Modification For Modernization

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Modification for Modernization

“All great changes are preceded by chaos.” --- Deepak Chopra

With the emergence of the Artificial Intelligence models such as CHatGPT and Bard AI, teachers
are worried that the outputs students turn in are AI generated. While this issue is bothersome, it is
trivial compared to the innovation that could come to the education system.

Artificial Intelligence or technology in general is rapidly transforming, opposed to the school

system that remained stagnant. Until now we’re stuck with learning methods, memorization and
identification (which doesn’t prepare students for real world experiences) --- cripples one’s full potential
to grow. At this pace, the education system will get left behind.

It is inevitable that we will have to utilize the technology available to us. Sooner or later, AI will
be involved in all sorts of working fields. It is foreseen to drastically affect how the school system works.

Instead of discouraging the use of technology the students will likely use in the future, a change
in the curriculum or the whole system that will take advantage of the technology available to us, is what
education should be in these changing times.

Furthermore, the concern that AI will replace teachers is irrelevant.

Certainly, AI models could never fully understand students. Not to mention, the hands-on
lessons that improve their critical thinking skills that requires the affective aspect of teachers --- this is
an equally important domain for the holistic development of students. The AI models can instead
become a tool for educators in automating administrative tasks.

Likewise, rather than using AI for an immediate answer, the students ought to use the AI
generated answers as reference and a guide just like how Google is used.

Demonizing the technology that has the ability to transform inefficient programs contradicts the
true aim of education, to equip students for the future. Taking little steps is fine, but opportunities
present themselves to those who are prepared and with how the system currently is, it’s as if we are
swimming against the current.

Taking this into account, if progress is our main goal, we must see through the chaos and
embrace change.

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