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2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT)

Goa, India. Jan 24-26, 2023

Early Prediction of Maternal Health Risk Factors

Using Machine Learning Techniques
1st MD Assaduzzaman 2nd Abdullah Al Mamun 3rd Md Zahid Hasan
Dept. of CSE Dept. of CSE Health Informatics Research Lab,Dept. of CSE
Daffodil International University Daffodil International University Daffodil International University
2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT) | 978-1-6654-7517-4/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICONAT57137.2023.10080700

Dhaka, Bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh

Abstract—Nowadays, maternal health issues are one of the deaths in 2017 occurred in Southern Asia and Sub-Saharan
most challenging issues all over the world. Many women die Africa (254000) [4]. Every day in 2017, almost 830 women
each year during pregnancy and after delivery, which is a died from maternity and childbirth-related conditions that
major cause of infant mortality. In rural areas,pregnant women
face various difficulties and challenges, including a shortage could have been prevented. Nearly all maternal deaths (94%
of doctors, inadequate knowledge, a lack of public clinics, worldwide) take place in middle and low-income countries.
infrastructure issues, and transportation issues. The mother’s The rate of maternal mortality in Bangladesh is 245 per
pregnancy is the major cause of the infant’s poor health, rather every 100,000 live births. An estimated 7,660 women per
than any other factors that may have arisen after childbirth. year in Bangladesh die from complications during pregnancy
Significant roles are played by maternal risk factors such
as the mother’s chronic condition, age, nutrition, and other that could have been avoided [5]. The maternal deaths and
medical assistance during pregnancy. Recent developments in mortality rates in Cox’s Bazar, a rural area in the southeast,
Artificial intelligence methods, particularly machine learning are among the highest in the nation. 90% pregnancy of
models, have made it easier to make predictions in a variety of women in this region give birth due to a lack of healthcare
disciplines. We can identify the primary maternal risk factors services without the assistance of a skilled birth attendant
that can lead to newborn child and maternal mortality using
machine learning techniques. This paper proposes improved or the provision of emergency treatment. Additionally, more
data preprocessing methods that involve feature engineering than 50 percent of all pregnant women have no access to
and data cleaning in order to effectively handle anomalies in the the medical services that are available to them, and 11% of
data values. To identify the maternal health risk factor, several women consult a doctor in the first 6 weeks that followed de-
machine learning algorithms were used, including Cat Boost, livery. About 36 percent of the total pregnant women receive
Random Forest, XGB, Decision Tree, and Gradient Boost. Using
the preprocessed dataset, the suggested model was developed, any kind of prenatal care from a qualified physician (WHO,
trained, and tested. The Random Forest was the best machine- 2017. Bangladesh also suffers from a scarcity of trained
learning algorithm with an accuracy score of 90%, precision birth attendants, especially in rural regions (DHS 2014) [4].
(90%), recall (90%), and F1-score (90%) Maternal deaths, which account for 14% of all deaths among
Index Terms—Random Forest, Maternal Health, Risk Fac- Bangladeshi women aged 15 to 49, are the third leading cause
tors, Machine Learning, Classification
of death [6]. Qualified labor and strong pregnancy care and
delivery attendance could avert the majority of these deaths.
I. I NTRODUCTION However, because we do not have all of the correct mortality
Fatal Maternal Risk of complications is a term used to figures, this estimate might be significantly higher. If women
describe a range of problems that could have a serious and newborns are given competent care before, during, and
influence on a woman’s and her children’s health and occur after birth, they can be saved.
during maternity, birth, or the postnatal period. If some of That’s why new approaches for early detection and anal-
these symptoms appear, the patient must seek medical help ysis of maternal health incidents are required. This paper
as soon as possible to avoid death. Approximately 585.000 proposes using machine learning techniques to make a risk
women die every year in the world during childbirth, the classifier for maternal mortality. As a result, we hope to have
postpartum period, or delivery [1], and nearly 50 million early diagnosis of morbidity instances, as well as medical
maternal and infant difficulties are reported each year, with experts making decisions, allowing for timely patient treat-
around 300 million women affected by long-term and short- ment.This might help reduce the chances to the mother and
term medical complications associated with pregnancy, de- infant mortality within this period as well as the social and
livery, and postpartum [2]. Women in rural locations and economic consequences.
impoverished communities have the highest maternal death
rates. Pregnancy-related complications and maternal mortal- II. L ITERATURE R EVIEW
ity are more common among young teenage girls (10–14 Prophylaxis lowers the chances of getting sick, and early
years old). Maternal mortality is far too common. Around detection raises the chances of simple and quick treatment.
295 000 women lost their lives in 2017 due to complications Curable infections and risks are the cause of the deaths of
related to pregnancy or childbirth [3].A significant proportion many pregnant women. It is not uncommon for a pregnant
of deaths (94%) occurred in lowland areas, and many of them woman’s disease to go undiagnosed, or for the risks that she
might have been prevented. An estimated 86% of all maternal faces to go unnoticed. Various machine learning approaches

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and various data mining techniques are now being utilized oped a preterm neonate’s survival evaluation using machine-
to predict and find various diseases and dangers in pregnant learning techniques. It demonstrates that a machine-learning
women. The great accuracy of these methods has been technique outperforms logistic models in predicting survival
proven, and it has a positive impact on maternal morbidity in extremely preterm newborns. The authors of [18] provide
and mortality ratios in many circumstances The authors of a model for predicting hypertension problems during the first
[7] use machine learning approaches to diagnose and treat trimester of pregnancy based on the London population. The
newborn sepsis early and more effectively. Predictive models suggested model has a 90% overall accuracy and a 5% false-
were created using data that was collected on a regular basis. positive rate. The authors [19] used a hybrid approach that
Further optimization of Machine Learning models, according also included K- nearest neighbor, logistic regression, and
to the author, could provide a conclusion for randomized multi-variable dimension reduction, support vector machines
clinical studies. Poon et al. [8] present research on the to predict blood sugar levels, associated symptoms, and high
early detection of hypertensive problems during the first blood pressure Yarlapati [20] et al. used machine learning
three months of pregnancy in the London population. Acute techniques to estimate the risk of having a premature baby
maternal morbidity can be predicted. Early 261A detection in a pregnancy, which is a crucial indicator of the state of
rate of roughly 90% for early pregnancy was determined the fetus. Using the clinical data of Indian newborns, they
using logistic regression, with a 5 percent false positive were able to identify with 96.77 percent accuracy whether
rate Park et al. [9] offer a multivariate logistic regression the infants were NOT-LBW or LBW using the Bayes lowest
strategy for predicting the risk of pregnancy in an Australian error rate classifier. In another study [21], ultrasonography
population. With a 10% false positive rate, the system pictures of pregnant individuals’ lumbar spines were used to
successfully diagnosed preeclampsia in 95% of women. establish the optimal needle surgical site. The interspinous
Based on biomarkers and some maternal factors, Nanda region is located by means of a Support Vector Machine
et al. [10] develop a model for predicting diabetes during equipped with a Gaussian kernel. The suggested model was
pregnancy in the first trimester of pregnancy. They were evaluated with 640 photographs from the second group of
able to make 74.1 percent valid predictions using logistic 16 preterm infants after training with 800 images from 20
regression, with a 20% false positive rate. Diabetes, hyperten- female individuals, and it attained achievement of 95.00
sion, and illness can all be predicted, Farran et al. [11] used percent. Cheng [22] et al. investigated how risk factors like
methods including logistic regression, different factor model hematocrit and age affected the gestational age of pregnant
dimension reduction, support vector machines, and k-nearest women. The most important area of research is that recog-
neighbors (k-NN). The procedures were successfully exe- nized risk factors impact in 412 pregnant women with 1874
cuted, yielding identical results. To determine complicated clinical follow-up records, prenatal hypertension and pre-
factors that caused neonatal mortality, the author of [12] eclampsia were treated differently. Woolery and Grzymala
study uses a Bayesian network (network of factors causing Busse [23] investigated how to determine the likelihood of
mortality rate, including maternal morbidity and mortality, preterm delivery. They employed 18,890 participants and 214
premature births, breathing at birth, and movement.) The variables to create an intelligent system for evaluating the
study employs logistic regression analysis and algorithms risk of preterm birth. Their suggested strategy had a 53–88%
to evaluate the average causal influence and find previously success rate in predicting premature birth for 9419 patients.
unknown determinants and pathways using measurements Prior machine learning techniques include the Naive Bayes
from the Children’s Health Registry. The author of the [13] approach and the C4.5 classification of decision trees model
paper describes analytical methods that employ a machine learning approaches in clinical diagnosis and monitoring,
learning approach to construct models that estimate the risk with uses such as predicting and presenting gestational
of bad pregnancy outcomes as a consequence of existing risks [24]. Kenny [25] et al. wanted to establish a pre-
data by identifying relevant risk factors. The outcomes of eclampsia syndrome prognosis for pregnant women. They
the SOM algorithm found that low birth weight, early birth, used genetic algorithms to confirm the chemical sequences
availability to prenatal care, and other factors are linked to that distinguish plasma from people with pre-eclampsia using
infant deaths. The author of [14] this study uses a two-level 97 serum samples. In their neonatal CTG analysis, Krupa et
study on child mortality to take into account how the data al. [26] employed empirical mode segmentation and SVM.
is set up in a hierarchy. The findings reveal that commu- On 90 randomly chosen records, 86 percent accuracy was
nity/state variables continue to play a significant effect in attained in predicting typical or at-risk classes. An IoT-based
newborn mortality in India. A three-level model is used in the model with 97% accuracy was proposed by the author in
analytical procedures. A suitable epidemiological perception [27] to examine the risk factors for maternal health risk in
at regular periods may be valuable for policymakers at the Bangladesh. As a result, we may be able to use various data
regional level. Kenny et al. [15] wanted to establish a pre- and machine learning techniques to forecast and identify the
eclampsia disorder prognosis for pregnant women. Using 97 risk level of any and all diseases that cause maternal and
plasma samples, to verify the patterns of metabolites that neonatal mortality in pregnant women.
distinguish pre-eclampsia patients’ fluid, they used genetic
programming. The authors of [16] developed a logistic model III. M ETHODOLOGY
that can predict severe morbidity in the early stages of The methodology of our study will be covered in this
pregnancy. The system is predicated based on a community section, along with the data collection and preprocessing
of pregnant women who receive postpartum period care at the steps and an overview of the suggested models that were
Maternidad hospital in Cartagena. The authors of [17] devel- used for analysis and risk factor prediction.

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Fig. 2. Risk Level Distribution

The first step in processing the dataset was to look for any
missing values. The dataset does not contain any missing

Fig. 1. Methodology of the proposed system.

A. Dataset Collection
In this experiment, the maternal health risk factors dataset
[28] was collected from the repository of UCI machine
learning, which is publicly available. It contains 1014 rows
and 7 columns. The majority of pregnant women in this
dataset have low health risks. Out of 1014 observations, 406
(40%) pregnant women were at low risk, 336 (33.1%) were
Fig. 3. The heat map for correlation features of the dataset.
at medium risk, and 272 (26.8%) were at high risk. The entire
set of attributes and their information are given below:
Age: When a woman is pregnant, she might be any age in C. Feature Engineering and Data cleaning
In this dataset, “Heart Rate” is the only variable having
Systolic BP: The maximum blood pressure in millimeters
an anomaly with an irrational value. Two observations in
of mercury, is another crucial element to take into account
this variable had heart rates of 7 beats per minute (beats per
while pregnant.
minute). We all know that the average resting heart rate for
Diastolic BP: A lower blood pressure measurement in mil-
individuals over the age of ten, including older individuals,
limeters of mercury is an additional aspect to consider during
ranges between 60 and 100 beats per minute. It’s possible
that the data may not be reliable because of an input error. It
BS: The amount of glucose in the blood is measured in
is feasible that the given label is incorrect, which will confuse
the training process and reduce the accuracy of the model.
Heart rate: The normal number of beats per minute for a
That’s why we have dropped the Heart Rate variable.
heart rate
Risk Level: Risk Prediction Intensity level during pregnancy D. Dataset Splitting
depends on the preceding attribute. In order to use any machine learning technique, the dataset
In this case, the target variable is risk level, while the other must be divided into two parts such as training and testing.
features are predictor variables. 80% of the data in this dataset was used to model training,
while the remaining 20% was used for test the model.
B. Data Preprocessing
In order to build a better prediction model, one needs to E. Machine Learning Model
first prepare the data ready for analysis. The model’s effec- The following segment contains a list of some of the
tiveness increases when the data are transformed properly. most widely used data mining strategies for the pattern as

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well as classification recognition. There are multiple different IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
machine learning algorithms that can be performed in the
prediction of the risk factor of maternal health. The following This study used five different machine learning techniques
5 types of Machine Learning algorithms were used to make to predict factors affecting maternal health. The purpose of
predictions and analyze data: this study was to compare several machine learning models
• Random Forest [29]. in order to develop a more effective predictive model. This
• Decision Tree [30]. section looks at how well different machine learning models
• Cat Boost [31]. work based on a number of different metrics. Five different
• XGB [32]. types of evaluation metrics were used to figure out how well
• Gradient boosting [33]. the models worked: ”Recall, Precision, Accuracy, as well as
F. Performance Measurements Here we also compare the classification report of the
raw dataset and preprocessed dataset. Before performing
In this section, we’ll compare how well our proposed feature engineering and data cleaning, Table 1 shows the
methods comparative experiments were done in accordance performance measures of a different classification algorithm.
with the two editions of the dataset on maternal health risk After performing feature engineering and data cleaning,
factors: 1. original 2. Preprocessed dataset.The five classifiers Table 2 summarizes the performance indicators of various
were applied to each dataset separately to generate training classification systems.We observed an improvement in test
models, and those classifiers are Random Forest, Decision data accuracy when we used our processed dataset. It demon-
Tree, XGB, Cat Boost, and Gradient Boost and a 80%—20% strates that our model generalizes more effectively with our
splitting were used to train and test each machine learning processed dataset. Four types of assessment measures were
model. The effectiveness of various machine learning models used to evaluate the models’ performance: ”Recall, Precision,
is evaluated using indicators like: Accuracy, and F1-score for each model given in Table 2
Confusion Matrix – It is a table that is frequently utilized
in the process of describing the effectiveness of classifi-
cation models. Classification performance may mislead if B EFORE FEATURE ENGINEERING AND DATA CLEANING
dataset contains more than two classes or if the number
of observations in each class is unbalanced. True positives, Algorithm Accuracy Precision Recall F1 Score
false positives, false negatives, and true negatives are the Random
87% 87% 87% 87%
four major types used to build the confusion matrix [34].
Accuracy: It is a statistic that is used in classification issues 85% 85% 85% 85%
to identify what proportion of predictions are accurate Cat
84% 84% 84% 84%
Accuracy = (1) XGB 83% 83% 83% 83%
TP + FN + FP + TN Gradient
80% 80% 80% 80%
Precision: The percentage of correctly recognized positive
samples in relation to the overall number of positively
identified samples is referred to as precision.
Algorithm Accuracy Precision Recall F1 Score
Recall: For each positive sample, the recall is determined by Random
the percentage of true positives out of all true positives. 90% 90% 90% 90%
TP Tree
87% 87% 87% 87%
Recall = (3)
TP + FN Cat
86% 86% 86% 86%
F1 score: The F1 score is a statistic that takes the harmonic XGB 85% 86% 85% 85%
mean of a classification system’s precision and recalls values Gradient
81% 82% 81% 81%
and combines them into a single value. Boosting

(P recisionxRecall)
F 1 = 2x (4) It was noticed that ”Random Forest” was the best machine-
(P recision + Recall)
learning algorithm, with an accuracy score of 90%, precision
Where, TP = True Positive, TN = True Negative (90%), recall (90%), and F1-score (90%)
We can easily determine the risk level of maternal health,
FN whether it is high, mid, or low.Five different machine learn-
FNR = = 1 − TPR (5)
TP + FN ing algorithms were implemented in this work, with Random
Forest provides the highest accuracy for proper classification.
FP The following figure demonstrate the accuracy of correctly
FPR = = 1 − TPR (6) identifying the risk level of maternal health.

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As Random forest provides the highest accuracy, we
can select the Random forest Classifier to get the feature
importance. We can see that from the above figure, Blood
sugar is the main key factor as it has a big impact on the
classification result and and the Age is second most risk


Several different classification strategies for predicting

potential risks to maternal health have been described in
this article. For the purpose of forecasting the risk factor,
the classification method of Random Forest with hyper-
parameter tuning performs significantly better than the other
classification methods that are currently in use, including
Decision trees, cat boost, XGB, and Gradient boosting.
Random forest with hyper-parameter tuning provides the
highest accuracy of 90%, Precision 90%, Recall 90% and
Fig. 4. Risk prediction result of Random Forest model F1 score 90%. Blood sugar is the first the key factor in
these studies since it has a big impact on the classification
outcome, while age is the second major factor. In future,
we will include more features (Risk Factors) to allow for a
more comprehensive study and research on mother and infant
health and immunology


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