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Environmental Research 212 (2022) 113258

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A global review of microplastics in wastewater treatment plants:

Understanding their occurrence, fate and impact
Aarif Yaseen a, Irfana Assad a, Mohd Sharjeel Sofi a, Muhammad Zaffar Hashmi b,
Sami Ullah Bhat a, *
Department of Environmental Science, University of Kashmir, 190006, India
Department of Chemistry, COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan


Keywords: Microplastics (MPs) are emerging as a serious environmental concern, with wastewater treatment plants
Microplastics (WWTPs) acting as the main entry routes for MPs into aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. On a global scale, our
Wastewater treatment plants literature review found that MP research in WWTPs has only been conducted on 121 WWTPs in 17 countries,
with the majority of the work being done in Europe (53%), followed by the United States of America and Canada
Plastic pollution
(24%), Asia (18%), and Australia (5%) in recent years. MPs in WWTPs are primarily derived from Personal Care
and Cosmetic Products (PCCPs), which are primarily composed of polyethylene (PE) derivatives. Based on the
studies, microfibers (57%) and fragments (47%) are observed to be the most common MP forms in influents and
effluents of WWTPs. The chemical characterization of MPs detected in WWTPs, showed the occurrence of
polyethylene (PE) (22%), polystyrene (PS) (21%), and polypropylene (13%). Although MP retention/removal
efficiencies of different treatment technologies vary from medium to high, deliberations on sludge disposal on
agricultural soils containing MPs and MP intrusion into groundwater are required to sustainably regulate MP
contaminant transport. Thus, the development of efficient detection methods and understanding their fate are of
immense significance for the management of MPs. Despite the fact that ongoing research in MPs and WWTPs has
unquestionably improved our understanding, many questions and concerns remain unanswered. In this review,
the current status of the detection, occurrence, and impact of MPs in WWTPs across the world are systematically
reviewed to prioritize policy-making to recognize the WWTPs as global conduits of MPs.

1. Introduction (<1 mm) (Zarfl and Matthies, 2010; do Sul and Costa, 2014; Arpia et al.,
2021). About 90% of plastic commodities are composed of polymers
Microplastics (MPs) (particle size <5 mm) are emerging pollutants of (low-density and high-density) such as polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl
increasing environmental concern (Huang et al., 2021), and the research chloride (PVC), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET),
on MPs has considerably increased (Rozman and Kalčikova, 2021). MPs and polystyrene (PS), etc. (Andrady, 2011). Many studies have reported
pose a huge challenge at the global level due to their ubiquitous distri­ that plastic degradation not only expedites the formation of small par­
bution and impact on terrestrial and aquatic organisms (Rochman, ticles on the micro-and nanoscale but also discharges chemicals and
2015; Avio et al., 2017a, 2017b; de Souza Machado et al., 2018; Xu fragments of low-monomers and oligomers into the environment
et al., 2020; Amato-Lourenço et al., 2021; Vaid et al., 2021). Some sci­ (Galloway et al., 2017; Jahnke et al., 2017). Both micro and nano-plastic
entists have gone to the extent to refer the increasing plastic pollution as particles provide a resilient substrate that can readily be inhabited by
the era of Plasticene (Haram et al., 2020). Plastics, being one of the most microbes, pathogens (Zettler et al., 2013) and harmful algal species
demanded items (d’Ambrières, 2019) constitutes about 54% of the total (Masó et al., 2003) and get transported to very long distances. These
global mass of anthropogenically produced waste (Hoellein et al., 2014). plastic particles contain toxic compounds like dioxins, vinyl chloride,
Plastic debris undergoes degradation in the environment through phthalates bisphenol-A, (BPA), and benzene (in PS), etc. (Proshad et al.,
physicochemical and enzymatic actions which lead to the emergence of 2018). With time, plastic debris brings new contaminants into the
the new contaminants known as MPs (size <5 mm) and nano plastics environment to interact with the microbial community in different

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S.U. Bhat).
Received 25 November 2021; Received in revised form 2 April 2022; Accepted 3 April 2022
Available online 14 April 2022
0013-9351/© 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A. Yaseen et al. Environmental Research 212 (2022) 113258

biomes, causing unknown effects or disturbances in the networks of the circumvent the treatment process in WWTPs and getting piled up in the
food chain (Amaral-Zettler et al., 2020). environment (Murphy et al., 2016a, 2016b). Researchers are now
Meanwhile, global plastic production has continued to rise expo­ investigating the performance and transport of MPs in different types of
nentially and reached 368 million tonnes in 2019 (Plastics Europe, WWTPs, and have reported that conventional WWTPs are not efficient in
2020), but at the same time, research on the impact of plastic pollution removing these particles completely from the sewage (Karlsson et al.,
has led to a better public understanding of its implications (Plastics 2017; Lee et al., 2021). Even treated effluents and sludge products
Europe, 2020). UNEP, in its yearbook of 2014, declared MPs as one of release abundant MPs into the environment daily (Ziajahromi et al.,
the ten emerging concerns. MPs are also identified as contributing to 2017). MPs in the effluent show disparity regarding their shape, size,
biodiversity loss, degradation of natural ecosystems (Gall and Thomp­ and concentration (Alvim et al., 2020). Besides, their concentration is
son, 2015), and risk to human health (Eerkes-Medrano et al., 2015). influenced by seasonal and daily variations in wastewater flow and
About 8 million metric tonnes of plastic debris reaches the oceans per WWTP capacity (Gies et al., 2018). Therefore, the key challenges are to
annum (Gourmelon, 2015), suggesting about 5.25 trillion plastic parti­ understand the occurrence, fate, and impacts of MPs, together with the
cles are presently circulating in the ocean’s surface water. This figure is evaluation of the efficiency of WWTPs to detect MPs at each step of the
expected to double from 2010 to 2025 (Dauvergne, 2018). Our pro­ treatment process (Erkan et al., 2021).
jections based on the linear forecast method using yearly based data This review is based on studies conducted on MPs in WWTPs
showed that plastic production could reach 724 million metric tons in worldwide (See Table 1a in supplementary file) focusing critically on
2050(Fig. 1a and b). The enormous use of plastic and its products, sources, occurrence, retention capacity, technological improvement,
coupled with mismanagement, led to MPs being found in aquatic and and impact of contaminated sludge.
terrestrial ecosystems (Li and Qian, 2018; Baho et al., 2021).
Various studies have concluded that MPs are released into the 2. Sources of MPs in the wastewater
aquatic environment through WWTP outlets, insufficient waste man­
agement, urban runoff, public littering, waste dump run-off, and tourism MPs are received by WWTPs through numerous pathways (Ngo et al.,
activity (Dris et al., 2017; Lambert and Wagner, 2018). WWTPs are the 2019). Different sources, like domestic and urban activities, industrial
main recipients of terrestrial MPs (Sun et al., 2019), and could sources, and roads (car tyre degradation and road paint) are believed to

Fig. 1. a. Showing plastic production from 1950 (Plastics Europe, 2020).b. Projected scenario of plastic production up to 2050.

A. Yaseen et al. Environmental Research 212 (2022) 113258

Table 1 Table 2
Personal Care and Cosmetic Products (PCCPs) as sources of MPs. Showing the shape of MPs in the influent and effluent WWTPs of reported
Sources Size (μm) Dominant Polymer Type References
Treatment type MPs by shape References
Facial Cleaners <500 PE Cowger et al. (2019)
Facial Cleaners 60–600 PE (Chang, 2015) Influent Effluent
Facial Cleaners 80–186 PE Cheung & Fok (2017)
Body scrubs <200 PE Kalčíková et al. (2017) Influent, P, S and T Mainly fragments (Carr et al., 2016)
Facial scrubs <100 PE Grit and grease Fibres, Fibres, Michielssen et al.
Facial Cleaners 7–1020 PE Lei et al. (2017) Influent, P, S and Fragments Fragments (2016)
Shower gel 110–970 PE T Microbeads, Others
Facial cleanser 60–800 PE (Chang, 2015) Others
Facial scrubs 8–2000 PE Napper et al. (2015) Grit and grease Flakes, Fibres, Films, Beads, Foams in Murphy et al.
Toothpaste 90–300 PE Carr et al. (2016) Influent, P and S all the liquids (2016a, 2016b)
Influent and Fibres, foils and spheres Leslie et al. (2017)
Effluent Fibres Mintenig et al.
be the sources of MPs in surface waters like lakes, ponds, estuaries, and
seas. The amount of MPs released from WWTPs is expected to differ Influent, effluent Mainly fibres After advanced Talvitie et al.
subject to the conditions, such as their level of operation (primary, Before treatment Treatment fibres (2017)
secondary, and tertiary), capacity, location, region, season, rainfall, and Influent, P, S and T Fibres, Fibres, Talvitie et al.
Fragments, Fragments, (2017)
urban waste, etc. (Conley et al., 2019). The differences in the concen­
Flakes Flakes
tration of MPs among various WWTPs can be attributed to a range of Films
factors such as population, catchment area, land use, sources of waste­ Effluent, P, S, T Mainly fibres and granules Ziajahromi et al.
water (residential, commercial, or industrial), and the presence of joint (2017)
sewerage systems. Because the majority of MPs are derived from Influent, P and S Fibres, Fragments, Pellets, Others Gies et al. (2018)
Screening and Fibres, Fibres, Gündoğdu et al.
household sewage, the preference of citizens in the catchment area for
effluent Fragments, Films Fragments, (2018)
synthetic clothing or plastic products may also influence the overall MP Films
concentration in the wastewater stream (Sun et al., 2019). For instance, P and T Fibres, Fragments Lares et al. (2018)
a study conducted on 17 WWTPs in the United States found that MPs Influent and Fibres, Fibres, Lee & Kim (2018)
effluent Fragments Fragments
concentration and the total population served are positively correlated
Influent, S and Mainly fragments Simon et al. (2018)
(Mason et al., 2016). The joint sewer system was found to be linked to Effluent
the high load of MP concentrations and Small Anthropogenic Litter Influent, Fibres, Fragments, Films, Pellets Blair et al. (2019)
(SAL) in the influent (Michielssen et al., 2016). Household laundry and Grit and grease,
cleaning agents like microbeads, synthetic textile fibers, and abrasive P, S and T
Influent and Fibres, Particles Conley et al. (2019)
plastic particles break down different sized MPs into further smaller
pieces, thus contributing to the pool of MPs that eventually find their Influent, P, Microbeads, WWTP – 1: Hidayaturrahman
way in WWTPs via liquid waste collection systems (Browne et al., 2011; S, coagulation- fibres, sheets, Microbeads, & Lee (2019)
Hurley and Nizzetto, 2018). The MP pollutants in the WWTPs consist of flocculation fragments fibres, sheets,
both primary and secondary forms, having different composition and effluent and WWTP – 2: fragments
effluent Microbeads, WWTP – 2:
sources (Dyachenko et al., 2017). The primary MPs come in the form of fibres, sheets Microbeads,
plastic pellets and microbeads manufactured for PCCPs, like facial , fragments fibres, sheets,
cleansers, toothpaste, shower gel, and body scrubs, etc. These particles WWTP – 3: fragments
usually possess spherical or irregular shapes (Table 1) (Eriksen et al., Microbeads, WWTP – 3:
fibres, sheets, Microbeads,
2013; Cheung and Fok, 2017; Magni et al., 2019). The secondary class of
fragments Fibres,
MPs is formed when plastic is degraded and fragmented by biotic and fragments
abiotic processes in the environment (Cole et al., 2011) and gets released Influent and Fragments, Fragments, Kazour et al. (2019)
into the WWTPs (Zettler et al., 2013; He et al., 2020). Besides this, fibres effluent Fibres Fibres
released from textiles through dry-cleaning are also regarded as sec­ Influent, P, S and T Fragments, Fibres, Liu et al. (2019a,
Fibres, Fragment, 2019b)
ondary MP pollutants in WWTPs (Mason et al., 2016; Hernandez et al., Microbeads, Films,
2017a, 2017b). Ellipse, Films, Microbeads
A study has reported that a single face wash contributes about Foams
94,500 microbeads to the drainage system with their sorption potential Grit and grease, Granules, Granules, Long et al. (2019)
Influent, Fragments, Fibres,
intact to transport chemicals to contaminate the marine environment
oxidation ditch Fibres, Pellets Fragments,
(Napper et al., 2015). The MPs released into the WWTPs in the form of effluent, S and T Pellets
pellets and microbeads from PCCPs are generally PE based on synthetic Influent, P, S and T Films, Fibres, Films, Magni et al. (2019)
polymers (Table 1). A single-use of approximately ~1.6 g of toothpaste Fragments, Fragments
contributes up to 4000 PE fragments (Carr et al., 2016). Other types of Fibres
Grit and grease, Fragments, Fibres, Films and Foams Lv et al. (2019)
MPs found in the WWTPs are fragments, films, foam, and microbeads Influent
(Table 2) (Murphy et al., 2016a, 2016b; Magni et al., 2019; Raju et al., oxidation ditch
2020). A substantial amount of MP dust in the atmosphere gets washed effluent, S and T
off by precipitation and is carried to the WWTPs through storm water P, S and T Microfibres, Microparticles Yang et al. (2019)
Influent and Soft plastics, Fibres, Hard Akarsu et al. (2020)
runoff (Ngo et al., 2019).
effluent Hard plastics plastics
Soft plastics,
3. Occurrence of MPs and mirofibers in WWTPs Others
Influent, P and S Fragments, Films, Beads, Fibres, Bayo et al. (2020)
Since 2015, the presence of MPs in WWTPs is now being reported Foams
Grit and grease and Fibres, Films, Fragments, Beads Bayo et al. (2020)
from different countries (Browne et al., 2011, Karlsson et al., 2017; T
Talvitie et al., 2017). WWTPs collect and treat wastewater containing
(continued on next page)

A. Yaseen et al. Environmental Research 212 (2022) 113258

Table 2 (continued ) MPs in WWTPs has been reported in a few countries (Fig. 2a and b and
Treatment type MPs by shape References Table 3). About 28 WWTPs systems in the United States have been
studied for the MP removal efficiencies at different treatment stages,
Influent Effluent
along with advanced technologies like Membrane bioreactors (MBR),
P and S Fragments, Fragments, Edo et al. (2020) Biological active filters (BAF), Gravitation filters (GF) etc. (Table 3). The
Fibres Fibres
samples collected from the influent and effluent of different WWTPs
Grit and Grease Fragments, Fragments, Park et al. (2020)
and effluent Fibres Fibres across the US are recognized as the main pathway for MPs entering the
Grit and grease, Fragments, Fibres, Raju et al. (2018) aquatic environment (Mason et al., 2016). Furthermore, the occurrence
Influent Fibres, Films, Fragments, of MPs in WWTPs in ten European countries (Finland, Denmark, Ger­
And effluent Glitter, Foams, Films, Glitter, many, Netherlands, Turkey, Spain, France, Sweden, Scotland, and Italy)
Beads, Others Beads, Others
P and S Fibres, Fibres, Ziajahromi et al.
has been studied, comprising 64 treatment plants. Very little work has
Fragments, Fragments (2021) been carried out in the Asian subcontinent on MPs in WWTPs systems.
Granules (Fig. 2a and Table 3).
P and S Fibres, Fragments Vardar et al. (2021) Plastic microfibres (<5 mm) and nanofibres (<100 nm) are the most
P, S and T Fibres Prajapati et al.
prevalent types of MPs. These fibres are cosmopolitan and comprise up
P and S Fragments, Granules, Films, Fibres Yuan et al. (2021) to 35% of secondary MPs (Prata, 2018) mostly coming from domestic
P and S Fibres, Films, Fragments, Granules Naji et al. (2021) greywater (Browne et al., 2011). Microfibers are abundantly prevalent
P and S Flakes, Spheres, Fibres, Filaments, Franco et al. (2021) in sewage and WWTPs and are recognized as one of the land-based
Fragments sources of MPs in the aquatic environment (Murphy et al., 2016a,
P-Primary; S-Secondary; T-Tertiary. 2016b; Ziajahromi et al., 2017; Lares et al., 2018). Depending upon the
source, microfibers enter into the environment as primary and second­
MPs generated from the use of personal care products and synthetic fi­ ary forms that are released during the production or use of textiles. The
bres originating from synthetic clothes (Conley et al., 2019). WWTPs are occurrence of fibres in influents and effluents of WWTP have been
regarded as a significant point source for MP emission. Even though greatly reported in the laundering of synthetic fibres. For example, a
WWTPs are not specifically designed to remove plastic particles but study estimated that about a 6-kg load of laundry could release 13.8 ×
these act as conduits for the distribution of MPs from their sources to the 103–72.8 × 103 fibres, subjected to the kind of synthetic textiles (Napper
recipient systems, i.e. water and soil (Gasperi et al., 2018; Rochman, et al., 2015). The number of fibres released is strongly influenced by the
2018; Vianello et al., 2019; Huang et al., 2020). So far, the occurrence of number of washing cycles per week, type of detergents used, tempera­
ture of the water, amount of water used, and the nature of clothes (Cesa
et al., 2017; Koelmans et al., 2019; Zambrano et al., 2019). Microfibers
that reach the aquatic environment from the effluent of WWTPs can be
laden with pathogens and may potentially enter into the networks of the
aquatic food chain and can threaten human health. MPs released from
WWTPs may produce toxicological hazards because of their instant
bioaccessibility and potential to carry reasonably high concentrations of
adsorbed pharmaceuticals and other chemical substances present in the
wastewater (Seidensticker et al., 2017). Furthermore, microfibers
retained in sludge may transport pathogens to agricultural soils when
used as sludge fertilisers (Browne et al., 2011; Hartline et al., 2016).Thus
to decrease the dispersal and harmful effects of MP pollution, a holistic
approach is required to abate MP pollution across the globe.

4. Collection and identification of MPs

Plastic particles detected in both influent and effluent samples vary

between 1 and >10000 particles per litre and 0.0009–133 particles per
litre, respectively (Table 3) (Michielssen et al., 2016; Simon et al.,
2018). Different sampling approaches and techniques have been adop­
ted for the collection of MPs from the WWTPs (Hu et al., 2019). Samplers
with mesh sizes varying in the range of 1–300 μm are used in various
studies for the collection of MPs (Hu et al., 2019). The containers in the
form of Rutner sampler, glass jars, stainless steel buckets, and UV ster­
ilization tanks are used widely (Lares et al., 2018; Hu et al., 2019; Magni
et al., 2019). Pumping coupled with filtration for collecting MP samples
from WWTPs systems is often used in the United States. These devices
are stacked units of several stainless steel mesh screens, a custom-made
mobile membrane pump, a set of Tyler sieves, an extraction pump and
Filter holder made from plankton net, and a suction pump (Dyachenko
et al., 2017; Talvitie et al., 2017). A surface filtrating assembly for
skimming out the surface water at the effluent discharge outfall and an
automated sampler is also used for the collection of MPs in wastewater
systems (Talvitie et al., 2017). There is a wide difference in the counts of
plastic particles reported in the studies associated with the use of
different sample collection techniques, sample pre-treatment, and
Fig. 2. a. WWTP Units Studied for MPs across the world. b. Studies conducted analytical methods adopted (Dris et al., 2017; Lares et al., 2018). Several
on MPs in WWTPs in different continent. studies have revealed that the plastic particle size range varies between

A. Yaseen et al.
Table 3
Reported MP concentrations in effluent waters and removal efficiencies for WWTPs.
Country Population Treatment type WWTP Sampling Influent Detection methods Finest Particle Effluent conc. Removal MP Chemical Reference
served method conc. (MP/L) mesh size range (MP/L) efficiency discharge; composition of
used (μm) (%) particles/ MPs particles
(μm) day

Turkey 1.01 × 106 Tertiary 1 Container 3.1 FTIR/Visual 26 26–500 1.6 (0.3–5.1) 48 223 PE > PP > acrylic Akarsu et al. (2020)
fiber > PS
3.4 × 104 Secondary 1 Container 2.6 FTIR/Visual 26 26–500 0.7 (0.2–1.0) 73 329 PE > PP > acrylic Akarsu et al. (2020)
fiber > PS
1.2 × 104 Secondary 1 Container 1.5 FTIR/Visual 26 26–500 0.6 (0.2–1.2) 60 310 PE > PP > acrylic Akarsu et al. (2020)
fiber > PS
2 × 10 Primary and 7 Container NA Raman 25 25–5000 NA NA NA NA Vardar et al. (2021)
Secondary spectroscopy
6 6
1.0 × 10 Secondary 1 Container 18.75 μ FTIR 55 <100-5000 4.5 73 1.2 × 10 Polyester > PE > Gündoğdu et al.
PP (2018)
5.0 × 105 Secondary 1 Container NA μ FTIR 55 <100-5000 NA 79 3.5 × 105 Polyester > PE > Gündoğdu et al.
PP (2018)
Thailand 3.0 × 104 Primary and 1 Glass Dishes NA Optical 300 300–5000 NA NA NA PP > PE Killipongvises
Secondary microscopy and et al., 2022
NA Primary and 3 Container 12.2 Optical 300 300–5000 2 84 NA Polyester > PE > Hongrasith et al.,
Secondary microscopy and Polyacrylate > 2020
Australia 1.0 × 106 Primary 1 Pump 2.2 Visual/FTIR 25 25–500 0.21 90 4.60 × 108 PET > PE: Ziajahromi et al.
Secondary, PET > NYL > PE (2017)
> PP
Tertiary, RO > PS:

PE > PET > PS >

1.9 × 105 Primary, 1 Container 11.8 ATR-FTIR 1.5 1.5–1000 2.76 76.6 NA PP > PES > PET Raju et al. (2020)
Secondary > PA > PVC > PS
NA Primary 1 Plankton NA FTIR, SEM and 20 NA 1.76 NA NA PE Prajapati et al.
Secondary net Raman (2021)
Tertiary spectroscopy
NA Primary 3 Bulk NA μ FTIR and ATR- 25 NA NA 79 NA PET > PE > PP Ziajahromi et al.
Secondary samples FTIR (2021)
Canada 1.3 × 106 Primary, 1 Container 31.1 FTIR 1 1–65 0.5 98 NA NYL > PES> Gies et al. (2018)
secondary PVC > PS
China NA Secondary 1 Container 79.9 micro-Raman 20 20–5000 28.4 64.4 NA Polyamide > PE Liu et al. (2019a,
spectroscopy > PP > PVC > PC 2019b)

Environmental Research 212 (2022) 113258

3.5 × 106 Primary, 7 Pump with 6.55 Micro Raman 43 43–355 0.59 90.5 6.5 × 108 PP > PE > PS > Long et al. (2019)
Secondary flow-meter PP-PE
Copolymer >
Oxidative Ditch, 1 Container 5.6 FTIR 25 25–500 0.168 and 97 and NA PET > PS > PE > Lv et al. (2019)
MBR 0.28 99.5 PP
NA Secondary 2 Container NA Optical 65 141–545 4.95 and 3.50 97.67 and NA PE > PP > Yuan et al. (2021)
Tertiary (A2O microscopy/FTIR 98.46 Penolic resin >
and MBR) PS
Iran 6.8 × 106 Primary 1 Container NA Fluoresencent 333 500–1500 NA NA NA PE > PP > PA Naji et al. (2021)
Secondary and microscopy/SEM/
energy dispersive
(continued on next page)
A. Yaseen et al.
Table 3 (continued )
Country Population Treatment type WWTP Sampling Influent Detection methods Finest Particle Effluent conc. Removal MP Chemical Reference
served method conc. (MP/L) mesh size range (MP/L) efficiency discharge; composition of
used (μm) (%) particles/ MPs particles
(μm) day

plankton X-ray analzer/

net FTIR
Finland NA Primary, 1 Container 12.03 FTIR 50 50->500 NA 58.8 NA PET > PES > PP Yang et al. (2019)
NA Primary, 1 Container 57.6 Visual/FTIR/ 250 250–5000 1 98.3 1.00 × 107 PES > PE > PA Lares et al. (2018)
Secondary Raman
NA Primary/MBR 1 Container 57.6 Visual/FTIR/ 250 250–5000 0.4 99.3 PES > PE > PA Lares et al. (2018)
8.0 × 10 Primary, 1 Pump NA Visual 20 20–200 NA NA NA NA Talvitie et al.
Secondary, (2015)
8.0 × 105 Primary, 1 Pump 610 Visual 20 20–300 13.5 97.8 3.65 × 109 NA Talvitie et al.
Secondary, (2017)
Tertiary (BAF)
8.0 × 105 Primary, 6 Pump NA OM/FTIR 20 20->300 0.02–0.3 RSF: 97 1.26 × 106- PES > PE > Talvitie et al.
Secondary ACRYL > PVC > (2017)
Tertiary (BAF, Disc-filter: 6.59 × 10 PS > PP
DF,MBR,DAF, 40–98.5 NA
MBR: 99.9 NA
NA Secondary 1 Container 182 × 106 OM 1 and 1–6.3 0.5 × 106 99.4 NA PS Rajala et al. (2020)
Coagulation > 6.3 MP/L

based 39.1 × 10 13.2 × 106 76
(experimental MP/L
Italy 1.2 × 106 Primary, 1 Container 2.5 Micro FTIR 63 63–5000 0.9 84 1.6 × 108 Polyester > PA Magni et al. (2019)
Netherlands 1.3 × 104 Primary, 7 Container 68–910 Visual 0.7 300–5000 55–81 94 7.48 × NA Leslie et al. (2017)
Secondary 108–4.32 ×
NA Primary/MBR 1 Container 68 Visual 0.7 NA 51 25 2.83 × 108 NA Leslie et al. (2017)
Scotland 6.5 × 105 Primary, 1 Pump 15.7 Visual/FTIR 65 >65 0.25 98.4 6.52 × 107 PES > PUR > Murphy et al.
Secondary Acrylic > (2016a, 2016b)
Effluent PES >
PA > Acrylic >
PP > Alkyd
18.4 × 104 Tertiary 1 Container Na ATR-FTIR 60 60–2800 NA 96 NA PP > PVS > PE Blair et al. (2019)

Environmental Research 212 (2022) 113258

South Korea Primary, 3 Container 13813.3 Visual 1.2 >1.2 132 99 NA NA Hidayaturrahman
Secondary & Lee (2019)
5.4 × 105 Primary/ 3 Container 23.7 Visual/infrared 196 106->300 0.33 98 NA NA Lee & Kim (2018)
Secondary A2O Spectroscopy
Primary/ 10.1 0.1
Sweden 1.2 × 104 Primary, 1 Container/ 0.8 Visual/FTIR 300 >300 0.00825 99 4.25 × 104 NA Magnusson and
Secondary Pump Norén, 2014
USA 3.5 × 103 Primary, 12 Pump NA Visual 125 >125 - 0.004–0.195 NA 5.28 × NA Mason et al. (2016)
Secondary >355 104–1.49 ×
(continued on next page)
A. Yaseen et al.
Table 3 (continued )
Country Population Treatment type WWTP Sampling Influent Detection methods Finest Particle Effluent conc. Removal MP Chemical Reference
served method conc. (MP/L) mesh size range (MP/L) efficiency discharge; composition of
used (μm) (%) particles/ MPs particles
(μm) day

NA Primary, 1 Surface 1 Visual/FTIR 20/45 20–400 0.00088 99.9 9.30 × 105 PE Carr et al. (2016)
Secondary filtration 100–200
6.8 × 105 Primary, 1 Container NA Visual/FTIR 125 >125 0.023 NA 4.97 × 106
2.4 × 106 Primary, 1 Container NA Visual 20 20–4750 133 95.6 5.9 NA Michielssen et al.
Secondary (2016)
NA Primary/An 1 Container NA Visual 20 20–4750 91 99.4 0.5 NA Michielssen et al.
MBR (2016)
1.2 × Primary, 5 Pump 0.009–0.127 Visual 125 >125- NA NA 1.01 × NA Mason et al. (2016)
104–2.5 × Secondary >355 105–9.63 ×
105 Tertiary (GF, 106
NA Primary, 3 Surface NA Visual/FTIR 40 >125 NA NA 0-2.08 × NA Dyachenko et al.
Secondary filtration 102 (2017)
(Gravity Filter)
9.9 × 103 Primary, 1 Container 91 Visual 20 20–4750 2.6 97.2 4.43 × 106 NA Michielssen et al.
Secondary, (2016)
Tertiary (GF)
2.65 × 105 Primary, 3 Container 2.5 SEM 43 60->418 1 75–98 NA Polyester > Conley et al. (2019)
Secondary, acrylic

Spain 2.9 × 104 Secondary 2 Pump 4.4 Visual/FTIR 0.45 0.45–5000 0.92 (MBR) RSF-75 and NA LDPE > HDPE > Bayo et al. (2020)
(MBR, RSF) and 0.21 ACRYL and
(RSF) MBR-79 PP > PS > NYL
2.1 × 105 Primary, 1 Container NA FTIR 0.45 400–600 NA 90.3 6.7 × 106 LDPE > HDPE > Bayo et al. (2020)
Secondary ACRYL
NA Secondary (A2O 1 Container NA micro-FTIR 25 25–375 NA 94 NA PES > PE> Edo et al. (2020)
biotreatment) Dyed
cotton > PP
NA Secondary 2 Container 645 and Visual/FTIR 100 100–1000 16.40 and 97 and 91 1.49-1.94 PA > PE > PET Franco et al. (2021)
1567 131.35 × 109 > PP
× 107
France 8.0 × 105 Primary, 1 Auto- 100 Visual 300 100–5000 NA NA 8.40 × 109 NA Dris et al. (2017)
Secondary sampler
Germany NA Primary 3 Pump 10 TED-GC-MS NA 10–5000 NA 33–96 NA PS > PE > PP > Funck et al. (2021)

Environmental Research 212 (2022) 113258

Secondary PET
7.0 × 103 Primary, 8 Pump NA FTIR 10 20–7200 0.08–7.52 NA 4.91 × 104- PE > PP > PE > Mintenig et al.
Secondary, 1.24 × 107 PVAL > PA > PS (2017)
Denmark NA Primary, 10 Container/ 2223–10044 FTIR- Focal plane 10 10–500 29–447 98 NA PP > ACRYL > Simon et al. (2018)
Secondary, Auto- Array based PVC > PE > PUR
Tertiary sampler

NA = Not available.
A. Yaseen et al. Environmental Research 212 (2022) 113258

0.45 and < 7200 μm and the finest mesh used varies between 0.45 and alkyd and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) (Fig. 4 and Table 3).
300 μm (Table 3) (Bayo et al., 2020). The concerns with the occurrence Studies suggest that PCCPs (facial and body scrubs and toothpaste) have
of nano-sized plastic particles were usually not found in most studies due a major contribution to PE-based MPs in WWTPs (Table 1) (Kalčíková
to the mesh size generally being adopted at >10 μm during sampling et al., 2017; Lee and Kim, 2018).
(Table 3). The lack of evidence related to the presence of nano-sized
plastic particles in the wastewater could be due to the use of large 5. Retaining efficiencies for MPs in different treatment
mesh size nets for the collection of MPs. Considering the environmental technologies
impacts of nano-based plastic particles, it is important to use appropriate
sampling techniques in the future studies on WWTP systems. Different treatment technologies used for wastewater treatment have
The detection of MPs in the WWTPs usually collected in the influent not been designed for MP removal as it is a new addition to the envi­
and effluent are examined by studying their topological features through ronment and is now being recognized as an environmental pollutant.
visual inspection (microscopic examination for predetermining their However, in recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on
polymeric nature). Although the chemical structure of MP identification considering MP removal and retention in various treatment technologies
is met by several techniques such as vibrational spectroscopy, densi­ (Fig. 5 and Table 3). (Fig. 5 and Table 3). Although WWTPs have been
tometry, differential scanning colorimetry (DSC), gas chromatography- reportedly found efficient (efficiency >90%) in removing the MPs in the
mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and hyperspectral imaging (Araujo et al., wastewater, despite this, the quantum of MPs escaping the retention
2018). during the treatment is enough to cause severe impacts in aquatic sys­
However, chemical characterization of MPs using Raman spectros­ tems (Table 3). The studies conducted across the world on the removal
copy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) techniques is efficiencies of MPs in WWTPs show slight variation among treatment
preferred due to their non-destructibility and ability to distinguish be­ technologies, as depicted in Fig. 5. Primary treatments usually retain the
tween large (>500 m) and small (500 m) samples by providing molec­ plastic particle of size above 6 mm with 72% efficiency (Sun et al.,
ular vibrations in the form of a vibrational spectrum (Araujo et al., 2018; 2019). Primary treatment units remove spherical particles >27–149 mm
Käppler et al., 2018) (Table 3). Plastic particles found in influents and in diameter, as per their settling/floating velocities (Iyare et al., 2020).
effluents are typically classified as microbeads, pellets, fibers, spherical Subsequently, secondary unit technologies comprising of operational
beads, synthetic particles, flakes, films, fragments, sheets, foils, gran­ treatment units like coagulation-aeration and clarification oxidation
ules, and lines (Fig. 3, Tables 2 and 3). So far, the studies have revealed ditch, activated sludge process, membrane bioreactors, etc. are rela­
that visual inspection or optical microscopy are usually used for the tively less significant in removing/retaining (17–20%) MPs from the
identification of microfibers, fragments, foam, and film types of MP in effluent (Michielssen et al., 2016; Long et al., 2019; Lv et al., 2019). The
the WWTPs. Their contribution plays a significant part for all MP types advanced treatment technologies used in the tertiary treatment, like
in all wastewater treatment systems whereby fibres are the most prev­ ozone, rapid sand filtration (RSF), dissolved air flotation (DAF), reverse
alent (by number or count) with an average percentage of 65%, followed osmosis (RO), dynamic membranes (DM), etc. can further reduce the MP
by fragments with an average percentage of 46% (Table 2) (Lares et al., concentration by about 15% (Iyare et al., 2020) (Table 3). Although
2018; Long et al., 2019). The microfibers observed in the United States tertiary treatment systems are reported to further remove the plastic
of 17 WWTPs effluent samples constitute about 59% of the total load, particles, due to the lesser concentration in the final effluent from pri­
with fragments (33%), films (5%), foams (2%), and pellets (1%), indi­ mary and secondary treatment processes, it shows no noticeable effects
cating that synthetic fibres and fragmented secondary plastics dominate on minimizing MP concentration (Talvitie et al., 2017; Habib et al.,
in finding their entry into the WWTPs (Kang et al., 2018). 2020). The combined average MP removal efficiency of 88% were found
The chemical characterization in the WWTPs is mostly carried out by in primary and secondary treatment units of WWTPs, while primary,
spectroscopic methods such as FTIR, Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR- secondary, and tertiary treatment units, on average, have 94% MP
FTIR), Micro FTIR, Focal Plane Array-Based FTIR, Raman Spectroscopy, removal efficiency (Iyare et al., 2020) (Table 3). Furthermore, the
Micro-Raman Spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) application of powdered activated carbon (PAC) in advanced oxidation
(Table 3). The most frequent polymers detected in the influents and processes has proven a suitable option for removing MPs up to about
effluents samples of WWTPs in the reported studies are PE (22.59%), PP 80% in the effluents, implying that the removal efficiency of advanced
(21.33%), PS (13.38%), ACRYL (10.04%), PVC (7.11%), PET (7.11%), treatment technologies surpasses the other methods (Woermann and
Polyurethane (PUR) (5.02%), Polyethersulfone (PES) (3.34%), polyvi­ Sures, 2020). The presence of MPs in the final effluents indicates that
nyl Alcohol (PVAL) (3.34%), Polyester (2.51%), Polymide (PA) (2.09%) there is a need to improve and advance operational units of WWTPs to
and 2.06% is contributed by polyvinyl stearate (PVS), penolic resins, increase their removal/retention capacity for MPs.

Fig. 3. Occurrence of detected shape form of MPs in WWTPs. Fig. 4. Occurrence and percentage abundance of polymers detected in WWTPs.

A. Yaseen et al. Environmental Research 212 (2022) 113258

Fig. 5. Flow diagram describing the transport of MPs in the WWTPs showing removal efficiencies from the influent to final effluent and sludge containing MPs
distribution (Raju et al., 2020; Sun et al., 2019).

6. Fate of MPs in WWTPs reported that WWTPs have a high trapping efficiency for MPs produced
in the solid sludge phase, often supplied to agricultural soils as fertilizer.
In the WWTPs, the MPs enter into the treatment systems in different The monitoring of hazardous substances in urban-based sludge is being
shapes classified as fibres, films, foams, granular, and pellets, of which regulated in most regions, while MPs are not presently integrated under
fibres (57%) and fragments (34%) are predominantly found. However, such regulations for application in agriculture (Gatidou et al., 2019;
the morphological characteristics of fibres with a high length-to-width Henry et al., 2019).
ratio make their removal from WWTPs difficult (Ngo et al., 2019).
More than 30 plastic polymers have been recognized with different 7. Impacts of MPs retained in sludge
chemical compositions in the WWTPs, as the abundance of polymer type
is based upon the source of origin i.e., industrial, agricultural, and urban Worldwide production of massive amounts of sludge and increasing
proximity, carrying domestic sewage into it from the nearby city (Ngo costs of commercial fertilizers has made its application on croplands an
et al., 2019; Sun et al., 2019). Larger MPs with high density settle down attractive disposal option (Hussein, 2009). Being economically advan­
with sludge in the primary and secondary settling processes, while the tageous, the sewage sludge used as fertilizer for agricultural purposes is
smaller ones with less density remain suspended in water and are more frequently practiced in many developed regions (Nizzetto et al., 2016).
likely to pass with the final effluent into the receiving water body Although responding to the practice of circular economy, reuse of both
(Rolsky et al., 2020). Various studies have been conducted to estimate water and sludge reintroduces MPs into the environment and may pose a
the MP removal efficiencies of WWTPs from influent and effluents un­ potential environmental threat (Gatidou et al., 2019). The amount of
dergoing different stages of treatment (Table 3). For example, Dris et al. MPs detected in the wastewater effluents results in transfer of MPs and
(2015) used wastewater influent and effluent analyses to undertake the causes significant pollution (Gatidou et al., 2019). Wastewater sludge
first analysis concerning the fate of MPs in a WWTP. He used biofilters in applied to agricultural fields has been reported to contain textile fibres
the tertiary stage and reported an overall removal rate of ~90% of MPs in higher amounts with intact characteristics even after 15 years of
from the sludge. Carr et al. (2016) looked at the movement of MPs in the application (Hamidian et al., 2021). The application of sludge contain­
tertiary wastewater treatment facility and reported aconcentration of 50 ing MPs into the soil can be ingested by the terrestrial biota and may be
particles/litre of MPs in returned activated sludge, thus suggesting the transported through the food chain, posing a health risk to humans.
transport of MPs through WWTPs. Studies have also shown that MPs analyzed in the mixed sludge of pri­
Apart from the inbuilt toxic nature of MPs, their property of large mary and secondary treatment systems vary between 4 × 102 and 7 ×
surface volume ratio allows them to adsorb organic toxic contaminants 103 particles/kg in the wet sludge and about 15 × 102 and 17 × 104
like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated bi­ particles/kg in dry sludge (Sun et al., 2019). In Europe, 50% of the
phenyls (PCBs), phthalates, pesticides, etc. on their surfaces (Rodrigues sewage sludge is treated for arable land use (Kelessidis and Stasinakis,
et al., 2019; Lee et al., 2021). This is more relevant in the case of WWTP 2012), and in China, 87% of sludge is applied to soil (Li and Qian, 2018).
systems that bring a variety of MP contaminants found relatively in Around 63 × 103–43 × 103 and 44 × 103 − 3 × 105 tons of MPs are
higher concentrations which entails them as double-edged sword pol­ getting supplied to farmlands in Europe and North America per year
lutants, as these plastic particles act as a vector for carrying harmful which poses a major risk of MP pollution in agricultural soils (Nizzetto
contaminants that adversely impact both the environment and humans et al., 2016). Application of sludge as a soil amendment accounts for the
(Caruso, 2019; Zhang and Chen, 2020). Mahon et al. (2017) have major share of phosphorus and nitrogen demand for several crops.

A. Yaseen et al. Environmental Research 212 (2022) 113258

7.1. Impact of MPs on soil ecology 7.2. Impact of MPs on human beings

The extensive application of sewage sludge from municipal WWTPs As humans occupy the highest trophic level of the food chain, MPs
to agricultural land use has been considered as a key source of MPs in may impact the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems (Zhang et al.,
soils (Zhang et al., 2020a, 2020b), as MPs trapped in the sewage sludge 2020a, 2020b). MPs of particle size <20 μm enter cell membranes,
are difficult to remove due to the complexity in their types, shapes, and intensify risk to feeding, metabolic processes, reproduction, and
sizes (Li and Qian, 2018). MPs accumulate in soil following repeated behavioural level (Hale et al., 2020). MPs as such, do not trigger any
sludge applications (Corradini et al., 2019). An estimate hassuggested acute fatal response in biota but may cause chronic toxicity with pro­
that the yearly input of 43 × 104 tons of MPs enter European agricultural tracted exposure (Li and Qian, 2018). Furthermore, MPs can adsorb
land while in China it is up to about 1.56 × 1014 tons of sludge-based various pollutants and toxic substances during the treatment processes,
MPs (Nizzetto et al., 2016). After entering the soil, MPs are wrapped increasing their lethality and risk to human health (Raju et al., 2018).
into soil aggregates, which hinder their isolation from soil particles MPs may concentrate in the body through several exposure pathways;
(Bläsing and Amelung, 2018). Several studies have pointed out the for example, consumption of food, inhalation of dust, or drinking water
adverse impact of MPs on soil biota (de Souza Machado et al., 2018) and contaminated by MPs (Dris et al., 2017; Prata, 2018) and can cause
soil properties (Ren et al., 2021). Crops utilize nutrients from the bio­ growth retardation, neurological damage, hormonal changes, and can­
solids (dry sludge), but MPs remain in the soil and are carried cers due to the presence of harmful additives like BPA and phthalates
throughout the soil system via physical, chemical, and biological (Zaman, 2010; Luo et al., 2021). For instance, BPA interferes with the
mechanisms (Wong et al., 2020). MPs alter the structural and functional activity of lipoprotein lipase, aromatase, and lipogenesis regulators and
properties of soil (He et al., 2020) like soil aggregation, bulk density, affects the level of fat tissue hormones (Vom Saal et al., 2012). BPA
water-holding capacity, and pH (de Souza Machado et al., 2018; Xiang disturbs α and β receptors in fat tissues thus could cause obesity
et al., 2021). For instance, polyester fibres can decrease soil bulk density, (Michałowicz, 2014). Moderately high levels of plastic additives,
which is coupled with a significant increase in water holding capacity including Bisphenol-A and Phthalates have been found in potentially
and may also lead to misinterpretation of soil carbon storage, which is MP-rich sludge from wastewater treatments used for agricultural ap­
considered a key parameter for extrapolating soil carbon storage (de plications (Michałowicz, 2014). These additives cause endocrine
Souza Machado et al., 2018). MPs may also change the oxygen flow in disruption through estrogenic effects (de Souza Machado et al., 2018).
soil by changing the porosity and moisture content of the soil, which The presence of nine phthalate esters in different kinds of foodstuffs
could alter the relative distribution of aerobic and anaerobic microor­ revealed that DEHP (di (2- ethylhexyl) phthalate) was found in most of
ganisms (Rubol et al., 2013). Alteration in pore spaces by MPs may result the food samples (Guo et al., 2012). Phthalates are a major concern,
in the loss of microhabitat and the extinction of native microorganisms their detection in wastewater has brought into notice the leaching of
(Veresoglou et al., 2015). Various classes of toxicants are adsorbed on phthalates from plastics into the environment (Bergé, 2012; Bergé et al.,
the surfaces of MPs such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), 2013; Bergé et al., 2014). Heavy metals are also being used as additives
PAHs, hexachlorocyclohexane (HCHs), PCBs, PCCPs, perfluoroalkyl in polymer products, causing cellular or tissue damage and adverse
substances (PFASs), pesticides and heavy metals due to their hydro­ human health effects (Kravchenko et al., 2014). MPs with certain
phobic nature (Horton et al., 2017). When compared to virgin MPs, properties can translocate throughout living cells such as dendritic cells
sludge-based MPs have a higher capacity for heavy metal adsorption (Li or M cells to the circulatory and/or lymphatic systems and accumulate
et al., 2019). The lethal chemicals present in the MPs have the potential in secondary organs, therefore adversely affecting cell health and im­
to disperse in the soil (Hüffer et al., 2019), and can alter the geochemical mune system (Smith et al., 2018). MPs along with their components may
cycles (Fuller and Gautam, 2016). employ localized particle toxicity, but the cumulative effect is produced
MPs hinder the mobility of organisms by adhering to theirbody by chronic exposure, which is of greater concern (Smith et al., 2018).
surfaces. MPs provide novel microbial niches and act as a carriers for
pathogens and antibiotic-resistant genes, thus underscoring their po­ 8. Remedial technological options removing microplastics in
tential to affect human health (Wu et al., 2019). Various organisms of WWTPs
the soil ingest MPs as food due to their appealing appearance and odour.
MPs obstruct the digestive tract of the organisms and eventually lead to Our literature survey analyzed that different treatment technologies
starvation and death (Wu et al., 2019). Decreased reproduction and implied for removing/retaining MPs in wastewater, from conventional
biochemical responses have also been observed in animals due to the to advanced ones, could not completely eliminate these contaminants in
ingestion of MPs (Lahive et al., 2019). For instance, a significant final effluents (Table 3). Due to the different kinds of MPs entering into
reduction in the growth rate of Lumbricus terrestris on the application of wastewater systems, various technological improvements are currently
MPs was reported. Moreover, MPs eaten by earthworms move through being discussed to address this problem. Experimental prototype units
the food chain and pose a potential threat to terrestrial predators as well were seen as quite efficient in retaining/removing MPs, such as elec­
as human beings (Lwanga et al., 2017). MPs mistakenly taken up by trocoagulation, which is an effective process that removes 98.6% of MPs
many aquatic organisms as food results in its bioaccumulation and in the final effluent (Elkhatib et al., 2021). Bio-filter prototype in the
subsequent transfer to different food chains (Koelmans et al., 2015; secondary treatment process was used to remove MPs from the personal
Ziccardi et al., 2016; Carbery et al., 2018; Lambert and Wagner, 2018; beautification products and pharmaceutical waste. The bio-filter was
Piyawardhana et al., 2022). packed with six different thick layers of stone wool (1.1 m in total
MPs influence both vegetative and reproductive growth in plants height). The study revealed that after treatment with a bio-filter, the
(Bosker et al., 2019). A significant deviation in plant growth was re­ particulate matter in the effluent was reduced to 197 particles/m3 (79%)
ported as a result of MPs altering the biophysical properties of soil, with a mass concentration of 2.8 μg/m3 (89%) (Dey et al., 2021).
which delayed germination and influenced plant growth (Bosker et al., Removal of MPs is size/density dependent and could require additional
2019). Moreover, these particles affect the absorption and trans­ separation units after the conventional process (Hou et al., 2020).
portation mechanisms of nutrients in plants due to their blockade of cell Advanced treatment units like membrane filtration, sand filtration,
connections or cell wall pores (Ma et al., 2010). Both ecotoxicity and gravity filtration, ultrafiltration, and reverse osmosis are efficient in
genotoxicity to plants are exerted by MPs (Jiang et al., 2019). removing MPs (Table 3). These separation technologies when combined
with other approaches could achieve efficient MP separation. Membrane
bioreactors, for example, which combine membrane filtration and sus­
pended growth biological reactors, removed 99.9% of MPs from waste

A. Yaseen et al. Environmental Research 212 (2022) 113258

water. On the other hand, rapid clogging, is a significant technical Appendix A. Supplementary data
challenge in size-based wastewater treatment methods. Membrane
fouling reduces sample throughput, so advanced membrane separation Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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