SSP - Story 01 - Mutually Benefiting Partnership - ENG - Resized

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Unlocking Potential: How SISKA created a symbiotic partnership

between Farmers and Companies on Palm Oil Plantations

Kalimantan is the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo,

the third largest island in the world. In South Kalimantan
cattle herding remains integral to local farmer livelihoods.
However, the smallholder cattle breeders face the
challenge of tracking and managing their cattle, resulting
in cow and calf losses.

“The cows used to graze on community land outside the

palm plantation. They walked anywhere they wanted, so we
often had difficulty finding them. Often, we needed to hire
locals to catch them, and it could cost us more than AU$95
per person per cow. So, in addition to wasting a lot of time,
we also had to pay a lot of money.” - Thalib, a cattle breeder
from Jorong Maju Cluster. Jorong Maju Cluster members monitor the cattle grazing (Photo:
The Partnership).
Thalib’s story is not uncommon and represents Since 2021, the SSP has supported provincial
a snapshot of the shared problems faced by other cattle governments in four provinces to develop their own
breeders in the province. SISKA has helped many of these SISKA sectors. To date SSP has supported the
farmers overcome their challenges. SISKA is an innovative development of 22 clusters in South Kalimantan, 13 in
model which brings together palm oil companies and West Kalimantan, 8 in East Kalimantan and 7 in Riau that
smallholder farmers to form a mutually benefiting support the livelihoods of 800 smallholder farmers who
commercial partnership, or ‘cluster’, to manage cattle managing 6,800 cattle.
within palm oil plantations.
SSP’s predecessor, the Indonesia Australia Commercial
Cattle Breeding program (2016 to 2021), proved that the
SISKA model was commercially viable, and as a result
offered an opportunity to expand cattle breeding within
suitable areas of oil palm plantations. Oil palm currently
covers 16 million ha. of Indonesia, so the growth
opportunities for SISKA are very large.

In driving the expansion of SISKA, the SSP focuses on

supporting the establishment of SISKA partnerships or
clusters, capacity building to develop a SISKA workforce,
and promoting private and public sector partnerships
through advocacy by the SISKA Actors and Observers
Thalib (green t-shirt) and farmers from Jorong Maju Cluster on their daily Association (GAPENSISKA).
task of monitoring their cattle herds (Photo: The Partnership).
SISKA required rotational cattle grazing from one
Jorong Maju is a cluster in South Kalimantan that is designated area of a palm plantation to another. Cattle
successfully implementing SISKA. They and other SISKA return to areas previously grazed once the understory
clusters have been supported by the SISKA Supporting grasses have regrown. Each area is surrounded by a
Program (SSP) that is funded by the Indonesia Australia portable electric fence and cattle movement is dictated
Partnership on Food Security in the Red Meat and Cattle by a schedule agreed between the farmers and oil palm
Sector. managers.
“Now, it is easier and more efficient for us to monitor our 80 The positive impact of SISKA is acknowledged by
cattle. We can quickly identify if a calf is born. Previously, it participating companies, including Gawi Makmur
took up to a week to count the total number of cattle Kalimantan (GMK) which partners with two clusters with
because we had to search a very wide area. With the electric 27 smallholder farmers who manage 150 cattle.
fences we save a lot of time and costs.” - Thalib.

Kebun Tengah in Tanah Laut District is a SISKA cluster that

manages more than 80 cattle and has 27 members, 18 of
whom are palm oil company employees.

Mulyadi Hasan, Head of Kebun Tengah Cluster, (second from left) and
Surahman, Head of Lembu Jaya Makmur Cluster, (second from right)
monitoring the cattle grazing with GMK representatives (third from right)
(Photo: The Partnership).

“SISKA has been great for GMK. It has helped protect our palm
GMK and Kebun Tengah Cluster members installing an electric fence (Photo: oil trees when cattle are grazing and has reduced our costs by
The Partnership). reducing our herbicide use by AU$ 15-19 per hectare. It has
Mulyadi Hasan, the head of Kebun Tengah cluster, also allowed us to diversify GMK business from just palm oil.
highlighted the financial benefits for farmer members For next year’s Eid al-Adha we are encouraging our
from implementing the SISKA model. employees to buy the cattle from the clusters. GMK will also
buy some cattle for the Eid al-Adha celebrations. We keep
“The rotational grazing system with an electric fence makes it working with farmer clusters to encourage other farmers to
easier for us to control our cattle herds. We are now saving join the clusters as we have seen a mutually benefiting
fuel costs needed to monitor cattle and time and energy. Also relationship from SISKA. Farmers are able to manage their
our cow’s dung and urine are helping fertilize the palm oil cattle and cows more efficiently and their farming systems
are better structured, while the company’s palm oil trees are
trees. Our cattle is an investment for us. We plan to sell some
protected.” - Suwito, GMK Kebun Tengah Area Estate
next year for the Eid al-Adha where demand and cattle price
is always the highest.” – Mulyadi Hasan, head of Kebun
Tengah Cluster.

The rotational grazing model has also reduced

conflict between companies and farmers. Previously, For more information on SISKA, watch
farmers could be subject to large fines when cattle
damaged young palm trees.

For more information on SISKA click here: | +62 21 2283 6028 @IAredmeatcattle @IAredmeatcattle

Email: | | @IA.redmeatcattle @IAredmeatcattle IAredmeatcattle

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