Ray 2014

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DE Ray,y School of Biomedical Sciences, Medical School, Queen’s Medical Centre, University of Nottingham, UK
SA Burr, Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, Plymouth, UK
Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This article is a revision of the previous edition article by David E. Ray, volume 3, pp 574–579, Ó 2005, Elsevier Inc.

l Chemical Names: Natural pyrethrins and synthetic

l Representative Chemicals: Pyrethrin I, pyrethrin II, cyflu-
thrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, permethrin
l Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Numbers: 121-21-1
(pyrethrin I), 121-29-9 (pyrethrin II), 68359-37-5
(cyfluthrin), 52315-07-8 (cypermethrin), 52918-63-5
(deltamethrin), 52645-53-1 (permethrin)
l Synonyms: Pyrethrin I [(1S)-2-methyl-4-oxo-3-[(2Z)-penta-
PubChem CID 5281045; pyrethrin II [[2-methyl-4-oxo-3-
propane-1-carboxylate], PubChem CID 5320807; pyrethrum
contains both pyrethrin I and pyrethrin II
l Classification: Ester insecticides
l Molecular Formulas: pyrethrin I, C21H28O3, molecular
weight 328.44522; pyrethrin II, C22H28O5, molecular
weight 372.45472 Pyrethrin II
l Chemical Structures:


Pyrethrin I


1152 Encyclopedia of Toxicology, Volume 3 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-386454-3.00191-3

Pyrethrins/Pyrethroids 1153

Cypermethrin environmental persistence and their rapid knockdown activity,

whereby flying insects very quickly become uncoordinated and
unable to fly before they are killed. The natural pyrethroids are
now largely restricted to indoor domestic uses where light
stability is less important. The pyrethroids are major agricul-
tural pesticides in terms of treated land area (although not
tonnage as they are more potent than most other pesticide
classes). However, many insect populations have begun to
develop resistance via cuticle thickening to reduce pyrethroid
absorption, induction of CYP6P3 to increase detoxification,
and preventing pyrethroid binding by modifications to the
sodium channel target site.

Environmental Fate

Environmental residues of pyrethrins and pyrethroids are

degraded by photolysis and hydrolysis, and so do not accu-
Deltamethrin mulate in most ecosystems. Pyrethroids are moderately
persistent in soil by binding strongly to soil particles,
reducing the risk of leaching. Once in water, free concentra-
tions of pyrethroids can decrease rapidly due to adsorption to
sediments and other particulates, and uptake by plants.
Pyrethroids are less persistent in soil with a low organic
content (e.g., sand rather than clay-based soil). Degradation
rates in water are similar to soil. Hydrolytic degradation is
catalyzed by ultraviolet light, microbial action, aerobic, and
especially by alkali conditions. The environmental half-life
can thus vary considerably from 2 to 600 days. Pyrethroids are
typically less persistent in aerobic soil (where half-lives range
from 3 to 96 days) than in anaerobic soil (where half-lives
range from 5 to 430 days). The main environmental hazard
associated with pyrethroid use is contamination of freshwater
by acute runoff after use as an agricultural pesticide or ecto-
parisitide near to water, which can lead to death of aquatic
invertebrates or fish (which have very limited pyrethroid
detoxification capacity).

All pyrethroids and pyrethrins have low volatility (104–
From the nineteenth century until the 1970s only pyrethrin 108 mmHg), and so occupational and domestic exposure is
mixtures obtained by solvent extraction of pyrethrum primarily via dermal contamination or inhalation/ingestion of
(powdered chrysanthemum flowers, usually Chrysanthemum spray droplets. Consumers are exposed to low-level residues of
cinerariaefolium) were available for use. However, the devel- agricultural pyrethroids in many foods. Residues of domestic
opment by Martin Elliott of the cheaper and more light-stable pyrethroids and pyrethrins have been found in house dust.
synthetic pyrethroids from the 1970s led to their becoming
a major pesticide class. Over 1000 pyrethroid structures have
been synthesized, some of which show considerable divergence Toxicokinetics
from the original pyrethrins.
Although the inherent toxic potential of pyrethroids and
pyrethrins can be high (intravenous lethal dose 50% (LD50)
Uses values range from 0.5 to 4250 mg kg1), this is limited in
practice by rapid detoxification in skin, blood, and liver. The
Both the naturally occurring pyrethrins and the synthetic half-life of pyrethroids in blood ranges from 19 min to 10 h
pyrethroids are widely used as potent insecticides and insect (typically a few hours), and oral intoxication is correspond-
repellents in agricultural, public health, and domestic appli- ingly short lasting. The dermal toxicity of pyrethroids is further
cations. They are also used as ectoparisiticides in veterinary limited by low absorption through the skin and the capacity for
and human medicine. Attractive features are their low local detoxification of pyrethroids in the skin during
1154 Pyrethrins/Pyrethroids

absorption. In man, the bioavailability of dermal pyrethroids is gated sodium channel family. This is responsible for the
1–17%, compared with 3–50% for gastric absorption, generation of the inward sodium current that produces the
depending on the formulation. Hence, the dermal route of action potential in most cells, which is closed at normal
exposure presents less risk of systemic poisoning, although in resting potentials. Sodium channels consist of an alpha
the few cases of very severe skin contamination that have been subunit that forms the trans-membrane pore. They resemble
reported, intoxication has lasted for several weeks, possibly due those of other voltage-gated ion channels and can take several
to a large reservoir of pyrethroid bound to the epidermis. Once possible isoforms. The beta 1 and beta 2 subunits modify the
absorbed, pyrethroids rapidly distribute throughout the body; basic function of the alpha subunit. There are many variant
their high lipophilicity and lack of exclusion by the adenosine forms of the alpha subunit (ten have been characterized in the
triphosphate-binding cassette multidrug transporters ensures rat), and channels are also subject to glycosylation and
ubiquitous entry into all tissues and blood–brain barrier phosphorylation, which further modify function. These
passage into the central nervous system, with longer-term variant forms also show very different sensitivity to pyre-
accumulation in fat and myelin. The pyrethrins and allethrin throids. Unfortunately, there is no standard nomenclature for
are broken down mainly by oxidation of the isobutenyl side many channel isoforms, and descriptions based on pharma-
chain of the acid moiety and of the unsaturated side chain of cological properties (e.g., tetrodotoxin resistant) or tissue
the alcohol moiety, with ester hydrolysis playing an unim- source (e.g., brain I, II, III) are widely used. The interaction of
portant part, but for the other pyrethroids ester hydrolysis pyrethroids with the sodium channel has the effect of slowing
predominates. The acid and alcohol components of pyre- both its activation and its inactivation processes, causing the
throids have very little toxic potential, so hydrolysis represents pyrethroid-modified channel to adopt a hyperexcitable state.
a one-step detoxification. These reactions can take place in liver This hyperexcitable condition is sustained until the pyrethroid
and plasma and are followed by hydroxylation and conjuga- is removed and the channel returns to normal. Since there is
tion to glucuronides or sulfates, which are then excreted in a far higher density of expression of sodium channels in most
urine. A number of factors modify the rate of breakdown, cells than is needed to maintain normal excitability, only
notably stereospecificity; trans isomer hydrolysis is catalyzed by 0.1% of sodium channels need to be modified by a pyrethroid
esterases but cis isomer hydrolysis is catalyzed at a lower rate by for the extra current that they generate to render the whole cell
oxidases. This slower breakdown of cis isomers may contribute hyperexcitable. Although activation is slowed at the single-
to their greater mammalian toxicity, but their higher inherent channel level, the high density of sodium channels also means
affinity for the sodium channel complex is thought to be the that sufficient unmodified channels are always present to
predominant factor. An additional influence on the rate of ensure that the activation phase of the action potential is not
metabolism is the presence of an alpha-cyano group, which appreciably delayed. However, in the falling (inactivation)
slows both hydrolysis and oxidation. Ester cleavage of alpha- phase of the action potential, even a low proportion of
cyano pyrethroids releases cyanide ions, which are in turn modified channels can generate enough extra current to delay
converted to thiocyanate. inactivation. This slower rate of inactivation of pyrethroid-
Many developmental studies remain equivocal, although at modified channels generates a prolonged depolarizing tail
the extreme, neonatal rats have been shown to be 6 and 17 current that follows the normal action potential. This tail will
times more vulnerable than adults to the acute lethality of type trigger a second action potential if the current is large enough
I and II pyrethroids, respectively. This is entirely attributable to and lasts longer than the 0.5–1 ms needed for the normal
their lesser capacity for metabolic detoxification, and does not sodium channels to reactivate. In this situation, what would
extrapolate to lower dose effects. Insect knockdown rate and normally be a single action potential can become multiple
lethality are improved by application at lower ambient action potentials or a continuous uncontrolled discharge.
temperatures. The high relative sensitivity of insects to pyre- Action potential amplitude normally remains constant, so
thrins and pyrethroids is attributable (in roughly equal this uncontrolled excitation produces marked functional
proportions) to their slower metabolic disposal, their lower disruption, although very high concentrations of pyrethroids
body temperature, and the inherently higher sensitivity of their or hyperactivity beyond that which the cell can sustain will
target sites. Although there are few, if any, toxic actions of the eventually cause depolarization and conduction block. This
pyrethroids in insects that do not have their counterpart in depolarization is more readily produced by those pyrethroids
man, these three quantitative factors combine to give insect– that hold the sodium channel open longest.
mammalian toxicity ratios of 2–3 orders of magnitude An important characteristic of the pyrethroid generated tail
difference. current is that its amplitude and duration are independent. The
current amplitude is dependent only on the proportion of
sodium channels modified, and hence shows a saturable rela-
Mechanism of Toxicity tionship with pyrethroid concentration or dose. The current
duration, however, is dependent only on the pyrethroid
The pyrethrins and the pyrethroids are primarily functional structure: type I pyrethroids, such as permethrin, hold the
neurotoxins: causing death by hyperexcitation; only causing channel open for a few milliseconds (rapid insect knockdown),
direct cytotoxicity in mammalian cells at concentrations and type II pyrethroids, such as deltamethrin, hold it open for
much higher than are reached in the brain of severely tens–hundreds of milliseconds (effective insect kill). Individual
intoxicated animals (although there is some evidence of pyrethroids thus generate a characteristic time constant for
neuronal loss with repeated dermal exposures). The main prolongation of the sodium channel tail current that is virtually
target of the pyrethrins and the pyrethroids is the voltage- independent of dose.
Pyrethrins/Pyrethroids 1155

Different forms of the sodium channel show differential by phosphorylation state, this could be an important
sensitivity to pyrethroids. Pyrethroids are ten times more mechanism of action.
potent on the tetrodotoxin-resistant subtype of the sodium
channel, which is expressed in the developing mammalian
brain and in adult dorsal root ganglia. The different forms Acute and Short-Term Toxicity
can also show structure-specific sensitivity: the rat brain IIa
form is sensitive to type II but not type I pyrethroids.
Some of the selectivity of action of pyrethroids within the The acute effects of high oral or intravenous doses of the
nervous system parallels the distribution of sensitive pyrethrins and most non–cyano pyrethroids closely resemble
sodium channel subtypes, although there are at present those of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) (which acts
only limited data to support this. Peripheral nerve sodium similarly on the sodium channel). They are characterized
channels (SNS/PN3) are highly sensitive to pyrethroids, by fine continuous tremors, which may be severe enough to
and action at these channels may be relevant to the cause hyperthermia, and by marked reflex hyperexcitability.
production of paresthesia. Pyrethroid action on the sodium Consciousness is preserved up to the point of death. This is
channel shows a marked stereospecificity: the 1R and 1S cis variously described as T (tremor) or type I syndrome. However,
isomers bind competitively to one site, and the 1R and 1S with the development of the first cyano-substituted pyrethroids
trans isomers bind noncompetitively to another. The 1S such as deltamethrin it was realized that these produced a very
forms do not modify the channel function but do block different acute poisoning syndrome in both insects and
the effect of the 1R isomers. In whole mammals, the 1R mammals known as chorea salivation or type II syndrome. This
isomers are thus active and the 1S isomers are inactive and is characterized progressively by chewing, salivation, hind-limb
essentially nontoxic. Isomerism at the third carbon of the rigidity, and finally by electroencephalographic spiking, chor-
cyclopropane ring gives cis and trans isomers; the cis eoathetosis and tonic–clonic seizures with loss of conscious-
isomers are about ten times more potent than the trans ness. The last three are initially precipitated by sensory stimuli,
isomers. A final chiral center is generated if a cyano but become spontaneous at near-lethal doses. In dogs, upper
substituent is added to the alcohol, giving eight possible airway hypersecretion and gastrointestinal symptoms are more
isomers. Again this affects potency, and only the alpha-S prominent than in rats. Some pyrethroids such as cyphenothrin
and not the alpha-R forms are toxic. A practical conse- produce mixed syndromes with both sets of symptoms super-
quence of this is that the toxicity of products such as imposed, and for all pyrethroids at low doses it can be difficult
permethrin, which are sold as variable isomeric mixtures, to distinguish the two syndromes. In rodents, low-dose oral
can vary from batch to batch. Thus, the rat oral LD50 value exposure can decrease operant conditioning, grip strength, and
of commercial samples of permethrin can vary from 430 to coordination; furthermore, pyrethroids with an alpha-cyano
8900 mg kg1 depending on the cis isomer content. group (e.g., cyfluthrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin) decrease
Many target sites other than the sodium channel have been acoustic-evoked startle reflexes, whereas those without an
suggested to be relevant to poisoning in mammals. Most alpha-cyano group (e.g., bifenthrin, cismethrin, permethrin)
show insufficient potency to be relevant at the concentrations increase acoustic-evoked startle reflexes. Few pyrethroids have
of 1–30 nmol g1 tissue that are seen during severe poisoning sufficient toxic potential to produce severe acute signs by the
in rats. Nevertheless, the complex effects on the central dermal route, although those with relatively long blood half-
nervous system have led to suggestions that some pyrethroids lives such as the type II pyrethroid cyhalothrin, can do so.
also act via antagonism of g-aminobutyric acid (GABAA)- The nature of the poisoning syndrome can be predicted
mediated inhibition, by modulation of nicotinic cholinergic from the duration of the pyrethroid-induced sodium channel
transmission, or by enhancement of norepinephrine release. after-potential: type I pyrethroids produce shorter time
However, most neurotransmitter release is secondary to constants, type II pyrethroids produce longer time constants,
increased sodium entry. Actions at both voltage-gated chlo- and mixed type I/II pyrethroids have intermediate time
ride and calcium channels have also been proposed. Voltage- constants. All type II pyrethroids have a cyano substituent, but
gated chloride channels are found in brain, nerve, muscle, and not all type I pyrethroids lack one: the trans and cis isomers of
salivary gland, and their function is to control cell excitability. flurocyphenothrin produce type I and II effects, respectively.
The pyrethroids deltamethrin and fenvalerate decrease chlo- Both pyrethroid classes have a similar range of mammalian
ride channel currents at low enough concentrations to be toxicity but, of commercial pesticides, type II pyrethroids, such
relevant to mammalian poisoning, but others do not. These as deltamethrin and cypermethrin, are generally more toxic
pyrethroids decrease chloride channel current, increasing than type I pyrethroids, such as permethrin. The extent to
excitability, and so indirectly synergize with pyrethroid which the two classes of pyrethroids truly differ is not yet clear,
actions on the sodium channel. Voltage-gated calcium chan- but in isolated neonatal rat dorsal root ganglion cells the
nels are certainly pyrethroid targets in insects, and some actions of the type I tetramethrin and the type II fenvalerate
mammalian calcium channels, such as those in the cardiac appear to be mutually exclusive. Both type I and II pyrethroids
sinoatrial node, are also sensitive. The mechanism whereby cause marked adrenal activation in rats, probably by a direct
pyrethroids interact with ion channels is not yet understood, activation of norepinephrine release. The type II pyrethroid
since their high lipophilicity makes investigation difficult, but deltamethrin causes increased corticosteroid secretion, and
type II pyrethroids have been shown to directly stimulate even moderate pyrethroid poisoning occurs against a back-
protein kinase C-dependent protein phosphorylation at very ground of profound adrenal activation, with corresponding
low concentrations. Since ion channel activity is modulated behavioral and cardiovascular consequences. With type II
1156 Pyrethrins/Pyrethroids

pyrethroids there is a direct increase in cardiac contractility, but presumably results from abnormal pyrethroid-induced
although blood pressure remains well controlled. repetitive activity in skin nerve terminals. Dermal and respira-
Electrophysiological studies have shown that all of the type tory sensitization have both been reported after exposure to
I motor signs of systemic pyrethroid intoxication are generated pyrethroids, but very rarely considering their widespread usage,
at the spinal level, although type II poisoning involves the and always in association with other potential allergens. In the
whole central nervous system. Dermal application of pyre- past, impure pyrethrin extracts have given rise to contact
throids can also directly activate peripheral nerves and produce dermatitis.
paresthesia (as described in the next section).

Chronic Toxicity
Fortunately, there have been few reports of systemic poisoning,
as the use of adequate protective clothing prevents intoxication Near-lethal doses of all classes of pyrethroids can give rise to an
even under tropical conditions. However, systemic poisoning axonal degeneration in peripheral nerves closely resembling
can occur under conditions of misuse or inadequate user Wallerian degeneration. This effect is inherently reversible and is
protection. only seen at dose levels that produce prolonged and severe
There have been fatalities following ingestion of substantial motor signs. Central neuropathology has been described in one
amounts of pyrethroid insecticide. Almost all reports of human study of adult rats given repeated near-lethal doses of the type II
poisoning relate to the more potent type II pyrethroids, so it is pyrethroid deltamethrin, but others have found no such
not certain how well the two syndromes seen in animals apply pathology. A study of repeated low doses of permethrin has also
to man, although what has been seen in man fits quite well described central pathology when given in combination with
with the animal observations. Human type II poisoning seems other agents known to produce central neuropathology at
to be characterized by paresthesia (if via the dermal route), higher doses. A number of effects of exposure to pyrethroids
dizziness, nausea, lethargy, and muscular fasciculations. More during early development have been described in mice. The
severe poisoning causes epigastric pain and vomiting (if via the pyrethroids permethrin and deltamethrin (in addition to DDT,
oral route), hypersalivation and pulmonary edema, opistho- polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), nicotine, and paraquat) have
tonos, seizures, and coma. Given the common formulation of also been reported to induce permanent changes in behavior
pyrethroids with volatile solvents such as xylene, symptoms of and neurochemistry of adult mice when administered directly to
poisoning can be complicated by solvent toxicity, which in turn the neonate. These effects were seen at dose levels that were not
may also introduce additional skin effects. Mild poisoning acutely toxic. These results contrast with a lack of longer-term
symptoms may also be amplified by anxiety, precipitated by effects with dietary administration of pyrethroids to rats in
fear or by the disconcerting paresthesia resulting from dermal studies conducted for regulatory purposes using different end
contact with pyrethroids. Although systemic toxicity is very points, and at present the relevance of the results for mice to
rare, local effects are more commonly reported: skin contami- human health is uncertain. In other studies, delayed develop-
nation produces paresthesia, ingestion produces gastrointes- ment of the blood–brain barrier has been reported in rat pups
tinal irritation, and inhalation yields upper respiratory tract given pyrethroids at doses high enough to reduce body weight,
irritation. All of these effects are reversible. The gastrointestinal although it is likely that this effect was nonspecific in nature.
irritation is rare (limited to cases of ingestion) and has not been
well studied, but presumably is a phenomenon similar to the
more common dermal paresthesia. Respiratory tract irritation
can be produced at comparable thresholds in rats and man, but Long-term ill-health of a variable and somewhat nonspecific
is rarely reported. Dermal exposures far below the threshold for nature has occasionally been ascribed to pyrethroid exposure,
systemic poisoning can lead to local paresthesia, which is and this has been the subject of public concern and legal claims
evoked by all classes (the pyrethrins and type I and II pyre- in Germany. Pyrethroids have been detected in domestic house
throids), with a severity roughly in proportion to their systemic dust at a low level, but no clear clinical or epidemiological
toxic potential. Paresthesia is by far the most commonly studies have shown a causal relationship between pyrethrin or
described toxic effect of pyrethroid exposure. Pyrethroid- pyrethroid exposure and ill-health. The few descriptions of
induced paresthesia is dose dependent in severity and duration, systemic acute pyrethroid poisoning and the larger number of
lasting for 4–30 h after a single application. When mild, the paresthesia cases that have been reported all described
sensation is of continuous tingling or pricking, but when more complete recovery.
severe, it manifests as burning. Paresthesia is more commonly
felt in the face where the skin is thinner than the hands, even
when the hands are the primary site of contamination. In Vitro Toxicity
Erythema is not normally seen unless the sufferer scratches the
area. Paresthesia is annoying but not disabling and does not Inexcitable mammalian cells are little affected by pyre-
appear to be associated with any lasting ill effects. thrins or pyrethroids. Growth inhibition has been shown at
In animals, electrophysiological tests show peripheral nerve 105 mol l1 for mouse fibroblasts exposed to deltamethrin,
hyperexcitability lasting up to 24 h after exposure, and such and decreased hepatocyte viability has been described after
tests have been used to monitor local pyrethroid effects in man. treatment with permethrin at 100 ng (106 cells)1, a level that
The mechanism of paresthesia has not been studied directly, is approximately 10–100 times higher than that reached in the
Pyrethrins/Pyrethroids 1157

brain of lethally intoxicated animals. By contrast, excitable and methocarbimol are effective in rats only at maximum
tissue (neurons, synaptosomes, and isolated nerve fibers) has tolerated doses, and diazepam was found to be ineffective in
been invaluable for research into mechanisms of action; effects man. A combination of methocarbimol and atropine pre-
are seen from 1010 mol l1. However, the very low water vented all deaths at LD80 doses of pyrethroids in rats. However,
solubility of pyrethroids (109 mol l1) has meant that most pentobarbitone, which is both a membrane stabilizer and
such studies have been carried out using aqueous pyrethroid chloride channel agonist, is effective against all the type II
suspensions that then dissolve into tissue lipids, making motor signs caused by deltamethrin at 25% of the anesthetic
absolute half maximal effective dose (ED50) values difficult to dose in rats. An equisedative dose of phenobarbitone (which
determine. This solubility problem also causes most in vitro does not act on chloride channels) is much less effective.
effects to be irreversible, since there is no route for removal of Although phenobarbitone has been tried and found ineffective
the pyrethroid, in marked contrast to the effects seen in vivo. In as a type II pyrethroid antidote in man, pentobarbitone does
vitro irreversibility has been interpreted by some authors as not appear to have been tested in man. Since type II poisoning
providing potential for irreversible pyrethroid toxicity in man, involves a combined action on the central nervous system,
but when toxicokinetic differences are taken into account, in adrenal glands, autonomic system, and muscle, multidrug
vitro and in vivo data are generally in good agreement. therapy may be needed.

Clinical Management Other Hazards

The most commonly encountered sign of pyrethroid poisoning Pyrethrins and pyrethroids present no other hazards but are
is dermal paresthesia. This can be treated by washing of the usually formulated in organic solvents that may be
contaminated skin with oils, but not by soap and water, as inflammable.
pyrethroids bind to skin and are poorly water soluble. Vitamin
E cream has also been found to be effective for treating pares-
thesia in clinical trials. When applied to the skin from 29 h Exposure Standards and Guidelines
before to 15 min after exposure, the pyrethroid protection
lasted for more than 5 h. The concentration required to give The acceptable daily intakes set by the Food and Agriculture
greater protection than that of the corn oil solvent alone was Organization/World Health Organization Joint Meeting on
very high (50%) and similar relief can be obtained by use of Pesticide Residues for cypermethrin, deltamethrin, and
presumably inert preparations such as corn oil or petroleum permethrin are 0.01–0.02 mg kg1 body weight, with acute
jelly. Topical treatment with local anesthetics has been oral reference doses for deltamethrin or permethrin of
described in humans and in animals, but anesthesia may be 0.05 mg kg1 body weight. The US National Institute for
more inconvenient than the paresthesia. With cases of inges- Occupational Safety and Health maximum allowable concen-
tion, gastric decontamination with activated charcoal may be of tration for pyrethrins at an 8-h time-weighted average is
benefit within the first hour. Gastric lavage should be avoided 5 mg m3.
when formulations contain solvents that may increase the risk
of aspiration pneumonia. If systemic toxicity does occur, the
central signs of poisoning can be difficult to control and may Miscellaneous
be confused with intoxication by other pesticides such as
anticholinesterases, which also cause salivation and hyperex- The pyrethrins and some pyrethroids are commonly cofor-
citability, although pyrethroids do not inhibit acetylcholines- mulated with the synergist, piperonyl butoxide. This inhibits
terase. Respiratory support may be needed and control of both oxidative and hydrolytic detoxification reactions, thus
metabolic acidosis may require sodium bicarbonate. Atropine enhancing pyrethrin and pyrethroid toxicity, and itself has
may be useful to control hypersalivation. Single short-lived developmental neurotoxic potential.
seizures may not require treatment. Since pyrethroids do not
usually produce morphological damage and are rapidly
removed from the body, only symptomatic treatment is See also: Cyfluthrin; Cypermethrin; Deltamethrin; Neurotoxicity;
needed. There are two approaches possible to achieve this: Permethrin; Pesticides.
antagonize the primary ion channel effects of the pyrethroids,
or control the secondary consequences mediated by specific
neurotransmitter systems. Since pyrethroids act via ion chan-
nels on multiple neurotransmitter systems, most successful Further Reading
attempts at therapy have been based on ion channel or
Aldridge, W.N., 1990. An assessment of the toxicological properties of pyrethroids and
membrane-stabilizing drugs. An ideal therapeutic agent would their neurotoxicity. Crit. Rev. Toxicol. 21, 89–104.
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but leave the normal one unchanged. In vitro, phenytoin, on bednets for the prevention of malaria. Food Chem. Toxicol. 39, 407–422.
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evoked and normal sodium current; and diazepam and Breckenridge, C.B., Holden, L., Sturgess, N., et al., 2009. Evidence for a separate
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evoked current than on the normal one. Hence, mephenesin Neurotoxicology 30 (1), S17–S31.
1158 Pyrethrins/Pyrethroids

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Chapter 59.
Ray, D.E., Fry, J.R., 2006. A reassessment of the neurotoxicity of pyrethroid insec- Relevant Websites
ticides. Pharmacol. Therapeut. 111, 174–193.
Shafer, T.J., Meyer, D.A., Crofton, K.M., 2005. Developmental neurotoxicity of pyre- http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov – TOXNET, Toxicology Data Network, National Library of
throid insecticides: critical review and future research needs. Environ. Health Medicine, Search for Pyrethrins/Pyrethroids.
Perspect. 113 (2), 123–136. http://www.who.int – World Health Organization, Search for Pyrethrins/Pyrethroids.

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