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Name:________________________________ Manila Bible Seminary |Child Psychology HO

Second Semester Verna Pascua, Instructor

“And Jesus grew in Wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”
(Luke 2:52)


adapted from Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory

Ecological Systems Theory

1. The varied systems of the environment and the interrelationships
among the systems shape a child's development.
2. Both the environment and biology influence the child's
3. The environment affects the child and the child influences the
Context – the interrelated conditions in which something/someone
exists or occurs.
Development – the process of change in growth and capability over time as a function of both
maturation and interaction with the environment.
1. The Biological Context (Microsystem)
• Individual’s biological make-up (genetic characteristics)
• Interactions between genes and environment
2. The Child’s Immediate Environment (Mesosystem)
• The Family context
Family as a system
Characteristics of family
Parents in the family NUGGETS OF WISDOM:
Extended family 1. You cannot choose your
Guardian, Nanny, immediate child’s caregiver, etc. genes, your parents, and
Mass Media (TV, internet, electronic gadgets, etc.) the place you were born
• Immediate Contexts outside the family but you can do something
The neighborhood about yourself NOW….
Peers 2. You cannot change your
The School yesterday but you can do
The Church something today and have
The community a better tomorrow.
3. The Social and Economic Context (Exosystem) 3. No one can go back to
• Family changes caused by social and economic factors make a brand-new start;
Maternal employment and its effects anyone can start from now
Single Parenting and its effects
Other nontraditional families (same sex marriage, etc.) and have a brand-new
• Social class, poverty, stress, and the family start.
4. The Cultural Context (Macrosystem)
• The cultural Influences (customs, values, and laws) GOD be with you! He is the
source of ALL wisdom….
• The cultural change and child development
• Subcultures

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