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Information Technology
Paper 03

Spreadsheets Management
Database Management
Word Processing
Web Page Design
Problem Solving and Programming

Fee Payment Incentive Program (2023-24)

Exam Centre : St. George’s College GROUP MEMBERS

Centre code. : 100107 Names Registration #
Territory : Jamaica W.I. 1. Joseph Israel 100107xxxx
Date of Exam : May/June 2024 2. Ishmael Mwendwa 100107xxxx
3. Jaiden Nkozi 100107xxxx
4. Shadrack Kabete 100107xxxx
5. David Bahati 100107xxxx
Center Name : St. Georges College GROUP MEMBERS
Names Registration #
Centre Code. : 100107
1. Joseph Israel 100107xxxx
Territory : Jamaica W.I. 2. Ishmael Mwendwa 100107xxxx
Date of Exam : May/June 2024 3. Jaiden Nkozi 100107xxxx
4. Shadrack Kabete 100107xxxx
5. David Bahati 100107xxxx

Learn More High School is a private high school in Rasland and has been in existence for the past 50 years.
Since the Covid 19 Pandemic in 2020, parents have been experiencing difficulty in honoring school fee

School fee compliance for the past 4 years has fallen dramatically and is now at an all-time low of 60%.

The Board of Directors have met and devised a strategy dubbed – FEE PAYMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM.

The Board Chairman has commissioned the head of the IT Department along with staff to utilize appropriate
Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Database Management and Programming Applications to design and implement
a computer-based solution to effectively execute the FEE PAYMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM plan.


Design a spreadsheet that will accept payment data for each grade level, lower school, upper school and sixth
form. NB: Each grade level should have at least 10 entries. All together you should have no less than 30
students and no more than 45 students
The tuition for each grade level would be:
● Grades 7 -9 : $210,000.00 per annum (Lower School)
● Grades 10 -11: $270,000.00 per annum (Upper School)
● Grades 12 – 13: $300,000.00 per annum(Sixth Form)
Payment plans available are:
● E-Full or Early Full payment plan which attracts a 10% discount on the tuition if payment is made
before the start of the school year Sept. 4th of the current school year.
Bi-Payment which is a Part Payment Plan: Where an initial payment of minimum of 50% is required
for persons to be qualified for a 5% discount on the total tuition.

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Center Name : St. Georges College GROUP MEMBERS
Names Registration #
Centre Code. : 100107
1. Joseph Israel 100107xxxx
Territory : Jamaica W.I. 2. Ishmael Mwendwa 100107xxxx
Date of Exam : May/June 2024 3. Jaiden Nkozi 100107xxxx
4. Shadrack Kabete 100107xxxx
5. David Bahati 100107xxxx

Tri-Payment which is a three-part payment Plan: This option attracts a 7.5% interest which will be
added to the tuition fee.

For each grade level you are required to:

1. Create a table in spreadsheet that records the following data for each student: ID Number, Last Name,
First Name, Gender and Grade Level.
NB. The student ID has a format as XX23PPP where XX is the student’s first and last name initial,
23 represents the year and PPP represents a three-digit number starting at 001.

2. Add a new column to determine the students school fee based on their Grade level.
3. Insert columns to:
a) determine the appropriate payment plan
b) use an appropriate function to display the percentages for discount/interest based on the payment
plan selected
c) calculate the discount or interest due for each student
d) calculate the amount to be paid for tuition
e) enter the actual amount paid by each student
f) calculate the balance for each student
4. Calculate totals for all tuition, discount/interest, actual amount paid and the balance
Save the spreadsheet as PAYMENT1.

Modify the table as follows

5. A new student O’Neil Golding has been added to the upper school population, the student’s fee was paid
in full.
6. The third student was unable to meet the requirement for full payment plan and instead selected the tri-
payment plan. Make the necessary changes.

 Use pre-defined functions and formulae to work out Tasks (A)
 Use of range names for your columns e.g., Grade level, Payment Plan, etc.

Save the spreadsheet as PAYMENT1 MODIFIED.

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Center Name : St. Georges College GROUP MEMBERS
Names Registration #
Centre Code. : 100107
1. Joseph Israel 100107xxxx
Territory : Jamaica W.I. 2. Ishmael Mwendwa 100107xxxx
Date of Exam : May/June 2024 3. Jaiden Nkozi 100107xxxx
4. Shadrack Kabete 100107xxxx
5. David Bahati 100107xxxx

1. Name the range of the table in task A (excluding the headings) as StudInfo.
2. Copy data last name, first name, gender, grade level, school fee, payment plan, discount, interest, Total
payment due from Task A and place in a new worksheet using an appropriate function and the range
Modify the spreadsheet to show the following:
1. Sort the data by payment plan in ascending order then by last name in ascending order
2. In another section of the spreadsheet use complex criteria to extract all persons who opted for bi-payment
or tri-payment
3. With the aid of a pivot table in a new worksheet, create a summary table to show total males, total
females, total students, total payments received, Total amount owed, maximum amount owed, minimum
amount owed, Average Payments Received.

Save your spreadsheet as PAYMENT2.

4. The principal in a bid to encourage the payment of balances has decided to reduce the interest rate to
6.5%. Make the necessary changes to the spreadsheet.
Save your spreadsheet as PAYMENT3.

The principal has made plans to present a report to the Board Chairman who is interested in the payment plans
along with expected revenues to be collected.
You are required to:
1. Create a pie chart to illustrate the total number of students in each payment plan. Give the chart an
appropriate name and place it on a separate sheet.

2. Generate a bar graph to show the trend in fee payments for upper school students. Use of appropriate
titles and labels. Place the graph in a suitable section on the worksheet.
Save your spreadsheet as PAYMENT4.

Page 2 of 11
Center Name : St. Georges College GROUP MEMBERS
Names Registration #
Centre Code. : 100107
1. Joseph Israel 100107xxxx
Territory : Jamaica W.I. 2. Ishmael Mwendwa 100107xxxx
Date of Exam : May/June 2024 3. Jaiden Nkozi 100107xxxx
4. Shadrack Kabete 100107xxxx
5. David Bahati 100107xxxx

1. Format the appropriate data on the spreadsheet for currency to 2 decimal places, and all other values with
the comma style to 0 decimal places.
2. All columns’ headings should be centred and embolden appearing in a slightly larger font size.
3. Apply gridlines where applicable.

Ensure to format your spreadsheet so that it looks presentable with the following guidelines:
The use of font colour, merging of title rows, borders and shading and text wrapping is allowed.


Information must be maintained on all students attending the LearnMore High School. Using information from
your spreadsheet, you are required to design and populate a database with students’ data. You may accept at
least thirty (30) but no more than forty-five (45) students.


Creating Tables
1. Create a table called STUDENT DATA to store the following personal information on students and should
include: Student ID, name, gender, date of birth, telephone number, and Grade level.

Field Name Data Type Description Field
Student ID Text The unique student identification 7
First Name Text The first name of the student 15
Last Name Text The last name of the student 25
Gender Text The gender of the student 6
Date of birth Date and The date of birth of the student
Telephone Number Text The contact number for the student’s 14
parent or guardian
Grade level Text The grade level of the student 13

NB. The student ID has a format as XX23PPP where XX is the student’s first and last name initial, 23
represents the year and PPP represents a three digit number starting at 001.

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Center Name : St. Georges College GROUP MEMBERS
Names Registration #
Centre Code. : 100107
1. Joseph Israel 100107xxxx
Territory : Jamaica W.I. 2. Ishmael Mwendwa 100107xxxx
Date of Exam : May/June 2024 3. Jaiden Nkozi 100107xxxx
4. Shadrack Kabete 100107xxxx
5. David Bahati 100107xxxx

2. Create a table called SCHOOL FEE to store the school fee data on each student. The table should include
student ID, method of payment, School Fee amount, Receipt of Payment, Amount Paid and whether a
discount is given or the student pays interest.

3. Create another table called Parent (Guardian) information to store the student_ID, Parent/Guardian
First Name, Last Name Title, address, telephone number and relationship (between student and
parent/guardian) of all the students.

You are required to:

(i). Design and create database tables (files) to meet the required criteria.
(ii). Appropriate data types/ fields which are to be used when designing the structure of each table.
(iii). Establish the necessary relationships to ensure that the database you have created is efficient.
(iv). Ensure that each field has the appropriate description and field properties
(v). Sort the STUDENT DATA table by Student ID in ascending order
(vi). Create a form to show each Student data and sub form to display the student ID, School Fee amount,
Receipt of Payment, Amount Paid and whether a discount is given or the student pays interest.
(vii). Copy all tables (files) populated with appropriate records along with design views and paste in a
word processing document. Name the word document as DATABASE WP Version.

Using your database, generates the following queries:

1. List the last name, address, phone number of all Lower School students who have paid in E-full. Name
this query LS_E-Full.

2. List the names, Student ID and total paid of all students whose total payment exceeds $150,000. Name
this query L_AmountPaid.

3. Count the number of students who applied for the Tri-Payment option. Name this query Count_Tri-

4. The school decided to build a new AV room and as such requires parents with payment plans to pay
quickly. In an effort to encourage parents with Tri payment plan to pay quickly the school decided to
give an additional discount of 5%. Create a copy of the Student fee table called NEW_Student fee. Use
an update query to compute the 5% discount. Save the query

5. The age of student may be a factor in determining the Grade level of which they are apart. List the name
and date of birth for students who are between the ages seventeen (17) to nineteen (19) inclusive. Name
this query SeventeenToNineteen.

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Center Name : St. Georges College GROUP MEMBERS
Names Registration #
Centre Code. : 100107
1. Joseph Israel 100107xxxx
Territory : Jamaica W.I. 2. Ishmael Mwendwa 100107xxxx
Date of Exam : May/June 2024 3. Jaiden Nkozi 100107xxxx
4. Shadrack Kabete 100107xxxx
5. David Bahati 100107xxxx

6. Calculate the total amount paid for each Method of Payment. Show Method of payment and Amount
paid. Name the query Method_of_Payment.

7. Create a query called Query_Bi to display the name of parents who selected Bi payment plan, receipt of
registration form, balance owing and due date.

8. The School Board is interested in knowing the outstanding balance for all Part Payments students.
Perform a query to display the Balance for these students. Print the names, total paid and Balance. Name
this query Balance.


9. Prepare a report which lists the names of all students who have made Part payment. The report must
show each student’s name, student ID, Address, Grade level, amount paid, Balance. The report
should be sorted by Last name and grouped by Grade level. For each grouping level the report must
indicate the total paid and total balance. A grand total of total amount paid and balance should be
indicated at the end of the report. The report should have the following titles on THREE lines

“Summary of Outstanding Balance”

“Fee Payment Incentive Program 2023-24”
“List of Students who made part payment”




1. The Board Chairman has instructed that an attractive brochure should be created to provide information
about the school such as subjects offered, extracurricular activities, achievements, school fees and payment
A table should be included in the brochure.

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Center Name : St. Georges College GROUP MEMBERS
Names Registration #
Centre Code. : 100107
1. Joseph Israel 100107xxxx
Territory : Jamaica W.I. 2. Ishmael Mwendwa 100107xxxx
Date of Exam : May/June 2024 3. Jaiden Nkozi 100107xxxx
4. Shadrack Kabete 100107xxxx
5. David Bahati 100107xxxx

2. The principal of the Learn More High school will be sending application forms to inviting parents to apply
for Fee Payment Incentive Program for the school year. You are asked to design the fillable application form.
The application form must allow for the entry of relevant data on the student, including the grade level and
payment plan.
The application form should be designed on letter size paper (8 ½” x 11”) using suitable features of a word
processing application. Ensure to include examples of the following in the creation of your fillable form:
textbox, drop-down list, check box or date picker, radio buttons and command buttons. The left and right
margin must be set to 1”. All other margins should be set to 0.5”. A School logo must be created and placed
within the application form and a suitable footer must be inserted, with the words center aligned. The
registration form must include the following:
 Parent’s name, mailing address, contact number (Home, Office, Mobile), Email, Relationship to the
student(Parent/Guardian), Student’s name, grade level, date of birth, gender, school fees and date the
3. Design a suitable letterhead for your document, which should be placed in a header. The letterhead will
display the school’s name, logo, school motto, address, telephone number, fax number, email address and
website address where applicable in the header section

A suitable footer must be inserted, with the words center aligned.

3. Using a suitable feature of the Word Processing application, prepare a letter to be sent to parents who have
selected the BI-Payment plan. The letter should acknowledge receipt of registration form and indicate
balance owing and due date.

Note: The letter should be merged and sent to parents who selected the BI-Payment.

4. Ensure to include any four of the following formatting features, that will enhance document presentation of
a high professional standard:
 Bold, underline, italics  Superscript and or subscript
 Justification (centre, right, full)  Changes in font or font size
 Changes in line spacing  Page Numbering

Page 6 of 11
Center Name : St. Georges College GROUP MEMBERS
Names Registration #
Centre Code. : 100107
1. Joseph Israel 100107xxxx
Territory : Jamaica W.I. 2. Ishmael Mwendwa 100107xxxx
Date of Exam : May/June 2024 3. Jaiden Nkozi 100107xxxx
4. Shadrack Kabete 100107xxxx
5. David Bahati 100107xxxx

5. (a) Main/Primary Document should be saved as BI-Payment Plan.

(b) Merged Document should be saved as BI-Payment Plan List Merged.

6. Design a report to inform the school board of directors how effective was the Fee Payment
Incentive Program and informing them of all students who made part-payment. The report
should contain:
a) The Pivot data summary from the Spreadsheet of Task B
b) The graphs created in the Spreadsheet
c) The results of at least two queries created in the Database.

Provide a small paragraph commenting on each illustration presented.

Note: The report should be three (3) to four (4) pages. Save the report as Directors Report



The Board of Directors has requested that you design a web page to inform the public of the Fee
Payment Incentive Program (2023-24) for Learn More High School.


1. Plan a website structure and organization of pages

2. A brief description of the content of each web page on a website

Create web pages. The web pages should include the following:

1. The logo you created in your main document (Word Processing component).
2. Background information of Learn More High School.
3. Display information about the Fee Payment Incentive Program (2023-24) implemented by
the school.
4. Fee structure
5. Links to contact details of the board chairman and school principal’s email address, link to
user-created files (e.g., brochure) and other links of interest (another website e.g. ministry
of education, etc.), other location within the webpage etc. Be informative and creative in
your design.

Save your Website as LMHSXFeeProgram. (Where X is your group number)

Page 1 of 11
Center Name : St. Georges College GROUP MEMBERS
Names Registration #
Centre Code. : 100107
1. Joseph Israel 100107xxxx
Territory : Jamaica W.I. 2. Ishmael Mwendwa 100107xxxx
Date of Exam : May/June 2024 3. Jaiden Nkozi 100107xxxx
4. Shadrack Kabete 100107xxxx
5. David Bahati 100107xxxx


1. State the problem that the algorithm will solve and explain how it will solve it.
2. Create a defining diagram (IPO chart) for the problem stated in (1) above.
3. The school board of directors have requested you to write a pseudocode algorithm which will:
a) accept students’ information such as name, ID number and grade level.
b) The algorithm should also determine the school fee based on the student’s grade level (this
information should be taken from spreadsheet).
c) The program should determine whether or not the student qualifies for a discount based on
the payment option selected. Persons who select the early full payment plan (E-FULL)
will be given a discount of 10%. Persons who select the two-part payment plan ( BI-
Payment) will be given a discount of 5%. Persons who select the three-part payment plan
(TRI-Payment) will be required to pay an interest of 7.5% on the tuition cost.
d) The ID, name and grade level of each student along with their outstanding balance should
be displayed (listed).


4. Using data (use 5-8 records) from your spreadsheet, design and execute a trace table that will
test the correctness of the pseudocode algorithm done in step 2 above, ensuring that students
who qualify for a discount based on the payment option are determined and awarded
Column headers:
a) accept students’ information such as name, ID number and grade level.
b) determine the school fee based on the student’s grade level
c) determine whether or not the student qualifies for a discount


4. Once your trace table is producing the correct results for the pseudocode, write a program in a
pascal language to implement the algorithm created in step 2 of problem solving. Test with
relevant values (both correct and incorrect values) and show the output.
Make sure you include comments to explain your Pascal code.
Your program should also include the following documentation:
 Your Name
 Name of Program
 Month and year of completion
 Brief description of your program
 Comments to explain the use of conditional branches, loops and/or significant
statement(s) responsible for other calculations

Page 2 of 11
Center Name : St. Georges College GROUP MEMBERS
Names Registration #
Centre Code. : 100107
1. Joseph Israel 100107xxxx
Territory : Jamaica W.I. 2. Ishmael Mwendwa 100107xxxx
Date of Exam : May/June 2024 3. Jaiden Nkozi 100107xxxx
4. Shadrack Kabete 100107xxxx
5. David Bahati 100107xxxx

You may adopt the suggested layout for your output as shown below.


Students with Outstanding Balances
ID. No. Name Amount (J$)
219001 Dave Baker 125000
210001 Kelly Yamashita 47000
220054 Simms Kiyohara 19000
190136 Richard Kubo 8700
201081 NaninIndra-Payoong 64900

TASK D - Documentation
The problem statement, pseudocode algorithm, trace table and program written in pascal code,
screen shots (executable file generated from your program) should be submitted in one
document. The document should be called

LMHSXDocumentation2024.pdf (Where X is your group number)

Additional Requirements Guidelines

Each component should have a Cover sheet with the following information: your name, teacher’s
name, candidate number, school’s name, territory (Jamaica), Proficiency (General), subject,
component and year.

1. Each component should be submitted electronically with your name indicate with each file
2. Program execution – you are required to submit test data, screenshots of working program
showing data entry and results produced along with what would have been submitted for the
programming component.

” First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.” - John Johnson
“The best way to prepare [to be a programmer] is to write programs, and to study great programs
that other people have written.” – Bill Gates, Microsoft co-founder

*End of Test*

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