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Motion In Two

1.(a) By doing so component of weight of vehicle provides

centripetal force. 18. (c) When a particle is thrown in vertical downward direction
2.(d) with velocity u then final velocity at the ground level
3.(a) The value of frictional force should be equal or more

than required centripetal force, i.e. jumg > mv

Th L
4.(b) L
5.(c) Change in velocity = 2usin(0/2) =2usin20

6.(c) In uniform circular motion only centripetal acceleration v2 =u2 + 2gh .-. v = V"2 + 2gh
Another particle is thrown horizontally with same
mv = 10 =^ -mu2=10x- = U. velocity then at the surface of earth.
8.(d) For looping the loop minimum velocity at the lowest
point should be yJ5gl .
9. (c) F = ma>2R .-. F oc co2 (m and R are constant)
If angular velocity is doubled force will becomes four
10.(c) F ^ mco2R .-. F oc R (m and co are constant)
If radius of the path is halved, then force will also
Horizontal component of velocity vx = u
become half.

11.(c) F = mo)2R .-. Roc—-, (m and F are constant) .-.Resultantvelocity, v = •y/u2 + 2gh.
For both the particle final velocities when they reach the
If a; is doubled then radius will become 1/4 times i.e. R/4
earth's surface are equal.
13.(c) Difference in K.E. = Difference in P.E. = 2mgr. 19. (c) The vertical components of velocity of both the balls
will be same if they stay in air for the same period of
/22_ \v2
14.(b) aresultant ~ \aradial + Qtangential ~ \i~^2 + time. Hence vertical height attained will be same.

mv 20. (b) Change in momentum = 2mii)sin 6 = 2mv sin — = V2mv

15.(b) T= y[2S/(l-cos0)]

= mg + 2mg(l-cos60) = 2mg=2x 0.1 x 9.8=1.96N 2usin0^ 2x50x1

21. (c) Total time of flight = = 5s.
g ' 2x10
16.(b) Horizontal distance travelled by the bomb S = uxt
Time to cross the wall = 3 sec (Given)
nnn \'11 nr\r\ (2x8x10n r\rti i
= 200x J— = 200x J= 8.081/cm.
9.8 Time in air after crossing the wall = (5 - 3) = 2 sec

17. (a) R = 2H given .-. Distance travelled beyond the wall = (ucos^)t

We know R = 4Hcot0
= 50xx2 = 86.6 m.
From triangle we can say that sin 0 = —=•, cos 0 = —= 22. (c) Equation of trajectory for oblique projectile motion
2u2 sin<9cos y = x tan 055—
/. Range of projectile R = 2u2 cos2 0

Substituting x = D and u = v0
2u2 2 1 4v2
9 -JE V5 = Dtan0-
2ul cos2 0

Newton's Laws of Motion

(7) If two objects of different masses have same momentum,

Point Mass
the lighter body possesses greater velocity,
(1)An object can be considered as a point object if during
p = m^! = m2v2 = constant
motion in a given time, it covers distance much greater than its
own size. h_
(2)Object with zero dimension is considered as a point mass. m p = constant

(3)Point mass is a mathematical concept to simplify the

i.e. u —

Inertia [As p is constant]

(8)For a given body p<^uFig : 4.1
(1)Inherent property of all the bodies by virtue of which
(9)For different bodies moving with same velocities
they can not change their state of rest or uniform motion along a
straight line by their own is called inertia.

(2)Inertia is not a physical quantity, it is only a property of m = constant v = constant

the body which depends on mass of the body.

(3)Inertia has no units and no dimensions

(4)Two bodies of equal mass, one in motion and another is

at rest, possess same inertia because it is a factor of mass only and
Fig : 4.2 v Fig : 4.3
does not depend upon the velocity.
Newton's First Law
Linear Momentum
(1)A body continue to be in its state of rest or of uniform
(1)Linear momentum of a body is the quantity of motion motion along a straight line, unless it is acted upon by some
contained in the body. external force to change the state.
(2)It is measured in terms of the force required to stop the
(2)If no net force acts on a body, then the velocity of the
body in unit time.
body cannot change i.e. the body cannot accelerate.
(3)It is also measured as the product of the mass of the
(3)Newton's first law gives the qualitative definition of force.
body and its velocity i.e., Momentum = mass x velocity.
(4)Mathematically it can be stated as " a = 0 if and only if
If a body of mass m is moving with velocity v then its
linear momentum p is given by p = rrw
If sum of all the forces acting on the particle is known to be
(4)It is a^eetot_guantity and it's directionjs_same~as_ths zero then particle remains unaccelerated.
directiorLflf^elocity of the body^
(5)Newton's. first law was called the law of inertia by
(5)Units : kg-m/sec [S.I.], g-cm/sec [C.G.S.] Galileo. Inertia are of three types :
(6)Dimension : [MU~l\ Inertia of rest, Inertia of motion and Inertia of direction.
Newton's Laws of Motion 179

(6) Inertia of rest : It is the inability of a body to change (7)Inertia of motion : It is the inability of a body to
by itself, its state of rest. This means a body at rest remains at rest change by itself its state of uniform motion i.e., a body in uniform
and cannot start moving by its own. motion can neither accelerate nor retard by its own.
Example : (i) A person who is standing freely in bus, thrown Example : (i) When a bus or train stops suddenly, a
backward, when bus starts suddenly.
passenger sitting inside tends to fall forward. This is because the
When a bus suddenly starts, the force responsible for bringing lower part of his body comes to rest with the bus or train but the
bus in motion is also transmitted to lower part of body, so this part of upper part tends to continue its motion due to inertia of motion.
the body comes in motion along with the bus. While the upper half
(ii) A person jumping out of a moving train may fall forward.
of body (say above the waist) receives no force to overcome inertia
of rest and so it stays in its original position. Thus there is a relative (iii) An athlete runs a certain distance before taking a long
displacement between the two parts of the body and it appears as if jump. This is because v^locity acquired by running is added to
the upper part of the body has been thrown backward. velocity of the athlete at the time of jump. Hence he can jump over
a longer distance.
| rlote : ? (i) If the motion of the bus is slow, the inertia of
(8)Inertia of direction : It is the inability of a body to
motion will be transmitted to the body of the person uniformly and
change by itself it's direction of motion.
so the entire body of the person will come in motion with the bus
and the person will not experience any jerk. Example : (i) When a stpne tied to one end of a string is
whirled and the string breaks suddenly, the stone flies off along the
(ii) When a horse starts suddenly, the rider tends to fall
backwards on account of inertia of rest of upper part of the body tangent to the circle. This is because the pull in the string was

as explained above. forcing the stone to move in a circle. As soon as the string breaks,
the pull vanishes. The stone in a bid to move along the straight line
(iii) A bullet fired on a window pane makes a clean hole
through it, while a ball breaks the whole window. The bullet has a flies off tangentially.
speed much greater than the ball. So its time of contact with glass (ii) The rotating wheel of any vehicle throws out mud, if any,
is small. So in case of bullet the motion is transmitted only to a tangentially, due to directional inertia.
small portion of the glass in that small time. Hence a clear hole is
(iii) When a car goes round a curve suddenly, the person
created in the glass window, while in case of ball, the time and the
sitting inside is thrown outwards.
area of contact is large. During this time the motion is transmitted
to the entire window, thus creating the cracks in the entire window.

(1)The rate of change of linear momentum of a body is

directly proportional to the external force applied on the body
and this change takes place always in the direction of the
applied force.

(2)If a body of mass m, moves with velocity u then its

Cracks by the ballHole by the bullet — is

linear momentum can be given byp = mu and if force F
Fig : 4.4
applied on a body, then
(iv) In the arrangement shown in the figure :
(a)If the string B is pulled with a sudden jerk then it will
experience tension while due to inertia of rest of
dt dt
mass M this force will not be transmitted to the
or F = (K = 1 in C.G.S. and S.I. units)
string A and so the string B will break. dt
(b)If the string B is pulled steadily the force M f. d . -. dv
applied to it will be transmitted from string B to A or F = —(mv) = m— = ma
through the mass M and as tension in A will be B
greater than in B by Mg (weight of mass M), the (As a = — = acceleration produced in the body)
string A will break. r dt
Fig : 4.5
(v) If we place a coin on smooth piece of .'. F = ma
card board covering a glass and strike the card board piece
Force = mass x acceleration
suddenly with a finger. The cardboard slips away and the coin falls
into the glass due to inertia of rest. (3)Newton's second law gives the quantitative definition of

(vi) The dust particles in a carpet falls off when it is beaten force.

with a stick. This is because the beating sets the carpet in motion (4)Newton's first and third law can be derived from second
whereas the dust particles tend to remain at rest and hence separate. law therefore second law is the most fundamental law out of three.
289 Newton

Force Dyne : One dyne is that force which produces an

acceleration of lcmIs2 in a body of mass 1 gram.
(1) Force is an external effect in the form of a push or mill
which .: 1 Dyne = lgm cm/sec2

(i) Produces or tries to prndnrp mr^^ip^ ifl_ajxxiyat rest. Relation between absolute units of force 1 Newton = 105 Dyne
(ii) Stops or tries to stop a moving body Kilogram-force : It is that force which produces an
(iii) Changes or tries to change the direction of motion of the acceleration of 9.8mIs2 in a body of mass 1 leg.
.-. 1 kg-f =9.80 Newton
" (iv) Changes the shapgjafJthe body at rest.
Gram-force : It is that force which produces an
Table 4.1 : Various conditions of force application acceleration of 980cmIs2 in a body of mass lgm.

.-. 1 gm-f = 980 Dyne

Here force
(4) F = ma formula is valid only if force is changing the state
is trying to the state of
of rest or motion and the mass of the body is constant and finite.
Basic forces in nature

Interaction Relative strength Associated particle

Gravitational 1 Gravitation
Body starts moving. Here force
u=0 v>0 Weak 1025 Neutrino and
Electromagnetic 1036 Photon
In a small interval of ^^me, force Nuclear 1038 pi-mesons
Jc-mesons (pions)
>u and direction of motion remains
same. (5)Out of natural forces, for distance 10~15 metre, nuclear
force is strongest while gravitational force weakest.
In a small interval of time, force
Miudear > ^electromagnetic > ^"weak nuclear > ^gravitational
decreases the magnitude of
V<U speed and directio^ of motion (6)If force and acceleration have three component along x,
remains same. y and z axis, then
F = Fxi + Fvj + Fzk and a = aj + aj + azk
In uniforj^ circular motion only
direction' of velocity changes, From above it is clear that Fx=max, F, = ma,,,F, = ma
^a ' yy ' ZZ
speed remains constant Force is
(7)When force is written without direction then positive
force means repulsive while negative force means attractive.
In non-uniform circular motion, Example : Positive force - Force between two similar charges
elliptical, parabolic or hyperbolic Negative force - Force between two opposite charges
motion force acts at an angle to
(8)Ratio of electric force and gravitational force between
the direction of motion. In all
two electron's FJFg= 1043 .-. Fe Fg
these Inotions, both magnitude
(9)Constant force : If the direction and magnitude of a force
is constant, it is said to be a constant force.
(2) Dimension : Force = mass x acceleration (10)Variable or dependent force :
(i) Time dependent force : In case of impulse or motion of a
charged particle in an alternating electric field force is time
(3) Units: Absolute units : (i) Newton (S.I.) (ii) Dyne dependent.
(C.G.S) (11)Position dependent force : Gravitational force between
Gravitational units : (i) Kilogram-force (M.K.S.) (ii) Gram- two bodies
force (C.Q^S)

Newton : One Newton is that force which produces an or Force between two charged particles =
acceleration of lm/s2 in a body of mass 1 kilogram^
(iii) Velocity dependent force : Viscous force (6mjrv)
.'.1 Newton =lkg~m/s2 Force on charged particle in a magnetic field {qvB sin 0)
I (11) Central force : If a position dependent force F = -5-
•^ V

Newton's Laws of Mot^^rtl 181

Equilibrium of Concurrent Forces

(1)If all the forces working on a body are acting on the
is directed towards or away from a fixed point it is said to be same point, then they are said to be concurrent.
central otheiw^^e non-central.
(2)A body, under the action of concurrent forces, is said to
Exampfe: Coulombian force, gravitational force
be in equilibrium, when there is no change in the state of rest or of
ctron uniform motion along a straight line.
(3)The necessary condition for the equilibrium of a body
under the action of concurrent forces is that the vector sum of all
Nucl the forces acting on the body must be zero.

(4)Mathematically for equilibrium ^Fnet=0

Fig : 4.6
(12)Conservative or non conservative force : If under the
action of a force the work done in a round trip is zero or the work
(5) Three concurrent forces will be in equilibrium, if they can
is path independent, or there is no change in K.E. ,the force is said
be represented completely by three sides of a triangle taken in
to be conservative otherwise non conservative.
Example : Conservative force : Gravitational force, electric
force, elastic force. B
Central forces are conservative forces.
Non conservative force : Frictional force, viscous force.
(13)Common forces in mechanics :
(i) Weight : Weight of an object is the force with which earth Fig : 4.11
attracts it. It is also called the force of gravity or the gravitational force.
(6) Lami's Theorem : For three concurrent forces in
(ii) Reaction or Normal force : When a body is placed on a
rigid surface, the body experiences a force which is perpendicular equilibrium l = 2 -
sin or smp sm^
to the surfaces in contact. This force is called 'Normal force' or

Fi^:S7Fig: 4.8
Newton's Third Law
(iii) Tension : The force exerted by the end of taut string,
rope or chain against pulling (applied) force is called the tension. To every action, there is always an equal (in magnitude) and
The direction of tension is so as to pull the body and away from opposite (in direction) reaction.
the body. Tension force is an electromagnetic force. (1)When a body exerts a force on any other body, the
T=F second body also exerts an equal and opposite force on the first.

(2)Forces in nature always occur in pairs. A single isolated

Fig : 4.9 force is not possible.
(iv) Spring force : Every spring resists any attempt to change
(3)Any agent, applying a force also experiences a force of
its length. This resistive force increases with change in length.
equal magnitude but in opposite direction. The force applied by
Spring force is given by F = -Kx ; where x is the change in length
and K is the spring constant (unit N/m). the agent is called ^Action^ and the counter force experienced by it
is called 'Reaction1.

(4)Action and reaction never act on the same body. If it

were so, the total force on a body would have always been zero
i.e. the body will always remain in equilibrium.

(5)If Fab = force exerted on body A by body B (Action) and

Fba = force exerted on body B by body A (Reaction)

Then according to Newton's third law of motion

Fig : 4.10 Fab = -Fba

2 Newton's Laws of Motion

(6) Example : (i) A book lying on a table exerts a force on (d)Ideally no inertial frame exist in universe. For practical
the table which is equal to the weight of the book. This is the force purpose a frame of reference may be considered as inertial if it's
of action. acceleration is negligible with respect to the acceleration of the
object to be observed.
(e)To measure the acceleration of a falling apple, earth can
be considered as an inertial frame (but not by the definition).
(f)To observe the motion of planets, earth cannot be
considered as an inertial frame but for this purpose the sun may be

.13 assumed to be an inertial frame.

The table supports the book, by exerting an equal force on Example : The lift at rest, lift moving (up or down) with
constant velocity, car moving with constant velocity on a straight
the book. This is the force of reaction.
As the system is at rest, net force on it is zero. Therefore force
(ii) Non-inertial frame of reference
of action and reaction must be equal and opposite.
(a)Accelerated frames of reference are called non-inertial
(ii) Swimming is possible due to third law of motion.
frame of reference.
(iii) When a gun is fired, the bullet moves forward (action).
(b)Newton's laws of motion are not applicable in non-
The gun recoils backward (reaction)
inertial frame of reference.
(c)In non-inertial frame, mathematically " a ^ 0 even if

F = 0 " i.e. body appears to be accelerated even if there is no force

acting on the body. In non-inertial frame of reference a pseudo or
Rsind fictious force (-ma) acts on the body present in accelerated frame in
the direction opposite to the acceleration of frame.
Example : Car moving in uniform circular motion, lift which
sS is moving upward or downward with some acceleration, plane
Fig : 4.14 which is taking off.
(iv) While walking a person presses the ground in the Impulse
backward direction (action) by his feet. The ground pushes the
(1)When a large force acts on a body for very small time
person in forward direction with an equal force (reaction). The
interval, it is called impulsive force.
component of reaction in horizontal direction makes the person
An impulsive force does not remain constant, but changes
move forward.
first from zero to maximum and then from maximum to zero. In
such case we measure the total effect of force.
(1)A frame in which an observer is situated and makes his (2)Impulse of a force is a measure of total effect of force.

observations is known as his 'Frame of reference'.

(2)The reference frame is associated with a co-ordinate
(4)Impulse is a vector quantity and its direction is same as
system and a clock to measure the position and time of events
that of force.
happening in space. We can describe all the physical quantities like
(5)Dimension : [ MLT"1 ]
position, velocity, acceleration etc. of an object in this coordinate
(6)Units : Newton-second or kg-m- s"1 (S.I.)
(3)There is no meaning of rest and motion without frame of Dyne-second or gm-cm- s~l (C.G.S.)

reference. (7)Force-time graph : Impulse is equal to the area under F-t

(4)Frame of reference are of two types : (i) Inertial frame of curve.

If we plot a graph between force and time, the area under
reference (ii) Non-inertial frame of reference.
the curve and time axis gives the value of impulse.
(i) Inertial frame of reference :
/ = Area between curve and time axis
(a)A frame of reference which is at rest or which is moving
with a uniform velocity along a straight line is called an inertial
frame of reference.
= — x Base x Height rce ^
(b)In inertial frame of reference Newton's laws of motion
holds good. "^ t *• Time
We can say " a = 0 if and only if F - 0 ". If net force acting Fig : 4.15
'•** ^he particle is zero then body will remain unaccelerated. (8) If Fav is the average magnitude of the force then

(c)Inertial frame of reference are also called unaccelerated

frame of reference or Newtonian or Galilean frame of reference.
Hi... Newton's Laws of Motion

(9) From Newton's second law This equation shows that in absence of external force for a
closed system the linear momentum of individual particles may
F= change but their sum remains unchanged with time.
(2)Law of conservation of linear momentum is independent
or \l2Fdt= f P2dp
JhJ Pi of frame of reference, though linear momentum depends on frame
At t2
of reference.
=> l =P2 "Pi =AP Fig : 4 16
(3)Conservation of linear momentum is equivalent to
i.e. The impulse of a force is equal to the change in
Newton's third law of motion.
This statement is known as Impulse momentum theorem. For a system of two particles in absence of external force, by
Examples : Hitting, kicking, catching, jumping, diving, law of conservation of linear momentum.
collision etc.
P! + p2= constant.
In all these cases an impulse acts.
/ = J F dt = Fau. At = Ap = constant /. m-Jj-^ + m2v2 = constant.

So if time of contact At is increased, average force is Differentiating above with respect to time
decreased (or diluted) and vice-versa.

(i) In hitting or kfeking a ball we decrease the time of contact m, —- + m2 —- = 0 => m^ + m2a2 =0 => Fi + F2 = 0

so that large force acts on the ball producing greater acceleration.

/. F2=-Fi
(ii) In catching a ball a player by drawing his hands
backwards increases the time of contact and so, lesser force acts on i.e. for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

his hands and his hands are saved from getting hurt. which is Newton's third law of motion.

(4) Practical applications of the law of conservation of linear


(i) When a man jumps out of a boat on the shore, the boat
is pushed slightly away from the shore.

(ii) A person left on a frictionless surface can get away from

it by blowing air out of his mouth or by throwing some object in a
Fig : 4.17
direction opposite to the direction in which he wants to move.
(iii) In jumping on sand (or water) the time of contact is
(iii) Recoiling of a gun : For bullet and gun system, the
increased due to yielding of sand or water so force is decreased
force exerted by trigger will be internal so the momentum of the
and we are not injured. However if we jump on cemented floor the
system remains unaffected.
motion stops in a very short interval of time resulting in a large
force due to which we are seriously injured.

(iv) An athlete is advised to come to stop slowly after

finishing a fast race, so that time of stop increases and hence force
experienced by him decreases. Fig : 4.18
(v) China wares are wrapped in straw or paper before
Let mG = mass of gun, mB = mass of bullet,
vG = velocity of gun, vB = velocity of bullet

Initial momentum of system = 0

If no external force acts on a system (called isolated) of
constant mass, the total momentum of the system remains constant Final momentum of system = mGvG + mBvB
with time.
By the law of conservation of linear momentum

(1) According to this law for a system of particles F = —j- mGvG + mBvB = 0
In the absence of external force F = 0 then p = constant So recoil velocity uG =—v
mn E
i.e., p ^ + p3 +.... = constant.
(a) Here negative sign indicates that the velocity of recoil uG
or Hi^ u^+ m2 v2+ m3 u3+.... = constant is opposite to the velocity of the bullet.
(b)vG <*=
84 Newton's Laws of Motion

i.e. higher the mass of gun, lesser the velocity

(c) Instantaneous velocity of the rocket:
of recoil of gun. m
(c)While firing the gun must be held tightly to the shoulder, and if effect of gravity is neglected
this would save hurting the shoulder because in this condition the
body of the shooter and the gun behave as one body. Total mass "'0o
—- oro i"'0
= 2.303ulog10 ^2
m ){ m
becomes large and recoil velocity becomes too small.

(d) Burnt out speed of the rocket: vb = vmax = ulogj ——


The speed attained by the rocket when the complete fuel gets
If 'n' bullets each of mass m are fired per unit time from a
burnt is called burnt out speed of the rocket. It is the maximum
machine gun, then the force required to hold the gun
speed acquired by the rocket.
(dm^ . .
=v = v (mn) = mnv .
Free Body Diagram
(iv) Rocket propulsion : The initial momentum of the In this diagram the object of interest is isolated from its
rocket on its launching pad is zero. When it is fired from the surroundings and the interactions between the object and the
launching pad, the exhaust gases rush downward at a high speed surroundings are represented in terms of forces. Choose the axes
and to conserve momentum, the rocket moves upwards. and write equation of motion.

Fig : 4.19
Let m0 = initial mass of rocket, mj sin/?
Free body diagram Free body diagram
m = mass of rocket at any instant't' (instantaneous mass) of mass rri] of mass W2
Fig : 4.20
mr = residual mass of empty container of the rocket
Apparent Weight of a Body in a Lift
u = velocity of exhaust gases,

v = velocity of rocket at any instant't' (instantaneous velocity) When a body of mass m is placed on a weighing machine
which is placed in a lift, then actual weight of the body is mg.
, —— = rate of change of mass of rocket = rate of fuel
= rate of ejection of the fuel.

(a) Thrust on the rocket: F = -umg

F = -u—— (if effect of gravity is neglected)
Here negative sign indicates that direction of thrust is
Fig : 4.21
opposite to the direction of escaping gases.

u dm This acts on a weighing machine which offers a reaction R

(b) Acceleration of the rocket: a=g
m dt - given by the reading of weighing machine. This reaction exerted by
the surface of contact on the body is the apparent weight of the
and if effect of gravity is neglected a =
m dt body.
1 Newton's Laws of Motion 185

Table 4.2 : Apparent weight in a lift

Condition Figure Velocity Acceleration Reaction Conclusion


R~mg = 0 Apparent weight
lift is at rest u=0
.: R = mg = Actual weight



Lift moving upward

v — constant J?-mg = 0 Apparent weight
or downward with
constant velocity .-. R = mg = Actual weight


Lift accelerating R
upward at the rate v = variable R-mg~ ma Apparent weight
of V or retarding a<9
:.R = mig + a) > Actual weight
downward. Balance]

Lift accelerating R
upward at tire rate v = variable R~mg = mg Apparent weight
of 'g' or retarding a=g
= 2 Actual weight

> 'mg


Lift accelerating R
downward at the v = variable mg - i? = ma Apparent weight <
rate of 'a' or a<3
.-./? = m{g-a) Actual weight
retarding upward. | mm Bala^ce

Lift accelerating
downward at the v = variable mg-R—mg Apparent weight
rate of *g' or Zero (weightlessness)
retarding upward.

Lift accelerating R
mg - R = ma negative means the
downward at the a> g v = variable
a>g R ^ mg - ma body will rise from the
rate of a(>g)or
R = ~ve floor of the lift and stick
retarding upward. I, sp^w Balance] to the ceiling of the lift.
186 Newton's Laws of Motion

Acceleration of Block on Horizontal Smooth Surface Acceleration of Block on Smooth Inclined Plane
(1)When a pull is horizontal (1)When inclined plane is at rest
Normal reaction R = mg cos^
R = mg
Force along a inclined plane
and F = ma^^^^^
F = mg sin^ ; ma = mg sin^
.'. a = F/m^ mg /.a = gsin^
Fig : 4.22 (2)When an inclined plane is given a horizontal
(2)When a pull is acting at an angle (0) to the acceleration 'b'
horizontal (upward) Since the body lies in an accelerating frame, an inertial force
(mb) acts on it in the opposite direction.
R + F sin 6 = mg Fsin^| f

=>J? = mg-Fsir\0
and F cos^ = ma
Fcos0 mg
/. a =
m Fig : 4.23 in 0

(3) When a push is acting at an angle (01 to the Fig : 4.25

horizontal (downward) Normal reaction R = mg cos^ + mb sin0

R = mg + F sin^ ll and ma = mg sin 0- mb cos 0

;. a = gsin^-b cos^
and F cos^ = ma
| r/ote: ? The condition for the body to be at rest relative
_ F cos 0 mg
m Fiind to the inclined plane : a = gs\n0-b cos^ = 0
Fig : 4.24 .: b = g tan^

Motion of Blocks In Contact

Condition Free body diagram Equation Force and acceleration

F-f ^= a =-

F •:
nij +17^2

^ $:. m2

M^ /-•

mx+m2+ m3
F r'l m3
f1~f2 =m2a f

k- k=
m3 m1+m2+ m3
Newton's Law of Motion 187

A = mia

B ,
m1+m2 + m3


Motion of Blocks Connected by Mass Less String

Condition Free body diagratn Equation Tension and acceleration

T ^m^
B + m2
T m2
F-T = m2a

F-T =
+ JTI2

m2a T=
m2 m^ +m2

A B ^*2 ~ ^1 ~ m2a
m2 m3

F - T2 = m3a T1 —

-Tj =mla
+ m2 + 013

- T2 = T
A m2 + m2
m2 m3

T2 = m3a
188 Newton's Laws of Motion

Motion of Connected Block Over A Pulley

Condition Free body diagram Equation Tension and acceleration

mxa ~TX-mxg

\ a
i2 -



T2 = a-

t mla ~ ^*1 ~
irij + m2 + m3

Tt ii.
— m2g + T2 —
i m^g + T2

+ m2 + m3

73=2^ Q ==
+ m2
Newton's Law of Motion 189

Condition ^ree body diagram Equation Tension ^nd acceleration

When pulley have a finite
mass M and radius R then
tension in two segments of i' a=
string are different

m2a = 7*2 — _ L_J

T; Torque = {Tl-T2)R



7712 m2a~m2g-T

= T - mjg sin 0

1 ~~ 7*

_ (m2 sin ^^^mi ^na)

mjg sm T - mjg sin a —

-m^g sin fi-T —_

Condition Free body diagram Equation Tension and acceleration

mxg sin 6
m^sin ^g sin 0 - T =
rt^ +rn2

T = m2a
+ m2


a -a-
+ m2

d2(x2) .1712 ^a2


1d2(Xl) .27
^ _ 2m1m2g
4m1 + m2

aj = acceleration of block A

a2 = acceleration of block B

[ma + m2 + M]

T rnl{2m2+M)
m2a = 72 — 1 [m1+m2+M]


7j-72= Ma ^1
Newton's Law of Motion I9^

Table 4.3 : Motion of massive string

Condition Equation Tension and


Tj = force applied by the string on

the block
M -';

T2 ^ Tension at mid point of the

F~ a-F Im

m = Mass of string

T = Tension in string at a
distance x from the end where
the force is applied

A ^L)^ B
ET Mxa
a —•

L = Length of string

192 Newton's taws of Motion

Spring Balance and Physical Balance In this physical balance if a body of weight W is placed in
pan X then to balance it we have to put a weight W^ in pan Y.
(1) Spring balance : When its upper end is fixed with rigid
support and body of mass m hung from its lower end. Spring is For rotational equilibrium about point 'O'

stretched and the weight of the body can be (X + W)a = (Y + W1)b...(ii)

measured by the reading of spring balance
Now if the pans are changed then to balance the body we
have to put a weight W2 in pan X.

The mechanism of weighing machine

For rotational equilibrium about point '0'
is same as that of spring balance.
{X + W2)a = {Y + W)b...(iii)
Effect of frame of reference : In
From (i), (ii) and (iii)
inertial frame of reference the reading of
Fig : 4.26
True weight W = yjW^
spring balance shows the actual weight of the
body but in non-inertial frame of reference reading of spring (b) If the beam of physical balance is not horizontal (when
balance increases or decreases in accordance with the direction of the pans are empty) and the arms are equal
i.e. X > Y and a = b
(2) Physical balance : In physical balance actually we In this physical balance if a body of weight W is placed in X
compare the mass of body in both the pans. Here we do not Pan then to balance it.
calculate the absolute weight of the body. We have to put a weight W1 in Y Pan

For equilibrium X + W = Y + Wa... (i)

Fig: 4.27
Here X and Y are the mass of the empty pan.
g : 4.29
(i) Perfect physical balance :
Now if pans are changed then to balance the body we have
Weight of the pan should be equal i.e. X = Y
to put a weight W2 in X Pan.
and the needle must in middle of the beam i.e. a = b.
For equilibrium X + W2=Y + W... (ii)
Effect of frame of reference : If the physical balance is
From (i) and (ii)
perfect then there will be no effect of frame of reference (either
True weight W=Wl+W*
inertial or non-inertial) on the measurement. It is always errorless.

Modification of Newton's Laws of motion

According to Newton, time and space are absolute. The
velocity of observer has no effect on it. But, according to special
theory of relativity Newton's laws are true, as long as we are deeding
with velocities which are small compare to velocity of light. Hence
the time and space measured by two observers in relative motion are
not same. Some conclusions drawn by the special theory of relativity
(ii) False balance : When the masses of the pan are not
about mass, time and distance which are as follows :
equal then balance shows the error in measurement. False balance
(1) Let the length of a rod at rest with respect to an observer
may be of two types
is Lo. If the rod moves with velocity u w.r.t. observer and its length
(a) If the beam of physical balance is horizontal (when the
isL, then L = L0^l-v2/c2
pans are empty) but the arms are not equal

X > Y and a<b where, c is the velocity of light.

For rotational equilibrium about point 'O' Now, as u increases L decreases, hence the length will

Xa = Yb...(i) appear shrinking.

Newton's Law of Motion 193 UNIVERSAL

(2) Let a clock reads To for an observer at rest. If the clock MS A single isolated force cannot exist.
moves with velocity v and clock reads T with respect to observer,
MS Newton's first law of the motion defines the force.
then T = Tn
MS Absolute units of force remains the same throughout the
universe while gravitational units of force varies from place to
place as they depend upon the value of 'g'.
Hence, the clock in motion will appear slow.
(3) Let the mass of a body is m0 at rest with respect to an MS Newton's second law of motion gives the measure of force
observer. Now, the body moves with velocity v with respect to i.e. F = ma

observer and its mass is m, then m =— MS Force is a vector quantity.

MS Absolute units of force are dyne in CGS system and newton

(N) in SI.
m0 is called the rest mass.
MS lN=105dyne.
Hence, the mass increases with increase in velocity.
MS Gravitational units of force are gf (or gwt) in CGS system
| r/ote : ? If v c, i.e., velocity of the body is very small
and kgf (or kgwt) in SI.
w.r.t. velocity of light, then m = m0. i.e., in the practice there will
MS 1 gf =980 dyne and lkgf= 9.8N
be no change in the mass.
? If u is comparable to c, then m > m0 i.e., mass will MS The beam balance compares masses.

MS Acceleration of a horse-cart system is

? If v = c, then m = or m = — = o. Hence, the H-F

mass becomes infinite, which is not possible, thus the speed cannot where H = Horizontal component of reaction; F = force of
be equal to the velocity of light. friction; M = mass of horse; m = mass of cart.
? The velocity of particles can be accelerated up to a
MS The weight of the body measured by the spring balance in
certain limit. Even in cyclotron the speed of charged particles
a lift is equal to the apparent weight.
cannot be increased beyond a certain limit.
MS Apparent weight of a freely falling body = ZERO, (state of
Tips & Tricks MS If the person climbs up along the rope with acceleration a,
then tension in the rope will be m{g+a)

MS If the person climbs down along the rope with acceleration,

MS Inertia is proportional to mass of the body. then tension in the rope will be m(g - a)

MS Force cause a^celeration. MS When the person climbs up or down with uniform speed,
MS In the absence of the force, a body moves along a straight tension in the string will be mg.
line path with uniform velocity. MS A body starting from rest moves along a smooth inclined
MS A system or a body is said to be in equilibrium, when the plane of length /, height h and having angle of inclination 0 .
net force acting on it is zero.
(i) Its acceleration down the plane is g sin 0 .
MS If a number of forces FVF2,F3, act on the body,
(ii) Its velocity at the bottom of the inclined plane will be
then it is in equilibrium wherrFj + F2+F3 += 0 rsin0 .

MS A body in equilibrium cannot change the direction of

(iii) Time taken to reach the bottom will be
MS Four types of forces exist in nature. They are - gravitation
(Fg), electromagnetic (Fem), weak force (Fw) and nuclear force 9
(iv) If the angle of inclination is changed keeping the height
(F3):(Fw):(Fem):(Fn): : 1 : 1025: 1036 :1038 constant then

MS If a body moves along a curved path, then it is certainly U sin 0O

acted upon by a force. sin 01

MS For an isolated system (on which no external force acts),
the total momentum remains conserved (Law of conservation of Ordinary Thinking

MS The change in momentum of a body depends on the

Objective Questions
magnitude and direction of the applied force and the period of
First law of Motion
time over which it is applied i.e. it depends on its impulse.
1. A mass of 1 kg is suspended by a string A. Another string C
MS Guns recoil when fired, because of the law of conservation
is connected to its lower end (see figure). If a sudden jerk is
of linear momentum. The positive momentum gained by the
bullet is equal to negative recoil momentum of the gun and so given to C, then

the total momentum before and after the firing of the gun is (a)The portion AB of the string will break
(b)The portion BC of the string will break

MS Recoil velocity of the gun is V = —— u (c)None of the strings will break

(d)The mass will start rotating
where m = mass of bullet, M = mass of gun and v - muzzle
velocity of bullet. 2. In the above Question, if the string C is stretched slowly,

MS The rocket pushes itself forwards by pushing the jet of
exhaust gases backwards. (a)The portion AB of the string will break

(b)The portion BC of the string will break

MS Upthrust on the rocket = u x.
(c)None of the strings will break

where u = velocity of escaping gases relative to rocket and (d)None of the above
= rate of consumption of fuel. 3. A particle is moving with a constant speed along a straight
line path. A force is not required to[AFMC 2001]
MS Initial thrust on rocket = m(g + a), where a is the
(a)Increase its speed
acceleration of the rocket.
(b)Decrease the momentum
MS Upward acceleration of rocket = — x.
m dt (c)Change the direction

(d)Keep it moving with uniform velocity

MS Impulse, / = F x At = change in momentum
4. A man getting down a running bus falls forward because
MS Unit of impulse is N-s.
[Kerala PET 2010]
MS Action and reaction forces never act on the same body.
(a)Due to inertia of rest, road is left behind and man
They act on different bodies. If they act on the same body, the
reaches forward
resultant force on the body will be zero i.e., the body will be in
equilibrium. (b)Due to inertia of motion upper part of body continues

to be in motion in forward direction while feet come to

MS Action and reaction forces are equal in magnitude but
opposite in direction. rest as soon as they touch the road

(c)He leans forward as a matter of habit

MS Action and reaction forces act along the line joining the
centres of two bodies. (d)Of the combined effect of all the three factors stated in

MS Newton's third law is applicable whether the bodies are at (a), (b) and (c)
rest or in motion. 5. When a bus suddenly takes a turn, the passengers are

thrown outwards because of [AFMC 1999; CPMT 2000, 01]

MS The non-inertial character of the earth is evident from the
fact that a falling object does not fall straight down but slightly (a) Inertia of direction(b) Acceleration of motion
deflects to the east due to coryolis (pseudo) force.
(c) Speed of motion(d) Both (b) and (c)
Newton's Laws of Motion 195

Second Law of Motion 9. A 10 kg stone is suspended with a rope of breaking strength

30 kg wt. The minimum time in which the SLone can be
If a bullet of mass 5 gm moving with velocity 100 m Isec, raised through a height 10 m starting from rest is (taking
penetrates the wooden block upto 6 cm. Then the average g = 10 N / kg )[AMU PMT 2009]
force imposed by the bullet on the block is [MP PMT 2003] (a) 0.5 seconds (b) 1.0 seconds
(a) 8300 N(b) 417 N
(c) J— seconds (d) 2.0 seconds
(c) 830 N(d) Zero
A body of mass 0.4 kg starting at origin at t = 0 with a speed
10. A block of mass m is resting on a smooth horizontal surface.
of 10 m/ s in the positive x-axis direction is subjected to a
One end of a uniform rope of mass (m / 3) is fixed to the
constant force F = 8 N towards negative x-axis. Calculate the block, which is pulled in the horizontal direction by applying
position of the particle after 25 seconds [AMU (Engg.) 2012] a force F at the other end. The tension in the middle of the
rope is[Kerala PET 2009]
(a) -6000 m(b) -8000 m
(c) +4000 m(d) +7000 m a —1 (b) ^F
The velocity of a body of mass 20 kg decreases from 20 m/s
(c) ^ (d) -^-i
to 5 m/s in a distance of 100 m. Force on the body is
[Odisha JEE 2009]
e -i
(a) -27.5N(b) -47.5N
(c) -37.5N(d) -67.5N 11. A particle moves in the x - y plane under the influence of a
A ball of mass m moves with speed u and it strikes normally force such that its linear momentum is
with a wall and reflected back normally, if its time of contact p(t) = A[i cos(kt) - ) sin(kt)]
with wall is t then find force exerted by ball on wall
where A and k are constants. The angle between the force
[BCECE 2005] and momentum is[AMU (Engg.) 2009]

(b) — (a) 0(b) 30

(c) 45(d) 90
(c) mvt mu
(d) ~2X 12. A reference frame attached to the earth[AFMC 2006]
(a)Is an inertial frame by definition
A ball of mass 0.2 kg is thrown vertically upwards by
applying a force by hand. If the hand moves 0.2m while (b)Cannot be an inertial frame because earth is revolving

applying the force and the ball goes upto 2m height further, round the sun

find the magnitude of the force. Consider g = 10mIs2 (c)Is an inertial frame because Newton's laws are applicable

[AIEEE 2006] (d)Is an inertial frame because the earth is rotating about

(a) 16 N its own axis

(b) 20 N
(c) 22 N (d) 4N 13. A balloon with mass m is descending down with an

Formula for true force is acceleration a (where a < g). How much mass should be
[MP PMT 2009, 10]
removed from it so that it starts moving up With an
(a) F = ma (b) F = acceleration a[CBSE PMT 2014]
dmv md2x / v rna ma
(c) (d) F =
~dT g+a g-a
2ma 2ma
A body of mass 4 kg is accelerated upon by a constant force, (c) (d)
travels a distance of 5 m in the first second and a distance of g+ag-a
2 m in the third second. The force acting on the body is 14. A person of mass 60 kg is inside a lift of mass 940 kg and
presses the button one control panel. The lift starts moving
[KCET 2008]
upwards with an acceleration 1.0mAs2. If g = 10ms"2, the
(a) 6N(b) 8N
tension in the supporting cable is[Manlpal MEE 1995;
(c) 2N(d) 4N
MP PMT 1999, 2000; DCE 2000, 03, 09;
A body of mass 0.05 kg is observed to fall with an
Pb. PMT 2001, 04; CBSE PMT 2002, 03, 09;
acceleration of 9.5 ms~2 . The opposing force of air on the
Kerala PET 2002, 08; DPMT 2003;
body is (g = 9.8ms"2)[KCET 2009]
Odisha JEE 2011; CBSE PMT (Pre.) 2011]
(a) 0.015 N(b) 0.15 N (a) 1200 N(b) 8600 N
(c) 0.030 N(d) Zero (c) 9680 N(d) 11000 N
196 Newton's Laws o^ M^^^on

is moving down with acceleration a. A man in the lift 23.A particle of mass 0.3 kg is subjected to a force F = -kx
drops a ball inside the lift. The acceleration of the ball as with k = 15 N/m. What will be its initial acceleration if it is
observed by the man in the lift and a man standing released from a point 20 cm away from the origin
stationary on the ground are respectively [AIEEE 2002]
[AIEEE 2005; BCECE 2006]
(a) g,g(b) g-a,g-a (a) 5 m/!^(b) lOm/s2
(c) g-a,g(d) a,g (c) 5 ml!?(d) 15 mis2
16.A block of mass m is placed on a smooth wedge of 24.Which of the following quantities measured from different
inertial reference frames are same[J & K CET 2006]
inclination 0 . The whole system is accelerated horizontally
so that the block does not slip on the wedge. The force (a) Force (b) Velocity

exerted by the wedge on the block (g is acceleration due to (c) Displacement(d) Kinetic energy

gravity) will be[CBSE PMT 2004] 25.The mass of ship is 2xlO7 kg. On applying a force of
(a) mg cos 0 (b) mg sin 0 25xlO5N, it is displaced through 25 m. After the
(c) mg.(d) mg/cos0 displacement, the velocity acquired by the ship will be
17.A lift is going up. The total mass of the lift and the passenger [RPMT 2005]
is 1500 kg. The variation in the speed of the lift is as given in (a) 12.5 mis(b) 5m/s
the graph. The tension in the rope pulling the lift at
(c) 3.7 mis(d) 2.5 m/s
t = 11th sec will be
26.Human heart is pumping blood with constant velocity
(a)17400 N
v m s"1 at the rate of M kg s"1. The force required for this is
(b)14700 N
(inN)[Kerala PMT 2010]
(c)12000 N
(d)Zero (a) M(b) Mv
18.In the above ques., the height to which the lift takes the . . M..^ dM
(c) —(d) v—
passenger is vdt
(a) 3.6 meters(b) 8 meters I \ AA^V
(e) M—
(c) 1.8 meters(d) 36 meters at
19.A body of mass 5kg is suspended by a spring balance on an 27.A solid disc of mass M is just held in air horizontally by
inclined plane as shown in figure. The spring balance throwing 40 stones per sec vertically upwards to strike the

measure disc each with a velocity 6 ms'1. If the mass of each stone
(a)50 N is 0.05kg what is the mass of the disc (g = 10ms~2)

(b)25 N [Kerala (Engg.) 2001]

(c)500 N (a) 1.2kg(b) 0.5kg
20.Same force acts on two bodies of different masses 3 kg and
(c) 20kg(d) 3kg
28.A sphere is accelerated upwards by a cord who^e braking
5 kg initially at rest. The ratio of times required to acquire
strength is four times its weight. The maximum acceleration
same final velocity is[Kerala PMT 2006]
with which the sphere can move up without breaking the
(a) 5:3 (b) 25:9
cord is[RPMT 2005]
(c) 9:25(d) 3:5
21.For ordinary terrestrial experiments, the observer is an
(a) g(b) 3g
inertial frame in the following cases is[KCET 2006] (c) 2g(d) 4g
29.An army vehicle of mass 1000 kg is moving with a velocity of
(a)A child revolving in a giant wheel
10 m/s and is acted upon by a forward force of 1000 N due to
(b)A driver in a sports car moving with a constant high
the engine and a retarding force of 500 N due to friction.
speed of 200 kmhr1 on a straight rod
What will be its velocity after 10 s[Pb. PMT 2000]
(c)The pilot of an aeroplane which is taking off
(a) 5 mis(b). 10 m/s
(d)A cyclist negotiating a sharp curve
(c) 15 m/s(d) 20 m/s
22.A person is standing in an elevator. In which situation he
30.A person is measuring his weight by standing on a weighing
finds his weight less than actual weight[AIIMS 2005]
machine inside a lift. When the lift is at rest, the machine
y——^(a) The elevator moves upward with constant acceleration shows his weight to be 55 kg. In between the floor when the
^ The elevator moves downward with constant lift is moving up with a constant speed of 10 km/hr, he again
^cceleration measures his weight, which is[DUMET 2010]
\ elevator moves upward with uniform velocity (a) 55 kg (b) 65 kg
^vator moves downward with uniform velocity (c) 50 kg(d) 45 kg
Newton's taws of Motion 197

31.When the speed of a moving body is doubled 38.When a bullet is fired at a target, its velocity decreases by
half after penetrating 30 cm into it. The additional thickness
[UPSEAT 2004]
it will penetrate before coming to rest is [Kerala PMT 2007]
(a)Its acceleration is doubled
(a) 30 cm(b) 40 cm
(b)Its momentum is doubled
(c) 10 cm(d) 50 cm
(c)Its kinetic energy is doubled 39.A body of mass 5 kg starts from the origin with an initial
(d)Its potential energy is doubled velocity u =30i+40; ms"1. If a constant force

32.A force of 100 dynes acts on a mass of 5 gram for 10 sec. F = -(i + 5;)N acts on the body, the time in which the y-
The velocity produced is[Pb. PET 2004]
component of the velocity becomes zero is
(a) 2000 cm /sec (b) 200 cm /sec [EAMCET (Med.) 2000]
(a) 5 seconds(b) 20 seconds
(c) 20 cm /sec(d) 2 cm /sec
(c) 40 seconds(d) 80 seconds
33.The average resisting force that must act on a 5 kg mass to 40.A spring balance is attached to the ceiling of a lift. A man
reduce its speed from 65 cm/s to 15 cm/s in 0.2s is hangs his bag on the spring and the spring reads 49 N,

[RPET 2000; Pb. PMT 2000] when the lift is stationary. If the lift moves downward with
an acceleration of 5 m/s2, the reading of the spring balance
(a) 12.5 N(b) 25 N
will be[AIEEE 2003; RPET 2003;
(c) 50 N(d) 100 N
Kerala PMT 2003; RPMT 2005]
34.A boy having a mass equal to 40 kilograms is standing in an
(a) 49N(b) 24N
elevator. The force felt by the feet of the boy will be greatest
(c) 74 N(d) 15 N
when the elevator
41.If in a stationary lift, a man is standing with a bucket full of
(g = 9.8 metres I sec2)[MP PMT 1995; BVP 2003] water, having a hole at its bottom. The rate of flow of water
through this hole is Ro. If the lift starts to move up and down
(a)Stands still
with same acceleration and then that rates of flow of water
(b)Moves downward at a constant velocity of 4 metres/sec are Ru and Rd, then[UPSEAT 2003]

(c)Accelerates downward with an acceleration equal to (a) R0>Ru>Rd (b) Ru>R0>Rd

4 metres /sec2 (c) Rd>RQ>Ru(d) Ru>Rd>R0

42.If a person with a spring balance and a body hanging from it

(d)Accelerates upward with an acceleration equal to
goes up and up in an aeroplane, then the reading of the
4 metres /sec2
weight of the body as indicated by the spring balance will

35. A block of mass 5 kg is moving horizontally at a speed of [ARMS 1998; JIPMER 2000]
(a)Go on increasing
1.5 m/s. A perpendicular force of 5N acts on it for 4 sec.
(b)Go on decreasing
What will be the distance of the block from the point where
(c)First increase and then decrease
the force started acting[Pb. PMT 2002]
(d)Remain the same
(a) 10 m(b) 8 m 43.A plumb line is suspended from a ceiling of a car moving
(c) 6 m(d) 2 m with horizontal acceleration of a. What will be the angle of
inclination with vertical[Odisha JEE 2003]
36. The ratio of the weight of a man in a stationary lift and
(a) tan"1 (a/g)(b) tan^^g/a)
when it is moving downward with uniform acceleration 'a' is
3:2. The value of 'a' is (g-Acceleration due to gravity of the (c) cos"1 (a/g)(d) cos^g/a)
earth)[MP PET 1997] 44.A monkey of mass 20fcg is holding a vertical rope. The rope
will not break when a mass of 25 kg is suspended from it but
W ~29 (b, f will break if the mass exceeds 25 kg. What is the maximum
acceleration with which the monkey can climb up along the
(0 |S (d) g rope (g= 10 m/s2)[CBSE PMT 2003]
(a) 10 m/s2 (b) 25 m/s2
37. The average force necessary to stop a bullet of mass 20 g (c) 2.5 m/s2(d) 5 m/s2
moving with a speed of 250 m/s, as it penetrates into the 45.A force of 10 Newton acts on a body of mass 20fcg for 10
wood for a distance of 12 cm is[AFMC 1999; seconds. Change in its momentum is
CBSE PMT 2000; CPMT 2001; DPMT 2003] [AFMC 2002; MP PET 2002]
(a) 2.2xlO3N(b) 3.2xlO3N (a) 5kgm/s(b) lOOkgm/s
(c) 4.2xlO3N(d) 5.2xlO3N (c) 200kgm/s(d) lOOOkgm/s
198 Newton's Laws of Motion

46. The linear momentum p of a body moving in one Third Law of Motion
dimension varies with time according to the equation
p = a + bt2 where a and b are positive constants. The net Swimming is possible on account of [AFMC 1998, 2003]
(a) First law of motion(b) Second law of motion
force acting on the body is[Pb. PET 2002]
(c) Third law of motion (d) Newton's law of gravitation
(a) A constant(b) Proportional to t2
Sand is being dropped on a conveyor belt at the rate of M
(c) Inversely proportional to t (d) Proportional to t
kg/s. The force necessary to keep the belt moving with a
47. A body of mass l.Ofcg is falling with an acceleration of 10
constant velocity of vml S will be[CBSE PMT 2008]
ml sec2 . Its apparent weight will be (g = 10m/sec2)
[EAMCET (Med.) 1995; newton (b) Zero
Pb. PMT 1999; KCET 2000; MP PET 2002] (d) 2 Mu newton
(c) Mv newton
(a) l.Okgwt(b) 2.0 kg wt
The tension in the spring is [AMU (Engg.) 2001]
(c) 0.5 kg wt(d) Zero 5N
48. The adjacent figure is the part of a horizontally stretched net. (a) Zero (b) 2.5 N
section AB is stretched with a force of 10 N. The tensions in
the sections BC and BF are' |KCET 2005] (c) 5N (d) ION
Ten one-rupee coins are put on top of each other on a table.
Each coin has a mass m. which of the following statements
(a)ION, UN is not true[AMU PMT 2009]
(a)The force on the 6th coins (counted from the bottom)
(b)ION, 6N due to all the coins on its top is equal to 4 mg
(c)ION, ION (b)The force on 6th coin due to 7th coin is 4mg
(d)Can't calculate due to insufficient data
(c)The reaction of the 6th coin on the 7th coin is 4mg
49. A player caught a cricket ball of mass 150 gm moving at the
rate of 20 m/sec. If the catching process be completed in 0.1
(d)The total force on the 10th coin is 9 mg (downwards)
sec the force of the blow exerted by the ball on the hands of
A man is standing at the centre of frictionless pond of ice.
player is[CBSE PMT 2001;
How can he get himself to the shore[J & K CET 2005]
BHU 2001; Kerala PET 2005; AIEEE 2006]
(a)By throwing his shirt in vertically upward direction
(a) 0.3 N(b) 30 N (b)By spitting horizontally
(c) 300 N(d) 3000 N (c)He will wait for the ice to melt in pond
50. n small balls each of mass m impinge elastically each second (d)Unable to get at the shore
on a surface with velocity u. The force experienced by the A student attempts to pull himself up by tugging on his hair.
surface will be [MP PMT/PET 1998; He will not succeed[KCET 2005]
RPET 2001; BHU 2001; MP PMT 2003] (a)As the force exerted is small
(b)The frictional force while gripping, is small.
(a) mnu (b) 2 mnu
(c)Newton's law of inertia is not applicable to living beings.
(c) 4 mnu (d) — mnu (d)As the force applied is internal to the system.
Rocket propulsion is associated with[J & K CET 2010]
51. A force vector applied on a mass is represented as (a)The conservation of angular momentum
F = 6i-8; + 10k and accelerates with lm/s2. What will (b)The conservation of mass
be the mass of the body (c)The conservation of mechanical energy
[CBSE PMT 1996, 2009; Odisha JEE 2011] (d)Newton's HI law of motion
Newton's third law of motion leads to the law of
(a) IOV2/C5(b) 2Vl0kg
conservation of[Manipal MEE 1995; MP PMT 2010]
(c) 10 kg(d) 20 kg (a) Angular momentum (b) Energy
52. A particle moves in the xy-plane under the action of a force (c) Mass(d) Momentum
F such that the components of its linear momentum p at any A book is lying on the table. What is the angle between the
time t are px = 2 cos t, pv = 2 sin t. The angle between F action of the book on the table and the reaction of the table
andp at time t is[MP PET 1996; UPSEAT 2000] on the book[Kerala PMT 2005]

(a) 90(b) 0 (a) 0(b) 30

(c) 180(d) 30 (c) 45(d) 180
Newton's Laws of Motion 199

In an air collision between an aeroplane and a bird, the

4. A shell of mass 10 kg is moving with a velocity of 10 ms 1
force experienced by the bird as compared to that of the
when it blasts and forms two parts of mass 9 kg and 1 kg
aeroplane is[DUMET 2010] respectively. If the 1st mass is stationary, the velocity of the
(a) Very high(b) Equal 2nd is[WB-JEE 2008]
(c) Less(d) Zero (a) lm/s(b) 10 m/s
11.A man is standing at a spring platform. Reading of spring (c) 100 m/s(d) 1000 m/s
balance is 60 kg wt. If man jumps outside platform, then 5. For a body moving with relativistic speed, if the velocity is
reading of spring balance doubled, then[Odisha JEE 2005]

[AFMC 1996; AIIMS 2000; Pb. PET 2000] (a)Its linear momentum is doubled
(a)First increases then decreases to zero (b)Its linear momentum will be less than double
(b)Decreases (c)Its linear momentum will be more than double

(c)Increases (d)Its linear momentum remains unchanged

(d)Remains same 6. A batsman hits back a ball of mass 0.15 kg straight in the

12.A light spring balance hangs from the hook of the other light direction of the bowler without changing its initial speed of
spring balance and a block of mass M kg hangs from the 10 ms"1. If the ball moves linearly, then the impulse

former one. Then the true statement about the scale reading is imparted on it (in Ns) is[Kerala PMT 2012]

[AIEEE 2003] (a) 3.0(b) 2.0

(a)Both the scales read M/2 kg each (c) 1.5(d) 1.9
(b)Both the scales read M kg each (e)0
(c)The scale of the lower one reads M kg and of the upper 7. A 100 g iron ball having velocity 10 m/s collides with a wall
at an angle 30 and rebounds with the same angle. If the
one zero
period of contact between the ball and wall is 0.1 second,
(d)The reading of the two scales can be anything but the
then the force experienced by the wall is
sum of the reading will be M kg
[CPMT 1997; CBSE PMT 2006]
13.When a horse pulls a wagon, the force that causes the horse
(a) ION(b) 100N
to move forward is the force -[Pb. PET 2004]
(c) 1.0 N(d) 0.1 N
(a) The ground exerts on it (b) It exerts on the ground
8. A ball of mass 150g starts moving with an acceleration of
(c) The wagon exerts on it (d) It exerts on the wagon 20m/s2. When hit by a force, which acts on it for 0.1 sec the
impulsive force is[AFMC 1999; Pb. PMT 2003]
Conservation of Linear Momentum and Impulse
(a) 0.5 N-s(b) 0.1 N-s
An explosion blows a rock into three parts. Two parts go off (c) 0.3 N-s(d) 1.2 N-s
at right angles to each other. These two are, 1 kg first part 9. A body, whose momentum is constant, must have constant
moving with a velocity of 12 ms"1 and 2 kg second part [AIIMS 2000]
(a) Force(b) Velocity
moving with a velocity of 8 ms^1. If the third part flies off
(c) Acceleration(d) All of these
with a velocity of 4 ms"1, its mass would be 10. The motion of a rocket is based on the principle of
conservation of[AFMC 2000]
[CBSE PMT 2009; NEET 2013]
(a) Mass(b) Kinetic energy
(a) 5 kg(b) 7 kg
(c) Linear momentum(d) Angular momentum
(c) 17 kg(d) 3 kg
11. A gun fires N bullets per second, each of mass m with
A shell at rest at the origin explodes into three fragments of velocity v. The force exerted by the bullets on the gun is
masses lkg, 2kg and m kg. The lkg and 2kg pieces fly off
[J&K CET 2008]
with speeds of 5ms"1 along x-axis and 6ms"1 along y-axis
(a) vNm mv
respectively. If the m kg piece flies off with a speed of 6.5ms"1, (b)
the total mass of the shell must be[Kerala PET 2007]
(c) mvN2 mv
(a) 4 kg(b) 5 kg (d)
(c) 3.5 kg(d) 4.5 kg 12. An aircraft is moving with a velocity of 300ms 1. If all the
The rate of mass of the gas emitted from rear of a rocket is forces acting on it are balanced, then [Kerala PMT 2004]
initially 0.1 kg/sec. If the speed of the gas relative to the (a)It still moves with the same velocity
rocket is 50 m/sec and mass of the rocket is 2 kg, then the (b)It will be just floating at the same point in space
acceleration of the rocket in m/sec? is [J & K CET 2008]
(c)It will fall down instantaneously
(a) 5(b) 5.2 (d)It will lose its velocity gradually
(c) 2.5(d) 25 (e)It will explode
200 Newton's Laws of Motion

13. A rocket of mass 100 kg burns 0.1 kg of fuel per sec. If 22. A stationary bomb explodes into three pieces. One piece of
velocity of exhaust gas is 1 km/sec, then it lifts with an 2kg mass moves with a velocity of 8ms"1 at right angles to
acceleration of[WB-JEE 2008]
the other piece of mass lkg moving with a velocity of
(a) 1000 rns'2(b) 100 ms"2
12ms"1. If the mass of the third piece is 0.5kg, then its
(c) 10 ms -2 (d) lms -2 velocity is[Kerala PET 2011]

14.The momentum is most closely related to[DCE 2001] (a) 10 ms"1(b) 20 ms"1
(a) Force(b) Impulse
(c) 30 ms"1(d) 40 ms"1
(c) Power(d) K.E.
15.Rocket engines lift a rocket from the earth surface because (e) 50 ms'1
hot gas with high velocity [AIIMS 1998; JIPMER 2001, 02]
23. A stationary body of mass 3 kg explodes into three equal
(a)Push against the earth
(b)Push against the air pieces. Two of the pieces fly off in two mutually

(c)React against the rocket and push it up perpendicular directions, one with a velocity of 3i ms'1 and

(d)Heat up the air which lifts the rocket

the other with a velocity of 4; ms'1 If the explosion occurs
16.A man fires a bullet of mass 200 g at a speed of 5 m/s. The
gun is of one kg mass. By what velocity the gun rebounds in 10"4 s, the average force acting on the third piece in
backwards[AFMC 1995; CBSE PMT 1996;
newton is[Kerala PET 2009]
JIPMER 1999, 2000 Pb. PMT 2002; DCE 2004]
(a) 0.1 m/s(b) 10 m/s (a) (3^ + 4^)xlO"4(b) (3i
(c) lm/s(d) 0.01 m/s
(c) (3f + 4j)xlO4(d) -(;
17.A body of mass m = 3.513 kg is moving along the x-axis with
a speed of 5.00 ms1. The magnitude of its momentum is (e) (4^-3j)xlO4
recorded as[AIEEE 2008]
24. A gardner waters the plants by a pipe of diameter lmm. The
(a) 17.565 kg ms"1 (b) 17.56 kg ms"1
water comes out at the rate or 10 cm3/sec. The reactionary
(c) 17.57 kg ms"1(d) 17.6 kg ms"1
18.A gun fires a bullet of mass 50 g with a velocity of 30msec-1. force exerted on the hand of the gardner is [KCET 2000]
Because of this the gun is pushed back with a velocity of (a) Zero(b) 1.27xlO"2N
1msec1. The mass of the gun is[AIIMS 2001; (c) 1.27x10"^(d) 0.127 N
Odisha JEE 2002; AMU (Engg.) 2012]
25. Newton's second and third laws of motion lead to the
(a) 15 kg(b) 30 kg
(c) 1.5 kg(d) 20 kg conservation of[Kerala PMT 2009]
19.A body of mass M at rest explodes into three pieces, two of (a) Linear momentum(b) Angular Momentum
which of mass M/4 each are thrown off in perpendicular
(c) Potential energy(d) Kinetic energy
directions with velocities of 3 m/s and 4 m/s respectively.
The third piece will be thrown off with a velocity of (e) Force
[DUMET 2010] 26. A large force is acting on a body for a short time. The
(a) 1.5 m/s(b) 2.0 m/s impulse imparted is equal to the change in
(c) 2.5 m/s(d) 3.0 m/s
[J & K CET 2006; Kerala PMT 2009]
20.A body of mass 1000 kg is moving horizontally with a
(a) Acceleration(b) Momentum
velocity 50 m/s . A mass of 250 kg is added. Find the final
velocity[Odisha JEE 2008] (c) Energy(d) Velocity
(a) 40 m/s(b) 20 m/s (e) Displacement
(c) 30V2 m/s(d) 50 m/s 27. A diwali rocket is ejecting 0.05 kg of gases per second at a
velocity of 400 m/sec. The accelerating force on the rocket is
21.A shell of mass 5M, acted upon by no external force and
initially at rest, bursts into three fragments of masses M, 2M [DPMT 2001; Pb. PMT 2002;
and 2M respectively. The first two fragments move in MP PMT 2004; Odisha JEE 2005]
opposite directions with velocities of magnitudes 2V and V
respectively. The third fragment will[WB-JEE 2013] (a) 20 dynes(b) 20 N
(a)Move with a velocity V in a direction perpendicular to (c) 22 dynes(d) 1000 N
the other two 28. A bullet of mass 10 g moving with 300 m/s hits a block of ice
(b)Move with a velocity 2V in the direction of velocity of of mass 5 kg and drops dead. The velocity of ice is
the first fragment
[Odisha JEE 2009]
(c)Be at rest
(a) 50 cm/s(b) 60 cm/s
(d)Move with a velocity V in the direction of velocity of the
second fragment (c) 40 cm/s(d) 30 cm/s
Newton's Laws of Mot

sultant of all the external forces acting on a system of 37. A rigid ball of mass m strikes a rigid wall at 60 and gets
particles is zero, then from an inertial frame, one can surely reflected without loss of speed as shown in the figure below.
The value of impulse imparted by the wall in the ball will be
say that[IIT-JEE 2009]
[NEET (Phase-II) 2016]
(a)Linear momentum of the system does not change in
(b)Kinetic energy of the system does not change in time T
(c)Angular momentum of the system does not change in (b) mV

time (c) 2mV

(d)Potential energy of the system does not change in time

30.Which one of the following is not a force [Kerala PMT 2010]

An explosive of mass 9 kg is divided in two parts. One part
(a) Impulse(b) Tension of mass 3 kg moves with velocity of 16 mis. The kinetic
(c) Thrust(d) Air resistance energy of other part will be[WB-JEE 2016]

(e)Weight (a) 192 J(b) 162 J

31.In the first second of its flight, rocket ejects 1/60 of its mass (c) 150 J(d) 200 J
with a velocity of 2400 ms^1. The acceleration of the rocket Equilibrium of Forces
is[BHU 2006] An object is kept on a smooth inclined plane of 1 in /. The
(a) 19.6 ms"2(b) 30.2 ms"2 horizontal acceleration to be imparted to the inclined plane
so that the object is stationary relative to the inclined is
(c) 40 ms"2(d) 49.8 ms"2 [UP CPMT 2006]
^1(b) g(/2-l)
32.A machine gun fires a bullet of mass 40 g with a velocity (a)
1200 ms^1. The man holding it can exert a maximum force of
9,^ 9
144 N on the gun. How many bullets can he fire per second
at the most[AIEEE 2004; Kerala PMT 2007]
Three concurrent co-planar forces 1 N, 2 N and 3 N acting
(a) One(b) Four along different directions on a body[KCET 2009]
(c) Two(d) Three (a)Can keep the body in equilibrium if 2 N and 3 N act at
33.If force on a rocket having exhaust velocity of 300 mlsec is right angle

210 N, then rate of combustion of the fuel is (b)Can keep the body in equilibrium if 1 N and 2 N act at
right angle
[CBSE PMT 1999; MH CET 2003; Pb. PMT 2004]
(c)Cannot keep the body in equilibrium
(a) 0.7 kgls(b) 1.4 kgls (d)Can keep the body in equilibrium if 1 N and 3 N act at
(c) 0.07 kgls(d) 10.7 kgls an acute angle

34.A 5000 kg rocket is set for vertical firing. The exhaust speed Three forces F1, F2 and F3 together keep a body in

is 800ms"1. To give an initial upward acceleration of 20ms"2, equilibrium. If F^ =3N along the positive x-axis, F2 =4N

the amount of gas ejected per second to supply the needed along the positive y-axis, then the third force F3 is
thrust will be (g=10ms"2) [J & K CET 2010]
[CBSE PMT 1998; Odisha JEE 2009] (a)5 N making an angle 6 = tan"1 — with negative y-axis
(a) 127.5 kg s"1(b) 187.5 kg s"1

(c) 185.5 kg s"1(d) 137.5 kg s"1 (b)5 N making an angle 0 = tan"1 — with negative y axis
35.A rocket with a lift-off mass 3.5 xlO4 kg is blasted upwards
with an initial acceleration of 10 mis2. Then the initial thrust f 3^^
(c)7 N making an angle 6 = tan"1 — with negative y axis
of the blast is[AIEEE 2003]
(a) 1.75xlO5N (b) 3.5xlO5N (d)7 N making an angle 6 = tan"1 — with negative y axis
(c) 7.0xl05N(d) 14.0xl05N v3y
4. A block is kept on a frictionless inclined surface with angle of
36.A gun of mass 10kg fires 4 bullets per second. The mass of
inclination 'a!. The incline is given an acceleration 'a' to keep
each bullet is 20 g and the velocity of the bullet when it the block stationary. Then a is equal to[AIEEE 2005]
leaves the gun is 300 ms'1. The force required to hold the
gun while firing is[EAMCET (Med.) 2000; Odisha JEE 2008] (b)g tan a
(a) 6N(b) 8JV (c)g I tan a
(c) 24 N(d) 240 N (d)g cosec a
5. The sum of magnitudes of two forces acting at a point is 16 N 13. Which of the following groups of forces could be in
and their resultant 8V3 N is at 90 with the force of smaller equilibrium[KCET 2003; UPSEAT 2004]
magnitude. The two forces (in N) are[Kerala PET 2012] (a) 3N,4N,5N(b)4N,5N,10N
(a) 11,5(b) 9,7
(c) 30N,40N,80N(d) 1N,3N,5N
(c) 6,10fa) 4,12
(e) 2,14 14. A mass of 5kg is suspended by a rope of length 2m from a
6. The resultant force of 5 N and 10 N can not be [RPET 2000] ceiling. A force of 50N in the horizontal direction is applied
(a) 12 N(b) 8N at the mid-point of the rope. The angle made by the rope
(c) 4Nfa) 5N with the vertical, in equilibrium is[Kerala PET 2007]
7. The resultant of two forces 3P and 2P is R. If the first force
is doubled then the resultant is also doubled. The angle (a) 50(b) 60
between the two forces is[KCET 2001] (c) 30fa) 45
(a) 60(b) 120 15. If two forces of 5 N each are acting along X and Y axes,
(c) 70(d) 180 then the magnitude and direction of resultant is [DCE 2004]
8. The resultant of two forces, one double the other in
magnitude, is perpendicular to the smaller of the two forces. (a) 5V2, nl^(b) 5a/2, ^74
The angle between the two forces is[KCET 2002]
(c) -5^2, n12,fa) -542,xl^
(a) 60(b) 120
(c) 150(d) 90
9. Two forces are such that the sum of their magnitudes is 18 N Motion of Connected Bodies
and their resultant is perpendicular to the smaller force and
A block of mass M is pulled along a horizontal frictionless
magnitude of resultant is 12 N. Then the magnitudes of the
surface by a rope of mass m. If a force P is applied at the
forces are[AIEEE 2002]
free end of the rope, the force exerted by the rope on the
(a) 12N,6N(b) 13N, 5N
(c) 10N,8Nfa) 16N, 2N block will be[MP PMT 1996; AIEEE 2003]
10. Which of the four arrangements in the figure correctly shows Pm
the vector addition of two forces F^ and F^ to yield the (b)

third force F, [Odisha JEE 2003] PM Pm

(c) (d)
A rope of length L is pulled by a constant force F. What is
(a) (b) the tension in the rope at a distance x from the end where
the force is applied[MP PET 1996, 97, 2000]

FL F(L-x)
a) — (b)
(c) (d) (c) fa)
L-x L-x
Three blocks A, B and C of masses 4 kg, 2 kg and 1 kg
11. Which of the following is the correct order of forces respectively, are in contact on a frictionless surface, as
[AIEEE 2002] shown. If a force of 14 N is applied on the 4 kg block then
(a) Weak < gravitational forces < strong forces (nuclear) <
the contact force between A and B is
(b) Gravitational < weak < (electrostatic) < strong force [AIPMT (Cancelled) 2015]
(c) Gravitational < electrostatic < weak < strong force (a)6N
(d) Weak < gravitational < electrostatic < strong forces
12. Three forces starts acting simultaneously on a particle moving (c)18 N
with velocity u. These forces are represented in magnitude
fa) 2N
and direction by the three sides of a triangle ABC (as shown).
As shown in figure the tension in the horizontal cord is 30 N.
The particle will now move with velocity[AIEEE 2003]
The weight W and tension in the string OA in Newton are
(a)v remaining unchangedC
(b)Less than v (b)30V3,60

(c)Greater than u
(d)v in the direction of the largest force BC
(d)None of these
5.A block of mass M is attached to the lower end of a vertical 10. A block of mass ml rests on a horizontal table. A string tied
spring. The spring is hung from a ceiling and has force to the block is passed on a frictionless pulley fixed at the end
' constant value k. The mass is released from rest with the of the table and to the other end of string is hung another
spring initially unstretched. The maximum extension block of mass m2. The acceleration of the system is
produced in the length of the spring will be[CBSE PMT 2009] [EAMCET (Med.) 1995; DPMT 2000; Kerala (Engg.) 2000]

(a) lMg/k(b) 2Mg/k (\ ^**^3l\ \

i^ +m2) (m1+m2)
(c) 4Mg/k(d) Mg 12k
6.Two rectangular blocks A and B of masses 2 kg and 3 kg
(c) g (d)
respectively are connected by a spring of spring constant
11. A rope of length 5m is kept on frictionless surface and a
10.8 Nm^1 and are placed on a frictionless horizontal force of 5N is applied to one of its end. Find tension in the
surface. The block A was given an initial velocity of 0.15 rope at lm from this end[RPET 2000]
ms'1 in the direction shown in the figure. The maximum (a) IN(b) 3N
compression of the spring during the motion is [KCET 2009] (c) 4N(d) 5N
12. A light string passes over a frictionless pulley. To one of its
0.15 ms1 ends a mass of 6 kg is attached. To its other end a mass of
10 kg is attached. The tension in the thread will be
fa i
mm ^ D '1
[RPET 1996; JIPMER 2001, 02; AMU (Engg.) 2010]

(a) 0.01m(b) 0.02 m (a)24.5 N

(c) 0.05 m(d) 0.03 m (b)2.45 N
Two bodies of mass 3 kg and 4 kg are suspended at the (c)79 N
ends of massless string passing over a frictionless pulley. The
(d) 73.5N
acceleration of the system is (g = 9.8 m / s2)
13. Two masses of 5kg and 10kg are connected to a pulley as
shown. What will be the acceleration of the system
[CBSE PMT 2001]
(g = acceleration due to gravity)[CBSE PMT 2000;
(a) 4.9m/s2(b) 2.45m/s2
Odisha JEE 2002; AIEEE 2004; Kerala PET 2005]
(c) 1.4m/s2(d) 9.5m/s2 (a) g
A block of mass 10 kg is moving horizontally with a speed of
1.5 ms"1 on a smooth plane. If a constant vertical force 10

N acts on it, the displacement of the block from the point of

application of the force at the end of 4 seconds is

[Kerala PET 2012] 10 kg

(a) 5 m(b) 20 m 14. Three blocks of masses 2 kg, 3 kg and 5 kg axe connected to
(c) 12 m(d) 10 m each other with light string and are then placed on a

(e) 18 m frictionless surface as shown in the figure. The system is pulled

Three blocks of masses ml,m2 and m3 are connected by by a force F = ION, then tension Tx = [Odisha JEE 2002]

massless strings as shown on a frictionless table. They are (a)IN

pulled with a force T3 = 40 N . If m^ = 10 kg, m2 = 6 kg and (b)5N
m3 = 4 kg , the tension T2 will be
[MP PMT/PET 1998; Odisha JEE 2008] 15. A body shown in figure is accelerating downward with
acceleration 2 mls2. The tension in the string is

[Odisha JEE 2008]

(a)48 N r=10

(b)50 N
(a) 20 N (b) 40 N (c)30 N
(c) ION (d) 32N (d)42 N
204 Newton's Laws of Motion

y of weight 2fcg is suspended as shown in the figure. 22. Two blocks are connected by a string as shown in the
The tension T^ in the horizontal string (in kg wt) is
diagram. The upper block is hung by another string. A force
[Kerala PMT 2002] F applied on the upper string produces an acceleration of
2/V3 2m/s2 in the upward direction in both the blocks. If T and T

be the tensions in the two parts of the string, then

(g = 9.8 mis2) [AMU (Engg.) 2000; Kerala PET 2010]
(d)2p| ^kg-wt (a)T = 70.8N and V = 47.2N
17. One end of a massless rope, which passes over a massless
2 kg
and frictionless pulley P is tied to a hook C while the other (b)T = 58.8N and T' = 47.2N
end is free. Maximum tension that the rope can bear is 360
N. with what value of minimum safe acceleration (in ms~2) (c)T = 70.8N and V = 58.8N
can a monkey of 60 kg move down on the rope 4 kg
(d)T = 70.8N and T = 0
(a)16 23. Consider the following statements about the blocks shown in

(b)6 the diagram that are being pushed by a constant force on a

frictionless table
18. A light string passing over a smooth light pulley connects two
blocks of masses m1 and m2 (vertically). If the acceleration of
the system is g/8 then the ratio of the masses is [AIEEE 2002]
3 kg
(a) 8 : 1(b) 9 : 7
(c) 4:3(d) 5:3
19. Three blocks with masses m, 2m and 3m are connected by A.All blocks move with the same acceleration
strings, as shown in figure. After an upward force F is
B.The net force on each block is the same
applied on block m, the masses move upward at constant
speed v. What is the net force on the block of mass 2m (g is Which of these statements are/is correct [AMU (Engg.) 2001]
the acceleration due to gravity)[NEET 2013]
(a)6mgfF (a) A only(b) B only
\u (c) Both A and B(d) Neither A nor B
24. Two blocks A and B of masses 2m and m, respectively, are
(c)2mg connected by a massless and inextensible string. The whole
(d)3mg| system is suspended by a massless spring as shown in the
20. A block of weight 4 kg is resting on a smooth horizontal figure. The magnitudes of acceleration of A and B,
plane. If it is struck by a jet of water at the rate of 2kgs~^ immediately after the string is cut, are respectively
and at the speed of 10 ms"1, then the initial acceleration of [IIT-JEE 2006; NEET 2017]
the block is[Kerala PET 2012] (a)g,g/2
(a) 15 ms"2(b) 10 ms"2
(c) 2.5 ms"2(d) lms"2
(e)5 ms"2
21. Two block of masses 7 kg and 5 kg are placed in contact (d)g/2,g/2
with each other on a smooth surface. If a force of 6 N is
applied on the heavier mass, the force on the lighter mass is 25. A block of mass M is attached to the lower end of a vertical

[Kerala PMT 2008; WB-JEE 2010; MP PET 2012] rope of mass m. An upward force P acts on the upper end of
(a)3.5N the rope. The system is free to move. The force exerted by

(b)2.5N the rope on the block is

[DCE 2006]
(a) In all cases (b) Only if the rope is uniform
(e)6N (c) In gravity-free space only (d) Only if P >{M + m)g
Newton's Laws of Motion 205

26. In the arrangement shown, the pulleys are fixed and ideal, the 31. Two blocks, of mass 1 kg and 2 kg respectively, are connected
strings are light, m1 > m2 and S is a spring balance which is by a spring and kept on a frictionless table. The blocks are
itself massless. The reading of S (in unit of mass) is [DCE 2006] pulled apart, so that the spring is stretched, and released from
(a) ml - m2 c rest. At a certain instant of time, the block of mass 1 kg, is
I I 1 found to be moving at a speed 2 m/s. What must be the
speed of the other block at this instant [J & K CET 2012]
(a) lm/s(b) 0.5 m/s
(c) 4 m/s(d) 0.25 m/s
32. Two masses mx = llcg and m2 = 2kg are connected by a light

inextensible string and suspended by means of a weightless

27. A block of mass 'm' is connected to another block of mass pulley as shown in the figure. Assuming that both the masses
'Af by a spring (massless) of spring constant 'k'. The blocks
start from rest, the distance travelled by the centre of mass in
are kept on a smooth horizontal plane. Initially the blocks
are at rest and the spring is unstretched. Then a constant two seconds is (Take g = 10ms"2)[Kerala PET 2011]
force 'F starts acting on the block of mass 'Af to pull it. Find
the force on the block of mass 'm'[AIEEE 2007] . 20
(a) — m
mF (Af + mF)
(b) /m 40
Af m <
MF <
(c) (d)
(m + M) (m + M)
28. Two bodies A and B of masses 10 kg and 15 kg respectively
(c)f m
kept on a smooth, horizontal surface are tied to the ends of
a light string. If T represents the tension in the string when a (d)-m
lies m1
horizontal force F = 500 N is applied to A (as shown in
3 m. 4
figure 1) and T be the tension when it is applied to B (figure
2), then which of the following is true [AMU PMT 2009] 33. The acceleration of system of two bodies over the wedge as
10 kg 15 kg shown in figure is[Odisha JEE 2011]

10 kg 15 kg

(a) T = T'=500N(b) T = T'=250N (a) lms"2(b) 2ms-2

(c) T = 200N,T'=300N (d) T = 300N,T'=200N (c) 0.5ms-2(d) 10ms-2

29.Two blocks of masses m and 2m are connected by a light 34. Three blocks of mass 4kg, 2kg, lkg respectively are in

string passing over a frictionless pulley. As shown in the figure, contact on a frictionless table as shown in the figure. If a force
the mass m is placed on a smooth inclined plane of inclination of 14 N is applied on the 4 kg block, the contact force
30 and 2m hangs vertically. If the system is released, the
between the 4 kg and the 2 kg block will be [WB JEE 2012]
blocks move with an acceleration equal to [AMU (Engg.) 2009]

(a)g/4 14 N 4 kg 2 kg lkg

(a) 2N (b) 6N
(c) 8N (d) 14 N
30.A block of Mass Af placed on a frictionless horizontal table is 35. A block of mass 15 kg is held by a string on an inclined
pulled by another block of mass m hanging vertically by a plane (angle 30). The tension T in the string is
massless string passing over a frictionless pully. The tension (g = 10 m/s2)[AMU (Engg.) 2012]

in the string is[MP PET 2010] (a)55 N

Af+ m
(b) (b)60NAf =
Af+ m
Af+ m Mm (c)75 N
(c) (d)
Mm M+m (d)90 N
7. Two fixed frictionless inclined planes making an angle 30

and 60 with the vertical are shown in the figure. Two blocks
A and B are placed on the two planes. What is the relative
vertical acceleration of A with respect to B [AIEEE 2010]

1. A solid sphere of mass 2 kg is resting inside a cube as shown

in the figure. The cube is moving with a velocity
u = (5ti + 2tj)m/s . Here t is the time in second. All surface
are smooth. The sphere is at rest with respect to the cube.
What is the total force exerted by the sphere on the cube.
(Take g = 10 mis?)
(a)V29Ny (a)4.9 ms 2 in vertical direction
(b)29 N (b)4.9 ms~2 in horizontal direction
(c)26 N
(c)9.8 ms~2 in vertical direction
(d)V89N D
Ox (d)Zero
A pulley fixed to the ceiling carries a string with blocks of
8. Two particles of mass m each are tied at the ends of a light
mass m and 3 m attached to its ends. The masses of string
string of length 2a. The whole system is kept on a frictionless
and pulley are negligible. When the system is released, its
horizontal surface with the string held tight so that each mass
centre of mass moves with what acceleration [UPSEAT 2002]
is at a distance 'a' from the center P (as shown in the figure).
(a) 0(b) g/4
Now, the mid-point of the string
(c) g/2(d) -g/2
is pulled vertically upwards with a
A ship of mass 3 x 107 kg initially at rest is pulled by a force
small but constant force F. As a
of 5xlO4 N through a distance of 3 m. Assume that the
result, the particles move towards
resistance due to water is negligible, the speed of the ship is ^m
each other on the surface. The ^
[MP PMT 2000]
magnitude of acceleration, whena
(a) 1.5 m/s(b) 60 m/s
the separation between them becomes 2x, is
(c) 0.1 m/s(d) 5 m/s
A rope of mass 0.1 kg is connected at the same height of two . , F aF x
opposite walls. It is allowed to hang under its own weight. At a2-x2

the contact point between the rope and the wall, the rope
makes an angle 6 = 10 with respect to horizontal. The tension
2m a
in the rope at its midpoint between the wall is [DUMET 2009]
9. Consider the following statement: When jumping from some
(a) 2.78 N(b) 2.56 N
height, you should bend your knees as you come to rest, instead
(c) 2.82 N(d) 2.71 N
of keeping your legs stiff. Which of the following relations can be
A string of negligible mass going over a clamped pulley of mass
useful in explaining the statement[AMU (Engg.) 2001]
m supports a block of mass M as shown in the figure. The force
on the pulley by the damp is given by[IIT-JEE 2001] AP =-AP9 (b) = -A(PE + KE) =

(a) V2Mg
(c) FAt = mAu(d) Ax AF
Where symbols have their usual meaning
(b) img
10. The pulleys and strings shown in the figure are smooth and
(c) of negligible mass. For the system to remain in equilibrium,
the angle d should be[IIT-JEE 2001]
6. When forces Fv F2, F3 are acting on a particle of mass m (a)0
such that F2 and F3 are mutually perpendicular, then the
particle remains stationary. If the force F^ is now removed (b)30c
then the acceleration of the particle is[AIEEE 2002]
(a) FJm(b) F2F3/mFx (c)45C

(c) (F2-F3)/m(d) F2/m (d)60c

11. If a street light of mass M is suspended from the end of a 4. Figure shows the displacement of a particle going along the
uniform rod of length L in different possible patterns as
X-axis as a function of time. The force acting on the particle
shown in figure, then [AIIMS 2006]
is zero in the region

a)Pattern A is sturdier (a) AB(b) BC

(b)Pattern B is sturdier (c) CD(d) DE
(c)Pattern C is sturdier A body of 2 kg has an initial speed 5ms"1. A force acts on it
(d)All will have same sturdiness for some time in the direction of motion. The force time
graph is shown in figure. The final speed of the body.


e€%lve^ Questions

1. A particle of mass 2 kg is initially at rest. A force acts on it 2.5

whose magnitude changes with time. The force time graph is
shown below 024 4.5 6.5 t($)
(a) 9.25 ms"1(b) 5 ms"1
(c) 14.25 ms"1(d) 4.25 ms"1

Which of the following graph depicts spring constant k

versus length / of the spring correctly

4 610
The velocity of the particle after 10 s is [Kerala PET 2008]
(a) 20 ms"1(b) 10 ms"1

(c) 75 ms"1(d) 26 ms"1

(e) 50 ms"1

In the figure given below, the position-time graph of a particle of

(c) (d)
mass 0.1 kg is shown. The impulse at t = 2 sec is

[AIIMS 2005; AMU (Engg.) 2012] /

(a)0.2 kg msec"1x(m)
A particle of mass m is at rest at the origin at time t = 0. It is
(b)-0.2 kg msec"16
4 subjected to a force F(t) = Foe~bt in the x direction. Its speed
(c)0.1 kg msec"12
v{t) is depicted by which of the following curves [AJEEE 2012]
(d)-0.4 kg msec"1——-^^sec;

3. In a gravitational force field a particle is taken from A to B along

different paths as shown in figure. Then[MPPET 2009]
(b) ^


(a)Work done along path I will be maximum p

mb mb
(b)Work done along path III will be minimum
(c)Work done along path IV will be minimum u(t)t v(t)\
(d)Work done along all the paths will be the same
208 Newton's Laws of Motion

ticle of mass m, initially at rest, is acted upon by a 13. The figure shows the position - time (x-t) graph of one-
variable force F for a brief interval of time T. It begins to move dimensional motion of a body of mass 0.4 kg. The
with a velocity u after the force stops acting. F is shown in the magnitude of each impulse is[AIEEE 2010]
graph as a function of time. The curve is a semicircle
u= x(m)
nl2 t
(b) u = 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
c) u = -
(a) 0.2 Ns (b) 0.4 Ns

O Time
(c) 0.8 Ns (d) 1.6 Ns
(d) lf=
9. A body of mass 3kg is acted on by a force which varies as IE? E?
shown in the graph below. The momentum acquired is
given by F(N) [CBSE PMT 2014]
(b)5N-s More than one correct answers
(c)30 N-s
A simple pendulum with a bob of mass m is suspended from
(d)50 N-s Us) the roof of a car moving with a horizontal acceleration a
10. The variation of momentum with time of one of the body in
(a)The string makes an angle of tan"1 (a / g) with the vertical
a two body collision is shown in fig. The instantaneous force
is maximum corresponding to point
(b)The string makes an angle of tan"1 1with the vertical
(a) P
(b) Q
(c)The tension in the string is myja + g
(c) R
(d) S (d)The tension in the string is m-^g2 - a2
11. Figures I, II, III and IV depict variation of force with time
F(N) A man pulls a block heavier than himself with a light rope.
The coefficient of friction is the same between the man and
0.3 the ground, and between the block and the ground
0.25 (ID

t (lO^s) t (lO^s)
1.0 0 1.0 2.0
(a)The block will not move unless the man also moves

(III) 10 (IV) 10 (b)The man can move even when the block is stationary
(c)If both move, the acceleration of the man is greater
t (lO^s) than the acceleration of the block
01.001.0 (d)None of the above assertions is correct
The impulse is highest in the case of situations depicted. Figure 3. A block of mass m{= 0.1kg) is hanging over a frictionless
(a) I and II(b) HI and I light fixed pulley by an inextensible string of negligible mass.
(c) III and IV- (d) IV only The other end of the string is pulled by a constant force F in
12. A person used force (F), shown in figure to move a load the vertically downward direction. The linear momentum of
with constant velocity on given surface[AIIMS 2006] the block increase by 2/cgms"1 in 1 s after the block starts

from rest. Then, (given g = 10 ms~2)[WB-JEE 2013]

Identify the correct surface profile

(a)The tension in the string is F

(b)The tension in the string is 3 N
(c)The work done by the tension on the block is 20 J
during this 1 s
(c) (d)The work done against the force of gravity is 10 J
Reasoning type questions 8.
Newton's Laws of Motion 209

Kinetic energy of particle at the topmost position is

Read the following statements carefully to mark the correct option (a) 2mgL (b)
out of the options given below
,. 4mgL 8mgL
(a)Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true ; statement 2 is (d)
a correct explanation for statement 1

(b)Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true ; statement 2 is Integer type questions

not a correct explanation for statement 1
This section contains some integer type questions. The answers
(c)Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is false
to each of the questions is a single-digit integer, ranging
(d)Statement 1 is false, statement 2 is true
from 0 to 9.
4.Statement-1 : A table cloth can be pulled from a
9. You are designing an elevator for a hospital. The force
table without dislodging the dishes.
exerted on a passenger bythe floor of the elevator is not to
Statement-2 : To every action there is an equal and
exceed 1.60 times the passenger's weight. The elevator
opposite reaction.
accelerates upward with constant acceleration for a distance
[IIT-JEE 2007; AIIMS 2010]
of 3.0 m and then starts to slow down. What is the
5.Statement-1 : A man standing in a lift which is
maximum speed (in ms^1) of the elevator
moving upward, will feel his weight to
be greater than when the lift was at
Matrix Match type questions
Statement-2 : If the acceleration of the lift is 'a' In this section each question has some statements (A, B, C, D,...)
upward, then the man of mass m shall given in Column-I and some statements (p, q, r, s, t,...) in
feel his weight to equal to normal
Column-II. Any given statement in Column-I can have correct
reaction (N) exerted by the lift given
matching with ONE OR MORE statement(s) in Column-Hr-For
by N = m(g + a) (where g is
example, if for a given question, statement B matches with the
acceleration due to gravity).
statements given in q and r, then for that particular question
Comprehension type questions
against statement B, darken the bubbles corresponding to q and r

Passage -1 in the ORS. i.e. answer will be q and r.

A small particle of mass m attached with a light inextensible

thread of length L is moving in a vertical
circle of radius L. Minimum velocity
required for the particle to go around
complete vertical circle at a highest point
is ^/giL. In the given case particle is
10. A particle is moving on a straight line. It is initially at rest
moving in complete vertical circle and ratio of its maximum
v = instantaneous velocity
to minimum velocity is 2 : 1
P = instantaneous power S = displacement
6.Minimum velocity of the particle is
F = forcet = time

Match the possible expression of the quantities in column-I

with the situation in column-II

<0 4f Column IColumn II

(A)u3 oc S(p) P = constant

Velocity of the particle when it is moving vertically
downward is (B) v2^t (q) P oo V

(C) v2~S (r) F = constant

(D) Uoct (s) 1
F oc —

(t) Poet
10 Newton's Laws of Motion

Match the column 2. Assertion : If the net external force on the body is zero,

Column II then its acceleration is zero.
Column I
Less than Reason Acceleration does not depend on force.
(A) When lift is accelerated up (p)
then apparent weight actual weight 3. Assertion A man in a closed cabin falling freely does

(B) When lift is accelerated (q) Greater than not experience gravity.
down, then apparent actual weight Reason Inertial and gravitational mass have equivalence.
weight [AIIMS 2006]
(C) When lift is going up or (r) Zero 4. Assertion Force is required to move a body uniformly
down with constant along a circle.
velocity, then apparent
Reason When the motion is uniform, acceleration is zero.
5. Assertion A body subjected to three concurrent forces
(D) When lift is free falling then (s) Equal to actual
cannot be in equilibrium.
apparent weight weight
A person in a lift is holding a water jar, which has a small Reason : If large number of concurrent forces acting on the
hole at the lower end of its side. When the lift is at rest, the same point, then the point will be in equilibrium,

water jet coming out of the hole hits the floor of the lift at a if sum of all the forces is equal to zero.
distance d of 1.2 m from the person. In the following, state 6.Assertion : Aeroplanes always fly at low altitudes.
of the lift's motion is given in Column-I and the distance Reason : According to Newton's third law of motion,
where the water jet hits the floor of the lift is given in for every action there is an equal and
Column-II. Match the statements from Column-I with those
opposite reaction.
in Column-II and select the correct answer using the code
7.Assertion : Linear momentum of a body changes even
given below the columns.[JEE (Advanced) 2014]
when it is moving uniformly in a circle.
Column IColumn II
Reason : In uniform circular motion velocity remain
(A) Lift is accelerating (p)
(P) d = 1.2 m
vertically up
8.Assertion : Mass is a measure of inertia of the body in
(B) Lift is accelerating (q) d> 1.2 m
linear motion.
vertically down with an
accelerating less than the Reason : Greater the mass, greater is the force required

gravitational acceleration to change its state of rest or of uniform motion.

Lift is moving vertically up (r) d < 1.2 m 9.Assertion : The slope of momentum versus time curve
with constant Speed give us the acceleration.

(D) Lift is falling freely (s) No water leaks Reason : Acceleration is given by the rate of change of
out of the jar momentum.
10.Assertion : A cyclist always bends inwards while
negotiating a curve.
Reason : By bending, cyclist lowers his centre of gravity.
11.Assertion : The work done in bringing a body down from
For AttMsprants the top to the base along a frictionless incline
plane is the same as the work done in
Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option
out of the options given below: bringing it down the vertical side.

(a)If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the Reason : The gravitational force on the body along the
correct explanation of the assertion. inclined plane is the same as that along the

(b)If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the vertical side.
correct explanation of the assertion. 12.Assertion : Linear momentum of a body changes even
(c)If assertion is true but reason is false. when it is moving uniformly in a circle.
(d)If the assertion and reason both are false. Reason : Force required to move a body uniformly
(e)If assertion is false but reason is true. along a straight line is zero.
13.Assertion : A bullet is fired from a rifle. If the rifle recoils
1. Assertion : Inertia is the property by virtue of which the
body is unable to change by itself the state of freely, the kinetic energy of rifle is more than

rest only. that of the bullet.

Reason : The bodies do not change their state unless Reason : In the case of rifle bullet system the law of
acted upon by an unbalanced external force. conservation of momentum violates.
Newton's Laws of Moti

: A reference frame attached to earth is an

ervation of Linear Momentum and Impulse
inertial frame of reference.

: The reference frame which has zero acceleration

is called a non inertial frame of reference.

: The apparent weight of a body in an elevator

moving with some downward acceleration is
less than the actual weight of body.

Reason : The part of the weight is spent in producing

downward acceleration, when body is in

16.Assertion : When the lift moves with uniform velocity the

man in the lift will feel weightlessness. Equilibrium of Forces
Reason : In downward accelerated motion of lift,
apparent weight of a body decreases.

17.Assertion : Newton's third law of motion is applicable

only when bodies are in motion.

Reason : Newton's third law applies to all types of forces, Motion of Connected Bodies
eg. gravitational, electric or magnetic forces etc.

18.Assertion : A player lowers his hands while catching a

cricket ball and suffers less reaction force.

Reason : The time of catch increases when cricketer

lowers its hand while catching a ball. ^^i" C

d :
^--•;--: a fm-r. b
Critical Thinking Questions
b ^g^ o ^;^ c
b ^al- i.s3. C

Second Law of Motion Graphical Questions

fllf \ b ^ !;a | 1m 1c K 11
j1 jp||||l||
Ii 1j™^ ac

i g^|||||||j
HH 1
m ; h 1 S^
If i !
H1 1 * 1• 1 C
^ W^ d 1 ib 1B I d

• llj c 1
1 ^^^^^^ p *> ^
JEE Section

Hi 3
||i|li b B > m- mB * ^^a

ifiiiiPi i
jb • • d ^c II ^pb
ic 1 45 b
U^B 11 I d 1 illl III

ill S
mi • M^' If Assertion & Reason

212 Newton's Laws of Motion

(a) Force exerted by ball on wall

Answers and Solutions = rate of change in momentum of ball

_ mv-(-mv) _
(c) Let the balls starts moving with
First Law of Motion velocity a1 and it reaches up to
(b) When a sudden jerk is given to C, an impulsive tension maximum height Hmax , then
exceeding the breaking tension develops in C first,
which breaks before this impulse can reach A as a wave From Hmax = ~
through block.

(a) When the string C is stretched slowly, the tension in A is

greater than that of C, because of the weight mg and 0.2m
= V2xl0x2=2Vl0 m/s
the former reaches breaking point earlier.
This velocity is supplied to the
(d) Particle will move with uniform velocity due to inertia.
ball by the hand and initially the hand was at rest, it

Second Law of Motion acquires this velocity in distance of 0.2 meter

(b) u = 100 mls, v = 0, s = 0.06 m = 100 m/s2.
" Q~2s~

u = 2 (100)2 lxlO6
Retardation = a = •—- So upward force on the ball F = m{g + a)
2s 2x0.06 12
= 0.2(10 +100) = 0.2 x 110 = 22N .
_ 5xl0~3xlxl06 5000 ^^_„.
/. Force = ma =—= —— = 417N (c)According to Newton's second law :
Force = rate of change of linear momentum.
(a) Here, Mass of the particle, m = 0.4 kg
(d)The force is constant, i.e., the acceleration is constant.
F = -8 N (minus sign for direction of force)
The distance is decreasing with time. Therefore it is
a , x-F retardation. lstsecond u.l-(l/2)a.l = 5m...(i)
.-. Acceleration, a = — = ^m/s
= -20 , 2
m 0.4 kg
3rd second u.3 - (1 / 2)a.9 - (u.2 - (1 / 2)a.4) = 3m
The position of the particle at any time t is given by
.•. u.l-(l/2)a.5 = 3m ...(ii)
1 2
x = x0 +ut + — at (i) - (ii) gives (l/2)a.4 = -2 =>a = -lm/s2

The position of the particle at t = 0 is 0, therefore /. Constant force = ma = 4x1 = 4N.

xo=O. [This is a retarding force as a is negative].

(a)Here, mass of the body,

.-. x = ut + — at2
m = 0.05kg

Position of the particle at t = 25 s Acceleration a = 9.5 ms~2, g = 9.8ms"2

Here, u = 10m/s, a = -20m/s2, t = 25s ••• ™9-fair =ma => fair = m(g - d)

.\ x = 10x25-r^ (-20)(25)2 =250-6250 =-6000 m. = 0.05(9.8-9.5) = 0.015 N.

(b)The maximum tension = 30 x ION = 300N

(c) Here, m = 20kg, u = 20m/s, ^ = 5m/s , s = 100m
T — mg = ma.
Using v2 =u2 + 2as 300-10x10 = 10a

u2-u2 = 2Om/s^ [Maximum value]

F = ma = m x
when the mass is raised, u = 0, a = 20 m/s2.
Substituting the values, we get
S = 10m, t = ?
F = 20x = -37.5N. 10 = —x20.r2 => t = ls.
2x100 2
Newton's Laws of Motio
10. (e) The acceleration of the system is


The tension in the middle of the rope (i.e., at point A) is

When the whole system is accelerated towards left then
pseudo force {ma) works on a block towards right.
~{m+ 6) 6 X4m ^ " 8 ' [Using (i)] For the condition of equilibrium
11. Jd) p{t) = A{i cos kt-} sin kt) mg sin 6 = ma cos 8 => a =
.•. Force exerted by the wedge on the block
F = — (p(t)) = A/cH sin fct - } cos kt)
at R - mg cos 8 + ma sin 8
= mgcos8 + m\\ (
(gs\n8^ . mg{cos28 + sin28)
sin^ =——
{ cos8 ) cos8

R = mg
cos 8
17. (c) At 11th second lift is moving upward with acceleration
F.p - A2k(- cos let sin kt + sin kt cos k t) = 0 0-3.6 ,„ ,2
a=• = -1.8m/s^
/. The momentum and force are perpendicular to each
other at 90. Tension in rope, T=m(g-a)

12. (b) The frame of reference which are at rest or in uniform = 1500(9.8-1.8) = 12000N.

motion are called inertial frames while frames which are 18. (d) Distance travelled by the lift
accelerated with respect to each other are non-inertial = Area under velocity time graph
frames. Spinning or rotating frames are accelerated
(8x3.6)+[-x2x3.6|= 36m.
frames, hence these are non-inertial frames,
13. (c) B 19. (b) Since downward force along the inclined plane
= mgsin6> =5xl0xsin30 = 25N .

20. (d) t = t c — (u is same)

mg -B = ma •••(i) a
_ U2 _ — i 3 r1 _ ..
= —. [va—, F is same]
U m9 5m

23. (b) Force on particle at 20 cm away F = kx

F=15xO.2 = 3N [Asfc = 15N/m]
a i ^.Force 3 ^^^ . ?
:. Acceleration = == 10m/s .
Mass 0.3
25. (d) Here : Mass of ship m = 2xlO7 kg,

m-mQ)g Force F = 25xlO5N

Displacement s = 25 m
B-(m-mo)g = (m-mQ)a...(ii)
According to the Newton's second law of motion
Equation (i) + equation (ii) F = ma

=> mg - mg + mog = ma + ma - moa F 25xlO5

= 12.5xl(T2m/s2
m 2xl07
Thfe relation for final velocity is
u2=u2+2as => u2=0 + 2x(12.5xl0-2)x25
14. (d) 7 = (M + m)(g + a) = (940 + 60)(10 + l) = 11000 N.
=> v = V6.25 = 2.5 mis.
15. (c) Due to relative motion, acceleration of ball observed by
26. (b) Force, F = (M kg s1) (u m s"1)
observer in lift = (g - a) and for man on earth the
acceleration remains g. = Mv kg m s"2 = My N .
214 Newton's Laws of Mottoit

eight of the disc will be balanced by the force applied 39. (c) uy=40m/s, Fy=-5N, m = 5kg .
by the bullet on the disc in vertically upward direction.
F = nmv = 40x0.05x6 = Mg So cl = —= -lm/s2 (As v =
M= = 1.2 kg. .-. vv =40-lxt = = 40sec.
28. (b) Here the tension in the cord is given by 40.(b) When the lift is stationary W = mg
T = mg + ma

Here upwards acceleration = a, 11 => 49 = mx9.8 => m = 5/cg.

When the lift is moving downward with an acceleration

Mass of sphere = m,
R = m(9.8-a) = 5[9.8-5] = 24N.
T = 4mg

=> 4mg =mg + ma

41.(b) Rate of flow will be more when lift will move in upward
direction with some acceleration because the net
=> 3mg = ma => a = 3g. downward pull will be more and vice-versa.

U + Lt ^ ^1000-500 ^pward =m(g + a) and Fdownward =m(g-a)

29.(c) xlO = 15m/s.
m 1000 42.(c) Initially due to upward acceleration apparent weight of
30.(a) Since acceleration of lift is zero. the body increases but then it decreases due to
v = u + at = 0 + (—) t = (—1x10 = 200 cm/sec .
decrease in gravity.
Km) V5) 43.(a)
u-u^l 5(65-15)xlO -2
33.(a) F=m = 12.5N.
t J0.2
35.(a) SHori2ontal="^ = 1-5X4 = 6m force
^ mg
xlxl6 = ^

44.(c) Tension the string =m(g + a) = Breaking force

=> 20(g + a) = 25xg => a = g/4 = 2.5 m/s2 .

mg = g/3.
m{g-a) 2 45.(b) dp = Fxdt = 10x10 = 100 kg m/s.
37.(d) u = 250m/s, v = 0, s = 0.12metre
46. (d) F = -^• = — .: F-t.
u2-v2^ 20xl0~3x(250)2 dt dt
F - ma =
2s 2x0.12 47.(d) R = m(g-a) = m(10-10) = ;

= 5.2xlO3N. 48.(c) By drawing the free body diagram of point B

38. (c) Let the tension in the section BC and BF are Tx and

T2 respectively.C \/ F

From Lami's theorem

Let bullet is fired with velocity vB at point A and its [2
velocity becomes half when it travels a distance s and sin 120 sin 120 sin 120 T=10N
reaches at point B. When it reaches at point C, it comes ^ 7 = ^=12 =10 N.
to rest and travels a distance x.
49. (b) Force exerted by the ball
From A to B, using, v2 -u2 = 2as

dt 0.1

50. (b) F = — = Rate of change of momentum

As balls collide elastically hence, rate of change of
/. From B to C, using v2 -u2 = 2as
momentum of ball = n[mu - {-mu)] = 2mnu
i.e. F = 2mnu .
2 )4 8s

8s 8x30 51. (a) m = - =

=>x = = 10cm.
4x6 24 a
52. (a)
• '*^• '••":' "-

Given that p = pxi + pvj - 2 cos t i + 2 sin t j 2.

Newton's Laws of Motion 215 1 UNIVERSAL

(b) Resolve momentum 6.5m along x and y axes and equate.

.-. 6.5mcos0 = 5xl 2*6
^iiiiiiiu rn1

.'. F = — = -2sinti+2costj
dt and 6.5m sin 0 = 6 x 2
>1 x 5
Now, F.p = 0 i.e. angle between F and p is 90. ^ (6.5m)2=(5)2+(12)2 y

Third Law of Motion => 6.5m = 13 => m = 2kg 6.5m

1. (c) Swimming is a result of pushing water in the opposite .-. Total mass = 1 + 2 + 2 = 5kg.
direction of the motion.
3. (c) y -O.lkg/s, v^-SOmls,
— dm dt
2. (c) Force =v Clffl
dt Mass of the rocket = 2 kg. Mv= constant
Force = vM [.*. force = M v newton]
dM dv n dv 1 dM
-v+ M— 0. /. — —u. 1
3. (c) 5N force will not produce any tension in spring without dt dt dt M dt
support of other 5N force. So here the tension in the
spring will be 5N only. => Acceleration = —x 50 x 0.1 = 2.5 m / s .

where N is the number of bullets fired per second.

4. (c) vx = 10 mls ; m1 = 10 kg
4. (d) (a) Is correct 6th coin has four coins on its top which
v2 = 0 ; m2 = 9 kg
exert a force 4mg on it
(b) Is correct. 7th coin has three coins, ^ v3=v; m3 = 1 kg
placed over it. Thus 7th coin exerts a c^~~- --^ ^
According to conservation of momentum
force 4mg on 6th coin (downwards) ^^r "^ I
m^U^ = m2v2 + tt\3v3
(c) Is correct. As what is explained in ^^__i^3
(b), the reaction of 6th coin on the 7th Q^r-^ i 10xl0 = 9x0 + lxu; u = 100m/s.
coin is 4mg (upwards)
(d) Is wrong 10th coin, which is the topmost coin, 5.
experiences a reaction force of mg (upwards) from all
the coins below it. If velocity is doubled then the relativistic mass also
increases. Thus value of linear momentum will be more
6. (d) As by an internal force momentum of the system can
than double.
not be changed.
6. (a) Impulse = Change in momentum
9. (d) Since action and reaction acts in opposite direction on
same line, hence angle between them is 180. = 2mu = 2x0.15x10 = 3.0 Ns.

10. (b) Due to Newton's third law. 7. (a) During collision of ball with the wall horizontal
11. (a) For jumping he presses the spring platform, so the momentum changes (vertical momentum remains
reading of spring balance increases first and finally it constant)
becomes zero.
n Change in horizontal momentum 1
12. (b) As the spring balance are massless therefore both the Time of contact ^^
scales read M kg each. 2Pcos0 2mucos0 ""60^
01 01 P=mv y^C]
Conservation of Linear Momentum and Impulse \J. X V/. X ^ iLs *^Lr
12 mis 2x0.1xl0xcos60 in^r
1. (a) 0.1
, \ ^ ^_^ ^^
8. (c) Impulse = Force x time = mat
^^ 4m/S 3 2^\
= 0.15x20x0.1 = 0.3 N-s.

8m/s 9. (b) For a given mass P ^ v. If the momentum is constant

then it's velocity must be constant.
According to conservation of linear momentum
11. (a) The bullets are initially at rest.
_ ,
/_2 , _2
P3 =\Pl +P2
Change of momentum per second = muN.
=> mx4 = -y/(lxl2)2+(2x8)2 =20=>m = 5kg. where N is the number of bullets fired per second.
216 Newton's Laws of Motion

24. (d) Rate of flow of water ^ = 1Ocm 3

13. (d) — = 0.1 kg I sec ; Mass of the rocket = 100 kg
dt t sec sec
v-lkm I sec = 1000 m / sec. , 31
Density of water p =3^
_ d(mv) dv dm n m
r == mv= 0 as the mass is decreasing
dtdt dt
Cross-sectional area of pipe A = ^(0.5 x 10 -3\2
100a-1000x0.1 = 0
_dv mv Vpv ^^ V (Vf p ( V
a = +lm/s2. Force = m—-= — = -^—=-^—x—= — — vu=-—
dt t t t At {tj A { At
15.(c) It works on the principle of conservation of momentum.
By substituting the value in the above formula we get
,mBvB 0.2x5
16.(c) vG = c " == lm/s. F = 0.127N.
25.(a) Newton's second and third laws lead to the
17.(d) In terms of three significant figure conservation of linear momentum.
Momentum P = mu = 3.513x5.00 =17.6. 26.(b) If a large force F acts for a short time dt the impulse
lfi , xrnBvB 50xl0~3x30 imparted I is
18.(c) mG === 1.5 kg.

19. (c) Momentum of one piece = —x3 I = dp= change in momentum.
27.(b) F = u(—1 = 400 x 0.05 = 20 N.
Momentum of the other piece = —x4
9M2 5M 28.(b) Here, mass of bullet m = lOg = —— kg .
.*. Resultant momentum = 1000
Mass of ice, M — 5 kg
The third piece should also have the same momentum.
According to the conservation of linear momentum, we
Let its velocity be v, then
5M M5 o_ .
= —xv => v = — = 2.5m sec. mx300 + Mx0 =
4 22
20.(a) rrij = 1000 kg. vx = 50 mls , m2 = 1250 kg, v2=? •x3OO + MxO =
From conservation law of linear momentum
/. v = — = 0.6m/s = 60cm/s.
m^ = m2u2
=> 1000x50 = 1250xu2 => v2 = 40m/s.
29.(a) Since there in no resultant external force, linear
21.(c) By conservation of momentum
momentum of the system remains constant.
0 = Mx2V-2MV + 2M\/'
30.(a) Tension, thrust, air resistance, weight are all common
.\V' = 0. forces in mechanics whereas impulse is not a force.
22.(d) Applying the law of conservation of linear momentum, Impulse = Force x Time duration
we get
= V(2x8)2+(lxl2)2 = )vr = {1
31.(c) Acceleration a = -\^^)vr =- {—1x2400= 40ms"2.

dt ) l\60J
20=> v= — 32. (d) u = velocity of bullet

23. (d) According to law of conservation of momentum the

= Mass of bullet fired per second by the gun
third piece has momentum
= lx-(3i + 4])kgms"1
ty =Mass of one bullet (mB) x Bullets fired per sec (N)
Impulse = Average force x time dt
Impulse Ix4j
Average force = Maximum force that man can exert F = u\
Change in momentum lx(3i Ix3i
:. F = uxmBxN
time IV
= -(3i+4J)kgms-1 =_(3-+4-)xl04N F 144
N= = 3.
mRxu 40xl0"3xl200
Newton's Laws of Motion 217

oo / \ ^ \dm^ dm F 210 A „, (c) If 1 N and 2 N act in the same direction and 3 N acts in
33. (a) F = u|- =—.-- — = 0.7*8/..
opposite direction, equilibrium is possible.

34. (b)

dm _ m{g + a) _ 5000 x (10 + 20)

= 187.5 kg/s.

35.(c) Initial thrust must be Let the mass of a block is m. It will remains stationary if
forces acting on it are in equilibrium i.e,
m[g + a] = 3.5xl04(10 + 10) = 7xl05N.
macosa = mg since =$> a = gtana
36.(c) Rate of change of momentum of the bullet in forward Here ma = Pseudo force on block, mg = Weight.
direction = Force required to hold the gun.
(e) Let F^ and F2 be

F. = nmv = 4x20xl0"3 x300 = 24N . two forces and F be

their resultant.
37.(b) .-. AV^-V^,
Let F^ be the smaller

=> AV = (-V cos 60 i - V sin 60 }) force.

Fi=F2+F2 or F2=F2-F2

=>AV = (-2Vcos600 (8V3)2 =F22-F12

192 = (F2+F1)(F2-F1)...(i)
Thus impulse, / = m | AV |
vF1+F2=16N (Given)...(ii)

Put this value in (i), we get, F2-F1== 12N ...(iii)
38. (a) By conservation of linear momentum, 16
Solving (ii) and (iii), we get, F1 = 2N, F2 = 14N
0 = 3xl6-6xu
.-. Forces are 2 N and 14 N.
:.v = 8ml sfor^kg
(0 Fmax = 5 + 10 = 15N and Fmin= 10-5 = 5N

:. Kinetic energy of 6kg mass = — x 6 x 8 2 = 192J. Range of resultant 5 < F < 15.

(b) F2=(3P)2+(2P)2 + 2x3Px2Pxcos0 ...(i)

Equilibrium of Forces
(2P)2 = (6P)2 + (2P)2 + 2 x 6P x 2P x cos B ... (ii)

by solving (i) and (ii), cos6 = -1/2 => B = 120

1. (c) Here, sin0 = -
(b) tana= 2Fsmd = oo (as or = 90)
F + 2FcosB
Let required acceleration

inclined plane be a for the

=> cos 6 = —
object to remain stationar 2
relative to incline, 6 =120.

(b) ...(0
we have
• ••(ii)
ma cos B = mg sin B
tan a = = tan 90 => cos B =... (iii)
By solving (i), (ii) and (iii), A = 13N and B = 5N .
18 Newton^s Laws of Motion

12.(a) Net force on the particle is zero so the v remains (c) Block A moves with velocity 0.15ms ^ compresses the

unchanged. spring which pushes B towards right. A goes on

13.(a) For equilibrium of forces, the resultant of two (smaller) compressing the spring till the velocity acquired by B
becomes equal to the velocity of A. Let this velocity be
forces should be equal and opposite to third one.
v This state occurs when the spring is in a state of
14. (d) tan0 = - = maximum compression. Let x be the maximum
compression in this stage.
=>tan0 = tan45
50N According to the law of conservation of linear
momentum, we get
=> 0 = 45.

=5V2N. u = (mA+mB)v
15. (b)

and tan^ = — =1 mAu 2x0.15

= 0.06 ms"1.
o u=
mA + mB 2+3
FX=5N According to the conservation of energy, we get

-mAu2 =-(mA +rnB)v2 +-toc2

Motion of Connected Bodies
12 1 /
1_ 2 1i 2
"2mA^ -•K =kx
(c) 2
-x2x(0.15)2--(2 + 3)(0.06)2 =-^

Acceleration of the system =

m+M 0.0225-0.009 =-toe2 => 0.0135 =-toe2
The force exerted by rope on the mass = (0.027 (0.027 nnc

(a) ac= —= 2m/sec2

(c) Acceleration =
contact force as B will provide acceleration to (sec) so

contact force =3x2 = 6N . x98

4 + 37
(b) (d) Here, m = 10kg, F = ION

The situation is as shown in the figure.

10 Kd—* 1.5 ms"1

From the figure T sin 30 = 30 ... i Motion along vertical direction
Acceleration along vertical direction
Tcos30=lV -(ii)
F ION ^ _2
av= — = ——— = lms
By solving equation (i) and (ii) we get v m 10kg

Distance travelled by the block in 4s in vertical direction is

W = 30V3N and T = 60N.
Sv ^\af =|x(l^s-2)(4s)2 =8m
5. (b) Work done in max extension
Motion along horizontal direction
= stored P..
Distance travelled by the block in 4s in horizontal
Mgxx = —kx5 direction is , Sx = (1.5 ms'1 )(4 s) = 6 m
T The displacement of the block at the end of 4 s is
=> x = M + S2 = V(8m)2 + (6m)2 = 10 m.
Newton's ^aws of Motion 219

(10+6)x40 21. (b) Newton second law

9. (d) 72=(m1+m2)x = 32N.
m^ + m2 + JTI3 20
= ma => 6 = (7 + 5)a; a = —m/s2; m—> 5Kg

11. (c)7 =
L 5
2m1m2 2x10x6 x9.8 = 73.5N. Now, P=5x- = 2.5N.
12. (d)7 =
mx +m2 10 + 6
22. (a) FBD of mass 2 kg FBD of mass 4kg

(0 q = ^^ig = ^4g=^.
g T. 4N
m^+m2 10 + 5

(c, T f
I mx + m2 + m3 J 2+3+5 7^1 119.
19.6 N
39.2 N
15. (a) 7 = mxgsin0 - mxa
10 7-7'-19.6 = 4 ...0)
7 = 12xl0sin 37-12x2
mg sin 7'-39.2 = 8
7 = 120x0.6018-24
From(ii), 7= 47.2 N
7 = 72.21-24 = 48.21 = 48.
And substituting 7' in (i), we get
16. (c) 7 sin 30 = 2kg tot
7 = 4 + 19.6 + 47.2 => 7 = 70.8N.
=> 7 = 4kgtot
24. (b) J3mg
aA = 9/2
2mg 1| ms
= 4cos30 aB = 9

= 2>/3. 26. (d) Reading of spring balance =7 = (N)

+ m2
17. (c) If monkey move downward with acceleration a then its

apparent weight decreases. In that condition 27. (c) Acceleration of the system = and
Tension in string = m(g - a)

This should not be exceed over breaking strength of the

rope i.e. 360 > nig - a) => 360 > 60(10 -a) =>a>4m/s2. mF
Force on the block m=Kx = ma =

18. (b) a= 28. (d) Acceleration = ^on= 20m/s2 in both the cases.

19. (b) As block of mass 2m moves with constant velocity so 10 kg 15 kg

10 kg 15 kg
F=500 N I1
net force on it is zero, A , ; B | A : TV \^:
20. (e) The water jet striking the block at the rate of 2kgs^1 at
In fig 1, 7 = 500 -10 x 20 = 300N.
a speed of 10 ms"1 will exert a force on the block,
In fig 2, 7' = 500 -15 x 20 = 200N.

F = 10x2 = 20N 29. (c)


mg si

2mg - 7 = 2ma - (0

Under the action of this force of 20 N, the block of mass 7 - mg sin 30 = ma ... (ii)
4 kg will move with an acceleration given by
(i) +(ii) gives,
F 20N _
a = — == 5 ms -2
m 4kg 2mg— = 3 ma =>a = — .
20 Newton's Laws of Notion
30.(d) Force equation for 'M1 34. (b) Common acceleration of the system,
M 14N 14 _2 „ _2
Force equation for, m a= = —ms = 2ms
4fcg + 2kg + lkg 77
mg-T = ma... (ii)
on solving (i) and (ii) Let R be the contact force between 4 kg and 2 kg blocks.

^ ( Mm ) im
The free body diagram of 4 kg block is as shown in the
= 5"
31.(a) According to conservation of linear momentum
0 = m^v^ + m2v2 14N- 4icg j •R
0 = lx2 + 2xu2 Vl<r r 2kg ^
lkg •v2
v2 = -lm/s!PW The equation of motion is 14 - R = 4a
-ue sign shows that 2 kg is pulled in a opposite R = 14-4x2 = 6N.
direction to that of mass 1 kg.
^2. (a) Here, m^ = lkg, m2 = 2kg 35. (c)

The acceleration of the system is

(m2 - (2-l)g = g = 10
rri^ + m2 1+2 3 3 a| Mgsi
Acceleration of the centre of mass is
+ m2a2 _ l(-a) + 2(a)
_ Here, M = 15kg, 0 = 30, g = 10 m/s2
m1+m2 1+2 m2m ^kg
As the block is held by the string,

.-. T = Mg sin 30 = 15 x 10 x - = 75N.

Critical Thinking Questions

9 9
The distance travelled by the centre of mass in two
(c) As v = bt i + 2t; .-. a = axi + ayj = bi + 2; a*
seconds is
c 1 t2 1 10 /OX2 20 F = maxi+m(g + av)]
S=^ocmt 2=-x-x(2) 2=Tm-

33. (a)

( m1+m2
(3m-m^ g

3. (c) u2=2as = 2|— s [As u = 0]

Let T be the tension in the string.
Let a be acceleration of the system. ^|
The equations of motion are
Ma = Mg sin 53-T ...0) 4. (c) Mass of rope, m = 0.1 kg, 0 = 10
and Ma = T-Mg sin 37 -.(ii)
Adding (i) and (ii), we get
= g cos 45 sin 8

. . . _ o (A+B^.(A-B
v sin A - sin B = 2 cos sin

-^x0.139 From figure, 2T sin 0 = mg

= 0.98ms~2 ^ lms~2. 2 sin 0 2 sin 10
5. (d) Force on the pulley by the cla
Newton's Laws of Motion 221

Graphical Questions

(e) Velocity after 10 sec. = —


Area enclosed between F -t graph and time axis

Area=-[-x2xl0 + 2xl0 + -
2[22 2J
6. (a) For equilibrium of system, F^ =F^ + F^ [As 6 = 90] = 50 m/s.

Net force (b)Velocity between t = 0 and t = 2sec

In the absence of force F^, Acceleration =
Mass dx 4 o .
^Vi=_ = _ = 2m/S

mm Velocity at t = 2 sec, uf = 0
7. (a) Relative vertical acceleration of A with respect to B
Impulse = Change in momentum = m(vf -u,)
= g(sin260-sin230)
= 0.1(0-2) =-0.2kg msec"1.
(d) Gravitational field is a conservative field. Therefore
work done in moving a particle from A to B is
8. (b) F = T=
2cos0 independent of path chosen.

Magnitude of acceleration (ac) In region AB and CD, slope of the graph is constant i.e.
of the particle velocity is constant. It means no force acting on the

^ Tsin0 particle in this region.

m 5. (c)Impulse = Change in momentum = m(v2 -Ui) ...(i)

Ftan0 F x
Again impulse = Area between the graph and time axis
2m 2m

= -x2x4 + 2x4 + -(4 + 2.5)x0.5 + 2x2.5

9. (c) FAt = mAu => F = *^
= 4 + 8 + 1.625 + 5 =18.625...(ii)
By doing so time of change in momentum increases
From (i) and (ii), m(u2 - vx) = 18.625
and impulsive force on knees decreases.

10. (c) From the figure for the equilibrium of the system 18.62518.625 . ^. oc .
=> v2 =+ v^ =+ 5 = 14.25 mis.
= 45
V2 (d) K = — and increment in length is proportional the

original length i.e. x ^ / .\ Kc —

It means graph between K and / should be hyperbolic in


(c\ m— =
(0 m^
11. (a) For equilibrium, mg. x = T x y => T = dt m

m Jo

m -b

For T to be minimum y should be maximum. mb

222 Newton's ^aws Of Moti^n
8. (c) Initially particle was at rest. By the application of force Comprehension type questions
its momentum increases.
Passage -1
Final momentum of the particle = Area oiF-t graph
=> mu = Area of semi circle 6. (b) -mu2+0 mv\ + mgL

mu = ^m(2u)2:= -mu2 +2mgL

9.(d) momentum acquired = Area of force-time graph
— mu2x3 = 2nngL

= -x (2)x(10) + 4x10 = 10 + 40 = 50 N-s.

10.(c) F = — , so the force is maximum when slope of graph
dt -1m4flLx^
7. (c) 2n,ol+nigL =
is maximum.

11.(c) Impulse = Area between force and time graph and it is 1 2 8mgL
igL -
maximum for graph (III) and (IV). 2 3
12.(a) Slope of surface should change from one constant value 2 5gLx2
(non zero) to another constant value (non zero) in terms c 3 vc =
of sign because force is constant piecewise.
8. (b) Kinetic energy,
13.(c) Impulse = AP = m(Vf - V,) = 0.4[l - (-1)] = 0.8 Ns.
\r "^• ^__..2 ^^ 2mgL

Integer type questions

More than one correct answers
9.(6) Consider the forces on the person:
1. (ac) T cos 0 = mg LFy =mav

Tsin0 = ma n - mg = ma

:.tex\0 = a/q n = 1.6mg so a = 0.60g = 6ms~2 —^^-


=>u2 =02+ 2x6x3 =^u = 6ms"1. ^mg

2. (abc)Let T = tension in the rope. Force T acts on both. The
limiting force of friction is larger for the block than for Matrix Match type questions
the man. Each body will move when T exceeds the
force of friction. 10.A-+ p, s; B-+ p, s; C-> r, t; D-> q, r, t
P = k = constantF = k = constant
3. (abd)F-mg = 2
Fv = kma = k
mav = k
unbalanced force
= 20 mis2 T=F
a= dv
mass 0.1 m\ v— \v = k mv— = k
\ dsj ds
.\S = -ot2 =-x20xl = 10m m
2 2 11. A-> q; B-> p; C-> s; D-> r
.-. W by tension = F x 10 = 3 x 10 = 30 J Apparent weight, when lift :
W against gravity = mg x s = 1 x 10 = 10 J. (i) is accelerated up : m{g + a)

Reasoning type questions

(ii) is accelerated down : m(g - a)
(b) According to law of inertia (Newton's first law), when
cloth is pulled from a table, the cloth come in state of
motion but dishes remains stationary due to inertia. (iii) is going up or down with constant velocity : mg
Therefore when we pull the cloth from table the dishes
remains stationary.
(iv) is freely falling : m(g - g)
(d) If the lift is retarding while it moves upward, the man
shall feel lesser weight as compared to when lift was
rest. Here a is acceleration of the lift.
12. A-> p; B- p; C- p; D- s
•--.^ •*•••
Newtoit's Laws <rf Motion 2

8.(a) According to Newton's second law of motion a = —

Match the column
i.e. magnitude of the acceleration produced by a given
When lift is at rest: force is inversely proportional to the mass of the body.
Higher is the mass of the body, lesser will be the
acceleration produced i.e. mass of the body is a
measure of the opposition offered by the body to
change a state, when the force is applied i.e. mass of a
body is the measure of its inertia.

9.(d) F = — = Slope of momentum-time graph i.e. Rate of

change of momentum = Slope of momentum- time
graph = force.
10.(c) The purpose of bending is to acquire centripetal force
(A) 9eff for circular motion. By doing so component of normal
reaction will counter balance the centrifugal force.
(B) 9eff 11.(c) Work done in moving an object against gravitational
force (conservative force) depends only on the initial
(C) S<# and final position of the object, not upon the path
taken. But gravitational force on the body along the
(D) g =0 No water leaks out of the jar. inclined plane is not same as that along the vertical and
it varies with the angle of inclination.
12.(b) In uniform circular motion of a body the speed remains
constant but velocity changes as direction of motion
(e) Inertia is the property by virtue of which the body is changes.
unable to change by itself not only the state of rest, but As linear momentum = mass x velocity, therefore linear
also the state of motion. momentum of a body changes in a circle.
On the other hand, if the body is moving uniformly along
(c) According to Newton's second law
a straight line then its velocity remains constant and hence
Force acceleration is equal to zero. So force is equal to zero.
Acceleration = i.e. if net external force on the
Mass 13.(d) Law of conservation of linear momentum is correct
when no external force acts. When bullet is fired from a
body is zero then acceleration will be zero.
rifle then both should possess equal momentum but
(a) m grav 9 - i = minertel. a For freely falling a = g. Since
different kinetic energy. E = Kinetic energy of
!„,., = mj. ^=>N = 0. 2m

(b) When a body is moving in a circle, its speed remains the rifle is less than that of bullet because E = 1/m .
same but velocity changes due to change in the direction 14.(d) An inertial frame of reference is one which has zero
of motion of body. According to first law of motion, force acceleration and in which law of inertia hold good i.e.
is required to change the state of a body. As in circular Newton's law of motion are applicable equally. Since
motion the direction of velocity of body is changing so earth is revolving around the sun and earth is rotating
about its own axis also, the forces are acting on the
the acceleration cannot be zero. But for a uniform motion
earth and hence there will be acceleration of earth due
acceleration is zero (for rectilinear motion).
to these factors. That is why earth cannot be taken as
(e) A body subjected to three concurrent forces is found to inertial frame of reference.
in equilibrium if sum of these forces is equal to zero. 15.(c) The apparent weight of a body in an elevator moving with
downward acceleration a is given by W = m{g-a).
i.e. F1+F2+F3 +=0.
16.(e) For uniform motion apparent weight = Actual weight
(a) The wings of the aeroplane pushes the external air For downward accelerated motion,
backward and the aeroplane move forward by reaction Apparent weight < Actual weight.
of pushed air. At low altitudes density of air is high and 17.(e) According to third law of motion it is impossible to have
so the aeroplane gets sufficient force to move forward. a single force out of mutual interaction between two
bodies, whether they are moving or at rest. While,
(c) In uniform circular motion, the direction of motion
Newton's third law is applicable for all types of forces.
changes, therefore velocity changes.
18.(a) By lowering his hand player increases the time of catch,
As P = mv therefore momentum of a body also by doing so he experience less force on his hand
changes in uniform circular motion. because F Vdt.
4 Newton's Laws of Motion

Self Evaluation Test

A car is moving with uniform velocity on a rough horizontal The masses of 10 kg and 20 kg respectively are connected
road. Therefore, according to Newton's first law of motion by a massless spring as shown in figure. A force of 200 N

(a)No force is being applied by its engine acts on the 20 kg mass. At the instant shown, the 10 kg mass

(b)A force is surely being applied by its engine has acceleration 12 m I sec2 . What is the acceleration of 20

(c)An acceleration is being produced in the car kg m

(d)The kinetic energy of the car is increasing

A person is sitting in a travelling train and facing the engine.

He tosses up a coin and the coir^ falls behind him. It can be
concluded that the train is[SCRA 1994] (a) 12 m/sec^ (b) 4m/sec'

(a)Moving forward and gaining speed

(c) 10 m/sec' (d) Zero
(b)Moving forward and losing speed

(c)Moving forward with uniform speed A spring balance and a physical balance are kept in a lift. In
these balances equal masses are placed. If now the lift starts
(d)Moving backward with uniform speed
moving upwards with constant acceleration, then
A block can slide on a smooth inclined plane of inclination
(a)The reading of spring balance will increase and the
6 kept on the floor of a lift. When the lift is descending with
equilibrium position of the physical balance will
a retardation a, the acceleration of the block relative to the
incline is
(b)The reading of spring balance will remain unchanged
(a) (g + a)sin0(b) (g-a)
and physical balance will remain in equilibrium
(c) gsin^^(d) (g-a)sin0
(c)The reading of spring balance will decrease and
A 60 kg man stands on a spring scale in the lift. At some
physical balance will remain in equilibrium
instant he finds, scale reading has changed from 60 kg to
(d)The reading of spring balance will increase and the
50kg for a while and then comes back to the original mark.
physical balance will remain in equilibrium
What should we conclude

(a)The lift was in constant motion upwards As shown in the figure, two equal masses each of 2 kg axe
suspended from a spring balance. The reading of the spring
(b)The lift was in constant motion downwards
balance will be
(c)The lift while in constant motion upwards, is stopped

(d)The lift while in constant motion downwards, is

suddenly stopped

Three weight A, B and C are connected by string as shown 2kg2kg

in the figure. The system moves over a frictionless pulley.

(a) Zero(b) 2 kg
The tension in the string connecting A and B is (where g is
(c) 4 kg(d) Between zero and 2 kg
acceleration due to gravity)^^..T1r.mrr[niiTl,
A player kicks a football of mass 0.5 kg and the football
(a) g
begins to move with a velocity of 10 mis. If the contact
9 between the leg and the football lasts for — sec, then the

(c) force acted on the football should be

(a) 2500 N(b) 1250 N

9 (c) 250 N(d) 625 N
Newton's Laws of Motion 225

10. The engine of a jet aircraft applies a thrust force of 105 N 13. Two masses M and m are connected by a weightless string.
They are pulled by a force F on a frictionless horizontal
during take off and causes the plane to attain a velocity of 1
surface. The tension in the string will be
/cm/sec in 10 sec. The mass of the plane is

(a) 102 kg (b) 103 kg

(c) 10^kg (d) 105 kg

11. A force of 50 dynes is acted on a body of mass 5 g which is at

rest for an interval of 3 seconds, then impulse is [AFMC 1998] +m
14. In the above question, the acceleration of mass m is
(a) 0.15xlCT3N-s (b) 0.98xl0-3N-s F-T
(a) - (b)
m m
(c) 1.5xl(T3N-s (d) 2.5xl(T3N-s
(c) (d)
12. Two weights w^ and w2 are suspended from the ends of a
15. Which one of the following is not a contact force
light string passing over a smooth fixed pulley. If the pulley is [Kerala PET 2010]
pulled up at an acceleration g, the tension in the string will be (a) Viscous force(b) Air resistance
(c) Friction(d) Buoyant force
(e) Magnetic force
+w2 +U>2 16. In relativity which is constant between two frames of
reference[Odisha JEE 2011]
(o -at (a) Acceleration(b) Conservation of mass
w1 +w2 +w2) (c) Space interval(d) Velocity
6 Newton's taws of Motion

Answers and

(b)Since, force needed to overcome frictional force. 8.(b) In this case, one 2 kg wt on the left will act as the
support for the spring balance. Hence its reading will be
(a) The coin falls behind him it means the velocity of train
2 kg.
was increasing otherwise the coin fall directly into the
hands of thrower. 9.(c) Force on the football F = m—
(a) Acceleration of block in a stationary lift = g sin 6
F=m(v2-v1) _ 0.5 x (10-0) =
If lift is descending with ace. then it will be (g-a)sin0.
but in the problem acceleration = - a (retardation) Change in velocity
10. (b) Acceleration produced in jet =
.-. Acceleration of block = [g-(-a)]sin0 = (g + a)sin^ Time

(c)For upward acceleration apparent weight =m(g + a)

If lift suddenly stops during upward motion then

apparent weight — m(g - a) because instead of Force 10 = 103 kg.
.*. Mass =
Acceleration 102
acceleration, we will consider retardation.
11. (c) Impulse = Force x Time = 50 x 10"5 x 3
In the problem it is given that scale reading initially was
= 1.5x lO"3 N-s.
60 kg and due to sudden jerk reading decreasing and
finally comes back to the original mark i.e., 60 kg.
12. (a) T=
+ m2) +m
So, we can conclude that lift was moving upward with
constant speed and suddenly stops.
•9 =
2xmBm 2x1x510 m1 +m2 + w2
... T
_= xg = -——-xg=—g.
mA +mB +m c3 + 1 + 59
13. (a) T = Mxa= Mx
(b) As the mass of 10 kg has acceleration 12 m/s? therefore {m + M
it apply 120N force on mass 20kg in a backward F-T
14. (b) Net force on mass m, ma = F-T .: a =
direction. m
.-.Net forward force on 20 kg mass = 200 - 120 = 80N 15.(e)

80 = 4m/s2 . 16.(d) Special theory of relativity is based on two postulates

.•. Acceleration = —
20 (i) All laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference
(d) The fictitious force will act downwards. So the reading frames.
of spring balance will increase. In case of physical (ii) The speed of light in vacuum has the same value in all
balance, the fictitious force will act on both the pans, so inertial frames, r^gardless of the velocity of the observer
the equilibrium is not affected. or the velocity of source emitting the light.

Introduction (iii) Coefficient of static friction : (a) /^s is called coefficient

of static friction and is defined as the ratio of force of limiting

If we slide or try to slide a body over a surface, the motion is
resisted by a bonding between the body and the surface. This friction and normal reaction u = —
f^s R
resistance is represented by a single force and is called friction force.

The force of friction is parallel to the surface and opposite to (b)Dimension : [MLT]
the direction of intended motion.
(c)Unit: It has no unit.
Types of Friction
(d)Value of ju depends on material and nature of surfaces
(1) Static friction : The opposing force that comes into in contact that means whether dry or wet ; rough or smooth
play when one body tends to move over the surface of another, polished or non-polished."
but the actual motion has yet not started is called static friction.
(e)Value of ju does not depend upon apparent area of
(1)If applied force is P and the
body remains at rest then static
P (3) Kinetic or dynamic friction : If the applied force is
friction force F = P.
increased further and sets the body in motion, the friction opposing
(ii) If a body is at rest and no
pulling force is acting on it, force of the motion is called kinetic friction.
friction on it is zero. Fig. 5.1 (i) Kinetic friction depends upon the normal reaction.

(lit) Static friction is a self-adjusting force because it changes Fk oc R or Fh= jukR where juk is called the coefficient of
itself in accordance with the applied force and is always equal to
kinetic friction
net external force.
(ii) Value of jUk depends upon the nature of surface in
(2)Limiting friction : If the applied force is increased, the
force of static friction also increases. If the applied force exceeds a contact.

certain (maximum) value, the body starts moving. This maximum (iii) Kinetic friction is always less than limiting friction
value of static friction upto which body does not move is called Fk < F, .-. juk < jus
limiting friction.
i.e. coefficient of kinetic friction is always less than coefficient
(i) The magnitude of limiting friction between any two
of static friction. Thus, we require more force to start a motion than
bodies in contact is directly proportional to the normal reaction
to maintain it against friction. This is because once the motion
between them.
starts actually ; inertia of rest has been overcome. Also when
F; oc R or F, = jusR motion has actually started, irregularities of one surface have little

(ii) Direction of the force of limiting friction is always time to get locked again into the irregularities of the other surface.

opposite to the direction in which one body is at the verge of (iv) Kinetic friction does not depend upon the velocity of the
moving over the other body.
(2) Minimum pushing force P at an angle ^r from the (4) Minimum force to move a body in downward direction

horizontal along the surface of inclined plane

Fig. 5.12
By resolving P in horizontal and vertical direction (as shown
Fig. 5.16
in the figure)
By resolving P in the direction of the plane and
perpendicular to the plane (as shown in the figure)

Psina P
Fig. 5.13 W

For the condition of equilibrium

F = Pcosorand R = W + Psma
Fig. 5.17
By substituting these values in F = juR
For the condition of equilibrium
=> P cos a = fi (IV + P sin a)

sin 6? .-. J? = lVcos/l-Psinc^ and F

Pcosr = [As ju = tan 0]
cosO By substituting these values in F = /M and solving we get

=> P = p
cos (a + 0) cos {a - 0)

(3) Minimum pulling force P to move the body up on (5) Minimum force to avoid sliding of a body down

an inclined planep on an inclined pla

Fig. 5.14 Fig. 5.18

By resolving P in the direction of the plane and By resolving P in the direction of the plane and
perpendicular to the plane (as shown in the figure)
perpendicular to the plane (as shown in the figure)

R +a



Fig. 5.15 Fig. 5.19

For the condition of equilibrium
For the condition of equilibrium
F + Psiner^lVcos/l

/. F ^ IV cos/I - P sin cr and .-. R = Wcos^-Psina and Pcosa + F = IVsin/l

.-. F = Pcosor-lVsin/l .•. F = IVsinX-Pcosa

By substituting these values in F = fjR and solving we get By substituting these values in F = juR and solving we get

p = w\sin(A-0)]
lcos{0 + a)\
cos {a - 0)

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