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Disorder in Form of Thought:

Refers to the arrangement of parts in thinking.
Involves disruptions in logical connections between ideas.

2. Formal Thought Disorder:

Disorder of conceptual or abstract thinking.
Occurs in conditions like Schizophrenia and coarse brain diseases.
Characterized by abnormalities in the mechanism of thinking.

3. Types of Formal Thought Disorder:

Negative Type: Loss of ability to produce concepts.
Positive Type: Production of false concepts by blending incongruous

4. Loosening of Association:
Characteristic of Schizophrenic thinking.
Involves disorder in the logical progression of thoughts.
Manifested as a failure to communicate verbally adequately.

5. Types of Loosening of Association:

Knight’s Move Thinking: Odd tangential associations between ideas.
Talking Past the Point: Skirting around the main point without reaching it.
Verbigeration: Senseless repetition of sounds and phrases.

6. Derailment:
Speech pattern where ideas shift unrelatedly.
Occurs between sentences or clauses.
Breakdown in logical connection and goal directedness.
7. Neologism:
Creation of new words in Schizophrenia.
Fills a semantic gap.
Involves inventing new words or using conventional words uniquely.

8. Over Inclusion:
Widening of concept boundaries.
Grouping together unrelated things.

9. Possession:
Normal sense of personal possession and control of thinking.
Loss of control or sense of possession in some psychiatric illnesses.

Persistent and recurrent intrusive thoughts.
Involuntary and ego dystonic.
Awareness of irrationality or senselessness.

11.Forms of Obsessions:
Thoughts, images, ruminations, doubts, impulses, phobias, fear of illnesses,

Unproductive, prolonged train of thoughts.
Linked to abnormal emotion.
Seen in OCD, depression, melancholia.
Depressive Rumination:
Focuses on everyday events.
Contrasted with obsessive thoughts unrelated to the individual.
Typically involves past incidents.

a) Compulsion:
Obsessional motor acts.
Result from obsessional impulses or mental images.
Stereotyped behaviors in response to obsessions.

b) Thought Alienation:
Experience of thoughts being under external control.
Breakdown in discerning boundaries between self and outer world.

c) Thought Insertion:
Experience of thoughts being put in the mind from outside.
Delusion that thoughts are implanted by external forces.

d) Thought Withdrawal:
Thoughts taken away against one's will.
Accompanies thought blocking.
Delusion that thoughts have been removed by external forces.

e) Thought Broadcasting:
Thoughts described as leaving and diffusing widely.
Passive experience of thoughts being broadcasted to others.
f) Thought Echo:
Auditory hallucination of hearing one's thoughts spoken aloud.
First rank symptom of Schizophrenia.
Describes hearing thoughts echoed immediately or shortly after occurrence.

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