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. Find cquationand centre ofthe circle passing throught the points (3,4),(3,2)&*(1,4)
***2. Find the value of'c' if the points (2,0),.(0.1),(4,5) and (0,c)(Mar-15
are concylc.
*3.mdthe equation ofa circle which passes through (2,-3) and (-4, 5) and having the centre on
Find the equation ofa circle whichpasses through the points (4, 1), (6, 5) and baving centre on
4x+3y-24=0. (Mar-16 A.P,18 TS)
5) ofthe circle whose center lies on X-axis and passing throughthe points
(Mar-15 A.P)
6. )Show thatthe circles + y-4r-6v-12 = 0ands' +y' +6x+18y +26 =0 touch each
other also find the point of contact and common tangent at this pont of contacL.
(Mar- 17AP)
i)Show that the circles x+ y-6x-9v+13= 0.: +y-2x-16y=0 touch cach
other also find
***7, Show that the the point of contactand common tangent at this point of contact. (Mar-18 TS)
circles xty'-6x-2y+1-0: x+y+2x-3y+13-0touch each other. Find the point
of contact and the equation ofcommon tangent at theirpoint of contact.
***8. Find the equations of the pair of direct common (May-16 A.P,Mar -17A.P)
tangents to the circes
***9. x*+y+22.x-4y-100 =0 and +y-22x+4y+100=0. (Marr15-T.S,18A.P)
Find the equations of transverse common tangents ofthe circles x+y'4x-10y+28-0;
***10. Find the equations of the circles with radius 13 units and
***11. Prove that the equation to the pair oftangents drawn touching 2x -3y +1=0at(1, 1).
fromthe point (,y) to the circle
S=+y'+2gr+2f+c=0is S=S.S,
Show that the four points (-6,0), (-2, 2), (-2,-8) and (1, 1) are
**13. Find the equations ofthe circles which touches the
x-axis at a
and making an intercept of length6units on the y-axis. distance of3 units from the origin
**14. If thepolar of points on the circle x* +y' =a with
respect to +y' =b² touchesthecircle
+y'= then show that a, b, care in GP.
*15. Show that the points (1,2),
circle on which they lie. (3,-4),(5,-6) (19,8) are çoncyclic and find the equation ofthe
*16. Show that the points (9, 1), (7,9), (-2,12), (6,10) are (May-15 T.S)
on which they lie. concyclic and find the equation ofthe circe
*17. Findthe equation of the circle
passing through thepoints (5,7),(8,1),(1,3)
*18. Show that four common tangents can be drawn for the circles given by
+'-14x+6y+33 =0, x+y' +30x--2y+l =0 and find the internal and external
center of similitudes.
*19. Find the equation ofthecircle
x+2y-5 circumscribing the triangle fomed by the ines 2x+y=4, x+y-6and
*20. If 0,,0, are the angles of inclination of
findthe locus ofP when cot,+ cot0, = k through point Pto the circle
a + y'=d then
*21. Find the equation ofthe circle passing through the
three points (1,2), (3,-4), (5,-6) (Mar-16 TS)
*22. Findthepair of tangents drawn from (1,3) to the
circle +y'-2x+4y-11 =0and also find
the angle between them.
***1. Findthe length ofthechord intercepted by the circle x
y=x-3 +y'-x+3y- 22 =0 onthe line
(Mar-18 A.P,May-16 A.P)
***2. Find the length ofthechord intercepted bythecircle x + y'-8x-2y-8=0 onthe line
x+y+l=0 (Mar-16 T.S)
***3. Showthat the tangent at (-1,2) ofthe circle y' +y-4x-8y +7=0 touches the circke
*+y' +4x +6y =0 and also find its point of tangency.
***4. Find equaitons of tangents to the cirlce x +v²-4x +6y -12=0 hich are paralleito
X+y - 8 =0.
**5. ITapont Pis moving such that the lengths of thetangents drawn from Pto the circles
locus ofP.
and x+yt6x+18y+26-0 are in the ratio 2:3 then find the equation of the
***6. Ifthe chord ofcontact ofapoint p' with respectto the circle + y =a cut the circle atA
and B such that |L40B =90° then showthat 'p' lies on the circle +y'= 2a'
***7. Findthe angle between the tangents drawn from (3,2)to the circle x+y-6x+4y-2=0
***, Find the locus of midpoints ofthe chords ofcontact x'+y=a from the points lying on the line
***9. Ifthe abscissae of points A,B are the roots ofthe equation ? +2ax-b² =0 and ordinates of
A, Bare roots of y² +2 pu -a² = 0,then find theeugtion ofa circle for which AB IS a
diameter. (Mar-14)
****0. Find the equation of the circle whichtouches the circle x'+ y'-2x-4y-20=0 externally at
(5,5) with radius 5units. (May-16T.S)
**11. Find theinverse point of(-2, 3) withrespectto the circle x +y'-4x-6y+9=0.
**12. Find the area of the triangle fromed by the normal at (3,-4) to the circle
*+y'-22x-4y+ 25=0 withthe coordinateaxes. (Mar-18 TS)
**13. Showthatthe lines 2x+3y+11=0 and 2x-2y-l=0are conjugate with respect to the
circle x+y' +4x+ 6y-12 =0
**14. Show that the poles ofthe tangent ofthe circle x'+y' =a wrto the circle (r+a)' +y'= 2a
lies on the curve y + 4 ax = 0
**15. Findthe pair of tangents drawn fromP (3,2) to the circle x*+y' -6x +4y-2-0
**16. Show that x+y+1=0 touches the circle x´+ y'-3x+7y +14 =0 and findthepoint of contact.

**17. Fpdthe equation ofthe cirlce with centre(-2,3) cuting achord length 2unts on 3x +4y +4= 0.
**18. Fnd the value ofk, if kr +3y -l=0,2x +y+5=0 are conjugate lines with respectto circle
x+y'-2x-4y-4=0. (May-15 TS)
Find the equation ofthe circle passing through (0, 0) and making intercepts 4,3 on X-axis and
Y-axis respectively axes and the tangent drawn at tha int
*20. Find the area ofthe triangle formed with the coordinate
P(x, y,)onthe circlex'+y'=a'
*21. IfP(x..v, )is the mid point of achord AB (otherthan the diameter) ofthe circle
ofthe chord ABis s
x² + y² + 2gx + 2fy + c= 0 then the equaiton
*22. Fauation ofthe chord joining P(9),&O(9) on thecrcleS=x'+y' + 2gr +2f +c=0is
(r+g) cos (+/Jsin 2 Where r is radius ofa circle.
the circla
*23. Prove that the tangent at (3,-2) ofthe circie x" +y13 touches
x'+y'+2x-10y-26 =0and findits point
e equationoftangents ofthe circle y²+=10 at
the points whose abscissae are 1
with a
*25. ind the equation ofcircle which touches y2+2 _4x +6-12 = 0 at(-1,1) nternally
radius of2.
*26. Tne tne y= mr+c and the circle 2 2 ' intersect at Aand B. If AB= 27 then show
that e =(1+m')(a'-A')
*27. (0,0) to the circle
d the condition that the tangents drawn from
S=**+y' + 2gr +2fy +c= 0be perpendicular to each otheT (May 16 TS)
Find the centre and radius ofthe cirlce 1+
m+y}-2cx- 2mcy =0(c >0) (June-10)
Fnd the values ofa, bif ax +bxy +3y' - 5x+2y -3 = 0represents acircle. Also find radius
and centre ofthe circle.
Tthe center ofthe circle 24 'r+hy~-12=0is (2.3), find the valuesofa,b and the radius
ofthe circle. (May-07,09, Mar-08)
Find the vahes ofg andf, if x* + y' +2gx+2 f-12 =0 represents the circle with centre
(2,3) and radius?
5. Find the other end of the diameter ofthe circle ²+ y²-8x-8y+27 =0. ifone end of it is
(2,3). (Mar-13)
Tx*+y-4x+6y+c=0 represents a circle with radius 6', then find the value of'c' (M-09)
Ifthe length of the tangent from (2,5)to the circle x'+y²-5x +4y+k=0 is 37 ,then find
8. (Mar 18 TS)(May-06)
Find the equationofthe circle passing through (2, -1) and having the centre at (2, 3)(May-08)
9. Find the equationof the circle passing through (3, 4) and having the centre at (-3,4) (Mar-12)
10. (i)Find the equation ofthe circle whosecentre is(-4,-3) and which passes through the origin.
(Mar-04, June-02)
(ü)Find the equation ofthe circle whose centre is (-1,2) and which passes through (5,6)
(Mar-18 T.S)
11. Obtain the pararnetric equation of the circle x* +y' -6x +4y-12 =0 (Mar-06,10)
12. Obtain the parametricequation of the circle(x-3) +(y-4 =8 (Mar-11,16,18 A.P)
13. Findthe equation of the circle whose extremities ofa diameter are
(1,2) and (4,5).
14. Find the polar of(1, 2) with respect to x+y' =7
15. Find the pole of ax + by +c=0(c# 0) withrespect to x+=2
(Mar-16 A.P)
16. Find the pole of 3x+4y-45 =0 with respect x
+y-6x-8y+5 = 0 (Mar-16 A.P)
17. Findthe value of k', ifthe points (4, k), (2, 3) are conjugate with
18. Find the number of common tangents that can be drawn to the circles respect to x²+ y²=17
x²+y' =4, x + y'-6x-8y +16=0 (Mar -04, June-02)
19. Find the value ofaif 2x' + ay-3x+2y -1=0 represents acircle
and also radius. (Mar- 13)
20. State necessary and sufficient condition for x+ my + n=0 be a normal to the circle
x²+y' + 2gx +2f +c=0
21. Show that A(3,-l) lies onthe circle xty'-2x +4y =0 also find the other end ofthe
through A.
22. Find the value ofk, if the points (4,2) and (k,-3)are conjugate with respect to the
(Mar-17 TS)
23. Eind the chord of contact of (2,5) with respect to circle x + y?-5r+4y-2=0.
DEindtheequation of the normal to the circle x*+y-4x-6y +1l= 0 at (3.2) also find the
other pont where the normal mneets the CIrcle.
DFindthe equation ofthe normal at P(3,5)ofthe circle S = +y'-10x 2y +6.(Mar-18 A.P)
25. Obi the parametricequation ofthe circle represented by x +y=4. (Mar -14)
26. Fiod the equation of the circle which is concentric with x²+y²-6x 4y -12 =0 and
passing through (-2,14). (Mar -14)
27. Findthe value 'a' if 2x +ay'-3x+2y-1=0represents acircleand also find its radius.
(Mar-16 AP)
28. Ifthelength ofa tangent from (5,4) to the circle +y° +2ky =0 is1, then find k'
(Mar-16AP)(May-15 T.S)
29. Find the power of thepoint P(-1,1) with respect to the circle x+ y'-6x+4y-12 =0
(Mar- 16 TS)
30. Find the valheofk, ifthe points (1,3) and (2,k) are conjugate with respect to the circle x +y' =35.
(Mar- 16,17 A.P)
31. Ifthe circle +y4x+6y+a= 0 has radius 4, then find a. (Mar-16 AP)
32. Find the equation ofthe polar of (1,-2) with respect to circle x'+y'-10x-10y+25 =0
(Mar- 15 TS)
33. Find thelength ofthe tangent from (-2,5) to the circle x + y'-25 = 0 (May 16 TS)
Find the length of thechord formed by x² +y² = a' on the line xcos a+y sin a = P (May 16 TS)
**1. Find the equation of the circle which is orthogonal to each of the following
circles +y' +2x+17y +4 =0, x*+y' +7x+6y +1l = 0, x*+y' -x+ 22y +3 =0
(Mar-03, May-08)
***2 Find the equation ofthe circle cutting orthogonally to the circles xty-4x-6y+11=0,
ty-10x-4y+21-0and has 2x+3y-7 as diameter (Mar-16 A.P)(May-07)
***3. Find equation ofthe circle passing through origin and cuts the circles
x*+ y² -4x + 6y + 10 = 0, x* +y' +12y + 6 = 0 orthogonally. (June-05)
***4 Show that the circles S=x +'-2x-4y-20 =0and S' =x+y' +6x+2y-90=0 touch each
other internally. Find their pont of contact and the equation ofthe common tangent. (Mar-15 T.S)
***5, Show that the circles x'+y'-8x-2y +8=0and x'+y'-2x+6y+ 6=0 touch each other
and find the point ofcontact. (Mar-14)
***6. i)Find the radical center ofthe circles x+ y +4x-7=0,2x*+ 2y' +3x+ 5y-9= 0 and
*'+y'+y= 0 (May-16 TS)
in)Find the radical center of the circles
(Mar-18 A.P)
+y' -4x-6y +5=0,x* +y'-2x-4y -l=0 and x +y'-6x-2y=0
**7. Ifthe straight line represented by xcos a+ ysina=pintersects the circle ²+ = atthe
noints Aand B. then show that the equation ofthe circle with 4R asdiameter is

(r'+y'-a )-2p(xcosa +ysin a-p) =0. (Model-15 A.P)

**8. wo crcles x*+y' +2gx+2 fv=0 and '4'42ox+2 f'y=0touch each otherthen
show that f'g=fe (Mar16TS)
Show that the circles x+ y'+2ax+c= 0and g+y+2by +c=0 touch each other if
1 1

**10. If x+y=3 is the

equation ofthe chord AB of the circle: +y'-2x+4y-8=0,
find the equation ofthe circle having AB as (May-16 AP)
**11. Fnd the equation ofthe circle passing through the points ofintersection ofthe crcles
x+y' -8x-6y+21 =0, +-2x-15 =0and (1,2).
Fnd the cquation ofthe circle passing through the intersection of thecircles x* +y =2ax and

x+y'=2by and having its centre onthe line =2,

a b
*13. Find the equation and length ofthe common chord ofthe two circles
S=x+y +3x+5y+4=0and s =x'+y+ 5x+3y +4 =0. (Mar 18 TS)
*14. Find the equation of thecircle passing through the origin having its center on
linexty=4 and
intersecting the circle x+y'-4x+ 2y +4=0 0rthoganally.
*15. Show that the common chord of the circles x² +
y'-6x4y+9 =0 and
x*+y-8x-6y+23 =0 is the diameter of the second circle andalso find its length.
1. (DFind the angle betvween the circles x +
y-12x-6y+41=0 and
x+'+4x+6y-59 =0. (Mar-15,17 T.S)
(i1)If the angle betweenthe circles x
is 450 then find k. +y'-12x-6y+41=0and x+y' +kr+6y-59 =0
(Mar 18 TS)
2 DFind k, if the pair ofcircles x+y' -6x-8y+12 =0 and x' +y
orthogonal -4x+6y+k=0 are
)If x² +y' -5x-14y-34 =0,x ty' +2x +4y+k=0
k. crcles are othogonal, then find
(Mar-18 A.P)
3. Show that the angle between the circles x+y' =a,
x+y' =ax+av is 3z .(Mar-14)
4 Findthe equation ofthe radical axis ofthe circles x* +y' +
2x+4y+l = 0.
x+y' +4x+y =0.
5. Findtheequation ofthe common chord of the
pair of circles x +y'
'+y'-5x-6y+4=0. -4x-4y+3=0.
6 Find the equation of thecommon tangent ofthe cirlces at their
point ofcontact
x+y' +10x-2y +22=0, x*+y' + 2x-8y +8 =0.
7 Showthat the circles x+y-2x+4y
cach other orthogonaly.
+4=0and x»+y+3x+4y+l=0 are intersect
8. Find the equation ofthe common chord of the circles:
(Mar-15 AP)
(*-a) +(y-b)' =c,(x-b +(y-aj' =ce. (a*b)
9. Findthe value ofk, ifthe circles y?4 y+4x+8= 0and+y'-16y+k= 0 are orthogona.
(Mar- 16 TS&A.P)
10. Fndthe radicalaxis of +y'-2x-4y-1=0 and x'+ y' -4x-6y +5= 0(May 16 AP)
***1. Derive the equation ofparabola y² =4ax in standard form.
(Mar-07, 08,16,18 T.sXMar-15,17A.P&TS)(May-10)
***2. Fnd the focus, vertex, equation ofthe directrix, axis and the length ofthe latusrectum to the
parabola y'-x+4y+5=0 (Mar-05)
***3. Find the co-ordinates of vertex, focus, equation ofthe directrix and axis ofthe parabola
x-2x+4y 3-0
***4. Find the equations oftangents to the parabola y =16x which are parallel arnd perpendicular
respectively tothe line 2x-y+5 = 0, also find the coordinates oftheir points of contact.
***5. Find the equation ofthe parabola, whose axis is parallel to the x-axis and which passes through
the points A(-2,1), B(12) and C(-1,3) (Mar-02,16 A.P)
***6. Find the equation ofthe parabola whose axis is parallel to y-axis and which passes through the
points (4, 5), (-2, 11l) and (-4,21) (June-02)
***7. The normal at a point P(t,)on y'=4ax meets the parabola again in the points P(t,). Then prove

that ,

***8. Show that the equation of the common tangents to the circle xty-2a' and the parabola y'=8ax
are y= ±(x+2a) (Mar-06, 09,10)(May-16 T.S)
***9. Find the equation of the parabola whose focus is (-2, 3) and directrix is the line 2x+3y-4-0. Also
find the length of the latusrectum and the equation of axis ofthe parabola (Mar-13)
***10. Ifanormal chord a point 't' on the parabola y´ = 4ax subtends a right angle at vertex. then
prove that =t/2 (May-14)
***1, Show that the common tangents to the 2x* +2y* =Fa» and the parabola y² =4x intersect at
the focus ofthe parabola y² =-4ax
***12 Prove that the two parabolas y´=4ax and x* = 4by intersect (other than the orioin) at an
angle of an 2(3 + b (Mar-14)

**13. S that the locus ofpoint of intersectlOnorperPendicular tangents to the parabola y² = 4ax
is the directrix x+a=0
**14. Prove that the area ofthe triangle inscribed in the parabola y = 4ax 3

8g-)(-3)(,-)sq.units where y.y.,y, are the ordinates ofits vertices.

Show that the common tangentto the parabola y² =4ax and x =4by is a'x+ bWy +a5= 0
(Mar-16 A.P)
**16. IRtytn=0is anormal to the parabola y-4ax, then show that al+2alm+nm'-0
Prove that the arca ofthe triangle formed by thetangents at (%,. y,), (%, y,) and (, Y) to the
parabola y*= Aax(a> o) is 16a -)(,-)(,- square units.(Mar-15 T.S,18 A.)
From an cxternal point Ptangents are drawn to the parabola y-4ax and these tangents make
angies b , with its axis, such that cot e, + cote. is a constant 'd'.Th¹n show that all such P lie
on a horizontal line also find the point of (Mar-04)
*19. Find theequationofthe parabola whose focus is S (3,5) and the vertex is A(l,s)


1. 5
Find the coordinates ofthe points on the parabola y² =2x whose focal distance is 2

(Mar-07, 09)(Mar-15 A.P)(May-09)

If(12,2) is one extremity ofa focal chord ofthe parabola y =8x find the coordinates ofthe
other extremity. (May-06,10,14,16 T.S)
3. Show that the line 2x-y+2=0 is atangent to the parabola y²= 16x.Find the point of contact

4. Find the co-ordinates ofthe point on the parabola y²-8x, whose focal distance is 10 units.

(Mar-08,Mar-14,16,17 A.P&TS)
5. Find the vertex and focusofx-6x-6y+6=0

6. Find theaxis and directrix ofy' +6y-2x+5=0

7. Find equation ofparabola whose focus S(1, -7) vertex (1,-2) (Mar-15 T.S)
8. Find the equation ofthe parabola whose vertex is (3,-2) and the focus is (3, lXMar 18 TSXMay-07)
9. Find the value ofk, ifthe line 2y = 5x + k is atangent to the parabola y²6r

(Mar-16 T.S,18 A.P)

Chnd the eauation of normal to the parabola y» =4x which is parallel to y-2x + 5=0

11. Findthe equation of thetangent to the parabola y=l6x inclined at an angle 600 with its axis and
***1. Find the length ofthe major axis, minoraxis latus rectum
eccentricity, coordinates ofcentre, Toci
and the equation of directrices ofthe
***2. Fnd eccentricity, coordinates offoci.length x²+2y²-4x+12y+14=0 (May-07)
ellipses oflatusrectum and equations ofdirectrices or Le
i) 9x'+l
3x+y- 6y-36x+32y-92-0
6x- 2y -5 =0. (Mar-15,18 T.S)
***3. Fnd the length ofthe major axis,(Mar-09,May-09,15 TS)
minor axis latus recturm,eccentricity, coordinates of centre,oo
and the equation of directrices ofthe
ellipse 4x + (Mar 2010,11)
***4. Find the equation ofthe ellipse whose focus is y-8x +2y+l=0
(1.-1), e=2/3 and directrix 1s x*y
(M-05,May-08,16 A.P)
***5. FInd the equation oftangent to the ellipse 2x+y=8 which is parallel and
perpendicular to
x-2y-40 (Mar-06, 08, May-08)
***6. Ifthe line y-mxtc touches the ellipse =1, prove that c'-amtb;(ab).(May-02, 06)

***7. IfP is a point on the ellipse +

-=lwhose foci S and S' then showthat SP+SP=2a
(constant) (Mar-13)
***8. Show that the points ofintersection ofthe perpendicular tangents to an ellipse lies on a circle.
(Director Circle) (Mar-03,16 A.P,May-11)
***9. Find the equation ofthe ellipse referred to it's major and minor axes as coordinate axes X,y
respectively with latus rectum of length 4 and distance between foci 42. (Mar-15,18 T.S)

***10. Ifa tangent to the ellipse +

=l(a> b) meets its magor axis and minor axis at Mand N

respectively, then prove that where Cis the centre of the ellipse.
(CM) (CN
(Mar-18 A.P)
***|1. Find the equation of theellipse in the standard fom such that distance between foci is 8and
distance between directrices is 32.
***12. Ifthe length ofthe major axis ofan ellipse is three times the length ofits minor axis then fnd the
eccentricity ofthe ellipse.

***13. Find the equation ofthe ellipse in the form (*-)(-k} =lgiventhe
following data
(i) centre (2, -1), one end ofthe major axis (2,-5), e = 1/3
(iü)center (4,-1), one end ofthe major axiS (-1,-) and passes throueh (8 0

axis 5
(111)center (0, -3), e = 2/3,semi minor
oflatus rectum 4
(iv) center (2,-1),e = 1/2, length
***14. Find the equations to the tangents to the ellipse x+2y' =3drawnfrom the point (1,2) andako
find the angle between these
***15. Show that the foot tangents.
perpendicular drawn from the centreeon any tangent to
ellipse lies on the curve
***16. Find the condition for the line
=a's +by'.
) k+my +n=0 to be a
tangent to the ellipse a?

(1) k+my + n=0 to be anormal to the


I7. Fnd the length ofmajor axis. minor axis. latusrectum. eccentricity,coordmates Or Cente, IoGI
andtheequations ofdirectrices ofthe elipse 9x+16y' =144.(Mar-10, 11, 14 ,16 T.S,17AP)
**18. Find the conditionfor the line xcosa + vsin a =p to be a tangent to the
***19. Find the equation theellipse in the standerd from whose distance foci2 and the length of the
latusrectum is 15/2.
(Mar-15 T.S, 18 A.P)
***20. Find the equations of tangent and normal tothe ellipse 9x+16y =144 at the end of
in the first quadrant. - latusrectum
**21. Ifthe normal at one end ofatusrectum ofthe ellipse
l passes throughone end ofminor
axis, then show that e +e=1 [where e is the eccentricity ofthe ellipse]
**22. Find the value of 'k'ifthe 4x+y+k=0 is tangent to the
Ellipse x +3y² =3(Mar-15,16A.P)
**23. ind the equation ofthetangents to the ellipse 2x +3y'
=1lat the point whose ordinate 1'.
**24. Prove that the equation of the chord joining the points a & ß on
the ellipse =lis

Zcos + s i n =cos
(May-16 T.S)
**25. Find the equation ofthe tangent and normaltothe
elipse x +8y' =33 at(-1,2) (May-16T.S)
**26. Derive the equation ofan ellipse in the standard form
*27. If0, &0,are the eccentric angles of the
extremities ofa focal chord ofthe ellinse
+=1(a> b) and eis the eccentricitythen show thatcot
Find the centre, eccentricity, foci, equations ofthe
hyperbola 9x'-16y'+72x-32y-16=-0 directrices, length ofthe latusrectum of the
(M-02, 05, 08, May-08)
Find the centre,foci, eccentricity and the equations of directrices ofthe hyperbo1a
16y-9x =144 (June-10)
***3. Fnd the centre,eccentricity, foci, lengthoflatus rectum and
equations of the directrices of the
hyperbola -4y=
,? =4 (Mar&May-16 A.P) (Mar-18A.P)
***4. Fndthe equations ofthe tangents drawn tothe hyperbola x² -4y' =4 which are
(nperpendicular to the line x+2y-0 (parallel and
(Mar -11,Mar-15 TS)
***5. Fndthe equations ofthe Tangents to the Hyperbola 3x-4y' =12 which are () parlel and(1)
perpendicular tothe line y=X-7 (Mar-15,17 A.P)
***6. Prove that the point ofintersection oftwo perpendicular tangents to the
lies on the circle + y²
=a-² (Mar-16 T.S)
***7. Show that angle between the two asymptotes ofthe =lis 2 tan
2sec (e) (Mar 18 TS)
**8. If the line lx+my+-0 is a tangent to the -=1 then showthat aP-bm.
**9. Tangents to the hyperbola 2 lmake angles 0, and 0, withtransverse axis ofa hyperbola.
Show that the point of intersection ofthese tangents lies on the curve
2xy =k(-a')
whentan,+ tan , =k. (May-16T.S)
**10. Find the equation of the hyperbola of given length oftransverse axis 6' whose vertex bisects the
distance between the centre and the focus.
*11. One focus ofa hyperbola is located at the point (1,-3) and the corresponding directrix i_ the line
y-2.Find theequation ofhyperbola if its eccentricity is 3/2 (May-09)
*12. Find the equation ofthe hypertbola whose asymptotes are the straight lines x+2y+3=0,
3x+4y+5-0, and which passes through the point (1, -l).
*13. Show that the differences ofthe focal distances ofany point on the hyperbola is(June-05)
constant i.e. ifP
is a point on the hyperbola -=lwith foci S and s' then showthat
S'P- SP=2a (constant).
*14. the hyperbola
Ifthe line lx + my =1is a normal to the hyperbola--l then showthat
12 m -(d+8)
*15. Derive the standard form ofHyperbola
*16. Show that the equation
9-c 5-c =1represents
() an ellipse if'c' is a real constant lessthan '5
(ü) a hyperbola if 'c' is any real constant between 5 and 9
(") show that each ellipse in () and each hymerbola (i) has fociat two points (tZ,0) naependent
of the value 'c'.
e,e are the eccentricities ofa hyperbola and its conjugate hyperbola, prove thate
(Mar-11,17 TS)
2. of itsconjugate hyperbola.
Tne eccentricity ofa byperbola is 5/4. then find the eccentricityTS)Mar&May-16,17 A.P)
(June-05,Mar - 2013)(Mar-15
Find the equation to the Hyperbolawhose foci are(4,2) and (8, 2) and cccentrncty(Mar-09)
4. Fndthe equation ofthe hyperbola whose foci are (+5.0) and the transverse axis of length 8.
(Mar-17 T.S)
DFind the eccentricity andlength oflatusrectum ofthehyperbola x-4y' =4(Mar-8)
KFind the eccentricity and length oflatusrectum ofthehyperbola 16y²-9x = 144 (Mar-I8A.P)
6. Find the length ofthe latusrectum ofthe hyperbola x-3y =144 (Mar-07)
Find the equations ofthe tangents to the hyperbola 3x' -4y' =12 which is parallel to the line
yx-7 (May-07,09)
If 3x-4y+k=0 isatangent to -4y' =5 find the value ofk. (Mar 17,18 TS)
Ifthe angle between the asymptotes ofa hyperbola is 30° then find its eccentricity.
10. Find the equation ofthe normal at = 3 to the hyperbola 3r -4y? =12
11. Define rectangular hyperbola and find its eccentricity. (Mar-15 A.P&TS)
12. Find the product ofthe length ofthe perpendiculars from any point on the hyperbola

16 9
=1 to itsasymptotes. (May-16 T.S)
9 cos x-sin x
***1. Evaluate -de
4sin x +5 cosx (Mar-08,17 TS)
2 cos x +3sin xdx
***2. Evaluate 4cos x+5sin x (May-08,16T.S, Mar-15,18 AP)
2.Sinx +3Cosx + 4
***3. Evaluate 3sin x + 4Cosx+5 (Mar 11,14 Mar-16 A.P&T.S)
cos x +3 sin x+ 7
***4. Evahuate COS x sin x+1 (June-06)
***5. Find the reduction formula for sin" x (n22) and hence findsin xdk
. (May-09,10,Mar-13,14,17AP)
***6. Find the reduction formula for tan" xd (n> 2) and hence find tan xdx
***7. Obtain reduction formula for I, = cot" x d, nbeing apositive integer n2 and henee
deduce the value of cot* dx (Mar-16 A.P,17TS)(May-11)
***8 Obtan reduction fomula for I, - [sec"t du, nbeing apositiveinteger n> 2 and hence deduce
the value of sec xde
***09. If I, =cos" xdx then show that I. =-cos* 'xsin x+ " . (May-02,16 T.S)
***10. Obtain the reduction formula forI. =íCo sec" xdx.n being apositive integer, n 2 and hence
deduce the value of Co sec xdx. (Mar-16 T.S)

***11. Ealuate (6x+s)W6-2.+* d: (Mar-09,May-06)

***12. Evaluate (3x-2)\2x-x+l d:
***13. Evaluate (Mar-06,15 T.S)
***14. Evaluate dx
***15. Evahuate de
(Mar-10)(May-16,17 A.P)
x+3x+12 1
***16. Evaluate -dx
(1+x)N3+2x-* (June-05)

so*17. Evauate (x+1)W2x+3x+1 (Mar 18 TS)(May-14)

***18. Evaluate J on (-1,3)
***19. Evahuate . / x d on (2,5)
x-2 (Mar-02,04)
***20. Evaluate J
(r-)+1) (May-07)
***21. DEvaluate 3cos x +4sin x +6(Mar-13)i)Evaluate - 4cos x+3sin x (Mar-18T.S)
***22. Showthatva'-'dt =*va'-x 2 -sin
**23. Evahuate 5+4 cos x (Mar- 08,10)
**24. Evalkuate 4+5sinx (Mar-05)
d (Mar-l1)
**25. Evaluate J3+4cos2x
Evakuate J2-3cos 2x

**27. Evahuate
l+x* R
*29 If , = sin" xcos" x then show that m Lm-2n , for
m +n
apositive integer n and an integer m> 2.
Evahuate xsin" xd on (-1,1)
*31. Evahuate x cosx de
*32. Evaluate ftand,
V1+x on(-1,1)
Evak1ate dt
*34. Evaluate - (May-12)
sin x+3cosx
2x +x+1
Evaluate (x+3)(*-2) dx

*36. Evaluate [x1+x-x dt (May-12)


1). Evaluate dx, x> 0


2). Evaluate dx
3) EvahateV1-cos 2r de (May-06, Mar-09)
4). Evaluate sec xcos ec°xdk
(May-07,09)(Mar-16 T.S)
1 2
5). Evaluate d on (-1, 1)
6) Evaluate JCoshx +Sinhx on R (Mar -15 A.P) (Mar -16,17 T.S)
7) Evahuate
-Sin(Tan"'x)-dx xeR
1+x? (Mar -15,18 A.P.)
8) Evakate e [tan x+ log(sec x) Jdt (May-07, Mar-08)
9) Evaluate e(1+ tan?x+ tan x).d: (Mar-06)
10) Evahuate e (secx +sec xtan x)d (May- 16 A.P)
(May-08, Mar-13,15, 18 A.P)
12) Evakiate (2+x) (May-9)

13). DEvahuate J d e
(x+1) i) ) d(Mar-18T.s)
14) Evahuate J (x+)
(x+2) (May-11,Mar-12,Mar-14)
15) Evaluate (May-12, Mar-14)
16) Evakute (+5)/(*+4)
17) Evaluate

Evahuate[l+*) -
18) dx on IcR\ {xeR: cos(xe)= 0} (Mar10, May-10,16,17 T.S)
19) Evahuate 1+ 0tonR (Mar-09,16 A.P)
20) Evaluate (May-08)

21) Evaluate (June-05)

22) Evaluate Cosx

23) Evahuate cot(logx).


DEvahuate (cosvrd i)Evaluatecos' xsin xdx (Mar-18 T.S)
25) Evaluate sec xlog(sec x+ tan x).d
26) Evahuate J xlog x log (l1og x)] (Mar 2011)
27) Evahuae
1+ cos*x
28) Evahuate
29) Evaluate log xdx (June-10)
30) Evahuate | xTan'd (Mar-05)
31) Evahuate [Sin'xd (June 05)
32) Evahuate Vx'+ 2x+10 (May-06)
sin 2x
33) Evahuate
acos x+bsin x
34) Evahiate

35) Evaluate sin x+4 sin x+5

36) Evaluate Vl6-25x'dt on

(Mar -15 T.S)
37) Evauate (0g (1+3)*)dt on(-1,«)
Log (l+ 1+x
(Mar-15 T.S)
Evahuate Ji+ Cosx-dt onIcR-{(2r+1)z:nez} (Mar- 16 T.S)
39) Evaluate Vx log xdt on(0, o)
***1. Show that
}log(1+*dlog2 (Mar-05,07,08,10)
1+x² 8
sin x+ cos x
***2. Show that d= 20 log 3 (Mar-08,17AP)(May-15 T.S)
9+16sin 2x

***3. Show that -d= log V2 +1) (Mar-09,12,17 TS,18A.P, May-99,10)

sin x+ cOs X
sin x 1
***4, Show that
sin x+ coS x -a-log(v2 +1) (May-15 TS)
xsin x
***5, Show that l+sin x 2 (May-07)(Mar-15A.P,16T.S)

***6. Evaluate 1+sin x (May-11)

***7. Evaluate [xsin' xcos x dt (June-05)

x sin x
***8. Evaluate 1+ cos'x (Mar-2000)(May-16 A.P)
Evaluate -dx
***). 1+ Cos'x (Mar -11,15 T.S)

***10. Find the area ofellipset.Also deduce thearea ofthe circle + =d

(June-05,10, Mar-02)
s**11. Findthe area enclosed betweenthe curvesy' =4x, y' =4(4-x) (May-07,11)
***12 Find the area bounded by the parabolas y' =4a: and **=4by (a>0,b>0). (Mar-03)
cOS x
***13. Evahuate (Mar-2004)

***14. Prove that

V-o\b-x)dr=(-a (Mar-18 T.S)(May-01)

Show that the areaenclosed between the curves y' =12(x+3) andy' =20(5-*) 5
sq. units

**16. Let AOB be positive quadrant of ellipse showthatarea

=l with OA=a, OB=bthen

bounded between chord AB and Arc AB ofellipse is sq.units

*17. Find thearea enclosed between thecurves y=-5x and y=4 (Mar-2013)
*18. Fnd ne area enclosed betweenthe curves v 4l, v= 2x-2, x=-1,x=2(May-03,1l6AP)
*19. Evahuate Log (1+Tanx)d


***1. Find the area enclosed between the curves y' = 4x and x = 4y
***2. Find the area enclosed bythe curves y= 3x and y=6x-x*.
***3. Find the area bounded between the curves y=x*,y= x (Mar-18 TS)

***4, Find area bounded by y =3x and x=3 (Mar-16 TS)

***5. Find xtanxd

?a sin x +b cos x
***6. Find sin x+ ÇOSX

3 Vsin x
***7. Find Vsin x+Vcosx

| sin xcos* xd (Mar-16 A.P)(May-09,16 T.S)

***, Evahuate

x sin x dx (Mar-18T.S)
***9. Evaluate

xa (Mar-03,15-T.S, May-06)
***10. Find the reduction formula for 0 sin"

***11, Evahuaten
***12, Find the area ofthe region enclosed by the curves y =4x-,y=5-2x. (Mar -16 T.S)
***13, Find the area bounded by the curves y = sih Xand y = cOsx between any two consecutive
points ofintersection. (Mar-18A.P)
*14. Find Jx(a-)'d
**|5. Bvahuate

**16. Find -
64+5cos x
(May-16 T.S)
17. Evahuate log(l+
log(1 +tan x)d:

e*18. Find 0
1-x d

**19. Evaluate J+z

**20. Find Lt Jn+1+n+2+...+n+n
**21. L
Find Lt ,-++...+
on+1 n+2
**22. Find area bounded by the curves y=x y=x'.
*23. Find LyLttan
, + tan 2-+...+tan nn
4n 4n 4n
*24. Find the area between the line y =0 andthe curve y= -4x+3.


sin x dx
1) Find the value of
X+ cos5 (Mar-08,May-09, Mar14,17AP)

2) () Find J|2-xl (May-05) () Find 0

-z (Mar-09,15-A.P18 TS,May-11,16 T:S)

3) Evaluate -
sin< dk (Mar-17TS)
3 2x
4) Evaluate 1+x? (May-06, Mar-12,16 T.S,17AP)

5) Evaluate (Mar -11, May-07,10)

6) Evaluate +x
(May-15 T.s)

7) Find (Mar-07)

Evaluate /2+2 (18 A.P-Mar&May-16 A.P)

9) Evaluate sin xcosxdd (Mar-10)

10) Evaluate Lim 2'+4 +6 +t..+.(2n bymethod offinding definite integral as limit ofa sum
? sin x-cos x
11) Evahuate
osin x+ cos x
12) Fndthe area bounded by y=r+3 ,X-axis, x=-1 and x-2.(Mar-05, 08,12,June-10)
13) Find the arca boundedby the parabola y=x, the x-axis and the lines y=I,x=2 (Mar9)
14) Find the area of theregion enclosedbythe givencurves x=4-y', =0 (Mar-10,11)
15) Find the arça underthe curve f() = sin x in (0,2r] (May-09)
16) Find the area bounded by the curve y'-1 2x and x =0
sin' xcos xd:
17) DEvaluate sin xcos' x (Mar14,15 T.S) i)Evauate (Mar-18AP)

18) Evaluate tan x.cosxd


19) Evaluate sin x cos x


20) Evaluate sin° xcosx d (May-16 A.P)

21) Evahuate Lt

22) Evaluate (Mar- 16 T.S)

***1. Sove (2x+y+3)d =(2y+x+1l)
***2, Solve
d 3x-7y-3 (Mar16TS)
dy x-y+3
***3. Solve (Model -15 T.S)
d 2x-2y+5

***4, Solve d

***g. Solve (2x+2y +3)=(*+y+1)'


t**6. Sohve
Solve (y*y)=1 (Mar 11)

***7. Solve (*+ y+1)-1

Solve (Mar-13,17 TS) (J-5)
(May-07,Mar-10,15 T.S)(18 A.P-Mar&May-16A.P)
***8. Solve (1+*y=
d ea
***). Solve -tytan X=sin x.
(Mar-08,12,16 T.S)

***10, solve +y+1=0 (May-08, M-03)

d: x*+x+1
(May 14)
***1. JSolve the difïrential equation(-3y )àt +(3r'y-y'ld =0
iSolve (r'y- 2x°)dt =(-3*y)d
**12. Give the solution off*
Sin yd -xy which passes throughthe point 1,
**13. Solve

*14, Solve dy +xsin 2y =r' cos y

*15. Findthe solution of x(x-2)-2(*-1)y=r(-2) which satisfies theconditionthat y =9

when x =3
Mar- 15 TS )
*16. Solve the differential equation(2x+ y+1)dk +(4x +2y-1)ày =0

+x'e (Mar05,06) i)Sove -+l=ey(Mar- 18TS)

***1, )Solve dx

***2. Solve sin (May-07)

***3, Solve
dy x(2logx+1) (Mar-05)
dx sin y+ycos y

***4, Solve
dy =sin(x +y)+ cos(x+y)

***5. Solve (Mar-07,11,13)

***6. Solve(-y )dt-xy dy =0 (May-06,09,11)

***7. Solve (2x-y)d=(2y-x)d (Mar-12)

**8. Solve (* +y')ar =2xy dy (Mar-10,16,17A.P)

Solve - ytan x =esecx (Mar-09)

**9. d
***10. Solve -+ ysecX=tan x
d (May-10)

***11. Solve -+ y tan x = cos x

d (Mar 17APXMay-11)

***12. Sove (1+y )at=(tan" y-x)d (Mar 18 TS)(May-09)

***13. Find the equation ofa curve whose gradient is y__cos?whenr), y>0 and which

passes through the point

1) (May-16TS)
***14. Solve dy_y+ (May 16 TS)

**15. Sobve 1+x'd+1+ y'dy =0 (Mar-09)

**16. Solve (y +*)d +(ya+y)dy=0 (Mar-07,15 A.P)

**17. Sobve(e' +1]yaBy +(y+1)dr =0 (May-10)

**18. Solve

**19. Solve
2x2 (Mar-05)

**20. Solve cosx9 + y sin x = sec' x


**21. Solve(1+* d 2:xy-4r =0 (Mar-06)

**22. Solvethe D.E. d1+x*

**23. Solve xlogx+y=2logx

dx (May-14)
**24. Solve
dr x-7y-3

**25. Solve 2(x-3y +1)=4x-2y+1


*26. Solve yi+x+y'du +xydy =0

27. Solve -tan (y-x) =1
*28. Solve2=Z4
*29. Solve


2 (Mar-09,13,16A.P)( May-11)
1. Find the order and degree of =6y

2. Find the order and degree ofthe differential equationx2 (Mar-10)

)I/3/ 4

3. Find the order and degree of!| =0

4. Find the orderanddegree of +2+y=log|)


5. Find the orderanddegree of d +x+y=0

(Mar-15 T.S,18 A.P)

6. Find the order and degree of (Mar-14)

7 Form the differential equation corresponding to y= cx-2e* where cis aparameter. (Mar-09)
Form the differential equaiton corresponding to y = Acos 3x+Bsin 3x where A& B are
(Mar-15 A.P)(May-16 T.S)
9. Form the differential equation corresponding to the family of circles passing through the origin
and having centers on Y-axis.
10. Form the differential equation ofthe family ofall circles with their centres at the origin and also
find its order. (Mar-11)
11. Find the L.E ofthe differential equation x dk -y = 2x' sec 2x

12. Find the I.E. of the differential equation (1+y')dt=(Tan'y-x)ày

13. Express dy
14. Express (x*+y'-}ar +ydy =0 in the fom F

15. Form the differential equation corresponding to the family of curves y =c(x-c)'. where cis a
parameter. (Mar-16 TS )
16. Find the generalsol of x+y=0 d (May 16 AP)
17. Find the general sol of d (Mar-18 TS )

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