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Units^ Dimensions and Measurement

Refractive index = Velocity of light in air/Velocity of light in

Physical Quantity
A quantity which can be measured and by which various
Strain = Change in dimension/Original dimension
physical happenings can be explained and expressed in the form of
(2)Scalar (magnitude only) : These quantities do not
laws is called a physical quantity. For example length, mass, time,
have any direction e.g. Length, time, work, energy etc.
force etc.
On the other hand various happenings in life e.g., Magnitude of a physical quantity can be negative. In that

happiness, sorrow etc. are not physical quantities because these case negative sign indicates that the numerical value of the

can pot be measured. quantity under consideration is negative. It does not specify the

Measurement is necessary to determine magnitude of a direction.

physical quantity, to compare two similar physical quantities and to Scalar quantities can be added or subtracted with the help of
prove physical laws or equations. ordinary laws of addition or subtraction.
A physical quantity is represented completely by its (3)Vector (magnitude and direction) : These quantities
magnitude and unit. For example, 10 metre means a length which have magnitude and direction both and can be added or
is ten times the unit of length. Here 10 represents the numerical subtracted with the help of laws of vector algebra e.g.
value of the given quantity and metre represents the unit of displacement, velocity, acceleration, force etc.
quantity under consideration. Thus in expressing a physical
There are also some physical quantities, which are not
quantity we choose a unit and then find how many times that unit
completely specified even by magnitude and direction. Such
is contained in the given physical quantity, i.e.
physical quantities are called tensors, e.g., moment of inertia.
Physical quantity (Q) = Magnitude x Unit = n x u
Fundamental and Derived Quantities
Where, n represents the numerical value and u represents
the unit. Thus while expressing definite amount of physical (1)Fundamental quantities : Out of large number of
quantity, it is clear that as the unit(u) changes, the magnitude(n) physical quantities which exist in nature, there are only few
will also change but product 'nu^ will remain same. quantities which are independent of all other quantities and do not
require the help of any other physical quantity for their definition,
i.e. n u = constant, or nxux = n2u2 = constant ; .*. n = —
therefore these are called absolute quantities. These quantities are
also called fundamental or basic quantities, as all other quantities
i.e. magnitude of a physical quantity and units are inversely
proportional to each other. Larger the unit, smaller will be the are based upon and can be expressed in terms of these quantities.

magnitude. (2)Derived quantities : All other physical quantities can

be derived by suitable multiplication or division of different powers
Types of Physical Quantities
of fundamental quantities. These are therefore called derived

(1) Ratio (numerical value only) : When a physical quantities.

quantity is the ratio of two similar quantities, it has no unit. If length is defined as a fundamental quantity then area and

e.g. Relative density = Density of object/Density of water at volume are derived from length and are expressed in terms of

4C. length with power 2 and 3 respectively over the term of length.
imensions anil Measurement

anics, Length, Mass and Time are Besides the above seven fundamental units two
supplementary units are also defined -
arbitrarily chosen as fundamental quantities. However this set of
fundamental quantities is not a unique choice. In fact any three S. No. Physical quantity Name of unit Symbol
quantities in mechanics can be termed as fundamental as all other 1. Plane angle Radian rod
quantities in mechanics can be expressed in terms of these, e.g. if 2. Solid angle Steradian sr
speed and time are taken as fundamental quantities, length will
become a derived quantity because then length will be expressed
r/ote : ^I Apart from fundamental and derived units
as Speed x Time. If force and acceleration are taken as
also use practical units very frequently. These may be fundamental
fundamental quantities, then mass will be defined as
or derived units e.g., light year is a practical unit (fundamental) of
force/acceleration and will be termed as a derived quantity.
distance while horse power is a practical unit (derived) of power.
Fundamental and Derived Units ? Practical units may or may not belong to a system but
Normally each physical quantity requires a unit or standard can be expressed in any system of units
for its specification so it appears that there must be as many units e.g., 1 mile = 1.6 km = 1.6 x 103 m.
as there are physical quantities. However, it is not so. It has been
found that if in mechanics we choose arbitrarily units of any three
physical quantities we can express the units of all other physical In physics we deal from very small (micro) to very large
quantities in mechanics in terms of these. Arbitrarily the physical (macro) magnitudes, on one side we talk about the atom while on
the other side of universe, e.g., the mass of an election is 9.1xlO~31
quantities mass, length and time axe chosen for this purpose. So
kg while that of the sun is 2xlO30 kg. To express such large or small
any unit of mass, length and time in mechanics is called a
magnitudes we use the following prefixes :
fundamental, absolute or base unit. Other units which can be
expressed in terms of fundamental units, are called derived units. Table 1.2 : Prefixes and symbol

For example light year or km is a fundamental unit as it is a unit of Power of 10 Prefix Symbol
length while s"1, m2 or kg/m axe derived units as these are derived
1018 exa
from units of time, mass and length.
1015 peta P
System of units : A complete set of units, both
fundamental and derived for all kinds of physical quantities is 1012 tera T •..••'•
called system of units. The common systems are given below 109 giga G
(1)CGS system : This system is also called Gaussian 106 M :
system of units. In this length, mass and time have been chosen as
103 kilo k
the fundamental quantities and corresponding fundamental units
102 hecto h
are centimetre (cm), gram (g) and second (s) respectively.
(2)MKS system : This system is also called Giorgi system. 101 deca da
In this system also length, mass and time have been taken as io-1 deci d
fundamental quantities, and the corresponding fundamental units io-2 centi c
are metre, kilogram and second.
io-3 milk m
(3)FPS system : In this system foot, pound and second
io-6 micro
are used respectively for measurements of length, mass and time. M
In this system force is a derived quantity with unit poundal. io-9 nano n
(4)S.I. system : It is known as International system of io-12 pico P
units, and is extended system of units applied to whole physics. It is io-15 femto f
the modification of MKS system. There are seven fundamental
io-18 atto a
quantities in this system. These quantities and their units are given
in the following table
Standards of Length, Mass and Time
Table 1.1 : Unit and symbol of quantities
(1)Length : Standard metre is defined in terms of
Quantity Unit Symbol
wavelength of light and is called atomic standard of length.
Length metre m The metre is the distance containing 1650763.73
Mass kilogram kg wavelengths in vacuum of the radiation corresponding to orange
Time second s red light emitted by an atom of krypton-86.
Electric Current ampere A Now a days metre is defined as length of the path travelled
Temperature Kelvin K by light in vacuum in 1/299,7792, 45 part of a second.
Amount of Substance mole mol (2)Mass : The mass of a cylinder made of platinum-iridium
Luminous Intensity candela cd alloy kept at International Bureau of Weights and Measures is
defined as 1 kg.
Units, Dimensions and Measurement 29

On atomic scale, 1 kilogram is equivalent to the mass of To make it more clear, consider the physical quantity force
5.0188 x IO25 atoms of 6C12 (an isotope of carbon). Force = mass x acceleration
_ mass x velocity
(3) Time : 1 second is defined as the time interval of
9192631770 vibrations of radiation in Cs-133 atom. This radiation
_ mass x length/time
corresponds to the transition between two hyperfine levels of the
ground state of Cs-133. time
= mass x length x (time)"2... (i)
PracticaMJn^ ____
Thus, the dimensions of force are 1 in mass, 1 in length
(1) Length and - 2 in time.
(1)1 fermi = lfm = 10"15 m Here the physical quantity that is expressed in terms of the
(ii) 1 X-ray unit = 1XU = 10"13 m basic quantities is enclosed in square brackets to indicate that the
(iii) 1 angstrom = lA = IO"10 m = KT8 cm = IO"7 mm = 0.1 jumm equation is among the dimensions and not among the magnitudes.

(iv) 1 micron = (jxn = IO"6 m Thus equation (i) can be written as [force] = [MLT~2]-

(v) 1 astronomical unit = 1 A.U. = 1. 49 x 1011 m Such an expression for a physical quantity in terms of the
fundamental quantities is called the dimensional equation. If we
1.5 x 10n m IO8 km
consider only the R.H.S. of the equation, the expression is termed
(vi) 1 Light year = 1 ly = 9.46 x IO15 m as dimensional formula.
(vii) 1 Parsec = lpc = 3.26 light year Thus, dimensional formula for force is, [MLT"2].
(2)Mass Quantities Having same Dimensions
(i) Chandra Shekhar unit : 1 CSU =1.4 times the mass of
sun = 2.8 x 1030 kg
Dimension Quantity
(ii) Metric tonne : 1 Metric tonne = 1000 kg
Frequency, angular frequency, angular
(iii) Quintal: 1 Quintal = 100 kg (ML0Tl]
velocity, velocity gradient and decay constant
(iv) Atomic mass unit (amu) : amu = 1.67 x IO"27 kg
Work, internal energy, potential energy,
Mass of proton or neutron is of the order of 1 amu. It is [MlL2T2]
kinetic energy, torque, moment of force
called the second mass standard.
Pressure, stress, Young's modulus, bulk
modulus, modulus of rigidity, energy density
(i) Year : It is the time taken by the Earth to complete 1
Momentum, impulse
revolution around the Sun in its orbit.
1 year = 365.25 days = 3.156xlO7 sec. Acceleration due to gravity, gravitational field
(ii) Lunar month : It is the time taken by the Moon to
complete 1 revolution around the Earth in its orbit. [MlLlT2] Thrust, force, weight, energy gradient
1 L.M. = 27.3 days
[MlL2Tx] Angular momentum and Planck's constant
(iii) Solar day : It is the time taken by Earth to complete one
rotation about its axis with respect to Sun. Since this time varies
Surface tension, Surface energy (energy per
from day to day, average solar day is calculated by taking average [AWT"2]
unit area)
of the duration of all the days in a year and this is called Average
Solar day. Strain, refractive index, relative density, angle,
solid angle, distance gradient, relative
1 Solar year = 365.25 average solar day [M<tT]
permittivity (dielectric constant), relative
1 permeability Poisson's ratio etc.
or average solar day = the part of solar year
[ML2T-2] Latent heat and gravitational potential
(iv) Sidereal day : It is the time taken by earth to complete one
Thermal capacity, Boltzmann's constant and
rotation about its axis with respect to a distant star. [ML2r20"1]
1 Solar year = 366.25 Sidereal day
= 365.25 average solar day
•Jl/g,ylm/k,^JRjg , where / = length
Thus 1 Sidereal day is less than 1 solar day by 4 minute, [MW] g — acceleration due to gravity, m = mass, k
(v) Shake : It is an obsolete and practical unit of time. = spring constant, R = Radius of earth
1 Shake = 10" 8 sec L/R, iJLC , RC where L = inductance, R
Dimensions = resistance, C = capacitance
When a derived quantity is expressed in terms of \/2 n2
I2Rt,—-t, Vlt, qV, LI2, -^-,O/2 where/ =
fundamental quantities, it is written as a product of different
[ML2T2] R C
powers of the fundamental quantities. The powers to which current, t = time, q — charge,
fundamental quantities must be raised in order to express the given
L = inductance, C = capacitance, R = resistance
physical quantity are called its dimensions.
30 Units, Dimensions and Measurement

Important Dimensions of Complete Physics

Quantity Unit Dimension
Heat Magnetic Intensity (H) Ampere/metre im.-'+A1)

Quantity Unit Dimension Magnetic Dipole

Moment (M)
Temperature (T) Kelvin [MLT01]
Heat (Q) Joule [ML2T2] ampere2

Specific Heat (c) Joule/kg-K [ML2T20-1]

Thermal capacity Joule/K [M1L2T"20"1]
ampere2 - metre
Latent heat (L) Joule/kg [AfL2T"2] Permeability of Free Volt - second
[ML2T-20-x Space (^o) ampere-metre
Gas constant (R) Joule/mol-K
moL1] Ohm- second
Boltzmann constant (k) Joule/K \M1L2T20-1) metre

Coefficient of thermal henry •

Joule/m-s-K [M^"^"1] or-
conductivity (K) metre

Watt/m2-K4 [M1LT"30"4] Surface charge Coulomb metre'2

Stefan's constant (o)
density (d)
Wien's constant (b) Metre-K [M^TV] Electric dipole
Coulomb - metre
Planck's constant (h) Joule-s [AfL2^"1] moment (p)

Coefficient of Linear Conductance (G)

Kelvin-1 [NPLP^^-1] (VR)
Expansion (dj
Conductivity (d) /m->l-wj
Mechanical equivalent of
Joule/Calorie [JVf^] (Up)
heat (J)
Current density (J) Ampere/m? M^rtW
Vander Waal's constant (a) Newton-m4 [ML5T2]
Intensity of electric Volt/metre,
Vander Waal's constant (b) m3 (NPL3^} field () Newton/coulomb
Rydberg constant
Electricity Wmmi-m-xs; :MMWsm
Quantity Unit Dimension
Applications of Dimensional Analysis
Electric charge (q) Coulomb [JVPL^TW]
(1)To find the unit of a physical quantity in a given
Electric current (!) Ampere (^L^A1} system of units : To write the definition or formula for the
Capacitance (C) Coulomb/volt or Farad [M-XL-2T4A2] physical quantity we find its dimensions. Now in the dimensional

Electric potential (V) Joule/coulomb [M^T^A-1] formula replacing M, L and T by the fundamental units of the
required system we get the unit of physical quantity. However,
Permittivity of free sometimes to this unit we further assign a specific name,
Newton - metre2 [M-^TW]
space (q)
e.g., Work = Force x Displacement
Dielectric constant (K) Unitless [ML0T] So [W] = [MLT-2] x [L] = [ML2T2]
Resistance (R) Volt/Ampere or ohm [JVR^A"2] So its unit in C.G.S. system will be g cm2/s2 which is called

Resistivity or Specific erg while in M.K.S. system will be kg-m2/s2 which is called joule.
Ohm-metre [A^L3!-^"2]
resistance (p) (2)To find dimensions of physical constant or
coefficients : As dimensions of a physical quantity are unique, we
volt - second ,
Coefficient of Self- write any formula or equation incorporating the given constant and
ampere [M^T^A'2]
induction (L) then by substituting the dimensional formulae of all other
or ohm^second
quantities, we can find the dimensions of the required constant or
Magnetic flux (^ Vot-second or weber [MlWj coefficient.

newton (i) Gravitational constant : According to Newton's law of

ampere - metre Fr'

gravitation F = G or G =
Magnetic induction Joule
ampere - metre2
(B) Substituting the dimensions of all physical quantities
volt - second _ .
r^ [MLT-2](L2] rR^r_lr3^2n
Hilts, Dimensions and Measurement $1

(ii) Planck's constant: According to PlanckE = hv orh = — Mi

By using n2 = nx —— — —- M
M2 L2 2T
Substituting the dimensions of all physical quantities
= 6.67xlO"8 \^\ \^L f?E.
|_kg J lm J Lsec
1 fsec -2
(iii) Coefficient of viscosity : According +o Poiseuille's = 6.67xlO"8 gm cm
IO3 gm IO2cm] [sec_
c . dV npr npr
formula — = -J-— or p =
dt 8/7 8l(dV/dt) = 6.67xlO"n

Substituting the dimensions of all physical quantities .-. G = 6.67 x 10"11 M.K.S. units

(4)To check the dimensional correctness of a given

[L)(L3/T] physical relation : This is based on the ^principle of
homogeneity1. According to this principle the dimensions of each
(3) To convert a physical quantity from one system to the
term on both sides of an equation must be the same.
other : The measure of a physical quantity is nu = constant

If a physical quantity X has dimensional formula [MaLbT] If X = A(BC)24dEF,

and if (derived) units of that physical quantity in two systems are then according to principle of homogeneity
[MLbT^] and [MLbT|] respectively and n^ and n2 be the
[X] = [A] = l(BC)2) = [4DEF]
numerical values in the two systems respectively, then
n1[u1] = n2[u2) If the dimensions of each term on both sides are same, the
equation is dimensionally correct, otherwise not. A dimensionally
correct equation may or may not be physically correct.

ar . "ib Example : (i) F = mvcyey


n2 =
By substituting dimensions of the physical quantities in the
above relation, [MLT~2) = [M][LT'1 ]2 /[L]2
where M1( L^ and 7X axe fundamental units of mass, length
and time in the first (known) system and M2, L2 and T2 are i.e. [MLT"2] = [AfT"2]
fundamental units of mass, length and time in the second
As in the above equation dimensions of both sides are not
(unknown) system. Thus knowing the values of fundamental units
same; this formula is not correct dimensionally, so can never be
in two systems and numerical value in one system, the numerical
value in other system may be evaluated.
(ii) s = ut-(l/2)at2
Example : (i) conversion of newton into dyne.

The newton is the S.I. unit of force and has dimensional By substituting dimensions of the physical quantities in the
formula [MLT2]. above relation

So 1N = 1 kg-m/sec2 [L] = [LT1][T]-[LT-2][T2]

i.e. [L] = [L] - [L]
Mi Ll] Tl
By using n2 =
M2 L2\ T2 As in the above equation dimensions of each term on both
sides are same, so this equation is dimensionally correct. However,
gm\ \_cmj \_sec
from equations of motion we know that s = ut + (1 / 2)at

(5)As a research tool to derive new relations : If one

1 -ll knows the dependency of a physical quantity on other quantities
IO3 gm IO2 cm [secj-2 =
=1 = 10 and if the dependency is of the product type, then using the
gm cm I sec method of dimensional analysis, relation between the quantities
can be derived.
.-. 1 N = IO5 dyne
Example : (i) Time period of a simple pendulum.
(ii) Conversion of gravitational constant (G) from C.G.S. to
M.K.S. system Let time period of a simple pendulum be a function of mass of
the bob (m), effective length (/), acceleration due to gravity (g) then
The value of G in C.G.S. system is 6.67 x 10"* C.G.S. units
assuming the function to be product of power function of m, / and g
while its dimensional formula is [M^L3^2]

So G = 6.67 x 10^ cm3/g s2 i.e., T = Kmxlygz; where K = dimensionless constant

32 Units, Dimensions and Measurement

If the above relation is dimensionally correct, then by 3 physical quantities as then there will be less number (= 3) of
substituting the dimensions of quantities - equations than the unknowns (>3). However still we can check
[T] = [Mf [L] [LT-2]Z or [MW1] = [NFLv+zT2z] correctness of the given equation dimensionally. For example
T = 2n4l/mgl can not be derived by theory of dimensions but its
Equating the exponents of similar quantities x = 0, y = 1/2
and z = - 1/2 dimensional correctness can be checked.

(5) Even if a physical quantity depends on 3 physical

So the required physical relation becomes T = K I—
quantities, out of which two have same dimensions, the formula
\9 cannot be derived by theory of dimensions, e.g., formula for the
The value of dimensionless constant is found (2n) through
frequency of a tuning fork f = (d/L)v cannot be derived by
experiments so T = 2n \— theory of dimensions but can be checked.
Significant Figures
(ii) Stoke's law : When a small sphere moves at low speed
Significant figures in the measured value of a physical
through a fluid, the viscous force F, opposing the motion, is found
quantity tell the number of digits in which we have confidence.
experimentally to depend on the radius r, the velocity of the sphere
Larger the number of significant figures obtained in a
v and the viscosity ^ of the fluid.
measurement, greater is the accuracy of the measurement. The
SoF = /(//, r, v) reverse is also true.

If the function is product of power functions of 77, r and u, The following rules are observed in counting the number of
F = Krjxryvz ; where K is dimensionless constant. significant figures in a given measured quantity.

(1)All non-zero digits are significant.

If the above relation is dimensionally correct
Example : 42.3 has three significant figures.
[MLT~2] = lll
243.4 has four significant figures.

or 24.123 has five significant figures.

Equating the exponents of similar quantities (2)A zero becomes significant figure if it appears between
two non-zero digits.
x = 1; -x + y + z=l and -x-z = -2
Example : 5.03 has three significant figures.
Solving these for x, y and z, we get x = y = z = 1
5.604 has four significant figures.
So equation (i) becomes F = Krjrv
4.004 has four significant figures.
On experimental grounds, K = 6/r, so F = 6nrjrv
(3)Leading zeros or the zeros placed to the left of the
This is the famous Stoke's law. number are never significant.

Limitations of Dimensional Analysis Example : 0.543 has three significant figures.

Although dimensional analysis is very useful it cannot lead 0.045 has two significant figures.
us too far as, 0.006 has one significant figure.
(1)If dimensions are given, physical quantity may not be (4)Trailing zeros or the zeros placed to the right of the
unique as many physical quantities have same dimensions. For number are significant.
example if the dimensional formula of a physical quantity is
Example : 4.330 has four significant figures.
T ] it may be work or energy or torque.
433.00 has five significant figures.
(2)Numerical constant having no dimensions [K] such as 343.000 has six significant figures.
(1/2), 1 or 2tt etc. cannot be deduced by the methods of
(5)In exponential notation, the numerical portion gives the
number of significant figures.
(3)The method of dimensions can not be used to derive
Example : 1.32 x IO"2 has three significant figures.
relations other than product of power functions. For example,
1.32 x IO4 has three significant figures.
s = ut+(l/2)atey or y = asina)t
Rounding Off
cannot be derived by using this theory (try if you can). While rounding off measurements, we use the following
However, the dimensional correctness of these can be checked. rules by convention:
(4)The method of dimensions cannot be applied to derive (1) If the digit to be dropped is less than 5, then the
formula if in mechanics a physical quantity depends on more than preceding digit is left unchanged.
Units, Dimensio

Example : x = 7.82 is rounded off to 7.8, (2) The answer to a multiplication or division is rounded off
to the same number of significant figures as possessed by the least
again x = 3.94 is rounded off to 3.9.
precise term used in the calculation. The rule is illustrated by the
(2)If the digit to be dropped is more than 5, then the
following examples :
preceding digit is raised by one. (i)142.06
Example : x = 6.87 is rounded off to 6.9, x 0.23 <- (two significant figures)
again x = 12.78 is rounded off to 12.8. 32.6738 <- (answer should have two
significant figures)
(3)If the digit to be dropped is 5 followed by digits other
Answer = 33
than zero, then the preceding digit is raised by one.
Example : x = 16.351 is rounded off to 16.4, +- (three significant figures)
x 1.31
again x = 6.758 is rounded off to 6.8. 66.84668
(4)If digit to be dropped is 5 or 5 followed by zeros, then Answer = 66.8
preceding digit is left unchanged, if it is even. 0.90
= 0.2112676
Example : x = 3.250 becomes 3.2 on rounding off, 4.26
Answer = 0.21
again x = 12.650 becomes 12.6 on rounding off.
Precision of measurement : The precision of a
(5)If digit to be dropped is 5 or 5 followed by zeros, then
measurement depends upon the least count of the measuring
the preceding digit is raised by one, if it is odd. instrument. The smaller the least count, the more precise the
Example : x = 3.750 is rounded off to 3.8, measurement.
again x = 16.150 is rounded off to 16.2. Accuracy of measurement : The accuracy of
measurement (if there exists an error) depends upon the number of
Significant Figures in Calculation significant figures in it. The larger the number of significant figures,
In most of the experiments, the observations of various the higher the accuracy. If there is no error in a measurement, then
measurements are to be combined mathematically, i.e., added, that measurement is most accurate.
subtracted, multiplied or divided to achieve the final result. Since, Ex. If the true value of length is 5.764 m. then,
all the observations in measurements do not have the same (i) L.C. = 0.1 cm. the instrument gives measured value 5.6 cm.
(ii) L.C. = 0.01 cm. the instrument gives measured value 5.45
precision, it is natural that the final result cannot be more precise
than the least precise measurement. The following two rules should
Conclusion : First measurement has more accuracy but less
be followed to obtain the proper number of significant figures in precision and second measurement is less accurate but more
any calculation. precise
(1) The result of an addition or subtraction in the number Order ^^ jjgg j|jj^
having different precisions should be reported to the same number In scientific notation the numbers are expressed as, Number
of decimal places as present in the number having the least number = Mxl0x . Where M is a number lying between 1 and 10 and x is
of decimal places. The rule is illustrated by the following examples : an integer. Order of magnitude of quantity is the power of 10
required to represent the quantity. For determining this power, the
(i)33.3 <- (has only one decimal place)
value of the quantity has to be rounded off. While rounding off, we
3.11 ignore the last digit which is less than 5. If the last digit is 5 or more
+ 0.313 than five, the preceding digit is increased by one. For example,
(1)Speed of light in vacuum
36.723 (answer should be reported to
= 3 x IO8 ms"1 ^ IO8 m / s (ignoring 3 < 5)
one decimal place)
(2)Mass of election = 9.1 x IO"31 kg IO"30 kg (as 9.1 > 5).
Answer = 36.7

The measuring process is essentially a process of
0.241 comparison. Inspite of our best efforts, the measured value of a
+ 0.09 <- (has 2 decimal places) quantity is always somewhat different from its actual value, or true
value. This difference in the true value and measured value of a
3.4731 +- (answer should be reported
quantity is called error of measurement.
to 2 decimal places) (1) Absolute error : Absolute error in the measurement of
Answer = 3.47 a physical quantity is the magnitude of the difference between the
true value and the measured value of the quantity.
(Hi) 62.831 <- (has 3 decimal places) Let a physical quantity be measured n tunes. Let the
-24.5492 measured values be ax, a2, a3,an. The arithmetic mean of these

38.2818 <- (answer should be reported to 3 .ax+a2 ++ an

values is am = ——
decimal places after rounding off)
Usually, am is taken as the true value of the quantity, if the
Answer = 38.282 same is unknown otherwise.
4 Units, Dimensions and Measurement

By definition, absolute errors in the measured values of the

_,. , ,. .. Ax f Aa Ab
quantity are The maximum fractional error in x is — = — + —
x va b
Percentage error in the value of x
Aa2=am-a2 = (% error in value of a) + (% error in value of b)

(4) Error in division of quantities : Suppose x = —

Let Aa = absolute error in measurement of a,
The absolute errors may be positive in certain cases and
negative in certain other cases. Ab = absolute error in measurement of b

(2)Mean absolute error : It is the arithmetic mean of the Ax = absolute error in calculation of x i.e. division of a and b.
magnitudes of absolute errors in all the measurements of the T,. , .. . . . Ax (Aa Ab
The maximum fractional error in x is — = + — + ——
quantity. It is represented by Aa. Thus x \a b
— = | Aax | +1 Aa2 | +| Aan \ Percentage error in the value of x

n = (% error in value of a) + (% error in value of b) .

Hence the final result of measurement may be written as
(5) Error in quantity raised to some power: Suppose x = —
a = amAa b
This implies that any measurement of the quantity is likely to Let Aa = absolute error in measurement of a,

lie between (am+Aa) and (am-Aa). Ab = absolute error in measurement of b

Ax = absolute error in calculation of x
(3)Relative error or Fractional error : The relative error
or fractional error of measurement is defined as the ratio of mean Ax f Aa Ab
The maximum fractional error in x is — = + n— + m—
absolute error to the mean value of the quantity measured. Thus x v a b

Mean absolute error _ Aa Percentage error in the value of x

Relative error or Fractional error =
Mean valueam = n (% error in value of a) + m (% error in value of b)

(4) Percentage error : When the relative/fractional error i

expressed in percentage, we call it percentage error. Thus

Percentage error = —xlOO%


Propagation of Errors
MS The standard of Weight and Measures Act was passed in
(1)Error in sum of the quantities : Suppose x = a + b India in 1976. It recommended the use of SI in all fields of
Let Aa = absolute error in measurement of a science, technology, trade and industry.

Ab = absolute error in measurement of b MS The dimensions of many physical quantities, especially

Ax = absolute error in calculation of x (i.e. sum of a and b). those in heat, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism in

The maximum absolute error in x is Ax = (Aa + Ab) terms of mass, length and time alone become irrational.
Therefore, SI is adopted which uses 7 basic units.
Percentage error in the value of x = x 100%
MS The dimensions of a physical quantity are the powers to
which basic units (not fundamental units alone) should be raised
(2)Error in difference of the quantities : Suppose x = a-b
to represent the derived unit of that physical quantity.
Let Aa = absolute error in measurement of a,
MS The dimensional formula is very helpful in writing the unit
Ab = absolute error in measurement of b
of a physical quantity in terms of the basic units.
Ax = absolute error in calculation of x i.e. difference of a
and b. MS The dimensions of a physical quantity do not depend on
The maximum absolute error in x is Ax = (Aa + Ab) the system of units.

MS A physical quantity that does not have any unit must be

Percentage error in the value of x = —-xl00%
a-b dimensionless.

(3) Error in product of quantities : Suppose x-axb MS The pure numbers are dimensionless.
Let Aa = absolute error in measurement of a, MS Generally, the symbols of those basic units, whose
Ab = absolute error in measurement of b dimension (power) in the dimensional formula is zero, are
Ax = absolute error in calculation of x i.e. product of a and b. omitted from the dimensional formula.
MS Physical quantities defined as the ratio of two similar MS Relative error is dimensionless quantity.
quantities are dimensionless. _, T ^^> ^ value of 1 part on main scale (s)
MS Least Count =———r-7T
MS The physical relation involving logarithm, exponential, Number of parts on vernier scale (n)
trigonometric ratios, numerical factors etc. cannot be derived by
MS Least count of vernier callipers
the method of dimensional analysis.
_ Jvalueoflpartof 1 J value of 1 part of 1
MS Physical relations involving addition or subtraction sign
cannot be derived by the method of dimensional analysis.
[ main scale (s) J \ vernier scale (u)J

MS If units or dimensions of two physical quantities are same, => Least count of vernier callipers - 1MSD - 1 VSD
these need not represent the same physical characteristics. For where MSD = Main Scale Division
example torque and work have the same units and dimensions
VSD - Vernier Scale Division
but their physical characteristics are different.
MS Least count of screw guage =
MS The standard units must not change with space and time.
No. of parts on circular scale (n)
That is why atomic standard of length and time have been
defined. Attempts are being made to define the atomic standard MS Smaller the least count, is the accuracy of
for mass as well. measurement
MS Any repetitive phenomenon, such as an oscillating MS Larger the number of significant figures after the decimal in
pendulum, spinning of earth about its axis, etc used to a measurement, higher is the accuracy of measurement.
measure time.
MS Significant figures do not change if we measure a physical
MS The product of numerical value of the physical quantity (n) quantity in different units.
and its unit (U) remains constant.
MS Significant figures retained after mathematical operation
That is : nU = constant or nxUx = n^J^ (like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) should be
MS The product of numerical value (n) and unit (U) of a equal to the minimum significant figures involved in any
physical quantity is called magnitude of the physical quantity. physical quantity in the given operation.
Thus: Magnitude = nU MS Significant figures are the number of digits upto which we
MS Poiseuille (unit of viscosity) = pascal (unit of pressure) x are sure about their accuracy.
second. That is : P,: Pa- s. MS If a number is without a decimal and ends in one or more
MS The unit of power of lens (dioptre) gives the ability of the zeros, then all the zeros at the end of the number may not be
lens to converge or diverge the rays refracted through it. significant. To make the number of significant figures dear, it is
suggested that the number may be written in exponential form.
MS The order of magnitude of a quantity means its value (in
For example 20300 may be expressed as 203.00 xlO2, to
suitable power of 10} nearest to the actual value of the quantity.
suggest that all the zeros at the end of 20300 are not significant.
MS Angle is exceptional physical quantity, which though is a
MS 1 inch = 2.54 cm
ratio of two similar physical quantities (angle - arc / radius) but
still requires a unit (degrees or radians) to specify it along with 1 foot = 12 inches ~ 30.48 cm = 0.3048 m
its numerical value. lmr/e = 5280 ft ^ 1.609 km
MS Solid angle subtended at a point inside the closed surface is MS 1 yard = 0.9144 m
MS 1 slug = 14.59 kg
MS A measurement of a physical quantity is said to be accurate
MS lbam^lO^m2
if the systematic error in its measurement is relatively very low.
On the other hand, the measurement of a physical quantity is MS 1 litre = 103 cm3 = IO"3 m3
said to be precise if the random error is small.
5 m/s
MS 1 km/h = —
MS A measurement is most accurate if its observed value is
very close to the true value. 1 m/s = 3.6 km/h
MS Errors are always additive ii. nature. MS 1 glcm3 = 1000 kg/m3
MS For greater accuracy, the quantity with higher power should MS 1 atm. = 76 cm of Hg = 1.013 x 105 N/m2
have least error.
1 N/m2 = Pa (Pascal)
MS The absolute error in each measurement is equal to the
MS When we add or subtract two measured quantifies, the x
least count of the measuring instrument.
absolute error in the final result is equal to the sum of the
MS Percentage error •* relative error x 100. absolute errors in the measured quantities.
MS The unit and dimensions of the absolute error are same as MS When we multiply or divide two measured quantities, the
that of quantify itself. relative error in the final result is equal to the sum of the relative
MS Absolute error is not dimensionless quantity. errors in the measured quantities.
36 Units^ Dimensions and Measurement

11.'Ton' is the unit of [RPMT 1999, 2000]

Ordinary ^Meiiig (a) Pressure (b) Volume

(c) Density (d) Flux

12. is the unit of [Odisha JEE 2012]

(a) Stefan's constant (b) Wien's constant
1.Light year is a unit of [AFMC 2005; RPMT 2005] (c) Cooling's constant (d) Thermal conductance
(a) Time (b) Mass 13.The unit of Stefan's constant o is
(c) Distance (d) Energy
2.Which unit is not for length
[CBSE PMT 2002; KCET 2006]
[MP PMT 2009, 10]
(a) Parsec (a) Wm-2K-X(b) W m2 K^
(b) Light year
(c) Angstrom (d) Nano (c) Wm'2^(d) Wm~2K4
3. The unit of permeability of vacuum (//0) is [GUJCET 2014]
14.The damping force on an oscillator is directly proportional to
, , N
(a) A the velocity. The units of the constant of proportionality are

[CBSE PMT (Pre.) 2012]

(c) NA
The correct value of 0 C on the Kelvin scale is
(a) kgms'1(b) kgrns'2

(c) kgs'1(d) kgs

[UPSEAT 2000]
15.Which of the following is a derived unit[BHU 2000]
(a) 273.15K(b) 272.85 K
(a) Unit of mass (b) Unit of length
(c) 273 K(d) 273.2 K
(c) Unit of time(d) Unit of volume
5. Unit of impulse is[CPMT 1997]
16.Joule-second is the unit of[MP PMT 2000; BVP 2003]
(a) Newton(b) kg-m
(c) kg-m/s(d) Joule (a) Work (b) Momentum

6. Which of the following pairs is wrong[AFMC 2003] (c) Pressure(d) Angular momentum
17.The unit of the coefficient of viscosity in S.I. system is
(b)Relative density-Pyrometer
(c)Temperature-Thermometer [J& KCET 2004]
(d)Earthquake-Seismograph (a) m/kg-s(b) m-s/kg2
7. Which of the following pairs of physical quantities may be (c) kg/m-s?(d) kg/m-s
represented in the same unit[MP PET 2012]
18.The unit of self-inductance is[Kerala PMT 2010]
(a) Heat and temperature (b) Temperature and mole
(a) Weber ampere (b) Weber"1 ampere
(c) Heat and work(d) Specific heat and heat
8. Which of the following quantities has not been expressed in (c) Ohm second(d) Farad
proper unit [Kerala PMT 2009] (e) Tesla ampere"1
(a)Torque : Newton metre 19.Which one of the following units is not that of mutual
(b)Stress : Newton metre"2
inductance[J & K CET 2010]
(c)Modulus of elasticity : Newton metre"2
(a) Henry(b) (Weber)"1
(d) Power : Newton metre second"1
(c) Ohm second(d) Volt second (ampere)"1
(e) Surface tension : Newton metre"2
9. The difference in the lengths of a mean solar day and a 20.Which of the following relation is wrong [MP PET 2010, 12]
sidereal day is about[AIIMS 2003] (a)1 ampere x 1 ohm = 1 volt
(a) 1 min(b) 4 min (b)1 watt x 1 sec = 1 joule
(c) 15 min(d) 56 min (c)1 newton per coulomb = 1 volt per meter
10. A new unit of length is so chosen that the speed of light in
(d)1 coulomb x 1 volt = 1 watt
vacuum is unity. Calculate the distance (in this new unit)
between sun and the earth if light takes 8 min and 20 21.Temperature can be expressed as a derived quantity in
seconds to reach earth from sun[AMU (Engg.) 2012] terms of any of the following[UPSEAT 2001]

(a) 300(b) 400 (a) Length and mass (b) Mass and time
(c) 500(d) 600 (c) Length, mass and time (d) None of these
Units, Dimensions and Measurement 37

34. The unit of absolute permittivity is

22. The equation P + - (V-b) =constant. The unit of a is
[CMEET Bihar 1995; MP PET 2003]
[MNR 1995; AFMC 1995] (a) Fm (farad-metre)(b) Fm'1 (farad/metre)

(a) Dyne x cms(b) Dyne x cm4 (c) Fm~2 (farad/metre2 ) (d) F (farad)
(c) Dyne x cm3(d) Dyne x cm2
(e) None of these
23.If x = at + bt2 , where x is the distance travelled by the How many wavelengths of Kr86 axe there in one metre
body in kilometre while t is the time in second, then the
[UPSEAT 2000; Pb. PET 2004]
units of b axe
(a) 1553164.13(b) 1650763.73
(a) km/s(b) km-s
(c) 652189.63(d) 2348123.73
(c) km/s2(d) km-s2 One million election volt (1 MeV) is equal to

24.S = A (1 - e~Bxt), where S is speed and x is displacement. [JIPMER 1997]

The unit of B is[UPSEAT 2001] (a) 105eV(b) 106eV
(a) rrfV1 (b) m~2s (c) 104eV(d) 107eV
(c) s'2(d) s"1 37. The value of Planck's constant is[CBSE PMT 2002]

25.Which is the correct unit for measuring nuclear radii (a) 6.63xlO"34J^sec(b) 6.63xlO34J/sec

(a) Micron(b) Millimetre

(c) 6.63xl0"34kg-m2(d) 6.63xlO34kg/sec
(c) Angstrom(d) Fermi
38. Length cannot be measured by[AIIMS 2002]
26.Which of the following system of units is not based on units
of mass, length and time alone[Kerala PMT 2004] (a) Fermi(b) Debye
(c) Micron(d) Light year
(a) SI (b) MKS
39. A physical quantity is measured and its value is found to be
(c) FPS(d) CGS
nu where n = numerical value and u = unit. Then which
27.The unit for nuclear dose given to a patient is
of the following relations is true [UPSEAT 2000; RPET 2003]
(a) Fermi(b) Rutherford
(a) nu! (b)
(c) Curie (d) Roentgen
(c) noc/i
28. Dyne/cm? is not a unit of[RPET 2000] (d)
(a) Pressure (b) Stress
40. Kilowatt - hour is a unit of[Kerala PMT 2009]
(c) Strain (d) Young's modulus
(a) Electrical charge(b) Energy
29. Newton/metre2 is the unit of[AFMC 1995]
(c) Power(d) Force
(a) Energy(b) Momentum
41. What is the SI unit of permeability
(c) Force(d) Pressure
[MP PET 1997; AFMC 2002]
30. The unit of surface tension in SI system is
(a)Henry per metre
[KCET 1999; DCE 2000, 01, 03; Odisha PMT 2004]
(b)Tesla metre per ampere
(a) Dyne/cm2(b) Newton / m
(c)Weber per ampere metre
(c) Dyne/cm(d) Newton/m? (d)All the above units are correct

31. The unit of reduction factor of tangent galvanometer is 42. In which of the following system of units, toeber is the unit of
[AFMC 2004] magnetic flux[MP PET 1995; DPMT 2005]

(a) Ampere(b) Gauss (a) CGS (b) MKS

(c) Radian(d) None of these (c) SI (d) None of these

32. The unit of self inductance of a coil is 43. Tesla is a unit for measuring [AIIMS 1999]
(a) Farad(b) Henry (a) Magnetic moment(b) Magnetic induction

(c) Weber(d) Tesla (c) Magnetic intensity(d) Magnetic pole strength

33. 1 a.m.u. is equivalent to [MP PMT 2010] 44. If the unit of length and force be increased four times, then
the unit of energy is[Kerala PMT 2005]
(a) 1.6 xlO"27 kg (b) 934 MeV
(a) Increased 4 times(b) Increased 8 times
(c) 1.6xlO"24gm (d) All above (c) Increased 16 times(d) Decreased 16 times
38 Units, Dimensions^and Measurement

is different from others by units [Odisha JEE 2002] 60. Hertz is the unit for [RPMT 1999]
(a) Phase difference(b) Mechanical equivalent (a) Frequency (b) Force
(c) Loudness of sound(d) Poisson's ratio (c) Electric charge (d) Magnetic flux
46. Ampere - hour is a unit of 61. The unit of reactance is [MP PET 2003]
(a)Quantity of electricity (a) Ohm (b) Volt
(b)Strength of electric current (c) Mho (d) Newton
62. Candela is the unit of [UPSEAT 1999; CPMT 2003]
(a) Electric intensity (b) Luminous intensity
(d)Energy (c) Sound intensity (d) None of these
47. Which of the following is not the unit of energy 63. The unit of e.m.f. is
[MP PET 2000] (a) Joule (b) Joule-coulomb
(a) Calorie(b) Joule (c) Volt-coulomb (d) Joule/coulomb
(c) Election volt(d) Watt 64. Which of the following is not the unit of time
48. Which does not have the same unit as others [AFMC 1996; UPSEAT 2001]
(a) Micro second (b) Leap year
[Odisha PMT 2004]
(a) Watt-sec (c) Lunar month (d) Parallactic second
(b) Kilowatt-hour
(e) Solar day
(c) eV (d) J-sec
65. Faraday is the unit of [AFMC 2003]
49. Parsec is a unit of [BVP 2003; AIIMS 2005] (a) Charge (b) Emf
(a) Distance (b) Velocity (c) Mass (d) Energy
(c) Time (d) Angle 66. The S.I. unit of electric flux is [KCET 2001]
50. The unit of L/R is (where L = inductance and R = (a) Weber (b) Newton per coulomb
resistance) [Odisha JEE 2002] (c) Volt x metre (d) Joule per coulomb
(a) Sec (b) Sec'1
(c) Volt (d) Ampere
51. Number of base SI units is 1.Select the pair whose dimensions are same [Pb. PET 2002;
[MP PET 2003]
(a) 4 DCE 2009; Odisha JEE 2009]
(b) 7
(a) Pressure and'stress(b) Momentum and impulse
(c) 3 (d) 5 (c) Torque and energy(d) All of the above
52. lkWh=
2.If the dimensions of a physical quantity are given by
(a) 1000 W (b) 36x10^/ MaLbTc, then the physical quantity will be[CBSE PMT 2009]
(c) 1000 J (d) 3600 J (a)Pressure if a = 1, b = -1, c = -2
53. One femtometer is equivalent to [DCE 2004]
(b)Velocity if a = 1, b = 0, c = -1
(a) 1015m (b) 10"15 m
(c)Acceleration if a = 1, b = 1, c = -2
(c) 10"12m 1012m
(d) (d)Force if a = 0, b = -1, c = -2
54. The unit of Planck's constant is
3.Dimensions of charge are[DPMT 2002]
[RPMT 1999; MP PET 2003; Pb. PMT 2004]
(a) MQlBT-lA-1 (b) MLTA'1
(a) Joule(b) Joule/s
(c) Joule/m(d) Joule-s (c) T'XA(d) TA
55. 4.If dimensions of critical velocity vc of a liquid flowing
Which one of the following is not a unit of young's modulus
[KCET 2005] through a tube are expressed as [7jxpvrz], where r),p and r
(a) Nm^1(b) Nm'2 are the coefficient of viscosity of liquid, density of liquid and
(c) Dyne cm'2(d) Mega Pascal radius of the tube respectively, then the values of x, y and z
56. The S.I. unit of gravitational potential is[AFMC 2001] are given by[AIPMT 2015]
(a) -1,-1,1(b) -1,-1,-1
(a) J(b) J-kg'1
(c) 1,1,1(d) 1,-1,-1
(c) J-kg(d) J-kg-2 5.Write dimensional formula for the intensity of radiation
57. If the units of mass, length and time are doubled, unit of [GUJCET 2007]
angular momentum will be[J & K CET 2006] (a) M^LOT3(b) M^0^3
(a) Doubled(b) Tripled (c) MXL2T-2(d) MXL2T-3
(c) Quadrupled(d) 8 times the original value 6.If L and R axe respectively the inductance and resistance, then
58. Unit of magnetic moment is
the dimensions of — will be [Roorkee 1995; MP PMT 1998;
[MP PMT 1995, 2002; MP PET 1996; AMU 2000] R
(a) Ampere-metre?(b) Ampere-metre MP PET 1998, 2003; DCE 2002; Kerala PET 2010]
(c) Weber-metre?(c) Weber/metre (a)
59. Curie is a unit of[Kerala PMT 2009] (b) MLT
(a) Energy of y-rays(b) Half life (c) MLT
(c) Radioactivity(d) Intensity of y-rays (d) Cannot be represented in terms of M, L and T
Units, Dimensions and Measurement 39

7.If the velocity of light (c), gravitational constant (G) and 17.The dimensional formula for impulse is

Planck's constant (h) axe chosen as fundamental units, then [AFMC 1998; UPSEAT 2001; BCECE 2003; KCET 2007]
(a) MLT~2(b) MLT-1
the dimensions of mass in new system is
(c) Ml}^'1(d) M2LT~X
[AMU 1995; UPSEAT 2002]
18.The dimensional formula for the modulus of rigidity is
(a) cll2Gll2h112(b) c1/2G1/2h"1/2
[MP PET 2000]
(c) c1/2G"1/2h1/2(d) c"1/2G1/2h1/2
(a) ML2T'2(b) ML'1!'3
8.If C and R represent capacitance and resistance respectively,
(c) ML-2T~2(d) ML1!'2
then the dimensions of RC are [EAMCET (Engg.) 1995;
19.The dimensions of Stefan's constant are [Kerala PET 2009;
CBSE PMT 1995; Pb. PMT 1999; MP PMT 2006]
MH CET 2015]
(a) MLT2(b) MLT
(a) [M0!1!-3^](b) [M1!}!-3^3]
(c) ML"1(d) None of the above
(c) [M1!2!-3^](d) [M1!^!-3^]
9.If L,C and R denote the inductance, capacitance and
20.The dimensional formula for Planck's constant (h) is
resistance respectively, the dimensional formula for C LR
[MP PET 1995; RPMT 1999; CPMT 1999;
is[UPSEAT 2002] Kerala PMT 2002; AFMC 2003; BCECE 2004]
(a) [ML'2!'1!0](b) [MLT3I0) (a) ML'2!'3(b)ML2T~2

(c) [M'1!'2!^!2](d) [M0LT2I0] (c) MI^T'1(d)ML'2!-2

10.Dimensional formula for latent heat is 21.Out of the following,the onlypair that does not have

[KCET 2001; RPET 2002] identical dimensions is

(a) M0L2T'2(b) MLT~2 [BHU 1997; MP PET/PMT 1998; Kerala PMT 2010]
(a)Angular momentum and Planck's constant
(c) ML2T"2(d) ML2^1
(b)Moment of inertia and moment of a force
11.Dimensional formula for volume elasticity is [MP PMT 2002]
(c)Work and torque
(a) MXL-2T-2(b) M^T"2 (d)Impulse and momentum
(c) MXL2T~2(d) M1!'1!'2 22.Match the following two columns[GUJCET2015]
12.The dimensions of universal gravitational constant are Column IColumn II
[MP PET 1996, 99, 2010; CPMT 1997, 2000; AFMC 1999; (A)Electrical resistance(p)ML3T~3A~2
UPSEAT 1999; AIIMS 2000; RPET 2001; (B)Electrical potential(q)ML2T~3A~2
Pb. PMT 2002, 03; BCECE 2003, 05; CBSE PMT 2004;
(C)Specific resistance(r)Ml^T^A'1
KCET 2008; Odisha JEE 2010; Kerala PMT 2012]
(D)Specific conductance(s)None of these
(a) M~2L2T-2(b) M'XL3T-2
(a)A-+q, B-s, C-r, D->p
(c) ML'1!'2(d) ML2T'2
(b)A-^q, B-+r, C->p, D-^s
13.If energy (E), velocity (V) and time (T) are chosen as the
(c)A -+ p, B - q, C -+ s, D -> r
fundamental quantities, the dimensional formula of surface
(d)A->p, B-^r, C->q, D-^s
tension will be[AIPMT (Cancelled) 2015]
23.The ratio of the dimensions of Planck constant and that of
(a) [EV^T'2](b) [EV"2T"2]
moment of inertia has the dimensions of[KCET 2015]
(c) [E'2V'XT-3](d) [EV"2!"1] (a) Frequency (b) Velocity
(c) Time(d) Angular momentum
14.The dimensions of power are
24.Planck's constant has the dimensions (unit) of [RPMT 1999;
[MP PMT 1996, 2001; MP PET 2007; Odisha JEE 2011]
CBSE PMT 2001; MP PET 2002, 12; Odisha JEE 2003;
(a) M^2!"3(b) M2I}T2
KCET 2004; Kerala PET 2007; MP PMT 2009]
(c) MXL2T-X(d) M^T"2 (a) Energy(b) Linear momentum
15.Which of the following units denotes the dimensions (c) Work(d) Angular momentum
ML? IQ2 , where Q denotes the electric charge [A1EEE 2006] 25.The equation of state of some gases can be expressed as

(a) Henry (H)(b) H/m2 P + — \(V-b) = RT . Here P is the pressure, V is the

(c) Weber (Wb)(d) Wb/m2
16.Dimensional formula for argular momentum is volume, T is the absolute temperature and a,b,R axe
[EAMCET 1995; BHU 1995; CPMT 1999; constants. The dimensions of ' a' are[MNR 1995;
Pb. PET 2000; BCECE 2004; WB-JEE 2012] AFMC 1995; CBSE PMT 1996; WB-JEE 2013]
(a) ML2T'2(b) ML2T"1 (a) ML5T~2(b) ML"1^"2
(c) MLT'1(d) ML2T'2 (c) ML3T(d) ML6T
40 Units, Dimensions and Measurement

otes the potential difference across the plates of a

36.The dimensional formula of physical quantity is MaLbTc.
capacitor of capacitance C, the dimensions of CV2 axe Then that physical quantity is[KCET 2012]
[Kerala PET 2008]
(a)Surface tension if a = 1, b = 1, c = -2
(a) Not expressible in MLT (b) MLT2
(c) M2LT1(d) ML2T2 (b)Force if a = 1, b = 1, c = 2
27. Dimensional formula for electrical field is [GUJCET 2014]
(c)Angular frequency if a = 0, b = 0, c = -1
(a) M^T^A'2(b) Mll}T^A-1
(d)Spring constant if a = 1, b = -1, c = -2
(c) M^^^A'1(d) M0LTA0
28. Of the following quantities, which one has dimensions 37.The dimension of magnetic field in M, L, T and C (coulomb)
different from the remaining three is given as[AIEEE 2008]
(a)Energy per unit volume (a) M^C2(b) MT^C1
(b)Force per unit area (c) MT-2CX(d) MLTC1
(c)Product of voltage and charge per unit volume
38.Which two of the following five physical parameters have
(d)Angular momentum per unit mass
the same dimensions
29. The mechanical equivalent of heat[MP PMT 2012]
(A) Energy density(B) Refractive index
(a)Has the same dimension as heat
(b)Has the same dimension as work (C) Dielectric constant(D) Young's modulus

(c)Has the same dimension as energy (E) Magnetic field[CBSE PMT 2008]
(d)Is dimensionless (a) (A)and(D)(b) (A) and (E)
30. The frequency of vibration / of a mass m suspended from
(c) (B)and(D)(d) (C) and (E)
a spring of spring constant K is given by a relation of this 39.Dimensional formula of capacitance (or farad) is
type, f = CmxKv; where C is a dimensionless quantity.
[AMU (Med.) 2002]
The value of x and y are [RPMT 1998; MP PET 2013]
(a) M^^-^A2(b)ML2T4A~2

(a) x = -,y = - (b) x = ~2>V = -2 (c) MLT^A2(d)M'^^T^A'2

40.Dimensional formula for force is[J & K CET 2008]

(0 *=-,y = -2 -,y = -
(a) [M1!}^'2] (b)[M1!}!'2]
1 .
31.The constant of proportionality — in Coulomb's law has (c) [M^T"2](d) [M^^T-2]
41."Pascal-Second" has dimension of[AFMC 2005]
the following dimensions[AMU (Engg.) 2010]
(a) C~2Nm2(b) C^"1^"2 (a) Force (b) Energy

(c) C2Nm2(d) C^N'W2 (c) Pressure(d) Coefficient of viscosity

32.The velocity of water waves v may depend upon their 42.Position of a body with acceleration 'a' is given by
wavelength X, the density of water p and the acceleration x = Kamtn, here t is time. Find dimensions of m and n.
due to gravity g. The method of dimensions gives the
[Odisha JEE 2005]
relation between these quantities as
(a) m = 1, n = 1(b) m = 1, n = 2
[UPSEAT 2000; MP PET 2001]
(a) u2: Xg~1p~1(b) u2<^ gXp (c) m = 2,n = l(d) m = 2,n = 2
(c) u2c gX(d) u2<^ g"1^"3
43.Which of the following quantities has the same dimensions
33.Dimensions of specific heat are[MP PMT 2012] as that of energy[DPMT 2001]
(a) M1!2!^'1 (b) ^T^'1 (a) Power (b) Force
(c) L2T201(d) M1!.2^1 (c) Momentum(d) Work
34.The dimensions of (poo)'llz axe 44.In the relation y = acos(ft^^-fcx), the dimensional formula
[CBSE PMT (Pre) 2011; CBSE PMT (Mains) 2012] for k is[BHU 2004]
(a) [L1I2T112](b) [T^T] (a) [M0^^'1](b) [M LT ]
(c) [LT1]'(d) [L1/2T1/2]
(c) [ML-1T](d) [MLT]
35.If mass is measure in units of a kg, length in pm and time
45.What are the dimensions of electrical conductivity (/ is
in ys then calorie would be[AMU (Engg.) 2012]
current)[KCET 2006; J & K CET 2012]
to) 4.2ap2y~2(b) 4.2a~1p2y2
(a) ML~3!3!2(b) M^1!3!3!2
(c) 4.2 a1 p'2y2(d) 4.2cr"2^"V"2
(c) M'^-^3!2(d) M'1!'3!3!
Units, Dimensions and Measurement 4

46. The dimensions of universal gas constant is 55. A physical quantity X is defined by the formula

[Pb. PET 2003; AIIMS 2010] y_IFv2

.A —0-
(a) (ML2T20-x](b) [M2LT20]
where / is moment of inertia, F is force, v is velocity, W is
(c) [ML3^"^"1](d) None of these
work and L is length, the dimensions of X are [MP PMT 2013]
47. If force (F), length (L) and time (T) axe assumed to be (a) MLT"2(b) MT"2
fundamental units, then the dimensional formula of the
(c) ML2T3(d) LT1
mass will be[J & K CET 2004; CBSE PMT 2014]
56. The dimensions of potential are the same as that of
(a) FL'1!2(b) FL-XT2
[MP PET 2010]
(c) FL-1!-1(d) FL?!2 (a)Work
48. Which one of the following does not have the same (b)Electric field per unit charge
dimensions[RPMT 2005] (c)Work per unit charge
(a)Work and energy (d)Force per unit charge
(b)Angle and strain
57. If E, M, L and G denote energy, mass, angular momentum
(c)Relative density and refractive index
and gravitational constant respectively, then the quantity
(d)Planck constant and energy
(EL? IM5G2) has the dimensions of [AMU (Med.) 2010]
49. The flux density of mass is defined as the amount of mass
crossing unit area per unit time. The dimension of this (a) Angle(b) Length
quantity is[J & K CET 2012] (c) Mass(d) Time
(a) MT2!-1(b) ML2!'1 58. The dimensions of shear modulus are[MP PMT 2004]

(c) MLT"1(d) M-XT2! (a) MLT1(b) Ml}!'2

50. Pressure gradient has the same dimension as that of (c) ML'1!'2(d) MLT2
[AFMC 2004] 59. The ratio of the dimension of Planck's constant and that of
(a) Velocity gradient(b) Potential gradient moment of inertia is the dimension of
(c) Energy gradient(d) None of these [CBSE PMT 2005; AIIMS 2010]
51. A small steel ball of radius r is allowed to fall under gravity (a) Frequency(b) Velocity
through a column of a viscous liquid of coefficient of (c) Angular momentum (d) Time
viscosity tj . After some time the velocity of the ball attains a
60. In C.G.S. system the magnitude of the force is 100 dyne. In
constant value known as terminal velocity vT . The terminal another system where the fundamental physical quantities
velocity depends on (i) the mass of the ball m , (ii) tj , (iii) r are kilogram, metre and minute, the magnitude of the force

and (iv) acceleration due to gravity g. Which of the is[EAMCET 2001]

following relations is dimensionally correct [MP PMT 2001]
(a) 0.036(b) 0.36
(c) 3.6(d) 36
/ \m9
(a) vT oc —^- (b) vT 61. Dimensions of ohm are same as (h-Planck's constant, e-
charge)[EAMCET (Engg.) 1998; KCET 2010]
(c) uT oc jjrmg (d) VT oc mgr (a) h/e(b) h2le
(c) h/e2(d) h2e2
62. The dimensions of stress are equal to [Manipal MEE 1995;
52.The quantity X = —: e0 is the permittivity of free
EAMCET (Med.) 1995; Pb. PMT 2001; MP PET 2003]
space, L is length, V is potential difference and t is time. (a) Force(b) Pressure
The dimensions of X are same as that of 1
[IIT-JEE 2001; AMU Engg. 2009]
(c) Work (d)
(a) Resistance(b) Charge
63. Density of a liquid in CGS system is 0.625 gl cm3 . What is
(c) Voltage(d) Current
its magnitude in SI system[J & K CET 2005]
53.Which of the following groups have different dimensions
[IIT-JEE 2005] (a) 0.625(b) 0.0625
(a)Potential difference, EMF, voltage (c) 0.00625(d) 625
(b)Pressure, stress, young's modulus 64. Dimensions of potential energy are[MP PET 2003]
(c)Heat, energy, work-done (a) MLT"1(b) ML2T2
(d)Dipole moment, electric flux, electric field
(c) MTXT2(d) MT1!'1
54.Surface tension has the same dimensions as that of
65. Dimensional formula of magnetic flux is[DPMT 2001;
[Kerala PMT 2011]
Kerala PMT 2005; Odisha JEE 2012; GUJCET 2014]
(a) Coefficient of viscosity (b) Impulse
(a) ML2T2A-X(b) MLT2A-2
(c) Momentum(d) Spring constant
(e)Frequency (c) MT2T2A-3(d) ML?T2A3
42 Units, Dimensions and Measurement

66. The dimensions of electric potential are [UPSEAT 2003] 78. If R and L represent respectively resistance and self
(a) [ML2T2Q-X](b) [MLT2Q-X] inductance, which of the following combinations has the
dimensions of frequency
(c) [ML2TXQ](d) [ML2T2Q]
[MP PMT 1996, 2000, 02; MP PET 1999; DCE 2009]
67. Inductance L can be dimensionally represented as
. , RT
(a) —(b) —
[DPMT 1999; LR
KCET 2004; J & K CET 2005; MP PET 2009]
(a) ML2T2A~2(b) ML2T^A~3
(c) MT2T2A-2(d) ML2T4A3
68. Dimensions of strain are [EAMCET (Engg.) 1995] 79.In a system of units if force (F), acceleration (A) and time (T)
(a) MLT1(b) ML2!'1 are taken as fundamental units then the dimensional
(c) MLT2(d) MLT0 formula of energy is[BHU 2005]
69. If = energy, G = gravitational constant, / = impulse and M (a) FA2! (b) FA!2
GIM2 (c) F2A!(d) FAT
=mass, the dimensions of are same as that of
80.The dimensional formula for young's modulus is
[UPCPMT 2006] [EAMCET (Med.) 1995; Manipal MEE 1995;
(a) Time(b) Mass Pb. PMT 2001; BHU 2003; CPMT 2004; RPMT 2006]
(c) Length(d) Force
(a) MTXT2(b) MLT2
70. Identify the pair which has different dimensions [KCET 2001]
(a)Planck's constant and angular momentum (c) MLT2(d) ML2T2
(b)Impulse and linear momentum 81.The dimensional formula of relative density is
(c)Angular momentum and frequency [CPMT 2003; RPMT 2006]
(d)Pressure and Young's modulus (a) ML'3(b) LT1
71. Dimensional formula for torque is
(c) ML!'2(d) Dimensionless
[BHU 1995, 2001; RPMT 1999; DCE 1999, 2000; 04
AIIMS 2002; RPET 2003] 82.Out of following four dimensional quantities, which one
(a) L2MT"2(b) L^MT"2 quantity is to be called a dimensional constant [KCET 2005]
(c) L2MT"3(d) LMT'2 (a)Acceleration due to gravity
72. Dimensions of coefficient of viscosity (tj) are [CPMT 1997; (b)Surface tension of water
CBSE PMT 1997; DCE 1999; DPMT 2000, 04; (c)Weight of a standard kilogram mass
AIEEE 2004; J & K CET 2010; WB-JEE 2016] (d)The velocity of light in vacuum
(a) ML2T2(b) ML2TX 83.Dimension of R is[AFMC 2003; AIIMS 2005, 07;
(c) MT1!'1(d) ML! CBSE PMT 2007; AMU PMT 2009]
73. The dimension of quantity (L/RCV) is) (a) ML2!'1(b) ML2T3A~2
(a) [A](b) [A2] (c) MTXT2(d) None of these
(c) [A"1](d) None of these 84.The physical quantities not having same dimensions are

74. The dimension of — e0 2, where e0 is permittivity of free [AIEEE 2003]

(a)Speed and (//00)"1/2
space and is electric field, is[CBSE PMT 2010]
(b)Torque and work
(a) MLT1(b) ML2T2 (c)Momentum and Planck's constant
(c). MTXT2(d) ML2TX (d)Stress and Young's modulus
75. The pair having the same dimensions is[CPMT 1996;
85.The dimensions of K in the equation IV = — Kx2 is
AIEEE 2002; MP PET 2013; NEET (Kamataka) 2013]
(a)Angular momentum, work
(b)Work, torque [Odisha JEE 2003]
(c)Potential energy, linear momentum (a) MxL0T2(b) M0!1!'1
(d)Kinetic energy, velocity (c) MXLXT2(d) M1!0!-1
76. The dimensions of surface tension are
86.The dimensional formula for Boltzmann's constant is
[MP PMT 1999; UPSEAT 1999; MH CET 2002]
[Pb. PET 2001; MP PET 2002, 13]
(a) MT1!'2(b) MLT"2
(a) [ML2T20-x\(b) [ML2T2]
(c) MT1!'1(d) MT-2
77. Out of the following pairs, which one does not have (c) [MLT20-1\(d) [ML"2^"1]
identical dimensions[AIEEE 2005] 87.Dimensions of magnetic field intensity is[RPMT 1997;
(a)Moment of inertia and moment of force EAMCET (Med.) 2000; MP PET 2003; AMU (Engg.) 2010]
(b)Work and torque
(a) [M^T1!^1](b) [MLT^A-1]
(c)Angular momentum and Planck's constant
(d)Impulse and momentum (c) [MLPT^A-1](d) [MLT2A]
88. Which of the following quantities is dimensionless
Units, Dimensions and Measurement 43

100.If pressure P, velocity V and time T are taken as

fundamental physical quantities, the dimensional formula of
[MP PET 2002]
(a) Gravitational constant (b) Planck's constant force is[EAMCET (Engg.) 2000]
(c) Power of a convex lens (d) None (a) PV2!2(b) P-XV2T2
89. The dimensions of emf in MKS is [CPMT 2002] (c) PV!2(d) P^VT2
(a) MTXT2Q-2(b) ML2T2Q~2 101.The physical quantity which has dimensional formula as that

(c) MLT2Q-X(d) ML2T2Q-X Energy

of - is [EAMCET (Engg.) 2000]
Mass x Length
90. An object is moving through the liquid. The viscous
(a) Force(b) Power
damping force acting on it is proportional to the velocity.
(c) Pressure(d) Acceleration
Then dimension of constant of proportionality is
102. If energy (), velocity (v) and force (F) be taken as
[Odisha JEE 2002]
fundamental quantity, then what are the dimensions of mass
(a) MT1!-1(b) MLT1
[AMU 2000]
(c) MLTX(d) ML0!'1 (a) Ev2(b) Ev~2
91. Which of the two have same dimensions [AIEEE 2002] (c) Fi;"1(d) Fv'2
(a)Force and strain
103. Dimensions of luminous flux are
[UPSEAT 2001]
(b)Force and stress
(a) ML2T2(b) ML2T3^
(c)Angular velocity and frequency
(d)Energy and strain
(c) ML2!'1(d) ML!'2
104.A physical quantity x depends on quantities y and z as
92. The dimensions of pressure is equal to[AIEEE 2002]
(a) Force per unit volume (b) Energy per unit volume follows: x = Ay + B tan Cz , where A, B and C are constants.
(c) Force(d) Energy Which of the following do not have the same dimensions
93. A force F is given by F = at + bt2, where t is time. What (a) x and B(b) C and z"1
are the dimensions of a and b[AFMC 2001; (c) y and B/A(d) x and A
BHU 2005; WB-JEE 2008; Kerala PET 2011, 12] 105.Which of the following pairs does not have similar
(a) MLT3 and ML2T^ (b) MLT "3 and MLT^ dimensions[AIIMS 2001]
(a)Stress and pressure
(c) MLT1 and MLT0 (d) MLT^ and MLT1
(b)Angle and strain
94. The dimensions of inter atomic force constant are
(c)Tension and surface tension
[UPSEAT 1999] (d)Planck's constant and angular momentum
(a) MT~2(b) MLT1 106.Out of the following which pair of quantities do not have
(c) MLT2(d) MT1!-1 same dimensions[RPET 2001]
95. According to Newton, the viscous force acting between (a)Planck's constant and angular momentum
(b)Work and energy
liquid layers of area A and velocity gradient Av/ Az is given
(c)Pressure and Young's modulus
by F = -rjA— where rj is constant called coefficient of (d)Torque & moment of inertia
Az 107.The dimension of (1/2) QE2(0 : permittivity of free space;
viscosity. The dimensions of rj axe [JIPMER 2001, 02]
: electric field) is [IIT-JEE (Screening) 2000; KCET 2000]
(a) [ML2T2](b) [MT1!-1] (a) MLT'1(b) ML2T2
(c) [MT2T2](d) [ML!] (c) MTXT2(d) ML2TX
96. If the time period (!) of vibration of a liquid drop depends on 108. Planck's constant (h), speed of light in vacuum (c) and
surface tension (S), radius (r) of the drop and density (p) of Newton's gravitational constant (G) are three fundamental
constants. Which of the following combinations of these has
the liquid, then the expression of T is
dimension of length [NEET (Phase-II) 2016]
[AMU (Med.) 2000; BHU 2003; AIIMS 2007]
^^sr~~ 4hG
T=:k (D; i = X-y P ^" /^ (a) (b) ^3/2
(c) T = kfpr6/Si1/2 (d) None of these
(c) ,5/2 (d)
97. ML3TXQ-2 is dimensions of
[RPET 2000]
109. A physical quantity of the dimensions of length that can be
(a) Resistivity(b) Conductivity
(c) Resistance(d) None of these
formed out of c, G and is [c is velocity of light, G is
98. Dimension of electric current is [CBSE PMT 2000] 4;re,
(a) [M0!0!'^](b) [ML2TXQ] universal constant of gravitation and e is charge]
(c) [M2LTXQ](d) [M2L2TXQ] [NEET 2017]
1/2 /2
99. The fundamental physical quantities that have same
(b) C
dimensions in the dimensional formulae of torque and
angular momentum are[EAMCET (Engg.) 2000] 1/2
(a) Mass, time(b) Time, length (c) -^ (d) -(
(c) Mass, length(d) Time, mole c 4;re
44 Units, Dimensions and Measurement

Errors of Measurement 8. The current voltage relation of diode is given by

/ = (e1000V'T - l)mA, where the applied voitage V is in volts
The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is given by

T = 2nJ— where / is about 100 cm and is known to have
and the temperature T is in degree Kelvin. If a student
makes an error measuring 0.01 V while measuring the
1mm accuracy. The period is about 2s. The time of 100 current of 5 mA at 300 K, what will be the error in the value
oscillations is measured by a stop watch of least count 0.1 s.
of current in mA[JEE (Main) 2014]
The percentage error in g is[BHU 2006]
(a) 0.1%(b) 1% (a) 0.2 mA(b) 0.02 mA
(c) 0.2%(d) 0.8% (c) 0.5 mA(d) 0.05 mA
2. The percentage errors in the measurement of mass and
9. The unit of percentage error is
speed are 2% and 3% respectively. How much will be the
maximum error in the estimation of the kinetic energy (a)Same as that of physical quantity
obtained by measuring mass and speed
(b)Different from that of physical quantity
(a) 11%(b) 8%
(c)Percentage error is unit less
(c) 5%(d) 1%
3. If the time period of oscillation of a pendulum is measured (d)Errors have got their own-units which are different from

as 2.5 second using a stop watch with the least count — that of physical quantity measured

10. If the error in the measurement of radius of a sphere is 2%,

second, then the permissible error in the measurement is
[Kerala PET 2012] then the error in the determination of volume of the sphere
(a) 10%(b) 30% will be[AFMC 2005; CBSE PMT 2008]
(c) 15%(d) 25%
(e) 20% (a) 8%(b) 2%
4. In an experiment the angles are required to be measured (c) 4%(d) 6%
using an instrument. 29 divisions of the main scale exactly
11. In a vernier callipers, one main scale division is x cm and n
coincide with the 30 divisions of the vernier scale. If the
smallest division of the main scale is half-a-degree (=0.5) division of the vernier scale coincide with (n -1) divisions of

then the least count of the instrument is[AIEEE 2009] the main scale. The least count (in cm) of the callipers is
(a) One minute(b) Half minute
[AMU PMT 2009; WB-JEE 2012]
(c) One degree(d) Half degree
5. Two full turns of the circular scale of a screw gauge cover a n-1 nx
(a) (b) (n-1)
distance of 1 mm on its main scale. The total number of
divisions on the circular scale is 50. Further, it is found that
the screw gauge has a zero error of - 0.03 mm. While (c) - (d)
n (n-1)
measuring the diameter of a thin wire, a student notes the
main scale reading of 3 mm and the number of circular scale 12. A student performs an experiment for determination of
divisions in line with the main scale as 35. The diameter of
the wire is[AIEEE 2008] 9= and he commits an error of A/. For that he takes
(a) 3.73 mm(b) 3.67 mm
the time of n oscillations with the stop watch of least count
(c) 3.38 mm(d) 3.32 mm
6. The mean time period of seconds pendulum is 2.00s and AT and he commits a human error of 0.1 sec. For which of
mean absolute error in the time period is 0.05s. To express the following data, the measurement of g will be most
maximum estimate of error, the time period should be accurate [IIT-JEE 2006]
written as A/ AT Ampli. of oscill.
(a) (2.00 0.01) s(b) (2.00+0.025) s
(a) 5 mm 0.2sec 10 5mm
(c) (2.00 +0.05) s(d) (2.00 +0.10) s
7. A student measured the length of a rod and wrote it as (b) 5 mm 0.2sec 20 5mm
3.50 cm. Which instrument did he use to measure it (c) 5 mm O.lsec 20 lmm
[JEE (Main) 2014]
(d) 1 mm O.lsec 50 lmm
(a)A meter scale
(b)A vernier calliper where the 10 divisions in vernier scale 13. A thin copper wire of length / metre increases in length by
matches with 9 division in main scale and main scale 2% when heated through 10C. What is the percentage
has 10 divisions in 1 cm increase in area when a square copper sheet of length /
(c)A screw gauge having 100 divisions in the circular scale metre is heated through 10C
and pitch as 1 mm
(d)A screw gauge having 50 divisions in the circular scale (a) 4%(b) 8%
and pitch as 1 mm (c) 16%(d) None of the above
Mails, Dimensions and

14.Using the expression 2dsin0 = X, one calculates the values 18.The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum in the
experiment is recorded as 2.63 s, 2.56 s, 2.42 s, 2.71 s and
of d by measuring the corresponding angles 0 in the range
2.80 s respectively. The average absolute error is
0 to 90. The wavelength X is exactly known and the error
(a) 0.1s(b) 0.11s
in 0 is constant for all values of 0. As 0 increases from 0
(c) 0.01s(d) 1.0 s
[JEE (Advanced) 2013]
(a)The absolute error in d remains constant 19.The diameter of a cylinder is measured using a vernier callipers
with no zero error. It is found that the zero of the vernier scale
(b)The absolute error in d increases
lies between 5.10 cm and 5.15 cm of the main scale. The
(c)The fractional error in d remains constant
vernier scale has 50 division equivalent to 2.45 cm. The 24th
(d)The fractional error in d decreases
division of the vernier scale exactly coincides with one of the
15.A physical parameter a can be determined by measuring the
main scale divisions. The diameter of the cylinder is
parameters b, c, d and e using the relation a= bac^ /dres.
[JEE (Advanced) 2013]
If the maximum errors in the measurement of b, c, d and e
(a) 5.112 cm(b) 5.124 cm
are bx %, cx %, dx % and ex %, then the maximum error
(c) 5.136 cm(d) 5.148 cm
in the value of a determined by the experiment is 20.A spectrometer gives the following reading when used to
[AMU (Med.) 2012] measure the angle of a prism.
(a) (b1+c1+d1+e1)%(b) (bx+cx-dx-ex)% Main scale reading : 58.5 degree

(c) (cbx+pcx-jdx-Sex)% (d) (abx +pcx + jdx+8ex)% Vernier scale reading : 09 divisions

16.There are two Vernier calipers both of which have 1 cm Given that 1 division on main scale corresponds to 0.5
degree. Total divisions on the vernier scale is 30 and match
divided into 10 equal divisions on the main scale. The
Vernier scale of one of the calipers (Cx) has 10 equal with 29 divisions of the main scale. The angle of the prism

division that correspond to 9 main scale divisions. The from the above data[AIEEE 2012]

Vernier scale of the other caliper (C2) has 10 equal divisions (a) 58.59 Degree(b) 58.77 Degree

that correspond to 11 main scale divisions. The readings of (c) 58.65 Degree(d) 59 Degree
the two calipers are shown in the figure. The measured
21.In the determination of Young's modulus Y =^- by
values (in cm) by calipers C^ and C2 respectively, are ^ n id2 )
using Searle's method, a wire of length L = 2m and
diameter d = 0.5 mm is used. For a load M = 2.5 kg, an

extension t = 0.25mm in the length of the wire is observed.

Quantities d and are measured using a screw gauge and a

micrometer, respectively. They have the same pitch of
0.5 mm. The number of divisions on their circular scale is
100. The contributions to the maximum probable error of
the Y measurement[HT JEE 2012]
(a)Due to the errors in the measurements of d and axe
the same
(b)Due to the error in the measurement of d is twice that
due to the error in the measurement of
510 (c)Due to the error in the measurement of is twice that
due to the error in the measurement of d
[JEE (Advanced) 2016]
(a) 2.87 and 2.86 (b) 2.87 and 2.87 (d)Due to the error in the measurement of d is four time
that due to the error in the measurement of
(c) 2.87 and 2.83 (d) 2.85 and 2.82
22.The percentage errors in the measurement of length and
The resistance R= — where V=100 5 volts and i=10 0.2 time period of a simple pendulum are 1% and 2%
respectively. Then the maximum error in the measurement
amperes. What is the total error in R
of acceleration due to gravity is[Kerala PET 2009]
[Kerala PMT 2007; AIEEE 2012]
(a) 5%(b) 7% (a) 8% (b) 3%
(c) 4%(d) 6%
(c) 5.2%(d) -%
46 Units, Dimensions and Measurement

23.A physical quantity P is given by P=^-. The quantity 23.023, 0.0003 and 2.1X10"3 are
32.The respective number of significant figures for the numbers

[AIEEE 2010; Kerala PET 2010; KCET 2010]

which brings in the maximum percentage error in P is (a) 4,4,2(b) 5,1,2
(c) 5,1,5(d) 5,5,2
(a) A(b) B
33.A student measures the distance traversed in free fall of a
(c) C(d) D
body, initially at rest in a given time. He uses this data to
24.If L = 2.331 cm, B = 2.1 cm, then L + B=[DCE 2003]
estimate g, the acceleration due to gravity. If the maximum
(a) 4.431cm(b) 4.43 cm
percentage errors in measurement of the distance and the
(c) 4.4 cm(d) 4 cm
time are ex and e2 respectively, the percentage error in the
25.The number of significant figures in all the given numbers
estimation of g is[CBSE PMT (Mains) 2010]
25.12, 2009, 4.156 and 1.217X10"4 is [Pb. PET 2003]
(a) e2 - ex (b) ex + 2e2
(a) 1(b) 2
(c) ex + e2(d) ex - 2e2
(c) 3(d) 4
26.If the length of rod A is 3.25 0.01 cm and that of B is 4.19 34.Choose the incorrect statement out of the following

0.01 cm, then the rod B is longer than rod A by [AMU (Med.) 2010]
(a)Every measurement by any measuring instrument has
[J & K CET 2005]
(a) 0.94 0.00 cm(b) 0.94 + 0.01 cm some error
(b)Every calculated physical quantity that is based on
(c) 0.94 0.02 cm(d) 0.94 + 0.005 cm
measured values has some error
27.A physical quantity is given by X = Mcl}Tc. The percentage
(c)A measurement can have more accuracy but less
error in measurement of M,L and T are a,P and y
precision and vice versa
respectively. Then maximum percentage error in the
(d)The percentage error is different from relative error
quantity X is[Odisha JEE 2005]
(a) aa + bp + cy (b) aa + bp-cy 35.The density of a solid ball is to be determined in an
experiment. The diameter of the ball is measured with a
.. a b c
(c) - + — + -• (d) None of these screw gauge, whose pitch is 0.5 mm and there are 50
a 0 y
divisions on the circular scale. The reading on the main
28. A physical quantity A is related to four observations a, b, c
scale is 2.5 mm and that on the circular scale is 20 divisions.
a2b3 If the measured mass of the ball has a relative error of 2%,
and d as follows, A = . The percentage errors of
c4d the relative percentage error in the density is [IIT-JEE 2011]
measurement in a,b,c and d are 1%, 3%, 2% and 2% (a) 0.9%(b) 2.4%
respectively. What is the percentage error in the quantity A (c) 3.1%(d) 4.2%
[Kerala PET 2005; MP PET 2006; 36.A screw gauge gives the following reading when used to
J & K CET 2012; NEET 2013] measure the diameter of a wire.
(a) 12%(b) 7% Main scale reading : 0 mm
(c) 5%(d) 14% Circular scale reading : 52 divisions
29.In an experiment, to measure the height of a bridge by Given that 1 mm on main scale corresponds to 100
dropping stone into water underneath, if the error in divisions of the circular scale.
measurement of time is 0.1s at the end of 2s, then the error The diameter of wire from the above data is [AIEEE 2011]
in estimation of height of bridge will be [Kerala PET 2004]
(a) 0.52 cm(b) 0.052 cm
(a) 0.49 m(b) 0.98 m (c) 0.026 cm(d) 0.005 cm
(c) 1.96 m(d) 2.12 m
37.The density of a material in CGS system of units is
30.The values of two resistors are Rx = (6 0.3)kQ and
4g/cm3. In a system of units in which unit of length is
R2 = (10 O.ZjkCl. The percentage error in the equivalent
10 cm and unit of mass is lOOg, the value of density of
resistance when they are connected in parallel is
material will be[CBSE PMT (Mains) 2011]
[Kerala PET 2007]
(a) 5.125%(b) 2% (a) 400(b) 0.04
(c) 10.125%(d) 7% (c) 0.4(d) 40
31.A vernier callipers has 1 mm marks on the main scale. It has 38.The mass and volume of a body are found to be 5.00 0.05 kg
20 equal divisions on the Vernier scale which match with 16 and 1.00 + 0.05m3 respectively. Then the maximum
main scale divisions. For this Vernier callipers, the least possible percentage error in its density is [Kerala PET 2011]
count is[IIT-JEE 2010] (a) 6%(b) 3%
(a) 0.02 mm (b) 0.05 mm (c) 10%(d) 5%
(c) 0.1 mm(d) 0.2 mm (e)7%
39.A student measures the time period of 100 oscillations of a
simple pendulum four times. That data set is 90 s, 91 s, 95 s
Unit^, Dimensions and Measurement 47

3. The circular scale of a screw gauge has 50 divisions and

pitch of 0.5 mm. Find the diameter of sphere. Main scale
and 92 s. If the minimum division in the measuring clock is reading is 2[IIT-JEE 2006]
1 s, then the reported mean time should be
[JEE (Main) 2016]
(a) 92 + 5.0s(b) 92 1.8s
(c) 923s(d) 922s
40.A screw gauge with a pitch of 0.5 mm and a circular scale
with 50 divisions is used to measure the thickness of a thin
sheet of Aluminium. Before starting the measurement, it is
(a) 1.2 mm (b) 1.25 mm
found that when the two jaws of the screw gauge are
brought in contact, the 45th division coincides with the main (c) 2.20 mm (d) 2.25 mm
scale line and that the zero of the main scale is barely visible. With the usual notations, the following equation
What is the thickness of the sheet if the main scale reading is
0.5 mm and the 25th division coincides with the main scale St=u + -a(2t-l) is
line[JEE (Main) 2016]
(a) 0.80 mm (b) 0.70 mm (a)Only numerically correct

(c) 0.50 mm(d) 0.75 mm (b)Only dimensionally correct

41.The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is (c)Both numerically and dimensionally correct
(d)Neither numerically nor dimensionally correct
T = 2;r|—. Measured value of L is 20.0 cm known to 1
Vs Students I, II and III perform an experiment for measuring
mm accuracy and time for 100 oscillations of the pendulum the acceleration due to gravity (g) using a simple pendulum.
is found to be 90 s using a wrist watch of 1 s resolution. The They use different lengths of the pendulum and/or record
accuracy in the determination of g is [JEE (Main) 2015] time for different number of oscillations. The observations
(a) 2%(b) 3% are shown in the table.
(c) 1%(d) 5% Least count for length = 0.1 cm
42.A person measures the depth of a well by measuring the time Least count for time = 0.1 s
interval between dropping a stone and receiving the sound of
impact with the bottom of the well. The error in his Length of Number Total time Time
measurement of time is ST = 0.01 seconds and he measures the of for (n) period
the depth of the well to be L=20 meters. Take the pendulum oscillation oscillations (s)
acceleration due to gravity g = 10ms"2 and the velocity of (cm) (n) (s)
sound is 300ms"1. Then the fractional error in the
{ 64.0 8 128.0 16.0
measurement, is closest to [JEE (Advanced) 2017] I 64.0 4 64.0 16.0

III 20.0 4 36.0 9.0

(a) 0.2% (b) 3%
(c) 5% (d) 1% If EhEa and m are the percentage errors in g, i.e.,

— x 100 for students I, II and III, respectively,

[IIT-JEE 2008]
uestions (a) ] = 0(b) , is minimum

(c) , = n(d) n is maximum

If the acceleration due to gravity is 10 ms"2 and the units of
A highly rigid cubical block A of small mass M and side L
length and time are changed in kilometer and hour
is fixed rigidly onto another cubical block B of the same
respectively, the numerical value of the acceleration is
dimensions and of low modulus of rigidity tj such that the
[Kerala PET 2002]
lower face of A completely covers the upper face of B. The
(a) 360000(b) 72,000
lower face of B is rigidly held on a horizontal surface. A small
(c) 36,000(d) 129600
force F is applied perpendicular to one of the side faces of A.
If L,C and R represent inductance, capacitance and
After the force is withdrawn, block A executes small
resistance respectively, then which of the following does not
oscillations. The time period of which is given by
represent dimensions of frequency
(b) (a) (b)

(c) (d) j (c) (d)

48 Units^ Dimensions and Measurement

a wave traverses a medium, the displacement of a

particle located at x at a time t is given by y = a sin(bt - ex),

where a, b and c are constants of the wave. Which of the

following is a quantity with dimensions [EAMCET 2009]

(a) y-
More than one correct answers
(b) bt
1.A student uses a simple pendulum of exactly lm length to
determine g, tine acceleration due to gravity. He uses a stop
(c) ex (d)
c watch with the least count of 1 sec for this and records 40
8.A wire has a mass 0.3 0.003 g, radius 0.5 0.005 mm seconds for 20 oscillations. For this observation, which of
the following statement (s) is (are) true[IIT-JEE 2010]
and length 6 0.06 cm. The maximum percentage error in
(a)Error AT in measuring T, the time period, is 0.05
the measurement of its density is [IIT (Screening) 2004]
(a) 1(b) 2 (b)Error AT in measuring T, the time period, is 1 second

(c) 3(d) 4 (c)Percentage error in the determination of g is 5%

(d)Percentage error in the determination of g is 2.5%
9.The Vander Waal's equation of state for real gases is given
2.The SI unit of inductance, the henry can be written as
as P + —2- |(V - b) = nRT which of the following terms has [IIT-JEE 1998]
(a) Weber/ampere(b) Volt-sec/amp
dimensions different from that of energy [AMU PMT 2009] (c) Joule/(ampere)2(d) Ohm-second

3.Let [e0] denotes the dimensional formula of the permittivity

(a) PV(b) -^
of the vacuum and [p0] that of the permeability of the

vacuum, tf M = mass , L = length , T = Time and

(c) —^
(d) bP
/ = electric current, then[MP PET 1997; 2006;

10.X = 3YZ2 find dimension of Y in (MKSA) system, if X IIT-JEE 1998; DCE 2003; AIIMS 2003, 04]
(a) [^o] = M"1L"3T2/(b) [^o] = M"1L"3T4/2
and Z are the dimensions of capacity and magnetic field

respectively[MP PMT 2003] (c) [pQ] = MLT2T2(d) [po] = ML2T1I

(a) M^L^T^A"1(b) MT2 4.The pair(s) of physical quantities that have the same
dimensions, is (are)[IIT^JEE 1995]
(c) M~3T2!4A4(d) M"3L"2T8A4
(a)Reynolds number and coefficient of friction
(b)Latent heat and gravitational potential
11.In the relation P = — e ke P is pressure, Z is the distance, k (c)Curie and frequency of a light wave
(d)Planck's constant and torque
is Boltzmann's constant and 0 is the temperature. The
5.If the dimensions of length are expressed as Gxcvhz; where
dimensional formula of P will be [IIT (Screening) 2004]
G,c and h axe the universal gravitational constant, speed

(a) [ML2T](b) [M1!}!1] of light and Planck's constant respectively, then [AMU 1995;
AMU (Engg.) 1999; UPSEAT 2002; AIIMS 2008]
(c) {M1!}!-1)(d) [ML2TX]
(a) -,y = - (b) -,
12.The frequency of vibration of string is given by

rp-|i/2 1 3 ia\31
(c) y = (d) y = --,z = -
v=— — . Here p is number of segments in the string 2' 2
6. The dimensions of the quantities in one (or more) of the
and / is the length. The dimensional formula for m will be
following pairs are the same. Identify the pair(s)
[BHU 2004] (a)Torque and work

(a) [M0!!'1](b) [Ml}!'1] (b)Angular momentum and work

(c)Energy and Young's modulus
(c) [MT1!0](d) [MLT0] (d)Light year and wavelength
U^fs, Dimensions and Measurement 49

Which of the following combination have the dimensions of 12. A length-scale () depends on the permittivity (e) of a
time? L, C, R represent inductance capacitance and
dielectric material, Boltzmann constant (kB), the absolute
resistance respectively
temperature (T), the number per unit volume (n) of certain
(a) RC(b) 4LC
charged particles, and the charge (q) carried by each of the
(c) R/L(d) C/L
8. If L, C, R represent inductance, capacitance and resistance particles. Which of the following expression(s) for is(are)
respectively, the combination having dimensions of dimensionally correct[JEE (Advanced) 2016]
frequency are
1 L (a) /= (b) / =
(a) (b)
4cl C
(c) (d)
L C (d) ^ = .
9. Consider a vernier callipers in which each 1 cm on the main ll3kT
Ken kZTj,
kbi en
scale is divided into 8 equal divisions and a screw gauge
with 100 divisions on its circular scale. In the vernier Reasoning type questions
callipers, 5 divisions of the vernier scale coincide with 4
division on the main scale and in the screw gauge, one Read the following statements carefully to mark the correct option
complete rotation of the circular scale moves it by two
out of the options given below
divisions on the linear scale. Then, [JEE (Advanced) 2015]
(a)Statement 1 is true, statement 2 istrue; statement 2 is a
(a)If the pitch of the screw gauge is twice the least count of
the Vernier callipers, the least count of the screw gauge correct explanation for statement 1
is 0.01 mm (b)Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true; statement 2 is
(b)If the pitch of the screw gauge is twice the least count of
not a correct explanation for statement 1
the Vernier callipers, the least count of the screw gauge
is 0.005 mm (c)Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is false

(c)If the least count of the linear scale of the screw gauge is (d)Statement 1 is false, statement 2 is true
twice the least count of the Vernier callipers, the least
13. Statement-1 If Ux and U2 axe units and nx and n2
count of the screw gauge is 0.01 mm
(d)If the least count of the linear scale of the screw gauge is their numerical values in two different

twice the least count of the Vernier callipers, the least system then nx > n2 => Ux < U2.
count of the screw gauge is 0.005 mm
Statement-2 The numerical values of physical
10. Planck's constant h, speed of light c and gravitational
quantity is inversely proportional to
constant G axe used to from a unit of length L and a unit of
mass M. Then the correct options (s) is (are) unit.
[JEE (Advanced) 2015] 14. Statement-1 Angular momentum and planck
(a) Moc4c(b) MocVG constant are dimensionally similar.

(c) Loc4h(d) L4G Statement-2 Dimensionally similar quantities are to

11. In an experiment to determine the acceleration due to be identical.

gravity g, tine formula used for the time period of a periodic 15. Statement-1 Least count of all screw based

|7(R-r) instruments are same.

motion is T = 2;r The values of R and r are
Statement-2 Least count for all screw based
measured to be (60 1) mm and (10 1) mm, respectively. instruments are found using the ratio
In five successive measurements, the time period is found to pitch per division of circular scale.
be 0.52 s, 0.56 s, 0.57 s, 0.54 s and 0.59 s. The least count
16. Statement-1 Dimensional analysis can give you the
of the watch used for the measurement of time period is
numerical value of constants of
0.01 s. Which of the following statement (s) is (are) true
(JEE (Advanced) 2016] proportionality that may appear in an

(a)The error in the measurement of r is 10% algebraic expression.

(b)The error in the measurement of T is 3.57% Statement-2 Dimensional analysis makes use of t!

(c)The error in the measurement of T is 2% fact that dimensions can be treated

(d)The error in the determined value of g is 11% algebraic quantities.

50 Units, Dimensions and Measurement

Integer type questions 20. Some physical quantities are given in Column I and some
possible SI units in which these quantities may be expressed
This section contains some integer type questions. The answers are given in Column II. Match the physical quantities in
Column I with the units in Column II[IIT-JEE 2007]
to each of the questions is a single-digit integer, ranging
Column-I Column-II
from 0 to 9. (A) GMeMs (p) (volt)-(coulomb)
G-universal ^metre>
17.During Searle's experiment, zero of the Vernier scale lies
gravitational constant,
between 3.20xl0"2 m and 3.25xlO"2 m of the main scale. Me - mass of earth,
The 20th division of the Vernier scale exactly coincides with Ms - mass of sun
(B) 3RT (q) (kilogram) (metre)3
one of the main scale divisions. When an additional load of (second)"2
2 kg is applied to the wire, the zero of the Vernier scale still R- universal gas
lies betvdben 3.20 xlO"2 m and 3.25 xlO"2 m of the main constant, T- absolute
scale but now the 45th division of Vernier scale coincides M - molar mass
with one of the main scale divisions. The length of the thin (C) (r) (metre)2 (second)

metallic wire is 2m and its cross-sectional area is 8xlO"7 m2.

F - force,
The least count of the Vernier scale is l.OxlO"5 m. The
q - charge,
maximum percentage error in the Young's modulus of the B - magnetic field
wire is[JEE (Advanced) 2014] (D) GAL, (s) (Farad) (volt)2(kg)"

18.To find the distance d over which a signal can be seen

G - universal
clearly in foggy conditions, a railways engineer uses gravitational constant,
dimensional analysis and assumes that the distance depends Me - mass of earth
Re - radius of earth
on the mass density p of the fog, intensity (power/area) S 21. Column I gives three physical quantities. Select the
appropriate units for the choices given in Column II. Some
of the light from the signal and its frequency /. The engineer
of the physical quantities may have more than one choice
find that d is proportional to S1/n. The value of n is correct
Column-I Column-II
[JEE (Advanced) 2014]
(A)Capacitance(p) Ohm-second
19.The energy of a system as a function of time t is given as (B)Inductance(q) Coulom^-joule"1
(C)Magnetic induction (r) Coulomb (volt)"1
= (t) = A2 exp(-^t), where a = 0.2s"1. The measurement
(D)Resistance(s) Newton (ampere metre)'
of A has an error of 1.25%. If the error in the measurement (t) Volt-second (ampere)"1
of time is 1.50%, the percentage error in the value of E(t)
(u) Volt (ampere)"1
22. Match the physical quantities given in Column I with
at t = 5 s is[JEE (Advanced) 2015] dimensions expressed in terms of mass (M), length (L), time
(T) and charge (Q) given in Column II
Matrix Match type questions Column-I Column-II
(A) Angular (p) [ML2T2]
In this section each question has some statements (A, B, C, D,...)
(B) Torque (q) [ML2TX]
given in Column-I and some statements (p, q, r, s, t,...) in (C) Inductance (r)
Column-II. Any given statement in Column-I can have correct (D) Latent heat (s) [ML2Qr2]
(E) Capacitance (t) [ML3TxQr2]
matching with ONE OR MORE statement(s) in Column-II. For (F) Resistivity (u) [L2T2]
23. Match the physical quantities given in Column I with
example, if for a given question, statement B matches with the
dimensions expressed in terms of mass (M), length (L), time
statements given in q and r, then for that particular question (!) and charge (Q) given in Column II.
against statement B, darken the bubbles corresponding to q and r Column I Column II
(A)Curie (p) MLT2
in the ORS. i.e. answer will be q and r.
(B)Light year (q) M
(C)Dielectric strength (r) Dimensionless
(D)Atomic weight (s) T
(E)Decibel (t) ML2!'2
(u) MT^
(x) MLTT
(y) LT1
Unitsr Dimensions and Measurement 51

24. Match Column I with Column II and select the correct 9. Assertion Out of three measurements / = 0.7 m;
answer [JEE (Advanced) 2013] I = 0.70 m and / = 0.700 m, the last one is
Column I Column II most accurate.
Reason In every measurement, only the last
(A) Boltzmann constant (p) [ML2TX]
significant digit is not accurately known.
(B) Coefficient of viscosity (q) [ML"1^"1]
10.Assertion Mass, length and time are fundamental
(C) Planck constant(r) (MLT3K-X] physical quantities.
Reason They are independent of each other.
(D) Thermal conductivity (s)

1 [f
In the relation f = -^jJ—, where symbols

inson have standard meaning, m represents lfnear

mass density.
Reason The frequency has the dimensions of inverse
For AHMS Aspirants
of time.
Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option 12.Assertion Now a days a standard metre is defined in
out of the options given below: terms of the wavelength of light.
(a^ // both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the Reason Light has no relation with length.
correct explanation of the assertion. 13.Assertion The time period of a pendulum is given by
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the the formula, T = 2/r-^/g// .
correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) Reason According to the principle of homogeneity of
(d) If tirn assertion and reason hath are false. dimensions, only that formula is correct in
te) If assertion is false bid reason is true. which the dimensions of L.H.S. is equal to
1. Assertion 'Light year1 and 'Wavelength' both measure dimensions of R.H.S.
distance. 14.Assertion Surface tension and surface energy have the
Reason Both have dimensions of time. same dimensions.
2. Assertion The error in the measurement of radius of Reason Because both have the same S.I. unit
the sphere is 0.3% The permissible error in
15.Assertion Iny = Asin(ftrt-kx),-(ft^^-fcx) is dimensionless.
its surface area is 0.6%.
Reason The permissible error is calculated by the Reason Because dimension of a) = [MLT].
, . AA 4Ar 16.Assertion Dimensional constants are the quantities
formula -— = [AIIMS 2008]
A r whose values are constant.
3. Assertion Force cannot be added to pressure. Reason Dimensional constants are dimensionless.
Reason Because their dimensions are different. 17.Assertion A.U. is much bigger than A.
4. Assertion Linear mass density has the dimensions of Reason A.U. stands for astronomical unit and A
stands from Angstrom.
Reason Because density^ is always mass per unit
18.Assertion When we change the unit of measurement of
a quantity, its numerical value changes.
5. Assertion Avogadro number is the number of atoms in
Reason Smaller the unit of measurement smaller is its
one gram mole.
numerical value.
Reason Avogadro number is a dimensionless
6. Assertion Units of Rydberg constant R is m"1
Reason It follows from Bohr's formula

where the symbols have their usual meaning.
7. Assertion Parallax method cannot be used for
measuring distances of stars more than 100
light years away.
Rf^ c
Reason Because parallax angle reduces so much that
it cannot be measured accurately. \; <*

8. Assertion The graph between P and Q is straight line,

when P/Q is constant. :-<^^+-
Reason The straight line graph means that P
proportional to Q or P is equal to constant
multiplied by Q.
' •t^^.^BSj;i*?^jn'j^a^w i
Vsserti ori and Reason
^^*sw if"Wfeiiiik ,^&*s^fr.A-^k^:%^

1mc |||| Ic I fi * mc ih
1 b ^ 1[c . I11 I 8a jlliib liiia
I a -I

1 liili^ 1c' alii' ill


1. (c) Light year is a distance which light travels in one year.
4. (a) K = C + 273.15.
Impulse = Force x time =(kg-m/s2)xs = kgm/s .
5. (c)
6. (b) Pyrometer is used the for measurement of temperature,
8. (e) Surface tension is defined as the force per unit length
and hence its unit is newton metre'1 or Nm"1.
9. (b) The difference in sidereal year and solar year is about 1
day (or 24x60=1440 min)
.-. Difference in sidereal day and solar day is about

1440 = 4 min
i.e., sidereal day is 4 min smaller than the solar day.
10. (c)Here, Speed of light in vacuum,
c = 1 new unit of length s"1
Time taken by light of sun to reach the earth
t = 8 min and 20 seconds

= (8x60+ 20)s = 500s

.*. Distance between sun and the earth
S = ct = l new unit of length s^xSOOs

= 500 new units of length.

12. (d)Thermal resistance,
KA (wattmetre^kelvin-^metre)2 watt

Thermal conductance = — =
R kelvin
Dimensions and Measurement ^3

13. (c) Stefan's law is E = <r(T4) =^ o = Dimensions

Force _ MJ _iT_2
, _EnergyWatt 1. (d) Pressure =
where, =^— =—=- Area
Area x Time m
= Restoringforce = MTXT2 .
cr = = Watt-m _2 ,,_4 Area
Impulse = change in momentum so dimensions of both
14. (c) quantities will be same and equal to MLT1
Force = Mass x acceleration

u [ms"1] = [M][LT2] = [MLT2]

Torque = Force x distance = [MLT2][L] = [ML?T2]
16. (d) r = —=> = rxdt =rxFxdt

dt Work = Force x distance = [MLT2][L] = [ML2T2]
i.e. the unit of angular momentum is joule-second.
Energy = [ML2T2]
17. (d) [tj] = ML^T"1 so its unit will be kg/m-sec.
18. (c)The magnitude of induced emf is
. i , dl . \e\dt Time [T]
3.(d) Charge = Current x Time = [AT].
. volt x second ., 4.(d) Vc=Tjxpvrz
^ == ohm second .
21. (d)Because temperature is a fundamental quantity. Critical velocity is given by Vc = ——
(b)Units of a and PV2 are same and equal to dyne x cm4.
So, x = -1
23. (c)[x] = [bt2]^[b] = [x/t2] = km/s2.
y = -lz = -l.
24. (a) Bxt is unitless. .\ Unit of B is m^s^1. e /^\ r ^ ^_ r j- x- Radiation Energy
(a) Because in S.I. system there are seven fundamental 5.(b) Intensity of radiation =—
26. Area x time
= newton I metre .
=>/= T*]
. [MLT*].
30. (b) Surface tension = [i.2xT]
(b) L=^- = Y^= 6. (c) — = Time constant,
I A rx
35. (b) According to the definition, 7. (c) Let m oc CxGvhz
By substituting the following dimensions :
36. (b) 1 MeV = IO6 eV .
[C] = LT1;[G] = [M-1L3T2] and [h] = [ML2Tx]
39. (d) = nu Now comparing both sides we will get
u x = l/2;y = -l/2,z = +l/2
44. (c)Energy = force x distance, so if both are increased by
4 times then energy will increase by 16 times. Somccc1/2G"1/2h1/2.
45. (d)Poisson's ratio is a unitless quantity, 8. (b) RC = T
46. (a) Charge = current x time. •: [R] = [ML2T3A~2] and [C] = [M
47. (d) Watt is a unit of power.
48. (d) Joule-sec is the unit of angular momentum where as 9 (b) C2LR - fC2L2lx — -fT4lx — -TT31
^- \) ^ i-n—i^ ^ jx —ii jx — — ii j
other units are of energy,
49. (a) Astronomical unit of distance. As I —1 = T and 4LC = T.
50. (a)[L/R] is a time constant so its unit is second.

52. (b)1 kWh = lxlO3 x 3600 Wx sec = 36 xlO5J.

10. (a) Q = mL => L = — (Heat is a form of energy)
/u\ 1/ W C1 .. joule m
56. (b)V = — so, SI unit =.
mkg MTT2t-2
= [ML2T2].
57. (c)PX=[ML2TX] M
P2=[(2M)(2L)2(2T)"1] 11. (d) Volume elasticity =
Volume strain
P2=4[ML2T"1] = 4P1.
Strain is dimensionless, so
58. (a) M = Pole strength x length _ Force MLT2
= amp-metre x metre = amp -metre2. Area ~ L2
59. (c)Curie = disintegration/second. Fd2
63. (d)Unit of e.m.f. = volt = joule/coulomb. 12.
65. (a) 1 Faraday = 96500 coulomb.

66. (c) S.I. unit of electric flux is =~volt x m.

[M ]
Units, Dimensions ami Measurement

13. (b) Let surface tension 30. (d) By putting the dimensions of each quantity on both the
o = EaVbT sides we get [T"1 ] = [M]X[MT~2 ]y
equating the dimension of LHS and RHS
Now comparing the dimensions of quantities in both
MlL^T~2 =(M1L2T2Jjt(T)c
sides we get x + y = 0 and 2y = l .\ x = —-, y=—.

31. (a) According to Coulombs law F =

= l,2a + b = 0,-2a-b + c = -2
=>a = l,b = -2,c = -2
1 Fr2 (newton)(meter)2
4;r0 qxq2 (coulomb) (coulomb)
Work done 2-r-2
14.(a) Power =
15.(a) Henry is a unit of coefficient of self induction (L) 32. (c) Let ux = kgvXzps. Now by substituting the dimensions
Dimension of coefficient of self induction
of each quantities and equating the powers of M, L and T
= [Mt?T2A-2] = [MTQ-2] .
we get 8 = 0 and x = 2, y = 1, z = l.
16. (b) Angular momentum = mvr
=[MLT-1][L]=[ML2T"1]. 1
34. (c) (poeo) -1/2 _ = C: speed of light

17.(b) Impulse = Force x Time = [MLT2][T] = [MLT1].

So dimension LT1.
18.(d) Modulus of rigidity = = [MTXT2].
35. (c) 1 cal = 4.2 J = 4.2 kg m2s~2
Shear strain
19.(d) Stefan's constant SI New system
Energy nx = 4.2 n2=?
Area x Time x (Temperature)4 Mx=lkg M2 = akg
.-. a = [I^LT \ = [MLT3K-4 ] = [MT-3K~4 ]. Lx=lm L2=pm
[L?][T][K]4 Tx=ls T2=ys
20.(c) E = hv^> [ML2T2] = [h][Tx] => [h] = [ML2!'1].
Dimensional formula of energy is [ML2T 2].
21.(b) Moment of inertia = mr2 = [M] [L2] Comparing with [MaLbTc], we get a = 1, b = 2, c = -2
Moment of Force = Force x Perpendicular distance
= [MLT2][L]=[ML2T2]. AI
As ^ •* 1 I l-^l
no =nil—L| I JL—1 IIl^-
24.(d) [h] = [Angular momentum] = [ML2T"1].

25.(a) By principle of dimensional homogenity —j = [P]

^cckg) {pm) {ys
.-. [a] = [P][V2] = [ML"1T"2]x[L6] = [Ml}!-2]. 36. (c) Angular frequency =2;rx Frequency
= [T1] = [M0LT1]
26.(d) —CV2 = Stored energy in a capacitor = [ML?T2].
.:a = 0,b = 0,c = -l.
27.(c) Electric field = Force/Charge = [MLT"2]/[AT]
[F] [MLT2] = [MT'^
37. (b)
[E] = [MLT3A-X]. [CTX][L]
28. (d) Energy per unit volume = ="1T"2]
[ML"1T"2] Energy
38. (a) Energy density = = [ML_!__2l
T ]
Volume Iz
\MJ T~21 Stress ML^T2
Force per unit area = TEA—L = [MTXT2] Young s modulus == —n
yStrain MLTn

Product of voltage and charge per unit volume Both have the same dimensions.
VxQVlt Power x Time
= [M-XT2!4A2].
Volume Volume Volume
. [ML2T3][T]
= [MTXT2] 40.(b) [Force] = [M] [Acceleration] => [F] = [M^^"2].
41.(d) Nsm~2 =Nm~2xs= Pascal-second.
Angular momentum per unit mass = 42.(b) As x = Kamxt"
[MLT] = [LT2]m[!T = [LmT"2m+n]
So angular momentum per unit mass has different
dimension. .\ m = 1 and -2m + n = 0=> n = 2.

43. (d) Energy = Work done [Dimensionally]. i \ clj iShearing sfress F r]l.r_i^_21
58. (c) Shear modulus = 2== [ML T ]
44. (c) [Kx] = Dimension of at = (dimensionless) Shearing sfrain A0

hence K = — = - = [L"1 ] .-. [K] = [L"1 ] / i h

59. (a) - =
45. (c) Conductivity =
Resistance x Area
^ay ft
Nl -2
46. (a) vR = ^ = = [ML2T"20"1].
2T"20"1 kg J V m J {min
47. (a) Let m = KFaLbTc gm cm i ( sec
Substituting the dimension of IO3gm) {l02cm) V60sec
[F] = [MLT2], [L] = [L]and[T] = [T]
and comparing both sides, we get m = FT1!2 . = o.o.
48. (d) [Planck constant] = [ML2T"1] and 61. (c) Dimensional formula of
[Energy] = [ML2T2]. = [ML2T"3A"2]
Amount of mass
49. (a) Flux density of mass = andthatof 4 =
Area x Time
[Flux density of mass] =
[M] -2-r-h
= [MT4TX]. Hence the correct option is (c).
62. (b) [Pressure] = [sfress] = [MTXT2].
(d) Velocity gradient = - = ^4LA = [T"1 ]
x [L] 63. (d) 1CGS SI
v [mTt^A^1]
Potential gradient = — =-
Energy gradient = — =
x [L]
,,. A P [ML^T"2] ^.^,-2^-2!
= [MLT"2]

and pressure gradient = — == [ML T ]. = 0.625xl0"3xl06=625.

51. (a) By substituting dimension of each quantity in R.H.S. of
65. (a)
^• i \ * i m9 I I MxLT2
= [LTX].
IxL [A] [L]
option (a) we get —— =
W = [ML2T2Q-x].
66. (a)
This option gives the dimension of velocity.
/.i r r i r/^i v ex4^V CxV Q
52. (d) [ QL ] = [C] /. X = —— == 1L= current. 67. E = -Li2 hence L = [ML2T"2A"2].

Force Sfrain is dimensionless.

54. (d) Surface tension = 68. (d)
Length = [MTT2], G = [M~XTT2], / = [MLT"1]
69. (a)
= [MLT2] GIM2 [M"1L3T "
[L] •' E2 "[ML2T2]2Ulm
Spring constant = Angular momentum = [MTT1], Frequency = [T"1]
Length 70. (c)
71. (a) Torque = force x distance = [ML2T2].

56.(c) According to definition of potential.

72. (c) dx
57.(a) [E] = [ML2T"2], [M] = [M],
73. (c)
[L] = [ML2TX], [G] = [M-XL3T2] CV Q •

ET [MTT2][ML2Tx]
TT2 2Tx]2
74. (c) ^ = [Energy Density]

[ML2T2][M2L4T2] r2-r-2
[M5][M"2L6T"4] [M3L6T4] L3

:[MLT] = Angle. 75. 2t-2i

(b) Dimension of work and torque = [MLT ].
56 Units, Dimensions ami Measurement

-^ ,,, c , .Force [MLT 2] t^irr-2, 96. (a) Let T = Sxrvpz

76. (d) Surface tension = = = [MT ].
Length L by substituting the dimension of [T] = [T]
r^*^I iR

and by comparing the power of both the sides

79. (b) E = KFaAbTc
= 3/2,z =
j[ML2T2] = [MLT2]a[LT2]b[T]c
so T jpr3/S =
[MTT2] = [MaLa+bT2a-2b+c]

97.(a) Resistivity [p] = —

Ifi -where [R] = [ML2TXQ~2]
iand -2a-2b + c = -2 I'J

'.: E = KFAT2. .-. [p] = [ML3TxQ-2].

O1 ... D . .. , .. Density of substance r^o-o-rOi 98.(a) / = — = — = [ML T Q].

81. (d) Relative density ==[M lT].
density of water t [!]
99.(c) Torque = [ML2T2], Angular momentum = [MTT1]
83. (b) B = j = = [ML2T3A-2].
So mass and length have the same dimensions.
100.(a) Let F oc PXVVTZ
84. (c) Momentum [MLT1], Planck's constant [ML2T"1].
By substituting the following dimensions :
[P] = [MTXT2] [V] = [LT1], [T] = [!]
85. „ = [MT-
and comparing the dimension of both sides
x = l,y = 2,z = 2,so F = PV2!2.
86. (a) k = |^| = [ML2T"20-1].
Energy [ML2T2^
101. (d) .. T_2.J.
= [L1
87. (c) B = ='M^r2l mass x length [M][L]
102. (b) Let m oc VFZ
88. (d) [G] = [M'1L3T2];[h] = By substituting the following dimensions :

Power = -— = [L"1 ]
[] = [MTT2], [v] = [LT1], [F] = [MLT2]
focal length and by equating the both sides
All quantities have dimensions. x = l,y = -2,z = 0 . So [m] = [EiT2].

89. (d) e = !^>[e] = [ML2T-2A-2][^ 104. (d) x = Ay + B tan Cz

From the dimensional homogeneity

= [ML4T4Q~1].

MLT2 [Cz] = [MLT0] = Dimension less

90.(d) = [MTX].
x and B; C and Z ;y and — have the same
91.(c) = [T1 ] and frequency [n] = [T"1 ]. A
dt dimension but x and A have different dimensions.
105.(c) Tension = [MLT2], Surface Tension = [MT~2].
92.(b) = = Pressure.
Volume L
106.(d) Torque = [ML2T2], Moment of inertia = [ML2].
93. (b) From the principle of dimensional homogenity

[a] = \j] = [MLT3] and [b] = \^\ = [MLT4]. 107.(c) Energy density it's dimensions are
194. (a) K = YxrQ= [MTXT2 ]x[L]= [MT~2 ] = [MTXT2].

Y = Young's modulus and r0 = Interatomic distance.

108. (b) L = (h)a(c)b(G)c
Au [MOLXT0] = (M1L2T1)a(LT1)b(M-1L3T2)c
95. (b) F = -tjA— =>[tj] = [MT1T1]
a-c = 0,2a + b + 3c = l, -a-b-2c = 0
As F = [MLT2],
2 A = [L2],^ =
Az solving b = -3/2,a = l/2,c = 1/2

/. Dimensions of tj = — — = J. 4hG
A AV T T1 ^3/2
libfto^ Dimensions and Measurement 5

(c) Mean time period T = 2.00 sec

_2 I
17 1 - frlamib e
109. (a) L^—J — icj I^jj
4m oj & Mean absolute error = AT = 0.05 sec.
To express maximum estimate of error, the time period
rr i
[L] = r[LT
r t*~1 iq
] should be written as (2.00 0.05) sec.

[L] r a+3b+3c M~b +c__ a-2b-2c

rri = L (b) If student measure 3.50 cm it means that there in an

a + 3b + 3c = t—i uncertainly of order 0.01 cm

-b + c = O L.C of V.C=1 MSD-1 VSD

a + 2b + 2c = 0 = \l-^ ^
On solving, 10 10J 100
1 So (b) is correct option.
2 1000V
i (a) l=e T -1

.. L
2 G.

>J J+l=e

1000 V
Errors log(/ + l) =
^T2=4/r2//g =>g = 1000
(c) T2 dV
J+l T
Here % error in / = xl00 = 0.1% dl 1000
100cm 100 J+l
and % error in T = -xlOO = O.O5% dl 1000
2x100 (0.01) =>cU = 0.2mA.
(5 + l)mA 300
/. % error in g = % error in / + 2(% error in T)
= 0.1 + 2x0.05 = 0.2%. 10.(d) As v = ^.

• = - mi)2
2 dv^ =
.*. % Error in K.E. v
= % error in mass + 2 x % error in velocity .: Percentage error in determination of volume =3
= 2 + 2x3 = 8%.
(Percentage error in measurement of radius)

Here, T = 2.5 second and AT = — second = 3 (2%) = 6%.

11.(c) One main scale division, 1 M.S.D. = xcm
Therefore, the permissible error in the measurement of
time period is One vernier scale division, 1 V.S.D. =
Least count = 1 M.S.D. -1 V.S.D.
—x 100 = x 100 = 20%. nx-nx + x x
T(2.5) = = —cm.
(a) 30 VSD = 29 MSD 12.(d) For best results amplitude of oscillation should be as
small as possible and more oscillations should be taken.
1VSD = — MSD
30 13.(a) Since percentage increase in length = 2%
LC. = 1MSD-1VSD Hence, percentage increase in area of square sheet

oq\i = 2x2% =4%.

= 11-— \MSD = —xO.5= 1 minute.
30 J30 14. (d) 2dsm0 = X=>d =
(c) Least count = Differentiate
No. of div. in circular scale

0.5 = -8(cosec0)
= 0.01 mm
Actual reading = 0.01 x 35 + 3 = 3.35 mm J
2 sin 0
Taking error into consideration ^ .Xcos0 ,
as 0 = increases, 5—decreases.
= 3.35 + 0.03 = 3.38 mm . 2sin20
15. (d) a = bacfi/dres 21. (a) Least count of both instrument

So maximum error in a is given by 0.5

Ad = A = =5xlO"3 mm

+ y. — xl00 + 8. — xlO0
= (abx + Pcx + ydx + 8ex)% .
a ^ i^ M 0.5/100 mm o0_,
16. (c) In first; main scale reading = 2.8 cm error due to measurement — ==2%
0.25 mm

Vernier scale reading = 7 x— = 0.07 cm o 0.5

., 2x
error due to d measurement 2— =^^
So reading = 2.87 cm; d 0.5 mm
In second; main scale reading = 2.8 cm _ 0.5/100
Vernier scale reading = 7 x —— = —— = -0.07 cm
Hence due to the errors in the measurements of d and
10 10
axe the same.
So reading = (2.80 + 0.10 - 0.07) cm = 2.83 cm
22. (e) Time period of a simple pendulum is

17. (b) /.|^-: =,^x 100 + ^x100 ^ [T4n2L

50 2 :. ^xl00 = |— + 2—1x100 = 1% +2x2% = 5%
= —xl00 + —xlOO =(5 + 2)% =7%.
10010 9[L T )
2.63 + 2.56 + 2.42 + 2.71 + 2.80 23.(c) Quantity C has maximum power. So it brings
18. (b) Average value =
maximum error in P.
= 2.62 sec 24.(c) Given, L=2.331cm
Now | A!x |=2.63 - 2.62 = 0.01 = 2.33 (correct upto two decimal places)
and B = 2.1 cm =2.10 cm
| AT2 |=2.62-2.56 = 0.06
/. L + B = 2.33+ 2.10 = 4.43 cm. = 4.4cm
|AT3 | = 2.62-2.42 = 0.20
Since minimum significant figure is 2.
|AT4 | = 2.71-2.62 = 0.09 25.(d) The number of significant figures in all of the given
| AT5 | = 2.80-2.62 = 0.18 number is 4.
27.(a) Percentage error in X =aa + bp + cy.
Mean absolute error
28.(d) Percentage error in A
AT _ IA^ | +1AT2 | +1AT3 | 1AT5
= 0.108=0.11sec.
29.(c) From h = ut + -gt2
19.(b) 50 VSD=2.45 cm
2 45 = 0+^x9.8x(2)2= 19.6 m
1 VSD = ^^^cm = 0.049cm
Least count of vernier =1 MSD - 1 VSD Ah At
~h~t [:• a = g = constant]
=0.05 cm - 0.049 cm
=0.001 cm = 2|^Wi-
Thickness of the object = Main scale reading + vernier 2 J 10
scale reading x least count ., , h 19.6 .inc.
.'. Ah = — = = 1.96 m.
=5.10+(24) (0.001) 10 10
=5.124 cm. -.RiRo
30. (c)
20.(c) 30 VSD = 29 MSD (R1+R2)
1 VSD = |^ MSD AR, AI 2 AjRj+R^)
•+• —i
x t\2 nx j^ D
least count of vernier = 1M.S.D. - 1V.S.D.
29 o 0.5 AR O3 O2 (0.3 + 0.2)
p _
Rp6 + 10 + 10 + 6

Reading of vernier = M.S. reading + V.S readingxL.C. =0.05+0.02+0.03125=0.10125

n ^^r- =58.65. '"5 or 10.125%.
31. (d) 20 VSD = 16 MSD 90 + 91 + 95 + 92
Main scale 39. (d) tn = 92 sec
1 VSD = 0.8 MSD
absolute error in each reading = 2, 1, 3, 0
Least count = MSD - VSD m 1 mm
mean error = = 1.5 sec
= lmm-0.8mm = 0.2mm. 10
32. (b) In 23.023 number of significant figures will be 5 put the least count of the measuring clock is 1 sec
because all the zero's between non zero digits are so it cannot measure upto 0.5 second so we have to
significant. In 0.0003, number of significant figures will round it off
so mean error will be 2 second
be one because all the zero's before and after decimal
Therefore t = 92 2 sec
point are insignificant if the number is less then one. In
40. (a) When jaws are closed, the zero error will be
2.1xlO"3 number of significant figure are two because
=main scale reading + (circular scale reading) (Least
power of 10 is not considered as significant figure, count)
33. (b) lng = lnh-2lnt =-0.5 mm+(45)(0.01)
zero error=- 0.05 mm
= —xlOO + 2—xlOO= ei+2e2. when the sheet is placed between the jaws; measured
=0.5 mm+(25)(0.01)=0.75 mm
35. (c) Least count =—:—= 0.01 mm
=> Actual thickness
= 0.75 mm -(-0.05)
Diameter of ball D = 2.5 mm (20)(0.01)
D = 2.7 mm = 0.80 mm.

MM AM AD 41. (b)
vol 4 (D M D
M =2% + 3 0.01 xl00%=> Ap -3.
u Jmax 2.7 P

36. (b) Least count of screw gauge =mm = 0.01mm — xl00 + 2x — x 100 = 0.5+ 2.2 = 2.7 ^ 3.
AUU 2090
Diameter = Divisions on circular scale x least count + = l+-!=-
42. (d) t
main scale reading \ 5 300
= 52x —+ 0=0.52 mm
100 V52 300
Diameter =0.052 cm.
dt =
m, ZL 2V5 V20 300
37. (d) n2=nA^L.
J_ + ^J_ =0.01
1 T cm T3 1
20 300J
- =4x
llOOsmJLlOcmJ 100 = 0.01

= 40 units,
38. (a) Here, ^4
Mass of a body, M = 5.00 0.05kg
— xl00 = — x — xl00 = — = 1%..
Volume of a body, V = 1.00 0.05m3 L16 2016
^riticafthinking Questions
Density, p = —

Relative error in density is 1. (d) n^nji^l Iii =ioT-^-

„ -m m sec-i9Qfinn
n2 = lLfl —5— ^^^^ = I^^0UU.
Percentage error in density is Ll03mJ L3600secJ

~M~Xl +~V~
2. (d) / =

, m does not represent the dimensions of frequency.

{ 1 )
60 Units^ Dimensions anil Measurement

4. (c) We can derive this equation from equations of motion 9. (b) PV = [energy]

so it is numerically correct.
Vander Waal's equation is [ P + ^- |(V - b) =^nRT
Distance _„ __i.
St = distance travelled in f^ second = 7;— ^- •• J
time The dimensions of —^ should be that of P and b is
u = velocity = [LT1] and -^a(2t-l) = [LT1]
1 that of volume.
Work done (or energy) should have the dimensions of
As dimensions of each term in the given equation are PV
same, hence equation is dimensionally correct also. .-. —xb = [Energy]

5. (b) % error in g = ^ x 100 = [ — | x 100 +

9WJ <f) xlOO
[bP] = [Energy]
—2~ = [^1 ^s having dimensions different from energy.
E, = — x 100 + d—] x 100 = 0.3125%
' 64[l2S)
10. (d) Y = = [M-3T2T8A4].
3Z2 [MT-2A-XY

En = — x 100 + 21 — | x 100 = 0.4687% az should be dimensionless

64I 64 11. (a) In given equation, —
Em = M —1x100 = 1.055%. k0
/. a =

6.(d) By substituting the dimensions of mass [M], length [L] and
coefficient of rigidity [MT1!^2 we get T = 2n\— is the and P = a
\rjL 7
right formula for time period of oscillations.
7.(d) Given equation, y = asin(bt-cx)

Comparing the given equation with general wave

equation 12

y= I ./•1./IA 1

. . 2n 2n
we get b=—,c = — ~[l2T2

JEE Section
Dimension of —
c More than one correct answers

= [L!—1 ] and other three quantity is (ac) Since, t = n!.
t 40
So, ! = — = — or T = 2 sec.
n 20
dimensionless. * .AT"
Now, At = nAT and — =
,a\ ^ .4.MM t !
8. (d) v Density, P = — = —^- c 1 AT
V m4L So, — = AT = 0.05
40 2
Ap AM oAr AL iod, T = 2/rJ-
—^ —1 Q1
p M r L Time period

0.003 o 0.005 0.06 c A! 1 AgAg o AT

=+ 2x+ So, —- = ---2- or —- = 2-—-
0.30.5 6 T 2 gS ^
= 0.01 + 0.02 + 0.01 = 0.04 So, percentage error in g = — x 100
/. Percentage error =-^-x 100 = 0.04x 100 = 4% . = -2^x100 =-2x-^xlOO =
^^^^l^r^Smensions and Measurement 61
8.(ac) The dimensions of frequency is given by [ML! x]
(abed) (a), (b), (c) and (d) all are correct.
rrl weber^ Now . ~[ML TX]
9A, -^" < =>

... (volt-second ^j p
*e —\ ^ ampere ) L
1 IT2 ... joule
U =>
?. amnprp

At 1R
Thus, only .— and — have the dimensions same as
= (Resistance) x (Time)
of frequency.
= (ohm x second). 9.(be) For Vernier callipers

(abc)Reynolds number and coefficient of friction are lMSD = -cm

Latent heat and gravitational potential both have
|x = cm
dimension [L2T2].

Curie and frequency of a light wave both have LC of vernier callipers = -zcmcm = 0.025cm

dimension [T"1]. But dimensions of Planck's constant is

(A) & (B)
[ML2T-1] and torque is [MTT2]. pitch of screw gauge = 2x (0.025) = 0.05cm

(bd) Length ~ Gxcvhz Leastcount of screw gauge = —'•—cm = 0.005mm

L= [M-XL3T2]X [LT^IML2!-1]2 (C) & (D) Least count of linear scale of screw gauge
= 0.05cm
By comparing the power of M, L and T in both sides we
pitch = 0.05 x 2cm = 0.1cm
get -x + z = 0 , 3x + y + 2z = 1 and -2x - y - z = 0
Leastcount of screw gauge = ——cm = 0.01mm .
By solving above three equations we get 100
10. (acd) M = hxcvGz
=1 =_! =1
M = (ML2T"1)X(LT-1)J'(M-1L3T-2)Z

(ad) Torque = Force x Perpendicular distance x-z = l

2x + y + 3z = 0
Work = Force x Displacement
-x-y-2z = 0
Angular momentum = Linear momentum
x Perpendicular distance X=2' V=2' 2 = Y

Energy = Force x Distance

\/ . i Sfress
Young s modulus =
Sfrain ForL
x-z = 0
Thus, we see that (a), (d) are the correct choices,
2x + y + 3z = l
7. (ab) The quantity RC have dimensions.
-x-y-2z = 0
[MXL 2T3A -2][M~XL "2T4 A2] = [ML TX] 1-3
X=2' y=T

The quantity yLC will also have dimensions of time.

But RIL and CIL will not have the same dimensions.
Unites-, Dim^nsi^n*;

11. (abd) Error in T

18. (3) d = k (pf (S)b (f)c
T 0.52 + 0.56 + 0.57 + 0.54 + 0.59 n cc, n _,
Tm^n == 0.556 * 0.56 s lr2T-2
AT^ =0.02 TT
0.02 = -3a =>a = —
.-. Error in T is given by xlOO = 3.57
0.56 3

Error in r = —x 100 = 10 %

0 = -3b + c,So n = 3.
Error in g
19. (4) E(t) = A2e~at
a = 0.2s-1

!2=4n2l{R~r — = 1.25%,
A t
5\ g d=?
logE = 21og A-at
28n2 (R-r
= 2(1.25) 0.2(7.5)
= 2.51.5
= 4%.

Matrix Match type questions

12. (bd) kBT^FL, e^ ^— and n L"3; where F is force Q is
20. A- p, q; B- r, s; C-> r, s; D- r, s

charge and L is length.

So (b) and (d) are correct.
Reasoning type questions 3t-2i
.-. GMeMs = F.r4 = (N.m4) = [ML 3T

3RT 3RT 2
13.(a) 'n<>z— for any physical system. u = J; .'.= v
14.(c) All dimensionally similar quantities are not be similar. Hence, [LT1]2
1]2 =[ML2T2]
For example work and torques has similar dimensions
[MTT2] but former is scalar the later one is a vector
(C) q2B2
F = ,UB . |^| =^
quantity related to rotational motion only.
15.(d) Least count of screw gauge depend on the ratio : pitch
per division of circular scales.
GMe U^
integer^type questions x (D)
Re m R
17. (8) Observation-1 . joule = ML 2T2 = 2T_2
Let weight used is IV1? extension x
• Thus, compare the dimension.
y X/L
21. A-> q, r; B-^ p, t; C-^ s; D-> u
Observation -2 (A)Capacitance- Coulomb/volt, Coulomb2
Let weight used is IV2, extension 2 /joule
(B)Inductance- Ohm-second, volt-second
Wo = =3.2xlO"2 +45xlO"5 (ampere)"1
(C)Magnetic induction - Newton (ampere-metre)"1
Thus, use the following formulae for getting the given units.
L = R.t; [t - time constant]

Ay ^ 2xlO~5 22
U= .'. — = C[C -capacitance; q -charge]
25 xlO"5

q = CV and L— = (e)
x 100% = — x 100% = 8%. dt
y J
y ^max Also F = //B sin 0.
22. A-+ q; B-> p; C-> s; D-> u; E- r; F- t
Dimensions and Measurement

9.(b) The last number is most accurate because it has greatest

significant figure (3).
(A)Angular- [ML2T]
momentum 10.(a) As length, mass and time represent our basic scientific
(B)Torque- [ML2T2] notations, therefore they are called fundamental
(C)Inductance- [ML2Qr2] quantities and they cannot be obtained from each
(D)Latent heat- [ML 2T"2] other.
(E)Capacitance- [M"aL "27^ Q+2]
11. (b) From, f^^J-, f2=-Jr-
(F)Resistivity- [ML3TxQr2]
21 \m4/2m
24. A-+ s; B-> q; C- p; D- r
(A) U = -kT =>ML2T2 =[k]K r-m = 4,2f2- L2T~2

_ M _ Mass
r -1-r-l
L length

(C) r2-r-2 = [h] T1

= h v ^^ MTT4 2-r-l
—1 => [h] = ML4! = linear mass density.

12.(c) Because representation of standard metre in terms of

(D) ^Q=i^0 mTt3l
wavelength of light is most accurate.
dt L2K
13.(e) Let us write the dimension of various quantities on two
Assertion and Reason
sides of the given relation.

Light year and wavelength both represent the distance, L.H.S. =T = [T]
so both have dimensions of length not of time.
R.H.S. =
A = 4m2 [error will not be involved in constant 4/r ]
[.'. 2/r has no dimension]. As dimensions of L.H.S. is
c ^. ,AA 2Ar
Fractional error — =
A r not equal to dimension of R.H.S. therefore according to
principle of homogeneity the relation
AA , , AA 4Ar . , .
—xlOO = 2x0.3% = 0.^ but — = is false.
A A r T = 27x44/1 is not valid.

Addition and subtraction can be done between 14.(c) As surface tension and surface energy both have

quantities having same dimensions. different S.I. unit and same dimensional formula.

15.(c) As © (angular velocity) has the dimension of [T"1] not

(c) Density is not always mass per unit volume.

(c) Avogadro number (N) represents the number of atoms

in 1 gram mole of an element, i.e. it has the dimensions 16.(c) Dimensional constants are the quantities whose values

of mole"1. are constant and they posses dimensions. For example,

velocity of light in vacuum, universal gravitational
As the distance of star increases, the parallax angle
constant, Boltzman constant, Planck's constant etc.
decreases, and great degree of accuracy is required for
17.(b) A.U. (Astronomical unit) is used to measure the av^rage
its measurement. Keeping in view the practical distance of the centre of the sun from the centre of the
limitation in measuring the parallax angle, the earth, while angstrom is used for very short distances. 1

maximum distance of a star we can measure is limited A.U. = 1.5xl0nm; lA = 10"10m.

to 100 light year.

18.(c) We know that Q = nxux = n2u2 axe the two units of
According to statement of reason, as the graph is a measurement of the quantity Q and nx, n2 axe their
straight line, P^Q, or P = constant x Q respective numerical values. From relation
Qx = nxux = n2u2, nu = constant => n <^ 1 / u i.e., smaller
i.e. — = constant. the unit of measurement, greater is its numerical value.
4 Units, Dimensions and Measurement
The surface tension of a liquid is 70 dyne I cm . In MKS
8.From the equation tan 0 = -^-, one can obtain the angle of
system its value is[AFMC 1996; BHU 2002] v
banking 0 for a cyclist taking a curve (the symbols have
(a) 70N/m(b) 7xlO"2N/m
their usual meanings). Then say, it isi
(c) 7xlO3N/m •(d) 7xlO2N/m (a)Both dimensionally and numerically correct

The SI unit of universal gas constant (R) is (b)Neither numerically nor dimensionally cort^t
[AFMC 1996; UPSEAT 1999; WB^JEE 2009] (c)Dimensionally correct only
(d)Numerically correct only
(b)Newton K^moT1
9.A dimensionally consistent relation for the volume V of a
(c)Joule K"1 mol'1 liquid of coefficient of viscosity tj flowing per second
through a tube of radius r and length / and having a
pressure difference p across its end, is
The unit of permittivity of free space e0 is
[MP PMT 2003; CBSE PMT 2004] (b) V =

(b)Newton- metre2/coulomb2
(0 V- (d) V =
Ttr 8/r4
10. The velocity u (in cm I sec ) of a particle is given in terms of

time t (in sec) by the relation v = at + b ; the dimensions

The temperature of a body on Kelvin scale is found to be
X K . When it is measured by a Fahrenheit thermometer, it
of a,b and c are [CBSE PMT 2006; MP PET 2011]
is found to be XF . Then X is[UPSEAT 2000]
(a)a = L2,b = !,c = L!2
(b)574.25 (b)a = L!2,b = L!,c = L
(c)q = LT2,b = L,c = T
What are the units of K = V4to-0[AFMC 2004]
(d)a = L,b = LT,c = T2
(a) C2N~xm-2(b) Nm2C~2
11. From the dimensional consideration, which of the following
(c) Nm2C2(d) Unitless
equation is correct
The length, breadth and thickness of a block are given by
/ = 12cm,b = 6cm and t = 2.45cm
(a) T = 2/r
The volume of the block according to the idea of significant
figures should be[CPMT 2004; RPMT 2006]
(a) lxlO2 cm3(b) 2 xlO2 cm3 _ (d) T =
(c) 1.763xl02cm3(d) None of these
12. The position of a particle at time t is given by the relation
,m,/ and G denote energy, mass, angular momentum
x(t) = -^2- (1 - e~at), where u0 is a constant and a > 0 . The
and gravitational constant respectively, then the dimensions
t E/2 dimensions erf v0 and a axe respectively [CBSE PMT 1995]
Of . o are
(a) ML1T1 and T"1(b) MOLXT and T"1
(a) Angle(b) Length
(c) Mass(d) Time (c) ML1T1 and LT2 (d) ML1T1 and T
*Hiits, Dimensions and Measurement 6
13. The equation of state of some gases can be expressed as 17 If radius of the sphere is (5.3o.l)cm. Then percentage

P + —- =. Where P is the pressure, V the volume,

error in its volume will be
[Pb. PET 2000]
0 the absolute temperature and a and b axe constants.
(a) 3 + 6.01x 100 -xO.Olx 100
The dimensional formula of a is
[UPSEAT 2002; Odisha PMT 2004]
(a) [ML5T2](b) [M-XTT2]
(d) —xlOO
(c) [ML'1!-2](d) (ML-5T2) 5.3
(b) 1 dyne =10 5 newton, lcm = 10 2m 11. (a) By substituting the dimensions in T = 2n

^ndyne 70xl0"5 N
10"2 m we get =T
= 7xlO"2 N/m.

PV )ule Jfrimn,-i 12.(a) Dimension of at = [ML!] :. [a] = [T"1]

2. (c) PV = nRT =>R =
n! mole x kelvin
Again \^- \ = [L]so [v0] = [LT1]
F ^ QXQ2
3. (d) ' r2
13.(a) By the principle of dimensional homogenity
[P] = | ~ | => [a] = [P]x[V2] = [ML'XT4][T]

So e0 has units of coulomb2/newtonm? 5t-2i

= [MTT4]

F-32 K-273 x-32 x-273 [a-t2]

= 574.25 14. (a) [a] = [!2] and [b] =
(b) 9595
(b) Unit of e0 = C2/N-m2 /.Unit of K = Nm2C'2

(b) Volume V = /xbxt

= 12x6x2.45 =176.4 cm3
= c2=[L2!'2]
V=1.764xlO2 cm3 15. (d) C =

Since, the minimum number of significant figure is one 16. (a) [e] = [AT], eo=[M"1L"3T4A2], [h] = [ML2T"1]
in breadth, hence volume will also contain only one
and [c] = [LTx]
significant figure. Hence, V = 2xlO2 cm3 .

(a) [] = [ML2T"2], [m] = [M], [I] = [ML2TX] and

'"-'1VI ^ i r\ /\ i"I^. I aLi
[G] = [M-XL3!~2] Substituting the dimensions of above
= [MLT]
quantities in the given formula :
17.(c) Volume of sphere (V) = -/zr3
E/2 [ML2T2][ML2TX]2
2T2 2TX]2 3L6T~4
= [ML!] % error in volume =3x —xlOO =|3x—1x100
[Mb][M-xTT4] M
(c) Given equation is dimensionally correct because both
sides are dimensionless but numerically wrong because 18.(d) P = — = -y, so maximum error in pressure (P)
A /
the correct equation is tan 0 = — . — xlOO + 2 —xlOO
' max *~'
9. (a) Formula for viscosity rj = 19.(c) nx40amu = 6.64xl024
nx40xl.6xl0"27 =6.64xlO24
10. (c) From the principle of dimensional homogenity
[v] = [at] ^> [a] = [LT2 ]. Similarly [b] = [L] and [c] = [!] n = 1050.

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