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HISTORY OF EXTENSION would support a state college or university for teaching

Distant Origins “agriculture and the mechanic arts”

1800 B.C. 1887 - the Hatch Act was instituted to provide funds for
- in Mesopotamia (now Iraq). state agricultural experiment stations.
Unearthed clay tablets reveal advice on watering crops and Agricultural extension became widespread in the USA
getting rid of rats.HISTORY OF EXTENSION towards the end of the 19th century
 Distant Origins
1800 B.C. - in Mesopotamia (now Iraq). The term agricultural extension was finally adopted in the
Unearthed clay tablets reveal advice on watering crops and U.S when the federal Smith-Lever Act of 1914 called for the
getting rid of rats. establishment of the Cooperative Extension Service – a
tripartite cooperation of federal, state and local county
Some Egyptian hieroglyphics also show advice on avoiding governments with the state college as the extension agency
crop damage and loss of life from the Nile river.
- Similar texts on agricultural advice dating back to Greek, The transfer of the US land grant model of extension to the
Phoenicians and Roman civilizations were found. Third World was an offshoot of the US reparation
movement, which aimed at rehabilitating war-torn ally
Birth of Modern Agricultural countries in the 1950s.
Extension Services - Agricultural extension was brought by external assistance
 According to historical documents, potato late blight with US extension experts serving as consultants or
infested Ireland potato farms that brought vast devastation advisers to Latin America, African, and Asian countries.
to the country in 1845.
 Earl of Clarendon sent a letter to the President of the Extension in the Philippines
Royal Agricultural Improvement Society of Ireland  Spanish Regime
requesting to initiate changes in the cropping system and - Extension work in the Philippines began as early as 1565
husbandry practices of the impoverished Irish small with the setting up of model farms or Granjas
farmers.Some Egyptian hieroglyphics also show advice on Modelos by the first Spanish missionaries in Negros
avoiding crop damage and loss of life from the Nile river. Occidental for sugarcane, in Pampanga for rice, and in
Isabela for tobacco.
Beginnings of Extension in Europe
American Regime
1840’s – the term “ university extension” or “extension of October 8, 1901 – beginning of extension work during the
the university was first recorded in American regime.
Britain.1867- 68 April 30, 1902 - Bureau of Agriculture was established.
-first practical steps to institutionalizing extension in a July 1910 -The Demonstration and Extension Division (DED)
college when James Stuart, Fellow of Trinity College, was established within the Bureau. DED became the first
Cambridge, gave lectures to women’s associations and formally organized government institute to implement
men’s clubs in North of England. research and extension programs.
- James Stuart is often considered to be the father of
university extension.

1871 - Stuart appealed to the authorities of the University 1929- Bureau of Agriculture was reorganized and the
of Cambridge to organize extension lectures under the Bureaus of Plant Industry and Animal Industry were
university’s supervision. formed.
1873 - extension education was introduced by Cambridge - The Agricultural Extension Division was transferred under
University in England to describe an educational innovation the Bureau of Plant Industry.
done outside the university 1936- Commonwealth Act No. 85 under president Manuel
L. Quezon established the Provincial Extension services to
1876 - London University followed Cambridge in adopting widen the reach of extension services.
the system
1878 - Oxford University also adopted the innovation 1942-1945 ( Japanese Occupation)
– Home economics and agricultural extension works in the
1862 - Department of Agriculture and the Land Grant provinces were paralyzed.
Universities were established through federal legislation in 1947- Home Extension Unit was fused with Agricultural
the USA. Extension Unit of the Bureau of Plant Industry. The
-Morrill Act, signed by Abraham Lincoln, provided research function was left to the Plant Utilization Division.
mechanisms for agricultural education.
- The Act stipulated that each state would set aside acreage July 16, 1952- RA No. 680 established the Bureau of
of federal land and that income derived from the property Agricultural Extension (BAEx).
- This move is based on the Bell Report which
recommended the consolidation of scattered extension activities to thee Ministry of Agriculture; these activities
services provided by the different government bureaus. were then officially called ADVISoRY SERVICES
- BAEx became responsible for all the extension activities of
the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. This same term (in English) was used by most European
countries as they developed and/or expanded similar
1963 - Republic Act No. 3844 or the Agricultural Land advisory services within their respective ministries of
Reform Code was signed into law and BAEx was renamed agriculture.
Agricultural Productivity Commission (APC).
A. Stirrings in the 19th century England
May 2, 1973- Masagana 99 Program was launched.
Under the program research results generated in 1840's
experiment stations and applied research conducted in The term University Extension was first used in Britain
farmers’ fields were put together in a 16-simple-step
package of production technology. 1850's

1982 - EO No. 803 established an integrated management - Discussi ons began in Oxford and Cambridge) about how
system for agricultural services and inputs. the could serve the needs of the rapidly growing population
- The province was designated as the political unit of in the industrial, urban areas
management for inducing agricultural development,
coordination & supervision of operations of various
agencies involved in the delivery of agricultural services. -First practical attempt was made in what was designated
- the Integrated Agricultural Research Stations (RIARS) were
established to provide technical support to the extension University Extension" not for students enrolled in the
workers. universities bringing the university outside of its campus to
people who could not qualify for entry into university
1987 – creation of Agricultural Training Institute thru EO no
116 1871
- BAEx together with the Philippine Agricultural Training
James Stuart
Council (PATC) were merged into the Agricultural Training
Institute (ATI). The Father of University Extension"

1991 – Devolution of Agricultural Extension. The Local A Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge
Government Code thru Republic Act No. 7160 aims to
ensure the delivery of basic services in the agricultural He appealed to the authorities of University of Cambridg
extension system. too organize Centers of Extension Lectures under university
-The authority to manage and supervise the agricultural
extension in the country was decentralized to the local
government units (LGUs). 1872-UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE adopted the system

1997 - The enactment of the Agricultural and Fisheries 1876 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON adopted the system
Modernization Act (AFMA) of the Philippines through RA
8435. It stipulates major policy interventions to improve 1878 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD adopted the system
the extension services of the country.
The extension system became well-established and
HISTORY OF EXTENSION developed into what was to be called Extension Movement

The term EXTENSION itself was first used to describe adult B. Birth of Modern Agricuitural Exten sion Service
education programs organized by Oxford and Cambridge
universities in England starting in 1867. These educational
programs helped extend the work of universities beyond 1841
the campus and into the neighboring communities.
The Royal Agricultural Improvement Society (RAIS) in
This term was later formally adopted in the United States in Britain was founded.
conjunction with the land grant universities that were
originally established as teaching institutions during the 1845
1860s. The outbreak of potato blight in Europe (Ireland) caused by
During the early twentieth century, the United Kingdom Phytophthora infestans
transferred respon sibility for agricultural extension
-The effect was most severe in Ireland where the American Regime
predominantly peasant community relied on potatoes as
staple food April 30, 1902

1847 -BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE was established under the

Department of Interior
The newly appointed British viceroy to Ireland, the Earl of
Clarendon, urged the RAIS to appoint lecturers to travel July 1910
around the distressed districts to inform and teach small Demonstration and Extension Division was created under
farmers how to improve the farming and grow other the Bureau of Agriculture. It is the first formally organized
nutrient rich crops
government department implementing research and
1890's extension programns.
Universities incorporated agricultural subjects in their Bureau of Agriculture created to expand extension services,
lectures with the Administrativve Division, doing the exten sion

1850's July 1919

a. Morill Act of 1862 by Pres. Lincoln -DED expanded its work to include farmer's cooperative,
rural credit, marketing and animal insurance
Creation of Land Grant colleges and Universities
Establishment of demon stration centers/experimental
stations Demon stration and Extension Division was changed to
Agricultural Extension Services
b. Farmers' Institute Movements organized meetings (1 to 2
days) for farmers Home Extension Work was started in the Division of
Organic Chemistry of the Bureau of Soils mainly on Food
Speakers were professors from state colleges and
Maria Y. orosa-founded the home exten sion service.
Second Morill Act which extended Land-Grant concept in
other areas of the USA Bureau of Agriculture split into Bureau of Plant

1914, Industry (BPI) and the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI).

Smith-Lever Actt The agricultural extension division was placed undder the
Bureau of Plant Industry and later on renamed Agricultural
- Establishment of the Cooperative Extension Service
Division in 1932. This division carried out extension services
Cooperative Extension Services up to the assumption of Mr. Manuel L. Quezon, as
President or the Commonwealth in 1938.
-a tripartite cooperation between the federal government,
the state government and the local county government in 1936
association with the SUCs as exten sion agency
- Commonwealth Act No. 85- In the provinces, exten sion
EXTENSION IN THE PHILIPPINE SETTING: service was done by the provin cial agriculturist and home

Beginnings of Agricu ltural Extension in the Philippines demonstrators In the provinces. This Act widened the
extension service coverage as it authorized local
Agricultural exten sion may be started from the Spanish government units to support extension service logistically
regime with the of the Grania modelos or model farm. up to years immediately preceding Worid
Granja modelos War I II.
Experimental or demonstration centers for farmers during Undated
the 19th century. initiated by the first Spanish missionaries
Commonwealth Act 649 was passed increasing the amount
to educate rice, corn, and tobacco farmers in large appropriated for extension work. Set-up of agricultural
extension service continued until the outbreak of world war returned to Department of Agriculture and Natural
III Resources with P.D. 970 abolishing the Farm Managementt
office of DAR transferring its function to BAEx.
1942-1945 (Japanese Occupation)

Home economics and agricultural extension work suffered

drawbacks after Japanese Occupation

July 1, 1973
The BAEX was transferred back to DA. The Abaca and
The Home Extension Unit under BPI was fused with the others
Agricultural Exttension Unit of the Bureau of Agriculture.
1977 Fibers Board was Fused with BAEx.
-World Bank Mission appraised the Philippines' Agricultural
The Philippine Government requested the USA to send an Extension Service upon request of the Philippine
economic survey mission to the Philippines to: government.
PHILIPPINES TO BECOME AND TO REMAIN SELF- The Philippines adopted the Training and Visit System (T &
SUPPORTING" V) which evolved into a development strategy designed to
improve the quality of life of farm families through a pool
The Bell Survey Mission Recommendation of resources.
The consolidation of the scattered extension service March 27, 19799
organizations in the different bureaus (BPI, BAI, BS, BFor,
BFis) into one bureau that would adequately extend -National Extension Project (NEP) became operational with
information to farm families for improved farming, a world bank loan of US$ 35M.
homemaking, and rural organization
July 16, 1952
-PD No. 1579 and LOI NO. 595 created ministry-wide
The Bureau of Agricultural Extension (BAEx) was created on regional offices in the Ministry of Agriculture Appointment
by virtue of R.A. 680. The BAEX consolidated all existing of 12

extension services being carried out by differentt offices. ministry-wide regional directors and 24 asst. regional
directors, and 75 PAOs in 1980.
-EO No. 967- renamed the Ministry of Agriculture into the
-The BAEx was changed into Agriculture Productivity Ministry of Agriculture And Food (MAF) and transferred the
Commission (APC) when R.A. 3844 or the Land Reform BFAR from the Ministry of Natural Resources to the MAF.
Code was enacted. It was placed directly under the office of
the President. 1982

1967 EO No. 803 designating the provin ce as the political unit of

management for inducing agricultural development
-Republic Act No. 188 BAEx functions were decentralized
and granted autonomous powers to the local government RA 5185 (Decentralization Act) The provincial governments
unit to appoint their respective provincial agriculturist and were empowered to have their own extension services
municipal extension workers. organizational Structure

1969 Minister of Agricuture

National Food and Agricultural Council (NFAC) emerged by Regional Directorprovincial agriculture office
Virtue of Eo. 183. NFAC was given full control of the food
production program and controlled a large portion of the 1. Senior Home Manage ment Technician (SHMT)
funds for agriculture and funds from the USAID. 2. Rural Youth Development Officer (RYDO)
97 3. Provincial Subject Matter Specialist (SMS)
Presidential Decree No. 1 (P.D. No. 1) and Presidential Municipal
Letter of Implementation No. 9, reverted APC to its
originalname, BAEX (Nov. 1, 1972) and its control was Agriculture Agricultural Food Technologists (AETs) officer
Philippine exports especially hemp, sugar, tobacco0, vopra
and embroideries

President Manuel L. Quezon

Division of Soil Survey was created to undertake soil and
EO No. 116 BAEx, Agricultural Training Council, and the agronomical survey
Philippine Training Center for Rural Development were
merged into the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI). The President Jose P. Laurel
"BIRTH" of the ATI
The period of "Rude Awakening"- realization that the
meant the "DEATH" of the BAEX Philippines did not raise enough food for the people and
was not self-sufficient
Recent Development in the Agricultural Extension System
President Manuel A. Roxas
Parity Rights to the Americans- The disposition,
To insure the delivery of basic services in the agricultural exploitation, development, and utilization of all agricultural,
extension system, the Congress of the Philippines enacted timber and mineral lands or the puDc Rehabilitati on
into law the Local Government Code (RA No. 7160). Among Finance Corporation (RFC now known as Developmment
other provisions, the Code decentralized authority to local Bank of the Philippines[DBP]) = for the rehabilitation and
government units (LGUS) the management and supervision development of agriculture among others
of agricultural extension system of the country.
President Elpidio Quirino
Bureau of Agricultural Extension
RA 84335Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act
(AFMA) Made the rice industry the first commodity sector to have
an integrated national planning.
Major Concerns of AFMA
Rural Bank Act- organization of a system of rural banks with
1.Food security substantial capital participation of the government
2. Poverty alleviation and social equity Agricultural Credit Cooperative Financinng
3. Income enhancement and profitability especially for Administration (ACCFA)- authorized to organize the
farmers and fisher folkS Farmers Cooperative Marketing Associations (FACOMAS)
4. Global Competitiveness Sustainability President Ramon Magsaysay
PHILIPPINE AGRICULTURE Philippines became a member of UN-FAO
Spanish Era National Rice and Corn Program- lanched along with Rice
Introduced and aclimatized the myrrh birds (Martinez) from and Corn Coordinating Council
China to fight against migratory locust infestation in the Rice and Corn Coordinating Council- forerunner of the
Philippines Plan General Economico included the income National Food and Agriculture Council (NFAC) now known
generating monopolies of tobacoo, jareta nut, spirituous as
liquors and explosives
National Agriculture and Fishery Council (NAFC)
American Occupation

June 23, 1898- Creation of the Department of Agriculture

and Manufacturing

Homestead Law- every Filipino citizen has the opportunity

to acquire at least 24 hectares of land.

Torrens Act- Safeguard of all titles to cultivated lands

owned Dy private persons.

1902- Creation of Bureau of Agriculture, now the Bureau of

Plant Industry to promote agriculture

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