"Quod alias bonum et justum est, si per vim vei fraudem petatur, malum et injustum
efficitur. What is otherwise good and just, if sought by force or fraud, becomes bad and
unjust. 3 Co. 78." Bouvier's Maxims of Law, 1856

and they are all satanic children of the devil

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer
from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he
speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." John 8:44

"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and
whoremongers, and sorcerers [pharmaceutical drug pushers], and idolaters, and all liars,
shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the
second death." Revelations 21:8

and your judgment day is coming

"I know thy works , and tribulation, and poverty, {but thou art rich) and I know the
blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, [or Christians] and are not, but are the
synagogue of Satan." Revelations 2:9

38. The Constitution for the United States of America requires that lawful Article Ill Judges
be provided
"ART. Ill. § 1. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme
Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may, from time to time, ordain and
establish. The judges, both of the Supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices
during good behaviour; and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a
compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office.
§ 2. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this
Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made,
under their authority; to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and
consuls; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; to controversies to which the
United States shall be a party;- to controversies between two or more States, between a
State and citizens of another State, between citizens of different States, between citizens
of the same State claiming lands under grants of different States, and between a State, or
the citizens thereof and foreign States, citizens or subjects." 1 Stat. 17-18, and further,

Rogi<tered Mail RO<eipt RR 569 488 935 US to ¥ '1)3

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39. All District of Columbia territorial courts are using their Uniform Commercial Code which
is controlled and regulated by their UN IDROIT Treaty (International Institute for the Unification
of Private Law), which the UNITED STATES, INC., has been a signatory to for over 30 years,
which is unconstitutional, because the Treaty power can ONLY be used externally,
"but Madison insisted that just "because this power is given to Congress," it did not
follow that the Treaty Power was "absolute and unlimited." The President and the Senate
lacked the power "to dismember the empire," for example, because "[t]he exercise of the
power must be consistent with the object of the delegation." "The object of treaties," in
Madison's oft-repeated formulation, "is the regulation of intercourse with foreign nations,
and is external." Bond v United States 572 US _ _ (2014) case number 12-158 [emphasis

"Today, it is enough to highlight some of the structural and historical evidence sug-
gesting that the Treaty Power can be used to arrange intercourse with other nations, but
not to regulate purely domestic affairs." Bond v United States 572 US _ _ (2014) case
number 12-158 [emphasis added]

and they have no authority to use their UN IDROIT Treaty in America, and their use of their
Uniform Commercial Code is unconstitutional
"The government of the United States ... is one of limited powers. It can exercise
authority over no subjects. except those which have been delegated to it. Congress
cannot, by legislation, enlarge the federal jurisdiction, nor can it be enlarged under the
treaty-making power" Mayor of New Orleans v. United States, 10 Pet. 662, 736 [emphasis

40. Ignorance of the law is no excuse and all officers of the court are presumed to know the
"Ignorance of the law does not excuse misconduct in anyone, least of all in a sworn
officer of the law." In re McCowan (1917), 177 C. 93, 170 P. 1100.

"It is one of the fundamental maxims of the common law that ignorance of the law
excuses no one." Daniels v. Dean (1905), 2 C.A. 421, 84 P. 332.

"Officers of the court have no immunity, when violating a constitutional right, for they are
deemed to know the law." Owens v Independence 100 S.C.T. 1398, and further,

41. United Nations Clerks masquerading as Judges in Texas are impersonating a public
official, which is a felony
"(a) A person commits an offense if he:
{1) impersonates a public servant with intent to induce another to submit to his
pretended official authority or to rely on his pretended official acts; or
{2) knowingly purports to exercise any function of a public servant or of a public office,
including that of a judge and court, and the position or office through which he purports
to exercise a function of a public servant or public office has no lawful existence under
the constitution or laws of this state or of the United States.

Jurisdictional Challenge by special appearance, with Exhibits, Counter Claim, & Notice of Void Judgment, CITATION NO.
Regi>rte<ed Moil Return Receipt RR 569 488 935 ~ 7urt & RE 463 802 260 US to Vogel page 23 of32
(b) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree." Texas Penal Code,
Section 37. 11. IMPERSONATING PUBLIC SERVANT, [emphasis added], and further,

42. The Claimant DEMANDS a lawful judge under the Constitution for the United States of
America, Article Ill, and common law, as contemplated by the founding fathers, and anything
else is a violation of the Claimant's rights;
"It is a fundamental right of a party to have a neutral and detached judge preside over the
judicial proceedings." Ward v Village of Monroeville, 409 U.S. 57, 61-62, 93 S.Ct 80, 83, 34
LEd. 2d 267 (1972); Tumey v Ohio, 273 U.S. 510, 5209, 47 S. Ct. 437, 440, 71 L.Ed. 749
(1927), and further,

43. Your code enforcers LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers) immediately started to fabricate
evidence for their US citizen slave by demanding a date of birth and I told them that a date of
birth is hearsay and I have no firsthand knowledge of a date of birth and that is hearsay
evidence and inadmissible in any court of law, but they continued to assault me with their
unlawful arrest even threatening to further assault me and kidnap me into their jail therefore I
gave them a fictitious date of birth and then when they wanted my consent with a signature, I
said; "Fuck you" and left, and one of your code enforcer LEOs told the other one to insert
"refused" thereby assaulting Me with your unconstitutional Texas Business and Commerce
Code, (Uniform Commercial Code) but the next day I returned your "citation" to your current
Chief of Police, Rick Pippins, and as found in the Youtube video that I published called PIGs in
Azle Texas at; Y46xr8

which was well within the 3 days required by your satanic Truth in Lending regulation Z, and
your own codes even say that your "person" defined by your District of Columbia Texas codes is
a US citizen
"(2) the term "individual" means a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully
admitted for permanent residence;" 5 USC§ 552a.(a)(2) Records Maintained on Individuals

and all government employees have Social Security Numbers, and therefore all government
employees at all levels of government are "US citizens", and anyone who has a Social Security
Number is "federal personnel"
"(13) the term. "Federal personnel" means officers and employees of the Government of
the United States, members of the uniformed services (including members of the
Reserve Components), individuals entitled to receive immediate or deferred retirement
benefits under any retirement program of the Government of the United States (including
survivor benefits)." 5 USC§ 552a.(a)(13)

and all taxpayers are cestui que trusts

Jurisdictional Challenge by special appearance, with Exhibits, Counter Claim, & Notice of Void Judgment, CITATION No.
Rogi""'ed MaH Rocoipt RR 569 488 935 US to ~02 260 US to Vogol page 24 of32
" ... (E)very taxpayer is a cestui qui trust having sufficient interest in the preventing
abuse of the trust to be recognized in the field of this court's prerogative jurisdiction .. "
In Re Bolens (1912), 135 N.W. 164,

"A "citizen of the United States" is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-
beneficiary of the PCT (Public Charitable Trust), the constructive, cestui que trust of US
Inc. under the 14th Amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc."
Congressional Record, June 13 1967, pp. 15641-15646

"Chap. 854.- An Act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia."

which was Approved on March 3, 1901 , by the Fifty-Sixth Congress, Session II, at 31 Stat.
1189, and in Sec. 117, at 31 Stat. 1208, where it says;
"That in addition to the jurisdiction conferred in the preceding section, plenary
jurisdiction is hereby given to the said court holding the said special term to hear and
determine all questions relative to the execution of any and all wills ... "

and at Chapter Fifty-Six in Sec. 1617, at 31 Stat. 1432, where it says;

"The Legal Estate to be in Cestui que Use"

"Chap. 854.- An Act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia."

which was Approved on March 3, 1901, at 31 Stat. 1189, and at 2, where it says;
"And be it further enacted, That in the interpretation and construction of said code the
following rules shall be observed namely: ...
"Third. The word "person" shall be held to apply to partnerships and corporations,
unless such construction would be unreasonable, and the reference to any officer shall
include any person authorized by law to perform the duties of his office, ... " [emphasis
"Fourth. The word "executor" is used it shall include "administrator," and vice versa,
unless such application of the term would be unreasonable ... " [emphasis added

therefore a Social Security Number is a number assigned to a cestui que trust, and all
government employees are taxpayers
"Public Law 89-554- An Act to enact title 5, United States Code, "Government
Organization and Employees", codifying the general and permanent laws relating to the
organization of the Government of the United States and to its civilian officers and
employees." ,

which was approved on September 6, 1966, in Volume 80, Eighty-Ninth Congress, Session II ,
under§ 111. Same; taxation affecting Federal employees; income tax, at 80 Stat. 608, which
"The United States consents to the taxation of pay or compensation for personal service
as an officer or employee of the United States, a territory or possession or political
subdivision thereof, the government of the District of Columbia, or an agency or
instrumentality of one or more of the foregoing, by a duly constituted taxing authority

Jurisdictional Challenge by special appearance, with Exhibits, Counter Claim, & Notice ofVoid Judgment, CITATION NO.
Registered Mail Return Receipt RR 569 488 935 US to Court & RE 463 802 260 US to Vogel page 25 of3 2

having jurisdiction, if the taxation does not discriminate against the officer or employee
because of the source of the pay or compensation."

and government employees are the ONLY ones who are supposed to be getting Federal
Reserve Notes for compensation;
"Sec. 15. As used in this Act the term "United States" means the Government of the
United States ... the term "currency of the United States" means currency which is legal
tender in the United States, and includes United States notes, ... Federal Reserve Notes .. . "
Gold Reserve Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337,

and where is the proof that I am one of your slave employees, and I demand that you produce
pay stubs for compensation for this employment, and I demand that you produce the records of
the hours worked, and the location worked, and the department, and the name of my
government employee boss.

44. Your code enforcers LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers) assaulted Me because of your
District of Columbia Texas Transportation Code requirements for a Drivers License but yet
Texas courts have ruled that there is no such thing as a Drivers License in Texas
This court has held that there is no such license known to Texas Law as a "driver's
license." Frank John Callas v. State, 167 Tex. Crim. 375; 320 S.W. 2d 360

We have held that there is no such license as a driver's license known to our law. Claude
D. Campbell v. State, 160 Tex. Crim. 627; 274 S.W.2d 401

An information charging the driving of a motor vehicle upon a public highway without a
driver's license charges no offense, as there is no such license as a driver's license
known to the law. Keith Brooks v. State 158 Tex. Crim. 546; 258 S.W.2d 317

There being no such license as a "driver's" license known to the law, it follows that the
information, in charging the driving of a motor vehicle upon a highway without such a
license, charges no offense. W. Lee Hassell v. The State, 149 Tex. Crim. 333; 194 S.W.2d

and the reason it is NOT Texas law is because it is District of Columbia territorial law and
unconstitutional in Texas, and a fraud and a nullity.

45. When your code enforcer LEOs assaulted Me, I asked them if there was a breach of the
peace, and they said; "NO" and I asked them if they had evidence that I was carrying
passengers or property for hire and they said "NO", and under your District of Columbia codes
you have nothing to say to me if I am NOT carrying passengers or property for hire
"The term "Motor Vehicle" means every description of carriage or other contrivance
propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used for commercial purposes on the

Rogi~ Mail Roceipt RR 569 488 935 US to q
Jurisdictional Challenge by special appearance, with Exhibits, Counter Claim, & Notice of Void Judgment, CtTATION No.

& 463 802 260 US to Vogel page 26 of32

highways in the transportation of passengers, passengers and property, or property or
The term "used for commercial purposes" means the carriage of persons or property for
any fare, fee, rate, charge or other consideration, or directly or indirectly in connection
with any business, or other undertaking intended for profit." 18 USC§ 31 [emphasis

"Speed Signs. The Department shall erect and maintain on the highways and roads of
this state appropriate signs that show the maximum lawful speed for commercial
vehicles. truck tractors. truck traitors. truck semitrailers, and motor vehicles engaged in
the business of transporting passengers for compensation for hire." Texas Transportation
Code§ 201.904

therefore they were NOT acting in their official capacity as a Peace Officer but were operating in
their private capacity as a Revenue Officer for their Satanist BAR Member handlers in their
unconstitutional District of Columbia territorial kangaroo so-called court.

46. Your code enforcer LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers) are assaulting me with their
unconstitutional Bill of Attainder, because there is no judicial trial , and it is a kangaroo court
instead, and a show-trial, with a Clerk masquerading as a Judge, who is working for the satanist
"Bill of Attainder" means Legislative acts, no matter what their form, that apply either to
named individuals or to easily ascertainable members of a group in such a way as to
inflict punishment on them without a judicial trial. United States v. Brown, 381 U.S. 437,
448-49, 85 S. Ct. 1707, 1715, 14 L.Ed. 484, 492; United States v. Lovett, 328 U.S.
303, 315, 66 S.Ct. 1073, 1079, 90 L.Ed. 1252.

"bill of attainder. 2. A special legislative act prescribing punishment, without a trial, for a
specific person or group. • Bills of attainder are prohibited by the U.S. Constitution (art. I,
§ 9, cl. 3; art. I,§ 10, cl. 1).- Also termed act of attainder. See ATTAINDER; BILL OF
PAINS AND PENALTIES . [Cases: Constitutional Law 82.5. C.J.S. Constitutional Law§§
429-431.]" Black's Law Dictionary, 8th Edition, page 496

"BILL OF PAINS AND PENALTIES bill of pains and penalties. A legislative act that,
though similar to a bill of attainder, prescribes punishment less severe than capital
punishment. • Bills of pains and penalties are included within the U.S. Constitution's ban
on bills of attainder. U.S. Const. art I,§ 9. [Cases: Constitutional Law 82.5. C.J.S.
Constitutional Law§§ 429-431.]" Black's Law Dictionary, 8th Edition, page 499

47. Your code enforcer LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers) assaulted me.
"Any restraint, however slight, upon another's liberty to come and go as one pleases,
constitutes an "arrest." Swetnam v. W.F. Woolworth Co., 318 P.2d 364, 366, 83 Ariz. 189.

"An illegal arrest is an assault and batterv. The person so attempted to be restrained of
his liberty has the same right to use force in defending himself as he would in repelling
any other assault and battery." State v. Robinson, 145 ME. 77, 72 ATL. 260.

Rogi-ed Mail Rotum Rocoipt RR 569 488 935 US 'Cf5

Jurisdictional Challenge by special appearance, with Exhibits, Counter Claim, & Notice ofVoid Judgment, CITATION NO.
463 802 260 US to Vogol page 27 of32
"One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one
is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate
one from the unlawful custody of an officer. even though he may have submitted to such
custody. without resistance." Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910.

48. Nobody has a duty to obey an unconstitutional I aw

"An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no
protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it
had never been passed." Norton vs Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425, p. 442

"An unconstitutional law is void, and is as no law. An offence created by it is not a

crime." Ex parte Siebold, 100 U.S. 371, 376 (1880), quoted with approval in Fay v. Noia, 372
U.S. 391,408 (1963)

"No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it."
16th American Jurisprudence 2d, Section 1771ate 2nd, Section 256

49. Proof of jurisdiction, appearing on the record, that the alleged defendant ever knowingly

and or willingly surrendered any rights. See ...

"The rights of the individuals are restricted only to the extent that they have been voluntarily

surrendered by the citizenship to the agencies of government." City of Dallas v Mitchell. 245

S.W. 944

Also see ...

Brady v. U.S .. 397 U.S. 742. 748. (1970) 'Waivers of Constitutional Rights, not only must they

be voluntary, they must be knowingly intelligent acts done with sufficient awareness. "


WHEREFORE, the real question for the Court in this matter is whether they intend to be an

accomplice to the assault that has already taken place, because a lawsuit is coming, and since I

am being assaulted based on unconstitutional District of Columbia territorial statutes in Texas, it

will be in the federal court. If this so-called Court decides to be an accomplice to the assault,

without jurisdiction, then it will be a void judgment

"Where there is no jurisdiction there is no judge; the proceeding is as nothing. Such has

Jurisdictional Challenge by special appearance, with Exhibits, Counter Claim, & Notice ofVoid Judgment, CITATION NO.
J<eW"ered Mail Rocoipt RR 569 488 935 US to Coc:rr;;63 802 260 US to Vogol page 28 of32
been the law from the days of the Marshalsea, 10 Coke 68; also Bradley v. Fisher, 13 Wall
335,351." Manning v. Ketcham, 58 F.2d 948,

"A void judgment is one which, from its inception, was a complete nullity and without
legal effect" Lubben v. Selective Service System Local Bd. No. 27, 453 F.2d 645, 14
A.L.R. Fed. 298 (C.A. 1 Mass. 1972). Hobbs v. U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 485
F.Supp. 456 (M.D. Fla. 1980)

"Void judgment is one which has no legal force or effect whatever, it is an absolute
nullity, its invalidity may be asserted by any person whose rights are affected at any time
and at any place and it need not be attacked directly but may be attacked collaterally
whenever and wherever it is interposed." City of Lufkin v. McVicker, 510 S.W. 2d 141
(Tex. Civ. App.- Beaumont 1973).

"A void judgment, insofar as it purports to be pronouncement of court, is an absolute

nullity" Thompson v. Thompson, 238 S.W.2d 218 (Tex.Civ.App.- Waco 1951)

"Void order may be attacked, either directly or collaterally, at any time" In re Estate of
Steinfield, 630 N.E.2d 801, certiorari denied, See also Steinfeld v. Hoddick, 513 U.S. 809,
(Ill. 1994)

"A void judgment is one which, from its inception, is and forever continues to be
absolutely null, without legal efficacy, ineffectual to bind the parties or to support a right,
of no legal force and effect whatever, and incapable of enforcement in any manner or to
any degree." Loyd v. Director, Dept. of Public Safety, 480 So. 2d 577 (Ala. Civ. App. 1985).

"Not every action by any judge is in exercise of his judicial function. It is not a judicial
function for a Judge to commit an intentional tort even though the tort occurs in the
Courthouse, when a judge acts as a Trespasser of the Law, when a judge does not follow
the law, the judge loses subject matter jurisdiction and The Judge's orders are void, of
no legal force or effect"! Yates Vs. Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois, 209 F.Supp. 757
(N.D. Ill. 1962)

and it will be brutum fulmen

"brutum fulmen": "An empty noise; an empty threat. A judgment void upon its face
which is in legal effect no judgment at all, and by which no rights are divested, and from
which none can be obtained; and neither binds nor bars anyone. Dollert v. Pratt-Hewitt
Oil Corporation, Tex.Civ.Appl, 179 S.W.2d 346, 348. Also, see Corpus Juris Secundum,
"Judgments" §§ 499, 512 546, 549. Black's Law Dictionary, 4th Edition

and the Clerk masquerading as a Judge will be an accomplice, with these City of Azle LEOs
code enforcers who are all Satanists (see Mark Passio's Youtube channel- former Satanist
"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer
from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he
speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." John 8:44

"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and
whoremongers, and sorcerers [pharmaceutical drug pushers], and idolaters, and all liars,

Jurisdictional Challenge by special appearance, with Exhibits, Counter Claim, & Notice of Void Judgment, CITATION No.
Rogi,tered Mail Retwn Roce;pt RR 569 488 935 U97 RE 403 802 260 US to Vogel page 29 of32
shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the
second death." Revelations 21:8

" ... I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, [or Christians) and are not,
but are the synagogue of Satan." Revelations 2:9

Havins #259, before God, Angels, and any witnesses who read this document, I shake the dust
of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about this on judgment day,
satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)

Andrew Vogel, before God, Angels, and any witnesses who read this document, I shake the
dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about this on judgment day,
satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11 , Luke 9:5)

Douglas R. Hudman, before God, Angels, and any witnesses who read this document, I shake
the dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about this on judgment
day, satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)

Rick Pippins, before God, Angels, and any witnesses who read this document, I shake the dust
of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about this on judgment day,
satanist! (Matt 10: 14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)

David McClure, before God, Angels, and any witnesses who read this document, I shake the
dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about this on judgment day,
satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)

Steve Stutsman, before God, Angels, and any witnesses who read this document, I shake the
dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about this on judgment day,
satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)

Alan Brundrett, before God, Angels, and any witnesses who read this document, I shake the
dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about this on judgment day,
satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)

Wiliam Chambers, before God, Angels, and any witnesses who read this document, I shake the
dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about this on judgment day,
satanist! (Matt 10: 14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)

Bill Jones, before God, Angels, and any witnesses who read this document, I shake the dust of
the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about this on judgment day,
satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)

Paul Crabtree, before God, Angels, and any witnesses who read this document, I shake the
dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about this on judgment day,
satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)

Rouel Rothenberger, before God, Angels, and any witnesses who read this document, I shake
the dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about this on judgment
day, satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)

Lee Barrett, before God, Angels, and any witnesses who read this document, I shake the dust of

Jurisdictional Challenge by special appearance, with Exhibits, Counter Claim, & Notice of Void Judgment, CITATION No.
Rogi,ored Moil Roceipt RR 569 488 935 US to Court ~ 260 US to Vogel page 30 of32
the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about this on judgment day,
satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, luke 9:5)

All charges, and demands, brought against Glenn Winningham; Fearn, sui juris are void, false,
fraudulent and treasonous. Failure and/or refusal to bring forth such 'proof of claim' will place
you in dishonor under your satanic commercial codes, and thus constitute an admission of false
claims, damages and injury to Glenn Winningham; Fearn, sui juris. I demand that you dismiss
all of these trumped up fictitious satanic charges with prejudice. Failure and/or refusal to
bring forth such "proof of jurisdiction "is acquiescence, agreement that the court and the
prosecution, et al has no jurisdiction and all charges are fraudulent and treasonous without
objection. Silence is Fraud.
·"Fraud and deceit may arise from silence where there is a duty to speak the truth, as well
as from speaking an untruth." Morrison v Acton, 198 P.2d 590, 68 Ariz. 27 (1948)

"Fraud" may be committed by a failure to speak when the duty of speaking is imposed as
much as by speaking falsely." Batty v Arizona State Dental Board, 112 P.2d 870, 57 Ariz.
239. (1941).

I have sealed this Declaration pursuant to locus sigilli
"locus sigilli~ The place of the seal. Today this phrase is almost always abbreviated
"L.S."" Black's law Dictionary 9th Edition, page 1026.

Signed and sealed in red ink on the land of Texas, under penalties with perjury, [28 USC§ 1746
(1)], under the laws of the United States of America, and without the United States.

I, Glenn Winningham; Fearn, Sui Juris, a natural man of the republic, living in the republic, a
common man, does declare that I have scribed and read the foregoing facts, and in accordance
with the best of My firsthand knowledge, such are true, correct complete and not misleading, the
truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, pursuant to your Rule 201 of your rules of

This Declaration is dated February~. 2016.

Jurisdictional Challenge by special appearance, with Exhibits, Counter Claim, & Notice of Void Judgment, CITATION No.
Registered Mail Return Receipt RR 569 488 935 US to Co "1' (463 802 260 US to Vogel page 31 of 32
Glenn Winningham; house of Feam, sui juris
sovereign living soul, holder of the office of "the People"
Inhabitant of the land known as Texas
With full responsibility for my actions
under the Laws of YHWH as found in the Holy Bible
with a Postal address of;
Non-Domestic Mail
C/0 6340 Lake Worth Blvd., #437
Fort Worth, Texas
America without the US corp.®

. Registered Mail Receipt RR 569 488 935 us to Court & rDVO

Jurisdictional Challenge by special appearance, with Exhibits, Counter Claim, & Notice of Void Judgment, CITATION No.
us to Vogel page 32 of32


After Recording, return to; DATE/TIME: 04/19120131335

Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn FEE: $55.00
Non-domestic Mail PAGES: 24
C/0 6340 Lake Worth Blvd., #437 FEE NUMBER: 2013-032373

Fort Worth, Texas republic
DMM 602.1.3.e.2,
18 USC§ 1342

Corporate Denial Affidavit

Arizona republic
Subscnbed, Swom, Sealed
Pinal County

I, Me, My, or Myself, also known as Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, having been duly put
under oath, I do affirm, depose, and being cognizant of the penalties for bearing false witness,
do say;

One. All the Facts stated herein are true, correct, complete, are not hearsay, are not
misleading, but are admissible as evidence. and if called to testify, I shall so State, and further.

Two. I have standing capacity to act as to the lawful matters herein, and further,

Three. I have personal, firsthand knowledge, executive and documented knowledge of the facts
stated herein, and further,

Four. I am currently an inhabitant of the land sometimes known as "Texas", on Turtle island,
and I have no firsthand knowledge of My date or place of birth. Any evidence anywhere about
My birth is hearsay evidence and inadmissible evidence in any court because both of My
parents, and the attending physician involved in My entry into this world, are now dead and I
have not had an opportunity to cross examine them in court to determine the veracity of any
evidence they may have been able to give. Having said that, I do remember that I finished high
school in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy five, almost forty years ago, therefore
I am well past the age of majority, and further,

Five. I am a Sovereign Uving Soul, and a Holder of the Office of "the People", and a Judicial
Power Citizen by right of blood as described herein, and further,

Six. I am not in the military, and further,

Seven. The use of any statutes, codes, rules, regulations, or court citations, within any
document created by Me, at any time, is only to notice that which is applicable to government
offiCials, and is not intended, nor shall it be construed, to mean that I have conferred, submitted
to, or entered into any jurisdiction alluded to thereby, and further,

Eight. Equality under the Law is paramount and mandatory by Law. and further,

Nine. The purpose of this document is to establish the fact that I am not a corporation, US
citizen, so-called 14,., Amendment citizen, person. or fictitious entity of any kind;
"(a) Entity names may consist of letters of the Roman alphabet. Arabic numerals, and
certain symbols capable of being reproduced on a standard English language typewriter,
or combination thereof.
(b) Only upper case or capitol letters. with no distinction as to type face or font. will be
reeoanized." Texas Administrative Code§ 79.31. Corporations- Characters of Print
Acceptable in Names

and any evidence of any such entity is hearsay evidence and a fraud; ~
"An allegation that a corporation is incorporated shall be taken as true, unless dented by _
the affidavit of the adverse party, his agent or attorney, whether such corporation Is~
public or private corporation and however created." (j C'\...
Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 52 t r

"Failure of any adverse party to deny under oath allegation that party is a corporatio ;1
dispenses with necessity of proof of that fact."
Galleria Bank v. Southwest Properties, Inc. ( Civ.App. 1973) 498 S.W.2d 5.,
Page 1 (plus attachrnenls) Corporate Denial Allidavlt 002013 1/ /'
Thill matterllaxt copyright @ by the Tille Holder. All right to this matterllaxt and wlllll ~ may represent ~ by terms and conditions of , //

;3?1( 0 (
the Tille Holder. Title Holcler Glenn Winningham; house of Feam

When the complaint is lodged by the Government for a fine, fee or a tax, all of which are
revenue, they are imposed only on Corporations. See Colonial Pipe Line Co. v. Triagle, 421
us 100 (1975),
if Respondent Is not a Corporation he cannot appear and plead. see West Union Tel. Co. v
Eyser, 2 Colo. 141; Greenwood v. Railroad Co., 123 Mass. 32; Foster v. white Cloud, 32 Mo.
505; Hobich v. Folger, 20 Wall. 1; Boyce v M.E. Church, 43 Md. 359; FolSom v. Star Union Etc.
Freight Line, 54 Iowa 490,

"fa) The tenn "person" shall have the meaning assigned to it in section 3797 of title 26.
(b) The tenn "sales or use tax" means any tax levied on, with respect to, or measured by,
sales, recetpts from sales, purchases, storage, or use of tangible personal property,
except a tax with respect to which the provisions of section 104 of this title are
(c) The tenn "income tax" means any tax levied on, with respect to, or measured by, net
Income, gross income, or gross receipts.
{d) The term "State" includes any Territory or possession of the United States.
(e. The tenn "federal area" means any lands or premises held or acquired by or for the
use of the United States or any department, establishment, or agency, of the United
States; and any Federal area, or any part thereof, which is located within the exterior
boundaries of any State, shall be deemed to be a Federal area located within such State."
4 USC § 11 0 Def~nitions [emphasis added}

"(12) Taxing jurisdiction.- The term "taxing !urlsdictlon" means any of the several
States, the District of Columbia, or any territory or possession of the United States, !!rl
municipality, city, county, township, parish, transportation district, or assessment
jurisdiction, or any other political subdivision within the territorial limits of the United
States with the authority to Impose a tax, charge, or fee." 4 USC§ 124 Definitions
[emphasis added], and further,

Ten. The US Congress has made it a felony for anyone to claim to be a US citizen when they
know they are not;
"Whoever falsely and willfully represents himself to be a citizen of the United States shall
be fined under thl$ title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both." 18 USC § 911,

and even though I can prove I am not a "whoever", I do NOT bearfalse witness, therefore I
cannot say I am a US citizen, and further,

Eleven. A US citizen does not exist, and is a fraud, under color of law;
" might be correctly said that there is no such thing as a citizen of the United States•
..... A citizen of any one of the States of the Union, Is held to be, and called a citizen of the
United States, although technlctllv and abstractly thore ia no such thing." Ex Parte Frank
Knowles, 5 Cal. Rep. 300, [emphasis added]

"The term resident and citizen of the United States is distinguished from a Citizen of one
of the several states, in that the fonner i! a spacjal class of citizen created by Congress."
U.S. v. Anthony 24 Fed. 829 (1873), [emphasis added},

"FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT. The Fourteenth Amendment of the constitution of the

United States. It became a part of the organic law July 28, 1868, and its importance
entitles it to special mention. It creates or at least recognizes for the first time a
citizenship of the United States. as distinct from that of the states;"
Black's Law Dictionary 4lh Edition, page 785

"Fourteenth Amendment The Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United

States, ratified in 1868, creates or at least recognizes for the first time a citizenship of the
United States. as distinct from that of the states; ..."
Black's Law Dictionary 5&i Edition page 591 [emphasis added]

"Fourteenth Amendment The Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United ··

States, ratified In 1868, creates or at least recognizes for the first time a citizenship of the .
United States. as distinct from that of the state&;"
~lack's Law Dictionary effi Edition page 657 [emphasis added],
?J()/"' G.·x__r\
a US citizen is a fiction of law /\

Page2(plusattacnments} . Corporeto0enia1Affiaevit062013p/A/
This matter/text copyriglll C by tile Til1e Holder. Ali rigtlt to this ma-Jiext and wtlat it may repraent is by terms and condttiomt of 1
the Title Holder. Title Holder Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn

~ c!) z__ ·'""'""'"~

"fiction of law; An assumption or supposition of law that something which Is or may be
false Is true, or that a state of facts exist which has never really taken place. An
assumption, for purposes of justice, of a fact that does not or may not exist A rule of
law, which assumes as true, .••, something that is false, but not impossible."
Black's Law Dictionary 6" Edition

"A fiction is a rule of law that assumes something that is or may be false is true."
Hibbert v Smith, 67 Cal. 547,

and they are using that fiction of law to facilitate the violation of My rights under the color of law,
"Fictitious. Founded on a fiction; having the character of a fiction; pretended;
counterfeit Feigned, imaginary, not real, false, not genuine, nonexistent. Arbitrarily
Invented and set up, to accomplish an ulterior object."
Black's Law Dictionary slh Edition, page 624 [emphasis added]

and I can be a national without being a citizen;

"national of the United States. A citizen of the United States or a noncitizen who owes
permanent allegiance to the United States. 8 USCA § 1101(a)(22).- Also termed U.S.
national; U.S. citizen." Black's Law Dictionary, atn Edition, page 3248,

"SUBJECT, NATIONAL: CITIZEN may Indicate being a member of a sovereign state,

especially one showing democratic forms and usages, owing it allegiance, sharing in
Individual political rights. SUBJECT may Imply a state of subjection to a person, such as
a monarch, without much sense of membership in a political community or sharing in
political rights. NATIONAL a more general word. may apply to anyone owing permanent
allegiance to a nation and indicates one belonging to a broad category that includes both
people who are legally citizens or subjects and also people who have not attained such
legal status." Webster's Third New International Dictionary, MERRIAM-WEBSTER INC.,
Publishers 1986,

and the US Passport application fonn even talks about a •non-citizen national" in several places;
"I declare under penalty of perjury all of the following; 1) I am a citizen or non-citizen
national of the United States... " US Passport application Fonn 05-11 12-2010 page 1 of 2
{emphasis added],

and the so-called Fourteenth Amendment does not affect "we the people"
"The (14th) amendment referred to slavery. Consequently, the only persons embraced by
its provisions, and for which Congress was authorized to legislate In the manner were
those then in slavery." Bowling v. Commonwealth, (1867), 65 Kent. Rep. 5, 29.

"No white person born Within the limits of the United States and subject to their
jurisdiction, or bom without those limits and subsequently naturali2:ed under their laws,
owes his status of citizenship to the recent amendments to the Federal Constitution.''
Van Valkenburg v. Brown, 43 Cal 43

"The rights of (original judicial) Citizens of the States, as such, are not under
consideration In the fourteenth amendment. They stand as they did before the fourteenth
amendment, and are fully guaranteed under other provisions." United States v. Anthony,
24 Fed. Cas. 829,930 (1873).

"The persons declared to be citizens are, "All persons born or naturalized in the United
States and subject to the jurisdiction of thereof." The evident meaning of these last
words Is not merely subject in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the U nlted
States, but completely subJect.•. "
Elk v Wilkins, 112 US 94, 101, 102, (1884) [Emphasis added]

" ...that there was a citizenship of the United States and a citizenship of the states. which
were distinct from each other, depending upon different characteristics and
circumstances In the Individual; that it was only privileges and immunities of the citi2:ens
of the United States that were placed by the amendment under the protection of the

he-.. . ..
Federal Constitution, and that the privileges and immunities of a citizen of a state,
whatever they might be, were not intended to have any additional protection by the
paragraph In question, but they must rest for their security and protection where they
havo Maxwell v Dow. 20 S.C.R. 448. at pg 451; [empt>ams added],
1· \._
l. ~
"', u/

P.age 3 {pluS attacllments) Co!poretc Oonial Affldaw 062013

Thla mallerlte>d. copyrigl>t 0 by the Tille Hold<>t. All rigl>tto till& m..-Jt&xt an<IWI\atll may !'BI'l'Mant Ia b y - an<l oon<lltk>n• of Yj ,.
· ~ ··'

..-- ~ ro~--~~~=
"Privileges and immunities clause of the Fourteenth Amendment protects only those
rights peculiar to being a citizen of the federal government; it does not protect those
rights which relate to state citizenship. 14,§ 1."
Jones v Temmer, 829 F.Supp. 1226 (D. Colo. 1993), and further,

Twelve. And My right to pursue happiness, as affirmed by the positive law embodied in the
Declaration of Independence { 1776), is My right to get compensation for labor;
"Among these unalienable rights, as proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence Is
the right of men to pursue their happiness, by which Ia meant, the right any lawful
business or vocation, In any manner not Inconsistent with the equal rights of others,
which may increase their prosperity or develop their faculties, 80 as to give them their
highest enjoyment. ••lt has been wen
said that, tb! property which everx man has I! his
own labor. as It is tb• original foundation of all otf!er property 80 It Is the most sacred
and inviolable..." Butchers' Union Co. v. Crescent City Co., 111 U.S. 746 (1883)

"The property which every man has in his own labor, as it is the original foundation of all
other property, so it is the most sacred and inviolable. The patrimony of the poor man
lies In the strength and dexterity of his own hands, and to hinder his employing this
strength and dexterity in what manner he thinks proper, without injury to his neighbor, is
a plain violation of this most sacred property...
Butchers Union Co. vs. Crescent City Co. 111 U.S. 764.

"The right to follow any of the common occupations of life is an inalienable right. It was
formulated as such under the phrase 'pursuit of happiness' in the Declaration of
Independence." Allgeyer vs. State of Louisiana, 165 U.S. 578, 17 S.Ct. 427, 41 L. Ed. 832
(1897) Hotel et al. vs. Longley, et at. 160 S.W. 2d. 124, 127 (1942)

"Men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,-'life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness;' and to 'secure,' not grant or create, these rights, governments are
instituted. That property which a man has honestly acquired he retains full control of•.. "
Budd v. People of State of New York, 143 U.S. 517 (1892)

"The right of the citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property
thereon, either by carriage or by automobile, Is not a mere privilege which a city may
prohibit or permit at wfll, but a common raw
right which he has under the right to life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Thompson v. Smith, 154 SE 579

and My labor is NOT an article of commerce as affirmed by the color of law United States Code;
"The labor of a human being is not a commodity or an article of commerce" 15 USC § 17,
and further,

Thirteen. Changes that are few, and simple, and independent can be considered Amendments;
" •..includes only the power to amend any section in such a manner that such
Amendment. if approved, would be complete within Itself, relate to one subject and not
substantially affect any otber section of Articles of the Constitution or require further
Amendments to the Constitution to accomplish its purpose."
Adams v Gunter, 238 So.2d 824,

and a revision affects many parts of a document;

" ••• the wide and diverse range of subject matters proposed to be voted upon, and the
revlsional effect which It would necessarily have on our basic plan of government. The
proposal is offered as a single amendment but it obviously is multifarious. It does not
give the people an opportunity to express approval or disapproval severally as to each
major change suggested • .• •" McFadden v Jordan, 196 P.2d 787 [emphasis added],

therefore the so-called Fourteenth Amendment is actually a revision because it changes many
things in the Constitution, including property rights, citizenship, taxes, apportionment, the debt,
and more,
I. "It violates the Preamble, which defines the whole intent of all powers granted to
Congress, by introducing a foreign member into the sovereign body.
II. It is an "ex post facto law" punishing Southerners In many ways for acts not (
necessarily illegal at the time of their commission. ;· \.......
iii. It Is a "bill of attainder" (in its lesser fonn of a "bill of pains and penalties") depriving 1 ().!
southern slave holders of property without trial.
lv. It deprived Southerners of property by unreasonable seizure and without just
compensation, bringing Congress beyond limitations set out by the Fourth and Fifth
Articles in Amendment (Bill of Rights).
Page 4 (plus attacnmenls)


Corporele Denial Aflidov~ 06ll013

.· /
This matterilext t;Qpyrigllt C by the Tille Holder. AH right to this matter/text and what it may n~pment is by te<ms and conditiOns of
the T1tle Holder. Title Hold9r Glenn Wlnningtlam; h<>use af s:..,.n
Wdh. ttte Copy-Claim. 1

v. It lays prohibitions upon the States beyond those known to the original Constitution of
the United States and makes inroads upon the Constitutions of the several States,
encroaching upon sovereignty belonging to the people of the several States which is
prohibited by the Tenth Article in Amendment (Bill of Rights ).
vi. It created purely legislative "Tribunals" without respect to the separation of powers.
vii. It extended Congress' "martial law power" allowing the emission of "bills of credit"
[legal tender] and etc..
viii. The list is too long to completely enumerate. (Refer back within this expos6 to list more
Constitutional violations)"
439 P2d 266@ 269, 20 U2d 403 (1968D, Judge AH Ellett of the Utah Supreme Court

and Congress may ONLY amend the Constitution, does not have the authority to revise the
"The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem It necessary, shall
propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of
two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendm!nt!.
which, In either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this
Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or
by Conventions In three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratltlcatlon may
be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to
the Year One thouaand eight hundred and eight shall In any Manner affect the first and
fourth Clauses In the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, withOut its
Consent, shall be deprived of Its equal Suffrage in the Senate."
Constitution for the United States of America, Article V

therefore the so-called Fourteenth Amendment is a fraud and a nullity, and the US citizen that it
creates, is also a fraud, and a nullity;
"An unconstitutional act is not law; It confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no
protection: It creates no office; It Is In legal contemplation, as Inoperative as though It
had never been passed." Norton vs Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425, p. 442

"absolute nullity. Civil law. 1. An act that is void because It is against public policy, law,
or order. • The nullity Is noncurable. It may be Invoked by any party or by the court. See
La •.Clv. Code arts 7, 2030. 2. The state of such a nullity." Black's Law Dictionary att> Edition,
p 3391, and further,

Fourteen. The so-called Fourteenth Amendment was NOT property ratified, and is therefore a
fraud and a nullity;
"The dissenting opinion asserts that "The Fourteenth Amendment is a part of the
Constitution of the United States." While this same assertion has been made by The
United States Supreme Court, that court has never held that the amendment was legally
adopted. I gnnot believe that any wurt. In full PO!!!f!ion of its facultl!! could honestly
hold that the amendment was properly approved and adopted."
State v PhiUips 540 Pac. Rep.2d 936, [emphasis added], and further,

Fifteen. I am NOT a "person• as far as a statute is concerned because a ''person" is:

a) "a variety of entitles other than human beings." Church of Scientology v U.S.
Department of Justice, 612 F2d 417 (1979) at pg 418, and,

b) " ••• foreigners, not citizens...." United States v Otherson, 480 F. Supp. 1369 (1979) at pg
1373, and.

c) "Person: -term may Include labor organizations, partnerships, associations,

corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees In bankruptcy, or receivers ••.
Scope and delineation of term Is necessary for determining those to whom Fourteenth
Amendment of Constitution afford! protection since this Amendment expressly applies
to "pe!!on." Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page 1142 [emphasis added]

and a sovereign is not a "person" in a legal sense and as far as a staMe is concerned;
a) " 'in common usage, the term 'person' does not Include the sovereign, [and] statutes (
employing the [word} are normally construed to exclude it' Wilson v Omaha Tribe, 442 \_
US653 667, 61 LEd 2d 153, 99 S Ct 2529 (1979) (quoting United States v Cooper Corp.
US 600, 6~ 85l Ed 1071,61 S Ct 742 (1941). See also United States v Mine Workers, 3
351/7L' iJ/

US 258, 275, 91 LEd 884, 67 S Ct 677 (1947)" ,
Will v Michigan State Police, 491 US 58, 105 L. Ed. 2d 45, 109 S.Ct. 2304, and, 1 fy
Page 5 (plus attac:tunenta) Corporate Oenial "!fidavtt 062013

:rr! o-~-==-~
ThW.I'MIIerllllllt copyright c by the Tille Holder. All right to this matler/lext and what It may !11!)111Mnt is by terms and conditions of

b) "a sovereign is not a person In a legal sense" In re Fox. 52 N.Y. 535, 11 Am. Rep. 751;
U.S. v. Fox, 94 U.S. 315, 24 LEd. 192, and,

and a US citizen is a "person";

"All oe!Jons bom or naturalized In the United States, and sub!ect to the Jurisdiction
thereof, are citlzens of the United States... " (so-called) Fourteenth Amendment, Article 1
[emphasis added], and further,

Sixteen. Any evidence of a US citizen, so-called Fourteenth Amendment citizen, or fictitious entity
of any kind, is hearsay evidence and a fraud;
"Once a fraud, always a fraud." 13 Vin. Abr. 539.

"Things Invalid from the beginning cannot be made valid by subaequent act."
Trayner, Max. 482. Maxims of Law, Black's Law Dictionary 911 Edition, page 1862

"A thing void In the beginning does not become valid by lapse of time."
1 S. & R. 58.. Maxims of Law, Black's Law Dictionary gttt Edition, page 1866

Time cannot render valid an act void In its origin. Dig. 50, 17, 29;--sroom, Max. 178, Maxims
of Law, Black's Law Dictionary 9111 Edition, page 1862, and further,

Seventeen. All ZIP CODES are designations for addresses in federal regions;
"As we have said, the Federal Personal Income Tax Is Collected und!r a Mllltarv Venue
within a Martial-law Jurisdiction. Fecleral Reserve Notes are Mllltarv Scrip circulated
within a Mllitarv Venue. The problem Is the people don't understand how the entire
United States Is covered by a Military Venue.... Under the Social Security Act. there was
brought Into existence Ten Federal Rea!onal Areas. These ten federal regional areas are
the same as a military base. It is not unconstitutional to circulate "military scrip" on a
military base as the base Is considered to be a military venue. "Military scrip" cannot
circulate in the civil jurisdiction of the several States. To get around this Constitutional
bar, the Congress (via the Social Security Act), created Ten Military Venues, called
Federal Regional Areas. The problem the Congress realized was, while Congress could
restructure the Government agencies Into these Federal Regional Areas. the people
could not be Identified to be within this Military Venue but by their own consent. The
solution was to create another Military Venue which would trick the people to voluntarily
accept recognition that they are within a Mllitaly Venue. Congrap solved this problem by
creatfna the ZIP CODE. The "zip code" divides the United States into Ten Military Venues
called "National Areas. •• When a Citizen receives mall from an agency of the federal
government (such as the I.R.S.), in the return address of the federal agency is the district
within the regional area the letter is sent from, and on the address of the "Citizen" It was
sent to is the national area [ZIP) in which he received the corraspondence from the I.R.S..
In other words, the correspondence was sent from one of the federal regional araas
[military venue] to one of the National Areas [another military venue]. "Taxing Districts"
are established within one of the Federal Regional Areas, which places the collection of
taxes under a martial law jurisdiction." Dyett v Tumer 439 P2d 266 @ 269, 20 U2d 403
[1968] The Non-Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment by Assistant Director A. H. Ellett,
Utah Supreme Court [Emphasis added],

"Sec. 15. As used In this Act the term "United States" means the Government of the
United States...the term "currency of the Unit!d Statu" means currency which is legal
tender in the United States, and includes United States notes, ...Federal Reserve Notes ... "
Gold Reserve Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 337, and further,

a. Under the <color of law) United States Postal Service Domestic Mail Manual ZIP CODES are
not mandatory;
"1. ZIP Codes are required on Express Mail, Pre-eorted and automation price First
Class Mall, periodicals mal~ Standard Mail, Package Services mall (except single
piece price parcel post}, all mall sent to military addresses within the United States
and to APO and FPO addresses, all official mail (penalty mail), all business reply mall,
and all merchandise retum service mall.
2. Unless required above, ZIP Codes may be omitted from single piece price First C
Class Mail (including priority mall), and pieces bearing a simplified address." DMM / · \...
602.1.3Addressing Elements, L-7£ 4:
b. and because it is a Domestic Mail Manual, it is intended for use in United States ONLY. aid ,....
NOT in The United States of America, as differentiated in 28 USC § 1746, which says; l

Page 6 (plus sttaehments) 06201y

Corporate Oanlal Aftldavit
This matterltext copyright C by the Tlt1e Holder. All right to this mallerltext and what it may represent is by blrms and conditions of
the Title Holder. GlOWlmrinyhem;
Title Holder houoe of Fe6m
With the Copy.CJa· _

"(1) If executed without the United State!: "I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under
penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing Is
true and correct Executed on (date).(Signature)".
(2) lf executed within the United States• its territories, possessions, or
commonwealths: "I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that
the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (date).(Signature)"." 28 USC§ 1746
[emphasis added]

c. and because it is an internal regulation for the United States Postal Service, which is an
unconstitutional agency;
"The governments are but trustees actina under derived authorttv and have no power
to delegate what is not delegated to them. But the people. as the original fountain
mloht take away what they have delegated and entrust to whom they please.... The
sovereignty in every state resides in the people of the state and they may alter and
change their fonn of government at their own pleasure."
Lutherv. Borden, 48 US 1, 12 Led 581

"A delegate cannot delegate; an agent cannot delegate his functions to a subagent
without the knowledge or consent of the principal; the person to whom an office or
duty is delegated cannot lawfully devolve the duty on another, unless he be expressly
authoriz!d so to do." .
9 Coke, 77; Broom, Max. 840; 2 Kent, Comm. 633; 2 Steph. Comm. 119 [emphasis added]

"A delegated power cannot be again delegated."

2 lnst. 597; Black's, 2d. 347; 2 Bouv. lnst. n. 1300

"A deputY cannot have (or appoint) a deputy."

Story, AQ. s.13; 9 Coke, 77; 2 Bouv. lnst. n. 1936
d. and the Constitution for the United States of America talks about Post Offices, and post
Roads where it says;
"To establish Post Offices and post Roads; Constitution for the United States of America,
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7

e. but it says nothing about their corporate agency called "United States Postal Service",
therefore the United States Postal Service is an unconstitutional agency, and all of their
codes, rules, and regulations are color of law as described herein, therefore, it is incorrect to
send mail to a postal address on the land of Texas, with a ZIP CODE, and it is a fraud, and
pursuant to 18 USC § 1342, My proper name is Glenn Winningham: house of Fearn and My
proper postal address is;
Non Domestic Mail
CtO 6340 lake Worth Blvd., M37
Fort Worth, Texas
Zip Code Exempt
(DMM 602.1.3.e.2, 18 USC§ 1342) Ezekiel33:1-10

f. and if it is not shown ms;!lx like this, in any communication wHh Me, it is further agreed by
anyone who uses any other postal address, that they 1o!!oQ to be~ of mail fraud,
"Whoever, for the purpose of conducting, promoting, or carrvlna on by means of the
Postal Service, any scheme or device mentioned in section 1341 of this title or any
other unlawful business, uses or assumes, or requesta to be addressed by, ~
fictitious, false, or assumed title. name, or address or name other than his own proper
name, or takes or receives from any post office or authorized depository of mail
matter, any letter, postal card, package, or other mall matter addressed to any such
fictitious, false, or assumed title, name, or address, or name other than his own
proper name, shall be fined under this title or Imprisoned not more than five years. or
both." 18 USC§ 1342 [Emphasis added]

and I shall not accept anything incorrectly addressed, with a ZIP CODE, or spelled in any
way NOT as indicated herein, ~

g. and any government offiCial who sends their mail to Me with an improper name or postal , .
address as described herein, is suborning fraud, and intends to be guilty of mail fraud, and ,..
is also fabricating evidence in violation of Texas Penal Code Section 37.09. Tampering wi &, ,
Page 7 (plus altact1mentsf
:::::;: :::::::·::~· corporaw DelllaiAI!klav~ 062013
This ma11ef- copytigttt C by the Tdle Holder. All right to lhls malledlext and what it may "'present is by terms and conditions of

~T~"- :yr C01-=~~~

"The following definitions apply unless the statute or context in which the word or
phrase is used requires a different definition:
{7} "State," when referring to a part of the United States. i!J.Ciude! tny state, district,
commonwealth, territory, and insular possession of the United States and any area
subject to the legislative authority of the United States of America.
(9) "United States" includes a department, bureau, or other aaeng of the United States
of An!erlca." Texas Government Code Section 311.005 General Definitions [emphasis added]

"We the People of the United States, in Order to fonn a more perfect Union, establish
Justice, Insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the
general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Uberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do
ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. n - Preamble,
Constitution for the United States of America


United States. 2. It was framed by a convention of the representatives of the people. who
met at Philadelphia, and finally adopted it on the 17th day of September, 1787.1t became
the law of the land on the first Wednesday in March, 1789. 5 Wheat. 420." Bouvier's Law
Dictionary 1856 Edition, page 295 [emphasis added]

and the Constitution for the United States of America is the supreme law of the land;
"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance
thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United
States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges In every State shall be
bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary
notwithstanding." Constitution for the United States of America, Article 6, Clause 2

and United States is a federal corporation that was created by Congress in 1871, therefore it is
NOT the United States that is talked about in the Constitution for the United States of America;
"As used in this chapter:
(14) "State" means any of the several States. the District of Columbia, the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, or any
territory or possession of the United States.
(15) "United States" means-
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an !Q!!!!?Y. department, commiulon. board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States." 28 USC§ 3002 Definitions [emphasis added]

therefore the United States is an unconstitutional agency of the United States of America, and
all agencies of the United States, that are not specifically mentioned in the Constitution for the
United States of America, including the State of Texas are also unconstitutional agencies, and
they have no authority over "we the people", and anything done by the United States or any
agency of the United States, to Me, is under color of office, and ultra vires,
"Ultra vlre5. An act performed without any authority to act on subject. Hastund v. City of
Seattle, 86 Wash.2d 607, 547 P.2d 1221, 1230. Acts beyond the scope ofthe powers of a
corporation, as defined by its charter or laws of state of incorporation. State ex ret. v.
Holston Trust Co., 168 Tenn. 546, 79 S.W.2d 1012, 1016. The tenn has a broad application
and includes not only acts prohibited by the charter, but acts which are in excess of
powers granted and not prohibited, and generally applied either when a corporation has
no power whatever to do an act, or when the corporation has the power but exercises it
irregularly. People ex rei. Barrett v. Bank of Peoria, 295111.App. 543, 15 N.E.2d 333, 335.
Act is ultra vires when corporation is without authority to perfonn it under any
circumstances or for any purpose. By doctrine of ultra vires a contract made by a
corporation beyond the scope of Its corporate powers Is unlawful. Community Federal
Sav. & Loan Ass'n of Independence, Mo. v. Fields, C.C.A. Mo., 128 F.2d 705, 708• .!:!!!!:!
vires act of municipal!t.y is one which is beyond powers conferred ueon it by law. Charles
v. Town of Jeanerette, Inc., La.App., 234 So.2d 794, 798." Black's Law Dictionary sfh Edition
page 1522, [emphasis added] and further,

Nineteen. All codes, rules and regulations are "color of law" and unconstitutional, and lacking in
due process; RodriQuez vs US Secretary of Labor. Donovan. 769 F2d 1344, as well as, t .-

"[1}1t is well settled that "the Code cannot prevail over the Statutes at Large, when the"· /
two are inconsistent." Stephan v. United States, 319 U.S. 423,63 S.Ct.1135, 1137,80 ·(
L.Ed.1490; Royer's Inc. v. United States, 3 Cir., 265 F.2d 615. The provisions of the Co e1J
are merely Qrlma facie evidence of the law. 1 u.s.c. § 204 (a}."
American Export Lines Inc. v. United States, 290 F.2d 925, at 929 (July 19, 1961) .· 71 _

Page 8 (plus attachments) Co~J;>Grate DenialAI!iclav~ 0132013 / ) /

the Title Holder.

)fer ( op
This matter/text copyright C by the Tttfe Holder. All right to thiS matter/text and wllat it may represent i& by terms and cond~lons of
Trtle Holder Glenn Winllingham; house of Fe am

"Certain titles of the Code have been enacted into positive law. and pursuant to section
204 of title 1 of the Code, the text of those titles Is legal evidence of the law contained in
those titles. The other titles of the Code are prima tacle evidence of the laws contained In
those titles. The following titles of the Code have been enacted into positive taw: 1, 3, 4,
5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44, 46, 49 and 51."
US House of Representatives, Office of Law Revision Counsel website [emphasis added]

""prima facia" At first sight; on the first appearance; on the face of it; so far as can be
judged from the first disclosure; presumably: a fact presumed to be true unless
disproved by some evidence to the contrary. State ex rei. Herbert v. Whims, 68 Ohio App.
39, 38 N.E.2d 596, 599, 22 0.0. 110."
Black's Law Dictionary 5th Edition page 1071. [emphasis added]

which means that the following titles of the United States Code are non-positive Law;
Title Ncwenctatyre Title Nomenclature
2 The Congress 6 Domestic Security
7 Agriculture 8 Aliens and Nationality
12 Banks and Banking 15 Trade and Commerce
16 Conservation 19 Customs
20 Education 21 Food and Drugs
22 Foreign Relations 24 Hospitals
25 Indians 26 Internal Revenue
27 Intoxicating Liquors 29 Labor
30 Mineral lands and Mining 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters
42 The Public Health and Welfare 43 Public Lands
45 Railroads 47 Telegraphs, Telephones and Radios
48 Territories and Insular Possessions 50 War and National Defense
51 National and Commercial Space

and because positive law is law that is properly enacted bv QfOP9r authority
"Positive Law. law actually and specifically adopted by proper authority for the
government or an organized jural society." Black's Law Dictionary, sffl Edition [Emphasis

therefore non-positive law is law that was NOT enacted with proper authority and all of the
above listed titles of the United States Code were not enacted with proper authority. !ike the
Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 54.03 Emergency Clause is proof that the Texas
Code of Criminal Procedure is color of law, because it was NOT read on 3 separate days, as
"The fact that the laws relating to criminal procedure in this state have not been
completely revised and re-codtfied in more than a century past and the further fact that
the administration of justice, in the field of criminal law, has undergone changes, through
judicial construction and Interpretation of con.tltutional provislona, which have been, In
certain lnstancas, modified or nullified, as the case may be, necessitates important
changes requiring the revision or modernization of the laws relating to criminal
procedure, and the further fact that it is desirous and desirable to strengthen, and to
conform, various provisions in such laws to current interpretation and application,
eml)h&slzes the importance of this legislation and all of which, together with the crowded
condition of the calendar in both Houses, create an ememency and an impgrative public
necessity that the Constitutional Rule requiring bills to be read on three several days be
suspended. and said Rule is hereby suspended, and that this Act shall take effect and be
in force and effect from and after 12 o'clock Meridian on the 1st day of January, Anno
Domini, 1966, and It Is so enacted." Texas Code of Criminal PrOcedure Article 54.03
Emergency Clause [emphasis added]

therefore all non-positive law statutes (improperly enacted staMes) are color of law, a fraud,
and unconstitutional,
"An unconstitutional act is not law; It confers no rights; It imposes no duties; affords no
protection; it creates no office; it Is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it
had never been passed." Norton vs Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425, p. 442, Q
and claiming necessity because of emergency is not a good excuse as described herein, an,. 1
this document is designed to provide evidence that their non-positive law prima facia codes a
color of law, are a fraud, created by the US Congress whores in support of their thieving
bankster buddies, and mean absolutely nothing, and do NOT exist;
"absolute nullity. Civil law. 1. An act that Is void because It is against pu.blic policy, Ia
or order. • The nullity Is noncurable. It may be Invoked by any party or by the court. See
Page 9 (plus 811aellments) Corpome Denial Amdavlt 06201 ~
0 CV.
:t. ,.

/ ~
·yy I\ .

Jft1 0 l -.............
Thi$ matterllel<t copyright 0 by the Till$ Holder. AB rigbt to Ibis ...-r/leld: and - it may repmaent i8 by term& and conditione of ·

""""'"""'- --~-,
La. Civ. Code arts 7, 2030. 2. The state of such a nullity." Black's Law Dictionary 8111 Edition,
p 3391,

and the United States is a conquered and enslaved nation

"There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is
by debt" John Adams 1826

because the US Congress whores sold themselves to the bankster thieves, and it is bankrupt,
and enslaved,
"It Is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved
by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9,1933,48 stat.1, Public Law 89-719; declared by
President Roosevelt, beina bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Copgrest in session
June 6. 1933 -Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold
Clause dissolved tbe Sovereign Authority of the United State§ and the official capacities
of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further
evidence that the United States federal Goyemment exists today In name on!v."
United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993 Vol. 33 [Emphasis added]

and it has been bankrupt three times and we are now on number four as evidenced by the
webpage printout from Dunn and Bradstreet website, a true copy of which is attached hereto, all
of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, and the creditors always become the
()Wners in any bankruptcy;
"Under the US Airways proposal sent In November, AMR creditors would own 70 oercent
and US Airways shareholders 30 percent of the merged airline, which could be valued at
around $8.5 billion, sources told Reuters on Friday." AMR Creditors Prefer all Stock Merger
with US Airways: sources, by Soyoung Kim, Reuters, Wednesday 12 December 2012 8:38 PM
EST, taken from Yahoo Finance [emphasis added]

and it is "civilly dead. and therefore incapable of making positive law,

"Extra legem posltus est civiliter mortuus. One out of the pale of the law, (an outlaw,) fs
civilly dead." Maxims of Law, Bouvier's Law dictionary, 1856 EditiOn,

because ONLY gold or silver coin is lawful money at common law,

"At common law only gold and silver were a legal tender. (2Jnst. 577.)" McCiarin v. Nesbit.
2 Nott & McC. (11 S.C.L) 519 {1820),

and because United States and its agencies and instrumentalities have no lawful money, which
includes the State of Texas, and the State of Arizona, and every other state, as well as the fact
that they are all controlled and operated by BAR members who are all foreign agents of the
"INNS OF COURT -These are certain private unincorporated associations, In the nature
of collegiate houses, loc;ated in London, and Invested with the exclusive privilege of
calling men to the b8r: ..." Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Edition page 709. [emphasis added]

and there is an American Inns of Cou!:t, and there are chapters in every state in America, in
violation of the true Article Thirteen in Amendment which says;
"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of
~or honor, or shall, without the consent of congress, accept and retain any
present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king,
prince, or foreign power. such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and
shall be ingpable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."
[Emphasis added]

as taken from a certlfted coPY of an 1819 Constitution for the United §tates of America, taken
from Virginia Statutes, a true copy of which is attached to the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint
04114/07 which is recorded With the Pinal County Recorder at Fee Number 2007·059087, and
the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint 06114/Q? which is recorded with the Pinal County Recorder at
fee Number 2007-073069, an of both of which are incorporated herein by reference in their
entirety, and because all BAR members receive a Title of Nobility and an bonor from a forejgn
oower, based in London, England;
"TlTLE, persons. Titles are distinctions by which a person is known. 3. The constitution L/'
of the United States forbids the tyrant by the United States, or any state of any title of ,_/-
nobility. (q. v .)...judaes and members of cong!!S! that of bonorable; and members of till, f) V"
bar and iustlces of the peace are caRed esquires. Cooper's, Justinian, 416'; / [
Brackenridge's Law Miscell. Index."
Bouvier's law Dictionary 1856 Edition, [emphasis added}, ~ /y
Page 10 (plus atlacllments) ;i ·
Corporate Denial Affidavit 06201;PJ-
This matterflext copyrightCby !he Tille Holder. A» right to this ma11er11ext and what ltmay reprasent is by tenns and conditions of / '

~-- ~rro~~~,·
"NOBILITAS EST DUPLEX, SUPERIOR ET INFERIOR. 21nsl 583. There are two sorts of
nobJnty, the higher and tbe lower.
Black's Law Dictionary 4th Edition, page 1198 [emphasis added],

"ESQUIRE. A title applied by courtesy to officers of almost every description, to

members of the bar, and others. 2. In England. It is a title next above that of a gentleman.
and below a knight... Bouvier's Law Dictionary 1856 Edition, [emphasis added]

therefore, nothing they say or do is lawful, or de jure.

"it never became a law and was as much a nullity as If It had been the act or declaration
of an unauthorized assemblage of individuals." Ryan v. Lynch, 68111. 160 [emphasis added]

and they are incapable of enacting positive law, and they operate completely under the color of
~. and they are nothing but criminals, aperating in conspiracy with their thieving bankster
owners, and further,

Twenty. Everything that is color of law is a fraud;

"Color" means "An appearance, semblance, or simulacrum, as distinguished from that
which is real. A prima facia or apparent right. Hence, a deceptive appearance, a plausible,
assumed exterior. concealing a lack of reality; a disguise or pretext See also colorable."
Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Edition, on page 240. [emphasis added]

"Colorable" means "That which Is in appearance only, and not in reality, what it purports
to be, hence counterfeit feigned, having the appearance of truth." Windle v. Flinn, 196 Or.
654, 251 P.2d 136, 146. [emphasis added]

"Color of Law'' means "The appearance or semblance, without the substance. of legal
right. Misuse of power, possessed by virtue of state law and made possible only because
wrongdoer is clothed with authority of state is action taken under 'cotor of law."' Atkins v.
Lanning. D.C.Okl., 415 F. Supp.186, 188, [emphasis added}

therefore, everything that is color of law and all ZIP CODES and the US citizen are all frauds,
and further,

Twenty-one. The act of fraud and all of the consequences never legally happened;
"Ex dolo malo non oritur action. Out of fraud no action arises. Cowper, 343; Broom's
Max. 349." Bouvier's Maxims of Law, 1856,

and any act by any government official to conceal the fraud becomes an act of fraud;
"fraus sst celare fraudem. It Is a fraud to conceal a fraud. 1 Vern. 270."
Bouvier's Maxims of Law 1856

and fraud is inexcusable and unpardonable;

"Fraus et dolus nemini patrocianari debent. Fraud and deceit should excuse no man. 3
Co. 78." Bouvier's Maxims of Law 1856

and any fraud amounts to Injustice;

"Fraus et jus nunquam cohabitant Fraud and justice never dwell together."
Maxims of law, Black's Law Dictionary, gttt Edition, page 1832

"Quod alias bonum et justum est, si per vim vel fraudem petatur, malum et injustum
efficitur. What Is otherwise good and just, if sought by force or fraud, becomes bad and
unjust3 Co. 78." Bouvier's Maxims of Law, 1856, and further,

Twenty-two. My ancestors were among those whose words created the republic of the United
States of America;
"When men entered into a State they yielded a part of their absolute rights, or natural
liberty, for political or civil Uberty, which is no other than natural liberty restrained by
human laws, so far as is necessary and expedient for the general advantage of the
public. The rights of enloyina and defending life and llbertv. of acquiring and protecting ~
reputation and property. - and, in aeneral. of attaining obiects suitable to their condition. f .·
without ln!ury to another. are the rights of a citlzenj and all men by nature have them." .· L·
Douglass, Adm'r., v. Stephens, Delaware Chancery, Vol. 1, Page470 (1821) [Emphasis added? [ (}/

and My ancestors were in America long before the War of Independence, as found in the fi
Statement of Original Status and the pedigree charts which are attached hereto, all of which ar J1 .·
incorporated herein by reference in their entirety, r~
Page 1 1 {plus attaellmell!&)

C<l!pOrate Denial Affid;ov~ 062013

This matterllext copyright C by the Tille Holder. Aft tight to tllil mallel'J!el(l and What ft may repteSent iS by teiiTIS and conditions of
the n1e Holder.

.· . Tille Holder Winningham; houae of Fearn
"The tenn, citizens of the United States, must be understood to intend those who were
citizens of a State, as such, after the Union had commenced, and the several States had
assumed their sovereignties. Before this period there was no citizens of the United
States••• " Manchester v. Boston, Massachusetts Reports, Vol. 16, Page 235 (1819),

"The state citizen is immune from any and all government attecks and procedure. absent
contract" see, Dred Scott vs. Sanford, 60 U.S. (19 How.} 393 or as the Supreme Court has
stated clearly, " •••every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by
nature. He is not bound by any Institutions formed by his fellowmen without his
consent." CRUDEN vs. NEALE, 2 N.C. 338 2 S.E. 70, [emphasis added]

"The rights of the individuals are restricted only to the extent that they have been
voluntarily surrendered by the citizenship to the agencies of government"
City of Dallas v Mitchell, 245 S.W. 944

"State citizens are the only ones living under free government, wbose rights are
incapable of impalnnent bv legislation or Judicial decision."
Twining v. New Jersey, 211 U.S. 97, 1908 {emphasis added]

"State Citizenship Is a vested substantial property right, and the State has no power to
divest or Impair these rights." Favot v. Kingsbury, (1929) 98 Cal. App. 284, 276 P. 1083,

"The sovereignty of a state does not reside In the persons who fill the different
departments of its government, but in the People, from whom the government emanated;
and they may change it at their discretion. Sovereignty, then in this country, abides with
the constituency, and not with the agent; and this remark is true, both In reference to the
federal and state government" Spooner v. McConnell, 22 F 939 @ 943

and because I am a State Citizen, I am also a judicial power Citizen;

"The judicial power is the power to hear those matters which affect life, liberty or
property of the Citizens of the State." Sapulpa v Land, 101 Okla. 22,223 Pac. 640, 35 A.L.R.

"The very meaning of 'sovereignty' Is that the decree of the sovereign makes law."
American Banana Co. v. United Fruit Co., 29 S.Ct 511, 513,213 U.S. 347, 53 L.Ed. 826, 19
Ann.cas. 1047.

COURT. The person and suit of the sovereign; the place where the sovereign sojourns
with his regal retinue, wherever that may be. Black's law Dictionary, 5th Edition, page 318.

COURT. An agency of the sovereign created by It directly or indirectly under its authority,
consisting of one or more officers, established and maintained for the purpose of
hearing and detennlning issues of law and fact regarding legal rights and alleged
violations thereof, and of applying the sanctions of the law, authorized to exercise Its
powers in the course of law at times and places previously detennined by lawful
authority. Isbill v. Stovall, Tex.Civ.App., 92 S.W.2d 1067, 1070; Black's Law Dictionary, 4th
Edition, page 425

and, because I am a judicial power Citizen, I make the law, and I am the law, and I have the
power to pass sentence, and My decision is not subject to appeal or modification in any way,
except by a common law jury of My peers, and all other courts have to recognize it, because
they exist under My authority, and My court is superior to their court, and further,

Statement of Original Status

Twenty-three. I, Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, a Free, White, Christian male, have no
firsthand knowledge of when or where I was given birth, and any evidence of any such birth is
hearsay evidence and inadmissible as evidence in a court of law, except to say that I am well
past the age of majority, because I completed high school in the year one thousand nine {\
hundred and seventv.five (almost forty years ago); and, • V
a. I, Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, was given birth by Hazel Lorene; house of t(V'
Winningham, a Free, White, Christian female, an Oklahoma State Citizen, who was natural!
given birth on the twentv-sixth day of November. in the year one thousand nine hundred a .Y
. ,. . . w
Page 12{plusattachments) Corpo~DeniaiA!fidavit062013 .; ·•
This mettorlloxt oopytigltt e by tile Tltlo Hoklor. All rigltt to this matleJ'I\ext ami what it may rep"'"nt i& by terms ami comlitlona of

twenty-two, in Jefferson County, in Oklahoma state. a State of the union States of America;
and. ·

b. Hazel lorene; house of Winningham, Glenn Winningham's mother, was sired by Quitman
Elbert; house of Winningham, a Free, White, Christian male, an Oklahoma State Citizen,
who was naturally giVen birth on the seventeenth day of March, in the year one thousand
eight hundred and eighty~s~ in Overton County, in Tennessee state, a State of the union
States of America; and,

c. Hazel Lorene; house of Wmningham. Glenn Winningham's mother, was given birth by Ruby
May; house of Atkins, a Free, White, Christian female, an Oklahoma State Citizen, was
naturally given birth on the third day of Mft, in the year one thousand eight hundred and
ninetv, in Mexia town, Limestone County, in Texas State, a State of the union States of
America; and,

d. Quitman Elbert; house of Winningham and Ruby May; house of Atkins were one, joined in
the State of holy wedlock at the time Hazel lorene was naturally given birth to them; and,

e. Quitman Elbert; house of Winningham, Glenn Winningham's grandfather, was sired by

James Carlton; house of Winningham, a Free, White, Christian male, a Tennessee State
Citizen. who was naturally given birth on the twenty-eighth day of &mi. in the year~
thousand eiaht hundred and fi!b:-six. in Overton County, in the Tennessee State, a State of
the union States of America; and,

f. Quitman Elbert; house of Winningham, Glenn Winningham's grandfather, was giVen birth by
Clementine; house of McDonald, a Free, White, Christian female, a Tennessee State
Citizen, who was naturally given birth on the twenty-second day of September, in the year
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. in Overton County, in Tennessee State, a State
of the union States of America; and,

g. James Carlton; house of Wmningham and Clementine; house of McDonald were one, joined
in the State of holy wedlock at the time Quitman Elbert was naturally giVen birth to them;

h. James carlton; house of Winningham, Glenn Winningham's great grandfather, was sired by
John (Jack) R.; house of Winningham, a Free, White, Christian male, was naturally given
birth on the twentv-second day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and
thirty-eight, in Overton County, in Tennessee State, a State of the union States of America;

i. James Carlton; house of Winningham, Glenn Winningham's great grandfather, was given
birth by Evelene; house of Gray, a Free, White, Christian female, who was naturally given
birth on the .fimt day of Januarv, in the year one thousand eiQht hundred and thirty-seven, in
Overton County, in Tennessee State, a State of the union States of America; and

j. John (Jack) R.; house of Winningham and Evelene; house of Gray were one, joined in the
State of holy wedlock at the time James Carlton was naturally given birth to them; and,

k. John (Jack) R.; house of Winningham, Glenn Winningham's second great grandfather, was
sired by John Alston; house of Winningham, a Free, White, Christian male, was naturally
given birth on the twentv..first day of February, in the year one thousand eiaht hundred and
eight, in Randolph County, in North Carolina State. a State of the union States of America;

I. John (Jack) R.; house of Winningham, Glenn Winningham's second great grandfather, was
given birth by Parmelia; house of Mayfield, a Free, White, Christian female, who was
naturally given birth, in the year one !housand eight hundred and eiQhteen, in Overton
County, in Tennessee State, a State of the union States of America; and

m. John Alston; house of Wmningham and Permelia; house of Mayfield were one, joined in the
State of holy wedlock at the time John (Jack) R. was naturally given birth to them; and,

n. John Alston: house of Wmningham, Glenn Winningham's third great grandfather, was sired A /

by Adam; house of Winningham, a Free, White, Christian male, was naturally given birth. ill( , CL/
the year one thousand seven hundred and eightv~ne. in Randolph County, in North } \...~·
Carolina State, a State of the union States of America; and I, \
Page 13 (plus attacrvnen1S) Corpo18te Oenlal Affidavit 062013,_...
This matlerltext.COPYriQIII C by the Tille Holder. All nght to lhis !NIIIerltext and what it may nopresant iS by temtll and conditions of
the Trtle Holder.

~~ L l (·-z
Tille Holder Glenn Wlnninghtlm; house of Fearn

With the Copy-Claim

T-;: - /
o. John Alston; house of Winningham, Glenn Winningham's third great grandfather, was given
birth by tsobell, a Free, White, Christian female, who was naturally given birth, in the year
one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two in Virginia State, a State of the union States of
America; and

p. Adam; house of Winningham and Isabell were one, joined in the State of holy wedlock at
the time John Alston was naturally given birth to them; and,

q. Adam; house of Winningham, Glenn Winningham's fourth great grandfather, was sired by
James J .; house of Winningham, a Free, White, Christian male, was naturally given birth, on
the twentv-ninth day of Februarv in the year ooe thousand seven hundred and fiftv-six, in
Prince George County, in the Virginia Colony, which ultimately became Virginia State, a
State of the union States of America; and

r. Adam; house of Wmningham, Glenn Wmningham's fourth great grandfather, was given birth
by Sarah; house of Nichols, a Free, White, Christian female, who was naturally given birth,
in the year one thousand seven hundred and sixtv in the Virginia Colony, which ultimately
became Virginia State, a State of the union States of America; and

s. James J.; house of Winningham and Sarah; house of Nichols were one, joined in the State
of holy wedlock at the time Adam was naturally given birth to them; and,

t 1affirm that I, Glenn Winningham: house of Fearn, am of the Adamic race, as a White
Christian male, and that I do not now nor would I ever voluntarily give up my unalienable
(which means cannot be taken away) God given constitutionally secured Christian rights
and responsibilities. For I, Glenn Winningham: house of Fearn, have never knowingly given
up my birthright as one of the direct descendants of the posteritY as is noted in the preamble
of both the Arizona State Constitution {1905} and the Constitution of the united States of
America of (1788), with it's Bill of Rights (1791), and also designated in The Declaration of
Independence of (1776), for and because my fifth great Grandparents, who were James J.;
house of Winningham and Sarah Nk:hols: house of Winningham, who's grave sites and
gravestones are clearly marked and now serve as an At Law Public Notice of their once
existence and their juclici@l Power Citizenship status which was passed on to me, Glenn
Winningham; house of Fearn, as an inheritance for and because James J.: house of
Winningham was naturally given birth in the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty-six
living on the land now known as Prince George County, in the Virginia Colony, which
ultimately became Virginia State, a State of the union States of America under the Articles of
Confederation (1781), and the Constitution for the republic of the United States of America,
and whereas James J.: house of Winningham given birth in the year one thousand seven
hundred and fifty-six, and Sarah Nichols: house of Winningham given birth in the year one
thousand seven hundred and sixty were joined in the State of Holy wedlock in the year ~
thousand seven hundred and ninetv-two, and were living on the land now known as
Randolph County, Virginia, a State of the union States of America. And these pioneers
were the People who were the part, process, and action that eventually led to the
establishment of the Statehood enabfing acts of Congress, eg., 1796 for Tennessee, 1821
for Missouri, 1905 for Arizona, which then allowed the 5,000 free white males within the
boundaries then designated as territories to create said States; as found in the Verified
Abstract Declaration and Order which is recorded with the Pinal Countv Recorder at Fee
Number 2005-028178, which is the unrebutted truth, and public policy, and the true copy of
a current pedigree chart which is attached hereto, all of which is incorporated herein by
reference in its entirety,
..Jura sanguinis nullo jure c:lvlll diriml possunt. The right of blood and kindred cannot
be destroyed by any civil law. Dig. 50, 17, 9; Bacon's Max. Reg.11." Bouvier's Law
Dictionary 1856 Edition, page 768, and further,

Twenty-four. The United States has no authority to go outside constitutional limitations under
any circumstances; "Emergency does not create power. Emergency does not Increase
granted power or remove or diminish the restrictions imposed upon power granted or (\
reserved. The Constitution was adopted In a period of grave emergency. Its grants of r' 1
power to the Federal Government and its limitations of the power of the States were 'f--
detennined in the light of emergency, and they are not altered by emergency." .~ L, ,/
Home Building and Loan Association v Blaisdel, 290 US 398 (1934), } L0-·
therefore; /
a. they have no authority to delegate pollee power to municipal corporations, and, ~

Page 14 (plus attachments) Corporate Denial Affidavit 062013:)//>• ,

,. . u -
This matter!!ext copyright C by tile Tille Holder. AH right to this matterilext and what it may ~nt is by tenns and conditions of
the TJtle Holder. Title Holder Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn

-¥b-(l \
b. the municipal corporation called Judiciary Courts of the State ofTexas, Inc., and their parent
municipal corporation called State ofTexas, Inc., (attached) are an unconstitutional
delegation of authority, and a fraud and a nullity, and,
c. all "law enforcement agencies" and their officers are unconstitutional delegations of
authority, and have no authority whatsoever, and,
d. they have no authority to create an unconstitutional agency called the State BAR, for Texas
or any State, and,
e. their foreign agents of the Crown BAR members have no authority to even speak to Me,
much less accuse Me of anything, and,
f. they have no authority to engage in unconstitutional acts, like their current 13111 Amendment,
or their so-called 14th Amendment, and,
g. they have no authority to pass color of law statutes, and,
h. they have no authority to criminally convert My citizenship into one of their lowlife scumbag
US citizen slaves, or fabricate evidence of such a thing, and,
i. they have no authority to criminally convert My postal address to their foreign bankrupt
corporation by adding a ZIP CODE, and,
j. they have no authority to impose their color of law codes, rules, or regUlations on Me, under
any circumstances, or for any reason, and,
k. they have no authority to unlawfully arrest (assault) Me at the borders, or anywhere else, or
search my property, or even communicate with Me in any way, or for any reason, and

Twenty-five. Any government offiCial who attempts to impose on Me, one of their fraudulent
US citizens, or any fictitious entity, or a ZIP CODE, or threatens Me to get hearsay evidence
"Every consent Involves a submission; but a mere submission does not necessarily
involve consent." Black's, 2d. 249,

in order to fabricate evidence of such a fraudulent US citizen or fictitious entity, or ZIP CODE. or
attempts to impose their fictitious non-positive law codes, rules, or regulations on Me, or
attempts to steal My compensation for labor based on such a fictitious entity, is operating under
color of !)f:fice,
"Color of office. Pretense of official right to do act made by one who haS no such right.
Kiker v. Pinson, 120 Ga.App. 784, 172 S.E.2d 333, 334. An act under color of office is an
act of an officer who claims authority to do the act by reason of his office when the office
does not confer on him any such authorill£. Maryland Cas. Co. v. McCOnnack, Ky., 488
S.W.2d 347, 352." Black's Law DictlonaryeEdition, page 266 [emphasis added]

and is fabricating evidence;

..(a) A person commits an offense If, knowing that an Investigation or official proceeding
is pending or in progress, he:
(1) alters, destroys, or conceals any record, document, or thing with intent to impair its
verity, legibility, or availability as evidence In the Investigation or official proceeding; or
(2) makes. presents. or uses any record, document, or thing with knowledge of its falsity
and with intent to affect the course or outcome of the lnyestigation or official proceeding.
(d) A person commits an offense If the person:
(1) knowing that an offense has been committed, alters, destroys, or conceals any
record, document, or thing with intent to impair ita verity, legibility, or availability as
evidence In any subsequent investigation of or official proceeding related to the offense;
or••• " Texas Penal Code Section 37.09. Tampering with or Fabricating Physical Evidence,
(emphasis added],

and is violating My rights under the color of law in violation of 18 USC § 242, which says;
"Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully
subjects any Inhabitant of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to
the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or Immunities secured or protected by the
Constitution or laws of the United States, •••••••• shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned......... "
Pub. L. 103-322, Sec. 320201(a), substituted "person in any State" for "Inhabitant of any (,1
State" In first paragraph. \L;
and 18 USC§ 241 says; / . .p
"If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person [n li t,
any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District In the free exercise or ,V
enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the ~:'
Unjted States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or If two or more perso_s .~
g~ In dls_guise on the highway, or on the premises of a~other, with intent to prevent or
hmder his free exercise or enfovment of anv right or pnvl!ege so secured- They shall be
Page 15(plusaltachments) CoiJ)OrataDeniaiAI!idavit062013
jj-r .
This matterllext cooyright ~ by the Tille Holder. All right to this ...-rllext and what it may teptesent s by terms and <::0<\ditiona of r y/ /

~-- ¥t- 1r7·--=:-~y

fined under this title or imprisoned•••; and if death results from the acts committed In
violation of this section or if such acts Include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap,
aggravated sexual abuse or an atlempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an
attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or Imprisoned•••, or may be sentenced
to death."
and they are engaged in pe~ury of oath at a minimum, as well as sedition, treason, and more,
"If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in anv plag subiect to the
iuriadiction of the United Sfat!s, conspire to overthrow, put down. or to deStroy by force
the Government of the United States, or to Jevv war aaalnat then!. or to oPPose bv force
the authoritY thereof. or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of
the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States
contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or Imprisoned
not more than twenty years, or both." 18 USC § 2384,

"We have no more right to decline the exercise of jurisdiction which Is given than to
usurp that which Is not given. The one or the other would be treason to the Constitution."
Cohen v Virginia, 19 U.S. 264 [emphasis added)

and Insurrection.
"Whoever Incite!. sets on foot, assists. or enii!HI!! In any rebellion or Insurrection
aaalnst the authorttv of the United States or the laws thereof. or gives aid or Comfort
~ shall be fined under this title or Imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and
shall be Incapable of holding any office under the Unitad States." 18 USC § 2383,

and because the Constitution for the United States of America sets up a trust, they are guilty of
treason (Breach of Trust}, and further,

Twenty-six. The Undersigned, I, Me, My, or Myself, also known as Glenn Winningham; house of
Feam, of Original Status, and Judicial Power Citizen by Right of Blood, do herewith declare,
state and say; I issue this Qgrporate Denial Affid!vH with sincere intent in truth, that I am
competent to state the matters set forth herein, and shall so testify in a lawful court, that the
contents are true. correct. complete, certain, admissible as evidence, and reasonable and just,
by Me, undersigned addressee, one of ·we the People", and not a corporation or a fiCtion of any
type, and further,

Twenty-seven. Signed and sealed in red ink on the land of Arizona, under penalties with pe~ury,
(28 USC§ 1746 (1)), under the laws of the United States of America, and without the United
States, and further,

Twenty-eight Further Affiant sayeth not,

It has been said, so it is done.

Signed and sealed this tiMe-f.~ f·trh

· Glenn Wmningham; house of Fearn, sui juris
Sovereign living soul, holder of the office of "the People"
Judicial Power Citizen by right of blood
Inhabitant of the land known as Texas
Wrth full responsibility for My actions
under the Laws of YHWH as found in the Holy Bible

Arizona republic )
) Subscribed, Sworn, Sealed
Pinal County )
As an officer of the court, I, hereby certify that Glenn Winningham; house of Feam, who is
known to me, appeared before me and aftJN" being duly put under oath, he executed the
foregoing document on this the ·1, 'a eieed,tt.... day of 8Q!:!!. in the year two
and thirteen~
. · '"' • OI'I'ICIAI.sw

/ ~ Jf.;;, DONNA lEE DIAZ

c. :L Nolooy ~~~ C:t"'C"~"~·-
7.N~o~~p='us.::b~li::;.c~;;....,o:;_........._&..:IO..O:::::'l=~4-------'14ililjJ' My Comm. &p~- ""~~· 10. 2013

.Page 16 (plus attachments) Corporat• Oonlal Al!idavit 06201 ~ 1/) /

tne Title Holder.
~ f( _,._m
Thl& matterllext copyr1gt1t c by the Tille Holder. All rigllt to this matlllrl\1lxt and What it may - n l l a llY ten-na end conditions of
:nt1e Hor;nn Wlnnk1gham; hOUSe Of Fearn "
i .. /
Pedigree Chart 16 John Alstoo.WmninQham
8 : 21 Feb 1808
8 -~(Jack) R. WenninQh!m M:1835
0: 19 Jtj 1904
8:22 Dec 1838
P: ,Ovelton,TenneS&ee,USA 17 PermeliJ Malf!@ld:::=....----
M:1885 8:1818
4 _Jam~ Ca!lon Winnif!OO@m P:,Overtan,T81• a 1 ,USA 0:1870
8:28Aclr1866 0:5Jan 1889
.P: ,Ovefton.Tennessee.USA ·P: ,Ovemln,T81U!B91e,USA 18 Gray
.M:1873 8:
·o: 22 Apr 1922
9E~~- ~~--------:..
8: 1 Jan 1831
P: Tenal,./effeniM,O,USA P: ,Qwlrton.TerJIIBSiee,USA 19PolyHill
0:20 Ma" 1891 8:
2 Quitman Elbe!t Winningham P: ,Overton,TetN essee,USA D:
8:11 Aug 1888
·P: OVertcln,Tennaaaee,USA 20 Allan McDonald
M:5Jul t908 8:1776
P: Terrat,Jelfer.lon,O,USA 10 Jason McDonald M:
0:28 Feb 1958 8:22 Jan 1817
P: Ryan,Jefferson,O,USA P: ,Ov«ton,Tel'lll8888e.USA 21 Susannah Sells
' "M:1854 8:1785
s~·gemen=l.!!!.!.!.!!!Un~ewM~cOon~~ald!l!----P: ,Overton Co.,Tennessee,USA 0:1855
8:22 Sflp 1862 _0:4 Oct 1908
P: ,Overton,T«VVe&$88,USA ·P: Monme.Qva1on,T,USA 22~ner Ledbetler
0:1896 8:1811
P: ,!..ampasas,T8IGIS 11 Mart J. ledbetter M:1825
P: ,Overton,Tenneasea,USA 23 Virginia Jane lions
0:1883 8:1812
P: .Overton.Ter.n usn, USA. 0:1865
1 Hazel lorene WiMingham 24 _ _ _ __
P: B:
M:5Nov1915 M:
P: C8!dston.Aibefi,Canada 8:1822
0: P: ,,Alabama 25 _ _ _ _ _ __
P: M: 8:
=-----P: 0:
8:20 Jan 1859 0:
Roderick Mwray Fearn P: Jacksonvlle.Chemk'Be,'f,USA P: ,.Texaa 26
=s-:- - - - - - -
(Spouee at no. 1) M:21 Aug 1883
P: 13.N@ng Maranda Morgan
0: 25 Sep 1951 8:1823
_P: Ollckastla,Grady,O,USA P: ,.North Cerollna Z1
D: B:
P: 0:

28 Miles McGinnis ¥.cOowel_l_ _

9:24 Jun 1804
3 Ruby May Atkina 14 Wi!!Y.Jia~y McDowell
8:5May 1890
P: Mella,Umestooe,Texas, USA P: .MDIV&n,Aiabama 29.Ann ~OC.L. ------ - - -
D: 27 Aug 1980 M: 10 Nov 1852 8:1798
P: Ryan.,lelfelson,O,USA 7 Katherine May McDowell .. P: 0:1835
8:26 Feb 1859 D:280Ct 1887
P:Weason,Coplah,Missoori P: ,Tippah.MIIII<Ui 30 David Dean
D:Sap1937 9:1806
P:Tenaf,JeftilniOn,O,USA 15_M!ocAnn Q!!!~n_ _ __ M:
8: 10 Nov 1834
P: .,Tennessee 31,EJizabet~h~-- ·- - - -

Pedigree Chart 16WIIIiamW!I:toit!ab!.rn --- --- - -
8 James J. W'!!'rrf~,g,,_,ham=---~.
B: 29 Feb 1756
P: .Ptttce George,VItglnia.USA 17 Saran
M:13.kll1192 B:
4 Adam Winningtl~ ___ _ P: f);
8:1781 0 :25Aug 1836
P: .Randolpb.Nol1h carolna P:,Randolph,No!1hCalolina.USA 18 _ _ _ _ __ _ _
M:1801 B:
P·.:Sep D.... 9_Sarah Nichols -~
O 1...... 8~1760
P: ,Overton,Tennessee,USA P: 19_
D: 8:
2 John Alston Winning!'!am P: ,Randolph,VIIglnia 0:
8 :21 Feb1808 20_ ___
P: .Randolph.North Carolina
M:1835 B:
P: .Overton CO••Tennessee,USA 10____ _ _ __ _ _____ M:
D: 19 Jul1904 B:
P: ,Overton,Tennaseee.USA P· 21.
M B~:----------------

5.!.!laobeii=~--------P: D:
8:1782 0:
P: ,.VIIginla P: 22
0:1845 B:
11 ____________________M:

D: 23~8-=------------~----
P: D:
1 John (Jack) R. Winningham
8:22Cec 1838 24John~
P: .Overton.Tenneaee.USA 8:1724
'M:1885 M:
12 Stephen Mayfield
P: ,Dvetlon,Temesae&.USA 0:
0:5 Jao1889 P: .Aibemelfe Co,VIrginla.USA 25 Delia
P: ,Ovedon,Tennessee,USA M; 8:
6 John May.fteld P: D:
B; 1783 0:1776
. EveleneGray P: ,Essex County,Vi!Dinla.tJSA P: 264Ph~9~~~~----------
(Spouse of no. 1) M:13AUg1813 8:
P: .Overton Co,Tennessee.USA 13 Bridgett Gilmore M:
D: 11 Oct 1826 8: 0:
P: ,Overton,Tenneasee.USA P: 'Z7 Judith - _ .. _ ._ __ _ _
0: 8:
P: D:

28 William Todd Livingston

14 Henrv Livingston M:1749
3.Pennelia Mayfield
8:1818 B:1 Ma-1765
P: ,Overton,Tennessee,USA P: ,King & Queen Co..Vlrglnla 29 Sarah Ware
0:1870 M:21 Feb 1793 8:
P: .overton,Teclflessae,USA 7 Mary P.9!t..YJJY.i!:IJL.sfq!J__ ________P: 0:1794
B:13Mar1795 D:23May1834
P:,W~onCO.,VIrglnla,USA P : ,OwrtonCo...Tennessae,USA 30Comeliu!!_Q.~8.Q~- - - - - - -
0: B:18Jun1736
P: 15 Susannah parmac;k M: 1758
B: 30 Dec 1no 0: 18 Jut 11124
P: ,Freclerk:K CO..,Maryland,USA 31 Margery Jane Evans
0:1856 8:

kD ~~rr;USA
Chartno. 1
Pedigree Chart 16 ______ . - - - - - - -
8 John McOoweU
P: ..Soalland 17
M: B:
4 John Mc09~-----··P: D:
8:1758 0:
18 _ _ _ _____ - -
P:.,lrl*nt P:
M:21 May 1790 8:
p: ..South Ccmina.Unlled Stallilt g · M:
0:1866 8:
P: ,llMnince,l\laba p:
19 _ _ _ _~ --------
D: B:
2 Miles McGinnis McDowell P: D:
9:24 Jun 1804
P: ,WUicias,Geolgla 20 __
t.t190ct1825 8:
P: M:
10 P~ilemon Thoma§
&.18311 :e: ·o:
P: ,Morgan.Aiabama .P: 21 _ _ _ _ _ __
M: 8;
S~Sa~~~h~T~bo~~~~-----~·P: D:
B:15Jun1m o:
P: ,Marl:loro,South cadna.USA P: ,.Soulh C'.ara!N.Unillld States 2 2 . . . , . _ . - - - - - - - - -
D: 13 Aug 1856 B:
P: ,l..swrenoa,Aiabema.USA 11 M:

D: 23~·8;- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P: D:
1 Wiley Galloway McDoweH
8:5Aug1833 24 Wjlf!am Ayc;;ock
P: ,Morgan,Aiabama 8:1705
M:10Nov1852 12.Ridtard A~ock ----·o:1765 M:1736
P: 8:1739
D: 28 Oc:t 1887 P: .,Virgiria.Unilad Slates
25 Rebecca Pace
M:1168 8:1665
6~~------ P: ,.Narth C8rullne 0:
8:1773 0:1788
P:,Norlh CaRllna,IA1ited Stakr8 P:,WIIkeS,Georgia,Unile4 Slates 26 _ _ _ __
Mary Ann Dean
(Spouseofno. t) M:26 Dec 1797 8:
P: M:
13 Rtbecca Thurman
0:1826 D:
P:.Molgan.A.United States P: ,Bettle,Nolth Caroltna,USA 27
0:1783 -8-:- - - - --- - - - -
P: ,Wilras,Georifa,USA 0:

28John Stovall - - - - -
3AnnAvcock 14 Drury Stovall M:
8:1798 8:1752 D:
P: ,Morgan,Aiabama P:
0:1835 M:
29 Dor~-----·-·--
P: ,Motgan,Aiabama 7 Mildred Stovall P: D;
8:1780 0:1826
P: ,.Virglnla,Uflited S1ates P: 30 John Stone
0:1864 B:
P:,Molgan,A,Wted States 15p.nn=~s~ton=e_ _ _ __ M:

31 Mildred Cor=de,_r_ __

~ ll7 D:
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HO I..EA.G.yg_Q..EJ.I!illl1Q 2000 L ST NW STE 610, WASHINGTON, DC

Ot'.B 11i'•rni! 1 ..:.~1:.-ul 0&8 ~ Cootact i).~B; $il9. ~.~ 4 ~:·: F:~v?.C't P"i;q· : ~--,,..sM!Tlet S··•~'':?f
R~tl.ii1d&. C:a!tcBllat.:Cn ~;}t>i:y i F=.A.Q~ i G~ossat ;.'! ~&B {~~Ia O~ a:~ iy: i ~m~s .)f Us..e : P~~iAt •._;sl
-: 2f}{)fi. 0~F~ L\. 8i'3dS!f"Nt. ~>':'.

httn·//.,m~llhn!Olines.o;;_dnh_comlwebaopfwcs/stores/servletllbaUValidationCmd?storeld= 1000... 3/12/2009

Daniel-Lee: Swank
PO.Box85S 118111522 3 PGS
Huffinan, Texas 77336


Liberty County § AFFIDAVIT OF

-- --- ------------- ---· ----§· B.ECORD
State ofTexas §

L Daniel-Lee: S""''ank. affiaoa herein. state under Public Law 97-280 that I am competent,
r have personal knowledge ofthe facts herein and state tbat the facts herein are true,
correct. and not misleading.

1. I have retrieved the attac:hed two pages ofD&B Business Background Report
regarding the for profit corpome statUI of the JUDJCJ.Ait.Y COURTS OF THE STATE
OF TEX.I\S from the Dunn and Bradstreet internet website
;; "' ,.., , 13. / r _ r:i
Further. affiant says nothing.

-----; . ~~L '·


Loaniel-Lee: Swank. affiant

§ ss


~ 2008.

By Daniel-Lee: Swank.. a man. perscnally known to me or provided to me on the basis of

satisfactory evidence 1o be the man who appeared before me.

Al.l!tf #,. THOM.\8

Mt Comm·$Sii:K\ bpdS
OC!Gber 2•. 20l0

My Commission Expires on: ~- :Z.y.;.....:zt/Yip

Dt~B Business Background Report Judiciary Courts of the State ofTexas Page I of2

DS. B Businl'ss Background Hl·pnrt r\t

D'B hu I)Ot fully revised this report s1nce u-o2-0~ and. tMs report,
t~e~et~c~. shOUld no~ be coasi~red a sta~emcnt of ••istinq faet. The
infor~t•on p~••nt aay refer ~o •3fO~tion ob~ained by D•B after ~h~ l•st
f~ll fev!sio~ 4a~. Such informatio" ..y not currently relate to this
busi~~ss due to possible cbAnqes in ownership. control. or leoal statu• .


~ JtiOlCfAIT COOltTS or TKt; STAT& Of l'SXAS



Y••r Started: 1a1s

Control ~ear: li•S
;UPR£$ COOl':' IIOILDINCi This is a ~adquarter locatioa.
\USTJ!ol, u
telephone: $;.2 HJ- i 312

&~loy~ea Total: 1,0•9

~lotees Here: 54
·rop E:< 't'HOHI\S A PBtLL!PS. Cltf'


t.s--.~·--•-••--••••--•• .. _...••••---••!11'•••••••••--e••_.....,,.••




Th~ Corpor&te De~ails provided below .ay have been suo.itted by che
.a~~ of ~he $ubject ous1ness and ~Y not ha~ ~ft verifi4d v1th
~he 90~tReeftC 6~ncy wbleh r•eords euch data.


T~~ ~ PHILLIPS, CK:cr ~teE
0Tlt!C'T01USI : TH£ OFriCEi\CS)

~3MOd O!nl:l ..I.N3~"ldln03
O&H Busil:tes$ Background Report: Judiciary Coura of the Slate ofTc:xas

8w~lncsa seact~ liCS by the c1~1zefta.

since~~l9U. R PHILLIPS. Ch~et Juatlce c: Cbe Supr•. . CoQt~ Of T•x•a

•"-"•ftt:=;tov-••. -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ _ _ _ Q: _ _ _ _ _. . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C::>ltAATl ORS


• ........................ -.a. ............................ ca-••·--....................- ........ -·

.! ~ot need any additional Lnfor..t~on or have any ~·t~oo. reqat01Af th1$

·--··--~--- ...... --·----...-~- ........._........____________..,___ ____

-~pert. pluae call out cuat~r S.rv1ca. ~ot. l-tOC-434-0UNS.!l867J.

DO Of' DUl!l • ~0$1'1tSII:t BUSIME$$ IIACI(GJl.OI.lftD R£POilT

._ ~·---··


5·~t~ c=-:~,::..~
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~~...~~c:t"A~~nt·-..4'""""-~~--PIM-'M ~-.,.,
.:;, •• <1-.~t"'<'< ..,.J...,, >'It ~~~GJ:t. t C1~ ~.I!II,.C 1:£:-:P.:'S
..... :....,.~ .... lt...... ... ~._...,..,,._-,a:;:,· ..

JUN - 6 2aaa

'·* -...fuJ.-....·
.:::.·~~. ~ ~
PHONE: 520-866-6830 FAX: 520-866-6831 ·

) ss

I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the official records on file in the office
of the Recorder of Pinal County located in

DKT/PG or Fee No 2013-032373

Pages: _,1~-- thru 24 of_--:;24~--

Date: Aprill9. 2013

Witness my hand and official seal:

Virginia Ross,
Recorder ofPinal County

Deputy Recorder ;'


So\W1NWO.D\OECORDER\RECP&P\"""" Re'~~~p £7
Tille Holder: Glenn Winningham; house of Feam Steve Myers, Police Chief, Notice and Demand 041708

Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn
Non-Domestic Mail
C/0 6340 lake Worth Blvd., #437
Fort Worth, Texas

By Registered Mail RA 351 950 285 US

Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor
613 SE Parkway
Azle, Texas 76020



I, Me, My, Myself, a man, a living soul, a sovereign, an inhabitant of the land of Texas,
and a holder of the office of "the peopleu, with an address correction: C/0 Glenn Winningham;
house of Fearn, Non-Domestic Mail, C/O 6340 Lake Worth Blvd., #437, Fort Worth, Texas,
WITHOUT the UNITED STATES, do hereby Notice you of the following:

1. Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, I accept your Oath of Office. Please find an Oath of
Office acceptance document attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference in
its entirety.

2. Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, equality under the Law is paramount and mandatory
by Law.

3. Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, et al, I did not give you, the authority for making a legal
determination for Me.

4. Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, et al, if you think or assume that you are representing
Me, you are FIRED!

5. Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, et al, neither you, nor any other person, is competent
in dealing with any of My affairs.

6. Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, I am competent for dealing in all of My affairs.

7. You, Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, were Noticed of My copyrights on the name(s)
WINJNINGHAM©, or any derivative(s) thereof and others as found in NON-
at FEE NUMBER 2005-121243, which is incorporated herein by reference in its

8. You, Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, et al, were ORDERED that any communication
with me is to be signed "under the penalty of perjury".
P...1ge 1 (plus attachments) Steve Myers, Police Chief, Notice and Demand 041708
This matter/text copyright~ by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.--·-------------··-·--·······--···-·········-·····-··-··-·--·-··-··---Tille Holder Glenn Winningham; house ol Fearn
With the Copy-Claim ·
Title Holder: Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn Steve Myers, Police Chief, Notice and Demand 041708

9. You, Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, et al, were Noticed that any violation My
copyright(s), or making a legal determination for Me, representing Me, or
communicating with Me in any manner not "under penalty of perjury" would constitute
an agreement to the fee of;
a) ten thousand dollars ($1 0,000.00), minimum; or
b) one million dollars {$1 ,000,000.00) if violated for the purpose of profit/gain; or
c) ten million dollars ($1 0,000,000.00) if violated for the purpose of profit or gain
more than three (3) times within a year.
for each and every violation, payable only in lawful money.

10. You, Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, et al, were also noticed that any violation as
described in paragraph 9 above would constitute an agreement that I could seek relief
from all of your corporate officers and directors as well as your parent corporation(s),
and its officers and directors, jointly, severally, and personally.

11. You, Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, et al, if you wish to communicate with Me, the
sovereign living soul, you are required to address the letter EXACTLY as shown above
and if you must use a ZIP code, put it in square brackets, because it takes it off the
page, otherwise, additional damages and injuries will accrue.

12. Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, et al, you are NOTICED that it is My intent, NEVER to
act as SURETY, or in any be the guarantor, or an accommodation party for the
fictitious entities created by government officials through FRAUD, COERCION,

13. Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, et a!, are NOTICED that because of criminal
conversion of My name and the names of My family members, I have seized control of
the fraudulently created entities, and copyrighted the names, and therefore, I am the
authorized representative for the 15 USC § 44 entity called GLENN WINNINGHAM
FEARN, pursuant to Power of Attorney in Fact recorded with the PINAL COUNTY
RECORDER at FEE NUMBER 2006-159374, which is incorporated herein by
reference in its entirety.

14. You, Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, et al, are NOTICED that I am not a second class
UNITED STATES citizen, 14th Amendment Citizen, corporation or other fictitious entity
as round in CORPORATE DENIAL AFFIDAVIT, recorded with the Pinal County
Recorder at FEE NUMBER 2005-1 07494, and ZIP CODE CORPORATE DENIAL
AFFIDAVIT recorded with the Pinal County Recorder at FEE NUMBER 2005-120448,
both of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.

15. You, Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, et al, are NOTICED that according to the courts,
thE!re is no such thing as a drivers license under Texas law.

This court has held thai· there is no such license known to Texas Law as a
"driver's license." Frank John Callas v. State, 167 Tex. Grim. 375; 320 S.W. 2d 360
We have held that there is no such license as a driver's license known to our
law. Claude D. Campbell v. State, 160 Tex. Grim. 627; 274 S.W.2d 401
Puge 2 (plus attachments) Steve Myers. Police Chief. Notice and Demand 041708
This matter/te:<l copyright © by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.···----····------··-----·--··-··-------··-····---··-····-··-········--······--···--Title Holder Glenn Winningham: house of Fearn
With the Copy-Claim . . _ ... -
Title Holder: Glenn Winningham: house of Fearn Steve Myers, Pofice Chief, Notice and Demand 041708

An information charging the driving of a motor vehicle upon a public highway

without a drivers license charges no offense, as there is no such license as a
driver's license known to the law.
Keith Brooks v. State 158 Tex. Crim. 546; 258 S.W.2d 317
There being no such license as a "driver's" license known to the Jaw, it follows
that the information, in charging the driving of a motor vehicle upon a highway
without such a license, charges no offense.
W. Lee Hassell v. The State, 149 Tex. Crim. 333; 194 S.W.2d 400

16. You, Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, et al, are NOTICED that since there is no such
thing as a drivers license, I will not have one, in the event I get stopped by one of your
subordinates. However, if I get stopped by one of your subordinates, I will have a
which is recorded with the PINAL COUNTY RECORDER at FEE NUMBER 2006-
159375, and a NON-NEGOTIABLE NOTICE AND DEMAND to all Corporate
Commercial Agents, which is recorded with the PINAL COUNTY RECORDER at FEE
NUMBER 2008-026907, true copies of each of which is attached hereto, and
incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.

17. You, Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, et al, are further NOTICED that My private
conveyance will be identified with the words PRIVATE VEHICLE in large unmistakable
letters, on the back bumper area.

18. You, Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, are NOTICED that all documents that are
recorded with the PINAL COUNTY RECORDER may be viewed at their website at;

19. You, Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, are NOTICED that you are not authorized to
serve commercial process on Me.

20. As a titled sovereign, I hereby DEMAND that you Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor,
protect Me from all foreign agents like agents from the FBI, the DEA, the INS, the IRS,
the IMF, the CIA, and any other agents of foreign governments.

21. As you already know, Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, neith~r the Texas
Transportation code, nor the Texas Business or Commerce code, also known as the
Uniform Commercial code, are positive law, therefore, you have no authority
whatsoever to impose anything in either of them on Me.

22. You, Andrew Vogel, Azle Prosecutor, are NOTICED that because I am a sovereign
living soul, and a holder of the office of "the people", and an inhabitant of the land of
Texas, that it also holds true that I am not a "person" as found in any of your corporate
commercial codes, rules, and regulations, and therefore, your law merchant, alkla
private international law, a/kla martial law, a/k/a canon law, a/kfa ecclesiastical law,
does not apply to Me, and if you or one of your subordinates attempts to impose one
of your law merchant so-called contracts upon Me, your subordinate and you will be . <.:.
engaging in Perjury of Oath, Sedition to the Constitution, and giving aid and comfort to
Pug..: 3 (plus attachments) Steve Myers. Police Chief, Notice and Demand 041708
This matter/te:<t copyright ©by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and condilions of the Title
Holder.·····-······- ·······- - ·-----------····- - --------------·-- · - - - -···-··-Title Holder Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn
With the Copy-Claim
Tille Holder. Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn Steve Myers, Police Chief, Notice and Demand 041708

the enemy in a time of war, which is the prosecutable form of Treason as found in the
constitutions for the united States of America, as well as the Republic of Texas.

23. Finally, Andrew Vogel, Azia Prosecutor, et al, as a titled sovereign, I hereby ORDER
you, and your subordinates, to protect My constitutional rights.

24. Signed and Sealed in red ink on the land ofT exas.

All of the above is submitted "UNDER PENALTIES with PERJURY" (28 USC§ 1746(1)).

Notice for the principal is notice for the agent and

notice tor the agent is notice for the principal.

This instrument was prepared by Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn.

GLENN WINNINGHAM FEARN, and all derivatives thereof

My Copyright

Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, sui juris

sovereign living soul, holder of the office of "the people"
inhabitant of the land of Texas

As an ex officio Notary Public and an officer of the Court for the Republic of Texas, I, Henry
Norman; house of Suhl, hereby certify that Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, who is
known to me, who is a sovereign living soul, an inhabitant of the land of Texas, and a holder
of the office of "the people", appeared before me and executed the foregoing NOTICE AND
DEMAND 041708, on this ·- day of April, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and

. . ·- :~ . .


Pag~ 4 (plus a\tachments) Steve Myers, Police Chiel, Notice and Demand 041708
Th!s matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.····--····-----------·--···--···-···-··----------····-------·-··--······-·Title Holder Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn
With the Copy-Claim

OFFICIAL NOTICE/DEMAND by an American Sovereign!

FOR: The living Man or Woman of God so named below offering We the People of God
ADMINISTRATOR OR AGENT is now NOTICED that who so ever acts with DISHONOR
regarding his/her OATH OF OFFICE standing unto God is in Violation(s) of His one Natural law
and contract breech with me being one We the People of God for not upholding my organic
Constitutional superior declared Sovereign Rights of God and is therefore impersonating
without standing;

In the name of God, Amen; I, me, my, myself, a living soul sui juris Texian American Sovereign of God
standing in God's Kingdom without the Corporatism UNITED STATES, formally accept your contract offer for
value being your Oath and/or Affirmation{s) for Office without the Corporatism UNITED STATES by affirming
(swearing}, "so help me God". I formally accept your offer with lawful conditions with your constitutional,
legislated, delegated, regulatory authority and your timely public declaration for fiduciary officeholder by Oath
and/or Affirmation by limiting your all enforcement claims brought forth, "UNDER PENALTIES with PERJURY".
Further, I formally accept your Oath offers with conditions that all RETURNS must be signed Under Penalties
with Perjury upholding and notwithstanding all your Oath offering{s) and/or Affirmation(s}. I formally accept your
Oath offers or Affirmation{s) for Office beholding unto our Creator God as being truth. KJV: Leviticus 19:12,
Deuteronomy 23:23, 1Kings 8:31-32, Ecclesiastes 5:3~6, Mathew 23:11-30, James 1:6-7.

It is now written that you and ! have joinder standing under God in a firm binding private contract ab
initio, I demand you uphold your private contract part, non ultra vires, as laid down by our Creator in His Holy
Word and declared in the one We the People's organic Constitution for Texas a republic and with all other Oath
offering(s) and Affirmation(s) notwithstanding. Doing otherwise initiates Dishonor unto Him and good faith
breach with me of God.

Whereas the above private contract now being in force, you are personally liable for the protection for
my entire Texian American Sovereignty declared rights standing in God's Kingdom without the Corporatism
UNITED STATES, therefore I demand you honor my reserved declared rights imbedded in our Constitution and
protected with God's Superior common law and commercial law which is created within imprescriptibility as mine
and are inalienable in their entirety. Doing otherwise initiates Dishonor unto Him and good faith breach with me
of God.

Absent the above private contract involving my Sovereign private affairs that are arrived at without
recourse and dishonor with you and whereas your Corporatist Title being one PERSON created by THE STATE
OF TEXAS/UNITED STATES is fired from assigning or appointing any 3ro party legal representation for making
legal determinations involving me. Doing otherwise initiates Dishonor unto Him our Creator and good faith
breach with me of God and in International Maritime Law voids your fiduciary worthiness.

I further declare f am confident for handling my own affairs. I do not own or reside on or in any water
body on planet earth. I declare by Affidavit "I am of God not a Corporatism UNITED STATES OR STATE
created Corporatisf'. If you insist on pursuing, standing against me of God without Venue or proper geographical
Jurisdiction you are in Texas State Corporatism violation ulaw with Color", Nation's Laws, International Laws
and the most superior law over all, our creator God's one Royal law.

KJV/Gal: 5-14; all law is fulfilled in one wordj Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. James 2:8-10

THEREFORE, YOU ARE NOTICED that you may be knowingly or unknowingly COMMITTING
CRIMINAL ACTS by criminally converting Civil Statutes and my inalienable rights. These acts are being
Created by simulating Court Processes using Corporatism "LAWS WITH COLOR" while being INFERIOR
with We the People's Superior created organic Constitutional Jurisdiction and Venue. Therefore you
Oath of Office Acceptance For my Court Record; me, BY Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, of God

Page i of 2 With the Copy~Ciaim BY _ _ _ _ _ Seal


may be standing in DISHONOR our OATH(S) OF OFFICE by dishonoring God the one Organic Creator
Superior over all and myself a declared sui juris Texian American Sovereign of God standing in God's
Kingdom without the Corporatism UNITED STATES. If found you have knowledge in COMMimNG such
CRIMINAL ACTS and dishonoring your OATH(S) OF OFFICE as an Elected, Appointed, Assigned, and/or
Employed official servant for We the People of God, claims may be brought against you PERSONALLY
for you are operating outside the bounds for your constitutional, legislated, delegated, and regulatory
authority. THE STATE OF TEXJ\SIUNITEO STATES Corporatism offers no protection for its
administrators. agents, employees that are elected, contracted, employed or appointed when they
operate outside their jurisdictional bounds and against God's Superior created mankind.

I demand acknowledgement and receipt with attached NOTICE/DEMAND including any charging,
billing, inquiry, summons and/or any other simulated Court process with related instrument{s) certified copies
being sought against me that may require a fine, pleading, subpoena or arrest and/or causing myself injury
and/or my private property. If you refuse in signing said OFFICIAL NOTICE/DEMAND then any fraudulent
actions by you against me will be declared tendered and dishonored by affidavit and describing you as being an
unlawful official administrator/agent/employee impersonator. I demand your signature hereon and returned
within three days from receipt as an acknowledgement which may be introduced as evidence for initiated
claim(s) and your signature hereon is not a guilt admission:

Official man/woman's living Name: Andrew Vogel; Signature: - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Official's Corporatism d.b.a.mtle: ANDREW VOGEL PROSECUTOR. CITY OF AZLE;

Official's Corporatist Bar Card No: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Official's Office N o . : - - - - - - - -

Official's Elected and/or Appointed Bonding Co. name and number: -'------~------


·-· .: .:

As an ex officio Notary Public and an officer of the court for the Republic of Texas, I, Henry
Norman; house of Suhl, hereby certify that Glenn Winningham; house oi' Fearn, who is
known to me, who is a sovereign living soul, an inhabitant of the land of Texas, and a holder
of the office of "the people", appeared before me and executed the foregoing on this · _·
day of April, In the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Eight.

.. ... ;: ~ ~: ···· . ·.. ·-' -. ·.· - ··

Oath of Office Acceptance For my Court Record; me, BY Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, of God

Page 2 of 2 With the Copy-Claim BY _ _ _ _ _ Seal

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Date Stamp

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is Hmited.
(See Re•erse}.

_j_! 4/30/2008
Title Holder: Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn Steve Myers, Police Chief, Notice and Demand 041708

Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn
Non-Domestic Mail
C/0 6340 Lake Worth Blvd., #437
Fort Worth, Texas

By Registered Mail RA 351 950 277 US

Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief
613 SE Parkway
Azle, Texas 76020



I, Me, My, Myself, a man, a living soul, a sovereign, an inhabitant of the land of Texas,
and a holder of the office of "the people", with an address correction: C/0 Glenn Winningham;
house of Fearn, Non~Domestic Mail, C/0 6340 Lake Worth Blvd., #437, Fort Worth, Texas,
WITHOUT the UNITED STATES, do hereby Notice you of the following:

1. Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, I accept your Oath of Office. Please find an Oath of
Office acceptance document attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference in
its entirety.

2. Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, equality under the Law is paramount and mandatory
by Law.

3. Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, et a!, I did not give you, the authority for making a legal
determination for Me.

4. Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, et al, if you think or assume that you are representing
Me, you are FIRED!

5. Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, eta!, neither you, nor any other person, is competent
in dealing with any of My affairs.

6. Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, I am competent for dealing ln all of My affairs.
7. You, Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, were Noticed of My copyrights on the name(s)
W~NNINGHAM©, or any derivative(s) thereof and others as found in NON-
at FEE NUMBER 2005-121243, which is incorporated herein by reference in its

8. You, Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, et al, were ORDERED that any communication·
with me is to be signed "under the penalty of perjury".
Page 1 (plus attachments) Steve Myers, Police Chief, Notice and Demand 041708
This matterJtext copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matterJtext and \vhat it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.----------·--·-···-----------------·---·--···-·------·-------············-Title Holder Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn
With the Copy-Claim
Title Holder: Glenn Winningham: house of Feam Steve Myers, Police Chief, Notice and Demand 041708

9. You, Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, et al, were Noticed that any violation My·
copyright(s), or making a legal determination for Me, representing Me, or
communicating with Me in any manner not "under penalty of pe~urt would constitute
an agreement to the fee of;
a) ten thousand dollars ($1 0,000.00), minimum; or
b) one million dollars ($1 ,000,000.00) if violated for the purpose of profit/gain; or
c) ten million dollars ($10,000,000.00) if violated for the purpose of profit or gain
more than three (3) times within a year,
for each and every violation, payable only in lawful money.

10. You, Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, et al, were also noticed that any violation as
described in paragraph 9 above would constitute an agreement that I could seek relief
from all of your corporate officers and directors as well as your parent corporation(s),
and its officers and directors, jointly, severally, and personally.

11. You, Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, et at, if you wish to communicate with Me, the
sovereign living soul, you are required to address the letter EXACTLY as shown above
and if you must use a ZIP code, put it in square brackets, because it takes it off the
page, otherwise, additional damages and injuries will accrue.

12. Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, et al, you are NOTICED that it is My intent, NEVER to
act as SURETY, or in any be the guarantor, or an accommodation party for the
fictitious entities created by government officials through FRAUD, COERCION,

13. Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, et al, are NOTICED that because of criminal
conversion of My name and the names of My family members, I have seized control of
the fraudulently created entities, and copyrighted the names, and therefore, I am the
authorized representative for the 15 USC § 44 entity called GLENN WINNINGHAM
FEPHN, pursuant to Power of Attorney in Fact recorded with the PINAL COUNTY
RECORDER at FEE NUMBER 2006-159374, which is incorporated herein by
reference in its entirety.

14. You, Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, et al, are NOTICED that I am not a second class
UNITED STATES citizen, 14th Amendment Citizen, corporation or other fictitious entity
as found in CORPORATE DENIAL AFFIDAVIT, recorded with the Pinal County
Recorder at FEE NUMBER 2005-107494, and ZIP CODE CORPORATE DENIAL
AFFIDAVIT recorded with the Pinal County Recorder at FEE NUMBER 2005-120448,
both of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.

15. You, Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, eta!, are NOTICED that according to the courts,
there is no such thing as a drivers license under Texas law.

TMs court has held thai' there is no such license known to Texas Law as a
"dliver's license. "Frank John Callas v. State, 167 Tex. Crim. 375; 320 S.W. 2d 360
We have held that there is no such license as a driver's license known to our
law. Claude D. Campbell v. State, 160 Tex. Grim. 627; 274 S.W.2d 401
Pnge 2 (plus attachments} Steve Myers, Police Chief, Notice and Demand 041708
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right lo this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of !he Title
HJider.·······-···-····--·-·-·---··--··--··--··-·······-·-·····-·--····-·--·-------··-····--Title Holder Glenn Winningham; hOuse of Fearn
With the Copy-Claim
Title Holder: Glenn Winningham; house of Feam Steve Myers, Police Chief, Notice and Demand 041708

An information charging the driving of a motor vehicle upon a public highway

without a driver's license charges no offense, as there is no such license as a
driver's license known to the Jaw.
Keith Brooks v. State 158 Tex. Grim. 546; 258 S.W.2d 317
There being no such license as a "driver's" license known to the law, it follows
that the information, In charging the driving of a motor vehicle upon a highway
without such a license~ charges no offense.
W. Lee Hassell v. The State, 149 Tex. Grim. 333; 194 S.W.2d 400

16. You, Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, et ai, are NOTICED that since there is no such
thing as a drivers license, I will not have one, in the event I get stopped by one of your
subordinates. However, if I do get stopped by one of your subordinates, I will have a
which is recorded with the PINAL COUNTY RECORDER at FEE NUMBER 2006-
159375, and a NON-NEGOTIABLE NOTICE AND DEMAND to all Corporate
Commercial Agents, which is recorded with the PINAL COUNTY RECORDER at FEE
NUMBER 2008-026907, true copies of each of which is attached hereto, and
incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.

17. You, Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, et al, are further NOTICED that My private
conveyance will be identified with the words PRIVATE VEHICLE in large unmistakable
letters, on the back bumper area.

I 8. You, Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, are NOTICED that all documents that are
recorded with the PINAL COUNTY RECORDER may be viewed at their website at;

19. You, Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, are NOTICED that you are not authorized to
serve commercial process on Me.

20. As a titled sovereign, I hereby DEMAND that you Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief,
protect Me from all foreign agents like agents from the FBI, the DEA, the INS, the IRS,
the !MF, the CIA, and any other agents of foreign governments.

21. As you already know, Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, neither the Texas
Transportation code, nor the Texas Business or Commerce code, also known as the
Uniform Commercial code, are positive law, therefore, you have no authority
whatsoever to impose anything in either of them on Me.

22. You, Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, are NOTICED that because! am a sovereign
living soul, and a holder of the office of "the people", and an inhabitant of the land of
Texas, that it also holds true that I am not a "person" as found in any of your corporate
commercial codes, rules, and regulations, and therefore, your law merchant, a/k/a
private international law, a/k/a martial law, a/k/a canon law, afkla ecclesiastical law,
does not apply to Me, and if you or one of your subordinates attempts to impose one
of your law merchant so-called contracts upon Me, your subordinate and you will be
engaging in Perjury of Oath, Sedition to the Constitution, and giving aid and comfort to
Page 3 (plus attachments) Steve Myers, Police Chief, Notice and Demand 041708
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.·-·-·-··-·--·-··-·-··---·-·--··-·----··-·---··-·-··-····-··-·-----····--··iitle Holder Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn
With the Copy-Claim.
Title Holder: Glenn Winningham; house of Feam Steve Myers. Police Chief, Notice and Demand 041708

the enemy in a time of war, which is the prosecutable form of Treason as found in the
constitutions for the united States of America, as well as the Republic of Texas.

23. Finally, Steve Myers, Azle Police Chief, et al, as a titled sovereign, I hereby ORDER
you, and your subordinates, to protect My constitutional rights.

24. Signed and Sealed in red ink on the land of Texas.

All of the above is submitted "UNDER PENALTIES with PERJURYo (28 USC§ 1746(1)).

Notice for the principal is notice for the agent and

notice for the agent is notice for the principal.
This instrument was prepared by Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn.

GLENN WINNINGHAM FEARN, and all derivatives thereof

My Copyright

Glenn Winningham; house of"Feam, sui juris

sovereign living soul, holder of the office of "the people"
inhabitant of the land of Texas

As an ex officio Notary Public and an officer of the Court for the Republic of Texas, I, Henry
Norman; house of Suhl, hereby certify that Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, who is
known to me, who is a sovereign living soul, an inhabitant of the land of Texas, and a holder
of the office of "the people", ,appeared before me and executed the foregoing NOTICE AND
DEMAND 041708, on this · · · · .· day of April, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and

.... .. . ·-··
-~ . --

Page 4 (plus aitachments) Steve Myers, Police Chief. Notice and Demand 041708
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Tille
Holder.----------------------------------·--·----··--·-··-·---·-Title Holder Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn
With the Copy-Claim

OFFICIAL NOTICE/DEMAND bv an American Sovereign!

FOR; The living Man or Woman of God so named below offering We the People of God
ADMINISTRATOR OR AGENT is now NOTICED that who so ever acts with DISHONOR
regarding his/her OATH OF OFFICE standing unto God is in Violation(s) of His one Natural Law
and contract breech with me being one We the People of God for not upholding my organic
Constitutuonal superior declared Sovereign Rights of God and is therefore impersonating
without s'i:anding;

In the name of God, Amen; I, me, my, myself, a living soul sui juris Texian American Sovereign of God
standing in God's Kingdom without the Corporatism UNITED STATES, formally accept your contract offer for
value being your Oath and/or Affirmation(s) for Office without the Col'poratism UNITED STATES by affirming
{swearing), "so help me God". I formally accept your offer with lawful conditions with your constitutional,
legislated, delegated, regulatory authority and your timely public declaration for fiduciary officeholder by Oath
and/or Affirmation by limiting your alf enforcement c!aims brought forth, "UNDER PENALTIES with PERJURY".
Further, I formally accept your Oath offers with conditions that all RETURNS must be signed Under Penalties
with Perjury upholding and notwithstanding all your Oath offering(s) and/or Affirmation(s). I formally accept your
Oath offers or Affirmation(s} for Office beholding unto our Creator God as being truth. KJV: Leviticus 19:12,
Deuteronomy 23:23, I Kings 8:31-32, Ecclesiastes 5:3-6, Mathew 23:11-30, James 1:6-7.

It is now written that you and I have joinder standing under God in a firm binding private contract ab
initio, I demand you uphold your private contract part, non ultra vires, as laid down by our Creator in His Holy
Word and declared in the one We the People's organic Constitution for Texas a republic and with all other Oath
offering(s) and Aifirmation(s) notwithstanding. Doing otherwise initiates Dishonor unto Him and good faith
breach with me of God.

Whereas the above private contract now being in force, you are personally liable for the protection for
my entire Texian American Sovereignty declared rights standing in God's Kingdom without the Corporatism
UNITED STATES, therefore I demand you honor my reserved declared rights imbedded in our Constitution and
protected with God's Superior common law and commercial law which is created within imprescriptibility as mine
and are inalienable in their entirety. Doing otherwise initiates Dishonor unto Him and good faith breach with me
of God.

Absent the above private contract involving my Sovereign private affairs that are arrived at without
recourse and dishonor with you and whereas your Corporatist Title being one PERSON created by THE STATE
OF TEXAS/UNITED STATES is fired from assigning or appointing any 3'd party legal representation for making
legal determinations involving me. Doing otherwise initiates Dishonor unto Him our Creator and good faith
breach with me of God and in International Maritime Law voids your fiduciary worthiness.

I further declare I am confident for handling my own affairs. l do not own or reside on or in any water
body on planet earth. I declare by Affidavit "l am of God not a Corporatism UNITED STATES OR STATE
created Corporatist".lf you insist on pursuing, standing against me of God without Venue or proper geographical
Jurisdiction you are in Texas State Corporatism violation "Law with Color", Nation's Laws, International Laws
and the most superior law over all, our creator God's one Royal law.

KJV/Gal: 5-14; all law is fulfilled in one wordj Thou shall love thy neighbor as thvself. James 2:8-10

THEREFORE, YOU ARE NOTICED !hat you may be knowingly or unknowingly COMMITTING
CRIMINAL ACTS by criminally converting Civil Statutes and my inalienable rights. These acts are being
Created by simulating Court Processes using Corporatism "LAWS WITH COLOR" while being INFERIOR
with We the People's Superior created organic Constitutional Jurisdiction and Venue. Therefore you
Oath of Office Acceptance For my Court Record; me, BY Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, of God

Page 1 of 2 With the Copy-Claim BY _ __;,.___ Seal

may be standing in DISHONOR ou1· OATH(S) OF OFFICE by dishonoring God the one Organic Creator
Superior over an and myself a declared sui juris Texian American Sovereign of God standing in God's
Kingdom without the Corporatism UNITED STATES. If found you have knowledge in COMMlTitNG such
CRIMINAL .ACTS and dishonoring your OATH(S) OF OFFICE as an Elected, Appointed, Assigned, and/or
Employed official servant for We the People of God, claims may be brought against you PERSONALLY
ior you are operating outside the bounds tor your constitutional, legislated, delegated, and regulatory
authority. THE STATE OF TEXAS/UNITED STATES Corporatism offers no protection for its
administrators. agents, employees that are elected. contracted, employed or appointed when they
operate outside their jurisdictional bounds and against God's Superior created mankind.

! demand acknowledgement and receipt with attached NOTICEIQEMAND including any charging,
billing, inquiry, summons and/or any other simulated Court process with related instrument(s} certified copies
being sought against me that may require a fine, pleading, subpoena or arrest and/or causing myself injury
and/or my private property. If you refuse in signing said OFFICIAL NOTICE/DEMAND then any fraudulent
actions by you against me will be declared tendered and dishonored by affidavit and describing you as being an
unlawful oHicial administrator/agent/employee impersonator. I demand your signature hereon and retumed
within three days from receipt as an acknowledgement which may be introduced as evidence for initiated
claim(s) and your signature hereon is not a guilt admission:

Official man/woman's living Name: Steve Myers; Signature: - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Official's Corporatism d.b.a./Title: STEVE MYERS, POLICE CHIEF. CITY OF AZLE:

Official's Corporatist Bar Card N o : - - - - - - - - Official's Office N o . : - - - - - - - -

Official's Elected and/or Appointed Bonding Co. name and n u m b e r : - - - - - - - - - - - -


- •.·. .· .... ·.
. ' -
'· :: .·
.. . . :... .:: ·.-
--- - :_.: ; .. ::;; .

··:·...: . .

As an ex officio Notary Public for the Republic of Texas, I, Henry Norman; house of Suhl,
hereby certify that Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, who is known to me, who is a
sovereign living soul, an inhabitant of the land of Texas, and a holder of the office of "the
people", appeared before me and executed the foregoing on this·. - · · day of April, in the
year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Eight.


Oath of Office Acceptance For my Court Record; me, BY Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, of God

Page 2 of 2 With the Copy-Claim BY _ _:__ _ _ Seal

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P.O. Box817
Lubbock, TX 794&8-00 17
Tel: (800) 994-0676
Fax: (806) 744-9953
Thursday, November 3, 2016
ID #3353

#F/20029/00033530# 3956 0.5000 SP 0.465 211 101
allf 1ml•lul•t•ln•l•i••ll llh l''l•lllhftllll•l•ft.IUII'I' H1
COURT PHONE NUMBER: (817) 444-2541
You have an outstanding warrant filed in the Azle Municipal Court Of Record, Azle, Texas in the amount listed below.· (See
reverse side for total amount due) . The court has referred this delinquent warrant to our law firm for collection pursuant to Article
103.0031 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Failure to pay may result in the Court filing additional charges against you as well as
serving the WARRANT THAT HAS BEEN ISSUED FOR YOUR ARREST. Our review of information received from the court
does NOT s!row that you are represented by legal counsel. However, if you QQ. have a lawyer we cannot discuss the case with you and
ask that you forward this letter to your lawyer. Juveniles under the age of 17 must appear in open court with parent. guardian
and/or attorney. Please contact the court If this applies to you. THIS IS YOUR FINAL NOTICE TO RESOLVE THIS

lf you have failed to enter a plea, you may do so by fill ing in your plea in the area lQcatedon the reverse side of thi§letter.
You have the right to enter a plea of not guilty and have a trial . If you want a trial, you need to contact the Court immediately. You
may contact us at the above number if you have any questions. lf you wish to ,pay by credit card, please access our website at
www or contact Traffic Payments at (800) 444-1187.

Please be advised that you may have additional cases pending.

Payment link online
at Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins and Mort, LLP
www .p-bfem.eo-m Attorneys at Law



Please complete the back of this form and remit this portion with your payment
6340 LAKE WORTH BL Total Due: $1 ,163.50
FORT WORTH, TX 76135 Dockets On File I
-Payable to: r023735-0l , A023735-02, A023735-03

Municipal Court Of Record, City Of Azle

613 SE Parkway
Azle, TX 76020
Ptint Date: W3120 16 1":"1. -. • 1":"1
visit us at www.pbfcm.corri •



COURT: Municipal Court Of Record, City Of Azle

613 SE Parkway
Azle, TX 76026

Date Docket Description Total

1131/2016 A023735-0l FAIL TO SHOW PROOF OF FINANCIA $449.80
1/31/2016 A023735-02 SPEEDING 15 & OVER 70 MPH in $367.90
1131/2016 A023735-03 DRIVERS LICENSE {NONE) $345.80
Total Due------> $1,163.50

This statement contains only court fees that are due to the court. In addition to these charges, you may also owe
restitution. Please contact the court to obtain more information about these charges. Please note your warrant will not
be lifted until all charges have been paid in full.

Payment link online at

All juveniles must be accompanied by a parent or an attorney because of additional State required sanctions.
Indicate your plea by checking the appropriate option:
_ _ 1} l hereby enter a plea of GUlLTY and waive appearance for trial.
. Enclosed is the full amount of the fines and court costs.
_ _ 2) l hereby enter a plea of NO CONTEST and waive appearance for trial,
· Enclosed is the full amount of the fines and court costs.

Signature Drivers License/State Date

\~ \

P.O. Box 817

Lubbock, TX 79408-0817
Tel: (800) 994-0676
Fax: (806) 744-9953
Thursday, November 3, 2016
ID #3353

#F/20029/00033530# 3956 0.5000 SP 0.465 21 1101
t111 1tnl• ht'•t•ltt•l•t••llllltt''t•lllltltlllla pll•llllt•l•'''


COURT PHONE NUMBER: (817) 444-2541
·-··-·{ou-have an"·outstanding warrant· fiieain the Azle Municipal CourtUfRecord; Az1e~ 1exas-iif tife amount listed below: (Se-e ·· "" · ··
reverse side for total amount due). The court has referred this delinquent warrant to our law firm for collection pursuant to Article
I 03.0031 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Failure to pay may result in the Court filing additional charges against you as well as
serving the WARRANT THAT HAS BEEN ISSUED FOR YOUR ARREST. Our review of information received from the court
does NOT show that you are represented by legal counsel. However, if you DO have a lawyer we cannot discuss the case with you and
ask that you forward this letter to your lawyer. Juveniles under the age of 17 must appear in open court with parent, guardian
and/or attorney. Please contact the court if this applies to you. THIS IS YOUR FINAL NOTICE TO RESOLVE THIS

If you have failed to enter a plea, you may do so by filling in your plea in the area located on the reverse side of this letter.
You have the right to enter a plea of not guilty and have a trial . If you want a trial, you need to contact the Court immediately. You
may contact us at the above number if you have any questions. If you wish to pay by credit card, please access our website at or contact Traffic Payments at (800) 444-1187.

Please be advised that you may have additional cases pending.

Payment link online
at Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins and Mott, LLP
www Attorneys at Law
·- -- - 1::.=============1---~


Please complete the back of this form and remit this portion with your payment
6340 LAKE WORTH BL Total Due: $1,163.50
FORT WORTH, TX 76135 Dockets On File j
Payable to: IA023735-0l, A023735-02, A023735-03

Municipal Court Of Record, City Of Azle

613 SE Parkway
Azle, TX 76020
Print Date: 11 /3/2016

visit us at www


COURT: Municipal Court Of Record, City Of Azle
613 SE Parkway
Azle, TX 76020
(817) 444-2541

Date Docket Description Total

1/31/2016 A023735-0l FAIL TO SHOW PROOF OF FINANCIA $449.80
1/31/2016 A023735-02 SPEEDING 15 & OVER 70 MPH in $367.90
l/31/2016 A023735-03 DRIVERS LICENSE (NONE) $345.80
Total Due--------> $1,163.50

· This statement contains only court fees that are due to the court. In addition to these charges, you may also owe
restitution. Please contact the court to obtain more information about these charges. Please note your warrant will not
be lifted until all charges have been paid in full.

Payment link online at www

All juveniles must be accompanied by a parent or an attorney because of additional State required sanctions.
Indicate your plea by checking the appropriate option:
_ _ I) I hereby enter a plea of GUlL TY and waive appearance for trial.
Enclosed is the full amount of the fines and court costs.
_ _ 2) I hereby enter a plea of NO CONTEST and waive appearance for trial.
Enclosed is the full amount of the fines and court costs.

Signature Drivers License/State Date

· ··; LliP ···· ·
. p.O>BOX817
.. TEL: (800)994-0676

FAX: (8bS)744-s9J3

#8WBBPFJ .••. ... · .····.·.··.

. 67 .. 30792 ~AlJT0"*5-I)IGIT 76114 .. ·. .. .
1111 hl·lllla••alt..lalltl•l•ll••l'ttl·llltl ..11.•h•l•l11•ll •II II
. WINNINGHAM, GLENN · .. . ...

~~~T~~R~~~*~~~g?3602 ·

Total.Amount Due: Call the Court for your current amount due
Docket Numbei'{s): A023735-G1, A023735·02, A023735-03 ·



Municipal Court of Azle

The AZie Police Department

Appear in Person: 613 SE Parkway, Azle, TX 76020; Monday-- Friday (8:30am --5:00pm)

Telephone: (817) 444-2541

Mail*: Azle Municipal Court, 613 SE Parkway, Azle, TX 76020

Payments: · No personal checks accepted. To pay by credit card, call (817) 444-2541
·.··<··- -'· ·;
Warning: court ~y have reported you to DPS for non-renewal of your Driver's license.

BY THE APPROPRIATE COURT: GALL TO CONFIRM PAYMENT. If you are assessed a fine and court costs for this citation,
and you are unable to pay, please contact the court to inquire about any qua\ifications you may have for alternative means to
satisfy the amount you owe.
Title Holder: glenn winningham; house of fearn Affidavit 061617

Tarrant county )
) ss. Verified
Texas )

i, me, my, or myself, also known as glenn winningham; house of fearn, have personal
knowledge of the following facts and i am competent to testify as follows; .
1 i have no firsthand knowledge of a date of birth, therefore any evidence of a date of birth is
hearsay, but i do remember finishing high school in 1975, therefore, i am well past the age of
majority, and,
2 -... j· am an American national, and
3 i am NOT a citizen of the foreign bankrupt corporation, United States, and
4 ram NOT cestui que trust, and
5 i am NOT a government employee of any kind, and, _
"One may be a citizen of a State and yet not a citizen of the United States. Thomasson v
State, 15·1nd. 449; Cory v Carler, 48 Ind. 327 (17 Am. R. 738); McCarthy v. Froelke, 63
Ind. 507; lnRe Wehlitz, 16 Wis. 443." McDanel v State, 90 Ind. Rep. 320 at pg 323

6 i do NOT have, and have never had, a Social Security Number, and,
7 i did and do claim my right to exercise all of my state and federal Constitutional rights,
privileges and immunities at all times, and,
8 i did and do make a demand upon all public officials and officers to support, obey and defend
the Constitution of the United States of America, and the Constitution of this State at all times,
9' i declare under penalty of perjury [28 USC 1746 (1)], without the United States, that the
~~e9oing .is true and correct and that this declaration is executed on th I nd of Texas, on the
'{_~f:V\SJay ·Of June, 2017 pursuant to locus sigilli.

glen gham; house of fearn, ~ erican National

sovereign living soul, sui juris

Using a notary on this document does not constitute any adhesion, nor does it alter my status in any manner. The purpose for notary is verification and
identification only and not for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction.

I, a notary public do certify that a man known to me, as glenn winning ham; house of fearn, an American
national, did appear before me in his true character and did affirm to the truthfulness of the above document
and did voluntarily affix his signature on the same, on this the2.:8;:"1J:...eay of the month of June, in the year

two thousand and se teen. ) (- 0.
(/ '-
- r'\ ~~~~!!~~~;''~ NOVA DEAN PARKS
§~/'...,A;,·~\ Notary Public, State of Texas
e ~
..,,,,~ eF 't;,,,,
N I. Expires 09-03-2017
Page 1 ''""'"' 0 ary 10 60 65 9 73 Affidavit 061617
This matter/text copyright © by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represenns uy l~r ~~~~ and conditio~s ~f the Title Holder.- - ·
---- ---·------------··--------------Title Holder glenn wmnmgham; house of feam
. With the Copy-Ciai . -

Azle Municipal Court




Served By Registered Mail RR 569 489 410 US

1. The Supreme Court of the United States of America has MANDATED:

"a (private) citizen does not waive a right, unless HE DOES SO KNOWLINGL Y AND WITH

2. The intent and meaning of the term "right(s)" as used by the Courts, to be inclusive of, but not
limited to, first and foremost unalienable rights, and secondly all other rights, i.e. "civil rights",
"statutory rights:, "legal rights", "lawful rights", "substantive rights", or rights by any other
nomenclature, and I have not ever, knowingly and with full appreciation of all circumstances
thereof; conveyed, consented, bargained, sold or waived my unalienable rights or rights by any
other nomenclature.

3. I have not ever, knowingly and with full appreciation of all circumstances thereof: become
"surety" for debts, liabilities, obligations, compelled performance, and/or bankruptcy for any
entity, fictional or real, by any name or nomenclature.

4. My signature that may appear on any and all instruments, documents, forms, or other named
piece of paper, that gives rise to the presumption of Public Policy I Commerce I Admiralty I
Maritime Jurisdiction or Jurisdiction of any other nature not found in a competent Court of Law
of proper jurisdiction, or that gives rise to presumption of consent to incur liabilities, obligations
or debts in sums of money or property alleged to be due and owing to any entity, inclusive of,
but not limited to; International Entities or Federal/State/Local Governments or Public/Private
Corporations or entities by any other name or nomenclature, are hereby rescinded and revoked.
for good and just cause. ab initio, nunct pro tunct.

5. The City of Azle order follower Satanist Havins #259, (hereinafter PIG -Persons In
§overnment who intend to perjure their oaths) in conspiracy with Stutsman #220, assaulted me,
kidnapped me, falsely imprisoned me and engaged in the theft of my property, with their
extortion racket, and then held a show-trial in their kangaroo so-called court, before their
(bought and paid for) Clerk masquerading as a Judge, Hudman, who forged my signature, and
then issued a void judgment, all of which in furtherance of their satanic law merchant so-called
contract, based on fraud, deception, coercion, intimidation, assault, kidnapping, false
imprisonment, theft, and extortion, all of which was aided and abetted by the satanist order
followers Pippins, and Vogle, and Brundrett is the ringleader.

6. All signatures are hereby revoked and rescinded in this case including but not limited to, all
signatures when dealing with the City of Azle order follower Satanist Havins, all signatures in
their kangaroo so-called court show-trial.
All unconscionable contracts are subject to rescission under the common law for failure
to make the proper disclosures in order to constitute an acceptance, where there is no
meeting of the minds there is no contract as set forth in In re Maxwell v. Fairbanks
Capital Corporation, 281 B.R. 101, (2002); Bankr.Lexis 759.


binding on all entities, by any name or nomenclature, until a real and true controverting party, by
judicial initiative in a Court of Law with proper jurisdiction, produces true and real evidence to
lawfully controvert EVERY element of this instrument.

8. Everything they did and do is a fraud,

a) Havins in conspiracy with Stutsman conspired together to forge my signature on their
citation under their satanic Law Merchant Uniform Commercial Code, by inserting "refused";

b) They criminally convert my appellation into a cestui que trust under their satanic
Roman law

c) they criminally convert my postal address from the land of Texas to their foreign
United Nations corporation with the use of a ZIP CODE;

d) they assaulted me with their corporate commercial codes, rules, and regulations when
I have served them, and their superiors with notice, hundreds of times, that I am not interested
in their satanic commercial transactions

e) They assaulted me with their criminal corporation STATE OF TEXAS, INC.

Notice of Revocation of All Signa\r~ 1eclaration Page 2

"My opinion is and long has been that the mayor and aldermen of a city corporation, or
the president and directors of a bank, or the president and directors of a railroad
company and of other similar corporations, are the true parties that sue and are sued as
trustees and representatives of the constantly changing stockholders .... A corporation,
therefore. being not a natural person, but a mere creature of the mind, invisible and
intangible, cannot be a citizen of a state, or of the United States, and cannot fall within
the terms or the power of the above mentioned article, and can therefore neither plead
nor be impleaded in the courts of the United States." Rundle v Delaware & Raritan Canal
Company 55 U.S. 80 (1852) [emphasis added]

f) They put on a show trial, with Hudman, a (bought and paid for) clerk masquerading as
a Judge in their kangaroo court, all of which is based on hearsay evidence, and based on
presumptions taken in their military dictatorship, when they each know that I am entitled to a
neutral and detached judge in any judicial proceeding
"It is a fundamental right of a party to have a neutral and detached judge preside over the
judicial proceedings." Ward v Village of Monroeville, 409 U.S. 57, 61-62, 93 S.Ct 80, 83, 34
L.Ed. 2d 267 (1972); Tumey v Ohio, 273 U.S. 510, 5209, 47 S. Ct. 437, 440, 71 L.Ed. 749

which means that they are assaulting me with their unconstitutional Bill of Attainder
"Bill of Attainder" means Legislative acts, no matter what their form, that apply either to
named individuals or to easily ascertainable members of a group in such a way as to
inflict punishment on them without a judicial trial. United States v. Brown, 381 U.S. 437,
448-49, 85 S. Ct. 1707, 1715, 14 L.Ed. 484, 492; United States v. Lovett, 328 U.S.
303, 315, 66 S.Ct. 1073, 1079, 90 L.Ed. 1252.

"bill of attainder. 2. A special legislative act prescribing punishment, without a trial, for a
specific person or group. • Bills of attainder are prohibited by the U.S. Constitution (art. I,
§ 9, cl. 3; art. I,§ 10, cl. 1).- Also termed act of attainder. See ATTAINDER; BILL OF
PAINS AND PENALTIES . [Cases: Constitutional law 82.5. C.J.S. Constitutional law§§
429-431.]" Black's Law Dictionary, 8th Edition, page 496

"BILL OF PAINS AND PENALTIES bill of pains and penalties. A leg1slative act that,
though similar to a bill of attainder, prescribes punishment less severe than capital
punishment. • Bills of pains and penalties are included within the U.S. Constitution's ban
on bills of attainder. U.S. Const art I, § 9. [Cases: Constitutional law 82.5. C.J.S.
Constitutional Law§§ 429-431.]" Black's Law Dictionary, 8th Edition, page 499

g) Their order follower Satanist Clerk masquerading as a Judge forged my signature

onto their satanic so-called contracts, with the objective to sell me into slavery

h) Without even attempting to prove jurisdiction, that I challenged by special

appearance, they made a void judgment and issued a fraudulent fictitious warrant that was a
nullity, so their order follower Satanists could become accomplices
"Once a fraud, always a fraud." 13 Vin. Abr. 539.

Notice of Revocation of All Signatures by Declaration Pag~ 3

"Things invalid from the beginning cannot be made valid by subsequent act." Trayner,
Max. 482. Maxims of Law, Black's Law Dictionary gth Edition, page 1862

"A thing void in the beginning does not become valid by lapse of time." 1 S. & R 58.
Maxims of Law, Black's Law Dictionary gth Edition, page 1866

Time cannot render valid an act void in its origin. Dig. 50, 17, 29; Broom, Max. 178, Maxims
of Law, Black's Law Dictionary gth Edition, page 1862,

"Ex dolo malo non oritur action. Out of fraud no action arises. Cowper, 343; Broom's
Max. 349." Bouvier's Maxims of Law, 1856,

and any act by any government official to conceal the fraud becomes an act of fraud;
"fraus est celare fraudem. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. 1 Vern. 270." Bouvier's Maxims
of Law 1856

and fraud is inexcusable and unpardonable;

"Fraus et dolus nemini patrocianari debent. Fraud and deceit should excuse no man. 3
Co. 78." Bouvier's Maxims of Law 1856

and any fraud amounts to injustice;

"Fraus et jus nunquam cohabitant. Fraud and justice never dwell together." Maxims of
Law, Black's Law Dictionary, gth Edition, page 1832

"Quod alias bonum et justum est, si per vim vei fraudem petatur, malum et injustum
efficitur. What is otherwise good and just, if sought by force or fraud, becomes bad and
unjust. 3 Co. 78." Bouvier's Maxims of Law, 1856.

and as liars, they are all Satanists categorized with murderers

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer
from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he
speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." John 8:44

"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and
whoremongers, and sorcerers [pharmaceutical drug pushers], and idolaters, and all liars,
shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the
second death." Revelations 21:8

and their judgment day is coming

"And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise
of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation
slumbereth not." 2 Peter 2:3

and because the people ofTexas are allowing this evil to exist, they are reaping and will
continue to reap the judgments of God

Notice of Revocation of All Signatures by eclaration Page 4

"If a man be found stealing any of his brethren of the children of Israel, and maketh
merchandise of him, or selleth him; then that thief shall die; and thou shalt put evil away
from among you." Deuteronomy 24:7

9. Havins, #259, before God, Angels, and everyone who reads this document as witnesses, I
shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)
and we will be talking about this on judgment day Satanist!

10. Stuttsman, #220, before God, Angels, and everyone who reads this document as witnesses,
I shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)
and we will be talking about this on judgment day Satanist!

11. Rick Pippins, before God, Angels, and everyone who reads this document as witnesses, I
shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)
and we will be talking about this on judgment day Satanist!

12. Douglas R Hudman, before God, Angels, and everyone who reads this document as
witnesses, I shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you (Matt 10: 14, Mark 6:11,
Luke 9:5) and we will be talking about this on judgment day Satanist

13. Andrew Vogle, before God, Angels, and everyone who reads this document as witnesses, I
shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)
and we will be talking about this on judgment day Satanist!

14. Alan Brundrett, before God, Angels, and everyone who reads this document as witnesses, I
shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)
and we will be talking about this on judgment day Satanist!

15. David McClure, before God, Angels, and everyone who reads this document as witnesses, I
shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)
and we will be talking about this on judgment day Satanist!

16. William Chambers, before God, Angels, and everyone who reads this document as
witnesses, I shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you (Matt 10:14, Mark 6: 11 ,
Luke 9:5) and we will be talking about this on judgment day Satanist!

17. Bill Jones, before God, Angels, and everyone who reads this document as witnesses, I
shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)
and we will be talking about this on judgment day Satanist!

18. Paul Crabtree, before God, Angels, and everyone who reads this document as witnesses, I
shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you (Matt 10: 14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)
and we will be talking about this on judgment day Satanist!

19. Raoul Rothenberger, before God, Angels, and everyone who reads this document as
witnesses, I shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11,
Luke 9:5) and we will be talking about this on judgment day Satanist!

20. Lee Barrett, before God, Angels, and everyone who reads this document as witnesses, I
shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)
and we will be talking about this on judgment day Satanist!

Notice of Revocation of All Signatures by Declaration Page 5

I L? o
21. Greg Abbott, before God, Angels, and everyone who reads this document as witnesses, I
shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)
and we will be talking about this on judgment day Satanist!

22. Ken Paxton, before God, Angels, and everyone who reads this document as witnesses, I
shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)
and we will be talking about this on judgment day Satanist!

23. Loretta Lynch, before God, Angels, and everyone who reads this document as witnesses, I
shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)
and we will be talking about this on judgment day Satanist!

24. Barak Obama, before God, Angels, and everyone who reads this document as witnesses, I
shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)
and we will be talking about this on judgment day Satanist!

May, in the year two thousand and sixteen, pursuant to locus sigilli, under e "written authority''
of the Word of God and in the Name (Col. 3: 17) of YHWH, before God, angels, and these

Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, a man

c/o 6340 Lake Worth Blvd., #437
Fort Worth, Texas

We the undersigned witnesses hereby verify that we witnessed the signature of Glenn
Winningham; house of Fearn, the man

location S'tJ;i1-ef /t:r.e

fVI;~ &~'?t~

Notice of Revocation of All Signatures r ;ttion Page 6

817 444-2541

March 21, 2016

Azle Municipal Court

AZLE, TEXAS 760 20
817 444-2541

March 21, 2016


817 444 - 2541

March 21, 2016

Sincerely ,

Azle Municipal Court

Azle Municipal Court



Notice of Void Judgment

I, Me, My, or Myself, also known as Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, a sovereign, living soul, a man
living upon the land, a judicial power Citizen by right of blood, without the corporation called STATE OF
TEXAS, do hereby provide Notice of Void Judgment, by Declaration, as follows;
1 Whenever a Judge is dealing with a statute, like the Texas Government Code, or the Texas Penal
Code, or the Texas Code of Civil Procedure, he becomes a Clerk working for the prosecutor
" ...judges who become involved in enforcement of mere statutes (civil or criminal in nature
and otherwise), act as mere "clerks" of the involved agency... " K.C. Davis, ADMIN. LAW, Ch. 1
(CTP. West's 1965 Ed.)

"It is the accepted rule, not only in state courts, but, of the federal courts as wells that when a
judge is enforcing administrative law they are described as mere 'extensions of the
administrative agency for superior reviewing purposes' as a ministerial clerk for an
agency.•. " 30 Cal596; 167 Cal762

""When acting to enforce a statute and its subsequent amendments to the present date, the
judge of the municipal court is acting as an administrative officer and not in a iudicial
capacit't; courts administrating or enforcing statutes do not act judicially, but merely
ministerially .... but merely act as an extension as an agent for the involved agency-- but only
in a "ministerial" and not a "discretionary capacity ... " Thompson v. Smith, 154 S.E. 579, 583;
Keller v. P.E., 261 US 428; F.RC. v. G. E., 281, U.S. 464 [emphasis added)

2 When a Judge is operating as a Clerk masquerading as a Judge, he cannot do anything judicial,

and if he attempts to do anything judicial, it is a nullity-
"Ministerial officers are incompetent to receive grants of judicial power from the legislature,
their acts in attempting to exercise such powers are necessarily nullities" Burns v. Sup., Ct.,
SF, 140 Cal. 1

3 Once jurisdiction is challenged, it must be proven

"Where a court failed to observe safeguards, it amounts to denial of due process of law,
court is deprived of juris." Merritt v. Hunter, C.A. Kansas 170 F2d 739

"Jurisdiction can be challenged at any time," and "Jurisdiction, once challenged, cannot be
assumed and must be decided." Basso v. Utah Power & Light Co. 395 F 2d 906, 910

"Defense of lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter may be raised at any time, even on
appeal." Hill Top Developers v. Holiday Pines Service Corp. 478 So. 2D, 368 Fla a DCA 1985)

Notice of Void Judgment 053016 Page 1/ cr c;;-

"Once challenged, jurisdiction cannot be assumed, it must be proved to exist." Stuck v.
Medica1 Examiners 94 Ca 2d 751. 211 P2d 289

"There is no discretion to ignore that lack of jurisdiction." Joyce v. US, 474 F2d 215

"Where jurisdiction is contested, the burden of establishing it rests upon the plaintiff." Loos
v American Energy Savers, Inc., 168111 .App.3d 558, 522 N.E.2d 841(1988)

"the burden of proving jurisdiction rests upon the party asserting it" Bindel! v City of Harvey,
212111 .App.3d 1042, 571 N.E.2d 1017(1st Dist. 1991)

"Court must prove on the record, all jurisdiction facts related to the jurisdiction asserted."
Lantana v. Hopper, 102 F. 2d 188; Chicago v. New York 37 F.Supp. 150

4 The Defendant has previously served literally thousands of Notices upon Andrew Vogle, and Steve
Myers, who is Pippins predecessor, and their superiors in Texas and Washington, District of
Columbia, and England, which is proof that their assault, kidnapping, false imprisonment, and
extortion upon and the Defendant, was premeditated, deliberate, calculated , and malicious.

5 The Defendant filed a Challenge to jurisdiction by special appearance and these Satanist have not
answered one word, or even attempted to prove jurisdiction.

6 Havins #259, who is Pippins Satanist order follower PIG forged my signature on his citation in
conspiracy with Stutsman, and I filed a Revocation of Signatures.

7 In order to prove jurisdiction there MUST be a contract

"It is impossible to prove jurisdiction exists absent a substantial nexus with the state, such
as voluntary subscription to license. All jurisdictional facts supporting claim that supposed
jurisdiction exists must appear on the record ofthe court." Pipe Line v Marathon. 102 S. Ct.
3858 quoting Crowell v Benson 883 US 22

8 No corporation has standing to do anything in any court

"My opinion is and long has been that the mayor and aldermen of a city corporation, or the
president and directors of a bank, or the president and directors of a railroad company and
of other similar corporations, are the true parties that sue and are sued as trustees and
representatives of the constantly changing stockholders .... A corporation, therefore, being
not a natural person, but a mere creature of the mind, invisible and intangible, cannot be a
citizen of a state, or of the United States, and cannot fall within the terms or the power of the
above mentioned article, and can therefore neither plead nor be impleaded in the courts of
the United States." Rundle v Delaware & Raritan Canal Company 55 U.S. 80 (1852) [emphasis

therefore the real parties of interest in this matter are Havins #259, Pippins, Hudman, Vogel,
McClure, Stutsman, Brundrett, Chambers, Jones, Crabtree, Rothenberger, and Barrett.

9 Hudman, Vogel, Pippins, Stutsman, and Havins were NOT acting in their official capacity, but were
all acting in their private capacity ONLY.
"A judge ceases to set as a judicial officer because the governing principals of
administrative law provides that courts are prohibited from substituting their evidence,
testimony, record, arguments and rationale for that of the agency. Additionally, courts are

Notice of Void Judgment 053016 rg~ b

prohibited from their substituting their judgments for that of the agency." AISI v US, 568 F2d

"An officer who acts in violation of the Constitution ceases to represent the government".
Brookfield Const. Co. v. Stewart, 284 F. Supp. 94.

10 Hudman the clerk masquerading as a Judge committed treason, and a seditious conspiracy with
Vogel, Pippins, Stutsman, and Havins pursuant to your federal codes
"When a judge acts where he or she does not have jurisdiction to act, the judge is engaged
in an act or acts oftreason." US v Will, 449 US 200,216, 101 S Ct, 471, 66 LEd2nd 392, 406
(1980) Cohens V Virginia, 19 US (6 Wheat) 264, 404, SLEd 257 (1821)

"An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no
protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had
never been passed." Norton vs Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425, p. 442

"An unconstitutional law is void, and is as no law. An offence created by it is not a crime."
Ex parte Siebold, 100 U.S. 371, 376 (1880), quoted with approval in Fay v. Noia, 372 U.S. 391, 408

"No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it."
16th American Jurisprudence 2d, Section 177 late 2nd, Section 256

11 When Hudman becomes a Clerk Masquerading as a Judge, he walks away from any immunity he
may enjoy, and becomes personally liable
"Judge loses his absolute immunity from damage actions only when he acts in clear
absence of all jurisdiction or performance of an act which is not judicial in nature." Schucker
v. Rockwood, 846 F.2d 1202

"When enforcing mere statutes, judges of all courts do not act judicially" and thus are not
protected by "qualified" or "limited immunity," SEE: Owen v. City, 445 U.S. 662; Bothke v.
Terry, 713 F2d 1404

12 The decision in Hudman's kangaroo so-called court is brutum fulmen

'brutum fulmen": "An empty noise; an empty threat. A judgment void upon its face which is
in legal effect no judgment at all, and by which no rights are divested, and from which none
can be obtained; and neither binds nor bars anyone. Dollert v. Pratt-Hewitt Oil Corporation,
Tex.Civ.Appl, 179 S.W.2d 346, 348. Also, see Corpus Juris Secundum, "Judgments" §§ 499,
512 546, 549. Black's Law Dictionary, 4th Edition.

13 Hudman intended to be an accomplice to Pippins, Vogel, and their order followers Havins and
Stutsman in my assault, under the color of their so-called law
"Color" means "An appearance, semblance, or simulacrum, as distinguished from that
which is real. A prima facia or apparent right. Hence, a deceptive appearance, a plausible,
assumed exterior, concealing a lack of reality; a disguise or pretext. See also colorable."
Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Edition, on page 240.

"Colour, color. Signifies a probable plea, but which is in fact false ... " Tomlin's Law Dictionary
1835, Volume 1

Notice of Void Judgment 053016 15l

"Colorable" means "That which is in appearance only, and not in reality, what it purports to
be, hence counterfeit feigned, having the appearance of truth." Windle v. Flinn, 196 Or. 654,
251 P.2d 136, 146.

"Colour of Law- Mere semblance of a legal right. An action done under colour of law is one
done with the apparent authority of law but actually in contravention of law." Barron's
Dictionary of Canadian Law, Sixth Edition, page 51,

"Color of Law" means "The appearance or semblance, without the substance, of

legal right. Misuse of power, possessed by virtue of state law and made possible only
because wrongdoer is clothed with authority of state is action taken under 'color of law."'
Atkins v. Lanning. D.C.Okl., 415 F. Supp. 186, 188.

14 Hudman the Clerk masquerading as a Judge knows that it is my right to have a neutral and
detached judge, but instead chose to conspire with Vogel and Pippins and thereby participate in a
fraud and a nullity;
a. Hudman presented himself as neutral and unbiased when in actually Hudman was bought and
paid for by Pippins, Vogel and Brundrett, and their handler in England, Elizabeth Windsor
"It is a fundamental right of a party to have a neutral and detached judge preside over the
judicial proceedings." Ward v Village of Monroeville, 409 U.S. 57, 61-62, 93 S.Ct 80, 83, 34 L.Ed.
2d 267 (1972); Tumey v Ohio, 273 U.S. 510, 5209, 47 S. Ct. 437, 440, 71 LEd. 749 (1927)

b. Hudman knows that King George signed the Definitive Treaty of Peace of 1783 as the King of
England and France, and the Arch Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire and of
the United States of America, and Queen Elizabeth is the successor to King George, therefore
Hudman is taking orders from that bitch in England (no disrespect to dogs intended), and the
Satanist POPE, Inc, in the Vatican, and conspired with these PIGs named herein, in a seditious
conspiracy to the Constitution for the United States of America in violation of their own federal

c. They assaulted the Defendant with their corporate codes and statutes and the Defendant has
served hundreds of documents on them and their superiors stating that the Defendant is not
interested in participating in their satanic commercial transactions, and Hudman is their accomplice

d. They assaulted the Defendant with their criminal corporation

"My opinion is and long has been that the mayor and aldennen of a city corporation, or the
president and directors of a bank, or the president and directors of a railroad company and
of other similar corporations, are the true parties that sue and are sued as trustees and
representatives of the constantly changing stockholders .... A corporation, therefore, being
not a natural person, but a mere creature of the mind, invisible and intangible, cannot be a
citizen of a state, or of the United States, and cannot fall within the tenns or the power of the
above mentioned article, and can therefore neither plead nor be impleaded in the courts of
the United States." Rundle v Delaware & Raritan Canal Company 55 U.S. 80 (1852) [emphasis

and Hudman is their accomplice.

15 For all of the foregoing reasons, all of the ORDERs, Judgments, and decisions, in this case, are
absolute nullities and void ab initio

Notice of Void Judgment 053016 Page 4

( 7?)
"Where there is no jurisdiction there is no judge; the proceeding is as nothing. Such has
been the law from the days of the Marshalsea, 10 Coke 68; also Bradley v. Fisher, 13 Wall
335,351." Manning v. Ketcham, 58 F.2d 948.

"A void judgment is one which. from its inception, was a complete nullity and without legal
effect" Lubben v. Selective Service System Local Bd. No. 27, 453 F.2d 645, 14 A.L.R. Fed. 298
(C.A. 1 Mass. 1972). Hobbs v. U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 485 F.Supp. 456 (M.D. Fla.

"Void judgment is one which has no legal force or effect whatever, it is an absolute nullity,
its invalidity may be asserted by any person whose rights are affected at any time and at any
place and it need not be attacked directly but may be attacked collaterally whenever and
wherever it is interposed." City of Lufkin v. McVicker, 510 S.W. 2d 141 (Tex. Civ. App.-
Beaumont 1973).

"A void judgment, insofar as it purports to be pronouncement of court, is an absolute

nullity" Thompson v. Thompson, 238 S.W.2d 218 (Tex.Civ.App.- Waco 1951).

"Void order may be attacked, either directly or collaterally, at any time" In re Estate of
Steinfield, 630 N.E.2d 801, certiorari denied, See also Steinfeld v. Hoddick, 513 U.S. 809, (Ill.

"A void judgment is one which, from its inception, is and forever continues to be absolutely
null, without legal efficacy, ineffectual to bind the parties or to support a right, of no legal
force and effect whatever, and incapable of enforcement in any manner or to any degree."
Loyd v. Director, Dept. of Public Safety, 480 So. 2d 577 (Ala. Civ. App. 1985).

"Not every action by any judge is in exercise of his judicial function. It is not a judicial
function for a Judge to commit an intentional tort even though the tort occurs in the
Courthouse, when a judge acts as a Trespasser of the Law, when a judge does not follow the
law, the judge loses subject matter jurisdiction and The Judge's orders are void, of no legal
force or effect"! Yates Vs. Village of Hoffman Estates, Illinois, 209 F.Supp. 757 (N.D. Ill. 1962)

and all such judgments and ORDERs are brutum fulmen

'brutum fulmen": "An empty noise; an empty threat. A judgment void upon its face which is
in legal effect no judgment at all, and by which no rights are divested, and from which none
can be obtained; and neither binds nor bars anyone. Dollert v. Pratt-Hewitt Oil Corporation,
Tex.Civ.Appl, 179 S.W.2d 346,348. Also, see Corpus Juris Secundum, "Judgments" §§ 499,
512 546, 549. Black's Law Dictionary, 4th Edition

16 Hudman intended to be a bought and paid for Clerks masquerading as a Judge held a show-trial in
his kangaroo court
"Kangaroo court. Term descriptive of a sham legal proceeding in which a person's rights are
totally disregarded and in which the result is a foregone conclusion because of the bias of
the court or other tribunal." Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition, page 868,

17 PIG is an acronym which stands for "fersons !n Government who intend to perjure their oaths."

18 Everything they do is a fraud

"Once a fraud, always a fraud." 13 Vin. Abr. 539.

Notice of Void Judgment T5P~ 5

"Things invalid from the beginning cannot be made valid by subsequent act." Trayner, Max.
482. Maxims of Law, Black's Law Dictionary gth Edition, page 1862

"A thing void in the beginning does not become valid by lapse of time." 1 S. & R. 58. Maxims
of Law, Black's Law Dictionary glh Edition, page 1866

Time cannot render valid an act void in its origin. Dig. 50, 17, 29; Broom, Max. 178, Maxims of
Law, Black's Law Dictionary glh Edition, page 1862,

"Ex dolo malo non oritur action. Out of fraud no action arises. Cowper, 343; Broom's Max.
349." Bouvier's Maxims of Law, 1856,

and any act by any government official, to conceal the fraud becomes an act of fraud;
"fraus est celare fraudem. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. 1 Vern. 270." Bouvier's Maxims of
Law 1856

and fraud is inexcusable and unpardonable;

"Fraus et dolus nemini patrocianari debent. Fraud and deceit should excuse no man. 3 Co.
78." Bouvier's Maxims of Law 1856

and any fraud amounts to injustice;

"Fraus et jus nunquam cohabitant. Fraud and justice never dwell together." Maxims of Law,
Black's Law Dictionary, glh Edition, page 1832

"Quod alias bonum et justum est, si per vim vei fraudem petatur, malum et injustum efficitur.
What is otherwise good and just, if sought by force or fraud, becomes bad and unjust. 3 Co.
78." Bouvier's Maxims of Law, 1856

everything these City of Azle PIGs do is a fraud and a lie, and they get their Satanist BAAL priests
like Vogel, and Hudman to help them with their assaults, kidnappings, false imprisonments, and
"Fraud and deceit may arise from silence where there is a duty to speak the truth, as well as
from speaking an untruth." Morrison v Acton, 198 P.2d 590, 68 Ariz. 27 (1948)

"Fraud" may be committed by a failure to speak when the duty of speaking is imposed as
much as by speaking falsely." Batty v Arizona State Dental Board, 112 P.2d 870, 57 Ariz. 239.

and these City of Azle PIGs, as well as Hudman, Vogel, and Brundrett are all satanic children of the
"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer
from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he
speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." John 8:44

and their judgment day is coming

" .. .I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, [or Christians] and are not, but
are the synagogue of Satan." Revelations 2:9

"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers,
and sorcerers [pharmaceutical drug pushers], and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their

Notice of Void Judgment 053016 Page 6

part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
Revelations 21 :8

19 Havins #259, before God, Angels, and these witnesses below, and any witnesses who read this
document, I shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about
this on judgment day, satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)

20 Andrew Vogel, before God, Angels, and these witnesses below, and any witnesses who read this
document, I shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about
this on judgment day, satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)

21 Douglas R. Hudman, before God, Angels, and these witnesses below, and any witnesses who read
this document, I shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking
about this on judgment day, satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)

22 Rick Pippins, before God, Angels, and these witnesses below, and any witnesses who read this
document, I shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about
this on judgment day, satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)

23 David McClure, before God, Angels, and these witnesses below, and any witnesses who read this
document, I shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about
this on judgment day, satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11 , Luke 9:5}

24 Steve Stutsman, before God, Angels, and these witnesses below, and any witnesses who read this
document, I shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about
this on judgment day, satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)

25 Alan Brundrett, before God, Angels, and these witnesses below, and any witnesses who read this
document, I shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about
this on judgment day, satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)

26 William Chambers, before God, Angels, and these witnesses below, and any witnesses who read
this document, I shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking
about this on judgment day, satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)

27 Bill Jones, before God, Angels, and these witnesses below, and any witnesses who read this
document, I shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about
this on judgment day, satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11 , Luke 9:5)

28 Paul Crabtree, before God, Angels, and these witnesses below, and any witnesses who read this
document, I shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about
this on judgment day, satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11 , Luke 9:5)

29 Rouel Rothenberger, before God, Angels, and these witnesses below, and any witnesses who read
this document, I shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking
about this on judgment day, satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5)

30 Lee Barrett, before God, Angels, and these witnesses below, and any witnesses who read this
document, I shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you and we will be talking about
this on judgment day, satanist! (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11 , Luke 9:5)

Notice of Void Judgment Th re 7

31 Greg Abbott, before God, Angels, and these witnesses below, and everyone who reads this
document as witnesses, I shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you (Matt 10:14, Mark
6:11, Luke 9:5) and we will be talking about this on judgment day Satanist!

32 Ken Paxton, before God, Angels, and these witnesses below, and everyone who reads this
document as witnesses, I shake the dust of the earth from off my feet against you (Matt 10:14, Mark
6:11, Luke 9:5) and we will be talking about this on judgment day Satanist!

33 This Declaration is sealed pursuant to locus sigilli

"locus sigilli- The place of the seal. Today this phrase is almost always abbreviated "L.S." "
Black's Law Dictionary 9th Edition, page 1026.

Signed and sealed in red ink on the land, under penalties with pe~ury.

I, Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, Sui Juris, a natural man of the republic, living in the republic, a
common man, does declare that I have scribed and read the foregoing facts, and in accordance with
the best of my firsthand knowledge, such are true, correct, complete and not misleading, the truth, the
whole truth and nothing but the truth, before God, Angels, and everybody who reads this document as
witnesses, and pursuant to your rules of evidence.

This Declaration is dated thiSfk, ~day of June in the year, two t

/ Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, sui juris

sovereign living soul, holder of the office of "the people"
Judicial Power Citizen by right of blood
a man, Inhabitant of the land
With full responsibility for My actions
under YHWH's law as found in the Holy Bible and no other
With a postal address of;
Non-Domestic Mail
C/0 6340 Lake Worth Blvd., #437
Fort Worth, Texas

Name Location

W '-\\C\.~ ~~\re ~ )Cc,. s

NoU~ ruVoid Judgme7ZL


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Tille Holder: Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn Dallas FBI Special Agent in Charge, Notice and Demand 111008

Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn
with a postal address of;
Non-Domestic Mail
C/0 6340 Lake Worth Blvd., #437
Fort Worth, Texas

By Registered Mail RA 351 951 480 US

Robert E. Casey, Jr.
Special Agent in Charge
FBI Dallas Field Office
One Justice Way
Dallas, Texas 75220



I, Me, My, Myself, a man, a living soul, a sovereign, and a holder of the office of "the
people", with an address correction: C/0 Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, Non-Domestic
Mail, C/0 6340 Lake Worth Blvd., #437, Fort Worth, Texas, WITHOUT the UNITED STATES,
do hereby Notice you of the following:

1. Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, I accept your
Oath of Office. Please find an Oath of Office acceptance document attached hereto,
which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.

2. Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, equality under
the Law is paramount and mandatory by Law.

3. Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, I did not
give you, the authority for making a legal determination for Me.

4. Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, if you
think or assume that you are representing Me, you are FIRED!

5. Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, neither
you, nor any other person, is competent in dealing with any of My affairs.

6. Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, I am competent
for dealing in all of My affairs.

7. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, were
NOTICED of My copyrights on the name(s) Glenn W. Fearn©, GLENN
thereof and others as found in NON-NEGOTIABLE COPYRIGHT NOTICE recorded
with the PINAL COUNTY RECORDER at FEE NUMBER 2005-121243, which is
Page 1 (plus attachments) Dallas FBI Special Agent in Charge, Notice and Demand 111008
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.-------------------·-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title Holder Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn
With the Copy-Claim
Tille Holder: Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn Dallas FBI Special Agent in Charge, Notice and Demand 111 008

incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.

8. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et at, were
ORDERED that any communication with me is to be signed "under the penalty of

9. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, were
NOTICED that any violation My copyright(s), or making a legal determination tor Me,
representing Me, or communicating with Me in any manner not "under penalty of
perjury" would constitute an agreement to the fee of;
a) ten thousand dollars ($1 0,000.00), minimum; or
b) one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) if violated for the purpose of profiVgain; or
c) ten million dollars ($10,000,000.00) if violated for the purpose of profit or gain
more than three (3) times within a year,
for each and every violation, payable only in lawful money.

10. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et at, were
also NOTICED that any violation as described in paragraph 9 above would constitute
an agreement that I could seek relief from all of your corporate officers and directors
as well as your parent corporation(s), and its officers and directors, jointly, severally,
and personally.

11. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, if
you wish to communicate with Me, the sovereign living soul, you are required to
address the letter EXACTLY as shown above and if you must use a ZIP code, put it in
square brackets, because it takes it off the page, otherwise, additional damages and
injuries will accrue.

12. You Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, are
NOTICED that pursuant to 18 USC§ 1342, My proper name is Glenn Winningham;
house of Fearn and My proper address is;
with a postal address of;
Non-Domestic Mail,
C/0 6340 Lake Worth Blvd., #437,
Fort Worth, Texas,
and unless you want to be guilty of mail fraud, it shall be shown EXACTLY like it.

13. Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et at, et at , you
are NOTICED that it is My intent, NEVER to act as SURETY, or in any way, be the
guarantor, or an accommodation party for the fictitious entities created by government

14. Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et at, are
NOTICED that because of criminal conversion of My name and the names of My
family members, I have seized control of the fraudulently created entities, and
copyrighted the names, and therefore, I am the authorized representative for the 15
USC § 44 entity called GLENN WINNINGHAM FEARN, pursuant to Power of Attorney
Page 2 (plus attachments) Dallas FBI Special Agent in Charge, Notice and Demand 111008
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.·-····----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title Holder Glenn Winningham ; house of Fearn
With the Copy- Claim _··- ~: ____ _

Title Holder: Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn Dallas FBI Special Agent in Charge, Notice and Demand 111 008

in Fact recorded with the PINAL COUNTY RECORDER at FEE NUMBER 2006-
159374, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.

15. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, are
NOTICED that I am not a second class UNITED STATES citizen, 14th Amendment
Citizen, corporation or other fictitious entity as found in CORPORATE DENIAL
AFFIDAVIT, recorded with the Pinal County Recorder at FEE NUMBER 2005-107494,
and ZIP CODE CORPORATE DENIAL AFFIDAVIT recorded with the Pinal County
Recorder at FEE NUMBER 2005-120448, both of which are incorporated herein by
reference in their entirety.

16. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, et al,
are NOTICED that according to the courts, there is no such thing as a drivers license
under Texas law.

This court has held that there is no such license known to Texas Law as a
"driver's license." Frank John Callas v. State, 167 Tex. Crim. 375; 320 S.W. 2d 360
We have held that there is no such license as a driver's license known to our
law. Claude D. Campbell v. State, 160 Tex. Crim. 627; 274 S.W.2d 401
An information charging the driving of a motor vehicle upon a public highway
without a driver's license charges no offense, as there is no such license as a
driver's license known to the law.
Keith Brooks v. State 158 Tex. Crim. 546; 258 S.W.2d 317
There being no such license as a "driver's" license known to the law, it follows
that the information, in charging the driving of a motor vehicle upon a highway
without such a license, charges no offense.
W. Lee Hassell v. The State, 149 Tex. Crim. 333; 194 S.W.2d 400

17. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, et al,
are NOTICED that since there is no such thing as a drivers license, that I will not have
one in the event I get stopped by one of your subordinates. However, if I do get
stopped by one of your subordinates, I will have;
a) a PHOTO IDENTIFICATION AFFIDAVIT which is recorded with the PINAL
COUNTY RECORDER at FEE NUMBER 2006-159373, and is also recorded with the
republic of Texas Robertson County Recorder at Book 1, Line 9, as well as;
b) a TRAFFIC STOP LAWFUL NOTICE which is recorded with the PINAL
COUNTY RECORDER at FEE NUMBER 2008-040493, and is also recorded with the
republic of Texas Robertson County Recorder at Book 1, Line 17, as well as;
c) a NON-NEGOTIABLE NOTICE AND DEMAND to all Corporate Commercial
Agents, which is recorded with the PINAL COUNTY RECORDER at FEE NUMBER
2008-098900, and;
true copies of each of which are attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference
in their entirety.

18. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, are
further NOTICED that I am not a person, as far as your statutes are concerned,
because a "person" is:

Page 3 (plus attachments) Dallas FBI Special Agent in Charge, Notice and Demand 111008
This matter/text copyright© by the Tille Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.---·-...... ___ ..................._________., ______________.... ______.,.,., __ ______.. _.. _____________ .. ____ ____Tille Holder Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn
With the Copy-Claim
Title Holder: Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn Dallas FBI Special Agent in Charge, Notice and Demand 111 008

a) "a variety of entities other than human beings." Church of Scientology v

U.S. Department of Justice, 612 F2d 417 (1979) at pg 418
b) ".•. foreigners, not citizens.... " United States v Otherson, 480 F. Supp. 1369
(1979) at pg 1373.
c) the words "person" and "whoever" include corporations, companies,
associations, firms, partnerships, societies, and joint stock
companies...Title 1 U.S.C. Chapter 1 -Rules of Construction, Section 1

and a sovereign is not a "person" in a legal sense and as far as a statute is concerned;
a) " 'in common usage, the term 'person' does not include the sovereign, .
[and] statutes employing the [word] are normally construed to exclude it.'
Wilson vOmaha Tribe, 442 US653 667, 61 LEd 2d 153, 99 S Ct 2529 (1979)
(quoting United States v Cooper Corp. 312 US 600, 604, 85 LEd 1071, 61 S Ct
742 (1941 ). See also United States v Mine Workers, 330 US 258, 275, 91 L Ed
884, 67 S Ct 677 (1947)"Will v Michigan State Police, 491 US 58, 105 L. Ed. 2d
45, 109 S.Ct. 2304
b) "a sovereign is not a person in a legal sense" In re Fox, 52 N.Y. 535, 11
Am . Rep. 751; U.S. v. Fox, 94 U.S. 315, 24 L. Ed. 192 .

19. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, are
further NOTICED that because I am not involved in commerce in any way, I do not
have a Motor Vehicle pursuant to 18 USC§ 31 which says;
"The term "Motor Vehicle" means every description of carriage or other
contrivance propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used for commercial
purposes on the highways in the transportation of passengers, passengers and
property, or property or cargo.
The term "used for commercial purposes" means the carriage of persons or
property for any fare, fee, rate, charge or other consideration, or directly or
indirectly in connection with any business, or other undertaking intended for

20. · You Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, are
further NOTICED that My private conveyance may have plates on it purporting to be
associated with the republic of Texas similar to those, which are attached hereto, and
incorporated herein by reference in their entirety, but in any event, it will be identified
PROPERTY, in large unmistakable letters, on the rear bumper area. You are
NOTICED that the reasons for these words being placed in the rear bumper area is
because a Certificate of Title certifies that the state has the title, which means the state
owns the vehicle, and these words provide notice that this vehicle is not owned by the
state, even though it may have state plates on it, and any claim to the contrary is
perjury of oath by any officer of the court or the state.

21 . You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, are
NOTICED that all documents that are recorded with the PINAL COUNTY RECORDER
may be viewed at their website at;

Page 4 (plus attachments) Dallas FBI Special Agent in Charge, Notice and Demand 111008
This matter/text copyright © by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent Is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.····..······-·-··----------·---------------···········-··------------------------------------------------------Title Holder Glenn Winningham; house of Feam 1•
With the Copy-Claim __
Title Holder: Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn . Dallas FBI Special Agent in Charge, Notice and Demand 111008

22. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, are
NOTICED that you are not authorized to serve commercial process on Me.

23. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, are
NOTICED that I am a member of the American sovereignty;
".•.at the revolution the Sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly
the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without subjects ..•...and
have none to govern but themselves; the citizens of America are equal as fellow
citizens, and as joint tenants in the sovereignty."
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dall. 440, at pg 4 71 ;
"The words "people ofthe United States" and "citizens" are synonymous terms,
and mean the same thing. They both describe the political body who, according
to our republican institutions, form the sovereignty, and who hold the power and
conduct the Government through their representatives. They are what we
familiarly call the "sovereign people," and every citizen is one of this people,
and a constituent member of the sovereignty."
Dredd Scott v Sandford, 60 US 393, at pg 404;
"Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and
source of law; but in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the
agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom
and for whom all government exists and acts."
Yick Wo v Hopkins, 118 US 356, at pg 370;

24. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, are
NOTICED that I am not a US citizen, but I am a citizen of Texas.
"One may be a citizen of a State and yet not a citizen of the United States.
Thomasson v State, 151nd. 449; Cory v Carter, 481nd. 327 (17 Am. R. 738);
McCarthy v. Froelke, 631nd. 507; In Re Wehlitz, 16 Wis. 443." McDonel v State, 90
Ind. Rep. 320 at pg 323;
"..• that there was a citizenship of the United States and a citizenship of the
states, which were distinct from each other, depending upon different
characteristics and circumstances in the individual; that it was only privileges
and immunities of the citizens of the United States that were placed by the
amendment under the protection of the Federal Constitution, and that the
privileges and immunities of a citizen of a state, whatever they might be, were
not intended to have any additional protection by the paragraph in question, but
they must rest for their security and protection where they have heretofore
rested." Maxwell v Dow, 20 S.C.R. 448, at pg 451 ;

25. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, are
NOTICED that a US citizen does not have any rights as admitted by the US Solicitor
general in my recent US Supreme Court case 07-5674;
" •.. the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States do not
necessarily include all the rights protected by the first eight amendments to the
Federal constitution against the powers of the Federal government."
Maxwell v Dow, 20 S.C.R. 448, at pg 455;
"The only absolute and unqualified right of a United States citizen is to
residence within the territorial boundaries of the United States,"
Page 5 (plus attachments) Dallas FBI Special Agent in Charge, Notice and Demand 111008
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.··-------------------------·--·······----------·-------··-------·----------------------------------------------Tille Holder Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn
With the Copy-Claim
Title Holder: Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn Dallas FBI Special Agent in Charge, Notice and Demand 111008

US vs. Valentine 288 F. Supp. 957

••• it might be correctly said that there is no such thing as a citizen of the United

States . ..... A citizen of any one of the States of the Union, is held to be, and
called a citizen of the United States, although technically and abstractly there is
no such thing." Ex Parte Frank Knowles, 5 Cal. Rep. 300

26. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, are
NOTICED that the UNITED STATES is a foreign corporation with respect to a state;
"The United States Government is a foreign corporation with respect to a State
ofthe Union." In Re Merriam's Estate, 36 N.E. 505, 141 N.Y. 479, affirmed 16 S.Ct.
1073, 41 LEd. 287.

27. As a titled sovereign, I hereby DEMAND that you Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent
in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, protect Me from all foreign agents, like agents
from the FBI, the DEA, the INS, the IRS, the IMF, the CIA, and any other agents of
foreign governments.

28. As you already know, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field
Office,et al, neither the Transportation Code, nor the Uniform Commercial Code, are
positive law, therefore, you have no authority whatsoever, to impose anything in either
of them on Me.

29. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, are
NOTICED that because I am a sovereign living soul, and a holder of the office of "the
people", and an inhabitant of the land of Texas, that it also holds true that I am not
a "person" as found in any of your corporate commercial codes, rules, and regulations,
and therefore, your law merchant, a/k/a private international law, a/k/a martial Jaw,
a/k/a canon law, a/k/a ecclesiastical law, does not apply to Me, and if you or one of
your subordinates attempts to impose one of your law merchant so-called contracts
upon Me, your subordinate and you will be engaging in Perjury of Oath, Sedition to the
Constitution, and giving aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war, which is the
prosecutable form of Treason as found in the constitutions for the united States of
America, as well as the republic of Texas.

30. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, are
noticed that pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure rule 81 (f) you are a
revenue officer of the United States, especially since you have in your court room a
US martial law war flag, and pursuant to the Eleventh Article in Amendment to the
Constitution for the united States of America, you and your subordinates have no
authority whatsoever to hear, (much less rule), in any case involving Me, or My wife, or
My infant children, and it you or your subordinates do hear or rule in any matter
involving Myself, My wife, or My children, it will be without any authority whatsoever,
and in which case, you and your subordinate, will have no immunity whatsoever, and
will be personally, fully liable for perjury of oath at a minimum.

31. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr. , Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, et al, :!

are further NOTICED that the use of any statutes, codes, rules, regulations, or court
citations, within any document created by Me, at any time, is only to notice that which

Page 6 (plus attachments) Dallas FBI Special Agent in Charge, Notice and Demand 111008
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and condilions of the Title · ·,: :
Holder.----- ----·-------------------------- ------ --------------------------------------·---------------------Title Holder Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn ·.'
WUh th• Copy~Cioim ~ , ~ -:

l \
Title Holder: Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn Dallas FBI Special Agent in Charge, Notice and Demand 111008

is applicable to you, and is not intended, not shall it be construed, to mean that I have
conferred, submitted to, or entered into any jurisdiction alluded to thereby.

32. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, are
further NOTICED that if you accept anything but lawful money (gold or silver coin) in
the payment of a debt, you are a municipal corporation and have no authority
whatsoever over Me. You have no more authority over Me than Walmart does.

33. You, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, are
further NOTICED that I am a beneficiary of the trust which was established by the
Constitution for the united States of America (1787}, and you and all officers of your
court are My fiduciaries, and have an oath of office to protect My unalienable rights.

34. Finally, Robert E. Casey, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, et al, as
a titled sovereign, I hereby DEMAND that you, and your subordinates, protect My
unalienable rights.

35. Signed and Sealed in red ink on the land of Texas.

Notice for the principal is notice for the agent and

notice for the agent is notice for the principal.

This instrument was prepared by Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn.

GLENN WINNINGHAM FEARN, and all derivatiyes thereof

My Copyright

Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, sui juris

sovereign living soul .
holder of the office of "the people"

As an ex officio Notary Public and an officer of the Court for the Republic of Texas, I, Henry
Norman; house of Suhl, hereby certify that Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, who is
known to me, who is a sovereign living soul, an inhabitant of the land of Texas, and a holder
of the office of "the people", appeared before me and executed the foregoing NOTICE AND
DEMAND 111008, on this · day of November, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand
and Eight.
' .: '

.' iI l·

Page 7 (plus attachments) Dallas FBI Special Agent in Charge. Notice and Demand 111008
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tille Holder Glenn Winningham; house of Feam
With the Copy-Claim

~ __

OFFICIAL NOTICE/DEMAND by an American Sovereign/

FOR: The living Man or Woman of God so named below offering We the People of God
ADMINISTRATOR OR AGENT is now NOTICED that who so ever acts with DISHONOR
regarding hislher OATH OF OFFICE standing unto God is in Violation(s) of His one Natural Law
and contract breech with me being one We the People of God for not upholding my organic
Constitutional superior declared Sovereign Rights of God and is therefore impersonating
without standing;

In the name of God, Amen; I, me, my, myself, a living soul sui juris Texian American Sovereign of God
standing in God's Kingdom without the Corporatism UNITED STATES, formally accept your contract offer for
value being your Oath and/or Affirmation(s) for Office without the Corporatism UNITED STATES by affirming
(swearing), "so help me God". 1 formally accept your offer with lawful conditions with your constitutional,
legislated, delegated, regulatory authority and your timely public declaration for fiduciary officeholder by Oath
and/or Affirmation by limiting your all enforcement claims brought forth, "UNDER PENALTIES with PERJURY".
Further, 1 formally accept your Oath offers with conditions that all RETURNS must be signed Under Penalties
with Perjury upholding and notwithstanding all your Oath offering(s) and/or Affirmation(s). I formally accept your
Oath offers or Affirmation(s) for Office beholding unto our Creator God as being truth. KJV: Leviticus 19:12,
Deuteronomy 23:23, I Kings 8:31~32, Ecclesiastes 5:3-6, Mathew 23:11-30, James 1:6-7.

It is now written that you and I have joinder standing under God in a firm binding private contract ab
initio, I demand you uphold your private contract part, non ultra vires, as laid down by our Creator in His Holy
Word and declared in the one We the People's organic Constitution for Texas a republic and with all other Oath
offering(s) and Affirmation(s) notwithstanding. Doing otherwise initiates Dishonor unto Him and good faith
breach with me of God.

Whereas the above private contract now being in force, you are personally liable for the protection for
my entire Texian American Sovereignty declared rights standing in God's Kingdom without the Corporatism
UNITED STATES, therefore I demanc:l you honor my reserved declared rights imbedded in our Constitution and
protected with God's Superior common law and commercial law which is created within imprescriptibility as mine
and are inalienable in their entirety. Doing otherwise initiates Dishonor unto Him and good faith breach with me
of God.

Absent the above private contract involving my Sovereign private affairs that are arrived at without
recourse and dishonor with you and whereas your Corporatist Title being one PERSON created by THE STATE
OF TEXAS /UNITED STATES is fired from assigning or appointing any 3rd party legal representation for making
legal determinations involving me. Doing otherwise initiates Dishonor unto Him our Creator and good faith
breach with me of God and in International Maritime Law voids your fiduciary worthiness.

I further declare I am confident for handling my own affairs. I do not own or reside on or in any water
body on planet earth. I declare by Affidavit "I am of God not a Corporatism UNITED STATES OR STATE
created Corporatist". If you insist on pursuing, standing against me of God without Venue or proper geographical
Jurisdiction you are in Texas State Corporatism violation "Law with Color", Nation's Laws, International Laws
and the most superior law over all, our creator God's one Royal law.

KJV/Gal: 5-14; all law is fulfilled in one word; Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. James 2:8-10

THEREFORE, YOU ARE NOTICED that you may be knowingly or unknowingly COMMITTING
CRIMINAL ACTS by criminally converting Civil Statutes and my inalienable rights. These acts are being
Created by simulating Court Processes using Corporatism "LAWS WITH COLOR" while being INFERIOR
with We the People's Superior created organic Constitutional Jurisdiction and Venue. Therefore you
Oath of Office Acceptance For my Court Record; me, BY Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, of God
I I'
Page 1 of 2 With the Copy-Claim BY ! \r ;
. !" ·..,

may be standing in DISHONOR our OATH(S) OF OFFICE by dishonoring God the one Organic Creator
Superior over all and myself a declared sui juris Texlan American Sovereign of God standing in God's

Kingdom without the Corporatism UNITED STATES. If found you have knowledge in COMMITTING such
CRIMINAL ACTS and dishonoring your OATH(S) OF OFFICE as an Elected, Appointed, Assigned, and/or
Employed official servant for We the People of God, claims may be brought against you PERSONALLY
for you are operating outside the bounds for your constitutional, legislated, delegated, and regulatory
authority. THE STATE OF TEXAS /UNITED STATES Corporatism offers no protection for its
administrators. agents, employees that are elected. contracted. employed or appointed when they
operate outside their jurisdictional bounds and against God's Superior created mankind.

I demand acknowledgement and receipt with attached NOTICE/DEMAND including any charging,
billing, inquiry, summons and/or any other simulated Court process with related instrument(s) certified copies
being sought against me that may require a fine, pleading, subpoena or arrest and/or causing myself injury
and/or my private property. If you refuse in signing said OFFICIAL NOTICE/DEMAND then any fraudulent
actions by you against me will be declared tendered and dishonored by affidavit and describing you as being an
unlawful official administrator/agent/employee impersonator. I demand your signature hereon and returned
within three days from receipt as an acknowledgement which may be introduced as evidence for initiated
claim(s) and your signature hereon is not a guilt admission:

Official man/woman's living Name: Robert E. Casey. Jr.; Signature: - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Official's Corporatist Bar Card N o : - - - - - - - - Official's Office N o . : - - - - - - - -

Official's Elected and/or Appointed Bonding Co. name and n u m b e r : - - - - - - - - - - - -


As an ex officio Notary Public and an officer of the Court for the Republic of Texas, I, Henry Norman;
house of Suhl, hereby certify that Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, who is known to me, who is
a sovereign living soul, an inhabitant of the land of Texas, and a holder of the office of "the people",
appeared before me and executed the foregoing, on this I s tl-1-- day of November, in the year of
Two Thousand and Eight. '/ '·


Oath of Office Acceptance For my Court Record; me, BY Glenn Winningham; housel of Fearn, of God
.! , .!
Page 2 of 2 With the Copy-Claim BY ' -i : Seal
Third Party Witness Statement
Offered as Proof of Service

I, Henry Norman; house of Suhl, as an ex officio Notary Public and an Officer of the Court, do hereby
certify that I have witnessed the contents pertaining to this letter, and I personally delivered it to the Post
Office, and handed it to the Clerk to be sent by Registered Mail RA 351 951 480 US, on the ) ~i' day
of the month of November, in the year of two thousand and eight.

Letter or Document is identified by:

1 an original Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI field Office, Notice and Demand 111 ooa, a
total of 6 pages; and,
2 an original OFFICIAL NOTICE/DEMAND by an American Sovereign!, a total of 2 pages;
3 one each certified copy of a Traffic Stop LAWFUL Notice Affidavit for Truth, which is
recorded with the PINAL COUNTY RECORDER at FEE NUMBER 2008-040493,
recorded with the republic of Texas, Robertson County Recorder at Book 1, Line 17, a total
of 7 pages; and,
4 a certified copy of a NON-NEGOTIABLE NOTICE AND DEMAND 110708 which is recorded
with the PINAL COUNTY RECORDER at FEE NUMBER 2008-098900, a total of 32 pages;
5 a copy of a PHOTO IDENTIFICATION AFFiDAVIT which is recorded with the PINAL
COUNTY RECORDER at FEE NUMBER 2006-159373, and recorded with the republic of
Texas, Robertson County Recorder at Book 1, Line 9, a total of 1 page; and,
6 an original of this Third Party Witness Statement.

All responses by the Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, must be mailed to my attention at
6340 Lake Worth Blvd, #131, Fort Worth, Texas, but in care of Glenn Winningham; house of Fearn, to
ensure proper receipt of response. Documentation of the Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Fieid
Office, response to this OFFICER OF THE COURT as a THIRD PARTY WITNESS is imperative.
Confirming the receipt of the response in the proper time required, and that the response answered
clearly the issues presented in the Special Agent in Charge, Dallas FBI Field Office, Notice and Demand
is the stated function of this OFFICER OF THE COURT. Do not fail to send your response to my

The Proper Response to the issues presented or the Failure to respond will be noted no later than thirty
(30) calendar days from the date this letter is received by you. This is our final offer in the exhaustion of
the Administrative Process for your organization to respond in a NOTICE TO CURE.

Signed and sealed in red ink on the land of Texas

Notary Public
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Law Enforcem<:nl Sensitive



5'8", 200 lbs
Prior DL's: Utah and Montana (expired)
Vehicle: 2008 Re::l Dodge RAM


In mid-June 2010, GLENN WINNINGHAM FEAR~J, a self proclaimed member of the Republic of
Texas, sent a "Notice and Demand" letter to the Montana Highway Patrol threatening to use
lethal force if stopped or "unlawfully arrested ." FEARN has a history of sending letters to
government offices declaring his sovereignty from the United States. Arizona. New York, Texas
and now Montana.

On July 16, 2010. FEARN attempted to enter Canada through a Montana Port of Entry declaring
his firearms. He was required to pay a duty tax which he refused. FEARN rented a storage
locker for the firearms. returned the same day and entered Canada. FEARN was driving a red
Dodge pick up bearing Texas license plate 54J-BP9. FEARN'S Dodge may also bear Republic
of Texas plates "2092-A Private Property.·· Currently , FEARN is back in the US at an unknown
location to law enforcement.

FEARN was born in Canada and is a naturalized US Citizen . He has used addresses in Casa
Grande , AZ and in Fort Wo1ih; TX which were found to be a private mailing and a shipping
business. He has sent multiple mailings to Law Enforcement Agencies giving notice thai- he
would assert his right to resist with lethal force if necessary. He may be unstable,
unpredictable, and most likely armed. He should be considered armed and dangerous.

Anyone with comments or questions regard~ contact or arrest . of FEARN is

made, should contact TX DPS CID Agent ~t or the DPS
Texas Fusion Center at 1-866-786-5972 or e-mail at txdpsintelcenter@.txdps.state.tx .us.

Title Holder: glenn winningham; house of fearn Kirsljen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018
By Certified Mai17016 0910 0001 5126 6759
To: From:
Kirsljen M Neilsen, Secretary [glenn winningham; house of fearn]
Department of Homeland Security General Post Office, ZIP CODE EXEMPT
Washington, District of Columbia 20528 C/0 6340 Lake Worth Boulevard, #437
Fort Worth, Texas {RR 76135]
Non-Domestic Mail, Without the United States, Inc.


i, me, my, myself, a man, a living soul, a sovereign, an inhabitant of the land of Texas, and a holder of
the office of "the people", with an address correction: [glenn winningham; house of fearn], General Post Office,
ZIP CODE EXEMPT, C/0 6340 Lake Worth Boulevard, #437, Fort Worth, Texas, [RR 76135], Non-Domestic
Mail, WITHOUT the UNITED STATES, do hereby NOTICE you of the following:

1 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that i used to state that i accept your Oath of Office, but we both
know you have no intention of honoring your oath of office, so fuck your oath, you Satanist fucking bitch (no
disrespect to dogs intended)!

2 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that if you or one of your coward PIGs wants a piece of me, just
name a date and time and location, and i will come armed and we can settle it for once and for all, you
Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!

3 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that i already know that you cowards will never take me up on that
because you are cowards, and do your best to make sure that i am NOT armed so i have no way to defend
myself when your PIGs assault me, and your PIGs operate in packs, and it is all with your approval and
consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for) BAR member judicial whores
selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!
''In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker." Chisholm v
Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant willfully
refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

4 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that, the word PIG is an acronym which stands for "fersons !n
Government who intend to perjure their oaths", which means you are a PIG too, you Satanist fucking
bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!

5 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that, i have NEVER in my life breached the peace, you Satanist
fucking bitch <no disrespect to dogs intended)!!

6 You, Kirsljen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your coward DHS/DPS PIGs, and your coward Border PIGs and
your various coward City PIGs, and your coward US Marshalls PIGs, and your coward Sheriff PIGs, and
your coward FBI PIGs, have breached the peace hundreds of times while operating in their private capacity

as revenue officers,
"All oaths must be lawful, allowed by the common law, or some statute; if they are administered by
persons in a private capacity, or not duly authorized, they are coram non judice, and void; and those
administering them are guilty of a high contempt, for doing it without warrant of law, and punishable
by fine and imprisonment. 3/nst. 165; 4/nst. 278; 2 Roll. Abr. 277." Tomlin's Law Dictionary 1835 ~
Edition, Volume 2 J2_
under the Federal Tax Lien Act of 1966
"(h) DEFINITION's ••••• "(3) MOTOR VEHICLE.-The term 'motor vehicle' means a self-propelled ve icle
which is registered for highway use under the laws of any State or foreign country. "(4) SECURITY.-
The term 'security' means any bond, debenture, note, or certificate or other evidence of
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I 6 Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018

This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ---------------------------- -- - - - -Title Holder glenn winningham; house of fearn

Title Holder: glenn Winningham; house of fearn Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018
indebtedness, issued by a corporation or a government or political subdivision thereof, with interest
coupons or in registered form, share of stock, voting trust certificate, or any certificate of interest or
participation in, certificate of deposit or receipt for, temporary or interim certificate for, or warrant or
right to subscribe to or purchase any of the foregoing: negotiable instrument: or money." Federal
Tax Lien Act of 1966 at Public Law 89-719 at 80 Stat. 1130-1131

with their unlawful arrests when i had NOT breached the peace and there was no lawful court order
"Any restraint, however slight, upon another's liberty to come and go as one pleases, constitutes an
"arrest." Swetnam v. W.F. Woolworth Co., 318 P.2d 364, 366, 83 Ariz. 189.

"An illegal arrest is an assault and battery. The person so attempted to be restrained of his liberty
has the same right to use force in defending himself as he would in repelling any other assault and
battery." State v. Robinson, 145 ME. 77, 72 ATL. 260

"Each person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest. In such a case, the person attempting the
arrest stands in the position of a wrongdoer and may be resisted by the use of force, as in self-
defense." State v. Mobley, 240 N.C. 476, 83 S.E. 2d 100

"Similarly, a person cannot be convicted of resisting a peace officer in the execution of his duty
unless the officer was acting strictly within the limits of his powers and duty. If the officer makes an
unlawful arrest, then there is a common law right to resist that arrest." Police Manual of Arrest,
Seizure and Interrogation, am Edition, by The Honorable Roger E. Salhany, page 96
and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs

7 You, Kirsijen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your US Congress PIGs have given your coward DHS/DPS
PIGs, and your coward Border PIGs, and your coward US Marshall PIGs, and your coward FBI PIGs, and
your various coward City PIGs the right to assault, kidnap, falsely imprison, and even murder anybody they
want as long as they do it in good faith,
"(e)DEFENSE.-A good faith reliance on-
(1) a court warrant or order, a grand jury subpoena, a legislative authorization, or a statutory
authorization (including a request of a governmental entity under section 2703(f) of this title);
(2) a request of an investigative or law enforcement officer under section 2518(7) of this title; or
(3) a good faith determination that section 2511{3) of this title permitted the conduct complained of;
is a complete defense to any civil or criminal action brought under this chapter or any other law." 18
US Code 2707 Civil Action

and the same thing applies in your Texas region of your criminal corporation
"(a) No evidence obtained by an officer or other person in violation of any provisions of the
Constitution or laws of the State of Texas, or of the Constitution or laws of the United States of
America, shall be admitted in evidence against the accused on the trial of any criminal case.
{b) It is an exception to the provisions of Subsection (a) of this Article that the evidence was
obtained by a law enforcement officer acting in objective good faith reliance upon a warrant Issued
by a neutral magistrate based on probable cause." Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 38.23
Evidence Not to Be Used [emphasis added],

and the same thing applies in your Arizona region of your criminal corporation
"A. A person commits unlawful imprisonment by knowingly restraining another person.
B. In any prosecution for unlawful imprisonment. it is a defense that:
1. The restraint was accomplished by a peace officer or detention officer acting in good faith in t
lawful performance of his duty; or ... " Arizona Revised Statutes 13-1303. Unlawful imprisonment; 1ft
classification; definition t 1

and the same thing applies in all regions of your criminal corporation and it is all with your approval an
consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for) BAR member judicial whore
selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!
Page 2 {plus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.-------------------r~!-T"'• "·""'~"" '"""'"'h!,~~ ~::~~~~~m
Title Holder: glenn winningham; house offearn Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker." Chisholm v
Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant willfully
refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

8 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that whenever a Judge is dealing with a statute he is no longer a
Judge in his official capacity but becomes a (bought and paid for) clerk masquerading as a Judge operating
in his private capacity
""When acting to enforce a statute and its subsequent amendments to the present date, the judge of
the municipal court is acting as an administrative officer and not in a judicial capacity; courts
administrating or enforcing statutes do not act Judicially, but merely ministerially....but merely act
as an extension as an agent for the involved agency - but only in a "ministerial" and not a
"discretionary capacity •.• " Thompson v. Smith, 154 S.E. 579, 583; Keller v. P.E., 261 US 428; F.R.C. v.
G.E., 281, U.S. 464 [emphasis added]

"It is the accepted rule, not only in state courts, but, of the federal courts as well, that when a judge
is enforcing administrative law they are described as mere 'extensions of the administrative agency
for superior reviewing purposes' as a ministerial clerk for an agency ... " 30 Cal596; 167 Cal762

" ...judges who become involved in enforcement of mere statutes (civil or criminal in nature and
otherwise), act as mere "clerks" of the involved agency .•." K.C. Davis, ADMIN. LAW, Ch. 1 (CTP.
West's 1965 Ed.)

but your (bought and paid for) BAR member whores (clerks masquerading as Judges) sit there and play
stupid so they can go ahead and facilitate the assaults, kidnappings, false imprisonments and even murders
as long as it is in good faith
"(e)DEFENSE.-A good faith reliance on-
(1) a court warrant or order, a grand jury subpoena, a legislative authorization, or a statutory
authorization (including a request of a governmental entity under section 2703(f) of this title);
(2) a request of an investigative or law enforcement officer under section 2518(7) of this title; or
(3) a good faith determination that section 2511 (3) of this title permitted the conduct complained of;
is a complete defense to any civil or criminal action brought under this chapter or any other law." 18
US Code 2707 Civil Action

and the same thing applies in your Texas region of your criminal corporation and your Arizona region of your
criminal corporation, and in all regions of your criminal corporation and it is all with your approval and
consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for) BAR member judicial whores
selling their "justus", vou Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!

9 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that (bought and paid for) Clerks masquerading as Judges cannot
do anything judicial, like issue warrants, or orders and if they attempt to do so, it is a fraud and a nullity
"Ministerial officers are incompetent to receive grants of judicial power from the legislature, their
acts in attempting to exercise such powers are necessarily nullities" Burns v. Sup., Ct., SF, 140 Cal. 1

therefore it is a kangaroo court

"Kangaroo court. Term descriptive of a sham legal proceeding in which a person's rights are totally
disregarded and in which the result is a foregone conclusion because of the bias of the court or
other tribunal." Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition, page 868

and a void judgment

''Where there is no jurisdiction there is no judge; the proceeding is as nothing. Such has been the
law from the days of the Marshalsea, 10 Coke 68; also Bradley v. Fisher, 13 Wall335,351." Manning .
Ketcham, 58 F.2d 948.
~?Q !1
. /

Page 3 (plus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018

This matterltext copyright © by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title

~--rrtlo Hold" g~oo wiooi"9h~.i, ~:'~:,~~,;
Title Holder: glenn winningham; house of fearn Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018
"Void judgment is one which has no legal force or effect whatever, it is an absolute nullity, its
invalidity may be asserted by any person whose rights are affected at any time and at any place and
it need not be attacked directly but may be attacked collaterally whenever and wherever it is
interposed." City of Lufkin v. McVicker, 510 S.W. 2d 141 (Tex. Civ. App.- Beaumont 1973)

"A void judgment, insofar as it purports to be pronouncement of court, is an absolute nullity"

Thompson v. Thompson, 238 S.W.2d 218 (Tex.Civ.App.- Waco 1951).

"Void order may be attacked, either directly or collaterally, at any time" In re Estate of Steinfield, 630
N.E.2d 801, certiorari denied, See also Steinfeld v. Hoddick, 513 U.S. 809, (Ill. 1994).

and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker." Chisholm v
Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant willfully
refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 DaL 419 at p 456

10 You, Kirsljen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that you have failed to provide Article 3 Judges (State or Federal),
because they all are BAR members (foreign agents of the Roman Cult) and they absolutely REFUSE to
operate in an Article 3 capacity, as evidenced by the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and his
(bought and paid for) Clerks masquerading as Judges selling their "justus", the original of which was served
on Donald J Trump by Registered Mail, RA 500 985 428 US, and which may also be viewed at the link

and you and your US Congress PIG buddies have used Emergency as justification to create a military
dictatorship as described in your US Senate Report 93-549, with a CIA orchestrated emergency, you
Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!

11 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your PIGs have assaulted me, kidnapped me, falsely
imprisoned me and your United Nations BAAL priest whores on the bench (Clerks masquerading as
Judges) are their accomplices, and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and
consent of your (bought and paid for) BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist
fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker." Chisholm v
Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant willfully
refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

12 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that, I travel on the land of Texas and elsewhere, (which i have
previously served you Satanist fucking. bitches and sons of bitches, with documents stating that i am not
interested in being in your criminal corporation called UNITED STATES),
"A State does not owe its origin to the Government of the United States, in the highest or in any
its branches. It was in existence before it. It derives its authority from the same pure and sacred ()
source as itself: The voluntary and deliberate choice of the people ..• A State is altogether exemp t
from the jurisdiction of the Courts of the United States, or from any other exterior authority, unl ss

_ ""
in the special instances where the general Government has power derived from the Constitution
itself••. p. 448 "The question to be determined is, whether this State, so respectable, and whose
Page 4 (ptus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.------.------------ Hold.,gleoo wloologh~.i, ~~o~y~~m

11 1
Title Holder: glenn winningham; house of feam Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018
claim soars so high, is amenable to the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of the United States? This
question, important in itself, will depend on others, more important still; and may perhaps, be
ultimately resolved into one, no less radical than this- "do the people of the United States form a
NATION? "By that law the several States and Governments spread over our globe, are considered
as forming a society, not a NATION." [caps in the original.] Chisholm. Ex'r v. Georgia, 2 Dall. 419, 1 L.Ed. -
440 (1794)

"Two national governments exist, one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its
restrictions, the other to be maintained by Congress outside and independently of that instrument"
Dissenting opinion of Justice Marshall Harlan. Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 1901.

but your coward PIGs went ahead and assaulted me and kidnapped me and falsely imprisoned me and your
United Nations BAAL priest whores like John McBryde, Terry Means, Donald Cosby, Thomas lowe, Reed
O'Connor, Jeffrey Cureton, Joe Fish, Paul Stickney, Cummings, and others became their accomplices,
under their satanic UNIDROIT controlled and regulated Uniform Commercial Code
"Whenever [the Uniform Commercial Code] creates a "presumption" with respect to a fact, or
provides that a fact is "presumed," the trier of fact must find the existence of the fact unless and
until evidence is introduced that supports a finding of its nonexistence." Uniform Commercial Code §
1-206 Presumptions [emphasis added]

'*(a) In an action with respect to an instrument, the authenticity of, and authority to make, each
signature on the instrument are admitted unless specifically denied in the pleadings. If the validity of
a signature is denied in the pleadings, the burden of establishing validity is on the person claiming
validity, but the signature is presumed to be authentic and authorized unless the action is to enforce
the liability of the purported signer and the signer is dead or incompetent at the time of trial of the
issue of validity of the signature." Uniform Commercial Code§ 3.308 Proof of Signatures and Status as
Holder in Due Course [emphasis added]

"The following rules apply in an action on a certificated security against the issuer:
(11 Unless specifically denied in the pleadings, each signature on a security certificate or in a
necessary indorsement is admitted.
(2) If the effectiveness of a signature is put in issue, the burden of establishing effectiveness is on
the party claiming under the signature, but the signature is presumed to be genuine or authorized."
Uniform Commercial Code§ 8.114 Evidentiary Rules Concerning Certificated Securities [emphasis added]

when they assaulted me with their cestui que trust scam

"But individuals, when acting as representatives of a collective group, cannot be said to be
exercising their personal rights and duties, nor be entitled to their purely personal privileges. Rather
they assume the rights, duties and privileges of the artificial entity or association of which they are
agents or officers and they are bound by its obligations." Brasswe/1 v. United States 487 U.S. 99 (1988)
quoting, United States v. White 322 U.S. 694 (1944),

for their Roman Cult handlers

"Yet still it was found difficult to set bounds to ecclesiastical ingenuity; for when they were driven
out of all their former holds, they devised a new method of conveyance, by which the lands were
granted, not to themselves directly, but to nominal feoffees to the use of the religious houses; thus
distinguishing between the possession and the use, and receiving the actual profits, while the seisin
of the lands remained in the nominal feoffee, who was held by the courts of equity (then under the
direction of the clergy) to be bound in conscience to account to his cestui que use for the rents and
emoluments of the estate: and it is to these inventions that our practitioners are indebted for the
introduction of uses and trusts, the foundation of modern conveyancing." Tomlins Law Dictionary
1835 edition, Volume 2 under the definition of Mortmain

"The Legal Estate to be in Cestui Que Use" Chapter Fifty-Six in Sec. 1617, at 31 Stat. 1432

and you have instructed your (bought and paid for) whores selling their "justus" (Clerks masquerading s
Judges) to presume everybody is a cestui que trust at Chapter three- Absence for Seven Years, in S c.
252, at 31 Stat. 1230, where it says;
Page 5 (plus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 06"1018
This matter/text copyright © by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.---------------------------l~--CY"' Holdoc 9~"" w;on;ogh:;~ 1:'~0~,;,
Title Holder: glenn winning ham; house of feam Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018
"SEC. 252. PRESUMPTION OF DEATH. -If any person shall leave his domicile without any known
intention of changing the same, and shall not return or be heard from for seven years from the time
of his so leaving, he shall be presumed to be dead, in any case wherein his death shall come in
question, unless proof be made that he was alive within that time.,

" ... (E)very taxpayer is a cestui qui trust having sufficient interest in the preventing abuse of the
trust to be recognized in the field of this court's prerogative jurisdiction .. " In Re Bolens (1912}, 135

"A "citizen of the United States" is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-beneficiary
of the PCT (Public Charitable Trust), the constructive, cestui que trust of US Inc. under the 14th
Amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc." Congressional Record, June 13 1967, pp.

with the objective of selling me into slavery

"He (the prisoner] has as a consequence of his crime, not only forfeited his liberty but all his
personal rights except those which the law in its humanity affords him. He is for the time being a
slave of the state." 62 Va. (21 Gratt.) 790, 796 (1871)

and it is all with your approval and consent, and i am not going to rest until i see these PIGs, and their PIG
BAR member whore handfers do that littfe dance they do at the end of a common raw rope, you Satanist
fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!
"If a man be found stealing any of his brethren of the children of Israel, and maketh merchandise of
him, or selleth him; then that thief shall die; and thou shalt put evil away from among you."
Deuteronomy 24:7

therefore, i will ALWAYS be travelling heavily armed and if your coward PIGs want to unlawfully arrest me,
we will settle it for once and for all, you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker." Chisholm v
Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant willfully
refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

all of which is evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and (bought and paid for)
Clerks Masquerading as Judges

and the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint, Walker County Sheriffs NrpXZsQDx9Q1 jmYvgHhZcOF uly6NfSY

and the Solemn Asseveration of Criminal Complaint C. Page, Joe Shannon, Jr., Jeffrey Halstead, James 0
Rogers, Sarah Fullenwider, Ninfra Mares and hired thugs 121512 which is recorded with the Pinal County
Recorder at Fee Number 2012-111555, and it was all approved and endorsed by your BAR member whore
Cosby as evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and (bought and paid for) Clerks
Masquerading as Judges, you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!

13 You, Kirsljen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that, your PIG United Nations BAAL priest BAR member whores
masquerading as Judges know that your coward PIGs routinely engage in false arrest and false
imprisonment but they want to sit there and play stupid so they can collect their royalties, because your
coward PIGs bring them so much business you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs
The only thing the plaintiff needs to do is to allege a false arrest, is either (1) that the defendant(cop)
made an arrest or imprisonment, or (2) that the defendant(cop) affirmatively instigated, encourage
incited,(started a fight) or caused the arrest or imprisonment. Burlington v. Josephson, 153 Fed.2d
372,276 (1946)

\ \
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Holder.---------------------------------------------Title Holder glenn Winningham; house of fearn
w~ too Cop~co;m

-----------------------------------------rl 1 \
Title Holder: glenn winning ham; house of fearn Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018

"When the plaintiff( person) has shown that he was arrested, imprisoned or restrained of his liberty
by the defendant(cop), "the law presumes it to be unlawful." People v. McGrew, 20 Pac. 92 (1888);
Knight v. Baker, 133 P. 544(1926).

"The burden is upon the defendant{ cop } to show that the arrest was by authority of law." McAleer v.
Good, 65 Atl. 934, 935 (1907); Mackie v. Ambassador, 11 P.2d 6 (1932).

"ANY ARREST, made without a PROPER warrant, Signed by a judge and backed up by an affidavit
from two persons that states, under penalty of perjury, you have broken a contract or hurt
somebody, if challenged by the defendant, is presumptively invalid ••. the burden is upon the state" to
justify it as authorized by statute, and does not violate the constitutional provisions(privileges)and
Or( human rights.) State v. Mastrian, 171 N.W.2d 695 (1969); Butler v. State, 212 So.2d 577 (Miss 1968)

"As in the case of illegal arrests, the officer(cop) .•. must keep within the law at his peril." Thiede v.
Scandia, 217 Minn. 231, 14 N.W.2d 400 (1944)

14 You, Kirs~en M Neilsen, are NOTICED that, since your coward Border PIGs and your coward DHS/DPS
PIGs, and your coward US Marshall PIGs, and your coward City PIGs, and your coward Sheriff PIGs,
obviously intend to engage in warfare against me no matter what i say or do
"A mixed war is one which is made on one side by public authority, and the other by mere private
persons." Black's Law Dictionary 5th Ed., page 1420

and if your PIGs want to assault me with their unlawful arrest, when there has been no breach of the peace
or no lawful warrant, and i shall be heavily armed, and we will settle it right then and there, for once and for
all, with your coward PIGs, and any blood shed is on your hands, and it will all be with your approval and
consent, you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it Is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker." Chisholm v
Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant willfully
refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

15 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that i have the right to resist an unlawful arrest with lethal force if
"An illegal arrest is an assault and battery. The person so attempted to be restrained of his liberty
has the same right to use force in defending himself as he would in repelling any other assault and
battery." State v. Robinson, 145 ME. 77, 72 ATL. 260

"Each person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest. In such a case, the person attempting the
arrest stands in the position of a wrongdoer and may be resisted by the use of force, as in self-
defense." State v. Mobley, 240 N.C. 476, 83 S.E. 2d 100

"Similarly, a person cannot be convicted of resisting a peace officer in the execution of his duty
unless the officer was acting strictly within the limits of his powers and duty. If the officer makes an
unlawful arrest, then there is a common law right to resist that arrest." Police Manual of Arrest,
Seizure and Interrogation, am Edition, by The Honorable Roger E. Salhany, page 96

and i shall be heavily armed and i shall exercise my right to resist any unlawful arrest by your coward
DHS/DPS PIGs, or your coward Border PIGs, or your coward US Marshall PIGs, or your coward FBI PIGs,
or your coward City PIGs, or your coward Sheriff PIGs, you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to z J
dogs intended)!! .IJ
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and ~
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker." Chisho v
Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455
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Title Holder: glenn winningham; house of feam Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant willfully
refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

16 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your PIGs have assaulted me, a man, for the crimes of the
fraudulently created cestui que trust, and pillaged my property when your Kerrville PIGs seized my laptop
computer and carrying case and contents
"No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed.
Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.
Pillage is prohibited.
Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited." Article 33, Geneva Convention
Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 [emphasis added]

and their military uniforms and tactics are designed to be intimidating and terrorizing and your (bought and
paid for) Roman Cult BAR member whore John McBryde and others are their accomplices, in their war
crimes, when McBryde dismissed the case 4: 15-cv 772 and again as 4:17 cv 167 in the Northern District of
Texas, because I failed to pay his extortion 1 filing fee, by using my failure to make a contract with him, so he
could sit there and play stupid in violation of Article 52
"No contract, agreement or regulation shall impair the right of any worker, whether voluntary or not
and wherever he may be, to apply to the representatives of the Protecting Power in order to request
the said Power's intervention.
All measures aiming at creating unemployment or at restricting the opportunities offered to workers
in an occupied territory, in order to Induce them to work for the Occupying Power, are prohibited."
Article 52, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 [emphasis

because your (bought and paid for) whore selling his "justus", intends to engage in genocide against State
"(a)Basic Offense.-Whoever, whether in time of peace or in time of war and with the specific intent
to destroy, in whole or In substantial part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group as such-
(4) subjects the group to conditions of life that are intended to cause the physical destruction of the
group in whole or in part;
(6) transfers by force children of the group to another group;
shall be punished as provided in subsection (b) ...." 18 USC§ 1091 Genocide

"1. Everyone has the right to a nationality.

2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his
nationality." Article 15, Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

as evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and his (bought and paid for) Clerks
masquerading as Judges selling their u;ustus", which may be viewed at the link below

and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs

17 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your coward Border PIGs have assaulted me, a man, for the
crimes of the fraudulently created cestui que trust, and are taking reprisals against me in violation of Article
33, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 because of my political
"Protected persons are entitled, in all circumstances, to respect for their persons, their honour, their
family rights, their religious convictions and practices, and their manners and customs.
They shall at all times be humanely treated, and shall be protected esp.ecially against all acts of
violence or threats thereof and against insults and public curiosity.
Without prejudice to the provisions relating to their state of health, age and sex, all protected
7 J- .t
persons shall be treated with the same consideration by the Party to the conflict in whose pow
they are, without any adverse distinction based, in particular, on race, religion or political
Page 8 (plus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018
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Holder.- --------------------------------------- ---Title Holder glenn winningham; house of fearn
With the Copy-Claim
Title Holder: glenn winning ham; house of fearn Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061 018

opinion .... , Article 27, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949
[emphasis added]

and their military uniforms and tactics are designed to be intimidating and terrorizing and your (bought and
paid for) Roman Cult BAR member whore Cummings and others are their accomplices, in their war crimes,
and they coerced me to give evidence against myself in violation of Article 31, Geneva Convention Relative
to the Protection of Civilians in a Time of War of 1949, and when your (bought and paid for) Clerk,
masquerading as a Judge Cummings dismissed the case 4:13-cv 576 in the Northern District of Texas,
because he assaulted me with his US citizen slave so he could engage in genocide against State Citizens,
in violation of your 18 USC§ 1091 Genocide, and your Article 15, Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

as evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and his {bought and paid for} Clerks
masquerading as Judges selling their "justus", which may be viewed at the link below

and i filed a lawsuit against your coward bitch Janet Napolitano and her coward US Border PIGs and they
refused to accept service, and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of
your (bought and paid for) Roman Cult BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist
fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended}!!

18 You, Kirsijen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your Wells Fargo bankster thieves have assaulted me, a man,
for the crimes of the fraudulently created cestui que trust, and are taking reprisals against me in violation of
Article 33, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 and your
(bought and paid for) Roman Cult BAR member whore McBryde and others are their accomplices, in their
war crimes, and the banksters were compelling me to produce a Social Security Number and thereby give
evidence against myself in violation of Article 31, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians
in a Time of War of 1949, as if you owned me when they assaulted me with your regulations
"Section 2 Definitions (1) In this Act,
owned means, subject to the regulations, ..... ;" Canadian Ownership and Control Determination Act

and when McBryde dismissed the case 4:14-cv 853-A in the Northern District of Texas, because i failed to
pay his extortion I filing fee, by using my failure to make a contract with him, he further assaulted me with
your regulations, so he could sit there and play stupid in violation of Article 52, Geneva Convention Relative
to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 so he could engage in genocide against State Citizens
in violation of your 18 USC § 1091 Genocide, and your Article 15, Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
as evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and his (bought and paid for) Clerks
masquerading as Judges selling their "justus". which may be viewed at the link below

and it is aU with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
Roman Cult BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect
to dogs intended)!!

19 You, Kirsljen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your Federal Express thieves have assaulted me, a man, for the
crimes of the fraudulently created cestui que trust, and are taking reprisals against me in violation of Article
33, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 and your (bought and
paid for) Roman Cult BAR member whore Means and others are their accomplices, in their war crimes, and
Federal Express was compelling me to produce a Social Security Number by assaulting me with your

regulations, and thereby give evidence against myself in violation of Article 31, Geneva Convention Relative
to the Protection of Civilians in a Time of War of 1949, when Means dismissed the case 4:12-cv 638-Y in the
Northern District of Texas, by further assaulting me with your regulations, because i failed to do his
electronic filing scam which required part of a Social Security Number, by using my failure to make a
contract with him, so he could sit there and play stupid in violation of Article 52, Geneva Convention Re7ativ
to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 so he could engage in genocide against State Citize ~
in violation of your 18 USC § 1091 Genocide, and your Article 15, Universal Declaration of Human Rig ,
as evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and his (bought and paid for) Clerks
masquerading as Judges selling their "justus", which may be viewed at the link below
Page 9 (plus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018
This matter/text copyright © by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.-------~--------------------------------------Title Holder glenn winning ham; house of fearn

~~~~~~~~~~~!~-~·~~~- ~h~~~
Title Holder: glenn winningham; house of fearn Kirsljen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018

and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
Roman Cult BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect
to dogs intended)!!

20 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your Roman Cult BAR member whores have assaulted me, a
man, for the crimes of the fraudulently created cestui que trust, and are taking reprisals against me in
violation of Article 33, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 and
your (bought and paid for) Roman Cult BAR member whore McBryde and others are their accomplices, in
their war crimes, when McBryde dismissed the case 4: 14-cv 993-A in the Northern District of Texas,
because i failed to pay his extortion I filing fee, by assaulting me with your regulations, and by using my
failure to make a contract with him, so he could sit there and play stupid in violation of Article 52, Convention
Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 so he could engage in genocide against State
Citizens in violation of your 18 USC § 1091 Genocide, and your Article 15, Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, and McBryde magically got the case when he was named in it, as evidenced in the Affidavit of
Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and his {bought and paid for) Clerks masquerading as Judges selling their
"justus", which may be viewed at the link below

and it is at! with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
Roman Cult BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect
to dogs intended)!!

21 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your coward Border PIGs have assaulted me, a man, for the
crimes of the fraudulently created cestui que trust, and are taking reprisals against me in violation of Article
33, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 because of my political
opinions, in violation of your Article 27, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of
War of 1949 and their military uniforms and tactics are designed to be intimidating and terrorizing and your
(bought and paid for) Roman Cult BAR member whore McNamee and others are their accomplices, in their
war crimes, and they coerced me to give evidence against myself in violation of Article 31, Geneva
Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in a Time of War of 1949, and sent my wife into exile
because she fails to be a US citizen or have permission with a green card, when they knew she is still an
American national
"It is however, true that in all common-law countries it has always and consistently been held that
the wife and minor children take the nationality of the husband and father. That is common-law
doctrine." In Re Page 12 F (2d) 135

so your US Border PIGs could convert a right into a privilege, in violation of your Article 9

"No one shall be sublected to arbitrary arrest. detention or exile." Article 9, Universal Declaration of
Human Rights [emphasis added]

by holding my wife and sons and daughter hostage until i agree to their US citizen slave status by allowing
them to convert a right into a privilege when l make application for their green card
"The taking of hostages is prohibited." Article 34, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of
Civilians in a Time of War of 1949

when your (bought and paid for) Clerk masquerading as a Judge McNamee became their accomplice in
case cv-02-2230-PHX-SMM in the District of Arizona, because he assaulted me with his US citizen slave so
he could engage in genocide against State Citizens, in violation of your 18 USC§ 1091 Genocide, and your
Article 15, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff ~
Sessions and his {bought and paid for) Clerks masquerading as Judges selling their "justus", which may be .
viewed at the link below •~
https:/• 15tC8vOMgmlpB8TKu4uEU-tD-wcnTSSuo ( I

Page 10 (plus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand

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Holder.------------------------------------------------T1tle Holder glenn w~nn~ngham; house offearn

~~~~~~~~-~~~-~~ ~b~~~.
\ 1. ( .
Title Holder: glenn Winningham; house offearn Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018
and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
Roman Cult BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect
to dogs intended)!!

22 You, Kirsljen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your City of Azle PIGs have assaulted me, a man, for the crimes
of the fraudulently created cestui que trust, and are taking reprisals against me in violation of Article 33,
Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 and their military uniforms
and tactics are designed to be intimidating and terrorizing and your (bought and paid for) Roman Cult BAR
member whores are their accomplices, in their war crimes, and they coerced me to give evidence against
myself in violation of Article 31 , Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in a Time of War
of 1949, and further assaulted me with their US citizen slave so they could engage in genocide against
State Citizens, under your 18 USC§ 1091 Genocide and your Article 15, Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, and these Azle PIGs further subjected me to the deprivation of my immunities under color of their
so-called laws in violation of your 18 USC § 242 Violating Rights under Color of Law, and they conspired
together to threaten, intimidate, oppress, and injure me in violation of your, 18 USC § 241 Conspiracy to
Violate Rights under Color of Law, as evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Havins #259,
Stutsman. Pippins. Vogel. Hudman and others. which may be viewed at the link below 4gq8pGefeDOVQ6PE!view?usp=sharing

and it is at! with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
Roman Cult BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect
to dogs intended)!!

23 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your City of Fort Worth PIGs have assaulted me, a man, for the
crimes of the fraudulently created cestui que trust, and are taking reprisals against me in violation of Article
33, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 and their military
uniforms and tactics are designed to be intimidating and terrorizing and your (bought and paid for) Roman
Cult BAR member whore Cosby and others are their accomplices, in their war crimes, and they coerced me
to give evidence against myself in violation of Article 31, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of
Civilians in a Time of War of 1949, when Cosby demonstrated that he was bought and paid for became their
accomplice in case 067-253565-13 in the 67th District Court, because he conspired with the City of Fort
Worth liars (Attorneys) and assaulted me with his US citizen slave so he could engage in genocide against
State Citizens in violation of your 18 USC § 1091 Genocide, and your Article 15, Universal Declaration of
Human Rights,

as evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and his (bought and paid for) Clerks
masquerading as Judges selling their "justus". which may be viewed at the link below

and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
Roman Cult BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect
to dogs intended)!!

24 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your Roman Cult BAR member whores have assaulted me, a
man, for the crimes of the fraudulently created cestui que trust, and are taking reprisals against me in
violation of Article 33, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949
when Lowe demonstrated that he was bought and paid for became their accomplice in case 236-261874-12
in the 236th District Court, because he conspired with the County liars (Attorneys) and assaulted me with his
US citizen slave because i failed to pay his extortion I filing fee, by using my failure to make a contract with
him, so he could sit there and play stupid in violation of Article 52, Geneva Convention Relative to the
Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 so he could engage in genocide against State Citizens in
violation of your 18 USC § 1091 Genocide, and your Article 15, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as
evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and his (bought and paid for) Clerks
masquerading as Judges selling their "justus". which may be viewed at the link below
f !)
Page 11 (plus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand
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Holder.---------------------~-5(; Holde,glooo w;ooiogh:,~~h,:~~~::;m
Title Holder. glenn winningham; house of fearn Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018

and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
Roman Cult BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect
to dogs intended)!!

25 You, Kirsijen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your (bought and paid for) whores selling their "justus", John
McBryde, Terry Means, Donald Cosby, Thomas Lowe, Reed O'Connor, Jeffrey Cureton, Joe Fish, Paul
Stickney, Cummings, McNamee and others are in violation of your
"All persons shall be equal before the courts and tribunals. In the determination of any criminal
charge against him, or of his rights and obligations in a suit at law, everyone shall be entitled to a
fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law."
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 14, Clause 1

and it is air with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs

26 You, Kirsijen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your coward Border PIGs and your coward DHS/DPS PIGs and
your coward City PIGs engaged in war crimes by persecuting me for my political beliefs with your
persecutions of me and anyone like me that you label with the "freeman on the land" status or "sovereign
citizen" or "anti-government" when we try to say we have rights, and especially in light of the fact that all of
North America west of the colonies defined by the Royal Proclamation of 1763 is under a military occupation
as defined by Hague Convention IV, the Lieber Code, and the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection
of Civilians in a Time of War of 1949, and Texas and all of the southern states are under a military
occupation since the civil war, and California and Arizona and all of the Treaty of Hidalgo States are under
martial law since the war with Mexico in the 1840's
"Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.
The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be
exercised." Law and Customs of War on Land (Hague IV), Article 42

"A place, district, or country occupied by an enemy stands, in consequence of the occupation,
under the Martial Law of the invading or occupying army, whether any proclamation declaring
Martial Law, or any public warning to the inhabitants, has been issued or not. Martial Law is the
immediate and direct effect and consequence of occupation or conquest. The presence of a hostile
army proclaims its Martial Law." Article 1, Lieber Code [emphasis added]

"Martial Law does not cease during the hostile occupation, except by special proclamation, ordered
by the commander in chief; or by special mention in the treaty of peace concluding the war, when
the occupation of a place or territory continues beyond the conclusion of peace as one of the
conditions of the same." Article 2, Lieber Code [emphasis added]

"The present Convention shall apply from the outset of any conflict or occupation mentioned in
Article 2.
In the territory of Parties to the conflict, the application of the present Convention shall cease on the
general close of miiitary operations.
In the case of occupied territory, the application of the present Convention shall cease one year
after the general close of military operations; however, the Occupying Power shall be bound, for the
duration of the occupation, to the extent that such Power exercises the functions of government in
such territory, by the provisions of the following Articles of the present Convention: 1 to 12, 27, 29
to 34, 47, 49, 51, 52, 53, 59, 61 to 77, 143." Article 6, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of
Civilians in Time of War of 1949 [emphasis added}

and you and your coward US Congress PIG buddies are further engaged in Crimes Against Humanity
persecuting me and all other state citizens for our political beliefs and i have no great love for your Unite
Nations Satanist buddies but it is obvious to me that the reason you have failed to accede to the Rome
b~ J2
Statute is because you intend to engage in War Crimes and you intend to engage in Crimes Against
Humanity, and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bough

Page 12 (plus attachments)


-s7' Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand

This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by tenns and conditions of the Title
Holder.- - - - - - - -- ----------------------------- glooo wloologh~':ti, ~:::~,~:~~m

Title Holder: glenn winningham; house of fearn Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018
and paid for) BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect
to dogs intended)!!

27 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your US Department of State PIGs in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
conspired with the Canada Border PIGs to engage in War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity against me
in Canada as evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and his (bought and paid for)
Clerks masquerading as Judges selling their "justus", the original of which was served on Donald J Trump
by Registered Mail, RA 500 985 428 US, and which may also be viewed at the link below

and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
Roman Cult BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to
dogs intended)f!

28 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that, your Roman Cult handlers created the cestui que trust
"Yet still it was found difficult to set bounds to ecclesiastical ingenuity; for when they were driven
out of all their former holds, they devised a new method of conveyance, by which the lands were
granted, not to themselves directly, but to nominal feoffees to the use of the religious houses; thus
distinguishing between the possession and the use, and receiving the actual profits, while the seisin
of the lands remained in the nominal feoffee, who was held by the courts of equitv (then under the
direction ofthe clergy) to be bound in conscience to account to his cestui que use for the rents and
emoluments of the estate: and it is to these inventions that our practitioners are indebted for the
introduction of uses and trusts, the foundation of modern conveyancing." Tomlins Law Dictionary
1835 edition, Volume 2 under the definition of Mortmain

"The Legal Estate to be in Cestui Que Use" Chapter Fifty-Six in Sec. 1617, at 31 Stat. 1432

and you instruct your Roman Cult BAAL priest Clerks masquerading as Judges to presume everybody is a
cestui que trust at Chapter three- Absence for Seven Years, in Sec. 252, at 31 Stat. 1230, where it says;
"SEC. 252. PRESUMPTION OF DEATH. -If any person shall leave his domicile without any known
intention of changing the same, and shall not return or be heard from for seven years from the time
of his so leaving, he shall be presumed to be dead, in any case wherein his death shall come in
question, unless proof be made that he was alive within that time.,

and it is those same Roman Cult BAAL priests masquerading as Judges who assault people with one of
their so-called contracts, all of which is quite the scam, and it is all with your approval and consent you
Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true It is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker." Chisholm v
Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant willfully
refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

29 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your agents

"Every corporation is for all its purposes an agent of Her Majesty in right of Canada." Section 3,
Government Corporation Operation Act of Canada

Facebook, and Alphabet, Inc., and Alphabet, Inc.'s subsidiaries Google and Youtube, are engaged in War
Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity by persecuting non-communists for their political opinions, by

blocking my emails, and they both are compelling the disclosure of information that is none of their business
in violation of Article 31 , when Facebook compelled the disclosure of a date of birth and a name by denying ~
my use of a pseudonym, and Google compelled the disclosure of a phone number in violation of your Article
31 , Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in a Time of War of 1949, all of which is in
support of your National Security Agency PIGs and your Central Intelligence Agency PIGs as found in -{__
Google Satanist PIGs 5 https://youtu.bellcbsdcS5a6M
Page 13 (plus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Title Holder glenn winningham; house of fearn
With the Copy-Claim
Title Holder: glenn winningham; house of fearn Kirsijen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018
Google Satanist PIGs 4 https://youtu obe/ur1 BgyoOazU
Google Satanist PIGs 3 https://youtuobe/ejAr4R6Sg g
Central Intelligence Agency =Roman Cult https://youtu be/ZW45kfCnOYY

Google Satanists 2 https://youtuobe/SqKHD7p1 COY

Facebook = Roman Cult, CIA, NSA, https://youtuobe/LxOMAP8aDKO

and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
BAR member Roman Cult judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect
to dogs intended)!!

30 You, Kirsijen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your coward Border PIGs, and your coward DHS/DPS PIGs,
and your coward City PIGs, and your coward Sheriff PIGs are engaged in War Crimes and Crimes Against
Humanity and i don't particularly like going to the United Nations Satanists to get a remedy, but you have
failed to provide Article 3 Courts, and the BAR member whores (Roman Cult BAAL priests) that you do
provide are bought and paid for and sit there and play stupid, and it is all with your approval and consent,
and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for) BAR member judicial whores selling their
"justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!

31 You, Kirsijen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that if you want to know more about your coward PIGs, and their
kangaroo court check out a few of my (over 300) Youtube videos, you Satanist fucking bitch (no
disrespect to dogs intended)!!
Border PIGs assaulting people with Com'l Transactions https://youtuobe/XAeHugfYbac
Border PIGs & Communist Kangaroo Courts in Canada https://youtuobe/mPBQUu5L3rc
US Border PIGs https://youtuobe/hnn-tt4tsZ4
Texas (&other American States)= Military Occupation https://youtuobe/1ztqeyphmSU
US Border PIGs 2 https://youtuobe/ybLAKzqhiFU
US Border PIGs 3 https://youtu obe/4vFoTHix5NU
Border PIGs & Communist Kangaroo Courts in Canada 2 https://youtuobe/FWOuFsXaePw
Satanists in America https://youtu obe/10pt4e6Tp0k
Satanic Clerks Masquerading as Judges in Canada https://youtuobe/XTSs4uvO ic
Satanic Border PIGs in Canada https://youtu obe/bZdYEzUOE9Q
Satanic Judicial Whores in Canada https://youtuobe/XJfAWFHaBs4
Do It Yourself US Border PIGs https://youtu obe/hQP09uOibgo
US Marshall PIGs https://youtuobe/LysfsS063rU
JD Rooke the Clerk Masquerading as a Judge In Canada https://youtuobe/PvA11WQ-iT8
DeFacto Satanic Courts https://youtuobe/SdQ95Q8Prlc
Quasi Contract and Roman Civil Law https://youtu obe/BahGobUWxH4
Bankrupt Corporate so-called Governments https://youtu obe/dagd4APCqk8
PIGs in Azle, Texas https://youtuobe/mifU Y46xr8
PIGs in Azle Texas 2 https://youtuobe/vmiWKOpvK21
PIGs in Azleo,Texas 3 https://youtuobe/kY8-HLmEuW8
Congress is Satanic https://youtu obe/-9UcOPjEHsA
All Courts are Ecclesiastical https://youtuobe/ LON3NXh9M8
We are Under Martial Law https://youtu obe/gygplcEyUhk
Martial Law is here! https://youtuobe/ooaHKZIZyD8
Martial Law is Coming from the United Nations https://youtu obe/kyqAT57ZwP4
United States Supreme Court BAAL Priests https://youtuobe/IXHJre6E5hw
All Courts are Roman Cult Courts https://youtu obe/BefJobDCsjM
Federal Judicial Whores in Texas https://youtu obe/geDAp9WOhFE
Judicial Whores https://youtuobe/qwQOG7nOs1s
All Courts are United Nations Courts https://youtuobe/ZWannUcHkso
There are No Lawful Courts https://youtuobe/jQxFNHC5sL8
FIRE the United Nations Judicial Whores htt s:/1 outuobe/L7UMR-m B U
The United States is Owned & Operated by Roman Cult https://youtu obe/k1uj iEqKfM
Roman Cult Slave Scam https://youtu obe/FABTSc-4ToY
Walker County PIGs https://youtuobe/T4hht4uwnn4
Kerrville PIGs https://youtuobe/yQhxhQf-c-c
Page 14 (plus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by tenns and conditions of the Iitle

Title Holder: glenn winningham; house of team Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 061018
Montana PIGs httos://youtu. be/LfbdGXc5wWk
Fort Worth PIGs httos:// ETnPOSY29E
Texas DPS PIGs httos:l/ 1dZmPI

32 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that if you or your (bought and paid for) whores {Clerks
masquerading as Judges) selling their "justus", think you own me
"Section 2 Definitions (1) In this Act,
owned means, subject to the regulations, .. ...;" Canadian Ownership and Control Determination Act

"The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations
respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; ... " Constitution for the
United States of America, Article IV, Section 2

as demonstrated by your assaulting me with your fictitious color of law regulations by your coward Border
PIGs, or your coward Internal Revenue Service PIGs, or your coward US Marshall PIGs, or your coward
DHS/DPS PIGs, or your coward City PIGs, or your coward Sheriff PIGs, all you need to do is name a date,
time, and place and I will come armed and we can settle it for once and for all, you fucking bitch, (no
disrespect to dogs intended), and any blood shed will be on your hands.

33 Kirstjen M Neilsen, we were all here before this universe was created and we will all be here when it goes
away, and before God, Angels and anyone who reads this as a witness, i shake the dust of the earth from
off my feet against you {Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11 , Luke 9:5) and we will be talking about this on judgment day,
.. .. you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker." Chisholm v
Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant willfully
refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

34 Signed and Sealed in red ink on the soil of Texas.

All of the above is submitted "UNDER PENALTIES with PERJURY".

Notice for the principal is notice for the agent and

notice for the agent is notice for the principal.

winningham; house offearn.

GLENN WINNINGHAM FEARN, and all derivatives thereof

my Copyright

glenn w· ingham; house offearn, sui juris, Texian national
sovereign living soul, holder of the office of "the people",
a man standing on the soil ofTexas

cestui quj te j
fails to be a US citizen slave
fails to be a

Page 15 (plus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand

This matter/text copyright © by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder. - - - - - - -- -------- -- ---:------- - -----Title Holder glenn winningham; house of feam

-------------------- -1!,. . - 1- -.__; 0_____ With the Copy-Claim

Title Holder: glenn winning ham; house offeam Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071 018
By Certifred Mail7016 0910 0001 5126 9033
To: From:
Kirstjen M Neilsen, Secretary, Coward Bitch {glenn Winningham; house of fearn]
Department of Homeland Security General Post Office, ZIP CODE EXEMPT
Washington, District of Columbia 20528 C/0 6340 Lake Worth Boulevard, #437
Fort Worth, Texas [RR 76135]
Non-Domestic Mail, Without the United States, Inc.
By Certified Mail 7016 0910 0001 5126 9040 By Certified Mail7016 0910 0001 5126 9057
Donald J Trump, President Claire M Grady, Acting Deputy Secretary, Coward Bitch
United States of America Department of Homeland Security
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, District of Columbia 20528
Washington, District of Columbia 20500

By Certified Mail7016 0910 0001 5126 9064 By Certified Mai17016 0910 0001 5126 9071
Chad Wolf, Chief of Staff, Coward John Mitnick, General Counsel (liar), Coward
Mother fucking son of a bitch Mother fucking son of a bitch
Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security
Washington, District of Columbia 20500 Washington, District of Columbia 20528

By Certified Mail 7016 0910 0001 5126 9088 By Certified Mai17016 0910 0001 5126 9095
Kevin L McAleenan, Commissioner. Coward L Francis Cissna, Director, Coward
US Customs and Border Protection PIGs US Citizenship & Immigration PIGs
Mother fucking son of a bitch Mother fucking son of a bitch
Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security
Washington, District of Columbia 20500 Washington, District of Columbia 20528


i, me, my, myself, a man, a living soul, a sovereign, an inhabitant of the land of Texas, and a holder of
the office of "the people", with an address correction: [glenn Winningham; house of fearn]. General Post Office,
ZIP CODE EXEMPT, C/0 6340 Lake Worth Boulevard, #437, Fort Worth, Texas, [RR 76135], Non-Domestic
Mail, WITHOUT the UNITED STATES, do hereby NOTICE you of the following:

1 You, Kirsijen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that i used to state that i accept your Oath of Office, but we all know
that you and your coward PIGs have no intention of honoring your oaths of office, so tuck your oath, you
Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!

2 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that if you or one of your coward PIGs wants a piece of me, just
name a date and time and location. and i will come armed and we can settle it for once and for all, you
Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!

3 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that i already know that you cowards will never take me up on that
because you are cowards, and do your best to make sure that i am NOT armed so i have no way to defend
myself when your PIGs assault me, and your PIGs operate in packs, and it is all with your approval and
consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for) BAR member judicial whores
selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!

"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker." Chisholm v
Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant willfully
refuses to discharge IL• Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456 (
c:; *"n
Page 1 (plus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018
Title Holder. glenn winningham; house of fearn Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018
4 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that, the word PIG is an acronym which stands for "fersons !n
§overnment who intend to perjure their oaths", which means you are a PIG too, you Satanist fucking
bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!

5 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that, i have NEVER in my life breached the peace, you Satanist
fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!

6 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your coward DHS/DPS PIGs, and your coward Border PIGs and
your various coward City PIGs, and your coward US Marshalls PIGs, and your coward Sheriff PIGs, and
your coward FBI PIGs, have breached the peace hundreds of times while operating in their private capacity
as revenue officers,
"All oaths must be lawful, allowed by the common law, or some statute; if they are administered by
persons in a private capacity, or not duly authorized, they are coram non judice, and void; and those
administering them are guilty of a high contempt, for doing it without warrant of law, and punishable
by fine and imprisonment. 3/nst. 165; 4/nst. 278; 2 Roll. Abr. 277." Tomlin's Law Dictionary 1835
Edition, Volume 2

under the Federal Tax Lien Act of 1966

"(h) DEFINITION's ..... "(3) MOTOR VEHICLE.-The term 'motor vehicle' means a self-propelled vehicle
which is registered for highway use under the laws of any State or foreign country. "(4) SECURITY.-
The term 'security' means any bond, debenture, .!lQ!!, or certificate or other evidence of
indebtedness, issued by a corporation or a government or political subdivision thereof, with interest
coupons or in registered form, share of stock, voting trust certificate, or any certificate of interest or
participation in, certificate of deposit or receipt for, temporary or interim certificate for, or warrant or
right to subscribe to or purchase any of the foregoing: negotiable instrument: or money." Federal
Tax Lien Act of 1966 at Public Law 89-719 at 80 Stat. 1130-1131

with their unlawful arrests when i had NOT breached the peace and there was no lawful court order
"Any restraint, however slight, upon another's liberty to come and go as one pleases, constitutes an
"arrest." Swetnam v. W.F. Woolworth Co., 318 P.2d 364, 366, 83 Ariz. 189.

"An illegal arrest is an assault and battery. The person so attempted to be restrained of his liberty
has the same right to use force in defending himself as he would in repelling any other assault and
battery." State v. Robinson, 145 ME. 77, 72 ATL. 260

"Each person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest. In such a case, the person attempting the
arrest stands in the position of a wrongdoer and may be resisted by the use of force, as in self-
defense." State v. Mobley, 240 N.C. 476, 83 S.E. 2d 100

"Similarly, a person cannot be convicted of resisting a peace officer in the execution of his duty
unless the officer was acting strictly within the limits of his powers and duty. If the officer makes an
unlawful arrest, then there is a common law right to resist that arrest." Police Manual of Arrest,
Seizure and Interrogation, slh Edition, by The Honorable Roger E. Salhany, page 96

and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
Satanist BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", in your so-called courts, you Satanist fucking
bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!

7 You, Kirsljen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your US Congress PIGs have given your coward DHS/DPS
PIGs, and your coward Border PIGs, and your coward US Marshal! PIGs, and your coward FBI PIGs, and
your various coward City PIGs the right to assault, kidnap, falsely imprison, and even murder anybody theY.
want as long as they do it in good faith,
"(e)DEFENSE.-A good faith reliance on-
(1) a court warrant or order, a grand jury subpoena, a legislative authorization, or a statutory ~
authorization (including a request of a governmental entity under section 2703(f) of this title);
(2) a request of an investigative or law enforcement officer under section 2518(7) of this title; o
(3) a good faith determination that section 2511(3) of this title permitted the conduct complained of;

Page 2 (plus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018

This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.--------------------------------------------·------------Title Holder glenn Winningham; house of fearn
Wrth the Copy-Claim
Trtle Holder: glenn winningham; house offearn Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018

is a complete defense to any civil or criminal acUon brought under this chapter or anv other law." 18
US Code 2707 Civil Action

and the same thing applies in your Texas region of your criminal corporation
"(a) No evidence obtained by an officer or other person In violation of any provisions of the
Constitution or laws of the State of Texas, or of the Constitution or laws of the United States of
America, shall be admitted in evidence against the accused on the trial of any criminal case.
{b) It is an exception to the provisions of Subsection (a) of this Article that the evidence was
obtained by a law enforcement officer acting in objective good faith reliance upon a warrant issued
by a neutral magistrate based on probable cause." Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 38.23
Evidence Not to Be Used {emphasis added],

and the same thing applies in your Arizona region of your criminal corporation
"A. A person commits unlawful imprisonment by knowingly restraining another person.
B. In any prosecution for unlawful imprisonment, it is a defense that:
1. The restraint was accomplished by a peace officer or detention officer acting in good faith in the
lawful performance of his duty; or.•. " Arizona Revised Statutes 13-1303. Unlawful imprisonment;
classification; definition

and the same thing applies in all regions of your criminal corporation and it is all with your approval and
consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for) BAR member judicial whores
selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker." Chisholm v
Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant willfully
refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Oaf. 419 at p 456

8 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that whenever a Judge is dealing with a statute he is no longer a
Judge in his official capacity but becomes a {bought and paid for) clerk masquerading as a Judge operating
in his private capacity
""When acting to enforce a statute and its subsequent amendments to the present date, the judge of
the municipal court is acting as an administrative officer and not in a judicial capacity; courts
administrating or enforcing statutes do not act judicially, but merely ministerlally .... but merely act
as an extension as an agent for the involved agency -- but only in a "ministerial" and not a
"discretionary capacity ... " Thompson v. Smith, 154 S.E. 579, 583; Keller v. P.E., 261 US 428; F.RC. v.
G.E. , 281, U.S. 464 [emphasis added]

"It Is the accepted rule, not only in state courts, but, of the federal courts as well, that when a judge
is enforcing administrative law they are described as mere 'extensions of the administrative agency
for superior reviewing purposes' as a ministerial clerk for an agency..•" 30 Cal 596; 167 Cal 762

" ...judges who become involved in enforcement of mere statutes (civil or criminal in nature and
otherwise), act as mere "clerks'' of the involved agency ••. " KC. Davis, ADMIN. LAW, Ch. 1 (CTP.

West's 1965 Ed.)

but your (bought and paid for) BAR member whores (clerks masquerading as Judges) sit there and play
stupid so they can go ahead and facilitate the assaults, kidnappings, false imprisonments and even murders
as long as it is in good faith
"(e)DEFENSE.-A good faith reliance on-
(1) a court warrant or order, a grand jury subpoena, a legislative authorization, or a statutory
authorization (including a request of a governmental entity under secUon 2703(f) of this title);
(2) a request of an investigative or law enforcement officer under section 2518(7) of this title; or
(3) a good faith determination that section 2511(3) of this title permitted the conduct complained ·;
is a complete defense to any civil or criminal action brought under this chapter or any other law." 18
US Code 2707 Civil Action

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Holder.---------------- --·----------------------- ---·------- --- --------------Titre Holder glenn Winningham; house of tearn

WOh ~ c~~"m
Title Holder: glenn winningham; house offeam Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018

and the same thing applies in your Texas region of your criminal corporation and your Arizona region of your
criminal corporation, and in all regions of your criminal corporation and it is all with your approval and
consent. and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for) BAR member judicial whores
selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!

9 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your (bought and paid for) Clerks masquerading as Judges
(whores) cannot do anything judicial, like issue warrants, or orders and if they attempt to do so, it is a fraud
and a nullity
''Ministerial officers are Incompetent to receive grants of judicial power from the legislature,· their
acts in attempting to exercise such powers are necessarily nullities.. Burns v. Sup. , Ct., SF, 140 Cal. 1

therefore it is a kangaroo court

"Kangaroo court. Term descriptive of a sham legal proceeding in which a person's rights are totally
disregarded and in which the result is a foregone conclusion because of the bias of the court or
other tribunal." Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition, page 868

and a void judgment

"Where there is no jurisdiction there is no judge; the proceeding is as nothing. Such has been the
law from the days of the Marshalsea, 10 Coke 68; also Bradley v. Fisher, 13 Wall335,351." Manning v.
Ketcham. 58 F.2d 948.

"Void judgment is one which has no legal force or effect whatever, it is an absolute nullity. its
invalidity may be asserted by any person whose rights are affected at any time and at any place and
it need not be attacked directly but may be attacked collaterally whenever and wherever it is
interposed." City of Lufkin v. McVicker, 510 S.W. 2d 141 (Tex. Civ. App.- Beaumont 1973)

"A void judgment, insofar as it purports to be pronouncement of court, is an absolute nullity"

Thompson v. Thompson, 238 S.W.2d 218 (Tex.Civ.App.- Waco 1951).

"Void order may be attacked, either directly or collaterally, at any time" In re Estate of Steinfield, 630
N.E.2d 801 , certiorari denied, See also Steinfeld v. Hoddick, 513 U.S. 809, (Ill. 1994).

and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
Satanist BAR member judicial whores selling their «justus", you Satanist fucking bitch {no disrespect to dogs
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker." Chisholm v
Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant willfully
refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

10 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen. are NOTICED that you have failed to provide Article 3 Judges (State or Federal),
because they all are BAR members (foreign agents of the Roman Cult- British Accredited Regency) and
they absolutely REFUSE to operate in an Article 3 capacity, as evidenced by the Affidavit of Criminal
Complaint Jeff Sessions and his (bought and paid for) Clerks masquerading as Judges selling their "justus",
the original of which was served on Donald J Trump by Registered Mail, RA 500 985 428 US, and which
may also be viewed at the link below

and you and your US Congress PIG buddies have used Emergency as justification to create a military
dictatorship as described in your US Senate Report 93-549, with a CIA orchestrated emergency, you
z·e ~

Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!

Page 4 (plus attachments) Kirsljen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071 01 B

This matter/text copyright © by the Trtle Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.-------------------------)~--~oldecg~"" w;,.mgh~ ';:".;~:
Title Holder: glenn winningham; house of fearn Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018
11 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your PIGs have assaulted me, kidnapped me, falsely
imprisoned me and your United Nations BAAL priest whores on the bench (Clerks masquerading as
Judges) are their accomplices, and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and
consent of your (bought and paid for) BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist
fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker." Chisholm v
Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant willfully
refuses to discharge it:·
Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

12 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that, I travel on the land of Texas and elsewhere, (which i have
previously served you Satanist fucking bitches and sons of bitches, with documents stating that i am not
interested in being in your criminal corporation called UNITED STATES),
"A State does not owe its origin to the Government of the United States, in the highest or in any of
its branches. It was in existence before it. It derives its authority from the same pure and sacred
source as itself: The voluntary and deliberate choice of the people ... A State is altogether exempt
from the jurisdiction of the Courts of the United States, or from any other exterior authority, unless
in the special instances where the general Government has power derived from the Constitution
itself... p. 448 "The question to be determined is, whether this State, so respectable, and whose
claim soars so high, is amenable to the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of the United States? This
question, important in itself, will depend on others, more important still; and may perhaps, be
ultimately resolved into one, no less radical than this- "do the people of the United States form a
NATION? "By that law the several States and Governments spread over our globe, are considered
as forming a society, not a NATION." [caps in the original.] Chisholm. Ex'r v. Georgia, 2 Dall. 419, 1 LEd.
440 (1794)

"Two national governments exist, one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its
restrictions, the other to be maintained by Congress outside and independently of that instrument"
Dissenting opinion of Justice Marshall Harlan. Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 1901.

but your coward PIGs went ahead and assaulted me and kidnapped me and falsely imprisoned me and your
United Nations BAAL priest whores like John McBryde, Terry Means, Donald Cosby, Thomas Lowe, Reed
O'Connor, Jeffrey Cureton, Joe Fish, Paul Stickney, Cummings, and others became their accomplices,
under their satanic UN! DROIT controlled and regulated Uniform Commercial Code
"Whenever [the Uniform Commercial Code] creates a "presumption" with respect to a fact, or
provides that a fact is "presumed," the trier of fact must find the existence of the fact unless and
until evidence is introduced that supports a finding of its nonexistence." Uniform Commercial Code§
1-206 Presumptions [emphasis added]

"(a) In an action with respect to an instrument, the authenticity of, and authority to make. each
signature on the instrument are admitted unless specifically denied in the pleadings. If the validity of
a signature is denied in the pleadings, the burden of establishing validity is on the person claiming
validity, but the signature is presumed to be authentic and authorized unless the action is to enforce
the liability of the purported signer and the signer is dead or incompetent at the time of trial of the
issue of validity of the signature." Uniform Commercial Code§ 3.308 Proof of Signatures and Status as
Holder in Due Course [emphasis added}

"The following rules apply in an action on a certificated security against the issuer: cS-
(1} Unless specifically denied in the pleadings, each signature on a security certificate or in a
necessary indorsement is admitted.
(2) If the effectiveness of a signature is put in issue, the burden of establishing effectiveness is
the party claiming under the signature, but the signature is presumed to be genuine or authorized.'
Uniform Commercial Code § 8.114 Evidentiary Rules Concerning Certificated Securities [emphasis adde ]
o0n f:::
when they assaulted me with their cestui que trust scam
Page 5 (plus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.-----------------------------·---------..----------------------------Title Holder glenn winning ham; house of feam
With the Copy-Claim
Title Holder: glenn winningllam; house offearn Kirsljen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018
"But individuals, when acting as representatives of a collective group, cannot be said to be
exercising their personal rights and duties, nor be entitled to their purely personal privileges. Rather
they assume the rights, duties and privileges of the artificial entity or association of which they are
agents or officers and they are bound by its obligations." Brasswe/1 v. United States 487 U.S. 99 {1988)
quoting, United States v. White 322 U.S. 694 (1944),

for their Roman Cult handlers

"Yet still it was found difficult to set bounds to ecclesiastical ingenuity; for when they were driven
out of all their former holds, they devised a new method of conveyance, by which the lands were
granted, not to themselves directly, but to nominal feoffees to the use ofthe religious houses; thus
distinguishing between the possession and the use, and receiving the actual prof"ds, while the seisin
of the rands remained in the nominal feoffee, who was held by the courts of equitv (then under the
direction of the clergy) to be bound in conscience to account to his cestui que use for the rents and
emoluments of the estate: and it is to these inventions that our practitioners are indebted for the
introduction of uses and trusts, the foundation of modem conveyancing." Tomlins law Dictionary
1835 edition, Volume 2 under the definition of Mortmain

"The Legal Estate to be in Cestui Que Use" Chapter Fifty-Six in Sec. 1617, at 31 Stat. 1432

and you have instructed your (bought and paid for) whores selling their "justus" (Clerks masquerading as
Judges) to presume everybody is a cestui que trust at Chapter three- Absence for Seven Years, in Sec.
252, at 31 Stat. 1230, where it says;
"SEC. 252. PRESUMPTION OF DEATH. -If any person shall leave his domicile without any known
intention of changing the same, and shall not return or be heard from for seven years from the time
of his so leaving, he shall be presumed to be dead, in any case wherein his death shall come in
question, unless proof be made that he was alive within that time.,

" ••• (E)very taxpayer is a cestui qui trust having sufficient interest in the preventing abuse of the
trustto be recognized in the field of this court's prerogative jurisdiction •. " In Re Bolens {1912), 135

"A "citizen of the United States" is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-beneficiary
of the PCT (Public Charitable Trust), the constructive, cestui que trust of US Inc. under the 14th
Amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc." Congressional Record, June 13 1967, pp.

with the objective of selling me into slavery

"He [the prisoner] has as a consequence of his crime, not only forfeited his liberty but all his
personal rights except those which the law in its humanity affords him. He is for the time being a
slave ofthe state." 62 Va. (21 Gratt.) 790, 796 (1871)

and it is all with your approval and consent, and i am not going to rest until i see these PlGs, and their PIG
BAR member whore handlers do that little dance they do at the end of a common law rope, you Satanist
fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs illtended)!
"If a man be found stealing any of his brethren of the children of Israel, and maketh merchandise of
him, or selleth him; then that thief shall die; and thou shalt put evil away from among you."
Deuteronomy 24:7

therefore, i will ALWAYS be travelling heavily armed and if your coward PIGs want to unlawfully arrest me,
we will settle it for once and for all, right then and there, you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker." Chisho v
Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant willfully
refuses to discharge it... Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456
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Holder.-------------------------------------~y_r;l• "'""' g~oo ~ool~h~ ~~,~~~ /
Trtle Holder: glenn winningham; house of team Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018

all of which is evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and (bought and paid for)
Clerks Masquerading as Judges

and the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint, Walker County Sheriffs NroXZsQDx9Q 1jmYvgHhZcOF uiVSNfSY

and the Solemn Asseveration of Criminal Complaint C.Page. Joe Shannon. Jr.. Jeffrey Halstead. James D
Rogers. Sarah Fullenwider. Ninfra Mares and hired thugs 121512 which is recorded with the Pinal County
Recorder at Fee Number 2012-111555, and it was all approved and endorsed by your BAR member whore
Cosby as evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and (bought and paid for) Clerks
Masquerading as Judges, you Satanlst fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!

13 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that, your PIG United Nations BAAL priest BAR member whores
masquerading as Judges know that your coward PIGs routinely engage in false arrest and false
imprisonment but they want to sit there and play stupid so they can collect their royalties. because your
coward PIGs bring them so much business you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs
The only thing the plaintiff needs to do is to allege a false arrest, is either (1) that the defendant(cop)
made an arrest or imprisonment, or (2) that the defendant( cop) affirmatively instigated, encouraged,
incited,(started a fight) or caused the arrest or imprisonment. Burlington v. Josephson, 153 Fed.2d
372,276 (1946)

"When the plaintiff( person) has shown that he was arrested, imprisoned or restrained of his liberty
by the defendant(cop), "the law presumes it to be unlawful." People v. McGrew, 20 Pac. 92 (1888);
Knight v. Baker, 133 P. 544(1926).

"The burden is upon the defendant( cop) to show that the arrest was by authority of law." McAleer v.
Good, 65 Atl. 934, 935 (1907); Mackie v. Ambassador, 11 P.2d 6 (1932).

"ANY ARREST, made without a PROPER warrant, Signed by a judge and backed up by an affidavit
from two persons that states, under penalty of perjury, you have broken a contract or hurt
somebody, if challenged by the defendant, is presumptively invalid ••. the burden is upon the state" to
justify It as authorized by statute, and does not violate the constitutional provisions(privileges)and
Or( human rights.) State v. Mastrian, 171 N.W .2d 695 {1969); Butler v. State, 212 So.2d 577 (Miss 1968)

"As in the case of illegal arrests, the officer(cop) ••• must keep within the law at his peril." Thiede v.
Scandia, 217 Minn. 231, 14 N.W.2d 400 (1944)

14 You, Klrsijen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that, since your coward Border PIGs and your coward DHS/DPS
PIGs, and your coward US Marshall PIGs, and your coward City PIGs, and your coward Sheriff PIGs,
obviously intend to engage in warfare against me no matter what i say or do
"A mixed war is one which is made on one side by public authority, and the other by mere private
persons." Black's Law Dictionary 5th Ed., page 1420

and if your PIGs want to assault me with their unlawful arrest, when there has been no breach of the peace

or no lawful warrant, and i shall be heavily armed, and we will settle it right then and there, for once and for
all , with your coward PIGs, and any blood shed is on your hands, and it will all be with your approval and
consent, you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)l!
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker." Chishol , ~
Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455 ~

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant willfully
refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

Page 7 (plus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018

This matter/text copyright © by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.-------------------- - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t q = z ~ld.,greoo wloomgh~ ~:~~,~~~
Title Holder. glenn winningham; house of fearn Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018
15 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that i have the right to resist an unlawful arrest with lethal force if
"An illegal arrest is an assault and battery. The person so attempted to be restrained of his liberty
has the same right to use force in defending himself as he would in repelling any other assault and
battery." State v. Robinson, 145 ME. 77, 72 ATL. 260

"Each person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest. In such a case, the person attempting the
arrest stands in the position of a wrongdoer and may be resisted by the use of force, as in self-
defense." State v. Mobley, 240 N.C. 476, 83 S.E. 2d 100

uslmilarly, a person cannot be convicted of resisting a peace officer in the execution of his duty
unless the officer was acting strictly within the limHs of his powers and duty. If the officer makes an
unlawful arrest, then there is a common law right to resist that arrest." Police Manual of Arrest,
Seizure and Interrogation, atn Edition, by The Honorable Roger E. Salhany, page 96

and i shall be heavily armed and i shall exercise my right to resist any unlawful arrest by your coward
DHS/DPS PIGs, or your coward Border PIGs, or your coward US Marshall PIGs, or your coward FBI PIGs,
or your coward City PIGs, or your coward Sheriff PIGs, you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to
dogs intended)!!
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker." Chisholm v
Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant willfully
refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

16 You, Kirsljen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your PIGs have assaulted me, a man, for the crimes of the
fraudulently created cestui que trust, and pillaged my property when your Kerrville PIGs seized my laptop
computer and carrying case and contents
"No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed.
Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.
Pillage is prohibited.
Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited." Article 33, Geneva Convention
Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 [emphasis added]

and their military uniforms and tactics are designed to be intimidating and terrorizing and your (bought and
paid for) Roman Cult BAR member whore John McBryde and others are their accomplices, in their war
crimes. when McBryde dismissed the case 4 :15-cv 772 and again as 4:17 cv 167 in the Northern District of
Texas, because 1failed to pay his extortion 1 filing fee, by using my failure to make a contract with him, so he
could sit there and play stupid in violation of Article 52
"No contract, agreement or regulation shall impair the right of any worker, whether voluntary or not
and wherever he may be, to apply to the representatives of the Protecting Power in order to request
the said Power's intervention.
All measures aiming at creating unemployment or at restricting the opportunities offered to workers
in an occupied territory, in order to induce them to work for the Occupying Power, are prohibited."
Article 52, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 [emphasis

because your (bought and paid for) whore selling his "justus", intends to engage in genocide against State
"(a)Basic Offense.-Whoever, whether in time of peace or in time of war and with the specific intent
to destroy, in whole or in substantial part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group as such-
(4) subiects the group to conditions of life that are intended to cause the physical destruction of ttie
group in whole or in part;
(6) transfers by force children of the group to another group;
shall be punished as provided in subsection (b) ..••" 18 USC§ 1091 Genocide

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This matterltext copyright© by the Trtle Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Trtle
Holder.-- ·-------·---------·-----··---··- - - - - · - - -·---' ---- ·- -·-----Title Holder glenn winningham; house of fearn

Title Holder: glenn winningham; house of fearn Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 07Hl18
"1. Everyone has the right to a nationality.
2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his
nationality." Article 15, Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

as evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and his (bought and paid for) Clerks
masgyerading as Judges selling their "justus", which may be viewed at the link below

and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs

17 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your coward Border PIGs have assaulted me, a man, for the
crimes of the fraudulently created cestui que trust, and are taking reprisals against me in violation of Article
33, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 because of my political
"Protected persons are entitled, in all circumstances, to respect for their persons, their honour, their
family rights, their religious convictions and practices, and their manners and customs.
They shall at all times be humanely treated, and shall be protected especially against all acts of
violence or threats thereof and against insults and public curiosity.
Without prejudice to the provisions relating to their state of health, age and sex, all protected
persons shall be treated with the same consideration by the Party to the conflict in whose power
they are, without any adverse distinction based, in particular, on race, religion or political
opinion ...." Article 27, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949
[emphasis added]

and their military uniforms and tactics are designed to be intimidating and terrorizing and your (bought and
paid for) Roman Cult BAR member whore Cummings and others are their accomplices, in their war crimes,
and they coerced me to give evidence against myself in violation of Article 31, Geneva Convention Relative
to the Protection of Civilians in a Time of War of 1949, and when your (bought and paid for) Clerk,
masquerading as a Judge Cummings dismissed the case 4:13-cv 576 in the Northern District of Texas,
because he assaulted me with his US citizen slave so he could engage in genocide against State Citizens,
in violation of your 18 USC § 1091 Genocide, and your Article 15, Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

as evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and his (bought and paid for) Clerks
masquerading as Judges selling their "justus", which may be viewed at the link below

and i filed a lawsuit against your coward bitch Janet Napolitano and her coward US Border PIGs and they
refused to accept service, and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of
your (bought and paid for) Roman Cult BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist
fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!

18 You, Kirsljen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your Wells Fargo bankster thieves have assaulted me, a man,
for the crimes of the fraudulently created cestui que trust, and are taking reprisals against me in violation of
Article 33, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 and your
(bought and paid for) Roman Cult BAR member whore McBryde and others are their accomplices, in their
war crimes, and the banksters were compelling me to produce a Social Security Number and thereby give
evidence against myself in violation of Article 31, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians
in a Time of War of 1949, as if you owned me when they assaulted me with your regulations
"Section 2 Definitions (1) In thls Act,
owned means, subject to the regulations, ..... ;" Canadian Ownership and Control Determination Act

and when McBryde dismissed the case 4: 14-cv 853-A in the Northern District of Texas, because i failed to
pay his extortion I filing fee, by using my failure to make a contract with him, he further assaulted me with
your regulations, so he could sit there and play stupid in violation of Article 52, Geneva Convention Rela · e

-[q z
to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 so he could engage in genocide against State Citi ns
in violation of your 18 USC § 1091 Genocide, and your Article 15, Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
Page 9 (plus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Trtle
Holder.---- ·-----------------·-- - - - HoM" gleon >rioniogh~,h ~~~,~~
Title Holder. glenn winningham; house offearn Kirsijen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018

as evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and his (bought and paid for) Clerks
masquerading as Judges selling their "justus". which may be viewed at the link below

and so have your Comerica Bank PIGs, and your Compass Bank PIGs, and your Regions Bank PIGs, and
your Woodforest National Bank PIGs, and your Bank of Texas PIGs, and your PNC Bank PIGs, and your
M&T Bank PIGs, and your TD Bank PIGs, it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and
consent of your (bought and paid for) Roman Cult BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you
Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!

19 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your Federal Express thieves have assaulted me, a man, for the
crimes of the fraudulently created cestui que trust, and are taking reprisals against me in violation of Article
33, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 and your (bought and
paid for) Roman Cult BAR member whore Means and others are their accomplices, in their war crimes, and
Federal Express was compelling me to produce a Social Security Number by assaulting me with your
regulations, and thereby give evidence against myself in violation of Article 31, Geneva Convention Relative
to the Protection of Civilians in a Time of War of 1949, when Means dismissed the case 4:12-cv 638-Y in the
Northern District of Texas, by further assaulting me with your regulations, because i failed to do his
electronic filing scam which required part of a Social Security Number, by using my failure to make a
contract with him, so he could sit there and play stupid in violation of Article 52, Geneva Convention Relative
to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 so he could engage in genocide against State Citizens
in violation of your 18 USC§ 1091 Genocide, and your Article 15, Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
as evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and his (bought and paid for) Clerks
masquerading as Judges selling their "justus". which may be viewed at the link below

and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
Roman Cult BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus·, you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect
to dogs intended)!!

20 You, Kirsijen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your Roman Cult BAR member whores have assaulted me, a
man, for the crimes of the fraudulently created cestui que trust, and are taking reprisals against me in
violation of Article 33, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 and
your (bought and paid for) Roman Cult BAR member whore McBryde and others are their accomplices, in
their war crimes, when McBryde dismissed the case 4:14-cv 993-A in the Northern District of Texas,
because i failed to pay his extortion I filing fee, by assaulting me with your regulations, and by using my
failure to make a contract with him, so he could sit there and play stupid in violation of Article 52, Convention
Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 so he could engage in genocide against State
Citizens in violation of your 18 USC § 1091 Genocide, and your Article 15, Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, and McBryde magically got the case when he was named in it, as evidenced in the Affidavit of
Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and his (bought and paid for) Clerks masquerading as Judges selling their
"justus". which may be viewed at the link below TSSuo

and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
Roman Cult BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect
to dogs Intended)!!

21 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your coward Border PIGs have assaulted me, a man, for the
crimes of the fraudulently created cestui que trust, and are taking reprisals against me in violation of Article
33, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 because of my political
opinions, in violation of your Article 27, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time? f
War of 1949 and their military uniforms and tactics are designed to be intimidating and terrorizing and your
(bought and paid for) Roman Cult BAR member whore McNamee and others are their accomplices, in their
war crimes, and they coerced me to give evidence against myself in violation of Article 31 , Geneva
Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in a Time of War of 1949, and sent my wife into exile
because she fails to be a US citizen or have permission with a green card, when they knew she is still an
American national
Page 10 (plus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.------------------·-----·----------·------------- ·-·----------------Title Holder glenn Winningham; house of fearn
Wrth the Copy-Claim
Title Holder. glenn winningham; house offeam Kirsljen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018
"It is however, true that in all common-law countries it has always and consistently been held that
the wife and minor children take the nationality of the husband and father. That is common-law
doctrine." In Re Page 12 F (2d) 135

so your US Border PIGs could convert a right into a privilege, in violation of your Article 9
"No one shall be subiected to arbitrary arrest. detention or exile.', Article 9, Universal Declaration of
Human Rights [emphasis added]

by holding my wife and sons and daughter hostage until i agree to their US citizen slave status by allowing
them to convert a right into a privilege when I make application for their green card
"The taking of hostages is prohibited.'' Article 34, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of
Civilians in a Time of War of 1949

when your (bought and paid for) Clerk masquerading as a Judge McNamee became their accomplice in
case cv-02-2230-PHX-SMM in the District of Arizona, because he assaulted me with his US citizen slave so
he could engage in genocide against State Citizens, in violation of your 18 USC§ 1091 Genocide, and your
Article 15, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff
Sessions and his (bought and paid for) Clerks masquerading as Judges selling their ~justus", which may be
viewed at the link below

and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
Roman Cult BAR member judicial whores selling their ujustus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect
to dogs intended)!!

22 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your City of Azle PIGs have assaulted me, a man, for the crimes
of the fraudulently created cestui que trust, and are taking reprisals against me in violation of Article 33,
Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 and their military uniforms
and tactics are designed to be intimidating and terrorizing and your (bought and paid for) Roman Cult BAR
member whores are their accomplices, in their war crimes, and they coerced me to give evidence against
myself in violation of Article 31 , Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in a Time of War
of 1949, and further assaulted me with their US citizen slave so they could engage in genocide against
State Citizens, under your 18 USC § 1091 Genocide and your Article 15, Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, and these Azle PIGs further subjected me to the depriVation of my immunities under color of their
so-called laws in violation of your 18 USC § 242 Violating Rights under Color of Law, and they conspired
together to threaten, intimidate, oppress, and injure me in violation of your, 18 USC § 241 Conspiracy to
Violate Rights under Color of Law, as evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Havins #259,
Stutsman. Pippins. Vogel, Hudman and others. which may be viewed at the link below 4gg8pGefeDOVQ6PE!view?usp=sharing

and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
Roman Cult BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect
to dogs intended)!!

23 You, Kirsljen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your City of Fort Worth PIGs have assaulted me, a man, for the
crimes of the fraudulently created cestui que trust, and are taking reprisals against me in violation of Article
33, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 and their military

uniforms and tactics are designed to be intimidating and terrorizing and your (bought and paid for) Roman
Cult BAR member whore Cosby and others are their accomplices, in their war crimes, and they coerced me
to give evidence against myself in violation of Article 31, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of
Civilians in a Time of War of 1949, when Cosby demonstrated that he was bought and paid for became their
accomplice in case 067-253565-13 in the 67th District Court, because he conspired with the City of Fo7 1
Worth liars (Attorneys) and assaulted me with his US citizen slave so he could engage in genocide again ,n
State Citizens in violation of your 18 USC§ 1091 Genocide, and your Article 15, Universal Declaration of ~
Human Rights,

as evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and his (bought and paid for) Clerks
masquerading as Judges selling their "justus", which may be viewed at the link below

'cb i
Page 11 (plus attachments) Kirsljen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Title Holder glenn winningham; house offearn
Wrth the Copy-Ciom
Title Holder; glenn winning ham; house of fearn Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018

and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
Roman Cult BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect
to dogs intended)!!

24 You, Kirsljen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your Roman Cult BAR member whores have assaulted me, a
man, for the crimes of the fraudulently created cestui que trust, and are taking reprisals against me in
violation of Article 33, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949
when Lowe demonstrated that he was bought and paid for became their accomplice in case 236-261874-12
in the 236th District Court, because he conspired with the County liars (Attorneys) and assaulted me with his
US citizen slave because i failed to pay his extortion I filing fee, by using my failure to make a contract with
him, so he could sit there and play stupid in violation of Article 52, Geneva Convention Relative to the
Protection of Civilians in Time of War of 1949 so he could engage in genocide against State Citizens in
violation of your 18 USC § 1091 Genocide, and your Article 15, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as
evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and his (bought and paid for) Clerks
masquerading as Judges selling their "justus", which may be viewed at the link below

and it is all with your approval and consent, and wlth the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
Roman Cult BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect
to dogs intended)!!

25 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your (bought and paid for) whores selfing their "justus", John
McBryde, Terry Means, Donald Cosby, Thomas Lowe, Reed O'Connor, Jeffrey Cureton, Joe Fish, Paul
Stickney, Cummings, McNamee and others are fn violation of your
"All persons shall be equal before the courts and tribunals. In the determination of any criminal
charge against him, or of his rights and obligations in a suit at law, evervone shall be entitled to a
fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established bv law."
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 14, Clause 1

and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs

26 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your coward Border PIGs and your coward DHS/DPS PIGs and
your coward City PIGs engaged in war crimes by persecuting me for my political beliefs with your
persecutions of me and anyone like me that you label with the "freeman on the land" status or "sovereign
citizen" or "anti-oovernment" when we try to say we have rights, and especially in light of the fact that all of
North America west of the colonies defined by the Royal Proclamation of 1763 is under a military occupation
as defined by Hague Convention IV, the Lieber Code, and the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection
of Civilians in a Time of War of 1949, and Texas and all of the southern states are under a military
occupation since the civil war, and California and Arizona and all of the Treaty of Hidalgo States are under
martial law since the war with Mexico in the 1840's
"Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.
The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be
exercised." Law and Customs of War on Land (Hague IV), Article 42

"A place, districts or country occupied by an enemy stands, in consequence of the occupation,
under the Martial Law of the invading or occupying army, whether any proclamation declaring
Martial Law, or any public warning to the inhabitants, has been issued or nol Martial Law is the
immediate and direct effect and consequence of occupation or conquest. The presence of a hostile
armv proclaims its Martial Law." Article 1, Lieber Code [emphasis added]

"Martial Law does not cease during the hostile occupation, exce t b s eciat roclamation ordered
bv the commander in chief; or by special mention in the treaty of peace concluding the war, when
the occupation of a place or territory continues beyond the conclusion of peace as one of the
conditions of the same." Article 2, Ueber Code [emphasis added}
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This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.------------------------------------·----------------------Title Holder glenn Winningham; house of fearn
With the Copy-Ciai
Title Holder: glenn winningham; house offearn Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018

uThe present Convention shall apply from the outset of any conflict or occupation mentioned in
Article 2.
In the territory of Parties to the conflict, the application of the present Convention shall cease on the
general close of military operations.
In the case of occupied territory, the application of the present Convention shall cease one year
after the general close of military operations; however. the Occugying Power shall be bound. for the
duration of the occupation, to the extent that such Power exercises the functions of government in
such territory, by the provisions of the following Articles of the present Convention: 1 to 12, 27, 29
to 34, 47, 49, 51, 52, 53, 59,61 to 77, 143." Article 6, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of
Civilians in Time of War of 1949 [emphasis added]

and you and your coward US Congress PIG buddies are further engaged in Crimes Against Humanity by
persecuting me and all other state citizens for our political beliefs and i have no great love for your United
Nations Satanist buddies but it is obvious to me that the reason you have failed to accede to the Rome
Statute is because you intend to engage in War Crimes and you intend to engage in Crimes Against
Humanity, and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought
and paid for) BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect
to dogs intended)!!

27 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your US Department of State PIGs in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
conspired with the Canada Border PIGs to engage in War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity against me
in Canada as evidenced in the Affidavit of Criminal Complaint Jeff Sessions and his (bought and paid for)
Clerks masquerading as Judges selling their "justus", the original of which was served on Donald J Trump
by Registered Mail, RA 500 985 428 US, and which may also be viewed at the link below

and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
Roman Cult BAR member judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to
dogs intended)!!

28 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that, your Roman Cult handlers created the cestui que trust
"Yet still it was found difficult to set bounds to ecclesiastical ingenuity; for when they were driven
out of all their former holds, they devised a new method of conveyance, by which the lands were
granted, not to themselves directly, but to nominal feoffees to the use of the religious houses; thus
distinguishing between the possession and the use, and receiving the actual profits, while the seisin
of the lands remained in the nominal feoffee, who was held by the courts of eguity (then under the
direction of the clergy) to be bound in conscience to account to his cestui que use for the rents and
emoluments of the estate: and it is to these inventions that our practitioners are Indebted for the
introduction of uses and trusts, the foundation of modem conveyancing." Tom !ins Law Dictionary
1835 edition, Volume 2 under the definition of Mortmain

"The Legal Estate to be in Cestui Que Use" Chapter Fifty-Six in Sec. 1617, at 31 Stat. 1432

and you instruct your Roman Cult BAAL priest Clerks masquerading as Judges to presume everybody is a
cestui que trust at Chapter three- Absence for Seven Years, in Sec. 252, at 31 Stat. 1230, where it says;
"SEC. 252. PRESUMPTION OF DEATH. -If any person shall leave his domicile without any known
intention of changing the same, and shall not return or be heard from for seven years from the time
of his so leaving, he shall be presumed to be dead, in any case wherein his death shall come in
question, unless proof be made that he was alive within that time.,

and it is those same Roman Cult BAAL priests masquerading as Judges who assault people with one of
their so-called contracts, all of which is quite the scam, and it is all with your approval and consent you
Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker." Chish
Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 455

Page 13 (plus attachments) Kirsijen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. AU right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by tenns and conditions of the Title

? ()
Holder.--------------·--------------------------------Title Holder glenn Winningham; house of fearn

Title Holder: glenn winningham; house of feam Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018

"A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant willfully
refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

29 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your agents

"Every corporation is for all its purposes an agent of Her Majesty in right of Canada." Section 3,
Government Corporation Operation Act of Canada

~acebook, and Alphabet, Inc., and Alphabet, Inc.'s subsidiaries Google and Youtube, are engaged in War
Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity by persecuting non-communists for their political opinions, by
blocking my emails, and they both are compelling the disclosure of information that is none of their business
in violation of Article 31, when Facebook compelled the disclosure of a date of birth and a name by denying
my use of a pseudonym, and Google compelled the disclosure of a phone number in violation of your Article
31, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilians in a Time of War of 1949, all of which is in
support of your National Security Agency PIGs and your Central Intelligence Agency PIGs as found in
Google Satanist PIGs 5 httos://
Google Satanist PIGs 4 BgyoOazU
Google Satanist PIGs 3 httos:// g
Central Intelligence Agency Roman Cult
Google Satanists 2
Facebook =Roman Cult, CIA, NSA,

and it is all with your approval and consent, and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for)
BAR member Roman Cult judicial whores selling their "justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect
to dogs intended}!!

30 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that your coward Border PIGs, and your coward DHS/DPS PIGs,
and your coward City PIGs, and your coward Sheriff PIGs are engaged in War Crimes and Crimes Against
Humanity and i don't particularly like going to the United Nations Satanists to get a remedy, but you have
failed to provide Article 3 Courts, and the BAR member whores (Roman Cult BAAL priests) that you do
provide are bought and paid for and sit there and play stupid, and it is all with your approval and consent,
and with the approval and consent of your (bought and paid for) BAR member judicial whores selling their
"justus", you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!

31 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that if you want to know more about your coward PIGs, and their
kangaroo court check out a few of my (over 300) Youtube videos, you Satanist fucking bitch (no
disrespect to dogs intended)!! ·
Border PIGs assaulting people with Com'! Transactions
Border PIGs & Communist Kangaroo Courts in Canada
us Border PIGs httos://youtu.belhnn-tt4tsZ4
Texas (&other American States)= Military Occupation
US Border PIGs 2
US Border PIGs 3
Border PIGs & Communist Kangaroo Courts in Canada 2
Satanists in America
Satanic Clerks Masquerading as Judges in Canada https://youtu .be/XTSs4uvO ic
Satanic Border PIGs in Canada
Satanic Judicial Whores in Canada
Do It Yourself US Border PIGs httos://
US Marshall PIGs
JD Rooke the Clerk Masquerading as a Judge In Canada ~

DeFacto Satanic Courts
Quasi Contract and Roman Civil Law
Bankrupt Corporate so-called Governments
PIGs in Azle, Texas Y46xr8
PIGs in Azle Texas 2 https://youtu.belvmiWKOpvK21
PIGs in Azle, Texas 3
Congress is Satanic
Page 14 (plus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018

This matter/text copyright © by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.---·- -·---·-------------- - ------------·-·- ··--·-- --------Title Holder glenn winningham; house of fearn
Wffi> lheCo,.Cio;
Title Holder: glenn winning ham; house of feam Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018
All Courts are Ecclesiastical LON3NXh9M8
We are Under Martial Law
Martial Law is here! httos://
Martial Law is Coming from the United Nations https://youtu. be/kyqAT57ZwP4
United States Supreme Court BAAL Priests httos://youtu.beiiXHJre6E5hw
All Courts are Roman Cult Courts
Federal Judicial Whores in Texas httos:/
Judicial Whores https://youtu. be/gwQOG7nOs 1s
All Courts are United Nations Courts https://youtu. be/ZWannUcHkso
There are No Lawful Courts https:l/youtu. be{JQxFNHC5sL8
FIRE the United Nations Judicial Whores
The United States is Owned & Operated by Roman Cult uj iEgKfM
Roman Cult Slave Scam
Walker County PIGs
Kerrville PIGs
Montana PIGs
Fort Worth PIGs ETnPOSY29E
Texas DPS PIGs

32 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that if you or your (bought and paid for) whores (Clerks
masquerading as Judges) selling their "justus", think you own me
"Section 2 Definitions (1) In this Act,
owned means. subject to the regulations, ..... ;" Canadian Ownership and Control Determination Act

"The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations
respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; .•. " Constitution for the
United States of America, Article IV, Section 2

as demonstrated by your assaulting me with your fictitious color of law regulations by your coward Border
PIGs, or your coward Internal Revenue Service PIGs, or your coward US Marshall PIGs, or your coward
DHS/DPS PIGs, or your coward City PIGs, or your coward Sheriff PIGs, all you need to do is name a date,
time, and place and I will come armed and we can settle it for once and for all, you fucking bitch, (no
disrespect to dogs intended), and any blood shed will be on your hands.

33 You, Kirstjen M Neilsen, are NOTICED that i fully comprehend how you and your US Congress PIGs intend
to use your fraudulent fictitious War on Terror to enslave everybody you Satanist fucking bitch, and a good
example is your Bank of America coward PIGs Aubrey and Jannet who refused to provide their last name at
6400 Lake Worth Boulevard, Lake Worth, Texas who refused to exchange 200 Canadian dollars in the form
of Bank of Canada Notes for your Federal Reserve Notes because i failed to produce "State ID". at 12:22
PM in the afternoon on 16 June 2018, and it is because of your regulations, you Satanist fucking bitch. i fully
comprehend how you are your US Congress PIGs intend to fabricate evidence of your Roman Cult cestui
que trust US citizen slave as described herein, so your (bought and paid for) whores in your so-called courts
can presume some contract you Satanist fucking bitch, and use it with the objective of enslaving me. you
Satanist fucking bitch.

34 Kirstjen M Neilsen, we were all here before this universe was created and we will all be here when it goes
away, and before God, Angels and anyone who reads this as a witness, i shake the dust of the earth from
off my feet against you (Matt 10:14, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5) and your PIG thugs, and we will be talking about

this on judgment day, .... you Satanist fucking bitch (no disrespect to dogs intended)!!
"In doing this, I shall have occasion incidentally to evince, how true it is that States and
Governments were made for man, and, at the same time, how true it is that his creatures and
servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last oppressed their master and maker." Chisholm v
Georgia, 2 DaL 419 at p 455

.. A state like a merchant makes a contract. A dishonest state, like a dishonest merchant willfully ~
refuses to discharge it." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dal. 419 at p 456

35 Signed and Sealed in red ink on the soil of Texas.

Page 15 (plus attachments) Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 07101.8
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
Holder.- - - --- - ---- --------- - -- -- - --- - - -- Title Holder glenn Winningham; house of fearn
W tth the Copy-Claim
Title Holder: glenn winningham; house of fearn Kirs~en M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018

All of the above is submitted "UNDER PENALTIES with PERJURY''.

Notice for the principal is notice for the agent and

notice for the agent is notice for the principal.

This instrument was prepared by glenn winningham; house offearn.

GLENN WINNINGHAM FEARN, and all derivatives thereof

my Copyright

glenn w· ningham; house of fearn, suijuris, Texian national
sovereign living soul, holder of the office of "the people",
a man standing on the soil of Texas
fails to be a US citizen slave
fails to be a cestui que trust

Page 16 (plus attachments)

~ c6 Kirstjen M Neilsen Notice and Demand 071018
This matter/text copyright© by the Title Holder. All right to this matter/text and what it may represent is by terms and conditions of the Title
-----Title Holder glenn Winningham; house offearn
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Corry Blount 3805 Adam Grubb - Lake Worth, Texas 76135
Chief of Police Phone 81T-237-1224- Fax 817-237-2180
Steven B. Carpenter
Assistant Chief
Public Information Request


EMAIL TO; OR FAX TO 817-237-2180; OR BY MAIL TO 3805 ADAM
In making this request, I understand the City is Uilder no obligation to create a document to satisfy my request or
to comply with a standing request for information. I further understand that the information will be released only
in accordance with the Public Information Act, which may require a determination as to confidentiality by the
Texas Attorney General prior to release. I further understand the information will be promptly released or the
requestor will be notified in writing within 10 business days after the request is received.

NAME oF REQUESTER: If!~·),- J3~ 2 we JI

MAILING ADDRESS: t f/7 )) W1i..1 /-
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TELEPHONE AND/OR FAX NO. : ----=.g:.........J.....:....7_~_if_.!_'f9-'-----_...7_Lf_.__Cf.__,/'------------~
Pursuant to the Public Information Act, Texas Government Code, Section 552, I hereby request the following
r,,.... ·
information currently existing in the records of the Lake Worth Police Dept.

Date of Incident (if exact date is unknown please specify month and y:?:
Number: Person Involved: r±ie
:3: f2
:2... 7,...... /
&_ r ,____ _
1' Incident

(Check one) A. Vlrequest copies l(N Y6/ Oi {

Police Use Only: ~.

Date received: '] · ~0 · "2>o l B Employee receiving informati~::S:, a·
Date/Dept. forwarded to, if a p p l i c a b l e : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
An Open Pending Case: _ _ __
Juvenile Involvement: ~ ..,
Date Released: 1· ~\ -?>0-\~<?'~~R-eleased B~~_....Y""--------~-
·,, .;

Page 1
Lake Worth Police Department
3805 Adam Grubb

Inmate Booking Report 7/27/2018

Name: Fearn, Glenn Winningham Agency ld: 8837-1

Ethnicity: Non-Hispanic DOS Age: 60 POB: refused

Race: White Sex: Male Weight: 200 Height: 5' 8"

Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue

Identifying Characteristics

Characteristics Body Parts Description

DL No.: Issued: TX SS No.: DPS No.: FBI No.:

Occupation: Employer:
Street: City: State:. Zip:
Phone: Type:

Phone: Type:

( Arrest
Arrest. Agency: Lake Worth Police Department Booking Date: 07/27/201814:23
Arrest. Officer: Booking Officer:
Arrest Location: Arrest Date:

Make: Dodge Model: 3500 License No.: 54JBP9 Towed: Yes
Subject refused to answer questions related to the book-In process. .

r /'

1 - Arrest Report Warrants
~q'd-'1 Call No.:
Agency :Azle PO Warrant#: Charge Type Warrant Amount:
Classification: Class C Misdemeanor
Remarks : A023735-01 FMFR $346.00
A023735-02 Speeding $283.00
A023735·03 NO DL $266.00
Total: $895.00

-..;,-~ <i,DI Irlb74

Total Amount: 0

El ....d
oate ..~~;; ,

Lake Worth Police Department Page

Police Research Center
Medical Questionnaire Sam Houston State University

Inmate Name: Fearn, Glenn Winningham Print Date: 7/27/2018 3:17:34 PM

Agency ID: 8837-1
008: Social Security Number:
Height: 68 Weight:200 Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue Race: White Sex: Male

1. Are you or do you think you are pregnant? NO

2. Do you have any medical/dental problems that need attention now? NO
3. Do you have any of these symptoms? NO
Cough, weakness, weight loss, fevers, night sweats or appetite loss?
4. Are you taking or suppose to be taking any prescribed medications? NO
5. Is there any evidence of recent physical injury? NO
6. Does the patient display inappropriate behavior? NO
7. Insurance:
8. Do you feel you could be a victim of any type of assault while in custody? NO

Comments and Remarks

Refused to answer medical questions.

9. Have you ever been treated for :
Asthma NO Drug Addiction NO STD NO
Heart Trouble NO Alcoholism NO Tuberculosis NO
High Blood Pressure NO Mental Illness NO . HIVTest(Neg.) NO
Diabetes NO Allergies NO HIVTest(Pos.) NO
seizures NO Hepatitis NO

Treatment Remarks
Refused to answer medical questions.

Referred To:
Infirmary NO Psychatric NO Security NO

Inmate Signature •'·

Processor's S i g n a t u r e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Date and Time

'1 •.
' -·

Page 1
Lake Worth Police Department

Police Research Center
Next of Kin Sam Houston State University

Print Date: 7/27/2018

Inmate Name:
Agency ID:
Fearn, Glenn Winningham

Name (last, First Middle)* Relationship/Remarks Emergency Contact No

Release Notification No

Phone Number E - Mail Address


Page 1
Lake Worth Police Department CRIMES
Police Research Center
Property Receipt Sam Houston State University
Print Date: 7/27/2018
Inmate Name: Fearn, Glenn Winningham Check In Receipt#: 0
AgencyiD: 8837-1 Check In Date: 7/27/2018 2:39:00 PM

Booked Property
Item# Item Quantity Locker Checked In By

1 Other 2 1 MARTINEZ, D
Shoe laces

2 Other 1 1 MARTINEZ, D

3 Belt 1 1 MARTINEZ, D

4 Cash 74.65 1 MARTINEZ, D

5 Other 1 1 MARTINEZ, D
(1) black bag

( ;6 Wallet 1 1 MARTINEZ, D

7 Other 1 1 MARTINEZ, D
black handgun fanny pack {empty)

Inmate Signature - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Processor's Signature
Secondary s i g n a t u r e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0 '

Arrest Narrative
Prisoner Name: Fearn, Glenn Winningham

Reasonable suspicion for vehicle stop or detention of prison•3r:



Handcuffs removed from the prisoner before being placed in a cell.

Prisoner searched incident to arrest by .

Other searches:

Transporting officer:

The transporting police unit inspected for weapons and contraband before and after transporting prisoner.
Prisoner's seat position:

The prisoner was:

Prisoner was allowed to talk to the following people while in custody (explain in notes if other than "none"):
The prisoner operating a motor vehicle.

If the prisoner was operating a motor vehicle, the prisoner's vehicle was

At the jail, the arresting officer's firearm was .

( The prisoner under observation during the entire time of arrest.

If force was used, a Use of Force form is attached.

Lake Worth Police Department


Detainee's Name: Fearn, Glenn Winningham Case#: 1800016607

Booking Officer: Date!Time: 07/27/2018 14:23

Suicide risk or psych problems during prior incarceration? YES NO N/A

1 Arresting or transporting officer believes *
that detainee may be suicidal I
2 Detainee lacks close family or friends in the
community. I
3 Detainee has experienced a significant loss
within the last six months. (Loss of job,
relationship, death of family member. ... )
4 Detainee is very worried about major
problems other than legal situations.
(Fi: •u• •v•u•, family, medical condition, fear of I
losing job, etc.)

5 :::: .. ,u .. '"'"'"'family member or significant

other (spouse, parent, close friend , lover) has
!"'""''"'"''"''"'or comm itted suicide.
6 Detainee has psychiatric history. (Note
current medications and most recent
treatment agency.)
( 7 1 uera1nee has history of alcohol abuse
8 Detainee holds position of respect in the *
community (professional, public official,
etc.) and/or alleged crime is shocking in

9 Detainee is thinking about killing himself.

10 Detainee has previous suicide attempt.

(Check wrists and not method)
11 De1a1nee feels that there is nothing to look


forward to in the future. (Expresses feelings
of helplessness or hopelessness.)

12 Detainee shows signs of depression. (Crying,

emotional flatness .) I
13 pe1a1nee appears overly anxious, afraid or angry.
14 Detainee appears to feel unusually embarrassed
or ashamed. I
15 ue1a1nee is acting and/or speaking in a strange
manner. (Cannot focus attention, hearing or
seeing things that aren't there)
16 A. Detainee is apparently under the influence
of alcohol or drugs. •
8. If true, is detainee incoherent or
showing signs of withdrawal or mental

17 17.- No prior arrests.

If total checks 1n the 'TRUE .. column are EIGHT or more, or any of the boxes w1th an astensk
(*)are checked, suicide prevention measures must be taken. SUIC DE RISK? YES NO

Lake Worth Police Department Page 1
Police Research Center
Property Receipt sam Houston state University

Print Date: 7/28/2018

Inmate Name: Fearn, Glenn Winningham Check In Receipt #: 0
Agency ID: 8837-1 Check In Date: 7/27/2018 3:14:09 PM

Released Property
Item# Item Quantity Locker Release To Released By Release Date

1 .Other 2 1 Fearn, Glenn WATSON,R 7/28/2018

Shoe laces

2 Other 1 1 Fearn, Glenn WATSON,R 7/28/2018


3 Belt 1 1 Fearn, Glenn WATSON, R 7/28/2018

4 Cash 74.65 1 Fearn, Glenn WATSON,R 7/28/2018

5 Other 1 1 Fearn, Glenn WATSON, R 7/28/2018

6 Wallet 1 1 Fearn, Glenn WATSON, R 7/28/2018

7 Other 1 1 Fearn, Glenn WATSON, R 7/28/2018

black handgun fanny pack (empty)

Processor's Signature ~
Inmate Signature (Released Property) =:c.:JJ:::NN~===1==e=J========================--
Secondary s i g n a t u r e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lake Worth Police Department
Date of report: 2018-07-27 ·Case Number: 1800016607

Incident Number :1800016607

On Friday 07/27/2018 at approximately 13:10, Officer West #259, Officer Martin #323 and I,
Officer D. Martinez #314 were dispatched to the parking lot of Albertsons, located at 6308
Lake Worth Blvd, Lake Worth, Tarrant County Texas 76135 in reference to the Department of
Homeland Security requesting assistance on a suspicious vehicle. DHS was advising that the
license plate might possibly not belong to the vehicle that it was on.

Upon arrival, the vehicle was located in the parking lot of Racetrack (6300 Lake Worth Blvd),
adjacent to Albertsons. Officer West and I positioned our vehicles to keep eyes on the
suspect vehicle while we gathered more information from dispatch. Lake Worth dispatch
advised that the vehicle had a regional warrant (Class C misdemeanor/traffic) attached to the
license plate out of the Azle Police Department. The vehicle then left the Racetrack, staying in
the parking lot of Albertsons, and proceeded to the EZ Mail, located at 6340 Lake Worth Blvd.
Dispatch stated that the warrant attached to the license plate belonged to a Glenn
Winningham Fearn (W/M, ). As the male exited the vehicle and walked into the
store, I observed that the date of birth for the wanted individual was consistent with the age of
the male driver and sole occupant of the vehicle.

After the man (later identified as the above listed subject) walked back to his truck, he left he
parking lot and began driving west in the 6300 block of Lake Worth Blvd. I activated my
overhead lights on my marked patrol vehicle and initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle, which
yielded in the parking lot of Walmart (6360 Lake Worth Blvd). The vehicle was a 2008 Dodge
pickup, red in color, bearing Arizona license plate CH56267.

I approached the driver's side of the vehicle and made contact with Glenn, requesting to see
his driver's license and proof of insurance, who stated that he was not required to have a
driver's license because he was in transit. I asked him several more times for his driver's
license and insurance and he refused to present it. I asked Glenn to exit his vehicle and he
reluctantly complied after telling me that it was lawful to resist an unlawful arrest.

Officer West convinced him to present ID and he handed us a photo ID that appeared
handmade and had his name on it. The Azle PO warrants were confirmed and Glenn was
placed under arrest for the following charges:

Warrant# A023735-01 FMFR $346.00

Officer: MARTINEZ, D Approving Supervisor: GREGORY, C.

Lake Worth Police Department
Date of report: 2018-07-27 Case Number: 1800016607

Warrant# A023735-02 Speeding $283.00

Warrant# A023735-03 No DL $266.00

Total: $895.00

An inventory of the vehicle was completed before the wrecker arrived for the vehicle and a
loaded stainless Colt Commander Mark IV in .45 ACP caliber was located in the center
console, along with 44 rounds of .45 ACP hollow point ammunition and 2 magazines for the
pistol. Also located were multiple open FedEx bags, two of which contained flash drives (one
package contained 8 flash drives with the number "8" on them and the other contained 4-5
flash drives that were Scandisk brand). A brand new Samsung cell phone was also located
inside the cab of the pickup. Glenn was issued citation LPD1 066097 for Fail to Maintain
Financial Responsibility and LPD1 066096 for Fail to Display Driver's License. The pistol, 2
magazines and 44 rounds of ammunition were booked into property locker #2 for
safekeeping. No further info.

Officer: MARTINEZ, D Approving Supervisor: GREGORY, C.

Page 1
Lake Worth Police Department
ORI: TX2201900 Incident No. 1800016607 7/30/2018

CAD No. Other No. Type Non-Criminal Date Occur 07/27/2018 13:10
UCR StatusOpen Clear. Date Audited By: Exc. Clear.
lnv. Status Information Report By: MARTINEZ, D 07/27/2018 Approv. By: GREGORY, C. 07/29/2018
Fam. Viol. No Investigator Reneau, R Recorded Date: 07/27/2018
Subject arrested for Class C warrants out of Azle PD ·

Dispatch Location

- Offense No. 1 Offense Recording Date 07/27/2018 15:33

Off. Begin Date 07/27/2018 13:10 Off. End Date 07/27/2018 13:10 Entry Method Attempt/Complete
Drug Seized Gang Related Hi-Speed Pursuit Weapons Used
Offense Code UD Offense Arrest Report Warrants No. of Premises 0
Bias Motivation Agg Asslt/Homic. Circumst. Supplement: 0

Name DOB Race Sex DL Address
Fearn, Glenn Winningham White Male

Name DOB Race Sex DL Address
Name DOB Race Sex DL Soc. Sec. Arrest Date Agenc~ID
Fearn, Glenn Winningham White Male 07/27/2018 8837
Armed Indicator UCR Code

Disposition > 18 Disposition < 18

Arrest Location 6360 Lake Worth Blvd (Walmart parking lot)
Known Address(es)

Victims (Organizations)

Other Involved Person(s)

Name Role DOB Race Sex DL Hair Color E~e Color
Fearn, Glenn Winningham Arrestee White Male Brown Blue

Incident Property
Status Item T~pe Item Name Make Model Color Units
Seized Firearms Pistol Colt Mark IV Stainless

Serial # FC35233 Involved Person -Fearn ,Glenn Winningham Arrestee

Supplement: Description: Colt Commander Mark IV 1911 style .45 ACP caliber handgun
Page 2
Lake Worth Police Department
ORI: TX2201900 Incident No. 1800016607 7/30/2018

Seized Firearms Magazine Stainless

Serial# Involved Person -Fearn ,Glenn Winningham Arrestee

Supplement: Description: 2 magazines belonging to the Colt Commander Mark IV .45 caliber

Safekeepi Firearms Ammunition

Serial# Involved Person -Fearn ,Glenn Winningham Arrestee

Supplement: Description: 44 rounds of .45 ACP hollowpoints

State License Status Year Make Model Body Stvle Involved People
AZ 54JBP9 Towed 2008 Dodge 3500 Pickup
-Fearn ,Glenn Winningham -Arrestee
Color other Color VIN
Red 3D7KS28A28G141628

Wrecker Co: Wrecker Call'd: Wrecker Arriv'd:

Texas Towing
Lake Worth Police Department
3805 Adam Grubb
Incident ARREST Report
ORI: TX2201900 Incident No. 1800016607 7/30/2018

CAD No. lbiCid Other No. Type Non-Criminal Date Occur 07/27/2018 13:10
UCR Status Open Clear. Date Except. Clear.
lnv. Status Information Report Report By: MARTINEZ, D 07/27/2018 Approve By: GREGORY, C. 07/29/2018
Fam. Violence No Narrative Recorded Date: 07/27/2018
Subject arrested for Class C warrants out of Azle PD

Offense No. 1 Offense Recording Date 07/27/2018 15:33

Off. Begin Date 07/27/2018 13:10 Off. End Date 07/27/2018 13:10 Offense Arrest Report Warrants
Supplement: 0
Arrestee: Fearn, Glenn Winningham
DOB: Age(@Crime): 60 Race: White Sex: Male Ethnicity: Non-Hispanic
Height: 68 Weight: 200 Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue Agency No. 8837
DL No: Issued: AZ SS No: Birth Place refused,
Occupation :

Arrest. Agency Lake Worth Pollee Arrest. Officer MARTINEZ, D Armed Indicator
Arrest Date 07/27/2018 13:30 Arrest Type Taken into Custody Disposition < 18
Clear. Indicator UCR Code
Arrest Location 6360 Lake Worth Blvd (Walmart parking lot)
Page 4
Lake Worth Police Department
Incident Involved Persons Report
ORI : TX2201900 Incident No. 1800016607 7/30/2018

CAD No.lbiCid Other No. Type Non-Criminal Date Occur 07/27/2018 13:10
UCR Status Open Clear. Date Audited By: Exc. Clear.
lnv. Status Information Report By: MARTINEZ, D 07/27/2018 Approv. By:. GREGORY, C. 07/29/2018
Fam. Viol. No Narrative Recorded Date: 07/27/2018
Subject arrested for Class C warrants out of Azle PD

Persons Supplement: 0
Fearn, Glenn Winningham Race: White Sex: Male HT:5' 8" WT:200
Skin Tone: light Hair Color: Brown Eyes: Blue

Role: Arrestee
DOB: Ethnicity: Non-Hispanic Marital Status: Resid. Status:
DOD: # of Dependents: Date Married: Separate Date: Divorce Date:
Citizenship: US UNITED Place of Birth: refused
Known Addressees)
ID Type:Agency 10 ID No.:S837 Issued By: Date Issued: Date Expired:
Comment: ID Proof: Date Entered:07/27/2018
ID Type:Driver License ID No.: Issued By:AZ Date Issued: Date Expired :
Comment: ID Proof: Date Entered:07/27/2018
ID Type:Social Security Card ID No. Issued By: Date Issued: Date Expired:
Comment: 10 Proof: Date Entered :07/27/2018
Medical Conditions
Condition: Date Entered: 07/27/2018
Remarks: Refused to answer medical questions.
Physical Characteristics
Advanced Characteristics
Phone Numbers
Page 5
Lake Worth Police Department
3805 Adam Grubb
Incident PROPERTY Report
ORI: TX2201900 Incident No. 1800016607 7/30/2018

CAD No. lbiCid Other No. Date Occurred 07/27/2018 13:10 Type Non-Criminal Narrative
UCR Status Open Clearance Date Audited By: Exc. Clear.
lnv. Status Information Report By MARTINEZ, D 07/27/2018 Approv. ByGREGORY, C. 07/29/2018
Family Viol. No Recorded Date: 07/27/2018

Subject arrested for Class C warrants out of Azle PO

- Property Items
Recorded Status Jurisd. Item Type Make Model Size Color Serial Number Struct.
07/27/18 Seized Firearms Colt Mark IV Stainless FC35233
Stolen/Damaged Recovered
Qnty Tot. Value Qnty Tot. Value Date 07/27/18 Supplement:
N Evidence: Recover Location:
~~ Item Name: Pistol Description: Colt Commander Mark IV 1911 style .45 ACP caliber handgun
Involved Person -Fearn ,Glenn Winningham Arrestee

7/27/18 Seized Firearms Stainless

Stolen/Damaged Recovered
Qnty Tot. Value Qnty Tot. Value Date 07/27/18 Supplement:
~ Evidence: Recover Location:
Item Name: Magazine Description: 2 magazines belonging to the Colt Commander Mark IV .45 caliber
Involved Person -Fearn ,Glenn Winningham Arrestee

07/27/18 Safekeeping Firearms

Stolen/Damaged Recovered
Qnty Tot. Value Qnty Tot. Value Date 07/27/18 Supplement:
Evidence: Recover Location:
Item Name: Ammunition Description: 44 rounds of .45 ACP hollowpoints
Involved Person -Fearn ,Glenn Winningham Arrestee
Page 6
Lake Worth Police Department
3805 Adam Grubb
Incident VEHICLE Report
ORI: TX2201900 Incident No. 1800016607 7/30/2018

CAD No.lbiCid Other No. Date Occurred 07/27/2018 13:10 Type Non-Criminal Narrative
UCR Status Open Clearance Date Audited By: Exc. Clear
lnv. Status Information Report By MARTINEZ, D 07/27/2018 Approve ByGREGORY, C. 07/29/2018
Family Viol. No Recorded Date: 07/27/2018
Subject arrested for Class C warrants out of Azle PD


r. Status Year Make Model Color VIN Number State License Exp. Date Value Plate Type
Towed 2008 Dodge 3500 Red 3D7KS28A28G141628 AZ. 54JBP9
Type: Wrecker Co: Texas Wrecker Call'd: Wrecker Arriv'd: Enter'd: 07/27/18
~ Description:
Supplement: 0
V'fCI\,..V I Il t; l.V llll:; \...I\.)" VI 1..01\.t: VYVllll rVIII...'i:" L.ICtJOit.IIIC"IU._, VVCLI;>Il.C. YYC fi VtJ~ liiOl JVU VYUI 1111\J JVUI lVUI UVUI

P.equs:;· c. Pollee Report informative and interesting. Please feel free to contact any of our staff for answers to your questions or to give
us your feedback. lake Worth is a growing and progressive community of caring and hard-working people
presenting opportunities for businesses and individuals. Our staff and employees are excited about gearing up
to the future service needs of Lake Worth. We sincerely hope that you will enjoy your visit to our site. You can
also visit our Facebook page or follow us on lnstagram.

The Mission of the Lake Worth Police Department is direct: Suppress crime and
promote the safety of our community.
• We are a highly adaptive, flexible, and proactive organization that integrates both community oriented and
intelligence led policing philosophies.
• Our organization is fully staffed with collaborative, accountable, and highly skilled employees who are
dedicated to providing the highest quality police services to the community. • We utilize innovative technology,
Corry Blount systems. and processes to gather, analyze, and disseminate crime and intelligence information throughout our
Police Chief organization. • We operationalize crime infor;nation and intelligence to allocate our police resources
strategically and prevent and suppress crimttin the community.
• We promote regional information sharing and cultivate active community and inter-agency partnerships.

Our Mission
Our mission is to help create an environment whereby the quality of life can be improved for those we ser1e. This mission
includes prevention, intervention and repression of crime; the timely app rehension of criminal offenders; recovery of property
and the return of such to the rightful owner; educating the general public to the role of the police in their community; and active
participation in activities that better individuals, as well as the community as a whole. Our mission must be carried out while we
remain true to our Oaths. protective of Constitutional liberties and respectful of basic human dignities.

Need directions? Click here.

Steve Carpenter
Assistant Chief,
Wtf',DI'IJR'-0 ft.~\!lU!KCU D J b J A II:. l..AW

A conviction of an offense under a traffic law LAKE WORTH MUNICIPAL COURT 3805 Adam Grubb, Lake Wofth, TX 76135
of this state or a political subdivision of this 817-255-7910 Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
state may result in the assessment on your
This is a 6ummons to appear(in person or writing) by the appearance date on this
driver's license of a surcharge under the citation . A phone call is NOT an appearance. Failure to appear will result In
Driver Responsibility Program. See Texas additional charges & a warrant being Issued.

Transportation Code 708.1 05(a). NOTICE TO JUVENILES: TX law requires a child (under 17 at the time of offense)
appear in front of the judge with a parenl!legal guardian . '"'A COURT DATE WILL
A second or subsequent conviction of an offense under BE AUTOMATICALLY MAILED*•
the Texas Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act will TX law imposes the following requirements on children (under 17) and their
parents regarding notification of changes In address: TX Code of Criminal
result in the suspension of your driver's license and Procedure Art46.057(h):A child and parent required to appear before the court have an
motor vehicle registration unless you file and maintain obligation to provide the court in writing with the currentaddress and residence of the
child. The obligation does not end when the ch~d reaches age 17. On or before the 7th
evidence of financial responsibility with the Department day after the date the child or parent changes residence,lhe child or parent shall notify
of Public Safety for two years from the date of the court of the current address in the manner directed by the court. A violation of this
subsection may result in arrest and is a Class C misdemeanor. The obligation to provide
conviction. The department may waive the requirement notice terminates on discharge and satisfaction of the judgment or final disposition not
to file evidence of financial responsibility if you file requiring a finding of guilt. Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 45 .057(h): If an
appellate court accepts an appeal for a trial de novo, the child and parent shall provide
satisfactory evidence with the department showing that the notice under Subsection (h) to the appellate court.
at the time this citation was issued, the vehicle was TOBACCO & ALCOHOL OFFENSES: Defendants und~>r 18 (tobacco offenses) or
covered by a motor vehicle liability insurance policy or 21 (alcohol offenses) are required by TX law to appear in front of a judge. You must
request a court date on these cases.
that you were otherwise exempt from the requirements
to provide evidence of financial responsibility. See
Please read carefully. Incomplete and late requests will be denied.
Texas Transportation Code 601.233(a).
Citation Amount: $132.00
Proof of Financial Responsibility (e.g. Insurance)- Conviction for the offense of
Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility carries a suspension of your driver's If you are CONTESTING the charge: (1) Sign, date, & print your address below
license and motor vehicle registration unless you establish and maintain evidence (2) Provide a copyofyourvalid OUIO (3) Mail citation & OUID copy bylhe
of financial responsibility as required by Section 601.231 of the Motor Vehicle appearance date. A Pre-Trial hearing date will bf.' mailed to the l'ddre!.s pro\'idsd
Safety Responsibility Act. Refer to the court's website for additional information on Trials.
If you are convicted of_a r_nlsdemeanor offense involving violence where you I hereby enter an initial plea of NOT GUlL TY to the charge & wish to have a trial by
are or were a spo~se, lntimat~ p~rtner, parent, or guardian of the victim or are jury or judge.
or were Involved rn another, srmrlar relationship with the victim. It may be
unlawful for you to possess or purchase a fireann,lncluding a handgun or long Slgnature_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Date_ _ _ _ _ __
gun, or. ammunition, pursuantto federal law under 18 Section 922(g){9) u.s. c. Address.___________________________________________
or Sectron 46.04(b), Texas Penal Code. If you have any questions whether
these laws make itlllegal for you to possess or purchase a nrearm, you should
consult an attorney. If you are NOT CONTESTING the charge and wish to complete one of the
options below: (1) Circle a plea below {2) Sign, date, & print your address below
(3) Mark an option below (4) Provide a copy of your valid DL/10 (5) Mail citation, OUID
-- •. ._.,< . .. ·~---------r---------------, copy. required documentation, & fees required by the appearance date.

CITY OF LAKE WORTH TE.JtAo Nu:LPD1066096 I hereby enter a plea of No Contest or Guilty (circle one) to the charge, waive my
right to a jury trial or hearing by the court. and have selected an option below. I further

h~(mce APPEAl~;~t•<l c_m ~======

understand that by entering this plea I am acknowledging either that the State has
OF .VIOLATJON..PROMISE TO complied with all of my requests for discovery or that I have made no such requests.

j ~:;~:;;~;;7~~ 1~ot:•d.!o appear in_p;;rson or by writing befor• tho M<micipal Cwrt or: or Slgnature_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'Date. _ _ _ _ _ __
I d• . t · . · ~tw •• n aAM & '>PM and entor a ploa on this charge Your phone call Address __________________________________________
i uC.Ii no constitute an app.-arane• or:~. piea

D Request a Court Date to Speak to the Judge

)( A court date setting will be mailed to you at the address provided.
----···---=-::-:~:-:---------- 0 Payrqent In Full
t.. _ __ .(THIS IS NOT A PLEA Of: GUlL T) This will result in a conviction, which may be reported to your driving/criminal recO<d.
NAME . ·- - -- - - - - - -- - - 0 Extension to Pay
This will result in a conviction, which may be reported to your driving/criminal record.
GLENN WINNINGHAM FEARN An extension letter will be mailed to the addre<>s provided.
i:it:it- - - -- -- ·- - ·- -·exPiREs cLAss NcoL sAZTATE/ · o e. oe· ···· ..-
Mark One: O 30 Day Extension 0
90 Day Extension ($25 Time Payment
0014741.89 . --- - ---·---t-2.:..:.0.:;:;22~h:;;;-·h=~~~ 0910411957
- Fee will be added)
PHONE HT wr SEX AACE ·- - ·- - -- 0 Deferred Disposition (Probation) (COL holder's not eligible- see eligibility
5'8" 200 M W
ACOREss·· -- ·----------1....:....~-....JL..:::.::~=._+~-;;;;--.,.,=,---__j
requirements online)

- · - - - - - - -- ·- -- Fi!~~J~~tu __ This allows a citation to be dismissed & not reported to your driving/criminal record
upon payment of a special expense fee (citation amount listed above plus $30).
completion of a 90 day probation period & completion of a Driver's Safety Course
(if under 25 at the time of offense). Refer to court's website for efigibUity
TX - -· - -- -- - - - - - -·-------+ziP'N
_ __
requirements. By making this request you amrm you meet the requirements
for eligibility. An extension to pay the special expense fee will result in a longer
PLACE OF EMPLOvt,ifiE~~NTIT-------------~7;;6~1~3~5~:::-:-;:::-=--J probation period. Deferral information will be mailed to the address provided.
BUSINESS PHONE: Mark One: 0 30 Day Extension ( 120 days 0 90 Day Extension (180 days
probation) probation)
~ENT INFORMATION - ·- - · -- - - - - .lJ'u:;;v-;;~::;:N;;-;rL-;:e"'
. : r-=P,.,.A""RENT=!co=-a"'e.,.....- · ·· --··-- · · 0 Driver's Safety Course (OSC) (COL holder's not eligible- see eligibility
requiremants online)
This allows cenaln tram~ 9ft'enses to be dismissed & not ~!m.Qri.&!! t<;> Y!)ur driving
f<s;:;C;;-H;r;O""O"L"NA"'M"'e=-·- - - - --------L...---h;p'AARi>iE)111l·Join'<pii:H;;:;O:;:;N"e------f record by complelion of a OSC. Refer to court's website for eligible offenses &
requirements. By making this request you amrrn you meet & understand the
kfR~KE - 'MODEL eligibility requirements. The following must be sent certified mall bV the
appearance date: (1) Acopyofyourvalid TX OL (or current DL & active military ID)
20Q!I I DODG 3500 (2) A copy of your proof of financial responsibility 6nsurance) (3) Court costs of$1 09
VEHICLE TAG MVR MO ; l?ij MVI MD: (school zone offenses $134). Any request DOstmarked after the appearance

J · ~:______j
REO will be DENIED. An approval letter will be mailed to address provided. 00 NOT
begin a DSC class until approval by the court has been received.

LOCATiOt.fOFViOLATIOPJ_ _ ___ N T-MVRYR:________ c.!._-M_VI_Y~: __ _._ -

Payment TYPes: The court accepts cash (in office). pen>onal checks (non warrant
cases only). money orders. cashier checks & creditfdebit cards at
6300 JACKSBORO HWY or 1-855-796-5763 (additional fee will apply). Make all
payments payable to Lake Worth Municipal Court and include your citation number.
The following offenses may be eligible for compliance dismissal with proof of correction.
Please refer to the court's website for requirements. Appear with required proof or mail
DATE TIME I ANCCIDENT TRAFFIC the foHowing: (1) Tha citation (2) A copy of your valid DL/ID (3) Motion to Dismiss form
07/27/2018 04:34PM I n website) (4) Copy of the required proof (5) Dismissal fee. if applicable. Incomplete
SECTOR A.OAOWAY CONOiTIONS WEATHER ,./ . ~~ quests will be denied . No extension& will be granted on dismissal fees.
c_L__ ailure to Maintain Financial Responsibility Failure to Display DL

A conviction of an offense under a traffic law lAKE WORTH MUNICIPAL COURT 3805 Adam Grubb, Lake Worth, TX 76135
of this state or a political subdivision of this 817·255-7910 Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
state may result in the assessment on your
This is a summons to appear (in person or writing) by the appearance date on this
driver's license of a surcharge under the c~ation . A phone call is NOT an appearance. Failure to appear will result In
Driver Responsibility Program. See Texas additional charges & a warrant being Issued.

Transportation Code 7_Q8.1 OS{ a}. NOTICE TO JUVENILES: IX law requires a child (under 17 at the time of offense)
appear in front of the judge with a parent/legal guardian. ""A COURT DATE WJLL
A second or subsequent convict.i on of an offense under BE AUTOMATICALLY MAILED"
the Texas Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act will IX law Imposes the following requirements on children (under 17) and their
parents regarding notification of changes in address: TX Code of Criminal
result in the suspension of your driver's license and Procedure Art45.057(h):A child and parent required to appear before the court have an
motor vehicle registration unless you file and maintain obligation to provide the court in writing with the current address and residence of the
child. The obligation does not end when !he child reaches age 17. On or before the 7th
evidence of financial responsibility with the Department day after the date the child or parent changes residence, !he child or parent shall notify
of Public Safety for two years from the date of !he court of the current address in the manner directed by !he court. A violation ofthis
subsection may result in arrest and is a Class C misdemeanor. The obligation to provide
conviction. The department may waive the requirement notice terminates on discharge and satisfaction of the judgment or final disposition not
to file evidence of financial responsibility if you file requiring a finding of guilt. Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 45.057{h): !fan
appellate court accepts 1111 appeal for a trial de novo, the child and parent shall provide
satisfactory evidence with the department showing that the notice under Subsection (h) to the appellate court.
at the time this citation was issued. the vehicle was TOBACCO & ALCOHOL OFFENSES: Defendants under 18 (tobacco offenses) or
covered by a motor vehicle liability insurance policy or 21 (alcohol offense:s) are required by IX law to appear in front of a judge. You must
request a court date on 1he10e cases.
that you were otherwise exempt from the requirements
to provide evidence offinancial responsibility. See
Please read carefully. Incomplete and late requests will be denied.
Texas Transportation Code 601.233(a).
Citation Amount: $377.00
Proof of Financial Responsibility (e ,g . Insurance)- Conviction for !he offense of
Failure to Maintain Financial Rasponsibilily carries a suspension of your driver's If you are CONTESTING the charge: (1) Sign, date, & print your address below
license and motor vehicle registration unless you establish and maintain evidence {2) Provide a copy of your valid DL/1 D (3) Mail citation & DL/1 D copy by the
of financial responsibility as required by Section 601 .231 of the Motor Vehicle appearance date. A Pre-Trial hearing date will be mailed to the address provided.
Safety Responsibility Act. Refer to the court's website for additional information on Trials.
If you are convicted of a '!'lsdemeanor offense involving violence where you 1hereby enter an initial plea of NOT GUlL TV to the charge & wish to have a trial by
are or were a spouse, intimate partner, parent, or guardian of the victim or are jury or judge.
or were involved in ano!her, similar relationship \Ailth !he victim, it mil'"" be
unlawful for you _to possess or purchase a flrearm,lncluding a handgun or long Slqnature _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Date _ _ _ _ _ __
gun, or ammunition, pUTsuant to federal law under 18 U.s.c. Section 922(g)(9) _ _____________________________ __
or Section 46.04(b), Texas Penal Code. If you have any questions whether

these laws make itlllegalfor you to possess or purchase a firearm, you should
consult an attorney. If you are NOT CONTESTING the charge and wish to complete one of the
options below: (1) Circle a plea below (2) Sign, date, & print your address below
(3) Mark an option below(4) Provide a copy ofJourvalid DUID (5) Mail cilation, DUID
copy, required documentation, & fees require by the appearance date.
No:LPD1066097 I hereby enter a plea of No Coolest or Guilty (circle one) to the charge, waive my
CITY OF LAKE WORTH TEXAS Related Case right to a jury trial or hearing by the court. and have selected an option below.! further
understand that by entering this plea I am acknowledging either !hat the State has
- - complied with all of my requests for discovery or that I have made no such requests.
Signature Date _ _ _ _ _ __
You ore hereby notified to appear In person or by writing before the Munloipal Court on or
before OS12712018, bet weenS AM & 5 PM and enter a plea on this charge. Your phone <:all AdMess _______________________________
do~s not constitute an appearance or a plea.

0 Request a Court Date to Speak to the Judge

A court date setting will be mailed to you at the address provided.
------- ·- ---- 0 Paymentln Full _ _ .
(THIS IS NOT A PLEA OF GUlL T) This wiil re&ult in a couviction, wiucn rnay btl reported to your duving/cnmtnal record.
0 Extension to Pay
This will result in a conviction. which may be reported to your driving/criminal record.
An extension letter will be mailed to !he address provided.
Mark One: 0 30 Day Extension 0 90 Day Extension ($25 Time Payment
Fee will be added)
PHONE HT wr SEX RACE O Deferred Disposition (Probation) (COL holder's not eligible- see eligibility
5'8" 200 M w requirements online)
·~ · · ---··~---

This allows a citation to be dismissed & not reported to your driving/criminal record
upon payment of a special expense fee (c~ation amount listed above plus $30}.
completion of a 90 day probation period & completion of a Driver's Safety Course
(if under 25 at !he time of offense). Refer to court's website for eligibility
LAKE WORTH N requirements. By making this request you amrm you meet the requirements
STATE ZIP for eligibility. An extension to pay the special expense fee will result in a longer
TX 76135 probation period. Deferral information will be mailed to !he address provided.
PLAcE.OFEMPLOYMENT BUSINESS PHONE: Mark One: O 30 Day Extension (120 days O 90 Day Extension (180 days
I JUV~NILE: PARENTOOB O Driver's Safety Course IDSC)
requirements online)
probation) probation)
(COL holder's not eligible -see eligibility

This allows certain traffic otrenses to be dismissed & not reported to your driving
record by completion of a DSC . Refer to court's website for eligible offenses &
requirements . By making this request you amrrn you meet & understand the

eligibility requirements. The following must be sent ce[tllled mall by the
appearance date: (1) A copy of your valid TX OL (or current DL & active military I D)
(2) A copy of your proof of financial responsibility (insurance) (3) Court costs of $109
!COLOR VEHICLE TAG MVIMO: (school zone offenses $134). Anv request postmarked after the appearance
will be DENIED. An approval letter will be mailed to address provided. QQ!:!QI
begin a DSC class until approval by the court has been received.
T-MVRYR: T-MVIYR: Pavroent Tvnes: The court accepts cash (in office), personal cheeks (non warrant
cases only), money orders. cashier checks & credit/tie bit cards "t
www.lakeworthll<pmts .com or 1-855-796-5763 (additional fee will apply) . Make all
6300 JACKSBORO HWY payments payable to Lake Worth Municipal Court and include your citation number
The following offenses may be eligible for compliance dismissal with ~roof of correction
Please refer to the court's website for requirements. Appear with required proof or mad
OATE I TlMI: - T ACCIDENT 1RAFFIC !he following · (1) The citation (2) A copy ofyourv.alid_DUID (3~ Motio_n to Dismiss form
"'b (on website) (4) Copy of the required proof (5) Otsmtssal applicable Incomplete
requests will be denied. No extensions will be granted on dismissal fees.
LPD1 066096-3263-0


YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO SUMMON Defendant, Glenn Winningham Fearn, residing at 6340 Lake Worth
Blvd #437, Fort Worth, TX 76135, to appear before the Municipal Court of the City of Lake Worth, Tarrant County, Texas
August 15, 2018 at 2:30 PM
(or you may appear in the court office on or before this date)
then and there to answer to the State of Texas by and through the City of Lake Worth for a misdemeanor offense committed
_ ~Jl~inst Jh~ laws of the State ()f Texas (gr ordLn~nce ofJhe said city), to_wit: Fail To Display_ [)_river's License, of which
offense Defendant is accused by written complaint, under oath by D. Martinez.
Defendant: Failure to appear may result in your arrest.
It is an offense for a person to intentionally influence or coerce a witness to testify falsely or to
elude legal process. It is also a felony offense to harm or threaten to harm a witness or
prospective witness in retaliation for or on account of the service of the person as a witness or to
prevent or delay the person's service as a witness to a crime.
Faltar a comparecer puede resultar en su arresto.
Es una ofensa que una persona intencionalmente ejerza influencia o coercion sobre un testigo
para que testifique falsamente o para eludir el proceso legal. Tambien es una ofensa de delito
grave, o felonia, danar o amenazar a un testigo o testigo en prospecto por retaliaci6n por o
debido al servicio que Ia persona presta como testigo, o prevenir o dilatar los servicios de Ia
persona como testigo de un crimen.
HERE!N FAIL NOT, and make due return hereof, showing how you executed the same.
WITNESS my official signature, this the 30th day of July, 2018.

Judge, Municipal Court

City of Lake Worth
Tarrant County, Texas

Address: Glenn Winningham Fearn

6340 Lake Worth Blvd #437
Fort Worth, Tx 76135
LPD1 066096·3263·0


YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO SUMMON Defendant, Glenn Winningham Fearn, residing at 6340 Lake Worth
Blvd #437, Fort Worth, TX 76135, to appear before the Municipal Court of the City of Lake Worth, Tarrant County, Texas
September 19, 2018 at 2:30PM
(or you may appear in the court office on or before this date)
then and there to answer to the State of Texas by and through the City of Lake Worth for a misdemeanor offense committed
against the laws of the State of Texas (or ordinance of the said city), to wit: Fail To Display Driver's License, of which
offense Defendant is accused by written complaint, under oath by D. Martinez.
Defendant: Failure to appear may result in your arrest.
It is an offense for a person to intentionally influence or coerce a witness to testify falsely or to
elude legal process. It is also a felony offense to harm or threaten to harm a witness or
prospective witness in retaliation for or on account of the service of the person as a witness or to
prevent or delay the person's service as a witness to a crime.
Faltar a comparecer puede resultar en su arresto.
Es una ofensa que una persona intencionalmente ejerza influencia o coercion sobre un testigo
para que testifique falsamente o para eludir el proceso legal. Tam bien es una ofensa de del ito
grave, o felonia, danar o amenazar a un testigo o testigo en prospecto por retaliaci6n por o
debido al servicio que Ia persona presta como testigo, o prevenir o dilatar los servicios de Ia
persona como testigo de un crimen.
HEREIN FAIL NOT, and make due return hereof, showing how you executed the same.
WITNESS my official signature, this the 1st day of August, 2018.

Judge, Municipal Court

City of Lake Worth
Tarrant County, Texas

Address: Glenn Winningham Fearn

6340 Lake Worth Blvd #437
Fort Worth, Tx 76135


YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO SUMMON Defendant, Glenn Winningham Fearn, residing at 6340 Lake Worth
Blvd #437, Fort Worth, TX 76135, to appear before the Municipal Court of the City of Lake Worth, Tarrant County, Texas
September 19, 2018 at 2:30PM
(or you may appear in the court office on or before this date)
then and there to answer to the State of Texas by and through the City of Lake Worth for a misdemeanor offense committed
against the la~s of the State of Texas (or ordinance of the_ s~id city), to wit: Failure To Maintajn FLn_am:ial ResP-Qnsibility,
of which offense Defendant is accused by written complaint, under oath by D. Martinez.
Defendant: Failure to appear may result in your arrest.
It is an offense for a person to intentionally influence or coerce a witness to testify falsely or to
elude legal process. It is also a felony offense to harm or threaten to harm a witness or
prospective witness in retaliation for or on account of the service of the person as a witness or to
prevent or delay the person's service as a witness to a crime.
Faltar a comparecer puede resultar en su arresto.
Es una ofensa que una persona intencionalmente ejerza inftuencia o coercion sabre un testigo
para que testifique falsamente o para eludir el proceso legal. Tambien es una ofensa de delito
grave, o felonia, daiiar o amenazar a un testigo o testigo en prospecto par retaliaci6n por o
debido al servicio que Ia persona presta como testigo, o prevenir o dilatar los servicios de Ia
persona como testigo de un crimen.
HEREIN FAIL NOT, and make due return hereof, showing how you executed the same.
WITNESS my official signature, this the 1st day of August, 2018.

Judge, Municipal Court

City of Lake Worth
Tarrant County, Texas

Address: Glenn Winningham Fearn

6340 Lake Worth Blvd #437
Fort Worth, Tx 76135
PHONE (817)444-2541

July 30, 2018


________,___ _ - -- - - ---·---- - -

RE: Citation .A 023735 03



Our records show that you were arrested in \A~ \N~~ and
that you still have outstanding fines that have not been taken care of.

You have been credited $ X for time served and at this time you owe a
balance of $345.80 . You are now ordered to return to Court on
August 27, 2018 at 6:00p.m. If you do not wish to appear, you may remit th
balance due to our office at 613 Southeast Parkway, Azle, TX 76020.

Failure to appear in Court or pay your fines in full may result in the
issuance of a warrant for your arrest and/or additional charges or fines.

Court Clerks' Office
PHONE {817)444~2541

July 30, 2018


- -- ·- - - ···
--~--~-----..-"'~ - ------
. -- ------ -~- - -- -~----- -

RE: Citat i on A023735 02

Offense: SPEEDING 15 & OVER 77 MPH in a 60 MPH zone


Our records show that you were arrested in loU \N~ and
that you still have outstanding fines that have not been taken care of.

You have been credited $ ~ for time served and at this time you owe a
balance of $367.90 . You are now ordered to return to Court on
August 27, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. If you do not wish to appear, you may remit th
balance due to our office at 613 Southeast Parkway, Azle, TX 76020.

Failure to appear in Court or pay your fines in full may result in the
issuance of a warrant for your arrest and/or additional charges or fines.

Court Clerks' Office
PHONE (817)444~2541

July 30, 2018


RE: Citation A023735 01



Our records show that you were arrested in \.A~t, hltv'~ and
that you still have outstanding fines that have not been taken care of.

You have been credited $ ~ for time served and at this time you owe a
balance of $449.80 . You are now ordered to return to Court on
August 27, 2018 at 6:00p.m. If you do not wish to appear, you may remit th
balance due to our office at 613 Southeast Parkway, Azle, TX 76020.

Failure to appear in Court or pay your fines in full may result in the
issuance of a warrant for your arrest and/or additional charges or fines.

Court Clerks' Office

Justin T. Holt, Managing Attorney Principal Office: Branch Offices

James R. Mallory, Attorney at Law 6200 Airport Freeway 1902 S. Cooper
Robert A. Green, Attorney at Law Fort Worth, Texas 76117 Arlington, Texas 76013
Jim Lollar, Of Counsel (817) 831-4321 (817) 860-4467
Fax (817) 831-5977
August 1, 2018 (817) 924-3236



My name is Justin T. Holt, I am the Managing Attorney with Mallory, Lollar, Holt & Associates, P.C. in Fort
Worth. The LAKE WORTH Municipal Court Citation List indicates you may have recently received the
following citation(s):

I'd like the opportunity to show you how my law firm can help you with your citation. Mallory, Lollar, Holt
& Associates, P.C. attorneys have been representing clients in north Texas for more than 40 years. Some
advantages and benefits to hiring Mallory, Lollar, Holt & Associates, P.C. include:

• AFFORDABLE REPRESENTATION FEES- the attorney fees for most cases start at just
$50 for full representation UP TO AND INCLUDING TRIAL -you WILL NEVER be charged
a trial fee on any case we handle for you .. .EVER
• CONVENIENCE - we have three metroplex locations to serve you. Avoid long lines at the
court and allow us to help you over the phone with a FREE CONSULTATION.
Our Principal Office is OPEN SATURDAYS from 8:30 AM- 12:30 PM to better serve you.
• PROTECT YOUR DRIVING RECORD - we diligently work to prevent a citation from
appearing on your driving history which will help you avoid costly surcharges, points and
increased auto insurance rates
• WARRANTS are lifted starting at $40 per violation in most cases once the representation fee is
Please call (817) 831-43 21 to receive a free - no obligation - consultation and quote for
our services and to get started today. Please visit us online for additional information at
www. Jusnn Holt

Mallory, Lollar, Holt & Associates, P.C.
Se Habla Espaiiol


Justin T. Holt, Managing Attorney Principal Office: Branch Offices

James R. Mallory, Attorney at Law 6200 Airport Freeway 1902 S. Cooper
Robert A. Green, Attorney at Law Fort Worth, Texas 76117 Arlington, Texas 76013
Jim Lollar, Of Counsel (817) 831-4321 (817) 860-4467
Fax (817) 831-5977
August 3, 2018 (817) 924-3236



My name is Justin T. Holt, I am the Managing Attorney with Mallory, Lollar, Holt & Associates, P.C. in Fort
Worth. The LAKE WORTH Municipal Court Citation List indicates you may have recently received the
following citation(s):

I'd like the opportunity to show you how my law firm can help you with your citation. Mallory, Lollar, Holt
& Associates, P.C. attorneys have been representing clients in north Texas for more than 40 years. Some
advantages and benefits to hiring Mallory, Lollar, Holt & Associates, P.C. include:

• AFFORDABLE REPRESENTATION FEES - the attorney fees for most cases start at just
$50 for full representation UP TO AND INCLUDING TRIAL -you WILL NEVER be charged
a trial fee on any case we handle for you .. .EVER
• CONVENIENCE - we have three metroplex locations to serve you. Avoid long lines at the
court and allow us to help you over the phone with a FREE CONSULTATION.
Our Principal Office is OPEN SATURDAYS from 8:30 AM- 12:30 PM to better serve you.
• PROTECT YOUR DRIVING RECORD - we diligently work to prevent a citation from
appearing on your driving history which will help you avoid costly surcharges, points and
increased auto insurance rates
• WARRANTS are lifted starting at $40 per violation in most cases once the representation fee is
Please call (817) 831-43 21 to receive a free - no obligation - consultation and quote for
our services and to get started today. Please visit us online for additional information at
WWW. Justin Holt

Mallory, Lollar, Holt & Associates, P.C.
Se Habla Espaiiol


Justin T. Holt, Managing Attorney Principal Office: Branch Offices

James R. Mallory, Attorney at Law 6200 Airport Freeway 1902 S. Cooper
Robert A. Green, Attorney at Law Fort Worth, Texas 76117 Arlington, Texas 76013
Jim Lollar, Of Counsel (817) 831-4321 (817) 860-4467
Fax (817) 831-5977
August 8, 2018 (817) 924-3236



My name is Justin T. Holt, I am the Managing Attorney with Mallory, Lollar, Holt & Associates, P.C. in Fort
Worth. The LAKE WORTH Municipal Court Citation List indicates you may have recently received the
following citation(s):

I'd like the opportunity to show you how my law firm can help you with your citation. Mallory, Lollar, Holt
& Associates, P.C. attorneys have been representing clients in north Texas for more than 40 years . Some
advantages and benefits to hiring Mallory, Lollar, Holt & Associates, P.C. include:

• AFFORDABLE REPRESENTATION FEES- the attorney fees for most cases start at just
$50 for full representation UP TO AND INCLUDING TRIAL - you WILL NEVER be charged
a trial fee on any case we handle for you .. .EVER
• CONVENIENCE - we have three metroplex locations to serve you. Avoid long lines at the
court and allow us to help you over the phone with a FREE CONSULTATION.
Our Principal Office is OPEN SATURDAYS from 8:30 AM- 12:30 PM to better serve you.
• PROTECT YOUR DRIVING RECORD - we diligently work to prevent a citation from
appearing on your driving history which will help you avoid costly surcharges, points and
increased auto insurance rates
• WARRANTS are lifted starting at $40 per violation in most cases once the representation fee is
Please call (81 7) 831-43 21 to receive a free - no obligation - consultation and quote for
our services and to get started today. Please visit us online for additional information at
WWW. Justin Holt

Mallory, Lollar, Holt & Associates, P.C.
Se Habla Espaiiol


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