Bankruptcy Question Bank

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2 Markers

What are the objects of insolvency law ? May 16

May 17
Jun 18
Jun 19
Mention any Four Objectives of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, Jun 23

Name the two statutes that govern insolvency in India. May 16

What is an act of insolvency ? May 16

May 17

Define property ? May 16

Who is a secured creditor ? May 16

May 17
Nov 17
Jun 18

What is an order of adjudication ? May 16

What is an insolvency petition ? Who can file such a petition ? May 16

Which are the courts having jurisdiction in insolvency matters? May 16

May 17

What is a schedule of creditors ? May 16

What do you understand by ‘dividend” ? May 16

May 17

Who is a judgement debtor? May 17

What is after acquired property? May 17

‘What is Surplus? May 17

When can insolvency petition be dismissed? May 17

‘Who is an Interim receiver? May 17

When can the foreigner be adjudged as insolvent by Indian Courts? Nov 17

Can the petitions of insolvency be withdrawn? Nov 17

What is ‘offer of settlement’? Nov 17

What do you mean by ‘core services’ as provided under the Nov 17

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Law? Jun 19
Nov 19

Can the partnership firm be adjudged as insolvent? Give reason. Nov 17

What are the powers of Interim Receiver? Nov 17

What are the two main conditions which must be fulfilled before a Nov 17
person can be adjudged as insolvent by the court?

What do you understand by onerous property? Nov 17

Jun 23

Define ‘Bankruptcy’. Nov 17

Who is a financial creditor? Jun 18

What is a limited liability partnership? Jun 18

What do you understand by immediate family of a debtor? Jun 18

Who is an undischarged bankrupt? Jun 18

State any two grounds on which the Central Government may Jun 18
exercise power to supersede IBBI.

How is debt defined under IBC? Jun 18

What do you understand by discharge of bankrupt? Jun 18

State any two restrictions on bankrupt. Jun 18

Who is an indigent person? Dec 18

Jun 19
Nov 19
Jun 23

What is ‘default ' as defined in IBC? Dec 18

Nov 19

To whom will the provisions of IBC apply? Dec 18

What is the definition of a corporate person under IBC? Dec 18

Who is the adjudicating authority under IBC in respect of (a) corporate Dec 18
persons (b) individuals

Who is the adjudicating (i) Limited authority under IBC in respect of Nov 19
liability partnerships & (ii) partnership firm

What do you understand by financial information in relation to a Dec 18


How is financial information defined? Nov 19

When is a corporate debtor deemed to have given a preference to Dec 18

make the transaction a preferential transaction?

What is the time period for fast track corporate insolvency resolution Dec 18
process? Jun 19

When does the disqualification to which a bankrupt is subject under Dec 18

IBC cease to have effect?
Who can apply for withdrawal of funds from Insolvency and Dec 18
Bankruptcy Fund under IBC?

Who is a bankruptcy trustee? Jun 19

Nov 19

What is a resolution plan? Jun 19

Nov 19

What is operational debt? Jun 19

Nov 19

What is ‘demand notice’ under S.8 of IBC? Jun 19

What is constitutional document in relation to a corporate person? Jun 19

Who is a designated partner? Jun 19

Nov 19

What is Insolvency & Bankruptcy fund? Nov 19

What do you understand by the term ‘Information Memorandum’ ? Jun 23

What is a going concern ? Jun 23

Nov 23

Who is not eligible to submit resolution plan as per IBC Jun 23

Nov 23

What is the minimum period for which the Liquidator is supposed to Jun 23
preserve the register and books of accounts in relation to the Nov 23
Liquidation of the Corporate Debtor?

What do you understand by the term Reorganisation with respect to Jun 23

the Insolvency Resolution Process? Nov 23

What do you understand by the term 'Moratorium' in context of Jun 23

Bankruptcy Laws?

In Rupees terms, what is the minimum net worth prescribed for an Jun 23
Organisation to be al- lowed to function as an Information Utility as per Nov 23
the provisions of the IBC ?

What is the Bankruptcy Commencement date ? Nov 23

What is the Consolidated fund of the State as per the provisions of the Nov 23

Who is a financial service provider as per the IBC. Nov 23

What are the advantages of the IBC for the Creditors. Nov 23

What is the time limit within which the first meeting of the Committee Nov 23
of Creditors needs to be conducted as per the provisions of the IBC ?
Short Notes
Offences by Debtors. May 16
Nov 17

Contents of a creditors petition. May 16

Creditors Petition May 17

Disqualifications of insolvent May 16

May 17

Duties and Powers of Receivers May 16

Compositions and Schemes of arrangement May 16

Provable Debts. May 16

“Insolvency Notice” under: section 9 of the PTI Act May 17

Vesting of property May 17

Avoidance of Voluntary transfer May 17

Small Insolvencies May 17

Extension Clause of the PIA, 1920 Nov 17

Grounds to set aside insolvency petition Nov 17

Declaration of final dividend Nov 17

Interim Receiver Nov 17

Protection Order Nov 17

Financial debt Jun 18

Financial Creditors Nov 19

Related party (in relation to a corporate debtor) Jun 18

Excluded debt Jun 18

Constitution of IBBI Jun 18

Composition of IBBI Jun 23
Nov 23

Punishment for false information etc. by bankrupt Jun 18

Modification or recall of bankruptcy order Jun 18

Bankruptcy order Dec 18

Information utility and its obligations Dec 18

After acquired property Dec 18
Jun 19
Nov 19

Proof of debts (in respect of bankruptcy for individuals and partnership Dec 18

Liquidation Estate Dec 18

Insolvency Professionals Dec 18

Insolvency Professional Agency Jun 19

Nov 19

Voluntary Liquidation of Corporate Persons Jun 19

Amendments to IBC Jun 19

Nov 19

Committee of Creditors Jun 19


Objects of IBC Nov 19

Preference Transactions Nov 19

Write a note on the Fresh Start Insolvency Resolution Process. Jun 23

Write a short note on Registered Valuers. Jun 23

Nov 23

Write a short note on 'Concealment of Property' as per the provisions Jun 23

of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code of India.

Write a note on the Fast Track Insolvency Resolution Process. Nov 23

Write a short note on the role and duties of the DRT as specified Nov 23
under the IBC.

12 Markers
Examine the various acts of insolvency. May 16

What is adjudication ? Discuss its effects. May 16

What is discharge ? What are its effects ? May 16

What is a discharge? When can absolute discharge be refused? May 17

Discuss the powers of the official assignee in respect of the property & May 16
transfers of property made by the insolvent.
Discuss declaration & distribution of dividends. May 16

Discuss the PTIA provisions as to insolvency of partnerships. May 16

Discuss the powers and duties of Official Assignee and Official May 17

When is the official receiver appointed by the court? What are the Nov 17
duties and powers of such an official receiver? Discuss.

On what grounds can an adjudication order be annulled? What are the May 17
effects of such an order?

Explain suits by indigent persons. May 17

Explain proof of debts and distribution of dividends May 17

Explain powers of receivers as to antecedent status. May 17

Who is a Secured Creditor? What are the rights conferred upon Nov 17
secured creditor by the Prov. Ins. Act, 1920?

What are the powers.of the court invested with insolvency jurisdiction Nov 17
under the P.I. Act, 1920?

Provable and Non-Provable debts under the P.I. Act, 1920. Write in Nov 17

Write the detailed provisions relating to “Composition and Scheme of Nov 17

Arrangement” under P.I. Act, 1920.

What do you mean by the term discharge? Explain the various Nov 17
provisions that are discussed in PIA, 1920 with respect to the order of

Who are indigent persons? Explain the procedure for suits by indigent Jun 18

Explain the civil procedure as to suits by indigent persons. Dec 18

Discuss the provision of IBC in respect of appointment of liquidator & Jun 18

his powers & duties in the liquidation process of corporate persons.”

State the object of IBC and discuss the powers & functions of IBBI Jun 18

Examine the functions and powers of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Dec 18
Board of India

Examine the powers and functions of IBBI Jun 19

Discuss the constitution, powers & functions of IBBI. Nov 19

Discuss the provision regarding (1) after acquired property and (2) Jun 18
onerous property of bankrupt in the bankruptcy process of individuals.
In the distribution of the estate of Bankrupt Jun 18
i) Explain distribution of interim dividend & final dividend
ii) Examine the priority of payment of debts

Explain the provisions of IBC regarding administration and distribution Dec 18

of the estate of the bankrupt.
Jun 19

Nov 19

Discuss IBC provisions in respect of Jun 18

a) Insolvency Professional Agencies b) Insolvency Professionals c)
Information Utiliies

What Is an insolvency professional agency? Explain the registration Dec 18

procedure for such agency.

Explain offences and penalties under the part “Insolvency Resolution Dec 18
and Liquidation for corporate persons.”

Discuss the functions and rights of Bankruptcy trustee. Dec 18

Explain the procedure for filling pauper suits Jun 19

Examine the Provisions governing suits by paupers. Nov 19

Discuss fresh start process. Distinguish it from Insolvency Resolution Jun 19

Nov 19

Explain the process from liquidation order to dissolution of a corporate Jun 19


Explain the provisions relating to information memorandum and Jun 19

resolution plan in the matter of corporate insolvency resolution.

What s the liquidation process of a corporate person? Nov 19

Discuss the role of insolvency professionals under IBC in the Nov 19

insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings.

Give a detailed note on the role, powers and functions of the various Jun 23
Adjudicating and Appellate Authorities as mentioned under the IBC.
Nov 23

Write a detailed note on the qualifications, roles, functions, powers and Jun 23
responsibilities of an Insolvency Resolution Professional.

Critically analyse the various provisions related to nature and contents Jun 23
of Resolution Plan under the IBC.
Nov 23

Write a detailed note on the Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process Jun 23

as described under the IBC.
Describe and distinguish the various powers and duties of Interim Nov 23
Resolution Professional and Insolvency Resolution Professional. Also,
enlist the circumstances under which they can be replaced.

Provide a detailed analysis of the priority of payment of debts Nov 23

mechanism as provided under the relevant provisions of the IBC.

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