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(Academic letters and articles: guideposts on your path of excellence)

Jameswilliams Kamnanya Gabriel


Many have asked me, "James, how do you approach your semester in such a way that sets you
up for academic excellence?"

Often, I don't give a robust answer because I consider such answers exclusive - answers that
shouldn't be given out for free.

But I will share a bit of my robust answer with you for being part of the 0.001% of students that
invested in the Read To Recall Masterclass.

Let's delve into my answer right away, shall we?


You see, I see every semester like a journey spread into four distinct stages:

(i) Long Before the Journey.

(ii) Shortly Before the Journey.
(iii) During the Journey.
(iv) After the Journey.

For you to have a successful trip, you must act rightly in all these stages. That's the same for my

The journey ahead of us each semester has got four stages:

1. Long Before Examination.

2. Shortly Before Examination
3. During Examination.
4. After Examination.

The question then is this:

What should be done in each stage to have a smooth, excellent journey?

The obvious answer is that you should commit to acting rightly in each phase.

Talking about acting right in each phase, let us start with the first – Long Before

Before you set out on a journey, what do you do?


Long before you begin a journey, the first thing you do is CONCEPTUALIZING what the
journey will look like and to do that you set to get as much information as you can get.

Academically, you have to do just that.

From the first day of the semester, you have to start piecing information that gives you a
comprehensive picture of what the journey for the course will look like.

So, how do you go about this?

Here are 8 distinct ways I go about this – the last four crucially important:


1. Check out past questions.

While other students think of past questions just in terms of the questions you should see
those questions not just as questions, but as a reflection of the examiner's examination
philosophy, mark allocation style, vocabulary depth and his sense of the parts of the course that
he considers more important than others.

With these information distilled and taken note of, let them inform your picture of what the
journey ahead will look like.

2. Enquire from past students.

One of the most reliable information sources of how clear a road is is the words of those who
had travelled the path before you.

To this end, ask your serious seniors how a course was for them and how the lecturer was to

Listen to what they have to say, take note of their warnings, instructions and pieces of advice.

But while you do this, do not easily buy their optimism or inherit their fears — just take note
of them.


3. Attend lectures.

When you attend lectures, firstly, you get to know more about the lecturer on many levels.

Secondly, you get to know the course you are dealing with on more deeply.

Thirdly, you get to know how simple or difficult a course will be for you.

All these give you the idea of how what the course's journey will look like and what you might
need to do to attain excellence in it.

4. Peer through the course contents.

When you look through the course contents, ask yourself,

Are these contents close to the course content of the past students (who I have taken advise

Are these the same contents against which the past examinations were set?

If the answer is yes, stick to the advice of the past students and let the information distilled
from the past questions guide you.

If the answer is no, then know that those information (from past students and past questions as
regarding the course) might not be as relevant.

5. Take notes.

Taking notes with the conceptualization frame in mind is different. It goes beyond taking note of
what is taught.

It involves: taking note of the emphasized points, the lecturer's take on the concept being
taught, the difficulty level of the topic being taught, your foundational position to what's being
taught, the little examination leaks, the lecturer's keywords and go-to illustrations, on and on.

With the conceptual frame in mind, the motivation is different.

You do not take note not just to have information in your jotter - but to gather as much
relevant information and clues as you can to construct the most accurate picture of what the
journey ahead of you looks like and require.

Now the three other strategies are exclusive to those who have or will purchase my Session
with Undergraduates Material where I went far deeply in my analysis of all I do in the four
phases of my semesters to set myself up for academic excellence.

If you are interested in this, you can scroll to the last page to get the details on my limited
discount offer available.

But I won't leave you here.

There is one more tip I will share with you here and that's the singular motivation you can
imbibe to make your LONG BEFORE EXAMINATION phase a flawless one. Want to know

Here it comes.

You can make this conceptualization thing really easy by having one motivation.

And that's the motivation to understand what's being taught.

With that frame of mind of understanding what's being taught, you will see reasons to go
through course contents and past questions, to attend lectures and score the right sentiment
scores while at it, to take note of all details that's important, and to take all assessments

It is in this light that I implore you all, for the sake of a seamless conceptualization game, always
make a sincere effort to understand what is being taught.

In that single pursuit, every other factor finds meaning.


Always remember this:

“You cannot have a great academic journey if you start with a flawed journey



She reached out to me to ask that I gave her an advice. She was beginning to be afraid and scared
because of the rumors she had heard about her department. After the conversation, she was elated
and more confident than ever. Here was how that fantastic Monday morning dialogue went:

Her: "James, in my school - the University of Benin, we were told that in my faculty (Law), it's
just 4 people (if I'm correct) that have come out with a First Class ...and it's been long. That
alone has discouraged me from even aspiring for it since it's said that it's most likely impossible.
What do you say in such a case? Meanwhile, I gained admission last year, but we haven't
resumed yet."

Me: Since you know you have the capacity to be the fifth. Act as though you want to be the fifth
and see what happens. Acknowledge fears, understand them but do not readily inherit them.
Inheriting them can be very limiting and being limited is an insult to your limitless capacity. So,
let me share this with you.

At the beginning of my 300 level First Semester, one of my female friends in 400 level related to
me about how insufferably tough the lecturer that will be taking me in Development Economics
was. Now, I've heard this from other but the stuff that made her saying it more troubling was
that to a significant extent she mirrors me in intelligence, conscientiousness, being strategic, and
with the ease of making good impressions on lecturers. So, given that she modeled me
significantly, I had a legitimate cause to worry.

Lectures started and I began to notice the patterns she had warned me about. I took notes.
Mind you, I didn't ignore them. Her fears were justified. It will only be counterproductive and
illusory for me to think otherwise. Remember what I told you about reality? When distorted, it
snaps backs. So, take note. Don't ignore.

True to their claims, the old man was stern, weird sometimes, strict, held on to traditional
rules of hard work, originality, and respect, was not so easy to impress as he was an authority
in the field with over 3 decades of lecturing experience, he is well-traveled, had a strange
grading system, and more disturbingly, while he often recycles questions, his marking criteria
was somewhat unpredictable.

So, that made a good ground for any student to be intimidated. I acknowledged that.

The next step was to find my way around the hard areas that I know would affect my scores.
Getting an A was all I wanted.

Well, in his essay and term paper, I got 7/10 and 9/10 respectively. In his CA, understanding his
love for originality, I strategized in that light and I pulled a 9/10 - the highest in the class. I was
the most active participant in his lectures, so he gave me a 10/10 for that.

Up next was his exam that had bugged many. That was the point that I became a lot more
strategic in my approach. The plan was not to just study. The plan was to study as one who will
be sitting for an exam for a lecturer that loves original, insightful, expressive answers but gives
ridiculously insufficient time to get this done.

You see the difference between elite students and others?

Well, that made the difference!

I was his first student ever to have a 100 on his exam! My female friend couldn't believe it!

"Respect!” She screamed.


Why am I telling you all these, Cynthia? Listen.

Acknowledge the fears - don't ignore them but don't inherit them either. Figure out the causes
- understand them and your position in facing them. Strategize intelligently along those lines.

Act as though you want to be the "fifth" and see what happens.


Here is a dark dialogue that I had with a friend of mine in 2021. It will open you up to the way you can
find motivation to strive for excellence even when you feel like giving up. Read it up.

"See James, before getting this scholarship, I had lost my Dad.

So, it has been a tough ride for me given the fact that he didn't leave so much behind for me
and my mum to cater to our needs — he was not rich.

Now, each time you see me study hard, I am not doing just to get grades that make me feel
good — I do it because it is low-key my only escape route from unemployability, poverty,
loneliness, depression, and even death."

Me: That's dark.

"Yes, James, sometimes conceptualizing the dark consequences of not doing the right things
academically could be a more powerful motivation to be focused.

Think of it this way, running a race to win a trophy is a good motivation but having a vicious
dog chase you from behind during that race is a lot more effective motivation to maintain or
even increase your pace."

Me: I see.

"I believe that for students to be motivated they don't just only need heaven to strive for, they
need to also conceptualize the hell that they will find themselves in if they don't put their acts
together — when they've done that — they will see reasons to run away from it.

For me, that hell is the prospect of unemployability which might lead to poverty; and since the
poor have few friends, loneliness and depression might set in. When these (loneliness and
depression) are set to the extreme, sickness and death seem inevitable...*he paused for a long
while and continued*

...I saw my father go through all these, and I don't want to go that route.

It is the hell that I have to run away from at all cost."


If you're feeling unmotivated to study maybe it is because you've not taken time to picture what
the consequences of not getting your acts right academically will be.

Because if you do, you will come to grips with its terror, and then you will know that doing the
right things right now isn't just an option but a precondition for your survival in the future.

The motivation can be dark but it is effective.


I will be using a story to illustrate this, so, read through:

Upon getting their scripts and checking their scores, Bassey had 35% while Tunde had 98%.

Understandably, Bassey being furious with the score claimed that "he had been given" didn't
spare the lecturer" the blame.

"Such a wicked short man!", he cursed under his breath.

But then, you know it's pretty boring being the only one in the anger party, so he wanted to
bring his buddy Tunde along.

"Guy, Tunde, what did the lecturer "give" you?"

"Uhm, 98%", Tunde replied.

Now, knowing fully well that Tunde doesn't resort to dubious means to gain marks, Bassey was
struck with this realization:

"If Tunde had under fair conditions performed exceptionally well in an exam that he was
complaining about, then it was most likely the case that the fault wasn't necessarily the
Lecturer's — but his."

That realization did hit Bassey hard.


If you are like Bassey before the hard realization, here is what you should do differently

Next time, when you get a score that you're not satisfied with rather than instantly push the
blame on the lecturer, compare your work with the work of those that scored better than you

By doing so, you will most likely get to figure out your mistakes, see reasons to take
responsibility for it, seek out relevant solutions, learn, and most importantly, you will get to
save yourself from engaging in unnecessary duels with your lecturers.


"James, see my CGPA", he said flashing his phone's screen towards my direction.

On seeing his score, I quipped,

"You're doing pretty well, Brian. The score isn't bad at all..."

No sooner had I completed that statement than Brian emphatically said...

"No, I'm not doing well, James. The score is bad."

I was shocked.

You see, deep down I knew that he wasn't doing great but then I felt that telling him the truth
would come up as brash — so I refrained and opted for a euphemistic line.

Damn, I shouldn't have done that!

After chiding myself for going that route, I admitted my mistake, ended my shock sponsored
paused, looked straight at him, and said...

"You know what?'re right, man. I should've gone further to say that you could work on getting a better
score next time."

"That's right, James. And that's exactly the reason why I came to meet you. You see, like you, I
came to this University with a scholarship; else I wouldn't be here because of the financial
burden on my parents already.

So, you see, from the get-go, I planned to do my best with my undergraduate studies so that I
will get a result that put me in a better place to get an International scholarship for my Masters'

"Why international, though?"

"Staying in Nigeria after graduation isn't even an option because the terrain isn't germane for
the research, development, and execution of my tech project."

A project, I know had just won the "Ideation stage" category of a reputable National Pitching
competition held about two months back.

That was sobering.

Well, we got to discuss the reasons why he taught he got the score he got. We went through
each problem, analyzed the flaws, and finally, I recommended better techniques with which he
could up his academic game.

After the eye-opening session, he was immensely appreciative, paid me, and promised to carry
out my instructions to the tee.

Unsurprisingly, months later, at an interdepartmental seminar, our paths crossed and I could
see his face lit when our eyes met.

He walked up to me and shared how he is back on track to making a First-class — a feat that
gives him a better standing at gaining his dream Masters' Scholarship.

I was immensely happy for him!


Imagine that he had agreed to the thesis that his score was just okay the way it was — or he
had deluded himself to believe it was.

He would've most likely not seen the need to get on track to hit a First-class.

Missing the First Class would've most likely robbed him of an opportunity of getting an
international scholarship that he dreamt of.

Missing out on that scholarship would mean that he will miss out on the opportunity of
maximizing his potential that comes from studying in a country with the right system.

And by missing out on that, he will most likely get frustrated, depressed and he would've most
likely given in to that resentment that accompanies the grueling pain of unreached potential.

Devastating, isn't it?

The message is simple:

Telling yourself that you're okay with the way your grades the way they are when you know
deep down that you can do better isn't just dishonest, it can be unbelievably dangerous to the
great person you could be— as you can never tell the length of what you could achieve if only
you had exposed yourself courageously to the truth, pointed yourself to a better direction, and
sought diligently for a way forward.

Do not shortchange your future self because you decided to settle for less today. Honesty is the secret
ingredient of excellence.


As a student,

Each time you procrastinate completing that assignment.

Each time you let your mind drift away from lectures to wonderland.

Each time you echo, "Yes, Ma, we understand", when in fact you haven't.

Each time you miss lectures to get a few moments of sleep or pleasure.

Each time you indulge in suboptimal academic habits, you gain present comfort - well, not
without the price of compounded future discomfort.

Satisfying immediate and expedient impulses compound future academic woes.

And isn't that what makes such habits appealing? They get you a little comfortable today that
you forget the future consequences.

Yes, so much so that you forget that someday your future will be your present - a present that
will present to you the outcomes of your once-present actions as a present.

Why don't you make your future's present a lot more valuable by sacrificing present comfort
when need be?

So, what should your new approach be?

Yes, procrastination is tempting, but how about I just clear this up so that I can have a more
comfortable future?

Yes, having my mind drift from lectures is satisfying, but how about I pay attention today so that
I can purchase an understanding of this concept so that I won't have to spend any more time in
the future trying to crack this again?

Yes, chanting "Yes, Ma. I understand," will make me seem smart but would also make me a fool
in a long run, so why don't I just play the fool now to understand this critical bit of the lecture
so that the parts that build on my understanding of this concept wouldn't just go over my head?

Yes, getting extra hours of sleep is enticing and easy but then, why miss my lecture as a
consequence knowing that there are details of the lecture that can never be captured in
borrowed notes and Emeka's tutorials?

Academic Excellence comes with the understanding of the essence of delaying gratification.

And the understanding of the essence of delayed gratification comes with the appreciation of
the truth that, yes, committing to optimal academic habits comes with some present
discomforts but then it is a necessary price that we must pay to deserve and have the excellent
future we strive for.

For the academic future that we want, we pay our dues.


“So, how was I able to ace my exams while simultaneously being active on the social media
space?” a follower asked some time in 2022 after I had hit a 5.0GPA the third time.

Here was my answer:

Firstly, I defined my priority.

From the get-go, in the light of what I wanted to achieve in the first quarter of this year,
attaining academic excellence took primacy on my short-term priority list. The rationale for
that was this: while I can establish a social media presence anytime, the hurt I inflict on my
grades stupidly can't be rescinded. So, in that light, my academics should top my priority list.

Secondly, I defined my degree of freedom and sort balance.

After defining my priority, I set out to define my degree of freedom. Like, to what extent can I
delay certain academic activities and still be safe. This is the most delicate stage because any
mistake made here will affect all other decisions. I'm saying this because I made the mistake

Now, for my followers that had wondered, this mistake was one of the main reasons I had
taken that break from FB (FACEBOOK).

I had to do that to regain the balance I found out that I had lost.

Thirdly, I resolved not to do stupid stuff.

Yes, I wasn't disciplined all the time, but I knew better than being stupid. For instance, it's stupid
to miss critical lectures, tests, and deadlines just because one's stuck scrolling through FB.

So my mantra whenever I was exceeding my degree of freedom was basically,

"James, understandably you can be undisciplined sometimes, but just don't be stupid, mate."

And yeah, that kept me in check.

Finally, I gathered my marks one test at a time.

Now, if you noticed, I didn't take a break from this space during my exams and that was
because I did my best possible to ensure that my mid-semester results — which accounted for
40% of our final scores — were good enough to keep me in a comfortable position.

So by having 85% as my lowest mid-semester score, my degree of freedom to focus on my

extracurricular interests significantly increased.

With these spelled out, I think it becomes less surprising that I was able to hit my twin first-
quarter goals of getting a 5.0 GPA while also clinching a little over 10,000 followers.

So, the lesson for you here is simple, to get the better of your two worlds (academic and
nonacademic), these will help you:

Define your priorities. Ascertain your degree of freedom. Find balance. Whenever you discover you're
out of line, readjust as quickly as possible. Resolve not to do stupid stuff that will hurt you academically.
And lastly, gather your marks one test or assignment at a time.

See, having a good IQ isn't just enough.


Me: To make distractions less appealing, increase its cost.

Him: That's interesting. You see, James, this is... (well, the aspiring Neurosurgeon went on to
tell me how he had always battled with his major distraction.)

Me: Let us having this thought experiment. Assuming I showed how giving in to that distraction
would make you leave a critical part of the textbook unread, making you lose marks that
would've given you an edge to earn that prestigious scholarship to study that dream course of
yours, will you still give in to that distraction?

Him: Of course, no.

Me: So, you see, by letting the preconditions for attaining the life and career you envisage for
yourself be the yardstick for gauging your current actions and inactions, you will be confronted
with the real cost of mindlessly giving in to unnecessary distractions, hence, making it a lot less

Makes sense?

Him: Damn! I've never thought of it that way.

Me: Well...


Let the preconditions for the life you want tomorrow curb your readiness to give in to distractions today.


Do you get easily distracted from all that matter academically?

Sometimes, I do get distracted too.

But looking back at those moments, I notice a common pattern.

It was mostly the activities that I found more interesting than my academics that got me.

Those that were less interesting or threatening hardly got my attention.

You might've noticed this:

Just like it is in my case, this holds for you.

Only what interests you, distracts you.

So, how do you deal with distractions from this perspective? Well, two ways.

First, make a list where you rank your interests in order - call it your interest hierarchy.

If your academic pursuit is the first in your rank of interests, it becomes your strongest

If your academic pursuit is the last in your rank of interests, it becomes your weakest

So, it follows that for you to sustainably be less distracted academically, do all you can to improve its
place in your hierarchy of interest.

That is the first resort.

The second should be to "dethrone" the places of the other interests.

For instance, if your academic interest is in third place, you should try to reassess the merits of
the interests that occupy first and second place.

If upon assessment, you find out that they don't deserve those spots, dethrone them and let
your academic interest move upward.

But I will agree that dethroning interest is easier said than done, so I will proffer an alternative.

When you're doing critical academic activities, remove every factor that will trigger interests 1
and 2.

This way, temporarily and at the point where it matters, your academic interest takes the prime
position of being your strongest distraction.

For instance, playing tennis is your first interest. And as a content creator, checking your
content's performance media is your second interest.

Now, when it matters that you devote your time to your academics; tell your friends that you
won't be going to the tennis court. And for the second interest, you can take a break from
social media.

This way, your academic interest takes the prime position of interest and strongest distraction.

To limit distractions,

Tweak the position of your academics in your interest hierarchy to make it your
strongest distraction.


Take note of this.

Some lecturers will put on a nice demeanor in classes but are ruthless markers. Some lecturers
put on a ruthless demeanor in classes but are nice and lenient markets. And there are the
others whose lecturing and examining persona are not opposed.

Some lecturers do not give their area of concentration, some are not faithful to their AOCs,
and some give AOCs that ain't any different than the full course content while some don't give
at all.

Some lecturers want you to go straight to the point, some love you elaborating on your points.

Some lecturers give are liberal with their marks — they don't mind giving out bonus mars to
boost the classes' average. Other lecturers can be conservative with marks — especially
lecturers that graduated in first-class — they are so hard to impress.

Some lecturers will put on a nice demeanor in classes but are ruthless markers. Some lecturers
put on a ruthless demeanor in classes but are nice and lenient markets. And there are the
others whose lecturing and examining persona are not opposed.

Some lecturers are clear and precise in their questions. Some lecturers like their questions
unnecessarily obfuscating (context pun intended). Then, other lecturers either don't know what
they want or are not particularly articulate to convey it clearly in words.

My assessment of my lecturers based on these dynamics guides the way I prepare for their tests
and exams.

Now, most times, I determine these from the grades they gave me in their mid-semester
exams. But then, what if there are no midterms? I seek the reviews of past students.

Granted, there are times when the lecturers are completely new and exams haven't been taken
yet — at that point, just do your best in the test and let your "marks" inform you how to
approach the Lecturer's subsequent examinations.

To top students, examinations are akin to the game of chess where anticipating the lecturers'
possible moves and playing accordingly is incredibly important if the game is to be won.


Being disciplined is tough, even for me.

I think that that's the reason I can't boast of being the student that reads six hours a day or
sleepover at the library section. That is also why when I hear when some top students share
these stories I scoff and mutter silently, "It can never be me."

But then you ask, "So, James, how do you manage to still be excellent then?" The answer is this
simple and insightful.

There are crucial moments in this academic game - and I know that it is only stupid for me to
let those moments catch me undisciplined.

What are the crucial moments?

The revision week before exams is a crucial moment. The night before the day your assignment
is due for submission is a crucial moment. The night before your exams - a time when you
should be getting sufficient sleep - is a crucial moment. Lecture periods when I should be
committed to understanding what's being taught the first time rightly. Those are the crucial
moments where I find discipline at all costs.

As a student, you must learn to purchase the ticket of discipline at these crucial moments lest
the train of excellence passes you by.

Just do what matters when it matters and you will be fine.


On 9th July, 2022, I was selected amongst all the students in my department to exclusively intern
at the Development Bank of Nigeria because I had the Department's highest CGPA. Let me set
the context of this rightly.

My University (Nile University of Nigeria) is the University of the Nigerian Elites; everyone that
has been there knows that. I think that gives you a picture of the embodiments of privileges that
Jameswilliams, the kid that was brought up in the low-income city Aba, competed against to
clinch that exclusive opportunity.

It is a story that gave how powerful a distinguishing criterion that excellence is! And that's why
I am its fiercest advocate. They came with their privileges, I came with excellence, and "lady
merit" chose her winner.

Now that it is demonstrably clear that excellence can get you into rooms mere privileges can't,
what is the wisdom in you (a student that will someday be standing at the door of
opportunities) settling for average when such excellence is attainable? I see none, do you?

This idea alone is powerful enough to knock some sense into you especially if you're not one
born into immense wealth and connectedness.

The brute fact is that at every door of opportunity you come across, you will be judged far
more harshly by your competence.

Now, given that that’s the situation, what is the sense in ruining the only proof of competence
you've got yet by settling for less (average) when the best (excellence) is yet attainable?

In a world where you will judged harshly by your competence, it makes no sense to ruin your
advantage by settling for average when excellence is attainable.

In this spirit of excellence, I will like to share these with you. Now it could be the case that you
want to attain excellence but you seem not to know how you should go about it.

Granted, with the Read to Recall Masterclass, you have got the tools and techniques to face
your memorization problems but you know that there is more.

You want to know how to organize your semester in a way that sets you up for academic
excellence. You want to know how to act rightly in each phase of your academic semester as
outlined in the first letter. Or, as a fresher, you want to have an expert opinion on what this
University life is about and how you can organize your studies for academic excellence.

Whatever the issue is, I reckon that at this point all you need is the right guidance. No one gets
the right results by doing the wrong thing hard enough.

It is for this purpose that I create courses that can help you see what you're doing wrongly and
how you can begin to act rightly to get the right results that will deliver you the academic
excellence that life will require of you. I have two undergraduate courses that you will find

1. The Headstart Chitchat Session Material:

Are you a fresher wondering how best you can position yourself for academic excellence in the
University environment? Are you trying to know the study techniques that work, the best
practical antidotes to procrastination, how to efficiently answer objective and theory questions
in ways that are time effective, finding the motivation to stay on the course of excellence even
when you don't feel like and a lot more that I will just want you to experience for yourself?

Well, as a student that had hit a 5.0 GPA in my very first semester, I bared it all here for you so
that you will have an advantage in this academic game that 99.9% of freshers will never have.
This material will give you a headstart in your journey to excellence. If you can get it, please
ensure that you do. You will find it incredibly helpful.

Price: N2000. But the discount price for those that will purchase before September 30th is
N1900. Note that it is a Telegram session, so ensure that you have a Telegram account before
you make the payment.

2. The Session With Undergraduates Material:

In this material, which was a session with undergraduates (no matter the level), I shared my
academic template with every undergraduate that gets the material. Here's a sneak peek at
what's contained in it.
Every semester I do something that most students don't and that is dividing my semesters into
four phases: Long before Examination, Shortly before Examination, During
Examination, and After Examination. So, every semester for me is a journey. And at each
phase of the journey, there are actions that I always follow so as to set myself up for academic
These replicable actions were shared there. This is Jameswilliams taking your hands and guiding
you at every point in your coming semester but this time through this material.
I will sell this material someday for N15, 000 and I will be greatly appreciated. But for you
today, I step down the actual price to N5000. Here comes the bonus though:

If you're purchasing this material before the 30th of August, I'll give it you for just N3800. It is
left for you to take quick action.

Account Detail 7067066156 (Palmpay)

Whatsapp Number 07067066156

All these materials are guaranteed to drag you from the path of mediocrity and drop you on
the streets of academic excellence. It is an investment that I am supremely confident will change
your academic life forever. Purchase the one you feel is relevant to where you are now if you
can especially now the discounts exist.



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