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a a-e
ai ay ei
• Students read through the passage and find all the a long

• Students must read the instructions to ensure they understand which

spelling pattern they are searching for.

• Students then complete the supporting page to list the words

they identified, use them in a sentence and then show they
have comprehended the text by drawing a picture.

Included long a spelling patters:

• a (acorn)
• a-e (bake)
• ai (snail)
• ay (bay)
• ei (weigh)
• All combined for revision practice

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Find and circle the words with a long a vowel
spelled with ‘a’.

Kevin was bored. He was at work in his basic, easy and boring
job putting data into his computer.

Kevin got up and walked to the bathroom. He needed to

wake up or he might fall asleep at his desk. He filled the basin
with water and splashed it onto his face.

Suddenly, something small burst into the bathroom. Kevin

turned around and was shocked! It was a green alien smiling
at him. The alien was wearing an old apron and had oil all
over his hands.

‘You have to help me!’ the alien said, ‘I’m Ajax and I am a
secret agent from my planet. My UFO has just crashed and I
need to find some acorn oil to get it going again.’
Kevin was excited, this made work a little more interesting.

Kevin rushed Ajax to the garden and they quickly found an

acorn tree.
’Thank you, giant man. My crash could have been fatal if it
were not for you!’
Ajax grabbed a handful of acorns and suddenly beamed

Kevin went back up to his desk and smiled, what a day!

Find all the long a vowels spelled with ’a’ and list them here.

Pick two of the ‘a’ words and put them into a sentence.




Draw a picture of the story.

Find and circle the words with a long a vowel
spelled with ‘a_e’.
Nate was playing a board game with his best friend Chase and he
was about to win. It was a new game called ‘Prison Escape’. You
had to race to get out of prison and Nate had gotten out of the
maze and was so close to the end!

‘Nate!’ Nate’s mother called out, ‘Have you made your bed?’
‘Yes Mom!’ Nate called back about to shake the dice.
‘Okay, well why don’t you play outside? You could take your
skateboard down to the park?’ she yelled back.
‘MOM! I’m about to win the game, leave us alone!’ Nate
‘You be nice and behave Nate!’ she replied, ‘Are you hungry?’
Nate looked up at Chase, getting angry. He needed one roll to
win and his mom kept interrupting!
‘Yes, we ate Mom!’
‘Well I’ve just baked a cake and we also have grapes. I’ll bring
some into you boys’
‘No Mom! We’re fine.’

Angry, Nate rolled the dice.

‘Oh no! Doubles!’ Nate cried. He had to go back two spaces.
Chase could now win! Chase picked up the dice and rolled them.
‘Seven, yes! I’ve won!’ yelled Chase, moving to the last square.
‘Oh no!’ Nate cried!
Chase smiled and shook Nate’s hands.
‘Well at least you get some cake!’
Find all the long a vowels spelled with ’a_e’ and list them here.

Pick two of the ‘a_e’ words and put them into a sentence.




Draw a picture of the story.

Find and circle the words with a long a vowel
spelled with ‘ai’.
Sammy the snail was painting his boat. He was about to sail
around the world, but his boat needed some work. He
needed to add some paint details and fix the main sail.

Sammy had just got paid but had spent it all on the boat and
so was doing this work himself, without any aid. Sammy could
not wait until he was done, because he was going to sail
straight for Hawaii!

After a couple of weeks, Sammy was almost done. It was his

last day on land and he was about to head off. He only had a
little bit of paint in the cabin that remained. Sammy got down
into the cabin and started painting. He aimed right for the
unpainted bits.

Suddenly, Sammy started to feel faint. The paint smell was

very strong and Sammy had to stop for a second. He did not
want to fail so started painting again but soon he felt faint
and left the cabin little afraid. Sammy went up onto the deck
for some fresh air.

‘Well, I suppose I don’t need my cabin painted.’ Sammy

explained to himself.
Sammy put down his paints, pulled up the anchor and started
off on his adventure.
Find all the long a vowels spelled with ’ai’ and list them here.

Pick two of the ‘ai’ words and put them into a sentence.




Draw a picture of the story.

Find and circle the words with a long a vowel
spelled with ‘ay’.

It was Sunday morning and Ray’s team were playing in the final.
It was Ray’s birthday and he wanted to win so bad! The game
was one all with only a minute left and no one knew which way
it would go.

Ray was playing a good game and had kicked the ball away
from the other team. Clay from Ray’s team got the ball and
kicked it along the ground to May. The team relayed the ball up
the ground, from player to player.

Suddenly, May called something out, but Ray did not hear
because his hearing had been bad all day.
‘What did you say?’ Ray yelled.
‘Run long Ray!’ May called.

Ray took off and ran all the way to the goal square. May kicked
the ball straight to him and Ray dribbled it towards the goals.
There was only five seconds left to play!
Ray was right in front and kicked the ball into the air. It swayed
in the wind and Ray prayed it would go straight through. Goal!
‘Yay!’ cried Ray!
‘What a goal!’ yelled May, jumping onto Ray’s back as the final
siren went.
‘What a birthday!’
Find all the long a vowels spelled with ’ay’ and list them here.

Pick two of the ‘ay’ words and put them into a sentence.




Draw a picture of the story.

Find and circle the words with a long a vowel
spelled with ‘ei’.

It was almost Christmas and Dancer the reindeer was getting

himself ready. Dancer went down to the first reindeer meeting
with Santa and saw his neighbor Prancer. Prancer looked like
he kept himself very fit over summer.
Dancer looked down and thought to himself, ‘I look a little

The eight reindeer came together and Santa told them they
were all going to be weighed. He said that last year, they
were a little slow, so he needed his reindeer to be fast and fit.
‘Oh no!’ Dancer neighed.

Three reindeers were weighed and then Prancer, who did not
weigh much.
‘Okay Dancer, your turn.’ Santa said.
Dancer was sweating as he stepped up to the scales. The
scales skyrocketed and stopped, showing he was very heavy.
Dancer looked down, ‘I’m sorry Santa. I think I ate too much
this summer.’
‘Oh, that’s okay Dancer. I know what it is like eating a little too
much.’ Santa said laughing and rubbing his tummy.
‘The other’s have lost so much, I think we’ll be fine.’ he
added, putting the reins over Dancers neck with a smile.
Find all the long a vowels spelled with ’ei’ and list them here.

Pick two of the ‘ei’ words and put them into a sentence.




Draw a picture of the story.

Find and circle the words with a long ‘a’ vowel sound.
One Sunday night a spaceship came flying through the air
towards Earth. It landed with a thump, making the trees
shake. Dust sailed through the air as the ship’s door slowly

Sitting on his backyard porch, playing a game, a small boy

called Tate jumped up as something odd fell from the sky. He
thought maybe it was a flying reindeer. He was afraid but
wanted to know what the odd thing was, so he raced
towards the forest. Tate quickly came across something big
and metal and bravely stepped to get a closer look. He was
shaking and knew this object was something special.

Suddenly, Tate tripped on an acorn and fell onto the ground.

As he lay on the ground, above him came a very odd sight. It
was a very afraid looking alien! Tate jumped up straight away
to try to escape but his shoe got caught on a tree stump.

To Tate’s surprise, the alien did not try to hurt him. It simply put
its hand out to help him get up. Tate smiled and asked the
alien if he was okay. The alien told him he had hit a plane in
the air as he was trying to fly home to Mars. The alien felt like a

Tate and the alien spent the rest of the night fixing the
spaceship. Tate then pointed the alien in the right way and
they said goodbye with a big hug.
Sort the words you found by different ways to spell the long a vowel.

Why did the alien crash?


Why do you think the alien would be afraid?


Would you run and see what crashed like Tate did? Explain why or
why not.


acorn alien apron agent basic basin data fatal Ajax

Nate game Chase escape race maze made shake
take skateboard behave baked cake grapes spaces

Snail painting sail details main aid paid wait straight
remained aimed unpainted faint fail again afraid

Sunday Ray birthday playing way away Clay May
relayed player day say way play swayed prayed

Reindeer neighbor overweight eight weighed neighed
weigh rein

Combined practice
a a-e ai ay ei
acorn spaceship sailed sunday reindeer
alien shake afraid playing
Game straight lay
Tate failure away
raced way

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