English Year 3 Assessment

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1 Welcome ! 1-4

2 Every Day 4-8

3 Right Now 9-12

4 Year In, Year Out 13-16

5 My New House 17-20

6 Food, Please! 21-24

7 Out And About 25-28

8 Where Were You Yesterday? 29-32

9 On Holiday 33-36

10 The World Around Us 36-40

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

Unit 1: Welcome!

A. Write the correct answers.

curly hair blonde hair

short hair beautiful hair

Daniel, Ming, Joanne and Anaya are at the beach.

They have different types of hair.
They are talking about their hair.

2. 4.

1. 3.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Recognise and reproduce with support a
A 1.1.1
range of target language phonemes.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

B. Read the email carefully and answer the questions that follow.

To: brendan123@gmail.com
From: jessica88@yahoo.com
Subject: Grace’s Birthday Party
Hi Brendan,
I would like to inform you that my baby girl, Grace, is two years old now. Uncle
Tony and I will be having a birthday party for her next Saturday. It will be held at our new
house in Mont Kiara. We would be happy if you could come to the party. The party will
start at 5.00 p.m.
I have enclosed a photo of my little girl. Isn’t she cute? I bet you can’t wait to see
her this weekend.
Welcome to Grace’s birthday party. See you then.

Hugs and kisses

Aunt Jessica

1. Who invited Brendan to the party?

A. Grace
B. Uncle Tony
C. Aunt Jessica
D. Brendan’s parents

2. The email above is about ____________________.

A. a successful story
B. congratulating Brendan
C. a birthday invitation
D. holding a farewell party

3. The phrase ‘to inform you’ means to ________________________________.

A. remind you
B. talk to you
C. email you
D. tell you

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Understand specific information and details
of short simple texts.
B Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
3.2.3 from clues provided by visuals on the

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

C. This is a picture of Mary and her family.

Use the notes to write five sentences about her family.

1. Mary-has 5. sister – sings-

shoulder-length- plays the piano
curly hair

2. mother – has 4. brother – fifteen

long curly hair years old – plays

3. father- has black

straight hair

1. Mary _____________________________________________________________.

2. Her mother ________________________________________________________.

3. Her father _________________________________________________________.

4. Her brother ________________________________________________________.

5. Her sister __________________________________________________________.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Describe people and objects using suitable
C 4.2.4
words and phrases.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

D. What’s the time? Write the correct answers based on the pictures.

1. What is the time?


2. What is the time?


3. What is the time?


Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Understand with support short simple
D Describe people and objects using suitable
words and phrases.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

Unit 2: Every Day

A. Read the Facebook post below and use the information to complete the following

Mohd Ammar

I was born in Kampung Pandan, Senai, Johor. The village is near the airport. I have an
ambition. I loves flying. I want to be a pilot. In 2008, I joined the army. I trained to be a jet
fighter. At the age of 25, I finished my studies. Now, I am a pilot with the armed forces in
Butterworth camp.

Connie : Who is that man? (Flipping through a photo album on Facebook)

Harry : He’s my childhood friend, Mohd Ammar. He’s now (1) ______________________
with the armed forces.
Connie : I see. Why did he choose to be a pilot?
Harry : Well, he (2) _________________________________________________________.
Connie : It’s great that young people have their own (3) _____________________________.
What did he do then?
Harry : In 2008, he (4) _______________________________________________________.
Connie : Wow! A jet fighter! So where is he now?
Harry : He’s working with (5) _________________________________________________.
Connie : Did you stay in touch with him all these years?
Harry: Yes, I always do. He’s one of my close friends.
Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Understand with support the main idea of
short simple texts.
A Understand with support specific
1.2.2 information and details of short simple

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

B. Tick ( ) the correct response for each picture.

Who bought you these shoes?

Who mended the shoes?

How do you go to school

every morning?

I take the bus to school.

I drive the train.

What do you do after school?

What do you like to do during your

free time?

How are you doing, Madam?

What would you like to order,

I would like to order a plate of Madam?

spaghetti Bolognese.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Find out about and describe basic everyday
B 2.1.2

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

C. Read the following stories.

Hi, I am Kamal. I go to school by Hi, I am Sandy. I always take the bus

car. My father sends me to school to school. Sometimes, my mother
every morning. After sending me, he drives me to school. My mother is a
goes to work. My father is a lawyer. nurse. She works in a clinic.
He works in an office.

My name is Jason. I always ride the

bicycle to school. My father does not
My name is Lucy. I always walk to
have time to send me to school. He
school with my friend, Kelsey. The
leaves the house early to go to work.
school is very near to our house.
He works as a bank manager.

Circle the correct answer.

1. Kamal goes to school by _______________________________.

2. Sandy always goes to school by _________________________.

3. Jason rides his ________________________________to school.

4. Lucy _______________________________________to school.

5. Kelsey _____________________________________ to school.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Understand the main idea of short
simple texts.
Understand specific information and
details of short simple texts.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

D. Use the following notes to write five sentences.

1. Dr Helmi – dentist
works - clinic

2. Mr Ravi – policeman
works – police station

3. Encik Adam – firefighter

works – fire station

4. Uncle Lim – fishmonger

sells fish – market

5. Mr Kumar – barber
works – barber shop

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Describe people and objects using
D 4.2.4
suitable words and phrases.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

Unit 3 - Right Now

A. Match the correct activities with the poem.

throwing the ball playing the guitar running

playing tennis

It’s a fun day!

We’re playing,

so let’s come and say!

Raj is (1)_____________________________________.

Matthew is (2)____________________________________.

Everybody is having fun!

So should you,

come on and sing,

Karen and Siti are (3)____________________________________.

Shafiq is (4)___________________________________.

Fun! Fun! Fun!

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Understand with support the main idea of
short simple texts.
5.1.1 Simple poems

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

B. Tick (√) the correct responses.

I’m washing-up.


I’m cleaning the floor.

I’m watering the floor.


I’m watering the plants.

I’m watching the television.


I’m making a cake.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Understand a wide range of short supported
B 1.2.5

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

C. Read and complete the bridge map.

John Lia Tim

as as

1. 2. 3.

D. Read and circle the correct answers.

1. Carrie ( is , are ) running.

2. John and Alvin ( is , are ) playing sports.

3. My father ( is , are ) playing table tennis.

4. Thomas and Mary ( is , are ) exercising.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
2.1.1 Ask about and express basic opinions.
C Understand the main idea of short simple
Understand the main idea of short simple
D 3.2.1

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

E. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

Yes, he is. Yes, she is. No, he isn’t. No, she isn’t.

1. Is Lokman doing gymnastics?


2. Is Maria throwing a ball?


3. Is Wei Chen running?


4. Is Linda climbing a rope?


5. Is Sanjay sitting on the floor?


Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
E 4.2.1 Express simple opinions.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

Unit 4 - Year in, year out

A. Write the correct seasons.

summer autumn spring winter

1. 2.

3. 4.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Recognise and reproduce with support a
A 1.1.1
range of target language phonemes.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

B. Complete the months.

1. January 7.

2. 8.

3. 9.

4. 10.

5. 11.

6. 12. December

Performance 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ask about, make and respond to
B 2.1.4
simple predictions.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

C. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

in on at

1. 2.

They are playing snow _______ the Mandy has karate practice _______
winter. Sunday.

3. 4.

My relatives visit us ________ Chinese Hakim goes to sleep _________ night.

New Year.

5. 6.

Selvi wakes up early _______ the They eat dinner ________ 7:00 p.m.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Understand specific information and details
C 3.2.2
of short simple texts.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

D. Read and complete the double bubble map.

Canada Malaysia
The weather here is mostly cold. The weathers here are mostly hot and
During this weather, it snows and rains. cold and sometimes it rains. Many
Many Canadians go skiing because of the Malaysians go swimming because of the
weather. People will stay at home if it’s weather. People will stay at home if it’s
too cold. too cold.

1. Have _______________ 2. If it’s too cold, people 3. Have _______________

weather. will ________________.



It rains
Canada in both Malaysia

4. Many people go 5. Both countries have 6. Many people go

___________________ ___________________. ____________________

because of the weather. because of the weather.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Read and enjoy A1 fiction or non-fiction
print and digital texts of interest.
D Spell an increased range of familiar high
4.3.2 frequency words accurately in guided

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

Unit 5 : My New House

A. Listen. Draw the things you hear.

Track 6

B. Listen. Then, tick ( ✓ ) the correct pictures.

Track 7
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Understand with support specific
A 1.2.2 information and details of short simple
Understand with support the main idea of
B 1.2.1 short simple texts.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

C. Talk about the picture with a friend. Take turns to ask and answer the questions

D. Underline the correct answer.

1. Where is the kitchen?

It is (next to / in front of ) the dining room.

2. Where is the dining room?

It is (beside / between) the living room and kitchen.

3. Where are the bedrooms?

They are (upstairs / downstairs).

4. Where are the toys?

The toys are in the (bedroom / kitchen).

5. Where is the armchair?

It is in the (dining room / living room).

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Describe people and objects using suitable
C 2.1.5
words and phrases.
Understand a wide range of short supported
D 1.2.5 questions

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

E. Read the text.

My name is Ivan. My family moved into a new house two

months ago. It is brown and has a red roof. My room is green. I like
to play with my toy cars in my room. We have a cat called Timmy.
He likes to run around in the garden. He likes to chase after
Cheng Huat lives near my house. We go to school together. We
are in the same class in school. We like to ride our bicycles after
school. This Saturday, I am going to Cheng Huat’s house to play. I
like living in my new house.

F. Write your answer in the space provided.

1. List two activities Timmy likes to do. 4. What do Ivan and Cheng
a. ___________________________ like to do after school?
b. ___________________________ _______________________
2. What does Ivan like to do in his room?
He likes to play _________________. 5. Does Ivan like living in
the new house?
3. Who does Ivan go to school. _______________________
He ____________________________.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Describe people and objects using suitable
E 3.2.2
words and phrases.
Understand a wide range of short supported
F 4.3.2 questions.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

G. Fill in the blanks and construct a sentence to show the correct usage of possessive
pronouns for each of the sentences given below.

These are Zahid’s indoor slippers. This is Jessy’s dress.
a) They’re Zahid’s. a) It’s Jessy’s.
b) They’re his._________________ b) It’s hers.___________________

1. This is Jia Yee’s storybook. 2. These are Viviana’s coats

a) _______ Jia Yee’s. a) ________ Viviana’s.
b) __________________________ b) __________________________

3. This is Madam Pang’s wardrobe. 4. This is Mr. Chong’s new house.

a) ________ Madam’s Pang’s. a) _________ Mr. Chong’s.
b) __________________________ b) __________________________

5. This is Muhammad’s bed. 6. These are Wen Qiang’s socks.

a) ________ Muhammad’s. a) ________ Wen Qiang’s.
b) __________________________ b) __________________________

7. This is Aisyah’s doll. 8. These are Robin’s trainers.

a) ________ Aisyah’s. a) _______ Robin’s.
b) __________________________ b) __________________________

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Use capital letters full stops and question
G 4.3.1 marks appropriately in guided writing at
sentence level.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

Unit 6 : Food, Please.

A. What do the children have in their food? Listen and tick (✓).

Track 8

B. Take turns to ask and answer questions. Write your answer.

1. What is your favourite food?

My favourite food is _________________________________________________

2. Why do you like the food?

I like the food because ________________________________________________

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Understand with support specific
A 1.2.2 information and details of short simple
Ask about and express basic opinions.
B 2.1.1

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

C. Read the dialogue.

This is tomato soup. My mom put tomatoes, onions, ginger,

and carrots into it.

It’s very tasty. Your mom is a good cook.

Yes, she is. I’m glad you like it.

C. i) Take turns to ask and answer questions based on the dialogue above.

1. Are there tomatoes in the soup? __________________________

2. Are there onions in the soup? __________________________

3. Is there parsley in the soup? __________________________

4. Is there ginger in the soup? __________________________

5. Is there cucumber in the soup? __________________________

6. Are there carrots in the soup? __________________________

D. Replace the pictures with words and answer the questions. Write your answer.


Question: Do you like ?

Answer: Yes, I do. Or No, I don’t.

1. Do you eat every week? 3. Do you want to eat for lunch?

___________________________. ___________________________.
2. Do you like ? 4. Do you have for breakfast?
___________________________. ___________________________.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
C 2.1.3 Give a short sequence of basic directions.

Describe people and objects using suitable

D 2.1.5 words and phrases.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

E. Read the dialogue.

Waiter : Welcome! Can I have your order, please?

Rania : I would like to have spaghetti with extra cheese, please.

Sam : Please give fried rice with chicken. Thanks.

Thila : I would like to have fried noodles with omelette.

Waiter : Can I have your order for drinks?

Sam : I would like some orange juice.

Thila : Please give me a glass of hot tea.

Rania : A glass of watermelon and carrot juice, please.

i) Answer the following questions.

1. Match the children to their food. 2. Write who ordered the following inks.

Thalia Rania Sam

F. Tick (✓) the correct answer.

1. The children are ___________. 2. The children are having

at home breakfast

in a café lunch

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
E 3.2.3 Give a short sequence of basic directions.

Describe people and objects using suitable

F 3.2.2 words and phrases.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

G. Study the recipe below. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Spell correctly.

How to Make Chicken Curry

What to prepare :

 8 chicken legs
 1 onion
 1 big tomato
 2 potatoes
 Some coconut milk
 Some water
 Some spices
 Some curry powder
 Some curry leaves

How to cook:

serve cut stir onion

milk cook chicken spices

1. C_____________________ onions, potatoes, and tomato into cubes

2. Fry the o_____________________, curry leaves and some _____________________.

3. Add the curry powder, c_____________________ and some water. Then,

s_____________________ them all together.

4. Add the potatoes and t___________________

5. Add the coconut m_____________________ and stir.

6. S_____________________ your curry with rice.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
4.2.3 Give simple directions.

G Spell an increased range of familiar high

4.3.2 frequency words accurately in guided

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

Unit 7: Out and About!

A. Name the animals.

duck horse cow
mouse chicken sheep

2. 3.



5. 6.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Recognise and reproduce with support a
A 1.1.1
range of target language phonemes.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

B. Change the animals to their plural form.


The (duck) ______________ are cute.


There are many (chicken)



There are (wolf) ______________ lurking

in the jungle.


My uncle has many (sheep)

______________ in his farm.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Describe people and objects using suitable
B 2.1.5
words and phrases.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

touch run eat

throw turn off listen

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Understand the main idea of short simple
C 3.2.1

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

D. Draw the time.

It’s a quarter past five.

Its half past seven.

It’s a quarter to twelve.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Recognise and use with support key
D 3.2.4 features of a simple monolingual

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

Unit 8: Where were you yesterday?

A. Write their emotions.

scary boring happy sad

Rahim and his friends go to the film theatre.

They all have different emotions while watching the film.

1. 2.

3. 4.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Recognise and reproduce with support
A 1.1.1
a range of target language phonemes.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

B. Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with ‘was’ and ‘were’.

1. There ___________________ a car.

2. There ___________________ two motorcycles.

3. There ___________________ a bus.

4. There ___________________ two girls walking.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Narrate very short basic stories and
B 2.3.1

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

C. Read and answer the questions based on the words given.

Where were you yesterday? (cinema)

I was at the cinema.

1. Where was Mindy yesterday? (library)


2. Where was Josh yesterday? (shopping centre)


3. Where were you two yesterday? (zoo)


4. Where were Alexandra and Deva yesterday? (hospital)


D. Rearrange the sentences.

1. very * was * It * noisy


2. film * was * The * scary * so


3. mother * kind * so * is * My


Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Find out about and describe basic
everyday routines.
C Describe people and objects using suitable
4.2.1 words and phrases.
Use capital letters, full stops and
D 4.3.1 questions marks appropriately in
guided writing at sentence level.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

E. Read the passage and write where the writer was.

Saturday morning – I was at the library with my mother. There were not that many
people. I read a storybook.

Saturday afternoon – I was at the shopping centre with my father. It was very noisy. My
father bought me a new T-shirt.

Saturday evening – I was at the park with my friends. We played football together. It was

Saturday night – I was at a restaurant with my family. I had fried rice and an apple juice.
It was delicious.

1. Where was the writer in the The writer was at the _________________________

morning? __________________________________________

2. Where was the writer in the The writer was at the _________________________

afternoon? __________________________________________

3. Where was the writer in the __________________________________________

evening? __________________________________________

4. Where was the writer at night? __________________________________________


Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Read and enjoy A1 fiction or non
fiction print and digital texts of interest.
E Describe people and objects using
4.2.4 suitable words and phrases

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

Unit 9: On Holiday
A. Read. Answer the question.

1. Did Greg feed the cat?




2. Did Anna pick flowers?




3. Did Greg catch a fish?




Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Understand specific information and details
A 1.2.2
of short simple texts.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

B. What did they do during the holidays? Tick (√) the correct answers.

1. What did Greg do at the weekend?

He camped at the park. ( )

He hiked on a hill. ( )

2. What did Joshua and Anna do at the


They went to the forest. ( )

They swam in the swimming pool. ( )

3. What did Jason do at the weekend?

He sailed on a boat. ( )

He rode on a plane. ( )

4. What did Katherine do at the weekend?

She rode her bikes. ( )

She took pictures. ( )

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Describe people and objects using suitable
B 2.1.5
words and phrases.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

C. Read and write the correct answers based on the pictures.

Last holiday, my family and I went to the ( 1 ) ____________________ .

We unpacked the food that we brought under a ( 2 ) ___________________ .

Next, my brother and I went to build a ( 3 ) ____________________ .

After that, we went swimming in the ( 4 ) ____________________ .

We ate when we were tired and rest at the beach. We waited to watch the sunset. We had an
enjoyable holiday.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
B 3.2.3 from clues provided by visuals and the

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

D. Look at the pictures. Then, write a sentence for each picture. Use ‘and’ or ‘but’.






saw – Eiffel Towel – pictures __________________________________

( but )




fed – koalas – kangaroos ___________________________________
( and )





swam – sea – sailed ___________________________________

( and )

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Understand a wide range of short supported
A 1.2.5

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

Unit 10: The World Around Us

A. Circle the correct animals.

1. Which is heavier?

A. B.

2. Which is bigger?

A. B.

3. Which is smaller?

A. B.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
D 4.2.5 from clues provided by visuals and the

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

B. Circle the correct answers.

1. A giraffe is __________ than a tiger.

A. taller
B. shorter

2. A lion is __________ than a dog.

A. weaker
B. stronger

3. A cat is __________ than a dog.

A. smaller
B. bigger

4. A cat is __________ than a dog.

A. longer
B. shorter

C. Change the given words into their superlative forms.

1. I’m the __________ (short) boy in my class.

2. My sister __________ (fast) girl in the school.

3. The wrestler is the __________ (big) person I have ever seen.

4. She enjoys being the __________ (smart) student in the classroom.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Understand specific information and details
B 3.2.2
of short simple texts.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

D. Look at the picture. Write ‘T’ for true sentences and ‘F’ for false sentences.

1. Saturn is smaller than Earth. ( )

2. Mercury is the smallest planet. ( )

3. Uranus is the closest to the Sun. ( )

4. Jupiter is the biggest planet. ( )

5. Neptune is the farthest to the Sun. ( )

6. Earth is father from the Sun than Uranus. ( )

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Read and enjoy A1 fiction / non-fiction
D 3.3.1
print and digital texts of interest.

DAY : _____________ DATE: _____________

E. Write sentences based on the pictures and words.






– smallest – __________________________________






– coldest – ___________________________________






– shark – scarier – dolphin ___________________________________

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Plan, draft and write an increased range of
E 4.3.3
simple sentences.


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