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● Leadership, Collaboration and Coordination by communicating

While performing; me and my team members kept up helpful and reliable communication
between each other so that we all knew which move we would be performing and so that all of
us were on the same page. We were often relying on each other and asking which move we
would be performing next where one of our members was taking the lead and helping us. It can
be seen that some moves were performed by one member first so that the other two members
could watch first and then perform it on their own.

● Enhancing problem- solving skills and being empathetic

At 0:36 of the video given below, I bumped into my member by accident while performing a back
kick immediately after which I apologized to him and saw to make sure he was okay. I did this to
take an initiative to do conflict resolution and ensure that no conflicts are occuring.


criteria B formative to view the activity plan

● The plan for all the three martial arts consists of both basic and advanced moves to be
followed throughout a gradual progress which enables us to experience step by step and
efficient learning of the moves. Learning and practicing basic moves before moving onto
the advanced moves makes sure that we truly have time to practice and master moves
properly. Moving to advanced moves before mastering basic ones would not lead to
efficient learning.
● All the plans consist equally of attacking and defensive moves (punches, kicks and
blocks) which are relevantly helpful in realistic situations in order to defend yourself. Just
learning defensive moves like blocking and not knowing how to counter-attack during
danger situations would not be the most useful without knowing how to combine different
martial art moves.
● The game plan does not include exercises that combine different moves that would be
very useful to be applied in a real-life situation where we could be in danger and would
know exactly what to do to protect ourselves. The performance also does not show us
performing with the energy level that would be required in real life situations to actually
protect ourselves against a strong opponent.

● The energy level shown in the performance video however, was a bit reluctant and not
as strong as it would be needed in real life situations which was not an efficient way of
giving relevance to the plan.
● Our goal consisted of flawless synchronization with each other and all members
performing in unison, which we did not achieve. This proves that we did not practice as
efficiently and could not reach that level of perfection.
● We did however, continuously collaborated and helped each other out; the members that
had more knowledge helped and demonstrated the moves to the other members. These
demonstrations were very efficient while trying to get an accurate idea of the steps to be
followed to master a certain move. It also significantly enhanced leader-ship and
teamwork skills.

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