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Name of Examination Continuous Assessment Test (CAT-I), Winter 2023-24 Semester,

Class Number (s):

Slot: D1+TD1 Course Mode: CBL VL2023240500563, 0567, 0570,
0575, 0577

Course Course
BECE201L Electronic Materials and Devices
Code: Title:
13980, Faculty PANDEY, SAURABH
16406,16390,20041,18839 Name:

7708283159 Email:

General Instructions (if any): Use below mentioned constants if not mentioned on the
Constants for Silicon: ni = 1.5×1010 cm-3, Eg =1.1eV, Relative permittivity εr = 11.8, kT=0.026
eV at 300K, Boltzman’s constant k= 8.66×10-5 eV/K, ε0=8.854 ×10-14 F/cm, q=1.6×10-19 C, h =
4.136 ×10-15 eV.s, Normalized effective mass for Si mn/mo=0.26, mp/mo=0.39, m0 = 9.1×10-31 kg
Sl Question Mark C B
. s O L
1 (a) Draw (100), (110) and (211) crystal planes for a simple cubic [5+5 1 2
crystal system. Also draw [111] and [011] crystal direction for =10]
the same cubic system.
Crystal planes

Crystal Direction

(b) Explain different zero-dimensional defects occur in a crystal

system with neat diagram.

2 (a) Consider a copper wire with a diameter of 4 mm that is carrying a [6+4 1 3

current of 15 A at room temperature. The room temperature =10]
resistivity of Cu is 17 n m. Assume the applied electric field as 10
v/cm and the concentration of free electrons as 8.5 × 1022 /cm3.
(i) Drift Velcoity

(ii) The relaxation time and
(iii) Mobility of charge carriers.

Velocity = 8.8 x10-5 m/s or 4.32 m/s

Mobility = vd / Electric field = 8.8 x 10-5 m/s / 1000 v/m
= 8.8 x 10-8 m2/v s or 4.3 x 10-3 8 m2/v s

Relaxation time = m x mobility / q

= 9.1 x 10-31 kg x 8.8 x 10-8 m2/v s/1.6 x10-19 C
= 50.05 x 10-20 s or 2.4 x 10-14 s

(b) The resistivity and the Hall coefficient of pure aluminum has been
measured at 20 C (293 K) as  = 2.65  cm, RH = ×1011 m3
C1. The lattice parameter is 0.4049 nm. What does the simple
Drude model predict for the drift mobility in aluminium?

The Hall coefficient is given by

RH  
1 1
 n  =
eRH (1.602 10 C)(3.51 10 11 m -3 C 1 )

1.7781029 m.
The conductivity can be used to find the drift mobility
 end

1 1
d    0.00133 m 2 V 1 s 1
en (1.602 10 C)(1.778 10 m )(2.65 10  m)
19 29 3 8

or d = 13.3 cm2 V1 s1.

3 (a) Under equilibrium condition, what is the probability of an electron [2+3 2 3

state being occupied if it is located at the Fermi level for intrinsic +5=1
semiconductors? 0]
(b) If EF is positioned at EC, determine the probability of finding electrons
in states at EC + kT.
(c) The probability of a state being filled at EC + kT is equal to the
probability of a state being empty at EC + 3 kT. Where is the Fermi level
(a) Assume E = Ef, f(E) becomes ½. Hence, the probability is ½.

(b) Set E = Ec + kT and Ef = Ec:

1 1
f(E)   Ec  kT  Ec /kT   0.27 .
1 e 1  e1

The probability of finding electrons in states at Ec + kT is 0.27.

(c) f(E) is the probability of a state being filled at E, and 1-f(E) is the
probability of a state being empty at E. We can rewrite the
problem as

f(E  Ec  kT)  1  f(E  Ec  3kT)

1 1
Ec  kT  E f /kT  1  Ec  3kT  E f /kT
1 e 1 e

E  3kT  E /kT E  3kT  E /kT
1 1 e c f
1 e c f

1 E  3kT  E f /kT  E  3kT  E f /kT  E  3kT  E f /kT

1 e c 1 e c 1 e c
  E c  3 kT  E f /kT .
1 e
Now, the equation becomes

1 1
Ec  kT  E f /kT   
 E c  3 kT  E f /kT .
1 e 1 e

This is true if and only if

Ec  kT  E f  Ec  3kT  E f  .

Solving the equation above, we find

E f  Ec  2kT .

4 A new semiconductor has Nc = 1019 cm-3, Nv = 5 x 1018 cm-3, and Eg = 2 eV. [3+2 2 3
If it is doped with 1017 donors (fully ionized), calculate the following at +3+2

627°C: =10]
(a) Electron concentration
(b) Hole Concentration
(c) Intrinsic Carrier Concentration
(d) Sketch the simplified band diagram, showing the position of E F.

5 A hypothetical semiconductor has an intrinsic carrier concentration of 1.0 [3+2 2 2

x 1010/cm3 at 300 K, it has conduction and valence band effective +2+3
densities of states Nc and Nv , both equal to 1019/cm3. =10]
(a) What is the value of band gap Eg?
(b) If the semiconductor is doped with Nd = 1 x 1016 donors/cm3, what are

the equilibrium electron and hole concentrations at 300 K?
(c) If the same piece of semiconductor, already having Nd = 1 x 1016
donors/cm3, is also doped with Na = 2 x 1016 acceptors/cm3, what are the
new equilibrium electron and hole concentrations at 300 K?
(d) Consistent with your answer to part (c), what is the Fermi level
position with respect to the intrinsic Fermi level, EF - EFi?

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