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Homework by jose Manuel sanchez alvarez

Page 130 letter B

1 The hurricane was so strong that stores were closed for weeks.

2 The building is damaged so badly that it Will take years to repair.

3 It snowed so much that we could not leave the house.

4It was such a large fire that thousands of tres wre destroyed

5The thunder was so loud that it made me jump

6 it is raining so heavily that i can not see the road

7 we had such a strong blizzard that all flights were canceled

8 The firefighters worked so quickly that everyone was rescued

9 The storm caused such terrible traffic that it took two hours to get to work

Letter C

1 The rain was so bad that we lost power for days

2 the roads are so icy that cars are sliding everywhere

3 it was such a powerful earthquake that large cracks appeared in the ground

4 the tornado was so weak that no damage was done

5 the fire burned so slowly that people had time to evacuate

6 the landslide cuased such terrible damage that many homes were destroyed

7 the tres were burnt so badly that their trunks were black

8 they are having such a severe drought that lakes are drying up

9 The wáter on the streets is so Deep that people are using boats instead of cars

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