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1. Give a detailed accout of the collision theory of reaction rates of bimolecular gaseous reactions
2. How is ozone prepared from oxygen? Explain its reaction with
(a) C2 H4 (b) Kl (c) Hg (d) PbS (e) Ag (0 NO
3. How is chlorine prepared by electrolytic method'? Explain its reaction with
(a) NaOH (b) NH3 under different conditions
4. How is chlorine prepared in the laboratory method? How does it react with
(a) Iron (b) Acidfied FeS04 (c) Iodine (d) H 2 S (e) Na2 S 2 0 3
5. Explain the following
(a) Aldol condensatoin (b) cross aldol (c) cannizarbo reaction
(d) williamsons synthesis (e) Remer - Tiemann reaciton (t) Kolbe' s reaction
(g) Carbylamine reaction (h) sandmayes reaction (i) Decarboxylation
G) H.V.Z reaction (k) Diazotisation (l) Esterification
(m) gattermann reaction (n) gattermann koch
6. How are Xe F2 , Xe F4 and Xe F6 prpared, Explain their reaction with water? Dis.c uss their
7. How is ammonia Manufactured by Haber' s process? Explain its reaction with
(a) ZnS04 (b) CuS04 (c) AgCl
8. How is nitric acid Manufactured by Ostwald' s process? How does it react with the following
(a) copper (b) Zn (c) S 8 (d) P4
9. Explain in detail The Manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact process?
10. (a) State and explain Kohlrausch' s law of independent Migration of ions? And its App]ications.
11. (i)What is electrolysis? And state Faraday' s laws of electrolysis.
(ii) A solution of CuS04 is electrolysed for IO minutes, with a current of 1.5 ampered. What is
the mass of copper deposited at the cathode?
12. Derive Bragg' s equation?
13. Describe the two main types of semiconductors and contrast their conduction mechanism?
14. Classify each of the following as either a p-type or an-type semiconductor (i) Ge doped with In
(ii) Si doped with B.
15. What is Schottky defect and Frenkel defect?
16. What is relative lowering of vapour pressure? How is it use useful to determine the molar mass
of solute?
17. State Raoult' s law. The vapour pressure of pure benzene at a certain temperartue is 0.850 bar. A
non-volatile, non-electrolyte solid weighing 0.5 g when added to 39.0 g of benzene (molar mass
78/g mol) vapour pressure of the soluiton, then is 0.845 bar. What is the molar mass of the solid
substance? (and Relative sums)
18. Define mole fraction A solution of sucrose in water is labelled has 20 % w/w. What would be
the mole fraciton of each component in the solution? (and Relative sums)
19. what are galvanic cells? Explain the working of a galvanic cell with neat sketch taking daniel
cell as example
20. What is "'Molecularity of a reaction? How is it differenet from the ' Order' reaction? Name one
bi-molecular & One tri-molecular gaseous reacitons?
21. What are different types of adsoption? Give any four difference between characteristics of the
different types?
22. What is catalysis? How is catalysis classified? Give two examples for each
23. What is an emulsion? Explain the classification of emulsion with examples?
24. What are micells? Discuss the mechanism of roicelle formation and cleaning action of soap.
25. Giving examples of differentiate roasting and calcination.
26. Outline the principle of refining of metals by the following methods.
(a) zone refining (b) electrolytic refining (c) poling (d)vapour phase refining
27. Explain in the purification of sulphide one by fourth floatation method.
28. Explain briefly the extraction of aluminium from bauxite.
29. Explain wemers theory of coordination compounds with suitable examples
30. Using IUPAC name write the foirmula for the following
(i) Tetrahydroxyzincate (II) (ii) Hexaamrninecobalt (III) sulphate
(iii) Potassium tetrachloropalldate (II) and (iv) Potassium tri(oxalate)chlomate
31. Using IUPAC names write the formula for the following
(i) [Co(NH3 ) 6 ]Cl3 (ii) (Pt(NH)3 ) 2 Cl(NH2 CH3 )Cl
(iii) [Ti(H2 0)6 ]3+ (iv) K2 [PdCl4 ] (v) K2 [Fe(CN) 6 ] (vi) [fe4 (C N4 )] 3
32. Write the characteristic properties of transition elements
33. Mention type of polymerization involved in the formation of the following polymers
(a) Bakelite (b) PVC (c) Polyethene (d) Teflon
34. Mention the structures and names of the monomers used for preparing the following polymers
(a) Bakelite (b) Poly styrene (c) Teflon (d) poly vinyl chloride
(e) Nylon-6,6 (f) glyptal (g) Terylene
35. Give the source the following vitamins and name the diseases caused deficiency
(a) A (b) D (c) E and (d) K
36. What are hormones? Give one examples for each.
(i) steriod hormones (ii) poly peptide hormones and (iii) amino acid derivaties
37. Write notes on vitamins
38. Write notes on the functions of different hormones in the body.
39. Explain themechanism of nucleophilic bomolec ular substitution SN2 reaction with one example.
40. Explain the mechainsm of nucleophillic unimolecular substitution SN1 reacrtion with one
41. Define the fo1lowing:
(i) Racemic mixture (ii) Retention of configuratoin (iii) Enaotiomers
42. Write any two methods of preperation of phenol
43. Explain the acidic nature of phenols and compare with that of alcohol.
44. What are antibiotics? Give example?
45. What are antacids? Give example?
4'. What are antiseptics? Give example?
47. What are artificial sweetening agents? Give examples
48. What are antihistamines? Give example
49. What are tranquilizers? Give example
SO. What are disinfectants? Give examples
51. What are food presservatives? Give examples
52. What is the difference between a soap and a synthetic detegent?
53. What are antifertility drugs? Give example?
54. What are analgesics? How they are classified? Give example?
55. What are antimicrobials?
56. What in tincture of iodine? What is its use?
57. What is PHBV? How is it useful to man?
58. What is vulcanization of rubber?
59. What is ziegler-natta catalyst?
60. What do you mean by POI (Polydispersity index)
61. What are fibers? Give example
62. What are thermoplastic polymers? Give example?
63. What are copolymers? Give example?
64. What are homopolymers? Give example?
65. What are the monomers present in the Nylon2-nylon-6?
66. What is bio-degradable polymers? Give two examples?
67. Define molarity calculate the molarity of a solution containing 5gm of NaOH in 450 ml
68. What is a fuel cell? How is it different-from conventional galvanic cell?
69. Define order of a reaction? Illustrate your answer with an example?
70. Give two examples for gaseous frist order reaction
71. Give the composition of the following alloys?
(a) Brass (b) bronze (c) German silver
72. Write any two ores with formula of the following metals?
(a) aluminium (b) zinc (c) iron (d) copper
73. What is matte? Give its composition?
74. What is blister copper? Why is it so called?
75. What is flux? Give an example?
76. State the role of silica in the metallurgy of copper?
77. What is the role of cryolite is the metallurgy of .aluminium?
78. What is poling?
79. CuS04 . 5H2 0 is blue in colour where as anhydrous CuS04 is colourless. Why?
80. Calculate the spin only magnetic moment of Fe+ 2 ion.
81. What is an ambidentate ligand? Give example?
82. What is an alloy? Give example?
83. What is a ligand? Give one example of unidentate ligand?
84. What is a chelate ligand? Give example?
85. Why zn+ 2 is diamagnetic where as Mn+ 2 is paramagnetic?
86. What is Misch-Metal give its composition and uses?
87. What is relative lowering of vapour pressure?
88. Define osmotic pressure
89. State Henry's law
90. What are isotonic solutions
91. What is Ebullioscopic constant.
92. What is standard hydrogen electrode?
93. What is metallic corrosion? Give one example.
94. How is gibbs energy related to the cell emf mathematically?
95. What is half-life of a reaction? Gvie example.
96. Give two examples of zero order reaction.
97. What is rate law? Give an example.
98. Calculate the molarity of a solution containing 5g of NaOH in 450 ml solution.
99. What are colligative properties, Give examples.
100. What is a primary battery? Give one example?
101. What are pseudo first order reactions? Give one example
102. Give two examples for gaseous first order reaction
103. What is Tyndal effect?
104. What is Brownian movement?
105. What are the ambident nucleophiles?
106. Which one of the following has highest dipole moment (i) CH2 Cl 2 (ii) CHC l 3 (iii) CCl 4
107. Which compound in each of the following pairs will react faster in SN 2 reactio with OH-?
(i) CH3 Br or CH3 1 (ii) (CH3 ) 3 CCl or CH3 Cl
108. Explain wurtz and wurtz fitting reaciton?
109. Nitrogen exists as diatomic molecule and phosphorus as P4 . Why?
110. Nitrogen molecule is highly stable. Why?
111. What happens when white posphorus is heated with cone. NaOH solution in an Inert
atmosphere CO2 ?
112. Ammonia is a good complexing agent explain with an example?
113. A mixture of Ca3 P2 and CaC2 is used in making Holme' s signal-explain?
114. Why is H2 0 a liquid white H2 S is a gas?
115. What is tailing of mercury? How is it removed?
116. Write the reaciton of F2 and cl2 with water?
117. Electron gain enthalpy of fluorine (F2 ) is less than that of Cl 2 explain?
118. HF is a liquid white HCl is a gas explain?
119. How is chlorine manufactured by Deacon's method?
120. In moderon diving apparatus. A mixture of He & 0 2 is used. Why?
121. List out the uses of Neon?
122. What happens when Cl2 reacts with dry slaked lime?
123. H 2 0 is neutral while H 2 S is acidic. Explain
124. Give two examples each for amphteric oxides and neural oxides?

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