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Employee Corrective Action Form

Employee Name: Date:

Job Title: Manager:

Action Taken


Description of the


Action Plan:

Action Taken:

Next Action Step:

Employee signature: Date:

Manager on Duty signature: Date:

All employees are expected to comply with all company practices, procedures and policies. H&M Canada considers your behaviors and actions to be an act of willful misconduct, including going
against H&M’s Canadian Code of Conduct. In line with H&M values we hope that you review this feedback and that you are committed to constant improvement on a go forward basis immediately.

This letter represents a disciplinary letter from H&M. It is meant to correct performance deficiencies immediately and serve as a written record of management’s expectations going forward.
Failure to behave consistently with the expectations for your role will result in the termination of your employment with cause.

General Information
Employee Corrective Action Form

Guidelines for using the Employee

Corrective Action Form

When utilizing the Employee Corrective Action Form, it is helpful to adhere to the following guidelines:

 Facts - List only facts, not opinions. Give concrete examples, when possible, to document the incorrect behavior.

 Objectives - What is the desired outcome? What do you expect? You may want to cite a reference of the job description or a policy.
Please Contact for additional ER Support regarding H&M Canada’s Employment Policy.

 Solutions - How do you suggest that the employee improves his or her performance or behavior? Does the employee have any
suggestions? You may offer additional training, review of procedures, etc. as most conversations will be case by case.

 Action - Tell the employee in writing that he or she is receiving a warning, recommendation for suspension, etc. and set a date to review
his or her progress towards obtaining the goals set

Please adhere to the following Definitions:

 Corrective Documentation – First step of the disciplinary process. The purpose is to document the nature of the problem and to point to
future disciplinary action if improvement doesn’t occur. It is simply a verbal discussion with the staff member.
 Verbal Warning – A formal conversation between a Manager and the employee.
 Written Warning – A documented formal conversation between a Manager and Employee about a disciplinary performance problem. It is
the second step of the progressive discipline process. It is the formal notice that the performance problem is serious, and immediate
 Final Warning – The final written warning notice is issued to document the fact that the employee has been officially advised again of
the precise nature of his or her misconduct/performance and warned that any future violations will result in termination.
 Termination – Failure to improve after this process has been followed will result in the next step of the termination with or without

Always remember that Corrective Action Form is a process of communication with the employee to improve behavior or performance, after other
methods such as coaching have not been successful.

When this should be used?

 Coaching conversations
 Employee Misconduct (e.g., unprofessional conduct, loss prevention, job performance
 Performance based issues (e.g., is not meeting company performance standards based on role descriptions)
 Once you’ve utilized the written Employee Feedback Forms, and there has been no improvement in an employee’s performance or
behavior, the next step would be to use the Employee Corrective Action Form.
 For e.g., a PTSA was not providing HIP service on the sales. As a result, they were given numerous Feedback Forms. As the employee
continue to not show any HIP service while running garments, the PTSA received a corrective action form to ensure their performance

Please use additional forms if the employee has more than one area that needs improvement. If you require the Employee Relations Support Centre
for assistance, you can reach out to the following:

 Areas 1 & 2 – Arianna Khalif

 Areas 3 & 4 – Jamal Mohamed

Directions for Submitting Employee Corrective Action Form.

General Information
Employee Corrective Action Form

 The Store or Department Manager should give a copy of the signed document to the employee.
 The Store or Department Manager must ensure that they retain copy and place the form into the Employee’s file.

General Information

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