Project Title Safeguarding Image Integrity An AI-Powered Solution For Detecting Edited Images

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Our project aims to create a tool that helps people identify if an image has been
altered or edited using artificial intelligence. With the rise of AI-powered
technologies, such as face morphing, there's a growing concern about the
misuse of edited images, particularly in compromising situations like attaching
someone's face to inappropriate content.
Our tool will analyze images uploaded by users and determine if
they have been manipulated. We'll use advanced algorithms to
detect subtle changes in the images, such as alterations to faces or
bodies. By providing this service, we hope to empower individuals to
verify the authenticity of images they encounter online and protect
themselves from potential harm
In recent years, the widespread availability of powerful artificial
intelligence (AI) tools has led to an alarming increase in the manipulation
of digital images.
Particularly concerning is the phenomenon of "deepfakes," where AI
algorithms can convincingly superimpose one person's likeness onto
another's body, leading to serious privacy violations, misinformation, and
potential harm to individuals' reputations. As such, there is a critical need
for robust and accessible tools that can accurately detect and flag
manipulated images.
This project seeks to address this pressing societal challenge by developing an
innovative image integrity checker that leverages AI techniques to analyze and
identify edited images. Our solution is designed to empower users, ranging
from individual internet users to content moderators on social media
platforms, with the ability to discern between genuine and manipulated visual

The core functionality of our image integrity checker revolves around

sophisticated machine learning algorithms, particularly convolutional neural
networks (CNNs), which are trained on diverse datasets of both authentic
and manipulated images.
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