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Philosophy of the Human Person

2nd Semester SY2023-2024

Learning Packet Activity Sheet No: 3 Date: February 14, 2024

Topic: Phenomenological Method Week: 3
Learning Intent:
1. Discuss the fundamental principles behind the phenomenological method by identifying its basic
2. Distinguish the steps of phenomenological inquiry and reflection from various writings of reflection
by writing the salient feature of each trough a Venn diagram
3. Demonstrate the ability to construct reflection of one’s own experiences by accomplishing the
Course Insight Summary Sheet#4


Phenomenology as a Method is a method in which the relation

between the investigator and the investigated object
is considered to
belong essentially to the object itself.
Phenomenology attempts to go back to the phenomenon, to that
which presents itself to man,
to see things as they really are, independent of any prejudice.
Thus phenomenology is the “Logos of the Phenomenon”.
In cases where the object of investigation is Human Being,
phenomenology becomes the Method in which all relevant
items of research are exclusively considered only with regard
to the totality
of Human Being.

Read: Phenomelogical Method by Manuel B.Dy Jr. On this Link:

II. Checking for Understanding

 Discuss the fundamental principles behind the phenomenological method by identifying its
basic steps.

 Distinguish the steps of phenomenological inquiry and reflection from various writings of
reflection by writing the salient feature of each trough a Venn diagram


III. Analysis/Synthesis

1. What is Phenomenological Method?

2. Why Edmund Husserl and other existentialist philosophers has shifted from a more scientific
method to phenomenological Method?

3. How can we apply the steps of phenomenological method to our everyday life?

IV. Integration
Discussion Topic: Discernment.
 Demonstrate the ability to construct reflection of one’s own experiences by accomplishing
the Course Insight Summary Sheet#4

V. Long Exam (25 points)


1. Phenomenological Method By Manuel B. DY Jr. Philosophy of Man Selected Readings

pp 31-50

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