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Many kids in the world are too fat. This is a big problem.

It can make them sick, sad, and tired.

Some people say that parents should take care of their kids and stop them from being too fat. I
agree with this because parents can change how their kids eat and move.
One reason why parents should take care of their kids is that they can teach them how to eat well.
Many kids eat bad foods, like fast foods, cakes, and soda, that can make them fat. These foods
are often at home or at school, where parents can choose what their kids eat. Parents can make
their kids eat more good foods, like fruits, vegetables, bread, and meat, that can give them what
they need and keep them healthy. Parents can also give their kids less snacks and sweets and not
use food as a reward.
Another reason why parents should take care of their kids is that they can make them move
more. Many kids spend too much time sitting, like watching TV or playing games, that do not
use many calories. These things can also show them bad foods. Parents can help their kids find
fun and good ways to move, like playing sports, riding bikes, or dancing. Parents can also be a
good example by moving themselves and joining their kids in moving.
In the end, I agree that parents should take care of their kids and stop them from being too fat.
Parents have a big role in changing how their kids eat and move, which can affect their weight
and health. By teaching their kids good habits, parents can help them avoid the dangers of being
too fat and have a better life.

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