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1. Name one external body part. ( head/ legs/ hands/ eyes)

2. Name internal body parts. ( heart/ stomach/ lungs/ intestines)
3. Name the difference between external and internal body parts. ( internal body parts are parts
found inside the body and external body parts are parts found outside the body)
4. Give one way of caring for the body. ( wash the body, cut nails, keep short hair, bush teeth ,
aplly lotion or Vaseline, drink a lot of water to prevent dry skin)
5. Describe healthy living habits at home. ( Eat healthy food, exercise, sleep and rest, wash the
body, drink a lot of water, avoid taking drugs)
6. State the healthy related elements of fitness. ( Flexibility, endurance, strength, body
7. Describe activities used to develop healthy related elements of fitness
 To improve flexibility I need to stretch
 To improve strength I can lift weight, do push ups and do sit ups)
 To improve body composition I can run, jog, swimming, dance or any exercise.
 To improve endurance I can do long distance running, long distance swimming, dance, swim.
8. Give different safety rules in various environment.
 Always start with a warm up
 Follow safety rules
 Wear protective clothes
 Use equipment correctly
 Always have adult supervision
 Drink a lot of water to keep hydrated
 Always cool down the body after every physical activity.
9. State the importance of warm up.
 Prepare the body for the physical activities to be done.
 Prepare the mind to get ready.
 Improve flexibility
 Warms up muscles
 Allows more blood flow to the muscles.
 Prevent injuries
10. State the importance of cool down.
 Help the body to relax
 Prepare the body
 Help reduce heart rate and blood pressure
 Help lower body temperature
11. Describe water safety rules in and near water bodies.
 Swim in supervised swimming pools
 Never swim in unknown water bodies
 Wear safety equipment such lifejackets when doing water activities such as boating
 Beginners should visit the swimming pool with adults
 Never swim alone
 Use floaters to learn to swim
 Never dive in shallow ends
 Do not dive if you cannot dive
 Never attempt to rescue a drowning person by getting into the water
 Do not push a friend into the pool
 Follow water body signs and posters
12. Give ways of entering a water body.
 Walking down steps or ladder
 Jumping feet first
13. Give ways of exiting the pool.
 Use ladder or steps
14. How can the body float?
 The body can float without floaters or with floaters.
15. What can you do to propel in water.
 Kick legs
 Swim using front crawl or back crawl
 Pull or push water using arms
16. We glide off the __________. ( We glide of the wall)
17. How do you perform the front crawl?
 Swim whilst the body is straight, horizontal and flat.
 Face should always in the water blowing bubbles to breath
 Turn head to the side to breath in
 Kick legs up and down using the flutter kick, legs should be straight, toes pointed and kicking
from the hips)
 Arms move in a circular manner pulling the water
18. How do you perform the back crawl.
 Lie on your back facing upwards with the body straight and horizontal
 Kick legs up and down using the flutter kick.
 Arm move in a circular manner pushing water for the body to move forward
 Breathing can be done through the nose or mouth
19. Endurance levels can be shown within __________ minutes. ( 5 minutes, 8 minutes, 12 minutes)
20. Give some swift running actions for sprinting events. ( run with high knees, land on the balls of
the feet, swing arms quick backward and forward )
21. Name running events in Kids athletics. ( ladder running, slalom shuttle relays, 5 minute
endurance race, 100m, 200m , hurdle races)
22. Slalom shuttle relays are done carrying ______. ( batons or a ring)
23. How can you pass a baton to a teammate? (It can be passed downwards or upwards)
24. How many members form a relay team? ( four)
25. Name one horizontal jump. ( Long jump, triple jump, broad jumps)
26. Name one vertical jump.( High jump/ pole vault)
27. In jumping take off is on ______ leg and landing is on _____ legs. ( take off from one and lending
one two legs)
28. Give jumping activities you know in kids athletics. ( cross hops, high jump, long jump , skipping)
29. Which throws can be done with both hands? (Knee throws, front throws and standing backward
30. How do you throw a javelin?
 Carry the javelin with one hand.
 Javelin is carried over the shoulder.
 Start with a short run up.
 Release the javelin in a marked area
 Follow through after throwing
 Do not cross the foul line
31. Name implements that can be thrown over an erected barrier.
 Javelin, disc, shot, medicine ball, ring ,hula hoop)
32. When releasing the implement, it should be thrown in a ______ area. ( marked)
33. Athletes run jumping over obstacles in ______ race.( Hurdles)
34. One relay race I know is _____. ( 4 by 400m, formula one, slalom shuttle relays, sprint hurdle
shuttle relays)
35. Give one activity that can be used to improve running. ( ladder running , butt kicks, formula one)
36. Why do players run into space? ( to receive a ball, to shoot)
37. How can you run into space? ( by dodging or using zig zag runs)
38. Name one invasion game. ( soccer, basketball, netball, Handball, rugby)
39. How many players play a game of soccer? ( 11)
40. Why should players react quickly into open space? ( to receive a ball quickly , to pass , to shoot
41. Marked areas which players position themselves before game is called ______. ( Boundaries)
42. Aiming at stationary targets can be done from a standing position or after ______. ( Short run
43. Give one game in which athletes aim at stationary targets. ( darts, pin bowling, snooker)
44. What should players do when playing games to gain more balance? ( players should lower their
center of gravity to gain more balance when playing games)
45. In target games players should follow through. Why is Follow though important in. Target
games? ( follow through is important because it helps players aim at targets successful)
46. Name any three target games. ( snooker, golf, darts, archery, pin bowling)
47. Name two combat games. ( judo, boxing, wrestling, karate)
48. Describe the correct posture when performing strokes in games. ( stand with feet shoulder
width apart, knees slightly bent, stand on the balls of the feet.
49. Name two net games . ( Volleyball, Tennis, badminton)
50. Name strokes used in Lawn tennis. ( forehand, backhand, serve, smash, spin)
51. What separates players in net games? ( net)
52. Name the equipment used to strike a ball in tennis. ( racket)
53. What can be used to strike a ball in games? ( body parts or implements such as bats and rackets)
54. Give any two important skills in net games. ( good posture, good grip, striking)
55. How do you hold a bat correctly before striking? )Hold the Handle with both hands, hands
should form a V shape)
56. State the dangers of failing to hold equipment correctly. ( one can injure himself, one. An hit
others, one might fail to hit a ball)
57. Name one striking game. ( cricket, baseball, softball)
58. Why should campers follow a marked route when going for camping? ( to get to the right place,
to avoid getting lost)
59. Points or places can be located through _____. ( map reading)
60. Name any three adventure activities. ( mountain climbing , camping , hiking )
61. Different movements can be performed using different ____. ( body parts)
62. What is locomotion? ( it is movement from one place to another.
63. Give two examples of locomotion activities. ( running , forward roll, cartwheel)
64. Name a two point balance. ( handstand or standing on two legs)
65. ______ can be used a background art. ( printed letters of the alphabet, pictures or pattern,
posters, banners)
66. Pictures drawn in Mass Displays should be related to the _____. ( theme)
67. Movement in Mass Displays can be guided by a ____. ( theme)
68. Arena acts include ______, ______ and _____. ( dance, gymnastics activities, physical activities
such as push ups or skipping and formations)
69. Name one formation you know in Mass Displays. ( file, circle form, triangle formation)
70. Choreography should be performed a according to ____. ( time)
71. What can be a source of music in Mass Display?
 A choir singing
 Music from musical instruments such as
 Beats of drums
 Music from the radio

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