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1. Can you apply the concept of Beauty Myth to Anna in Frozen?

The concept of Beauty Myth can be applied to character Anna in Frozen. The book of

Beauty Myth emphasizes on the idea of Iron Maiden, which means an unattainable standard

of women used to punish women physically and psychologically for their failure to achieve

and conform to it. This is in line with character Anna in frozen, as she is a flawed princess.

Every single one of us who watch frozen expects that Anna, as a princess, should act as a

princess. Instead she acts the way she wants (rude and obnoxious) beyond normal. Thus,

character Anna in Frozen is in line with the concept of Beauty Myth.

1. Analyze the issue of discrimination represented in the book.

The story of Emanuel Ofosu Yeboah is full of discrimination because he only has one leg

(left leg). When he was still in school, he didn’t have any friend, so he bought a new soccer

ball to persuade his classmates to play with him. When he was trying to find job, nobody

would hire a one-legged man and they told him to beg like any disabled people out there.

The discrimination didn’t end there. The older he gets, the more discrimination he

experienced, like when he wanted to buy shoe shining supplies and the shopkeeper thought

he was there to beg. There are plenty of discrimination against him, but he pulls through.

2. What are the impacts of the discrimination on the main character?

Because of discrimination, Emanuel Ofosu Yeboah had to work twice as hard as normal

people to attain everything. For example, to get to play with his friend, he had to save

enough money to buy a new soccer ball so his classmates would play soccer with him.

Another example is when he wanted to learn to ride a bike, he needed the help of a friend to

push him as fast as possible so he can balance the bike. Even though he fell a lot,

eventually he is able ride the bike. He had to work twice as much as normal people, but that

doesn’t mean he is unable to do anything.

3. What are the character buildings that are reflected in the book?

The character buildings in the story is unique, in depth, and with a clear vision of his life.

Emanuel Ofosu Yeboah is the main character of the story who is a disabled man due to the

fact that he only has one leg. Even though throughout his life he faced plenty of

discrimination, he didn’t even feel like a worthless man. He worked twice as hard to attain

everything that he wanted, and eventually he became a hero for disabled people. He did

what he thinks is right, not what is easy. His tenacity on doing what is right is admirable

and can attract as well as motivate those who are around him. At the end of the book, he

said “In this world, we are not perfect, we can only do our best”. That’s the best advice to

everyone in the world, disabled or not.

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