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18464A P16MCAE1

(For candidates admitted from 2016 to 2017 onwards)




Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

SECTION A — (10 2 = 20)

Answer ALL questions.

1. Define E-commerce.
2. List the components of multimedia
3. Define ISP
4. Define Routing Arbiter
5. List the three elements that are essential to focus on data centric computing
middleware services.
6. Differentiate hypertext and hypermedia.
7. Define EFT
8. Give the significance of digital token in electronic payment services
9. What is electronic commerce catalog?
10. Define information filtering.

SECTION B — (5 5 = 25)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either ‘a’ or ‘b’

11. a) Explain about the electronic commerce and media convergence.

b) Describe in detail about the anatomy of E-commerce application.

12. a) Explain about the two types of ISDN connections.

b) Write a short note on National Research and Education Network.

13. a) Describe the technology behind the web.

b) With diagram explain the architecture of world wide web.
14. a) Write a short note on risk involved in electronic payment system.
b) Elaborate the various applications of EDI in business.

15. a) How information. Search and retrieval is useful in e-commerce? Explain.

b) Discuss in detail the technological components involved in on demand education.

SECTION C — (3 10 = 30)

Answer any THREE questions.

16. Describe in detail about the electronic commerce framework.

17. Discuss in detail about the NSFNET architecture and its components with appropriate
18. Describe on architectural framework for electronic framework.
19. Discuss in detail about various electronic payment systems.
20. Discuss the technology behind software agents.


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