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MS3100 Engineering Measurements – Practicum Module 2

This practicum aims to introduce measurement system elements, static measurement, as well
as dynamic measurement. Measurement system elements and static measurement are
introduced through a weight scale utilizing load cell, meanwhile dynamic measurement is
introduced through a vibration sensor calibration. In addition, a deflection measurement of a
cantilever beam will also be conducted in this practicum.

Basic Elements of Measurement Systems

In general, a measurement system comprises four basic elements, namely sensing element,
signal conditioning element, signal processing element and data presentation element. These
elements are illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Basic elements of a measurement system

The Weight Scale

Figure 2 shows a strain-gauge-based weight scale. Referring to the figure, the scale consists
of four strain gauges attached on a deflection bar. A strain gauge is a sensing element whose
resistance changes as mechanical strain applied. All of strain gauges is arranged in an
electrical circuit called Wheatstone bridge. The bridge is driven by a constant voltage of 5
volts delivered from the IC HX711 through red and black cables. Due to this driving voltage,
the bridge results in an output voltage (response) whose value depends on the strain being
applied to the strain gauges. This output voltage is sent back to the IC HX711 through white
and green cables.

IC HX711 is an integrated circuit containing both of voltage amplifier and a 24-bit ADC
(Analog to Digital Converter). The amplifier is required because the voltage coming from
the Wheatstone bridge is still too weak to be measured. Furthermore, the amplified voltage
is converted into a digital number using an analog to digital converter (ADC). Figure 3 shows
the working principle of a 2-bits and a 24-bits ADC. The 2-bits ADC converts the analog

Figure 2 The weight scale wiring diagram

voltage into a digital number based on the stepping function shown. As the number of bits
reaches 24, the stepping function gets much smoother causing the function appears linear.
This linear approximation is applicable in the ADC of the IC HX711.

Figure 3 Working principle of an ADC (a) 2-bits (b) 24-bits

The digital number produced by IC HX711 is delivered to an Arduino UNO, a

microprocessor-based system. The Arduino UNO converts binary numbers into a relevant
integer varying between 0 and 16,777,215 which is equal to (224–1). They correspond to the
input voltage varying between 0 and 5 Volts. The integer is proceeded based on the program
that has been injected to the Arduino UNO so that the Arduino UNO sends a number to the
LCD 1602 to be displayed. The LCD provides a number which is the output of the

Static and Dynamic Measurements

Based on quantity variation with time, measurements are classified into two kinds, namely
static and dynamic measurements. Static measurement is a measurement whose quantity

being measured does not change with time (exactly or nearly constant), for example air
pressure and temperature measurements. Meanwhile, dynamic measurement is a
measurement whose quantity being measured changes with time, for example vibration and
air pressure measurements on a reciprocating internal combustion engine. To understand
static measurement, students are going to calibrate the weight scale explained above. To
understand dynamic measurement, students are going to calibrate a vibration sensor.

Calibration of a Vibration Sensor

The calibration is performed by comparing vibration amplitude read by the calibrated sensor
with vibration amplitude read by the calibrator sensor. There are two kinds of measurement
conducted in this calibration, which are linearity measurement and frequency response
measurement. In the linearity measurement, the output voltages from distinct vibration
amplitude are measured. The measurement is typically done at a constant vibration
frequency, namely 80 Hz or 160 Hz. This measurement results in the output voltage to
vibration amplitude ratio that is called sensor sensitivity [unit: mV/G, where 1 G = 9.81 m/s2].
The sensitivity of a vibration sensor is expectedly constant, but it is not in fact. That is why
another kind of measurement involving frequency-varied vibration has to be conducted. This
measurement is referred to as frequency response measurement. In his measurement, several
vibration signals with constant amplitude but different frequencies are measured.

Figure 4 shows the vibration sensor calibration schematically. Referring to the figure, the
calibration requires a calibrator sensor that is used as a benchmark/reference. This sensor will
be vibrated at the same time with the sensor being calibrated. The vibration is generated using
an electrodynamic shaker that is controlled using a controller in order to produce a sinusoidal
vibration with a controlled frequency as well as amplitude. To visualize the signal coming
from the calibrator, an oscilloscope will be involved.

Figure 4 Apparatus of vibration sensor calibration

Name: Fauzan Ahmad Section 1
NIM: 13121035

Students Worksheet

Measurement Elements
Identify and then classify the components/circuits/elements involved in the weight scale.
Express the reason underlying the classification.

- cell it's resistance changes according to the strain


change mechanical to

&ICXHill -

supply constant voltage (5V) that will change as the resistance changes

and convert it to
wheat stone bridge
also amplifies the voltage from
digital number using (ADC)

signal processing Arduino UNO -> converts binary numbers to integer

of the Measurement
LCD 1602 -
display the output

Static Calibration
Weigh the steel chip with distinct weight. For each, record the integer number displayed on the
LCD until you fill up the following table completely. Based on the table, draw the linearity
graph and then calculate the sensor sensitivity.
Mass 𝑦 Voltage &
(gr) (digital) (volt)
100 104 024 .
0 031.

200 200 066 .

0 062.

500 312 021 .

0 093

L00 ↳116 063 . 0 124


500 519 979 . 0 155.

600 624 083 .

0 186.

700 128 858 .

0 217

800 832 .
119 0 2418 .

900 936 158 .

0 . 279
1000 1 0 L10 198
. . 0 310 .

y =
0 0003 x

sensitivity 0 0003

Deflection Measurement on a Cantilever Beam
In this measurement, students are going to calculate the beam deflection using mathematical
formula they have learned in Mechanics of Materials. The results are going to be compared
with other results coming from dial indicator and LVDT. In addition, students are going to make
a similar comparison for mechanical stress at which the strain gauge is attached.

2mm x, 2cm x E 2100pd


h 5 40cm

Useful formulas: 50cm b 5cm


L 2
= = =

I = 13

052) 5 858x8
10 05)(0
= .
= .

M c
052 0 0026
= =
= .

= 19 .
TozalMass(gr) S (MM) (MM) error(% )
- -

⑧ ⑧ ⑧ 0

(197 18 1161 6
1200 3.
. .

990 . 15 2315 8 .

2400 35 .

25 % 500D
1487 97 .
3480 2 .

36083 32 .

1685 79 .
3942 9 .
3 8

2184 09 .

5108 3 . 5280 3 25

Total Mass (gr) ~

(MPa) Strain
⑧ ⑧ 0 ⑧ ⑧
↳197 15 .
10 82 .
-0 .
024 18 9 .


993 32 .
21 .
62 - 0 049 . 98 94 .

0 096.

25 % SOOD
1490 4 .
32 44 .
- 0 .
074 148 4 .
0 . 074
v 099 199 0 575
1988 76 ↳13 29
- . .


2187 91 .
↳7 63 .
0 10 .

219 8 .
0 98

Name: Farzan Ahmad Section 2
NIM: 13121035

Dynamic Calibration: Linearity Measurement

Based on the LabView program, record the signal amplitude (peak) and write down the result
on the following table. Furthermore, calculate the sensitivity of calibrated sensor.
Reference sensor Calibrated sensor Calculate the sensitivity.
– amplitude (g) – amplitude (mV)
By regression :
1 0 L19 .
↳19 L

100 22 x +0 4192
2 97 8 y =

0 97
. .

. .

3 1 46. 126 7 .

4 1 95 .
195 8 .

100 22 .
5 2 42 . 243 1 .

6 2 91 . 292 4 .

7 . 40
3 348 4 .

8 .E
3 389 4 .

9 4 35 . 436 5 .

10 4 84 . 1185 5 .

Draw the linearity graph! Compare with the specification, provide your analysis!
Reference sensitivity 103 2 MV/0

calibrated sensitivity

100 2 mv/0 -

there is =
2 88. % error from the

supposed value .

But ,
this error can be define as small

Hence, the sensor is still acceptable

Dynamic Calibration: Frequency Response Function (FRF) Measurement

Fill up the following table based on the FRF measurement, then plot the FRF graph. Reference
sensor sensitivity = 103.2 mV/G.
Reference Sensor Sensor being calibrated
No. Calculated Calculated FRF
(Hz) mV – Peak mV – Peak
G – Peak G – Peak
1 100 3 0 912 & . 0 879
. .
0 904

2 100 8 . 0 976
. 91 2
0 909 .
0 931.

3 8 101 1 .
0 979 .
95 2 .
0 .
949 0 969 .

4 18 995 0 964 . 90 2 . 0 959 .

0 995 .

5 14 101 O . 0 978 . 99 3 . 0 990 .

1 . 012

6 18 100 9 .
0 977 .
99 .
2 0 989 .
1 012

7 25 101 3 .
0 981 .
99 3 .
0 990 .
1 .009

8 34 101 5 .
0 . 983 99 3 . 0 998 . 1 007

9 46 99 8 . 0 967 . 97 4 .
0 971 . 1 004
10 63 100 2 .
0 911 .
97 6
0 973
1 .003

11 86 100 5 .
0 974 . 97 4 . 0 911 . 8 997 .

12 17 100 O . 0 969 .
95 9 .
0 956 .
0 . 987
13 158 100 8 . 0 976 . 98 9 . 0 .

986 1 . 013

14 215 99 8 . 0 967 . 97 2 .
0 .
969 1 .002

15 293 100 6 .
0 974 .
99 1 . 0 . 988 1 014 .

16 398 101 0 978 . 97 7 . 0 974 .

0 996 .

17 541 100 .
9 0 977 . 98 9 .
0 986 . 1 . 009
18 736 100 3 . 0 971 .
97 6 .
0 973 .

19 1000 99 6 .
0 965 .
96 0 .
957 0 94 .

20 1300 100 7 .
0 975 .
101 . 9 1 .
016 1 . OLR
21 1000 180 . 9 0 977 .
109 . 1 .088 1 113

22 2000 100 I . 0 969 .

117 5 .
1 172 .
1 . 208

Draw the frequency response graph!

1 2-
- &

11 .


wa s 0 W
1- D

0 .

0 -

Determine the frequency range! Compare with the specification, provide your analysis!
Treshold = 5%

Therefore the frequency range is 0 955

. to 1 005

& -peak calibrated


& -peak reference

As some of the FRF value is outside of the treshold , the sensor would not

have the same value for all frequency .

Sensor is affected by the frequency .

Cross Sensitivity Measurement

Cross sensitivity (or transverse sensitivity) is the sensor sensitivity in a direction at which the
sensor is not measuring. This kind of sensitivity is unexpected; thus, an ideal sensor has no
cross sensitivity. In fact, there is no ideal sensor. Every sensor has an its own cross sensitivity

even though it is very small. For example, there is an information as follows in the specification
of accelerometer sensor:
 Sensitivity: 100 mV/g ± 10% nominal 80 Hz at 22°C
 Transverse sensitivity: less than 5%
Based on the specification, the sensor has a sensitivity of 100 mV/G and also a cross sensitivity
of less than 5% which means less than 5 mV/G. In this practicum, students are going to measure
the output voltage coming from a vibration sensor that is vibrated in a direction that is
perpendicular to its measurement direction. Record the results on the following table.

Reference sensor Calibrated sensor Calculate the cross-sensitivity.

– amplitude (g) – amplitude (mV)
119 9 y =

3 2583 x - 0 .


0 L19 1 3③


103 . 2 0 97 2 76
sensitivity 2583


152 8

1 46 ↳ 28

. .

4 1 95 .
6 23.

251 6 .

5 2 42 .
7 .

302 O .

6 2 91 . 9 83 .

352 2 .

7 . 40
3 11 32 .

402 5 8 .E
3 12 65

4 ↳19 .
9 4 35 .
13 84 .

501 3 .

10 4 84 .

15 .

Draw the cross-sensitivity graph! Compare with the specification, provide your analysis!

sensitivity =
100 mV /I
therefore , cross-sensitivity is only

3 25 %
of the Sensitivity which

is less than 5 %, thus

making this
sensor a good one .

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