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Geo file

April 2014
Online 709

John Rutter

Update on El Niño, La Niña and the

Southern Oscillation
The Atacama Desert, running the Figure 1: Climatic conditions over the Pacific Ocean and the beginnings of El Niño.
length of Peru and into Chile, is one The upper diagram shows the normal atmospheric and oceanic conditions in the
of the driest places on Earth. Yet even equatorial Pacific. The lower diagram illustrates the beginnings of El Niño, with
here, where people have grown used to high pressure causing drought over Australia and rainfall moving east towards South
a very stable climate, strange conditions America
are thrown up by the world’s weather
systems. One of the most unusual
occurrences was in 1998 when, without
warning, torrential rain led to flood
run-off from rivers forming a lake
145km long, 30km wide and 30m
deep in the middle of the desert – this Strong Trade Winds
temporary water feature becoming
Peru’s second largest lake. Australia Strong South
cold water America
While initially a boon for local line upwelling
fishermen who stocked the lake, the Ther
problems of such a quick influx of
water across the region soon became
apparent. Rivers bursting their banks
caused the deaths of hundreds of
people, while newly formed pools
provided excellent breeding grounds
for mosquitoes and cases of malaria
tripled over the following few months.

Meanwhile, across the world, other Weak Weak

strange weather was causing havoc. Trade Winds Trade Winds
In Sumatra, Borneo and Malaysia, H L H
it caused forest fires which gave rise Australia South
to huge smoke clouds, reducing Sea-level America
visibility to a minimum on the roads drops
and shutting down several airports. In line
Mongolia temperatures soared to 42ºC; Thermoc
record flooding in Poland and the
Czech Republic killed over 100 people;
Madagascar suffered unusual cyclones
and typhoons and in parts of Kenya
the normal monthly rainfall increased an ideal time to look at more recent changes in meteorological conditions
by 100cm. Finally, over in the United events, current scientific knowledge including storm patterns, hurricanes,
States, mudslides and flash floods hit and predictions for the future. GeoFile Seriesmonsoon
32 Issue 3and instances of drought.
both the east and west coasts. Fig 709_01 Mac/eps/illustrator 15 s/s
These changes, while originating in the
El Niño Southern Oscillation Pacific
Artist: David Russell Ocean, can happen all over the
So, what was the cause of all this world.
destruction? Everything stemmed (ENSO)
from the global climatic phenomenon Named El Niño – the ‘Christ Child’ The normal situation is when the
known as El Niño. Part of the Southern in Spanish – because it occurs just (Trade) winds blow from east to
Oscillation, El Niño and its companion after Christmas, the more scientifically west along the Pacific equator. The
La Niña (which brings similarly known El Niño-Southern Oscillation strength of the wind is such that the
unexpected weather conditions), were (ENSO) is the occasional switch in water piles up (to a depth of about
responsible for the deaths of over 2000 the direction and intensity of ocean half a metre) in the western part
people and damage valued at around currents and winds over the Pacific of the Pacific. Meanwhile, in the
£9 bn worldwide between 1997 and Ocean (Figure 1). ENSO occurs (very eastern Pacific, cold water is drawn
1998. Since then, El Niño events have roughly) every three to seven years, up from deep under the surface to
been much milder in nature but there can last for anything from several replace the water which has been
are concerns they could increase in months to more than a year and is a pushed west. This gives a difference
both frequency and magnitude as switching (an oscillation) between in the surface temperature of the
a result of long-term global climate three different types of climate: the water of around 8ºC from the west
change. Increasingly well researched normal situation, El Niño and La Niña. (where it averages 30º) to the east
but still little understood, it seems As we have seen, ENSO is linked to (about 22ºC).

Geofile © Oxford University Press 2014

April 2014 no.709 Update on El Niño, La Niña and the Southern Oscillation
Figure 2: An El Niño year (1997). Sea surface height measurements (related to between the Pacific east and west the
temperature) over the Pacific Ocean collected using the TOPEX/Poseidon satellite. strength of the trade winds increases.
The large white area on the right shows a sea surface between 14 and 32 cms above This can lead to an increase in rainfall
normal – indicative of an El Niño event over South East Asia, consequent
drought conditions in South America
and higher sea-levels and coastal
flooding in Indonesia and the
Philippines, as large amounts of water
are pushed westwards. Changes on a
global scale are often quite difficult to
quantify and predict as the jet stream
is weakened and storm tracks become
more irregular.

A recent history of ENSO

History suggests El Niño events
occur every three to seven years – a
variation that makes prediction very
difficult indeed. Figure 3 shows what
Source: NASA
has happened over the past 30 years
as measured by the Oceanic Niño
Figure 3: NOAA’s Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) Index (ONI). This index has become
3 57–58 Strong El Niño 57–58 Strong La Niña
GeoFile Series 32 Issue 3
57–58 Moderate (either) the standard measure used by NOAA
2.5 Fig
82–83709_02 Mac/eps/illustrator 15 s/s
(the United States National Oceanic
3-month Nino region 3.4 average

and Atmospheric Administration)
1.5 Artist: David Russell Illustration
to identify warm and cool periods
in the tropical Pacific Ocean and is
the three-month mean sea surface
temperature (SST) variation for one
of the main ENSO areas (between
–1.5 70–71 latitude 5º north and south of the
equator and 120º and 170º west in
98–99 07–08 10–11
75–76 99–00
–2 88–89
–2.5 longitude). ENSO events are defined
Jan 70

Jan 75

Jan 80

Jan 85

Jan 90

Jan 95

Jan 00

Jan 05

Jan 10

Jan 13

as five consecutive months at 0.5ºC

above the mean, for El Niño, and
Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 0.5ºC below the mean, for La Niña.

In an El Niño year (Figure 2) the winds • descending air over South East As can be seen from the graph in
GeoFile Series 32 Issue 3
are weaker and the water is pushed Asia and 15 Australia, with much drier Figure 3, El Niño has been relatively
Fig 709_03 Mac/eps/illustrator s/s
around less. With less water piled up inTHORNESconditions
NELSON PUBLISHING and occasional drought quiet since the major events of 1997 and
the west, more remains in the east andDavid Russell
Artist: • further afield, the huge shift in
Illustration 1998 outlined at the beginning of this
not so much cold water gets pulled up ocean currents and the position article. Twelve years passed until the
from the depths of the ocean. The result of the rising warm air alters the moderate to strong event of 2009 and
is that the eastern Pacific is warmer and direction of the jet stream and 2010, but this was still nowhere near
the normally strong trade winds weaken. changes the weather in North the previous level. Although relatively
This weakening means the eastern ocean America, Africa and the rest of the weak, effects felt across the world
continues to increase in temperature and world. included a weakening of the monsoon
the winds weaken even more – a positive in India, increased rainfall in California
feedback loop which makes El Niño El Niño events are often followed by and other coastal regions of the western
grow even stronger. La Niña (the ‘little girl’ in Spanish) United States and reduced precipitation
when climatic conditions are reversed in Australia. In contrast with the lack
The huge changes resulting from and a more extreme version of the of major El Niño events, the graph
El Niño have both economic and normal situation takes place – in does show an increase in the intensity
environmental effects around the general, in areas where El Niño is and frequency of La Niña, culminating
world, including: warm, La Niña is cool and where in the 2010 event which maintained a
El Niño is wet, La Niña is dry. Low moderate increase in SSTs throughout
• a reduction in the amount of cold, pressure over the western Pacific 2011.
nutrient-rich water upwelling deepens further and the high pressure
off the western coast of South over the east increases. In contrast to Case study: the effects of La
America with a consequent loss of El Niño there is an extreme upwelling
productivity in local fishing of cold water off the coast of South
Niña 2010 and 2011
• rising air over the eastern Pacific America leading to a huge increase The La Niña event of 2010 coincided
with much wetter conditions than in nutrient-rich waters and fantastic with record high ocean temperatures
expected in areas that normally fishing for the local people. With in the northeast Indian Ocean and
experience a desert climate the greater temperature difference brought a number of devastating

Geofile © Oxford University Press 2014

April 2014 no.709 Update on El Niño, La Niña and the Southern Oscillation

and unexpected effects to countries Figure 4: Flooding in the Indus River basin, Pakistan
bordering the Pacific Ocean:
• Pakistan: floods began in late July
2010 following exceptionally high
monsoon rains (the second highest
in the last 50 years) which increased
river levels throughout the Indus
basin (Figure 4). An estimated 20
per cent of the country was under
water, 20 million people were
affected by damage to property and
infrastructure and 2000 lost their
lives. The total estimated cost of the
floods lay at around £27 billion.
• Australia: flooding came later
to the Queensland area of
Australia, arriving in December
2010. Thousands of people were
evacuated from towns and cities –
around 70 settlements and 200,000
individuals ultimately being
affected. An estimated 38 people
died with around £1.5 bn worth of
property damage. There were huge Source: NASA
knock-on effects for the Australian
economy with disruption to the Figure 5: Tropical Pacific sea surface temperature forecasts September 2013
coal industry in particular playing 2
a part in a total budget reduction of Forecasts
around £18 bn. Observations
• United States: while parts of 1
sst anomaly (°C)

Australia suffered under the deluge,

the eastern USA was afflicted by 0
a blizzard of historic proportions.
On Boxing Day, from northern
Florida through to Maine and into –1
southern Canada, between 30 and
80cm of snow fell in just over 24
hours. In total, six states declared a
state of emergency, with major road Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
closures and disruption to services Source: UK Met Office. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0.
and local infrastructure.
• East Africa: by far the most
devastating effects of the 2010 La of the Horn of Africa is particularly the installation of a large network
GeoFile Series 32 Issue 3
Niña event were in the Horn of tragic. As the drought set in,Fig
a refugee of oceanic and satellite monitoring
709_06 Mac/eps/illustrator 15 s/s
Africa (Somalia, Djibouti, Kenya and humanitarian crisis developed
NELSON THORNES systems concentrated on measuring
and Ethiopia) which suffered the as millions of people abandoned SSTsIllustration
Artist: David Russell across the Pacific. As can be seen
worst drought in over 60 years. their homes and fled to surrounding from the ONI (Oceanic Nino Index),
Precipitation rates across many parts countries such as Sudan – recently this has become the main indicator
of the region decreased to around recovering from civil war and having of the state of ENSO events. The
70 per cent of the long-term average little ability to cope with such an influx climatic data gathered is then fed
leading to major crop loss, death of of people. As with similar situations into increasingly complex computer
livestock (between 40 and 60 per involving large numbers of refugees, an models for predicting oceanic and
cent of some herds) and reduced increase in malnutrition, sexual violence atmospheric circulation patterns.
milk production. In some of the and diseases such as malaria and HIV/
poorest countries of the world, AIDS were the inevitable result. Despite these advances in monitoring
cereal prices rose beyond what local and modelling, it is still difficult enough
people (whose livelihoods had been to predict what may happen in the next
Prediction of ENSO events six months without looking further
adversely affected by loss of income)
could afford. As the above case study example ahead. Figure 5, for instance, shows
shows, there is a need for more there is a long way to go before accurate
The examples above show how global efficient monitoring and prediction predictions are produced. The lines on
weather systems can have major of El Niño/La Niña events, so that the graph, produced by the UK Met
impacts on the lives of people and cause action can be taken to prevent the Office, display accurate measurements
widespread suffering on an individual worst effects. Over the last 30 years of SSTs from the previous six months
basis. Countries such as Australia and a lot of work has been done to try followed by predictions for the next six
the United States are well able to cope to understand the climate system months based on different computer
with the disruption caused but the case better. A major development has been models. It is obvious from the spread

Geofile © Oxford University Press 2014

April 2014 no.709 Update on El Niño, La Niña and the Southern Oscillation

of figures (which show anything from coinciding with the major concerns dengue fever and rift valley fever)
a return to the average to a decrease over man-made changes to the Earth’s and in animals (hantavirus) and fish
of one degree below and, therefore, a climate. Many scientists now believe (ciguatera poisoning). Other indirect
fairly major La Niña event) that basing that, as ENSO events are driven by effects include pollution hazes and
anything on these forecasts is a little increased warming of the Pacific Ocean, forest fires associated with the increase
ambitious at this stage. In October 2013 future changes in SSTs related to global in temperatures in countries including
a new prediction method produced warming will result in an increase in Indonesia and Australia.
by Glessen University was announced their intensity and frequency.
that appeared to be accurate two-thirds In the meantime, with most computer
of the time and only resulted in false Following the recent report by the models looking at predicting ENSO
alarms once in every ten cases. Other Intergovernmental Panel on Climate over the next 100 years being
researchers have been sceptical of Change (September 2013), which said inconclusive, scientists, researchers and,
the accuracy of the new model and it scientists were now 95 per cent sure most importantly, the people affected by
remains untested for future ENSO global climate change was a result of unpredictable changes in weather just
events. One thing without doubt is that, man’s activities, research published in have to cope as best they can with this
as computer models and data collection the highly respected journal, Nature, most fascinating of climatic conditions.
models improve over the coming years, reported the most robust evidence yet
predictions will likely become more that (based on computer modelling)
accurate. future ENSO events would lead References
to more drought in the countries Maslin, M. (2004) Global Warming.
ENSO and climate change – bordering the western Pacific Ocean Oxford University Press.
and rainfall increases in the central Maslin, M. (2013) Climate. Oxford
the past and the future and eastern equatorial Pacific. As well University Press.
With such a huge influence over as these direct impacts on the global Power, S., et al. (2013) ‘Robust twenty-
the global climate and especially climate, there will be additional effects first century projections of El Niño
extreme weather in many vulnerable on, for instance, the number, intensity and related precipitation variability’.
countries, there has understandably and pathways of hurricanes and
been a lot of concern over how climate cyclones and the strength and timing of Waugh, D. (2009) Geography: an
change will affect the frequency the monsoon over Asia. integrated approach 4th edition. Nelson
and intensity of ENSO events. To Thornes.
look to the future, scientists often An unpredictable world There is a huge amount of information
need a better knowledge of what has
happened in the past and, in relation The study of El Niño and La Niña on the internet about ENSO, although
to ENSO, details have been rather brings home to us just how little we not all of it is reliable. The best
sparse. Reconstruction of past climate still know about the climate system information comes from the USA’s
in the western Pacific region has of our planet and how our activities National Oceanic and Atmospheric
been possible by looking at coral reef are affecting it. While it is likely we Administration ( The
growth but this record only goes back will become increasingly adept at UK Met Office (
around 150 years. It shows a shift in predicting how ENSO will operate uk) and Australian Weather Bureau
ENSO events at the beginning of the in the future, at the moment we have ( also have plenty of
20th century from a 10- to 15-year cycle little opportunity (considering we have information. The Intergovernmental
to a three to five year cycle. This was little idea of the ultimate effects) to Panel on Climate Change (www.ipcc.
followed by a second shift in 1976 prepare for the events as they occur. ch) publishes up-to-date scientific
to more intense and more frequent What is not in doubt is that this is a research on the state of affairs and,
events. More recent data, over the last great worry to people who live in the for a detailed analysis of what future
few decades, is too variable to show countries affected. Recent reports by ENSO events may mean for world
any real pattern. the World Health Organisation have, health issues, see the World Health
for instance, shown how much El Organisation’s detailed report at www.
Looking further back researchers have Niño affects outbreaks of a range of
found no evidence for the existence of diseases in humans (including malaria, elnino.pdf.
El Niño in the early Holocene period
(beginning around 10,000 BC) and it
is now thought ENSO started between Focus Questions
four and five thousand years ago. The
most interesting recent research has 1. Describe the formation of ENSO events over the Pacific Ocean and
used 2,222 tree-ring chronologies to how they differ from the normal climatic conditions.
reconstruct parts of the climate record
of the past 700 years. Very sensitive to 2. Use case study examples to show the social, economic and
changes in the weather, these tree rings environmental effects of ENSO events on specific countries.
show accurately that there has been
an increase in ENSO events since the 3. Explain how scientific research methods have contributed to
beginning of the 20th century, chiming development in the understanding of past ENSO events since the
with the coral reef record and, perhaps beginning of the Holocene period.
more importantly, reflecting changes
brought about by global warming. 4. What is the current understanding of the relationship between ENSO
In particular the study found a big and global climate change? How are predictions for the future being
increase in events over the last 50 years refined and modified with the intention of providing greater accuracy?

Geofile © Oxford University Press 2014

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