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Identify key ideas, representative authors and works, significant historical or cultural
events, and characteristic perspectives or attitudes expressed in the literature of different
periods or regions by CORNELL NOTES
a. tracing historic literary timeline; b. identifying contextual literary influences; c. distinguishing
sociological forces; d. pointing out literary
Reflecting on course goal #1 in understanding literature across multiple periods and regions, I
found that using Cornell notes with our course’s textbook has met this goal. Working on our
Cornell notes and reading the textbook allowed me to be more engaged with the material we
were learning about each week. This helped me to understand key ideas, authors, historical
events, and cultural contexts shared in the literature. Organizing my ideas/thoughts on each
chapter helped me to recognize contextual influences, sociological forces, and literary genres.
2. Analyze literary works as expressions of individual or communal values within the
social, political, cultural, or religious contexts of different literary periods by CORNELL
NOTES/DISCUSSIONS a. distinguishing universal and period themes; b. identifying literary
movements; c. categorizing works by movements; d. giving examples of multicultural traits; e.
differentiating among cultural elements; f. inferring minority voice.
Reflecting on course goal #2, which involves analyzing literary pieces with their social, political,
cultural, and religious ideas and engaging in our class discussion posts and Cornell notes, has
helped me excel in this course goal. We have advanced in identifying universal themes and
movements through note-taking and actively participating in the weekly discussions. I’ve also
learned to categorize works accordingly and recognize multicultural traits and minority voices
within literature. Through this process, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of how literature
reflects societal values and beliefs, and found appreciation for the diverse perspectives
represented in literary works.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of the development of characteristic forms or styles of
expression during different historical periods or in different regions by PRESENTATION
a. identifying themes and other literary devices; b. interpreting function of literary elements; c.
explaining authorial style; d. distinguishing period traits.
When reflecting on course goal #3, I find that the 18th-century presentations were instrumental
in my course success, deepening my skills in identifying themes and literary devices prevalent in
that era's literature. While discussions and assignments strengthened my knowledge, presenting
to the classroom compelled me to master the function of literary elements and explain the
authorial style characteristic of the period. Additionally, engaging with other groups'
presentations allowed my group to distinguish period traits, further refining our understanding of
the historical context and its impact on literary expression. Through active participation, we
showcased mastery of these skills while enhancing our appreciation for the intricacies of
18th-century literature.
4. Articulate the aesthetic principles that guide the scope and variety of works in the arts
and humanities by a. comparing works for variance and similitude. CORNELL NOTES
When considering course goal #4, I realize that utilizing Cornell notes significantly aided my
exploration of the aesthetic principles guiding the scope and variety of works in the arts and
humanities. The structured format of Cornell notes facilitated my ability to articulate these
principles by enabling me to analyze works for both their differences and similarities in a more
profound manner.

5. Write research-based critical papers about the assigned readings in clear and
grammatically correct prose, using various critical approaches to literature by a. devising
appropriate writing objective; b. compiling pertinent scholarly materials; c. integrating secondary
sources; d. citing written material correctly; e. generating supported literary interpretation; f.
demonstrating awareness of audience, purpose, and tone; g. composing accurate literary analysis.
Reflecting on course goal #5 I found that the literary essay helped my group master this goal
because we used multiple approaches to literature and clearly stated material. Through this
assignment we practiced citing written material correctly , generating supported literary
interpretation and composing accurate literary analysis.
6. Critical Thinking Skills: Demonstrate critical thinking skills by
a. differentiating between broad, general topics and narrow, focused topics; b. identifying
purpose or rhetorical occasion; c. reading and responding to course materials in a way that
demonstrates ability to apply, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize material effectively; d. discerning
the validity, value, and strengths and weaknesses of information, assessments, statements, or
evidence provided, and providing a solid, evidence-based explanation of such a critique.
When reflecting off of course goal #6 having to find the difference between broad and simple
topics and also finding more focus ideas has allowed my group to demonstrate our critical
thinking skills. Through our cornell notes , discussions , and papers we have shown mastery in
applying , analyzing and evaluating material.

7. Communication Skills: Demonstrate communication skills by a. selecting appropriate

b. utilizing various technologies as they relate to competent communication; c. demonstrating
ability to analyze audience and writing appropriately for that audience; d. using appropriate
diction, including precise word choice and varied vocabulary.
When reflecting on course goal #7 I noticed that our 18th Century presentation and our One
Pager met this goal. By working on these assignments I was able to understand and engage with
the material. It also helped me to demonstrate communication skills by helping me to analyze my
audience and be selective with my word choice.
8. Personal Responsibility: Demonstrate personal responsibility by TIME PERIOD
PRESENTATION a. demonstrating effective listening skills when evaluating and analyzing
information in the classroom setting; b. demonstrating the ability to consider differing points of
view; c. demonstrating audience sensitivity in regard to scope, content, language level, tone, and
word choice.
When reflecting on course goal #8 I found that by listening to and creating the time period
presentations we were able to reach this goal. This course goal allowed me to consider my peers
views on certain topics, demonstrate audience sensitivity, and demonstrate listening skills.
9. Social Responsibility: Demonstrate the ability to place selected works in historical
context by intercultural competency, civic knowledge, and the ability to engage effectively
in regional, national, and global communities by ALL WORK a. demonstrating an
understanding of the impact of arts and literature on culture by analyzing art and literature in
terms of their role in society and culture; b. examining artists’ lives and philosophies in terms of
their impact on art, literature, and culture.
By reflecting on course goal #9 I found that all of our work helped us to achieve this goal.
Understanding the impact of art and literature on culture has greatly influenced my perspective
on social responsibility. Through our work we were also able to examine the lives and
philosophies of many artists.

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