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Ref.: SP2020-AFD-TW-DSG-MNL-0002

Revision 01

January 2015
Airfield Design Manual




SP2020-AFD-TW-DSG-MNL-0002 01 14.01.15 prepared by airsight GmbH

Vol. II – Taxiways 1 SP2020-AFD-TW-DSG-MNL-0002 _01

Airfield Design Manual


This Airfield Design Manual (ADM) describes the physical characteristics and obstacle limitation surfaces
to be provided for aerodromes and heliports controlled by Dubai Airports (DA).

The Airfield Design Manual consists out of four volumes:

• Volume I – Runways
• Volume II – Taxiways
• Volume III – Aircraft Stands
• Volume IV – Heliports

The requirements described herein are mainly based on the national regulations of the United Arab
Emirates, the European aerodrome regulations, the standards and recommended practices of ICAO as
well as on international best practises of aerodrome design, in particular:

• Civil Aviation Regulations (CAR)

o Part IX – Aerodromes; issue 03 from February 2014
• Civil Aviation Advisory Publication (CAAP)
o CAAP 70 – Heliports; initial issue from June 2014
• European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
o Certification Specifications and Guidance Material for Aerodrome Design (CS-ADR-DSN);
Initial Issue from 27th February 2014
• International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
o Annex 14 Vol. I – Aerodrome Design and Operations;
6th Edition from July 2013 incl. amendment 1-11A
o Annex 14 Vol. II – Heliports; 4th Edition from July 2013 incl. amendment 1-5
• Airports Council International (ACI)
o Apron Markings and Signs Handbook; 2nd Edition from 2009

Only those requirements, which are applicable to the aerodromes and heliports controlled by Dubai
Airports (DA), are included in this Airfield Design Manual (ADM), whereof irrelevant aspects are left out.
The focus on the design standards is based on the following runway and aircraft types:

• Runway types
o Runways dedicated for take-offs
o Precision approach runways (code 4, CAT III)
• Aircraft categories
o Code C, D, E, F and F+

The aircraft category F+ is currently not included in national or international design requirements.
Instead it is introduced by Dubai Airports to address future aircraft developments.

The existing aerodrome design may differ from the specifications contained in this manual. It is not
intended to change the current infrastructure accordingly. Dubai Airports (DA) will decide on a case-by-
case basis if changes are required.

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Airfield Design Manual


DOCUMENT HISTORY ................................................................................................................ 1

PREFACE .................................................................................................................................... 2
TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................................................. 3
ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 6
1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 AERODROME REFERENCE CODE .............................................................................................. 8
1.2 COLOURS AND CONSPICUITY OF MARKINGS ................................................................................ 9
1.3 TAXIWAY SYSTEM ............................................................................................................ 10
1.3.1 Taxiways and Taxilanes............................................................................................. 10

2 GENERAL TAXIWAYS AND TAXILANES ........................................................................... 12

2.1 GENERAL ....................................................................................................................... 12
2.2 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS................................................................................................ 13
2.2.1 Taxiway Dimensions ................................................................................................. 13
2.2.2 Taxiway Slopes ........................................................................................................ 15
2.2.3 Pavements Strengths, Surface Characteristics and Friction Levels ................................... 15
2.2.4 Taxiway Strip ........................................................................................................... 16
2.2.5 Separation and Clearances ........................................................................................ 19
2.3 MARKINGS ..................................................................................................................... 21
2.3.1 General ................................................................................................................... 21
2.3.2 Taxiway/Taxilane Centre Line Marking ........................................................................ 21
2.3.3 Taxiway Edge Markings ............................................................................................. 22
2.3.4 Low Strength Taxiway Shoulder Marking ..................................................................... 23
2.3.5 Information Marking ................................................................................................. 24
2.4 LIGHTS ......................................................................................................................... 26
2.4.1 Taxiway Centre Line Lights ........................................................................................ 26
2.4.2 Taxiway Edge Lights ................................................................................................. 27
2.5 SIGNS .......................................................................................................................... 28
2.5.1 General ................................................................................................................... 28
2.5.2 Mandatory Instruction Signs ...................................................................................... 31
2.5.3 Information Signs ..................................................................................................... 31

3 CURVED TAXIWAYS AND TAXILANES ............................................................................. 33

3.1 GENERAL ....................................................................................................................... 33
3.2 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................... 34

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3.3 MARKING ...................................................................................................................... 36

3.3.1 Taxiway/Taxilane Centre Line Marking ........................................................................ 36
3.3.2 Low Strength Taxiway Shoulder Marking ..................................................................... 37
3.4 LIGHTS ......................................................................................................................... 39
3.4.1 Taxiway Centre Line Lights ........................................................................................ 39
3.4.2 Taxiway Edge Lights ................................................................................................. 39

4 TAXIWAY-TAXIWAY INTERSECTION .............................................................................. 40

4.1 GENERAL ....................................................................................................................... 40
4.2 MARKINGS ..................................................................................................................... 41
4.2.1 Mandatory Instruction Marking ................................................................................... 41
4.2.2 Information Marking ................................................................................................. 41
4.3 SIGNS .......................................................................................................................... 43
4.3.1 Mandatory Instruction Sign ........................................................................................ 43
4.3.2 Information Signs ..................................................................................................... 43

5 TAXIWAYS IN THE VICINITY OF RUNWAYS ................................................................... 46

5.1 GENERAL ....................................................................................................................... 46
5.2 RUNWAY-HOLDING POSITIONS ............................................................................................ 46
5.3 EXIT TAXIWAYS ............................................................................................................... 49
5.3.1 General ................................................................................................................... 49
5.3.2 Markings ................................................................................................................. 50
5.3.3 Lights ...................................................................................................................... 51
5.3.4 Signs....................................................................................................................... 53
5.3.5 Runway Crossing ...................................................................................................... 54
5.4 RAPID EXIT TAXIWAYS ...................................................................................................... 56
5.4.1 General ................................................................................................................... 56
5.4.2 Physical Characteristics ............................................................................................. 56
5.4.3 Lights ...................................................................................................................... 57
5.5 PERIMETER TAXIWAYS ....................................................................................................... 59

6 HOLDING POSITIONS ON TAXIWAYS ............................................................................. 60

6.1 RUNWAY-HOLDING POSITIONS TYPE A ................................................................................... 60
6.1.1 General ................................................................................................................... 60
6.1.2 Runway-Holding Position Marking ............................................................................... 63
6.1.3 Mandatory Instruction Marking ................................................................................... 64
6.1.4 Enhanced Taxiway Centre Line Marking ...................................................................... 65

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6.1.5 Runway-Ahead Marking ............................................................................................. 67

6.1.6 Stop Bar Lights......................................................................................................... 68
6.1.7 Runway Guard Lights ................................................................................................ 69
6.1.8 Signs....................................................................................................................... 71
6.1.9 Markers ................................................................................................................... 74
6.2 RUNWAY-HOLDING POSITION TYPE B .................................................................................... 75
6.2.1 General ................................................................................................................... 75
6.2.2 Runway-Holding Position Marking ............................................................................... 76
6.2.3 Mandatory Instruction Marking ................................................................................... 76
6.2.4 Stop Bar Lights......................................................................................................... 77
6.2.5 Runway Guard Lights ................................................................................................ 79
6.2.6 Mandatory Instruction Signs ...................................................................................... 80
6.3 RUNWAY-HOLDING POSITIONS ON PERIMETER TAXIWAYS ............................................................ 81
6.3.1 General ................................................................................................................... 81
6.3.2 Marking ................................................................................................................... 82
6.3.3 Stop Bar Lights......................................................................................................... 83
6.3.4 Signs....................................................................................................................... 84
6.4 INTERMEDIATE HOLDING POSITIONS ..................................................................................... 85
6.4.1 General ................................................................................................................... 85
6.4.2 Markings ................................................................................................................. 86
6.4.3 Stop Bar Lights......................................................................................................... 87
6.4.4 Signs....................................................................................................................... 89

7 CLOSED TAXIWAYS/TAXILANES ..................................................................................... 90

7.1 MARKINGS ..................................................................................................................... 90
7.2 LIGHTS ......................................................................................................................... 92

8 OTHER ELEMENTS WITHIN THE TAXIWAY SYSTEM ....................................................... 93

8.1 SERVICE ROAD MARKING ................................................................................................... 93
8.2 VEHICLE STOP POSITION.................................................................................................... 95
8.3 NO-ENTRY ................................................................................................................... 96
8.3.1 General ................................................................................................................... 96
8.3.2 Marking ................................................................................................................... 97
8.3.3 Lights ...................................................................................................................... 98
8.3.4 Signs....................................................................................................................... 99


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Airfield Design Manual


ADM Aerodrome Design Manual

AOD Airside Operations Directive
APAPI Abbreviated Precision Approach Path Indicator
APP Appendix
APU Auxiliary Power Unit
ARFFS Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting Service
ASDA Accelerate Stop Distance Available
ASPSL Arrays of Segmented Point Source Lighting
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATT Attachment
A-VDGS Advanced Visual Docking Guidance System
C Centre
C/L Centre Line
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CAAP Civil Aviation Advisory Publication
CAD Computer-aided design
CAR Civil Aviation Regulations
CAT Category (of ILS)
CWY Clearway
D Largest overall Dimension of the Helicopter when Rotor(s) are Turning
DA Dubai Airports
DCAA Dubai Civil Aviation Authority
Doc Document
DPATO Decision Point after Take-off
DPBL Decision Point before Landing
DWC Dubai Al Maktoum International Airport
DXB Dubai International Airport
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
ECP Emergency Contact Point
EFSO Emergency Fuel Shut-Off
EIBT Estimated In-Block Time
ERA Equipment Restraint Area
ERL Equipment Restraint Line
FATO Final Approach and Take-off Area
FEGP Fixed Electrical Ground Power
GCAA General Civil Aviation Authority (UAE)
GPU Ground Power Unit
GSE Ground Support Equipment
HAPI Helicopter Approach Path Indicator
HFM Helicopter Flight Manual
HP Holding Position
hrs Hours
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
ILS Instrument Landing System
INS Inertial Navigation System
ITHP Intermediate Holding Position
kg Kilogramm
km/h Kilometre per hour
L Left
LDA Landing Distance Available

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LDAH Landing Distance Available (Helicopter)

LDP Landing Decision Point
LP Luminescent Panel
LVO Low Visibility Operations
LVP Low Visibility Procedures
m Meter
MA Missed Approach
max Maximum
MEHT Minimum Eye Height Over Threshold
min Minimum
MLS Microwave Landing System
mm Millimeter
MTOM Maximum Take-off Mass
NFPA National Fire Protection Association (USA)
OFZ Obstacle Free Zone
OLS Obstacle Limitation Surfaces
PANS-ATM Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Air Traffic Management
PANS-OPS Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aircraft Operations
PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator
PCA Pre-Conditioned Air
PLB Passenger Loading Bridge
R Right
RD Greatest Width (Diameter of the Largest Helicopter Rotor)
RESA Runway End Safety Area
RETIL Rapid Exit Taxiway Indicator Light
RFFS Rescue and Fire Fighting service
RGL Runway Guard Lights
RIMCAS Runway Incursion Monitoring and Collision Avoidance System
RTODAH Rejected Take-off Distance Available (Helicopter)
RVR Runway Visual Range
RWY Runway
SMGCS Surface Movement Guidance and Control System
SMS Safety Management System
STD Standard
SWY Stopway
TDP Take-off Decision Point
TDZ Touch Down Zone
TLOF Touchdown and Lift-off Area
TODA Take‐off Distance Available
TODAH Take‐off Distance Available (Helicopter)
TORA Take-off Run Available
THR Threshold
TWY Taxiway
UAE United Arab Emirates
UCL Greatest Width of the main Landing Gear (Helicopter Undercarriage Length)
UCW Greatest Width of the main Landing Gear (Helicopter Undercarriage Width)
VASI Visual Approach Slope Indicator
VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions
VFR Visual Flight Rules
Vol. Volume
VOR Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Radio Range
VSS Visual Segment Surface
WDI Wind Direction Indicator

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Airfield Design Manual

1 General

1.1 Aerodrome Reference Code

The intent of the reference code is to provide a simple method for interrelating the numerous
specifications concerning the characteristics of aerodromes so as to provide a series of aerodrome
facilities that are suitable for the aircraft that are intended to operate at the aerodrome.

The reference code is not intended to be used for determining runway length or pavement strength

In general the aerodrome reference code is composed of two elements

• Code Number 1 - 4 and

• Code Letter A - F

which are related to the aircraft performance characteristics and dimensions.

The code number at DA is 4, the different code letters are given in the following table, depending on the
greatest wing span, or the greatest outer main gear wheel span, whichever gives the more demanding
code letter of the aircraft for which the facility is intended.

Design Requirements
Aerodrome reference code at DA

Code element 1 Code element 2

Code Aeroplane reference Code Wingspan Outer main gear

number field length letter wheel span

4 1800 m and over C 24 m up to but not 6 m up to but not

including 36 m including 9 m

D 36 m up to but not 9 m up to but not

including 52 m including 14 m

E 52 m up to but not 9 m up to but not

including 65 m including 14 m

F 65 m up to but not 14 m up to but not

including 80 m including 16 m

F+ 80 m up to but not 14 m up to but not

including 85 m including 16 m

F+ is a new Code letter used by DA only.

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1.2 Colours and Conspicuity of Markings

Colours of Markings

Indicates taxiway/taxi lane centre line markings for the safe manoeuvring of


Indicates runway markings or markings intended to regulate vehicle traffic.

Use of Contrast Markings


General Contrast markings shall be used when there is a need to enhance the
visibility of certain lines on different types of pavement. On bright
pavements, such as concrete, black contrast markings in combination with
brightly coloured markings are useful. On dark pavements, such as asphalt,
white contrast markings in combination with darkly coloured markings are
useful. There is no need for bright contrast markings on bright pavements or
dark contrast markings on dark pavements.

Application Marking Light-coloured Dark-coloured

pavement pavement
(e.g. concrete) (e.g. asphalt)

Yellow marking Black contrast markings No contrast markings

White marking Black contrast markings No contrast markings

Red marking No contrast markings White contrast markings

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1.3 Taxiway System

1.3.1 Taxiways and Taxilanes

Taxiways shall be provided to permit the safe and expeditious surface movement of aircraft.

Sufficient entrance and exit taxiways for a runway shall be provided to expedite the movement of aircraft
to and from the runway and provision of rapid exit taxiways considered when traffic volumes are high.

Taxiways located on aprons are divided into two types as follows:

a) apron taxiway is a taxiway located on an apron and intended either to provide a through taxi
route across the apron or to gain access to an aircraft stand taxilane; and
b) aircraft stand taxilane is a portion of an apron designated as a taxiway and intended to provide
access to/from aircraft stands.

The requirements for apron taxiways regarding strip width, separation distances, etc., are the same as
for any other type of taxiway. The requirements for aircraft stand taxilanes are also the same except for
the following modifications:

a) the transverse slope of the taxilane is governed by the apron slope requirement;
b) the aircraft stand taxilane does not need to be included in a taxiway strip; and
c) the requirements for the separation distances from the centre line of the taxilane to an object are

Aircraft stand lead-in lines, which branch off to the parking positions, are not considered to be a part of
the aircraft stand taxilane and, therefore, are not subject to the requirements for taxiways.

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The following figure shows the layout of Dubai International Airport (DXB).

The layout of the taxiway system is determined by the two parallel runways. A parallel taxiway is located
between the runways and additional parallel taxiways connect the runways with the different aprons.
Multiple rapid exit taxiways lead from the runways to the different parallel taxiways thus effectively
reducing the runway occupancy times. Terminal buildings, hangars and aprons are located in the
northern part of the airport. The main passenger facilities are located south of the runway. The
concourses and aprons in the south are surrounded by one or two taxilanes leading to the aircraft stands.

The following figure shows the aerodrome layout of Dubai Al Maktoum Airport (DWC).

The current layout of Dubai Al Maktoum Airport consists of one runway with passenger and cargo
terminals in the south. Parallel to the runway a double lane taxiway is provided along the full length of
the runway. These taxiways are connected with the runways by four rapid exit taxiways for each runway
direction as well as four exit taxiways at the western end and six at the eastern end of the runway. A
system of parallel and perpendicular taxiways and taxilanes further connects the taxiways with the
different aprons.

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2 General Taxiways and Taxilanes

2.1 General
A taxiway consists of the taxiway itself intended for the surface movement of aircraft, a taxiway shoulder,
and a jet blast protection.

A shoulder is an area adjacent to the edge of a full strength paved surface so prepared as to provide a
transition between the full strength pavement and the jet blast protection.

The main purpose of the provision of a taxiway shoulder is: to prevent jet engines that overhang the
edge of a taxiway from ingesting stones or other objects that might damage the engine; to prevent
erosion of the area adjacent to the taxiway; and to provide a surface for the occasional passage of
aircraft wheels. A shoulder shall be capable of withstanding the wheel loading of the heaviest airport
emergency vehicle.

The purpose of the jet blast protection is an additional measure to further prevent jet engines from
ingesting stones or other objects that might damage the engine and to prevent erosion of the area
adjacent to the taxiway shoulder.

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2.2 Physical characteristics

2.2.1 Taxiway Dimensions

Unless otherwise specified by DA, all newly designed taxiways and taxilanes shall conform to the
characteristics for code letter F at DXB and F+ at DWC.

Design Requirements
Width of taxiway

The width of the taxiway shall be measured at the outside edge of the
taxiway edge marking.

The straight portion of a taxiway shall have a width of not less than:

Code C 18 m

Code D 23 m

Code E 23 m

Code F 25 m

Code F+ 25 m

Main gear clearance

The design of a taxiway shall be such that, when the cockpit of the aircraft
for which the taxiway is intended remains over the taxiway centre line
markings, the clearance distance between the outer main wheel of the
aircraft and the edge of the taxiway shall be not less than:

4.5 m

Where the code letter is F and the traffic density is high, a wheel-to-edge
clearance greater than 4.5 m may be provided to permit higher taxiing

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Width of taxiway shoulders

Straight portions of a taxiway shall be provided with paved shoulders which

extend symmetrically on each side of the taxiway so that the overall width of
the taxiway and its shoulders on straight portions is not less than:

Code C 25 m

Code D 38 m

Code E 44 m

Code F 60 m

Code F+ 60 m

Width of jet blast protection

An additional paved jet blast protection shall be provided on each side of the
taxiway shoulder with the width of:

10 m

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2.2.2 Taxiway Slopes

The safety objective of limiting the longitudinal taxiway slope, the changes in slopes and the minimum
taxiway sight distance is to enable safe use of a taxiway by an aircraft and to avoid damage to aircraft.

The safety objective of taxiway transverse slopes is to promote the most rapid drainage of water from
the taxiway.

Design Requirements
Slopes on taxiways

Longitudinal slopes The longitudinal slope of a taxiway shall not exceed:

1.5 %

Longitudinal slope The transition from one slope to another slope shall be accomplished by a
changes curved surface with a rate of change not exceeding:

1 % per 30 m (minimum radius of curvature of 3000 m)

Sight distance The change in slope on a taxi‐way shall be such that, from any point 3 m
above the taxiway, it will be possible to see the whole surface of the taxiway
for a distance of at least 300 m from that point.

Transverse slopes The transverse slopes of a taxiway shall be sufficient to prevent the
accumulation of water on the surface of the taxiway but shall not exceed:

1.5 %

2.2.3 Pavements Strengths, Surface Characteristics and Friction Levels

The strength of a taxiway shall be suitable for the aircraft that the taxiway is intended to serve.

The surface of a paved taxiway shall be so constructed as to provide good friction characteristics when
the taxiway is wet.

The taxiways generally should have an asphalt pavement. Runway holding positions may consist of a
concrete pavement to resist the higher stresses of stationary aircraft.

Detailed specification on pavement surface, strength, thickness for taxiways, taxiway shoulders, and jet
blast protection are to be determined by DA to accommodate the intended aircraft sizes and traffic
density on the taxiway concerned.

Pit covers and manholes on taxiways and within 7.5 m from the taxiway edge shall have the strength to
withstand multiple aircraft loads. Those located in the area from 7.5 m from the taxiway edge outwards
to the end of the taxiway strip shall resist single aircraft loads.

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2.2.4 Taxiway Strip

A taxiway, other than an aircraft stand taxilane, shall be included in a strip.

A taxiway strip is an area, including a taxiway, intended to protect an aircraft operating on the taxiway
and to reduce the risk of damage to an aircraft accidentally running off the taxiway.

A taxiway strip shall be so prepared or constructed as to minimise hazards arising from differences in
load bearing capacity to aeroplanes which the taxiway is intended to serve in the event of an aeroplane
accidentally running off the taxiway.

A taxiway strip should be sealed to prevent the distribution of surface material which could be ingested
by aeroplane engines.

Design Requirements

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Width of taxiway strips

A taxiway strip shall extend symmetrically on each side of the centre line of
the taxiway throughout the length of the taxiway to at least:

Code C 26.0 m

Code D 40.5 m

Code E 47.5 m

Code F 57.5 m

Code F+ 60.0 m

Objects on taxiway strips

The taxiway strip shall provide an area clear of objects which may endanger
taxiing aircraft.

Consideration will have to be given to the location and design of drains on a

taxiway strip to prevent damage to an aircraft accidentally running off a
taxiway. Suitably designed drain covers may be required.

No obstacles shall be allowed on either side of a taxiway within the distance

shown in the table above. However, signs and any other objects which,
because of their functions, must be maintained within the taxiway strip in
order to meet air navigation requirements may remain but they shall be
frangible and sited in such a manner as to reduce to a minimum the hazard
to an aircraft striking them. Such objects shall be sited so that they cannot
be struck by propellers, engine pods and wings of aircraft using the taxiway.
As a guide they should be so sited that there is nothing higher than 0.30 m
above taxiway edge level within the taxiway strip.

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Grading of taxiway strips

The safety objective of the grading of a taxiway strip is to reduce the risk of
damage to an aircraft accidentally running off the taxiway.

The centre portion of a taxiway strip shall provide a graded area to a

distance from the centre line of the taxiway of at least:

Code C 12.5 m

Code D 19.0 m

Code E 22.0 m

Code F 30.0 m

Code F+ 30.0 m

Slopes on taxiway strips

The surface of the strip shall be flush at the edge of the jet blast protection,
and the graded portion shall not have an upward transverse slope exceeding
2.5 % the upward slope being measured with reference to the transverse
slope of the adjacent taxiway surface and not the horizontal.

The downward transverse slope shall not exceed 5 % measured with

reference to the horizontal.

The transverse slopes on any portion of a taxiway strip beyond that to be

graded shall not exceed an upward or downward slope of 5 % as measured
in the direction away from the taxiway.

There shall, furthermore, be no holes or ditches tolerated within the graded

portion of the taxiway strip.

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2.2.5 Separation and Clearances

The safety objective of minimum taxi separation distances is to allow safe use of taxiways and taxi lanes
to prevent possible collision with other aeroplanes operating on adjacent runways or taxiways, or collision
with adjacent objects.

The distances are based on the maximum wing span and on the deviation of aircraft from the taxiway
centre line at a distance equal to the wheel-to-edge clearance for that group. It should be noted that,
even in instances where a particular aircraft design (as a result of an unusual combination of large wing
span and narrow gear span) might result in the wing tip extending farther from the centre line distance,
the resulting clearance distance would still be considerably more than that required for aircraft to pass.

Design Requirements
Minimum separation distances

Taxiway centre line The separation distance shall be not less than
to runway centre
line 192.5 m

Taxiway centre line The separation distance shall be not less than
to parallel taxiway
centre line 102.5 m

The separation distance has been selected on the basis of desired wing tip
clearances. There are other factors which should also be taken into account
when evaluating the capability of making a normal 180° turn from one
taxiway to another parallel taxiway. These include:

a) maintaining a reasonable taxi speed to achieve high taxiway system

b) maintaining specified clearance distances between the outer main
wheel and the taxiway edge when the cockpit remains over the
taxiway centre marking; and
c) manoeuvring at a steering angle that is within the capability of the
aircraft and which will not subject the tires to unacceptable wear.

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Taxiway centre line The separation distance shall be not less than
to object
Code C 26.0 m

Code D 40.5 m

Code E 47.5 m

Code F 57.5 m

Code F+ 60.0 m

Aircraft stand The separation distance shall be not less than

taxilane centre line
to parallel aircraft 95.5 m
stand taxilane
centre line

Aircraft stand Lesser distances on aircraft stand taxilanes are considered appropriate
taxilane to object because taxiing speeds are normally lower when taxiing on these taxiways,
and the increased attention of pilots results in less deviation from the centre

The separation distance shall be not less than:

Code C 24.5 m

Code D 36.0 m

Code E 42.5 m

Code F 50.5 m

Code F+ 53.0 m

The separation distance between the centre line of an aircraft stand taxilane
and an object may need to be increased when jet exhaust wake velocity may
cause hazardous conditions for ground servicing.

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2.3 Markings

2.3.1 General

Characteristics Taxiway markings shall be yellow.

When it is operationally necessary to apply temporary taxiway markings, those

markings shall comply with the relevant standards.

It is preferable that the risk of uneven friction characteristics on markings be

reduced in so far as practicable by the use of a suitable kind of paint.

Colour change The specifications of surface colours apply only to freshly coloured surfaces.
Colours used for markings, signs and panels usually change with time and
therefore require renewal.


The colours for markings shall be in accordance with the specifications in CAR
Part IX.

2.3.2 Taxiway/Taxilane Centre Line Marking

The function of the taxiway/taxilane centre line marking is to allow an aircraft to taxi under its own power
or to be towed whilst maintaining the necessary clearances from obstacles.

Taxiway centre line marking shall be provided on a paved taxiway and apron in such a way as to provide
continuous guidance between the runway centre line and aircraft stands.

Design Requirements

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Taxiway/taxilane centre line marking

Location On a straight section of a taxiway the taxiway centre line marking shall be
located along the taxiway centre line.

Characteristics A taxiway centre line marking shall be 30 cm in width and continuous in length
except where it intersects with a runway‐holding position marking or an
intermediate holding position marking (see section 6).

2.3.3 Taxiway Edge Markings

Shoulders and jet blast protection for taxiways and aprons as well as other non-load-bearing surfaces
shall have the boundary between such areas and the load-bearing surface marked by a taxi side stripe

Design Requirements

Taxiway edge line marking

Location A taxi side stripe marking shall be placed along the edge of the load-bearing
pavement, with the outer edge of the marking approximately on the edge of
the load-bearing pavement.

Characteristics A taxi side stripe marking shall consist of a pair of solid lines, each 15 cm wide
and spaced 15 cm apart and the same colour as the taxiway centre line

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2.3.4 Low Strength Taxiway Shoulder Marking

Taxiway shoulders and jet blast protection have the appearance of pavement but are not intended to
support aircraft. This stabilization is provided to prevent blast and water erosion as well as to provide a
smooth surface that can be kept free of debris.

At extensive paved areas containing taxiways the possibility for confusion between the side stripe
markings and centre line markings may exist or where the pilot may not be sure on which side of the
edge marking the non-load bearing pavement is, the additional provision of transverse stripes on the
non-load bearing surface has been found to be of assistance.

Design Requirements

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Low strength taxiway shoulder marking


Application Low strength shoulders shall be marked with transverse stripes.

Characteristics The transverse stripes shall be placed perpendicular to the side stripe

The spacing of transverse stripes on straight taxiways shall not exceed 30 m.

The width of the marks shall be 0.9 m, and they shall extend to within 1.5 m
of the outside edge of the stabilized paving or be 7.5 m long, whichever is

The colour of the transverse stripes shall be yellow.

2.3.5 Information Marking

Where an information sign would normally be installed and it is impractical to install, as confirmed by the
Authority, an information marking shall be displayed on the surface of the pavement.

Where operationally required an information sign should be supplemented by an information marking.

An information (location) marking shall be displayed on the pavement surface at regular intervals along
taxiways of great length when required by the Authority.

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Design Requirements

Information marking

Location The information marking shall be displayed across the surface of the taxiway
where necessary and positioned so as to be legible from the cockpit of an
approaching aircraft.

Characteristics An information marking shall consist of:

a) an inscription in yellow upon a black background, when it replaces or

supplements a location sign; and
b) an inscription in black upon a yellow background, when it replaces or
supplements a direction or destination sign.

Where there is insufficient contrast between the marking background and the
pavement surface, the marking shall include:

a) a black border where the inscriptions are in black; and

b) a yellow border where the inscriptions are in yellow.

The character height shall be at least 4 m.

The form and proportions of inscriptions shall be in accordance with the

specifications in CAR Part IX.

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2.4 Lights

2.4.1 Taxiway Centre Line Lights

Taxiway centre line lights provide guidance for the safe taxi of aircraft on a taxiway in reduced visibility
conditions and at night.

Taxiway centre line lights shall be installed on all taxiways to provide continuous guidance between the
runway centre line and aircraft stands.

Please refer to Annex A for further information related to the design and construction methodology used
for AGL shallow base fittings.

Design Requirements

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Location/spacing of taxiway centre line light


Location Taxiway centre line lights shall be located on the taxiway centre line marking.

Spacing Straight section of a taxiway shall be spaced at longitudinal intervals of not

more than 15 m.


Taxiway centre line lights on a taxiway other than an exit taxiway shall be
fixed lights showing green with beam dimensions such that the light is visible
only from aircraft on or in the vicinity of the taxiway.

Care is necessary to limit the light distribution of green lights on or near a

runway so as to avoid possible confusion with threshold lights.

Taxiway centre line lights shall be in accordance with the specifications of CAR
Part IX.

2.4.2 Taxiway Edge Lights

Taxiway edge lights shall not be provided. Adequate guidance is provided by taxiway centre line lights.

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2.5 Signs

2.5.1 General

Application Signs shall be either fixed message signs or variable message signs.

Signs shall be provided to convey a mandatory instruction, information on a

specific location or destination on a Movement Area or to provide other
information to meet the requirements of SMGCS.

Characteristics Signs shall be frangible. Those located near a runway or taxiway shall be
sufficiently low to preserve clearance for propellers and the engine pods of jet
aircraft. The installed height of the sign shall not exceed the dimension shown
in the appropriate column of Table below.

Sign height (mm) Perpendicular distance

from defined taxiway
Legend Face Installed edge to near side of sign
(min.) (max.)

300 600 900 11–21 m

400 800 1100 11–21 m

Note: defined taxiway edge means: the edge of the defined taxiway as marked
i.e. this does not include the shoulders.

Sign foundations shall be flush with pavement. Sign footing lengths shall be
adjusted to ensure horizontal alignment of signs.

Face height and Signs shall be rectangular with the longer side horizontal.
The face height of signs shall be as follows:

Legend height Face height (Min)

300 mm 600 mm

400 mm 800 mm

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Width The face width of signs shall be determined using the Figure below except
that, where a mandatory instruction sign is provided on one side of a taxiway
only, the face width shall not be less than 1.94 m.

Inscription height Inscription heights shall conform to the following tabulation.

Minimum character height

Mandatory instruction sign Information sign

400 mm 300 mm

Where a taxiway location sign is installed in conjunction with a runway

designation sign the character size shall be that specified for mandatory
instruction signs.

Stroke width Stroke width for single letter shall be as follows:

Legend height Stroke

300 mm 48 mm

400 mm 64 mm

Forms, width and The forms of characters, i.e. letters, numbers, arrows, and symbols as well as
spaces width of characters and the space between individual characters shall be in
accordance with the specifications in CAR Part IX.

Borders The black vertical delineator between adjacent direction signs shall have a
width of approximately 0.7 of the stroke width.

The yellow border on a stand‐alone location sign shall be approximately 0.5

stroke width.

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Variable signs

A variable message sign shall be provided where:

a) the instruction or information displayed on the sign is relevant only during

a certain period of time;
b) there is a need for variable pre‐determined information to be displayed on
the sign to meet the requirements of SMGCS.

Not in use A variable message sign shall show a blank face when not in use.

Failure In case of failure, a variable message sign shall not provide information that
could lead to unsafe action from a pilot or a vehicle driver.

Interval The time interval to change from one message to another on a variable
message sign shall be as short as practicable and shall not exceed 5 seconds.

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2.5.2 Mandatory Instruction Signs

Mandatory instruction signs except for a road holding position are located only at runways holding
position or at a no-entry. For specification refer to sections 6 and 8.3.

Information regarding road holding positions can be found in Airfield Design Manual Volume I – Runways.

2.5.3 Information Signs

An information sign shall be provided where there is an operational need to identify by a sign, a specific
location or routing (direction or destination) information.

Information signs shall include

• direction signs,
• location signs including aircraft stand identification sign,
• destination signs,
• runway exit signs and
• intersection take-off signs.

Information regarding runway exit signs can be found in Airfield Design Manual Volume I – Runways.

Design Requirements

Taxiway A taxiway shall be identified by a designator comprising a letter, letters or a

designation combination of a letter or letters followed by a number.

When designating taxiways, the use of the letters I, O or X and the use of
words such as inner and outer shall not be used to avoid confusion with the
numerals 1, 0 and closed marking.

The use of numbers alone on the Manoeuvring Area shall be reserved for the
designation of runways or to indicate the location of aircraft stands.

Location Except for runway exit signs and “T”-intersections information signs shall,
wherever practicable, be located on the left-hand side of the taxiway. For
corresponding distances see section 2.5.1.

At a taxiway intersection, information signs shall be located prior to the

intersection and in line with the taxiway intersection marking. Where there is
no taxiway intersection marking, the signs shall be installed at least 60 m from
the centre line of the intersecting taxiway

Combination of An information sign other than a location sign shall not be collocated with a
signs mandatory instruction sign.

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Location sign


Application A location sign shall be provided at an Intermediate Holding Position.

A location sign shall be provided in conjunction with a runway designation sign

except at a runway/runway intersection.

A location sign shall be provided in conjunction with a direction sign, except

that it may be omitted where an Aeronautical Study indicates that it is not
needed and it is approved by the Authority.

Where necessary, a location sign shall be provided to identify taxiways exiting

an apron or taxiways beyond an intersection.

Where it is necessary to identify each of a series of Intermediate Holding

Positions on the same taxiway, the location sign shall consist of the taxiway
designation and a letter.

Characteristic A location sign shall consist of an inscription in yellow on a black background

and where it is a stand-alone sign shall have a yellow border.

The inscription on a location sign shall comprise the designation of the location
taxiway, runway or other pavement the aircraft is on or is entering and shall
not contain arrows.

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3 Curved Taxiways and Taxilanes

3.1 General
As a basic principle, the general specifications for taxiways and taxilanes in chapter 2 are applicable for
curved portions of taxiways. Due to the increased safety risk in curved portions of taxiways and taxilanes
more detailed requirements are specified in this section.

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3.2 Physical Characteristics

Design Requirements

Main gear clearance

The design of the curve shall be such that, when the cockpit of the aircraft
remains over the taxiway centre line markings, the clearance distance
between the outer main wheels of the aircraft and the edge of the taxiway
shall not be less than 4.5 m.

For comprehensive information regarding the design of fillets refer to ICAO

Doc 9157, ADM Part 2, Appendix 1.

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Radii of curves

Radii of the curves shall be compatible with the manoeuvring capability and
normal taxiing speeds of the aircraft for which the taxiway is intended.

Changes in direction of taxiways shall be as few and small as possible.

Speed (km/h) Radius of curve (m)

16 15

32 60

48 135

64 240

80 375

96 540

Width of taxiway shoulders

On taxiway curves and on junctions or intersections where increased

pavement is provided, the shoulder width shall be not less than that on the
adjacent straight portions of the taxiway.

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3.3 Marking

3.3.1 Taxiway/Taxilane Centre Line Marking

Design Requirements

Taxiway/taxilane centre line marking

Location On a taxiway curve the marking shall continue from the straight portion of
the taxiway at a constant distance from the outside edge of the curve.

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3.3.2 Low Strength Taxiway Shoulder Marking

At intersections of taxiways and on other areas where, due to turning, the possibility for confusion
between the side stripe markings and centre line markings may exist or where the pilot may not be sure
on which side of the edge marking the non-load bearing pavement is, the additional provision of
transverse stripes on the non-load bearing surface has been found to be of assistance.

Design Requirements

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Low strength taxiway shoulder marking


Application Low strength shoulders shall be marked with transverse stripes.

Characteristics The transverse stripes shall be placed perpendicular to the side stripe

On curves, a stripe shall be placed at each point of tangency of the curve and
at intermediate points along the curve so that the interval between stripes
does not exceed 15 m.

The width of the marks shall be 0.9 m, and they shall extend to within 1.5 m
of the outside edge of the stabilized paving or be 7.5 m long, whichever is

The colour of the transverse stripes shall be yellow.

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3.4 Lights

3.4.1 Taxiway Centre Line Lights

Please refer to Annex A for further information related to the design and construction methodology used
for AGL shallow base fittings.

Design Requirements

Taxiway centre line light

Location/spacing Taxiway centre line lights on a taxiway curve shall continue from the straight
portion of the taxiway at a constant distance from the outside edge of the
taxiway curve. The lights shall be spaced at intervals such that a clear
indication of the curve is provided.

On a taxiway the lights on a curve shall not exceed spacing of 15 m and on a

curve of less than 400 m radius the lights shall be spaced at intervals of not
greater than 7.5 m. This spacing shall extend for 60 m before and after the

3.4.2 Taxiway Edge Lights

Taxiway edge lights shall not be provided. Adequate guidance is provided by taxiway centre line lights.

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4 Taxiway-Taxiway Intersection

4.1 General

To facilitate the movement of aircraft, fillets shall be provided at junctions and intersections of taxiways
with runways, aprons and other taxiways.

Design Requirements

Junctions and intersections

Design of fillets The design of the fillets shall ensure that the minimum wheel clearance of
4.5 m is maintained when aircraft are manoeuvring through the junctions or

The strength of the extra paved surface to be provided shall be the same as
that of the taxiway.

For comprehensive information regarding the design of fillets refer to ICAO

Doc 9157, ADM Part 2, Appendix 1.

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4.2 Markings

4.2.1 Mandatory Instruction Marking

The only mandatory information marking at taxiway-taxiway intersection shall be the NO-ENTRY marking
if required (see section 8.3).

4.2.2 Information Marking

An information (location/direction) marking should preferably be displayed prior to and following complex
taxiway intersections and where operational experience has indicated the addition of a taxiway location
marking could assist flight crew ground navigation.

Design Requirements

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Information marking


Location The information marking shall be displayed across the surface of the taxiway
where necessary and positioned so as to be legible from the cockpit of an
approaching aircraft.

Characteristics An information marking shall consist of:

a) an inscription in yellow upon a black background, when it replaces or

supplements a location sign; and
b) an inscription in black upon a yellow background, when it replaces or
supplements a direction or destination sign.

Where there is insufficient contrast between the marking background and the
pavement surface, the marking shall include:

a) a black border where the inscriptions are in black; and

b) a yellow border where the inscriptions are in yellow.

The character height shall be at least 4 m.

The form and proportions of inscriptions shall be in accordance with the

specifications in CAR Part IX.

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4.3 Signs

4.3.1 Mandatory Instruction Sign

The only mandatory information sign at taxiway-taxiway intersection shall be the NO-ENTRY marking if
required (see section 8.3).

4.3.2 Information Signs

Location Sign A location sign shall be provided in conjunction with a direction sign, except
that it may be omitted where an Aeronautical Study indicates that it is not
needed and it is approved by the Authority.

Where necessary, a location sign shall be provided to identify taxiways exiting

an apron or taxiways beyond an intersection.

Destination sign Where multiple aprons are provided, or elsewhere considered to be

operationally necessary a destination sign shall be provided to indicate the
direction to a specific destination on the aerodrome, such as cargo area,
general aviation, etc.

Direction sign A direction sign shall be provided when there is an operational need to identify
the designation and direction of taxiways at an intersection

Location and A combined location and direction sign shall be provided when it is intended to
direction signs indicate routing information prior to a taxiway intersection.

“T”-Intersection Where a taxiway ends at an intersection such as a “T” and it is necessary to

identify this, a barricade, direction sign and/or other appropriate visual aid
shall be used.

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Design Requirements
Location sign


Characteristic A location sign shall consist of an inscription in yellow on a black background

and where it is a stand-alone sign shall have a yellow border.

The inscription on a location sign shall comprise the designation of the location
taxiway the aircraft is on or is entering and shall not contain arrows.

Destination sign


Location A destination sign shall not normally be co-located with a location or direction

Characteristics A destination sign shall consist of an inscription in black on a yellow


The inscription on a destination sign shall comprise an alpha, alphanumerical

or numerical message identifying the destination plus an arrow indicating the
direction to proceed as shown in the example.

Direction sign


Characteristics A direction sign shall consist of an inscription in black on a yellow background.

The inscription on a direction sign shall comprise an alpha or alphanumerical

message identifying the taxiway(s) plus an arrow or arrows appropriately
oriented as shown in the example

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Location and direction signs

Where a location sign and direction signs are used in combination:

a) all direction signs related to left turns shall be placed on the left side of
the location sign and all direction signs related to right turns shall be
placed on the right side of the location sign, except that where the
junction consists of one intersecting taxiway, the location sign may
alternatively be placed on the left hand side;


b) the direction signs shall be placed such that the direction of the arrows
departs increasingly from the vertical with increasing deviation of the
corresponding taxiway.


c) an appropriate direction sign shall be placed next to the location sign

where the direction of the location taxiway changes significantly beyond
the intersection; and


d) adjacent direction signs shall be delineated by a vertical black line as

shown in the examples.

Taxiway “T”-intersection

A direction sign, barricade and/or other appropriate visual aid used to identify
a “T” intersection shall be located on the opposite side of the intersection
facing the taxiway.

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5 Taxiways in The Vicinity of Runways

5.1 General
Different types of taxiways in the vicinity of runways exist to fulfil different functions. Aircraft enter and
exit runways at exit taxiways located usually at a runway’s extremity. Rapid exit taxiways allow aircraft to
exit the runway at higher speed thus reducing runway occupancy times. Aircraft on perimeter taxiways
may infringe obstacle limitation surface or interfere with radio navigation equipment which shall be

5.2 Runway-Holding Positions

For design details of runway-holding positions refer to section 6.

A runway-holding position or positions shall be provided on taxiways such that a taxiing or holding
aircraft or vehicle will not:

• infringe the obstacle free zone (OFZ)

• infringe the take-off climb surface and approach surface
• interfere with the operation of radio navigation aids.

This manual differentiates between two runway holding positions at runway/taxiway intersections and
one runway holding position on perimeter taxiways. The runway holding positions at runway/taxiway
intersection are named type A and type B according to the associated marking pattern.

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Design Requirements

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Runway/taxiway A runway‐holding position type A shall be located at a distance of min.

intersection 107.5 m from the centre line of the runway.

The distance of 107.5 m usually assures clearance of the obstacle free zone
and avoids interference with radio navigation aids, particularly the ILS critical
and sensitive areas for up to CAT I operation.

Due to larger ILS critical and sensitive areas in CAT II/III conditions an
additional runway‐holding position of type B may be required to be located at
a greater distance to avoid interference with radio navigation aids.

The distance of 107.5 m is based on an aircraft with a tail height of 24 m, a

distance from the nose to the highest part of the tail of 62.2 m and a nose
height of 10 m holding at an angle of 45° or more with respect to the runway
centre line, being clear of the OFZ. For a runway holding position orientated
with an angle of less than 45° a larger distance to the centre line of a runway
may be required.

If a runway-holding position is at a greater elevation compared to the runway

at the runway holding position, the distance of 107.5 m shall be further
increased for clearance of the OFZ.

Information on ILS critical and sensitive areas is provided by DA.

Perimeter taxiways The location of runway‐holding positions on perimeter taxiways shall be such
that a taxiing or holding aircraft or vehicle will not infringe the obstacle free
zone, take-off climb surface and approach surface, or interfere with the
operation of radio navigation aids.

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5.3 Exit Taxiways

5.3.1 General

Exit taxiways are taxiways other than rapid exit taxiways which are connected to a runway and designed
to allow aircraft to enter and exit the runway. Exit taxiways are predominantly located at the extremities
of runways and are typically oriented perpendicular to the runway.

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5.3.2 Markings

Design Requirements

Taxiway centre line marking on runways

Location At an intersection of a taxiway with a runway where the taxiway serves as an

exit from the runway, the taxiway centre line marking shall be curved into the
runway centre line marking as shown in the figure above.

The taxiway centre line marking shall be extended parallel to the runway
centre line marking for a distance of at least 60 m beyond the point of

The taxiway centre line marking shall have an offset of 0.9 m from the runway
centre line.

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5.3.3 Lights

Please refer to Annex A for further information related to the design and construction methodology used
for AGL shallow base fittings.

Design Requirements

Location/spacing of taxiway centre line light

Characteristics Taxiway centre line lights on an exit taxiway shall be fixed lights.

Alternate taxiway centre line lights shall show green and yellow from their
beginning near the runway centre line to the perimeter of the ILS/MLS
critical/sensitive area or the lower edge of the Inner Transitional Surface,
whichever is farthest from the runway; and thereafter all lights shall show

The first light on the exit centre line shall always show green and the light
nearest to the perimeter shall always show yellow. Where aircraft may follow
the same centre line in both directions, all the centre line lights shall show
green to aircraft approaching the runway.

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Location Taxiway centre line lights on exit taxiways shall commence at a point at least
60 m before the beginning of the taxiway centre line curve, and follow the
curved taxiway centre line marking at least to the point where the marking
leaves the runway. The lights on that portion parallel to the runway centre line
shall be 90 cm from the runway centre line lights, as shown in figure below.

The lights shall be spaced at longitudinal intervals of not more than 7.5 m.

Simultaneous Where runway centre line lights and taxiway centre line lights are located in
operation of proximity there is a need to ensure that the lights are separated by 90 cm to
TWY/RWY lighting avoid merging of the signals.

Where the lights are located on the marking, care should be taken to avoid
contamination during any repainting of the marking.

The following figures illustrate the possible configurations.

Exit TWY located on one side of RWY

Exit TWYs on both sides of RWY

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5.3.4 Signs
Intersection take-off sign


Application An intersection take-off sign shall be provided when there is an operational

need to indicate the remaining Take-off Run Available (TORA) for intersection

Location A single intersection take-off sign shall be located at the left-hand side of the
entry taxiway.

Where intersection take-offs are available in both runway directions,

intersection take-off signs shall be placed on both sides of the taxiway. The
intersection take-off sign on the left-hand side of the taxiway shall show the
TORA to the left. The intersection take-off sign on the right-hand side of the
taxiway shall show the TORA to the right.

The distance between the sign and the centre line of the runway shall be not
less than 60 m.

The distance between the sign and the centre line of the taxiway shall be
between 11 m and 21 m.

Characteristics An intersection take-off sign shall consist of an inscription in black on a yellow


The inscription on an intersection take-off sign shall consist of a numerical

message indicating the remaining Take-off Run Available in metres plus an
arrow, appropriately located and oriented, indicating the direction of the take-
off as shown in the example.

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5.3.5 Runway Crossing


As a basic principle, the general specifications for lights and markings at exit taxiways in this section are
applicable for runway/taxiway intersections with exit taxiways on both sides of the runway as shown in
the figure above.

At runway/taxiway intersections with exit taxiways on both sides of the runway it may be reasonable to
allow aircraft to cross the runway at this location. In that case the following design requirements are

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Design Requirements

Taxiway crossing a runway

Marking The taxiway centre line marking crossing a runway shall be at least 15 cm in
width and continuous in length connecting the taxiway centre line markings of
both exit taxiways.

Lights The taxiway centre line lights on the straight section between the curved
taxiway centre line markings shall be fixed lights showing green and shall be
spaced at longitudinal intervals of not more than 15 m.

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5.4 Rapid Exit Taxiways

5.4.1 General
The safety objective of rapid exit taxiways is to facilitate safe rapid exit of aeroplanes from a runway.

A rapid exit taxiway is a taxiway connected to a runway at an acute angle and designed to allow landing
aeroplanes to turn off at higher speeds than those achieved on other exit taxiways, thereby minimizing
runway occupancy time.

A decision to design and construct a rapid exit taxiway is based upon analyses of existing and
contemplated traffic. The main purpose of these taxiways is to minimize aircraft runway occupancy and
thus increase aerodrome capacity.

5.4.2 Physical Characteristics

Design Requirements

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Planning Criteria

The following basic planning criteria should be considered when planning

rapid exit taxiways to ensure that, wherever possible, standard design
methods and configurations are used:

a) For runways where alternating landings and departures are

conducted, time separation between the landing aircraft and the
following departing aircraft is the main factor limiting runway
b) As different types of aircraft require different locations for rapid exit
taxiways, the expected aircraft fleet mix will be an essential criterion;
c) The threshold speed, braking ability and operational turn-off speed of
the aircraft will determine the location of the exits.

General design

Radius of turn-off A rapid exit taxiway shall be designed with a radius of turn‐off curve of at
curve least:

550 m

to enable exit speeds under wet conditions of:

93 km/h

The radius of the fillet on the inside of the curve at a rapid exit taxiway shall
be sufficient to provide a widened taxiway throat in order to facilitate early
recognition of the entrance and turn‐off onto the taxiway.

Straight distance A rapid exit taxiway shall include a straight distance after the turn‐off curve
sufficient for an exiting aircraft to come to a full stop clear of any intersecting

Intersection angle The intersection angle of a rapid exit taxiway with the runway shall not be
greater than 45° nor less than 25° and preferably should be 30°.

Number and location

For comprehensive information regarding the design, location and number of

Rapid Exit Taxiways refer to ICAO Doc 9157, ADM Part 2, Appendix 5.

5.4.3 Lights

Taxiway centre line lights shall be provided on a rapid exit taxiway.

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In addition rapid exit taxiway indicator lights shall be provided. Information regarding rapid exit taxiway
indicator lights can be found in Airfield Design Manual Volume I – Runways.

Please refer to Annex A for further information related to the design and construction methodology used
for AGL shallow base fittings.

Design Requirements

Location/spacing of taxiway centre line light

Characteristics Taxiway centre line lights on a rapid exit taxiway shall be fixed lights.

Alternate taxiway centre line lights shall show green and yellow from their
beginning near the runway centre line to the perimeter of the ILS/MLS
critical/sensitive area or the lower edge of the Inner Transitional Surface,
whichever is farthest from the runway; and thereafter all lights shall show

The first light on a rapid exit taxiway centre line shall always show green and
the light nearest to the perimeter shall always show yellow. Where aircraft may
follow the same centre line in both directions, all the centre line lights shall
show green to aircraft approaching the runway.

Location Taxiway centre line lights on a rapid exit taxiway shall commence at a point at
least 60 m before the beginning of the taxiway centre line curve and continue
beyond the end of the curve to a point on the centre line of the taxiway where
an aircraft can be expected to reach normal taxiing speed. The lights on that
portion parallel to the runway centre line shall always be 90 cm from any row
of runway centre line lights, as shown section 5.3.

The lights shall be spaced at longitudinal intervals of not more than 15 m.

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5.5 Perimeter Taxiways


Perimeter taxiways are taxiways located in the vicinity of a runway missing a direct connection to this
runway. Due to the vicinity to the runways, aircraft on perimeter taxiways may infringe obstacle limitation
surfaces or interfere with radio navigation equipment. For their protection runway-holding positions on
perimeter taxiways shall be established.

Design Requirements
For information on design requirements for perimeter taxiways refer to the general design requirements
for taxiways and curved taxiways (see section 2 and 3).

For information on design requirements for runway-holding positions on perimeter taxiways refer to
section 5.5.

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6 Holding Positions on Taxiways

6.1 Runway-Holding Positions Type A

6.1.1 General
A runway-holding position is a designated position intended to protect a runway at which taxiing aircraft
and vehicles shall stop and hold, unless otherwise authorized by ATC.

For details on runway holding position locations refer to section 5.2.

Runway-holding positions type A are runway-holding positions with the requirements for a pattern A
runway-holding position marking (see figure in section 6.1).

Runway-holding positions type A shall be equipped with induction loops as part of the runway incursion
monitoring and collision avoidance system. Details are to be provided by DA.

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It is permissible to co‐locate runway-holding positions Category I and Category II/III providing that the
greater distance from the runway centre line is applied. In this case a runway-holding position type A
shall be stablished (see figure below)

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6.1.2 Runway-Holding Position Marking

A runway‐holding position type A marking shall be displayed along a runway‐holding position type A.

Design Requirements
Runway-holding position marking

Characteristics Where a single runway‐holding position is provided at an intersection of a

taxiway and a Precision Approach Category I, II or III runway, the runway‐
holding position marking shall be as shown in the figure below.

Pattern A

Runway-holding position marking: pattern A

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6.1.3 Mandatory Instruction Marking

At runway-holding positions type A a mandatory instruction sign shall be supplemented by a mandatory
instruction marking.

Where it is impracticable to install a mandatory instruction sign, a mandatory instruction marking shall be
provided on the surface of the pavement.

Where operationally required, such as on taxiways exceeding 60 m in width, a mandatory instruction sign
shall be supplemented by a mandatory instruction marking.

Design Requirements

Mandatory instruction marking “CAT I only”

Mandatory instruction marking “CAT I/II/III”

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Mandatory instruction marking

Location The mandatory instruction marking on taxiways shall be located across the
taxiway equally placed about the taxiway centre line and on the holding side
of the runway-holding position marking as shown in the figures above. The
distance between the nearest edge of the marking and the runway-holding
position marking or the taxiway centre line marking shall be not less than
1 m.

Characteristics A mandatory instruction marking shall consist of an inscription in white on a

red background. The inscription shall provide information identical to that of
the associated mandatory instruction sign.

Where there is insufficient contrast between the marking and the pavement
surface, the mandatory instruction marking shall include an appropriate
border, preferably white.

The character height shall be 4 m for inscriptions.

The background shall be rectangular and 0.5 m laterally and vertically

beyond the extremities of the inscription.

The form and proportions of inscriptions shall be in accordance with the

specifications in CAR Part IX.

6.1.4 Enhanced Taxiway Centre Line Marking

An enhanced taxiway centre line marking shall be provided to denote the proximity of a runway-holding

Enhanced taxiway centre line marking:

• shall be installed at each taxiway/runway intersection

• may form part of runway incursion prevention measures.

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Design Requirements
Enhanced taxiway centre line marking

Location An enhanced taxiway centre line marking shall extend from the runway-
holding position type A (as defined in section 6.1) to the runway ahead
marking in the direction of travel away from the runway.

Characteristics Enhanced taxiway centre line marking at a runways holding position type A
“CAT I only” “CAT I only” shall be as shown in the figure below.

Characteristics Enhanced taxiway centre line marking at a runways holding position type A
“CAT I/II/III” “CAT I/II/III” shall be as shown in the figure below.

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6.1.5 Runway-Ahead Marking

A runway-ahead marking shall be provided to denote the proximity of a runway-holding position.

A runway ahead marking shall be installed at each taxiway/runway intersection.

Design Requirements

Mandatory Instruction marking

Location The runway-ahead marking on taxiways shall be located across the taxiway
equally placed about the taxiway centre line.

The edge of the runway-ahead marking farthest from the runway shall be
located 28 m from the runway-holding position type A in the direction of
travel away from the runway.

The distance of 28 m can be extended to 28.5 m only when the mandatory

instruction marking at the runway-holding position is a two-line marking (e.g.
at a single CAT I/II/III runway-holding position).

The distance between the nearest edge of the marking and the taxiway
centre line marking shall be not less than 1 m.

Characteristics A runway ahead marking shall consist of an inscription in white on a red


Where there is insufficient contrast between the marking and the pavement
surface, the runway-ahead marking shall include an appropriate border,
preferably white.

The character height shall be 4 m for inscriptions.

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The background shall be rectangular and extend 0.5 m laterally and vertically
beyond the extremities of the inscription.

The form and proportions of inscriptions shall be in accordance with the

specifications in CAR Part IX.

6.1.6 Stop Bar Lights

The provision of stop bars requires their control either manually or automatically by air traffic services.

A stop bar shall be provided at every runway‐holding position serving a runway.

The stop bar lights shall only be operated when the corresponding runway-holding position is active.

Please refer to Annex A for further information related to the design and construction methodology used
for AGL shallow base fittings.

Design Requirements

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General Stop bars shall be located across the taxiway at the point where it is desired
that traffic stop.

Additional A pair of elevated lights shall be added to each end of the stop bar.
elevated lights
These lights shall have the same characteristics as the lights in the stop bar,
but shall be visible to approaching aircraft up to the stop bar position.

Where the additional elevated lights are provided, these lights shall be located
not less than 3 m from the taxiway edge.

Characteristics Stop bars shall consist of lights spaced at intervals of 3 m across the taxiway,
showing red in the intended direction of approach to the runway‐holding

Stop bars installed at a runway‐holding position shall be unidirectional and

shall show red in the direction of approach to the runway.

Selectively switchable stop bars shall be installed in conjunction with taxiway

centre line lights (extending for a distance of at least 90 m from the stop bar)
in the direction that it is intended for an aircraft to proceed from the stop bar.

The lighting circuit shall be designed so that:

a) when a stop bar is illuminated, any taxiway centre line lights installed
beyond the stop bar shall be extinguished for a distance of at least 90
m; and
b) stop bars shall be interlocked with the taxiway centre line lights so that
when the centre line lights beyond the stop bar are illuminated the
stop bar is extinguished and vice versa.

The intensity in red light and beam spreads of stop bar lights shall be in
accordance with the specifications in CAR Part IX.

6.1.7 Runway Guard Lights

The purpose of runway guard lights is to warn pilots, and drivers of vehicles when they are operating on
taxiways, that they are about to enter an active runway.

Runway guard lights, Configuration A, shall be provided at each runway holding position. Because
configuration B shall not be collocated with a stop bar, configuration B is not applicable.

The runway guard lights shall only be operated when the corresponding runway-holding position is

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Design Requirements



Location Runway guard lights shall be located at each side of the taxiway on the outside
of the stop bar.

Characteristics Runway guard lights shall consist of two pairs of yellow lights.

Where there is a need to enhance the contrast between the on and off state of
runway guard lights, Configuration A, intended for use during the day, a visor
of sufficient size to prevent sunlight from entering the lens without interfering
with the function of the fixture shall be located above each lamp.

The light beam shall be unidirectional and aligned so as to be visible to the

pilot of an aircraft taxiing to the holding position.

The intensity in yellow light and beams spreads of lights shall be in accordance
with the specifications in CAR Part IX.

The lights in each unit shall be illuminated alternately.

The lights shall be illuminated between 30 and 60 cycles per minute and the
light suppression and illumination periods shall be equal and opposite in each
light. The optimum flash rate is dependent on the lamps used.

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6.1.8 Signs

A mandatory instruction sign shall be provided to identify a location beyond which an aircraft taxiing or
vehicle shall not proceed unless authorized by the aerodrome control tower.

Mandatory instruction signs shall include:

• runway designation signs,

• Category I, II or III holding position signs,
• runway‐holding position signs.

A Pattern “A” runway‐holding position marking at a runway-holding position type A shall be

supplemented with a runway designation sign.

A runway designation sign at a runway-holding position type A shall be supplemented with a location sign
in the outboard (farthest from the taxiway) position, as appropriate.

A runway-ahead marking shall be supplemented with a runway-ahead sign.

Design Requirements
Mandatory instruction signs

Characteristics A mandatory instruction sign shall consist of an inscription in white on a red


Where, owing to environmental or other factors, the conspicuity of the

inscription on a mandatory instruction sign needs to be enhanced, the outside
edge of the white inscription shall be supplemented by a black outline
measuring 20 mm in width.

Where appropriate, the following inscriptions/ symbol shall be used:

Inscription/symbol Use

Runway designation of both To indicate a runway-holding position located

extremities of a runway at other taxiway/runway intersections.

12R-30L (Example) To indicate a runway-holding position at the

threshold of runway 12R-30L.

12R-30L CAT II/III (Example) To indicate a joint category II/III runway-

holding position at the threshold of runway

B2 (Example) To indicate a runway-holding position on a

perimeter taxiway

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Example of sign positions at a taxiway/runway intersection with one runway

holding position type A and one runway holding position type B.

Example of sign position at a combined CAT I/II/III runway holding position.

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Runway designation sign


(left side of taxiway) (pattern “A” marking) (right side of taxiway)

Location A runway designation sign at a runway-holding position type A shall be located

on each side of the runway‐holding position marking facing the direction of
approach to the runway.

Characteristics The inscription on a runway designation sign shall consist of the runway
designations of the intersecting runway properly oriented with respect to the
viewing position of the sign.

The taxiway location sign installed in conjunction with the runway designation
sign shall be positioned outboard of the runway designation sign.

Runway-ahead sign


Location A runway-ahead sign shall be located on each side of the runway-ahead

marking facing the direction of approach to the runway.

Characteristics A runway-ahead sign shall consist of a “RUNWAY AHEAD” inscription in white

on a red background.

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6.1.9 Markers

When several exit taxiways are located closely to each other, e.g. at a runway extremity, a large sealed
area is provided which can be used by vehicles.

For increased awareness of the runway proximity, makers or humps shall be provided on the sealed area
next to the runway holding positions to prevent vehicles entering the runway.

Design requirements




Location Humps shall be provided in a straight line at a distance of 107.5 m parallel to

the runway centre line.

Humps shall extend from outside the runway guard lights of one runway-
holding position to the runway guard lights of the adjacent runway holding
position. Where signs are located on the marker line the markers may be

Where humps would interfere with drainage requirements or cannot be

installed for other reasons, markers shall be used.

Characteristics Humps shall be marked with alternating red and white colours. (Details are
determined by DA)

Markers are frangible poles with a height of 0.3 m. The upper half of the poles
shall be coloured red and the lower half shall be coloured white.

Markers shall satisfy the relevant frangibility requirements of CAR Part XI.

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6.2 Runway-Holding Position Type B

6.2.1 General
Runway-holding positions type B are runway-holding positions with the requirements for a Pattern B
runway-holding position marking (see figure in section 6.2.2).

Runway-holding positions type B shall be equipped with induction loops as part of the runway incursion
monitoring and collision avoidance system. Details are to be provided by DA.

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6.2.2 Runway-Holding Position Marking

A runway‐holding position marking shall be displayed along a runway‐holding position.

Design Requirements
Runway-holding position marking

Characteristics Where two or three runway‐holding positions are provided the runway‐
holding position marking closest to the runway shall be a runway-holding
position marking type A (see section 6.1) and the markings farther from the
runway shall be as shown in the figure below.

Where a pattern B runway-holding position marking is located on an area

where it would exceed 60 m in length, the term “CAT II” or “CAT III” as
appropriate shall be marked on the surface at the ends of the runway-holding
position marking and at equal intervals of 45 m maximum between
successive marks. The letters shall be not less than 1.8 m high and shall be
placed not more than 0.9 m beyond the holding position marking.

Pattern B

Runway-holding position marking: pattern B

6.2.3 Mandatory Instruction Marking

No mandatory instruction marking shall be provided at runway-holding position type B except for “CAT
II/III” marking in the case of a pattern B marking exceeding 60 m, as mentioned above.

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6.2.4 Stop Bar Lights

The provision of stop bars requires their control either manually or automatically by air traffic services.

A stop bar shall be provided at every runway‐holding type B position serving a runway.

The stop bar lights shall only be operated when the corresponding runway-holding position is active.

Please refer to Annex A for further information related to the design and construction methodology used
for AGL shallow base fittings.

Design Requirements

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General Stop bars shall be located across the taxiway at the point where it is desired
that traffic stop.

Additional A pair of elevated lights shall be added to each end of the stop bar.
elevated lights
These lights shall have the same characteristics as the lights in the stop bar,
but shall be visible to approaching aircraft up to the stop bar position.

Where the additional elevated lights are provided, these lights shall be located
not less than 3 m from the taxiway edge.

Characteristics Stop bars shall consist of lights spaced at intervals of 3 m across the taxiway,
showing red in the intended direction of approach to the runway‐holding

Stop bars installed at a runway‐holding position on perimeter taxiways shall be

unidirectional and shall show red in the direction of approach to the runway.

Selectively switchable stop bars shall be installed in conjunction with taxiway

centre line lights (extending for a distance of at least 90 m from the stop bar)
in the direction that it is intended for an aircraft to proceed from the stop bar.

The lighting circuit shall be designed so that:

a) when a stop bar is illuminated, any taxiway centre line lights installed
beyond the stop bar shall be extinguished for a distance of at least 90
m; and
b) stop bars shall be interlocked with the taxiway centre line lights so that
when the centre line lights beyond the stop bar are illuminated the
stop bar is extinguished and vice versa.

The intensity in red light and beam spreads of stop bar lights shall be in
accordance with the specifications in CAR Part IX.

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6.2.5 Runway Guard Lights

The purpose of runway guard lights is to warn pilots, and drivers of vehicles when they are operating on
taxiways, that they are about to enter an active runway.

Runway guard lights, Configuration A, shall be provided at each runway-holding position. Because
configuration B shall not be collocated with a stop bar, this configuration is not applicable for DA.

The runway guard bar lights shall only be operated when the corresponding runway-holding position is

Design Requirements


Location Runway guard lights shall be located at each side of the taxiway on the outside
of the stop bar.

Characteristics Runway guard lights shall consist of two pairs of yellow lights.

Where there is a need to enhance the contrast between the on and off state of
runway guard lights, Configuration A, intended for use during the day, a visor
of sufficient size to prevent sunlight from entering the lens without interfering
with the function of the fixture shall be located above each lamp.

The light beam shall be unidirectional and aligned so as to be visible to the

pilot of an aircraft taxiing to the holding position.

The intensity in yellow light and beams spreads of lights shall be in accordance
with the specifications in CAR Part IX.

The lights in each unit shall be illuminated alternately.

The lights shall be illuminated between 30 and 60 cycles per minute and the
light suppression and illumination periods shall be equal and opposite in each
light. The optimum flash rate is dependent on the lamps used.

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6.2.6 Mandatory Instruction Signs

A Pattern “B” runway‐holding position marking shall be supplemented with a Category II/III holding
position sign.

Design Requirements
Category I, II or III holding position sign


(left side of TWY) (pattern “B” marking) (right side of TWY)

Location A Category II/III holding position sign shall be located on each side of the
runway‐holding position marking facing the direction of the approach to the
critical area.

Characteristics The inscription on a runway-holding position type B sign shall consist of the
runway designation followed by CAT II/III.

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6.3 Runway-Holding Positions on Perimeter Taxiways

6.3.1 General
A runway-holding position shall be established on a perimeter taxiway if the location or alignment of the
taxiway is such that a taxiing aircraft or vehicle can infringe an obstacle limitation surface or interfere
with the operation of radio navigation aids.

The location of a runway-holding position on a perimeter taxiway shall be such that a holding aircraft or
vehicle will not infringe the obstacle free zone, approach surface, take-off climb surface or ILS
critical/sensitive area or interfere with the operation of radio navigation aids.

Runway-holding positions type A shall be equipped with induction loops as part of the runway incursion
monitoring and collision avoidance system. Details are to be provided by DA.

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6.3.2 Marking

A runway‐holding position marking shall be displayed along a runway‐holding position on perimeter

Design Requirements

Runway-holding position marking

Characteristics The runway-holding position marking displayed at a runway-holding position

on perimeter taxiways shall be as shown in Figure below.

Pattern A

Runway-holding position marking pattern A

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6.3.3 Stop Bar Lights

A stop bar shall be provided at every runway‐holding position on perimeter taxiways.

Please refer to Annex A for further information related to the design and construction methodology used
for AGL shallow base fittings.

Design requirements


General Stop bars shall be located across the taxiway at the runway-holding position on
perimeter taxiways

Additional A pair of elevated lights shall be added to each end of the stop bar.
elevated lights
These lights shall have the same characteristics as the lights in the stop bar,
but shall be visible to approaching aircraft up to the stop bar position.

Where the additional elevated lights are provided, these lights shall be located
not less than 3 m from the taxiway edge.

Characteristics Stop bars shall consist of lights spaced at intervals of 3 m across the taxiway,
showing red in the intended direction of approach to the runway‐holding

Stop bars installed at a runway‐holding position on perimeter taxiways shall be

unidirectional and shall show red in the direction of approach to the runway.

Selectively switchable stop bars shall be installed in conjunction with taxiway

centre line lights (extending for a distance of at least 90 m from the stop bar)
in the direction that it is intended for an aircraft to proceed from the stop bar.

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The lighting circuit shall be designed so that:

a) when a stop bar is illuminated, any taxiway centre line lights installed
beyond the stop bar shall be extinguished for a distance of at least 90
m; and
b) stop bars shall be interlocked with the taxiway centre line lights so that
when the centre line lights beyond the stop bar are illuminated the
stop bar is extinguished and vice versa.

The intensity in red light and beam spreads of stop bar lights shall be in
accordance with the specifications in CAR Part IX.

6.3.4 Signs

A pattern ‘A’ runway-holding position marking at a runway-holding position shall be supplemented with a
runway-holding position sign.

Design Requirements
Runway-holding position sign


(left side of TWY) (pattern “A” marking) (right side of TWY)

Location A runway‐holding position sign shall be located on each side of the runway‐
holding position facing the approach to the obstacle limitation surface or ILS
critical/sensitive area, as appropriate.

Characteristics The inscription on a runway‐holding position sign at a runway‐holding

position shall consist of the taxiway designation and a letter.

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6.4 Intermediate Holding Positions

6.4.1 General
An intermediate holding position shall be established on a taxiway at any point other than a runway‐
holding position where it is desirable to define a specific holding limit.

Intermediate holding position including signs, lights and markings

Intermediate holding positions at a TWY/TWY intersection (location signs omitted)

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6.4.2 Markings

An intermediate holding position marking shall be displayed along an intermediate holding position.

Where an intermediate holding position marking is displayed at an intersection of two taxiways, it shall be
located across the taxiway at sufficient distance from the near edge of the intersecting taxiway to ensure
safe clearance between taxiing aircraft. It shall be coincident with a stop bar.

Design Requirements
Intermediate holding position marking

Location The distance between an intermediate holding position the centre line of the
adjoining taxiway shall not be less than the dimension specified in the table

Code letter Distance

C 26.0 m

D 40.5 m

E 47.5 m

F 57.5 m

F+ 60.0 m

Characteristics An Intermediate Holding Position marking shall consist of a single broken line
as shown in the Figure below.

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Location marking

Location A location marking shall be displayed across the surface of the taxiway only
when locations signs are impossible to install and shall positioned so as to be
legible from the cockpit of an approaching aircraft.

Characteristics The information marking shall consist of an inscription in yellow upon a black

Where there is insufficient contrast between the marking background and the
pavement surface, the marking shall include a yellow border.

The character height shall be at least 4 m.

The form and proportions of inscriptions shall be in accordance with the

specifications in CAR Part IX.

6.4.3 Stop Bar Lights

A stop bar shall be provided at an intermediate holding position.

Please refer to Annex A for further information related to the design and construction methodology used
for AGL shallow base fittings.

Design Requirements

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General Stop bars shall be located across the taxiway at the intermediate holding

Additional No additional elevated lights shall be provided at intermediate holding positions

elevated lights unless an unusual orientation requires increased conspicuity.

Characteristics Stop bars shall consist of lights spaced at intervals of 3 m across the taxiway,
showing red in the intended direction of approach to the runway‐holding

Selectively switchable stop bars shall be installed in conjunction with taxiway

centre line lights (extending for a distance of at least 90 m from the stop bar)
in the direction that it is intended for an aircraft to proceed from the stop bar.

The lighting circuit shall be designed so that:

a) when a stop bar is illuminated, any taxiway centre line lights installed
beyond the stop bar shall be extinguished for a distance of at least
90 m; and
b) stop bars shall be interlocked with the taxiway centre line lights so that
when the centre line lights beyond the stop bar are illuminated the
stop bar is extinguished and vice versa.

The intensity in red light and beam spreads of stop bar lights shall be in
accordance with the specifications in CAR Part IX.

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6.4.4 Signs

A location sign shall be provided at an intermediate holding position.

Where it is necessary to identify each of a series of intermediate holding positions on the same taxiway,
the location sign shall consist of the taxiway designation and a letter.

Design Requirements
Location Sign


Location The location sign shall be located on the left-hand side of the taxiway, unless it
is impracticable to do so. In this case the location on the rights-hand side is

Characteristic The location sign shall consist of an inscription in yellow on a black background
and where it is a stand-alone sign shall have a yellow border.

The inscription on a location sign at an intermediate holding position shall

comprise the taxiway designation and a letter.

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7 Closed Taxiways/Taxilanes

7.1 Markings

A closed marking shall be displayed on a taxiway, or portion thereof which is permanently closed to the
use of all aircraft.

A closed marking shall be displayed on a temporarily closed taxiway, or portion thereof, except that such
marking may be omitted when the closing is of short duration, and adequate warning by air traffic
services is provided.

Design Requirements

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Location On a taxiway a closed marking shall be placed at least at each end of the
taxiway or portion thereof closed.

Characteristics The closed marking shall be of the form and proportions as detailed in the
figure above when displayed on a taxiway.

The closed marking shall be yellow.

When a taxiway or portion thereof is permanently closed, all normal taxiway

markings shall be obliterated.

Lighting on a closed taxiway, or portion thereof shall not be operated, except

as required for maintenance purposes.

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7.2 Lights

At night unserviceability lights prevent aircraft from entering temporarily closed taxiways.

Design Requirements

Location When a taxiway, or portion thereof closed is intercepted by a usable runway or

taxiway which is used at night, unserviceability lights shall be placed across the
entrance to the closed taxiway at intervals not exceeding 3 m.

Characteristics An unserviceability light shall consist of a red fixed light. The light shall have
an intensity sufficient to ensure conspicuity considering the intensity of the
adjacent lights and the general level of illumination against which it would
normally be viewed. In no case shall the intensity be less than 10 cd of red

Unserviceable area lights shall be mounted so as to be frangible. Their height

shall be sufficiently low to preserve clearance for propellers and for engine
pods of jet aircraft.

If the lights are directional, they shall be orientated so that as far as possible
their beams are aligned in the direction from which aircraft will approach.

Where aircraft will normally approach from several directions, consideration

shall be given to adding extra lights or using omnidirectional lights to show the
area from these directions.

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8 Other Elements within the Taxiway System

8.1 Service Road Marking

Where a service road crosses a taxiway or taxilane a special service road marking as shown in the figure
below shall be used on the taxiway/taxilane and strip.

Design Requirements

Taxiway and taxilane crossing


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Airfield Design Manual

Characteristics The centre line of the service road crossing the taxiways shall be marked by
white lines of 4.5 m length spaced at 2.75 m intervals. The width of the line
shall be 0.15 m.

The edges of the service road crossing the taxiway shall be marked by a white
line with left-right alternating offset. The length of the alternating line parts
shall be 0.5 m with a minimum width of 0.15 m.

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Airfield Design Manual

8.2 Vehicle Stop Position

A vehicle stop position indicates that vehicles are required to stop before entering a taxiway. The location
shall be such that a holding vehicle will not interfere with obstacle clearance requirements.

In general a vehicle stop position is indicated by:

• vehicle stop position marking,

• vehicle stop position lights and
• vehicle stop position sign.

Detailed specifications for the design of road holding positions are currently under development. DA is to
be contacted for all applications.

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Airfield Design Manual


8.3.1 General
A no-entry indicates that entry to an area is prohibited and is designated by marking, sign, and lights. A
no-entry is typically found on rapid exit taxiways intended to be used only by aircraft vacating a runway.

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Airfield Design Manual

8.3.2 Marking

A NO-ENTRY marking shall be provided on the surface of the pavement.

Design Requirements
Mandatory instruction marking

Location The NO-ENTRY marking on taxiways shall be located across the taxiway
equally placed about the taxiway centre line and at the entrance of the
taxiway where the entry to is prohibited-

The distance between the nearest edge of the marking and the runway-
holding position marking or the taxiway centre line marking shall be not less
than 1 m.

Characteristics A NO ENTRY marking shall consist of an inscription in white reading

“NO ENTRY” on a red background.

Where there is insufficient contrast between the marking and the pavement
surface, the NO-ENTRY marking shall include an appropriate border,
preferably white.

The character height shall be 4 m for inscriptions.

The background shall be rectangular and extend a minimum of 0.5 m laterally

and vertically beyond the extremities of the inscription.

The form and proportions of inscriptions shall be in accordance with the

specifications in CAR Part IX.

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Airfield Design Manual

8.3.3 Lights

A no-entry bar shall be provided across a taxiway which is intended to be used as an exit only taxiway to
assist in preventing inadvertent access of traffic to that taxiway.

Please refer to Annex A for further information related to the design and construction methodology used
for AGL shallow base fittings.

Design Requirements

Location A no-entry bar shall be located across the taxiway at the end of an exit only
taxiway where it is desired to prevent traffic from entering the taxiway in the
wrong direction.

Characteristics A no-entry bar shall consist of unidirectional lights spaced at uniform intervals
of no more than 3 m showing red in the intended direction(s) of approach to
the runway.

A pair of elevated lights shall be added to each end of the no-entry bar.

The lighting circuit shall be designed so that:

a) no-entry bars are switchable selectively or in groups;

b) when a no-entry bar is illuminated, any taxiway centre line lights
installed beyond the no-entry bar, when viewed towards the runway,
shall be extinguished for a distance of at least 90 m; and
c) when a no-entry bar is illuminated, any stop bar installed between the
no-entry bar and the runway shall be extinguished

The intensity in red light and beam spreads of no-entry bar lights shall be in
accordance with the specifications in CAR Part IX.

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Airfield Design Manual

8.3.4 Signs


Application A NO ENTRY sign shall be provided when entry into an area is prohibited.

Location A NO ENTRY sign shall be located at the beginning of the area to which
entrance is prohibited on each side of the taxiway as viewed by the pilot.

Characteristics The inscription on a NO ENTRY sign shall be in accordance with the example.

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Airfield Design Manual

Annex A: Design & Construction Methodology used for AGL

Currently under development

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