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For personal enrichment and career advancement, interacting and learning about unique works

like art, literature, music, and dance from other times are very interesting and provide insights
and perceptictives. For example, through studying history, one can gain deeper insight into
human feelings, social norms, and cultural values that one can always apply to enhance the way
of life in health communication issues, especially to deal with empathy and culture.

In my personal life, literature has been a source of solace and inspiration. One piece that caught
my interest is "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger. That novel touches some deep spot in
my soul, for it involves a retention of a teenager's struggle for personal identity and his search for
realness. Secondarily, themes of a novel can be read with applicability beyond its pages and, in
effect, serve as a reminder for one to remain faithful to oneself and overcome the complexities of
life in much the same way.

In my career, the study of music has grown to impact me profoundly. As a health practitioner,
music therapy is highly applicable to my patients because it relaxes, reduces pain, improves their
pain, and promotes general well-being. For example, during surgical procedures and music
therapy in the application of classical music has been applied in surgery processes since it may
relieve the body and mind of the patient and eventually yield a very smooth recovery process.

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