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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Senior High School
Vintar Ilocos Norte





Goddess of knowledge and wisdom

Many born with me have no source

To pursue education with resource

Which I am Blessed thanks to my parents

Who sacrifice all their money and comports

To make me well read with quality

So that I may serve them and society

Help me concentrate on my goal

In all sincerity with my heart and soul

Knowledge is precious wisdom more

That help me to locate what is core

In life with time guidance of my master

Whom I Revere as your name

The Palacio de Laoag formally re-opened its doors in sample and pestive opening ceremonies

last January 9, 2010. The Palacio de Laoag is the former Palazzo de Laoag Hotel and restaurant which

started operations on May 8, 1977.

With the new management came extensive and reinvigorating and promise of quality service,

better accommodation and new facilities.

The Palacio de Laoag is situated along Vintar Road the northern part downtown Laoag City.

With an aggregate total land of 3,509 square meters, these four story edifice houses three function
halls, a coffee shop and restaurant, and a KTV bar and situated within is a patio ideal for weddings and a
swimming pool. Its room accommotions cater to a maximum of hundred and fifty (150). And there is ample
and secure parking space.

Truly is hideaway home in the far north of Ilocandia, the Palacio de Laoag is the only hotel in Ilocos
Norte that has successfully blended modern functional features with classic architectures- design that
provide a sense of continuity with the past.
Every detail- the arch entrance, the wrought-iron railings, terra-cotta tiles and tainted glass is a
statement of the cultural past of the Ilocandia. Walking into the main lobby, natural illumination radiates
from the glass wall on the side.

Inside the living room, the shades of room of cream and beige compliment the earth colors and
successfully bring you back in time its colonial Spanish-inquired furniture, terra-cotta door tiles and narra
wall finishing on the sidewall and ceiling.

Slumber in comfort and security at its oozy rooms and friendly ambiance and warm hospitality of its staff.

Our mission is to continually extend to our guest exceptional service that offers good value for
money taking exceptional regard to the comfort and satisfaction of our guest and simoultaneously promote
to our guest our distinct Ilocano heritage and rich Filipino culture.

We aim to be premier and world class hotel in Ilocos Norte; providing a unique character of sharing
the grandeur and historic past of Ilocandia and promoting the legacy of Ilocanos.

Most importantly, we envision The Palacio de Laoag to be always remembered as a home away
from home. Our guests always remember the impeccable service, sumptuous food and hospitality we offer,
making guests want to always come back.
The ati atihan festival which is held every January in the towns of kalibo , Aklan in the island of
Panay which is the wildest among Philippine Pletes . Celebrants paint their faces with black suit and wear
bright color outlandishing costumes as they dance in revelry during the last three days of this week long

Chicken ati atihan started it's operations in kalibo , Aklan and Roxas city , capiz in 2003.

The restaurant is very unique recipe and and market strategy has been tailored to appear to and it
suited the Filipino market since it opened it's doors.

Chicken ati atihan is the first native style restaurant in the country that serves chicken barbeque in its
own style and own taste. It is a mouth watering promise a combination of good food and ethic ambiance.
Once you taste sasayaw ka sa sarap because in chicken ati atihan,We didn't just invent chicken barbeque but
we perfected it .

In our very own province, chicken ati atihan started it's operations last October 8,2000 in the
Sunshine city of Laoag, the day first in northern Luzon ,
OJT is very important not only to teach students regarding their chosen career but
also to show students, the reality of working. The students will be exposed to the actual work related to the
course that they are taking. It also allows those with no experience to work and to learn at the same time.
On the Job training helps the trainee to learn more about the chosen field and practice what has learned
from the school. It helps in the building up of the trainee’s competence and the ability to work with a team.

On the job training or OJT is one method by which students is given a chance to apply the true risk
and computations that they have learned from the school. It also helps the students to acquire relevant
knowledge and skills by performing in actual work setting. For the students, on OJT or internship program
provides opportunities to go to the actual methodologies of a specific job using the real tools, equipment
and documents. In effect, the workplace becomes a development venue for a student trainee to learn more
about his chosen field and practice what we have learn from an academy. Employers can use this internship
strategy as a method in recruiting new employees. Since the trainer or the supervisor can follow the trainee;
progress he can gauge based on performance behavior and attitude if the trainee will make a good recruit
after the completion of his internship.
I can say that it was a successful one because through this experience, I realize myself that I can face
or overcome those every hard task and because of this, it makes me become stronger person. It is also a big
contribution to my study because in the near future, I will become a successful one through those lessons
that I adapt during my immersion. And it will become my defence in real battle of life..
Life is hard and painful, but God presence makes it beautiful. As I undergone work immersion,
fears, shy, nervous, worried and mixed emotions I have felt for it’s my first time. I don’t know what to do as
I feel those kinds of emotions, yet I always look above to seek for his guidance, support and love as I
entered the door of opportunity. Being a trainee is not easy, stressful days, but whenever I talk to him, all
those stress I have been felt will fly. He is always there to give me strength and healthty body to
accomplished all my task and all the trials I have been facing.

As of the grade that they given to me I’am proudly to say “I deserve it” cause I’ll do all my very best
on that work immersion and I want to thanks my supervisor for all the support and encourage me to do all
my task. Without them I cannot achieve this kind of grade. Even though I have a mistake sometimes they
still have the patience to teach me. Working with them is a little bit stressful, but I know that being with
them will enhance my skills and capabilities. As a trainee it helps me to experience and help me to be
responsible and to become successful to my future career someday. I feel like I do deserve my grade,
because this was really out of my comfort zone, as in types of school work, but because I actually emersed
myself into it and give it my very best shot. Even though I didn’t know what, I thoroughly gave it
everything, I had worked very hard . I think that all work I did at the end made up for the overall lack of it
at the beginning. And I really believe that I did a really good job and got a good grade. And worked hard on
this and spent a lot of time on it.

The Day was so fast. It is very hard to move on because such in the first place we are now very close to
our supervisors and it is a great memory to remember those funny moments and everything.

The Whole 40 days of our on the job training at the Palacio de Laoag and EC Grill ati-atihan I
learned many things such like to know to Socialized or to deal others. I met different people and at the same
time we now already friends. Work immersion helped us to enhance our skills. We gained enough
knowledge through the different teachings and guidance of our supervisors, through their untiring patience
to us. In motivating and inspiring us to do well in our job. When through we have such mistakes they never
leave and stop teaching and guiding us. That’s why I can do all things through Christ. So that God is ,my
strength and my inspiration as well. Strive more! Be patient! And most of all. Don’t stop dreaming because
as the majority says, nothing is impossible to God.

On the job training is giving us knowledge, skills and competency to do our job. This will take us to
a brighter tomorrow. As a trainee you must have this self- confidence, and as well as determination. Never
give up, but always think that you can, and you will achieve your goals in life. If you want to have a high
grade you need to preserve and be humble everyday. You need also to what is right and what is wrong for
the success of your dreams. Just think positive in your everyday life, for the better future.
Now, here I am in F&B
Department. The guest should be
made to feel that they are being
cared for and not that they are an
intrusion into the operation. I
delivered the orders of the guest.

I learned new things that I need

to learn. When you are in a restaurant,
you have to follow the policies. Be
punctual, loyal and honest. You should
have a pleasant manner, showing
courtesy and tact even temper and good
In the kitchen you need to be
responsible and cooperative at all
times. I learned some of their secret
techniques in cooking and preparing
the food even a small or big fuction.

In the kitchen, I learned to be

more confident in the task that was
assigned to me by our chef. I learned
to prepare some of their dishes as I
am helping our chefs.

I am responsible for the task that

was given to me. I learned to do Multi-
The first thing I did in the
kitchen is helping portioning all the
food. I always checked all the stock
if it’s not empty or I did inventory

When organizing stocks

in the kitchen, It’s best to short
everything by category and
specific areas for each item.

I enjoyed preparing food

for the customers. I need to be
fast in preparing orders .Still I
did my job well in preparing
food so that it will appear

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