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Motion In On^ Dimension 121

20. (a) For first marble, hx = — g x 16 = 8g 22. (b) For vertically upward motion, hx =uotgt2and for

- t=0
vertically downward motion, h2 = vot + — g t

.*. Total distance covered in t sec h = Jr\ + h2 = 2vot.

t=2s 23.
D 200 km
— t=3s
-^- t=4s
4 I
For Second marble, h2 =—gx9 = 4.5g LO
I i-
For third marble, h3 =—gx4 = 2g
1000 km B
250 km h
For fourth marble, h4 = — g x 1 = 0.5g
Let tAB,tBo^CD an^ ^da ^e ^e time taken by the
/. hx - h2 = 8g - 4.5g = 3.5g = 35m.
aeroplane to go from A to B, B to C, C to D and D to A
h2 - h3 = 4.5g -2g = 2.5g = 25m and
h3 - h4 = 2g - 0.5g = 1.5g = 15m .
1000 km
•'• im = 4h
250 km fT1r
21. (b) The velocity of balloon at height h, v = J2I —
• • *bc
When the stone released from this balloon, it will go 500 km h"1r

upward with velocity u = ^-— (Same as that of balloon). 1000 km

•"• tCD =
200 km h^1r
In this condition time taken by stone to reach the ground
1000 km
• • tDA = r = 10h
100 km h-1

Total distance covered

Average speed =
Total time taken

_ 1000 km +1000 km +1000 km +1000 km

^AB + ^BC + ^D + ^DA

= 190.5 km h-1.

Motion In Two Dimension

The motion of an object is called two dimensional, if two of Projectile

the three co-ordinates required to specify the position of the object
A body which is in flight through the atmosphere under the
in space, change w.r.t time.
effect of gravity alone and is not being propelled by any fuel is
In such a motion, the object moves in a plane. For example, called projectile and its motion is called projectile motion.
a billiard ball moving over the billiard table, an insect crawling over
the floor of a room, earth revolving around the sun etc.
(i) A bomb released from an aeroplane in level flight
Two special cases of motion in two dimensions are
(ii) A bullet fired from a gun
1. Projectile motion 2. Circular motion
(iii) An arrow released from bow
Introduction of Projectile Motion (iv) A Javelin thrown by an athlete

A hunter aims his gun and fires a bullet directly towards a Assumptions of Projectile Motion
monkey sitting on a distant tree. If the monkey remains in his
(1)There is no resistance due to air.
position, he will be safe but at the instant the bullet leaves the
barrel of gun, if the monkey drops from the tree, the bullet will hit (2)The effect due to curvature of earth is negligible.

the monkey because the bullet will not follow the linear path. (3)The effect due to rotation of earth is negligible.

(4)For all points of the trajectory, the acceleration due to

gravity 'g' is constant in magnitude and direction.

Principle of Physical Independence of Motions

(1)The motion of a projectile is a two-dimensional motion.

So, it can be discussed in two parts. Horizontal motion and vertical
motion. These two motions take place independent of each other.
This is called the principle of physical independence of motions.

(2)The velocity of the particle can be resolved into two

m\Fig : 3.1
mutually perpendicular components. Horizontal component and
The path of motion of a bullet will be parabolic and this vertical component.
motion of bullet is defined as projectile motion.
(3)The horizontal component remains unchanged
If the force acting on a particle is oblique with initial velocity throughout the flight. The force of gravity continuously affects the
then the motion of particle is called projectile motion. vertical component.

The trajectory of a projectile moving under the influence of (4)The horizontal motion is a uniform motion and the
a constant acceleration is a parabola. vertical motion is a uniformly accelerated or retarded motion.
Motion In Two Dimension 123

Types of Projectile Motion lotei ? Equation of oblique projectile also can be

(1)Oblique projectile motion
written as
(2)Horizontal projectile motion
u2 sin 20
(3)Projectile motion on an inclined plane y = x tan 0 1(where R = horizontal range =

(2) Displacement of projectile (f) : Let the particle

acquire a position P having the coordinates (x, y) just after time t
from the instant of projection. The corresponding position vector of
the particle at time t is r as shown in the figure.

Fig : 3.4
Fig : 3.2

Oblique Projectile Motion r=xi+yj...(i)

In projectile motion, horizontal component of velocity (u The horizontal distance covered during time t is given as

cos 0), acceleration (g) and mechanical energy remains constant x -vx t => x = ucos0 t...(ii)
while, speed, velocity, vertical component of velocity (u sin 0),
The vertical velocity of the particle at time t is given as
momentum, kinetic energy and potential energy all changes.
Vy =(uo)y -S^>•••(!")
Velocity, and KE are maximum at the point of projection while
minimum (but not zero) at highest point. Now the vertical displacement y is given as

(1) Equation of trajectory : A projectile is thrown with y = usin0t-l/2gt2...(iv)

velocity u at an angle 0 with the horizontal. The velocity u can be
Putting the values of x and y from equation (ii) and equation
resolved into two rectangular components.
(iv) in equaiion (i) we obtain the position vector at any time t as
V ^ (l V
r=(ucos0)ti + (usin0)tgt2 \j
V )

r = J(utcos0)2 +1 {utsin0)gt2
u sin 9
O u cos 6
Fig : 3.3

u cos 0 component along X-axis and u sin 0 component

along Y-axis. 1 9
utsm0 — gt2
_i ( 2u sin 0 - gt
= tan -i or 0 = tan
For horizontal motion x = u cos0 x t => t = • (\xtcos9) 2ucos0

For vertical motion y = (usin9)tgt2 I f/ote: ? The angle of elevation (p of the highest point of
From equation (i) and (ii) the projectile and the angle of projection 0 ecce related to each

^_U. other asy

= usin0
UCOS0J 2 u2cos20
tan <p = — tan 9

y = xtan0
2 u2 cos2 0

This equation shows that the trajectory of projectile is

parabolic because it is similar to equation of parabola
y = ax- bx2
Fig : 3.5
124 Motion In Two Dimension

(3) Instantaneous velocity v : In projectile motion, (6) Angular momentum : Angular momentum of
vertical component of velocity changes but horizontal component projectile at highest point of trajectory about the point of projection
of velocity remains always constant. is given by
Example : When a man jumps over the hurdle leaving
behind its skateboard then vertical component of his velocity is L = mvr Here r = H =•

changing, but not the horizontal component which matches with

the skateboard velocity. L = m uco
As a result, the skateboard stays underneath him, allowing him to
land on it.

(7) Time of flight: The total time taken by the projectile to
go up and come down to the same level from which it was
projected is called time of flight.
Fig : 3.6
For vertical upward motion 0 = u sin 0- gt
Let Vj be the instantaneous velocity of projectile at time t,
=^> t = (u sin 0fg)
direction of this velocity is along the tangent to the trajectory at
Now as time taken to go up is equal to the time taken to
point P.
come down so
^i = yx + V => v, = ^jv2 + v2
Time of flight T = 2t = •
= -yju2 cos2 0 + (u sin 0 - gt)
(i) Time of flight can also be expressed as : T = (where
t2 -2ugtsin<9 9
v. =
uv is the vertical component of initial velocity).

Direction of instantaneous velocity tana=—— = (ii) For complementary angles of projection ^and 90 - 0
(a) Ratio of time of flight = -^ = - .^
T2 2u sin (90-6>)/g
ora = tan sec^
= tan^^ => — =
(4)Change in velocity : Initial velocity (at projection

point) ux =ucos0i +usin0j (b) Multiplication of time of flight = TiT2 =

Final velocity (at highest point) u/ = ucos#i + 0 j
_ _, 2n u2sin2^
=> T1T2 = •:R =
(i) Change in velocity (Between projection point and highest 9 I9
point) Au-Uf-ui = -usm0j (iii) If ^ is the time taken by projectile to rise upto point P
and t2 is the time taken in falling from point P to ground level then
When body reaches the ground after completing its motion
2usin6> x.9(h +t2)
then final velocity u/ = ucos0i - usir\0j t +t2 == time of flight or usin6> ^
(ii) Change in velocity (Between complete projectile motion)

Au = uf - Uj = -2u sin 0 j

(5)Change in momentum : Simply by the multiplication of X

mass in the above expression of velocity (Article-4). ig : 3.8

(i) Change in momentum (Between projection point and and height of the point P is given by h = u sin 011 - —

highest point) Ap = pf - pi=-mus'm0 j

(ii) Change in momentum (For the complete projectile

by solving h = ^
motion) Ap = pf-p, =-2musin6>j
Motion In Two Dimension 125 UNWEBSAl
(iv) If B and C are at the same level on trajectory and the
(iii) For angle of projection 01 = (45 - d) and 02 = (45 + a),
time difference between these y
range will be same and equal to u2 cos 2alg.
two points is tv similarly A and
0X and 02 are also the complementary angles,
D are also at the same level
(iv) Maximum range : For range to be maximum
and the time difference
between these two positions is u2 sin 20
to then d0 60
.2 f2 _ 8h
r2 ~ h - ==> cos 20= 0 i.e. 20= 90 0 = 45
and Rmax = (u2/g)
(8) Horizontal range : It is the horizontal distance travelled
i.e., a projectile will have maximum range when it is
by a body during the time of flight.
projected at an angle of 45 to the horizontal and the maximum
So by using second equation of motion in x-direction
range will be (u2/g).
R = u cos 0 x T
y When the range is maximum, the height H reached by the
= u cos 0 x (2u sin 01 g)
u2 sin 2^

u2 sin 20
R= O Horizontal range
9 Fig : 3.10
(i) Range of projectile can also be expressed as : Fig : 3.12
r> ^ -r . 2u sin 0 u2 sin2 0 _ u2 sin2 45 _ u2
R = u cos0 x T = ucos0 H=
2g2g4g 4
2ucos0 usin0 2uxuy i.e., if a person throws a projectile to a maximum distance
Rmax , the maximum height during the flight to which it will rise is

R= — (where ux and u are the horizontal and

vertical component of initial velocity) (v) Relation between horizontal range and maximum height
(ii) If angle of projection is changed from 0 to 0' = (90 - 0 „ u2 sin 20 , „ u2sin20
: R= and H=
then range remains unchanged.

R u2sin20/g
= 4cot0 = 4Hcot0
H u2sin20/2g

(vi) If in case of projectile motion range R is n times the

maximum height H

u2 sin20 u2sin20
i.e. R = nti —- y*

=>• tan0=[4/n] or 0 = tan^1[4/n]

The angle of projection is given by 0 = tan^^/n]

Fig : 3.11 \YloU'.U If R = H then 0 = tan"1 (4) or 0 = 76 .

V u2sin[2(9O-0)] u2 sin 20
I If R = 4H then 0 = tan^(l) or 0 = 45 .
(9) Maximum height : It is the maximum height from the
bectile has same range at angles of projection 0 and
point of projection, a projectile can reach.
(90 - 0}, tt. ^gh time of flight, maximum height and trajectories
So, by using i>2 = u2 + 2as
are different.

These angles 0and 90 - 0are called complementary angles O = (usin0)2-2gH

of projection and for complementary angles of projection, ratio of
,, u2 sin2 0
range = 1 => X
R2 u2sin[2(9O-0)]/g R2
Fig : 3.13
126 Motion In Two Dimension

(i) Maximum height can also be expressed as (11) Motion of a projectile as observed from another
projectile : Suppose two balls A and B are projected
H = — (where uy is the vertical component of initial simultaneously from the origin, with initial velocities ux and u2 at
angle 0X and 6^, respectively with the horizontal.

(ii) Hmax =— (whensin20 = max = 1 i.e, 0= 90)
i.e., for maximum height, body should be projected
vertically upward. So it falls back to the point of projection after
reaching the maximum height.
(iii) For complementary angles of projection 0and 90 - 0 g : 3.15
Ratio of maximum height The instantaneous positions of the two balls are given by
= Ht _ u2sin20/2g _ sin2 0
= tan2 0 = (ux cos01)t, y^ = (u1s\n0l)t- — gt2
H2 u2sm2(9O-0)/2g cos2 0

Ball B : x2 = (u2t, y2 = (u2 sin02)t - — gt

(10) Projectile passing through two different points The position of the ball A with respect to ball B is given by
on same height at time tx and t2 : If the particle passes two x = xx - x2 = (ux cos 0X - u2 cos 02) t
points situated at equal height y at t = t^ and t = t2, then
~ U2 s^n ^2) *

(i) Height (y): y = (usin^^)^ ——gtf ...(0 .. y ( Ui sin 0X - u2 sin 02^

Now — = —— = constant
and = (usin0)t2--gtf ...(ii)
Thus motion of a projectile relative to another projectile is a
straight line.
(12) Energy of projectile : When a projectile moves
upward its kinetic energy decreases, potential energy increases but
the total energy always remains constant.
If a body is projected y
with initial kinetic energy
K( = l/2 mu2), with angle of
Fig : 3.14
projection 0 with the
Comparing equation (i) with equation (ii) horizontal then at the K
Fig : 3.16
highest point of trajectory

1 m(ucos0)2 =—mu2 cos2 0

(i) Kinetic energy = —
Substituting this value in equation (i)
(*i+*2^ 1^2 /. K'=Kcos20
u = g\—^. tiQtZ => y=
y Ml 2 I1 2ai
u2 sin2 0
(ii) Potential energy = mgH = mg
(ii) Time (tx and t2): y = u sin 01gt'' 2g
u2 sin2 0
sin2 6 As H =

= Ks\x\20

(iii) Total energy = Kinetic energy + Potential energy

= — mu2 cos2 0 + — mu2 sin2 0

1 2
= — mu = Energy at the point of projection.
and Ct
This is in accordance with the law of conservation of energy.
IHorizontal Projectile Motion
Motion In Two Dimension 127

Direction of instantaneous velocity : tan 0 =

When a body is projected horizontally from a certain height
'y' vertically above the ground with initial velocity u. If friction is
considered to be absent, then there is no other horizontal force
-H =tan -1
which can affect the horizontal motion. The horizontal velocity v
therefore remains constant and so the object covers equal distance
in horizontal direction in equal intervals of time.
or <z> =
(1) Trajectory of horizontal projectile : The horizontal
displacement x is governed by the
Where 0 is the angle of instantaneous velocity from the
equation u X horizontal.
X (4) Time of flight : If a body is projected horizontally from
x = ut => t = — .... (i)
u a height h with velocity u and time taken by the body to reach the
The vertical displacement y \P(x,l>) ground is T, then
is governed by

\\ h = 0 + — gT2(for vertical motion)

Fig : 3.17
(since initial vertical velocity is zero)

By substituting the value of t in equation (ii) y = —

22 u (5) Horizontal range : Let R is the horizontal distance
travelled by the body
(2) Displacement of projectile (r): After time t,

R = uT + — (0)T2 (for horizontal motion)

horizontal displacement x = ut and vertical displacement y =—gt2.

So, the position vector r =uti +—gt j


(6) If projectiles A and B axe projected horizontally with

Therefore = utjl + | — and or = tan"1 —
(2u different initial velocity from same height and third particle C is
dropped from same point then

as t = . (i) All three particles will take equal time to reach the ground.

(ii) Their net velocity would be different but all three

(3) Instantaneous velocity : Throughout the motion, the particles possess same vertical component of velocity.
horizontal component of the velocity is ux = u.
(iii) The trajectory of projectiles A and B will be straight line
The vertical component of velocity increases with time and w.r.t. particle C.
is given by
vv — 0 + gt = gt (From v = u + gt)

So, v = vxi+vvj = ui+gtj \B


Fig : 3.19
Again v =ui + -^/2gy j (7) If various particles thrown with same initial velocity but
in different direction then
i.e. v = Ju2 +2gy

O ^ X


Fig : 3.18 Fig : 3.20

12$ Motion In Two Dimension

(i) They strike the ground with same speed at different times
(i) Maximum range occurs when 6 =
irrespective of their initial direction of velocities.
(ii) Time would be least for particle E which was thrown (ii) The maximum range along the inclined plane when the
vertically downward. projectile is thrown upwards is given by
(iii) Time would be maximum for particle A which was
thrown vertically upward. g (1 + sin a)

Projectile Motion on an Inclined Plane (iii) The maximum range along the inclined plane when the
projectile is thrown downwards is given by
Let a particle be projected up with a speed u from an
inclined plane which makes an angle a with the horizontal
max ~ g(l-sina)
it • \
and velocity of projection makes an angle 0 with the inclined
plane. Circular Motion
We have taken reference x-axis in the direction of plane.
Circular motion is another example of motion in two
Hence the component of initial velocity parallel and dimensions. To create circular
perpendicular to the plane are equal to ucos^ and usin^ motion in a body it must be given^2
respectively i.e. U| | = ucosO and u = usin^ . some initial velocity and a force -
must then act on the body which
The component of g along the plane is gsina and
is always directed at right angles
perpendicular to the plane is gcosa as shown in the figure i.e. to instantaneous velocity.
a\\=~9 s^n a and a = -g cos a. Since this force is always at
right angles to the displacement
Therefore the particle decelerates at a rate of gsin^ as it
therefore no work is done by the
moves from 0 to P.
force on the particle. Hence, its4
(1) Time of flight : We know for oblique projectile motion kinetic energy and thus speed is^ig : ^-22
_ 2usin^_ 2u, unaffected. But due to simultaneous action of the force and the
T =or we can say T = ——
9 velocity the particle follows resultant path, which in this case is a
circle. Circular motion can be classified into two types - Uniform
circular motion and non-uniform circular motion.
Uniform Circular Motion : When a particle moves in a
circle at a constant speed then the motion is said to be a uniform
circular motion.

t=0 Variables of Circular Motion

Fig : 3.21
(1) Displacement and distance : When particle moves in
.\ Time of flight on an inclined plane T = a circular path describing an angle 0 during time t (as shown in the
gcosa figure) from the position A to the position B, we see that the
(2) Maximum height : We know for oblique projectile magnitude of the position vector F (that is equal to the radius of
.. ._, u2 sin2 6^ u2^ the circle) remains constant, i.e., rx = r2 = r and the direction of
motion H = or we can say H = ——
2g2a the position vector changes from time to time.
u2 sin2 6 (i) Displacement : The change of position vector or the
.-. Maximum height on an inclined plane H = displacement Ar of the particle from position A to the position B is
2g cos a
given by referring the figure.
(3) Horizontal range : For one dimensional motion
Ar =r2-r1 => Ar = Ar = r2 -r1
1 2
= ut + — at
Ar = yr2 + r22 - 2^r2 cos 0

Horizontal range on an inclined plane R^u^T + — a Putting rx^r2-r we obtain

= yr2+r2-2r.rcos<9
R = ucos61gsina T2

1 .
R = ucos# gsina = j2r2(2sin2-
gcosa) 2^ gcosa;

2u2 sin<9cos(6> + a)
By solving R = A r = 2r sin —
Fig : 3.24
Motion in Two Dimension 129
(ii) Distance : The distance covered by the particle during
(vi) For uniform circular motion co remains constant where as
the time t is given as for non-uniform motion ^varies with respect to time.
d = length of the arc AB = r 0
| note: ? It is important to note that nothing actually

(iii) Ratio of distance and displacement: dr$

Ar 2rsmdl2 moves in the direction of the angular velocity vector co. The

direction of co simply represents that the circular motion is taking

= -cosec(0/2)
place in a plane perpendicular to it.

(2)Angular displacement (0) : The angle turned by a (4) Change in velocity : We want to know the magnitude
body moving in a circle from some reference^ine is called angular and direction of the change in velocity of the particle which is

displacement. performing uniform circular motion as it moves from A to B during

time t as shown in figure. The change in velocity vector is given as
(i) Dimension = [MLT] (as 6= arc /radius).
Au = Do - Ui
(ii) Units = Radian or Degree. It is some times also specified
in terms of fraction or multiple of revolution.

(iii) 2n rad=360 =1 Revolution

(iv) Angular displacement is an axial vector quantity.

Its direction depends upon the sense of rotation of the object

and can be given by Right Hand Rule; which states that if the
Av = v
curvature of the fingers of right hand
represents the sense of rotation of the Fig : 3.26 Fig : 3.27
object, then the thumb, held perpendicular
or |Ai?j=|u2 ~*^i| => Av=^vi+v^-2u1v2cos0
to the curvature of the fingers, represents
the direction of angular displacement
For uniform circular motion v1 = v2 = v
vector.Fig: 3.25

(v) Relation between linear displacement and angular So

displacement ds = d0xr
The direction of Av is shown in figure that can be given as
or s = rd

(3)Angular velocity (dj : Angular velocity of an object in

circular motion is defined as the time rate of change of its angular
(5)Time period (T) : In circular motion, the time period is
defined as the time taken by the object to complete one revolution
... A , , ^angle traced , AS dO on its circular path.
(i) Angular velocity cd = —-= Lt — = —
time taken a-o At dt (i) Units: second.

dd_ (ii) Dimension : [MLT]

co =
dt (iii) Time period of second's hand of watch = 60 second.
(ii) Dimension : [MLT1] (iv) Time period of minute's hand of watch = 60 minute
(iii) Units : Radians per second (rad.s"1) or Degree per (v) Time period of hour's hand of watch = 12 hour
second. (6)Frequency (n) : In circular motion, the frequency is
(iv) Angular velocity is an axial vector. defined as the number of revolutions completed by the object on
its circular path in a unit time.
Its direction is the same as that of AS. For anticlockwise
rotation of the point object on the circular path, the direction of co, (i) Units : s^1 or hertz (Hz).

according to Right hand rule is along the axis of circular path (ii) Dimension : [M>LTl\
directed upwards. For clockwise rotation of the point object on the
\rlote: ? Relation between time period and frequency : If
circular path, the direction of co is along the axis of circular path
directed downwards. n is the frequency of revolution of an object in circular motion,
then the object completes n revolutions in 1 second. Therefore, the
(v) Relation between angular velocity and linear velocity
object will complete one revolution in 1/n second.
v = cox r .\T =
30 Motion In Two Dimension

?Relation between angular velocity, frequen^y and time Centripetal Acceleration

period : Consider a point object describing a uniform circular (1)Acceleration acting on the object undergoing uniform
motion with frequency n and time period T. When the object circular motion is called centripetal acceleration.
completes one revolution, the angle traced at its axis of circular (2)It always acts on the object along
motion is 2/r radians. It means, when time t = T, ^ = 2/r radians. the radius towards the centre of the circular
Hence, angular velocity co = — = — = 2m (v T = 1/n) (3)Magnitude of centripetal
• t T
2/r o Fig : 3.29
co = — = 2/m /2 a 2 2 4/r^
a= — = co r = 4/r n r = —-

?If two particles are moving on same circle or different

(4) Direction of centripetal acceleration : It is always same as
coplanar concentric circles in same direction with different uniform
that of An . When At decreases, A0 also decreases. Due to which
angular speeds coA and fi% respectively, the angular velocity of B
relative to A will be An becomes more and more perpendicular to v . When A t —> 0,

corel =o)B-coA An becomes perpendicular to the velocity vector. As the velocity

vector of the particle at an instant acts along the tangent to the
So the time taken by one to complete one revolution
around O with respect to the other (i.e., time in which B completes circular path, therefore An and hence the centripetal acceleration

one more or less revolution around O than A) vector acts along the radius of the circular path at that point and is
directed towards the centre of the circular path.
2n 2/r ^ 2/r
T= asT = —
- T2 co
Centripetal force
<yrel m2-ml
According to Newton's first law of motion, whenever a body
Special case : If coB = coA,corel = 0 and so T = ., particles
moves in a straight line with uniform velocity, no force is required
will maintain their position relative to each other. This is what to maintain this velocity. But when a body moves along a circular
actually happens in case of geostationary satellite
path with uniform speed, its direction changes continuously i.e.
{co^ = coz = constant) velocity keeps on changing on account of a change in direction.
(7) Angular acceleration (a) : Angular accelerat^ a According to Newton's second law of motion, a change in the
object in circular motion is defined as the time rate of cha Ai lirection of motion of the body can take place only if some

angular velocity. external force acts on the body.

(i) If Am be the change in angular velocity of the ooject in Due to inertia, at every point of the circular path; the body

time interval At, while moving on a circular path, then angular tends to move along the tangent to the

acceleration of the object will be circular path at that point (in figure).
Since every body has directional
inertia, a velocity cannot change by
itself and as such we have to apply a
force. But this force should be such
that it changes the direction of velocity
Fig : 3.28 and not its magnitude. This is possible
only if the force acts perpendicular to"9 : 3*30
a= Lt — the direction of velocity. Because the velocity is along the tangent,
At->0 At dt
this force must be along the radius (because the radius of a circle at
(ii) Units : rad. s~z
any point is perpendicular to the tangent at that point). Further, as
(iii) Dimension : [MLT2] this force is to move the body in a circular path, it must acts
towards the centre. This centre-seeking force is called the
Angular acceleration is an axial vector,
centripetal force.
(iv) Relation between linear acceleration and angular
Hence, centripetal force is that force which is required to
acceleration a = a x r move a body in a circular path with uniform speed. The force acts
(v) For uniform circular motion since co is constant so on the body along the radius and towards centre.
dco Formulae for centripetal force :
dt m4/r r
mv = mco2r = m<An2n2r =
(vi) For non-uniform circular motion a ^ 0
Motion In Two Dimension 13
Table 3.1 : Centripetal force in different situation
Also W = F.S = F • S cos^^ = FS cos 90 = 0
Situation Centripetal Force
Example : (i) When an electron revolves around the nucleus
A particle tied to a string and Tension in the string
in hydrogen atom in a particular orbitj it neither absorb nor emit
whirled in a horizontal circle
any energy, means its energy remains constant.
Vehicle taking a turn on a Frictional force exerted by the
(ii) When a satellite established once in a orbit around the
level road road on the tyres earth and it starts revolving with particular speed, then no fuel is
A vehicle on a speed braker Weight of the body or a required for its circular motion.
component of weight
Skidding of Vehicle on a Level Road
Revolution of earth around Gravitational force exerted by
When a vehicle takes a turn on a circular path it requires
the sun the sun
centripetal force.
Electron revolving around Coulomb attraction exerted
If friction provides this centripetal force then vehicle can
the nucleus in an atom by the protons in the nucleus
move in circular path safely, i.e.,
A charged particle describing Magnetic force exerted by the
Friction force > Required centripetal force
a circular path in a magnetic agent that sets up the
field magnetic field

Centrifugal Force
It is an imaginary force due to incorporated effects of inertia.
When a body is rotating in a circular path and the centripetal force
vanishes, the body would leave the circular path. To an observer A
who is not sharing the motion along the circular path, the body mv
appears to fly off tangentially at the point of release. To another
observer B, who is sharing the motion along the circular path (i.e.,
••• vsafe s V/^SFig : 3.32
the observer B is also rotating with the body with the same
velocity), the body appears to be stationary before it is released. This is the maximum speed by which vehicle can take a turn
When the body is released, it appears to B, as if it has been thrown on a circular path of radius r, where coefficient of friction between
off along the radius away from the centre by some force. In reality the road and tyre is ^/.

no force is actually seen to act on the body. In absence of any real Skicidjng of O^ject on A Rotating Platform
force the body tends to continue its motion in a straight line due to
On a rotating platform, to avoid the skidding of an object
its inertia. The observer A easily relates this events to be due to
(mass m) placed at a distance r from axis of rotation, the
inertia but since the inertia of both the observer B and the body is
centripetal force should be provided by force of friction.
same, the observer B can not relate the above happening to
Centripetal force < Force of friction
inertia. When the centripetal force ceases to act on the body, the
body leaves its circular path and continues to move in its straight- ma?r</jmg
line motion but to observer B it appears that a real force has
••• ^)ma^=^lifig/r),
actually acted on the body and is responsible for throwing the
body radially out-wards. This imaginary force is given a name to Hence maximum angular velocity of rotation of the platform
explain the effects of inertia to the observer who is sharing the is y/ijug I r), so that object will not skid on it.
circular motion of the body. This inertial force is called centrifugal
force. Thus centrifugal force is a fictitious force which has Bending of A Cyclist
significance only in a rotating frame of reference. A cyclist provides himself the necessary centripetal force by
leaning inward on a horizontal track, while going round a curve.
Work Done by Centripetal Force Consider a cyclist of weight mg taking a turn of radius r with
The work done by centripetal force velocity u. In order to provide the necessary centripetal force, the
is always zero as it is perpendicular to cyclist leans through angle ^ inwards as shown in figure.
velocity and hence instantaneous
The cyclist is under the action of the following forces :
The weight mg acting vertically downward at the centre of
Work done = Increment in kinetic gravity of cycle and the cyclist.
energy of revolving body
The reaction R of the ground on cyclist. It will act along a
Work done = 0 Fig : 3.31
line-making angle ^with the vertical.
132 Motion In Two Dimension
The vertical component R cosB of the reaction R will mv
Thus R sin 8 = -(ii)
balance the weight of the cyclist, while the horizontal component R
sin ^will provide the necessary centripetal force to the cyclist. Dividing (ii) by (i), we have
.2 2
mv ...(0
RsinO = tan0 = —
and Rcos 0 = mg...(ii
co r vet) ...(iv) [Asu = rco]
Dividing equation (i) by (ii), we hav or tan 0 =
g g
Rsinfl mv /r If / = width of the road, h = height of the outer edge from
Rcos0 mg the ground level then from the figure (B)
or tan0 = ...(H ... (v) [since 0 is very small]
rg /
Fig : 3.33 From equation (iii), (iv) and (v)
Therefore, the cyclist should bend through an angle ^ v2 G)2r vet) h
tan 0 = — =r= — = —
rg g g '

<ote: ? If friction is also present between the tyres and

It follows that the angle through which cyclist should bend
will be greater, if road then — =
rg l-jutan0
(i) The radius of the curve is small i.e. the curve is sharper

(ii) The velocity of the cyclist is large. ? Maximum safe speed on a banked frictional

\rg^i + tan 0)
I r/ote: ? For the same reasons, an ice skater or an road u = , -f^-
\ l-//tan0
aeroplane has to bend inwards, while taking a turn.
Overturning of Vehicle
Banking of A Road
When a car moves in a circular path with speed more than a
For getting a centripetal force, cyclist bend towards the certain maximum speed then it overturns even if friction is
centre of circular path but it is not possible in case of four wheelers. sufficient to avoid skidding and its inner wheel leaves the ground
Therefore, outer bed of the road is raised so that a vehicle first
moving on it gets automatically inclined towards the centre.

Weight of the car = mg

Speed of the car = u
Radius of the circular path = r
Distance between the centre of wheels of the car = 2a
Height of the centre of gravity (G) of the car from the road
level = h
Fig. (B)
Fig : 3.34 Reaction on the inner wheel of the car by the ground = Rx
In the figure (A) shown reaction R is resolved into two Reaction on the outer wheel of the car by the ground = R2
components, the component R cos ^ balances weight of vehicle When a car moves in a circular path, horizontal friction force
/. R cos 0 = mg...(i) F provides die required centripetal force

and the horizontal component R sin 0 provides necessary mv

i.e., F = ~R -(i)
centripetal force as it is directed towards centre of desired circle
Motion In Two Dimension 133

For rotational equilibrium, by taking the moment of forces (2) When car moves on a convex bridge
Rz and F about G


As there is no vertical motion so Rx + Rz = mg ...(iii)

By solving (i), (ii) and (iii)

^ 1
9— ...IV Convex bridge
Fig : 3.38

1_ v^h Centripetal force = mg cos 9 - R = mv

and 2n • ••(v)
and reaction R = mg cos 9- mv
It is clear from equation (iv) that if v increases value of Rx
decreases and for Rx = 0
Non-Uniform Circular Motion
v hIgra
If the speed of the particle in a horizontal circular motion
= g or v = -—
raV h
changes with respect to time, then its motion is said to be non-
i.e. the maximum speed of a car without overturning on a flat road uniform circular motion.
Consider a particle describing a circular path of radius r with
is given by v =
centre at O. Let at an instant the particle be at P and v be its

linear velocity and co be its angular velocity.

Motion of Charged Particle In Magnetic Field
Then,v = (bxr...(i)
When a charged particle having mass m , charge q enters
Differentiating both sides w.r.t. time t we have
perpendicularly in a magnetic field B with velocity v then it
describes a circular path. do doo - _ dr
— = —-xr+cox—- -(ii)
dt dtdt
Because magnetic force {qvB) works in the perpendicular
direction of v and it provides required centripetal force
Here, — = a, (Resultant acceleration)
Magnetic force = Centripetal force dt

qvB = mv
= a (Angular acceleration)
.'. radius of the circular path

mv — = v (Linear velocity) Fig : 3.39

a= ...(iii)
Fig : 3.36
Thus the resultant acceleration of the particle at P has two
components of accelerations
Reaction of Road on Car
(1)Tangential acceleration : at =ax r
(1) When car moves on a concave bridge then
It acts along the tangent to the circular path at P in the plane
of circular path.
According to right hand rule since a and f are
perpendicular to each other, therefore, the magnitude of tangential
acceleration is given by

| at |=| axr |=arrsin90 = ar.

(2)Centripetal (Radial) acceleration : ac =ooxv

It is also called centripetal acceleration of the particle at P.
It acts along the radius of the particle at P.

Centripetal force = R - mg cos 9 = mv According to right hand rule since oo and v axe
perpendicular to each other, therefore, the magnitude of
centripetal acceleration is given by
and reaction R = mg cos 9 + mv \dc\=\ovxv\=ot)Vsm9O = ot>v=(o(a)r)=a)2r = v2 Ir
134 Motion Hi Two Dimension

Table 3.2 : Tangential and centripetal acceleration Motion in vertical circle

Centripetal Tangential Net Type of This is an example of non-uniform circular motion. In this
acceleration acceleration acceleration motion motion body is under the influence of gravity of earth. When body
ac = 0 a, = 0 a=0 Uniform moves from lowest point to highest point its speed decreases and
translators; becomes minimum at highest point. Total mechanical energy of
the body remains conserved and KE converts into P and vice
ac = 0 a — ci^ Accelerated
(1) Velocity at any point on vertical loop : If u is the
initial velocity imparted to body at lowest point then velocity of
ac^0 ^=0 a^a,. Uniform
body at height h is given by
motion v = Vu2 - 2gh = ^u2-2g/(l-cos0)
Oc^0 [I2 Non-uniform
a-Vac +at [As h = I -1 cos^ = / (1 -cos^]
where / is the length of the string

| note: ? Here at governs the magnitude of v while ac C

its direction of motion.

(3) Force : In non-uniform circular motion the particle

simultaneously possesses two forces

Centripetal force : _ mv9
Fc = mac == mrco A
Fig : 3.40
Tangential force : Ft = mat
(2) Tension at any point on vertical loop : Tension at
Net force : Fnet = ma = j general point P. According to Newton's second law of motion.
Net force towards centre = centripetal force
T note: ? In non-uniform circular motion work done by .2C
T - mg cos 0 = mv
centripetal force will be zero since FcLv
or T = mg cos 0 + mv
O In non uniform circular motion work done by /
tangential force will not be zero since Ft ^ 0
= ^ [u2-gl(2-3cos0)] g cos^
Q Rate of work done by net force in non-uniform mv2ll
circular motion = rate of work done by tangential force
[As u = Vu2-2g/(l-cos0
. D dW e-
ie' ~dT= tV

Table 3.3 : Velocity and tension in a vertical loop

Equations of Circular Motion
Position Angle Velocity Tension V^'";"
For accelerated motion For retarded motion muz
^2^ja)i+ at a)2 = (O\~at
A 0 u v~j- + mg

^*^^ + --at2 1 9 mu2 o

90 •Ju2 - 2gl
B —2mg
mu2 _
C 180 —•5mg
^n = <y1+|(2n-l) 0n=ah-^{2n-l)
mu2 ^
D 270 Vu2-2g/ —2mg
a\ •— Initial angular velocity of particle It is clear from the table that: TA>TB>TC and TB = TD
^^ = Final angular velocity of particle
a = Angular acceleration of particle
6 = Angle covered by the particle in time t
6n = Angle covered by the particle in nth second and TB —Tc = 3mg
Motion In Two

Table 3.4 : Various conditions for vertical motion I rjote'. ? K.E. of a body moving in horizontal circle is

Velocity at Condition same throughout the path but the K.E. of the body moving in
lowest point vertical circle is different at different places.

Tension in the string will not be zero at any of ? If body of mass m is tied to a string of length /
the point and body will continue the circular and is projected with a horizontal velocity u then :
motion. 2
Height at which the velocity vanishes is h = — (v < ^2g /)
uA^j5gl, Tension at highest point C will be zero and body 2g
will just complete the circle. ^
Height at which the tension vanishes is h=
^2gl <uA< -^bgl, Particle will not follow circular motion. Tension 3g
in string become zero somewhere between
points B and C whereas velocity remain (3) Critical condition for vertical looping : If the
positive. Particle leaves circular path and follow tension at C is zero, then body will just complete revolution in the
parabolic trajectory. vertical circle. This state of body is known as critical state. The
speed of body in critical state is called as critical speed.
Both velocity and tension in the siring becomes
zero at B and particle will oscillate along semi 2
From the above table 3.3 Tc =5mg = 0
circular path.

uA<yl2gi velocity of particle becomes zero between A and

B but tension will not be zero and^toe particle
It means to complete the vertical circle the body must be
will oscillate about toe point A.
projected with minimum velocity of ^5g/ at the lowest point.

Table :J.5: Different variables in vertical loop

Quantity Point A Point B Point C Point D Point P

Linear velocity (u)

4^3 43 J3gl ^gl {3+ 2co$0)

Angular velocity (a^

Vt • J¥ J^-(3 + 2cos0)

Tension in String (T) 6mg 3mg 0 3mg 3mg(l + cos0)

Kinetic Energy (KE) 3 , \mgl fmg/

-mgl -mgl —mgl - mg/{l - cos $)
Potential Energy (PE) 0 mgl 2 mgl mgl mgl (1- cos 8)

Total Energy (7E) 5 i 5 ,

-mgl -mgl -mgl -mgl -mgl

(4) Motion of a block on frictionless hemisphere : A For point A and B, by law of conservation of energy
small block of mass m slides down from the top of a frictionless Total energy at point A = Total energy at point B
hemisphere of radius r. The component of the force of gravity (mg K.E.(.(A) + P.E.(A) = K.E.(
K.E.(B) + P.E.(B)
cos 6^ provides required centripetal force but at point B it's circular
0 + mgr = —mv2 +mgh => v = ...(ii)
motion ceases and the block looses contact with the surface of the
and from the given figure h = r cos 6...(iii)

By substituting toe value of v and h from eq" (ii) and (iii) in eq" (i)

l=> h = 2(r-h) =^h = ^-r

Fig: 3.42 i.e. the block looses contact at the height of —r from toe ground.
vr mi}2

r and angle from toe vertical can be given by cos^ = — = —

At point B, N=0
.\ mg cos 0 •••(i)
t^6 Motion In Two Dimension

Conical Pendulum
This is the example of uniform circular motion in horizontal

A bob of mass m attached to a light and in-extensible string

rotates in a horizontal circle of radius r with constant angular speed
a) about the vertical. The string makes angle 0 with vertical and jeS Consider a projectile of mass m thrown with velocity u
appears tracing the surface of a cone. So this arrangement is called making angle $ with the horizontal. It is projected from the
conical pendulum. point O and returns to the ground at G. Also M is the highest
The force acting on the bob are tension and weight of the bob. point attained by it. (See figure),

.2 Y
From the figure Tsin0 = mv

and T cos 0 = mg ....(ii)

(i) In going from O to M, following changes take place -

(a)Change in velocity = u$in0

(b)Change in speed u(l -cos&) - 2usin2{^/2)

Fig : 3.43 (c)Change in momentum = musin^

(d)Change (loss) in kinetic energy -1/2 mu2 sin2 $

(1) Tension in the string : T = mgJl + — ... i
(e)Change (gain) in potential energy =l/2mu2sin2#

a ^ V/2-r2 . (f)Change in the direction of motion - jC9

s 0 = — =]
(ii) On return to the ground, that is in going from O to G, the
following changes take place
(a)Change in speed - zero

(b)Change in velocity = 2usin0

(c)Change in momentum = 2musin^

(d)Change in kinetic energy ^ zero

^• mi
(e)Change in potential energy = zero

mg (f)Change in the direction of motion - Z2&

Fig: 3.44
(2)Angle of string from the vertical: tan 0 = — eS (i) At highest point, the horizontal component of velocity is
rg vx=u cos 6 and vertical component of velocity vp is zero. The
(3)Linear velocity of the bob : u = •yjgr tan 9 projectile hits the ground with the same speed with wfrkih it was
thrown from the ground.
(4)Angular velocity of the bob :
(ii) At highest point, linear momentum of a particle

mvx = mu cos0.

(5) Time period of revolution : (iii) Kinetic energy of the particle at the highest point = ^mv2

= -~mu2 cos2 0.

^S At highest point, acceleration due to gravity acting vertically

... (i)
downward makes an angle of 90 with the horizontal
component of the velocity of the projectile.
If 0 = 90, the pendulum becomes horizontal & from
:^ns (i), (ii) and (iii) we get v = , T = and Tp = 0 which is jeS At the highest point, momentum of the projectile thrown at
an angle 0with horizontal is pcos^^ and K.E. =* (K.E.)iCas2#
practically not possible.
MS For circular motion of rigid bodies with uniform angular
speed, the angular speed is same for all particles, but linear
speed varies directly as the radius of the circular path described
by the particle {v = r).
MS When a body rotates, all its particles describe circular paths
about a line, called axis of rotation.

MS The centre of the cir&le described by the different particles

of the rotating body lie on tire axis of rotation.

MS Centripetal force Fe - mac, ma>2r where m = mass of the


MS Centripetal force is always directed towards the centre of

the circular path.
MS When a body rotates with uniform angular velocity, its
different particles have centripetal acceleration directly
MS When the range of the projectile is maximum, the time of
proportional to the radius (ac r).
flig^t is:-

•feu MS There can be no circular motion without centripetal force.

= 2t
MS Centripetal force can be mechanical, electrical or magnetic
MS The height attained by a projectile is maximum, when
0 = 90. MS Planets go round the Sun in circular orbits due to the
centripetal force provided by gravitational force of the sun.
H -ill
- 2g MS Gravitational pull of earth provides centripetal force for the
orbital motion of the moon and artificial satellites.
It is twice that of height attained, when the range is maximum.
MS Centripetal force cannot change the kinetic energy of the
MS The time of flight of the projectile is also largest for body.
0 = 90.
MS In uniform circular motion the magnitude of the centripetal
2u acceleration remains constant whereas its direction changes
T =
max continuously but always directed towards the centre.

MS The trajectory of the projectile is a symmetric parabola only MS A pseudo force, that is equal and opposite to the centripetal

when g is constant through out the motion and 0 is not equal force is called centrifugal force.

to 0, 9CT or 180. (No air resistance) MS The 0, 3 and a are directed along the axis of the circular

MS If velocity of projection is made n times, the maximum path. Their sense of direction is given by the right hand fist rule
height attained and the range become n2 times and the time of as follows : 'If we catch axis of rotation in right hand fist such
flight becomes n times the initial value. that the fingers point in the direction of rotation, then the

outstretched thumb gives the direction of 0, 3 and a

MS If the force acting on a particle is always perpendicular to
the velocity of the particle, then the path of the particle is a
MS 0,3 and a are called pseudo vectors or axial vectors.
circle. The centripetal force is always perpendicular to the
velocity of the particle. mS For circular motion we have -

MS If circular motion of the object is uniform, the object will 0) rv

possess only centripetal acceleration.
(ii) r antiparallel to ac
MS If circular motion of the object is non-uniform, the object
(iii) ae.v
will possess both centripetal and transverse acceleration.
(iv) ac at
MS When the particle moves along the circular path with
constant speed, the angular velocity is also constant. But linear
(v) 0, 3, a are perpendicular to r,ac,5^,u
velocity, momentum as well as centripetal acceleration change
in direction, although their magnitude remains unchanged. (vi) r, ac, a, and v lie in the same plane
138 Motion In Two Dimension

7. An object moves at a constant speed along a circular path in

Ordinary Thinking a horizontal XY plane, with the centre at the origin. When

the object is at x = -2m, its velocity is -(4m/s)j. What is

Objective Questions
the object's acceleration when it is y = 2m [DUMET 2009]

Uniform Circular Motion (a) -(8m/s2)j(b) -(8m/s2)i

1. Two stones of masses m and 2m are whirled in horizontal (c) -(4m/s2)j(d) (4m/s2)i
circles the heavier one in radius — and the lighter one in 8. One end of a string of length / is connected to a particle of mass

radius r. The tangential speed of lighter stone is n times that m and the other to a small peg on a smooth horizontal table. If

of the value of heavier stone when they experience same the particle moves in a circle with speed v, the net force on the

centripetal forces. The value of n is[AIPMT 2015] particle (directed towards the centre) will be (T represents the

(a) 3(b) 4 tension in the string) [BHU 2006; AMU 2010; NEET 2017]

(c) 1(d) 2 mv
2. Two racing cars of masses m1 and m2 are moving in circles (a) T (b) T-
of radii r^ and r2 respectively. Their speeds are such that
each makes a complete circle in the same duration of time (c) T + (d) Zero
t. The ratio of the angular speed of the first to the second
T is the tension in the string
car is[MNR 1995; CBSE PMT 1999; UPSEAT 2000]
9. A body is moving in a circular path with acceleration a. If its
(a) ml:m2(b) r^ :r2
velocity gets doubled, find the ratio of acceleration after and
(c) 1:1(d) m^ : m2r2
before the change[RPMT 2006]
3. A cyclist turns around a curve at 15 miles/hour. If he turns at
double the speed, the tendency to overturn is (a) 1:4 (b)
[AFMC 2002, 03]
(c) 2:1(d) 4:1
(a) Doubled(b) Quadrupled
10.If the length of the second's hand in a stop ciock is 3 cm the
(c) Halved(d) Unchanged
A body of mass m is moving in a circle of radius r with a angular velocity and linear velocity of the tip is
[Kerala PET 2005]
constant speed v . The force on the body is mv and is
directed towards the centre. What is the work done by this
(b)0.2547 rad /sec, 0.314 m / sec
force in moving the body over half the circumference of the
circle [RPET 1999; Odisha PMT 2004; MP PET 2008, 09] (c)0.1472 rad/sec, 0.06314 m/sec

(a) -^-x^r(b) Zero (d)0.1047 rad/sec, 0.00314 m/sec

11.Two particles of equal masses are revolving in circular paths

mv mr
(c) (d) of radii r^ and r2 respectively with the same speed. The ratio
of their centripetal forces is[Kerala PMT 2004]
5. Which one is Angular resolution fundamental quantity

[MP PMT 2009] (a) ^• (b) ,P-

(a) Length(b) Time
(c) Radian(d) Angle
6. A body is tided with a string and is given a circular motion (d) ^
with velocity v in radius r. The magnitude of the acceleration
is[RPET 1999; DCE 2009; Kerala PMT 2009] 12. What is the angular velocity of earth [Odisha JEE 2005]

V 2n
(a) (b) (a) rad I sec (b) rad I sec
r 86400 3600
2 2n
V rad I sec
(c) -^ (d) (c) —rad/sec (d)
r 7 6400
Motion In Two Dimension 139
13. A particle describes a horizontal circle in a conical funnel 20. A car sometimes overturns while taking a turn. When it
whose inner surface is smooth with speed of 0.5 m/s. What overturns, it is[MP Pf^T 2003]
is the height of the plane of circle from vertex of the funnel (a)The inner wheel which leaves the ground first !
[J & K CET 2005] (b)The outer wheel which leaves the ground first
(a) 0.25 cm(b) 2 cm (c)Both the wheels leave the ground simultaneously
(c) 4 cm(d) 2.5 cm (d)Either wheel leaves the ground first

14. A stone tied to the end of a string lm long is whirled in a 21. The position vector of a particle R as a function of time is
horizontal circle with a constant speed. If the stone makes 22 given by R = 4 sin(2^t)i + 4 cos(2;zt)j where R is in meters, t
revolution in 44 seconds, what is the magnitude and
is seconds and i and ; denote unit vectors along x- and y-
direction of acceleration of the stone [CBSE PMT 2005]
directions, respectively. Which one of the following
(a)7^/4 ms~2 and direction along the radius towards the centre
statements is wrong for the motion of particle [AIPMT 2015]
(b)T^rns'2 and direction along the radius away from the centre
(c)7^ms~2and direction along the radius towards the centre (a)Magnitude of acceleration vector is —, where v is the
(d)T^rns'2 and direction along the tangent to the circle
velocity of particle
15. A car runs at a constant speed on a circular track of radius
(b)Magnitude of the velocity of particle is 8 m/s
100 m, taking 62.8 seconds for every circular loop. The
(c)Path of the particle is a circle of radius 4 m
average velocity and average speed for each circular loop
respectively is[CBSE PMT 2006] (d)Acceleration vector is along - R
(a) 10m/s,10m/s(b) 10m/s,0 22. Two bodies of mass 10 kg and 5 kg moving in concentric

(c) 0, 0(d) 0, 10 m/s orbits of radii R and r such that their periods are the same.

16. A body of mass m moves in a circular path with uniform Then the ratio between their centripetal acceleration is

angular velocity. The motion of the body has constant [CBSE PMT 2001]
[MP PET 2003, 13] (a) R/r(b) r/R
(a) Acceleration(b) Velocity (c) R2/r2(d) rz/R2
(c) Momentum(d) Kinetic energy 23. A mass is supported on a frictionless horizontal surface. It is
17. A particle is moving in a circle of radius R with constant attached to a string and rotates about a fixed centre at an
speed v, if radius is double then its centripetal force to keep angular velocity 6^ . If the length of the string and angular
the same speed should be[BCECE 2005]
velocity both are doubled, the tension in the string which
(a) Doubled(b) Halved was initially To is now[MP PET 2007]
(c) Quadrupled(d) Unchanged
(a) To(b) T0/2
18. Three identical particles are joined together by a thread as
shown in figure. All the three particles are moving in a (c) 4T0(d) 8T0
horizontal plane. If the velocity of the outermost particle is 24. In case of uniform circular motion which of the following
un, then the ratio of tensions in the three sections of the physical quantity do not remain constant [Kerala PMT 2004]
string is [UPSEAT 2003] (a) Speed(b) Momentum
(c) Kinetic energy(d) Mass
/• •/• 25. A proton of mass 1.6 x 10~27 kg goes round in a circular
orbit of radius 0.10 m under a centripetal force of 4 x 10~13
(a) 3:5:7(b) 3 : 4 : 5
N. then the frequency of revolution of the proton is about
(c) 7:11:6(d) 3 : 5 : 6
[Kerala (Med.) 2002]
19. In 1.0 s, a particle goes from point A to point B, moving in a
(a)0.08 x 108 cycles per sec
semicircle of radius 1.0 m (see figure). The magnitude of the
(b)4 x 108 cycles per sec
average velocity is[IIT-JEE 1999; AMU PMT 2009]
(c)8 x 108 cycles per sec
(a)3.14m/s (d)12 x 108 cycles per sec

(b)2.0 m/s 26. A particle is moving ina horizontal circle with constant
speed. It has constant[CPMT 1997; MP PET 2000]
(c)1.0 m/s
(a) Velocity(b) Acceleration
(d)Zero (c) Kinetic energy(d) Displacement
140 Motion In Two Dimension

tor cyclist moving with a velocity of 72 km/hour on a 34.A car of mass 800 kg moves on a circular track of radius 40
flat road takes a turn on the road at a point where the radius m. If the coefficient of friction is 0.5, then maximum velocity

of curvature of the road is 20 m. The acceleration due to with which the car can move is[CPMT 1996;

gravity is 10 mlsec^. In order to avoid skidding, he must not Pb. PMT 2001; CBSE PMT 2001; AIEEE 2002;

bend with respect to the vertical plane by an angle greater Kerala (Med.) 2002; MH CET 2004; Kerala PET 2007]

than[Pb. PET 2000, 01; J & K CET 2006] (a) Imls(b) 14 mis

(a) ^ = tan~16(b) ^ = tern"12 (c) 8m/s(d) 12 mis

35.A particle revolves round a circular path. The acceleration of
(c) 0 = tan^1 25.92(d) 6 = tan-1 4
the particle is[UPSEAT 1999; MP PMT 2012]
28.Two particles of equal mass are connected to a rope AB of (a)Along the circumference of the circle
negligible mass such that one is at end A and other dividing (b)Along the tangent
the length of rope in the ratio 1 : 2 from B. The rope is
(c)Along the radius
rotated about end B in a horizontal plane. Ratio of tensions
in the smaller part to the other is (ignore effect of gravity)
36.The length of second's hand in a watch is 1 cm. The change
[J & K CET 2006] in velocity of its tip in 15 seconds is[MP PMT 2003]
(a) 4:3(b) 1 : 4
K cm I sec
Zero (b) 30V2
(c) 1:2(d) 1:3
29.The angular speed of a fly wheel making 120 Kyf2
(c) —cm/sec (d) cm I sec
revolutions/minute is[CBSE PMT 1995; SCRA 1998;
Pb. PMT 1999; DPMT 2000; AFMC 2002; CPMT 2002]
37.A particle moves in a circle of radius 25 cm at two
(a) 2k rod Is(b) 4k2 rod Is revolutions per second. The acceleration of the particle in
mis2 is[DPMT 1999; UPSEAT 2000;
(c) n rod I s(d) 4k rad ( s
RPET 2003; Pb. PET 2004; CBSE PMT (Pre.) 2011]
30.A particle is moving on a circular path with constant speed,
(a) k2(b) 8/r2
then its acceleration will be[RPET 2003]
(c) 4;r2(d) 2k2

(b)External radial acceleration 38.An athlete completes one round of a circular track of radius
10 m in 40 sec. The distance covered by him in 2 min 20
(c)Internal radial acceleration
sec is[Kerala (Med.) 2002]
(d)Constant acceleration
(a) 70 m (b) 140 m
31.A car is moving on a circular path and takes a turn. If Rx
(c) 110 m(d) 220 m
and R2 be the reactions on the inner and outer wheels 39.The force required tokeep a body in uniform circular

respectively, then[MH CET (Med.) 2001] motion is[AFMC 2003]

(a) RX=R2 (b) RX<R2 (a) Centripetal force(b) Centrifugal force

(c) Resistance(d) None of the above

(c) RX>R2(d) RX>R2
40.The acceleration of a train travelling with speed of 400 mis
32.A body moves in a circle covers equal distance in equal
as it goes round a curve of radius 160 m, is
intervals of time. Which of the following remains constant
[Pb. PET 2003; MP PET 2010]
[Odisha JEE 2012]
(a) lkmls2(b) 100 mis2
(a) Velocity(b) Acceleration
(c) 10 mis2(d) Imls2
(c) Speed(d) Displacement
41.A particle of mass m describes uniform circular motion in a
33.A particle moves in a circle of radius 5 cm with constant
horizontal plane. The quantity that is conserved is
speed and time period 0.2 ks. The acceleration of the
[Kerala PMT 2012]
particle is[CBSE PMT (Pre.) 2011]
(a) Linear velocity(b) Linear momentum
(a) 5m/s2(b) 15m/s2
(c) Angular momentum (d) Linear acceleration
(c) 25m/s2(d) 36m/s2 (e) Angular displacement
Motion IriTwo Dimension 141

42.If ar and at represent radial and tangential accelerations, 50. In an atom for the electron to revolve around the nucleus,

the motion of a particle will be uniformly circular if the necessary centripetal force is obtained from the following

[CPMT 2004; RPMT 2006] force exerted by the nucleus on the electron [MP PET 2002]
(a) ar = 0 and at = 0(b) ar = 0 but at0 (a) Nuclear force(b) Gravitational force
(c) ar ^ 0 but at = 0(d) ar ^ 0 and at ^ 0 (c) Magnetic force(d) Electrostatic force

43.A particle moves in a circular orbit of radius r under a central 51, A string breaks if its tension exceeds 10 newtons. A stone of

attractive force F = —,k is constant. The time period of its mass 250 gm tied to this string of length 10 cm is rotated in
r a horizontal circle. The maximum angular velocity of
motion shall be proportional to[AMU (Med.) 2012]
rotation can be[MP PMT 1999; Kerala PET 2010]
(a) r1/2(b) r
(a) 20 rad/s(b) 40 rad/s
(c) r3/2(d) r2/3
(c) 100 rad/s(d) 200 rad/s
44.A brick of mass m, tied to a rope, is being whirled in a
vertical circle, with a uniform speed. The tension in the rope 52. A 500 kg car takes a round turn of radius 50 m with a velocity
is[J & K CET 2012] of 36 km I hr . The centripetal force is[CBSE PMT 1999;
(a)The same throughout
(b)Largest when the brick is at the highest point of the KCET 2001; JIPMER 2001, 02; Pb. PMT 2003]
circular path and smallest when it is at the lowest point (a) 250 N(b) 750 N
(c)Largest when the rope is horizontal and smallest when it
is vertical (c) 1000 N(d) 1200 N
(d)Largest when the brick is at the lowest point and 53. A particle of mass m moves with constant speed along a
smallest when it is at the highest point
circular path of radius r under the action of a force F. Its
45.A car is moving with high velocity when it has a turn. A
speed is[MP PMT 2002]
force acts on it outwardly because of[AFMC 2002]
i \ \^^ •/u^ ^
(a) Centripetal force (b) Centrifugal force (a) J—b) J—
(c) Gravitational force(d) All the above V mV r
46.A particle moves with constant speed v along a circular path
of radius r and completes the circle in time T. The (c) JFmr (d)
acceleration of the particle is[Odisha JEE 2002]
(a) 2;ru/T (b) 54.A body of mass 5 kg is moving in a circle of radius 1 m with
(c) 2/rr2/T(d) an angular velocity of 2 radian /sec . The centripetal force is
47.A body of mass 1 kg tied to one end of string is revolved in
[AIIMS 1998; WB-JEE 2008; Odisha JEE 2011]
a horizontal circle of radius 0.1 m with a speed of 3
revolution/sec, assuming the effect of gravity is negligible, (a) ION(b) 20N
then linear velocity, acceleration and tension in the string
(c) 30 N(d) 40 N
will be[DPMT 2003]
(a)1.88 m/s, 35.5 m/s2, 35.5 N 55.If a particle of mass m is moving in a horizontal circle of

(b)2.88 m/s, 45.5 m/s2, 45.5 N radius r with a centripetal force (-fc / r 2), the total energy is

(c)3.88 m/s, 55.5 m/s2, 55.5 N [EAMCET (Med.) 1995; AMU (Engg.) 2001;

(d)None of these Odisha JEE 2009; Kerala PET 2011]

48.A motorcycle is going on an overbridge of radius R. The

driver maintains a constant speed. As the motorcycle is
ascending on the overbridge, the normal force on it
<^> -
i (b)

[MP PET 1997; AFMC 2006] 4k

(c) (d)
(a) Increases(b) Decreases r r
(c) Remains the same(d) Fluctuates 56. Two cars of masses ma and m2 are moving in circles of radii
49.A mass of 2 kg is whirled in a horizontal circle by means of a
rx and r2 respectively. Their speeds are such that they make
string at an initial speed of 5 revolutions per minute.
Keeping the radius constant the tension in the string is complete circles in the same time t. The ratio of their
doubled. The new speed is nearly centripetal acceleration is[AIEEE 2012]
[MP PMT/PET 1998; JIPMER 2000] (a) mxrx : m2r2(b) m1 : m2
(a) 14 rpm(b) 10 rpm
(c) 2.25 rpm(d) 7 rpm (c) rx:r2(d) 1:1
142 Motion In Two Dimension

57. Centripetal acceleration is [Kerala PMT 2010] 64. An object is moving in a circle of radius 100 m with a
(a)A constant vector constant speed of 31.4 m/s. What is its average speed for
one complete revolution[DCE 2004]
(b)A constant scalar
(a) Zero(b) 31.4 m/s
(c)A magnitude changing vector (c) 3.14 m/s(d) ^2x31.4 m/s
(d)Not a constant vector
65. The earth moves round the sun in a near circular orbit of
(e)Time dependent scalar radius 1.5xl0nm. Its centripetal acceleration is
58. A stone of mass 2kg is tied to a string of length 0.5 m. If the [Odisha JEE 2010]
breaking tension of the string is 900 N, then the maximum (a) 1.5xlO"3 m/s2 . (b) 3xl(T3 m/s2
angular velocity, the stone can have in uniform circular
(c) 6xlO^3 m/s2(d) 12xlO"3 m/s2
motion is[Kerala PET 2010]
66. For a particle in uniform circular motion, the acceleration
(a) 30 rad s"1(b) 20 rad s^1
a at a point P{R,0) on the circle of radius R is (Here 0 is
(c) 10 rad s-1(d) 25 rad s"1 measured from the x-axis)[AIEEE 2010]

(e) 40 rad s^1 (a) ^i+^j v2 ^ v2

-—cos0i +—
59. A sphere of mass m is tied to end of a string of length /
and rotated through the other end along a horizontal circular v2 ^ v2 v2 ^ v2
—— sin0i+ —cos0j (d) ——cos0i
path with speed u . The work done in full horizontal circle is
67. Which of the following statements is false for a particle
[JIPMER 2000]
moving in a circle with a constant angular speed [AIEEE 2004]
mv (a)The velocity vector is tangent to the circle
(a) 0(b) .2;rf
(b)The acceleration vector is tangent to the circle
(c)The acceleration vector points to the centre of the circle
(c) (d) ~T (d)The velocity and acceleration vectors are perpendicular
to each other
60. If a car is to travel with a speed u along the frictionless,
68. When a body moves in a circular path, no work is done by
banked circular track of radius r, the required angle of the force since,[KCET 2004]
banking so that the car does skid is[J & K CET 2010] (a)There is no displacement

_il u_2 (b)There is no net force

(a) (b) 0 = tan A —
(c)Force and displacement are perpendicular to each other
rg J9
(d)The force is always away from the centre
-ilr2 -1f —
(c) (d) 69. A car of mass 1000 kg negotiates a banked curve of radius
rg 90 m on a frictionless road. If the banking angle is 45, the
61.A scooter is going round a circular road of radius 100 m at a speed of the car is[CBSE PMT (Pre.) 2012]

speed of 10 m/s. The angular speed of the scooter will be (a) 20 ms"1(b) 30 ms-1

[KCET 2000; Pb. PMT 2002] -1

(c) 5 ms-1(d) 10 ms "1
(a) 0.01 rad/s(b) 0.1 rad/s
70. If the radius of curvature of the path of two particles of same
(c) 1 rad/s(d) 10 rad/s masses are in the ratio 1 : 2, then in order to have constant
62.Which one of the following statements is not correct in centripetal force, their velocity, should be in the ratio of
uniform circular motion[J & K CET 2010] [Pb. PET 2000]

(a)The speed of the particle remains constant (a) 1:4(b) 4:1

(b)The acceleration always points towards the centre (c) V2:l(d) 1:V2
(c)The angular speed remains constant 71. A cylindrical vessel partially filled with water is rotated about
its vertical central axis. It's surface will[RPET 2000]
(d)The velocity remains constant
(a) Rise equally(b) Rise from the sides
63.The angular speed of seconds needle in a mechanical watch
(c) Rise from the middle (d) Lowered equally
is[CPMT 1997; RPMT 1999, 2006; BHU 2000;
72. If a particle covers half the circle of radius R with constant
MH CET 2000, 01; MH CET 2002; CPMT 2003] speed then[RPMT 2000]

(a) -^ rad/s (a)Change in momentum is mvr

(b) 2nrad/s
(b)Change in K.E. is 1/2 mv2
(c)Change in K.E. is mv2
(c) n rad/s (d) —rad/s
7t (d)Change in K.E. is zero
Motion In Two Dimension 143

73.A car moves on a circular road. It describes equal angles 82.A ball of mass 0.1 kg. is whirled in a horizontal circle of
about the centre in equal intervals of time. Which of the radius 1 m. by means of a string at an initial speed of 10
following statement about the velocity of the car is true R.P.M. Keeping the radius constant, the tension in the string
[BHU 2001] is reduced to one quarter of its initial value. The new speed
(a)Magnitude of velocity is not constant is[MP PMT 2001]
(b)Both magnitude and direction of velocity change (a) 5 r.p.m. (b) 10 r.p.m.
(c)Velocity is directed towards the centre of the circle (c) 20 r.p.m.(d) 14 r.p.m.
(d)Magnitude of velocity is constant but direction changes 83.A cyclist riding the bicycle at a speed of 14V3 ms"1 takes a
74.A body moves with constant angular velocity on a circle. turn around a circular road of radius 20^/3 m without
Magnitude of angular acceleration[RPMT 2000] skidding. Given g = 9.8 ms'2, what is his inclination to the
(a) ro? (b) Constant vertical[Kerala (Engg.) 2001; MP PMT 2009]
(c) Zero(d) None of the above (a) 30(b) 90
75.What is the value of linear velocity, if a = 3i - 4j + k and (c) 45(d) 60
84.If a cycle wheel of radius 4 m completes one revolution in
r = 5i - 6j + 6k[Pb. PMT 2000]
two seconds. Then acceleration of a point on the cycle

(a) 6i+2;-3k (b) - 18i -13; + 2k wheel will be[Pb. PMT 2001]
(a) n2m/s2(b) 2/r2m/s2
(c) 4^-13) +6k(d) 6^-2j +8k
(c) 4/z:2m/s2(d) 8nm/s2
76.A stone is tied to one end of a string 50 cm long is whirled in
a horizontal circle with a constant speed. If the stone makes 85.A bob of mass 10 kg is attached to wire 0.3 m long. Its
10 revolutions in 20 s, what is the magnitude of acceleration breaking stress is 4.8 x 107 N/m2. The area of cross section
of the stone[Pb. PMT 2000; RPMT 2005] of the wire is 10"6 m2. The maximum angular velocity with
which it can be rotated in a horizontal circle [Pb. PMT 2001]
(a) 493 cm/s2 (b) 720 cm/s2
(a) 8 rad/sec(b) 4 rad/sec
(c) 860 cm/s2(d) 990 cm/s2
(c) 2 rad/sec(d) 1 rad/sec
77.A 100 kg car is moving with a maximum velocity of 9 m/s
86.In uniform circular motion, the velocity vector and
across a circular track of radius 30 m. The maximum force
acceleration vector are[DCE 2000, 01, 03]
of friction between the road and the car is [Pb. PMT 2000]
(a)Perpendicular to each other
(a) 1000 N(b) 706 N
(b)Same direction
(c) 270 N(d) 200 N (c)Opposite direction
78.If a cyclist moving with a speed of 4.9 m/s on a level road
(d)Not related to each other
can take a sharp circular turn of radius 4 m, then coefficient
87.A point mass m is suspended from a light thread of length /,
of friction between the cycle tyres and road is
fixed at O, is whirled in a horizontal circle at constant speed
[ARMS 1999; AFMC 2001]
as shown. From your point of view, stationary with respect
(a) 0.41(b) 0.51
to the mass, the forces on the mass are [AMU (Med.) 2001]
(c) 0.61(d) 0.71
79.The angular velocity of a wheel is 70 rad/sec. If the radius
of the wheel is 0.5 m, then linear velocity of the wheel is
[MH CET 2000]
(a) 70 m/s(b) 35 m/s
(c) 30 m/s(d) 20 m/s
80.A cyclist goes round a circular path of circumference 34.3 m

in V22 sec. the angle made by him, with the vertical, will
be[MH CET 2000]
(a) 45 (b) 40 (a)
(c) 42(d) 48
81.A particle of mass M is moving in a horizontal circle of
radius R with uniform speed V. When it moves from one
point to a diametrically opposite point, its
[Odisha JEE 2003]
(a)Kinetic energy changes by MV2 / 4
(b)Momentum does not change (c)
(c)Momentum changes by 2MV
(d)Kinetic energy changes by MV2
144 Motion In Two Dimension

ticie is moving with a uniform speed v in a circular A 1 kg stone at the end of 1 m long string is whirled in a
path of radius r with the centre at O. When the particle vertical circle at constant speed of 4 m/sec. The tension in
moves from a point P to Q on the circle such that the string is 6 N, when the stone is at (g = 10 m/sec^)
ZPOQ = 0, then the magnitude of the change in velocity is [AIIMS 2010]
[WB-JEE 2013] (a) Top of the circle(b) Bottom of the circle
(a) 2usin(20)(b) Zero (c) Half way down(d) None of the above
8. A cane filled with water is revolved in a vertical circle of
(c) 2v sin — (d) 2u cos —
radius 4 m and the water just does not fall down. The time
period of revolution will be [RPET 1995; UPSEAT 2002;
89. The difference between angular speed of minute hand and
second hand of a clock is[MH CET 2015]
MH CET 2002; RPMT 2006; MP PET 2010]
(a) lsec(b) 10 sec
59;r 59;r
(a) radl s (b) rad/s (c) 8 sec(d) 4 sec
900 1800
A particle of mass m is moving along the side of square of
59^" 59^-
(c) rad/s
2400'- 3600
(d) rad/s side 'a' with a uniform speed v in the x-y plane as shown in
the figure
Non-uniform Circular Motion
1. The angle turned by a body undergoing circular motion
L> a C
depends on time as 0 = 0O + 0xt + 02t2 . Then the angular V
a> V v> a
acceleration of the body is[Odisha JEE 2005]
/ B
(a) 01(b) 02 / a
(c) 201(d) 202
2. A block of mass m at the end of a string is whirled round in
a vertical circle of radius R. The critical speed of the block
Which of the following statements is false for the angular
at the top of its swing below which the string would slacken
before the block reaches the top is [DCE 1999, 2001, 09; momentum L about the origin[JEE (Main) 2016]
Kerala PET 2011]
v\ —= -a\\k when the particle is moving from C
(a) Rg(b) (fig)2 (a) L = mv
(c) Rig(d) V% toD

3. What is approximately the centripetal acceleration (in units R + a\k when the particle is moving from B
of acceleration due to gravity on earth, g = 10m/s2 ) of an
(b) L = mv

air-craft flying at a speed of 400 m/s through a circular arc of toC

radius 0.6 km[AMU (Engg.) 2012] r = mv
(c)L —j= Rk when the particle is moving from D to A
(a) 26.7(b) 16.9
(c) 13.5(d) 30.2
4. A roller coaster is designed such that riders experience (d)L = —j=Rk when the particle is moving from A to B
"weightlessness" as they go round the top of a hill whose V2
radius of curvature is 20 m. The speed of the car at the top 10. A particle moves in a circle of radius 30 cm. Its linear speed
of the hill is between[CBSE PMT 2008] is given by v = 2t where t in second and v in m/s. Find out
its radial and tangential acceleration at t = 3sec
(a) 16m/s and 17m/s (b) 13m/s and 14m/s
(c) 14m/s and 15m/s (d) 15m /s and 16m /s respectively,[MP PET 2008]
(a) 220m/sec2,50m/sec2 (b) 100m/sec2,5m/sec2
5. If the velocity (in ms"1) of a particle is given by
(c) 120m/sec2,2m/sec2 (d) 110 m/sec2,10 m/sec2
4.0i+5.0tj, then the magnitude of its acceleration
11. A car is moving with speed 30 m/sec on a circular path of
2[Kerala PMT 2012]
in ms radius 500 m. Its speed is increasing at the rate of
(a) 4 (b) -5 2m / sec2, What is the acceleration of the car [RPET 1996;
(c) 0 (d) -4
MH CET 2002; MP PMT 2003; Kerala PET 2009]
(e) 5 (a) 2m/sec2(b) 2.7m /sec2
6. One end of a string of length 1.0 m is tied to a body of mass
(c) 1.8m/sec2(d) 9.8m/sec2
0.5 kg. It is whirled in a vertical circle with angular
12. What is the minimum velocity with which a body of mass m
frequency 4rad/s. The tension in the string when the body
must enter a vertical loop of radius R so that it can complete
is at the lower most point of its motion will be equal to
the loop[NEET (Phase-I) 2016]
(Take g = 10m / s2 )[AMU (Med.) 2012]
(a) yfgR(b)
(a) 3N(b) 5N
(c) 8N(d) 13 N (c) V^S^(d)
Motion In Two Dimension 145

13.A particle moves in a circular path with decreasing speed. 20. A bucket full of water is revolved in vertical circle of radius
Choose the correct statement[IIT JEE 2005] 2m. What should be the maximum time-period of revolution
(a)Angular momentum remains constant so that the water doesn't fall off the bucket [AFMC 2004]
(b)Acceleration (a ) is towards the centre (a) lsec(b) 2 sec

(c)Particle moves in a spiral path with decreasing radius (cj 3 sec(d) 4 sec
(d)The direction of angular momentum remains constant 21. The tension in the string revolving in a vertical circle with a
mass m at the end which is at the lowest position
14.A particle originally at rest at the highest point of a smooth
[EAMCET (Engg.) 1995; AIIMS 2001]
vertical circle is slightly displaced. It will leave the circle at a
vertical distance h below the highest point such that mv mv
(b) -mg
[AMU (Med.) 2010]
(a)h = R mv
(c) + mg (d) mg
(b)h = | 22. A hollow sphere has radius 6.4 m. Minimum velocity
required by a motor cyclist at bottom to complete the circle
(0 h-f will be[RPET 1997; RPMT 2005]
(a) 17.7 m/s(b) 10.2 m/s
(c) 12.4 m/s(d) 16.0 m/s
(d) hf 23. A body moving along a circular path of radius R with
velocity u, has centripetal acceleration a. If its velocity is
15.The maximum and minimum tension in the string whirling made equal to 2v, then its centripetal acceleration is
in a circle of radius 2.5 m with constant velocity are in the [J & K CET 2008; MP PET 2013]
ratio 5 : 3 then its velocity is[Pb. PET 2003] (a) 4a(b) 2a
(a) V98 m/s (b) 7 m/s (c) -(d) -
(c) V490 m/s(d) 24. A simple pendulum oscillates in a vertical plane. When it
16. A particle is kept at rest at the top of a sphere of diameter 42 m. passes through the mean position, the tension in the string is
3 times the weight of the pendulum bob. What is the
When disturbed slightly, it slides down. At what height 'h' from
maximum displacement of the pendulum with respect to the
the bottom, the particle will leave the sphere[BHU 2003]
vertical[Odisha JEE 2002]
(a) 14 m(b) 28 m
(a) 30(b) 45
(c) 35 m(d) 7 m (c) 60(d) 90
17. The minimum velocity at the lowest point, so that the string 25. A body crosses the topmost point of a vertical circle with
just slack at the highest point in a vertical circle of radius / critical speed. Its centripetal acceleration, when the string is
horizontal will be[MH CET 2002]
[CPMT 1999; MH CET 2004]
(a) 6g(b) 3g
(a) ^gl(b)
(c) 2g(d) g
(c) 26. When a ceiling fan is switched off its angular velocity reduces
to 50% while it makes 36 rotations. How many more
18. A particle is moving in a vertical circle. The tensions in the
rotation will it make before coming to rest (Assume uniform
string when passing through two positions at angles 30 and angular retardation)[KCET 2001; Kerala PMT 2008]
60 from vertical (lowest position) are Tx and T2 respectively,
(a) 18(b) 12
then[Odisha JEE 2002]
(c) 36(d) 48
(a)T^ = T2 27. A coin, placed on a rotating turn-table slips, when it is
(b)T2>T^ placed at a distance of 9 cm from the centre. If the angular
velocity of the turn-table is trippled, it will just slip, if its
distance from the centre is[CPMT 2001]
(d)Tension in the string always remains the same
(a) 27 cm(b) 9 cm
19. Figure shows a body of mass m moving with a uniform
(c) 3 cm(d) 1 cm
speed v along a circle of radius r. The change in velocity in 28. For a particle in a non-uniform accelerated circular motion
going from A to B isq[DPMT 2004] [AMU (Med.) 2000]
(a)Velocity is radial and acceleration is transverse only
(b)Velocity is transverse and acceleration is radial only
(b)u/V2 (c)Velocity is radial and acceleration has both radial and
transverse components
(d)Velocity is transverse and acceleration has both radial
(d)Zero and transverse components
46 Motion In Two Dimension

29. A fighter plane is moving in a vertical circle of radius V. Its 36. In the given figure, a = 15m/s2 represents the total
minimum velocity at the highest point of the circle will be acceleration of a particle moving in the clockwise direction
[MP PET 2000] in a circle of radius /?=2.5 m at a given instant of time. The
(a) J^sr(b) J^ speed of the particle is[NEET (Phase-II) 2016]

(c) y/gr(d) yjgr/2 (a)6.2 m/s

30. A ball is moving to and fro about the lowest point A of a
(b)4.5 mis
smooth hemispherical bowl. If it is able to rise up to a height of
20 cm on either side of A, its speed at A must be (Take g= 10
(c)5.0 mis
mis2, mass of the body 5 g)[JIPMER 2000]

(a) 0.2 mis(b) 2 mis (d)5.7 mis

(c) 4 mis(d) 4.5 ms'1

31. A stone of mass m is tied to a string and is moved in a

Horizontal Projectile Motion
vertical circle of radius r making n revolutions per minute. 1.The maximum range of a gun on horizontal terrain is 16 km.
The total tension in the string when the stone is at its lowest If g = 10m / s2 . What must be the muzzle velocity of the

point is[Kerala (Engg.) 2001] shell[KCET 1999; BHU 2003]

(a) mg(b) m(g + /rnr2) (a) 200 m/s (b) 400 m/s
(c) 100 m/s(d) 50 m/s
(c) m{g + 7tnr)(d) m{g + (n2n2r)l900} 2.A stone is just released from the window of a train moving

32. As per given figure to complete the circular loop what along a horizontal straight track. The stone will hit the
ground following[AFMC 1996; BHU 2000]
should be the radius if initial height is 5 m
(a) Straight path (b) Circular path
[RPET 1997, 2001]
(c) Parabolic path(d) Hyperbolic path
(a)4 m
3.Ratio between maximum range and square of time of flight in
(b)3 m projectile motion is[MP PMT 2009]
(c)2.5 m
(a) 10 : 49 (b) 49 : 10
(d)2 m (c) 98 : 10(d) 10 : 98
33. A uniform circular disc of radius 50 cm at rest is free to turn 4.In the entire path of a projectile, the quantity that remains
about an axis which is perpendicular to its plans and passes unchanged is[Kerala PET 2012]
through its centre. It is subjected to a torque which produces (a)Vertical component of velocity
a constant angular acceleration of 2.0 rad s'2. Its net (b)Horizontal component of velocity
acceleration in ms~2 at the end of 2.0 s is approximately (c)Kinetic energy
[NEET (Phase-I) 2016] (d)Potential energy
(a) 8.0(b) 7.0 (e)Linear momentum

(c) 6.0(d) 3.0 5.Three particles A, B and C are thrown from the top of a tower
with the same speed. A is thrown up, B is thrown down and C
34. A particle of mass 10 g moves along a circle of radius 6.4 cm
is horizontally. They hit the ground with speeds VA, VB and
with a constant tangential acceleration. What is the
Vc respectively[Odisha JEE 2005; DCE 2006]
magnitude of this acceleration if the kinetic energy of the
particle becomes equal to 8xlO^J by the end of the (a) VA=VB=VC(b) VA=VB>VC

second revolution after the beginning of the motion (c) VB>VC>VA(d) VA>VB=VC '
[NEET (Phase-I) 2016] 6.An object is tied to a string of length / and is revolved in a
(a) 0.1 mis2(b) 0.15m/s2 vertical circle at the minimum velocity. When the object
reaches the uppermost point, the string breaks and it
(c) 0.18m/s2(d) 0.2m/s2
describes a parabolic path as shown in the figure under the
35. A simple pendulum of length L swings in a verticle plane. gravitational force. The horizontal range AC in the plane of
The tension of the string when it makes an angle 9 with the A would be^____^. vB [MP PMT 2013]
verticle and the bob of mass m moves with a speed v is (g is (a)/
the gravitational acceleration)[WB-JEE 2015] (b)2/
(a) mu2/L(b) mg cos 9 + mv2/L (c)V2/
(c) mg cos 0-mv2/L(d) mg cos 9 (d)2^2/
7. An aeroplane is flying horizontally with a velocity of 600 km/h at
a height of 1960 m. When it is vertically at a point A on the
Motion In Two Dimension 147

A bomber plane moves horizontally with a speed of 500 m/s

and a bomb released from it, strikes the ground in 10 sec.
ground, a bomb is released from it. The bomb strikes the ground
Angle at which it strikes the ground will be (g = 10 m/s2)
at point B. The distance AB is[CPMT 1996; RPMT 2000;
AFMC 2001; JIPMER 2001, 02] [MH CET 2003]
(a) 1200 m(b) 0.33 km tan"1!^
I(b) tan ^I
(c) 3.33 km(d) 33 km
8. The horizontal range of a projectile is maximum when the (c) (d) tan"1 (5)
angle of projection is[Kerala PMT 2012]
16. A large number of bullets are fired in all directions with same
(a) 0(b) 30 speed v. What is the maximum area on the ground on
(c) 45(d) 60 which these bullets will spread [MP PET 2007; AIEEE 2011]
(e) 90
9. A bullet is to be fired with a speed of 2000 ms^1 to hit a n- (b) n—
target 200 m away on a level ground. If g = 10ms~2, the gun

should be aimed[RPMT 2005; Kerala PET 2009] (c) n 2 V (d) n 2 V

(a) Directly at the target (b) 5 cm below the target
(c) 5 cm above the target (d) 2 cm above the target 17. A cart is moving horizontally along a straight line with

(e) 2 cm below the target constant speed 30 m/s. A projectile is to be fired from the
10. A body is thrown horizontally from the top of a tower of moving cart in such a way that it will return to the cart after
height 5 m. It touches the ground at a distance of 10 m the cart has moved 80m. At what speed (relative to the cart)
from the foot of the tower. The initial velocity of the body is must the projectile be fired (Take g = 10m/s2) [BHU 2006]
(g = 10 ms~2)[EAMCET (Engg.) 2000]
(a) lOm/s(b) l(W8m/s
(a) 2.5 ms"1(b) 5 ms"1
(c) 10 ms"1(d) 20 ms-1 / ^ 40
(c) -^-' (d) None of these
11. A boy can throw a stone up to a maximum height of 10m.
The maximum horizontal distance that the boy can throw 18. A ball is projected horizontally with a velocity of 5 m/s from
the same stone up to will be[AIEEE 2012] the top of a building 19.6 m high. How long will the ball

(a) 20>/2m(b) 10m take to hit the ground[WB-JEE 2010]

(a) y[2s(b) 2s
(c) 10V2m(d) 20m
12. A particle (A) is dropped from a height and another particle (c) V3s(d) 3s
(B) is thrown in horizontal direction with speed of 5 m/sec
19. A child travelling in a train throws a ball outside with a
from the same height. The correct statement is
speed V. According to a child who is standing on the
[CBSE PMT 2002; Odisha JEE 2003]
(a)Both particles will reach at ground simultaneously ground, the speed of the ball is,. [DUMET 2010]

(b)Both particles will reach at ground with same speed (a) Same as V(b) Greater than V

(c)Particle (A) will reach at ground first with respect to (c) Less than V(d) None of these

particle (B) 20. The horizontal range and the maximum height of a
(d)Particle (B) will reach at ground first with respect to projectile are equal. The angle of projection of the projectile
particle (A) is[CBSE PMT (Pre.) 2012]
13. A particle moves in a plane with constant acceleration in a
direction different from the initial velocity. The path of the (a) 0 = tan1l-j(b) 0 = tan^(

particle will be[MP PMT 2004]

(a) A straight line(b) An arc of a circle (c) 0 = tan^x(2)(d) 0 = 45
(c) A parabola(d) An ellipse Oblique Projectile Motion
14. At the height 80 m, an aeroplane is moving with 150 m/s. A
1. A projectile fired with initial velocity u at some angle 9 has a
bomb is dropped from it so as to hit a target. At what
distance from the target should the bomb be dropped range R . If the initial velocity be doubled at the same angle
(Given g = 10 m/s2)[BCECE 2004] of projection, then the range will be[RPMT 2005]

(a) 605.3 m(b) 600 m (a) 2B(b) R/2

(c) 80 m(d) 230 m (c) R(d) 4R
8 Motion In Two Dimension

moves with constant velocity on a straight line path 7.A body is fired vertically upward. At half the maximum
tangential to the earth's surface. Another body B1 is thrown height, the velocity of the body is 10 mls . The maximum
vertically upwards, it goes to a height and falls back on earth. A
height raised by the body is[Odisha JEE 2008]
third body 'C is projected to an angle and follows a parabolic
(a) 0m(b) 10m
path as shown in figure[MP PMT 2009]
(c) 15 m(d) 20 m
8.A body is thrown upward from the earth surface with
velocity 5 mis and from a planet surface with velocity 3 m/s.
Both follow the same path. What is the projectile
acceleration due to gravity on the planet [Odisha JEE 2008]

(a) 2mis2(b) 3.5 m/s2

The bodies whose angular momentum relative to the center

(c) 4 m/s2(d) 5 m/s2
of the earth is conserved are
9.The height y and the distance x along the horizontal plane
(a) Bonly(b) BandC
(c) A, B, C(d) None of the above of a projectile on a certain planet (with no surrounding
atmosphere) are given by y = (8t-5t2) m and x = 6t m,
3. A projectile moves from the ground such that its horizontal
displacement is x = Kt and vertical displacement is where t is in second. The velocity with which the projectile is
y = Kt(l-at), where K and a are constants and t is time. projected is [MP PET 1997; UP CPMT 2006; MP PET 2010]
Find out total time of flight (T) and maximum height (a)8 mlsec
attained (YmJ its[MP PET 2008] (b)6 mlsec
K19^" (c)10 mlsec
(^\ T-fY
[a) i - a, Y
r -—(b)
- ——\o) T-—
i - ,Y
(d)Not obtainable from the data

10.Two particles A and B axe projected with same speed so that

the ratio of their maximum heights reached is 3 : 1. If the
4. A particle is projected with velocity Vo along x-axis. The speed of A is doubled without altering other parameters, the
deceleration on the particle is proportional to the square of ratio of the horizontal ranges attained by A and B is
the distance from the origin i.e. a=ax2, the distance at [Kerala PET 2008]
which the particle stops is[MP PET 2008] (a) 1:1(b) 2:1
(c) 4:1(d) 3:2
2a ) (e)4:3
11.A body is projected vertically upwards at time t = 0 and it is
seen at a height H at instants tx and t2 seconds during its
(c) (d)
flight. The maximum height attained is (g is acceleration due
The angle of projection at which the horizontal range and
to gravity)[EAMCET 2009]
maximum height of projectile are equal is
[Kurukshetra CEE 1996; Pb. PET 2001;
(b) ^
BCECE 2003; RPMT 2006; Odisha JEE 2011]
(a) 45(b) 0 = tan'1 (0.25)
(c) 0 = tan^1 4 or (0 = 76) (d) 60
12. The relation between the time erf flight of a projectile Tf and the
A ball is thrown upwards and it returns to ground describing
time to reach the maximum height tm is [Kerala PMT 2009]
a parabolic path. Which of the following remains constant
[BHU 1999; AMU (Engg.) 2000; DPMT 2001] (a) Tf=2tm(b) Tf=tm

(a)Kinetic energy of the ball

(0 T,-^ (d) Tf=y[2(tm)
(b)Speed of the ball

(c)Horizontal component of velocity

(d)Vertical component of velocity

Motion In Two Dimension 149

13.A cricketer hits a ball with a velocity 25 m/s at 60 above 20.A particle of mass m is projected with velocity v making an

angle of 45 with the horizontal. The magnitude of the

the horizontal. How far above the ground it passes over a
angular momentum of the particle about the point of
fielder 50 m from the bat (assume the ball is struck very
projection when the particle is at its maximum height is
close to the ground)[BVP 2003]
(where g = acceleration due to gravity)
(a) 8.2 m(b) 9.0 m
[MP PET 2001; Pb. PET 2004]
(c) 11.6 m(d) 12.7 m
(a) Zero(b) mu3/(4V2g)
14.A bullet is fired with a velocity u making an angle of
(c) mu3/(V2g)(d) mu2/2g
60 with the horizontal plane. The horizontal component of
21.A projectile is given an initial velocity of (i + 2j) m/s, where i
the velocity of the bullet when it reaches the maximum
height is[WB-JEE 2009] is along the ground and ; is along the vertical. If g=10m/s2,

(a) u (b) 0 the equation of its trajectory is[JEE (Main) 2013]

(a) y = x-5x2(b) y = 2x-5x2

(d) u/2 (c) 4y = 2x-5x2(d) 4y = 2x-25x2

15.Galileo writes that for angles of projection of a projectile at 22.A particle of mass m is projected from the ground with an initial
speed u0 at an angle a with the horizontal. At the highest
angles (45+0) and (45 -0), the horizontal ranges
point of its trajectory, it makes a completely inelastic collision
described by the projectile are in the ratio of (if 0 < 45)
with another identical particle, which was thrown vertically
[CBSE PMT 2006] upward from the ground with the same initial speed u0. The
(a) 2:1(b) 1:2 angle that the composite system makes with the horizontal

(c) 1:1(d) 2:3 immediately after the collision is[JEE (Advanced) 2013]

16.For an object thrown at 45 to horizontal, the maximum

(b) -
height (H) and horizontal range (R) are related as [DCE 2009]

(a) R = 16H(b) R = 8H (0 - <d,

(c) J? = 4H(d) R = 2H 23. When a body is thrown with a velocity u making an angle
17.A coastguard ship locates a pirate ship at a distance 560 m. 0 with the horizontal plane, the maximum distance covered
It fires a cannon ball with an initial speed 82 m/s. At what by it in horizontal direction is [MP PMT 1996; RPET 2001]
angle from horizontal the ball must be fired so that it hits the u2 sin0 u2 sin 20
(a) (b)
pirate ship[DUMET 2009]
(a) 54 (b) 125 u2 sin 20 u2cos 20
(c) (d)
(c) 27(d) 18 9g
18.The horizontal range is four times the maximum height 24. A body is projected from the ground with a velocity

attained by a projectile. The angle of projection is v = (3i +10j^ms'1. The maximum height attained and the

[AIIMS 1998; CBSE PMT 2000; DPMT 2000; range of the body respectively are (given g = 10ms~2 )
\ \v
RPET 2001; Kerala PET 2005; KCET 2007] [WB-JEE 2013]

(a) 90(b) 60 (a) 5 m and 6 m(b) 3 m and 10 m

(c) 6 m and 5 m(d) 3 m and 5 m
(c) 45(d) 30
25. A projectile is fired at an angle of 45 with the horizontal.
19.A ball is projected with kinetic energy E at an angle of 45
Elevation angle of the projectile at its highest point as seen
to the horizontal. At the highest point during its flight, its
from the point of projection, is [CBSE PMT (Mains) 2011]
kinetic energy will be [CBSE PMT 1997, 2001; A1EEE 2002;

Pb. PMT 2004; Odisha PMT 2004; WB-JEE 2009, 12] tan (b) 45C
(a) Zero(b) /2
(d) tan"1^
(c) E/V2(d) (c) 60c
ISO Motion In Two Dimension

velocity of a projectile at the initial point A is 33.A body is projected with a speed u m/s at an angle /? with

(2i + 3j)m/s. It's velocity (in m/s) at point B is [NEET 2013] the horizontal. The kinetic energy at the highest point is
3— th of the initial kinetic energy. The value of /? is
(b)- 2i - 3/ [WB-JEE 2010]
(a) 30(b) 45
(c)- 2i + 3)
(c) 60(d) 120
(d)21-3J 34.A particle covers 50 m distance when projected with an
27.A particle crossing the origin of co-ordinates at time t = 0, initial speed. On the same surface it will cover a distance,
when projected with double the initial speed [RPMT 2000]
moves in the xy-plane with a constant acceleration a in the
y-direction. If its equation of motion is y = bx2 (b is a (a) 100 m(b) 150 m
constant), its velocity component in the x-direction is
(c) 200 m(d) 250 m
35.A ball is thrown upwards at an angle of 60 to the
[Kerala PET 2011]
horizontal. It falls on the ground at a distance of 90 m. If
the ball is thrown with the same initial velocity at an angle
Va 30, it will fall on the ground at a distance of [BHU 2000]
(a) 30 m(b) 60 m
(c) 90 m(d) 120 m
36.Four bodies P, Q, R and S are projected with equal
velocities having angles of projection 15, 30, 45 and 60
28.Two bodies are projected with the same velocity. If one is
with the horizontal respectively. The body having shortest
projected at an angle of 30 and the other at an angle of 60 range is[EAMCET (Engg.) 2000]
to the horizontal, the ratio of the maximum heights reached is
(a) P (b) Q
[EAMCET (Med.) 1995; Pb. PMT 2000; ARMS 2001;
(c) R(d) S
Odisha JEE 2010]
37.For a projectile, the ratio of maximum height reached to the
(a) 3 : 1(b) 1 : 3 square of flight time is (g = 10 ms'2) [EAMCET (Med.) 2000]
(c) 1 : 2(d) 2 : 1
(a) 5:4(b) 5 : 2
29.Two projectiles A and B thrown with speeds in the ratio
(c) 5:1(d) 10 : 1
1: V2 acquired the same heights. If A is thrown at an angle
38.A stone projected with a velocity u at an angle 0 with the
of 45 with the horizontal, the angle of projection of B will horizontal reaches maximum height Hv When it is projected
be[Kerala PET 2011]
with velocity u at an angle — - 6\ with the horizontal, it
(a) 0(b) 60
(c) 30(d) 45 reaches maximum height H2. The relation between the
(e) 15 horizontal range R of the projectile, Hx and H2 is
30.A missile is fired for maximum range with -an initial velocity [EAMCET 2000]
of 20 m/ s. If g = 10 m I s2, the range of the missile is (b) R = 4(H1-H2)
[CBSE PMT (Pre.) 2011]
(a) 20 m(b) 40 m (c) P = 4(H1+H2) (d) R =
(c) 50 m(d) 60 m
39.An object is projected with a velocity of 20 m/s making an
31.If a body A of mass M is thrown with velocity V at an angle
angle of 45 with horizontal. The equation for the trajectory
of 30 to the horizontal and another body B of the same is h = Ax - Bx2 where h is height, x is horizontal distance, A
mass is thrown with the same speed at an angle of 60 to and B are constants. The ratio A : B is (g = 10 ms'2)

the horizontal. The ratio of horizontal range of A to B will be [EAMCET 2001]

[CBSE PMT 2000; JIPMER 2002] (a) 1 : 5(b) 5 : 1

(c) 1 : 40(d) 40 : 1
(a) 1 : 3(b) 1 : 1
40.Which of the following sets of factors will affect the
(c) 1:V3(d) V3:l horizontal distance covered by an athlete in a long-jump
32.An object is projected so that its horizontal range R is event[AMU (Engg.) 2001]
maximum. If the maximum height attained by the object is (a)Speed before he jumps and his weight

H, then the ratio of R/H is[J & K CET 2010] (b)The direction in which he leaps and the initial speed
(c)The force with which he pushes the ground and his
(a) 4(b) 1/4 speed
(c) 2(d) 1/2 (d)None of these
Motion In Two Dimension 151

41. A ball thrown by one player reaches the other in 2 sec. the 50.A ball is projected with velocity Vo at an angle of elevation
maximum height attained by the ball above the point of 30. Mark the correct statement[MP PMT 2004]
projection will be about[Pb. PMT 2002] (a)Kinetic energy will be zero at the highest point of the
(a) 10 m(b) 7.5 m trajectory
(c) 5 m(d) 2.5 m (b)Vertical component of momentum will be conserved
(c)Horizontal component of momentum will be conserved
42. In a projectile motion, velocity at maximum height is
(d)Gravitational potential energy will be minimum at the
[AIEEE 2002] highest point of the trajectory
, . UCOS^ 51.Neglecting the air resistance, the time of flight of a projectile
(b) ucos0
is determined by[J & K CET 2004]
(c) (d) None of these
43.A ball is thrown up at an angle with the horizontal. Then the (c)U =U vertical + U horizontal
total change of momentum by the instant it returns to
(d)U = U(U2vertical +U2horizontal)1/2
ground is[UP CPMT 2006]
52.A ball is thrown from a point with a speed vo at an angle of
(a)Acceleration due to gravity x total time of flight
projection 0 . From the same point and at the same instant
(b)Weight of the ball x half the time of flight
a person starts running with a constant speed vo 12 to catch
(c)Weight of the ball x total time of flight
the ball. Will the person be able to catch the ball? If yes,
(d)Weight of the ball x horizontal range
what should be the angle of projection[AIEEE 2004]
44.A body is thrown with a velocity of 9.8 m/s making an angle
(a) Yes, 60(b) Yes, 30
of 30 with the horizontal. It will hit the ground after a time
[KCET 2001; JIPMER 2001, 02]
(c) No(d) Yes, 45
53.A stone is thrown at an angle 0 to the horizontal reaches a
(a) 1.5s(b) Is
maximum height H. Then the time of flight of stone will be
(c) 3 s(d) 2 s
[BCECE 2004]
45.The equation of motion of a projectile are given by x = 36 t
metre and 2y = 96 t - 9.8 f metre. The angle of projection
is[EAMCET 2003]
(a) sin-1^!
(b) (c)
54. The horizontal range of a projectile is 4V3 times its
(c) (d) maximum height. Its angle of projection will be
[DPMT 2003; J & K CET 2004]
46.For a given velocity, a projectile has the same range R for
(a) 45(b) 60
two angles of projection if tx and t^ are the times of flight in
the two cases then[KCET 2003; (c) 90(d) 30
55. A ball is projected upwards from the top of tower with a
AIEEE 2004; ARMS 2008; DCE 2009]
velocity 50 ms'1 making an angle 30 with the horizontal.
(a) txt2ocR2(b) txt2^R
The height of tower is 70 m. After how many seconds from
^-!(d) tlt24 the instant of throwing will the ball reach the ground
(c) [DPMT 2004]
(a) 2 s(b) 5 s
47.The speed of a projectile at its maximum height is half of its
(c) 7 s(d) 9 s
initial speed. The angle of projection is
56. Two bodies are thrown up at angles of 45 and 60,
[CBSE PMT (Mains) 2010] respectively, with the horizontal. If both bodies attain same
(a) 60(b) 15 vertical height, then the ratio of velocities with which these
(c) 30(d) 45 are thrown is[DPMT 2005]
48.A cricketer can throw a ball to a maximum horizontal
distance of 100 m. With the same effort, he throws the ball a J- (b) s
vertically upwards. The maximum height attained by the
ball is[UPSEAT 2002]
(a) 100 m (b) 80 m
At what point of a projectile motion acceleration and
(c) 60 m(d) 50 m
velocity are perpendicular to each other [Odisha JEE 2005]
49.A cricketer can throw a ball to a maximum horizontal
(a)At the point of projection
distance of 100 m. The speed with which he throws the ball
(b)At the point of drop
is (to the nearest integer)[Kerala (Med.) 2002]
(c)At the topmost point
(a) 30 ms"1 (b) 42 ms-1 (d)Any where in between the point of projection and
(c) 32 ms-1(d) 35 ms"1 topmost point
152 Motion In Two Dimension

58. A particle is projected with a velocity v so that its horizontal 67. A ball is projected from the ground at a speed of 10ms 1
range is twice the greatest height attained. The horizontal
making an angle of 30 with the horizontal. Another ball is
range is[KCET 2015]
/ 2u2., . u2 simultaneously released from a point on the vertical line
(a) (b) — along the maximum height of the projectile. Both the balls
collide at the maximum height of first ball. The initial height
(c) —(d) ^-
95g of the second ball is (g = 10ms 2) [Kerala PET 2007]
59. The maximum horizontal range of a projectile is 400 m. The (a) 6.25m(b) 2.5m
maximum value of height attained by it will be [AFMC 2005]
(a) 100 m(b) 200 m (c) 3.75m(d) 5m

(c) 400 m(d) 800 m 68.A projectile is projected with kinetic energy K. If it has the

60. A projectile is thrown in the upward direction making an maximum possible horizontal range, then its kinetic energy
angle of 60 with the horizontal direction with a velocity of at the highest point will be[CBSE 2001; AIEEE 2007]
147 msl. Then the time after which its inclination with the
(a) 0.25 K (b) 0.5 K
horizontal is 45, is[AFMC 2006]
(a) 15 s(b) 10.98 s (c) 0.75 K(d) 1.0 K
(c) 5.49 s(d) 2.745 s 69.A small particle of mass m is projected at an angle 0 with

61. A projectile is projected with a speed u making an angle 20 the x-axis with an initial velocity u0 in the x-y plane as
with the horizontal, what is the speed when its direction of
motion makes an angle 0 with the horizontal[BCECE 2006] shown in the figure. At a time t < —, the angular
(a) (u cos 20)12(b) ucos<9
momentum of the particle is [AIEEE 2010]
(c) u(2cos^-sec^)(d) u(cos^-sec^)
62. Two bodies are projected from ground with equal speeds Y''
20 m/ sec from the same position in same vertical plane to
have equal range but at different angle above the horizontal.
If one of the angle is 30 the sum of their maximum heights
is (assume g = 10mIs2)[J & K CET 2006]
(a) 400 m(b) 20 m
(c) 30 m(d) 40 m (a) —mgvot2 cos0i(b) -mgv0t2 cos0j
63. An arrow is shot into air. Its range is 200 m and its time of
flight is 5s. If g = 10m/s2, then the horizontal component
(c) mgvot cos 0 k (d)mgv0t2 cos 0 k
of velocity of the arrow is[MP PMT 2006]
(a) 12.5 m/s(b) 25 m/s
where i,j and k are unit vectors along x, y and z-axis
(c) 31.25 m/s(d) 40 m/s
64. The coordinates of a moving particle at any time '' are respectively.
given by x = of3 and y = /ft3. The speed of the particle at
70. A person sitting in an open car moving at constant velocity
time ^ is given by[CPMT 1997; AIEEE 2003]
throws a ball vertically up into air. The ball falls
(a) 2(b) 3t^a2+j32
[EAMCET (Med.) 1995; MH CET 2003; BCECE 2004]

(c) 3t^ +/^(d) (a)Outside the car

65. If retardation produced by air resistance of projectile is one- (b)In the car ahead of the person
tenth of acceleration due to gravity, the time to reach (c)In the car to the side of the person
maximum height[RPMT 2005]
(d)Exactly in the hand which threw it up
(a) Decreases by 11 percent (b) Increases by 11 percent
(c) Decreases by 9 percent (d) Increases by 9 percent
66. A particle is projected with a speed v at 45 with the Critical Thinking
horizontal. The magnitude of angular momentum of the
projectile about the point of projection when the particle is
Objective Questions
at its maximum height h is [Kerala PMT 2007]
mufi 1. A particle is moving with velocity v = K(y\ +xj), where K is
(a) Zero (b)
7/T a constant. The general equation for its path is [AIEEE 2010]

mvh3 (a) y2 = x2 + constant(b) y = x2 + constant

(c) (d)
75" 7/T (c) y2 = x + constant(d) xy = constant
A tube of length L is filled completely with an 8. Consider a disc rotating in the horizontal plane with a
incompressible liquid of mass M and closed at both the constant angular speed co about its centre O. The disc has a
ends. The tube is then rotated in a horizontal plane about shaded region on one side of the diameter and an
one of its ends with a uniform angular velocity co . The force
unshanded region on the other side as shown in the figure.
exerted by the liquid at the other end is
When the disc is in the orientation as shown, two pebbles P
[CBSE PMT 2006; DCE 2006] and Q axe simultaneously projected at an angle towards R.
(b) MLo)2 The velocity of projection is in the y-z plane and is same
2 for both pebbles with respect to the disc. Assume that (i)
(c) they land back on the disc before the disc has completed —
42 8
The kinetic energy k of a particle moving along a circle of rotation, (ii) their range is less than half the disc radius, and
radius R depends on the distance covered s as k = as2 (iii) co remains constant throughout. Then [IIT JEE 2012]
where a is a constant. The force acting on the particle is
[AMU (Engg.) 1999; JIPMER 2001, 02]
'*^ 1
(a) 2a ^-(b)

2a ?-
(c) 2os (d)
A car is moving in a circular horizontal track of radius 10 m
(a)P lands in the shaded region and Q in the unshaded region
with a constant speed of 10 m/sec. A plumb bob is suspended
(b)P lands in the unshaded region and Q in the shaded
from the roof of the car by a light rigid rod of length 1.00 m.
The angle made by the rod with track is region
(c)Both P and Q land in the unshaded region
[NEET (Karnataka) 2013]
(d)Both P and Q land in the shaded region
(a) Zero(b) 30
9. A long horizontal rod has a bead which can slide along its length,
(c) 45(d) 60
and initially placed at a distance L from one end A of the rod.
The ratio of angular speed of a second-hand to the hour-
The rod is set in angular motion about A with constant angular
hand of a watch is[KCET 2015]
acceleration ex. If the coefficient of friction between the rod and
(a) 60 : 1 (b) 72 : 1
the bead is ju, and gravity is neglected, then the time after which
(c) 720:1 (d) 3600:1
A string of length L is fixed at one end and carries a mass M the bead starts slipping is[IIT-JEE (Screening) 2000]
at the other end. The string makes 21k revolutions per second
around the vertical axis through the fixed end as shown in the a J— (b)
figure, then tension in the string is [BHU 2002; DPMT 2004]
(c) (d) Infinitesimal
10. A small block is shot into each of the four tracks as shown

(b)2 ML below. Each of the tracks rises to the same height. The
speed with which the block enters the track is the same in all
(c)4 ML cases. At the highest point of the track, the normal reaction
is maximum in[IIT-JEE (Screening) 2001]
(d)16 ML
7. A projectile is fired from the surface of the earth with a
velocity of 5 ms"1 and angle 6 with the horizontal. Another
(a) (b)
projectile fired from another planet with a velocity of 3 ms'1

at the same angle follows a trajectory which is identical with

the trajectory of the projectile fired from the earth. The value
of the acceleration due to gravity on the planet is (in ms~2) is
(given g = 9.8 ms~2)[CBSE PMT 2014]

(a) 16.3(b) 110.8

(c) 3.5(d) 5.9
154 Motion In Two Dimension

le pendulum is oscillating without damping. When the 16. A point P moves in counter-clockwise direction on a circular
displacement of the bob is less than maximum, its acceleration path as shown in the figure. The movement of F is such
vector a is correctly shown in [IIT-JEE (Screening) 2002] that it sweeps out a length s = t3 + 5, where s is in metres

and t is in seconds. The radius of the path is 20 m. The

acceleration of F when t = 2 s is nearly[AIEEE 2010]



(c)12m/ s2

(d) 7.2m/s2

17. A piece of wire is bent in the shape of a parabola y •= fcx2 (y-

axis vertical) with a bead of mass m on it. The bead can slide
on the wire without friction. It stays at the lowest point of the
parabola when the wire is at rest. The wire is now accelerated
parallel to the x-axis with a constant acceleration a. The
12.The angular amplitude of a simple pendulum is 0O . The distance of the new equilibrium position of the bead, where
maximum tension in its string will be[UP CPMT 2006] the bead can stay at rest with respect to the wire, from the y-
(a) mg{l-0o)(b) mg{l + 0o) axis is[IIT-JEE 2009]

(c) mg(l-02)(d) mg(l + 02) (a)a/gk N.COS0 . y

13.A stone tied to a string of length L is whirled in a vertical (b)a/2gk
circle with the other end of the string at the centre. At a (c)2a Igkr
certain instant of time, the stone is at its lowest position and
has a speed u. The magnitude of the change in its velocity (d)a/4gk
as it reaches a position where the string is horizontal is 18. On the centre of a frictionless table a small hole is made,
[IIT 1998; CBSE PMT 2004] through which a weightless string of length 2/ is inserted.
(a) ^\xF-2gL (b) J2gL On the two ends of the string two balls of the same mass m
are attached. Arrangement is made in such a way that half
(c) V" -9l(d) ^2(u2-gL) of the string is on the table top and half is hanging below.
14. A bob of mass M is suspended by a massless string of length The ball on the table top is made to move in a circular path
L. The horizontal velocity V at position A is just sufficient to with a constant speed v. What is the centripetal acceleration
make it reach the point B. The angle ^at which the speed of of the moving ball[DUMET 2009]
the bob is half of that at A, satisfies[IIT-JEE 2008]
(a) mvl(b) g
(c) Zero(d) 2mvl
19. A small roller coaster starts at point A with a speed u on a
(b) —< 6 < — curved track as shown in the figure

c) —<0< —

2>7t .
(d) <& <7t
15. Four persons K, L, M and N are initially at the corners of a O
square of side of length d . If every person starts moving, The friction between the roller coaster and the track is
such that K is always headed towards L, L towards M, M
negligible and it always remains in contact with the track.
is headed directly towards N and N towards K , then the
The speed of roller coaster at point D on the track will be
four persons will meet after
[AMU (Engg.) 2009]
d y[2d
— sec (b) sec lj.
v u (a) (u2+gh)2(b) (u2+2gh)2
d l
(c) sec (d) — sec
2v (c) (u2+4gh)2 (d) u
Motion In Two Dimension 155

A small mass m is attached to a massless string whose other The path of a projectile in the absence of air drag is shown
end is fixed at P as shown in the figure. The mass is
in the figure by dotted line. If the air resistance is not ignored
undergoing circular motion in the x - y plane with centre at
O and constant angular speed co. If the angular momentum then which one of the path shown in the figure is

of the system, calculated about O and P are denoted by Lq appropriate for the projectile

and Lp respectively, then [IIT-JEE 2012]


(a) B(b) A
(c) D(d) C
Two identical discs of same radius R are rotating about their
(a)Lo and Lp do not vary with time axes in opposite directions with the same constant angular

(b)Lo varies with time while LP remains constant speed co. The discs are in the same horizontal plane. At

time t = 0, the points P and Q are facing each other as

(c)Lo remains constant while Lp varies with time
shown in the figure. The relative speed between the two
(d)Lo and Lp both vary with time
points P and Q is Vr as function of times best represented
21. The x and y coordinates of the particle at any time are
x = bt - 2t2 and y = 410t respectively, where x and y are by[IIT JEE 2012]
in meters and t in seconds. The acceleration of the particle at
= 2s is[NEET2017]

(a) 0(b) 5m/s2

(c) -4m/s2(d) -8m/s2

22. Consider an expanding sphere of instantaneous radius R

whose total mass remains constant. The expansion is such
that the instantaneous density p remains uniform
throughout the volume. The rate of fractional change in
density— is constant. The velocity u of any point on
[p dt)
the surface of the expanding sphere is proportional to
[JEE (Advanced) 2017]
(a) P3(b) R
(c) (d)
(c) P2/3 ->!•
->t ,L
0 T 0

Graphical Questions Which of the following is the graph between the height (h) of
a projectile and time (t), when it is projected from the
Objective Questions ground

1. Figure shows four paths for a kicked football. Ignoring the

effects of air on the flight, rank the paths according to initial (b)
horizontal velocity component, highest first [AMU (Med.) 2000]


(b)2, 3, 4, 1 h'
(c) (d)
(c)3, 4, 1, 2

(d)4, 3, 2, 1 O O
t t^n

5. Which of the following is the altitude-time graph for a 8. A particle is thrown above, then correct v-t graph will be

projectile thrown horizontally from the top of the tower [AIIMS 2007]

(a) (b)
K~~^ n

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
9. A particle is projected up from a point at an angle 0 with

Consider the given velocity-time graph the horizontal direction. At any time t'. if p is the linear
momentum, y is the vertical displacement, x is horizontal
displacement, the graph among the following which does
not represent the variation of Kinetic energy KE of the
particle[EAMCET 2009]


(A) (B)
-? t
lt represents the motion of[Kerala PMT 2006]
(C) (C)
(a)A projectile projected vertically upward, from a point

(b)An electron in the hydrogen atom

(a) Graph (A)(b) Graph (B)
(c)A car with constant acceleration along a straight road (c) Graph (C)(d) Graph (D)
10. Two stones are thrown up simultaneously from the edge of a
(d)A bullet fired horizontally from the top of a tower
cliff 240 m high with initial speed of 10 m/s and 40 m/s
A batsman hits a sixer and the ball touches the ground respectively. Which of the following graph best represents
the time variation of relative position of the second stone
outside the cricket ground. Which of the following graph with respect to the first
describes the variation of the cricket ball's vertical velocity v (Assume stones do not rebound after hitting the ground and
neglect air resistance, take g=10m/s2). (The figures are
with time between the time t^ as it hits the bat and time t2
schematic and not drawn to scale)[JEE (Main) 2015]
when it touches the ground[AMU (Med.) 2001]

(a) 24 (b)24O-
-^• t ->• t


24 24
(c) (d) (c) (d)
5.Statement-1 : In circular motion, work done by
centripetal force is zero.
Statement-2 : In circular motion, centripetal force is
perpendicular to the displacement.
6.Statement-1 : If separation between two particles
does not change then their relative
More than one correct answers velocity will be zero
Statement-2 : Relative velocity is the rate of change
The ring R in the arrangement shown can slide along a
of position of one particle w.r.t.
smooth, fixed, horizontal rod XY. It is attached to the block
B by a light string. The block is released from rest, with the
string horizontal Comprehension type questions
X Passage-I
B The direction of velocity of a particle at time u=20m/s
(a) One point in the string will have only vertical motion t = 0 is as shown in the figure and has
(b) R and B will always have momenta of the same magnitude u = 20m/s. The acceleration of
particle is always constant and has magnitude
(c) When the string becomes vertical, the speeds of R and
10 m/s2. The angle between its initial velocity
B will be inversely proportional to their masses
(d) R will lose contact with the rod at some point and acceleration is 127. (Take sin37= 3/5 ) 10m/s2
Two particles are projected with speed 4 m/s and 3 m/s 7. The instant of time at which acceleration and velocity are
simultaneously from same point as shown in the figure. perpendicular is
Then4 m/s (a) 0.6 sec(b) 1.2 sec
(c) 2.4 sec(d) None of these
8.The instant of time at which speed of particle is least
(a) 0.6 sec(b) 1.2 sec
(c) 2.4 sec(d) None of these
(a) Their relative velocity is along vertical direction 9.The instant of time t at which acceleration of particle is
perpendicular to its displacement (displacement from t=0 till
(b) Their relative acceleration is non-zero and it is along
vertical direction that instant t) is
(a) 0.6 sec(b) 1.2 sec
(c)They will hit the surface simultaneously
(c) 2.4 sec(d) None of these
(d)Their relative velocity is constant and has magnitude
1.4 m/s
Integer type questions
Two particles are projected from the same point with the This section contains some integer type questions. The answers
same speed, at different angles 6X and 02 to the horizontal. to each of the questions is a single-digit integer, ranging
from 0 to 9.
They have the same horizontal range. Their times of flights
are tx and t2 respectively 10.A train is moving along a straight line with a constant
acceleration 'a1. A boy standing in the train throws a ball
(a) (b> f= forward with a speed of 10 m/s, at an angle of 60 to the
horizontal. The boy has to move forward by 1.15 m inside
the train to catch the ball back at the initial height. The
(d) •1 _ to acceleration of the train, in m/ s2 , is[IIT-JEE 2011]
sin 01 sin 02
11.A particle is projected from the ground at an angle 30 with
the horizontal with an initial speed 20 ms"1. At what time
Reasoning type questions
after which velocity vector of projectile is perpendicular to
Read the following statements carefully to mark the correct option the initial velocity ? [in second]
out of the options given below
12.Two particles P and Q move with constant velocities
(a)Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true ; statement 2 is
Uj = 2ms"1 and u2=4ms~1 along two mutually
a correct explanation for statement 1
(b)Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is true ; statement 2 is perpendicular straight lines towards the intersection point O.
not a correct explanation for statement 1 At moment t = 0, the particles were located at distances
(c)Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is false 1=12m and ^2=19m from O, respectively. Find the
(d)Statement 1 is false, statement 2 is true
time when they are nearest
4. Statement-1 : During flight under action of gravity,
13.A particle is moving in a circle of radius R with constant
the change in velocity of a projectile in
speed. The time period of the particle is T=l. In a time
same time intervals is same. (Neglect
t=T/6, if the difference between average speed and average
air friction)
Statement-2 : Neglecting air friction, the acceleration velocity of the particle is 2 ms"1, find the radius R of the
of projectile is constant during flight. circle (in metres)
158 Motion Zn Two Dimension

Matrix Match type questions 5. Assertion A coin is placed on phonogram turn table.
The motor is started, coin moves along the
In this section each question has some statements (A, B, C, D,...) moving table.
given in Column-I and some statements (p, q, r, s, t,...) in Reason The rotating table is providing necessary
Column-II. Any given statement in Column-I can have correct centripetal force to the coin.
matching with ONE OR MORE statement(s) in Column-II. For 6. Assertion The trajectory of projectile is quadratic in y
example, if for a given question, statement B matches with the and linear in x.
Reason y component of trajectory is independent of
statements given in q and r, then for that particular question
against statement B, darken the bubbles corresponding to q and r
7. Assertion Two similar trains are moving along the
in the ORS. i.e. answer will be q and r.
equatorial line with the same speed but in
p q r s t-- opposite direction. They will exert equal
pressure on the rails.
bOMOO Reason In uniform circular motion the magnitude of
c##OOO acceleration remains constant but the
?ooo direction continuously changes.
8.Assertion When a body is dropped or thrown
14. Match the column horizontally from the same height, it would
Column I Column II reach the ground at the same time.
(A)Distance (p) Cannot be negative Reason Horizontal velocity has no effect on* the
(B)Speed (q) May be positive vertical direction.
(C)Displacement (r) May be zero 9.Assertion When the velocity of projection of a body is
(D)Velocity (s) Never decrease made n times, its time of flight becomes n
with respect to time times.
Reason Range of projectile does not depend on the
initial velocity of a body.

Assertion & Reason 10.Assertion Improper banking of roads causes wear and
tear of tyres.
For AIIMS Aspirants Reason The necessary centripetal force is provided by
the force of friction between the tyres and the
Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option road.
out of the options given below: 11.Assertion When range of a projectile is maximum, its
(a)If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the angle of projection may be 45 or 135.
correct explanation of the assertion. Reason Whether 6 is 45 or 135, value of range
(b)If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the remains the same, only the sign changes.
correct explanation of the assertion. 12.Assertion In order to hit a target, a man should point
(c)If assertion is true but reason is false. his rifle in the same direction as target.
(d)If the assertion and reason both are false, Reason The horizontal range of the bullet is
{e) If assertion is false but reason is true. dependent on the angle of projectile with

1.Assertion : In projectile motion, the angle between the horizontal direction.

instantaneous velocity and acceleration at the 13.Assertion When an automobile while going too fast
highest point is 180. around a curve overturns, its inner wheels
Reason : At the highest point, velocity of projectile will leave the ground first.
be in horizontal direction only. Reason For a safe turn the velocity of automobile
should be less than the value of safe limit
2.Assertion : Two particles of different mass, projected with
same velocity at same angles. The maximum velocity.
height attained by both-the particle will be same. 14.Assertion During a turn, the value of centripetal force
should be less than the limiting frictional
Reason : The maximum height of projectile is
independent of particle mass. force.
Reason The centripetal force is provided by the
3.Assertion : The maximum horizontal range of projectile
frictional force between the tyres and the
is proportional to square of velocity.
Reason : The maximum horizontal range of projectile is
15.Assertion When a vehicle takes a turn on the road, it
equal to maximum height attained by
travels along a nearly circular path.
Reason In circular motion, velocity of vehicle remains
4.Assertion : A body of mass 1 kg is making lrps in a circle
of radius 1 m. centrifugal force acting on it is same.
16.Assertion As the frictional force increases, the safe
velocity limit for taking a turn on an
unbanked road also increases.
Reason Centrifugal force is given by F = mv
Reason Banking of roads will increase the value of
[A^MS 2008] limiting velocity.
17.Assertion If both the speed of a body and radius of its
circular path are doubled, then centripetal
Motion In Two Dimension 159

32 33 34 35
force also gets doubled.
Reason Centripetal force is directly proportional to
Horizontal Projectile Motion
both speed of a body and radius of circular
18.Assertion In circular motion, the centripetal and
centrifugal force acting in opposite direction
balance each other.
a 14
Reason Centripetal and centrifugal forces don't act at IT
the same time. :•:::*:;:,:• :v™-:••;•• .•-.:•....": :• :• ::-:• •:•: *•;. .:•;•:
Oblique Projectile Motion
19.Assertion A safe turn by a cyclist should neither be fast
nor sharp.
Reason The bending angle from the vertical would
decrease with increase in velocity.
[AIIMS 2010]


niform Circular Motion 41 44

Critical ThinkinQuestions

11 14

Graphical Questions

JEE Section
1 ac ad abd

Non-uniform Circular Motion 11

14 A-p, q, s; B—>p, q, s; C-*q, r; D-q, r

Assertion and Reason

1 e 2 ja 3 c 4 a Ii| d
6 d 7 je 3 a 3 c 110 a
11 a 12 ie 13 b 14 a im c
16 b 17 c 13 d ,.^ c
-^ / ^ a i . . 2/T 2.71 ,, r 2.7Z ,,
12.(a) Angular velocity = — = — rad/hr = 86400rad/s •

13.(d) The particle is moving in circular path

From the figure, mg = Rsin& ...(i)

Uniform Circular Motion mv = Rcos0 •••(i

i. F - From equation (i) and (ii) we get
c r (r/2) r
So u^ = 2u2
2. (c) As time periods are equal therefore ratio of angular v

speeds will be one. co - —. = o.O25m = 2.5cm .

S 10

3. (b) F = mv F o= u2. If u becomes double then F

22 xl=/r2m/s

14. (c) a=
(tendency to overturn) will become four times,
4. (b) Work done by centripetal force is always zero, and its direction is always along the radius and towards
6. (b) Centripetal acceleration ac - v2 I r the centre.
It acts along the radius and directed towards the centre 15. (d) Net displacement in one loop = 0
of the circular path,
net displacement 0
7. (a) The radius of circular Average velocity = =-=0
time t
path is 2m and the
speed of the object is Distance travelled in one rotation (loop) =

4m/s distance 2^r

.\ Average speed =
The magnitude of time t

acceleration is 2x3.14x100
= 10m/s.
v2 16 62.8

17. (b) F = mv . For same mass and same speed if radius is
The acceleration is directed towards the centre.
doubled then force should be halved.
Therefore, when an object is at y = 2m, its acceleration
18. (d) Let co is the angular speed of revolution
is -8jm/s2.

8. (a) When particle moves in a circle, then the resultant force

must act towards the centre and its magnitude F must "i A T2 B T3 C
satisfy, F = mv
T3 = m(Q2Z\
This resultant force is directed towards the centre and it
is called centripetal force. This force originates from the
T2-T3= mco22\ => T2= mco2b\
tension T.
„ ^ mv2 _ 7\-T2= mco2\ => T^ = mct)26l
Hence, F == T.
T3 : T2 : T^ = 3 :5 : 6.
9. (d) In a circular motion

Zv, ift ... A. .. Total displacement 2 m o _i

=4. 19.(b) Average velocity === 2 ms .
a= Total time1 s

(d) co = — = — = 0.1047 rad/s 20.(a) Because the reaction on inner wheel decreases and
becomes zero. So it leaves the ground first.
and v = cor = 0.1047x3xl0~2 = 0.00314 m/s .
21.(b) x =
11. (a) F =. If m and v are constants then F = — Squiring and adding x2+y2=42=s>/? =
=> Circular motion
22. (a) ^- =

[As 7>TR]

^otion In Two Dimension 1

(c) Since, n = 2, a> =

TR r
So acceleration = co2r = (4k)2 xm/s2 = •
23.(d) Tension in the string To = ^
In the second case T = m(2f?)(4o^) = 8mR^ = 8T0. 38. (d) Time period = 40 sec

24.(b) It is a vector quantity. k, r i a- Total time 140 sec

No. of revolution = = 3.5 Reu.
25.(a) m4;r2n2r = 4xl0~13=> n = 0.08xl08cyc/es/sec. Time period 40 sec

26.(c) K.E. = — mv2. Which is scalar, so it remains constant. So, distance = 3.5 x 2jiR = 3.5 x 2kx 10 = 220 m.

27.(b) v = 72 km I hour = 20 m /sec


rg 42.(c) In uniform circular motion tangential acceleration

28. (a) Tensions in the respective parts are shown in figure. remains zero but magnitude of radial acceleration

m T2 remains constant.
r -w 43.(b) Applying Newton's second law to a particle of mass m
moving in a circular orbit of radius r with speed v, we
Let a be angular velocity, then
Tx -T2 =mco2xr get
... 0)
and T2=ma)2(r + 2r) mv2 _k _[k
— => v — J
T2 =3mo)2r r rKm
... 00
From equation (i) and (ii) 2m _ 2m
Time period, T =

29.(d) 120 rev I min = 120x -=^ rod I sec = 4k radl sec.
46.(a) Acceleration = co2r = — = cm = — u .
30.(c) In uniform circular motion, acceleration causes due to
change in direction and is directed radially towards
centre. 47.(a) Linear velocity,

v = ior= 2mr = 2x3.14x3x0.1 = 1.88m/s

31.(b) Reaction on inner wheel Rx =—M\g
2 [ ra
Acceleration, a = co2r = (6^)2xO.l = 35.5m/s2

Reaction on outer wheel R2 =Z—M\g +

2 1 ra Tension in string, T = ma)2r<^ lx(6/r)2 xO.l = 35.5N.

where, r = radius of circular path, 2a = distance

between two wheels and h = height of centre of gravity
48. (a) R = mg cos 0- mv
of car.
33. (a) a = (5xlO'2)
'2 = 5m/s2.
34. (b) iW.=V/^g =V0.5x40x9.8= 14m/s.
36. (d) In 15 second's hand rotate through 90.

Change in(^ / 2)

when 0decreases cos0increases i.e., R increases.

49. (d) Tension in the string T = mw2r = 4^2n2mr

/To fzr
"2 =
= 2(rco) sin(=xx — x 50.(d) Electrostatic force provides necessary centripetal force
for circular motion of electron.
4;r W2 cm_ n .
r= = ——[As T= 60 sec]
60V2 30 sec 51.(a) T = ma)2r =^ 10 = 0.25xo>2x0.1 => ^=20rad/s.
162 M^tion In Two Dimension

52. (c) u = 36^ = 10^,. F = ^L=500xl00=1000N. 65. (c) Centripetal acceleration, ac =w2R

\rF (365x86400)'
53. (a) v=.
66. (d)
54. (b) Centripetal force = mrct)2 = 5 x 1 x (2)2 = 20 N.

55. (a) =— /. ,7 ,-.1 mv2 = —
K.E.=— ^•

hk k k a =cos^isin^; .
.-. Total energy = K.E. + P.E. ==
2r r 2r
68. (c) v W = FS cos 6 90.
56. (c) They have same co.
Centripetal acceleration = a>2r 69. (b) For banking tan^
i_ _h
tan 90x10

57.(d) Centripetal acceleration, ac = — V = 30m/s.
mu2 my2
Where v is the speed of an object and R is the radius "7A (A\ ^o F - r~
of the circle.
r<^v2 or [If m and F are constant]
u <^ vr
It is always directed towards the centre of the circle. Since
v and R are constants for a given uniform circular
motion, therefore the magnitude of centripetal
acceleration is also constant. However, the direction of 71. (b) Due to centrifugal force

centripetal acceleration changes continuously. Therefore, 72. (d) As momentum is vector quantity

a centripetal acceleration is not a constant vector. .*. change in momentum

58.(a) Here, Mass of a stone, m = 2kg AP= 2musin(0/2)

= 2mysin(90) = 2mu
Length of a string, r = 0.5 m
But kinetic energy remains m
Breaking tension, T = 900N always constant so change in kinetic energy is zero,

73. (d) As body covers equal angle in equal time intervals, its
T = 900
As T = mrco2 or a)2 = — = 900 angular velocity and hence magnitude of linear velocity
mr 2x0.5
is constant.
Q) = 30 rad s"1.
/ \dco
74. (0 < = — = , [As co = constant]
59. (a) Work done by centripetal force in uniform circular

motion is always equal to zero.

i j k
(b) fl> = - = -^ 75. (b) v = coxr = 3-4 1
r 100 5-6 6

t-n 1 \2^ 2tc k

63. (a) ^^^ = T = _ = - O 1, 1o
76.(a) a = 4;r n r = 4;r — x50 = 493 cm I s .

64. (b) As the speed is constant throughout the circular motion 77.(c) Maximum force of friction = centripetal force
therefore its average speed is equal to instantaneous
mv2 100 x(9)2
speed. = 270N.
Motion In Two Dimension 163

5. (e) Given : v = 4.0^ + 5.0t/ ms -1

78. (c) //= — = -^
Acceleration, d = — = — (4.0? + 5.0tj) =5.0Jms-2
79.(b) v = rco = 0.5x70 = 35m/s.

80.(a) 2^r = 34.3 => r = — and u = —

(d) Here, Length of the string, r = 1.0 m

Angle of banking 6 = tan ^ — I = 45 Mass of the body, m = 0.5 kg

Angular frequency, m = 4rad/s

82.(a) T = rmy2r=> The tension in the string at the lower most point is
=> co9 = —— = 5rpm
TL = mg + mm2r

(14V3) = tan-1[V3]=60 = (0.5 kg) (10 m / s2) + (0.5 kg) (4 rad Is)2 (1.0 m)
83.(d) 0 = te — I = tan "1
rg 20V3x9.8
= 13N.

84. (c) Centripetal acceleration = 4;r2n2r = 4;r2 — I x 4 = 4;r2 ^1 !*** ^ 16

(a) mg = lxl0 = 10N,

85. (b) Centripetal force = breaking force

Tension at the top of circle = mg ^ 6N
=> mco2r = breaking stress x cross sectional area

Tension at the bottom of circle mv + mg = 26N

2.ipxA ^.SxlO^
=>mm' r = pxA =^ a = J—= J
V mr V .10x0.3
(d) For critical condition at the highest point co =

/. co = 4 rad / sec . 2n = 2nMg = 2x3.14^4/9.8 = 4 sec.

^> T = —

86.(a) Because velocity is always tangential and centripetal co

(ac) From C to D
acceleration is radial.

87.(c) T = tension, IV = weight and F = centrifugal force. R

Lo =mi) +a
88. _______^_____^^
(c) |Au|=Vu2+u2-2u2cos^
from B to C

= 2usin^/2. 0 = mv\ -j= + a\k

from D to A
Non-uniform Circular Motion

1. (d) Angular acceleration = —x- = 24-

from A to B

2.(d) At highest point ——- ~mg => v = 4gR •

R 10. (c) aT=-^= ^-(2t)= 2ml s2

3.(a) Here, o = 400m/s, R = 0.6km = 0.6xl03m dt dt

V2 (2x3)'
5- = 120m/s2.
g = 10m/s2 a, = r 30xl0~2

11. (b) Net acceleration in nonuniform circular motion,

Centripetal acceleration, ac = — = (400m/s)2
R 0.6xl03m
,- /2 ,n2 _
16x10 m/s2=26.7xl0m/s2
at = tangential acceleration
In the units of g(=10m/s2), the centripetal acceleration
ac = centripetal acceleration = — .
is 26.7
164 Motion In Two Dimension

12.(d) When minimum speed of body is ^j5gR , then no

24. mu
(d) Tension at mean position, mg += 3mg
matter from where it enters the loop, it will complete full
vertical loop.
13.(d) Angular momentum is an axial vector. It is directed
always in a fix direction (perpendicular to the plane of and if the body displaces by angle 0 with the vertical
rotation either outward or inward), if the sense of Then v ^ ^2gl{l-cos0)...(ii)
rotation remain same.
Comparing (i) and (ii), cos0 = 0 => 0 = 90 .
15. (a) In this problem it is assumed that particle although
moving in a vertical loop but its speed remain constant.
25. (b) u = a=—=
r r
Tension at lowest point Tmax =+ mg
26. (b) By using equation od2
,..2 - 2a0

Tension at highest point Tmin =mg , (n = 36) ..(i)


mv Now let fan completes total n' revolution from the

T + mg
r 5
max _ starting to come to rest
mv2 3
min -mg ^.2

By solving we get, v = ^/4gr = V4x9.8x2.5 = V98 m/s

16. (c) As we know for hemisphere the particle will leave the substituting the value of afrom equation (i)
sphere at height h = 2r""^
, col 4x4^x36 AO .u
2 n = —5= 48 revolution
4^ 3>o

Number of rotation = 48 - 36 = 12.

But from the bottom
27. (d) In the given condition friction provides the required
centripetal force and that is constant, i.e. mft^r=constant
18. (c) Tension, T = mg cos 0

2 CO
For, 0 = 30, Tx = — + mg cos 30 •
r 28. (d) In non-uniform circular motion particle possess both
centripetal as well as tangential acceleration.
0 = 60, T2 = — + mg cos 60.-. T1>T2.
r 30.(b) v = ^2gh =V2x 10x0.2 =2m/s.
inf—1 = 2u sin 45 = u<
19. (a) 31.(d) T = mg + mco2r = m{g + 4;r2n2r}

2f (c) Minimum angular velocity comin =

•T = = 3s.
** ' max
10 32.(d) h = ~r => r = |xh = |x5 =

21.(c) Tension = Centrifugal force + weight =+ mg
r 33.(a) Particle at periphery will have both radial and tangential
22.(a) umin=^5gr=17.7m/sec. acceleration
at = Ra = 0.5x2 = lm/s2
23. (a) — = a, the centripetal acceleration [Given].
co=coq +at
co= 0 + 2x2 = 4rad/sec

= (4)2x0.5=
)2x05= 16x05=
16x0.5= 8m/s2

+82 ^8m/s2.
atotai =

[Note -: In this question we have assumed the point to

If v is doubled, a' == 4a.
be located at the periphery of the disc]
Motion In Two Dimension

34. (a) -mu2=E^-f—V=8xl(r4 u2 sin 20

8. (c) Horizontal range, R =
^u2=16xl0"2=^u = 4xl0"1=0.4m/s where u is the velocity of the projection and 0 is the
angle of the projection.
Horizontal range is maximum when 0 = 45.
v2 =u2 +2a(s
(c) Let t be time taken by the bullet to hit the target.
16 ^7 .^ (A 22x .-. 200 m = 2000 ms"11
7 100 200m __J_
16 7x100 2000ms"1 ~ios
For vertical motion,

35. (b) Here u = 0

mg sin
/. Gun should be aimed 5 cm above the target.

From the figure T =• mg cos 0 + mv2 IL. 10.(c) S = uxJ— => 10 = ^/2x4^ ^u = 10m/s.

36. (d) ac= — 11.(d)
u2 = 200
15cos30 ~
V2 = 32.44 9

12. 2h = constant.
(a) For both cases t = J—
V = 5.7m/sec
Horizontal Projectile Motion Because vertical downward component of velocity will
be zero for both the particles.
= —= 16xlO3 14. (a) The horizontal distance covered by bomb,
=^ u = 400m/s.

(c) Due to constant velocity along horizontal and vertical

downward force of gravity stone will hit the ground
following parabolic path.

(b) For maximum range 6 = 45

f?max _u2sin2fl / 4u2 sin2 0

T2 ~^~
9 / .'. The distance of target from dropping point of bomb,

sin90xg 49 AC = 4AB2 + BC2 = V(80)2+(600)2< = 605.3 m .

T2 4 x sin2 45 10'
15. (a) Horizontal component of >u _ 5QQ m/s
(b) The minimum possible velocity at B is, VB=^[g
velocity ux=500m/s and vertical

Then the range for this is, components of velocity while

striking the ground.
= 2. vv =0 + 10xl0 = 100m/s

(c) Horizontal displacement of the bomb .•. Angle with which it strikes
the ground.
AB = Horizontal velocity x time available
ad [2^^ ^m 5 12x1960 ooo,
AB=uxJ— =600x—xJ =3.33/cm.
500 5 J'
166 Motion In Two Dimension

16. (b) Area in which bullet will spread = m2 5.(c) R = 4Hcot0.

v2 When R = H then cot ft = 1/4 => ft = tan"1 (4).
For maximum area, r = R = —[when ft = 45]
6.(c) Because there is no accelerating or retarding force
a^ •c>2_f^2>l available in horizontal motion.
Maximum area n R^ =m — =
5- .

(c) As seen from the cart, the projectile moves vertically
7. (b) v2 = u2 + 2os
At B,u = 10m/s^ CT

upward and comes back. at max. height, v = 0 h/2

The time taken by cart to cover 80m
a = -10m/s2; s = h/2 h B
From equation (i)
For a projectile going upward, a = -g=-10m/s2, v = 0 0 = (10)2 + 2(-10)h / 2 => h = 10m . O
8. (b) u2=u2+2os
/\nci t ~- ——— = — s
2 3 At max. height v = 0 and for upward direction a = -g
= u + at^=> 0 = u-10x— => u =—
:. u2 = 2gs => s = —; v se = sp
18. (b)
->u=5 ms"
2 ^ ^- ^2 „

19.6 m

(C) „ =^^ = 8- dx
Let t s be time taken by the ball to hit the ground dt
X , y,| *^* i([2
i^ x
/"v 19.6m
^ -^ • wi it^ dy
at the time of projection i.e. vy = — = 8 and vx = 6
9.8 ms"2

u2 sin 2ft = V62+82 = 10 m/s.

20. (b) Horizontal range, R = • ••(i) ••• u =
9 u2 sin2 sin2 ft
u2 sin2 0 10. (c) H =
Maximum height, H = 2g H2 ~ sin2 02
... u 2
Here (i) = (ii) V3 COS ft
u2 sin 20 _ xx2 sin2 0 1 sin ft2 cosft2 V3
9 ~ 2g
_(2u)2sin2ft1 _ 4. si
2 u2 sin 2ft;
2^ sin^2cosft2 1

11. (c) Let time taken by the body to fall from point C to B be t
Oblique Projectile Motion Then, t1+2t'=t2
(d) f? =/. R 0= u2 . If initial velocity be doubled

then range will become four times.

.... 1
t t1
Total time taken, to reach point C
(d) During time of flight vertical displacement becomes
zero i.e., y = 0 ^:B-

KT(l-flrT) = 0 =^T = - ^ H
= 2t1+t2-tlft1+t2
.: Time taken by partide to attain max, height t = T12 = 2{2
I. [J1 ^
_L; ... Y =K.-^fi_ar._L>U = J.. Then maximum height attained
2a' max 2a y '2a) 4a

(d) Acceleration a = ax2 => — = x2
=> ^max=-g.(t1+t2)2^.
= ax2dx
12. (a) Time to reach max. height = tm
Time to reach back to ground = „
2-.1/3 Total time of flight Tf<*tm+ tm
4 3Vf
Motion In Two Dfrnonslon

13. (a) Horizontal component of velocity 22. (a) Velocity of particle performing projectile motion at

ux =25 cos 60 = 12.5 mis highest point = Vx = u0 cos a

2 - 2
Vertical component of velocity Maximum height attained by particle, H = —
v,, = 25 sin 60 = 12.5V3 m/s
Velocity of particle thrown vertically upward at the
position of the collision = V22 = u^ - 2gH

i^2 u0 a
2 - ^g-^^-—=
V22 = Uq = Uq cos^
cos^^ V2
i7 = u0 cos r
So, from conservation of momentum

mu0 cos a
Time to cover 50 m distance t = = 4 sec 24. (a) V = 3i + 10j
Vx=3, Vy=10
The vertical height y is given by
y = uyt-^gt2=12.5V3x4--x9.8xl6 = 8.2m. H=^ = ^00r = 5m
2g 2x10
14. (d) At maximum height H, the horizontal component of
the velocity of the bullet = u cos 0 = u cos 60 = u / 2 .

u2sin(9O-20) u2cos20 25. (d)

15.(c) For angle (45 - 0),R =
u2sin(9O + 20) u2 cos 20
For angle (45+ 0),R =

16.(c) For 0 = 45
u2 sin2 45 _ u2^,
H= 2g "4^ ...(I)
u2 sin2 45u5
•/ sin 45 = -^
V2 u2 sin 90 ^u2
g3 H g u' 3..2

*i i\ u • xi o u2sin20 2 2g
17. (c) Horizontal range R =
3 .-. tan a =
Substituting the given values, we get
82 x 82 x sin 20
560 =
9.8 = ^t = % •' = tan"
u 2
560x9.8 5488 2^
sin 20 =
82x82 6724 27. (b) y = bx2
=> sin 20 = 0.82 => 20 = sin"1 (0.82)
Differentiating w.r.t. t, on both sides, we get
=> 20 = 55.1 => 0 ^ 27.
18.(c) R = 4Hcot0, if R = 4H then cot0 = 1 => 0 = 45.
Again, differentiating w.r.t. t, on both sides, we get
19.(b) E'=Ecos20 = Ecos2(45) = -|.
^ = 2bvx^ + 2bx^=2by2+0
jd dtx dtdt
. /i ^ r -r ry sin 0,. mv
20.(b) L = r xmu = nmucos0 =—mucos0 = —- = 0, because the particle has constant acceleration
|_ dt
along y-direction]
21. (b) u = i+2j
As per question

_ u2 sin2 0 . Hx _ sin201 =sin230 _ 1/4 _ 1

2g " H2~ sin02 sin2 60 ~ 3/4 ~ 3
From (i) and (ii), y = 2x -5x
168 MotfortJfi TW Dim^n^ion

29. (c) For projectile A u2 sin 20

34. = <x= u2.So if the speed of projection
Maximum height, HA = ^
2g doubled, the range will becomes four times,

For projectile B i.e., 4x50 = 200m.

35.(c) Range'will be equal for complementary angles.

Maximum height HB = —
36.(a) When the angle of projection is very far from 45 then
As per question, HA = HB range will be minimum.

u2A sin2 45 _ u| sin2 0 2usin0

61. (a) H = and 7 =
2g ~ 2g 23

sin2 0 uio s H- 3 5
• = |^-| sin245c T24u2sin20/S2"8~^
sin2 45 uf "b

38. (a)

u2cos20 (u2sin20)2
sin 0 = i =^ 0 = sin"1! -1 = 30.
1 ^ 2g 16

/. R = 4>/H1H2 .
30. (b)
39. (d) Standard equation of projectile motion
31. (b) For complementary angles range will be equal.
y = xtan0- ^
33. (a) 2u2 cos2 0

Comparing with given equation
r ts
A = tan0 and B =
2u2 cos2 0
s ^ -tan B x 2^2 cos2 e
Initial kinetic energy at the point of projection O is

[As 0 = 45,u = 2Om/s,g = lOm/s2]

where, m = mass of the body u2 sin 20

40. (b) Range = . It is clear that range is proportional
u = initial velocity of the projection

At the highest point (i.e. at maximum height H) to the direction (angle) and the initial speed.

velocity is v = ucos/3, 2usin0

41. (c) = 2sec^> usin0 =
where P is the angle of projection

.". Kinetic energy at the highest point is u2 sin2 0 100

2s2s ^"'
= —mu cos
42.(b) Only horizontal component of velocity (u cos 0).

Q 43.(c) Change in momentum of the ball = musin0- (-musin0)

According to given problem, K'=—K

imu2cos2/^ = |(^ = 2musin0 = gg

= weight of the ball x total time of flight.
= ^-or^ = cos-1^- =30. ~ 2usin0 2x9.8xsin30
44. (b) / === is
Dlmensiofi 169

55. (c) The vertical component of velocity of projection

45. (a) x = 36t .•. ux = — = 36 m/s
at = -50 sin 30 = -25 mis

If t be the time taken to reach the ground,

y = 48t-4.9t2.-. v =48-9.8t

h = ut + -gt2 =^ 70 = -25t + -xl0t2

at t = 0 ux = 36 and u= 48m/s 22
=> 70 = -25t + 5t2 => t2-5t-14 = 0 => t= -2s and 7s
So, angle of projection 0 = tan 1| — = tan x —
Since, t = - 2 s is not valid :. t = 7 s.

u2 sin2 0
56. (c) H =
or 0 = sin"1 (4/5).

46. (b) For same range angle of projection should be 0and 90-0 2 ^:
According to problem -
2g 2g
c ^ tn- t.j. j. 2usin0 ,
So, time of flights tx = and
u^2 sin2 60 j^_ V3/2 = /3~
u22 sin2 45 u2 ~V2'
2usin(9O-0) 2ucos0
to =
59. u
(a) i?max=—=4H [For 0 = 45]
By multiplying = tat2 = 4H = 400 = 100m.

60. (c) At the two points of the trajectory during projection, the
2 (u2 sin 20) _ 2/? horizontal component of the velocity is the same.
— =^ Iilo oc ti .
9 99 => u cos 60 = u cos 45

-I/it 11 147
47. (a) v'=v0 cos 0 147x—= ux-j=
2 V2 V2
-^• = u0 cos0 => cos0 = - => 0 = 60.
Vertical component of u = u sin 60 =m

Vertical component of v = v sin 45 = —j^ x —^ =m
1 147
48. (d) Maximum range = — = 100 m
9 V2 V2 2
^ • u • Ll "2 100 c
Maximum height = — == 50 m .
2g 2
t = 5.49s.
49.(c) flmax= — = 100 => u = 10Vl0=32m/s.
9 61. (c) In projectile motion, horizontal component of velocity
remains constant.
50.(c) Since horizontal component of velocity is constant,
.*. ucos0 = ucos20
hence momentum is constant.
u cos 20 u (2 cos2 0-1)
ei / \ -r- ta- li 2usin0 2u 2xuuertical = u(2cos0-sec0).
51.(a) Time of flight = = —^ =v&bcai . v=
52.(a) Person will catch the ball if its velocity will be equal to 62. (b) Hi + H2=-- (sin2 30 + sin2 60)

horizontal component of velocity of the ball

— = uocos0=> cos0 = - => 0 = 60. 2x10 ^ 4

u2 sin 20
u2 sin2 0 63. (d) Range = = 200m
2u sin 0 sin2 0
53. (b) H = and T =
T2 8 9
_0 2usin0
Time of flight = = 5s .-(ii)

54. (d) R = 4Hcot0, if R = 4>/3H then cot0 = V3 =>0 = 30. From equations (i) and (ii), ucos0 = 40m/s .
170 Motion In Two Dimension

64. (c) x = at3and y = fit3 [Given] 70. (d) Horizontal velocity of ball and person are same so both
will cover equal horizontal distance in a given interval of
time and after following the parabolic path the ball falls
exactly in the hand which threw it up.
Resultant velocity = u = ^jvx + uy = 3r ^ar + fi^ .
Critical Thinking Questions
65. (c) Suppose t0 be the time to reach maximum height in
the absence of air resistance, then from the relation (a) o = K(yi + xj)
u sin a,.. dx
t — Ml vx=Ky = Ky . Similarly, — = Kx
g dtdt
when a is retardation caused by air resistance, then total
retardation will be g + a Hence — = — ydy = xdx, by integrating
dx y
u sin a u sin a 10 u sin a
t, =• ... (ii) 22
y =x +c .
Now from equations (i) and (ii), we have

.: Time will decrease by 9%.

66.(c) Velocity of a particle at maximum height h is v'= ucos^
where u = initial velocity of particle at which it is projected,
0 = angle of projection
Angular momentum, L-mv'h = mv cos 0 h
force on ^dM1 mass is
, Arn mvh dF = (dM)ry2x
= mvh cos 45 = —j=r-.
By integration we can get the force exerted by whole liquid

=> F= I —co2xdx =—Mo)2L.

67.(b) Maximum height of projectile, h0 = Jo L2
. (10)2xsin230 5 3. (b) According to given problem — mu2 = as2

Time for attaining maximum height, t =

v2 2as2
10xsin30 nc So aR = — = ——
.*. t == 0.5 sec
10 R mR
_ .dv dv ds dv
/. Distance of vertical fall in 0.5sec,S = — gt2 Further more as a. = — == v — -(ii)
dt ds dt ds
[By chain rule]
=> S = -xl0x(0.5)2 = 1.25m
Which in light of equation (i) i.e. v = sJ— yields
:. Height of second ball = 1.25 +1.25 = 2.50m . Vm

68. (b) Since range is max, therefore 0 = 45.

Hence, Vx = V cos 0 = V cos 45 = -j^

At the highest point, the net velocity of the projectile is


/. K.E. =- m0.5
2 2 2
69. (d) v Angular momentum L = rxp
4. (c)
Where, r=uocos0i+ uosin0gt \j

p = m[vocos0i + {vo sin 0-gt)j]

L = rxp =—mgv0t2 cos0k .

l_ Motion In Two Dimension 171

6. (d) T sin 0 = Mco2R 12. (d) Maximum tension in the string is

Tsin0 = Ma)2Lsin

From (i) and (ii)

T = Mco2L

= M4x2n2L

- L =16ML.

7. (c) y = xtanfl- / 2
2u cos 0
For equal trajectories for same angle of projection
13. (d)
-^- = constant
^ 9.8 g'
14. (d)--

s2 = 3.5m/s2.

8. (a) 5 = 2O-8 + 8cos0

cos^ = -f

3^- .
— <0<n.
To reach the unshaded portion particle P needs to 15. (a) It is obvious fr
travel horizontal range greater than R sin 45 or considerations
symmetry that at
(0.7/?) but its range is less than —. So it will fall on
moment of time all of
shaded portion. persons will be at

Q is near to origin, its velocity will be nearly along QR comers of square wh

so its will fall in unshaded portion, side gradually decrea

(see fig.) and so they
9. (a) Let the bead starts slipping after M M
finally meet at the centre
time t
of the square O.
For critical condition
The speed of each person along the line joining his
Frictional force provides the
initial position and O will be v cos 45 = v 142 .
centripetal force -L-w
As each person has displacement d cos 45 = d / V2 to

reach the centre, the four persons will meet at the centre
of the square O after time.

[As co = at]

10.(a) Normal reaction at the highest point, R =mg
Reaction is inversely proportional to the radius of the
curvature of path and radius is minimum for path
depicted in (a).
11.(c) ac = centripetal acceleration

at = tangential acceleration

aN = net acceleration

= V(7.2)2 +144 => \a\ = 14 mis2.

= Resultant of ac and at.
17. (b) ma cos 0 = mg cos (90-0) (c) At time tx the velocity of ball will be maximum and it
a . ^ a dy goes on decreasing with respect to time.
=> — = tan0 ^> — = —- At the highest point of path its velocity becomes zero,
S S dx
then it increases but direction is reversed
d a
=-^ x = — This explanation matches with graph (c).

dx g2gJc
(a) Taking initial position as origin and direction of motion
18. (b) Tension T in the string will provide centripetal force (i.e., vertically up) as positive. As the particle is thrown
with initial velocity, at highest v
point its velocity is zero and then
Also, tension T is provided it returns back to its reference
by the hanging ball of mass position. This situation is best
m, depicted in figure of option (a). O
= mg ... (ii) In figure, AB part denotes
mv2 upward motion and BC part
mg = T~ denotes downward motion.

It is the centripetal (a) Kinetic energy =—mv2

acceleration of a moving ball. V

19. (d) There is no loss of energy. Therefore the final velocity is
2m R
the same as the initial velocity. m (x,y)
21. (c) x = 5t-2t2V^=^ = 5-4ta^ ^-4 ne
= constant] 0 •^• t
x dt 2m
= 10t V., = 10
And Kinetic energy = —m(u2 + g2t2 - 2ugts\n0)
•a = aj + avj

so a = - ^2=(u2-2gy)

22. (b) m = xp Kinetic energy = —m(u2 - 2gy)

Mm) = M — ] + Mp) + 3/n(/?) Intercept on y-axis = —mu2

+ 2"lT' •
p dt R dt
fdR)_ If dp
=> — = v oc -Rx—\ —
10. (c) For the second stone time required to reach the ground
{dt)p[dt is given by

= 40t--xl0xt2
.\5t2-40t- 240 = 0
:. Range <^ horizontal initial velocity (ux) .\t = 12s
In path 4 range is maximum so football possess For the first stone :
maximum horizontal velocity in this path, -240 = 10t-^xl0xt2
2. (a) If air resistance is taken into consideration then range
and maximum height, both will decrease, .-.-240 = 10t-5t2
3. (a) 5t2-lOt-240 = 0
(t-8)(t + 6) = 0
T = 8s
During first 8 seconds both the stones are in air :
•••y2-Vi =(u2-Ui)t = 30t
/. graph of (y2 - yx) against t is a straight line
aRcosd acos After 8 seconds
l>2 =u2t~^9t2-240
So, Vr=2^^^Rsin(rMt)
At t = 7/2, Vr=0
Stones two has acceleration with respect to stone one.
So two half cycles will take place. Hence graph (c) is the correct description.
JEE Section Integer type questions
More than one correct answers 1A ... _ 2usin0 _ 2xl0xV3 iz
10. (5) T ==> T = —^ ^ =V3sec
1.(ac) There are no horizontal forces acting on the 'R plus B'
system. Hence, its centre of mass will move down = ucos0.T--aT2
vertically, and horizontal momentum will be conserved.

2. (ad) So, velocity of first particle = 3cos 37 i + 3 s^n 37 j

= 12: 9_^

— = 8.65-1.15 = 7.5
Velocity of second particle = 4 cos 53 i + 4 sin 53 j

12: 16 ^ a = 7.5x— ^ 5 m/sec2 ^^>a = 5 m/sec2.

11. (4) Initial velocity

So, relative horizontal velocity is zero. So their relative
u = ucos^i +usin^; usin6
velocity is vertical only. Since both particles are moving
Velocity after time t is
under gravity, so their relative acceleration is zero.
v = u cos 0 i + (u sin 0 - gt)j
Their relative velocity == — = 1.4m/s. Since u and u are
perpendicular to each ?ucos6
3. (abd) Projectiles with the same initial speed have the same other, u.d = 0
horizontal range for complimentary angles of projection.
(u cos 0 i + u sin 0 j).[u cos 0'x + (u sin 0 - gt)j] = 0
Here, 0x=9O-02.
u2cos20 + u2sin20-usin0gt = O
Reasoning type questions 20 = 4s.
gsin^ 1Qx^
4.(a) If particle moves with constant acceleration d, then

change in velocity in every one second is numerically 12. (5) At any instant t, the distances of the particles P and Q
from O are (1-u1t) and [2-v2t), respectively.
equal to a by definition.

5.(a) W = FScos0. In circular motion 0 = 90 and W = 0.

6.(d) In circular motion^ B

s = PQ =
Separation between A and B does not
For minim
change yet V^ ^ 0.
— = 0 an
Comprehension type questions ds
2s— = 2{x - vxt){-ux) + 2{2 - v2t){-v2) = 0

7.(b) The question can be reframed as shown in figure

vf +u2
The path of particle is 13. (7) At t = T/6, particle will travel only 1/6 of the circle.
parabolic. u=20m/s

/. d X v at maximum
height, that is at half
time of flight

„ . usin0 20x3/5 n O ArcAB = {2xR)/6 = 2kR

Hence tQ === 1.2 sec. Average speed =
Time T/6 " T

Chord AB = 2Rsin30 = 6f?

(b)Speed is least at maximum height, that is at instant Average velocity =
Time T/6 ~ T
^„ Rf44 ,1 2R o _! . . .
Difference = —6 = — = 2 ms (given)
(c)Acceleration and displacement are mutually
perpendicular at instant 2t0 =2.4 sec. R = 7T = 7(1).= 7m.
174 Motion In Two Dim^nsion

12. The man should point his rifle at a point higher than the
Assertion and Reason
target since the bullet suffers a vertically downward
1. (e) At the highest point, vertical component of velocity
deflection | y = —gt2 due to gravity.
becomes zero so there will be only horizontal velocity
and it is perpendicular to the acceleration due to gravity.
13. (b) When automobile moves in circular path then reaction
u2sin20 .
2. i.e. it is independent of mass of projectile. on inner wheel and outer wheel will be different.
n= i
M v2h
u2 sin 20 inner = —i
n IS and R
3. (c) R = ra ra

when 0 = 45.-. R, In critical condition

Height H = - If v is equal or more than the critical value then reaction
on inner wheel becomes zero. So it leaves the ground
when 0 = 90 first.
R 14. The body is able to move in a circular path due to
centripetal force. The centripetal force in case of vehicle
4. (a) From relation is provided by frictional force. Thus if the value of
r mv2 m(rco)2 frictional force jumg is less than centripetal force, then
it is not possible for a vehicle to take a turn and the
- mr{27w)2 = 4;r2mrv2 body would overturn.

Here, m = lkg, v = lrps, r = lm Thus condition for safe turning of vehicle is, /jmg > mv
rvii •

15.(c) In circular motion the frictional force acting towards the

5. (d) Within a certain speed of the turn table the frictional
centre of the horizontal circular path provides the
force between the coin and the turn table supplies the
necessary centripetal force required for circular motion. centripetal force and avoid overturning of vehicle. Due
On further increase of speed, the frictional force cannot to the change in direction of motion, velocity changes in
supply the necessary centripetal force. Therefore the circular motion.
coin flies off tangentially. 16.(b) On an unbanked road, friction provides the necessary
6. (d) y = xtan0^=—. centnpetal force = jumg
2u2 cos2 0
7. (e) Due to earth's axial rotation, the speed of the trains
relative to earth will be different and hence the
centripetal forces on them will be different. Thus their Thus with increase in friction, safe velocity limit also
effective weights mgand mv mg + mv will be When the road is banked with angle of 6 then its
rr limiting velocity is given by
different. So they exert different pressure on the rails,
8. (a) Both bodies will take same time to reach the earth rg(tan0 + //)
because vertical downward component of velocity for l-//tan0
both the bodies will be zero and time of descent
Thus limiting velocity increase with banking of road.
t = J— . Horizontal velocity has no effect on the 17. (c) Centripetal force is defined from formula
F = mv
vertical direction,
9. (c) T oc u and R ^ u2
If v and r both are doubled then F also gets doubled.
When velocity of projection of a body is made n times, 18.(d) While moving along a circle, the body has a constant
then its time of flight becomes n times and range
tendency to regain its natural straight line path.
becomes n2 times,
This tendency gives rise to a force called centrifugal
10. (a) When roads are not properly banked, force of friction
force. The centrifugal force does not act on the body in
between tyres and road provides partially the necessary
motion, the only force acting on the body in motion is
centripetal force. This cause wear and tear of tyres.
centripetal force. The centrifugal force acts on the
. . _ D u2sin20
11. (a) Range, R = source of centripetal force to displace it radially outward
g from centre of the path.
when 0 = 45, R^ = — sin 90 = — 19.(c) For safe turn tan 0 > —
It is clear that for safe turn u should be small and r
when 0 = 135, Rmax =—si
99 should be large. Also bending angle from the vertical
Negative sign shows opposite direction. would increase in velocity.
Motion In Two Dimension Evaluation

Roads are banked on curves so that A particle does uniform circular motion in a horizontal
(a)The speeding vehicles may not fall outwards plane. The radius of the circle is 20 cm. The centripetal force

(b)The frictional force between the road and vehicle may acting on the particle is 10 N. It's kinetic energy is

be decreased 0.1J (b) 0.2 J

(c)The wear and tear of tyres may be avoided
(c) 2.0 J(d) 1.0 J
2.0 J
(d)The weight of the vehicle may be decreased
A body of mass m is suspended from a string of length /.
In uniform circular motion of a particle [Kerala PMT 2008]
What is minimum horizontal velocity that should be given to
(a)Velocity is constant but acceleration is variable the body in its lowest position so that it may complete one
(b)Velocity is variable but acceleration in constant full revolution in the vertical plane with the point of

(c)Both speed and acceleration are constant suspension as the centre of the circle

(d)Speed is constant but acceleration is variable (a) v = (b) v = J3lg

(e)Both speed and acceleration are variable

For a body moving in a circular path, a condition for no (c) v = (d) v =

skidding if fi is the coefficient o( Mction, is

9. A particle moves with constant angular velocity in circular
.2^• path of certain radius and is acted upon by a certain
(b) >jumg
centripetal force F. If the angular velocity is doubled,
keeping radius the same, the new force will be
{c) r ...
(d) = jumg
2F (b)
4. Tom and Dick are running forward with the same speed.
(c) 4F (d) F/2
They are throwing a rubber ball to each other at a constant
10. In the above question, if the angular velocity is kept same
speed v as seen by the thrower. According to Sam who is
but the radius of the path is halved, the new force will be
standing on the ground the speed of the ball is
(a) 2F (b) F2
[DUMET 2009]
(a) Same as v(b) Greater than v (c) F/2 (d) F/4
(c) Less than v(d) None of these 11. In above question, if the centripetal force F is kept constant

5. A particle is moving on a circular path of radius r with but the angular velocity is doubled, the new radius of the

uniform velocity v . The change in velocity when the particle path (original radius R } will be

moves from P to Q is (ZPOQ = 40) (a) 2R (b) R/2

(c) R/4 (d) 4f?
12. A small body of mass m slides down from the top of a
(a)2ucos40 hemisphere of radius r. The surface of block and
hemisphere are frictionless. The height at which the body
lose contact with the surface of the sphere is
6. A body is revolving with a uniform speed u in a circle of
radius r. The tangential acceleration is [Orissa JEE 2009]

/ ^ -
V 2
(a) (b> a-
r r

(c) Zero ... v

*7t& JMNitiatt Stt
y of mass m kg is rotating in a vertical circle at the 18. A man standing on the roof of a house of height h
end of a string of length r metre. The difference in the throws one particle vertically downwards and another
kinetic energy at the top and the bottom of the circle is particle horizontally with the same velocity u. The ratio
of their velocities when they reach the earth's surface will
(a) *f (b) be

(c) 2mgr (d) mgr (b) 1:2

14. A car is travelling with linear velocity u on a circular road of (c) 1:1 (d) ^^gh
radius r. If it is increasing its speed at the rate of ' a1 mis2,
19. A ball of mass m is thrown vertically upwards. Another ball
then the resultant acceleration will be
of mass 2m is thrown at an angle 0 with the vertical. Both

2" of them stay in air for same period of time. The heights
(b) J^- attained by the two balls are in the ratio of

(a) 2:1 (b) l:cos0

(c) 1:1 (d) cos0:l

(c) J^-<
20. A body of mass m is projected at an angle of 45 with the
15.A ball of mass 0.1 kg is suspended by a string. It is horizontal. If air resistance is negligible, then total change in
momentum when it strikes the ground is [CBSE PMT 2008]
displaced through an angle of 60 and left. When the
ball passes through the mean position, the tension in the (b) V2 mv
(a) 2mu
string is

(a) 19.6 N(b) 1.96 N (c) mv (d) mu/V2

21. A stone is projected from the ground with velocity 50 mis at
(c) 9.8 N(d) Zero
an angle of 30. It crosses a wall after 3 sec. How far
16.An aeroplane moving horizontally at a speed of 200 mis and
beyond the wall the stone will strike the ground
at a height of 8.0 xlO3 m is to drop a bomb on a target. At
(g = 10m/sec2)
what horizontal distance from the target should the bomb be
released (a) 90.2 m(b) 89.6 m
(a) 7.234 km (b) 8.081km (c) 86.6 m(d) 70.2 m
(c) 8.714 km (d) 9.124 km 22. A cannon on a level plane is aimed at an angle 0 above the
horizontal and a shell is fired with a muzzle velocity v0
17. A particle is projected with a velocity u such that its range on
the horizontal plane is twice the greatest height attained by towards a vertical cliff a distance D away. Then the height
it. The range of the projectile is (where g is acceleration from the bottom at which the shell strikes the side walls of

due to gravity) [Kerala PET 2010] the cliff is

j4g_ 9D2 gD2

(a) Dsin0-- (b) Dcos0 —
(a) (b) 5v2 uq sin2 0 uq cos2 0
4u2 gD2 3P2
(c) (d) (c) Dtan0 — (d) Dtan0--
V5g ^ cos2 0 l sin2 0
Motion In Two Dimension 177

1.(a) By doing so component of weight of vehicle provides

centripetal force. 18. (c) When a particle is thrown in vertical downward direction
2.(d) with velocity u then final velocity at the ground level
3.(a) The value of frictional force should be equal or more

than required centripetal force, i.e. jumg > mv T

5.(c) Change in velocity = 2usin(0/2) = 2usin20
6.(c) In uniform circular motion only centripetal acceleration v2=u2+2gh .-. u =
Another particle is thrown horizontally with same
7.(d) = 10 => -mu2=10x- = velocity then at the surface of earth.
8.(d) For looping the loop minimum velocity at the lowest
point should be yJ5gl .

9.(c) F = mo)2R /. F ocq)2 (m and R are constant)

If angular velocity is doubled force will becomes four
10.(c) F ^ mo)2R .-. FcR (m and ry are constant)
If radius of the path is halved, then force will also
Horizontal component of velocity vx = u
become half.

11.(c) F = mo)2R ;. R oc —- (m and F are constant) .-.Resultantvelocity, u = yju2 + 2gh.

If ryis doubled then radius will become 1/4 times i.e. R/4 For both the particle final velocities when they reach the

12. earth's surface are equal.

13. (c) Difference in K.E. = Difference in P.E. = 2mgr. 19 (c) The vertical components of velocity of both the balls
will be same if they stay in air for the same period of
14. / 2 2 1^ 2
(b) aresultant = ^radial + Qtangential ~ V~ + time. Hence vertical height attained will be same.

15. (b) T-mg + —-mg + — [2g/(l - cos 0)] 20 (b) Change in momentum = 2mi)sin0 = 2mvsin — = V2mu

= mg + 2mg(l - cos 60) = 2mg =2x 0.1 x 9.8=1.96N 2usin0i 2x50x1

21 (c) Total time of flight = = 5s.
16. (b) Horizontal distance travelled by the bomb S = uxt g } 2x10
_ooox f2h _OQ0 J2x8xlO3 _S0S1/cm Time to cross the wall = 3 sec (Given)
Time in air after crossing the wall = (5 - 3) = 2 sec

17. (a) R = 2H given .-. Distance travelled beyond the wall = (ucos^)t

We know R = 4H cot 0 => cot 0 = —

= 50x—x2 = 86.6m.
From triangle we can say that sin 0 = —== , cos 0 = —= 22. (c) Equation of trajectory for oblique projectile motion
y = x tan 055—
.•. Range of projectile 2u2 cos2 0

Substituting x = D and u = v0

9 V5 V5 = Dtan0-
cos2 0

SfS 5|C 5JC

Newton's Laws of Motion

(7) If two objects of different masses have same momentum,

Point Mass
the lighter body possesses greater velocity,
(1)An object can be considered as a point object if during
p = m^ = m2v2 = constant
motion in a given time, it covers distance much greater than its
own size. t%i me
(2)Object with zero dimension is considered as a point mass. V2 p = constant

(3)Point mass is a mathematical concept to simplify the

i.e. v oc —
problems. m
[As p is constant]
(8)For a given body p^vFig: 4.1
(1)Inherent property of all the bodies by virtue of which
(9)For different bodies moving with same velocities
they can not change their state of rest or uniform motion along a
straight line by their own is called inertia.
m = constant v = constant
(2)Inertia is not a physical quantity, it is only a property of
the body which depends on mass of the body.

(3)Inertia has no units and no dimensions

(4)Two bodies of equal mass, one in motion and another is

at rest, possess same inertia because it is a factor of mass only and Fig : 4.2 v Fig : 4.3 m
does not depend upon the velocity.
Newton's First Law
Linear Momentum
(1)A body continue to be in its state of rest or of uniform
(1)Linear momentum of a body is the quantity of motion motion along a straight line, unless it is acted upon by some
contained in the body.' external force to change the state.
(2)It is measured in terms of the force required to stop the (2)If no net force acts on a body, then the velocity of the
body in unit time. body cannot change i.e. the body cannot accelerate.
(3)It is also measured as the product of the mass of the
(3)Newton's first law gives the qualitative definition of force.
body and its velocity i.e., Momentum = mass x velocity.
(4)Mathematically it can be stated as " a = 0 if and only if
If a body of mass m is moving with velocity v then its
linear momentum p is given by p = mv
If sum of all the forces acting on the particle is known to be
(4)It is a^eier_guantily and it's direction_is_sanae_as_ibe zero then particle remains unaccelerated.
directiorLOl^elocity of the body^ (5)Newton's. first law was called the law of inertia by
(5)Units : kg-m/sec [S.I.], g-cm/sec [C.G.S.] Galileo. Inertia are of three types :
(6)Dimension : [MLT~l] Inertia of rest, Inertia of motion and Inertia of direction.

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