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Before, they hurt me. Now, I hurt them. Before, I had nothing. Now, I take what I want.
Be the bruiser, the muscle, and the mailed fist. Be the master thief, the mercenary, and the working stiff.


Before, I was powerless. Now, I can do anything, so long as I obey. Before, I was nobody. Now, I am at least somebody.
Be the herald, the doom, and the pact-bound. Be the alter ego, the split personality, and the two-faced reprobate.


Before, I was alone. Now, they will be in awe of me. Before, I had no control. Now, I have all the cards.
Be the stranger, the corruptor, and the alien threat. Be the schemer, the overlord, and the master planner.


Before, they rejected me. Now, they will fear me. Before, nobody took me seriously. Now, I have a cause to die for.
Be the abomination, the creature and the unleashed terror. Be the obsessive, the hypocrite, and the justified villain.


Before, I trusted them. Now, I know better. Before, I was tossed aside. Now, I will claim my birth-right.
Be the double agent, the double crosser, the cheat with a heart of gold. Be the discarded, the spare after the heir, and the prodigal pupil.
Nobody can make you do anything anymore. Right now, the chains come off, as does any other
limit you or anyone else put on you. They’re going to all pay for what they’ve done. Every
single transgression, every single wrong, is paid back in full, with interest. Of course, there’s
some collateral damage, and it might be that you’re the one leaving the traumatized in your
wake, starting the cycle anew…

When you meddle in the plots of others, mark Curses! if you immediately make them the boss
or the meat. If they are already the boss or the meat, take Influence over them instead.
When others meddle in your plots, give them Influence over you and hold 1. Spend that hold to
show up when they least expect it.
When you stop to gloat about your master plan, hold it over them like they are a child, make
them jump for it. Roll + Plan. On a hit, they are vulnerable. On a 7-9, choose one: mark a
condition, spend 1 Plan, they know where to find you after this.

All villains can call upon Assets to use in their Capers, advantages and ill-gotten gains that they
can wager or exhaust for temporary advantage. Choose 1, or write your own.
a base, a vehicle, a supercomputer, communicators, surveillance equipment, false IDs, forged
documents, a lab, a workshop, an armoury of weapons, a safehouse, a vault, a grimoire, a
suitcase of cash, simple robots, ________.

CURSES! ❑❑❑❑❑ INFAMY ❑❑❑

Every time you roll a miss on a move, mark Curses!

When you fill your Curses! Track, you advance. Choose from the list below.
❑ Take another move from your playbook ❑ Rearrange your Labels as you choose, REAL NAME (IF DIFFERENT)
❑ Take another move from your playbook and add +1 to a Label
❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph LOOK
❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Take Wants from the Crook playbook, • ambiguous, man, shifting, transgressing, woman
❑ Take 2 more Assets with 2 Wants to start • Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle Eastern, White
❑ Someone permanently loses Influence ❑ Take an ability from any other playbook, • scarred hands, grubby hands, inhuman hands, bruised hands
over you; add +1 to a Label along with the scar to match • baggy clothing, expensive clothing, dirty clothing, casual clothing
• simple costume, memorable costume, over-the-top costume, armoured costume
When you’ve taken 5 advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below.
❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph after ❑ Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of
it’s been used once your choice ABILITIES
❑ Change playbooks ❑ Retire from the life or become a threat to You carry the scars and baggage of a past trauma, but what didn’t kill you made you
❑ Take a Villainous Condition the world stronger. You are terrifyingly strong or strongly terrifying, unbelievably hard to kill, and
❑ Take a Villainous Condition uniquely skilled at causing pain. Decide how each of these abilities manifests, and what
physical or mental scars accompany them.
(at character creation, add +1 to wherever you choose) (Choose two)
❑ Plays well with others: Whenever you ❑ Sensitive soul: Whenever you have
provide the muscle or warm body that Insecure marked, take +1 ongoing to
someone else’s scheme requires, you can unleash your powers.
spend 2 out of the Plan pool to add +2 to
❑ I’m the Juggernaut: When there’s
their roll.
something you want and someone,
❑ Rhino’s Bargain: Whenever you threaten something, or someplace is in your way,
someone or something your target cares roll + Danger. On a hit, you breeze past
about with physical force or violence, you any obstacle and get what you want. On a
may roll + Menace instead of + Superior to 7-9, choose one: mark a condition, leave
provoke someone. something behind, or take something with

CONDITIONS ❑ Immediate peril: When causing collateral

damage and chaos to threaten the lives of ❑ Remember me?: When you mark a
❑ bystanders and create a scene, you may roll condition, hold 1 (only 1 per condition).
❑ + Danger instead of + Trouble to distract Spend that hold to make the person you
someone. hold most responsible vulnerable.

BACKSTORY You’re a creature of hierarchy. You always recognize one big boss and one piece of meat. You
can change the boss or the meat at any time; give the new subject of your loyalty or
• What changed you and how is that related to your traumatic past? depredations Influence over you. Even your victim represents some insecurity about yourself.
• How did you overcome the trauma? Take +1 ongoing to any action that supports the boss or frustrates the meat.
• Who, outside your peers, do you blame the most?
• Why do you try to be a villain? Boss:
• Why do you put up with the others?
Once you’ve finished your backstory, introduce your character to the other players, and then
determine what happened when you all first allied for a caper, the relationships between you
and your peers, and who has Influence over you.


We upstaged a respected hero. Who or what was it?

________________ is the boss. They’ve promised to help you get ahead if you follow orders.
________________ is the meat. They remind you in a specific way about your weaker self.

You’re hard to figure out. Give the boss and the meat Influence over you, but that’s it.
You’re about to make the score your life. There’s no obstacle that you can’t bypass, there’s no
wall that you can’t scale. Everything is within your grasp. Just take, take, take, and take some
more. Just remember that being laden with all that stuff will expose you even more…

When you meddle in the plots of others, ask them if they can help you get what you want. If
they say yes, give them Influence over you and clear a condition. If they say no, mark a
condition and Curses!
When others meddle in your plots, decide whether you slack off or focus. If you focus and get
it done as a team, add Plan to the pool. If you slack off together and ease off, they can choose
to give you Influence over them to clear one of their conditions.
When you stop to gloat about your master plan, explain how after the score, you’re going to
fulfil one of your Wants with your ill-gotten reward. Roll + Plan. On a hit, cross off the Want
described as if fulfilled, as you flash forward to your fantasy. On a 7-9, you are distracted;
choose one: mark a condition, spend a Plan, the person you are gloating to escapes or gets an

All villains can call upon Assets to use in their Capers, advantages and ill-gotten gains that they
can wager or exhaust for temporary advantage. Choose 2, or write your own.

a base, a vehicle, a supercomputer, communicators, surveillance equipment, false IDs, forged
documents, a lab, a workshop, an armoury of weapons, a safehouse, a vault, a grimoire, a
suitcase of cash, simple robots, ________.


Every time you roll a miss on a move, mark Curses! REAL NAME (IF DIFFERENT)

When you fill your Curses! Track, you advance. Choose from the list below. • ambiguous, man, shifting, transgressing, woman
❑ Take another move from your playbook ❑ Rearrange your Labels as you choose, • Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle Eastern, White
❑ Take another move from your playbook and add +1 to a Label • smirking face, cunning face, observant face, undecipherable face
❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph • stylish clothing, expensive clothing, casual clothing, threadbare clothing
❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Take Pecking Order from the Bully • flashy costume, stylish costume, gaudy costume, utilitarian costume
❑ Take 2 more Assets playbook
❑ ❑ Take another ability from your playbook
Someone permanently loses Influence
over you; add +1 to a Label as you expand your skillset ABILITIES
What you bring to the table is not so much powers as a particular set of skills, skills that
When you’ve taken 5 advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below. make you very good at what you do. What is it that you do? Choose 2.
❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph after ❑ Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of
❑ infiltration and ❑ guns, guns, guns ❑ martial arts
it’s been used once your choice
espionage ❑ hacking and ❑ gadgetry and traps
❑ Change playbooks ❑ Retire from the life or become a threat to
❑ burglary and theft cyberwarfare
❑ Take a Villainous Condition the world
❑ Take a Villainous Condition
(at character creation, add +1 to wherever you choose) (Choose two)
❑ Casing the joint: When you’re scoping ❑ We’re only in it for the money:
out a possible mark, whether a person or Whenever you betray someone for fun
place, roll + Trouble. On a 10+, ask 2. On and/or profit, the betrayed (your call) loses
a 7-9, ask 1. Influence over you and marks Curses!
- what here is useful/valuable to me?
❑ Common criminal: Whenever you bring
- what is the best way in/way past?
up your villainous identity with someone
- who or what here is not what they
important (your call), roll + Infamy. On a
10+, say what they’ve heard that marks
- who owns this place / whose payroll is
you as a threat and what Label applies. On
this person on?
a 7-9, the GM will decide what they’ve
- when’s the last time this person/place
CONDITIONS has been hit?
heard and what Label applies. On a miss,
they will underestimate/ignore you over
❑ ❑ Bag of tricks: You’re never content to be your peers.
predictable in your line of work, and are
❑ constantly acquiring equipment that
❑ Watch the birdie: When you distract
someone, add make them vulnerable to
❑ complement your particular skillset.
your list of choices, and take +1 forward to
❑ Whenever you steal some new kit, you can
exploit weakness on someone you have
write it down as a new ability if this line is
❑ empty. ___________________________
distracted this scene.
❑ Eyes of the prize: When executing a
BACKSTORY Whenever you use each kit in a cunning
and risky manner, roll + Trouble instead of
plan, hold 1 (up to 3). Spend 1 hold to take
+1 when seizing victory, and/or to
• What got you into your life of crime? + Freak to unleash your powers with it. abscond from the final action scene.
• How did you gain your particular set of skills?
• Who, outside your peers, thinks you’re just a two-bit thief?

Why do you try to be a villain?
Why do you put up with the others?
Choose 4 Wants to mark at the start of play. When you fulfil a marked Want, strike it out, and
Once you’ve finished your backstory, introduce your character to the other players, and then choose one: mark Curses!, clear a condition, take Influence over someone involved.
determine what happened when you all first allied for a caper, the relationships between you
and your peers, and who has Influence over you. When your 4 marked Wants are all struck out, choose and mark 4 new Wants. When all Wants
are struck out, change playbooks, retire from the life, or become a threat to the world.

DURING OUR FIRST CAPER… ❑ mastermind your own caper ❑ get a new costume
We didn’t get the goods in the end. What was the job, and who or what screwed it up before ❑ kiss a superhero ❑ get a new villain name
you got your mitts on the haul? ❑ steal from someone you know you ❑ earn the respect of a villain you admire
shouldn’t ❑ make out with a peer
RELATIONSHIPS ❑ betray a peer when they most need you
❑ take down a hero all on your own

knock out a peer
steal something impossible
________________ holds some kind of debt over your head that you’re itching to pay off. ❑ pull off a ridiculous stunt ❑ start a fight between your peers
Both you and ________________ share a side-venture together that you haven’t shared with ❑ save a peer’s life ❑ travel to an incredible place (or time)
the others. ❑ show up an adult villain ❑ try out being a superhero
❑ get drunk or high with a peer ❑ reject someone who underestimates you
INFLUENCE ❑ hijack a fantastical vehicle

You’re slippery, but you’ve got a tendency to get wrapped up in others’ schemes. Give
Influence to three of your peers.
It’s only briefly, but for a little while, you’re truly able to feel like you’re completely free of all
obligations. The powers that you have are your own, and they allow you to do anything. You find
the loophole, the secret, and you exploit it, over and over again. You keep pushing and pushing,
until finally you end up entangling yourself all over again, and the Dark Power is not amused…

When you meddle in the plots of others, ask if they think you’re acting alone or at the behest of
your Dark Power. If they think you’re acting alone, clear a condition and give them Influence over
you. If they think you’re acting at the behest of your Dark Power, shift up Freak and shift down a
Label of your choice.
When others meddle in your plots, they gain the notice of the Dark Power. You decide either to
protect them or to do nothing. If you protect them, give the Dark Power Influence over you and
mark Curses! If you do nothing, the Dark Power gains Influence over them, and they can clear a

When you stop to gloat about your master plan, go on and on about what dark and terrible things
will happen when your evil master is finally incarnate, and how this plan brings him ever closer to
this world. Roll + Menace. On a hit, clear a String as you satiate it with your praises of evil. On a VILLAIN NAME
7-9, mark a condition. Either way, give the Dark Power Influence over you.
All villains can call upon Assets to use in their Capers, advantages and ill-gotten gains that they can LOOK
wager or exhaust for temporary advantage. Choose 2, or write your own. • ambiguous, man, shifting, transgressing, woman
a base, a vehicle, a supercomputer, communicators, surveillance equipment, false IDs, forged • Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle Eastern, White
documents, a lab, a workshop, an armoury of weapons, a safehouse, a vault, a grimoire, a suitcase • adaptive costume, daemonic guise, flashy costume, grim vestments
of cash, simple robots, ________. • laughing eyes, devilish eyes, empty eyes, haunted eyes
• unassuming clothing, medical clothing, official clothing, casual clothing
CURSES! ❑❑❑❑❑ INFAMY ❑ ❑ ❑
Every time you roll a miss on a move, mark Curses!
Your powers are tied to your Dark Power and their favour. Choose up to 3, and describe how the
ADVANCEMENT Power’s will is done through them. Your Dark Power can always deny you access to your
When you fill your Curses! Track, you advance. Choose from the list below. ❑ cosmic awareness ❑ necromancy ❑ elemental control
❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph ❑ dimensional warping ❑ soul manipulation ❑ manifestations of fear

Take a move from another playbook
Take a move from another playbook
❑ Clear your Strings track without taking a
You made a bargain with a much more powerful and evil being, that nevertheless needed you in
❑ Take 2 more Assets ❑ Clear your Strings track and take a Bargain.
order to act in this world. It simply cannot be defeated by you, or even your allies. Only a true
❑ Someone permanently loses Influence over ❑ Take an ability from any playbook, which
hero can defeat it, and that’s not you.
you; add +1 to a Label your Dark Power cannot deny you
Give the Dark Power three sobriquets and one true name.
❑ Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and
________________, ________________, ________________.
add +1 to a Label
True name: ________________________________________.
When you’ve taken 5 advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below.
Whenever someone learns and invokes the Dark Power by its true name, mark your Strings track.
❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph after it’s ❑ Take a Villainous Condition Whoever invoked the name takes Influence over the Dark Power, but it gets closer to becoming
been used once ❑ Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of your incarnate on this world. And unlike you, it’s truly evil, or at least completely terrifyingly amoral.
❑ Confront the Dark Power on your terms; if choice
you survive, change playbooks ❑ Summon the Dark Power into being, and At the end of every session, answer the question: Did you make any progress at paying off your
❑ Take a Villainous Condition become a threat to the world debt to the Dark Power? If yes, mark a condition from the stress. If no, mark your Strings track.
(at character creation, add +1 to wherever you choose) You’re a herald of a greater doom, and your pact came with strings attached. You are sworn to
the Dark Power and every action you take, can give it more power over you. You can ignore
this fate, try to abate it, or embrace it. But either way, it is coming. What summons the Dark
Power forth and gives it more Strings over you? Choose two.
❑ overexerting yourself ❑ indulging in revenge ❑ killing, accidental or not
❑ temptation of a hero ❑ showing mercy ❑ talking about it openly
Whenever you summon forth the Dark Power, mark one box on your Strings track.

❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
When your Strings track fills, the terms of the deal are changed. Clear it and take one Bargain.
Pray the terms are not changed again.
❑ These are the moves that come to you with the advancement of your dark pact. Once you have
taken all six Bargains above the line, you must take “Your payment is due” the next time your
❑ Strings track fills. Choose two Bargains you already hold at character creation.
❑ ❑ Uncanny voices: Mark your Strings track ❑ Numb: Mark your Strings track to clear 2
❑ to reveal alarming secrets about those conditions.
around. Ask the GM a question; they will
❑ Burning at both ends: Mark your Strings
BACKSTORY answer it honestly.
track to execute a plan as if you rolled a
❑ Elsewise power: Mark your Strings track 12+.
• Why did you make your pact with the Dark Power?
to use a move from any playbook, one
• How did you find your Lair? ❑ Apotheosis: Mark your Strings track to
• Who, outside your peers, is tied to the Dark Power? transform into a hybrid of yourself and the
• What does the Dark Power want from you, and from the world? ❑ Make a wish: Mark your Strings track to Dark Power. Roll + Freak to directly
• Why do you put up with the others? get anything that you really, really want. It engage and take +1 ongoing to unleash
can be anything, but it always comes with your powers for the rest of the scene.
Once you’ve finished your backstory, introduce your character to the other players, and then
a twist.
determine what happened when you all first allied for a caper, the relationships between you
and your peers, and who has Influence over you.
❑ Your payment is due: The Dark Power is incarnate. At the end of the scene, surrender
your character to the GM, giving you time for either great defiance or great villainy.
We made them pay. We made them all pay. Who received this payback, and what was it in LAIR
return for? You have a place where you can scheme, recover, and experiment with your powers. Choose
and underline 3 features of your Lair:
RELATIONSHIPS An aide or assistant; a full staff; locks and traps; a library of valuable tomes; a scattering of
________________ is the only one that knows the truth about you and the Dark Power. ancient relics; a teleportal; a containment system; a sentient computer; useful tools; a
You want something that ________________ has before your short time here is up. meditation space; a power battery; a power enhancement system; prison chamber; lavish
accoutrements and amenities; a labyrinth; healing equipment; raw materials
Choose and underline 2 downsides of your Lair:
INFLUENCE Difficult to access; draws dangerous attention; location known to many; easily damaged or
tampered with; not safe from your Dark Power
You fall into bad crowds easily, even if you’re always the outsider. Give two of your peers
Influence over you. Also, give the Dark Power Influence over you. You can use the features of your Lair as Assets during a caper, either exhausting or wagering
them for benefit. When you wager a Lair feature and miss, instead of losing that feature, the
Dark Power gets more hold over you; mark your Strings track.
It’s time to become the mask. Everything before this moment was just pretending. For a time, you
know exactly what you are, what you’ve become. The Other, for the time being, is completely gone.
And without it weighing you down, you can do the impossible… Until the reminder comes of what
you once were, and perhaps still are. And everything comes crashing back down on you…

When you meddle in the plots of others, ask if they think they can see past the hood. They can’t, but
they may lie to you. If they lie and say they do, take Influence over them, and they may shift Labels.
If they tell the truth and say they do not, shift Menace up and any other Label down.
When others meddle in your plots, decide whether they remind you of a Facet or the Other. If the
former, change a Facet to their highest Label and clear a condition. If the latter, mark Curses! and
give them Influence over you.
When you stop to gloat about your master plan, tell them exactly who you think you are right now.
Roll a Facet Label. On a hit, choose one. On a 10+, add 1 Infamy.
• give them Influence over you, clear a condition
• mark a condition, take Influence over them
• change the Facet Label you rolled

All villains can call upon Assets to use in their Capers, advantages and ill-gotten gains that they can
wager or exhaust for temporary advantage. Choose 1, or write your own.

a base, a vehicle, a supercomputer, communicators, surveillance equipment, false IDs, forged
documents, a lab, a workshop, an armoury of weapons, a safehouse, a vault, a grimoire, a suitcase
of cash, simple robots, ________.


Every time you roll a miss on a move, mark Curses!

When you fill your Curses! Track, you advance. Choose from the list below.
• ambiguous, man, shifting, transgressing, woman
❑ Take another move from your playbook ❑ Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and • Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle Eastern, White
❑ Take another move from your playbook add +1 to a Label • boring clothing, upscale clothing, superhero clothing, fraying clothing
❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph • gimmicky costume, concealing costume, distracting costume, symbiotic costume
❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Choose a new Facet to define your identity • featureless mask, helmet, disfigurement, domino mask, concealing mask, hood
❑ Take 2 more Assets by
❑ Someone permanently loses Influence over ❑ Take an ability from any playbook as your
you; add +1 to a Label identity develops ABILITIES
When you’ve taken 5 advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below. Your powers are easily hidden from others, and you have heightened senses and
awareness around you, and are tougher than a baseline human. In addition, choose 2.
❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph after it’s ❑ Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of your
been used once choice ❑ energy absorption ❑ substance mimicry ❑ shadow transformation
❑ Change playbooks ❑ Retire from the life or become a threat to ❑ strange symbiote ❑ psychic projection ❑ self multiplication
❑ Take a Villainous Condition the world
❑ Take a Villainous Condition
(at character creation, add +1 to wherever you choose) (Choose two)
❑ Many faces: Whenever you change outfit ❑ What it says on the tin: Whenever you
or identity, even if only in part, roll using a accept what someone says about you, even
Facet Label. On a 10+, clear a condition. though you know it isn’t true, take +1
On a 7-9, you may change one condition ongoing against them for the remainder of
with another. the scene, and either clear a condition or
mark Curses!
❑ Phantom of the Opera: When you stalk a
target over time, studying their every move ❑ Unusual suspect: Whenever someone is
and only revealing yourself occasionally looking into your secret identity, you can
and with purpose, roll + Menace. On a hit, roll + Menace instead of Trouble to
take Influence over them. On a 7-9, mark a distract them from the truth by making

CONDITIONS condition, their choice. your different selves seem as far away
from each other as possible.
❑ Danger, Diabolik!: Whenever you allow
❑ yourself to be captured, revealed, or caught ❑ The dramatic reveal: When your identity
❑ on camera and your disguised visage given is under threat, you may reveal your secret
the centre of attention, roll a Facet Label. identity to someone watching, or mark a
❑ On a hit, add 1 Infamy. On a 7-9, choose condition and only pretend to, in order to
❑ one: either make someone vulnerable or
❑ - someone from your secret life becomes abscond as if you had rolled a 12+.

- something from your secret life
becomes endangered
• When did you first take up your villainous identity? - somewhere from your secret life
• What makes your Facets different from the Other? becomes exposed
• Who, outside your peers, knows your secret identity?
• Why do you try to be a villain? FACETS
• Why do you put up with the others? Your identity is wrapped up in the guises you wear. It is a nebulous thing, poorly defined, and is
Once you’ve finished your backstory, introduce your character to the other players, and then constantly changing to others’ whims and the legends of your exploits. You Facet at any time is
determine what happened when you all first allied for a caper, the relationships between you defined by a single Label. Choose the Label that your first Facet is defined by.
and your peers, and who has Influence over you. ❑ Danger ❑ Freak ❑ Superior ❑ Trouble
Once per session, you can affirm your Facet identity to switch your Menace with that Facet’s
DURING OUR FIRST CAPER… Label. You may also change a Facet’s Label by marking a condition at any time.
We abducted someone really important, who knows our villain names and helped spread the As an advancement, you may select a second Facet and have both at once.
word, inadvertently or not. Who was it? Why are they important?
RELATIONSHIPS Whether you legitimately have another personality, or simply live a double life, there is an
Other you that you continually attempt to deny and avoid. You normally do not play the Other
________________ knew you first as the Other, but hasn’t made the connection. in the fiction; it is usually only referred to and interacted with indirectly. Whatever the case
You know that ________________ has been snooping around trying to uncover your secret might be, decide who your Other is, and then choose at least three Complications from below,
identity. or write your own, that provide both problems to avoid and motivation to embrace villainy.
❑ boring job ❑ sick relative ❑ needy relationship
INFLUENCE ❑ heroic identity ❑ rent to pay ❑ superhero sibling
You find yourself taking after others almost instinctively, considering the void where your ❑ school to attend ❑ nosy best friend ❑ terminal illness
identity is. Give Influence to three of your peers. ❑ celebrity persona ❑ criminal record ❑ ________________
When time passes, roll your Facet Label (if you have two, choose one). On a hit, you have
been spending too much time as a villain and suffer from the Complications of the Other. On a
10+, the GM chooses two that will come back to bite you. On a 7-9, you choose one.
Everything you survey is for you to rule. There is nothing that can resist the corrupting touch of
your Contagion. Armies rise underneath you, and carry you to wherever you wish to go. You
could topple nations, and for a moment, the world treats you as the threat you so deserve to be
seen as. For a moment, the world quakes in your name, and you are no longer a stranger…

When you meddle in the plots of others, you learn quickly the hard way that you’ve got a lot to
learn about keeping a low profile. Ask them what kind of complication you suffer due to this,
and what you still have to learn. If you follow this lesson, take +1 forward to do so, and mark
When others meddle in your plots, decide whether to show them disdain or remain ignorant of
their presence. If you show them disdain, they mark a condition, but take +1 forward to prove
you wrong. If you ignore their presence, you both lose Influence over each other.
When you stop to gloat about your master plan, you stall in hopes of luring them closer in order
to infect them with your Contagion. Roll + Superior. On a hit, take Influence over them. On a
7-9, they realize the trick, and you take a powerful blow.

All villains can call upon Assets to use in their Capers, advantages and ill-gotten gains that they
can wager or exhaust for temporary advantage. Choose 2, or write your own.
a base, a vehicle, a supercomputer, communicators, surveillance equipment, false IDs, forged
documents, a lab, a workshop, an armoury of weapons, a safehouse, a vault, a grimoire, a
suitcase of cash, simple robots, ________.


Every time you roll a miss on a move, mark Curses!

ambiguous, man, shifting, transgressing, woman
• strange body, immaterial body, robotic chassis, godlike body
When you fill your Curses! Track, you advance. Choose from the list below. • digital eyes, bizarre eyes, human-like eyes, spectral eyes
• flashy clothing, mismatched clothing, average clothing, alien clothing
❑ Take another move from your playbook ❑ Rearrange your Labels as you choose,
• your people’s uniform, your station’s costume, practical costume, human disguise
❑ Take another move from your playbook and add +1 to a Label
❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph
❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Take the remaining two abilities in your ABILITIES
❑ Take 2 more Assets power suite as you come into your own You can fly by some means, and are tougher and stronger than baseline humans.
❑ Someone permanently loses Influence ❑ Take a Birthright from the Scion Choose 1 of the following power suites. Underline the first power as your Contagion
over you; add +1 to a Label playbook, recently rediscovered and choose 2 others.
When you’ve taken 5 advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below. ❑ mind control, psychic blasts, telepathy, ❑ godlike presence, super strength, super
❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph after ❑ Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of hallucinations, teleportation speed, heightened intelligence, super
it’s been used once your choice ❑ vampiric bite, gaseous form, life drain, senses
❑ Change playbooks ❑ Return to your home or become a threat command of beasts, invisibility ❑ genetic mutation, matter manipulation,
❑ Take a Villainous Condition to the world ❑ nanomachines, technopathy, energy form, density control, radical shapeshifting,
❑ Take a Villainous Condition laser beams, electrokinesis radiation
(at character creation, add +1 to wherever you choose) (Choose two)
❑ Far from home: You’re an exile, willing ❑ Cyrus the Virus: Whenever you attempt
or not, and unable to return to where to inflict someone with your Contagion,
you’re from for some reason (invented or you can do so through anyone you
real). You’re constantly on the search for currently have Influence over, without
clues and signals from your homeworld. having to be physically present to do so, as
Whenever time passes, roll + Superior. On your control becomes infectious.
a 10+, hold 2. On a 7-9, hold 1. Spend your
❑ Stranger in a Strange Land: Whenever
hold 1 for 1 to:
you are exposed for what you are to
- recover a useful piece of alien kit: use
bystanders, their ostracism and reaction
any ability from another playbook
tells you who you are or how the world
once this session
CONDITIONS - recover a clue of alien origins: ask the
works. Mark Curses! If you accept what
they say, or take +2 to reject what they
GM a single question which they must
❑ answer honestly
❑ - clear a condition by invoking ❑ The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste:
If you have Influence on a target, you may
❑ memories or a lead that will get you
roll + Freak to distract or provoke them,
❑ instead of the normal Label, by outwardly
❑ Prince of Space: Whenever you deal with
❑ civilians and bystanders, your Contagion
calling upon the Contagion to affect them
rather than your social acumen.
overwhelms them and the people listen.
BACKSTORY Roll + Freak. On a hit, they choose one: ❑ Puny, pathetic earthlings: Whenever you
engage against stacked odds because you
- do what you say
• Where do you come from, and why are you here? underestimate or disdain your opponents,
- grovel and beg
• How does your Contagion affect those around you? you may shift your Superior up and any
- attack you
• Who, outside your peers, also comes from the same place as you? other Label down.
- freeze
• Why do you still remain here?
On a 10+, you also take +1 forward
• Why do you put up with the others?
against them.
Once you’ve finished your backstory, introduce your character to the other players, and then
determine what happened when you all first allied for a caper, the relationships between you
and your peers, and who has Influence over you. CONTAGION
Your Influence has a quality that goes beyond others, representing an insidious power that you
DURING OUR FIRST CAPER… can exert over people. It can come in many different vectors. The first ability of your chosen
There used to be one more of us, but they betrayed us. How and why? And where are they power suite is the vector by which you spread your Contagion, and how your Influence is felt.
When you inflict someone with your Contagion, roll + Freak. On a 10+, take Influence over
them. On a 7-9, they choose one.
RELATIONSHIPS - they mark a condition
You’ve been studying the earthlings (and especially their weaknesses) with the aid, witting or - they make themselves vulnerable
not, of ________________. - they give you Influence over them
You’d be loathe to admit it, but you admire ________________ and have strange feelings for
them that you do not understand. Even normal Influence makes one open to the Invader’s powers. Influence earned by the
Contagion is definitely not mundane, but it is still rejected the same way.
You’re an alien to this place. No one starts with Influence over you.
You’re not just pretending any more. Everything that happens next is exactly as you planned it.
Every eventuality, every possibility, examined inside and out. You have a solution for every
problem, a counter for every move, even if such prescience should be impossible. Everything
goes according to your plan as it reaches its climax. And then, the web-wheel full of flaming
irons start to spiral out of control…

When you meddle in the plots of others, provide them some backseat villainy. If they heed it,
gain Influence over them, and they take +1 forward. If they dismiss it, lose Influence over
them, and mark Curses!
When others meddle in your plots, decide if they’re a pawn or a problem. If they’re a pawn,
shift Superior up and Trouble down. If they’re a problem, give them +1 forward but they lose
Influence over you.
When you stop to gloat about your master plan, reveal more than you want to about yourself in
your eagerness to share the grandeur of your vision. Roll + Menace. On a hit, give them
Influence over you and clear a condition. On a 10+, clear another condition.

All villains can call upon Assets to use in their Capers, advantages and ill-gotten gains that they
can wager or exhaust for temporary advantage. Choose 2, or write your own.

a base, a vehicle, a supercomputer, communicators, surveillance equipment, false IDs, forged
documents, a lab, a workshop, an armoury of weapons, a safehouse, a vault, a grimoire, a
suitcase of cash, simple robots, ________.


Every time you roll a miss on a move, mark Curses!

When you fill your Curses! Track, you advance. Choose from the list below. • ambiguous, man, shifting, transgressing, woman
❑ Unlock 3 new Gambits ❑ Rearrange your Labels as you choose, • Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle Eastern, White
❑ Unlock 3 new Gambits and add +1 to a Label • smirking face, cunning face, observant face, untrusting face
❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph • fashionable clothing, casual clothing, formal clothing, dark clothing
❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Take The Cause from the Radical • formidable costume, uniform costume, simple costume, alluring costume
❑ Take 2 more Assets playbook
❑ ❑ Take another ability from your playbook
Someone permanently loses Influence
over you; add +1 to a Label as you expand your superlative prowess
If you have superpowers, they accentuate your cunning intellect. You’re best known for
When you’ve taken 5 advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below. two particular superlative prowess (by your own admission) that you have over others in
❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph after ❑ Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of a grandiose manner which is surely not exaggerated in any way. Choose 2.
it’s been used once your choice
❑ Change playbooks ❑ Return from the life or become a threat
❑ Take a Villainous Condition to the world
❑ Take a Villainous Condition
(at character creation, add +1 to wherever you choose) When you show your hand, roll + Infamy. On a hit, hold 3 cards. On a 7-9, lose 1 Infamy. On a
miss, hold 2 cards, and either lose 2 Infamy or mark 2 conditions. You can do this during an
action scene, or in lieu of cooking up a scheme or executing a plan.

Spend your cards on your Gambits. Note that some Gambits can even be used in a scene you
are not physically present in. You start the game with 4 Gambits.

❑ Ante: You have something that will even ❑ Flash: You are quick to gather
the odds here, tit for tat. Spend 1 card to intelligence, though sometimes knowing
have a target mark a condition you yourself can be dangerous. Spend 1 card and mark a
have marked. If you have none marked, condition to ask any one question about the
caper and the situation around it to the
add 1 Plan instead.
GM, who must answer honestly..
❑ Bluff: You’ve got a distraction prepared to
❑ give you just the right amount of time. ❑ Fold: You have to know when to hold
❑ Spend 1 card to distract someone, rolling them, and when to walk away. Spend 1
+ Superior instead of + Trouble. card to have another PC at the same scene
❑ take a powerful blow instead of you.
❑ Bust: You cash in your chips to get the
❑ authorities off your back, providing a ❑ Horse: You have just the right person (or
❑ scapegoat or a stool pigeon. Spend 1 card monster) for the job. Spend up to 3 cards to
to roll + Superior. On a hit, clear 1 Heat. have a proxy that will obey your orders.
BACKSTORY On a 7-9, choose one: spend 1 additional
card, you owe somebody, somebody talks
Each card spent gives them an additional
condition they can mark (up to 3). When
• When did you first become a villain? and spills something you didn’t want the proxy would take any action that would
• Who was the first unwitting pawn you used in your schemes? leaked. trigger a move, roll + cards spent on them.
• Who, outside your peers, can see through your façade? At the end of the scene, the proxy remains
• Why do you continue this charade? ❑ Call: Speak of Cao Cao, and he appears.
and may have their own agenda.
• Why do you put up with the others? Spend 1 card to appear in a scene
anywhere and whenever you are talked ❑ Mark: You’ve got the right piece of
Once you’ve finished your backstory, introduce your character to the other players, and then about or your name is invoked (your call). blackmail or bribery that will give you an
determine what happened when you all first allied for a caper, the relationships between you edge over your intended victim. Spend 1
and your peers, and who has Influence over you. ❑ Discard: They have failed or foiled you
card to roll + Menace to blackmail or bribe
for the last time. Spend 1 card to directly
someone. On a hit, take Influence over the
engage using your assets or resources,
DURING OUR FIRST CAPER… rolling + Superior instead of + Danger. If
target. On a 7-9, choose one: they take
Influence over you, spend 1 additional
you do, you will expose some larger part of
Something did not go according to plan and threw everything into chaos. What was it? card, they will get their revenge later.
your plans unless you spend another card.
❑ Raise: You support someone else’s action
RELATIONSHIPS ❑ Draw: You make sure that what you need
will be provided to you, no matter the cost.
when it suits the bigger picture. Spend 1
You feel that ________________ is your only true equal among your peers. card to give someone else a +1 to their roll.
Spend 1 card to create a temporary Asset
You once got ________________ into big trouble with one of your schemes. you can use for the length of this caper, ❑ Shuffle: The situation has changed,
until it is lost or exhausted. because you made sure it would. Spend 1
INFLUENCE card to rearrange the location of up to 3
unanchored (GM’s call) people or
You rely on others to get what you need, because ultimately you can’t hack it on your own. important objects up to the size of a
Give 3 others Influence over you. human. Spend 1 additional card to increase
the size up to the size of a car.
Everyone who tells you that you aren’t your body; screw them! Embrace every dark urges
represented in your flesh. Mutate further and stronger than they could even imagine. Break
through everything they throw at you. Show them that they are monsters too on the inside. At
the end you’ll transform someone else with your actions, but what path they will take remains
to be seen…

When you meddle in the plots of others, ask them if they see you as a person or a thing. If they
say person, mark a condition and Curses! If they say thing, they gain Influence over you. If
they already have Influence over you, they can instead choose to clear a condition.
When others meddle in your plots, show them that they are a monster too, and bring them into
your dark world. If they come along willingly, take Influence over them, and they take +1
forward. If they come along kicking and screaming, they mark a condition and so do you.
When you stop to gloat about your master plan, describe in detail all the terrible things you
have in mind for your target. Roll + Freak. On a hit, they mark Afraid. If they already have it
marked, they become vulnerable. On a 10+, you clear a condition.

All villains can call upon Assets to use in their Capers, advantages and ill-gotten gains that they
can wager or exhaust for temporary advantage. Choose 1, or write your own.
a base, a vehicle, a supercomputer, communicators, surveillance equipment, false IDs, forged

documents, a lab, a workshop, an armoury of weapons, a safehouse, a vault, a grimoire, a
suitcase of cash, simple robots, ________.

CURSES! ❑❑❑❑❑ INFAMY ❑❑❑

Every time you roll a miss on a move, mark Curses! VILLAIN NAME


When you fill your Curses! Track, you advance. Choose from the list below. LOOK
❑ Take another move from your playbook ❑ Rearrange your Labels as you choose, • ambiguous, man, shifting, transgressing, woman
❑ Take another move from your playbook and add +1 to a Label • metallic flesh, scaled flesh, glowing flesh, untouchable flesh, mottled flesh
❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph • terrifying costume, strange costume, unnerving costume, containment suit
❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Take Lair from the Hellion playbook • strange eyes, upsetting eyes, piercing eyes, human eyes, glowing eyes
❑ Take 2 more Assets ❑ Take an ability from any playbook as • normal voice, thundering voice, synthesized voice, animalistic voice
❑ Someone permanently loses Influence you mutate further
over you; add +1 to a Label
When you’ve taken 5 advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below.
You appear obviously inhuman and terrifying, and your powers have obvious ties to
❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph after ❑ Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of your fearsome appearance. Choose 2, and describe how they make you grotesque.
it’s been used once your choice
❑ Change playbooks ❑ Return from the life or become a threat ❑ insane regeneration ❑ inhuman senses ❑ flight or extra limbs
❑ Take a Villainous Condition to the world ❑ radioactive flesh ❑ berserker strength ❑ chameleon stealth
❑ Take a Villainous Condition
(at character creation, add +1 to wherever you choose) (Choose three)
❑ New face of fear: When you frighten, ❑ Scared straight: Whenever you act like a
intimidate, or terrify others with your true monster while in the presence of your
monstrous appearance and demeanour, roll peers, you may roll + Danger instead of
+ Danger. On a hit, they choose: make + Menace to cow or rebuke them via the
themselves vulnerable to you, or flee. On a negative example of your actions.
10+, you choose 1. On a 7-9, you choose 2.
❑ Dehumanize yourself and face to
- you harden the resolve of someone else
bloodshed: Whenever you directly
to stop you, and will pay for it later
engage in an outwardly inhuman or
- you create a complication for your
monstrous way, mark a condition to choose
peers due to the act of terror
an additional option, even on a miss.
- you mark a condition
CONDITIONS ❑ Strange appetites: Underline one: raw
❑ Bleeding heart: Whenever you act
contrary to your monstrous appearance and
❑ meat, fear, pollution, nuclear waste, a
reputation to show kindness and mercy to a
certain special serum, gamma radiation,
❑ anger, precious stones, metals.
true innocent, give Influence to any
witness and hold 1. Spend the hold to take
❑ Whenever you indulge your strange
+2 to reject what others say and mark
❑ appetite, and it has to be by gross and
terrible means, roll + Freak. On a hit, clear
❑ a condition. On a 7-9, choose 1. ❑ This isn’t even my final form: Whenever
- it’ll cost you time or resources; you would be taken out, roll + Freak. On a
BACKSTORY exhaust an Asset or lose 1 Plan 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 2. You come
back even more powerful and monstrous
- you lose the respect of someone
• Who were you before? than before. Temporarily clear all your
present; lose Influence over them
• Who or what made you this way? conditions. Whenever you would make a
- it exposes a weakness to an enemy that
• Who, outside your peers, thinks they can save you? move or mark a condition, spend 1 hold.
they can exploit later; they take
• Why don’t you just hide away from the world? When you have spent all your hold, you
Influence over you
• Why do you put up with the others? are once again taken out, and mark all
Once you’ve finished your backstory, introduce your character to the other players, and then conditions.
determine what happened when you all first allied for a caper, the relationships between you
and your peers, and who has Influence over you.


You attracted all the wrong sorts of attention from people. Not fear, but hate. Who absolutely
hates you and your alliance, and will do anything to stop them?

You looked in the eyes of ________________ and saw something that made even you shiver.
________________ knew who you were before you changed.

You’re unsubtle and easily roused. Give everyone Influence over you.
It’s finally time for you to get the vindication you’ve always craved. You can rain hellfire and
brimstone down on the hypocrites and heretics that laughed at you previously. For right now, they
aren’t laughing, but rather they now see you in the fullness of your devotion and power. You will
finally make a real difference in the world… but only for a moment, as that’s when everyone
you’ve hurt and everything you’ve done to get to this point finally comes home to roost…

When you meddle in the plots of others, ask if they take the Cause as seriously as you do (spoilers:
they don’t). If they laugh in your face or deny your beliefs, you mark Curses! and they lose
Influence over you if they have it and clear one of their conditions. If they choose to lie and pretend
to take you seriously, you clear a condition and they take Influence over you.
When others meddle in your plots, decide if they’re a fellow supporter or an onerous detractor. If
the former, shift Trouble up and any other Label down. If the latter, mark a condition and Curses!
When you stop to gloat about your master plan, tie the Cause with the ongoing caper for them,
perhaps bending over backwards to justify it. You can spend 1 Plan to hold 1 Integrity,
compromising the larger mission for your personal beliefs.

All villains can call upon Assets to use in their Capers, advantages and ill-gotten gains that they can
wager or exhaust for temporary advantage. Choose 2, or write your own.
a base, a vehicle, a supercomputer, communicators, surveillance equipment, false IDs, forged
documents, a lab, a workshop, an armoury of weapons, a safehouse, a vault, a grimoire, a suitcase
of cash, simple robots, ________.

CURSES! ❑❑❑❑❑ INFAMY ❑❑❑

Every time you roll a miss on a move, mark Curses! VILLAIN NAME


When you fill your Curses! Track, you advance. Choose from the list below.
❑ Take another move from your playbook ❑ Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and
• ambiguous, man, shifting, transgressing, woman
❑ Take another move from your playbook add +1 to a Label
• Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle Eastern, White
❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Take Contagion from the Invader playbook
• piercing eyes, jaded eyes, untrusting eyes, hateful eyes
❑ Take a move from another playbook and choose one vector from: mind control,
• comfortable clothing, ragged clothing, rebellious clothing, trendy clothing
❑ Take 2 more Assets vampiric bite, nanomachines, godlike
• skimpy costume, showy costume, gimmicky costume, political costume
❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph presence, genetic mutation
❑ Someone permanently loses Influence over ❑ Take an ability from any playbook to add to
you; add +1 to a Label your rebellious repertoire
When you’ve taken 5 advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below. Your powers are generally odd and gimmicky, either fitting into a larger theme with
❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph after it’s ❑ Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of your Cause, or apparently with no discernible relation. Choose 2.
been used once your choice ❑ plant control ❑ emotion manipulation ❑ gadgets and hacking
❑ Change playbooks ❑ Return from the life or become a threat to ❑ telekinesis ❑ energy control ❑ rodent/insect control
❑ Take a Villainous Condition the world (specify)
❑ Take a Villainous Condition
(at character creation, add +1 to wherever you choose) (Choose two)
❑ This rose has thorns: When you take a ❑ Not so different after all: When appealing to
powerful blow, you may use this move instead of principles, you can roll + Integrity instead of the
the basic move. Roll + Trouble. On a hit, you normal Labels to cow or rebuke or provoke
have a diabolical counter and choose one. On a 7- someone, so long as your target is not a heartless
9, mark a condition. villain like yourself.
- they are now vulnerable
❑ The Following: You have sympathizers or fans
- they have played right into your scheme; add
among the public that you can take advantage of.
1 Plan to the pool
Whenever you want to exploit your followers, roll
- they hurt someone or something they didn’t
+ Infamy. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9,
intend to
choose one.
On a miss, you go down hard but drag them and
CONDITIONS everything around with you. They mark a
- they provide you material benefit; gain a
temporary Asset for this caper
condition and become vulnerable.
❑ - they sell out one of the heroes that are
❑ Won’t someone think of the children?: protecting them, or provide some juicy intel
❑ Whenever you distract someone by exploiting or - they provide you moral or restorative
❑ threatening their moral rectitude, add they mark a support; clear a condition
❑ condition as one of your choices.
❑ Make Total Destroy: When you completely
❑ ❑ Moral flexibility: Whenever someone uses your abandon all pretenses and directly engage while
stated principles to Influence or provoke you, trying to cause as much damage as possible to

choose one: your target and surroundings, spend 1 Integrity to
- accept what they say; hold 1 Integrity roll + Trouble instead of + Danger, and choose an
• Who were you before you became a believer? - take +2 to reject what they say additional option, even on a miss.
• How did you fall into your beliefs?
• Who, outside your peers, thinks you’re a hypocrite? THE CAUSE
• Why do you turn to villainy to further the cause? You believe in something that is basically just; a Cause that many others believe in. What makes you different is
• Why do you put up with the others? what you’re willing to do in order to see it done, and how you are willing to use it to abuse and excuse.
Once you’ve finished your backstory, introduce your character to the other players, and What is your Cause?
then determine what happened when you all first allied for a caper, the relationships
❑ World peace ❑ Scientific progress ❑ Social justice
between you and your peers, and who has Influence over you.
❑ Saving the environment ❑ Utopia ❑ Personal liberty


How sincere to your Cause you are perceived to be is measured by your Integrity. Similar to Infamy, Integrity
There was a lot of collateral damage during the job. Where did the caper take place, can have a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 3. You may add 1 Integrity whenever:
and what was destroyed? - you take the moral high road about an issue that matters to the Cause
- you follow through on what you said you’d do for the Cause
RELATIONSHIPS - you give up some advantage or gain in the name of the Cause
Despite everything, ________________ once made you doubt your cause. Also similar to Infamy, Integrity can be spent to take +1 on a roll, when you specifically describe how you are
You are convinced that ________________ is a potential believer, if only they would compromising your ideals for personal gain.
listen. When time passes, the world judges your sincerity. Roll + Integrity. On a hit, a hero or villain sympathetic to

your Cause judges you sincere and offers some sort of advice or aid. On a 7-9, you also gain the enmity of
someone who is not sympathetic to your Cause. On a miss, you are widely seen as the hypocrite you are, and
You’re devoted to what you believe, trying to pretend you’re above the others. But you will likely face many different adults looking to tell you such.
aren’t completely. Give Influence to one peer. At the end of a caper, your peers judge your sincerity. The other players answer these 3 questions, and for each
question, a consensus of ‘yes’ results in adding 1 Integrity, and a consensus of ‘no’ results in losing 1 Integrity.
- Did you stay true to the Cause in actions as well as words?
- Did you put the Cause above the Caper in more than intention?
- Did you spread the message of the Cause wherever you went?
For just a moment, they trust you. For just a moment, whatever you say, people take at face value. You
can lie to anyone, you can sell ice to an Eskimo, you can sell real estate on Earth to Galactus. You are the
master manipulator, and don’t have to bother with the whole worrying-about-gaining-trust. Given this
gift, of course you squander and abuse it. So, when your deceit becomes obvious to all, it’s hard to say if
anyone can trust you again…

When you meddle in the plots of others, ask them if they’ll trust you, just this once. If they give you a
chance, they take +1 forward and you take Influence over them. If they deny you this chance, mark a
condition and Curses!
When others meddle in your plots, decide if they actually know something or they’re following smoke
and mirrors. If the former, add 1 Plan to the pool. If the latter, shift Menace up and any other Label down.
When you stop to gloat about your master plan, reveal and explain how your target was actually working
with you all along. Roll + Trouble. On a 10+, this is actually true, though they may choose if they were
doing so unknowingly. On a 7-9, this is a bluff, and they choose one:
- they deny it ardently, making themselves vulnerable in the process
- they play along but turn the tables with the story; you both gain Influence over each other
- they are confused; they mark a condition

All villains can call upon Assets to use in their Capers, advantages and ill-gotten gains that they can
wager or exhaust for temporary advantage. Choose 2, or write your own.

a base, a vehicle, a supercomputer, communicators, surveillance equipment, false IDs, forged documents,
a lab, a workshop, an armoury of weapons, a safehouse, a vault, a grimoire, a suitcase of cash, simple
robots, ________.


Every time you roll a miss on a move, mark Curses!
When you fill your Curses! Track, you advance. Choose from the list below. LOOK
• ambiguous, man, shifting, transgressing, woman
❑ Take another move from your playbook ❑ Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and • Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle Eastern, White
❑ Take another move from your playbook add +1 to a Label • sultry eyes, jaded eyes, untrusting eyes, cunning eyes
❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph • fashionable clothing, casual clothing, rebellious clothing, trendy clothing
❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Take The Deck from the Mastermind • skimpy costume, alluring costume, simple costume, garish costume
❑ Take 2 more Assets playbook
❑ Someone permanently loses Influence over ❑ Take an additional ability stolen from any
you; add +1 to a Label other playbook ABILITIES
When you’ve taken 5 advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below. Your powers are the kinds that make people tear their hair out over. Choose 2.
❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph after it’s ❑ Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of your ❑ luck manipulation ❑ shapeshifting ❑ spells and illusions
been used once choice ❑ power negation ❑ power mimicry ❑ tricks and toys
❑ Change playbooks ❑ Return from the life or become a threat to the
❑ Take a Villainous Condition world
❑ Take a Villainous Condition
(at character creation, add +1 to wherever you choose) (Choose two)
❑ You just activated my trap card: When ❑ Heart of Glass: Whenever you betray
you reveal a trap you’ve left for someone, someone or take advantage of your
roll + Menace. On a hit, your opponent Influence over them, they mark Curses!
trips into it, and you or your peers get an and you hold 1. When they betray you or
opening or opportunity against them. On a take advantage of their Influence over you,
10+, you take +1 forward to pursuing it. spend the hold to mark Curses! and clear a
❑ A Dame to Kill For: When you
manipulate the affections of someone, roll ❑ Known Unknown: Whenever someone
+ Trouble. On a hit, they are smitten (or tries to pierce your mask, provoke you or
otherwise admiring) of you. On a 10+, take tell you who you are or how the world

CONDITIONS Influence over them. On a 7-9, they choose

works, roll + Menace. On a hit, they take a
-2 to their roll (if a roll is involved). On a
❑ - give you Influence over them 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose one,
- mark a condition and you open yourself to retribution,
❑ - give themselves to you and make suspicion or judgement.
❑ themselves vulnerable - take Influence over them
❑ ❑ Smells like a rat: Whenever you feed the
- clear a condition
- take away their Influence over you
❑ authorities half-true intelligence about the
caper, spend 1 Plan to reduce the Heat for ❑ Fate is a fickle mistress: Whenever you

the Caper by 1. roll a 6 or a 9, you may mark a condition to
take a +1 on the roll. Whenever you roll a
• Where and how did you get your powers? 7 or a 10, you may choose to take a -1 on
• When were you first betrayed? the roll.
• Who, outside your peers, do you actually trust?
• Why do you think the others keep your around?
• Why do you put up with the others? AGENDA
Once you’ve finished your backstory, introduce your character to the other players, and then You’re always working towards some secret Agenda, that may not always be at odds with your
determine what happened when you all first allied for a caper, the relationships between you peers, but certainly isn’t their focus.
and your peers, and who has Influence over you.
After a Caper has been decided on, write down a single line agenda, like “get the files to Home
Office” or “give Statesman a kiss”. It can really be anything, but it’s best if it’s something that
DURING OUR FIRST CAPER… is sideways to what the alliance is getting at with the Caper, but tangentially related. Once
Someone got some very dangerous information that they could use on us. Who holds this you’ve written it down, give it to the GM in secret.
information, and what kind of information is it? • You may take +1 to any roll to pursue your Agenda (your call), though you want to be
careful not to overplay your hand.

RELATIONSHIPS At any time during a Caper, if one of your peers accuses you of having a secret agenda, ask
You want to earn the genuine trust of ________________. them what they think it is. If they guess what it is, you can admit it, or deny it, your choice.
You and ________________ used to be an item. It didn’t end well.
At the end of a Caper, the truth eventually comes out, and the GM reveals your Agenda.
• Anyone who guessed correctly (GM’s call) gains Influence over you.
INFLUENCE • The first person to guess correctly gains 1 Infamy.
You leave broken hearts and broken glass wherever you go, but you care more than you’d ever • If you went along with an incorrect guess by one of your peers, you instead take Influence
let on. Give three of your peers Influence over you. over them.
• If anyone guessed correctly at all, you mark Curses!
• If no one guessed at all, you gain 1 Infamy.
Right now, it doesn’t matter that you don’t wear the crown. Your power speaks for itself, and you can do
things that your predecessors couldn’t even imagine. You’re going to make your own name! Your own
dynasty! Your own legend! But first, you must do everything possible to get your revenge upon those that
denied you, of course. And this is where you get entangled once more, as even for all your powers, you
still cannot completely deny the power your Birthright has over you…

When you meddle in the plots of others, ask if you’re expendable or valuable to them,. If they say you’re
expendable, mark a condition and Curses! If they say you’re valuable, clear a condition and give them
Influence over you.
When others meddle in your plots, it’s your turn to decide whether they are expendable or valuable, as
everything is defined in those terms, are they not? If you decide they’re expendable, clear their Influence
over you. If they’re valuable, add 1 Plan to the pool.
When you stop to gloat about your master plan, tell them to send a message back to your predecessor.
Roll + Infamy. On a hit, your message will be delivered, and you can either clear a condition or shift any
Label up and any Label down. On a 7-9, choose one:
- you take +1 on your next when time passes Birthright roll
- they know you care; someone tied to your Birthright takes Influence over you

- you lose the respect of someone related to you or your Birthright; you lose Influence over them

All villains can call upon Assets to use in their Capers, advantages and ill-gotten gains that they can
wager or exhaust for temporary advantage. Choose 2, or write your own. VILLAIN NAME
a base, a vehicle, a supercomputer, communicators, surveillance equipment, false IDs, forged documents,
a lab, a workshop, an armoury of weapons, a safehouse, a vault, a grimoire, a suitcase of cash, simple REAL NAME (IF DIFFERENT)
robots, ________.


• ambiguous, man, shifting, transgressing, woman
Every time you roll a miss on a move, mark Curses! • Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle Eastern, White

athletic body, lean body, muscular body, compact body
• casual clothing, comfortable clothing, fashionable clothing, royal clothing
When you fill your Curses! Track, you advance. Choose from the list below. • imposing costume, mocking costume, simple costume, protective wear
❑ Take another move from your playbook ❑ Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and

Take another move from your playbook
Take a move from another playbook
add +1 to a Label
❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph
❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Add +2 to the Label your predecessor expects You were once someone’s successor. You share your powers with them. But you went
❑ Take 2 more Assets or represses too far with your own and were denied their greatest secret. Choose 1 each for your
❑ Someone permanently loses Influence over ❑ Take your denied ability, having wrested it shared ability, your unique one, as well as what you were denied. Also, describe how
you; add +1 to a Label from your predecessor your unique ability acted as a trespass.
Shared ability: sorcery, super-genius, superhuman physique, energy projections,
When you’ve taken 5 advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below.
❑ Unlock your Moment of Triumph after it’s ❑ Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of your Your unique ability: summoning, invisibility, intimidation and fear,
been used once choice telepathy/telekinesis, phasing
❑ Change playbooks ❑ Claim your Birthright and become a threat to What you were denied: astral travel, wondrous invention, impossible combat skills,
❑ Take a Villainous Condition the world supreme willpower, elemental control
❑ Take a Villainous Condition
(at character creation, add +1 to wherever you choose) (Choose two)
❑ Born to lead: When you mastermind a caper, add 1 ❑ Freudian Excuses: Whenever someone compares
Plan to the pool. When you take charge during an you to your predecessor, you may reject what they
action scene, ask your peers if they’re with you. say or directly engage by rolling + the Label your
Everyone that’s with you takes +1 forward. predecessor represses instead of the normal Label.
Everyone that’s not, takes Influence over you. Whenever you cow or rebuke your peers or
❑ Inside man: You have insider knowledge of the provoke someone in a way you think that your
superpowered community, either from the predecessor might, you may roll + the Label they
perspective of a superhero, or at the side of a expect instead of the normal Label.
diabolical archvillain. When you first hear an ❑ Shadow boxing: Whenever you directly engage
important name in the superpowered community someone who shares a marked condition with you,
CONDITIONS (your call), roll + Superior. On a hit, say the most
important detail you remember from your studies.
you may roll + Superior instead of + Danger.
❑ Just Can’t Wait to Be King: Whenever someone
❑ The GM will tell you what, if anything, seems
gives you a material offer or trustworthy promise
different from what you learned. On a 10+, ask the
❑ GM a follow-up question; they will answer it
(your call) to help you in your quest to claim your
Birthright, you may accept their aid or deny their
❑ honestly.
charity. If the former, give them Influence over
❑ ❑ Cold and Cruel: When you provoke or cow or you, and take +1 ongoing for the remainder of the
❑ rebuke your peers, you may pick one: shift your scene when working together with them. If the
target’s Labels (but only the ones your predecessor latter, clear their Influence over you, and mark

expects or represses); each of you gives a condition Curses!
to the other; both of you lose Influence over each
• How did you fall in, and out, of favour? other.
• Who is your predecessor? Are they a hero or a villain?
• Who, outside your peers, is also tied to your Birthright? BIRTHRIGHT
• Why do you think you deserve the Birthright? You have been denied a Birthright, something that represents supremacy in some way. It might be held by a hero
• Why do you put up with the others? or a villain. All that matters is that you think it’s yours. The Birthright comes in some symbolic form, something
Once you’ve finished your backstory, introduce your character to the other players, and that can be taken or stolen, though not necessarily physical. It could be magical, technological, or mundane in
then determine what happened when you all first allied for a caper, the relationships nature. Choose the symbol for your Birthright.
between you and your peers, and who has Influence over you.
❑ A ring ❑ A weapon ❑ A suit of armour
❑ A crown ❑ A name ❑ A mask
DURING OUR FIRST CAPER… ❑ A cloak ❑ A title ❑ ____________
For some reason we stuck around with each other even after the job was done. Why? Your predecessor is the current one who holds the Birthright. They once named you as their heir, but no longer.
And how did we stay in contact? They expected much of you, and suppressed equally much. Which Label do they expect, and which do they
RELATIONSHIPS Expects: ❑ Danger ❑ Freak ❑ Trouble ❑ Superior ❑ Menace
You and ________________ were known as a villainous duo before this alliance got Represses: ❑ Danger ❑ Freak ❑ Trouble ❑ Superior ❑ Menace
________________ knew you before you had your falling out with your predecessor. When time passes, roll + Infamy. On a hit, your predecessor has taken note of your actions. Choose one: shift up
the Label they repress and down the Label they expect, or the exact opposite shift. On a 10+, they will interfere
INFLUENCE directly very soon or make their opinions known. On a 7-9, choose one.
- They will try to manipulate you through your peers; someone involved gains Influence over you.
You pretend to be all business, but without your old support network, you rely on this - They will damage your reputation; lose 1 Infamy.
group more than you want to. Give two of your peers Influence over you. - They will send your replacement; mark a condition when they appear.
You can steal you Birthright given the right circumstances. While you possess it, take +1 ongoing, except on taking
a powerful blow. However, you will inevitably lose it once more, due to circumstance or your own mistakes. The
only way you can take permanent possession of the Birthright is by the relevant advancement.
Based on Masks: A New Generation, made by Magpie Games
Link to Masks:

Capers is created by Something Awful forum member Tricky Dick Nixon

Link to original post:

THE BULLY Originally compiled into a single pdf by Google+ user Kalu Deliko
Link to the pdf file: THE CROOK

Modified into the current version that you’re seeing by Anistuffs

Contact me on Reddit, Twitter or Youtube, if you want to get in touch.
Changes from the original Capers Rules:
1. Added what happens when you would gain or lose Infamy when already at max or min Infamy respectively.
2. Rewording of some moves to be less ambiguous and more consistent with the wording used in Masks.
3. Changed any rules involving the word ‘issue’ as that is not a word used in the mechanics of Masks.
4. Removal of some Asset options which I deemed to be too much for teenaged villains to have.
5. Minor changes to some abilities and moves and number of Assets a playbook can have to (hopefully) flow better.
Also, removed all time related powers for the same reason they’re not there in Masks.
6. Removal of the Henchman advancement; I deemed it to be too different from the core Masks playstyle which
doesn’t allow PCs to generate a second character unlike some other PBTA games like Monster of the Week, etc.
7. Bully’s backstory: clarified some of the questions.
8. Hellion’s labels: changed values of Danger and Freak. It doesn’t make sense for a Hellion to not be dangerous.
9. Added more Look options for some playbooks so that each playbook has 5 rows of options.
10. Invader’s abilities: changed some of the overpowered abilities to some average powers.
11. Changed the name from Maniac to Mastermind, as I feel it makes the archetype portrayed in the playbook easier to
12. Mastermind’s The Deck: changed the roll to Infamy instead of Plan, because Plan is a value for the whole team, not
any individual PC while Infamy is for each individual PC. Rolling + Plan works fine for the Plan moves but for
other moves, it feels kinda hackneyed that one PC can just mess up the whole team’s Plan like this.
13. Radical’s Labels: swapped values of Freak and Menace. I think it makes more sense this way.
14. Radical’s The Cause: changed Human evolution to Utopia, as I feel that works better as a just cause.
15. Changed Rogue’s Plan move to not take away the GM’s agency and change an existing NPC’s intentions.

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