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Wireless Personal Communications


Banwidth Reconfigurable Filtering Antenna

Deepa Thangarasu1 · Saffrine Kingsly1 · Malathi Kanagasabai1 ·

GulamNabi Alsath2 · Padmathilagam Sambandham1 · Sridhar Bilvam3 ·
Sandeep Kumar Palaniswamy4 · Rama Rao Tippuraj4

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

A microstrip bandwidth reconfigurable filtering antenna is implemented by simply tuning
the transmission zeroes. The proposed filtering antenna is developed by integrating the fil-
ter characteristics into the 50 Ω microstrip feed line of the antenna through two independ-
ent coupled resonators. The energy coupling between the transmission line and the pla-
nar loop resonator and dual F shaped resonator generates the transmission zeroes. These
transmission zeroes at specified lower frequencies are generated in order to provide better
selectivity over the edges of the pass band to promote high suppression of interferences.
The varactor diodes are explicitly loaded at distinct locations in the resonators to achieve
bandwidth reconfiguration. The two transmission zeros are tuned between 1.6–1.9 GHz
and 2.1–2.42 GHz respectively by varying the capacitance of the two varactor diodes with
percentage bandwidth of 17.1% and 14.1% respectively to support mobile and wireless
short range applications. The proposed filtenna provides insertion loss less than 3 dB with
good impedance matching below 15 dB.

Keywords Microstrip filtering antenna · Coupled resonator · Transmission zeroes

1 Introduction

The evolvement and the interest in the field of microwave engineering has been enormous
compared to the development in the beginning of former decades. The reconfigurable/
tunable RF microwave devices in wireless communication system are very essential to

* Deepa Thangarasu
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, College of Engineering Guindy,
Chennai, India
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SSN College of Engineering,
Chennai, India
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Venkateshwara college
of Engineering, Tirupati, India
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kaattankulathur Campus, SRM
University, Chennai, India

D. Thangarasu et al.

support multi-functionality. In many cases, the signal strength of the out of band signals
are strong compared to the desired in band signals which in-turn affects the performance
of the receiver at the RF front end. For example, according to FCC the UWB spectrum
covers the wide operating range and overlapped with several coexisting commercially used
narrow bands. This narrow band interferences creates more vulnerability whenever a user
access the UWB spectrum. Thus the interference avoidance is crucial at the RF front end
due to the congested spectrum and also the efficient utilization of the spectrum to be more
rigorous. A possible and effective solution for this problem is the integration of band rejec-
tion filters with the antenna in a single module. This self-filtering module at the RF front
end provides the dynamic spectrum access with improved SNR that in-turn increases the
overall system performance.
Several techniques are available in the literature to realize these out of band interfer-
ences by the introduction of transmission zeros [1–6]. For instance, the Split Ring Resona-
tor (SRR) shaped slot is introduced in the radiator to effectively suppress the out of band
interferences and also to provide the sharp cut-off at the edges of the stop band [1]. Also,
a Complementary Split Ring resonator (CSSR) shaped carved slots has been preferred in
[2] to attain dual band notched behaviour for the suppression of narrow band interferences.
In [3, 4] the band rejection characteristics has been demonstrated by etching an inverted U
and T-shaped slots in the microstrip feed of the monopole antenna to avoid the unwanted
narrow band signals respectively. In literature [5], the stop band at 0.9 GHz is realized
using open circuited stubs to suppress the out of band signal. Likewise the integrated para-
sitic strips has been introduced at the bottom layer to realize the band notch characteristics
for interference suppression [6].
Based on the study, it is evident that the integration of band notched characteristics
in the microstrip antenna highly suppresses the interference and the harmonics at the RF
front end. This pre-filtering function carried out through the characterized microwave fil-
ters that are integrated at the feed of the antenna. Thus these self-filtering function are
being considered as the key frequency-selective component in this filtering module. Sev-
eral manuscripts are available in the literature which describes about these transmission
zeros to enhance the frequency selectivity. An electronically reconfigured BPF has been
accomplished with transmission zeros to provide much higher selectivity [7]. This filter-
ing capability has also been developed by creating enormous transmission zeroes based on
the introduction of cross couplings between the non -resonating modes in [8]. Similarly, a
tri-band BSF has been proposed in [9] to sharpen the roll off skirt between the transition
bands through coupled line stub loaded shorted stepped impedance resonator (CLSLSS).
Hence from the study it is observed that a compact innovative band notched filtering char-
acteristics are fundamental at the receiver front end to promote the selectivity and also to
diminish the interferences.
Also the introduction of reconfiguration techniques in microwaves devices enhances
the multifunctional characteristics of the single device. In literature several papers that are
discussing the importance of reconfiguration techniques. For instance, a E shaped patch
resonator based wide band antenna with polarization reconfiguration has been proposed
in [10] to cover the spectrum ranges from 2.4–2.5 GHz. Similarly pattern reconfigurable
wideband antennas are also demonstrated in [11, 12] to cover the bandwidth ranges from
2.2–2.6 GHz and 1.57–3.31 GHz respectively. On the other hand a wideband antenna with
bandwidth reconfiguration has been reported in [13] using varactor diodes with bandwidth
ranges from 5 to 6 GHz by integrating slots in the radiator. Thus the integration of slots,
lumped elements and SMD components (Surface Mount devices) in the radiator affects
the radiation characteristics. To overcome these problem several research works in the

Banwidth Reconfigurable Filtering Antenna

literature utilizes the feed line of the antenna for the integration of filter characteristics
and also the integration of SMD components for bringing the reconfiguration. Some of the
recent works in the literature that utilizes the feed part, for the integration of filter charac-
teristics has been discussed in [14–16]. In literature [14] an open loop band pass filter is
integrated in the microstrip feed line of monopole wideband antenna to operate on 2.4 GHz
and 5.8 GHz provides discrete switching using PIN diodes. A microstrip circular mono-
pole antenna has been presented in [15] to achieve bandwidth reconfiguration using varac-
tor diodes, wherein the band pass filter characteristics has also been integrated through
three line coupled resonator. In addition a planar monopole antenna is proposed in [16]
with integrated T-shaped and H-shaped filters in order to obtain bandwidth reconfigura-
tion using varactor diodes. Thus from the study it is observed that the integration of filter
characteristics at the feed of the antenna without affecting the radiator provides better per-
formances in terms of radiation pattern, frequency selectivity.
This paper presents, the bandwidth reconfigurable filtering antenna by introducing two
transmission zeros through two independent resonators that are incorporated at the feed
of the antenna. The resonators are coupled to the transmission line of the antenna through
minimum coupling distance which generates the transmission zeroes. Since the filtering
resonators are integrated at the microstrip feed of the antenna the energy transformation
takes places only through the filter. Moreover the transmission zeros are tuned to adjust the
bandwidth of the pass band using varactor diodes. Thus the filtenna offers band stop char-
acteristics at specified low frequencies with better selectivity. Also the designed monopole
antenna highly capable to exchange the data over short distances, a Bluetooth (2.4 GHz)
based wireless standard technology is preferred for mobile devices and personal area
networks. A GSM band at 1800 MHz is used to exchange the data between the network
and the mobile devices. GSM also offers short and wide range wireless communication
at lower cost and faster speed. Thus the proposed filtering antenna supports the wireless
point-to-point short range communication.
The Sect. 2 elaborates about the evolution of the filtenna. In Sect. 3, the working princi-
ple of the developed filtenna is elaborated. The Sect. 4 describes the simulated and meas-
ured results.

2 Filtenna Design

The layout of the proposed filtenna are shown in Fig. 1. The prototype is printed on an ­FR4
epoxy substrate with dielectric constant of 1.6. The overall size of the proposed filtenna is
about 30 mm × 60 mm. The designed filtenna consists of a vertical elliptical disc radiator
with the radius of ­Ar = 10.5 mm and ­Br = 14 mm to broaden the impedance bandwidth of the
filtenna. The electrical length of the feed line of antenna corresponds to the quarter wave-
length of the lower frequency. The ground plane of the designed filtenna is printed at the
bottom with 1.9 mm gap between the radiator and top edge of the ground plane. The assigned
gap between the ground plane and the radiator, also the position and size of the carved rec-
tangular slot in the ground plane further enhances the impedance matching of the filtenna.
Tables 1, 2 represents the dimension details of the designed filtenna and filter respectively.
The layout of the designed bandwidth reconfigurable filter is shown in Fig. 2. In the pro-
posed filtenna, the signal transmission takes place only through the filter that has been inte-
grated at the feed of the microstrip antenna. The filter consists of two resonators such as
planar loop resonator and Dual F-shaped resonator. However for bandwidth reconfiguration

D. Thangarasu et al.

Fig. 1  Layout of proposed

filtering antenna with dimension
details. a Front view, b back view

Table 1  shows the dimension Parameter L W x y a B c D

details of the reconfigurable
filtering antenna Value (mm) 60 30 10.5 14 28.1 3.2 9 10.5

Table 2  represents optimized dimensions of the bandwidth reconfigurable filter

Parameter L W L1 L2 L3 L4

Value (mm) 30 30 7 15 4 41.1

Parameter W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 T

Value (mm) 3 1.5 8 1 0.25 1.6

the varactor diodes are deployed at suitable position on each of the resonator. Therefore
active energy coupling between the transmission line and the two resonators with mini-
mum coupling distance creates the two transmission zeros at the edges of the pass-band.
The designed planar loop resonator which is coupled at the left side of the transmis-
sion line basically creates the transmission zero at 1.6 GHz. The circumference of this
planar loop resonator is approximated the fundamental quarter wavelength of frequency
1.6 GHz to reject the transmission at 1.6 GHz. The varactor diode ­D1 is loaded centrally
in the planar loop resonator based on high current concentration. Figure 3 depicts the
simulated ­S21 response of the proposed filter using diode ­D1. On the other hand the
integrated dual F- shaped structure at the right side of the transmission line is capa-
ble of generating the transmission zero at 1.9 GHz frequency. The resonant length of
this dual F-shaped structure is designed relatively equivalent to the half wavelength of
1.9 GHz frequency. The varactor diode D ­ 2 is loaded at the centre of the dual F-shaped

Banwidth Reconfigurable Filtering Antenna

Fig. 2  Layout of the proposed bandwidth reconfigurable filter

Fig. 3  Simulated |S21| response

of designed filter using diode D
­ 1

resonator to alter the electrical length of the resonator. Figure 4 illustrates the simulated
­S21 response of designed filter using diode D­ 2.
Thus the energy coupled from the characterized filter makes the filtenna to reject
the specified low frequency band. The current flows through the two arms of the filter
generates two transmission zeros and it is tuned individually. Due to these integrated fil-
ter characteristics, the filtenna provides maximum selectivity through the transmission
zero at specified lower frequencies. Figure 5 illustrates the surface current distribution
when the two diodes are tuned separately. The bandwidth of the proposed filtenna is
also adjusted by tuning the transmission zeroes where the position of transmission zero
is shifted by varying the capacitance loaded to the varactor. Hence, the transmission

D. Thangarasu et al.

Fig. 4  Simulated and measured

­S21 response of designed filter
using diode D­ 2

Fig. 5  Surface current distribution of proposed coupled resonators at different operating states: a for diode
­D1, b for diode D
­ 2

zero is tuned from 1.8 to 2.1 GHz by varying the capacitance of the diode D ­ 1 which in-
turn alters the centre frequency and the bandwidth of the pass band. While varying the
capacitance of diode D ­ 1 by 5.09 PF the bandwidth of the filter is achieved as 320 MHz
from the frequency 2.42 to 2.1 GHz. Figure 6 represents the Simulated S-parameter of
filtering antenna by altering the capacitance of the diode ­D1.
Whenever the diode voltage of D­ 2 is varied from 4v to 8v the transmission zero is tuned
from 2.13 to 1.9 GHz. Thus the bandwidth of the pass band is achieved as 300 MHz from
1.6 to 1.9 GHz is shown in the Fig. 7.

3 Results and Discussion

The photograph of the fabricated prototype of filtenna and filter is depicted in Fig. 8.
The proposed filtenna offers the dynamic spectrum access which is facilitated by the
two independent coupled resonators with varactor diodes. Thus for reconfiguration two
SMV2023-011LF varactor diodes having resistance of about 1.6 Ω and inductance as
1.5 nH with the capacitance ranging from 12.33 to 1.09 pF for reconfiguration. The
DC blocking capacitor having the capacitance of about 20 pF and RF choke inductor

Banwidth Reconfigurable Filtering Antenna

Fig. 6  Simulated S-parameter of

filtering antenna by altering the
capacitance of the diode ­D1

Fig. 7  Simulated S-parameter of

filtering antenna by altering the
capacitance of the diode ­D2

Fig. 8  Fabricated photograph of a Filtenna, b Filter

of about 33 nH has been used to isolate the RF and DC signals. Figure 9a, b shows the
comparison of the simulated and measured |S21| response of designed filter by tuning the
diode ­D1 and ­D2 respectively.
From the transmission characteristics of the proposed filter it is observed that the
designed filter provides attenuation above 15 dB at both transmission zeros such as
1.6 GHz and 1.9 GHz. Also the simulated and the measured results of filter response is

D. Thangarasu et al.

Fig. 9  Comparison of the simu-

lated and measured |S21| response
of designed filter by tuning the a
diode ­D1 and b diode D­ 2

verified and good agreement is found between the results. It is also noted that the inser-
tion loss is above 3 dB in all the operating states.
The simulated and the measured results of the filtenna are compared in Fig. 10. From
Fig. 10a it is inferred that the proposed filtenna acquires the bandwidth ranges from 50
to 60 MHz in each state and the centre frequency is tuned from 2.41 to 1.98 GHz.
In Fig. 10b it is seen that the designed prototype acquires the bandwidth up to
440 MHz by varying the bias voltage of diode D ­ 2 and the centre frequency is shifted
from 2 to 1.6 GHz. It is verified that the proposed filtenna offers the reflection coeffi-
cient below 15 dB in all states.
Figure 11 represents the simulated and the measured radiation pattern for the pro-
posed filtenna. Since it is monopole antenna, near doughnut shape and approximate
omnidirectional pattern has been achieved for H- plane and E-plane respectively. The
group delay characteristics of the proposed filtenna has depicted in Fig. 12. From the
figure it is observed that the proposed filtenna achieves flat group delay response with
less variation of 0.2 ns over the operating range of both ­D1 and ­D2 except at the trans-
mission zeroes.

Banwidth Reconfigurable Filtering Antenna

Fig. 10  Simulated and measured

S- parameter of filtenna by alter-
ing the a bias voltage ­D1 and b
diode voltage D­ 2

Figure 13 depicts the gain and efficiency of the proposed filtenna. The proposed filtenna
achieves gain above 1 dBi over the operating range of both operating bands with better
radiation efficiency above 75%.
The salient features of the proposed filtering antenna are:

1. The proposed filtenna is capable of tuning the transmission zeros between the spectrum
1.6–1.9 GHz and 2.1–2.42 GHz by varying the capacitance of the two varactor diodes
with a relative bandwidth of 17.1% and 14.1% respectively .
2. The proposed filtering antenna introduces two transmission zeroes at the lower and upper
cut off frequencies of the pass bands which improves the frequency selectivity with high
attenuation in order to mitigate the cross talk between the adjacent channels.
3. The proposed filtering antenna gives 21.66% tuning ratio than [13, 15] that the designed
monopole antenna can be efficiently tunable according to the user requirement.
4. The developed filtenna is highly compact than the wideband antennas in the existing
state of art [10–16].

D. Thangarasu et al.

Fig. 11  Simulated and the measured radiation pattern for proposed filtenna a 1.79 GHz (E-plane), b
1.79 GHz (H-plane), c 2.38 GHz (E-plane) and d 2.38 GHz (H-plane)

5. The proposed filtenna provides stable omni-directional pattern due to the integration of
filter at the feed of the antenna that the radiator remains unaffected unlike [10].
6. The designed resonators can be scalable so that it can be extended to any required fre-
quency by simply altering the electrical length of the resonator.
7. The proposed filtering antenna supports the wireless point- to -point communication
between the mobiles and the sensor nodes to mobile phones in WSN (Wireless Sensor
Networks) by radiating over these application bands such as 1.8 GHz GSM and 2.4 GHz
8. The proposed filtering antenna also avoids the external biasing Tee by integrating the
DC bias circuit in the resonator which enables less design complexity unlike [15].

Banwidth Reconfigurable Filtering Antenna

Fig. 12  Simulated group delay

characteristics of the proposed

Fig. 13  Gain and Efficiency of

the proposed filtenna

The following table highlights the contribution of the work and also compared with exist-
ing filtering antenna (Table 3).
From the table the proposed filtering antenna is highly compact than the existing state of
arts [10–16] and also provides high bandwidth about 17% than [10, 11, 15, 16] with better tun-
ing range of about 21.66% than [15]. Also, the length of the resonators are scalable to different
frequencies, simple and cost effective does not require any biasing tee that increases the design
complexity [15]. The designed monopole filtenna provides stable omnidirectional pattern
unlike [13] which incorporates slots and via in the radiator part. The bandwidth of each band
is reconfigurable according to the user requirement. Thus the filtering antenna supports two
lower resonance bands such as GSM (1.8 GHz) and Bluetooth 2.4 (GHz) for Mobile applica-
tions and several other short range applications such as home automation, location tracking.

4 Conclusion

A bandwidth reconfigurable band pass filter is explained in this paper by simply tuning
the transmission zeroes using varactor diodes. The transmission zeroes are tuned syn-
chronously to achieve frequency and bandwidth reconfiguration. The designed prototype

Table 3  Comparison between the proposed work and existing works
References Size of Antenna (λ2g) Operating Bandwidth (%) Diodes % size Tuning range Advantages/limitation
frequency reduc-
(GHz) tion

[10] 0.51 × 0.91 2.4–2.6** 8 4 PIN diodes 52 Pattern reconfiguration Increased size, includes slots in the radiator with
PIN diodes
[11] 0.80 × 1.77 2.2–2.4* 16 More than 4 diodes 84 – Increased size and more actuators
[12] 1.44 × 1.44 1.57–3.51** 71.3 4 PIN diodes 89 Discrete switching More number of actuators
[13] 0.74 × 0.67 3–11* 3.9 1 PIN + 1 Varactor 55 8.8% Increased size, introduction of lumped elements
5.01–5.21** in the radiator affect the radiation pattern
[14] 0.62 × 0.55 5–6* 18 5 PIN diodes 36 Discrete switching Increased size with more actuators and does not
2.44–2.49** 2 provide good selectivity
[15] 1.14 × 0.38 3.9–4.82* 1 2 Pin diodes 48 10.5% Requires additional bias tee and increased size
[16] 0.96 × 0.96 0.7–3.4 7.8 4 PIN diodes 75 Discrete switching Increased size, includes Deflected ground struc-
1.1–2.4 2 ture which increases loss
This work 0.33 × 0.671 1.6–2.5* 17.1 2 Varactor diodes – 21.66% Highly compact, provides high bandwidth and
1.6–1.9** better selectivity

*Wideband, **Narrowband
λg-Guided wavelength of the microstrip structure at the lowest operating frequency
D. Thangarasu et al.
Banwidth Reconfigurable Filtering Antenna

successfully offers low insertion loss, good in band matching, compact in size and better
selectivity compared to the literature. Also, the designed filtenna possess good impedance
matching and radiation characteristics based on the measured results. The proposed proto-
type is highly intended for use in short range wireless multi-radio and mobile application
with dynamic spectrum access.

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D. Thangarasu et al.

Deepa Thangarasu received the BE degree in Electronics and Com-

munication Engineering at Panimalar Institute of technology, Poona-
malle, Chennai and currently doing ME in College of Engineering,
Anna University, Guindy. Her research interests are Microwave Sen-
sors, reconfigurable Filtenna, Microwave Devices and MIMO

Saffrine Kingsly received ME degree in Communication Systems at

College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, Chennai currently
working as research scholar. Her research interests are Microwave Sen-
sors, Reconfigurable Filters, Microwave Devices and MIMO antennas.

Malathi Kanagasabai completed her BE-Electronics and Communica-

tion Engineering and ME-Microwave and Optical Engineering from A
C Tech, Karaikudi in the years 1988 and 1990 respectively. She
received her Ph.D. on “Analysis of Rectangular Shielded Stripline
Enclosures” from Anna University, Chennai in 2004. She currently
serves as an Associate Professor in the Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering (ECE), Anna University, Chennai. Her
research interests are antennas, UWB microwave components, Electro-
magnetic shielding and signal integrity analysis in RF printed circuit

Banwidth Reconfigurable Filtering Antenna

GulamNabi Alsath obtained his BE and ME, degree from College of

Engineering Anna University, Chennai. He received his Ph.D. degree
from Anna University for his research work on Automotive Antennas.
He currently serves as an Associate Professor in the Department of
ECE, SSN. His research interests include Microwave components and
Circuits, Antenna Engineering, Signal integrity Analysis and Solutions
to EMI problems.

Padmathilagam Sambandham received the BE degree in Electronics

and Communication Engineering at University college of Engineering,
Villupuram and currently doing ME in College of Engineering, Anna
University, Guindy. Her research interests are Microwave Sensors,
Microwave Devices and MIMO antennas.

Sridhar Bilvam is a Professor and Head of The Department at Sri Ven-

kateshwara College of Engineering, Tirupati. He obtained his Ph.D.
for his thesis on Planar microstrip and Dielectric Resonator based
Refelctarray antennas. His research interests are basically on Electro-
magentic fields, Transmission Lines and Waveguides, Antennas and
Propagation and Advanced Radiation Systems.

D. Thangarasu et al.

Sandeep Kumar Palaniswamy completed his Masters in communica-

tion systems and Ph.D. in Antenna Engineering from the Department
of ECE, College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai.
He is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of
ECE at SRM University, Chennai. His research interest are Planar
antennas, Monopole antennas, Wideband antennas, Conformal anten-
nas, Antenna measurements, Microwaves, MIMO antennas and 3D

Rama Rao Tippuraj is working as Professor and Head of Telecommu-

nication Engineering department, SRM University, India. He received
his Ph.D. degree from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati in 2000.
His research interests are, Radio Channel Measurements and Mode-
ling, Broadband Wireless Communications/Networks and Wireless
Information Networks.


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