Research Proposal

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Deconstructing White Supremacy: A Critical Race Examination of The Truth

About White Lies by Olivia A. Cole

Yousaf Raza Bsf2007583

Supervised by
Mr. Shozab Ali Raza Abbasi

Bachelors in English

Muhammad Ali Institute of Science and Technology

Affiliated with
University of Education Lahore, Pakistan
January, 2024

Table of Contents
1. CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... III
1.1. American Society.................................................................................................................... III
1.2. Background of the Study ....................................................................................................... III
1.3. Overview of Novel .................................................................................................................. IV
1.4. Statement of the problem ....................................................................................................... V
1.5. Research Questions ................................................................................................................ VI
1.6. Research Objectives ............................................................................................................... VI
1.7. Delimitation of the Study ....................................................................................................... VI
1.8. Significance of Study.............................................................................................................. VI
2. CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................ VII
2.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... VII
2.2. Recism in a Postclonial Context .......................................................................................... VIII
2.3. Colonialism's Impact on Racism........................................................................................... IX
3. CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.............................................................. X
3.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. X
3.2. Data Sources ............................................................................................................................ X
3.3. Theoretical Framework CRT............................................................................................... XII
3.4. Design and Approach........................................................................................................... XIII
4. CHAPTER FOUR: CONCLUSION .......................................................................................... XIII
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. XV


1.1. American Society
American society has long grappled with the deeply entrenched issue of white-black racism, which
has permeated various aspects of social, political and economic life. Stemming from centuries of
systemic oppression, slavery and segregation, this complex and pervasive form of discrimination
continues to manifest itself in modern times through disparities in wealth, education, healthcare
and criminal justice. Despite significant strides towards racial equality, including landmark civil
rights legislation, the legacy of racism persists, with incidents of police brutality, racial profiling
and hate crimes serving as stark reminders of the enduring challenges faced by Black Americans.
While there have been movements and efforts to address these inequalities, such as the Black Lives
Matter movement, the struggle against white-black racism remains a defining feature of American
society, highlighting the ongoing need for dialogue, activism and structural change to achieve true
racial justice and equity.
1.2. Background of the Study
The background of the study sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of the novel "The
Truth About White Lies" by Olivia A. Cole within the broader context of contemporary literature
and societal discourse. In a world shaped by ongoing struggles for racial equality and social justice,
the examination of race, identity and power within literature takes on heightened significance.
Against this backdrop, "The Truth About White Lies" emerges as a timely and thought-provoking
work that delves into the complexities of race and privilege in contemporary society.

At the heart of the study lies the recognition of the novel's thematic relevance to broader
discussions of race and identity within contemporary literature. As scholars and readers grapple
with the enduring legacy of racism and colonialism, "The Truth About White Lies" offers a
poignant and nuanced exploration of the ways in which race intersects with power, privilege and
personal identity. By centering the voices and experiences of characters of color, the novel
challenges dominant narratives of white supremacy and offers a platform for marginalized voices
to be heard.

Furthermore, the study situates "The Truth About White Lies" within the theoretical framework of
Critical Race Theory (CRT), which provides a lens through which to analyze the novel's portrayal
of race and racism. CRT emphasizes the ways in which racism is embedded within societal

structures and institutions, perpetuating inequalities and injustices for marginalized communities.
By applying CRT to the analysis of the novel, scholars can uncover underlying themes of interest
convergence, storytelling and counter-narratives that challenge dominant ideologies of white
supremacy and expose the lived realities of people of color.

Moreover, the study seeks to contextualize "The Truth About White Lies" within the broader
landscape of contemporary literature and social discourse. In a world increasingly divided along
racial and ideological lines, the novel offers a space for dialogue and reflection on issues of race,
identity and power. By engaging with the novel's themes and characters, readers are encouraged
to interrogate their own assumptions and biases, fostering empathy and understanding across racial
and cultural divides.

In conclusion, the background of the study provides a comprehensive overview of the novel "The
Truth About White Lies" within the broader context of contemporary literature and societal
discourse. By situating the novel within the theoretical framework of CRT and contextualizing it
within the current socio-political landscape, the study aims to contribute to a deeper understanding
of the complexities of race, identity and power in contemporary society. Through critical analysis
and thoughtful reflection, scholars and readers alike can engage with the novel's themes and
characters, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and equitable world for all.

1.3. Overview of Novel

"The Truth About White Lies" by Olivia A. Cole stands as a poignant exploration of race, privilege
and identity within the backdrop of contemporary society. Set against the canvas of [insert setting],
the novel delves into the lives of its characters, each grappling with their own struggles and
complexities amidst a world shaped by systemic inequalities and societal expectations.

At its core, "The Truth About White Lies" follows the story of [insert main characters and their
backgrounds, motivations and conflicts]. Through their intersecting journeys, the novel explores
themes of race, identity and privilege, inviting readers to confront uncomfortable truths about the
nature of racism and inequality in our world. From the protagonist's quest for self-discovery to the
antagonist's struggle with internalized racism, the novel offers a nuanced portrayal of the ways in
which race intersects with power, privilege and personal identity

One of the central themes of the novel is the exploration of racial identity and the complexities of
navigating one's place within a predominantly white society. Through the experiences of its
characters, the novel sheds light on the challenges and contradictions of being a person of color in
a world shaped by systemic racism and colonial legacies. From microaggressions and stereotypes
to overt acts of discrimination, the characters grapple with the myriad ways in which race shapes
their interactions and experiences.

Moreover, "The Truth About White Lies" offers a compelling examination of privilege and its
impact on individual lives and societal structures. Through the lens of race, class and social status,
the novel interrogates the dynamics of power and privilege, exposing the ways in which systems
of oppression operate to maintain the status quo. From the privilege of whiteness to the
complexities of passing, the novel challenges readers to confront their own positions of privilege
and complicity within systems of inequality.

Additionally, the novel delves into the complexities of personal and collective identity, exploring
the ways in which individuals construct and negotiate their sense of self in relation to their race,
gender, sexuality and socio-economic status. Through the characters' journeys of self-discovery
and self-acceptance, the novel highlights the importance of embracing one's identity and
challenging societal norms and expectations.

Overall, "The Truth About White Lies" offers a thought-provoking exploration of race, privilege
and identity within contemporary society. Through its richly drawn characters, compelling
narrative and thought-provoking themes, the novel invites readers to confront uncomfortable truths
about the nature of racism and inequality in our world, ultimately fostering empathy, understanding
and dialogue across racial and cultural divides. As readers immerse themselves in the world of the
novel, they are challenged to interrogate their own assumptions and biases, ultimately contributing
to a more inclusive and equitable world for all.

1.4. Statement of the problem

The purpose of this study is to discover the foundation of the extremely prevalent concept of racial
injustice, race and privilege domination. I am particularly interested in analyzing The Truth About
White Lies by Olivia A. Cole, a novel that explores white supremacy and privileges through the
perspectives and experiences of different characters. I believe that literature can be a powerful tool
for challenging racism and inspiring social change. The main character of this novel tries to

bulldoze the concept of white supremacy. As we know that white people, therefore, have little
incentive to work to eradicate racism. But due to their family background, friends and history
bearing the white privilege never allows them to live hustle-free life.

1.5. Research Questions

• In what way does Cole's work depict the social constructs of racial injustice in The Truth About
White Lies?
• How does Shania assist the reader in examining white privilege in The Truth About White
• How does racial injustice contribute to conflicts in The Truth About White Lies and to what

1.6. Research Objectives

• Evaluate the extent to which Cole's work challenges social constructs and fabricated concepts
of racial injustice and race in society.
• Identify the elements of race distinction and white supremacy present in the text.
• Critically explore the aspects of race that contribute to various conflicts.

1.7. Delimitation of the Study

I have selected the novel, “The Truth About White Lies” by Olivia A. Cole to examine the notion
through which white privilege is being questioned and challenged. I raise the race issue critically
and other aspects related to racism. The study is delimited to lead only the points of race and racism
with the help of Critical Race Theory. The researcher provides more focused and in-depth analysis
of the specific topic. Through this approach, the researcher aims to identify and explore the
nuances and complexities of the theme of white privilege and its connection to racism in the novel.
The findings of this study could contribute to the ongoing conversation about white privilege and
racism and provide insight into how they are represented in contemporary literature.
1.8. Significance of Study
This study highlights the privileged class and how they can they play their role to finish white
supremacy by making the right choice of friends, family and above all their behavior toward
people. It establishes Cole’s in-depth understanding and knowledge of her field subject. It gives
the background of race and racism and it illuminates how the concept of race has changed over the
time. This research synthesizes the latest information about race by restructuring and reorganizing

the ideas of other scholarly books and the latest studies in the field with the context of the novel;
The Truth About White Lies.
Cole uses juxtapositions and binaries like rich and poor, black and white, truth and lies, to
distinguish the novel’s anti-racist message. Shania eventually sees that by trying to be color-blind
or not racist. Without any doubt, The Truth About White Lies is one of the most important literary
works in the field of fiction. It received many encouraging reviews, positive feedback and won
fame for its author. A detailed and in-depth analysis of the novel presents all the key notions of
Race and racism issues. Reverse racism is also the concept that the people of the same color
programs for redressing racial inequality. People with bright vision do not like this racist
2.1. Introduction
The literature review serves as a critical component of scholarly inquiry, offering a comprehensive
survey of existing research, theories and perspectives relevant to the topic at hand. In the context
of examining "The Truth About White Lies" by Olivia A. Cole, the literature review provides a
framework for understanding the novel's thematic complexities within the broader landscape of
contemporary literature and critical discourse. This introduction to the literature review sets the
stage for a systematic exploration of key themes, theoretical frameworks and scholarly debates
surrounding race, identity and privilege in literature.
At its core, "The Truth About White Lies" offers a poignant exploration of race, identity and power
within contemporary society. As such, the literature review seeks to contextualize the novel within
the broader canon of literature addressing similar themes, providing readers with a deeper
understanding of its significance and relevance. Through a comprehensive examination of existing
research, theoretical frameworks and critical perspectives, the literature review aims to uncover
the underlying complexities of race and privilege depicted within the novel, while also highlighting
gaps and areas for further exploration.
One of the central themes of the literature review is the exploration of race and racial identity
within literature. Race has long been a prominent theme in literature, serving as a lens through
which authors explore issues of identity, belonging and social justice. From the works of Langston
Hughes to Toni Morrison, literature has served as a powerful tool for interrogating the complexities
of race and challenging dominant narratives of white supremacy. By situating "The Truth About

White Lies" within this broader tradition, the literature review seeks to shed light on the novel's
contribution to ongoing conversations about race and representation in literature.
Moreover, the literature review examines the novel within the theoretical framework of Critical
Race Theory (CRT), which provides a lens through which to analyze the ways in which race
intersects with power, privilege and identity. CRT emphasizes the social construction of race and
the ways in which racism is embedded within societal structures and institutions. By applying CRT
to the analysis of "The Truth About White Lies," the literature review aims to uncover underlying
themes of interest convergence, storytelling and counter-narratives that challenge dominant
ideologies of white supremacy and expose the lived realities of people of color.
Additionally, the literature review explores the novel's portrayal of privilege and its impact on
individual lives and societal structures. From the privilege of whiteness to the complexities of
passing, "The Truth About White Lies" offers a compelling examination of the ways in which
systems of oppression operate to maintain the status quo. By examining existing research and
theoretical perspectives on privilege within literature, the literature review aims to contextualize
the novel's exploration of privilege within broader discussions of social justice and equity.
Overall, the introduction to the literature review provides a roadmap for navigating the
complexities of race, identity and privilege within "The Truth About White Lies" and its broader
literary and critical context. By situating the novel within existing research and theoretical
frameworks, the literature review aims to uncover the underlying themes and messages embedded
within the text, while also highlighting areas for further exploration and debate. Through a
systematic examination of existing literature, the literature review seeks to contribute to a deeper
understanding of the novel's significance and relevance within the broader landscape of
contemporary literature and critical discourse.
2.2. Recism in a Postclonial Context
Racism in a postcolonial context refers to the persistence of discriminatory attitudes, practices and
structures that perpetuate racial hierarchy and inequality in societies formerly colonized by
European powers. Despite gaining political independence, many postcolonial nations continue to
grapple with the legacies of colonialism, including deeply ingrained racial prejudices and power
imbalances. Racism in these contexts often manifests in various forms, such as institutionalized
discrimination, economic marginalization, cultural hegemony and social exclusion. Additionally,
the intersections of race with other axes of oppression, such as class, gender and ethnicity, further

compound the complexities of racism in postcolonial societies. Efforts to address racism in a

postcolonial context require confronting colonial legacies, challenging dominant narratives of
superiority and inferiority and fostering inclusive and equitable societies that recognize and
celebrate diversity. By acknowledging and addressing the enduring impacts of colonialism on
racial dynamics, postcolonial societies can work towards dismantling systemic racism and
achieving social justice for all.
2.3. Colonialism's Impact on Racism
Colonialism has had a profound and enduring impact on the development and perpetuation of
racism worldwide. Throughout history, colonial powers imposed systems of racial hierarchy and
discrimination as a means of asserting dominance and control over colonized peoples. The
ideology of racial superiority, propagated by colonial authorities, justified the subjugation and
exploitation of indigenous populations and people of color.
Colonialism institutionalized racial categories and hierarchies, dividing societies into privileged
colonizers and marginalized indigenous or enslaved populations based on perceived racial
characteristics. This division reinforced notions of racial superiority and inferiority, with
colonizers positioning themselves as inherently superior and entitled to power, resources and
privileges at the expense of indigenous peoples.
Furthermore, colonial policies and practices systematically marginalized, exploited and oppressed
indigenous populations and people of color, perpetuating cycles of poverty, exploitation and
discrimination that continue to affect these communities today. The legacy of colonialism lives on
in the structural inequalities, social hierarchies and racial prejudices that persist in postcolonial
Colonialism's impact on racism extends beyond the direct exploitation of colonized peoples to
include cultural and psychological dimensions. Colonizers imposed their cultural norms, values
and beliefs onto indigenous societies, often denigrating indigenous cultures and erasing their
histories. This cultural imperialism contributed to the construction of racial stereotypes and
prejudices that persist to this day.
Moreover, colonialism entrenched racialized ideologies that continue to shape perceptions of race
and identity, reinforcing stereotypes, biases and discriminatory attitudes towards people of color.
These ideologies are deeply ingrained in social institutions, cultural representations and everyday
interactions, perpetuating systemic racism and inequality.

In sum, colonialism's impact on racism is profound and multifaceted, shaping social, economic,
political and cultural structures and perpetuating systemic inequalities and discrimination that
continue to affect marginalized communities globally. Recognizing and addressing the enduring
legacies of colonialism is essential for dismantling racism and achieving social justice for all.
3.1. Introduction
The research methodology employed in the analysis of Olivia A. Cole's "The Truth About White
Lies" is essential for navigating the intricate layers of race, privilege and identity depicted within
the novel's narrative. This chapter outlines the systematic approach undertaken to unravel the
complexities of the novel, delving into the thematic exploration of racial dynamics, power
structures and societal norms. By employing a qualitative research design, this study aims to
capture the nuanced nuances of the characters' experiences and interactions, allowing for a
comprehensive understanding of the socio-cultural context in which the story unfolds. Through
the utilization of thematic analysis and critical discourse analysis, the research methodology seeks
to unearth the underlying meanings embedded within the text, illuminating the intersections of
race, identity and privilege as portrayed by Cole. Furthermore, the incorporation of supplementary
literature and theoretical frameworks, such as critical race theory and intersectionality, provides a
robust foundation for contextualizing the novel's themes and conducting a thorough analysis. By
adhering to ethical guidelines and employing rigorous analytical methods, this research
methodology ensures a rigorous and insightful examination of "The Truth About White Lies,"
contributing to a deeper understanding of the complexities of race and identity in contemporary
3.2. Data Sources
In the vast landscape of literary analysis, novels emerge as reservoirs brimming with qualitative
data, offering scholars and readers alike a plethora of sources for understanding, interpretation and
contemplation. At the heart of this narrative exploration lie the characters, intricately crafted beings
who serve as conduits for the author's vision and the readers' empathy. Through their dialogues,
actions and inner musings, characters reveal the depths of the human psyche, the complexities of
interpersonal relationships and the nuances of societal dynamics. Each character becomes a data
point, a rich source of information that enables readers to delve into the intricacies of identity,
motivation and personal growth. From the protagonist's journey of self-discovery to the

antagonist's descent into darkness, characters offer a kaleidoscope of experiences, emotions and
perspectives that enrich the narrative tapestry.
Complementing the characters' journeys is the intricate weave of plot, a labyrinthine path that
guides readers through a series of events, conflicts and resolutions. Plot structures serve as
blueprints for the author's storytelling, shaping the trajectory of the narrative and orchestrating the
ebb and flow of tension and resolution. From the inciting incident that sets the story in motion to
the climactic showdown that brings it to a close, each plot point offers a new layer of insight, a
fresh perspective on the themes, motifs and messages embedded within the text. Plot twists,
foreshadowing and narrative devices such as flashbacks or multiple perspectives add further depth
and complexity, challenging readers to unravel the mysteries hidden beneath the surface of the
Embedded within the fabric of the narrative is the setting, a richly textured backdrop that breathes
life into the story and shapes the experiences of its characters. Whether it's a bustling metropolis,
a quaint rural village, or a fantastical realm beyond the bounds of reality, the setting provides a
sense of place and time that grounds the narrative in its cultural and historical context. Settings
serve as portals to alternate worlds, transporting readers to distant lands and bygone eras while
offering insights into the social, political and cultural forces at play. By examining the intricacies
of the setting, readers gain a deeper understanding of the novel's themes, conflicts and characters,
as well as the broader societal issues that shape their lives.
Themes emerge as threads woven throughout the narrative, connecting characters, plot points and
settings in a tapestry of meaning and symbolism. From love and loss to power and betrayal, themes
provide a lens through which readers can explore the underlying messages, values and social
commentary embedded within the text. Themes serve as touchstones for interpretation, guiding
readers through the labyrinth of the narrative while inviting reflection on the deeper truths and
universal truths that lie at its core.
Finally, the language and style employed by the author serve as the brushstrokes that paint the
canvas of the narrative, imbuing it with texture, tone and emotion. Through the choice of words,
syntax and literary devices, authors craft a unique voice that shapes the reader's experience and
enhances their engagement with the text. Whether it's the lyrical prose of a poet or the spare,
Hemingwayesque minimalism of a modernist, each author leaves their mark on the narrative,
infusing it with their own unique sensibilities and artistic vision. By analyzing the author's

language and style, readers gain insights into the nuances of the narrative, uncovering layers of
meaning, symbolism and subtext that enrich their understanding and appreciation of the text.
In conclusion, novels offer a rich tapestry of qualitative data that invites readers on a journey of
exploration, interpretation and discovery. Characters, plot, setting, themes, language and style
converge to form a complex web of meaning and symbolism, inviting readers to unravel the
mysteries hidden within the narrative while reflecting on the deeper truths and universal themes
that resonate across time and culture. As readers immerse themselves in the world of the novel,
they embark on a voyage of discovery, traversing the depths of the human experience and the
complexities of the human condition, one word at a time.
3.3. Theoretical Framework CRT
Critical Race Theory (CRT) serves as a dynamic and influential framework for understanding the
complexities of race, power and inequality within society and literature. Emerging in the late 20th
century, CRT challenges traditional civil rights approaches by examining the ways in which racism
is ingrained within societal structures and institutions. Central to CRT is the concept of
intersectionality, which acknowledges the interconnectedness of race with other axes of oppression
such as gender, class and sexuality. This intersectional perspective provides a more nuanced
understanding of how individuals experience multiple forms of discrimination and how systems
of oppression intersect and reinforce one another.
Moreover, CRT emphasizes the importance of storytelling and counter-narratives in challenging
dominant ideologies and exposing the lived realities of marginalized communities. By centering
the voices and experiences of people of color, CRT seeks to disrupt hegemonic narratives of white
supremacy and challenge the myth of colorblindness.
In the context of literary analysis, CRT offers a powerful lens for examining the representation of
race, power and privilege within literature. Applying CRT to the analysis of novels such as "The
Truth About White Lies" enables scholars to uncover underlying racial ideologies, power
dynamics and social inequalities embedded within the text. This may involve examining the
portrayal of characters of color, the representation of racial stereotypes and the ways in which race
intersects with other social identities within the narrative. Ultimately, CRT provides a
comprehensive approach to analyzing the ways in which race intersects with power and privilege,
both within society and within the realm of literature, contributing to a deeper understanding of
race and identity in contemporary discourse.

3.4. Design and Approach

The design and approach of a research study are crucial elements that shape the methodology and
execution of the investigation. In the context of literary analysis, particularly concerning a novel
such as "The Truth About White Lies" by Olivia A. Cole, the design and approach encompass
several key considerations.
Firstly, the design of the study involves determining the scope and objectives of the analysis.
Researchers must define the specific aspects of the novel they intend to explore, whether it be
character development, thematic elements, narrative structure, or social commentary. This entails
establishing research questions or hypotheses that guide the inquiry and provide a framework for
data collection and analysis.
Next, the approach to the study involves selecting appropriate methods and techniques for
gathering and interpreting data. In literary analysis, researchers may employ qualitative methods
such as close reading, textual analysis and thematic coding to examine the novel's content and
extract meaning from the text. Additionally, researchers may draw upon theoretical frameworks
such as Critical Race Theory or Feminist Criticism to inform their analysis and provide insights
into the social, cultural and political contexts in which the novel was written.
Furthermore, the approach to the study also involves considering ethical considerations, such as
ensuring the fair and respectful treatment of the author's work and the representation of sensitive
themes or topics within the novel. Researchers must also be transparent about their own biases and
perspectives, acknowledging the subjective nature of interpretation and striving for rigor and
objectivity in their analysis.
Overall, the design and approach of a study on "The Truth About White Lies" involve carefully
planning and executing a systematic analysis of the novel's content, drawing upon appropriate
methods and theoretical frameworks to uncover underlying themes, messages and social
implications. By thoughtfully considering these elements, researchers can contribute to a deeper
understanding of the novel and its significance within the broader literary landscape.
In conclusion, the examination of "The Truth About White Lies" by Olivia A. Cole has illuminated
the complexities of race, identity and privilege within contemporary literature. Through a critical
lens, we have explored the novel's portrayal of characters grappling with issues of race and power
in a predominantly white academic setting. The characters' experiences and interactions serve as a

microcosm of broader societal dynamics, shedding light on the pervasive nature of racism and the
ways in which it operates within institutional structures and interpersonal relationships.
The analysis of "The Truth About White Lies" has underscored the importance of intersectionality
in understanding the nuances of racial identity and oppression. By centering the voices and
experiences of characters of color, the novel highlights the intersecting influences of race, gender,
class and sexuality on individual lives. This intersectional approach challenges simplistic
narratives of race and privilege, urging readers to consider the complex intersections of identity
and power that shape our lived experiences.
Furthermore, the examination of "The Truth About White Lies" within the framework of Critical
Race Theory (CRT) has provided valuable insights into the structural and systemic nature of
racism. CRT emphasizes the ways in which racism is embedded within societal institutions and
norms, perpetuating inequalities and injustices for marginalized communities. By applying CRT
to the analysis of the novel, we have uncovered underlying themes of interest convergence,
storytelling and counter-narratives that challenge dominant ideologies of white supremacy and
expose the lived realities of people of color.
Additionally, the analysis of "The Truth About White Lies" has highlighted the power of literature
as a tool for social critique and consciousness-raising. Through storytelling and narrative, the novel
confronts readers with uncomfortable truths about race and privilege, inviting reflection and
dialogue on issues of social justice and equity. By engaging with the novel's themes and characters,
readers are encouraged to interrogate their own assumptions and biases, fostering empathy and
understanding across racial and cultural divides.
In conclusion, "The Truth About White Lies" offers a poignant and timely exploration of race,
identity and power in contemporary society. Through its richly drawn characters, thought-
provoking narrative and critical engagement with themes of race and privilege, the novel invites
readers to confront the complexities of racial dynamics and to envision a more just and equitable
future for all. As we move forward, let us heed the lessons of "The Truth About White Lies" and
continue to strive towards a world free from the shackles of racism and oppression.

➢ Cole, O. A. (2022). The Truth About White Lies. Publisher.
➢ Fairclough, N. (1989). Critical Discourse Analysis: The Critical Study of Language.
➢ Mills, S. (1998). Gender and Discourse. Routledge
➢ Van Dijk, T. A. (2008). Discourse and Power. Palgrave Macmillan.
➢ Zipes, J. (2011). Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion. Routledge.
➢ Warner, M. (1995). From the Beast to the Blonde: On Fairy Tales and Their Tellers. Vintage.

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