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Country : United Kingdom

Committee : UNEP(United Nations Environment Programme)

Agenda : Strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and
natural disasters in all countries by integrating climate change measures into global
Delegate : 20208 유예린

Honorable Chair and fellow delegates of the United Nations,

Burgeoning apprehension in the light of emission rates and waste management has
made clear of the impending task at hand: Strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity to
climate-related hazards and natural disasters. United Kingdom, as the torchbearer of
environmental regulation, is now striving to mend deficiencies in areas such as copping with
the ocean pollution to further prevail amongst its fellow nations.

Due to unsatisfactory performance among its peers, U.K. has taken early measures to
stand its ground against environmental destruction. As one of the pillars in such efforts, the
nation is currently promoting 25 Year Environment Plan on 11 January 2018 which promises
to end plastic waste, create new habitats for endangered species, deliver a 'Green Brexit',
create nature-friendly schools, and lead the way for other countries to tackle environmental
destruction. It sets out how the U.K. will tackle the crisis facing our natural world. In
sequence, pushing for more urgent action on plastics, dirty air, climate change and protecting
our precious natural heritage are in exigency.

It has shown continuous advancement concerning the matter in the form of

regulatory principles. Back in 2011, the government made a commitment to protect our
natural environment for future generations. Since the first-hand the impacts of ongoing
environmental decline, such as climate change and floods, increasing water shortages, and
health costs from pollution – these are significantly affecting our economy, resilience and
wellbeing as a society. With the population growing and our demands rising with it, planet’s
natural resources are diminishing faster than being replenished. It convicted to reverse this
decline in our natural assets both here in the UK and abroad.

Following the EU Referendum result, and given that the UK now has the scope to
think about what environmental legislation we will need outside of the EU, this delegate
highly recommends to seize opportunity to improve the way to manage our environment and
natural resources. Through collaboration of government, business and individuals, the
country can lead the way in protecting our natural capital, and change the way to perceive
nature, recognizing it is a fundamental underpinning to our society and economy.
This delegate is aware of its nation failing to meet global standards of sustainable
development. As a relatively isolated and ocean industrialized society, The U.K. has yet to
adopt clean policies and technology up to universal criteria. It has been questioned for its
dubious efforts in carbon emission reduction, earning the ignominy of being one of the
poorest performers in the OECD. It also struggles to keep up in the financial sector of
environmental preservation, as it is still in its infancy. Without sufficient domestic funds, the
entrepreneurial sector is struggling to get its innovations to market.

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