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1b Where are they now? 1a Family life

Can do (tick 3) Can do ( tick 3)
I can understand specific information in a conversation about a photograph. I can understand a description of a typical English family.
I can describe someone in a photograph. I can ask and answer questions about families.
I can ask and answer questions about friends. I can talk about people who are important to me.
I can use verb collocations to ask questions about friendship. I can use the present simple to ask questions.

My friends Diary
Write about one or more of these questions. You are starting Straightforward Pre-intermediate. What do you hope will be good about
studying this course?
Do you have a friend who always makes you laugh?
Do you have a friend who always listens to you?
What sort of people do you get on well with?

Find a lost friend

Complete the information about a friend you haven’t
seen for a long time.

Full name:
My family
Age now:
Write some true endings for these sentences.
School: 1 My family is
Year last seen:
Place last seen:
2 I get on really well with my .
about them?
What do you miss
in? 3 The funniest person in my family is .
about if you meet aga
What will you talk
If someone met your family for the first time, what would they
say about them?

‘ When the character of a man

is not clear to you, look at his friends.

Japanese proverb 11 10

1c Neighbours
Can do ( tick 3)
I can understand the main points in a magazine article.
I can ask and answer questions about neighbours.
I can use how and what with other words to make questions.
I can pronounce and understand the letters of the alphabet.

My neighbours
Write about one of these topics: neighbours I like; neighbours I have
never met; things that annoy me about my neighbours.

How well do you know the other people in your English class?
What do you like about your lessons?

Spelling & sounds

Think 0f at least six more words for each of these phonemes.

Good fences make
/eI/ /i…/ /e/
good neighbours.
WUD VHH OH Robert Frost (American poet)


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