Memberdayakan Wirausahawan Muda Yang Mendorong Kemajuan Melalui Digital

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memberdayakan wirausahawan muda yang mendorong kemajuan melalui digital"

'Ways to empower young entrepreneurs through digital advances'

Before empowering entrepreneurs, we should know what the percentage of

business profits will be in the future and with what we will advance the business.
Because of what?because before we start something we have to have a plan and
strategy. The same thing applies to empowering entrepreneurs because their
success depends on our plan and strategy

OK, if this is true for us, if there is a failure or loss, only we will bear it, but on the
other hand, if we are dealing with many people, there will be many parties who
will be affected, therefore preparations must be made as thoroughly as possible

Therefore, it is important for us to know how much profit we will get in the future
with this business because in the future various new businesses will emerge which
are likely to have greater profits than the existing businesses, thereforeIt is hoped
that apart from having a plan and strategy, entrepreneurs must also have education
about business and with empowerment, it is hoped that they will understand better
and know how

to ensure that the business manage achieves profits because of and within their
own empowermentIt's not just about tutorials to become a successful entrepreneur,
but it also provides lessons related to the business world so that the business
managed can compete in the future and achieve profit figures. This starts with
education because with education a person will gain knowledgenew and The next
step is that we have to know with what means we will achieve profit figures. These
days we are certainly no strangers to anything digital starting from digital learning,
digital markets, even digital transactions. With this, as entrepreneurs we definitely
have to can see the benefits that exist if we use them well ,to achieve the highest
profit figures and how we don't forget the field practice that will make
entrepreneurs skilled in doing business based on theory

So!the first step in empowering entrepreneurs is carried out with education about
business and field practices and the next step to

The next step is that we have to know with what means we will achieve profit
figures. These days we are certainly no strangers to anything digital starting from
digital learning, digital markets, even digital transactions. With this, as
entrepreneurs we definitely have tocan see the benefits that exist if we use them
well to achieve the highest profit figures and how we can utilize them. Returning to
point number one, namely with education after we know about the digital advances
that are currently developingWe should learn how to use it and this starts from
small things, such as opening an online shop, where maybe we can do business
with one product, which later this product will develop and how we can develop
this product, back to point number one withlearn, so before we take advantage of a
development, let alone a technological development, we should first learn about
technology and how we can develop it. This also applies to the business world and
entrepreneurs who are building businesses through digital technology

Indeed, empowerment has many ways and for me one way to empower young
entrepreneurs through digital is through education and field practice because with
that we not only stand to motivate with various theories but also provide provisions
in the form ofpractice and theory because few will succeed if we rely on theory
alone without practice because business is not only about theory and strategy but
about how skilled you are at managing and seeing the situation. This requires
training based on theory and practice many times and don't forgethow to use digital
technology as a milestone to achieve profit figures

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