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This chapter provides the graphical and tabular presentation of the data gathered, its

analysis and interpretation on the Effects of Wattpad to the Academic Performance of Science

Class Students.

Figure 2

Percentage of Respondents’ Reading Wattpad or Not

6 Legend:

44 Yes Yes


Figure 2 shows that out of fifty (50) respondents, 88% of them reads the Wattpad

application while 12% do not. This means that majority of the respondents are readers of

Figure 2.1

Time Spent of Respondents’ Reading Wattpad

60 once a week
50 2 times a week
S 40 3 times a week
30 O
4 times a week
20 5 times a week

E 10 O more than 5
N 0 times a week
Once a 2 times 3 times 4 times 5 times more than 5
week a week a week a week a week times a week


Figure 1.1 shows that indicator 6 got the highest percentage 54.55% while indicator 3 got

the lowest percentage of 0%. This reveals that the forty-four (44) respondents who answered Yes

read Wattpad more than 5 times a week.

Table 1

Reasons of Respondents’ Not Reading Wattpad

Indicator Number of Respondents Percentage

1. can be addictive 2 33.33%

2. can be a disturbance 2 33.33%

3. can be bad for the health 1 16.67%

4. can limit socialization 0 0%

5. can be waste of time 0 0%

6. not interested 1 16.67%

Total 6 100%

Table 1 shows that indicators 1 and 2 got the highest percentage of both 33.33% while

indicators 4 and 5 got the lowest of both 0%. This means that most respondents do not read

Wattpad because it can be addictive and can be a disturbance.

Table 2

Effects of Reading Wattpad to Respondents’ Academic Performance

Indicator Number of Responses Rank

1. Reading Wattpad gives a chance to express oneself 131 2

through writing.

2. Reading Wattpad causes low grades. 181 5

3. Reading Wattpad distracts focus from studies. 169 4

4. Reading Wattpad gives a chance to learn new 125 1


5. Reading Wattpad enhances skill in communicating 136 3

through writing.

Table 2 shows that indicator 4 ranks 1st with a total of 125 number of responses while

indicator 2 ranks 5th with a total of 181 number of responses. This reveals that the main effect of

reading Wattpad to the academic performance of the respondents is that they can learn new

Table 3

Reasons of Respondents’ Difficulty in their Reading Time with Wattpad

Indicator Weighted Mean Interpretation Rank

1. They read Wattpad first. 3.82 Strongly Agree 1

2. They are entertained. 3.52 Strongly Agree 1

3. They do not have proper time 3.38 Strongly Agree 1


4. They get easily distracted. 3.24 Agree 2

5. They are addicted to Wattpad. 3.28 Strongly Agree 1

Total Weighted Mean 3.45 Strongly Agree 1


3.26 – 4.00 Strongly Agree 1

2.6 - 3.25 Agree 2

1.76 – 2.5 Strongly Disagree 3

1.00 – 1.75 Disagree 4

Table 3 shows that indicator 1 got the highest weighted mean of 3.82 while indicator 4 got

the lowest weighted mean of 3.24. The average mean is 3.45 which is interpreted as “Strongly

Agree”. This reveals that most of the respondents strongly agree that reading Wattpad first is the

main reason of their difficulty in managing time in their studies.

Table 4

Ways of Respondents in Managing Time as a Student and as a Wattpadian

Indicator Number of Responses Percentage

1. Set a schedule. 48 32%

2. Set a time limit. 48 32%

3. Read Wattpad first. 6 4%

4. Do school works first. 43 28.67%

5. Stop reading Wattpad. 5 3.33%

Total 150 100%

Table 4 shows that indicators 1 and 2 have the highest percentage of both 32% while

indicator 5 has the lowest percentage of 3.33%. This means that the best ways of the respondents

to manage their time as a student and as a Wattpadian are to set a schedule and to set a time limit.


Upon making the study, the researchers encountered difficulties in gathering data about

the problem since the citations should be within the 10 year range for it to be considered recent.

In the making of the survey questionnaire, the researchers met many corrections and did

revisions for it to be approved by the research adviser. In the process of doing the survey, some

respondents did not thoroughly read the instructions and understand the questions that led them

to answer the survey incorrectly. To overcome these problems, first, the researchers must guide

the respondents in answering the survey questionnaire. Second is, they should monitor the
respondents if they really are following correctly the instructions given by being there in person

as they answer to avoid confusion in the process. Third is, if the researchers notice that there

mistakes in the answers, they have to do the resurvey.

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