3.weekly Diesel Consumption Report (Feb) - 8.2.2024

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Condo - Tank (1) 公寓-油箱 (1) + Condo - Tank (2) 公寓 - 油箱 (2) + Hotel -Fuel Tank 酒店-油箱 +

Shanghai Gen 上海发电机 + 50kW Generator 50kW发电机 + 25kW Generator 25kW发电机

Diesel Consumption Report 柴油消耗报告 (01.02.2024 ~ 07.02.2024)

Uint Opening/开 Purchase/采购 Transfer (In)/进 Transfer (Out)/出 Usage/使用 Balance/余额

Name 姓名 Total Running
单位 Price (MMK) /
Qty/数量 Liter 缅币/升
Qty/数量 Qty/数量 Qty/数量 Qty/数量 Qty/数量 Hour/总运行时间

Condo- Fuel Tank (1) 公寓-油箱 (1) Liter 升 2,980 - - - - 2,980 0:00

Condo- Fuel Tank (2) 公寓 - 油箱 (2) Liter 升 2,610 - - 810 - 1,800 0:00

Shanghai Generator 上海发电机 Liter 升 162 - 1,560 1,696 26 48:09

50kW Generator 50kW发电机 Liter 升 78 - 20 19 79 8:06

25kW Generator 25kW发电机 Liter 升 24 - 15 - 20 19 8:06

Condo - Total 公寓 - 总计 Liter 升 5,854 - 1,595 810 1,735 4,904 64:21

Fogging Machine Liter 升 - - - - - - 0:00

Hotel -Fuel Tank 酒店-油箱 Liter 升 3,400 - - - - 3,400 0:00

Hotel -Total 酒店-总计 Liter 升 3,400 - - - - 3,400 0:00

High Speed Diesel Liter 升 300 - - - - 300 0:00

Premium Diesel(Oil Piper) Liter 升 785 - - 785 - - 0:00

Total 9,554 - 1,595 1,595 1,735 8,604 64:21

Prepared By: Department Manager By: Check By: Approved By:

准备人: (部门经理) (审核人) 批准人:
Thein Tun Oo Mr.Tan Chi U Aung Myint Oo Mr.Wang Xiu Chun

Assistant Manager AGM & Finance Manager Executive Deputy General Manager
Condo Generator(1550kVA,1240kW) Fuel Tank -1 /公寓发电机(1550kVA,1240kW)油箱
SPRING LINE Diesel Consumption Report as at 08.02.2024

Opening Transfer (IN) Transfer (Out) Balance (Tank 1)

In / 进 Usage / 用法
/开 /进 /出 / 余额
Date Unit
Remark / 备注
/ 日期 / 单位 Qty(Liter)/ Qty(Liter)/ Qty(Liter)/ Qty(Liter)/ Genset Start Genset Stop Running Hour/ Total Fuel/ Fuel Consumption Qty (Liter) /
数量(升) 数量(升) 数量(升) 数量(升) / 开启 /停 运行时间 总柴油 (Qty)/柴油用量 数量(升)

1-Feb-24 Liter 升 2,980 2,980

2-Feb-24 Liter 升 2,980
3-Feb-24 Liter 升 2,980
4-Feb-24 Liter 升 2,980
5-Feb-24 Liter 升 2,980
6-Feb-24 Liter 升 2,980
7-Feb-24 Liter 升 2,980
8-Feb-24 Liter 升 2,980
Liter 升 2,980
Total 2,980 - - - 0:00 2,980 - 2,980
Condo Generator(1550kVA,1240kW) Fuel Tank -2 /公寓发电机(1550kVA, 1240W)油箱-2

SPRING LINE Diesel Consumption Report as at 08.02.2024

Transfer Transfer Balance (Tank 2) /
In / 进 Usage / 用法
(IN) /进 (Out) /出 余额
Date/日期 Unit/单位 Remark / 备注
Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Genset Start / Genset Stop/ Running Hour/ Total Fuel / Fuel Consumption Qty(Liter) /
数量(升) 数量(升) 数量(升) 数量(升) 开启 停 运行时间 总柴油 (Qty) / 柴油用量 数量(升)

1-Feb-24 Liter 升 2,610 2,610

1-Feb-24 Liter 升 210 2,400 Transfer to Shanghai

2-Feb-24 Liter 升 2,400

3-Feb-24 Liter 升 2,400

4-Feb-24 Liter 升 2,400

5-Feb-24 Liter 升 200 2,200 Transfer to Shanghai

6-Feb-24 Liter 升 230 1,970 Transfer to Shanghai
6-Feb-24 Liter 升 20 1,950 Transfer to 50KW
6-Feb-24 Liter 升 15 1,935 Transfer to 25KW
7-Feb-24 Liter 升 135 1,800 Transfer to Shanghai

Liter 升 1,800

Liter 升 1,800

Liter 升 1,800

Liter 升 1,800

Liter 升 1,800

Total 2,610 - - 810 0:00 2,610 - 1,800

Shanghai (375KVA) Generator Fuel Tank /上海(375KVA)发电机油箱

SPRING LINE Diesel Consumption Report as at 08.02.2024

Transfer (IN) Transfer (Out)

Date / 日期 In / 进 Usage / 用量 Balance / 余额
/进 /出
Date / 日期 Unit / 单位 Remark / 备注
Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Genset Start / Genset Stop Running Hour/ Total Fuel / Fuel Consumption Qty(Liter) /
数量(升) 数量(升) 数量(升) 数量(升) 开启 /停 运行时间 总柴油 (Qty) / 柴油用量 数量(升)

8/4/2023 162 162
Liter 升 162
Liter 升 9:04 12:10
210 3:06 162 124 248 Transfer from T2
Liter 升 17:15 19:45 2:30 248 107 141
Liter 升 232 4:56 9:02 4:06 141 141 232 Transfer from Piper Tank
Liter 升 14:00 17:00 3:00 232 124 108
Liter 升 207 9:00 12:00 3:00 108 132 183 Transfer from Piper Tank
Liter 升 17:00 20:40 3:40 183 100 83
Liter 升 346 5:00 9:00 4:00 83 132 297 Transfer from Piper Tank
Liter 升 13:05 13:15 0:10 297 2 295
Liter 升 14:00 17:00 3:00 295 116 179
Liter 升 200 9:04 12:00 2:56 179 107 272 Transfer from T2
Liter 升 17:30 20:50 3:20 272 116 156
Liter 升 5:00 8:54 3:54 156 107 49
Liter 升 230 14:00 17:00 3:00 49 100 179 Transfer from T2
Liter 升 9:02 12:03 3:01 179 107 72
Liter 升 13:30 14:33 1:03 72 41 31
Liter 升 135 15:00 15:55 0:55 31 40 126 Transfer from T2
Liter 升 17:16 20:44 3:28 126 100 26

0:00 26 26
Total 162 - 1,560 - 48:09 1,722 1,696 26
50kW Generator Fuel Tank / 50kW发电机油箱

SPRING LINE Diesel Consumption Report as at 08.02.2024

Transfer (IN) Transfer (Out)

Opening / 开 In / 进 Usage / 用法 Balance / 余额
/进 /出
Date / 日期 Unit / 单位 Remark / 备注
Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Genset Start / Genset Stop Running Hour/ Total Fuel / Fuel Consumption Qty(Liter) /
数量(升) 数量(升) 数量(升) 数量(升) 开启 /停 运行时间 总柴油 (Qty) / 柴油用量 数量(升)
1-Feb-24 Liter 升 78 78
1-Feb-24 Liter 升 78
1-Feb-24 Liter 升 78
1-Feb-24 Liter 升 11:50 13:00 1:10 78 3 75
2-Feb-24 Liter 升 12:56 14:00 1:04 75 3 72
3-Feb-24 Liter 升 11:56 13:10 1:14 72 3 69 Transfer from T2
4-Feb-24 Liter 升 12:42 14:09 1:27 69 3 66
5-Feb-24 Liter 升 11:47 12:58 1:11 66 3 63
6-Feb-24 Liter 升 20 13:00 14:00 1:00 63 2 81
7-Feb-24 Liter 升 12:00 13:00 1:00 81 2 79

Liter 升 0:00 79 79
Total 78 - 20 - 8:06 98 19 79
25kW Generator Fuel Tank / 25kW 发电机油箱

SPRING LINE Diesel Consumption Report as at 08.02.2024

Transfer (IN) Transfer (Out)

Opening / 开 In / 进 Usage / 用法 Balance / 余额
/进 /出
Date / 日期 Unit / 单位 Remark / 备注
Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Genset Start / Genset Stop Running Hour/ Total Fuel / Fuel Consumption Qty(Liter) /
数量(升) 数量(升) 数量(升) 数量(升) 开启 /停 运行时间 总柴油 (Qty) / 柴油用量 数量(升)

1-Feb-24 Liter 升 24 24
1-Feb-24 Liter 升 24
1-Feb-24 Liter 升 24
1-Feb-24 Liter 升 11:50 13:00 1:10 24 3 21
2-Feb-24 Liter 升 12:56 14:00 1:04 21 3 18
3-Feb-24 Liter 升 11:56 13:10 1:14 18 3 15
4-Feb-24 Liter 升 12:42 14:09 1:27 15 3 12
5-Feb-24 Liter 升 11:47 12:58 1:11 12 3 9
6-Feb-24 Liter 升 15 13:00 14:00 1:00 9 2 22 Transfer from T2
7-Feb-24 Liter 升 12:00 13:00 1:00 22 3 19
8-Feb-24 Liter 升 19 19
9-Feb-24 Liter 升 19 19

Liter 升 19 19
Total/合计 24 - 15 - 8:06 39 20 19
Condo Generator(1550kVA,1240kW) Fuel Tank -T /公寓发电机(1550kVA,1240kW)油箱

SPRING LINE Diesel Consumption Report as at 08.02.2024

Transfer (IN) Transfer (Out)
Opening / 开 In / 进 Usage / 用法 Balance / 余额
/进 /出
Date / 日期 Unit / 单位 Remark / 备注
Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Genset Start / Genset Stop Running Hour/ Total Fuel / Fuel Consumption Qty(Liter) /
数量(升) 数量(升) 数量(升) 数量(升) 开启 /停 运行时间 总柴油 (Qty) / 柴油用量 数量(升)

1-Feb-24 Liter 升 3,400 3,400

2-Feb-24 Liter 升 3,400
3-Feb-24 Liter 升 0:00 3,400
4-Feb-24 Liter 升 0:00 3,400
5-Feb-24 Liter 升 0:00 3,400
6-Feb-24 Liter 升 3,400
7-Feb-24 Liter 升 3,400
8-Feb-24 Liter 升 3,400
9-Feb-24 Liter 升 3,400
10-Feb-24 Liter 升 3,400
11-Feb-24 Liter 升 3,400
12-Feb-24 Liter 升 3,400
13-Feb-24 Liter 升 3,400
Total 3,400.000 - - - 0:00 3,400 - 3,400
Fogging Machine 滅蚊機
SPRING LINE Diesel Consumption Report as at 08.02.2024
Transfer (IN) Transfer (Out)
Opening / 开 In / 进 Usage / 用法 Balance / 余额
/进 /出
Date / 日期 Unit / 单位 Remark / 备注
Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Genset Start / Genset Stop Running Hour/ Total Fuel / Fuel Consumption Qty(Liter) /
数量(升) 数量(升) 数量(升) 数量(升) 开启 /停 运行时间 总柴油 (Qty) / 柴油用量 数量(升)

Liter 升 -
Liter 升 -
Liter 升 -
0:00 -
Liter 升 -
0:00 -
Liter 升 -
0:00 -
Liter 升

Total - - - - 0:00 - - -
High Speed Diesel
SPRING LINE Diesel Consumption Report as at 08.02.2024
Transfer (IN) Transfer (Out)
Opening / 开 In / 进 Usage / 用法 Balance / 余额
/进 /出
Date / 日期 Unit / 单位 Remark / 备注
Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Genset Start / Genset Stop Running Hour/ Total Fuel / Fuel Consumption Qty(Liter) /
数量(升) 数量(升) 数量(升) 数量(升) 开启 /停 运行时间 总柴油 (Qty) / 柴油用量 数量(升)

1-Feb-24 Liter 升 300 300

1-Feb-24 Liter 升 300 1250 KVA Generator room

Liter 升 300
1-Feb-24 0:00 300 1250 KVA Generator room

Liter 升 300
2-Feb-24 0:00 300

Liter 升 300
3-Feb-24 0:00 300

Total 300 - - - 0:00 300 - 300
Premium Diesel(Piper Tank)
SPRING LINE Diesel Consumption Report as at 08.02.2024
Transfer (IN) Transfer (Out)
Opening / 开 In / 进 Usage / 用法 Balance / 余额
/进 /出
Date / 日期 Unit / 单位 Remark / 备注
Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Qty (Liter) / Genset Start / Genset Stop Running Hour/ Total Fuel / Fuel Consumption Qty(Liter) /
数量(升) 数量(升) 数量(升) 数量(升) 开启 /停 运行时间 总柴油 (Qty) / 柴油用量 数量(升)

1-Feb-24 Liter 升 785 785

2-Feb-24 Liter 升 232 553 Transfer to Shanghai

3-Feb-24 Liter 升 207 346 Transfer to Shanghai

4-Feb-24 Liter 升 346 - Transfer to Shanghai

5-Feb-24 Liter 升 -

6-Feb-24 Liter 升 -

7-Feb-24 Liter 升 -

8-Feb-24 Liter 升 -

9-Feb-24 Liter 升 -

10-Feb-24 Liter 升 -

11-Feb-24 Liter 升 -

Liter 升 -
Total 785 - - 785 0:00 785 - -

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