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Fabiana Ibarra Baylón
Jesús Andre Mendoza Haro
Katherine Miriam Rodríguez Gómez
Nevil Jesus Supo Choque
Are students benefitting from a positive atmosphere that
promotes learning?
The students are benefitting from a positive
atmosphere because the teacher allow that
students feel comfortable, confident and safe.
We observed that many students wanted to
participate, we asked questions and we
answered them too. In some opportunities the
teacher said words like: “ No, problem.” , “ You
can guess” “ It’s only a game” in situations where
students probably felt nervous. Also if someone
made a mistake the teacher helped us solve it
and the use of a game helped to promote
learning in a fun way.
The way how teacher explain his class promotes
learning because activities are dynamic and
have a sequence and order, so it helps students
follow a sequence and not get lost in the path of
their learning.

Are students using the skills and knowledge they have learned
before class?
The students used their background knowledge but
not exactly words learned in previous classes.
However, students participated actively during the
class, it could be a kind evidence that they are
making use of their previous knowledge
(vocabulary and grammar) because during
discussions they remembered an specific
vocabulary about animals or industries. Also when
teacher explained the use and form of the present
and past passive voice, some students the previous
knowledge came to their mind. In adittion,
specifically about the gramar, it was studied,
learned and developed previously on the platform,
English Discoveries. In this class we used everything
we learned there. So it allowed us to understand
and develop the classes more easily. However, we
think it’s important have an specific time or some
activities where we can use what we've learned but
not only of the last class but also of other classes

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