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Snervle the Turtle, the

disgruntled tyrnat
that has corrupted Le
Booble. The only thing
that can stop him now
is a miracle.
I haven't known true
friendship until I became
general of El Libertad.
My parents were
killed when I was a child,
and I had to resort to
stealing. My only
escape from the
cruelties were books.
Now I lead the armies
not only for freedom,
but for every child in
need of help.
The world outside of the Booble is
known as the Outskirts. The
Outskirts was a place of suffering,
dissease, and the poor. Those in
The Outskirts were oporessed by
Snervle and the military. The only
way to survive The Outskirts or to
change the government, and a
new revolutionary is leading the
charge. Jose Pablo de la Rosa
Montoya, and his second in
comand Horacio Acosta.
Together, they will change the
world for the better.
"Finally I could be out of the
command tent. I loathed
having to be away from my
men, but it was necessary.
Taking full command of El
Libertad was hard work,
but I managed with the help
of my fellow officers. After
a series of skirmishs with
the forces of Le Booble, we
were ready. Ready to bring
it down and end the
restrictions forced upon
our ancestors."
proceeded, with
battle cries,
screams, and
changing tactics.
The battle became one of
desperation on all sides. Kill or
be killed, and with courage in
the hearts of the soldiers, the
fight for their lives and families
back home continued. No
remorse could be felt for the
enemy, because any second
of weakness could led to El
Libertad's defeat.
"I could see the soldiers of Le Booble waver. This was our
chance to end the bloodshed. I scream for Jose Pablo,
and we begin rallying the troops. We let out a cry of
defiance and charged with every ounce of courage left. I
could see the first of Le Booble's soldiers run, followed by
more until they were running over each other to retreat."
The result of winning the battle was of thankfulness
and sadness as many brothers and sisters were lost
in the hard fighting.. The soldiers from Le Booble were
sent to the Outskirts to become slaves. They were
guarded by a well equipped group of soldiers.
Today Snervle's reign will end. I
speak to the crowd in front of
me. "With this bullet, his tyrrany
will end, and a new era of peace
and learning shall begin. Before
you leave this world Snervle,
what are your final words?"

"You replace one tyrant

with another.
Remember these
words, "Like most
misery, it started with

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