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Peijian Song
School of Business, Nanjing University, Nanjing CHINA {}

Ling Xue
J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30303 U.S.A. {}

Arun Rai
J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30303 U.S.A. {}

Cheng Zhang
School of Management, Fudan University, Shanghai CHINA {}

In the context of software platforms, we examine how cross-side network effects (CNEs) on different platform
sides (app-side and user-side) are temporally asymmetric, and how these CNEs are influenced by the platform’s
governance policies. Informed by a perspective of value creation and capture, we theorize how the app-side
and the user-side react to each other with distinct value creation/capture processes, and how these processes
are influenced by the platform’s governance policies on app review and platform updates. We use a time-series
analysis to empirically investigate the platform ecosystem of a leading web browser. Our findings suggest that
while the growth in platform usage results in long-term growth in both the number and variety of apps, the
growth in the number of apps and the variety of apps only leads to short-term growth in platform usage. We
also find that long app review time weakens the long-term CNE of the user-side on the app-side, but not the
short-term CNE of the app-side on the user-side. Moreover, we find that frequent platform updates weaken
the CNEs of both the user-side and the app-side on each other. These findings generate important implications
regarding how a software platform may better govern its ecosystem with different participants.

Keywords: Software platform, two-sided markets, network effects, platform governance, value creation and

Introduction1 devices, and software platforms (Evans 2011; Sriram et al.

2015). Software platforms, such as operating systems and
Extant literature has categorized four types of platform busi- web browsers, are extensible codebases of software systems
nesses: exchanges, advertising-supported media, transaction that provide core functionalities for the applications that run
on them (Baldwin and Woodard 2009). They are emerging as
dominant models for software-based services and innovation
Arvind Malhotra was the accepting senior editor for this paper. Zhengrui (Evans et al. 2006; Tiwana et al. 2010). Based on their tech-
Jiang served as the associate editor. nological architectures, software platforms operate as two-
sided markets to attract both end users and third-party devel-
The appendices for this paper are located in the “Online Supplements”
section of the MIS Quarterly’s website (
opers that supply complementary apps (Boudreau 2012;

DOI: 10.25300/MISQ/2018/13737 MIS Quarterly Vol. 42 No. 1, pp. 121-142/March 2018 121
Song et al./Asymmetric Cross-Side Network Effects & Platform Governance

Ceccagnoli et al. 2012). Similar to other platforms, software growth of the seller-side has a larger CNE on the growth of
platforms are characterized by cross-side network effects the buyer-side than vice versa. We examine the asymmetry
(CNEs).2 among CNEs but differ from previous studies in two respects.
First, we focus on the setting of software platforms, in which
In the context of software platforms, CNE refers to the platform participants (i.e., users and app developers) may
phenomenon that the size and growth of one side, either the have distinct objectives, behaviors, and capabilities from
user-side or app-side, reinforce the size and growth of the those in other platform contexts. Second, and more impor-
other side (Anderson et al. 2014; Boudreau 2012). CNEs tantly, we consider CNE asymmetry in the temporal dimen-
differ from the traditional notion of network effects that focus sion. Specifically, we address the following research ques-
primarily on the mutual influences among network partici- tion: How do the influences of the user-side on the app-side
pants on a single side of a market and have strategic implica- (which we refer to as user-to-app CNEs) and the influences of
tions for the governance of a platform ecosystem with both the app-side on the user-side (which we refer to as app-to-
users and developers. First, CNEs influence a platform’s user CNEs) in software platforms differ in terms of their long-
strategies to build the installed base on either side. The term and short-term effects? The examination of temporal
installed base is typically assessed using measures such as the asymmetry is mainly motivated by the consideration that
numbers of apps and users, the variety of apps, or the usage CNEs evolve over time (see Clements and Ohashi 2005).
behavior of users. For instance, a platform may subsidize one From a complex ecosystem perspective (Tanriverdi et al.
side (e.g., free usage for users) and make the ecosystem 2010), uncovering the temporal dynamics of mutual adapta-
appealing to the other side (e.g., attract more third-party app tion between two sides should help the platform owner adjust
developers) (Hagiu 2006; Parker and Van Alstyne 2005; Weyl the platform’s strategies on both sides and better manage
2010). Second, CNEs can help incumbents by allowing them feedback loops.
to leverage their market advantages on one side by building
dominant positions on the other side and creating substantial In addition to CNEs, strategic actions and decisions about
entry barriers. A software platform that starts with minor platforms are examined in the extant empirical literature.
leads on both sides is likely to win the entire market over Prior studies, however, have focused primarily on issues of
time, even if it is of inferior quality (Zhu and Iansiti 2012). pricing (e.g., Kaiser and Wright 2006; Liu 2010) and platform
Therefore, understanding how the two sides mutually influ- competition (e.g., Dubé et al. 2010; Zhu and Iansiti 2012).
ence each other through CNEs is critical to the software Less effort has been devoted to revealing how the governance
platform establishing competitive advantages by leveraging actions of a platform affect CNEs. Since platform governance
CNEs. influences the ecosystem in which the two sides interact with
each other, its impact on CNEs is nontrivial and therefore
In the extant empirical literature on CNEs, the focus is deserves research attention. We bridge this gap in the litera-
primarily on investigating their presence and magnitude ture by addressing a second research question: How does
(Sriram et al. 2015). The asymmetry among CNEs on dif- software platform governance affect the mutual influences
ferent sides of the platform has received less empirical between the app-side and the user-side? In particular, we
attention. Some recent studies in other non-software platform differentiate from the existing literature on platforms by
contexts have shown that CNEs on different sides can be focusing on two non-pricing governance policies of a soft-
asymmetric in both signs and magnitude. For example, ware platform: the duration of app reviews and the frequency
Wilbur (2008) shows that, in television networks, increases in of platform updates.
viewers make networks more attractive to advertisers, but
increases in advertisements make networks less attractive to Drawing on the theoretical lens of value creation and value
viewers.3 In a setting of customer-to-customer (C2C) ex- capture (Bowman and Ambrosini 2000; Lepak et al. 2007),
change platform, Chu and Manchanda (2016) show that the we consider how user-to-app CNEs and app-to-user CNEs
differ in value creation/capture processes and how these value
processes are influenced by software platform governance.
Different labels have been used in the two-sided platforms literature to refer
We carry out a time-series analysis using a unique dataset
to cross-side network effects—for example, indirect network effects, cross- about a leading web browser: Mozilla Firefox. We construct
network externalities, cross-network effects, or cross-market network effects a longitudinal weekly-level dataset spanning a period from
(e.g., Chu and Manchanda 2016; Sriram et al. 2015; Zhu and Iansiti 2012). 2008 to 2013. Using a vector auto-regressive (VAR) analysis,
we examine the dynamics of mutual influences between
It is worth noting that, in the television setting, the viewer-side is driven by
browser usage and third-party app releases, and how these
the demand for programs rather than advertisements. In contrast, in the
setting of software platforms, the user-side is driven by the demand for third-
mutual influences are affected by Firefox’s policies on app
party apps. review and platform updates. Our findings reveal temporal

122 MIS Quarterly Vol. 42 No. 1/March 2018

Song et al./Asymmetric Cross-Side Network Effects & Platform Governance

asymmetry between user-to-app CNEs and app-to-user CNEs: by users in relation to their needs. Exchange value refers to
specifically, growth in the quantity and variety of apps and the tangible or intangible monetary value that can be realized
variety of apps drives end-user platform usage in the short- by the seller when the exchange of a product or service takes
term rather than in the long-term. In contrast, growth in end- place, or the payment by the user to the seller for the use
user platform usage drives growth in the quantity and variety value of the product or service. When the exchange does not
of apps in the long-term rather than in the short-term. These entail monetary payment (e.g., in the case of free software),
results advance our understanding of the temporal dynamics exchange value may be reflected in intangible benefits (such
underlying the interdependence between the two sides of a as reputation gains) to the seller. The distinction between use
software platform. value and exchange value can be illustrated using the example
of a typical security protection app in Firefox, Permit
We also find that the app review time influences the app-side Cookies. As one of the earliest apps in Firefox, the app
and the user-side differently. In particular, long app review allows end users to explicitly permit (or deny) the use of
time significantly weakens the long-term user-to-app CNEs. cookies by the sites they visit. When Permit Cookies was
However, we do not find a significant impact from long app available in Firefox, Firefox users could directly use the app
review time on the short-term app-to-user CNEs. In addition, to derive value from its functionalities, and this value capture
frequent platform updates significantly weaken the long-term process did not require much additional effort by users
(except an easy procedure for installation). Likewise, when
user-to-app CNEs. However, regarding the short-term app-to-
other competing security protection apps were made available
user CNEs, frequency platform updates significantly weaken
in Firefox, directly using these apps allowed users to derive
the effect of app quantity, but not that of app variety, on end
value from their additional security protection functionalities.
users’ platform usage. These findings generate important
implications as to how the management of a software platform
From the standpoint of the developers of Permit Cookies, the
can be improved.
emergence of a large number of Firefox users with security
protection needs provided them with a potential market. They
could not derive value directly by simply accessing or “using”
Theory and Hypothesis Development these Firefox users through the platform. Instead, they
needed to undertake various time/effort-consuming processes
CNEs in Software Platform and to identify app functionalities that serve user needs and even-
Value in Network Effect tually realize them in Permit Cookies. For example, detecting
a potential vulnerability in cookie use and implementing func-
In the platform literature, CNEs have long been concep- tionalities to disable cookies from designated sites were
tualized as the way in which the attractiveness of the platform among the processes that developers of Permit Cookies under-
on one side is dependent on the size of the other side (Rysman took for their product to be eventually favored by Firefox
2009; Weyl 2010). In the context of software platforms, users. Only when Firefox users adopted and liked the app
positive CNEs manifest when growth in the size of the user could developers derive value (e.g., in reputation) as an ex-
base helps the platform motivate more third-party app devel- change for the app they provided. Likewise, for developers
opment, and when the growth in size of the app base helps the of competing security protection apps, they could only derive
platform attract more users. However, recent research on value (tangible payments or intangible reputation) from
network effects suggest that network effects are not all about Firefox users after the developers invested effort to identify
size, but are also determined by the nature of network value and eventually realize other security protection functionalities
and the value creation/capture processes of network parti- in their apps provided to users for exchange.
cipants (Afuah 2013). Therefore, to better conceptualize
CNEs based on value, we adopt the theoretical lens of value Based on the theoretical distinction between use value and
creation/capture from the strategy literature (Bowman and exchange value, we distinguish between the CNEs that the
Ambrosini 2000; Lepak et al. 2007), which has been user-side has on the app-side (i.e., user-to-app CNEs) and the
employed in recent studies on network effects (Afuah 2013), CNEs that the app-side has on the user-side (i.e., app-to-user
and contextualize this perspective to software platforms. CNEs). In user-to-app CNEs, app developers find the soft-
ware platform a more valuable place to participate when there
The perspective of value creation/capture distinguishes are more platform users into which they can tap. Therefore,
between two types of value to various stakeholders (e.g., indi- user-to-app CNEs are essentially based on exchange value, as
viduals, organizations, and society): use value and exchange app developers do not derive value from directly “using”
value (Bowman and Ambrosini 2000; Lepak et al. 2007). Use platform users but derive value from serving users in ex-
value refers to the quality of a product or service as perceived change for their tangible or intangible payments. In contrast,

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in app-to-user CNEs, users find the platform a more valuable is not a simple process that can be done instantaneously.
option to use when there are more complementary apps for Developers need to figure out platform users’ underlying de-
them to use on the platform. Therefore, app-to-user CNEs are mand for specific types of apps, organize required resources
essentially based on the use value, as users can derive value based on their own expertise and constraints, engage in actual
(e.g., perceive aesthetic or functional quality) from directly development, and make their products accessible to users.
using these apps. Many processes make it difficult for developers to respond
immediately to the growth of a platform’s user base by
The distinct value bases of user-to-app CNEs and app-to-user providing ready-to-use apps. For example, it may not always
CNEs also lead to distinct processes of realizing and cap- be a straightforward process to identify the user demand for
turing value by the two sides. For the app-side, since it can- specific apps (Eisenmann et al. 2011). Developers may be
not directly “use” the platform’s users, it needs a process of heterogeneous in terms of their resource constraints and
converting user interest in the platform to interest in apps. development capabilities, making it less likely for the app-
Such a process should entail identifying user demand (for side as a whole to quickly respond with a large number of
certain apps), developing apps, and making apps satisfactory apps (Boudreau 2012). Upon completion, developers also
to users so that exchange value can be generated. For the have to go through the app review processes imposed by the
user-side, as apps available on the platform are ready to be platform, which further delays the release of apps (Ghaz-
used, end users need minimum additional processes other than awneh and Henfridsson 2013). As a result, the responses of
using these apps to derive use value. Such a distinction in the app-side to the user-side are less likely to take effect
value creation/capture processes on the two sides can even- immediately, and therefore user-to-app CNEs are less likely
tually lead to temporal asymmetric features of user-to-app to manifest as a short-term effect.
CNEs and app-to-user CNEs.
On the other hand, the resource commitment perspective sug-
gests a tendency of persistent app development as a response
Temporal Asymmetry in CNEs to the user-side growth. When developers make development
decisions, they are less likely to give up their committed
Our characterization of the temporal features of CNEs is development plans for several reasons. Irreversible invest-
based on the concepts of short-term effect and long-term ments in specialized resources (e.g., development teams) can
effect on market participants as discussed in the marketing lock developers into development processes (Harrigan and
literature (Dekimpe and Hanssens 1995; Pauwels and Weiss Porter 1983). Difficulty in redeploying allocated resources
2008). Conceptually, a short-term effect refers to the case in (e.g., specialized tools) can lock out developers from alter-
which market participants exhibit immediate reactions to native opportunities. Lags in adjusting development stra-
certain marketing events or actions. A long-term effect, in tegies often constrain developers from deviating from current
contrast, refers to the case in which market participants’ development plans. Organizational inertia built over time can
reactions to marketing events or actions are persistent over also lead to developers to having built-in biases that maintain
time. Extending these concepts to our context of software the status quo of development plans (Harter and Slaughter
platforms, we consider a short-term effect as the immediate 2003). As a consequence, although app development and app
response in growth of one side (either the app-side or the releases are less likely to be completed instantly, they will
user-side) to the growth of the other side. Likewise, we con- likely occur eventually, but with a time lag. The growth in
sider a long-term effect as the persistent response in growth of the app base will therefore be realized with a delay in time
one side to the growth of the other side. Conceptually, short- and in the long-term. The heterogeneity of developers in their
term effect and long-term effect are not mutually exclusive. development pace may even smooth this long-term trajectory
For example, if the growth-fostering effect of one side on the of growth. Therefore, we hypothesize that
other side takes effect immediately and is also persistent over
time, such a CNE is characterized by both a short-term effect H1a: User-to-app CNEs in a software platform are char-
and a long-term effect. acterized by a significant long-term effect, but with
no significant short-term effect.
Considering the process of realizing exchange value by the
app-side, we expect that the response of the app-side to the In contrast, the realization of use value by the user-side is a
user-side takes effect in the long-term rather than in the short- relatively simple process and requires many fewer resource
term. This assertion is supported by the theoretical perspec- commitments by end users. When apps are available on the
tive of commitment in the strategy literature (Ghemawat platform, users just need to respond by using the platform to
1991). On the one hand, using app development to realize try the apps that interest them. Users do not need any extra
exchange value is a process of resource commitment, which value-creation process to capture the use value and therefore

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their responses do not have to be delayed. Some other factors Software Platform Governance
may further expedite user-side responses. For example, app
centers and search functions offered by software platforms get Platform governance in software platforms refers to all
newly released apps quickly exposed to users (Haigu and policies and mechanisms through which a software platform
Spulber 2013). Word-of mouth generated on the user-side operator exerts influence over participants on both sides and
also helps draw new users to the platform to quickly try new coordinates operations in the ecosystem (Tiwana et al. 2010).
apps (Zhang et al. 2012). Therefore, the response of the user- In general, platform governance includes three broad cate-
side to app-side growth is likely to take effect immediately. gories of policies and mechanisms. First, although pricing is
Such a response should result in a quick increase in platform often linked with profitability, it is also an inherent gover-
usage, based on which users can use apps. Consequently, nance mechanism. Decisions regarding which side to subsi-
app-to-user CNEs are likely to manifest a significant short- dize and the use of pricing as an incentive mechanism all
term effect. influence the interaction between the two sides (Rochet and
Tirole 2006; Tiwana 2014). Second, mechanisms used to
App-to-user CNEs, however, are less likely to be charac- coordinate and control platform participants are the central
terized by a significant long-term effect. The rationality of elements of platform governance. Third, some policies of a
this assertion can be theoretically justified by the wear-out platform’s self-development play an important role in gover-
effect, which the marketing literature conceptualizes as the nance (Cusumano and Gawer 2002). The design and
quick decay in the effectiveness of marketing-related actions improvements in a platform’s own architecture and features
over time (Bass et al. 2007). Prior research has found that the shape the general environment in which cross-side inter-
effectiveness of various marketing actions, such as advertising actions take place. Therefore, certain self-development of the
and product-line extension, can die out quickly (e.g., after one platform (e.g., APIs) cannot be completely separate from
or two weeks) (Leone 1995; Pauwels 2004). The growth of platform governance (Tiwana 2014).
the app-side is a product-line extension process on the plat-
form. In this case, the wear-out effect can be explained by We differ from prior empirical studies on platform gover-
various factors. First, changes in user knowledge may reduce nance (which have primarily considered pricing and platform
user interest in new apps (Calantone and Sawyer 1978), and competition issues) by focusing on two non-pricing mech-
the easy conditions of trial apps and available online informa- anisms in software platform governance and considering how
tion can expedite this process. Second, multihoming allows they influence CNEs. The first mechanism is app review,
competing platforms to offer similar apps (Evans 2011), which reflects the way in which the platform addresses gover-
which can generate a so-called “copy wear-out effect” (Naik nance through regulation and control of third-party devel-
et al. 1998). Third, rapid app development and expansion on opers’ development behavior (Ghazawneh and Henfridsson
a platform may also generate cognitive challenges to users. 2013; Maurer and Tiwana 2012). We specifically examine
The user tendency of forgetting (Bass et al. 2007) can con- the duration of app review processes. Platforms often impose
tribute to the decreasing attractiveness of new apps over time. standards on the content and technical specifications of third
Proliferation of available options may also pose challenges for party apps. The review processes ensure that apps meet
users to identify apps that truly fit their needs and therefore performance standards, reliability, and compatibility. For
affect the long-term commitment of users (Grime et al. 2002). example, Apple’s App Store imposes a wide range of rules
Consequently, even if the increase in new apps draws users to that cover a range of requirements from user interface design,
the platform, short-term user interests are not enough to guar- functionality, and content to the use of specific technologies.
antee users’ long-term commitment to the platform. Fourth, App review by the App Store can take up to two weeks. Sub-
many apps have short lifespans and may only be appealing to mitted apps can be rejected for various reasons, such as lack
users in the short-term. For example, from tracking over of information, functional errors, and poor interface design
830,000 iOS and Android apps, Flurry Insights found that (Starr 2014). Developers who fail app review are required to
only 4 of 19 categories of iOS and Android apps (e.g., the fix identified problems before resubmitting their apps.
weather, health and fitness, news and magazines) have a Reviews on the revised versions further delay final app
median user-retention rate above 25% after 30 days (Klotz- releases.
back 2016). Most apps only incur short-term user interest,
making app-to-user CNEs unlikely to lead to long-term user The second mechanism we consider is updates to the platform
commitment to the platform. We therefore hypothesize that itself, and we specifically examine the frequency of platform
updates. Since the platform serves as the basis for cross-side
H1b: App-to-user CNEs in a software platform are char- interactions, platform updates are an important way for the
acterized by a significant short-term effect, but no platform managers to address governance by improving the
significant long-term effect. platform’s design and architecture (Tiwana 2014). Platform

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Song et al./Asymmetric Cross-Side Network Effects & Platform Governance

updates often need both the app-side and the user-side to respond to user-side growth with a steady increase in app
make adaptive actions, such as conforming to changing APIs development over time. Considering these effects, we expect
and addressing compatibility issues. In this regard, platform that long app review times weaken user-to-app CNEs.
updates should also influence how the two sides respond to
each other through CNEs. H2a: User-to-app CNEs in a software platform are
weakened by long app review time.

Software Platform Governance and CNEs In app-to-user CNEs, the user-side responds to app-side
growth mainly by capturing the use value of apps. Long app
In user-to-app CNEs, the app-side responds to user-side review times can negatively affect user interest in released
growth mainly by creating and capturing the exchange value apps. First, by delaying the release of apps, time-consuming
of apps. Given the growth of the user-side, however, long app review processes can make apps obsolete and reduce their use
review time can generate three effects that weaken the app- value. Given the volatility of users’ online tastes (Sun 2012),
side response in growth. First, long app review time directly delayed apps can become less attractive to users. For
delays the release of new apps (Ghazawneh and Henfridsson example, a developer team previously submitted an app for
2013), making app developers less able to respond in a timely Apple TV app about a week before the release of Apple TV.
fashion to user demands for certain types of apps. For ex- However, a two-week app review time eventually resulted in
ample, in a recent survey, iOS app developers revealed that an app being barely noticed by users because the excitement
they often have to wait more than a week for Apple to ap- for Apple TV apps had already died down by the time some
prove the fixing of bugs in their original app versions. Devel- apps were released (Graham 2016). Second, long app review
opers expressed concern that these time-consuming review times can slow down developers’ processes for releasing
processes undermine their ability to respond to the expanding patches for bugs reported by users (Dave 2015). As a result,
market and satisfy the needs of a growing user base (Graham users get hurt due to the reduced reliability of apps. When
2016). users lose interest in apps, they also lose the incentive to
participate in the platform and therefore app-to-user CNEs are
Second, long review times can escalate the burden on devel- weakened. We therefore hypothesize
opers and result in more uncertainties in developers’ resource
commitments. Long review times are often associated with H2b: App-to-user CNEs in a software platform are
more thorough reviews, which require developers to carry out weakened by long app review time.
more demanding revisions of their original app versions.
Developers need to allocate more resources and adjust their In juxtaposition to H2b, we take into consideration some
other development plans to complete revisions. For example, mechanisms in app review that make long app review times
iOS developers reported that they often plan for up to a month strengthen app-to-user CNE. Long app review times are
of slack time in their app release plans due to the long and likely to be associated with more thorough and diligent
demanding review processes (Graham 2016). Consequently, reviews, which should help improve the quality of apps and
developers who have constrained resources or are uncertain their use value (Fisher and Oberholzer-Gee 2013). Thorough
about whether they are able to make satisfactory revisions are app reviews can help correct more errors or potential weak-
also more likely to forgo their app development. The app-side nesses in submitted apps, and also ensure that apps better
can therefore be constrained from developing apps in re- conform to platform standards and generate complementary
sponse to user-side growth because of long app review times. value. For example, when a formal app review process was
absent, users on Google Play were more likely to encounter
Third, long app review processes may negatively affect apps that did not live up to their expectations and violated
developers’ resource commitment and incentives for future Play Store policies. This motivated Google to formalize its
development (Hilkert et al. 2010). With long app review processes for app review and approval (Arce 2015). App
times, the platform generates high opportunity costs for quality improvement driven by thorough app reviews can also
developers in their future development. When developers make apps more valuable to users. With more valuable apps,
anticipate these opportunity costs that are generally out of the platform may also become more attractive to users and
their control, they will be more reluctant to commit future app-to-user CNEs can therefore be reinforced. We therefore
resources to app development for the platform. Given com- develop a competing hypothesis to H2b:
peting development alternatives, the length of a focal plat-
form’s review time can drive developers to switch to H2c: App-to-user CNEs in a software platform are
alternatives. As a result, the app-side will be less able to strengthened by long app review time.

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Song et al./Asymmetric Cross-Side Network Effects & Platform Governance

As a software platform serves as the base infrastructure on (Ramasubbu and Kemerer 2015), that is, a buildup of software
which developers build their apps, the software platform’s maintenance obligations over time. Such technical debt for
frequent update policy can be justified from the perspective of developers may constrain their resource commitment for new
quality improvement. Frequent updates suggest that the app development (Bavota et al. 2015), and weaken the app-
platform is constantly improved and adapted to the changing side expansion to serve the growing demand from the user-
environment by fixing issues and incorporating advanced side.
features (Arora et al. 2006). As a result, developers are more
likely to build confidence about the long-term robustness and Moreover, releasing updates frequently can put the focal
adaptiveness of the platform infrastructure, which incentivizes platform at competitive disadvantage, especially when
their development decisions. Frequent platform updates developers have multihoming options (Evans et al. 2006;
therefore can have a reinforcing effect on the user-to-app Hyrynsalmi et al. 2016). The frequent changes of the focal
CNE. When developers observe a user-side growth and they platform can make it appear to be less stable than competing
also trust the reliability of the platform, they will be more platform environments. Developers who prefer more manage-
willing to develop more apps to appeal to the increasing user able adaptation burdens and limited uncertainties about the
base. Accordingly, we hypothesize that platform configuration may find the platform’s competitors
more attractive. The availability of multihoming options
H3a: User-to-app CNEs in software platform are further makes it more difficult for the focal platform to use its
strengthened by frequent platform updates. user base to keep and expand its developer base (Zhu and
Iansiti 2012). Therefore, frequent platform updates are likely
In juxtaposition to H3a, we take into consideration potential to negatively affect user-to-app CNE in a competitive envi-
tradeoffs in the frequent releases of platform updates. Despite ronment. Considering the countervailing forces that frequent
the benefits of platform updates, the frequent releases of up- platform updates may generate (i.e., the benefits of updates
dates may also generate counterproductive effects. Table 1 based on which we formulated H3a and the downside of fre-
illustrates the tradeoffs by summarizing the benefits of quent updates that we enumerated), we develop the following
platform updates and the downside of frequent releases of competing hypothesis to H3a:
platform updates. Updates on the platform inevitably change
the basis on which users and developers interact with each H3b: User-to-app CNEs in a software platform are
other, and the frequent introduction of these changes may weakened by frequent platform updates.
constrain user-to-app CNEs for several reasons. First, devel-
opers have to adjust their app development to the new Frequent platform updates can also generate countervailing
platform functionalities (Boudreau 2010). If the updates are effects on how the user-side reacts to the app-side growth
released over-frequently, some developers that are less (i.e., app-to-user CNEs). As Table 1 indicates, platform up-
capable may lack a sufficient time buffer to adapt (Boudreau dates may benefit users by providing them additional platform
2012). Recent research also suggests that generational tran- features and an enhanced environment to use apps. In this
sitions initiated by platforms often make it difficult for com- regard, platform updates may reinforce app-to-user CNEs
plementors to sustain their performance (Kapoor and Agarwal over time. However, the frequent releases of platform updates
2016). Consequently, the app-side may not be able to respond can also be detrimental to the user-side. First, frequent up-
effectively to the user-side growth in a frequently changing dates of the platform may create usage interruptions for
platform environment, weakening the user-to-app CNE. individual users. For instance, Firefox updates often require
restarting the browser, introduce backward incompatibility
Second, frequent platform updates can introduce uncertainties with old add-on apps (Mandel 2012), and even change the
for developers about constantly changing platform configu- user interface (Kingsley-Hughes 2012). When these issues
rations (Mullins and Sutherland 1998) and the extra resources occur too frequently, they can disrupt end users’ habitual
they should commit to adapt. Developers need a time buffer usage. Users are also forced to commit additional cognitive
to resolve these uncertainties. The frequent releases of resources to adapting to the changes. Users with lower capa-
updates can escalate developers’ concern about uncertainties bilities to overcome the usage interruption are likely to be
about the platform’s configurations and disincentivize their discouraged from continuing to use the apps on the platform,
commitment to the platform. Such disincentives can also leading to weakened app-to-user CNEs. This logic is in line
undermine the app-side response to the user-side growth and with insights from research on software updates in the
weaken user-to-app CNEs. Third, platform updates can affect working environment (such as the enterprise software envi-
the accessibility of older apps and force developers to commit ronment). For example, update reminders, alerts, notifica-
resources to app updates (Kingsley-Hughes 2012). Frequent tions, and installations can cause interruptions in workflow
platform updates can therefore create more technical debt (Hodgetts and Jones 2007), and these system-initiated inter-

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Song et al./Asymmetric Cross-Side Network Effects & Platform Governance

Table 1. Tradeoffs of Frequent Platform Updates

Benefits of Updates Downside of Frequent Update Releases
(1) Less time buffer for developer adaptation
(1) Constant improvement of the
(2) Developers’ uncertainties about the changing platform
platform infrastructure
App-Side configurations
(2) Adaption to the changing
(3) More technical debt and resource commitments to updating
external environment
existing apps
(1) Interruption to user habitual usage
(1) More platform features
(2) Additional cognitive resources required for users to adapt to
User-Side (2) Enhanced environment for app
(3) Negative impact on user-side externality

ruptions are a major impediment to the productivity of IT widely used web browser, with approximately 16% in market
users in the workplace (Ortiz de Guinea and Webster 2013). share. As an open-source system, Firefox relies more on a
Also, system updates that do not introduce new technical platform ecosystem to sustain its operations than do other
features are generally not favored by users and may even browsers. It extends its product boundaries by encouraging
affect their continued system usage (Fleischmann et al. 2016). a large number of third-party developers to supply comple-
mentary apps. These apps provide add-on functionalities,
Second, the usage interruptions can also lead to reduced such as videoconferencing and privacy protection, within
externality among users themselves. Updates inevitably make Firefox’s core framework.
some users lag in adaption and gradually lose momentum of
using the platform (Venkatesh et al. 2008). This causes tem- To ensure app quality and user experience, Firefox mandates
porary shrinking of the user base for word-of-mouth (WOM) most hosted apps to be reviewed by a team of editors. Devel-
of apps. When platform updates occur too frequently, this opers are required to upload their apps to the developer hub
temporary shrinking can accumulate and eventually hurt how and provide related information, such as descriptions and
apps attract users through WOM. As a result, app-to-user preview images. Uploaded apps are then scanned by editors
CNEs can become weaker. Considering the tradeoffs, we using a variety of tools, which can warn editors about poten-
expect that frequent platform updates generate an overall tial flaws in the source code. Developers may be asked
weakening effect on app-to-user CNEs. The main reason is (usually through emails) to provide additional information or
that we expect app-to-user CNEs to take place primarily in the improve certain aspects of the apps before they are further
short-term (as in H1b). The benefits of platform updates to evaluated. The editors’ original review notes may be used in
users may not manifest immediately in the short-term as they the evaluation of resubmitted apps that have been previously
also require user adaption processes. In contrast, usage rejected. Firefox also updates its own browser platform to
disruption and the shrinkage of user WOM base are likely to add features and improve quality. These updates may also
be caused immediately by usage barriers. Thus, we expect require third party apps to be updated for compatibility. For
that the downsides of the frequent releases of platform end users, Firefox can automatically check for available
updates dominate the benefits of updates in the short-term. updates and inform users to manually upgrade their installed
We therefore hypothesize
browsers to the latest version. The upgrading, however, may
require time-consuming processes of downloading updates
H3c: App-to-user CNEs in software platform are
and rebooting computers.
weakened by frequent platform updates.
The platform ecosystem of Firefox is an appropriate setting
for our research for several reasons. First, the free-of-charge
Methodology feature of Firefox makes it less likely that our examination of
CNEs would be confounded by any pricing effect. Second,
Research Context the editors of the Firefox platform offer weekly app review
data through the app forum. The longitudinal data collected
Our empirical setting is a major web browser: Mozilla’s from the app forum can be used to assess the frequency and
Firefox. Since its debut in late 2004, Firefox remained the duration of app reviews and to quantify their effects on CNEs.
second-most used web browser until late 2011 (when Google Third, Firefox’s platform update policies are largely exoge-
Chrome surpassed it). Currently, Firefox is the third most nous to CNEs, as Firefox’s update decisions are generally not

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based on interactions between the app-side and the user-side. Regarding the user-side, we use a measure user usage (UU)
This feature should minimize endogeneity concerns about defined as the weekly total number of times Firefox is used by
platform update decisions and enable us to better assess the all Firefox users. Firefox tracks end users’ usage behavior.
impact of platform updates on CNEs. One use is defined as each time a user launches the Firefox
web browser. User usage provides more objective and accu-
rate information about user demand than do other alternative
Data and Measurement measures, such as downloads. Because of the skew in
distributions, we use the natural logarithm of UU values.
We tested our hypotheses using a longitudinal week-level
dataset about the Firefox ecosystem from July 2009 to To examine app review time, we collected data from the
October 2013 (223 weeks). We use data aggregated at the official Firefox app forum (
weekly level mainly because daily data on CNEs and platform addons/), where the editors of Firefox post the weekly statuses
governance does not entail sufficient variations, and monthly of the app review queues. We use this data to calculate the
data does not provide the granularity to reveal ongoing average waiting time of newly released apps each week, and
patterns of CNEs and platform governance. Our data also construct a measure app review time (AR), which is defined
as the natural logarithm of the average number of days it takes
indicates that the status of third-party apps often changes on
for a new app to pass review. Finally, to examine platform
a weekly basis.
updates, we leverage an important policy change event by
Firefox. On March 21, 2011, Firefox changed its update
We collected information about end users and third-party apps
policy to significantly reduce the intervals between browser
from the official website for Firefox add-on apps (https://
updates. Before this date, Firefox updated its browser plat- The site records all third-
form approximately once a year. After this date, the average
party add-on apps that have run on Firefox since it started in time interval between updates was reduced sharply to about
2004. For each app, the site provides detailed information, six weeks. We use a binary indicator as the measure of plat-
including the initial launch time, update history (e.g., when form update frequency (PU), with a value of 0 for all weeks
and how many times), category, and the developer’s name. before March 21, 2011 (i.e., the period of less frequent
As complementary components of the Firefox browser plat- updates), and a value of 1 for all weeks after March 21, 2011
form, these apps are free to end users. As of October 2013, (i.e., the period of more frequent updates). Our entire sample
there were more than 10,000 apps available on this platform, covers 99 pre-change weeks and 123 post-change weeks.
spanning 14 categories.
We also include some control variables. The first one is entry
In examining CNEs, we focus on two key aspects of the app- of a key competitor (CE), which may affect the platform’s
side: the quantity of apps and the variety of apps. The exam- performance on both sides. It is measured using a dummy
ination of app quantity reflects the direct CNEs through which variable that indicates whether or not the key competitor,
the increased user base drives the growth of the overall app Google Chrome, had entered the browser market. The second
base. The examination of app diversity better reflects the factor is platform market share (PMS), which controls for
indirect CNEs through which the increased user base drives important marketing condition changes (e.g., entry into a new
the development of complementary apps. To assess app foreign market) that may influence CNEs. PMS is measured
quantity, we use a measure app number (AN), which repre- using the proportion of all web browser users who use Fire-
sents the total number of apps available on Firefox on a fox, and this data was obtained from StatCounter, a leading
weekly basis. We log-transformed AN values to address the web traffic and usage analysis tool. We also control for sea-
skew in distributions. To assess app variety, we use a mea- sonal effects by using a set of three seasonal dummy variables
sure app diversity (AD), which is operationalized using a SEA = [Sea1, Sea2, Sea3] in the model. Table 2 shows the
Herfindahl-like index measure. Specifically, we define definitions and summary statistics of key variables. The
average values for user usage, app number, and app diversity

HI =
i =1
(xi x )2 , where xi is the weekly number of apps are 291 million (unlogged value), 5,831 (unlogged value), and
in the ith category and x is the weekly total number of apps. 0.846 respectively.
Therefore, xi/x is the weekly share of the ith category of apps.
A lower level of HI suggests a higher degree of weekly app
diversity. To make the resulting interpretation more intuitive, Model Specification and Estimation
we let AD = 1 – HI (as 1 is the maximum HI value). There-
fore, a higher value of AD means a higher level of weekly app In our empirical analysis, we adopt a time-series analysis
diversity. technique, vector autoregression with exogenous variable

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Table 2. Constructs, Measures, and Descriptive Statistics

Variables Measurement Mean S.D. Min Max
Total quantity of apps on Firefox in each
App Number (AN) 8.577 0.449 7.717 9.229
week (log)
Hirfindahl index of all apps on Firefox in
App Diversity (AD) 0.846 0.002 0.841 0.848
each week
Weekly times of usage by all Firefox users
User Usage (UU) 19.385 0.459 18.697 20.016
App Review Time The average # of days for reviewing a new
2.047 0.345 1.609 3.023
(AR) app (log)
Platform Update Dummy (1: frequent update period, 0:
0.601 0.491 0.000 1.000
Frequency (PU) infrequent update period)
Dummy (1 – post-entry of Google Chrome;
Competitor entry (CE) 0.729 0.445 0.000 1.000
0 – pre-entry)
Platform market share Market share of Firefox, obtained from
26.691 4.485 17.650 32.401
(PMS) StatCounter

(VARX) (Dekimpe and Hanssens 1995; Luo 2009; Pauwels lags of up to 20 periods (Trusov et al. 2009), we find Granger
2004). This approach has been employed in recent IS and causal relationships among endogenous variables (e.g., app
marketing literature (e.g., Adomavicius et al. 2012; Luo et al. diversity Granger causes user usage (p = .00)). These results
2013; Trusov et al. 2009) and it allows us to capture dynamic suggest the need to use a full dynamic model, such as a
interactions and feedback effects between the two sides of the VARX model.
platform. In our research context, VARX has several advan-
tages over alternative modeling techniques. First, it can Model Specification. We use unit root tests to determine
assess both the short-term (i.e., immediate) effects and the whether endogenous variables (i.e., AN, AD, and UU) are
long-term (i.e., persistent) effects of endogenous variables on evolving or stationary. Stationarity of endogenous variables
each other. It therefore allows us to characterize app-to-user implies that the fluctuation of these variables caused by any
CNEs and user-to-app CNEs based on their temporal features unexpected changes will eventually dissipate and these vari-
(Chang and Gurbaxani 2012). Second, VARX models can ables will revert back to their deterministic patterns without
simultaneously capture the dynamic and intricate mutual a permanent regime shift. The variances of stationary vari-
influences among different variables, helping better illustrate ables are finite and time invariant (Dekimpe and Hanssens
CNEs between the two sides of the platform. 1999). We use an augmented Dickey-Fuller test (ADF) to
check stationarity. With first-difference values, the ADF tests
We adopt a standard VARX procedure as in the literature of all endogenous variables reject the null hypothesis of a unit
(e.g., Dekimpe and Hanssens 1999), which includes the root (see Table 3) and suggest stationarity. We thus estimate
following steps. First, we determine the appropriateness of the VARX model using the first-difference values of
using VARX based on Granger causality tests (Granger endogenous variables. Also, in model specification, we need
1969). Second, we determine the model specification (VARX to determine the appropriate number of lags used for endoge-
in levels, VARX in differences, or error-correction forms)
nous variables. The Akaike information criterion (AIC) and
based on the unit-root and cointegration test results. Third,
Schwarz-Bayesian information criterion (SBIC) suggest that
using information criteria, we determine the number of lags in
the lag of two periods is the optimal choice (AIC = -21.93,
model specification. Finally, we derive generalized impulse
SBIC = -19.33). Our VARX models therefore include lags of
response functions (GIRFs) to assess both short-term and
up to two weeks.
long-term effects and test hypotheses.

In line with prior studies (e.g., Adomavicius et al. 2012; We first propose a VARX system to capture dynamic inter-
Trusov et al. 2009), we conduct a series of Granger causality actions between the user-side and the app-side. We include
tests to explore whether explanatory variables explain the a vector of the exogenous variables, an intercept C, and a
variation of dependent variables, in addition to the lagged deterministic-trend variable T that captures the impact of the
values of dependent variables. Granger causality tests offer omitted, gradually changing trend of the dependent variables.
valid arguments on causality in time-series data. By using The VARX specification is given in Model 1:

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Table 3. Unit Root Test Results after First Differences

Variable Test Statistic p-value
App Number -5.540 <.0001
App Diversity -12.653 <.0001
User Usage -13.868 <.0001
App Review Time -14.513 <.0001

ϕ j ϕ j ϕ j   AN functions (GIRFs) because in this case, the sequences of

 AN t  C AN  δ AN  j  11 12 13   t − j  moves of endogenous variables in the system become less an
 AD  = C  + δ  × T +
 t   AD   AD   ϕ21

j j j 
ϕ22ϕ23  ADt − j  +

j = 1  j j j  UU t − j 
issue of concern (Dekimpe and Hanssens 1999; Luo et al.
UU t  CUU  δUU  ϕ31ϕ32ϕ33 
   2013). Using GIRFs, we simulate the fitted VARX system
(1) using a Monte Carlo approach with 1,000 runs. The resulting
τ j τ j τ j  CE   
j  11 12 13   t − j  ε AN ,t  estimated means and standard errors of endogenous variables
 
j j j 
τ 21τ 22τ 23  PMSt − j  + ε AD,t 

j = 1  j j j   SEA   
are used to test the significance of the changes of these
τ 31τ 32τ 33  t − j  εUU ,t 
variables over time. The short-term effects are assessed by
  examining whether the one-week lagged changes of other
endogenous variables following a shock to a specific
In Model (1), t is the index of week, J is the maximum endogenous variable are significantly different from zero. To
number of lags, and ε is a vector of white-noise disturbances assess the long-term effects, we trace out a time period of 20
with a normal distribution of N(0, Σ). Then, (C, δ, φ, τ) are weeks (Dekimpe and Hanssens 1999), as GIRF values usually
the parameters to be estimated. We also test the existence of stabilize after such a long period. We examine whether the
serial correlation (using a LM test) and heteroskedasticity lagged changes of other endogenous variables after following
(using a White test) (Joshi and Hanssens 2010). The a shock to a specific endogenous variable are still signifi-
nonsignificant LM test (χ2 = 101.14; p = 0.26) indicates that cantly different from zero after 20 weeks.
error terms are not associated with serial correlation. The
significant White test (χ2 = 7374.90; p < 0.01) suggests the To examine the influence of app review time (AR), we
existence of heteroskedasticity. We therefore employ the specify the following model:
weighted least squares (WLS) estimator to address hetero-
skedasticity (Wooldridge 2002). φ j φ j 
 1,1 1,7   AN t − j 
 AN t  C AN  δ AN  φ j φ j   
In the VARX model (1), the user-to-app CNEs are reflected  AD  C  δ   2,1 2,7   ADt − j 
 t   AD   AD  φ j φ j   
in how the app-side variables (ANt, ADt) change over time  ARt  C AR  δ AR  j  3,1 3,7   ARt − j 
     
following the change in the user-side variable UUt. Likewise,  AN t × ARt  = C AN × AR  + δ AN × AR  × T +
 AD × AR  C  δ 
 φ j φ j 
 4,1 4,7 
j =1  j
 AN × AR 
 t − j t − j 
app-to-user CNEs are reflected in how the user-side variable j   ADt − j × ARt − j 
 t   AD × AR   AD × AR  φ5,1φ5,7 
 
UU changes over time following changes in the app-side UU t  CUU  δUU   j j  UU t − j 
UU × AR  C  
t   UU × AR  δUU × AR 
 φ6,1φ6,7   
variables (ANt, ADt). The inclusion of endogenous variables’  t  j UU t − j × ARt − j 
j 
φ7,1φ7,7 
own past values (i.e., lag terms) also helps control for intrinsic
τ j τ j 
change trends in endogenous variables. To test hypotheses on  1,1 1,3 
the short-term and long-term effects of CNEs, we employ the τ j τ j  δ AN 
 2,1 2,3  ε 
impulse response functions (IRFs) derived from the estimated τ j τ j   AD 
j  3 ,1 3 , 3   CE t− j   ε 
parameters and variance-covariance matrices from the full j    AR 
VARX model. The main reason is that the VARX estimated
+   τ j
 4,1 4,3  
j =1  j 
PMS + ε
t − j   AN × AR 
 ε 
j  SEA
coefficients are not usually directly interpretable due to τ 5,1τ 5,3   t − j   AD × AR 
 j j   εUU 
general multicollinearity issues with including lagged terms τ 6,1τ 6,3  ε 
 j  UU × AR 
(Sims 1980). IRFs are used to simulate the over-time impact j 
τ 7,1τ 7,3 
of a change (or shock) to one endogenous variable (over its
baseline) on the dynamics of the full multi-equation system
(Enders 2010). The IRF results depict the net effects of all In model (2), we include in the VARX model both the
the modeled actions and reactions of endogenous variables singular term of AR and the interaction terms between AR
over time. We adopt the generalized impulse response and endogenous variables. Using GIRFs, we can also access

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how the interactions between AR and one side may influence Table 4 shows that user usage has significant long-term
the other side in both the short-term and the long-term. effects on both app number and app diversity. The short-term
effects of user usage on the app-side, however, are not signi-
To examine the impact of frequent platform updates, we ficant. These results suggest that when the installed base of
follow the approach in Pauwels and Weiss (2008) to opera- end users expands, the app-side does not respond with quick
tionalize update effects using two variables: a pulse variable growth in either app number or app diversity. Instead, in the
labeled Move and a step variable labeled PU. The pulse long-run, the app-side exhibits slow but persistent growth in
variable Move is equal to 1 at the time of the move from 0 both the number and variety of apps. Such patterns are
(infrequent updates) to 1 (frequent updates), and measures the illustrated in Figure 1, which shows the accumulated impulse
direct impact of changes in platform update policy. The step responses of endogenous variables and also illustrates the
variable PU is equal to 0 for the pre-change period with short-term and long-term effects. In Panel A, the solid curves
infrequent updates, and 1 for the post-change period with represent the over-time mean changes of app number and app
frequent updates. The step variable interacts with both the diversity following a one-unit shock to user usage. The
user-side and the app-side measures, and reveals how CNEs dotted curves represent the change levels that are one-
differ between the pre-change and the post-change periods. standard-deviation above or below the corresponding mean
The model specification is levels. Panel A shows that in the short-term (after 1 week
following the growth shock to user usage), the increases in
φ j  φ j 
 1,1 1,6   AN t − j 
app number and app diversity do not significantly deviate
 AN t  C AN  δ AN 
 AD  C  δ  φ j  φ j    from zero, meaning that the user-side growth does not
 2,1 2,6   ADt − j 
 t   AD   AD  j  j  AN × PU  immediately trigger a significant growth of the app-side,
 AN t × PU t  C AN × PU  δ AN × PU  φ φ j 
  
 3,1 3,6  t − j t − j
 =
  +
   ×T + φ j  φ j   ADt × PU t − j  possibly because only a few new apps can be developed and
 ADt × PU t  C AD × PU  δ AD × PU  j =1  4 ,1 4 ,6   
UU  C  δ   j j  UU t − j  released so quickly. However, the app-side changes increase
 t   UU   UU  φ5,1 φ5,6   
UU t × PU t  CUU × PU  δUU × PU  UU t − j × PU t − j 
over time and in the long-term (e.g., after 20 weeks following
 j j 
φ6,1 φ6,7  the growth shock to user usage), the changes are significantly
γ j  τ j  τ j  different from zero. This means that new apps keep emerging
 1   Movet − j   1,1 1,3  δ AN 
γ 2j    τ j  τ j  ε 
over time as more developers complete their time-consuming
   Movet − j   2,1 2,3  
j j
γ 3  0   j  j CE   AD
τ 3,1 τ 3j,3   t − j  ε AN × PU 
 app development and eventually the app-side response in
+  
  0
j =1 γ 4 
  
 j j 
  PMS  + 
j =1 τ 4 ,1 τ 4,3   SEA
t− j
 ε PU

growth manifests in the long-term.
  Move  
 t − j  ε 
γ 5j   t− j   j j   UU

  0  τ5,1 τ5,3   εUU × PU  In contrast, Table 4 shows that both app number and app

γ 6j     j j 
diversity have a significant short-term effect on user usage.
τ 6,1 τ 6,3 
However, their long-term effects on user usage are not
Again, using GIRFs, we can also access how the interactions significant. In Panel B of Figure 1, the solid curves represent
between PU and one side may influence the other side in both the over-time mean changes of user usage following a one-
the short-term and the long-term. unit shock to app number and app diversity. The dotted
curves represent the change levels that are one-standard-
deviation above or below the corresponding mean levels.
Panel B shows that in the short-term (after 1 week following
Results the growth shocks to app number and app diversity), the
increase in user usage significantly deviates from zero,
Main Results meaning that the more available apps can immediately attract
more users to use the platform possibly because users do not
All VARX models have reasonably good model fit and ex- need extra steps to use the platform. However, such increase
planatory power. For example, F-statistics for models (1) – declines over time and in the long term (after 20 week fol-
(3) are 54.03, 29.54, and 30.63, respectively (p < 0.01). The lowing the growth shocks to app number and app diversity),
adjusted R-squares for user usage in models (1) – (3) are it becomes nonsignificant. It means that user momentum
0.37, 0.38, and 0.38, respectively. The adjusted R-squares for gradually disappears and does not sustain in the long term.
app number in models (1) – (3) are 0.57, 0.63, and 0.58, Therefore, H1 is supported.
respectively. The adjusted R-squares for app diversity in
models (1) – (3) are 0.26, 0.25, and 0.26, respectively. With regard to the effect of app review time on CNEs, Table
5 reveals that the interaction between app review time and
Table 4 reports the hypothesis test results on the short- and user usage has a negative long-term effect on both app num-
long-term effects of CNEs. Regarding app-to-user CNEs, ber and app diversity. These results suggest that the longer

132 MIS Quarterly Vol. 42 No. 1/March 2018

Song et al./Asymmetric Cross-Side Network Effects & Platform Governance

Table 4. User-to-App CNEs and App-to-User CNEs

Panel A: User-to-App Effects
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
User Usage  App Number 0.02 (0.03, p = 0.26) 0.18 (0.06, p = 0.01)**
User Usage  App Diversity 0.01 (0.01, p = 0.18) 0.07 (0.03, p = 0.04)*

Panel B: App-to-User Effects

Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
App Number  User Usage 0.65 (0.31, p = 0.04)* 0.35 (0.89, p = 0.35)
App Diversity  User Usage 0.48 (0.22, p = 0.03)* 0.16 (0.66, p = 0.42)

Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Estimated coefficients are in percentage values. In parentheses are standard errors and corresponding p-values.

Panel A: User-to-App Effects (with One-Unit Shock on User Usage)

Panel B: App-to-User Effects (with One-Unit Shock on App Number (Left) and App Diversity (Right))

Figure 1. Accumulated Impulse Response Functions of Cross-Side Network Effects

the average time of app review, the weaker the growth in both Table 5 also shows that the interactions between app review
number and diversity of apps as a response to the user-side in time and both app number and app diversity do not signifi-
the long-term (i.e., less sustainable). Given that the user-to- cantly influence user usage in either the short-term or long-
app effects are primarily long-term effects, H2a is supported. term. Therefore, neither H2b nor H2c is supported. These
In addition, Table 5 also shows that longer app review time results suggest that the overall influence of app review time
even weakens the short-term effects of user usage on app on app-to-user CNEs is neither positive nor negative. A
number, as indicated by the negative short-term effect of the potential explanation is that the two countervailing effects
interaction between app review time and user usage. This hypothesized in H2b (i.e., app-obsoleteness) and H2c (i.e.,
suggests that longer app review time makes the response of quality-improvement) cancel each other. We conduct an
app number (to the user-side) even less immediate in the additional analysis (as explained below) to further explore this
short-run. However, app review time does not influence the
effect of user usage on app diversity in the short-term.

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Table 5. Influences of App Review Time on Cross-Side Network Effects

Panel A: User-to-App Effects
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
User Usage × App Review Time  App Number -0.02 (0.01, p = 0.04)* -0.02 (0.00, p = 0.00)**
User Usage × App Review Time  App Diversity -0.01 (0.02, p = 0.32) -0.06 (0.03, p = 0.04)*
Panel B: App-to-User Effects
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
App Number × App Review Time  User Usage -0.16 (0.56, p = 0.39) -0.18 (0.71, p = 0.41)
App Diversity × App Review Time  User Usage -0.19 (0.57, p = 0.35) -0.17 (0.41, p = 0.34)

Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Estimated coefficients are in percentage values. In parentheses are standard errors and corresponding p-values.

Table 6 shows how frequent platform updates influence user- To provide additional insights into the moderating effect of
to-app CNEs and app-to-user CNEs. Specifically, the inter- frequent platform updates, we split the sample and estimate
action between platform update frequency and user usage has the model for both the time period before the change in
a negative long-term effect on both app number and app platform update policy and the time period after the change in
diversity. The implication is that when the platform updates policy. We examine the difference between these two periods
itself more frequently, the growth of both app number and app in terms of the short-term and long-term effects of both user-
diversity as a response to the user-side becomes weaker in the
to-app CNEs and app-to-user CNEs. The results, summarized
long-term (i.e., less persistent and sustainable). In other
in Appendix A, are consistent with those of the main analysis.
words, frequent platform updates prevent the app-side from
committing to persistent growth in both the number and In the pre-change period (with infrequent platform updates),
diversity of apps. In contrast, frequent platform updates have user usage has a significant long-term effect on both app
no significant influence on the short-term effects of user-to- number and app diversity (see Table A1 of Appendix A). In
app CNEs. Given that the user-to-app CNEs are primarily the post-change period (with frequent platform updates),
long-term effects, H3a is not supported, and H3b is supported. neither the short-term effect nor the long-term effect of user
To help understand the interaction effect, we use Figure 2 to usage is significant (see Table A2 of Appendix A). Similarly,
visually illustrate how app number and app diversity change in the pre-change period, number of apps has a significant
over time after a one-unit shock on user usage, in both the short-term effect on user usage (see Table A1 of Appendix
case of infrequent platform updates and the case of frequent A). In the post-change period, this effect is nonsignificant
platform updates. The left portion (right portion) of Figure 2 (see Table A2 of Appendix A). App diversity, however, has
shows that as a response to the one-unit shock on user usage, a short-term effect on user usage in both the pre-change
app number (app diversity) increases more significantly in the
period and the post-change period. In this regard, frequent
case of infrequent platform updates than in the case of
platform updates weaken user-to-app CNEs and partially
frequent platform updates. These results illustrate that
frequent platform updates significantly reduce the impact of weaken app-to-user CNEs.
user usage on the app-side (i.e., the user-to-app CNEs).

Table 6 also shows that the interaction between platform Robustness Checks
update frequency and app number has a negative effect on
user usage in the short-term. In other words, when the plat- We conduct several additional analyses to verify the robust-
form updates itself more frequently, the short-term response ness of our results. First, following Pauwels and Weiss
of the user-side to the increased number of apps becomes (2008), we evaluate the parameter stability of VARX models
weaker. However, frequent platform updates do not signifi- using a bootstrapping approach. From the original dataset, we
cantly weaken the short-term response of user usage to app
draw a sample with replacement 100 times and rerun the
diversity. Therefore, H3c is partially supported. A potential
VARX models on each sample. The comparison of the
explanation is that the growth in app diversity provides more
app complementarity that generates additional value to end estimates in the main analysis with their corresponding distri-
users. Such complementarity-based value creation may also butions of bootstrap estimates suggests that all significant
counteract the hassles of platform updates to end users and results hold. Thus, there is no concern regarding the stability
help attract users to respond to the app-side in the short-term. of the parameters of interest.

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Table 6. Influences of Frequent Platform Updates on Cross-Side Network Effects

Panel A: User-to-App Effects
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
User Usage × Platform Update Frequency  App Number -0.02 (0.03, p = 0.27) -0.06 (0.03, p = 0.04)**
User Usage × Platform Update Frequency  App Diversity -0.01 (0.02, p = 0.31) -0.07 (0.03, p = 0.02)*
Panel B: App-to-User Effects
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
App Number × Platform Update Frequency  User Usage -1.12 (0.45, p = 0.02)** -1.26 (1.27, p = 0.17)
App Diversity × Platform Update Frequency  User Usage -1.13 (1.15, p = 0.18) -1.16 (2.77, p = 0.31)

Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Estimated coefficients are in percentage values. In parentheses are standard errors and corresponding p-values.

Note: Solid lines: with infrequent platform updates (PU = 0); Dotted lines: with frequent platform updates (PU = 1)

Figure 2. User-to-App CNEs Before and After Platform Update Policy Change (with One-Unit Shock on
Use Usage)

Second, we also collect data on user download (UD) for the calculate the measures of developer number (DN) and devel-
platform and use it as an alternative measure to characterize oper diversity (DD) using the same approaches as for app
the user-side. We consider the total number of times the number and app diversity, respectively.4 We rerun the VARX
platform is downloaded and log-transform this variable to models with the measures app number and app diversity
address the distribution skew. We rerun the VARX models replaced by DN and DD, respectively. The results, as
with the user usage measure replaced with UD. The results summarized in Appendix C, are qualitatively consistent with
based on UD, as summarized in Appendix B, are qualitatively the main results. The growth of user usage leads to long-term
consistent with the main results. Specifically, the increase in growth in both DN and DD, and the growth of DN and DD
UD leads to long-term growth of both number and diversity lead to a short-term growth of user usage. The long-term
of apps (in Table B1), and this long-term effect is weakened effects of user usage on DN and DD are weakened by both
both by long app review times (in Table B2) and by frequent app review time and frequent platform updates. The short-
platform updates (in Table B3). The increase in number of term effects of DN and DD on user usage are weakened by
apps leads to the short-term growth of UD (in Table B1), and frequent platform updates, but not by app review time.
this short-term effect is weakened both by long app review
times (in Table B2) and frequent platform updates (in Table Fourth, in the main analysis, we use a binary variable to
B3). However, app diversity has no significant effect on UD. distinguish between the period with frequent platform updates
A potential explanation is that new users who have relatively and the period with infrequent updates. To verify the robust-
less knowledge about different types of apps are more likely ness of our results, we also try a continuous variable. Speci-
to download than are experienced users. Therefore, the fically, we derive the time intervals between the releases of
aggregate information such as total number of apps is cogni- different Firefox versions. We reverse-code platform update
tively more appealing to new users than detailed information time intervals by subtracting the interval values from the
such as the diversity of apps. maximum interval value, so that a high measure value means

Third, we try alternative measures that characterize the app-

side. We collect additional data on app developers and 4
We thank an anonymous referee for this suggestion.

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frequent platform updates. Using this measure, we rerun the such app quality improvements are still not strong enough to
VARX analysis. As shown in Table D1 of Appendix D, the dominate the wear-out effects and lead to significant long-
results are qualitatively consistent with the main results (i.e., term increases in user usage.
frequent platform updates weaken both user-to app CNEs and
app-to-user CNEs). Second, to gain more insights on the impact of app quality, we
conduct an additional analysis by dividing the sample into
Fifth, we verify our findings on frequent platform updates to two subsamples: a high-rating sample with app ratings above
the software platform by taking into consideration the fre- the mean and a low-rating sample with app ratings below the
quency of updates by competitors to their software platform. mean. Then, we examine the app-to-user effect separately for
We collect additional data on the historical updates of Fire- the high-rating sample and the low-rating sample. Table F2
fox’s key competitor, Google Chrome. We derive the time in Appendix F summarizes the results. The results show that
intervals between the releases of different Chrome versions, app-to-user CNEs are relatively stronger in the high-rating
and reverse-code the time intervals by subtracting the interval subsample than in the low-rating subsample. These findings
values from the maximum interval value. Therefore, a high provide additional support for the explanation that improved
(low) value of reverse-coded interval means Chrome engages app quality (as a result of long app review times) can make
in frequent (infrequent) releases of its updates. We then apps and the platform more attractive to users and counteract
include the measure of reverse-coded intervals as an addi- the negative effect of app review time on app-to-user CNEs.
tional control variable in the model of Appendix D and rerun
the VARX analysis. Compared to that in Appendix D, this Third, as mentioned, a potential reason for the negative
analysis further takes into account the competitive environ- moderating effect of frequent platform updates on user-to-app
ment and controls for the update frequency of the key CNEs is that app developers may be forced to devote more
competing platform. The results, as summarized in Appendix resources to updating their existing applications, making it
E, show that our findings remain robust—that is, frequent more challenging for them to respond to user-side growth
updates to a software platform weaken both user-to app CNEs with new apps. To further verify this insight, we specify a
and app-to-user CNEs for it. new VARX model that incorporates frequent platform up-
dates, the number of updated apps, and the number of new
apps as endogenous variables, along with other exogenous
Additional Insights variables. The results, as summarized in Table G1 of Appen-
dix G, show that frequent platform updates significantly
We conduct additional analyses to develop insights that increase the number of updated apps in both the short-term
complement our main findings. First, our main findings and the long-term. The number of updated apps significantly
reveal that long app review times neither weaken nor decreases the number of new apps in both the short and long
strengthen app-to-user CNEs. A potential explanation is that terms. Therefore, these findings support the explanation that
although long app review times delay app releases, more frequent platform updates weaken user-to-app CNEs by
thorough app reviews may improve the quality of apps and constraining developers’ efforts in new app development.
counteract the negative impact of delayed app releases. To
further investigate the impact of app review time on app We also rerun the full VARX model (3) with aggregate mea-
quality, we collect additional weekly data on the quality of sures for the number and diversity of apps replaced with
new apps. On the official website for Firefox apps, end users separate measures for the number and diversity of new apps
can rate apps after they use them. Ratings are based on a five- and updated apps. The results in Table G2 of Appendix G
star scale, with one star indicating extremely low quality and show that the interaction between frequent platform updates
five stars indicating extremely high quality. For each new and user usage has a negative effect on both the number and
app, we use the average user rating as a measure of quality. diversity of new apps in the long-term. This suggests that
We then create a separate VARX model including app review frequent platform updates weaken the long-term effect of
time and app quality as endogenous variables, and other user-to-app CNEs for new apps. In contrast, the results also
exogenous variables. The results, as summarized in Table F1 indicate that the interaction between frequent platform up-
of Appendix F, show that long app review times significantly dates and user usage has a positive effect on the number of
increase the quality of new apps in both the short-term and the updated apps in the long-term. The effect of this interaction
long-term. This finding provides a key insight about why app on the diversity of updated apps, however, is not significant.
review times may not necessarily weaken app-to-user CNEs. These findings suggest that frequent platform updates essen-
That is, the app quality improvement associated with long app tially drive developers to commit more resources to update
review processes is likely to offset the negative impact of their existing apps, and such resource commitments are
delayed app releases. It is also worth noting, however, that widely spread across diverse categories of apps. As a result,

136 MIS Quarterly Vol. 42 No. 1/March 2018

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developers have limited efforts to develop more new apps as The evidence on the influence of platform governance
a response to the user-side. policies on CNEs extends the understanding of platform
models, as the extant research has largely taken CNEs as
exogenously given (e.g. Eisenmann et al. 2006; Parker and
Van Alstyne 2008; Seamans and Zhu 2014). Our findings
Discussion suggest that both user-to-app CNEs and app-to-user CNEs can
be weakened by frequent updates of a software platform, and
Theoretical Implications that user-to-app CNEs can also be weakened by a long app
review process. An important implication is that there are
Our work builds on the platform literature that has shown the potential trade-offs in platform governance policies that may
existence of CNEs and contributes to it by surfacing the not be revealed by adopting a narrow frame of reference, say
nature of the asymmetry among different types of CNEs. Our the platform to the exclusion of CNEs, in the evaluation. For
theorization of asymmetric CNEs based on a value creation/ instance, quality control and improvement through platform
capture perspective and the supporting empirical findings updates may be viewed, from the platform owner’s local
generate two important theoretical implications for charac- perspective, as benefits. However, these policies may also
terizing the two-sided platform. First, our findings shed light have nuanced implications on the interdependencies with and
on the differential temporal effects that the app-side and the among platform participants, such as app developers and
user-side of a software platform have on each other due to users. Indeed, governance policies that are considered to be
their underlying different value creation/capture processes. advantageous for the platform owner may impose mutual
The pursuit of exchange value requires the app-side to engage adaptation challenges for other ecosystem participants. For
in resource commitment processes, which make the app-side example, despite the benefits of platform updates, the process
less likely to grow immediately as a response to the user-side of releasing updates too frequently may inevitably disrupt the
expansion. However, the commitment of resources is likely smooth interactions across sides. Therefore, the impacts that
to drive developers to realize their development over time, these governance policies can have on the evolution of the
making the CNEs from the user-side to the app-side even- platform itself require careful consideration alongside the
tually manifest in the long-term. In contrast, the pursuit of impacts that these governance policies can have on cross-side
direct use value makes the resource commitment processes of evolution and interdependencies in the platform ecosystem.
the user-side relatively simple. The user-side is therefore
more likely to grow immediately as a response to the app-side The insights from our study also contribute to the theoretical
expansion. But over time, the user-side momentum is less understanding of software development strategies. First, past
likely to be persistent in the long-term due to the lack of com- literature has suggested the sequential provision of multiple
mitment. In this regard, the differential value pursuit and versions of software as an optimal way to signal quality and
resource commitment drive the distinct immediacy and dura- gradually build installed bases in the consumer market with
tion of CNEs on the two sides. Our reliance on a value network externality (e.g., Gallaugher and Wang 2002; Pad-
perspective to understand network effects essentially echoes manabhan et al. 1997). Our study suggests that the new
the call in recent network studies to go beyond network size development environment (e.g., the hyperspeed of the web/
explanations of network effects (Afuah 2013). mobile world), in which platforms are vital in bridging apps
and users, may challenge traditional sequential strategies to
Second, our revelation of the differential temporal effects develop versions of software. The CNEs in the platform eco-
provides insights on how feedback, specifically delays in system intensify app competition as users face a variety of
response to feedback and instability in the generated feedback choices (Boudreau 2012). The short-term effect of app-to-
(Tiwana 2014), works differently on the two sides of a plat- user CNEs also suggests the difficulty in drawing long-term
form. Our findings suggest that delays are more of an issue user interest. In this case, the quality of introductory versions
for the supply-side (the app-side in our case) responding to becomes more important. App developers may have to recon-
demand-side (the user-side in our case) feedback, possibly sider how they balance resource commitments between
due to the relatively more complex resource commitment seeding initial market share with high-quality introductory
processes on the supply-side. However, instability in supply- versions of an app and refining quality of the app in subse-
side feedback to the demand-side is less of an issue as supply- quent sequential versions to maintain and grow the installed
side resource commitments foster a persistent supply-side bases.
feedback to the demand-side. In contrast, instability in
demand-side feedback to the supply-side can be an issue due Second, while past research has largely assumed that sequen-
to volatility in platform users’ taste for apps. tial development is under the control of developers (e.g.,

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Padmanabhan et al. 1997), we delineate that platform gover- implication can also be generalized to non-software platform
nance policies can potentially interfere with developers’ contexts. For example, in platforms such as Airbnb, hosts
sequential development and app releases. Long app review (suppliers) often engage in more complex processes of
times may impede the new app releases that developers use to resource commitment (e.g., property maintenance, safety
seed initial installed bases. Platform updates may force app assurance, picture preparation, etc.) than renters. Therefore,
updates and even make app updates a burden for developers. akin to our findings in the software platform context, the
In this regard, developers should take into account the responses of the host-side and the renter-side to each other
potential influences from platform governance actions, and may differ in immediacy and duration. Airbnb can provide
plan their sequential development strategies accordingly to services that assist hosts to prepare their properties and more
make their app upgrades and releases more adaptive to the swiftly capture the fast-growing demand from renters. On the
context of the platform ecosystem. renter side, Airbnb can place more weight on approaches
(e.g., community building, feedback management) to improve
The consideration of platform governance policies also renter engagement in the long term. Providing greater trans-
extends the lens of IS governance to an ecosystem context parency about future host-side development to the renter-side
that is characterized by complex adaptiveness. The extant IS (e.g., more development in amenities, house rules, and profes-
governance perspectives have been primarily concerned with sional displays) may maintain or increase momentum of
internal organizational arrangements (e.g., Sambamurthy and renters and sustain long-term renter-side growth.
Zmud 1999) or with interorganizational arrangements of
dyadic relationships (Klein and Rai 2009; Rai and Tang Another key practical implication for platform managers is to
2010). In contrast, the platform governance perspective is build governance capabilities in order to reduce the conflict
concerned with the platform ecosystem and diverse stake- between governance actions and the growth of the platform
holders (not only the platform owner), and needs to uncover ecosystem through network effects. Platforms should take
characteristics of complex adaptive systems (Tanriverdi et al. action to improve the efficiency of their governance pro-
2010), such as interdependencies and coevolution in the cesses, such as diligently reducing app review times. For
ecosystem. Our findings reveal that the trajectory and direc- example, recently Apple announced its promise to signifi-
tion of coevolution of the app and user-sides of the platform cantly reduce the average time for app review and approval to
are affected by the governance actions of the platform owner. less than two days (Webb 2016). The intention was to bring
Our study’s revelation of the temporal features of CNEs Apple more in line with its key competitor, Alphabet Inc.’s
suggests that platform owners may be able to dynamically Google. In contrast to Apple, which checks apps before
adapt platform governance to accelerate (or decelerate) CNEs including them in the App Store, Google Play often reviews
and realize temporary advantages over time—an idea that is apps after making them available to users for download so as
especially important in complex adaptive systems where con- to avoid delays caused by app review. Platforms may also use
catenating temporary advantages is more likely to yield more transparent information on review status to better
competitive advantages than simply seeking a sustainable manage the expectations of app developers and users and
source of competitive advantage (e.g., Tanriverdi et al. 2010). alleviate their frustration. Differentiated review processes for
heterogeneous apps can be employed to expedite reviews of
apps that are heavily requested by users.
Practical Implications
Platform managers should also build their capability in
The characterization of asymmetric CNEs has implications for managing frequent platform updates as it is critical for plat-
platform managers who often face a coordination challenge form growth and competition. When comparing Firefox and
when CNEs enable participants on each side to form expecta- Chrome in terms of update management, Jono DiCarlo, a
tions about the other side (Spulber 2010; Tucker and Zhang former Firefox developer, concluded that “doing rapid
2010). To address this issue, platforms usually need to decide releases poorly just made Firefox look like an inferior version
which side to prioritize in resource commitment (Hagiu and of Chrome” (Kingsley-Hughes 2012). Therefore, platforms
Spulber 2013). Our findings suggest that given the long-term should make serious efforts to enhance their software archi-
effects of user-to-app CNEs, platform managers need to be tectures (e.g., compatibility, standardization of APIs, and
patient and persistent in supporting the app-side growth. modulation), expand their support to both app developers and
They may also subsidize the app-side in a way that expedites users, and even rely on assistance from certified support
the app-side’s response to user-side growth. Given the short- professionals and open communities to streamline their plat-
term effect of app-to-user CNEs, platform managers may form update processes. Doing so can help minimize the nega-
devote resources to sustain the user-side response to the app- tive impacts of frequent platform updates on both developers
side and mitigate feedback decays on the user-side. This and users, and sustain the growth of the platform ecosystem.

138 MIS Quarterly Vol. 42 No. 1/March 2018

Song et al./Asymmetric Cross-Side Network Effects & Platform Governance

Regarding practical implications to app developers, our study intentionally weaken CNEs so as to gain more control over
suggests that app developers need to consider strategies and the two sides also deserve attention.
techniques to overcome the potential adverse effects of
platform governance. For example, the dynamic software Finally, future research may adopt different theoretical per-
update technique (e.g., Hayden et al. 2012; Seifzadeh et al. spectives, such as ecology theory, to examine the evolution of
2013) can facilitate and simplify app update processes. the ecosystems of software and non-software platforms.
Developers may consider using more of these techniques in These perspectives may help generate additional insights on
adapting to frequent platform updates. Second, developers the ecology processes on the supply-side and the demand-
may also consider more flexible strategies in the development side, and the temporal dynamics of cross-side network effects.
stage to be better prepared for subsequent platform gover- The roles of many other sides (in addition to the supply-side
nance actions. For example, emerging hybrid development and the demand-side) that generate valuable products/services
approaches (Beckman 2012) allow developers to use more and influence cross-side network effects can be taken into
generic tools (e.g., Javacript) to fuse their apps with the native consideration.
features of platforms. Adopting these app development
approaches in the first place provides developers the flexi-
bility and convenience in subsequent revisions and improve-
ments driven by platform governance.
Our study surfaces the asymmetric features of CNEs in the
software platform ecosystem and the impacts of platform
Limitations and Future Research governance mechanisms on CNEs. Our findings reveal that
user-to-app CNEs primarily take effect in the long-term, while
This study has some limitations and creates opportunities for app-to-user CNEs primarily take effect in the short-term. We
future research. First, our field data is about a specific soft- find that long app review times weaken user-to-app CNEs, but
ware platform. Future research may consider generalizing the not app-to-user CNEs. Our results also suggest that long app
insights on asymmetric CNEs by examining other software review times result in enhanced app quality that may counter-
platforms (e.g., operating systems and mobile platforms) and act the negative impact of delayed app releases (caused by
non-software platforms (e.g., B2C and C2C transactional plat- long app review times). In addition, we find that frequent
forms). The CNEs in emerging platform business models platform updates weaken user-to-app CNEs, in part because
(e.g., sharing economy) and the influences of many techno- frequent platform updates force developers to commit more
logical and non-technological platform governance factors are effort to updating existing apps rather than developing new
also worth exploring. ones. Frequent platform updates partially weaken app-to-user
CNEs by mitigating the attractiveness of increased app
Second, this study focuses on a free software platform and numbers, but not that of increased app diversity, to end users.
therefore the role of pricing is not relevant in our context. Overall, our study elaborates our understanding about the
However, pricing can be an important governance mechanism dynamics of network effects in two-sided platforms and how
of a platform (Parker and Van Alstyne 2008), and is critical governance practices of platforms can be leveraged to estab-
to other types of software platforms (e.g., enterprise soft- lish a virtuous cycle of CNEs for the vibrant growth of the
ware). The examination of pricing issues may help shed light platform ecosystem.
on how CNEs influence the competition between a platform
and third party developers for profit. Therefore, future
research may focus on for-profit platforms and specifically Acknowledgments
consider the pricing effect.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support by the
Third, our study focuses primarily on the interactions between National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant
a platform and its own two-sided markets. The data avail- #71472083, Grant #71372112, Grant #71490721, and Grant
ability keeps us from fully endogenizing the inter-platform #71232008.
competition in our research model. Future research may
explore how the evolving competition among platforms is References
influenced by asymmetric CNEs and the interactions among
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American Society for Information Science and Technology (63:1), Ling Xue is an assistant professor at the Robinson College of
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Internet Social Networking Site,” Journal of Marketing (73:5),
pp. 90-102. Arun Rai is Regents’ Professor of the University System of Georgia
Venkatesh, V., Brown, S. A., Maruping, L. M., and Bala, H. 2008. at the Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, and
“Predicting Different Conceptualizations of System Use: The holds the Robinson and Harkins Chairs. His research has focused on
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tions, and Behavioral Expectation,” MIS Quarterly (32:3), pp. relationships, and processes; how complex systems can be
483-502. effectively developed and deployed; and how digital innovations can
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Boost Service Sales,” Bloomberg Technology, May 12 inequality, poverty, health disparities, and infant mortality. Several
( of his research projects have been in collaboration with major
shortens-app-review-times-in-push-to-boost-service-sales). corporations in automotives, hi-tech, healthcare, financial services,
Weyl, E. G. 2010. “A Price Theory of Multi-Sided Platforms,” and logistics and supply chains, and with not-for-profit organi-
American Economic Review (100:4), pp. 1642-1672. zations. He is a Fellow of the Association for Information Systems
Wilbur, K. C. 2008. “A Two-Sided, Empirical Model of Television and a Distinguished Fellow of the INFORMS Information Systems
Advertising and Viewing Markets,” Marketing Science (27:3), Society.
pp. 356-378.
Wooldridge, J. M. 2002. Econometric Analysis of Cross Section Cheng Zhang is a professor in the Department of Information
and Panel Data, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Management & Information Systems, Fudan University, China. His
Zhang, K., Evgeniou, T., Padmanabhan, V. and Richard, E. 2012. current research interests include information strategies, electronic
“Content Contributor Management and Network Effects in a markets, and IT diffusion. His works have been published in
UGC Environment,” Marketing Science (31:3), pp. 433-447. journals including Computer and Human Behaviors, Decision
Zhu, F., and Iansiti, M. 2012. “Entry into Platform-Based Mar- Support Systems, Electronic Markets, IEEE Transactions on Engi-
kets,” Strategic Management Journal (33:1), pp. 88-106. neering Management, IEEE Transactions on Professional Com-
munication, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Information &
Management, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Inter-
About the Authors national Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of
Production Research, Journal of Management Information Systems,
Peijian Song is an associate professor at the School of Business, Marketing Science, Journal of Global Information Management, and
Nanjing University. His research interests include platform strategy, Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory. He serves on the
electronic commerce, and IT innovation. His work has been editorial review boards of Journal of Global Information
published by journals such as Decision Support Systems, IEEE Management and IEEE Transactions on Professional Commu-
Transactions on Engineering Management, and Journal of Inter- nication.

142 MIS Quarterly Vol. 42 No. 1/March 2018



Peijian Song
School of Business, Nanjing University, Nanjing CHINA {}

Ling Xue
J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30303 U.S.A. {}

Arun Rai
J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30303 U.S.A. {}

Cheng Zhang
School of Management, Fudan University, Shanghai CHINA {}

Appendix A
Cross-Side Network Effects Before and After Frequent Platform Updates

Table A1. Cross-Side Network Effects Before Frequent Platform Updates

Panel A: User-to-App Effects
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
User Usage  App Number 0.04 (0.22, p = 0.43) 0.31 (0.15, p = 0.03)*
User Usage  App Diversity 0.01 (0.02, p = 0.31) 0.09 (0.02, p = 0.00)*
Panel B: App-to-User Effects
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
App Number  User Usage 0.94 (0.49, p = 0.04)* 0.20 (1.14, p = 0.43)
App Diversity  User Usage 0.64 (0.29, p = 0.03)* 0.19 (0.78, p = 0.41)

Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Estimated coefficients are in percentage values. In parentheses are standard errors and corresponding p-values.

MIS Quarterly Vol. 42 No. 1—Appendices/March 2018 A1

Song et al./Asymmetric Cross-Side Network Effects & Platform Governance

Table A2. Cross-Side Network Effects After Frequent Platform Updates

Panel A: User-to-App Effects
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
User Usage  App Number 0.06 (0.22, p = 0.39) 0.03 (0.04, p = 0.24)
User Usage  App Diversity 0.01 (0.01, p = 0.17) 0.01 (0.03, p = 0.37)
Panel B: App-to-User Effects
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
App Number  User Usage 0.37 (0.74, p = 0.30) 0.40 (1.08, p = 0.36)
App Diversity  User Usage 0.49 (0.24, p = 0.04)* 0.19 (0.78, p = 0.41)

Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Estimated coefficients are in percentage values. In parentheses are standard errors and corresponding p-values.

Appendix B
Download as An Alternative Measure of User-Side

Table B1. Cross-Side Network Effects

Panel A: User-to-App Effects
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
User Download  App Number 0.12 (0.16, p = 0.24) 0.45 (0.18, p = 0.02)**
User Download  App Diversity 0.00 (0.01, p = 0.83) 0.03 (0.01, p = 0.01)*
Panel B: App-to-User Effects
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
App Number  User Download 2.05 (0.92, p = 0.03)* 0.43 (2.31, p = 0.43)
App Diversity  User Download 0.04 (0.91, p = 0.48) 0.48 (1.62, p = 0.39)

Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Estimated coefficients are in percentage values. In parentheses are standard errors and corresponding p-values.

Table B2. Influences of App Review Time on Cross-Side Network Effects

Panel A: User-to-App Effect
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
User Download × App Review Time  App Number -0.02 (0.01, p = 0.04)* -0.03 (0.01, p = 0.01)**
User Download × App Review Time  App Diversity -0.03 (0.04, p = 0.24) -0.12 (0.05, p = 0.02)*
Panel B: App-to-User Effect
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
App Number × App Review Time  User Download -1.85 (2.79, p = 0.26) -3.62 (4.92, p = 0.24)
App Diversity × App Review Time  User Download -2.49 (2.23, p = 0.15) -3.75 (3.92, p = 0.18)

Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Estimated coefficients are in percentage values. In parentheses are standard errors and corresponding p-values.

A2 MIS Quarterly Vol. 42 No. 1—Appendices/March 2018

Song et al./Asymmetric Cross-Side Network Effects & Platform Governance

Table B3. Influences of Frequent Platform Updates on Cross-Side Network Effects

Panel A: User-to-App Effect
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
User Download × Platform Update Frequency  App Number 0.00 (0.01, p = 0.71) -0.13 (0.03, p = 0.00)**
User Download × Platform Update Frequency  App Diversity 0.00 (0.02, p = 0.79) -0.10 (0.04, p = 0.02)*
Panel B: App-to-User Effect
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
App Number × Platform Update Frequency  User Download -1.61 (0.40, p = 0.00)** -0.19 (0.81, p = 0.41)
App Diversity × Platform Update Frequency  User Download -0.07 (0.46, p = 0.44) -0.90 (1.12, p = 0.22)

Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Estimated coefficients are in percentage values. In parentheses are standard errors and corresponding p-values.

Appendix C
Number and Diversity of Developers as Alternative Measures of App-Side

Table C1. Cross-Side Network Effects

Panel A: User-to-App Effects
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
User Usage  Developer Number 0.01 (0.02, p = 0.31) 0.07 (0.02, p = 0.00)**
User Usage  Developer Diversity 0.01 (0.01, p = 0.17) 0.03 (0.01, p = 0.01)**
Panel B: App-to-User Effects
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
Developer Number  User Usage 0.39 (0.14, p = 0.01)** 0.28 (0.94, p = 0.39)
Developer Diversity  User Usage 0.61 (0.19, p = 0.01)** 0.68 (0.63, p = 0.15)

Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Estimated coefficients are in percentage values. In parentheses are standard errors and corresponding p-values.

Table C2. Influences of App Review Time on Cross-Side Network Effects

Panel A: User-to-App Effect
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
User Usage × App Review Time  Developer Number -0.02 (0.01, p = 0.04)* -0.04 (0.02, p = 0.04)*
User Usage × App Review Time  Developer Diversity 0.01 (0.01, p = 0.17) -0.03 (0.01, p = 0.01)**
Panel B: App-to-User Effect
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
Developer Number × App Review Time  User Usage 0.31 (0.50, p = 0.28) 0.47 (1.05, p = 0.33)
Developer Diversity × App Review Time  User Usage 0.68 (0.61, p = 0.15) 0.62 (1.02, p = 0.28)

Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Estimated coefficients are in percentage values. In parentheses are standard errors and corresponding p-values.

MIS Quarterly Vol. 42 No. 1—Appendices/March 2018 A3

Song et al./Asymmetric Cross-Side Network Effects & Platform Governance

Table C3. Influences of Frequent Platform Updates on Cross-Side Network Effects

Panel A: User-to-App Effect
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
User Usage × Platform Update Frequency  Developer Number -0.02 (0.02, p = 0.17) -0.09 (0.02, p = 0.00)**
User Usage × Platform Update Frequency  Developer Diversity 0.00 (0.01, p = 0.50) -0.08 (0.01, p = 0.00)**
Panel B: App-to-User Effect
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
Developer Number × Platform Update Frequency  User Usage -1.03 (0.05, p = 0.00)** -0.79 (1.01, p = 0.23)
Developer Diversity × Platform Update Frequency  User Usage -1.14 (0.04, p = 0.00)** -0.61 (0.92, p = 0.26)

Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Estimated coefficients are in percentage values. In parentheses are standard errors and corresponding p-values.

Appendix D
Platform Update Interval as An Alternative Continuous Measure
of Frequent Platform Updates

Table D1. Influences of Frequent Platform Updates on Cross-Side Network Effects

Panel A: User-to-App Effect
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
User Usage × Platform Update Frequency  App Number -0.01 (0.01, p = 0.17) -0.17 (0.07, p = 0.02)*
User Usage × Platform Update Frequency  App Diversity 0.00 (0.01, p = 0.75) -0.02 (0.01, p = 0.04)*
Panel B: App-to-User Effect
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
App Number × Platform Update Frequency  User Usage -0.93 (0.47, p = 0.04)* -1.10 (1.51, p = 0.24)
App Diversity × Platform Update Frequency  User Usage -0.91 (0.43, p = 0.03)* -1.01 (1.58, p = 0.27)

Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Estimated coefficients are in percentage values. In parentheses are standard errors and corresponding p-values.

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Appendix E
With the Update Intervals of Competing Platform as An Additional Control

Table E1. Cross-Side Network Effects

Panel A: User-to-App Effects
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
User Usage  App Number 0.01 (0.02, p = 0.28) 0.14 (0.07, p = 0.04)*
User Usage  App Diversity 0.01 (0.01, p = 0.14) 0.07 (0.03, p = 0.02)*
Panel B: App-to-User Effects
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
App Diversity  User Usage 0.65 (0.15, p = 0.01)** 0.08 (0.90, p = 0.47)
App Diversity  User Usage 0.49 (0.19, p = 0.01)** 0.31 (0.64, p = 0.32)

Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Estimated coefficients are in percentage values. In parentheses are standard errors and corresponding p-values.

Table E2. Influences of Frequent Platform Updates on Cross-Side Network Effects

Panel A: User-to-App Effects
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
User Usage × Platform Update Frequency  App Number -0.03 (0.03, p = 0.17) -0.12 (0.04, p = 0.01)**
User Usage × Platform Update Frequency  App Diversity -0.01 (0.01, p = 0.15) -0.10 (0.03, p = 0.01)**
Panel B: App-to-User Effects
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
App Number × Platform Update Frequency  User Usage -1.14 (0.45, p = 0.02)* -1.26 (1.30, p = 0.18)
App Diversity × Platform Update Frequency  User Usage -0.91 (0.41, p = 0.03)* -1.94 (2.42, p = 0.22)

Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Estimated coefficients are in percentage values. In parentheses are standard errors and corresponding p-values.

Appendix F
Additional Analyses on App Quality

Table F1. Additional Analysis on App Quality

Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
App Review Time  Quality of New Apps 15.13 (2.72, p = 0.00)** 11.34 (3.51, p = 0.00)**

Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. The coefficients are percentage values. In parentheses are standard errors and corresponding p-values.

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Song et al./Asymmetric Cross-Side Network Effects & Platform Governance

Table F2. App-to-User CNEs for High-Rating and Low-Rating Apps

Panel A: App-to-User Effects for High-Rating Apps
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
App Number  User Usage 2.41 (0.42, p = 0.00)** 0.60 (0.56, p = 0.16)
App Diversity  User Usage 0.75 (0.33, p = 0.02)* 0.35 (0.59, p = 0.28)
Panel B: App-to-User Effects for Low-Rating Apps
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
App Number  User Usage 0.41 (0.15, p = 0.01)* 0.15 (0.43, p = 0.37)
App Diversity  User Usage 0.78 (0.74, p = 0.16) 0.35 (0.41, p = 0.21)

Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Estimated coefficients are in percentage values. In parentheses are standard errors and corresponding p-values.

Appendix G
Additional Analysis on Platform Updates

Table G1. Impact of Frequent Platform Updates on the App-Side

Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
Platform Update Frequency  Number of Updated Apps 7.36 (2.26, p = 0.00)** 8.94 (2.71, p = 0.00)**
Number of Updated Apps  Number of New Apps -11.36 (2.61, p = 0.00)** -11.33 (2.73, p = 0.00)**
Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Estimated coefficients are in percentage values. In parentheses are standard errors and corresponding p-values.

Table G2. Influences of Frequent Platform Updates on User-to-App Effect (for New and Updated Apps)
Panel A: User-to-App Effect for New Apps
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
User Usage × Platform Update Frequency  Number of New
-2.23 (2.89, p = 0.24) -4.60 (1.07, p = 0.00)**
User Usage × Platform Update Frequency  Diversity of New
-0.10 (0.15, p = 0.26) -0.25 (0.12, p = 0.03)*
Panel B: User-to-App Effect for Updated Apps
Paths Short-Term Effect Long-Term Effect
User Usage × Platform Update Frequency  Number of
2.27 (3.13, p = 0.24) 5.62 (1.58, p = 0.00)**
Updated Apps
User Usage × Platform Update Frequency  Diversity of
0.11 (0.67, p = 0.45) 0.08 (0.68, p = 0.45)
Updated Apps
Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Estimated coefficients are in percentage values. In parentheses are standard errors and corresponding p-values.

A6 MIS Quarterly Vol. 42 No. 1—Appendices/March 2018

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