Somali Pirates Thesis

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Title: Navigating the Challenges of Crafting a Somali Pirates Thesis

Crafting a thesis on the topic of Somali pirates is no easy feat. It demands meticulous research, a
deep understanding of the geopolitical landscape, and an ability to navigate through the complex
web of historical events and contemporary issues. Scholars undertaking this endeavor often find
themselves grappling with a myriad of challenges that require not only intellectual prowess but also
an immense amount of time and effort.

One of the primary difficulties lies in the vastness and intricacy of the subject matter. The history of
Somali piracy is intertwined with geopolitical shifts, economic disparities, and socio-political
dynamics, making it a multifaceted puzzle that demands careful unraveling. Thorough research is
essential to capture the nuances and complexities inherent in the rise and fall of piracy in the region.

Moreover, staying abreast of the ever-evolving nature of piracy in the Horn of Africa poses a
continuous challenge. The dynamic nature of the issue requires scholars to constantly update their
knowledge and adapt their theses to reflect the latest developments. This adds an extra layer of
complexity to an already demanding task.

Language and cultural barriers further complicate the writing process. Accessing authentic sources
and conducting interviews with relevant stakeholders can be hindered by linguistic challenges and
cultural differences. Overcoming these obstacles requires a high level of cultural sensitivity and
linguistic proficiency.

For those navigating the arduous journey of crafting a thesis on Somali pirates, seeking professional
assistance becomes a prudent choice. ⇒ ⇔ offers a lifeline for individuals
grappling with the complexities of this intricate topic. With a team of experienced writers well-
versed in the subject matter, they provide a reliable and efficient solution for those looking to submit
a comprehensive and well-researched thesis without succumbing to the overwhelming challenges
inherent in the process.

By entrusting the task to ⇒ ⇔, individuals can focus on refining their

understanding of the subject matter while the experts handle the meticulous process of transforming
thoughts into a coherent and compelling thesis. With a commitment to quality, timeliness, and
confidentiality, ⇒ ⇔ stands as a valuable resource for those striving to conquer
the challenges of crafting a Somali Pirates thesis.
The Somali piracy problem has, in fact, inspired a rare cooperation among nations with otherwise
testy relationships. However, the concept is equally applicable to coastal states, both in Africa and
elsewhere. And now it's easy to think of Somalia as a different planet. They fired on ships for the
first time during the monsoon season last month, he said. Somali pirates seized a yacht being sailed
by French couple, Chloe and Florent Lemacon, in April last year. The OBP report says the lack of
economic opportunity and law enforcement in the country remains unchanged, allowing piracy to
flourish. Why is the U.N. asking for less aid money than last year. Rawlence has also written for The
New York Times, The Guardian and London Review of Books. The Telegraph called Hassan’s
capture of a Saudi-owned supertanker in 2008 the moment that “Somali piracy began to be taken as
a major threat by the international community.”. It was highlighted as the first successful attack
against a merchant vessel since 2012. All Rights Reserved. Terms. Privacy Policy. Cookies Settings.
The presidential directive makes it easier for U.S. commandos to authorize strikes without having to
go through high-level interagency vetting, but analysts have raised concerns about a higher risk of
civilian casualties. While attacks by Somali pirates climbed to 163 from 100 a year earlier, the
number of ships they hijacked fell to 21 from 27, it said. In February, pirates hijacked a Comoros-
flagged oil tanker with eight Sri Lankan crew members on board. Whether that is in fact what
happened remains to be proven. Puntland has done well considering its limited resources, and
Somaliland has done even better. Moreover, the views expressed here do not necessarily represent
the views of Inquiries Journal or Student Pulse, its owners, staff, contributors, or affiliates. The key
to inspiring true international intervention is convincing such nations that these interests are aligned;
that the stabilization of Somalia is key to the elimination of piracy on its coasts. Targets were mostly
fishing vessels and traditional dhows which are used to transport cargoes within the region. They
were known to contract security from local warlords and shoot locals and run over their fishing gear.
One also wonders why he’s wearing what appears to be U.S. Tri-colour. At the same time, the
recently published State of Maritime Piracy report from Oceans Beyond Piracy (OBP) shows that the
area off Nigeria is much more dangerous for seafarers than the Indian Ocean. And it turns out you
can live without hope.. Any Hallmark-like quotes to the contrary are wrong. The deputy minister for
ports in Puntland's regional government, Mohammud Gabbah, confirmed the hijacking to the BBC
Somali service. The agents spent months convincing a skeptical Hassan to be in a documentary, then
arrested him as soon as he landed in Brussels. There is evidence that Somali pirates are gaining in
confidence, carrying out more attacks away from their own coast. The pirates said they had hijacked
the ship in protest at foreign fishing vessels occupying their waters, but later released the vessel
without a ransom payment after learning that Somali businessmen had hired the ship to take oil from
Djibouti to the Somali capital Mogadishu. The government of the Seychelles, an island nation in the
Indian Ocean, has been particularly active in this area. The lessons from the study go beyond piracy
eradication and speak to the fundamental issue of state building in Somalia. And if you would
recognize that, and simply don't think forward toward the future, and don't insist on a rosy outlook
for the next couple of weeks or months or years, then you can live in the moment.
On the Somali side, the number of pirates lost at sea is believed to be in the hundreds. He tells their
stories, debunks myths and examines the rise of piracy off the Somali coast in his new book, The
Pirates of Somalia. This coincided with the founding of pharaonic civilization in Egypt 5,000 years
ago, when human migration from increasingly inhospitable regions to the Nile Valley sparked the
meteoric rise of ancient Egypt. Similarly, Thomas Waldhauser, the commander of U.S. military
operations in Africa, said during a press conference in Djibouti that the spate of attacks was due to
widespread drought and famine in the region, as many of the ships targeted carried food and oil, the
Washington Post reported on April 23. Somali pirates seized a yacht being sailed by French couple,
Chloe and Florent Lemacon, in April last year. The AFRICOM commander also urged civilian
shipping companies to increase security measures in order to deter pirates from trying to launch
attacks. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. However,
today the company no longer condones piracy. Digital Sales Sell your publications commission-free
as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. Pirates are heavily armed with automatic weapons and
rocket-propelled grenades, the IMB says. So that time in the ship, even though I was really terrified
to go on it, turned out to be the best time in captivity. Britain is also helping boost radio
communications on the Somali coast which will enable full radio connection along the entire
coastline for the first time in two decades. Somali pirates hijacked the ship in February, the first time
they had taken a commercial vessel since. The Education Department canceled loans for nearly
153,000 borrowers on the SAVE plan. An American naval speed boat patrols near the sides of the
mother naval warship MV USS Princeton at the port of Mombasa, Kenya Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2010
soonafter the ship docked in Mombasa. Our standard is 660 pixels, but you can customize how the
statistic is displayed to suit your site by setting the width and the display size. The other thing though
— the other important thing to say is that there would be no piracy in Somalia if enough kids had
jobs. Direct elections, which the Puntland government wants, are a step in the right direction. In
recent years, however, the number of successful attacks against ships in the western Indian Ocean
has been very low. While widespread problems still exist and the threat of maritime piracy is still
very much alive, policymakers are finally taking aim at the root causes of pirate activity. Drugs like
heroin are not a problem, and they would not be introduced in Somalia because authorities would
crack down very hard. But even if progress in Somalia is still in its early stages, for the first time in a
long time there is hope for a better future. I knew about 30 other guys who were hostage on the ship.
The Sahara—parts of which get virtually no rainfall—is the most arid region on Earth. A former
director of the anti-piracy agency in Somalia's semi-autonomous territory of Puntland, Abdirizak
Mohamed Dirir, told Reuters on Monday that Somali pirates had hijacked the ship and that it was
heading for Somalia. The first Somali pirates were simply reacting to illegal fisheries, but the military
skill involved in taking over a large commercial ship doesn’t come from nowhere. One country that
has made a real difference, perhaps unexpectedly, is Great Britain. A new study shows that nearly
8,000 e-bike riders sought hospital care for head injuries in 2022. Kat Lonsdorf and Emily Kopp
produced and edited this interview for broadcast. Why is the U.N. asking for less aid money than
last year.
But NO prisoners. Leave any not dead as Shark bait, they are the scum of the earth. The Sahara
Desert (with the Nile River snaking through) and the Red Sea, as seen from the International Space
Station (Reuters) Precisely how—and how quickly—the region dried up, however, has been a matter
of scientific dispute. Unfortunately, the hard truth is that nations capable of making real change in
Somalia are far more interested in trade revenue than humanitarian efforts. The vote was the first of
its kind since the toppling of military dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991 which left Somalia at the
mercy of warlords and later radical Islamists which opened the country’s coasts up to rampant
piracy. The EU-led Operation Atalanta was extended until December 2018 but member-states are
now contributing few ships and aircraft. In coming decades, as temperatures continue to warm in
places like the American Southwest and the Sahel on the Sahara's border, that understanding, and
our ability to make accurate models based on it, will be crucial. The legacy of colonialism created
divisive ethnic tension where it didn’t exist before. This coincided with the founding of pharaonic
civilization in Egypt 5,000 years ago, when human migration from increasingly inhospitable regions
to the Nile Valley sparked the meteoric rise of ancient Egypt. Please upgrade your browser to
improve your experience. Somali pirates hijacked the ship in February, the first time they had taken a
commercial vessel since. But of course that echoed in my mind for the rest of my time, 'cause I made
a very big mistake, you know. Yet the companies pay outrageous ransoms to these pirates which only
makes them greedier and better armed. I’m just calling for a basic justice system. Q. What are some
obstacles to state-building? A. The decision could have wide-ranging implications for IVF clinics. As
long as the international community focuses on this top-down government in the South, it will ignore
the problems of the smaller states. Cl imate investigations off the Horn of Africa were suspended just
weeks before September 11, 2001, after a scientific vessel, the Maurice Ewing, was attacked with
rocket propelled grenades 18 nautical miles off the Somali coast. More and more Southern states are
talking about fully expanding Medicaid to cover poor residents. It's a huge increase and the majority
of the injured riders were not wearing helmets. Direct elections, which the Puntland government
wants, are a step in the right direction. Britain has helped energize a rapid recovery in Somalia over
the last year that has helped citizens begin to rebuild the country. Captain Phillips is a prime example
of this: the film overstated Captain Phillips’ heroism and painted a gruesome picture of the Somali
characters, portraying their bad side and nothing else. Nato’s Operation Ocean Shield ended in
December 2016. They were known to contract security from local warlords and shoot locals and run
over their fishing gear. However, this article argues that this time of crisis can also be a unique
opportunity for the existing global economic institutions - G20, WTO, IMF, and World Bank (WB) -
to make the. Puntland has done well considering its limited resources, and Somaliland has done even
better. The European Union's anti-piracy mission said that pirates hijacked a Japanese shipcarrying 20
Filipino sailors in the Somali Basin 9. California often takes the lead with new legislation to rein in
tech. Most pirates have very little education and wouldn’t know how to reinvest money. Efforts such
as improved security on ships and better prosecution of pirates have been effective in reducing piracy.
In a cruel twist of fate, the 45-year old California native (with dual German and American
citizenship) was kidnapped and taken captive by pirates.
This was a disaster for the traditional herders of Somalia. None of these ignorant, cowardly
murderous scum deserve to live and making it easy for them is just plain stupid, why wouldn’t they.
But it would stop the federal government from maintaining the pretense of controlling the entire
country. But NO prisoners. Leave any not dead as Shark bait, they are the scum of the earth. An
American naval speed boat patrols near the sides of the mother naval warship MV USS Princeton at
the port of Mombasa, Kenya Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2010 soonafter the ship docked in Mombasa.
Puntland has done well considering its limited resources, and Somaliland has done even better. Just
like I am surprised every time I see a new episode of whale wars and the Japanese whalers keep not
shooting the anti-whaling folks. Introduction: Locating Somali Piracy in Space and Discourse. He
also holds an MA degree in political science from York University and a BaH from York
University’s Glendon College. And if you would recognize that, and simply don't think forward
toward the future, and don't insist on a rosy outlook for the next couple of weeks or months or
years, then you can live in the moment. Why is the U.N. asking for less aid money than last year. In
former havens for Somali pirates such as Eyl, these men are still considered to be protectors of fish
and other resources in the sea. A lack of access to clean water has also contributed to a cholera
outbreak of some 13,000 cases. It could involve what is called the Charney mechanism, which posits
that as vegetation begins to thin in an area, it changes the reflectivity of the Earth which heats thing
up, dries out more vegetation and leads to the rather abrupt formation of deserts. The idea of a
viable central government is a long-term goal. A. What about a federalist system? A. It examines the
root causes of piracy in Somalia, its impact on coastal communities, local views about it, and the
measures taken against it. It's like a masterclass to be explored at your own pace. I’m just calling for
a basic justice system. Q. What are some obstacles to state-building? A. He has extensive experience
in policy and research, having worked as a trade assistant at the U.S. Consulate in Toronto and a
research assistant to well-known Canadian author Anna Porter and York University political science
professor Heather MacRae. Viewers also liked Ism code reminder lesson Ism code reminder lesson
Capt. QR Codes Generate QR Codes for your digital content. Bahadur talked about the roots of the
piracy problem and his own travels in Puntland, the northeastern Somali region that is home to many
Somali pirates. Pirates are now being shipped to Kenya and other countries to be tried and punished,
and higher prison capacity would enable them to stay at home and be visited by their families. The
authors are itching to get back to the Gulf of Aden to drill even deeper core samples that would
provide critical information on climate conditions during the period millions of years ago when
humans first evolved from our hominid predecessors. So why was the changeover in the Horn of
Africa so quick? “It shows something really surprising,” says deMenocal. “It’s evidence that climate
doesn’t respond gradually to gradual forcing. Massive social unrest has gripped the African country
with widespread poverty, starvation and violence. The image appears on the cover of Michael Scott
Moore's new book The Desert and the Sea. Only two of the attacks reported so far in 2017, however,
have been similar to the heydays of Somali piracy between 2008 and 2011. Similarly, it is unlikely
that governments will invest money and resources to reduce pirate attacks while ignoring other
criminal activities at sea such as IUU fishing, smuggling and many other issues.
Articles Get discovered by sharing your best content as bite-sized articles. This coincided with the
founding of pharaonic civilization in Egypt 5,000 years ago, when human migration from
increasingly inhospitable regions to the Nile Valley sparked the meteoric rise of ancient Egypt. From
2006 to 2013 he was a researcher for Human Rights Watch’s Africa division. While attacks by
Somali pirates climbed to 163 from 100 a year earlier, the number of ships they hijacked fell to 21
from 27, it said. Captain Phillips is a prime example of this: the film overstated Captain Phillips’
heroism and painted a gruesome picture of the Somali characters, portraying their bad side and
nothing else. A U.S. appeals court struck down a judge's 2022 order that imposed a moratorium on
coal leasing on federal lands. If you were a fisherman whose once sufficient livelihood suddenly
vanished, whose failed government offered no other recourse, whose children were starving, and
who was finally offered an income “policing the seas,” would you take it. The new country would
also normalize trade relations with the world and grow stronger. Social Posts Create on-brand social
posts and Articles in minutes. An armed Somali pirate keeps vigil along the coastline at Hobyo town,
northeastern Somalia in 2009. That’s because there are positive feedback mechanisms that start to
kick in and speed things up. Missing capacities could be filled by the private sector but that may also
be controversial. By 2005, organized pirate gangs had moved on to capturing cargo ships, tankers
and, eventually, individuals on land who had nothing to do with illegal fishing. This list is generated
based on data provided by Crossref. An armed Somali pirate sits along the coastline while the Greek
cargo ship, MV Filitsa, is seen anchored just off the shores of Hobyo town in northeastern Somalia
where its being held by pirates. Activity reached its zenith in 2009 and 2010 when 46 and 51 vessels
were hijacked respectively. Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive reader engagement,
subscriptions, and campaigns. During our first fall event, Moore discussed widely held
beliefs—some which are untrue—surrounding Somali pirates. If these raids on international ships
continue, Somalia can prove to be a serious threat as they did back in 1993. 13. These eight pirates
are being held in a jail in Mombassa, Kenya. His book about the ordeal, The Desert and the Sea, was
published in July. Any direct intervention or attempt to oppose governance will end in disaster.
International aid plays a crucial role in shaping how affected communities rebuild after a crisis.
Bahadur talked about the roots of the piracy problem and his own travels in Puntland, the
northeastern Somali region that is home to many Somali pirates. President Donald Trump recent
authorized a Pentagon request granting additional authorities for U.S. airstrikes in Somalia, The U.S.
has launched at least 42 strikes in Somalia in the past decade, killing at least 300 people, most of
whom the Pentagon has claimed were militants but a fraction of whom were reportedly civilians,
according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. Analyzing the Impact of Israeli Security Policy
on Palestinian Manufacturing Productivity. Nato’s Operation Ocean Shield ended in December 2016.
It's called The Desert and the Sea: 977 Days Captive on the Somali Pirate Coast. Somalia’s post-
colonial president, Siad Barre, also caused many problems. He tried Marxist reorganization projects
like forcing people into farming collectives or fishing. In April last year, pirates attacked the
container ship Maersk Alabama, taking the captain, Richard Phillips, hostage and holding him in a
lifeboat at gunpoint.
This Chinese fishing vessel was attacked on November16, 2010. 11. In September, the pirates
attracted intertional attention when they boadrded the Faina, a Ukaninian ship with Russian tanks
and other weapons. Add Links Send readers directly to specific items or pages with shopping and
web links. It's called The Desert and the Sea: 977 Days Captive on the Somali Pirate Coast. Beyond
illegal fishing, we were able to learn what Moore gleaned about Islam and U.S. hostage policy. In
conversation with Michael was Salpi Ghazarian the director for USC Institute of Armenian Studies.
In the past nine months, pirates boarded 128 ships and fired at 52, with 70 vessels reportedly
thwarting attacks. By 2005, organized pirate gangs had moved on to capturing cargo ships, tankers
and, eventually, individuals on land who had nothing to do with illegal fishing. Please upgrade your
browser or activate Google Chrome Frame to improve your experience. State-building is necessary in
the long term but is not an immediate solution. Unfortunately, the hard truth is that nations capable
of making real change in Somalia are far more interested in trade revenue than humanitarian efforts.
Captain Phillips is a prime example of this: the film overstated Captain Phillips’ heroism and painted
a gruesome picture of the Somali characters, portraying their bad side and nothing else. That has not
been working, and the focus must shift to supporting micro-states like Puntland. In few other
industries, people have to work under a constant threat of attacks in specific regions. This could
throw light on the early stages of human evolution, which happened just next door in the East
African Rift and the Horn of Africa. While widespread problems still exist and the threat of maritime
piracy is still very much alive, policymakers are finally taking aim at the root causes of pirate activity.
Britain has taken a lead role in funding measures to improve Somalia’s security infrastructure and
tackle the root causes of poverty and crime. He has extensive experience in policy and research,
having worked as a trade assistant at the U.S. Consulate in Toronto and a research assistant to well-
known Canadian author Anna Porter and York University political science professor Heather
MacRae. The Sahara Desert (with the Nile River snaking through) and the Red Sea, as seen from the
International Space Station (Reuters) Precisely how—and how quickly—the region dried up,
however, has been a matter of scientific dispute. Somaliland has maintained fairly strict control of its
borders and cracked down on piracy. The newer pirates do not have the fishing background of earlier
pirates, and it is less possible for them to argue that they are doing this to protect Somali fishing. We
believe news can and should expand a sense of identity and possibility beyond narrow conventional
expectations. Work and entertain in the clubroom with free wi-fi. Please note that the code must be
integrated into the HTML code (not only the text) for WordPress pages and other CMS sites. While
much attention is paid to Somalia, attacks in West Africa are also increasing. And in 2006, when the
Islamic Courts Union eased Somalia into its first period of relative peace, the United States
supported an Ethiopian intervention to end ICU’s rule. After five days, the US navy freed Phillips
while killing three pirates in a night attack. A former director of the anti-piracy agency in Somalia's
semi-autonomous territory of Puntland, Abdirizak Mohamed Dirir, told Reuters on Monday that
Somali pirates had hijacked the ship and that it was heading for Somalia. As long as the international
community focuses on this top-down government in the South, it will ignore the problems of the
smaller states. It's like a masterclass to be explored at your own pace. Cl imate investigations off the
Horn of Africa were suspended just weeks before September 11, 2001, after a scientific vessel, the
Maurice Ewing, was attacked with rocket propelled grenades 18 nautical miles off the Somali coast.
If these raids on international ships continue, Somalia can prove to be a serious threat as they did
back in 1993. 13. These eight pirates are being held in a jail in Mombassa, Kenya.

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