Science Question

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Index Programs Sign

1 Write a python code to delete all odd numbers and
negative numbers from a given numeric list
2 The temperature of a week is given in WTemp list
in the form of day and its temperature
3 Write a menu driven program to perform various
list operations
4 Write a menu-driven program to perform various
list operations,
5 Write a program to print all the elements of a
tuple in reverse order
6 Write a program to input n numbers from the user,
store these numbers in a tuple and print the
maximum, minimum number along with the sum
and mean of all the elements from this tuple.
7 program to perform linear search on a tuple of
8 Write a program to input any two tuples and swap
their values
9 Write a program to input the total number of
sections and stream names in 11th class
10 WAPin Python that calculates the following: 1.
Area of a circle 2. Circumference of a circle 3.
Area of a rectangle 4. Perimeter of a rectangle
Create respective modules for each of the
operations and call them separately.

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