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Name : Godwin M.

Labaya Score : ______

Section : G2-AP5
Room # : GLE-031

Check Your Progress

Note: a) Use the space provided for your answer.
b) If possible, have your answers computerized using this template.
c) Copy pasted answers based on opinionated questions will not be given credit.

Activity 1 (20 points) Which is more functional? Directions: Browse the internet and cite for functions of
Statue and Paintings and decide which is more functional.

Functions of Statues

According to A dynamic site of meaning is conveyed by statues, which are

images or symbols that serve as tools of expression.
control, knowledge, and communication. They possess the ability to reveal every facet of society. They
act as a link between the past, present, and future in time. Statues provide verifiable proof of a nation's
fundamental identity. Therefore, statues are built for a variety of purposes throughout the world. Statues
were built, for instance, to honor national heroes and heroines, to convey mythological histories, to
symbolize a nation, to conserve cultural heritage, to adorn cities, and to establish the legitimacy of

According to Rather, since antiquity, statues in public areas have mostly served
as symbols of authority and power. It is therefore no accident that a large number of the Confederate
monuments that have caused such controversy in America recently were built to express the power
dynamics of the Jim Crow era decades after they were built, rather than to honor the US Civil War. This
highlights another enduring aspect of statues throughout history: most of them have featured male
subjects, typically from the armed forces. According to the Public Monuments and Sculpture
Association's database, non-royal women make up just 2.7% of Britain's civic statues.

According to At face value, a statue may be thought of as a reminder of

history and culture, but in reality, they are much more than that: according to Palczewski et al. (84), "they
guide people in their thinking about those facts from the past, how to act in the present, and what possible
futures to seek... they also direct people's views of themselves." Public monuments serve as symbols of
the culture that a society has chosen to preserve. A community's values influence both its culture and the
interpersonal relationships among its members. Consequently, an individual's self-identity is shaped in
part by the relationships that members of a community have with one another, which are founded in the
chosen beliefs of that society.

Functions of Paintings

According to Wikipedia. History paintings, as opposed to portrait, still life, and landscape
paintings, capture a specific and static moment in a narrative story, usually (but not only) drawn from
Bible stories and Greek and Roman mythology. The term "story painting" is derived from the broader
meanings of the Latin and French words "histoire" and "historia," which respectively mean "story" or
"narrative". The majority of historical paintings, particularly those created before roughly 1850, do not
depict historical events.

According to Gaining knowledge about (and appreciation for)

diverse cultures has several advantages. It's a requirement of being a global citizen to live in the world.
Learning about paintings is a great way to cultivate an appreciation for different cultures, especially for
young people who might not have had much exposure to cultures other than their own. A person's
appreciation of culture extends beyond mere painting viewing. Investigating an art style's background, the
identity of the creator, and the message they were attempting to convey are also crucial.
According to A "history painting" is characterized by a somber storyline
or by the inclusion of action figures meant to have a didactic quality. The Italian word "istoria," which
means "narrative or story," is related to the English word "history" in this sense (and not the accurate or
documentary description of actual events). Historical paintings are frequently quite large. The Bible,
mythology, other secular literature, historical events, or allegories can all be used as the inspiration for
their subjects. It is believed that noble themes are especially deserving of representation. Beginning in the
16th century, history painting was considered the most significant genre and the pinnacle of an academic
painter's education. It was literature's equivalent of an epic or tragedy.

Which is more functional? Explain.

As a student, I believe that paintings are more significant and have multiple purposes in human
civilization, contributing to the cultural, emotional, and intellectual components of society. They provide
cultural expression, historical recording, idea transfer, cognitive stimulation, and economic influence for
us and our ancestors. paintings function as a visual language, reflecting a society's cultural identity and
values, which makes them a means of cultural expression. They facilitate intercultural communication
and the generational transmission of cultural narratives, customs, and historical events. Historical
documentation because paintings frequently act as time capsules that provide light on the social, political,
and economic circumstances of their respective eras.

3rd is Idea transfer, artistsuse their works to convey difficult topics, viewpoints, and ideas.
Because looking at and comprehending paintings activates cognitive functions, cognitive stimulation is
also one of the few important aspects that make paintings significant. Interpreting the artist's intention,
analyzing visual components, and figuring out symbolism promote critical thinking and intellectual
engagement. The economic impact of artworks comes last. The production, marketing, and display of
paintings are all part of the art industry, which makes a substantial economic contribution to the world
economy. The vibrant industry of artists, galleries, museums, and other enterprises creates jobs and
economic value. These are the reasons why I think paintings are more functional than statues.

Activity 2 (15 points) Directions: List at least five examples for each of the following.

1. Personal function of Art

- Emotional expression through painting
- Journaling through sketching
- Music composition for emotional release
- Digital art for escapism
- Poetry for Introspection
2. Social function of Art
- Art as activism
- Political Street Art
- Art education for social awareness
- Art in public spaces for cultural dialogue
- Art Exhibitions Addressing Social Themes
3. Physical function of art
- Chair
- Building
- Pencil
- Bike
- Fork

Activity 3 (10 points) Directions: Give your own perception of beauty? What is beauty to you? Do you
have standards to consider art as beautiful? Explain.

From the art style to the color palettes, you can notice the “beauty” that comes from
within the painting. Beauty does not come from how aesthetically pleasing it looks; rather, it
comes from how much emotion and passion were put into the art. That is why art in itself is
universal, because no matter how long it has been since a piece of art was released, we can still
enjoy, investigate, and cherish it for how it is in the present day. From the art style to the color
palettes, you can notice the “beauty” that comes from within the painting. Beauty does not come
from how aesthetically pleasing it looks; rather, it comes from how much emotion and passion
were put into the art. That is why art in itself is universal, because no matter how long it has been
since a piece of art was released, we can still enjoy, investigate, and cherish it for how it is in the
present day.

Activity 4 (10 points) Directions: Do you have any artworks at home in your house? Choose only one and
give its history and function.

(Image of Jesus Christ in our home)

This artwork (sculpture) of the image of Jesus Christ was here in our home since 2015. It’s been
wrapped around by a huge rosary to represent peace and integrity and to also ward out evil from within
our vicinity. The history of sculpting the image of Jesus Christ is really rich so I am just going to be
talking about the summary or the most relevant parts. According to Wikipedia, the oldest known portrait
of Jesus, found in Syria and dated to about 235, shows him as a beardless young man of authoritative and
dignified bearing. He is depicted with close-cropped hair and wearing a tunic and pallium—the common
male dress for much of Greco-Roman society, and similar to that found in the figure art in the Dura-
Europos Synagogue. Now, the function of this statue to our house and to the people in public who also
owns their own depiction of Jesus Christ is to guard the urban environment like a roof over your head,
just like Jesus Christ did. Just like any other shelter, Jesus Christ is essential. The soul is protected by
Christ the Redeemer.

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